HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-10, Page 7V I - � I - 11 I - I - 1-1 - __._1_-_-__1 - . I I .- - .— -"W", �17711��;�7-,,TMT; _ � ....... ....... I 1W � �, ... , I ,I , - , , " '. , .� . ... ��, ... . . I , , I I .1 ��, I , I'll - � ,. 1 "'�"?­�'7� ,, " . , �, � � , . , , 11 , � ,7111 - 9-;,�, , ] , I I , . ,,,, � ,,, � . '. � : ,, I 11 I P� . I � - . , r, ; , , ; � I I I '. � . I � - I . I I ; . I ! I I . I I ,1 . � � I I . j I � � , � ....... I I I I j I . �� - � I , '� . I � � . . ; � I i , " �, I I - , I ;'I "I' I .. vi, I . 11 I : � � � t "I' �., . - . i .. " l , 11 I :�. � � , . , , . , I '.."I", '44 I., i � I i I � . ::,�� i I 1, I � . , I . . . . I � � , - - 14 I ­& � it ), ' " JULY 109 1936. " I . .1 .. - 11�% �., j -1 -*1 AVXUJN . . 0 �. � . I I I � I PAGE: I 11�1' - -, -, I - ______ -1 I ­ I - - -1 ­ I . .. � � � I �. 11 �11, . e _. . . ­ _. "&!�. . _,1 I I ­­ I I . 'rT. �, . ­ ­ - - "I __ - . . 1. I - I I � . I � . I I _. I - `-I . I � 1, 1� -----A-. - WX == .� N ­ a _ �, I I _' LEGAL V .1 � ,�� I �. . I was coming, wage the daMing recbg- bvq�-ti . .O*w et woe I 1� - � I __ nition of her big piecel at luck In bav- ' -_ "I -Uii Woio d" vm,n sei,d LWOON - i0d WU4401* _' *'14 1 . ­ I I— ­ - . .. I - ,,, ..., I—- -1 I - I � I I 1, I I � -100 I - -1-1-1 0 * . I I ;;�, - . I IN' I - I I 0- 1, -1 I ing violet eyes. so"". Iq d" I %WAD a 4910011.w on* � "' ' '.. I I . . . � , ""­_ I I . � I I �;' I - . I , . 4 . I . 11 , � I . HATS & NMR I ,, 'U,p the High Street silnr went, put- "If we bad two heads," &*j4 the , PX , We + I 11 I j " , , � I I � � ting her 'head in. at first orxq door visitor wkg(W. y. 'That is what is V%Wb6W . .... ...,. - ... - - - ... - 1A : I . Suecee&ng R. S. Hays I , . , , , . d11ALjAk1&L. &M then another to call a greeting, needed. With tw1o, heado ttw guillo- Selgrave , . L11 � I jj&rXi&tem, Solicitors, Conveyanicers 11 � � � I � for, Like the Cid, SWnela coWd say, 900 wouid lose Ina its terror. There BlYth - - - .,::::::::::::,:,::::- to I ­ . 1:1 five hundred of mly friends, until abe was M. de Ponwnarv; -he vms a ropft LandeW*ro ............. 0.0 Ln ;., aji& NW*rieo Public. Solititom for .. , 01 � 1, - * I UW Dominion Bmk. (Ace in,rear of f- . - it � 10 , - 44. 111� come to Mr. Twig's famux treasure- " a marquis, but it was as- s rogue Clinton ....... ­*** ., ­ Q.* 13.00 ..: ** Dominion Bank, Sestorth. Mmey � I . ­ . � . house. But she was so'buoy t1his thit I toved hkn. He was cosed up- Bruoefidd , * * '" 9 0. 0. 0 q.... 0. a $AT ,'�, t . I . . morning that a -he could not spare OA' to suffer --as so sekimu happens KiPPen ........... 0 #. * 0 #..* 0 &N I I I'll � , a lba& - I . Tritne than a minute even for Mr. with rogues. Before -his operation he Hemall ................ #.. a .�11 .L" I'll, 1. L Twig. asked for a corifeaoDr, and was four Bzeter .................... &A - 1, BY G. K`ATTENBOROUGH -, I." JOHN EL BBfrr ' I . I . 11 - I I "CiGod,moTning," she cried. 'Vzobd bows c1onfessing. 'Ahl c'etak u" , . . - . � . Nortk :, - - I 1___-__11-- -1_1 ­­­ I - ___ imorning! Oh, Mr. Twig, isn't it a belle condession!' said dw priest, Iii y A.M. ' L�:, I—— .I.--- � I ­ I psawistw, somtor, E)bc. heaven4y morning? And You with a furt Qutatre beures.' I raised my shoul- F:xeter .................... 10M 1, , , ,!, � , "I , I L T_ I � - ___ ____ -, � 'bunch of violets, in your butbom4ole.11 dere. Four hours, petits ftmeie, to Hennall .......... # .......... ,1QA5 .1-11 . , ssafw% : : Ontario (Continued from last week) ckbrisY Whoee Sam3ols, feeling with alid'stobd in her pettidoet "Yes, littlle Same* .1 like to wear recite the oins of a lifetime. ,And it Kiopen ..I.'­,.#.1VVG 0 ..... to 11M " " isaing " . . "V, � her qukk impulse that the was in 11ovingly at the besutfful glass shim- 'Your ey". was conisidered ".11 Brux*fleld .::.. .: - : : '.. "..0 0 AXAD I �,� , . I MIXER D. BEI -L, ILA. ImAwi had Uever heard Of HOWell- contact with oxnetMrig umiamiliar mering umder the candim Mr. Twig "Oh, Mr. Twig!' Samela ldssed Saftia was rocking with laughter; 4Mj.to. . . .*. . . � &I." ,�', j , I Wolt, no tirnk m*wt be lost in filling and exciting, vpened the dooir of Mr. was extraordinarily paxticular about 'him on earl cheek. ' "Ok Mr. Twig." fteing that she was ,happy, Tuftan Londemboro ....... I:.. ­ * * * * * 1210 -1 , I . up this newily-discovered crack in her 'Tvjg`s1 newbl-con*IvIed estabilishnilent shirt" for men and petticoats for Thleb her,leyes danicink-like the sun. hammerledat his Purring w a mason Blyth .............. *.....* ILIL9 �� "I Barrister a SoUcitor " M, light on bier daffodils, "I'm going to at -his stime. L amnbw. The neact nwTmhrvg, before aM stepped fearlessly InV31de. ladies, end into W. Twies fine whitie "."m 11 COm of late F. Hohnsted, Ka " caught the ea4y train for her "Wlheata beautiful shop," she ex- shu-ts and her own can*>ric and lam have �a visitlor." "Yes, he was a g-reat rogue. Alas, Mngham ..,..,..........:::*1 * M" I I 4villbj?" - I 0111 :"� INimt A -D. Suther4and) Conterence, Isabel found time to visit cbdrned. Mr. Twig said nothing. petticoats Saniels put all the skill Peltite Smrbele, that in the world ozie 1. L . :� -1 I - " Mondays, Thursday =4 Fridays. Clarwick's reference Ubmry and, ac- 'What a beautiful shop-" Satmela re- and subtlety oj her firm, e%quisitely Samela, whispered in his good right c&nn0t live quite according to -the gos- � . _7A_ - I , :1 Over Keating's Drug Store quire at least the outline of HoweAl's peated ,and again, with a gre,�4,throh endbwed fingers. I ear. In an!swer, Mr. Twig pulled the Pei, I myself 'bel-ong neither to God ' . 