HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-10, Page 4�:"Wg, ,., , - ­­­ ,"'. , , "I. ",ftt' � " ;� 0,111� , .;� �,�!!,�! I . �'V. , � i I .� " r � R . 10�, " t,,,�,v' ml'.2041011;(11� �, ""�"", " , � V� ...... . "" , 4 !�,,��i',,!!V .4';��,+;��,��f',!V,14V4 . " , , ".V�.',, ,2 ,�,T , . ':e-",,'.!�,,�'J�% -,�14f ,��',�lill��'��:)�;f,l�,�;��',,$",,Il�i,"4,'�,�,��],�,,Il,� 0, � � ,t�j '%­,�, �fllr%,� 4�(!,K��",,'� &4,, . , ,�,yj�'­­;,�,,�..', I ,� ,�Ii �`,Y,P��1111'1' .111.11 � , " , "'54i'..1 �,*,�,11�4,4 ""t���l""�:��",?,�,�,�,-,,,,,�� �', . � i� "j,;��117�!�V,�1�4, �1"41��,��t?l"�,�i� - '�l RP, ., �, ,j�,� 't ��,'�`f'��'��'y , 'l.", ,�" .­ . %,,I 1 - ­ , ,,,;� " "I � It 2. ,� .. ...... . ; . . ': .1�115 11111MIT101 ,jt,qr�`N�,�F�71`."'-. ,I " "" � 0�11A,,'��10 01.111`1"'iln � 11 '..". i I %, . 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". ,, � ;�, I 'w!", h". . 4 , , I _. � 4 , ­ �� I t0r ,yu." �, 'W"', � - P. i ,�� pheate M W � .v!", � .. 1 ,-,4�, _,� : " .!'� s I 1-.-1'1'-- - I—', ­, _�;_ ��_Xr_ , , �, - . i�, 1�1 I I �`;s, � _ onbc)T% !IW4_��py to 4� I"'... �$� I . �,-,,7,q, .--. " , , ", W, . . I I ,1 A '� .11, I , � , , � '"' boll,0143 A � 41 �� . , ", , ,Y�?�),kT�,,Alk . "'Ap ex. CeAtra, , ,, ': ,��,"� �� . � F I 4, ;W ,A ,4 , � I'm W1,401491V � � I I "r— 111 _ ,_ .,U, _ ;,,,� , , , ". I ". . � 1. 1 . 6p��_4N%4 , , ,, , , . 1,,� . � I � �;., � il.1'. , ", . , 0 " * 11.1'1 , " , , �:: �, � " � �.. lo" , �', A i , �� ._4 6111", I _% -XVQIA rfkft X11, . , _1g., 44 ,_ - .. 1, ; � ­ (" Ra , , , , , - et -,eut% , ,xv, ahom 1 �4 - . , ,. . #V%1,g10_;,;i ",!f4`!A','cA WPA ft -10-11 -41134,54, , .104. -1140*80 p '.I . e- Alk�"27. .9 .... , I .... . '' 1� I ,,� I . )PAW 4� . �'. , to�tug"�KA.Wer*�''."I���,l�'".� ��. "" ', !'�'. , , ­ .1 "' - � . -:1,1�1 i 1. I.N.71 .1 � , ,1l1i,5'(Mt I W10no OANIAR,, -44 W W,.'1.'%_&,',',Xh'.,.'#0 '� , W . �'. , � ,.� I.' � �,,�I,,, " �-,v,g,'4 "' , ,� wt 'r, wv��,,�i_, �, . FWA_- CA A!.? - nqnovrg�, - - "i'V91.1 . , i'�M,f.t � I.' - - I- " � .- I ­ . m " �Ll � , �64, � , ,n � " , . ,, ,,,,,)% , e - _, 1, R,0J_*P§# 0_ ­ ". * �w Poal . . �'. t��� 11 � � . '. . : � I "I �0-1_ �'_!'. -4 Po I I 4. 1. .1 . I .., , . ­­ IS'' _*i,._1..1 ,_� , " _ V 'I " A'qft, garga, 'is , , olev, ,ire, Y, -lis " , , rest- 'm ,A- ." . I I A' IV, - ,;, ;Afl�f�\V .1 . _� '14 .0 , 11':', - ., T,t luiluelva" IM t 47i.,�;41�� of A � I . ,�,',' '-",� I., I;gtTq S # -, '' _ ,, "� r �'.,rt ,'W , , ­ ., �, g I . . . . . . �,' , - IS _"4 �, "_ " ­; Ir". �� � 401,11 . � 14 ,.4 !�_ya, 74��, I � , .40 -4 Avtkur . 1. I *P . �,, 0 11 oh #* W''.. , -0 'I". , � - " k . T WZIM , , 1.11 I , *. K WI-ppy 4 .,� J� '# . - ;�%u XORAM . . I 11, I . , * 'r . " , I ^1 - - � ,­, . IM -k I . , ,% ... . . ..... , *. . ­ , 0 A�, JAM", un-- Aboo, - tiyep. . 11 1 114 his 617th yeaw, is a mar- vol *_f I., - lull , 41 ," Si * . 1. 1, I 1p IF low CA , ­ � , -W '� - .eli I , , 4 �W I at �A�evv _ ,,�,,, L"#, TA 0, �V, me, .Mrlli Ay '§111 - ,,, 1ws, 1m�"X-.-",e04,.-s, eir ' �. belv of tb - To . -Mr. 04*41a" , ! , " h, e, 14' � 4 , , . , nd, I . a . 7 , , " � , qrteid , � U nald;'��,F,w X-04-0, §eaond, "OvOk Hono . 4,0- '' � Al.l..".1w% . . I I 0 '. ''a" . , . -tor' 'r , a _' . "" -",w % 6 . . . . . . . . , a p, T, v.qk .., P. . I I 1 7 . . � .11, e � nO,. CQVJUX 01F w9r . "­'. r, ��, WWAUX, '1?Th?0Q,.i..,6r. , d0oh, Of wooda�ook t1fity, io au 'the sports "4 games, I �, �.. � I I " , -, I ,p , " - 4 , - - 'Shirl,,V , .. � A. .d F9 4 . . 1440, 004U 'PrOck, - iBb,,Roberf�,,a .. , I I , 4 - , , � E --ass, lw- �- - I �� MA y Dialica,ii, Or'] I ..� � - .11 ,,, �,� '11M,1991 �T V, _q. !,­.'­­­-�__,� ....... :'­�;.. X,.0eq#. 1, , I VIn , .� gq . I . , 1101Q.0io. OAA 4,*Anna, V the w. j�]% * I.U$, UIX Ith his wife lipok.. ** , , , ,, 0 ,, p -,%t -1 , - 41'%' '' "-- - 119CO-1vai Maids Xorley,!_J"A Ogdieu. , ... ? . ,. '371 " ,�._. , . I 1, U, "�", � WrIck .... ...'.. I ............... ­.. ..... -% Cap� .. eok-'ead _ � . I for-, - , we' *Sh. to into -W, onrvq�*�. , , ftse an - IN ".W .4 .......................... " . ,� ward, audgreabl1y enjoy 0, �1 P, g :� . � , anniam Pais-a-Mildre'd Alilen �' VA'Sitiod . over I to,getblier wA � V�,' I .". �, Alpeb , piply 1� na�,�, � Me" : : ... :....,. Y, 0c.t Evellyn,0"Biien, Vex,ha Piettman, J'eam � W -4a. Bmck. sister, Mrs, Priwt. w to � I'll 1� . i ers thatwe can au ,"yqu sp : i ­,�',,� ­ 25 Celft . -riel :�pain, Dopla, D1004a � W , L'o � JA ,r 1, I - I ,those 'Present Clo* "Xonp _. ., ,On I, ,Taek .�";4 . e ,X J%t 0 , � . 4 . � ... � , um Charge, Apt 1p;ser0on ............... I ... Sebaefew, Haroitd,Shore, M A Verald .. - . � n4al a*ubloms. - Among . , ,-1' , - u . Ith ,C40ie�e _ �;, ,, .1 , . . dried h,04 I , _ r I , � _­ ­,� �,,,��,,�,,: -� 'N'40h, fikpm Ultra - and, Obxewlaum POUIX44 04 onei. vi�ard, -D.bnald gton,e,ho�us% MIlAred Wdkan;- Hern, Hizel Wrn, W, ' _'t Churdk SWAM - . '­ w�re the fqllovAng: hIlre. G. C. Has�- fou6wing priceS, in eqetolnees' - - , , 0441" 11 .. ,, ger, - I I 6a �10_1_��rs. Alvin - I . I . ti , " � ,In Memoriam Naticeis-1 c4at,wer-ord� Minimuy�.. 50 cents Per Week, � rred"NM't1Ugbaa6p B -Ay YOUngi- � ROY H 9804, J0411 ' ' o, Pa.; Mr. and �dxis. A. B consainers: -.1'.. I I .1 1-111 , . . . sell, Alton . 4 , . . . , ..� ,6 �'b6 ,directed to a Box Xum�ar, � Care of 72�e Huron: Ebamsitor,, for 1Q -%to 8econd"'Clasis 'Hanorursi--4as Murray. . . There. was vuo, servite in Carg�i6l Or*eio, Detroit,', Mich.; Mr. Milton. . I,, 1� , A$i. ., , . Abell, Presbyterian ' Church. ,,on ­� 1.1b. to 50 MS._% a 1b., , � li�, K,� Ih,gle Andie ' , " A, Wk against the results . 'Sunday 0#� T'on4on- 'Mr. and Mrs, J. A: , ' 4 . 