HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-10, Page 6� 1.�.-",�Ill'.11..-,"","",.�I I - I-- I _. I., 11 ol I I , 111 � 12'. " t'I'tJ ",!?�­ ,�, �:� �, ,-�". , , ,­ , " I ­ .;. I _�I. . I.. I �,�,`IK ,�, J�,Vw"r"!"Iftli . . . . . , �,­ 'Il, ,1;1'. . 1.� W,tl; ,�!;lt,iW.­Wpj,Q , ,�� "." ,I "�, 'Iql-�� ,,, ��411ik 2" �,,q',­��,t I I IFP&5,'_'�' .�4�qi4,���r�7F!j,�;,�4'�?',,!"� � ., .,p % �.,�'Pql,� P%,�` ."I'lM,�1" . ,,�!�,"`S'W, ; hW 1�,ffl , I �1 _!,�­�J,:?Ifp ',*, ",�q"Tir"'!1H, ,,�I`I'01,�i �1�1� I � � % I. I ". ,ZP IM t,0'41�,,W II 1­�#, . I " ,, �,',;F, F z" C, " v , - f . e ,� i'� �,,� ,f� , I , , C,�, � �Iel�,:;',It"",� li,1111,:� �"?, � . , , ,�� ,!� I, � ....... i .. ... .... _....q_.-. ,1.111111�� 1�1, I,"", �;­­;­ I'�ll,�:"".%,��1,;�,-�,.�,,��,,�", .,,�l",.�,�,,,,��'ll,�'ll'.11�,�;,;.."�"', 7� ":;, � AR _ � �, N, 7 32"IZI �, �-, � I 0 N * , It I -�� ` I U., , "", � , �,�", cl,�,`. , " . ;. 11 , , "A I "If , �: "' �.,t .. , . , 4: �j, �'�� , ,,, O." � I ,�� % , 'I. .. i �': 1, I I . 1) �1*& 4 1�p q Q 11,MV,11, &�.,;-Z*04'111 , . � �,�2'1,:L,�.�,, �'', 11 .1 , -fi ,11 , _4 , DUTN,_7 ,� � , . .11 . ... 1,1��M MR, I P, I I , � . 't�. � " � I ,�,,p � I 9 ­­_ ­­�_ .. ''I I", IN, ",',,I I , . . , I � I 7�, " �. z -1 �: i, :: ., t . I 1. 11 , � :: " ,:- � . I - , "l, "" * . - 11� I 4": k_ -: � t- � '­�I, I � "I " I 45, I - I, ��N��, It, ,, P., ,,� It � ! 1, - � ,I; . ,, -1 I . 11, ­ 11, `z I "'.11 'I � '': L �". � . " " ' � , I , , . 1471-�, , I , -T"P�- ­ � I" I . . I . L' � 11 ,,, I � , , 'K 1. §, , , � , 4 . ,.' ' "' I , I - -, ,4', I I , I , - 11 , ,��.� i I � - ­­ "', , . �­`KWAW` W-4 ", I *!* - ; .. �_ _4v 1 llie* 11 I 1. � ". ,, �, 4 , '114 �,, I " � - ­ I . I _. � L �. I ' _'11!11�� , ;r,�;�Zi ,�', z ,Z " '. it", -4 , . " I— I I I P� - 91 0 � 1� �'u-s—'mAtLI I - , I , , " , I it , 1, ! I . , i . , , pp 0Q ( . . , .. I �F� , , . .. .' ', L' '.." � , - ,,, ( 6 t, � V,�,' -t � 1-1 I , I I , 0. �1, � � I i, . now"Ot . . � . I . I I � . ". . I 1. , � . � . '4' "`- �4 - ___�, .. V, 1. Ve. .., "I . I .- I , � � �: - , I . , -,"", - ki,�N�,,,,,`,`,� i . I � I , ai-o76,4,10w ju,-Vw­wo��-`: ­ C.M-A-1, —_, ­_ �,X�t ;�-,: � �'.',, t F� - V W I ` 11 " = � , 1* " I .. I , "9 �01 Iii "�""`­ ""'O"'�0""�""#;Ii,i�,,�',.,,,',,�it�,,�,,,',ik�"""l,,'.;� .,� .�. : .014 .,�:�tli , I ,� p Wwill,­ _, ;Ve I , k", X 'I .�,R ­ , y'. Q, , ,,..,r � "'. ; , It, I " � 1� - "IN 11 O� I , , :��. _ "; 0 t � �, I, 11 , . � I - I - , , , I , I , , 't , ffr , �,11 _4 ­.­. .;� , " , , I 1 � , , , ". , , , , $ _ , , V". I � , . I � __ .�� 1P � 1. ': � � ", r .., -V , I", '' ", . r1tit" �E op - , : . �,,i , , , . "­��� 111,111,11, ��,, I I � I I - ., 1� . . I �L � ,4 � ­� .. - , � ", , . I. . 1� .,I' ke . ", 1. . I ''I ".. 11 1, �- , �� L , " " " . I 1160a *ost Of � thl�- pp),614V I ., M , t thOr .. . 1117— - , # 11 -1 I ,� A� 1, .�, 111-1-.1. .1 1''.., .W., , go'. � I... !�__ ,�� . . . . . . . . . . . - ----- ­­,�­ �.---7v � 'A I 7 11 .., . . 1 ----7 1 11. I:- 1� -7 ". ,, � � ....... i--_ __ F".,% 1F, , - . 11�1 �, , lak I Igor., �� D'L . ,4� , " . . , " �, . ,�# "e, 'T% _ 10, , I J I ( 'M511':1`1�11�1 � J , §0 , I . , � ... 11 " ,, . 90� tit ,�:M , '1� �. - - � I . e;. - . . �� ­ __ 11 I., V--, �11 11, .11 mg . —, — ­­ 77, I � ':1-111-11 . '. gw. , " off the, 14b, ip ,�P, ,go on 04, 1 . , � . I ".. , All .1, I .." ... . � q�� : " I -1 - �' "Is , .." � I TIOM 1 "."4 ' �1, . I'll ... I , . 1, sfi&o 'hLa L'. -b ^ "I *Arl'k A *,d t.;qZ Provides J%Qrr�w�n F ' *11 . - ' . ued 1-00# page 4) I W. -, impurio -, , owo iton V I 1, STI!1, � , NE"";S I . 'X 'OeA 4,"W'' f Page 2) The scenery oii both ie I to ,, 4MOr to 480 g �.-4cl I" ­(CopM4 It %I' 1. , I very gralnd, to, -;day in to �1. , - . . , ' �: '. r, -1 . _*-air4 .. �'�,,A. ,',tl__11111-� 11" ". I'll . - ��snergj,,, ', Yes,, ling, � A few a e v. , us,- -. ,., Wx * , I " 'Mere V*1@04�. J'V�O wo.dn, up. XORT100144 Are 9-S"Od'-for ift-0 in,Q100 v"'FrII-14414, � ..... I" " �, � ... ... � ­ 11- I � - . �. w . .f 00 , . ... Md . � , , , 1,-7 k 41, ..... .ed lixt After , , 00'" 11,159 I 1, 77 I �� f , ,,Iy mentioning ild ' Y* . -1 I$m- - . g .. ,� p it. wp I '­; , ,:�� . L 9, teirdqy it m*s of , ties 1"Or Al Igold 'to, be . ,�, or MIM a; wi, ramar , na- ainokt.hewr night on this Ship * as we, -were . 1i ---Ioali '34"'As, 04060twes I opt . T"�" ': . I - o -at A , . - . I eble.. . p . ., , ` 't - M '.',u 04,0e§­.D4K" , - , , ange sights, to be ture, We have been valling through not UL Iftye ,till 0W. doy�. We were , . iin7" "' '; f"*� the VQ4.1sto". 1- 1 0 0 e many str .4-0 q � 1.:10�bere . nem -t%vk a twamportatA 0: 0 Th we'O"'W4. 1,0944,1P 1100�'.'. ­, IN 1, . , ., � - � 1. .1 appears to be a Od ,S,t. :Peter% lake this forenoon. It is, all sOrXY to part �*h 4ch otlilir as _ V.10pd People, - I x �"- c�4 -t , , lil;.'1�1111 .4 - -P I; Pro- - , �I 1, I 00 the laid- of the4e-1n�hers , Q'..01-, 7 86W am* ll, * on$ bqjo,g� lb. ed d f "N " I f1t 51 ­4,#,� ' , I 1. . um rad - C009A No y Lea I—. - .. , 'v. `� - e here on the - river, I thinks about, Isix miles broa& At we have lbeen iviewy ageleable d -1 . ' W -1,111.1 -amp InIstitute -a V &j' fki� ,48tiag Wheel' the�- II&A - . '1� ,;fit ., ,L�Z ..X, #A% Xg , , an, I . d . wal0p4r..* . . r, I ._ _ .�11 I Ill .�..IIWDPI 0, go,irilg, !bei here and the- head of this-, ',lake, We came W a -neighborly all aMong the voyage. It 1111 0rdlew -to, poolIdde, boTw-bwivg #,% . vice. The plaliie, wos, - pi,loVed, -by Johii 'thing ylon 9q0 as. you p0s: o4an in- . . . ,00% . __ I . 11 ! ., " , bween Set .0001W . I I 111,111, ... ,'41,., " k Levi every hopr of the, day. A cuiflouls place -we were actually sail- is not liloely we will all, meet agiain c#ities fi�T 44 classes of 2'employed Caldwell. who _c= '. tU OPeAtion to.ur, ieowAsts'of .22"Mould '-!__!,I., j, ,I..:, -I I I -, .. -1 I 96"M .. _ghed�, Ith , his & 01. . i . 0 W * J, I I -05*,' differeA'Oe 14etweei% th6 Vte�in- ing among plailtations. There was a in thi's world. 0h that we nw;Y All �peoplie.The �Q4iiaAP .. a. . . Tou m8V';Ji4Vv 48,79,1ve371180 � . 