HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-17, Page 1I . !""., , ­., �' ^ I .I;. - 1-111.1, "' Ir . ,..,�!' .. , �,.-,� . : ", � ,�[Fy!`�, .. 11.�1!1 "I �., I , � �, I , " "I, . .1 . 11 , . SECOND IN POULTRY I � ,�t , , I �� . 14 � . - I -11 �1� ': . 1' , I'— -,--,-- ..... -111 I'll ��� I'll, . . . . . --.1 I . I � .14 , - ,� I - , . !!�,q�'N , ­. .1 �.­ "I � t44! lf,l) . ,�O''. I � I . , 0 I . , � . , " "' , � I I I � � 2A I t A ., ! ... 1�1*p , , , ,P - � . . r . o ". Perth ,is in tenth, place mong - the I I . . I I I .. ­ " I . ,, . . I '. . . 1 , , . - .3 !... . � I 0 , I .. . N 1.1r, ,'.�; �,�,�.�. , . .1 1, -, 1 p, � ­ � . I . I . : I I I �, � . � I .. I . Will 15�atuke Program.,. I "I, . .1 . 11 , . SECOND IN POULTRY . . On Monday w�!en J.Otje4l, A. ' es Record Proportions. ' . ­ !��­' I . . .- . r . 0 . . . -He­ws8­represented-jn, -bouirt - by- jWg- I . Cia,*, ,M�LA,;, f wa, a and was ,v,rw*n=. I � . . 1� . - `­ ' .Jackson,. Lethbridge, At a.,. who -has been, visiting his sister �ud brothers he�re, , . I I . ; ­ 1. - John J. Huigard, -SW&Ttih - lawyer, MEDWAY AND -GAMER I I' . ­ ... 1.- - ---�--"� "' I I.-, ­ � ­­ I I . . I Amigg .,��I, 1. � . I i,i' --� % - � ". 4. '... . k ;� rfi - ','Ti�.-,.;­, ­71�"—gP'.g,A -, � k - " - ;. :, .1:1� � .11, el ;.,��- 11 ---- I ,- �% � �� ;­ -r- , �, - - ". , 'I, ,. , �:, '14, ­ , , , 'i , , " " t"r: ,I ., �� I- 1. I...'' 1-1. .- .. 1. , � � , 4, , . , � I W ; - , , , , - 497, -M . i�. ., J � �,*� " I 11 , � � , � �., , *1-1 � 14 #� 11 " ­ ,�, 1 ��l � ',!44,V. , � 11 r , r: �'. Z 1, I , , . , �, : ; &�'i I V.,;.".k I � . . . . I I .." I � � . ... . I I . .11V I ,� I I ..� '­ � 7,11NI'T 717! ­,­'. ,4 . � 4 r , , i �,V " "N�­.' t,.�-�,' �� ". , -"'!' "7'1-7 ,�� , ., , , . . .. . . .1 I 1. . � , , . Or-' ;� - t ,� . , - , - . - i � . I . F ­� . , ­ 1, lk� -, '%*­ , . IF �: 1, , �1+111�. , , � �. �' :, ,,,, � 0 P, , �, - -I., " . ­ , �tl.. �:,.Z �, -!*��;. — - � � �.� , ; - , '! "I , .� "'.1 " -, . ','f� .. , , ,. .."J :,; - � . I '. , ,� 9 I I I " � - I 1A . � , 2 �1. ':I , , J�j) �Al , : . 'i:,# �� , I . . I �,�,; ,� � , .. 11 ., 11 I I "j, .1.1 . � �; � I i I . - 0 .. , - � I % . I""" ". . :.. I ­ !... ,, I ; , , :� � . .. J I I � I ,� �� � .. . I . I : I I 4 .- .., I .: I �, 9 L I I . . � -K, '." , -V - - - .. . . ;. , ----mr­ , .V- '!�,Wg -Tpjw, - ,i"-- ,-W. � .., , , IIIR51, ,.,��17.w, P!I�i` "I I , it �'11 . . . . I . � .� I , I I . I- I . " fl. ... . I . . . � , , :,; I 1�'Lir It I ,� $ . . . . - . , 7� " , T'..; . ­., N . . . , - , , - MITI llr� 11 - , 1. , . ., , -- .1 � .. ,, I " , '. . I , �1 .:. - , , ':� . . "I I . . I . . I . . "' , .� C . - ., � . � : : � I . '41i� ,� - '.��,.�,, , . I , fl, ��il " - , I . ­�X . .­ 'fr-,� I . lz�-�,�� 4 -TS . ­ I � -1".1, 11, '' . . . ­ � ,.-.— 4i. �4!*,'p '�.,,' � )11 � , I " . � , , ", . . 1. ­ . '.. �!� I., �,, M" , �;­ ., � J ., � , t .1- .. I" I 11 I * I . , �?� . , , �.,� . ��, Ili .... I i O', I . I � I � 1. , I . - "I 11 I I � .... ­ . I � 4� . 1. I . I � - I I � . . I . '. I, 'i I I A'" 1.1.1 IN N.R­ � � 'I�l,�"',,��"i,*,.',i�,98"'��I ,-, " ; I . . . V14ar 0 , . I I . I . . , ;� 'I c- - '.' 11 . I,— � . : I . . ' . - I . I . 4 � T I' ­­ ­­.. -111--,-1----- ­ . � . '.. r . .. . . I . -- . . ,,,,, . - , .-,: ':1111 .. I �. I . . I . 1, .. I :i , I - .. 35" . .. � . I � I 41� -1036. , 0 . . .1 � I . . �,.', . � '' I , . I 711y 11 . 14 - � . . . . I �, I � ��C, K, 1, t le ; . I I . I . . ,­ . ., I .� . ... . I I ... 11. :�,�.. I .1. . � 1. . . . �. . - - w! --. , . � . .. .. . I � . - "I . \ , ­,. " . , � ", , � .. , ., ,, i .1 I � I I -- I . I I I I I , I I � ­ � . I I . 11 . I . 1. - ­ I � .. - , I . ,,,,, � " It ,,,�, �'! I Vl.....`4 .. I - . . I . �. . . - � . . . - , . I . � . I - . � . -... I ... ...­ . I 1. .11 1. --- * , �" - . , . — -- ­ . , , � , . , ". . ". %,". ­ . ' . . . . 1, , �4, 4�:", M .... , . . . 11� . . ' , , . . ,��! - �,, :4­4�jv.,4,2, ,'�', d 0 I V 0 1 4 1" I i 4 .� I., , '. -1 ! .. -- ,.. ' 4 � I lamen ­...4...� .. , . t., . . I " 111, "I'll, 'F ! I � -11. -111,111, . � - I ­... I ... , I -, I., '. I HUROX­.,� 3"' ND .' IN E d -of- -Centre, Parkin, -", Se.' HU-G-GARD-,,.&'1,,81VES Full Eve '" -E- 1-cf, At'O . � . P- .. i 1. j�, en . .. - ifing.-a riterta , .1 . I I . � :, . . � . � If . ­ . 1. . .1-11 . . , I �. , " 11 -.1 I � " " 0 ^I - - i " " 1.1-U., I . il ­;�, ", I � - � I I "I � ; t WL , "' .� ,'I A�. `11�' ,� . .... .. .K I . 1. -1.11.1 ffk,�'­ . . . � . �., , , , W%li "' .. I I I I I ''As NO'tic e of Motion t6 Unang - BAC , � .. , " ":-L , , 11 0 11 , T. - , 0 . . .. , T'A . I . ' ",4.ff­,'R � P, I 11 �� . , �, .. ''. . '.. . K`011,!,D,� ,, I il', ^4 Ili` i" I , ` , � , A " , I, � - , . . . - ; �'R , , � IV, - JAIL -9 - - I Wi - edn sd, � '' " � i -ORT-11 , ALS ­- '-- A; � . Water' Carniva , ,. . � - .