4, X �,� " 11 " �.. `!, , 1110.1 ���� � . . irson, Harold- Ashton),' Ray- Note,,,- ppe -111 I, �X , ?nal per week, will be Charged 9 ads ,in above elmo Arre not vaid by the '� ip " ' 'n, 'ih which the ad was ran. ' ' ­ � . of the, Eutwaxl, e Exandnatjons, . liast� the'pastor, Reir. W. A. Paterson, Hfe*sjW; Mr. and Mmp. G. --, � 50 lbs, or Over,, ap " , mund B'a,. pp, Giertn 'ralust morning . � , A� fbm � , "I.,X? t in the week ' rude,, Bond,, -J*mi '_ _P_ . . . ' , "I _ 1A .... �, � " ,�, . . Carey, t_* ,,, Cooper,! Lione, eutb_ be 4orward,Q4 .to. the Inspect= before Young, taking the-11VOrning serviceS, M. ,D , -We; also , v so A �, r , 1. . , i . "I Y-gppq . 4j,p ­ . ,,T,hf ., n re o . rysdale;hud familly, HeInsall, Mr. ha e me Mbe Hopoy ., fA I I J", . I . ' cecin.Van- .10'r Caven PresbyteT urch at, and Mks. R. 0antz, ly1atierloo -'Miss at the folio in 1. I , - , 1i 11 ,0a ,. U�.otice to Creilito.-_ 'Etc.-Rabes an appirication: � bertsioxi, %%a�n Dnw, Betty lFoater, Au6asit 16th and, imust be, a _ian Ch . g pri . . .. . :. . ya ix_*-. ­­­ ­ I ': , M I I . I .. _ � . 11 , ied by the 414ppeal fee "bkh Exeter during fthie, mkWtJ1 of Juj�y. On Margardt 01eveland, Toronibo,;' Miss -3 � I I ......... .1111;'Aftm R -1,4, '. 1, ­� �� , .. , , ," I I RiDbiit Hawthorne, Ire.t 1911, Doq- . of $,2.Qo,�_w I I 1. , '&�,1,2`V�,' �' .— _p . I 1, t6 0'1b*..__8e li, 1b. . # . 1, ),))X� ,- , . I ',P .f& --I _, -tinduy M," V�­,';. .,�­ , I .. IN,­� � is T.1h,'—A A _111-_71 S I �., � I "�". t �;%'�� � For $ale�, - I ��' - , , "I , I .,,11 ,,.,., I I — �'#_ "., �, � . ,�� %` 2- PIGS f;IX W, XS OLD: � , , " �,� Ew , , ­ � .� � , .; '' �� I � 1�, "� . PINDUG". � 35179XI 1 'W 4 . ��, _-1 1­1!�'.�­ - . .� ,� TCH GOV- , 0=,','- , � X SALE OF T611,NO . 1 ,. .,_;��ent Xpproved Chielm, Commencing . july_?�,4, iendipg July 15th. Day Q,Jd Chicks � I _.- .� 11 I ; . I PC -. - , - :e , ­ �.. I ampshire R ­ ­ U. I�uiulet a 1c, eAvy Pulle �C, Legm .t r .111 - Ile � 2 .C; e Br ,'. e 70/4"O.", to Day Old ' P_ - one. k t 2Q, 10 day old 4c, 2 week old X - 06 910. A-11 lChickis ' 'SubJect to -Prior �S.aaffl, ftlletlS guaranpleed. ,Q,0% ladcur- Acy. TQP XOTGH CHICK HATCHERY, , StXIAV4�., 0utairio. . � I 8579-1 , . , I, . I ... - I . . . .1 I; . ,;�.."�, , � . ,.�, . I I !..,!!t, and Found � �, - . — .. . . , LOsT-BAG OF "K STARTER, BE- tween -Seaxorth and ,sioclaies �Oorner, on ma,ndwy. . ms. KEx xexELLAR, - c�rom_ awtv. 'Phone 12-2. Dublin. 3579-1 11 � � I I . I . . . � � ; I . Articles Fvir� 80e' - HAY FOR SALEL�QIJANTrry m STAND. Wi ha:7. in the field , timothy, with a =Lvture, �pf alsike, 'for is� veri,oheap; Lot 8, Concession, 4. H. -R.&, .Tuckpnimith. AD. ply JOHN SPROAT. SeafordL , . .3578-1 " . . I . . . I ­­ - ., I = V . I Farms For Sale ­ , CELY krED FARM . FOR � S_ SITU . 0A No� 8'Highwiy, Containing 100 acres; -ithin .t. miles w.t of Seeforth. Soil in., a good wtate of,-,cuftivailliox. :'4riiqk house, bank ,barn and drive shed.,-APDly to own- ,ers-,-MISSES FOWLER; -,ft.---2;--Seft-drtl1. . . "11. , , I 357$x2 .1 . � � I . . I . 77--------7 . . I For Sale or Rent ' . I COWAGES TO RWT-BAYFIRLD, SUM- ,, Mer leottares, 1$40 -and $80 monthly. I Ap- Fly, um . WM. FERGU80#1. BayAeld. ' . . 1. . . . 1 �5'79_1 . . - � I I — I � - . . Notices . I Im. . - __ -, ,VV-ff,L THE YOX714.G. MAX WHO TOOK A .. I _ t Oared from the -Queen's Hotel on Wed- ne�day,levetdng, Jul�r Jgt,.kindly return it ati . � , �i.,, .� � 13579-1 0�" \ I I . NOTIOS-41 IN kcKili'di, 'FOA( fter. ne'A = �,= Have orders ready. rty S0,sw for cattle, also Ifor 'house., ssiy� "Chifiesirepaired. SAM CARTER. - . .... IL . . I 857fti 1 i . . L .... .. I I ., 1. .. . ..... = ' Tenders Wo,fitffl� ' ' ­ .., I , I ; 1�� I i 4 �, --t! I �-L I I . I ": . � I . , . . 1:1, . 1. .. I .. Q111k - ­­ � . I '�, t . . . . - � I � . . � , _ . ,4 — I 11 �, I , '�t-,� ---7— -. - I . ­ . . : . , . , I , ;A� MW ftlas.'rm . DRE . 6MIG ' 11 . . 1 1$ . Q3AU1W MMDMS �DDRVISSW TO TIM, A�j uoerstgned and endomed "render for I . . D.redoffig, Abolpm Bay, Ont" will ,be remv- ed upiJI ii e?ilock noon (i.ylight as,ing-1 , . ,. Xende�0 July, 20,.- 1936. 1 . . ?I * : bel conisidered uniess made .�Ts'..'�-lf=-"i..,�uvOlit-d..,by the Devartmeat inad' bi *dDrOaricei. v4!� Oe-'eanditions sA Iforffi %erft -�� '��' I * I � , ,_* . Cvz4" , *in4�,,';j4Ag4vbtor" a& torm. o&,, -tender _ can b& ZEM on app4poWn. to the under- atMied, &106 at the office a the Di En. , , . Me ", � . .; I n Building. Lo,ndbal Out. m , include the,'Zow,=i of the ... , r � L , ... tb)6 work. * 11 11 I es and other plant which are lU%crde& to Lbe emvloyed'& this work, s4all ha�o been duly registered in Canada .on or lbeiforecithid' dArty-Grisit day -of December, IM,. io sliall have. been Omstructed aiid aftietered in Canada since -the said, ftte. . I I I I I .I VIUA I oR, 1-auque i nsxon�'.ular_ -_ , '-� , - � _e,p ,455-- V _RWrF Veirda WaWou, i - T wo 1. I I ­ , I Dr. Margaret String Sgiva& ile ffi ' ' Londesboro 50 lb.s. or over. Jc' LL, lb, ' I .. ,i0in Lan�iw0-, Jo"ph La RQ.oq,4,e,. Lox- - -- - � - , . . . L I . . . el e daughters; 'Miss Lin Or(twein, of To- , , L ' . I.- I ,.__1_.,.._._ I ­ . ....... L .... .. ....... . ........ � ... ... L . ... ��' ... �. a L' . These .' -prices, are - subject. to - , I SWTH-Rit'llorouto, on July - 8th, to Mr. ­and ,-LLZi,;"V Laaaaline, Edna MaeiAdam, Ross I i - 1, -1- . . � I I � I. � 11 I I morning- Service. Dr. Stra,,V' i's '' 4 rontoi and Mrs., J. Brenkolt, of Kit- .. change t , I . . VT . missionary in-DIxonAlle, Alta., and I present ,�tho.�� no ....Mrs. E. E.'8mith, a �*IL­ . MIXTRI; khi;ld[ Prouse, Betty Roobh, K EN . I � ­ ehener, were uhable, to be ;" ll � � tim :, �, - . Ernest.11yan, Eava Saieila, Myrtle Stod- ishere for a Short visit with her par- Mrs, D. A. Cantelor� who has spent ,.. ' I . . . I ents, Afr __ dart,Betty $braughaa, Charles Wig,le, -, Hw'ania, bi�rzi'. 