11'-"' , I , , ,ft Bank of (Oom- ,in Xqutreal some three'Veiars .sgo. egeb 12inches O&PIc and och n�Ould ' ' ,.: �­ V, %11ETe 0,Tid ail SCbtlaVIL They. have, great ,breadth of water but here -and bo fitter for Spending a never ending meroq WM � I g , , � 11* "i , , , oung ta lir T -that;�**,sty weWoinv - -7§ di. Thisl . wlipst eveil,W0644, wilexi you, zpfA bolaw.,. 11, I , ,rp ' .es, the, go, qyli.§ meat a , � 1. II, ­ V .11 , , ,,,, , . _0 pom 1, i ", I V . , , , 11 - some 1�ave . _ ,boas who tmvelled,.kAn, '' � . -i ,.,.par, Not, q 4 1 � I I �. �d att' all two funnels, there were tMokeits. lot wood, the eternity vAth each -other theme to a, bam o "I ­4n(l .," -75, ,�k -enough to go to TWO ,-.. r ��!i mo y . perso�,,Iplqa4 service at ltstbta�4�- old crate with f steo . t ano ,turn ' . ". I,, . V�, I 1q, I hi� .1- hich bad four:" I � _ 14110119 turns day� . bat �q .,J � 1. , I � tl­, � water running (through the thickets Part no Move forever, wmenct has been, bere apd all -the -it ings Q* , #gInly, not.*vyox , ,V ee am� we saw �One W . Ap. - A _sVm1,ak,J, ge,v h , t. rxen ON IV a , q ,W,pe -b , , I . " - ,.,St. Tmt. . I .. - mlowds. ' i . . . . I - , T , by , , ,.� i �- ,houses are all ton h Naly, 2a:�-Travelled'about in the 11TO thze e I' troqvle , may: -, ve , Won 1 you . ., -- '" �� , 1 �*di� ' thede0- '1' ey, which gave it -a w0d-looking aPVear7 ' pened tFor, ,the pu4looe - of aWdus woot iii -k hurry tacked on' and pis -r -_k- are sent pr.4ieL I �: It' I ,'��' 11 W . . . elvfa . :� i, I Lb - . . , . . - loans to,wasei.�alrne=L IT = ' ' , ft.00 to, I W V '' . .. "W'Wed ed � ry qvlaRlWe Inch of- ther 're. Poorl, , 4Te round, at each end- and on the ance� WeJhave seen a gieat nlum­ town for a goosa, While again thats 0 , I I � spaces ,# +nced me -A's, oil 09051� f � . ' . . , ntreal. ftT fur . , I Bething- ,d early air truvel 'Aning before'Wak Sent to � the. rdint our lea; POR, ITIOXil. . ,. 11 I., I I I know som , 'i "' , , I I It , I 11" � _.I� ", I wholo they appear to be =401USI clum- Aher of Roman Catholic chapelsi to- raorning. ,Sbffnv nice shops au4iother_ and'pittlelmlotol men, and,W6iiieu. w . � y - -t d . . . ...... . � . I � (sly lumpsI, Alt 8 &clock a gun. or day, some of them ivery .pretty build- builldings to be s#en.' Ventaboard a The plan is, inbrief, ,that'ar, vesi- -in Cgngda. , . :' - in Olt*vla. ,� . '. . I I I � _-1 I . I I ... MeLald .whidh lack proper "'bung;, . . P 0 .. �, lckin�n, I am not sure which, is fired ings. In the afternoon the wind rose steamer named iWashion" about 12'"dent who. ip 40eadily employed "d, iis Tfais - as i§ cdaimonly kiown, was ThLe twostaeks, for whieal the ,down . I., . " I 'y", forlinstance, may lead to co��z I I � : off every evienRug and al't 19 o'clock ve�y 'high, it requiring .two men to Which sailed at I ,o'clock ibir Port St. 4 good, credit risk may apply. ' he b3t�, Of commereilal -aviwtion in is no -ted, are 422 feet -,6 inch high. constipation. Continued no 4 I � ,i � ,I,:, 4 The, t, , glea. , ,, , 1, � .. ,t lai00% We heaird it fired' off to -night work the wheel 'of the ship. If we Lewis. Tbere�­are 'two canalb to 90 only, sequxfty� required' is: North America, and it is wbvth not. The outside dimension -at the byp, is of this cohditid1m causes dii;goniforto, -, ' 4�:, - from the fort on a high cliff at the bad put up all our sail we would u�x Was in the first one when we t(i), Thmif-ihte borrow4er must be ing �hst the4ir route in questionw" . 11 I I � �,i . , , 3,1 feet and at the bottom W feelt. ,,,, ,� . I . -- iay leiid to headaches, poor appe- I �, 11. river side. hWje outstripped -the steamer, the left. - It Rise abo,dit 9 ,miles lbng- the of cdod - c1barazter. , , -operated without a slingle, mishap or . The first dew. yearp few raen were tite, liAlessneS& � - I Z, - , P -bough, there were some eld0oyeduntil *11928 and 29. E eri- 4 . I - 01 . May 19�-_A veity fine morning and wind was so ,strong. About 9 o'clock other' I believe, is rather il�;iiir- It 112i Tbst'he,besteadily em . ca,vualky, t Xp . ,.'4 - _ployed . . �_ I . , . � " 1 , !I� ; I caht The Captain and a few Pas- we came in,siight of our- desired hav- is very slow work going up them as (3), 0Wt he obta4n the Sig'natures narrow oqueakis and men, all over enced miners were, hard to ge� '616 it Guard agaimt� cQnmon co . � , � . . .1,11" tiark by this they are ver . iolf . decided"to employ .tion.* Makb sure the wals, you " R �'�'. Stingers went ashore thig forenoon. en"Mc6treal. Jt was � y, narraw. We,met, a tWo ,other Tesponslible perzo� to ,Canada -WIR tell you,tales of the was � any able- , . 0 "'.... "'., - I They haa -I�6±ae small errands,. . At 2 timebut the lights,of the town w4re golod.,zitimber of rafts of -wood and beciome guat"tors, who are of gTood litrips in.tp Rouyn that make your hair bodled manand train, him.., The men eat contain plenty of "bulk."ll '35:el�, . I., , I � . I- f;. ' slame steamers. Had ­to stop� 1)o,� a ebonucte;r_. and #ave ;vatisfactory earn- curl,. , . ,seeking employinleat at ltha,� -time -were logg's.ALL-BRA.k,40, o I 1� ��� &_ . Idlelocl, afterriolon 20 round of shot to be 'seen. ,, About half -past lo we is ­', I ' I -I'-.. � . I . -I " ; wrap firred off from the.- fort, the echo axmived in, front of the ,fJoiArn, . Did while always when wero- were'-sbout- I-ing power. � �. i I . . As we',sta�nd in thisi baby city of robistly newly arrived. immigrants . source of effeetbre "bulk." WitW . I ---- - , I I . I I , - -all Se Uzi- - . ,:� � of every shot being like thunder the not go into the harbor as it was too -to me�ef till they got - da, enUl'so far isWay, yet frIDIn Erarope-and it w1als DVOW49 �' ,,OAR moisture, forna � pjat4 rta The louib range from, $60 up in to Y, it . . the body, it ab . - � 'her in the river. &�d number 'a a Soft MaSSr and gently Cleanses the , _ . ;_1 day was vo calm. It Tninded me of late but cast and of Ports W'Sito, I O miultipleisl of $10 and, run for ta,jper-� it is, ,only 12 y0arsi ,ago. -It rg,quired tia 745 per cent. of e-inplo"es were P . ,� - . I i .... I " " I the d,ege of Sebastapool. About - an This is my fifth ,Sabbath now on the Putpff and, take oA luggige, etc. I ipja of � yiftT., To asmt.the borrower ,*#i � very little expefri- System.' 