3;,tjzjj2 stoalmy career. She did not like him in her rich, ringing young voice, "Oh, She brushed -her foreat4mv" thick curl over -her I -eft ear and, teas- nor to the devfl, yet when you come C.N.R. TIME TABLE ' "I I at wD. - Perhaps ev4en her Bnglash what a very beautiful wbiop." 'thicket of baiT and ed- "YOU gossip, Y-oru! You loive a to tfhink of it, isrift jant the.,M"t n&- East , . . *n*str*ss bid nbot heard of hirm She stood -waiting, glossip above everything.", tura-1 condition i,q the world? I be- A -M. � � - � , 9 Her eye feH on a little Chinese ink- -Sti-H Mr. Manavey had not owne up . P.M. 1, . Would sound,. her on the firlst possible stand, exWWte in its velvet g4aze to bed. Looking critically -round the "A literary gossip, Mr. Twig." lieVe that to be in the middle od two Goderich ........... 6.40 ' 2.80 1 - VETERINARY abomon of next ternu If she hadn't "'NO, a gomip, -pure and, simp!e. extremities iss the very best place Clinton ............. , '3.00 ... and lovely in its sea -green dolor. "Will room she &-erded that she had enough You am too fond, Same* o,f justi- that we can be in," 7.03 , -that was a superiority to be co,vet- you ,keep that inkstand for me until treasures displayed, and biti h I her head. _,,�ela sho�ok Seaforth ........... 7.17 3.16 1 -it?" the chesot wrapoed the Venetian t Dublin ............. 7.28 3.29 ., jOHN gjt,EV]�. V.S. , .ed, though it woruld'be, dervastatir#g to I am grown up and can pay for ng up fication by epit et.11 ­ . Of" glass " Shari' I have her then, Mr. "I think I -like to feel, that I am Mitchell ........... �,� "How will 'protecdngly in the Mmy fkAd% of her T%69f You -know I have a 'holiday as -far away f rom, the de,vil as I can Honor graduate of Ontario Veberin. Isabel's secret feaTs was the fear ',you pay for - ift when you are gTown beat ,petticoat of all�-a Saint's D I I wV Cblego. All 4iseasft of donwsik that Sale Was, not as superior arid out- ?" . ay hour Whmn. shall I have then?" posIsibly wet." she .Said. . west- I' - f UP petticoat. Samella detwAed excess. A , Mitchell 11.19 4.38 I., �. wohnals treake& Cana prmnptly at- slowring to the me4ribers of her 'staff gimy bu&wg win qMy for it.,,, little riches was the condition of her ��011, if itt's a gossip you're want- "Arid 1, an coritraim like perhaps to Dublin ..'.­­*­* tmdlad to and charges moderate. Vert- as Ohe ought tobe. Not the least of "Oli, you will -have a husbarid?" ado,ratlim ing you can't beat her." Mr. Twig feel that I ebuld get a little farther Sealrolfth ......... �". 11.27 9.41 ' .......... 11.43 9.54 . winary Dentistry a specialty. Office her foallfes was this supposition tha't Samels rippled, into ,her rich, intoxi- There, at last, was her father. Mr. refle&ed for a moment. "No, she's awSY from hi!zn if .1 tried. You see, C-linton ...... , ...... 12.12 10.08 sod residence ou,Godorich Street, one head men are Inevitably best men, cating, addWsh ,laughter. - Mal-lassy went in -to his bedroom. and the visitbr for you. Mais quedle al- I am French to the marrow Of 'my Goderich ........... 12.22. 10.34 1 door east of Dr. JaiTbtt% office, Sea- that supreme ability ar4cl highest of- "IskWW, will *never have a husband soon t�e vft5le 'house caught the legresse! Cebte grosse ni-ere-la-jorie." bones. But I 'tEhgji,& too, for I fice am eymnymsous, . but I whall.11 . who �d his orayers. Then all .pp ". .. I 6rdL . Mr. Twig was still very French in- adore sern-sonsam � , `%b is boo later to� discruss, Howeli to- ."Who ls,jq�vbei,�w was deed. "I hate d - artill. In ber stockinged feet Sanjeja them," said Samela. ' right, Saknela. You know that to- The I-augh ' 44 - "'"llic'm are you expecting, Mr. "Novels and 'tpartridges -and teir APPIled again. Isa- NbOle down the staim and sk�fter than SvIrm- ' A. R. CAMPBELU V.S. mormw I have my, CkYriference, -and -bel is an apple." bolft slid back the bolit of the kitthen Twig, this morning? You look very K)n*-1 doWt km,w whi& I like the C.P.R. TtME TABLE � you must -have My'breakfa-st 'on the "An aprol'o?" door. fine with Your vilolets, and yo,ur see- be's.t. Yes, I do. It ts sertrions. The, FALSt - . Gra�hiate of Ontario .Veterinary tEubd,e at a quarter to eight sharp."' "The appleof my fabher's eye. She "Tuscan mine! Tus-e! Tuse! jus- ond-best coat; and youlve had your DuJue is ubways tel,ling me rot to � I P.bc C,pilege, University of Toronto. All Sanie�a nodded - her head s0veral is mly sisber, much, much ,older than can!" I beard trimmed, it's quite Van Dyck. plungie into subtleties that are qje,_ Godetwith . I— 420, ' &aeases of dw"tic aminials treated times. "And when all the cmife,renc- me. I at, not an apiple. At .hoaw I ian." I 'I I " * " *'* 0 * *: * * *::: 4.24 "Mew," said Tuscan, though there . y1lond miy intellig4ice, and, there I am Menset ............. ... I 4.33 by the moist modern principles. 