'O. Wally, iof To'Ton- . , .,and Mrs. -Henry Sta,ang, ac- a couple ,of *e�ks at Pike Bay, has I. , - - - I I t af,the home rned tQ her homo here. A SORS"'"", . 1-1.. Doris Williams, ' Raw? Wilson. __ comiPaUnied hy her husband,. Qn Sun- reifi I � AlmER � to, are speni"g a visa' ' " I 1H is ER � ..... : .... - _10. I ­ I 1, . . . Pams��Hejen'Aiin, 'Luella Blaick, of 'Mr. and Mr�. Win. Ivision, pf ,iiie d,�X, evaning, Mir- YOungt010k ,his Ser- .iMrs. Walter Kentnerand little son I . . 11 � 1. _. - . vice an I I ` . AiIZ iioW'man­Co,hn Czimpbell, Lois, ,village, * -7 . - - ."', MANLEY,: ,.,, 1\ , I .. Heiisall, delivering a Very able and Miss Beatrice Badiley, of Shel Two. Blockg"Bouth, fif, Hotel ­ * 11 gr 0axT.i,ck, James'CAutton Laura Dwst, - Master Don- Xyle, of the village discourse. In aidifition to an anthem burne, are Visiting a,t the home of ZURICH .: , .., ONTARIO � �4' Mr.,and, Mrs. Joe k6Latiglilin ha,,e Eileen Enslkp, -Jose ' ' by the chol - 14-r. Y . . , ,ph Fehowg, Jas. spent a few da�yia at the honge tof his . IT, �Ziung very pleas- Mr. Ad Mr& K. T tavis. , I Telephone 122, Zurich , I �. . � returned from. their 1honeymoon trLp G ham, W16a Giriff, Betty � Harris, unkello and agnt, Mr. - -and Mrs. Wil- Ingly rendered �,a solo. ' Op' Sunday Mrs. Hu*en and, her moither, MT,s. , . $61" . rl . - . .- � J! , Ediieapne Johnston, mer MdOhncli,�y, of the Babylon Lin�. I . .. . and have settled down to� the stern -n HADuistoig, I rdoriling next Rev. Young will take A14xapder, who have been visiting in . , reaRties of -life. - - '. I Glenna Johnston, Marcel Lmas�alhie,, - th* Idervies'lli), F��eiilet and in,. the ev- the West I -or a flew vqeeks, heave re- , I � . . '. I The Wot of ithe'liome games of foot- __ I � I . � Our -school, board have .engaged Jack Leamah;-Eft6st MacLeod, Hel- hall WA- 4 �iayvd here on Xdnday ev- 0Mli"o' will- a,ipreach arm! WAR,y � 6ex" ,,.turned to their home -here. � I I .1 gre. and - .. , be_ - �4Mr. Ferris Qanitelon, ,of .&hoqibdrg . 0 .... --1 I Miss Maxid Murray as teacher, akiiies en MlaLeo4 Helen 'McCabe, Monvis ening. when, SeAforth Played b, � mon at Bayfield V 1� . to begin after the holidays' -1- - MeMillan, Staniley Mogiall, Owen The game wq4. 4, good -one from start panied by his choirr, who Willa!= is here vititing his mother, Mrs. D. - . A large number fmom here attend- Marlatt, Dorothy Medd, Eftin Herr, to finish. -During the first .half no charge -of 4lie musical part and, Rem A. Calitelon. . . . ­ f urin � ed the garden party last Wednesd rill, lHamg-arelt Muir, Evelyn Prouse, goals were scoredi,buit during the last Di. DW,aij,74 .0 wdl D. i Ab, 9 , ay _ _ unbon, '111 0 T Mr..'and Mirs, J. Hanson and Mr. � . I I . ) � I evenfixg on , St. P�atrickls Churdh' 11-eleri Sheardown, William -Swig6r, half Seaforth managed to. score tone in 101�ek Church,, (RW'salL T;U j Mra. W. Cowan, of Galt, visited I 11 -1 grounds in Dublin which was a',grand Chmrles Tyndall,' Walter Westbrook; goal, which. put them in the lea�di and eter choir .will have -charge ,of . Ile recently� -with � W'. and Mrs. William .. . , (succes. The execessive theat made the Harry W&Ifflake, El`va Worthy, Xjn- which ,they 'beld .t6 the fluishi, - We service Of W1119. - � . . SlIng,ster. . I . .4 1 � ' cool and refreshing drinkp- go good. neth, Young, ' . trust (the boys .will have better ,luck The.Swerament of -the Lord's Sup- Mr. and Mrs. Reid Kirk, Mrs, Trua,. Sal e" Days � The hay crop wasgood this, season -Passed, under the� provisions, of ,ne*b year.. 1. Per was observed in the United and'A41fia Thurston, of Fair . , I . grove,� I and the quality -is excellent.,,-, It is dbegulation 11 (6) Of thel-Ugh School Mr. and Mxs_ John' Wliteo-mbe an&.Chumh 04 Sunday ,o *A e iting at the 'home - oi � I � . -.111grai ast with 'Mich.., ar , vis, . � _, gJ_ . . mrliest on record.. Ev�rance Regiilations�-,Hazel Moore. daughter, of ingersall, spent the week a good, attend -ante aird, a ,splendid ';,%fr. and Mrs. Fred Hess. . 1. ­ . I I - , If we 4dvh't get moisture soon.'our The Rober't Park Me4vonlal'medalsl. end at ,the home -of Mr. ,Win. Moore, diKOU'rSe 'by -the pastor. Th- . e choir- Was Mae McNaughton, of. Tordn- ,harvest will be light -and _w.on7t re- avm�ded annualdy to,the pupils in the of the villaij,& I . I rendered a fine anthem in which the to, is Alsiting with ,her parent�,i, Mr. Ondy , - � I quire much twin'e 'Or threAln,g. The Entraned classes of the Goderichpub-,, -' Mm Robert' Thomson and daugh- leader, Mr. IW. 0. -Goodwin, took the and Mrs. D. McNaug1liton.". . ` � , .... 1,- I . root and'v-e&etable crop, are burring lie sch-ools sec'uxi'ng-the 1�iighest stand- ter Pearl, of the-iLondon Road, mot- %!0,107, . . . . I part.'and Mrs. Miu�de Redden Thi� W. M. is. of the United Church .. . _1 � . . -, . I I aid) mAbh the burning Sun and the hig, were won, by James McIlwain in ored to the Plarry i8bimid district dur- &,sAo, bo,lih taking their pari in � held their regular monthly meeting xamninig, water s,upply 'is , liow for the case of Cen1tra School, and by dog �the past week and spent a ,pleas- Very Pleasing manner. At 'the even. ,on Thuitsiday, July 3rd, at 3 'o'clo,c]" A New Subsefipflon , those who have to drilled v, elle. James Hume lezria School. afit timiWilth .Miss Razel Thomson ing servicet'the -pastor ,gave a good in the schoot, rooin.,,otf the church, with Z to - � . . . Bayfield Centre ,m)i'D is teaching them Miss Thom- Practical sermon. ­­. . I the president, Mrs, Crosis, in the . . I � I .. I First Class I-Ionburr.-William A.-rm- son accompani*4 them, home, , . . . I I Alt -St. Paul'iii ,AmClican Church -chair," , The meeting Opened with a F71 7- . . . HAY I . .. strong, Gordon. Weistlhke. ' Mr. Thomas Forsyth, ,of, the vU-- there iiras no morning service and Will hymn, Tollowed by prayer.' MU6 A .; � . - , , � . - Sec9nd Class, Honours - Betty lage, ,attended the funeral of a reaa- nolt be duri�ijg -the.. summer months,. Xonsitt, gaw ,a very,_,,�goOd -report _.oi I_ , I ­__ . , I -_ ...