HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-10, Page 1J L *Wow . A�_V& Map Wbale, Numbw 3579 4LEARN'- TO SWIM moRscomwa Clio IN JHIS - ISSUE Iffimenta-py Swimming- and Diving Lessons Given in Series. MUNID QTV WV V. Ir Q A% A = I Commencing Ithis week and eon- tinuing for six weeim, The Huron Ex- pbsitoo,v*11, publdsh a series of art- k3es on learniog to swim The, il- hotraUons, are pased, by. leading Can- &dian awin=ting champions, and the bmons have been gratualtouslY com- wood, by suah expertsi as lbinimY W,Wker, Coach of Olympic Chain- =Al�x. Duff, Coach of British p;e G�smes Team, 1934; Jimmy n, Champion and Manager of Haujilton Municipal Pool; Johnny Devlin; Ernie Kinnett, ete.' - i. L., Them were -'mom deaths jfrvm dnnnutg in Ontario each year than ti*" are froV, nibtw accidentel. Re- &Uzing W9, the Canadian Amateur Swinuning Asslociution'(Onta*o) has imilertaken a icampaign 'to brdng &w1n*ning instruction and, resuscita- ft-is-ti—if6tivai w -the people of On- tario. The Huron Expositor is, pleas- ed bo be, able to co-operate tin this m3ove and feels that the lessons, which will -appear in this parper during the mext -,mdx weeks, wdll be of grd�t as- sistanq�e to the -many hun&eds, of chil- dmn And others, who daily make use of the Sea:forth Uoris pool. T�e first less -on appears on, page 5 of this issue. Orangemen Hold Church- Parauqu A special service for the Orange Order was held !in Northside U-nited Chw,ah Sunday evening. which was well attended, the ' Loyal Orange Lodge and, -the Ladies? Orange Ben-_ wolent Association -occupying "'-the centre pews. Visiting members were also,present from Goderich, Clinton, Stratford, Hensall, Loiidesiboro and Winthrop. Rev. C. C. Kaine, of Sea - forth, canducted the's-ervice arid ga-ve., an interest1:1nig review of V -re conflict between trtvth and eTror in- the re- lieous, civill and polifical arenas throughout the agei,. CA meron Family Gathers For Picnic A,n enjoyable time was spoilt in B4yfield on July 4th, when members of the Cameron family 'held their first're-union picnic., After an excel- -.0 +; "rava Citizens Swel So-*a'rs to, Re( Throughout Two Heads One head to every body is gen- erally regarded an Pretty good measure, but ..& pig born at the farm of Peter . Maloftey, McKillop Township, last we4 did 100 per .cent. better. It had tvio' con'- pletely formed heads. and three ears,. -a ccording to Mr. Maloney, who said- the -balance of the litter was normal. The two -headed pig died shortly after birth. 0 0 TI fm /PLIENDID- SUC.C.EOSS St. James7 Church Grounds Are Crowded For Annual Affair. The annual St. James' Church gar- den party, held on tlie ispacibus lawn adjodning the church, was one of the n -dost sucoemdul in the history of the church. The weatber was.1deal and a large crowd enjoyed the supper and amuse- ments which foLlowed. During the evening the Seeforth HI hlanders Band provided a splendid muislical program. The �_-verring concludedwith dancing, Winners ol the dra,�Ving for pi4izes were: Walmut hope chest, Miss Hel. en Murray, McKillop; chair, Harry Edge; ten doillar prize, Mrs. De- CQ1 an do-lila-r-prfize, Mr. Shack- #ce�y; te oil, Toriontio,; five dollar prize, Joe Dorsey; quillt, Tony Phillips; mat, Miss Cronin. Fine Regal Li.1y Has 32 Blooms Mr. W. A. -Crich, at his residence orn, Main' Street, has 4 particularly fine regal lily on which may be seen 32 blooms. The plant is onle given! Mr. Crich by the late W)m,. Hartry some two years ago. I Ls-ft,+&,ma Jq7th ma dinner, lettens ALr'. read frolm members, unable to attend. 