4�rs in the world ­have eonferr4l' she arm: only a toro-4but I can w&it-.Rs was a little reproach in the MEW. "Somebo,dy," staid Ut, Twdg. again6 in tl�ezn right up to my neck, MaCxsw � Chatiges. reasonable. Day or night said meditatively, "welL. ,breakfast I can wait for that llovefy inkstand. He bad fashed himiself unnece Samela ,gave a tiny, very respect- insteald of obeying the Duke implit-it. Amburn * * ' * * * * '..*.*.'.*:* :* * .*.*.'.* 4L42 - C&US prgmptly admided to. Office on N�4bl still ha)ve;tobeputon the table, 00tres make a,pples, d6n1t -bhey? In -the darkness S s6arily- full pull, to Mr. Twig"s exquisitely- ly and on-ly going just as, far as I B1301& . . : : : : : ' ....... ..... 4Z2 � , Isa- arn�-_laps and Tus- d,re_q,zQ' b,eard. ,,Wbo? Wb4o?',' she take my. ' 5.06 � Xmin Shreet, Hensa,U, opposite Town she -ended with a laugh. "Therefore, bel ilis"�-,�he made ,her kvbice - - very CSW9 hesib Mingled and, rubbed and legio in theimorning dew in WGIt-On ,� .. .. ... - - .... 13WI- Phone 116. Breeder of Scot- deav Isabel, those who fry breakfasts jqyr, v, " ,b 0, .0 S, e - caressed asked a little peremptiorily. I ,p ressi e h u h, h were going , While Tuscan, in his deep Inly bezurtffal garden in, the ciountry. McNaujbt ....... 1 ... :::::::. rms I tish Terriers. Inverness Kenneas, will endurebeyond 1those who confer." "Somobody," said Mr. Twig again. AM what a OL-r4w I tb say Isabel is the Queen . of -, - happinew, purred "like a little j>r- . ,,,yes, _ a*ed . _ _.it- j&_,beconjing!, T .-�.�-.-4-.,...-..-.L&-&-&-&-&-&-&-ALI� 9.00 - - - ___ -_7 . 114.� _� -1 1pkiiEt'24 and I . B"mJL a Isabel fluished with anger. "Do not sinia,"IsabeA. is-a_High School- mis- Che t,W' _Sa=W&'� whis to -him . _� �L 1E la, 'plabb and � . S .- .pered- _%4w 9 I., f plant. ,You - west . I talk Samola, of what you � do not tin- tress. -,p - ' 1� confidenMally, scratdilnj his head a,ud coa-'dngly thi's t*ne.' . . we this black biofw upon my breast? A.3L ­ , derstan(L You -know nothing of con- . "You and your goissip and- * . "Is shg?"' vaid Mr. Twig, respond- massaging film, delici,ously in ithe I ur Polor Makre Paul, m7 gaTdener, died .Tom*b6 ................... 8.80 I 1 ferences, and it is vexy eertain.tha * t'Ing deliciousl,y to t1le child's play. tiny white dab under his chin -where curiosity ­be Off with you _., all eighi .,dayi a -go. That is why my MeNaughit ................. 12.03 1 MEDICAL you will nevvt hasist, at -one." - "And 'I suIppose a High Sch,0,01,- njjs_ most of all he lov�ed, tio, feel her com- three." .. . lbow.,J* blapik. *But IS it 710t"WOnder- Walton ................. O.. 12.13 . . ' "Oh, yes, .1 do. I c6nfler witli ,Mr. t]�eso ig very ilugh? - Quite Alpilie, 9 " , prekendizig, fingers. 'Ttzrr-r--r_r,Pj' Tu -s- Acl am real but the other two areVt ful how I keep my Agure?vl . Myth .................. :... 1223 DR. GILBERT C. JA,RROTT Twig, with Tuscan, w9h nrlself. IMW ft, an Alp del*hted 9;;;j;j.. can answered in an ecstasy, walking so I can't take them away with! -me, P�Wondftful," Said samels. ,qt- 119 Auburn . ................ �..... 12.32 1 There are too many public co,nfer- cgSh�g is a ffisthry Alp. You oDuldn,t away ,in. tbe 'black night to the cor- MT. Twig. Who is it?" sihe asked sad that the bow is black, but the MeGsw ............ �, 12.40 1. . ' .�J r Ot ,g he, lf in the I k d, sh h ` ..... :: 12.46 . Gradbate of Faculty of Medicine, enceg. Chatter is a much belbter stump ber in the datO -of -a treaty, ner of 'the - table 4or th,a sth" again, contradi in Me blac oes ow ow white you am, .Menset .................. University of Westem Ontario. Mem, ,woM. for theim." . . joy of woman's way. . I . � . or the 'cause of a war, or a step in a coming back. tio'kenew the ravishing 49 I Madame." Goderich ............. I ..... 12.56 -11 ber of College of Physicians- and "Salmela, " said Mr. Maillassy, white gen,e.1,01gicail tree.11 ' She laughed. Mr. rub of greeting. �Thtn, curled in her Somebody," said MT. I*ng. "Yes, as* white and as round and*' I 44 1 1 1 � 1� Surgwn,s of Ontario. Office, 43 Godie- with rage, since you cannot show Tw,ig laughed too. Yes She will have arms, with Me great girth of tail In her bedr9bni Samela polished the as fi.rrry as ever, ftnk you, dear God. I - 11� rkh Street, West. Phone 37. , respect to youx sister't$;Mgh position a 'hutsband, he said, to"'k-imigelf. -She drooping d6wh her petf1coat, Samel-a Jambe -an chair and set it in the mid- But Vooi Maitre Paul.! you cannot - I ''. I I . . Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay. and great resiponsibilLities., fetch my is a bewitching littille mtLid. She has carried ,him, tiPAbeing mundlessly, .dl,e of the little chamber on her -blu- think how sad the garden is.; no gardener." I L, I . slbppers and go at once to bed. I bad a playful mind�­thanks, .be to ' est Clifnese rug. Tb- the side she flowers ,he, intendled reading to yqu the letter I good Gbd the Up't6 her bedroom and ,deposited him, vie' come out art all - since . ,,W�ej.l, yee,,,a.,.vVm&n ig'-Very ftfe , . DR. W. . C.SPROAT -arod vi-Anging heart. - But with fresh caressing on his black �Placed &, little three-leggedt t�ble -of hw-went� -elight day$ ago. If a wo­ witih a c , - - I . 7- have -composed. 