- ­­ I ,,, ! TOTAL CROP. VALU9 . . I e I 1409- -PlaiiiiLM for Lions Park.. a' - ' . " , I I . -1 '. - - 11 � R ,,,,, "d 11, I 1�� , 4 �i,! �'� --Nt � I I " � w Qvnc I . ­ REP , VE By,LAw is Given To ac " il RF I 0 , , . — - . I � . . e - - - - . . - . ; " - :.�,,.,.,.,,,,,".,,r,�-, � . 1 4 —,. , - . . . . I . . . I , _­;" , I ". 0 , I ' . 0 . o...- . -� 'r -,.;1,--, �il­ .. i - . Seaforth Lawyer Ends 7000 r. � . I , , , ,-�, r, ,,,,,., , I . , , � ,�, r, ,,,.,., , �­­ . .# I I JOL 'r dp., � i 1?i,',� , �, . Lion&P-A � . 'i 1112,1, , I cll,�'1010 i I . . � ' '',­­.� - .,,r,, ,,,,, `­.,4�11­:� , .­', 'I ' L DIVE HERE - , L , 0 I 1. County Leads Ontari --in 6 0 9 0 9 0 Councillors Hurry To Com, " . - . ,., .itn . ' _ .. . ... � , Mile. j�Our , Diving Exhibitions by Lead- WIL, , . � .,o . . ley on �, I Flax S 'e Cloverand I I I � . . . , , _I ,�, . 0 ��41'1, 1 " .;. .=,;,,,, ...r � - AO Sao&.! -­ �, 1 — -.;,.:...,T . . . T �� , , 'g,. I ., wet . . plete Business As' Heat In .. . I ,.� " ;4 " . � �&, ", , I &01;�:� J�i,,,,,, 1. WIA10-Ir inff Qih�dian Amnt.pilria L I . ea AS . I. I ...", 11 "� l, T R, ��.., . Beef"Cattle. , '.-. , I—- . . .. . i zth , July r ost r . Councff Chaipberg Reach- . . . . . ., I I . Will 15�atuke Program.,. I I 1-Haxr-y-Class,-Kitchener -Cana-.- ­ - "I, . .1 . 11 , . SECOND IN POULTRY . . On Monday w�!en J.Otje4l, A. ' es Record Proportions. ' . ­ TO APPEAR THURSDAY I I . . .- . r . 0 . . . -He­ws8­represented-jn, -bouirt - by- jWg- I . Cia,*, ,M�LA,;, f wa, a and was ,v,rw*n=. I � . . 1� . - `­ ' .Jackson,. Lethbridge, At a.,. who -has been, visiting his sister �ud brothers he�re, r . 1. .. I 1 REDUCE POLL, TAX I I . ; ­ 1. - John J. Huigard, -SW&Ttih - lawyer, MEDWAY AND -GAMER - . �� I . H%lCounty is in secondplAce, in was remiuJiseeniing . . . . . . . . arrived at Huron county jail in the WILL BE POPULAR � , A , .�il - �J ", . , I . the. .value of field --crops, and , with Thomas Johnstone; he re- FROM $5 TO $2 Wstody of provincial police early constructed. . . , , t d m It is to aid this Twork and o o - " imr ". Perth ,is in tenth, place mong - the cWled that it was July' 12th. � . ,,��, Friday" afternoon after a trip of . . Tment from ,Hugga-p& 'In which, it is saio, he revealled full details o,f his , -S ' 1 54 counties or districts in the Prbv- I ince of Ontario, according to the an * -eight years ago that Sea- , � Mt am,us lacrosse team of t rthTs I X . Angle. parking on bo,ih sides, of . .. nearly ft—M Los Angeaes, where 'M e.SZ Ze =nd red- on, June 27th. . Pla,ns are being complelted, to care for a record crowd ' alt the Seafarth , I ' ' ,Excellent weather conditions as- I ) ,:1 nual surivey released 'by the Ontarici that yi*r ha!d gone to Orange- , Main Street Way -follow Monday qv- IScaircely a citizen here was aware ' Liong Club Watez Cwnivaj, ,which is I � I :.", , � , . Department of AgTiculture. The fir- ville t6.,plaY. The team stayed ' endnlj�g coun,6111 meeting. A discus- rbhgat ,Ruggard had- vassed through beting held at 'the Ulons Park on � I TWO ADII INJUED I 4. 1 ures are for the year 1936. r overnight in.Wingham, and when, sslcin on the subjiec� �.ust 1�efbreo a,d- I town. - The car contaWnj ffjtukgatd, Wednesday- -of next week. I out much they -had already . .1� Only Kent exceeds, -Huron, in totall they got up in the ,morning the . Journment result�d in .Councillor J. 'Introducing Inspector� E. C. Gurnett and Arthur 'It was in 1925 that the Olub, clon- , I . . value of field cropi� Kent field- pro- I liucts are valued at $16,804,744,'while ground ,was covered with ,frost, and potato plants were blaL4L . � E. Keating a notice of 111,114io,rn to 2411tind the pres'oni- " I Parking Verity stopped for only a minute at a service statioil an the outskirts of ceived the idea ,of turning what was 'then only a h1udd,Y rivier d itbir I an , fasu're � .7 .1;;11 - ­' �,-- I " . `�­X ' . I at� $�,986,975. � � � lRuron,'s are valued, . -y b --Is*. Traffic on 'Saturday ,even- I . tiown. Aeld, into a imodern swi ' g .V 'I mmii angles than at others; and in s:oiiie - , _ . 0, .0 -0 , 0 '. 0 ' 6 I #rl I Perth comes .tenth in the, list with- I . -ings has become a problem. and any - Huggard',w�ai formally arraigned ' 11 and beauti al park. .In that year tfie . 9 . case, .'volving ,others than. Huggard. - On � I 1 �4,360,126. Perth h-asi acqres, . .11 I I -1 way.to re5eve i ' t w,ould, be welebmpd, -in pokee court, Godlorio�,' Saturday PrOPertY was leased amid A start, i ­ . .299,�090 t, compared with 400,,0001 for Huron- and vas *0 *Md;Dn of eounicil. It was morning before F. 'G. Mf�ir, J -P on r r made on tale work� The following . . . .Was crqw:ded from learly mioi�ning­ u.nti - 'I . . .1 . I I � ' ' ' [� I I - 355,000 for Kent. - .� REBE-KAU.''HOL Pky1nW out that by the present psi*- iug in the with motorists al- a lengthy list of ,bWgeS hef oi � t from his, clients, . wi year the ipaxk *as 'opened . th a swimming meet and carnivali, --Each way Near St., Columban. , Perth and.Hiuron alw are well u . . . �� , . "I , � - � ..... 