460 Ptaces, and isof-bbill were enjoyed in Birthday Saturday the ia&.ternoon. 'Aks.- George For -rest, MBATFEWELEVER, of Alberni, B. C., won, the prize for t1he perstan coming the longest dis- Mr. Thlomlas Daly celebrated hi, tamce, while the prize for the young-, 87th birthday on Saturday of Iasi est member was won by Margaret week. He Iis in perfect bleal(th and i� Ann Zaipfe,. Bracefielld. The supper, able to edsme up town each day. Amble was centered with a huge beau- MT. Daly is- the oldest relsiden't ol UfWky dieldoraitec) fruit cake, having FrieMs Seaforth whia wa& born here, and foi man'y w&s in, busfinesis in town been made by/ -.MTS. Forrest. Were present from Toronto, London, years His host of friends will join. The 1�x XUton, Clinton, Kippen and Bruce- po--iitor in wlsIhing him many hap`p� field. returns of the day. -hft-s. George Forrest, of Alberni, still Lei&ng South B. K)., is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. St. AMrewls Sunday L90tool vOill be Aikenhead. C.G.I.T. HOLDPICNIC Mss Orna Cameron, of Toronto, was week -end guest, with her cousin, The Margaret Larken group 'of thi a Mrs. A. Zapfe. Canadian Girls, in Training enjoyed i Week -end guests, with Mr. and, Mrs. pimic at Ebeiihartls Mountain oi K Aikenhead were M.T. and Mrs. A. Frilday. Games played included ; J. P. Cameron and daughter, Carrol, bal -game. Ruth 'XcNairn was chlos bf Toronto, and Miss Margaret Aik- en as delegate sent by the Presbyter enbead, of Lmidon. ial to Kintail camp rfor girl6s. and V& Smitk Jolm Beattie and Rep - MloInday evening and Noranda Enterprisemmm A City In Twelve Years Me following interesting story ol the gvmwbh of Noranda and the minec of tffiat diatfict, was written by Air Jearn Stievene, of town%- MT. Steven, eng recenitly eompleteed 9, trip ti) thil .1jorth LcAyuntry Where hie visited hi: brother, Mr. Wm. Stemens. , _ 7%e h1storical background of Nor at,da. -Mines haw no picturesqde inci dent around its discovery like sKyml well known mines.- So far as can bi #discovered,. prospe�thrs were* strayini ,k*� the Rouyn area soton after 1900 E& Hiorne, in 1911, the discovere of the deposits which made No(randi famou-9, camped on Lake Osie066- oi his way back from a prospecting tril in a towmift further east. Re & Mt dbaw at tMe tine, but the wun fty Wt fts itvpression on hirn ani 1* c�mie back in 1914. He picke around but could not finid anything b excite 41itm. He left once more, bu %)uyn as -far aa Ed. lHorne was con cernemd ' w" a lodestone and he wa hajok in 1917. He always felt sionle thing remarkable in tPhis peraistene whdch plecoed the inatter above mer Z,n,c e 1, 181 wh -possosse shlows b6 faculty of sensing th ,unusual On this th4rd trip he found more eT cbdriaging signs and " a comequenc he did oonw eareft-1 ownpIling. H VernWItted; hfs . Vy""VVICtWo inedix ivotfid riot be d0wmA "%Ich ww f6l *ftte for bdb the provime of QW bee, himself and many others. I 1920 'he succeeded, in,- forming a syn dileAAe of men from New Liskearc men to finance the staking and de velopring. EA Hornle lis a Nova Scotian, bior at Enfield, and the early part of hi life was spent around the i gold mine of his native province. The low surface finds were raithe discoumXing. tGold was what Horn was after, but after sinking 1,00 fmt they discovered -it n-Aght be copper mine instead. Finally� th buge ore body' was finished whie thw placed Norands among the trul great Mines of to -day. tSmolter, domwntrator and all necenary . 