­_ ­ 11 - . . Brandon, ,Gordon Hurnex, Elmez John� tive iir-Davi io - .1 , - the .Iiii- . I I ids ii M ch" dlnftg S1t._.,P_,aul's and Tri,vkt Memorial the Conference Branch of W 'bhe regular �non6hly'mieeting �of abon, Velim Martin, Hugh -Pollock. past week4'�'___ ' � - . , . M. s. I �,_ the council of the Township Of Hay .". I Church have ' United and Rev.- Mr., held at Sarnia -recenitly. ' ­ -­ . - - I I I I I . ' - was lh.e&d in the Town Hall, Zurich, ', Paso - James Attwood, Beuaah The..7nany fxp`end,s* of Miss Sarah Hunt, of Exeter, is, th preach in St. -followed by a guitar duet�by Kathryn .. . . . � Ducharm�,- John McLeod, Violet Turn- Da 'of Twker.sanith, W11-14.1. be PaurS ChuyCl), Ifeusall, every Sunday Drysible -and Pearl" Harpole. Mrs . I .1 11 . . . . on Moviday, July §t�, .with all the er, -Lorna 'Westlaike. ,. . sorry to learn that sthe has., n quite eveiiing. . . . y1nan, ... . . mr :present except MT. William' I Dungannon *Centre . . I I � ,C. MeDonnell read. 'the devotional I . I . seTkuslY slok for 'the Past week Or PuOils Pass lei.�flelt. The ineethrig closed with� a I , Haugh, who was unable to ,attend on Flint 044 Honoursi-Mary Cant-, so. We trwsf, she may soon take a 11 . I .1 account of injuries received in a fall hymn and-beinedic-taon. I .. I a few days before the meWmg. The well, Lovena Crozier, Rayinond Cur- dedided change for the ',better. - successful music pupils - of miss Mr. and Hirst.. Ned ,Ferguson, of H, ur 'o n . . nidnutes, of the, June I-st meet* Tie, Graham -DuTinin, ,Harvey John- Many from around here spent ,the Eleanor Fisher, A.T.C..M., at the re- Bay. 'City, Mich., are visiting with'' I I . . ing were stoA, Mhott. Ri"bt,- Ella Whitley. 1st of July -in ,Seaforth and at dif - cent Tormto, Conservatory of Mugic Mrs. -Pope. . . . .. 1, . . . - . I 110111111�111 I - adopted as read. The, Court of Re- , S-6con&,Class Mnours�­idioriA Con-: ferent points al0g the lake shore. were: Norma E. Cook, Grade I Mr. and Mrs. M. -G. D I � I . vision.'on oppe�ls against the assess- gram, Arthur Haward, Ferne Pater- " . ­ � Theiox7 I , . first I . . rysda-le spent.- , . I., . . 1. ... , ment of .the t933 assessment roll was . M.-NEEN" , class honors, -Lois t. a couple-tof days. this. -week at'Hon-_�_ I . , ,,son, Cecilia Watt, Xohn Wilson. . iino, honors.. deau Park. . I . I _%, .. I . . ­ 0, , continued ac4rding to at;ournment noffat, Grade 11;�Pi . I � P lbert, I . . I- - - ev I .. . . .. I ­, � and the following resolution 'was li6tt . 17 RENSALL . Mrs D Gratssi,e.k ,anj twb , grand- Mr. T. C. Jo!ymt- is. -having a selling� :­ , , .�, ­ , Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiii,iiiii,iia -son . onto, ..are vi I siting at. the out saleof diT, 9'ood(s'aM genf�' fur-. L .1, " _;�,�: , 7,., . lo, I 11 . . . oyd Hodges, Edna Plowman, - sclent—Ifi-c P t now,'wt ,,Comm. - home of MT. sn'A � �- I I ".. I -­`_ passed: That .the appeal' Of Owen I Ll 9, �f i�d; . , 0.3 it t i o� ,r , aas,--Annie Cu ' Bessie E Geiger be dismissed -and that . the ey' , James, Errington, Kenneth, Gaul- or . -'Xr& Geo. Walker nishings. He bas been it busihess?, - �cp . : I .1 , �.. . . . - "..'.. & ­ �, �__.­ . .�uuwi; W .noevialion 'be closed and, that , Bruce Rya � n. 641 Hotel, ,he?ke , till Saturday night and.dther friej& in and 'around here for the pasib tweinty-one. yeirv.­ _ - 4 4 rA .: I 4, 4 01� . qw . � . I I , , I A I , >. Q j I % . � � , I �V s"s&-ment* zollf as amended be Kin u Centre -only. Have, yourr hands read'. Mine. Irbown, . I ....- I I '. . , A very large ' � I I � I I � ­ I �_ . I -1. :,I .�Ij"�­, - .�, 4� 1 . I . quantity of '�4y'hasi . I . . 1. - �.%::,._. 1114 1 Second Olass ffdinours�-Agnes Led- H. Know yourself. X79x1 .Mr. and 'Mrs. C. T.Huckle and s�n bein, cut and, well saved in. 'tMi �dism . I .1 . I . , . f� .. . 1, . . . r . , _ - I , I I adopted. by -the eD'unefl, as the assess- nor, �Loifs MlacLe&n, Bruce MaeLen- '� trict, Ithe weather having be6ii' most', � , .L ... meatt roll' of, the Ti6wriship, of -Ijay 14r , . v �� I . MIAJ- and 6&i. William XcLesn,,�afid Olifford� of Detroit.,, APent'the week , . -FOR ON, Y, _4 �&� ldvol& nan. � - ill, -A 1, Ail _A, Ir -.&I e ,.,;, I � . . � ... .,� � , � . . . Geraldine Bett anA i -- - qf md, .+i .. ".. � I . . _ . . ­ - .- �. - - .. � . . . . I 11 . .Vv�, . . . - ­ 1 .7 f�— �y Z I I . ,-,Axis,., James Pater- ay.- ­ �'Ili ;z . 4 . . ­ . ., � I . �, , 'r J715�, . � . . . . . � I ,. , , .. I i � � .. �,�,� I-, I � . . . ,J:­"��-, . I Pas_4---Graice Oa)npbell, W6nda Fer- in� for a couple of,,Ae-eks, Wt the home 'son. ' � I . I 11 . .1 . .. . . . . I ,,� . . . I I I . . . I 'Z,'.'�," . , ,­'.... , . I From Cbun- MtrY O'Keefe, Helen McGee,, Norma I . -, Mr. and Mm. Staff "; �. I . The! 11 oillowing commuoteations. Were guson, Mbbert -Farrish, Lyle Gaynor, of Mr. and Mr�, John Pass -more. ' and family-, of ,,, ` - ,,!,� . Wd-beforii the &unciff- !Mr. ,and Mrs.'GeoTge Laughtion, of :Rochester,-.: N.Y., are visiting at the Council Meets ' . I I ' .1 I I I . � .. �, . �;-� I I � � � . ee g 0 e I � _1� I ­ ity Clerk, ad,%iising that couiit� rate MurraY, Kathleen Tfiorburn, . The regular w ti�i T th:' " �" ' , Is the same as in 1935, viz $13,894.92,- . Tol village I " ","., . . .9t Helen's Centre ' I l7onto, vtsltied over the week ­,end. home of, Wre. Staff's.sisterl" Mrs� E.. douncil. was ,liqld",'Monday Ovening at .: ` . 1. 'I- .�,�I, 'f- 0 Ill . . 01 ­­ on.from, -the 1property with the latWsi parents,, Air. and Drummond, and'feanily. I , .Ing tit , 11 ­��. . ", , ., - Filed, :A, petiti, IL . . 1. 