'to a6eo,n*XUW 'the 91- Efte must not wear an .ugly little, cushion on he I r ivory quilt. oak.inlaid with holly wood, on, which , she can't at. *Now, petite Same*__ you' � ,1 - .11 bum of sigmturve Elhe put an oldDut-oh pawter,vase fil I I I - do-bettie'r -than choose a gardener. oat. Soon . "YOU MuSt wake me without fail huaba,nd, and then you wAl, have a I Graduate of Fa�ulty, ,,of Medicine, to Mr. Sherson, dresslike that eveni:r She, has ablue A have a you will tisivt a I . ­ " 4n, for ,there 1. - -.1 daught". I, .you know, have , a, . University of Western, Ontario, Lon- �ut slince you have come in ,late, and ibutte,rflY in 'her 'bra -in. Oh these a� -half Past Six, Tuw ed with her daffodils, andby them gard is nPich better than a lord dkmL Member of Col -leve of PhYsd- an one ,of your frequent fits -of rude- shocking Englisth'!; Mr. Xwig I was, of will be dreadtful , trouble, won't the three, cbarmdngly-bo�ind, much� -or even a' Member ,of Parliament. I daughter. Did you know -lb?'" , � cisno and Surgeons of Ontario. Office nes,s, you must, as so often happens course, 'Enelisch him -self, but after vo there?"' said Samela the hoilsekeeper worn 1'�We volumes; It was hardly can% thlink why, but he is.'p � "Of eourse (I kmw it," said &mela. with you, forego famiay privilege,p' 1 necessary for her to take them from - In Aberhart's ,Drug StoTe, Main St., many yeaTe -in Pa li with the cares bf breakfast on her the shelves -at all, since she knew* Tuscan got up andarched his back "All the world knows -it. The-vmiev- .- - Aleaforth. Phone 90. I "Oh, but Fat1her, You inust re" It begin to be ETVAish all over again. bare, firm shouklers. - Then, slipping to draw attention to felinity. 11H)e is inst you is that 7<m inWwt - I . them so welh­alt*srt backwards- . ance agall ; - to -me." Weal did Samela's 'generous He was find'ing it I a little difficult. into -her night gown and blowing out that there would be no need for. her saying," said ftmela, Othat'if S, W0- upon her t000 much." L . I . � � peftepItive, heaet: know the dissip- Ti-jis child would br��:p him. He felt the candles, she mameuvred, herself man, Tnust have a favorite, a cat is- . pointinent that woulld be caused' by that he Could help �her. , arrcw bed. which in reality to re(f resh mern they the best ,of all. Better even- #mn. a (Coutinued next week) . DR. F. J. BURROWS into the ni ,her 7 iiicih LOh, Father,- ' a-.Torded no room. at all for a pjVjpi- were -on the little table, for eomph- � � . I . .n . .abizstentiion. you So -Samela at the threshold lof her . . Office and residence, GlodeTith St., must." te-ens, and Mr. Twig 1-oloking straight tating puss ,on a'spreading mouind C,f - mient rather than tw prompting. In . , emat of the United Church, SeafoTtIL A'Well�-" said Mr. Mallas.SY, at sixty, pledged friendtih-1p. Aaready cushion. But ,%,rr&la the phil6sopher - front of the ,chair, at a deferential � I . Pkahe 4& CoToner for the.County.od stimulating hadta.ti.i*n. . He ached tO at twelve, Safmnla was con3umed with kn'ew t1hat manoeuvrirg is the ,con- - 'istance, she placed a cane-selLted . MMU. hear h:AtS lcrv,rn voice g:ive, out once a gr�eg�t ihu,nl,a' . � a culrioslity. -'Now, -at duet which makes th-re-e-fourths ',.,:- -6tuart stool which she alsb polished ", I i . li more theSDnorous wording of his fine crie and ,twenty, as, MT. Mallassy fin- life- ' into cerbritony. Then .-� rubbed up eSNAPSNCT�CUIL � .I - phrases. ,�Weilil % But you do not i,cihed reading �his better, and sh-e - Her head already haX-caught in heT S"ver candlesticks and a lowly 11 I DR. HUGH H. ROSS delservt it. ,StillL�but first apollogize raised her head rm thierl;; Sleep cairne out od the sheet to whis- old silver dish, and, slipping her � Attend to Your Shadow Contrasts ItIo Iswbed.11 .,z1houlder, that curiosity, under Mr. ,p�er into the darkness "Good -night morning dreve VveTher head, unknot- - , Cradurt� of University of Toronto "I beg your pardon, Isab . , V I �ted her Wr and coiled it round each � Faculty of Medicine, member ,of Col- � ' ell; I will Twig"s, tutelage, had been -, satisfie(L &ar Tuscan! 'GoOd-ndgilit, dear, dear ' , . .. . kge of Physicians and Surgeons of pray very earnestly ,that at to -mor- In Samela!'s mind were ranged little .Mr. Twig." . I I ear, Then� she Efted Tuscan on to - . row's Conference a 1-feadmistresdes documents of hutmanity. Hbw peaple, In -the ,austerely. rich little chamber her petticoat -knee and 'brushed , a . . ::-;.:--.::-:-:- I Ontario; pa:§s graduate course in 1. ' :�.... - ,-.,.-.- . bigpurple -plums of wisdom may fall real people, had lived and.loved and the: lovers slept. deeper g1loss into -his, tabby -forest of .... X -:y- X 7'... I I ., ".M..... .. - - .N. X.: C%kago. Clinical Seboal of Chicago ; .. :::;.:::::::::::::l:.::; .. ..% from &H, lyour inbuthsi and the very thought and felt and, laughed and %, fur, while in response to siieh de- -.­*.." ! .�::::i;..`l_,-.`- -,:;-j:.:j:.:jX . * *::-l::X1 ....... , " .....1.1. - . Royal -Opthabmie H-ospital, London, .. .? ..:, .1 .:: ..::.. 1: .i:i::;i:.,�,i::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,..:.��l-: . , . .M.......... - biggest frcim your own. Now, Fa- suffered and died, in all this khe had . CHAPTE' c pt&red ,to his ' :'.�',liii.