'equipment to a copIx Mine -was erected. As one stan� ilooking over these� two cibies calle Ole T*i.n Citdes orf the North, 0 tremendous chan-ge that a prosqm ,toea-pidc ean"citive-is broujk Ma to up. very vividly. 'In''19U the first move was ink towards underground work. Thi was only 12 years agb and after a 12 yeaTv is, not such a long tkm. T1 country was only bush, but soon tf trees were being clewed awlayon 0 1�-horw and the begdrviings of a an own were to be seen -on the rbor -but It was so anall, Juvt a throb.4 'hum*n sctivft anOd the all enci� elng wikberrpew. (CwAwed an rice 6) ter as Heat ord, Heights Entire ''Dio s t ri c I u0ne Swimming Pool ain .�Bafldng Beachei Crowd ed As Residents. Seek Re lief From Heat Wave.. CROPS WITHER AND PASTURES DRY UF The fact thatit Is only three month ago that Smforth experienced one o, the worst snow vbDnng and blizz,4rch in -its history is Htt levonsolat4lon foi the people of this district, wbo an n -ow sweltering in *e midst of a re cord twat wave, as, each day - th, thermometer soars to newheightia. Since Sunday the most, trivial tael has seemed, to be an, entire day's w�k so hot has k been. �,Citfizeris seekinj Tel4ef on bWthiog beaches and at thi Limis Pon(k are littile better off thai those remaiiiing -in thetir own bee] yard& New Tecords were set up a the Lions Park Wednesday -when i iis e&-timated. more than a thousarm _,people- sought. relief - in..a-,e._reaent1,, built pool. Bathing continued then unt;l the earlY how -9 of Thursday. . 'A bEsterring sun and a breeze w from a furnace withered grain C and pastures, dTded up what littpill, rrioigtu,r�e there wasin the ground jan,( left -residents of this district pros tmte. Parinters attempting to finis] haying'were, forced to sbop, work af ter the first load. . Neitiber they no: their horsies were equal to- the heat. Through it all pumps, at the pump ing ssitation -here are working over time and officialS state that con -sump -tio'n of water during this, week ha! been nearlyd&dbl-e the yearly aver age. 'Potential Charm' 0 Ifistitute Addresi The regular monthly meeting a th-a Junior Wwrlen's Institute wai beld at the. home of Wss Helen Beat tie. The mee-fing opened, with th, president in the chair.. The Instiltut, Ode was sring and the Loro-'s Prayel was repea'ted in unison: The rol call was answered by "My Favorib Delssert and -Its Recipe." The, Insti ture is donatihg'a prize_at the Sea forth Fall Fair for -baking. The Ex et'r Institute exhibit was. also con sidered. The t op I c., "Pdtentia Charm," was ably (taken by Alici Thompson. "Old Folks At Home' was, then sung and Jean, Scott gavi a very instiructing demonstration oi famey cake decorating. Lunch *& siarved and a social halfhour wa spent. I 0— Baird - Families Enjoy Reunior The annual reunion, of the Bair, family was heRd at Bright's Grove oi Salturday, July 4th, when nearly 71 members of the family gatherTed t enjoy a real old-fashiloned picnic to gelther. Some thqrty were presen from. Detroit, while nearly forty wer from Oxeter and Brucefield, the oldes 'Menlbleir present being Mrs. Jane Ro,ssi, -of Brucefield, and the younges was- J-r,,.hn Moffalbt. The mid-duy ines -having been done, ample justice tc the afterno-on was spent in Irathin and baseball. Imintediately after supper a meet ing was epled to decide where the would gat%1jr in 1037, and it was d( oided- t1a me:61 at Jbwett's. Grove, Ba,� field,, and a, spbrts coinkngt1tee'was ay podinted to Rook after the entertaix. ment for next year, with Mrs. Arthu McQbeen- an cbnvenor, .Mi7s Ruth Aikenh-ead and Mic Marjorie, New Toronth, who h)a-v bem visiting wih relatives iin an around Brucefield, for -the past t7 weeks, have returned to, their home i Tor ontiop. 