8- Pjo�_,'iwi,the'eoun�cil chamber with, "'", '...ill' �. I .1 I . First q" Honours, � Jea'n Wel NrT,.-. Charles, blicDonnel-L I , . . . � �11­ , `., owner"a Zurich asking fOT a wider � I . Miss Marton, Druminiond "' holiday-- ��... :� ,.,�.,:t :_ . I wbiol(L. I . I . .:­ . all miembeTs. being presient ,except I S I I I k . .., I business' '-Secovd-Class Hanours-Janies Hun- t OdstOck­ ' Councillor Hamilton,. Minutes of the . . pavement fronting on, the yjb�- �and Mri. Bill SiaiQpson, spent ing with friends, 1'n.Wb Is . .. , section of the village. Petition grant -3 ter he � week -end -with their mother, MTs. .. The iSund'ay sichbol, pRcnif�-, of the prelvi,a4s. meetaing were read. Shad- .., . I I 11 11 ed. From Department of �High*ays p , John, Pritchard, Eldon- Ritchie, Lcv'.0 (8impson and grandmother, ,ussell Webb. , I . M.rs. Presbyterian ChurZ,h and , also the dilek and'Brock: That- the minutes as ' - eal[010-Aing COPY of regulatibin.1s respect- , p, Rdbt. Bionthron-'. _. I United, bhUrch were to -have been read he adopted. - . . I I . ing township . asi�Jam6i*_Aitchisfon, Robt. Br4g-f -�-CaTried, in tea ­ , 9M. 'Filed: ,h , D�6. , , - - .1 .... r. 'and Mrs. k. Drummond, and held A. u . roads, for i 'is ffutcKf�lon, Paul' e Ivglis M, : ion Wedn;� , July Sth, ,have ollhe 4-_01206t"Df revisi*n on4th6�Ua&,,��,,,,_' . I am i ,r - .,. , I I . � .11 .� I 1. . . From Bell Telephone Company re- , In and Mrs.. Staff visite . -I Wednesday, July -aplessiment roll were read. Brock "d '. , ­ . ape . .,1,37�1ur Ramage,'Raphael St. Marie.' Mk* d with Bill been postponed unti . Drwnniond -in Lislbo*el,on , s Grove. I cting oger made for Bell, line east Exeter, Centre I . Sunday 151th, at Turnibut' ,. I Shaddipk-: , Thaltmi'm4tes' of the court - � I . . . . of I Dashwo, I �od. 10 . ffer of $300 confirm- First ,Class Hunours�­Lorraine--At- - last. V, . Mr.' Mrry Walsion, who ha's ,been of revis$iin for the -three meetingip be , '� I ... ed I kinson� Bessie Brooks, Bruce .Cann; . Xenne-th and GeraJd Passmore. l4t visiting with friends in town for a adopted as' read-�-'­Carried, J. W. I The. following resolVdans, were Margtret Dougall, Wdll-ace Fahrner on Sunday last for .a three weeks' couple of v��ks, returned to -his -honfe Ortwein, appeareld, for,'the residents . . . , - I . I ' paissed: That ,Cie�'k_ "Veft'se f0'r .5 ? hp i , of King Street, I . Johii � Hepburn, Jean Jpnesl Ru. y. . I day at Delhi. ' in Woodistock on Suncley last. Ile -th6, nu4sance caus. tendlers for paintin' th t of , I . rMT. and Mrlo.-Ruseelll'Mi I " - - le ex' erior Kingi, Rdj ' Lotter -Anne ' ' Morgan .., � � .. ,V, I �, to tchell; and . Mrg. Muir, of 'Detroij, isi visiting ed by ih� 6irds irO,t6--Arees. Brock - . . , . P. . I . . . the"Town Hall =2e&rs zo be in handis I little daughteri � of W(eybrqrn, Sask., -at the 'home of her aun't, Mrs.:,E. and IShaddick . I ,' ,iby, A,u� Rulby Preszeat6r, Midrid, S�Im'nwns, : That� we allow M. G. . . I , , uj 4t& next I 1. . .of -the couhQ ;; Florence';Southicott, Gretta, WebbeT, are visiting at the libine, Of Mr. and Sheffer. � . - DiTsd4lo'.J. W. <)r*'e-1n,aMd'E. Shad. . This is your opportuni , * . o-1-1 for 1936. Rhena Yearley. � Mrs. John Fisiher. Mrs.,Mitchell wa�s MrA Charles, Jdnksapenit the . week- d'ick permrisL4ion to shoot the birds in to secure this leadink week- .. returned 1�y -the Twi; Oollector,�and ' second (Class, HonouraL-Tean Cann, formerly Miss FA-dily, Dunn and $ived end at Windsor with her niece, Miss the Itrees 'On the'.streat.'. ,:(:a ,J,. . I . I that be he psid his salar - Thyffis Cooper, Mari -on Elliott, Em- . . ka I �. 0115, � _� . rrib . . y and post here for a number of years beflore,her Marie -Miller. : Coniiinuni ii, weve'rea .,,,& TOT ly at less than two cents .% , . . . . it . .1 . __'� k. Tryit. Youwill-dei- � - - age, account. That, accounts'covoring Douglas marriage, . . I _4 rald -Glenn ; Mr. -and Mrs. Roy MeLareh spent lowsl`�"D(Yun y T reas4xier- X, ­ AMP Ro ,u ', ,, payments ,of Towm � ... ,*-*,e T., wee .1 ads, Char� IM1, Robert Keys, tiitle' , loitz,,i ar Mr and Mr�. Alonizo Qrtwein, of. a day last -week with,' Mr and ,1 M. 0 t I - R I n ' . ity and Relief, Telephone' R -H - . Mrs 08 8,16 er"Rif I spictoxi, P, ry Parsons, 'Wesley Ryckmian6 , Helen ,D�Qt, spent th -,4- bil�WCI .. 1, ', 1p��r- light ,..in its. up-to-the-minute and 'Ge& . evreek-efid wit,li-ithe Allan Sol,dlan,. -at Hamilton. lal.,Oil, iia�- C �& r# countv , �, eral Accounts --be Pa� �' as per W�.ves,, Au&W,Sims... - . former% parents, Mr. amid Mrs. J. W. `M*3 Maribn Sinclair, 'oj Torbnto, tates, � Mrs. A. ,G, Gleam and pr. d. news . . . its sensible edi- I . I I J , , ' vouchem, I 11 . � I PasL4--iA.exom"I'� N.Vh­ r..+,6,.-.;- Ortweirl. '. . I. % visited bivier',bbe ­-­�- - " 'R CrAil I- .- ,. .`_ - I IF, �'.' Math tender,, must, be: hecompim4ea ,by a bertiffied thell" -on 'a chartered bank ini . . Township Roads for May and June Armstrong, Mairie--busw�ll Arthur .. MM.' and M,rs,.,,E. Doerr, accoinpan'. theiniom, of''Lher ,Parents, Rev.,.and Mrs., Si '_ n . .1 ­ -5 gnav M, Brock and Shaddick: That We accept Dr. G. R, � torials . � . its interesting . I � 1, ­ 7. . . I Canada, =ade wayable ftc the ordqr of .the , ' --- 48, Roppq Rd. 2y $7.60; J."'Oesich, Rd. ' Field, Lloyd Guenther � . , ell H,&r- led , by Shirley,' Audrey and Gloria I . . I clair. . .. . I . CollyWr, Testignaltion�'aa Medical Of- , features and moniey�saving . I . , � � ,,,,�� ., " . � ". 