4 ;. . - great , courage and, great sumls ,of foreign, boft, 7,d . . . I . r� I � . .1 � I hour after we were surprised by an- III-Ionie.11 I have beeft indeed highly got a ,fine miew of ihe nkeit pixt, a hi a&mha dating -the itotwl of thp IDS, n money. ,ft tbiok igreat ;courage 'to ence. - - Two tablespoonfub dailyt ,With.- - . .If ; ' ' " 1. other volley of shot from the fort. favored as '-I can say I have; been Montreal while 9(ying up the AIrst fro�n his: monthly drictome he, arrang- build ,a raiarbad into thii$ arpla, .and, it ,Under ,these conditilons ft is not - milk or .c - I I J . th, , reams, are usually sufS . � - ,�, I beaM some humor that it was be- amongst the heal est� on, -the ship eanial., A g�eat-number,iox very pret- es ,to, ml�ke twelvq equal. monthly de- rnus-t ,stand' to the everlasting it rnizel�- wonder thgt. accidiette inereas- . .. , , ' crech . .­ cient�-Sttibborn,cases May reqme ' I " . I came Sebaistalpool was taken, of the all, Our voyage. .,And now that we are ty' hoUsles W11 ob-aded nicely With trees. poeits in, -a ISavingsi .account so that pf the Canaidian. National RailwaTt , ed. As - a results, a Safety Depart- ,, � . , I ALL-BPAR oftener. Serve, ALr, ,,�, " tMth & that I cannot tell., About in the near prospect 'of ,being lan&d I saw, -two parks thickly set with ap- the babiluce. of the 'Savings account as .they did 1t under severe opposit ment was formed. Atpre6ent 65 per _ I . I.. � - BRAN either as .a cereal,, oi cooW . ­ � half,past three we lifted anchor again in a strange clounizT., pay our eiver Ple trees all in Vows, near the'town. at the end oif .the period, will be sur.6 tion. In almost ,relcOTA-4me, -the T. & cent.;'.lof , emPbY4es 111- .1 �. I '... . i 'are Canadians' into muffins, breads, etc. Eat it �: 1. and.set.sail, iour steamer towing us Kind Father in Heaven ,be with and 1,11-faet this ,Part of, the town to. a,11 ficient I�o pay off t4he loan., - on,.this N. 10,' reame in and�bujlt in,other ch- These statistics are two years'old and . ", . . I . lar . I . . I ",' . on the -way. We passed tfi� "Be4iic guide .us ,at Alt, -times by His counsel appearances fiporn a dist4note looks 11 account interest at tfie cur- rectiom.. I I. the pefte0tage -has increased greatly . .. . I , � . . . '4ita,b! I of Abe . , as any place I ever saw. The owed. Ilie", 'in�umance - � JkAN is guaranteed by the �1, rdeen."� ,She arrived, hereabout- and afterwar& receive us into glory, as well =%te.� (is, all To-ddy Noranda Is as aceese6le since, ITheii ,Wee�ly nieetings are . - . . I . .,i. yesterday nvorqing. No More ships, theire to meet to -part ,no, nvore. for- we'abher now good but rather cold, be- .placed 1by the 8ank on behalf 1pf, the great citV of Nort1h, America. held of all mine f&ement, all acei.; Kellogg Company. Sold by all gro- . I - � I y " I !.,� . . I times. . . 'I', . :, � from the north here yet ,although a ever, .1 I bon',ower Protects tfie-esitate�oPthe =an drive in by automlobile over. dents of '111he ,past week are, discuwaed cers. Made by�Ke_Uogg_i­&o4doq. - I.. . .. i I . "I I . number of them sailed nearly a week May 21-,I ar'oLse this morning abo� , MaY.23�-4,t was 6 0�elock this morn- latter-andi -the guarantors in the event ,S*ndild irload-5-4one can reach it and methods of pk-evten�ion aro dis- . Ontario. . .1 �� I I �,:, before us. The scenery on both 4des 1',00,'clock to ,see a ,fire -in I the town. lng w.hen 4 ,the steamew arrived, at of his death.. The cost Of th&, hisur- from Toronto or Montrq�!J and never cu . Ssed.. InVany dange�olw places the I . .1 . I i'll . . eco"8*4tion due .to i.pgj�W -boW I of the river was very beautiful to-' Saw a good number of lhoiises'round Port Lewis, J got my trunk-, -taken ance 'i's 501e per $ 1 00 and'is. paid from leave a Pullinarf or one can fly there ,danger is lovezieome, 9 .possible, ,to . .. ".. . . I . � � I'll, . . , . . 11., , day. About .5 o'clock we passre4 un- about it from where we ,Were lying. along with me on -the wagon which ,the abbrued, interest on the Savings by the inioderh inielthods-,pf air 'ser- make wbrlviil:g tonditiloni -saer. I I . I ­ __ . . . "", I . 9 dki t* H t ngd n The iic', : � ' 1, der telegra4ph wires. They Passed Went to bedagain and -rose about 6 ' rum' ly un i 0 - ad ballances. - , - I `� . vice. . PVh eii.an accident happens.' e folre- gold and Z62,809,ounees �Of 6ilvtc- TM i , I 1.���, from side to side of the river and to get, a view ,of the town. It ladks runs '*Vough 'a Pretty larks, . thick The loans are discounted at the It is a bive of industry but this ITO= in chargg.filis out a fort and a total vallue of the metals ,prodwAd . F_ -, _., .were -neaAF_2o fegt higher than the welil fro ,the river, e f utiful ervice hsTg oi T#br d es, p ,at that for' medical report oli-p ;giving all. details each - year is - in the neig , � . t � 11 � , m, ---slom b,ea forest 'Of tree§, 'Ut least it appeared rate ,of ,6 per cen-t. A s c e c U Y 0 not sto * IiUorbood af I . �1: - � .. 1. _­ iiiists, a our ship. We got a fine buildings to - so to me, being the 'largest I ever of a minknum, of 50c and a'maxinuum Narlanda serves, as a jumping -,off, place and T�4me and iObie-h shift it occur- $14,000,000. ­ . appearancel. We again ' ' - . 71`� q r the ceaseless probing and hunt.� 21eld on. -Needless to F�ay, none -of the l orme4j Mines, Lt&, was organiz- - ' .� , , . idew iof ,a, ,Montreal f0aw. Our ti�oa& -onte-of thA, finest of $3 is made, ependling- on 'lthe f'O , ­ I . N � . I steamer thJit took up anchor between, 6 and 7 and a great part of at be * of Men, which is testified by the foremen like th see ldheiT name on ed to, take over, the ,cl to i . "`L' I passed us. It was longer than 9�ny I were immediately towed. inito, the I Ing laid with, anijourit of � the. lloanL An. e�xample of T9 Horne an thm ., - . . evIer saw before. A great nuinber of harbor. planks of wo � . Is I % It wag this morning five Od- a's the ground' ap- the cost of the i,-e'ivlc-e--,t-o-t-li:e:7biarr�- StFadillr-'� -widening -eirelle lot buW_th1s[JoftLQf.,@-Hp__ Esph foreman hag, c-l'a the eompapy . 1� .�'. 