-i,.'iii�.,..;l-i i�*"" . ..; ... _ . I I............."...P,IV."...."....- -:-� I.... ,.* - England; University Hospital, --Lo,ft- R 11 lg� ` ..:.:-;.:.:......"...:...:....z L �::.:::-X.: ::.-,:X:,::%-,- :.:-:.,s:: . * "I .. , , .. %, . "�� - :: �... """ "�*` .. .: ---- * N'. ::­:-::.-*:-:,:. . . . . . . :' I - :. -if:-ll� l --1 "I., " .... ". . , W. ` , ..* . .. - ", ....�iiiif.--.. . I ..... . I full , dear , ".:�i.:!.1i:i:,iii� 1, * .11 * ;: -.1l 1:1.".: - 1. - _..-.'.-.:l' :, .. � i:*,i:,--.,-",�'l... I i , , * ...I. .,orchestral- score. "The ;;; " -,:,�,�-!�i! ;:::,.%lll"N,i*�i�.i:, , �0 .M.M111, ', I yl?-Iffl. --31 ... . ..:. In .. I , � ...... _.*4 .�. -:11 . _.. ther�-the letter." an immense'knOwle-d1ge. Szm*-ela had, not' had a visitor for God, Tuscan, when He wanted to ere- "N' 110141-1 !�'n..I.-K .m. ... .1. 11, don,, Engiand. Office Back of Do- . N �.�*�:,:.........,.."iii�!i.,i,.:iiii�,,�.'�:!*?!� .. - ..::; .%:::::;�,i:ii�*i*:-:.*-:�.I.�,�.�,� ..zli.-F. .. %. .... . . * ...... N 01 "" '1* %'.It'. �. SaTnela, knelt: down by her mother The letter distressed her beyond 'a I'Dn' � :.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:... �-, -V k, I 9 thre. She felt *he might in- ^:.:.;e...:.;l;;.;.:.;.;. I- .'.I -� .. ...0 .. , , *10010101�-_, �. . . rnhLion Bank, Seafortb. Phone No. 5. ' *.�`-�'.-?�-� i*;::-Ii;-;..§?�...:i-..�l;p-*.:'.'f:�:�,;.�'- i�i�i ­. . .. NOR` il� .*.'. '.. ....... ­$ . . and leaned, her h0ad across hq,r dul' ate a sbund for happiness- put the . ;=,:;" � .. �,: i: i: i; -:�;.. �.?�'.'.!,-.,-,:.,.%�,�—.,:�,....i��!.-,.-,���.., -:- V . . ... ­­ .... ... . ­­ ,...;...... . ....... K. ords. She wondered for a Moment ge herself.'. Her father'bad, had . -� ...... - *.i' ,0:00 . r! -1._`K1?! -10--- . . �i�--li�,.!i�..:�ii-.,:,iii.�..�-���*-.�*,-.i�i�'..!.!....:: `,'.-'.*. !.N,.".-..X,l`,l:* his letter -el , of Pu'rr ' ussies, didn't He,? " ... . :5 7'...,.... ­"­ � ..... ..... the eestasly of ... ` ... �_, I -ter * *1 ".." _***_.-.-.-_.-. .: .. .......... .. ..........? if any man, could write,.Q I 1-:?1.-.-1.lKKl _.......... ` ...? sho,ulder. The creaking of w nto your pi ... Nig%t calls answered -from - residence, niother's q : . .,. ...... .....i. foTth. f 1, ...... .. .... i. ... uch a let Isab .: .... s? -I": Saiffiela whisiplered, and Tus-ican's ex- .... - * 1: .: .. hair might -have been the sardbnic if li,� abandoned his Inind to -it. A[ban- her conference -though . .. __ ;!; ;;;; ... ;,X -, L ViCtOTia StTeet, Sea - .1 _ --- -_ .. - _. a e 1. . � pressive amber eyes seemed to an- I .. . I . laughter of the coradc spirit at Na- daned his fnind to it, as Samela well bet.ber than Sarnela how Isabelys, acad- . . i tur0s n7 in'd-roppirig such a child kn- giwer, "Yes, histress, mine,.that was " .. . emic go .1 � DR. F. A. McMASTER . ro I ew, was Dr. J'ahnson's ph -rase. In Ideh ecstasies were S et in a "... _..;!;:;:. , :: int His int tention, and very, perfectly do . . ::: , , . . I 0 2 a ing her her young idlealisra, she yearned t,o, -black* -Prame of fear -arid her . . . . . . :...:l: -::t:,: Graduate of the University of To- mother .. ...... I ! as ;L sister t1o, IsTael--a dictionarl 'a- think that there'were 1i we fulfill it." The purr became a ;., ...... ronto, Faculty of Medicine mits, - nar- had toW .ber only that morning, as 1XA_*..._._._._. :....... � . I gaiinsit, the Hesperides 'of �HeTrick, a row, -refreshing linafts-to the ca.pac- theY made.the beds, that trusting be- boom. '' " . � -.-.-,.-.-.. : -:h I.--- . ..... ­...­.�... ­;.�... ­;.�.... ­;.�.... ­;.�.... ­;.�.... ­;.�.... ­;.�.... ­;.�.... .. i :::�....... ...... _ �11 , .-.:....-. . ".. __ .. . . Member of 0ollege of Pbysicians primer. to ,parsing paTtnered 'by the ilty for such Nbandonment. She breath- came every day easier, more'siatisfy- At last She was .reaay, but only ..... X1, ,R..... . __ - .. .X .... . andSurgeons of Ontario; graduate of "divine -chit-chat" of Cowper. , Her ed a little prayer that it was. bnly ing, and m1are beautiful. If Samela just'in time. , ' . .. i* :l*'i.....,.......... - drop- .1 :K* :-:,,i;, - :�:i:.:�:i:�:i:::..'......... ; ...:...... .1 .:.:. . -,.-,lk,�� would but try it! ���i�:..:�i:i,�...�i:iii:i.:i�?,-.-,.�"; New Tbrk Post Graduate School and beauty.was so -much ,of yesterday, s o. h . o could Sapiela went to the d1o0T and �:j:j:j:j:j:�:i:i::��,:'.:j,.j:.:*.��i*.i- -er -father wh manufacture Yes, s1he might zu.,R, .. - . .;:,... I . Lying-in Hospftal, New York. Of- allien, lin, '43 individuaffity, to the s ped a deep curtsy, then, holding out i;�ii�i����..�i;,.Ii�,�i.i-i.,.�;:,.ii�,-'Ii� ;- .................... . :X*; ' fice on High Street, SeafbTth. Phone standardii.mtiofi of,to-day, that when uch an abandoned dlocumtent. certainly 1p,prmit: herself a viadtor. both her armis in a ge,sture of guid- i.�iiiiiiiii!iii��ii��..."...,.i.,i.,:��iii',i:�i:�.r�c���i".�i,* - I . ""It is a (beautiful letter, isn't it, But who should it 'be? SameIa con- put her visitor, who wa 11111�� � I �i�������i�.,.i";,:i�ii"",i�..�i�.,i.,.iii-;-.i.�-.i.i:: p � � .., 27. Office fully equipped for X-ray �&.,Twdjg looked at her -viblet eyes Sa-mels?" said Mrs. Miallasis5r. sidered a minutle, a delicious Smile I ............ I I , ­­...". ::;::::: ing, s1he �.: ........ . :;.;.:.:.:.:,:. I . ... :::::::�--.'*i-.-i*K-i. �:j:1!j::j::j:14,:::�,::*:* ...;$1.. o diagnosis and ultra short w ' little -heavy, ifito'tihe r6-omy-Jacobean lli:iii:i§�'�**.*-- aTO elec- slert Jn their forgelt-lne-n-Dt Sea, her Mr. Malksay looked at *her over dancing 'lin her imilolet ,eyes, as- -they " ii�!�;�j�!:�:'I�;i;* ... I ::****:.i.:��.'.*.,�!�;.*..,--.,-.,..,.,..g.....: . . . . . . . . . . . . .;.Z.::�*, . . . N.- ..,-::.:. "i*.- ,.-,. - - - - - - ....-....�.i.;�iii:i:�.;.:.i.�.:i�.,',. I tric treatment, Ultra Violet Sun LaanP deep cheir, and had a feeling that she - .. ... �-�-�-�i�-i*:-�-'�.,-ii'K - , ,-:j:j:::::,5:!:.:.:.:.:.!.:.:.:..... � � ... .*j:j:l .'i�i:i:i:i:�:j:�:�:�:.,.,.,.:,.$.:j ���. cream, cheeks, and kn*tted hix spectacles expectantly. travel -led along the X .X.:.:,.1:.1 �i�i' , ; electric .Xows , of we,11- ' Xiii:� ... ...... ­...��i��:i ::::. ... treatme)nts, and Inf ra Red it would like to lay her head, against W contrasts, plus .::::.-::::`­ .. :�l...*l:.: . - :,:.:.,::::*:;:.::...::.: :. -..::: * , � - . . .:,.!:::::,: I.,x:'... :::: ..... ... . .�,� - " I thicket of forest-bilown hair, at the FatheThad no -help from, me, P9 said. worn, beautifully fadlad ba6ks on'the Strong shado : .. ....:.,%::::::...,::::.:::.:::.:.!::::: .. ts abnemts. Nurse in attendanm wide m1outh, wistful' -with the trag- ,,, - j-standirfg austerely carved that cushiony bmdit. (jh! What a I........... �.. -:.l . 1. "I . , — ed,y with, wh',�dh Sa,mela'was ,alread Isabel, 'con*letely nusunde . hanging book- ,bosiom it was,! But that would have foreground objects and a fore- ' "..; * . y her 9ster's sillenc�e. thelIvIes wNich were Mr. Twig's own been facifliar. Instead, she kisved the ground 11frameply all combine to _, . I % w,Ll acquafinted, or whimsical with Samele Smile& gratully at Isabel work. Her e7e's stopped at thTee I - DR. F. J. R. FORSTER the'�,lniischileifs and ludicrous conbor- for gfiVinlg 'her, , h i Sly tilps of her ,vd-sitor"s fingers.. and then give these pictures depth and I �, . thoug unconse lou. dumpy little.,mialumes long ago - - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . tions of ,life as it played itself out jLXovM?n,t. "I am glad, Father, you rated into shabbines.9. , ye:Svere- dropped, cv3ss-legged, on her little perspective. . - ,, 4, I , 0 Of ­­ I I � . in the comedy ,-,he loved, he, called ,,A;.d it all iby yours,elf.,, � ., course. She h4dii% ,had. 'her for sitool, while Tuscan arranged himself I . .1. I... A I I.... ... . ...... .1 I,, Cyraduate in Medicine, Unirersity her Little Fast; but *heh ho looked 'oyes, all by myslelf," said Mr. Mal- long ti -me, and .4he was the gilea a in a superb attitude at thre corner of . :;x.-:-:-:-.". 1�,! .�'. _....:.: ': . . 1_ . � test, the Chinese Tug, his tail enveloping J- z J- ­­:­oX . . ..:.. �:,::,:: . .. '..... %..: , 1, .:-:�. ..... of Toronto. at� her eager, questiloning ,md,n,d­Stand;- lassy prioudily. $'I Made no calls up- rn!os:t delticious gosSip in the world. his frofit paws, and his head coming .!:�: 11. . ..�.1.X::::.X-:-:% ing on ti�p_toe for to -morrow, at her on Isabel: Giobd-nilght, imy. child!'" Good gossip, said Samfelt, ,c .., ­:::::*:` 1 opylng out from 'his inimense -ruff as though , ", *:i*i-�:�*. :.:.:.:.:. .. . 9tant New York Opthal- fr6edoxnIg and liter, candlours, and her He' kissed. her with a moment'ary Mr. Twig, is of thle good 4b,& She it 'had been dresised, not 'by Nature HAT makes some pleturee .� . . Late assiL , . inei and, AuTal Institute, Moorefield"s insdistencies, the Ivid his a.rtiet's ,hand feeling x�f al:B�tion, which had to be Must make her roiom flit for such a ­.... - .. . Eye and, Goldlen SquaTe. Thrroat Hos- on the ,lo"ly curve of 'het tawny -head momentary -because all this perman- reception. Throbbing with excite- but by Queen Elizabeth's perruquier. Wseein real enough to walk k: -.x;,--.-.... '. -by Isobe rnent, Sa-mels ran out to bu. * r g .R.... -Vii: pitals, London, Eng. At Gommarcial and called her Little Future. Little ent affection was absorbed -1 y some "Ah, you havle a cat -:a tabiby" I ht into, while others appear to .. .. X:,... ­l:: . ' . "...X.....' . Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in was a mere term of endearment, for whom he never ,kilased at all. That dafflodils (vom, Mr. V&laeTnyyS ff6mTly ,Samtela touched Tuscan's head- iTrbo a re tKan a design on a :�X:l;:V2. !. .. �.. b!aw. be little mo '. ii. . :; .. .. .. .. ... , "Do you know what I am ::-: I.,.: '' each montli, from 1.30 P.m. to 4.30 Sarmela's ,height was just right for ag,ection was Voo great for kisses. little triangle of a ShOP-in, the, eor- . flat wall? - .:::....­. t, South, Strat- t1he vividness of -her co -louring, and IF calle&Jby nrAelf ?" p,m. 58 Waterlb Stree &d he ever ventured upon it, it ner of Carwick's 'big eleeppy Square, . The thing that makes t,he dif. M_ I 0 . � I 9107d. � 'he strong fimn.mould of her bbd'y. wortillid have bwk in the spIrit and rutined lilloe ,so many lovely old, -town "Of course", §arnela replied, ,"une. , ference to that quality fn a Pic- . Her impr*ssion was, that of emerg- with it -he gesture of -the pilgrim to, Ezvgliffi Squatlets by a statueof Queen chatte blanche sbus Is turtelle du Bien ture, variously called "perspective," the high lights will take care of ing ,from a damp, dense shrubbery Rome who asks only, a toe. VictoTia , t1i'vo Mmension effect," themselyes." That, however, does not . to an open, ffunlit garden. Isabel was -bedroom b # in wbil0h n*0t u single sym- ,bon. I ,have a Biens-�bon too - his "dep' or "third s list mean,always to expose for a very I . 