1 HbnouraWe,the Minister of Public,. Works equal rao 5 (per Cerit. of ithe —t of the tender, ov. Bawer Boods of the Dominion 8 $19.50; T. Stdinbach Rd' .8, $14.2;j k - Miller, R& , , � 8, siw- 6. Aldwodth, nesis, Phillipp, Haxness� Alta Har- vey, Laverne HeywcAyd, Grace Hill, TWitch011, spent a day the en,4 Of last week at 'the home of the-Slorm- Misis Florence W-c-lah visited- with .friends in London on, F 'day 1�:st, ­% � ri Aber of Health and that'we pay -him a-Kalf year's 'salary .of $45 I advertisements'. . I . , 31 ., � � 1 ,. of Cando, ar ,of the &irsdia- X.yon.l R-3way Conmany ft Compardes un- Rds. Z-13, $4.90- W. Fal rrefl­Rbad 18, ' Kathleen Kiestle, William Kestle, - er's father, Mr. Doeril�, at Auburn. Mr. Doerr, of v Aiib��� I ­­ ' ' pent the s ' .­Q'arried. Brock and gaiigLster: That Dr . J. ,G, 'be I I I 0t� , '. I., and oomistituent 0=df0onally guaranteed as to vrincival and r-40 - Zi;i6r, i j A ron ctdiveft, Rd. Doris Moore, Donald Penhale, Arthur Mrs. F.' Smallacombe, Miss, Hattie -weekAend at'fbhehlo�ne,'fof his son, and ' Snall,lie apPointed"Mecli,cal Officer I Simply call at the,officib on' ". 1. ,� . .11 I , . AnitidneA, by the -Dominion of 0snada, ow the . 'a , 14, 9. 24; H. Steinibach ,R,6adi supt., Rai'...iv an 'Prou - ; ' AlTda, Skin,�%.,T, - Ed,�;a;d Triebrier. lis and Mrs. t.. W. Parlmer spent daugh, bOr-illi-law, 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Tudsday.in London.. '. . at a stilary-of $90 peir year and that the Department 1 . I Sal ' e Days or., in "the , , � ,, : I , . iiii$oiemyentibned. bonds And certified cheque $5�3.90- W Qyle man, Rd.'2 $11.35- A- ? . . � . ID oerx. . � ' - " ' ' ' ' .1. * I . of Oealth,be notified -fill cou- , .1 I ­ - . I . �a .. � I �', '' � I � if requft,edi to ranks up an odd amount in . Mb base shall the security devoisft be less Sn-iii�,"i&i 8. KIM; F. �. HaLyerer R& -Passed under -the provisions Of Regulation 1,1'(5) the High Sichlool The services in the Unifted Church 'on SundaV next be in Mr. Keith Can�Pbclili and Xr.,Oamip- bell Rowat, and a bylaw be prepared cA)nfiTm' ' ang th6 612116-Carritd. pon -..Waw I ; I Atach a dollar ,t. . . ,� � ." than $500.00, . I , 7, $,3-35; A Reichert, Rd. 4, $6,25, , -, C. of Entrance Regulationsi—Ruby Cutting, will h4ld fbhe� of Toronita gr& v . isiting is, Geiger reported re the I bill - and ail t . ih 6 The Huron �,,_�,. R1111:1- I . 'By' order� , I r A141worth Rds. 2-3, . 9A,0- 0 Greb 2 - morning at 9.45 instead of 11 and, in for -a *eek ft the &ft�, of. the form- trip to' W(00&f tOck rc� Ahe Jen. I .. . . 11 ,gl,.�, - 11 . .", I ; - J. X. S0111MRVILtX, ' . I Secrets— ' Rd. 6, $6.25' U. A. � Pfile, . , Rd. 14, LlbTd, Hunit-er. 1 TX_ ­ , the e`ivening at 7.30 instead of' 7. er'p aunt, Miss Ethel' M%irdo ek. ni" -T- Caldwell case. Bills and ae- I 'Eoositoir Seaforth. .' , � I '!.,,, � .1 . Deparbamt of Public works, . 4,24-35; A. ousseau, repairs fbo nsall C re . Daun sservices will be in charge of IvIta.. StathsTA , of -St. -Thlomasi -vis- 'counthi were read, -as follows,: W. ot- I . . I ­... . I . .. 1. ­'. 0ftWWa,'JW7 6, Ift6- 1.. .. grader, $2Z,01; A. Moui- First'Clast Honours -James Oamp- -the President of the Londion 060fer- ited -on Thursdj�:iast,Wt� - , lome of teribein., labor streets, 1.11 " .. . I -.�, . I . . I . I" .11, il�,`, sse-4u, Road 3, � . - the h . . I $6.4,D; A. Spe,n� " . ��� , I bell, Norma (Co!ak, Russell Redden, I ,her parents, Mi I "I . I � ,I I %, I . . , I.. . 3579-1 �14-05; T. Welsh, 1,5,86 yardogra,vel, I _; d I 1 1 id Ws. J-1oh V_ *eT,& son; sUpPlies Streets, M.45; -_ -, All — . I I'll """C". I � I � .., . . � . . " .-38; J. Green., 'Rd. 5, $7.40�,- N, -Gordoli Johnston, Carey Joynit, Mar- . 1. � I I � der. ;, I � � n � -0. %dden labor' dbr&ets $1; N. "11*1�' . I I � --..q .1 I . I '* .., I . . :� �, gare,t Love,. Gerald 'Passmore, ina '' - 1. tabifora, TkER!' tiR * "' '' ' ... )�!,'. . .Blaa U .. ON EXIP 6 " , ,`.,..�,� , _ llv_,�.. ,Mr. Ab. and Lloyd .Pd - 9 . 0 �,'Vkforth - oswis,��: I I ., ", , , , — Powter, Rd. 6, $1415; G. JeffrL871 Rd. I I ssmore,: o - :,cutting 'weed;;', stree I . ... .1 I . - � I * I L, I Delhi, spoenit Sunda3� with th $30.��O; R. t., Dick, hauling, I . . � : Popular Stallions 15, $2.20; Johnston, &'Kalbfiel Ropp, Iyl4n. Stephenson. , I I I . - � , � sch, ac- . FertiliZation Of 1 Pastitres. gravel, ,, � ., I I. I - , urvin . " �­ I , �. I , � ,V. ... . , -_ count, 95c; Twp. Stephen, It Secon4, -,Class HoniDu ear Par- Streets, :P10; A. affldelbrand� car hire , . 13G* I "), ", ii .v --r­­��­ I - " ., , I I . ile, Rd. 6, r3 - ents'.1411. and Mrg. -John Papsmore. ea'"'eRM61he t - " �,... 11 I � Clydeaftle Stallion - I $11-95; D. Tieman, comenti Rd. 14, Johnstb* Jean6tite Salmon.' - Good pasturago has 111�-ng been re'- M'Mr.,Thomas Hudson, �of M to Wolodstbick, .$5.00; Hensill 1-16Ydir foh�wing New ' I ,�.�,� . _ . arlette, �. 11 .� Pass ,­, Jalmes Alexander 7,.Anna i1chi , ., HYdro, for hall, 0, - "SubscAPtion on your list for Ionic lj,.�i " "7.90.. J. Odach, IR& 8, $8.)60,; M. M. I gun, is visilting with,his mo,th,', ,$4-.79i County of Year at the Spetia ,Sale Prim I � . .. I ,Co,rniqJi,,,. Carlyle Own! coignized as, a-reoil- factor in, slacces, I i - ,, 11," ... . No. 24317" Russeff, Rd. 1, $8; R. Adams Road sh, Harold Pig- a- Mrs. Jos. Hudson, I Huron', sPr*ing road' 'oil, $29.93,.J. enclose one dollar. . I i%,;� �, nan, William Higgins, C,Iaxen�,,Jj�; full -farming. Partioularly so, where _. Sr. A. Paterson, � I ". gnzArmt No- 1961' Form 1, Premium A. 10�' $2.40; X 061-riveau, edi,�;� Mrs. Rein Postage, $3;,,,, Ontario a! . to insure. . .1 I . 14, ;16.5D; J. M. Richardson t, Rd�. Duncan McEwen, Jack Mustard, Jack -1i" stock slid, five ,stnk .products nalh Tarylor spent the. Wt%ek HosPlitall Te J . 