11 I � ---. I.. ­_qC:mJ9 In 1922 and , "i"". Que- weeks ago about 10 lo'clook that I very S(Oft and wet in wer !a as follows: � men-ser-Ve'-, tih'e_,_regaia- pi-inetplil- holdings now ctt� 1j649 I - I'�, I I sma,lt6r.ones passed us also from, peare& to be ro , m1ne& . to seo that h# _ A ,_ - "', bee to Montreal. This has, been - The wagon went pa It almost Seems like a fairy story tions and, mleotings a* held and min- acres in Rouyn T,DvnwIA " . - I " the left Marnoch for Aln�irica. This morn- SbOle Placm, -, , st Loan ........... I ........ $ 60.00 ' ' ,p. ­,�. I ?. est day we have had yet. �' ang about 1,0 I MT. 1�elid`8 this morning w1ith. a gen- , Less- - ,,, . � -like Something ponjured, from ma- d1Vg laWs' acre 'rft-d' to bis nien ­' �_ I warm N�-ent ashore :at Mon- , I . . I Development Of the� ­Iproperty . 40 . .. .1 � . 11 t1lelivan, and Illady who I 'gic----asl One -looks'. at the igmlat smel- First "aid, rolonu% are -at both mine da,ile ,has i-dvoL d, I 1� - I ­. May 20 (Sunday) --Fine cool morn- tre'al and -set 'my feet for the firs -t were going on -Discount at 6% `$ 3.60 . vel �mp tia Oxpeih& , . . I ,V Ing. A good breeze from the east. time on the often7­hvaa4 of and far farther., fwas, owing to this lu,c,ky - Service �harg,e .50 . ter isilho,tretted 'against the skyjn and smelter and on'e"11 -shift first tures tf,,aTound $25,WO,000 lincludinc � �� We 'have us oome sails to -day to help fAirried land of America. chance, landied sit the very ,house Stamp tax . . .. .. .03 4.1-3 the clear air at the early da", whick aid meri are on duty. All lb bludIdini of a custo,mils, sanebw � � . . I - I went a- . I . -C ie - time ,v&en ever , .'Ving cuts and eXAP Yees the I ". us Ion Some about. 10 O'dock in the forenoom.Tir- - - . - I . -, -,:s - ything aeeims� reLed id I , - .1 faster as the"wind is way through -the toivn With a letter ; , . ' I bruises are told to hav g dallympa,�ity of 3,000 Wass, - �.. - - a before and after e sisting of r,bas §, i� - I ed enough � of ,the first dn. ve, I got , with the - smi6ke id ­ fiviDeable .to, -us to,day,- Some� very I� bad to -a 'Mr. Kingham, St. Pakil's pr�o,eeeds . �, .I , ............... $ 5,5.8,.7 unreal from the two' repart 'to firtit. cm tev everberstary �'.., an lofty stacks. mingling with. the mfo,rn- worle. I , . furnaces, convertors an � �, z . , I pretty plac�ev,on,the river side. We Street, the gentlemaii �Vho_had i6harge� or, Almerican stage wagon. The Bank emphaslizes tih&t it, in no . I . . d'*nade. cast- . . I ___ passed close by a t6wn aboilt eight of ,me. ,Got through with Iii-ni, and Thus I am landed safely ,her way desires ,to encourage.. oolars of the ,sky, in two great , The medical need of all, I emAo-yees ing equipment,. a.,00neentrating *W 1. L . 14 . I . e --five peopae 'to 'ng 1� - . k..., o'clock called Three Rivem. It d,e-: ,.then taolka walk about to see the weeks and two days fromthe time I assume u7me.cessaxy or burdensome white paubies tinged uridernest-h r i looked after,by with a daily capacity of &Am 60,24 � I I 1. I wives this naime from three -rivers I plaice. I was greatly struck with the left my own dear home, There is dwJbts, 'but. it does feel that W and the ray -s of the morning sun, that four Ai employed by- the mine, and a ,qyanilde,pl,ant'l�br'the�treakneut I "�.. � . I . , . . . I . I . � '; ";%,. .which join dntq one ind empIties into b s, running about they weire so gt t cause for thankfulness, O�i, my when the need to borrow, arises "`V"-ssuon, of inagle N strengthened. Oabh eMployee,contributing ,$I per of pygitet 1. residue imin the 4�oncentiru­ I I V �. - the St. ,Lawrence close ,beside at. Saw I = little c���, J%&r carts, part for the grelat ,blessing of good thlrough unforeseen emergenleites', ,par- . nr- es, re of lbors having a, daily capacity of 500 , I � 1. , 1, But it is all very real, a few of, the' month,, which, ,i lud the ca I .., . . . facts I will trit to give you. . kilmsevlf , land. ,ftnily, I . I . � � . '­_ some nice housesi andr a pretty bridge or what, they, h4ve .for them, consist health all along this vo,yage. I can titcularIV in the ease, of -siLkness, den- _ i ' tOnL% ' I � . - tatbills, putting in,t�,e wknteT's sup-. The av�brage visitor, acquainted 0-111 new employeeis'.are sent to a Ptroduetion. from Novena -donsisift . . ,,�,.,r, over the mouth of the three rivers... ,of .two wheels aild an axle with two �ike`WIVP,comrnend Captain. Poole be- . �­ar.n ­ � . - * -, 'i I I ....... � . . ., Ply of coal,, anwUng netessary*rppairs, with milning is amazed at the magni- d3letor for e%A inlak,=4, -ift,luft g- xw- op- -----rdE­---- ,- ­ , "' � . .cl� ,.--.,- - � . . . . - ing roeiry carefW of usaill alon�, apd - , - - -tUde _Iarrd­c�oinplexity. -of t . le - -IW* - ana, e copper -an, I , b� t6­ri- � I I . n I a rits, in the homeT a I nd I -'-'- 1h ­ he6rt tlest eye test fine its .products and prepaTe it for, -� I �. � I of masising th ndlimprow-Ime- ' _­ lie­bre7 body TaY Of - 4&itl . ,:, 0 �vpo � � ty - . 7 ­ . W GMITIcing I of the Horne Mine and the ' and blood 'best, and all under � ,.,.,, . '. on �h,e way'�F I as he could. The Other &Y-nifiaineeds, it can be of (real small . ground the world markets, the dompany mow . . . �; . , , amourif of r ivided men are re-exangined once a year. lopTe ., I I ,� men werO k �, V: , assistance [by lending at -low ock. The ore is d ,rates through its subsidiary, Can- � . . puldty, Flow mems rem ecalleave It go" I us in their own rates, and I . & . : . I wstly 'but maxed, on a reasonable into four types� I wall not bore you- Those whio fail to pass these tests adian ,00pper Refiners, Ltd., at Mon- . I . -at all -times with baths, budget plan a re- ,wi ..� . I - -_ . th class, . se: or ound".aTe ipul . on Itre,al East, -an ellearalytic refine4 .. . : V . . . - "riker. Rich lim - I gtuft34 ft and 'bad language, a liablit to lye re- There -is an, adffiblonal. ad- ficatlon of ithe ores for after beinig un , t _ '. I , � ,C . I I I I . . only a geologist would understand surrfacle Work. ill , '" I its v raTg. with a capacity of *75,OW tome a , ". 9r, . prevalent, e p= I . 