'Sgmlella went up to her 01 Of r0yaltyt--orb and &c*PtnV and na,�� is 'MT. Twig., Oh, he is such.. a that puts objects in relief o t - d9eD 9hadow, but, In general, to ex - DENTAL Njorth and East, but Samela was 'and lighted the candles standing 'iftt crown and the rest --which baftle -the dafflng, my Bien�Jbon." they appear solid, and makes it pog . Wel�t and Sbuth., In the houses of each eM of the -tiny efilMney-pieee in -gireateist sculptors in -the, unconquer- "Every wK*n.a:n needs a Bien -bon," s1ble correctly to perceive their pose to record detail In the Inter - Dr. J. A. MeTAGGART Carwick, where Samels moved as thei-k bftUtijfMj. talil 0hippe,ndale can- able -Problem, they prese,nt of &priv- mediate shadows. . , sajd the visitor. "So, .1h addition, to relative size and Position. . I , -up Another way to accentuate dej�th s .h a Welcome, fi�mihalr sipirit that dlestic4cet. Fhw7th,izvg in Sanvela's Ing magnificence of v-u.jgadi�ty, had a Bien4bon, you -have a cat. WAL I In photogr4hY, -this Quality Of In a photograph, especially In Scenic Graduarbe Royal College orf Dental vhe very rarely knocked ,at a door, bedmolm would haive, ivet a coigwis. beeh forgotten,. Samela, often help- have a* little dog. You aTe mn7vis- Surgeons, Toronto. Office at Honsall, she owed little ot her 'reception * th seur achinO-the three faded old ed Mr. V&I'llenVy as ist, reality is created chiefly by proper views, In to Include a distinctive Ont. Phone 106. . her 'beauty.- who, a flor had ed?, This is ,how it 'happened. One attention to contrasts in lights Land I 'SaMeWs VOlue was thle 0himse rugs, the oakj !%thic be,L UnIfOrtunsfely married -a most un- day I was calling a littlt -dog Which . foreground object, which emphasizes . I . attraction not of person. but of ,pey- with it,s carved head and foot, the -flow-er4ike wife, witb hit- bouquets belongs to a friend who lives at the " shadows. Remember that to fthieVS the diminished size of objects In the : � I S-onality; the lovvly iviolft of her Jaeobean armoheir and the -little Pan- and 1posies and wreathe-, ,and the ,mA of the park. #WhatO Said my reality In a painting, the artist Cm distance, thus creating flepth.11 A � AUCTIONEERS ' eyes was forgotten in tWr went, elled chest scrolled round with the bunch 'of dhffodils he began tio make friend, 'do :�ou ,like. dogs'? I Will ates light and shadow contrasts, but human Agarw or tree, In the fore- " I , . . — limpid communication at the very be- Tmdbw rosie, *11I slowly gleaming Out Up for the Sirpence She proffered had *end you one of the prettiest you that in naiture silch contrasts do not ground at the right or Idt, will often ­� . .. ginning of an effogtfIA' tale. "You of the dairkness, -into, 'the goft candle- to 'be Prurje'd' with a- gentle bdt-ftrin hame eveT- seen.' 'No, thank you,' I always come. ready mader. They must serve the purpose and at the same I HAROLDPALZ need not tell nw; I understand." She light. For a mon-wnt &un,vel,a gave remonstrance. ea$ck 4I 1havemade a resolution ne"r be looked for. in nature what often time add Intereft:- - � . Licensed Auctioneer had a genim for roltut%ns, a moigic hnveff up again to distiress about the "Noo, no, Mr. Val-jej,jy, reAlly not again to indulge mWseelf in an aftec- seems a good picture to the eye Is not Another way in to chbose a vwtage � I Spedaji.A 'fft farm- and hmmehold in dispersing the bhougihts and inef- letbw. Then ishe ghobk .h.erselff free 9? many, Pleas"e- � Just a quite fair tion ot that kind.' But a fle* days a good pleture for the C&MOM UZI% point which will sive the Picture a I esae& Prk-eq reasmable. For date& dents of pettiness and littie matter, Of it, and fZ40M 1h,eT 8RtChel, of old 81xPe"rnFW0`rt1h- I am r1lot San*k. I after, I qaw a foobman bringing a because of the aboonea of contrasts foroground "frame." Such a tram* and inforwnWOon, write Or PhOn" Har- ,ind rdi-Wng instead the ch-ann-jind enibossed Spanish leather, which Mr. On 8 customer." - little. dbg4mmel,' ail dw6rsted with The -eye is aided by our ImWnatiOn. often serves where long t1badows and " oN Dale, Ph -one 149, S80010, Or texture Rnd dolour of lidle. The co"I!, Twi g had boWht, ,in Pordova, twk ,'%et S-)OU9 with Your being a em- ribbovs, and out, of thig t=t%r. but not so the lens.. In the prtnt, the distinctive foreground objects are . moot she evokpd was never bow love- iotft f rom frnan tooler," said Mr. VaIllemly, fattening ml jumped a little perft scefte may ttirn out list and uuin, a , lt� I . &Wy at The Expositor Offit I y wrappi.ngs an exqui- "m _ ,bseut. Foreground trees with lacy . ' * 10 ly she 6oked but -how drelightfu,j She BOO Venet*n gh&s% which Mr. Twig Out the 'bungh again. "How is your quift extraordinarily beautiful, with- teresting,.especisily it we try th In- d splendidly , i, ­ . I m ade y1ou, feel. Onl'y, the old tra,ge- thad Lthat evening Ivrit her, though Mr. Twig too.