4 �1'j,',��., � I U I ".4i for the improvement of stock $ 'Road 6 end inGodeTich. and all - J. Caldwell, $45.50. Signed .... � . . g. S Peek. form- the major source of ithe, Imoitne so attended the Dr. G. R. 110oillyer, Sala , ............. I ....... � " _ �. for The sgr of 1986 at his own -stab]e. I . McArtlmr, Rd. 1, $5'25; Geo' Experiewe li,as shbwn, that there is, kmtt reunion which was, held, tiher rir as M.O.H., I . - _ " I ,to 4, �� '. . A MURDOCK, Or6prietar. Dick,- Rd. 3., $ Da0wood Centre . I- ; $45; Geo. Walker . � I - I 95-20; T. Dinsmore, Rd. , . Mr. Stews P -salary $45, labo�] Address ......................... I . noother Period & the year when,the rt. McQueen. and daugh- 30c; J, A. Pa . . ,,, First ClasIs fHoopurs�-Jean Grieve, dt terson, part salary, $50. 1 I .1 [I al� . . Pater. Kilostrick. Xanager. �� . . t ,, .. . . . I., 18, $8; .J. M. Ziler, Rd. 10 1 $3,20,; P. Richard Hamilton, Jean'Held Dotald ull , 000� :of Pkeoduefilon- can flye main- ters, Helen, Jean .and Margaret and' Total -$294,151,1 Sangster and ,Brock: � I 'A ..­'. 11 I . �., I . 3172- Campbeill P -Rd. 14, '!� I friend �motoredf to Guelph and 6ppnt Tha . P. j'. *'. P. J,M- , Tux, _ I 4. � , �,, .�,�, . 1. The Lnoorted Clydesdale Stallion k1son and ,b.1,1, Alsix. Wa4per, R�rgaret tafted at as 'low an average as when . I1. '�;, . � . , erdsilifug , nk, $1,055.67. Wein, - p Car- ' ' 111.�, .. . . . . . - I . ,6th ,M�Ileet, live stock are -out io*-pasiture and that 'the week-endi -there. I t O)w0uhti"ag read -be ipaid­�, � I . I MISTY LAW . Mrs. Marshall,; -of London, sp rle`d�' Shaddick and Sangster: That . ;, "!"` , , Hay. Telep-lione--Noathern Elec�L,i,,, iSeeon'd. Clhss Honouris - Willa When lVis a -good p"tuire tfie iiet,re. ent a B . . I ��..�i.-, " 1 [20684] (22212) . A material, .,$124.Sg, ,Habbs, Elardware Carruthers, Helen MadGregor, Karen few days -thas ,Week at the hoi I of plaws 17 and 8 be -given, first and ' . . I �. I A il, If, ft,mment No. 20a For�m I. Pretnium, ber pirents, Mt. 'and, M me secornid readkng.��Carrjed, . I 11 P � I . W, . ria, � Bwck.-anid I .ii �:�,, . � ill stand for the imDrovement .g stock ­ I "". ?, %, ` - Aw the seasoul-,of i9sia, as : Co.,,creovote, postage, excise, Pb,d,_,rsen, Ddnz�l Waldroli . ". I ,­ Fertilization of p,mg-fares has been laike. , -- I . W. Xera_ 'S�UjStel!: That 'we give, Bylaws 1, . . .. ii 6te., $1248 - H 13.�15 e8o, salary, $165 - !Pas0---0bnrVeth Bakeir,, Orva practi,sed at the ,Dominibn Emperi- and s third . . � I , fairwn (;. A . I � 1 .�'F`.,` , Mom' . al leave . Be$- Xiiss lillowence Welsh is hOlid,aying . and final Te1ad%ng.i.-4Car_ . ,, - � 1,XL,,,.'�eT'kb asi� Afternoan-W big — P,Melsusc; salaTY, 3 months, $507.50- tard, Elda Brown, Clara Dawe, Lorne mental Farm, Nappan., N.S., for the ried. Sangster and �Shnddick- I . . I � I .� ie a% 1§�Tdc6fi,eld o"und", ,94 isoUldh. to Kip # at Pdokide,au Park kir a week. Th I - �,',,.,,,,;�� ".�. , om" ntvs lor night. -Tuesday --- E I ordon Eaglesoin, Bernice Oo!ok BmIs. be billed for 5. 1 . I � 0"ir", � � as, 7 I * , � . �1111 I .1� , ";;Q I I . � I 111� 'e" * 1br':noon; 1. .&M. " th her daughter, Mrs. 11�1 I y ,,,, 40romares, to age, $2 - "?, 'I, R, -9 . 'Tt Bell Telephone Co., tolls April t�" :Devine,,. G , has ,spent their vloiilbion 'Of celnemt work.t , E 1 wo ,, -Past ,fourteen years. Mnc;6 WN de- Mrs George $1,_00 a i'llp , �, lifad�n's finite expteminients have been uilder . 'Brown, who t M -OW i k , � , loth coneessio , Tuelc- Mayo $119-12; E. R. Guenther, cart- n1hrn4,'AlTan Finkbeiner, Harold , . a few weeks wi ��11111�111�1�,, " X-Ift, Vt ailso'n Donald, Kies. I . . f, . , t . 11 I " 1= ion ,of pas- Home hem.. . �11 11M` - `240M, ,,by ,81411a and west 11/4 mtles, then I . . ,Hess, part tle, Carlf5tVin Manldre,- Mildred May- -on Suldday last. ' . next..reguaar m, :4"FILE " . ,,, MellhFs, for night "Wedno,day- .40; Strahibeavio Cky., F,fitkbeiner, Douglas, Gill,' Way bo rP6rmi,t a inore- -thorough, study Wilson ,of ried. Sangster amid iShaddick- supplies $31.93-, A F of the value bf ferti Stratford, returned to her we adjourn, until . Ra�. � "' �"Ao*h to ther 7th'Concession to Coyne Bros., Z11ary, $125. -G 'a, 'as well as rotating versus con- - eet- . �: . 1 ,� f,y.,111br, woon v then we6t to )t6bert -Doig�s, for . 8chwartzenitruber, Grace Vlolk, Lois � . ­Jame4 A. fte;,4' WeQ. - � ,�&I� �' , , , , tene, -syl 09�treicliex, Orlen �ur'p Miss Blearilor Biell, nuirse-in-train. ing, August (51th at 8 in,. --Carried. Z ,,, �� , . tinniouts paW&tnding. , . �,:,.1.1,�'*Alt ThVmdw_WCg t6 GenrineIl's Corners , Charity and Relief ing, at Victoria HV.gpitail, with , for , ,11 �,_Aw_, MiA6,A; & Jr.'BrbadifooVs," forubft; -Tireasufty Twp. Wanner, Carl Wein, Verna Wein, Thle, results to date, from, the use dted over th London, via- , ni . . I . .. . I-, ­ I'll I "Ill " vm stablie tor tsffht, Fy$dW- MeGiffivray, indig I $7.03; Willett's Keith Wildfong, Gr e W t. of complete, fertill have shown a e we0k-'end at the home ryoung . � I , � NORTON . � E412111ft tdr1hWo, eft , ac ifiler izer, ChW I)ies thet'. , `Qe�" west tb.iftb $&and 10 Sibwiw Atd. north to gakdxy, acet. indigen�, $2.3,&; ,S. HO,T- . 0 , .. I . viery definite liner'euse, in. thle.,Arry of her�moftheT, M�zs.,W�jl it - , ... I � 1 . (. .:" . mcswell# Zurich Centre ,. I 1 '?41 11W-P�­=- S, pot IDT. Smillie Norman isberwire' and. TA'ttl=,,t%&econd e,ldast so' 1 " ,. 1, "W W1 I ­ ight. noon; then Ab hTE man, Te"t,, inftent, $5,25; .J. A Wil. First G%as% Honoursiz-qBeatrice M%- i09 �90teity; furthepnoire, that this, ob passim, - a . . l �,j,,Wu� !F4 '�. I . Sgturday-:-�0. his 0- ksms, flour diihigellit; $2,75. Menno afrd [Ruth Brown, Ve;ra Flazoavd, mereave is 4pirdifitably obtain6d from ore Motored to Toronto, on Of Mr. 91111 ROwelfte, foj� - J D, 2w - ' I J I B '. . a . .. 1. , I 1-1 W12ft * . . hisuft . . - 'T Fiwm your Hardwaro I 1Z 11 � I I . 060* groceries, ind�genk $11-W GrA& Ehbiever, Leonard Hoffmtn, ,thei use. of lortilizer.. .b,e tesul, it% al-. Wednesiday,morning of ,this week. lowing a ciouPle or so weeks' flilneLtys, - .