157 . ette'd and so "a =97 -to this plan in that ,after a . '... . pulm b*4*d - Umt wins r1gM up ow of specially , I the sjg-Mfican�ce Of it. `II though, . I I � I .ye;&T,, . . I '', I . . .1 . among these sailiors who ,are expoised. suffleient.sum has been .accumulated Developinent'of the property u�) to )AR emplloyees, which is equipped with !a re- $ � 1, . to dangers night and day an in the Savings account to relpay the wear' safety hats Anery for the separation ,of Precious I _1 I *be pa= -a" the nwilij"dMiclous ' d not date ,has inviollved, a capital lof $25,- which resemble ,4 helmet and which metals,,andl iS thus able in addiUon . . I I I.. li � , .� .1.. . . ' ' ..knowing how soon'theY may 'be u,sh- advarioe the,borrower. -will have ac- 010,0,900. I . 9 I C"Ant Vks And Uaky VaSUT emm bah"I ' tered into an etex-nal world where "he '#Ared the'habi-t of ... zogking regular . will bdar a good-Rized ro-ek' to fall t�-) supplying refined. copper required , I .".1 . . I .1 . � I I . � I . that is 11'1611Y, let Mm 'be filthy still." depoisits,' thus buildin ­ The Mine 'is divided into. 25. levels ion it. These are boughl lat the mine. to dkpose of its precious rdetals 'as I...p - . , ig up ,a, fund to � � .z: take care tof special needs, in, future. frolin the -surface to a depth, of, 'Wkgles are also furnished. Anytone refined gold and -silver. - I . I - . . And' now, may Ith-at God whb is the 4,000 feet. There are th . � . his go h L I I.., I . m ,� Slams, yesterday, The plan ,has etad-ted favourable - ree main Caught Ibmeaking,rock without 3 g- , V e company 'has -,also erected at, - ,� to -day and forever, ' I . - ."�' 1, t ' ishafts, Nos... 3, 4, `5. � Nos i an.&'2 gles ibs ,generally sgiv(en -an extended Montreal Edst a plant for the pro- .. be wi.h -me comment from large,eMpl�- irs of Ia- . I I I .�__ . I at'all; thfies, and guide we .bjo,ur The general feeftyllie, that in were only prO'sPiB&,ttshftfbs.' There '19' flailiday 'Of a -couple of -weeks wdth- ,etion of selenium and tellurium, 1. . .', I with M5 counsel in. a foreign land, 125 f eet The - , Gloves are allso. worn to which are both by-products -of Nw- . I ­ . -PUR-11T!1 R May Ile enable me to discharge the the extension of .banking credit fa- tween each- level Then'iOdb ll*aY- . I 1 ,� . I I I there are what.,they,ca)I rdises., &if ts. Save the hands franz v,�tsq and bruis- an a Mine Ores. . . . . � I ­ . . � an and Sh&0ts.-,, 1"will try',to, gxljd,aan es- lgafetk boots -have )to 'be worn, I t ,Present' there are. three ' ' . I Iz ' fulness keep m to wage-earners and, , I 1�11 mam duties no1w beforre me with ,all, faith- �cilities on a budget repayment �l �.11 "Pt these to, the ,best, of ,My know!ledge. 81SO IVathft hlarZeISO which stmps -an shAfts at NoTaryda Milnesil, -Nos, 3, 4 .. Bakin. others In reoL , , I . . Ael &% blu'stfor e from every evil . I, .. I 011your a last to bring m?e into 1-1119"y of small hi-c6imes the Bank is afford- A� I , � 1. 1. I . . . own - -Tas!e Tp-drdt is 14 feet wift- and, ,8110111ders anA wtaist, and ,is attached -and 5.. The Nolsqi. I and 2 were pro� , . , I I m,g a valuable service. Already some _ I I_ . I . kingdom in ,glory, there to Spend with I .­ I 1im I a us- ern P�mlpqoYers- lof labor h ' obtain- gre 'ke , i . , . . . . 0 . I I I Per�-en&ngt et large: eve 8 feet high.' Some are ,on a 50 de� to somehhl�g secure, 11 ore'. wall, spect shafts ,and have been, &,boMon� .1 � ­ � I. � I I i . . I . ity. . ed detalifed, paTtleu,j-'ars, ,of the 1pJ-Sn e inathe and narrow down to, the TV!s hameals-'has s4ved many a man ed. The mine has 'been, sub-dhltided I 'kl . � meheurefent ,of ,5 'by 6 feet to thus- from -Plunging down Ore passes 400 into 26 levels' from -surface, to the . I . - .11 . I ._' � . I I with a Mlew ;to bningdn�, at . specially ,6 . . Ven iiati�dn is -present v i lot abo,pt 3' I . ,, . . . .� � . . I W the ,attention Of their .emp OntT.01 the flow of ore helped by end ,500 .tfeet deep, ti I AeXt oai!.;,de�ilh Jea , - I I I I . I j � 11. , � ­ .... loyees chain gates. M the end of t considered -the very best. . . I I . '. . � - I .� � . I ..., " "', ­��. - sio that the MUM may know. that raiisses are chutesan grizDiie,s. . 7!0 be -danger � I . I I ,, . _,. .; ese .. feelt. __ - " � � , I I I .. . I . - 1, � I . . I I there is; a banking service now avaid- ' d! TlW`O *ePalre4 inr case -of - Xn r1oundi figures,aboult 6,0Do i�ons , , � . . I I . 1.11, . I . I . � ill , " , �. I alAe under which they 'may borrow men operate these, Ore is -passed DuO g0sles and .I6xPlOsi1OnA, a rescue lof'ore are hodstea.da,ily, ,of which up- . . .. . . I � .1, . . . . . . . 1� .. � in'ca§le of n,aecL � ftom these pa%eo,gewuy& to Cars haul,_ crew is ,on duty at every , shilf-tt, A proximately half goes. dike�t ta the - . . " . . I Z.- - .1.1 . I . . . . I 11 - . I -�I - . . .ed by motors to cages and what re- new .man .h a4pjays. a i�s�k * unitil he smelter' and half to the ooncenftu_ ' ­ . I � , OF# , � .- �.. I ' tb�W anil tDT, I I I . .T 2 . - I 'Ifth I - er d1own to 11 the level. from there mdn'ea " ' . The ore is brolken, of course, by . I , .I.- . I CUT 11 is hoisted by conveYor belts and 1�amlps are vvlorn`lonthe halt to pw- the usiril. method of boTing holes -by . . ..., L' OAN. Al�._y � CITY tou&DREN NEED e'd I d ng wfth - . .1 , . � - � . . � . . ,sembles elevators to the -,huge crusli. becomes Marailiar to condi . �, :' P I ERSONAL ,hoists. to 'the surface to gio, 'blirough dV06 light. These are burned, -or maclilin rills 'An t blasti d�u � .. I . I . 1. � I, . .. � ///11' 11 I I . .. I I 1, . many more cruishers, tila it reaches woTkdd by carbide. . . I ainlite. The mining,practice used ,St. . . I I 11 ` , - L 1. . . .. . the fvrnaces and Tmlasteis. . I I 'A' minIng', enterprise cannot pick Noranda includes what is known an - I � . I ..., . ... I I r.... I .... I to , . . COUNTRY HOLIDAY ' There are threeshifts working day their lom,tion, ,,so :founding iknd es- sub-lievel 9lboOpi . nig .1. (both in . clined and I , , I . . � , , �, . , . . 7 I . . , , .and nlgght. One,sihift boss ­for -each tablishmg a, coniniunitty' al�way* foil - horiwonftl) and Shrinkage stooping. � I . I � ' . I 'i, - . - I �: " I I -level. ,and, each, sh lot. Train crew Iowa. .In the good ,old, �taj�s the siolu- The brokft ,ore is carried, `% -dtieet I ,, I I ­ EMPLOYgD WAGIE-EARNERS �Many Applications Must Be carry the 6,000 tons Of ore crusbeA U*n of ibesie proble'n*, were left cars - .