HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-03, Page 8Ic 577. 5, • ilie. 4 •• ,,...e ,, e , ..„ „.., e„, . „ , , • et •.,.• s ROW i e •Ook OlUOit tee t4 A 1 ' he tie toe, iiii ,l• ;,..,,,,,f,.• • „ f P,I tt rt k 1 i' , . ls , , „ :r.,,,• ., 1 • 1, .„.. s . Its '1•.,it A 1 It . ... '''.i.. 4t, t heisele.4 ”itO. kAtin,,‘, , ..,. , ,i,'D . ' ' • • ,,,it 1 i 1 11 lit , • - o is •si t .i, ''.1 4:° A ' h tt ''' • " ,7 •.' '`„ 1 - , ' us e I aD, 1 ).J• „. 4,, ' IA •O• ne er, t ,1 i ;14 e r• 0 k O ' '°' „ ''.1 !, :0 ,..,, ' ..,'.' ,.'..'. , ........ ' „q. 14)0r0ValTdd rcgta 9.' lettigr Irtlana NTS. Now VW' Idoke,.are helidaY,e.mital ' . . . . . Nows. or To :•, " TOWN sebetea.. a retired. roiesienary, telling hoe Work in Anegle,. A eeading .44,40 .1.,T. ., , Spend*. the . - theie Parents, Illtr. and Mire. .Charles • Brodie. Summertime- pecia 's , . . A..... :•,- • ..si ,. ' Ono. for • •411Pli Ol'•', • . ., ,-- 'Jurzir Women'Institu. - The, os te Junior. Woimeale Inatititte will hod theirigegulari Monthly meeting at the h 0 of Miss Helen Beattie en Wed- July .8th. T•he roll cell Is to w,a, „gril.enselb•Y 1-"'Ue' °'avel'16eir' emu isers•s \ eammice g.aase ea stlendnid ToPort of the Meeting of atie . omu. 7, winch was. frlditairdTolerto.W.T.Mhi SM'eetting wses . -.--• . , .. ••• . ' - ervice s . s. __. Mies Margaretea041,77 K•Ne of • Ro0h.eeter, is vatiting at• the tuoinie of her mother, 111fr,e, B. 'Cleary. . . , .., . • • ii asci Moe. .11. Marmasen, of Cleveland; sweat !visitors • , _ .• ' • • . ., , - .. . --It--. 'Ewer'. y ontris'Stanciard---Quality---- . : .. 4„,OKANS ' Ca • 4114.--,s'ert needay, be answered with your favorite do- and its recipe.. • . eloSed• by einging "Nearer -111YeGod To Thee" and the AgiiPah hehectif- tion. • A delicious lunich was served . were at . , 'home of Mr -and 12717ra, tO: Finkbeiner. • :es.. sees. 9 . . Mapes Ids. and Eve Love left on It-. Cold Drinks , White Gloves g • . • . Girls! Sox. — . • Silk 'Hosiery , 00,16ikIPO''''' JUICE_ ' ScE.,. D la Successfel •Music Pupils. -Leslie J. lay Circle -NO. 4..... . , . Friday for SWitzeriand, sailing- loY the Alacenia. from Montreal. . uee."P•ilaneY cult% en'P' erfine • quality; zeew • Mateh, better than reg - tiler valise, Cool . arid Dependable fine Orepe we,aive. Newe•st alIedes. WO -2, 3, 4, 5 tbs. -, 25c ' • Pryce and Beatrice E. Pryee, pupils •of Miss H. I. Graham, have succeed- ed int passing Gee& III .piano exa:m- ., . Willi . : • ams -Wagner. -A pretty wed- ding was solemnizedMary's • AVON ICE :CREAM • HOT DOGS .. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Frank: Cudmore and Miss Nancy, 'of Toronto, are Vit..: o fabeics. Catchy ,,, o,,e,„,,, ,,pair .. . ' 501. r— - seasonahle. paii ... , ... •„.,.....254_ , , fittgular 76c, : . 69c • 04); • . ' ination at the recent • Toronto Con- On di Kitchener On Saturday morn- eeurr • • . , • June 27th, at 9 o'clock when . , , '..,•-• and • • • Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Wood-- , •, . IPFUED CHERRIES e g for 2•51i senvatary of Music examinations, 'both -of them taking honors. , .13r,. . Ilinogse, Ellizalbeth Wae•n ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, of 190 .stock, -visited at _the Rectory •last . HAMBURGERS' . _ - week. ----.. -, . Cotton Panties • • • .• - - - Lovely Slips.. , • - - - PONE APPLE 25c 2 Tips Mar, . , , , 1 Box Basourr MIX, 1 FLY SWAT- " .. Watch The Bowlers.-oThe •Seaforth Rowling Club extends a cordial mei- , . ,.. . , tation to the eataze•ns of the tewn '• t° come to the and enjoy the .Park ••...tilagievet,, oKi•Getchoeingeekieawas.wuntited in mar- _I , :'' tilliarne, soh of ai and Mrs. Soloman Williams, aee ter )f. Seaforth.r': 'Rev E. A. W h . ., . • Mr. H.