- � I . . '11,,",,,y,5i', ,�� �i' , I . ii T MtYft00)K Gladvkh M61iek, mfilk�, indige.lit, $SAS.. 'Chielsies Thieli. so Sh lighibly greater,(�arry- Dr. .MeTaggaft wag it, Toronto the passed away, at the ,Byron Sani'Vor. I I . I : , � . " I Yw that a �s , . 1� it.0re or WrIew as. . ,��F',, I � begilmift of this w�eek. - lum On' Monday mo 1_ I . . _1 . - .1 . . ,y _ � &'#d- WT'W'r� , - Geneeiil" Aeto�nW`�Pbgftge, ekelse 196coird CIW'ss Honours ing capacity can be secua� Yrdnig in ,has, eighth L , . I I ' � �. . _111111 I., � I . I . � ,� , ,.,.* ... �,.. , ,:. 9�79' ote., WAS', Zurich, I . I :�Ia.. . . - Verda ed fto7" "0- 'Mr. afid Mrs. John Wffsor4 - yeair, 'Very , , . � ,?',11', � , ", - the fiellds, liut,''ii! much s"UpW elt , I I. . � I � . � ,w �d',_ , �, 'Siallfaft , A 1hall, � infontlig, $4.01- D, Trieb- Gingerich. - Dei,trich, Cy�rjl tatAng Sldrtit- "'NZ40" . iw,'i, tow ff&aro lights' %ealer.. Veroniom � . �hy is T I , I 11 ,f;­,�,­ ,­ � A I �� eirw4two , . this aftarfe6tel imay b6 � 'some e&'�es` ford, Wetit suvdq�r last with Mrs.. G. for the bereaved,parerag who have ) I I ,� I.. .111,11, ioffset by the I I �.�� f -1 . '614 tot, Vier dsima,gesj�,.IRd, 5, $g5j;' Xtinidipal Pasi�ii­-Bernadatbe, Bedard, Monies ,increased ,cost- of f-eveing. . ^. . BroWai Mbs, lv�bo,t%­ nfoither. . .110'st several yooft �dhildtreai- Alan � I ;." � 4 :�% , I , "� ',"�­.,,�""V. ,,"�,�" . U-1 'I'S L 80i � . I , k"; `� 2 " ,22 Woild, 0olleftor's I-011, etc ,., $12.1t4, F. Duchwine ' Arthur ,Faster, Lentis, d 1�% birref the 44ftite a number are .ftw - fi�'as` 'a, VOrY bright and promasing § � , , " _4 . ,� ,� I . ., I . . I 0arlwift ng up th,eit : I 11 , , Haber'et ,stotk Valuer.; �ro- L, Retti- `X urmg the Oast fi" y6srs, has -b , e. points young boy- rail* ft took a cold a. -&w Useful for "'� . V I 4�0404W X I' J. , 9 es'pseity, summer eoltaig", st d�, I I . ... ," 0, oft, Gingeirich ad Heideman, Mrs 111ky, � .1 � . gen -Ail . thib fSand I . . % I elizyer, to� I 11iftd, fttft ikilkA by Worma, Jenvilgan, Mr 'AD wf;." I .1 . 010-09 the lakeg and 'O es are bo. weeks ago *h,khbx0V94h,t m his death n I " .- in, Regiier, Orbha as 10 0 ' - Jobs, arou A &6 � hbirlief . , ,Jk,�, ,,.�.;',�, `Ii, "'."', ­�, I -,-. , ,, % " - . 469s# $215'- I. i0e,60rdy, At6p, killed by Sehilbe Harbld Sitirre, getv�a Trueiw, - P4411itblr 066ted r�mtur& - J.'79 00ming' thel'Ordlet of"Ibb day, ow�ng udtvgthstanaing the very ,beft of �, fo . ­ " . , . . V -dgedt hot, wftffij?,r . t th6lifter,'niachinist, , 41 tift.. dof&,:-1f6* "Ift W166, Pit, 11�06 nev, )*,k tj%r day ,Ver atrk by' the pf . .1 medical � skill And, narsing' , I I , , - 1'1� t , - � ' : .­k­�: , � '*�, Drf yA,-.,, " ,�';�1181 . . t 1 -0 Voro*y Weido. ' ,,, i The ftn. blackilmith, garagrantaxt.- , � . . � 1�1 ­­�_­12 t64.,,Wtu.r=vii,-,.$,t"-i".,A-.P. " '' 10ftiddbiwly .1 � haming 1mPrW#. 0-rial on Wednds,&p gfteto6 . " !� 'I" ­ , Ptftd%d- i�:Qjpai , , ,__j1je,.,. h of this I �;, I '';'L , I " 4� 1 , .. ­ �' Helk,Psft Phtiied -und*r the provisiong, A ae7.� qromioed. ,,�._,� I , -,, fadt , I 11 f I 'j&5�' I 7P -P . Lonq vi6a.riftey . I ., " . , f, ': � ", �.' " , � I �, i8if 66�& . , &, . , , . .,tL'U, At .� 001 -^- 6rt d1stante - . . . � !", .. I .. � M -1 �! 06- . F _ kuhttioll iii (6) ,of. thei lfth';Schood -W.'s ,per-'. day Vir Seri. I - I 1� � tiotdiy, � �MIN 1.74,06 ft, � Oriftaftr Spriftg�. "Ok from the. Wane &.§h o I I , L - .?"&. ".. SAW uth, outhhq� , h..__.'_1A1,1_­. 11 ".�.111._L 1". �11:.­14� I A � ,t6A, I L _�,.: - N.W V Uht-&-ftflifit , k0t4ift made . , �_;,�,,,,,� -11-1. � - ''a 4WA''49, 41.05 f Fintr4nde Regulatifont. - N,A,poleon 64. c0ntnU1'6A18t3t V-1,011ted t, - �ftuth 0i'l1ellsfill oil tthe highwby, was I . - f � , - + I I I .1 I CW Y11,61 Canads Ltd.. , I 1", I .1 - = J. 1A I � 1", . . 1, � I 1� � I I I G �;, i 1444 I 84 i i ill % , , , d. I , y,y* dww`­ 11M�4 , -'s 04vate br* but ql�jte,, liligeil,r 'at. _ . -, 4 -29 dows P6r dai #eT ". .., ,! , _ .1 ,; I �� � ". , " ,,, t '. t I I I , ,6 h , 0 y1*4 abd Oamin, I "I ." , Witon � ,,, , �, 91, , 6 ­. I . . I . I. �� I � A , '' 4''. ,,', " . �� ": . - "..., . � I � ' #I'Lohf. %� , I `-�l " 1, 1! ". "';i9fow �,l *k, �#& , , ! 04bi'% �4 . wwlikta the . , . . - '. 44'. ___ - F'11'1� '44 __"____1'1*A___'_'_t-_ , _ - �,,, . 01i and 11 � M .11 W,n§ 10'Mieworial . '6. ,,'&' ' N 66y, &6p 4�g re' . Hd I , � ��� 11 . "i I , , �_ � ,� . I -, 6 I afly ex - as I I , . � ' . I . IT totided bo 44r"Wilng ,pel,j J IS "� 6 "L� I Potteid �, '.'-1 �,�­'_' �91111r"�­ g V ", 4(fgm;, Ott 'the II&Y To h" sA61 , , , ,,, , , ,. Mg.,, ::g6tN4 t1069 and hi -w ' . ` � � glk�, f 1, b, .."a 1, .% in, , �6,stb,tl Militate *46nd �, 01114"Wob 6,hdu4t�g,d � I � 41191 " wd' � , _. I . . 1. . I . . . N! , 440 ,. � Wft-Oed ad I throd . ; .1 . . I rLw "W_ a'. R61 I . .­­,�,�, , �K�.;� 4� . ", . " , , .�,� , , _­ ma rei, y I "NEWLy-mg-61LIME"o WAX72 I I . '. , . , I � I., ''-----,- __ __ " 11 1. � thbw �,,, " � _ __ . , � , � , '' ��� - I -8 � �M L w, I .11, , , , - vftT, f6elffi I .. ..'; , '.' 1 - ,,;,, � , ;`� � 77=- _ I . 0 , -, 6 gain P, UPITA, f(Mii, th'4 11,h'VM1i1,'h4'A A,0 thi 1(rath"i_,_1_1PWh we . 22. . il�' 'R . , I it ft . W - 4 0, 10�4%1 -0 , w thfd;g Mhu , Z �. )k ,8qaiAa,,W-' 461 thd Unft6d, ' % ,e W ., jiauirvea � I _.; � ,�� 11 lf,lduirj� _*�Ailoll 4, �, 4 614 ,, hikhF � `�q"�,; �1 ' 'L , " , N thd.. , , ., 1W.''A , , .1'. ". � ., %4#�,J,gftl! =lxwo,�nl, "at 4S,%. bjtqrA,W '. hi, ,�., -,�,,'�,Xll�"., "l, j_ 1. , 46, "'O�Wh46.. 41.a',' , ,,, -t: .,0 , . �' .1 'M , , , ''. A �d. * ,'L bl�o�*.", jwj.,� D#g �*­ 1�.. 'a' * . ­ � I . " , """ , "' � , 1, I �f'k � 11 I 19-l"N _�,,',�:, iV�.,' I . , � ow wo . '�,l "J"fl, , ''I 160 of thV66 oth& ,41 69,10 . � __4A ,,�­ 11 �, .. I , ,�_ y6W.fty, 0� I " I . I . I ,: , I �. 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