� I I . , - and duniped through what in .. 111. , I . I .7 . � daily, These consist of a moborm,An largely to dh4nce. The age.told, hom- ,known as ,ore Passes. -to , one. of the I . I !�... . i , ''� : I I Refused Be�ause of Lack and, a switchiman., There am, a num- Ang %ustinct of mankind was, nitani- lower.lovels where it'passes''through I . I , 1. I and . I I � ber-of-thfike crew on each 1, . evel. The feafbed in the growth, of,tolnimunities Ia cru,sher and 'is then carriW1, by ciou-� I � ;V �_ . . � , of Accomm6dation. . average Production Oor.eath main, is -auxtriounding mines, �',bult 4;6f1t to their .ve. T be�J-t to of th shafti. . I � I , I . I V10 one -e where . � 11 . 1. � 10 car& a shift. The 16otodst will haul, ; Iservices these bawns -usually de- it �s hoist1ed in s4gl* to., the $uT&d& . l Own . - . , i , .1 i d Works�_ - I I ",_ � 11 I I SALARIED and'PROFESS-100NAL PECRIP . fne Neighborhoo, Assocz- the $ore and the Lqharp 'and dull -sbeel veloped nVitheTbeauty or -order. They 1M1DtOT %Luk�lge je i,n, gener&li,ugle on � I 1, I I I I I qMd. ,in drilling operations, are a two ofte ' harbored !wll' ty, of go;0jil g. I � - . .- - ation, 22' Welles�ey' Th pels 'all halmhge'llerels'Of the mine, the I . 1. I . I �11 �� . ­� Street, To:ronto, . - . ".. . "" 1111 . .. . - - . I . '10 1, I I, , ' " , , ""' , , , T . ... , , � I I - - - ` I I — I - I - I I " I " I ?111 I " , I 1 .4, I- 85 , I �11r_ A .C. ---.--. i I . I 11 I. I 'I 11,1111111" I. I" I . . I I are worried. AlTeady they have'over DtOT horisePower lb,comotivie 130raAsites and' are' ,often, linslanitary tivo mobod-. 10 ,horsepower JovOrmjotgves. � - .. - - I, ,. � . . � . _�. '.. . 1. � 50 applivati,669 from Uoubled, par- wei-611119 three .ton. There its larlound and breed, all. 16hds, oi�­,pt06 ting1hree tons, Ther� ,ire ap- '. I w , , � �, levits. weigh .. 1. . _ I .li,. I BORROWERS PROTECTED BY LIFE INSURANCE tents whia desire -their chil&e.n to get 20 miles Oct tMck laid to a' 24-anch , NOilift4a had, to face the4e, prob- piloximutely zo miles of track in the 11 I I a lblief holiday in the country, but so th _-4WVOund -Tals.- The lenis- Werr with a' keen'. interelst in mine laid 60 *9 -24-inch gauge with I *` b I � I . I I _. g 'wl't 11�, " . - - . I � � . far only 20o inviitations have been S are 100 and 150 -horsepower OoCi�all- service- tAY,A steps to found a 30 pound of rail. I . a ., ' I - .1. I . gi co ,C . ......1.1.11 received - e En'd fpgnew b con,4 Provides tils eqn- In 1934 itOtQ1 'of 1,056,684 tafo of � "1!!] /,, I from hosteslses, who ire will 0'aratiIveli donvnurdt3r which a I I �I .1 . I M Ployeesl' wU dwellings 'in pleasant iolre milvrei treated from'wbich wails I lg,'�, � . � . ­­ � Rates I . ing to awon*oodate one, or -perhaps ____ mraTroundings 'and shrfita1ry c6ndations. duced 70,17,5AI2 pounift of co, pro- .... ,. . � I . � � I two, little ones in their home, fbT two ptper, - I , I ' '4,. 1 With the idea ;Ixf ­ Me. qj�'­- i -10 ,U_41 4-1- AA.0 i � ... 1. i,�-­ .- 1. �11. . I � ... ���� .,,I.- ,,�. I I ­­, 1. � 1, , !:: � � __ 11 . , .1 I I ,,, I I I �,,,, . � .1 . . ,,,, . . � ; ."� , . I I - ?, , I I L I , I , I � I I . `�,, I ", � ,,,�: I ,��, � � 11 . . � N� ", " . , I I ,,�, - ; � I I., I ,� _V�,�; I 11 I.. � ''I I It" " . , " I "", ...., 1"!, y � f, ft, � � � : , . I K I , , T", . g, I I , �,.K 11 �, �, �, - r1l. � . � .1 �, , �$ �,?,).. I � I I ,,I I I , -1 ,,, , , I , . . . If You Borrow ' You Pay "o Following Charges- . I __ . I You Redelve In Cash - � Monthly Deposits'..., to Repay Loans at . . Discount at Six Service I Charge - - I - Stamp . . Tax I . per ce-nt. . I - I., , , I .. . . I i r . . Maturity I . - .1 I . 1* . ­ . _­__ I ..1. -111, 1 $. 6a' $ 3.60 $-.60 . $,03 . " I 69'.87 . $ 5 84 . 6.04 I . .50' . 11.� .03 -. 78A3 7 . . 108 6A8 .50 .06 100.96 9 . 168 10,08 - .50 � 1 .06 157.36 . . . 14 ' . 216 . 19.96 .75 1 .06 .1 2o2.23 .. . 18 � -- . .276 - . 16.66 r I 1,00 .06 ' 258.39 I a � �. -23 324 , I - 19.44 . 1'-�96, ' 06 301.26 � . 27 ' . .1 -I � ­ 394 ". . ...� , . . r I -2 .04 J , I "ril 1.60 . . I I . . .06 a . I 369A0. I . 32, - - A � ': I . - I . I . I . � L . . � . I . . ­WWv for a kus- I i 11 ,, , I � , ii�;'� .� ,. .. ' . , children in past yearst w4te in again . I �, ?r1herip hire miany theatres (two V%y 161 e0dh li%dift fid*er it, elvss�n. 44 ' P,,�i, `. - 1� . I Proportionately low rates 6n target- loans. . . I , . .11 . I I 'ikfte�-oiftelv) Ave 6urthim Of hl�auti, p, eo - . I . ..­, . . .. -1 and again,'offleting, to take other ehil- . .. ,� � . I ,� I ves ,0oXw jMf'4n*ny ftftfttrde 'i's apPointed-40'r ea& " nm� . . � . . .� dran, or, in 6i&tik oaqes, ,ft,king !I ' .� ful $.ft 4 ewv i66 I Id"PlAy' atid rhehiboos ai�e oe1voourz4pd I . t !�- � � . I rl.. i., , � ,V.O! 66t - illil,., 'p . 'Re -g -alar Savings Interest Allov�ed on Wnthly Deposits. ' -n can Ibe imetuTtLed to ,� , '&�' "'nd *k� "at- to ftUT d1eir bittiblOoms No pij;�� 4� "t, , , 'I . � . I., I- ­ 11 . ft ..... ... . I . . the same obilare; - 1 ", .. r', � it, 11 I - . L I fl. . I . , , . �. � , , ,,,, ., I 1. I a Ino kemlan- I., � "m ,� . . . them. 7 "Of OVI"ge thOrb i : , - Vctft 66 (ObtkVined. at 'southern Ptie- eg 4re o#erqd�'but tnevertilelegl§, -dohi_ , . �, 11 , , I I 0 . . L 1'�'Rfll I .. '._ , �"" . .1. . - - Ap�ly at any branch oi this batik - 11 erattiiya ,to the bostess�-unles.s dt ,be I. 11)� 1". . . p6tiltibli SK, Wen i.?%.Mwh leading Hfi& . fi�; �.,. " I.. ', 1, .1. . , . ,1 , , "� J � I 11 the bqspy laughter and .fb,,qy sdheeiks ' - ,, ;� - , The llalft.!61164 -P,e#o�b available, at _U Rose& R I ,I'. �� - , .�' �, - , I 1,9 .... . .. �,,; . , - L . .. . In omari6�,,, , �. I of -a little thild wh'6,, �-ot Jbng;'*, L . "' ' I I . I � fttrl I = thA 6ft ,tiMeeves. ., . I I I and Gla&011, I I � I � ,1;, I , _ I(IA - 'W" , � I.. ` ' .�,,o , I I -;. � .,T,�. � ". ''� . T __ I I ----,,,,. k- , , . _J, I � - ,,, . I I.. . , eaty ti'ift'd, ift, I . , / I � .0 . I . 'L .�" � , , 11 1. I � ' .." �� � 1�!� 1, 1 , moaffis hag beeft living cloopM 6115 ifit . . " I .� _1 'b,rfeL.;ffi ft&'S1§ ,�O�'�$0066 tan6g;'Mif. . -1610— - . I , , , , "I A ... 444'.1 1, 0 . . 