°G.Hayst has successfully H. WESTON . passed his first- year examinations at GODERICH- ST. - _ SEAFORT•H thOsge taiwoodearte•Htill;;,f 'Messrs. 'Ha aeyr ezeilmt•eiIrn, the se . ' mote asmgat--"foft sand ser- tic'eable...•• Made • from fine •moellt weave..9Ca, Well made from Satin- and Taffeta matesials." Lace tram and tailored 'styles ' . Wash Aprons. 'Good quality -Prints, neatly taped edges; or - .gantly and other triune. . TER . 15c .all for .green shady and restful surrouncliegs ef this laeal beanty, spot. There is Seat- ..et... " d The bride who was given in imoaraeeiage hp her father, Was attend- (id to. her. at the altar by her . • - ' — Carnp'bellford, fOrmerly Pastor of • St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Sar- • Mee William: Sclater Mr and Mrs. .J. 3. ISelater and family and path. ig.la to '••• , Each - ... $1.49 . 25c to 4net; EACH - bA/PES at 15c „ ,binotlacinr cosn!"'°pclestilaitiitipillonfoin” y‘p'raPtg°rheintsg...• a"' place maid of honor, the bridegroom's 'SatS- nig. The ,Rev. J. M. • Maegillivery, Mr. and Mrs. Jblin Finlayson speet the first of July(iin Galt with Mr. and azoneemesa `2 pounds , Ittjr.m. SEEDED RAISINS i C I iJC 1st, package ae, • , $.1EW POTATOES re 6, pourode for • 2ill; • . 'TRY OUIR WHITE ,SHOE POLISH with Sample Battle 25c all for Died in Lethbridge The death oc- curried in Lethbridge, Alberta, an tMonday of Miss.' Edna Allen, elderly- Eiphrirsiber, who had been in the employ of the H. A. McKillop store as •book- keeper 'time 1910,: She was born .•:n Ontarie- and came to Lethbridge in 1.90.. ‘N.t) relatives real& in this dis- triet hut distant coueins live north. of ter, Miss Madeline. Williams, of Kit- chemer, . The "Bri,dal. • Chorus," from Lobe/rig-ma' was played by the organ- let of the church, Professor B. J. Z,o•llner. The bridesmaid was Miss , . Mary Wagnet, sister of the bride. The bridegroom was assisted by Mr. Lied Reick, 'of Kitchener. The bride ., „l•-• , ,. ,, 1 .. Ket0 1.c:tee y in a gown of white ,bri- .cial satin ,cat on princess lines of fie, or length, trimmed with white eat- vow minister of St Andrew'a, SEIT- nia, oveintg to a former engagement, was out of the city and unable to attend. The 'officiating minister, if- ter expressing his sense of keen per- soma 'loss, said in .part: "Mrs. Lock- hart was a gentle, wise and loving mother, a -most deboted wife, a true friend, an earnest 'Christian, and a werthy. member of the chingli. Hher daily life adorned the doctrine s e Mrs. L. a Kruse. . , Mr. and MTS1. G. D. Fla-ninigan and family have returned to Handl- toreafter visiting -At the home, of Mrs.. Jlohn Horan. . • 'Miss !Helen. Beattie, of Toronto, spent the • week -end at theehome ;•if her brother, Mr..J. Wesley 'Beattie. ' ' • Jack • Mrs. Wright and son, Mr. .' 'Wright,' of Toronto, nirere guests last English Chintz , . Splendid for furniture Slip Caverst, Cushions, Drapes, etc. Very col-. oefue reversible pat- terns. , , .. 25c, 29C, 39C Yd. - • . . • Galt Bath Towels . -Gabs:liable to wash . Or surt. White arid strik- jag colored patterns. • You'll like them. 14c, 18c, 25c, 33c and 39C up to 75C .. New Prints . Yard. •wilde,, s tu r d y cloths in fast. d ,y e •prints. ',Splendid pat - terns.. 