1� .... I �� . I ,;;, -centre, and was iremanded . '" 'When story ds,'fully' revealed, it may tell bbw�, c1lients' Securities , � �,,r � ... hittot Prop , in. the list -i - al value of fam, - I , I . . . -D . 11 so Parking'al[Mg thle,cuTb, ,many tle- :until Thursd-ay,,July 1M, It was year saw addled:improvements which. ' . . party, including land, buil ' dings, live . . -*-11 -A ­�J—'.-+' M"I'llIes'eX I INNITAL PIUNIT occur and- traffie. proceeds with ups . I dimmaty. intimated he will again be remanded on that,ditte and- would not ha, h.is , culminated 'last year .when, the spiaol was completely, celmleted and deep - . , ...� " 11 . I ' � a El . . I . . � ,�� 4 ", 4 t� . r , I ,.:, "i 11 .... , ,­ � . ... rr , ­ . 1� I .- I .111 , ,�, ,� . , 'N ,; 5t � 1: . " $1� - I 4:."I".-, �, � i " - - , . . ,�,L..": '! , . lief From ..a.eat:­�,--.. y ­,,�,;-�!,,,, � . � . ­ . , ;�, .. - ­ F I . . j4. 1 .` I . .I---- . .1 , I - ... -P ;?kt�',�T I . , 3� F, 110 ; -rv,­ I., ,; W . "I. I "' 1�1 ., I- -1 'M , � , , ZZMF .01— I NEED R ':,R.A,. i5 , A.Ifflk,',-,"t " , "'�, . . . 1, .�,, � ,,;4-'i..� ... � , ­ . I . . ­. I!, .., . , ��'.­.. '.. . - . .,�, !-;.V�v � ;-:' � - ­':;. � Jf,4�i- -11 . 11 Now heat recrords *,ere 9 - " j,� ' '" 'O'Rip 44 w!' ,"I:..", !, , , - ' �vll` , " � , I I 1, I ing Ow Vas� *eedc in this d1s-trff4,-- a§ ' .�'.��441'1 ­ ' " I �,; . 11he � ul .7 1 ��` 111 well as thir, oughovit Oi* ;, 194 .,)' 1 , , - 3�., , ,. . ' thermfometevs'lomii Ma4n Street resaing. ."�,­ : , .. . I , . .. , .. - . .�*�. C.111�,7. --1.;1 .. ,., �.� so high as 105 uhtil"To s , . , !,l N .. ... I I p., , .. ,;.w , �m I 0i I . ..'­­&.,,�, a north bkee7*,1'dWs1:PA-ta-*e, to .". ,- la, certain ext,6nix ., '.hD 14, . . �'�,' , wav�r, , , ", . ��,tl. .. ,.Fer , "' tempmatuaias -.6mught no, TK ., J7, . . .,.,'.'; . M . .. . - The hivh tempen"'aitu're,"hav lut - ': ot. I 11.,�,., 1hrm*8 of the d1stVi1# '0'A'ft'C -. ... � . ", . �VMWJy - 7- ,�,�,' hard. Maqy,c=fp& are almost 4 . .... . -% - :�­,]'j`;` ' � . , :,: - , il� ", ple-be failure; givain, bWi* burq�,'O �111­ q ..W' � , .. . ing - ' tjj�a .'I , shrivelled. Hay wai COM I , q ? ..: , W : ,, ` . . � - .. � -Qndft dilOwulfty lowing W the fi*' M- " - . 1- 11, . heat. In -seftraf Instancesi. fammien- , :::::::... , . . . . . . re�pprbed --they *ere able to, ciiW. bav ..�� 1. 11 I , , - . tfi� m ' ' ' 4 - in the I a... " in, I orning and -have it . . "; I I . � . I - . . I leads with 168,181,125; Huron, is : . I 1. . . . .. The eouncil room Was unbearably I preliminary trial until September. ened at a cost of nearly $2,000,,,. This ­� � - I I 1-Haxr-y-Class,-Kitchener -Cana-.- ­ - Darn at n1igl , ;cbmple oely cuire(L I.. aw � , - . - -IMain Sitir1eet - "I - I - I :.27, . .4 i. - ,: . . . . . . I .,�. " I ! I -t- - . . si.x.th,vdi-th.--$518,360,"7.-�m&-ZWi4h-45--- . .. eleventh with *46,-860,W. I I - -- . ­- ­ ' Lo�af -.'Organization 11 ,t' id.--ptuffy, aa,dl -Countffiw.s, -Chas-: -gL .. ­ X11mes-Afid) Frank 914-s Inquired -He­ws8­represented-jn, -bouirt - by- jWg- I . Cia,*, ,M�LA,;, f wa, a and was ,v,rw*n=. -year--.;& new-dam,'was-'builit &M a -island, whach will. be- connected ton � dian' and Olympic thr�e-Atetre .. I in town- and, . .. one w ose . � . . .. . , ". '. . a I . ­��,' . I - . . -45 f 'which. Some of th ield �cro,ps in , . ,HQ ' about flinr L'bUt Cle rk Wilson explain- " noit -asked, to I:d o the nibAnland by artistic, bridges,.. was � - . with other leading Canadian ... . eim on street duriing the he*t waw,. Mum, say it- ble � , A , .�il - �J ", � . . . . Perbli or -Huron Uke a Pxominept t � 'Splendid 0uting a 7 , -h ed there dih,d been such * run on. the � factories that the. demand far ex- The cr�owra' over the tweek-end. I .. doihiipleted taking a ltngthy st;;�: constructed. . . , , t d m It is to aid this Twork and o o - " imr couldnft . � . .. c tter. Yet an sit . pit to try ' .em - � ,,,-i I . . 9 ­ ­ �' z, �' j �",o I Iduce are as- follows: Value of: -oats, Huron, second in, priovince.'with - , $1, - I 263,7W; Hknvu, first in, flax ., I 1� i ' . � Od" I . . . - ceeded the -&pply. ,Four fans had beenordlered, (but only two, were sent. Tment from ,Hugga-p& 'In which, it is saio, he revealled full details o,f his ,morate the .tenth afinbpersar of me y - the opening of the park theii'the Club tion at the Water Carnival at - - the Lions Park, here on Wednes- . -,., ­ 1, an egg on the . , I vivemq*,'in,fw�nt , Dlaly's Garage, on jsa�ftvday afternoon .. " ,-!" . �Rl . .. I V, , ; .1, , M `1� produe- .. .. .. . tion'. valued -at $36j716; Perth, fourth . , I ' ' ,Excellent weather conditions as- I Mayor Sutherland.occu#ied the chadr. Cjou,neialoTs esent included Chas. '7 . - transaetknG. I � Crown officials refused to coniftnent gas planned the gala evening for rext Wednesday., � 11 day' � I . L., . . I ' . � . I erided, in failure untl somemi thought of � Pouring 'gapoline over th!