1Mr. and Mrs. Jehm,, Mrg,. Fen­w1c and Mrs. Henderson, who have bee visiting Mr. and Mrs. Georgft Wilsoi of Stardey, returned to their home i -Tcronto on Wednes-day. Has Been in Choir For 65 Year John Scott, a welf known residei of Doixboro, celebrated his 80th birtl .day very qudeltly Ion July Ist at h' home in McKillop. Mr. Scott is the youngest �on, the lat-6 Robert Scott,, one of 0 origimal Settler% Who camb to this di,. trict fram Scottand in 1933 and 0 flist white man to cross the Maitlar River. He assisted in 4he singing i the early dayis and *as precentor 1 the old HsrVdr**y,dhwLvh for loweni I years. Since then Me fkm, Jot I, Scott, has been a membeir of t1 chodr of First V'resbyterian, Chwe' Sewfort1h, for sixtW-4ve yews. I A won� Ames Scott, formerly Windsor, is also, a member of t] ehoir' fb.ur genemtions of the Soo fanw. I having for & eentury taken Mmirineft part in the 'oervice 4K VAWA19 JULY JLVj IV36. 0 XeLfta BrO16 Pwwdwm $1J0 a Tow la A*xna X IN Z1W DROP GUE District. Entrance... Resufts FPJENDS HON"OUR., Bell, of Tuckersmith. MBATFEWELEVER, Announced By B' ds oar MISS 11. FOWLER Mr. and Mrs. Veriver McClymmt, VIN OM, KIPPER Redieve Students Anxi -ty e MEG UP Sm ohape. Three ten -end -games were and childroh, of',London, spent -Sun- the viliage, visited at the hoyne ot -played with a piuO of d19ft- First, dayat the horae of Mr. James Mc- ihe litters -parents, Mr. and Mrs. espite Losing Game Are Xagerly :Awaited Results Brown, of 'Greenway, ftiriVg -th'o Presented With Purse and The annual,gunift.7 school picnic of still Lei&ng South Bring Joy to Some, Sor St. AMrewls Sunday L90tool vOill be -Cedar Chest at Gatherm 17; thirA Alllbert_Tay4or and & G. Section. row To -Others." Money -Savers .'h* ati-S. S. No. 1. of Mr. and Mrs. FAgar Butt, of the 0 TO PLAY-OFFS BOTHEAST AND WEST' Sealorth merchants am c" eratins in a big no"ney-saving SPLENDID PROGRAM itihg friends in FArnotdvil-le for the Th. sea:f0fth :fwtbau team went HURON ANNOUNCED "ept on ThurW&r,'Fri&y and. saturday of this week wh.. fanAly, of Waubascheive, vWbea at and V& Smitk Jolm Beattie and Rep - MloInday evening and I sPecial bargains are being, off�er- 30* Maw,& Fowler, tiWIM at a. �01 ddVp;peoi to their string of vie- o,ries with a 2-o"whut-out, D. Sills Eagerly swaited by� a host of bud- distriL-t ed in every line of goods. I' A splendid opimrinnity to w4ure S - KC16 1, naftok wbe ". Year sigutd, ww binwred. on W4dato ooting 6n both counters. The game Ing Collegians, entrance re - suits, announced this week, bA)wht ,needed summer goods at redll�� eve�-t by_'11��, and mot�kyers at rais rmVh in parts and many petty joy to many'and sorrow to others. Prices, is offeredL a gatbering at the seboal, when van 'j'p witAl am purm 04 rguments arose. Fixill od cobfidence the Seeforth The successful students are ai fol- 41 0 0 0, mm went into their last game of lows: EAST IKURON A s0krad Program WVA, eva4ed dmimg --the *v, ni r.. Beft Ir - mg he sehedule on Wednesday evening r1len Ithe Bayfield Imperials aWk the home with* a 3-1 The f*llowing hiuvo been passed on teachers' rec-mimendiations- CA'= SHEEP VE win aeUng e It h= Godudied the fablowmig numbers: Chorus by melight and went Seaforth the school cfii!ldren� "Home on the eraision. Sure of a� ipluy-off -berth he locsls uhderesdinated ­ t h e V. Freeman, B. Glazier, B. Best, R. Box, V. D0,1mage, 1. WeGavint D - AS PASTURES BURN . � R=g*"; violin selm b TIVank I-tim y Powler, sW=V&r&d by MM Fowi%r; trength of the 1-Ummen and play- i It, B. Wright, E. Eckert, M. M6- Soo,, solb -by X". Bevt Irwin; inatiramen- d a hit-and-misis game at - ti " 1hey were very weak defensively and Daidt Mc[IveT, D.Regier, E. ElIgia, M. Papple, E. AinAbrough, tal n%usic, violin and. guitar by the he Bayfield lads took advantage of G. e, H. Earle, J. Old -field, G. McKillop Farms Menaced likylilmd famak.� Preie-ataism- and address read by, Mr. Bert h -win; lit- bree real opeginge. To start with, &evdor�h, forced the Macdo IsId., J. Broadfoot, G. Broome, 'a] C- Keller, R. Wlaltmrs, M. Traquair. As Flames Spread in tle Tjielma Glazier presented a purse lay and it looked like a walk away. diftt stsrt till 7.55 and Brussels - Dry Grass. and two of -the boys,,Lorne Carter and Ande&wn Bell presented a caftr ,_he_4;&me 7iih 20-Ninute, periods there wasn't Tuch playing time6 IbMe OM119h, J. Lamont,� Y. b0teim 1, I., . N"1- liams, M. Murray, R. Smal-ldon, D. Fowler-.-;Miw - 'Fowler made -a very sui�;� and appropri— owever, for 'Bayfi"d to 'break "y Armstrong, E.'Baker, G. Davidson, M. Eckineir, M. KerT, J.' King, I). Flarms in the north east Portio. of , C � �Sioso M&Killlop township are menaced as, e- ate reply. Solbby Miss Dorothy Hol. land,; duet by Ma*. John W. Car -ter nd score twice in the first half to ive them the advantage. Both goals Lawless, W. Lowrie, L. Mitchell, J. 0 ,Zanderson, G. V1,1heeler, G. McCut- the result -of burning pasture Aek1s. On farm ere of 'Henry Kleber and and Mrs. Frank FoWler;7 violin wkc- tion boy W. - Herbert FowNw accom- rere scored within a- minute, the first ne by Jackson and the second by J. eheon, R. Nichol. Joseph Cironin, fenceis have -been burn- 9 paAed by -Mrs. J. W. Carter on, the dlison.. Slightly'bomil4exed by the Manley 11 Blan�lmrd, B. Bullard, R., Pet�- I ed and- sheep and, cattle, maddened by . hordes of beel flies, -have rushed guitar and bft-s-.�'Frank .-Powler on organ. unch of the visibors, the Seaforth oys came to -life and took thi rigs in icic, C. Diegvll, H. Querengesser, D. ilito MAThe the flames only to be destroyed. Af ter singing "God Saive tim Kine' and. Down �bhey weinit but over: k derson, D. Coutts, K' Dale, 'n Lawson, M. Piryce, L. i;iper, 11. fire McKill-op pine swamp is also on in. manypia-ces. the ladties served, refresimleInts. The address was as foRbws: "Dew mdou(sileiss caused m"y shots to go stray. Bauer, -M. Gaffney, I. Osborne, D. Eg- Fires covering over 200 acres have Mists M. Fowler: We, the truptees As in, the first half Seaforth o�i.�- gert, � I., Gloor, L. Hoegy, M. Kraus- k-opf, 1R. Kleb!er- been in prVgress in this distri" for I and ratepayers of th1s, section have herethis layed Bayfield''but Allowed the visi- Ethel about a week and are still. spreading Assembled evening t6shoW, ars to -break awaito, the goal mouth 'open- L. Evans% - D. Tuck, C. Whitfie,d, E. deLspite the. efforts- of scores of men. Heavy rains are being anadously our appVec�iaticn and les ve you a Wkght rtmernbrance fw the faithful ;hiqrei Allison again found the rig, th make the count 3-0. Don Dale Y,,,, S. McLean, PL McNaught, E. S'mith, M. Lake, E. Pearson, K. Wil- awaited as the only solution to the a, services which you -have given us as We aved Seaforth from a whiltewash by MvIing home a courker from the side bee, H. Bateman, D. Cunningham, 'R-. fie:�y mena cIe. It