&Y'r, ears, coat and sweet'breath ,like a elude the,whole country,, side In the useful as frames. They are ftU of' . Ay, in"her own -hbnve wtas, Fohe iadpot. n -just of ihiv I -ends tuTned into 'keew., NIO'bhifig 80 d8fithted Samela as the little sylph, the faiziest of Ove fair.. I ' picture. � beauty In themselves, and, If In the Current Crop Report ent, Againat Isabel's Qcademiciwm Sh',- 111vid, the graodul, elenderress up recoigrAtion that 'Mr. Twig was bers. was never more surprised nor rnore Hence, to got Vmpeetiv*, %my at- print they show completely In s116 1, and her father's sabibatarianism, Sam- to the cankle-ld-ght, and After she bad ',I haven't seen him, yet, ,but quite embarrmaed. I would havt- retumed tentlon to light and shadow oon- honetts, that to to say, in dark out- , An average yield of fall wheat Lq ela's gift and Sfflnek's graces were in Mr. Twig's ,phrase, "learnt" -it, for well 11 hope, tank you." , it, but the Servant would not take it trasts. Look for vantage points that line wtthont Intertor detail, the effect indicated, Wthlough the stMw iS 81hoTt. ws a flower with -out water, a Plant beRutitUl thing* in silv*r and giass "I haven't seen 'him either, but ht's -back Soheillee"inhis klennel and beat reveal them. Usually the longer Is often all the better. Everything * .1 spring 'gimiyo ate row heading and withbu,t soil. ., . and china and wmd must be 1,jeajrnt,V �been in, 1 kftw, bleftuser there waa eats nothing but bres& I try not to And more sharply defined thrb shad- be�ond to accented by the dark tout . I . ffrovobh Is sat$or,act�ry.- -,R,00tG ani 'Sonvels mme oMy twelve wl*n, Mr. like 007metS, blefore they can be threepence, on the emmter and a beemne too, atftched to it, but it be- tayming crops are in -heal-thy o-ndi- Twig ,canve �o Carwick from parig, known, s0he put it &wn* delicately 1Pn buhch 'Of ViOlOts 9101W. Vmt's Mr. gins to I i ke Tne, and I am, Afraid I own the greater Is the third dimen- that strtkes its deep note In front. . I , t6an. Oom, was pUnteKi Under favor- bis right hand so crivpled. with rh*u- thO litfle oak table bar,e Of everlf- Twig, Tight eMwh. He doeff love sball succumb t1o, its affection. But I slonal effect and the appearanie of Similarly a foreground archway &W con0ftions and %, a 9*Ood stand. nlAtialm that he could no longer carve thdng but a iround VeTietian mirror violets, doesn't bo?" dk*ad the ,rep"mokes of M&rphise reality of objectat depleted. In out- In a bridge or other structuto is not Ou�tinjgof alft1ft is general thr'Oft'h- and manipulate the woodh that , he whonAer gold had 11onig ago smiouldorred- 'q)oftret 1hel" echoled Samels in- Marphitskee,ma chere Samele, is, rny fit* door photography there is value in only an attractive element Itself, but out the Provinm; Whil-e of good qual- lkwed, but -at thig gnerbed finge4W & t di mem amd du,qk. T T, taking pictures when the sun Is low, helps the eye to move forward tnto , en 0 �y he she took teywe]7, azid though sbe hardjy ever tle pet dog at Paris." 1� ity the yWd i% expeOW tKy be bel<-Iw eit-1 the b,eLqt that France ham though.t ioff the &w." she had made- her"eff thmVht of )*r taic� as sibe .mn thut V(X courrse," 0aid Sarnels again. because then shado*8 are long and the picture to the scene beyond. I I * ge. Pastuirage continues excel. wee - ntuate the perapective. Alwayt Study these points before "n I .1".. I ... 11 - .. .. .... .1 - .. .. � ......, ......... r - ... I - - - .. I - I - - .' , - - - - .. .1 - - - - I - * - I* - - - - - - .. ...., , - - , .1 .. - - - - - - - - - - * , * - - - - - - - - - - - - * , - - - - - - - - I* * * - - - - - I I. I - - ..* * , , , * I - - .- - .. .. .. - .. - ..., * * * , , , , , , - I. .. - I ` - - .. II I - - - I, * , , , , , * * * , , , , " .... ... ... -.1 - ... - I 11 -1 .. .. .. �11 ". ` I � :_ : * - , , * , * * , * , , , , , .1 - .. .1 ... - 4" I. .1 :.... I I... .11 I .? _-, * * , * , - - - - - --- - . � ..� 5 - i - I I , -1 Th I h .n# -1 L., it .#I I .1. I - .1 ,:; � I , . ... � 11 t --_-.....-,-.-_e ........ - - - .. - . - - ..... i�!t- ... - ""'......... ..........._..... lrfi ...., ow ... 40 Avors dmutft &n<i written and reared and painted frolm, a JAfte bf su-Pple datnq,on, dam. 'Of Mr. VaDerny's queer 1100e shop, "RveTy%dy knows N%rphise." 4 .1 Sent. Damage ftorn mind aT9. ng and acted, frnpioOed iWon a harsh but ank with wlMch Mr. Twi,g -had ,Once with her daffodii% in her arms, beyond The vi."tor Moked round the ex- romeraber, too, the photograDher's "about." � neeftsitated aorusiderrable ftp1,ST*i firply-sch("ing and English chi-ld, e"*Tvd a Regmey Wa in a fambus her delight in the spring quisAtie %tOe bed chamber. ',%ore maxim: "Expose for the sbadowb -and 9 r) JOHN VAN GUILDUR I n"Minjr, - - I -_ I ,- - - -_ .� Of t0beem but 14 900d stand has de- holod. In her W47 tktle dTew and hQuft J0vtrT00ki7V9 the Pmv MWvwt I and ber flowen, and the mt%W= wba th&n one ffimr wou)d be nevemozy to I - welvw- - ­ l ,� . � - . il V . -0 i .1 ­ I ! . ; �j,�-.,t�-��',��,.,!. . � '', I . I ... � '4;� � I .1 � � I � , . I . I . I - I "'. � I . . _...��.. ­ ­ .- __1 ------ I- � ­ ­­ __.. I— .- ­ . . - T.......----.. �21 - I �. I �- ­.. I � I - . 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