�,. I � I :.", , � I in 11AX ,production,' $4,999; imixea I . grains, Huron, second- with S742,149,1p1wni sisted the Rel4eksAs in dheir annual c Harbor -Park, Goderioh, on at I Holmes, Fran Sills, R.- -G. Parke, J. E Keating ,and M. A. Reid. 'As on'Huggard's coifessionol. statement, except to -say that it -did not bring The prblgram Will c6mmence with a parade from the corner. of Main � I TWO ADII INJUED egg . and- setiting'it on fire. Thii'difd-' the trick and ;after the surroW0djn_i.,, .." , :. �.. `�, , . -, , . `:11. � and Perth third with $6615,M! man- i Wedn"dgy of this ,week, helping to the councillors sat mo'pping out much they -had already -and Goderi ih S�treets C at ,5.45 ip.m.j ., RL . is4dewalk bad, = carefu,11 y , ;;Z ... .. "X .. *. I . I gels, Perth second,, $121,968; and H-uT- . I on fourth with $120,636; sweet clover I I make the o'uthig, " decided, success. , SpQ 'A.re in oh rge. f Miss- Jean , -its we a o I . their brows,7-Clerk Willison reported th . ' at -no tendershad been received for not sus- pected. It ocinfirnted- Inueb, ,-however, � and- M14'r ,lead to, a. realignment o 1,14aded by the Seaforth. Highlanders . and. ' ' , . - - .. .' - IN.,AUTO '' RASH C - . of 'sbot - the ires . picture wasiroery - realisitle. . . I i - � .7 .1;;11 - ­' �,-- I " . `�­X . Huron first with $169,$77 and Perth . . .. Smith, M H. Stewart, and Mxs. H. . ... . -coal. . .. . . action to -be talk in in the in- -At the park a series of childwen's angles than at others; and in s:oiiie � During the heat -wave �he w6st 11 . �.. - 1 '. � :,�� eigilith with .$107,186; -hey and ckower I , Huran Zourth � with ,$1,244.652, and, .fs,. E Simith and, Prize winners were: &ld.Ten u,n�er­,�Lii, .�pje -��T��e-i 5 I -,Bylao 316'r, changing. the,.anvount . 9 . case, .'volving ,others than. Huggard. - On events will be run off with twot prik- , in 'emeh 1� . . I was 1popular place in, town the Lions � Park. and, sWiiminiing pool,'Which, 1. .!,�, � ,. . ,,�� . ��P '.. I., .. . . ­ -b i§-- fifth vntth- $1,2,00, �'82-- - - �, ;Per V * ., , . �-: , -A--- --- _qt _T�q . gir s, , 1640, . 12&arguerite Westdott; .,9----po,14--ta,)i - .Alo'm ,five., d1allafs to two dollars, was, rea-d three times and this.-Tiliage officers -were reticent. It �qut _e- , . event. A feature.will be .1. as diving exhitk . ioni; I by Hairk. oij -, -- . Cars Crash On'No. 8 High- . . . .Was crqw:ded from learly mioi�ning­ u.nti - 'I . 'A" - .� ., ' I � I . � Stock Valuable . . - I . - boy -10, Donald S19t s, 6 h; girls., 10-15, Isabella ,McKellar- boys, 10-15, Uck . . � passed. It is an amiendiment to By- law ised in 1925. will all come eventually, they s4id. � . . .-I. 'the Canadian. and Olympic 3 -metre ditv- I four way Near St., Columban. . nbo, the ' - is :far i 4ni t. It - estimated, gh that between ,� d 500 cars enter- . . . �� , . "I , � - � ..... 1� .... I �� . I ,;;, I . . . . R=*rV-.Ah;asJhe -second highest ac- Zimmerman; 'ma;&ea- ladies, Mrs. R. I I 27,5 pa A mqueit 11111M 011statble .R,Ya4 'When story ds,'fully' revealed, it may tell bbw�, c1lients' Securities X"g champion,, and other leaddlig ' 'Canaddan amateur divers,. They will I . ' On Wedliesd ' ' aY* edi the park each day .jmd that well .. 'of , :�'­ 1; � �',!V� , . . fdagel Jiml cleared VastbTe­145,891; . .. MdGeoch; single girls, Jean Sm'it'h; men, Arnold Westcoitt; hoop few the amount he had''paid for a - were taken from Welty,deposit boxes illustrate various dives' and swim- ­Harry ,, I '.., over 1,000 people took advantage Adhi­aololing waters ,of the voo,l each.. . , ...� " 11 . I ' � Wkwon is fifth and...Perth .serenth. in. . ----the value of horses, $2,251,000 and ,married . relay, 'Jean Sm6th's' group; slipper pair of rubber bootswas) referred to. the, Streets Clammittee with t,h,4 rie- -in SeaforUh, thence to Toronto : by . m3tOT, s -bn short mlng strokes.- Class led the &,ld in the -recent Olyfmpi& teists, at ' ,When the ca' .-e was ., day, many of the vigitiors, cbming - r 4n- -Aich kh � ' *0M I � IA , �11 � I : "?. � . . 1. I . I . $9,0152,4000 -respectively. Huron is at racee, Albert, Baker; peanuf'� race, Jack McLean; circle race, Hazel Mcm that hv shlould co-mmendaVio - receive T1 ' term luans, replaced by other securi- ;Montreal and is considered to be the ,driving crashed nto a light coupe No. High- surrounding ,towns and villagea. I . . , �11 . ' 1, � . .1 �11, ,the top of the list in the nuinbar of , . lmhlian% - 6tvuip; Car relay',. 11saibel tihe amount set fortrh ln'his'.ie�uest. ties firsiV 'by bearer bonds,'and later. leading am,ateurr diver in'Canada-So- . . I . about 3% �rriiles east on 8 Wednesday — . 