11 1� 4 �­j,`��_, I � I .. I V� "I , I . - I.. ��!, 4 , , ""' , , , , I, _ 1,�, .. 11 "" . 66*6�4, bb.ti sukrod'adift19%; In ,ane, of I I 11��",It;� " I Ade -at fob _W(ift, tgte..� . ". 1�1, � ­�,,�.Iy ; .11. " . I ,!, . . I I tit ,&!',',1;3 , .1 1! , �,,,, . �, I . ­ . 11- d fd'ning C'090m4l"'This Pwli,ot dwiara in ��.�:!, I ,1� ,k I � �, -, ". ft..'��.,��,,,­,, , ,,, � - �,� , I , 1111,. . ,.� I 1. ,I I I I I 1. . . , *04 616,11kilbb , , fanz .09 tor *10 a 9911d'soft of way, I I , �,', "",­ ,,- , "I.,%f4 ,;'t " -1, 1`,,P' '. " - ,� , P I' �. 1� -,'.A,4 _,�,-�, " . . " ' ' the Po6i ,g6i q� Tbt(q " �. �jg�",., W, 494 L I I I - , � ' "� 4 ' . . I "' I V, 11.11 1 �71 I � ,­" I I I , , �, , -, I . " #tbl -A, 01JI'JI, I—— I . P " ,, , I_ 11, 11 I::. I I . it, lr�, *he *11 I . - I , 1?11' , �,., 1.11� 4i, I ­ I I I � � IN' I Alb 6"" *T I AM- IS." 11.1�7 � . .. " "' , Foln % " ,0111 9 �� I 11 14 1, ��6016 y , "I to :01 ib . beloftge4,to, , , i. �, .1 I . WOOMMOns, :,I . " , , . . , . I , 10, 1;1 �, f,, , , I "I", , � ,ii. 1'� ", .''. . I I �!,-g, I ,,,� g4iis'�: , ��,i " slt , � M L, !,�,,,w , I -k, ,.yvt .. ,,, , , - ­ ., , ui* L VA, OW00, rwh-4 'had his gtitpe�d­.Imdug., I , r�_:161 '. 1 ! C.r..',1.1i'l,"�, 1111 !'' .��'#",.!, J . " I S . , . ,'4,', ,�, . , , �" , yt'� �;�� � I I " 0, 1 � .. . I 1 1. ,All thildibn a,ft4: _.. . I I. .� ,1,f - 1,4iiy ­ � .... I ,. � Md, fif L : " , '1� A """i, I "i ,�1,_F - , , , " ' ' '_ dd,!� " - , , � . I � , .1 gj­ft194'§iH L 1 � I . W � - '' . �_ ", , - l! I i I re-ftiftffift-, mf I ; � P "a' Vi - - I �P,,�'k',�'g"j��"!,­r ." " � I . . , , 11 il'r � , I , - . . 1", I . . . . . � � "' ­­ . i _ I ',. ��. I I �,. - ,, � ,,j,,-".,.- -­ I :, rm 4 . 1, I v',',l1',�,,i1N.7,X,Jk : �` .,. I �"". � . . " I ,. �,:,� , ,/ , . .. ), �,�,'­, " . � ara '401'4 1A 't �, - , 1 1111V�V,71V­1�., �,�111�41 " ,,I "I' I I ". - - . . AV , %.,& � ,. I , - 4.;�t6A§l`�"of.`.4)6%'JW# tiftidX I .,. ,� . ., . , . . :;�, ;.��_ .,,,,, - "' F�w ,Aft, i :1 ­ I :%'W"'M .,,,,246",�6 , ` b1i4t eVo tdM � , , , %,;� , sn: , I, AlKv, 4`�C"JJ',*Jf,'I'J -, `�,`L , - P . - ,4 � -;, " - �,, E, - , 'i , I � , ", 11 � I'm I � i_. , � t, " I I ,litokestied, okolytldy, ftid, "�* "S611,161 I& I �', �, �� d , . � .0111 , '' � I �_ 0 d 0 Nc . . " fi� :-� �,,�� I v�,lv I � I .." `, '' i: 61 %�'­ 11 - � , - g-V*Wq1i i�,` lsfs#rlIbJd , N 6 ., tfra-, Na&w-�,Ives, ve , , " I iZ 66,6,64 1W,;'5'iwfA,_'l" I , I �11 Vikli' . � I . , lt,,�N,q , ' , � ,K lvlft�q , " �� rf,J, �,-, :1 , i ' " , , , ,�� �� , ,I , '' DIM' J �'N 1_1.',",er'' - " I 1�. 11 ` " J 1,,� , �:, ' ,,, � � 'o , ,tt"', .0 I ".,.- �;Jf " '�10�,!l ._,",� iili,i ,J �,N 'B: . 4��.AA L,' �111,(,�ji;'C'i; " in %�,A A � I 7�1; ­., . . JvilrM, t. ! , O." I ,� . , ., _ - I "". , I i , 4". , .4 IN I 1:1. , "."111 . �� , I , " � . ,. .. � I � � 11 I I "I ,t�', , I J'.�44JJ�t", ,� : , .- '6 . I � I" � ,. I : , ,;,' ��� ". , , . , , . � I .6 , , . I � , , '"' ' 11 L' ' I I ;1 . I . � .V .* F , ff'* � I - f . J,f'bk4J,.,,*A�jdj( L'i . I � il � d it. "I, � , - � V ,�;;" , . L, . ,Aldlftl�';k , Wh ,, ... il� S M �, I r � ,�I,� � I , , .- I , .1 , , , I h ""'I'l".� ""... ��� P� I '96- I,; 1 I �! ' ., r0a . .",A _ I ', �:� , , 'M' � - � �� '11. ,,i ". 9'� . ,e J I' @"0ft,b,Aq,061t "� , 1 1 � . 11 .,-. V0 , , , , 'I', I j; 11" ,,, �� ` � "I 'Ir;' I " , , , , - !1. , , ,� , . fmik'A' 'a , 1P I, i 1"., , i I I I ,�;11­111111 I., ''I'll " � , , , : .1 - � ."i , it" .,bliit" I" "I "I , ... � -11 I 1111�11 I . . . " � - I 21,611 I I , I 11 ...... �� . . . . . . __ I '11 , , "" -;u.�,, �,14�4��,'I­' l�Y.W."',k;�."YO o �� , �a 'il ­.. ­ -11 I , � . - - - - - _________ I 11. , 14pa, 11 - 117� '1�9jll I I ''. .11 , , V `6*l6w, 01, AM , �� I "I'!" _­,­J� '1� 'a , zl,ll� __ . ,,,, ... , I - 'f�fe 110'k q1to th ng 1* th "' ,11 u ., , . . L, . ',!�-VT. � ,r,,. ::,70,11 rt _V_ 11­._,�111 �11,1�, , , , '' . . "","�11i,, , , 4M , , - --�_-�,,�.' " � - "g Z,,��I�, :; �� - - - � I " , Iliky i iff", "I'll, ,,V�j,.JP,:-j,�g',­­,tf, IN; " 4, - __-4,_-- , ­ I � " I - ,?!.. �"­I., - I � , I ,&t , .. " , , '' � ' 'I., � ,�: ., -f-, " . . I I I I , I - I � �� " I ­ I'll ��9KL 'I '�' �,�"' �'' .� ., ".".. *1;,��f!�-,,��q ','�I�,q ..J,-,­�,' . �',%�.7:�,. I.,!, �r`�,�­ . . ­. ` '­ : ­; � �, "'. . ,. -11 ". ­­. I . . ,IE, I� "',,.,N-�f� .11. v� 111,1, ,�,�,.� �,� L ", 1, ­�, 'j�""­� . I �, . - �'�.`, . �, i I.. ,., L� ", " ., ,� 11 'A" , I "7171 -Ir .,'717--7,,17 -Ir"Ll" -011-,R,�,M I §6 � �J,��,.�P��','L �A$L",�-�,FT­��; 417 �i, Rk". 11 . M, , ,,,,,, ,,, ;� k 4, ax � , ,i�, VIM 'IV ". .11012 --I- .�, , , , ,:, idea, 00 . � . 1 1 ,� i""J, � ­ I, 5 t '' �� ­ � �t' _ 7 1 v�V­7 I�Jg ,��, , , " "'. - � i i, "T I , I - 11 "I , 1� �,`�'01�q' T'��� " 1, �"' �,�,�,�­ .,�,r��i.p,i ' ­' � '� . . I . I N � I � 9 �� ,., I, , , I , o I � , , , �, � - - , 4� ,�, 1, I - , .. ; , , �11,.� �,, ."I 1� , I * ,3k",,A2,0,4&, I 1. , ," ,:�', ;, 1, �1, 1.1 ! f "'i I ��, � " ki I " ge�',,Q( I I ­ � : ,,,�, � . . 11 I , . � , " ., � ' I, - , -, "! , , 't.�', ��� I' ��_ .1 111:� . ' I I . 11 I . , '' � . I 1� , I , '. � I - 11 , - , �� , 1, Y, ,:! I , � I , . 1�1 1 I �j� I .. ...... 4� ,;" , I , �U', _ , , . I, I .. .� I , ­,,:�, � . I - , ��Jt�:""�,�f4L , . I I , , 'f,,_ , . , , "" � ...", , . ., � X'0-'%� 1��,'�,L"' ,�"li;�p�,",,�,�,,.'t,�"4,��,�,,','I - " J�,;',-I� " " . . ,�" I � "IT ' � I I ; . i;`� 4�f�� �";��4:��;�!'� ""Ti;.`�ftt�� "' � ;­�. q, ,4,-' 1 ". � ' - ' - , - J'���,""4;,,�,' 1� -., I I '�. , ". " ,. V ., . . , . 1, �4 � " , � I 11 � L " ' ' .. ' � ' ", , I , . . , -, , I . I � .. . .11 .�7. �..' 1',,�,,��, � I , . I I.. , , , , , �"��.",��t, 0"�7­ , 1.','� ,4�1. "I � � ��IL �i��ij , , �_ , A lt,..�, -'� , 'I", , , , "., 11 - F, `�� , ., �, ,­:��,"l, , , � ,,I. .� %, � "!""." ,"".."""., . I . � �I'll��,�,�,',,,,,.�,,���,�,�,t�;�,�.i�,e;�,�,t,,.,, �, i, ,,�� ,`,"L'R'­ �� �" '�­" 1,111IN4 11 � ,, !, , ,� � " - ,,,�"" . , 1� . ..��'t,�,;.�!,g?,tA,Y"�,,,�,��"",.",tvlI � * r �, I 'r,L , "%,.,�""',,�,,,,�"".",�.��",.;�,��, I �,�,'4.�',',,,','?i""",a�,'!'�:"�,,,�e""","�,,,,:,,,,,�i�v�,,..'!��,,�,"4','�,'�"�,��l,','�l�,�'; ��"",�".L",��,�,�,,�,:,,�;,�,�"1;,!,���i����, � , _ND, ,�, .. �� !�� `:,� , �ii. ., - I - � ,,��.'