is believed that the fires w4Te our teacher. regret very much that you. will not be tolling the beU f the goal two nuinutes before t�e nal whistle. The Seaforth tesin, Gilkinson. following have pa-med the writ- caused by buxTdng cigarette I butts dropped by passimg motorists. for us again when, the Septeir&,er teIrIm begiw, but we must not be sel- aliking it over after the game, wer�* lad that.they had a losing ten examination: Seaforth 1has fiA, and remember that, -thirty �pears of arduouv and strenuoue ng g*ot game ff their ches-ts and feel Dike giving A. iAxohibald, P. Bannon, K. Carter, M. Coleman, F. DIeavereaux, V. De�x- earned a well deserved resit, and we all wish, ybu, good health that you 'ther St. Coluniban or Wrinthrop a ard race dn. the play offs. Dates are sl?t but next week will '9e'p ,ter, L. Edler, INX Fortune, S. Hab- kirk, L. Hawkins,- -A,,.-Hill, D. Hoff, ­ AXV VIW.A.Shepherd Is Inducted may -be ivbl� to traviel or engage in Any vocation yotA m*y desire as a ,ot yet 'game. Kale, K. MacGregor, D. MacKay, pastime.' You position, , as a kind, he opening The thTee Eg'll are S-eaforth, St. Coluniban J. MacLean, R. M,&Clure, M. Messen- paticat and'succeadul tewher, wiU be eams nd WRnluhrop,., ger, F. Phillips, 0. Rintoul, M. Sclat- er, E. Sillery, J. Smith, C. Thomp- There was a large, aftemdance at, hard to fill owing to academ)ie traindng, your degree iD s son, is. WN.,gg"M. Wright. the induction service held in, the Eg- Arts, your years of experience anA AI Brussels H-3ndiville Unrited Ohwch Friday when much valuable data and geographical kl IREDICT-S-7BIGGER T, Alcock, �G. Alcock, A. Cardiff, M. inducted, Rev. W. A. Shepherd of Chatham,"s 'into knowledge gleaned from your tours 1, Dietner, H. Gibson, J. Griffith, E. the pastorall, charge'of of the continents, -of Europe, Asia -and Hull, A. McQuarrie, A. Nichol, L. the eongTeg�ation, a number of friends Africa. You were always an ardent IULY I CELEBRATION Plum (H), J. Scott (H), 0. Stanley, S. Stiles, H. Turnbull, G. Worl" fVom the neighboring congregations, being prese7�t. The servke was in worker, delving into books, inaga- 'zines, - etc., trying to find something Manley chargk- of Rev. E.. F. Chandler, of to ma& -e your clas * rooqn) preisenta- �J kthletic Association PreSi- G. Case, G. Corlet, I. Comnoll.pr, H. Do'lmage, L.'ffolman (H), M. Koelh- Kippen, Who addressed the people on, "'The Ufe of Faith-," and also by tions more interesting to yolluri pupils. You have -always given more liberal - dent Thainks Public For ler,' W. Leeming, W. McCollum. C. Mogh, K. Shai�non, C. Siemon, E. the authority -of the Hurion Presby- tery received and inducted the new ly of your time than Lthe regulatiom demanded. you ha ve done much for Fine Support. Williamson. pastor. the edlucation -of the young folks, in Ethel The Scripture was read boy a son this sec -tion, manybeginn1ing and -en& A. Callen (H), C. Hamilton,, G of Rev. Mr. Shepherd, Rev. George ing theiv public school inistruction The first, -of Julv celebration ii ow- MacKay, R. M4chan, -L. Michel, E. Shepherd, of Mazoneauve, Wisc,,onsin. under your kindly lbeaching and di - r, ibut in reaRility activities have -Pearson, G L Schuett, V. Spieran. Rev. W. P. Lane, of Goder4ch, in -ad-, rection. It would appear very un- nly started. The SeloArth Athletic dressing the minister, spoke of "A grateful on our part if we did not �ssociatlion is already formulating WEST HURON Well-balancied, Christian Life." ReIV. avail ourselves of this opportunity dans