0 , - I . . .. . . . �. I .. . � . - I . cattle for beef purpos-es., 4,572, and Huron and Pefth, are practicall� tied . � . f for in the number 0- 'MoKellar's group; balloon race; Jack VdLean; luck:V .spot, Mary Stewart. Clonsitahlee Rkan explained that he needed them when blowing -out drains in He alsta reported that no registered bonds. allegedl . y forj�d aind ,then rushed -back- to theii safe�v' deposit boxeg in Seaforth,, da . Y. - A big mdd*ay, including the popu- its,, race .horse wheels: bf for- way early evening Miss Harriet Baker, of near Str&tford', suf � '- fered a seriously fractured - kne e. . I '. . I Larie Reunion. ...� . . . . . - . . . . . . . .. I ''," I io: V I .,t"Iv :,� ` v..: �illll eighth place � cellars. the -pro- game, 1,�,,-, '' cows for ,nQ-k pumposes, 38,768 and 38MB,,resspectively. Huron is,jbird � ", Delicious Tefr6shments were serv- ed- by the Social ,Committee, conven- ,by Mrs. -11. McKellar 'Mrs. W. outlet could be found, for a -,blocked cellar di -sin under a block of stores , 'water cess i1i;6ing repeated -and rotated a ip . over eriod of years exmplt when losses . t, ._ ,. holov-ja� rollAown and other rl�­-S, Of s ill, will be dn I -k - full opera- John Nagle, ­said to. be'theL diriver of the other car,,has 'serious spinal in- - - , . . I . . , ' � Held. in - ib(i , I . , '.',�.,', , "., , 11 � , - . in. the.number of..yearlinigs,forlteef .0 and ,04 Main, ,Stre,k. The had . were enecouniwredl .- and th6--pledg-ed -, L��)n throughout the eveming. The Sea- JuneS. Both are in,' iScod Memorial. I . ­ � I . ­ "`�: :. - - - ,purposes, 20,567. 1 - Free. . . I backed uip, causing an,Dffensive bdor. � curities were confiscated fo,r adivan ces forith Highlanders Baiid wil I I play . Hloipital, Seaforth. .. � � � I . �. I . I I � ;-,i,; 1.�, z .1 -tal valbe tol cattle in 1935 , . . -1n to 1. I . .. I —0 . The ftancial report was read and 81 made and. not sati fed. ,during the evening and refreLshment The Nagle car, it is Alleged,. came I . . . . The 70-th anra versary of 'the, land- ,�� .� . ,,, . . , H-�ron was third, with $3,191,668 and . adbpted. - . * In latter years tth-e "kiting" pro- ,4Doths will be an the.grounds, 161ko the biglh'way in front of the ing -of the first membeTS Of the Earl 1. i".., . * I . Perth s"e''ve"ntill with. $2,493 8726 Only ' ' �' it zer 250,,Attend,Sw h recentl opened, a Mr. Wittig, w -o y fl. busi- �o&ss;iwas quite, feNF,erisll on many oc-- Free parking for LOW cars has been arranged is B41-er car and a crasill was ilevit- able., A number y1ounig boys in . fa-indly,'the late William and, James , . . 11 :- ".. I . Geey dd,lesex counties exceeil- and X -i . I ed Hu,ron. In the total value of � . 0 . ' our, feed and produce -buying ness, was present an casivils, automobiles ,plying between th and Toronto in -great haste. and accommod ,- ation available -for many times this num- ,of t44',.Bvk1er -car had a . nftaculous es- Earl and ,Mr. ant -d Mrs. Anthony Tyn. , dall, also Mrs.. S. Jury, all froni'lre- .. I �� , , ". I I . . ' liwine Huron is second with $659,399 I Famil Reunion y the Mayor to adldre�ss the council. - , ' . ber. of sipectators. , cape from injury. The ,injured were by ,Dr. Keith " 10 land and early settlers in Usbo�ne ,J 1, . � ", , — . 11 to Kent, , which has $664,11 G, and I fourth ,wi'W'$614,827. . Perth i . �, . . -- . I . "You (meaning . -th!el IMayo1r) an�l 1. Reid can 'Possibly explain i Mr t bet- .. ' Seaforth Will n *1 , , _6 atten-died regl,,r, Dublin, and were later rem nd , . was',obs-erved at their reunion hel a . At bhe home of Mr. John Hern inTs- 11"�, 1; ... �111: . I ,.. . . Huron is s1econdAn.,17Dultry value S - . ,with $587,61%,,and Perth is, ninthwith 'Two hundred and fifty members of, 'the Switzer fainlily were in attend- � (Contifiped, on Page 4) - . . To Ba t I Is Re-elected Aelmes' ambulance to the hospital. . I I � . .1 1. I borne. I :''. .. .� -One hundred and.'twenty 1. z. � - ... 11 , .. � —*— � . ' I .Go. I . . 0— members , :� �' . 4"6,481. Middlesex leads in- this . . , with $626,048. ance at the fifth,reunion held at the 'home.of Mr. and Mrs. David McLean . I . . .. —;�­-��--- Eldorado Director , . assembled from Thames 'Road, Exe- ter,, Grantion, London, Egmondville; M 1�` , : 1�, . group 1 I The rec6rds support'. the., cominon. in Tuckersmith on,'Nednesday, w1hich May be Prohibited . (An Editorial in The Stratford I I Rural Mail and Seafbith. A sumpttious supper ' 11 , � . � . 