�f",., ,x,,,�,!, U�,, � ,, ��::",!, " : ,,, 11 11 I � "'i'""l, , " -f .1 , fi�o'Fil "� �,�I� -4�',§il'�!*��­ "O , i'�`,!��,,', ., i(.",S�,; �',,2�':;i,;, "),? o, � i� .%- �'�,,� 41' , , . , ,? " 0 .,�. I . V ,� " ,.J,�,,fj I 1, , " ,1. 1�1, " . , � ,,�., , I"'i h'i ",J�' I. �'.;., , '' �', �', � h,' ' �'� L� , I 1, , ,',,4,, . � I j,''.�; � ,''. , , 'I, `!,­,;,�;1�0,�i­il, , �­� �, , . ,!'4:�, , ". ­ �.1,2, ,,�11. J I " l, � ­ ,­� ,� �. j� " I I I �, %," , ;,�;,i�, I— - . � I 1`1 i� 14 " I I I I ,,,1,6,�o�,)�� I -c , �.,. " ,�,*,i��,"'-,��;" , "� ,�� i ii,,t ,� , " " I, , �,� ` , I ,��', �,� ,-4 � " I , ' "It 41"ly'�-'�'.'�"'�"'��""."" " L, ,,, ,, " , I I I "� I , , , , ., � " . iii�,6, � �, '11 1i welleKs. . Farih day more" applications pour r.v ng vanwren who need it, and,have nootdier, Means J I L. WWH and palanned ,the *i(nvers and. water- ,P 0 0111111ces of 91016 and '5152,809 . ,ounces of ,silver. The tiotal, valui of- I . in. Last year nearly 900. kiddies were Of getting a vacaytbm in a normal .Wbrks ,and o66iPlated this in 19,27. thel metals produced each, �,ear is In taken care o4---buit eysit thlin there "-Ountry home, it is the earnest hope ROus" ,rent fr*lm I $20 to $915 (per 11 'the neighborhood bf $14110M.90. 1 were 199 left over—who had no, holi- of the Neighborhood Workers Assoc- . . Wonth, depending Ian, m.e.. All Rojig.. . A% Present NorSuds, Miinesr'seeur 11 es . . day at all, after inxious, weeks of iation That miany golod friends, ,Will es -have WWbet'- arid sewerage and, its ;Supply (of power from the'N6rth� I waiting, It is texpedWd that over -send a letter offieling to- be Tidatess, � to lightin1g, They art tv�o�,storied hbus- ern Quebec Power -Complatily but is, . . . . I . 1,000 'applicationt. Will'conve in this year -and, the annual campaign to lo- one or two childiren for'two weelim. With the in-vitalti,on, should be em- es, hard"lod, PoOrsl,, and aveiagge a- rounA,flve rooms a Piece, all- with now lengaglid in making 1nvbs,t1&tionSl � . .. It ' - !t of a power site oin the upper Ott,aw* .., , , .I I cate hostesses is an in talrutst, closed R letter from the Vocal minister I . b4thrmtrA, . . 61r'Victolnla River, about ­'6() mil" I I There hre kiddiles of ',all. ages__ or"some ot�er well known. citizen iof 10je ,di The, company 06ers, loans to any. Southelast 'of Nforands with a view top I I I ranging fromAiny three year *Ids -strict.- F. N. St$pieford, Gen- one wishiog to bulld.' Hotels,, nort ex- ldeveloipiiifg� its own soureldt of e6et*ie , to. lads of 14 who are simply dying 'eral se'6i�etary of -the NeigbbOrhood Cel-Iled by 9ny doww, ooutk provide power,. � I - . to gelt a glimp6e,of a real farm��Oer- Workers' Association, 22, Wellesley CMMA01100 tand' eonXiort to travel- I . haps for the first tiime� in, their Wes. Streld, Toronto, is direetly_ih &alrge Mrs. . A� � 'large sksiting and, turlink I — : , 01 I . senk JWndreds of '�&ildren. are beig sen of q,his project. 11. rink offers winter Isport. I might _ I � . .. I ... � . .NsovQ Flower Show to the Neighlborhood'Woikers FreS I - L--- Isay, Norbmft "celkled in'her Tiockey , � - . I - I I . . -, . . I I . I.., _­ . I . . I I. . . � .. - I I Air'Camp at Boltion, but there are so . record thisyiftr. Tema "wre,fbimed id undlergr1out and by smelter m,61,. J)he Ex" Exeter Horuicuitur'al Sock� - . has � . many cases where. camp is: not VOS`_ si-ble. Por instittice, all, 8 Ito, 11 year � I . . '.. I . I . . I Many -ftien And eirAployrnent frDin devellaped an interesting. plan, for dasplaying, flowgrS.- Instead of bdd. . olds libust. hio acdo,nipanied "by, their ,' . 111 ! . I I I 6r sk hi. sports.. In..'sunimer i"9 'nmexbbG 11OWer sh6*,V`1 bitild- I in 1 mother and, in Many itstaxties i7s npothd-r tinalt1le to go, -becwugs�,, of . I I I . I 1� I . . . .. , 1 I 1. I I., ey fv&�Ie , Ji So, keen, on Utlebal1l; sofftll and' fold".11. ' A 1184e, golf . . , .2 ifig� -or other ,Jeck,W I , 1A,,,e witrido* digptos .a" grrlarilged,in,, . . th� -leading 1. � tih�er�.Streriuou�, ties at, h6ift I I . I Iforsiteisses, who have ­A�44,�­&' . 11 . I 0 . � , .6 . _ ) I 0mrse,was*Wit -out "to", lot yftrg 1. I .. so., . �. .1 "I" L I & - ­Mlhege, . res, and,. SkdpLt of the .q . qnl. -16- A.. 41- . A � ': I . - I . I . I . � L . . � . I . . ­WWv for a kus- I i 11 ,, , I � , ii�;'� .� ,. .. ' . , children in past yearst w4te in again . I �, ?r1herip hire miany theatres (two V%y 161 e0dh li%dift fid*er it, elvss�n. 44 ' P,,�i, `. - 1� . I Proportionately low rates 6n target- loans. . . I , . .11 . I I 'ikfte�-oiftelv) Ave 6urthim Of hl�auti, p, eo - . I . ..­, . . .. -1 and again,'offleting, to take other ehil- . .. ,� � . I ,� I ves ,0oXw jMf'4n*ny ftftfttrde 'i's apPointed-40'r ea& " nm� . . � . . .� dran, or, in 6i&tik oaqes, ,ft,king !I ' .� ful $.ft 4 ewv i66 I Id"PlAy' atid rhehiboos ai�e oe1voourz4pd I . t !�- � � . I rl.. i., , � ,V.O! 66t - illil,., 'p . 'Re -g -alar Savings Interest Allov�ed on Wnthly Deposits. ' -n can Ibe imetuTtLed to ,� , '&�' "'nd *k� "at- to ftUT d1eir bittiblOoms No pij;�� 4� "t, , , 'I . � . I., I- ­ 11 . ft ..... ... . I . . the same obilare; - 1 ", .. r', � it, 11 I - . L I fl. . I . , , . �. � , , ,,,, ., I 1. I a Ino kemlan- I., � "m ,� . . . them. 7 "Of OVI"ge thOrb i : , - Vctft 66 (ObtkVined. at 'southern Ptie- eg 4re o#erqd�'but tnevertilelegl§, -dohi_ , . �, 11 , , I I 0 . . L 1'�'Rfll I .. '._ , �"" . .1. . - - Ap�ly at any branch oi this batik - 11 erattiiya ,to the bostess�-unles.s dt ,be I. 11)� 1". . . p6tiltibli SK, Wen i.?%.Mwh leading Hfi& . fi�; �.,. " I.. ', 1, .1. . , . ,1 , , "� J � I 11 the bqspy laughter and .fb,,qy sdheeiks ' - ,, ;� - , The llalft.!61164 -P,e#o�b available, at _U Rose& R I ,I'. �� - , .�' �, - , I 1,9 .... . .. �,,; . , - L . .. . In omari6�,,, , �. I of -a little thild wh'6,, �-ot Jbng;'*, L . "' ' I I . I � fttrl I = thA 6ft ,tiMeeves. ., . I I I and Gla&011, I I � I � ,1;, I , _ I(IA - 'W" , � I.. ` ' .�,,o , I I -;. � .,T,�. � ". ''� . T __ I I ----,,,,. k- , , . _J, I � - ,,, . I I.. . , eaty ti'ift'd, ift, I . , / I � .0 . I . 'L .�" � , , 11 1. I � ' .." �� � 1�!� 1, 1 , moaffis hag beeft living cloopM 6115 ifit . . 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