for a CIC"ItbratilCin of much The f ill -owing are the. results -of the Mr. Shepherd and Mrs. Shepherd when you are retiring from the pro- ,reater magnitude for the first 3f I-ecent -High School Entrance Exam- were i nt -roduoed to the members. of fes,slion, to ask you 'to accept thesid. uly,4937. inations held at the various centres thei cG 14ace Ir ngreVation, by W. IWq slight to-ken1s. as a remembrance that ,i Onbe-half of the Ass,61ciation I rwisill, under the jurisdiction of the Goderich -and A. C. Routledge, after 'which we dearly, appreciated your excellent o pthlirly thank all those who so High Sohool Entrance Board. First lunch waig served by the ladies. services w1ith us for the peft 14 year's, vi-11ingly ga-ve their Ume and their and Second Class Hornours are an- Ahd trust that ytu may be spared alents in ordtr thalt the celebration nounced, First Claiss Honours means and, blessed with good healtth to en - n aid iof athle ties, in -the town would that 75�,,� or m,ore of the total marks joy them for many years to. come Ie a Auccess. I wiFh to point out that was secured; Second Class Honours, Holds Lucky Ticket Signcd on behalf .,of the - ratepa M thase who wforked in organizing thait between 70 and 74%, was obtain- by tb-., trustees, John W. Carter, J. he day and in running booths at the d. On Pupils' Quilt L. Bell, Bernard Nott." ,jar 'ious events, received no remunera� Goderich Centre ion. Thanks are, also due to the First Clas Hbnours--Gertrude An- narebants who gladly ga,ve of their nerchandise at eost f�arprizvs, and to tondo, Minnie Antonia, William Beat - ty E�rl Bogie, Catherine Cantelon, Airs. Bert Irwin won the lucky -�on Load Caus4eis fie Turf Club executive for their -co- 1�oibert Carey, Harold Daer, Gladstone made by tb pu ticket on the qt1flit, e P- ils of S. S. No. 6, Tuckersmith. The %J JL rperation. The s,ervices of the Band (Continued on Page,4) money was ralsed, for i6haritable pur- Traffic Tie Up vere much alipreciated by everyone. �Athletic-, 'in a Itlown like Seaforth poses and aleo provided a cot for the hould be backed wii-th even more en- huz* iasini than is now shown. Citizen!; Huggard Expected Lmchool. Miss Edna Urnieson is the l,a,l,,. When a truck and a trailer carry- -11,ould all -en,dQi­-,c- with their time ing 15 tons of steel gir&W attempt- ind their money all athletic: activi- In Goderich Friday ed to turn -onto Main Street at -the Mrk Hotel corner late Mionday af- lies Por the sa-ke ofthe younger gen- Celebrate Golden ternb6n, the bong girders islipped from -ration. Give uc, a town df good aVh- etes and you will have a town with- It is expected Inspector E. C. Gur- Wedding Monday the trailer, effectively tying up tral- ficon Main Street for a numbeIr Vr. )ut cr4me,. Net profilts f,)r the day were $295. nett will arrive in Goderich late Fri- hours. It was late at night before a . Aelp us make it a $5560 day,in 1937. day with John J. H-uggard, Seaforth lawyer, who Iaqt week surrendered to Mr. and Mrg. Joseph Meva, of the gang of men, together- with a large tractor and a number of jacks 'were DR. E. A. McMA,STER, President Athletic AsoociIation,. Los Angeles police. North Road, celebrated the fiftieth able to get the load in positim Meanwhide 'the crown continues to prepare its case against Ehaggard. All books and documents from the Hug- armiversary of their wedding on Sunday. Owing to a recent illnese of Mrs. -Again on Tuesday morning t. same thing happened at -the truck vms turning onto ��ch Street frbwa KIPPEN gard office and those 'of the Toronto band dealers, Gordlon G. MacLaren and Robert Fletcher, have been, tak- Mero, Ithie day was spent quiebly and the family giathering that had been planned was postponed until a later I04urch Streelt. The girders were being talcen lboo.411 barn which is -being built by 3LT. WMX =r. Glordon Wright, of Schutnacher ,pent a week at his home here beflore eaving for Europe where he, will en to Goderich. A. W. Verity, aC- countant of the Ontario Sq&Urities date. P(wrest, near, Kippeori. .