11 I . contention that H74mn gets more . snow than the great-er part of' IZw- 'Ontario. prolmd a most'success-ful- aiid enl'oy- able event. Dinner and slipper were U s- 6. of - Lions Park .' Beacon�Herald) . I A �' gireat change, is threatening.' I .Mr. J. F. Daly, was in Toronto on . . Carriers Organize .was served at 6 Velock to th't, guests at.a beautifully decorated table. Af� ' . I - � � 1, - � . e .1 11 I .:,. .11 ... . eT The snowfall at Luck- s6rv,ed on'tbe spaciout lawn. Sparts �, . - Sea I forth, like its- neighbor, Mitchell, Tuesday attending the annual meet'- . . I terwards .a program of sport$ and * �, � � ... , . . I . notw in 1965 was 140.1 inches Of snow, only sumpassed by two stations of various kinds and att interesting peograni featured the The . t F o' r Misco uc , I 0 - . has been uniquo in these' parts .for, its' ,method ing of Eldorado Gold 'Mines, Ltd Nlr. Daly was m4lected a direct,,. I . The Rural Mail Carriers' kas0da- musical entertainment was enjoyed. The eldest member present was Harry .., , -,;:.,,"I , - lr I in Algoma district ai�dl one near Ken-. ,afternoon. S-,%,itzer family came ,in 1710 from , , . .� -- . r of parkin,- automobiles � on the main, street. Th ere is a 'ng e of the .elompany for the 10th year. tion ,of Huron Co.unty held 'an in- - Tyndall. James Earl acted as chair- �!' � .... I . . , I I ora. In Essex readings at two sfa- Germany anl'-�rere s1hipwrecked"off .,In - the interests ,of the -hundreds of ,I ' I cars -in th't tp�rking for one row of , . . augui-al meeting � n �&e Orange Hall, ', '. 'was man. . I . I "..", . tions were 32.9 hiches and 46.15 inch-� the coast of lieland ,on their way to children who eln-joy the advall-taies of middle of the pai�lem'int. There is, —0 , ..'�. I �, Go-derich. 02i July- 11th, which . . - The committees foe ne-kt year Were.. .... "I t �� 1, jes. In the:Niagara Penitsul,a. Lih.- . . . and 36 -in se. lit was, 27 P- Canada. Th,e;y settled Mbstly in � Blanshard .ip near St. Marys. the Lions park and -sVimiming p-ool, the ,committee has found it adirislable ,a much traffic during rush hours in - . - I ­ Local Students weirl ett2nded 'by earvieq,7 of this dis- triet. . . apIp"Dinte'd 'a's 'follows: President, - George -Carl;- -eveketary-ti4easurer, 1. � . I : �1- � I .... d , '' colh county, however. -Towtsil Ford- I Scaforth 'that the Town ,Council has -Mr. P. B.. Lou-ry. of Rodney, Presi- Robert Tynd,all; , � �! I . . "" I arate, stations. London, re- . . ported. 91,3 and Lucan ' ,both in Mid- ' The last reun-ioil. ,was held in wich at the home of Reuben Hard- to adolpt certain rules, and. Tegula- tions wh-kh have ,been' ploseted on the deeide(l to debate a proposal to sub- "It-itate angle on both curbs PassNormalExams (lent of Mail Carriers, addressed tile spni'ts commdttee: Garfteld- Thompson. Philip Hern, An-- . . If, :..,:. die6ex, 1082. The pTovipcial aver- � I . ,in,g ., . I - ,---' . 'bathing houses. ,parking foir -present skstem. At arecent ,the ' � nieeting. T h e nex ' t m-ecting will, be. ih Seaforth July ' gus Eawl. Violet Squi'res -and Mrs. . . ..'� age was 618.11-Anchet. "I . ,17t rainfiall. /Huron stations were I .. I . � The liifeguw�--rd, who is on duty daily f113M 10 'tO 12, 2�5 and 7-9. or the meeting 'Councillor J. E. Keating serv- ed notice of motion for su-cl.h a plin. I 'Successful stwilenits at,.the recent , on . q5th. Officers were elected as follows- Harold (Hiern. It was d"ided that , the reunion -be leld at the home of 1. ..-. .;� . ..... . . . below the ipiovincial average of 23 The shades of night were, falling fast, Caretaker has [been authorized to . Curb' parking would just about dou- '�,tra,tford Normal School examfina- �Ion-s -President. J. .M. Johnston, G6derich; ' Janies, Earl next yea*r about the mdrl- - I ' , 1� ,.,. . ,with 20 and 19'inches. , The heaviest When fo,r a kiss ,he as,'ked ber. ­., ,­ suTnima,rily prohl,�it children and 'Others, bille the presenit itcon,.modation, it were s. follo,w�,: M.- Edythe a iseeretary, Adani McAd4ms; treas- N. 'W. Long, Ki,ppe�; . dle of Ju-Lv. A ,hearty vote of thanks, . 1. . Dvindes.. county where 84.16 , . was -in -',he must have ainsmered- yes, because from the use otf the park for ' *rul,es our calculation.,; axe correct, which Beactim, Blyth; A. Agnes Cloyne, Dub- urer, . adjust- was tande`nA to Mr. and 'Mrs. Hern . ..: . . . inches fell. . 7,1re shades came down much faster. I . infractions of bliv, and notice -of �vould seem to supp6rt. the move for lin; Aldean D�-cking, Dublin; Eliza- � monz officer, IV. R. Sholdice, Walton. for their kind hosloiltality. . . I , ��, I 10* . � . . l % . - — --- I 1such. su-sperif-ion will be sent tbe, par-' . I . the change. And the argument of beth Eckert, Seaff'orth; Elva H. El- liott. Bay6eld; Isabel Jamievon, Hul- ---- I . ­� . .'I ... I .., .... I . : � I SCENE 6F BfO'W'ATER CARNIVAL ' . . . - ents. . 0— . . � grc4ter safety adds sti-ength to the proposal. Witfh middlq parking, driv - . l,c! t;, 0q., . a�e Kraulter, Seafo,rlth: Helen T. Vorq­ ,I- T--L 4,nv. "T'. 4� Clan I McGregor A.q -q P -,M, 1-� I P -q , , , .t I.N. . 11 ....". Loca,I.Ora"ngemen I ers and passenget,n niu�'t walk through traffic on- lea%�'ng �and re- turning to their autoniNiles. Curb F�- t . I �t I ­ . y', IlAyneaux, Dublin; Jesslie J. Smith, ,Seafort'�; Farl H. Leyburrie­ Sea - � � ­ � I - -, For First A n'n'u a I Reunion , " . 01e; c- I . ,,, � 10") i1pented, lhis Canadian cousins, Parade in Listowel reduce this . r.,,tll; Fletcher T. 'If. Wbitnione, Se,i- �, - A few years later when yet .the * London Road 'Hti-roll .R.,,,l � parking,wqui,q, pedastrian traltric 'the legsen the- rortLh; Aithur .1. Dinnin, Cromarty. I . . I . . . ' - I . I o'n .street and so ' accident haz0d. " ' * -�'-­' � - , I ,,, ' -1 ". A highly succu"ful reunion of the, to .them by the host hostess. . 11" * I . I k ' Your Ho, Mem[beTs of L.O.L. 793, Senforth, Ilf Seaforth docid,e,, to adopt the , . . . ,a:nd XcGregor clan t.-) the nunib-oi, oC1 An excellent and varied rogr,qm I . - I., p -nnual attended the, Orange eelebmti,on. in Lfeittowel on Monday. Some t"efity curb system. we 'hope t hat 'those ' Bowlers Enjoy - nearly '80, was held oil Thursday ev- was presenteif,',consistinp. of musical �:� ., .. 1. I last the 'beautifull � . charged with the task of establish- the former winning bowling his i ' ening of week at �elvet;,)llq , , addresses, r eadings, etc. , .e,e­ 14 � enjoyed. Wdth .h,er� ,broad Scotitisli ,� members ,Vor . ok ,part i -r? the walk. , . . I ing the angle of the patking lines 11 - . Mixed Doubles - I , home of Mr. -and MI -s. Bazil ,Ed- At inten-Als in the c:)urso of the pro- ' � . ` -ds, Hay To,ii,hip. �Years . � . ing the United States, secured large — * arioi the. distance' between them will -Robert Archibald, president, a hd Dor- oithy Parke, sec.-tireas., of Seafort1h. w ago graini'.Mir.* H. Horton niade a.few ob- .!� . . .study the .c.onVenience .of the m-ot,)r- . :" wh.d'n West-orn Ontario wa§ in it- Ferfations, By means of an apt il- .. �1 I .. Huron A.Y.P.A. ist. Welre not smart (,�ougb,to'sug- " Vhirty-tw,i boTlers took in the ' prim-eval stage, the. clan McGregor lustration Be assdrod this' happy 11 I . ... , fri).ni Perthshire in Scot- . I hea-t---by using one - goat what the .angle �houldl �bi3; but part einigrated qathering th'at lie did not wish to .11, 'and . . . e Hold Fine Picnic . we do know thati ,In Stratford d,iffer- lixed doubles toin-ney staged on t1h e local grev'hs Thursday eve-nini. A land to Canada settled in the iriffict loni theni too Pluch punis1fiment I I',, , , " 1. Townsihip of Tuckersimith oil the -NTr. I ent streets have different a!)gles, and of our Scientific In- all at. once. Byron McGregor, 1 ..., republic'. I I . I we find it easier 'to pa4 at some' great, do,al of interest Nras aroused farm ii�ow owned and occuP4ed by one of ',,)o A,;-rirric�n visitors, who 1, A m,o4st successful an,d enjloyable "ausipices . angles than at others; and in s:oiiie by the. ladies 11,rnysteiry" prizes. Lail- . �� illiaill 1.1leGregor, at a time when pl�s.*e.qqcs an attractive per&onalit I �, I il, y ' SU lating materials. T -he annual picnic ,of the A.Y,P.A. places our lines are too, ''close to - I es prize ,winners wei e Mrs. William I � I road's - were iniere lblaz-c-d tra il s with; a koon sense of hunior. being I � I of the ,DeaneTV 'Of Huron w held ,s ChuTeill, Tuckeii,eiriltill, was held on Hart 3 wins with a nlu,q of 19! Yii.-,q -1� through the unbroken forest alffl , . . : 4 1 : I I ­ . � ­ . . . I each other. I I . 71 p ,(,in ' ri?,",nt, in,R)-nd, der " ', vred an ...... V I Wednesday afternolon, at Bayfield. on I . Dolly,Carl'in, 2 wins plus 16, and Mi:,s,- transportation facilities were of th<-� address rich in hi t),-i,n I -IM . . �tlie Rectory grounds, with a program I I -'r— James Devereaux, 2 wins plus 12. rudest and most primitive character. " . 01e; c- I . ,,, � 10") i1pented, lhis Canadian cousins, �. of various- spbrts. ­ An, A.Y.P.A. ,-banner for 'the cpu�nty INSULATE Prizes for men were won by W. J. Duncan, '3 wins ,plus 18; M. A, Reid, A few years later when yet .the * London Road 'Hti-roll .R.,,,l 1. ,Ili I . ,. 1. on avjng. such lbeaut�iful hornes and .-14i prw t1heir atten.t�,pri tq the, unpr�e.,ce- ­­­��4 i6if Huron -has beem secured, to be 3 wins plws 16; Fmd Johnstone, 2 and the seemed to be the outs.kirts of civil- �(111- I . d-enfe"t changes that have taken place * , ;,, .1 awarded tb the Brainch obtaining the I highest number of points durin-F the afternom, and. will .be conterrided for I . I k ' Your Ho, win,q phis If), For third prize Fred Johnstone, E. H. Close and Wm. Hari. were tied with 2 wins, plu-s t0, with- ization, two members of the family, Donald McGregor and frazer Me-. since hv last i.visited Orita,nio thirty .:.,. .1 �� years 9go, Mrs. Hugh McGregor . ,� �,., . - .r .. 'gh've, a' readinx ,was -nnual me ,by Gregor, decided to seek their fortune vAich, greatly .. � ,each year at the 9) plicnic. the former winning bowling his i ' - in the neighboring republic and cross- 14 � enjoyed. Wdth .h,er� ,broad Scotitisli ,� Officers -of ,the Association are: I - . . I loolwl nearest the,kitty to &ecide the . ing the United States, secured large accent and irnitable manner, sh� . - 1.