-Pft-d two mon1ths. He sq led on the Commission, is asIsiisting the crown. kndontia.. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Geisler and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry, of Detroit, care for the past week or so. We ,,pent lost week -end at the home of trust he may soon, be around, in his �heir aunt and unble, Mr. and Mrs. 'u-sual good heahb. fam� Wright. 'Mrs. Deyelil, -of Tortonto, is visiting 4-lu � lu_ _.p Ik � �am+�Av- 4&�A 4wf%- Seaforth lBowler's INin at. Twilight Doubles Tournev� inis" Lauramile Vwight is, 11y, relatives in Detroit. I at, IV. 11M -r they -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew sSixty-eight bowlers took pouTt in the, Mr. ClifFord Watson, of the village, Bell, of Tuckersmith. menos open twi-light doubles held here' ;pent a few days in Buffalo, during Lbe pa& week. With.sple-ndid weather far the past week or so hayingl is pretty well ad - T&Tiday evening: iliere was no dew Mr. and Mrs. Veriver McClymmt, vainced in this: community. and the gTeens. vmre in excellent r)f Ntroit, and, Mrs. Russel Geoghan Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Wousseau, of ohape. Three ten -end -games were and childroh, of',London, spent -Sun- the viliage, visited at the hoyne ot -played with a piuO of d19ft- First, dayat the horae of Mr. James Mc- ihe litters -parents, Mr. and Mrs. j',Rdk Beattie and M. Plemie, 8 Wins Glymon't, of the, Village. Brown, of 'Greenway, ftiriVg -th'o plus 23 - sedorrd Dr. H. EL ROVA 'and The annual,gunift.7 school picnic of week. F. Joih��, geIifoiAb. 3 wi mi plus St. AMrewls Sunday L90tool vOill be Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reid and daugih- 17; thirA Alllbert_Tay4or and & G. held on Wednesday, J1k9V 15th, at ter, of Toronto, viisfbM at the lbome Sanderson, Godevich, 2 *iTw plus' 12, Jo,wett's Growe, Ba"e4d. of Mr. and Mrs. FAgar Butt, of the and fmrbh, C. P. &Ils and VV% J. Dun- 0 iMrg� Jol* Deitt� who bola been via- village, during the paist wieek. can, Seaforth 8 TAns Out 11. itihg friends in FArnotdvil-le for the f9r, *M Mrs. Robeft McLean dnd Entiiw (9;jorth) — Dr. DWWY paft few &y%, has returned to bar fanAly, of Waubascheive, vWbea at and V& Smitk Jolm Beattie and Rep - home, here, I tbe bome of the former'Is mother, nie, Origbt WA StOwsrt, 01046- Vid WWI. Wffitam An&n-mn, of �hfs Mm. Jas. B. McLeWn, of the Imsdon Gb&, Mle and 8ndit Ml*y 40 ,vilkw, has bmn. undw the dootor's Road, dtrkv the powt vmk. ffil* Jvbnwwnv od lar and Brine Dr. Rbus aid Mm- s%ne, Simi& ;;;� Duncuii, W. 0. Vrisis andHolines, J. E. Willis and Hwt Vmkm: stratio,16--imnkley IMA XeDonald, X%ebig and Crawford, N14 ion and MoDonald, Donduvp STA 8heppM,d. Globdwin ana Kiftrald, MaPherson and Hodge- ftm Gode- rich, Chq*mn atid mid Ow"� San&raft and IM10, W atid Stj n, M, N qTtd Tool% e PrWham and Maftwn- ton M'Ovldw- 'fmm inchaMq W. *&Wd A. Wi;;W, d it" fmm, Nww MOmbuAvo Rev. i�r� �and ftff, .9L.— *na- Cbudm L"dff&*V OA Connell, johnvtolne and Pay; from Miivw%-n, C&k%r.