� : ' , -Robert Archibald, president, a hd Dor- oithy Parke, sec.-tireas., of Seafort1h. 0 . ' * against excessive wrinner. . I - . iloldlings in Blue Earth County, the .. ,f,� I"e'Pt the gathering convulged in � , baugfiter for �1� An I "i " . About 110 wdre present. Tihc� ban- .. 11.1 nilo%t productive county in the State sAveral miniutes.�, . . . un"que feature of the was .., . riler was won by 1011`n,�p i ­A.ran 11 I iff I �,.,.. , , �f, wluclh -had, the most Voin �F I -I " ' - I hea-t---by using one Picnic at Bayfield- OT innesota, where, they prosperqdL n-varried and rai.ked large families'. th1uq making a valuable contribut -ion progiram I ��g Was, the talp dl�icing by -Miss Pearl , . 1�. � .. . ),J Hm'-pole, wil,i),/appeared at 6iffe-rent ,*. , , "., ., . :,N�,,. I . � - ,A sumiptuous baniquet.4.01-1 �, ,0 d . . AM'PI I . I . . — to the citizenship of the n erighboring . ., , I :hnles durine, the progranil.. Zwbel- . , �., � " W.' by of our Scientific In- . republic'. I I . . .1 ; � , I lent' violin Music Was, fbTni3b,ed, by " " " . Rev. Calder,, of - Qoderidh- liev. -G-ra- Birusaeh;- Rev. f q,8Ooun, '�6f . A m,o4st successful an,d enjloyable "ausipices I About , , an orchestra, the art4%'t,s being am -as � '. u , haim, of ,011ndon; :Rev. 11 lev, , 6V Bayfield; �i SU lating materials. plicnic unt&,r the otf the u Sc-,hoo` of Turnier's Unfited ri'day , a week ago two repregenta. tires of each of those faindlies ,paid Mustard, 9r.,-,Toinmiy ,Lang add Jar- I , 41", � - via H,ortoll� accom-panawlP by James. . . Rev. R.'T. APT �y Td, of London, I ,s ChuTeill, Tuckeii,eiriltill, was held on their Canadian cousirs a flying visit. I Mustard, j.r., �xl. . 11 on the cuffar ,and, sta'-, ., I ; . . . ' I I congratulating vire oducerif brF . 0 - ,iresaay .yneta,. I ne, caternoom 11n order that Thvir mimlon m1g`n1. art Horton on ifte &-iNdt. A.fterpsx- . ' ,: � � hov� are of the splendid Lion's Park aAd iwimming' splendid success. of the dtal, Robert I was, delvoted Itli, games, races aind be conveniently accomplished in the talol,ng of it . , , . . , , The pictures a ' ' W specialiZe in deliciot�§ ht� , "thighfi6g , .. . 4 1 , � ,:�,, , �,, .� ;>? , pool where the tiong annual water carnival *iir be held bw Wediwo. Arrehibald df'StWnrth� Pre4ided. C -Ain- I I spoi-tcz (of all kinds. A pleasing fes. liniiited tin* at their dispasal, Mr- .Mr. and M,nf. 'Ed*&,rd!s P r ld*it kliid . � �"­, � � I I k . . rt� I � I'll I '. o, .,­;� day ervening, July 22nd. The fift7am will include diving exhibitions on A1*%yardrV0e", 4Q the banne+. . ' V this hosipitality, and wivlllng theit Aft*-r� ,', , ' "' , ture of Ithe fo,ceasion w403' the presen- and Mrs. ,dwards sponsored I I 6abilon of a fian-debmt maritell d1ock ,happy evett.- ,In ,due time a large iegn to-u"S.ins God sipeta on thlew , ;, 41 h � . . , -- J!. � I-` by leading Canadiso amAtepts, au'l ehildien's event4g. 'Tho po6l and An exp'dbasion of Ohainks- frout the this work. 16W&A , . � , "Park, up6d which iho Lions club h -ti spent thd-fisands d ... dollaro, hitAhe .youtig ippetbiple p*boirbld, At the pieftfib . . I . I., ftom, the church and Sunday school and expectant crowd amembled when wgr, jo1nV,,ft*V all: r6paited.. ,t6 ,Aug, " ,T , ,, - j, . ,�,, 4 � . ) past teh.yearKilifig cpf#041 Ato value 'and *-�rth to the- --comido"Ity,', inias tendered the R&Vfielld rector atd P. u-nd Mft. thIbse �W* had, not already, m#t their .haragg �,Oejlibg � I ", , 1. 1. S'a & � "' �, . . . . I . , jhdt � , .11 I,, . ,01,4, �,� I -00ft hot weitther. I . r JV I ,;��,,')�,,.""�'. I oontregatiot. 4 &90NS-i "'a wed'din' g"t 'to " ­ , 11 , , I particutirlY durfili the to 1, IN. CLUFT W. Pepper. American eousini, �,wert intrvda,t*AdJ.6,h ,ftit, I . . 1. ,, , ­ . I , ,�. Y!, - Z"k, .." I ­ ? I_" , 0�; f, " � ; , . : ,z- . I I . . Y '. I . . I I - - (%, , , �!(�� . ­ . I I I � � I . , . . YM I 1. I ,. - , . . . . I I . . .: � . t - "'A , 11 " 6 . . I I % I . ,� 4,"Z� , , ;�, "I '. , . . � I , . I . I ll . I � I � - - , , ,. " 1� ,, - i,f#,�, �, � `�,. .,'� , I � , I . �.,' k ,.,&,'.-,, T . . ... . IM"'i I I . ,� ,,,�, "It" - ­ "ll . . .,� . I "? �. � - � ; 1-( � ',�'�. A��.. , �', . .1 1;1 , � 4f,4. � " ' ' ' 11 I -4 � , . . - ,A '6 . '. � , - t -I, ... ... 11 - . � �,�'� , - , , , ,�, " k.� 1; 1. �, �, . . ..­,'�,!�L,�..,;�,.­ � , ­­ . �,� ''.:, i���.-A�,.Y,k,,19,.,'�)��_.,,;%.�y�:I"A"�14,A�iN k , ,, , i, " �v , , 4� .1 01 �� 1 . - 11. � 1 A ,. � , " I . I .�. - ,v, -&+�,!!A",­.��.; --',�4.2`,L'!,,<­ � .1. 11 � , I I ;­� I .� , ,,, � I,.; ­. "," .;" .. ., ,W, 1,�);:.­ �,. ,�!q " �',. -1-1 . -I.. 1. � .41 1 Lt� I rl.(Ali� 11�;11L0k;.1..J 1�, ­., I I 1-11, .T..1",­�g.,` F,6 �,�&�, �-'.�,6?,'­.,?,", A �M,'�.i�i�,4�gq4,��,ilt';,�,',,I -MRA p � f, 1"..... I 1,