17c' and 20C YARD , For growing pigs, Master's Hog Con- Echnonton. A brother, Rupert, pre- ,deceased her in Lethilari•dge in 1934. on sweet ,peas. at the ne.ckline. and professed. Those who were privileg- efeek .Jat the haute of Mrs,. R. M. ffrsner. •mrs.. ... . . . , elemse, oentrette has few equals at • $2.25 . ewt. ' , • A. C. Rout kd.ge Phone 166 • Funeral services weee conducted o.n Wednesday afternoor, Rev,. e. m. Pritchard 'officiating. Miss" Allen was ameousin cif Mr, Wm. Freeniane the ass es Freeman and Mrs. Wm. Bickle of. town. cuffs. st.the wove a bridal yeti o sulk ..tr net bealltifall embroidered atf cornetts, with Ya fan effect head-dress caught with a wreath of orange blos- some. It fell gracefully into a long train. She carried a bouquet of pale pink ibriareliffe i•oses, lily of the val- Med come :d :ten „tsliipLiiitnize.t17.:,:d fottnid in ,her a beautiful illustration tl• d bl 'l • hich o those •epen a e qua bite1s „wi we can newer prize too 'highly. ee-ege her passing leaves us sadder and poorer, I -am glad to be able to come „fe . 4. J. Hedgim, dens and Mrs. L..T. DeLacey motored up from Toronto on ' Saturday. , Mrs. ',Dal,. axsrd will spend the surnnier at A ton John Street: . . :. • -*nese-Margaret White, Rflo of , RAYON , Silk Tuscan. .Feter Window Curtains. .A.': heautifieloPe.ttern , • .. . Special. Showing of SUMMER DRESSES COATS,. SUITS, . ,„. HATS, ETC' - ° • , cml,PREN'S • Wash Suits • A real buy for young - --ster's 'Suberner wear. ....... .. . 99. . lev and maiden halt fern wi•th long back here and bear my tribute. to a Toronto, and . Mr. •Gshe.on White,. • of and very spec. ,aosic , Come and see the New •Prieed to clear •. Wins Wood Memorial Cup. - The foil owin g from a „St. Catharines tst-reamers The matron o'f holier chose for'her go • a 'yellow net tov- ''''' notable spirit, who was. what she was by reaeon of the grace of Gold that Walkerville, are spending the 'hell- days with their. Mother, • Mrs. M. price. Yard .... uly • • . Things. Suit. 59c • Insurance s . • Having Purchased . , THE INSURANCE ,paper Of June 26th, will be of inter- est to many old friends in town, as the winning skip, Mr. R. G. Winter, i‘s a well known Se•aforth tild bey:- `BoOsting in an inter -club lawn bowl- ing tournament.on Thursday night at er II' t if (I h t tch , . ye ow a a an. sat o mia. She carried with ` white accessories. S .. t f yellow rases. The brides- a '1)S)nclue's °Mac ' • ,maid: Wo„re a gown ,cd pale 'blue net ()NTT pale .blue taffetta with a pink , • •• - with white- accessories. She was in thee." Among those present .. . at the service on Tuesday, June 30th, . f 11 •• • 1 t* t, were the o owing tea Ives... Mrs. A D Sutherland and Mrs. Russell, • • !rota Seaforth; Iehrz Scott, of 'Rex- boroo 'Joseph Scott, RoXbore; James 'Mae., . • Mies Emma Dinemore, of Zurich, is a guest at the home of Mr. and . Mr:- Mj.r..1..anSdelajOirters'. Don McKay, of Hamilton, were holiday guests' at the . . • ' ' - TAVISH'S , enema , . , . business, of the JOHN RAN KIN AGENCY from the Guar- linty Trust Company, I solicit a continuance of your edeemed._ • patronage. All insurance records, etc., the the Glen Ridge greens in annual. t't•• f . t. ' • . .,iion • or . he efohn .S.. Wood etem a ria Ti Naha mixed rinks the '• ' ning combination •was Airs. R. . wAllillle. • •1 . • en, .1-1. JR.. Di Woo:Mrs.-T.- Harrison, and R. G. ,Winter skip with a score f ••-• f '1 • ,satelt, carried. a bouquet of deep pink roses. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's par- ents. The out of' town • guests Who • - • -• were pres.ent for the • happy event from. Seaforth, Detroit, Guelph, R. Scott, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Somerville, of Wood.stock. The remains were lovingly laid to rest in the . ' 'beautiful Lakeview Cemetery of Sarnia:7- home of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. E. Willis. • : ., ..e. Mies Helen McKercher, of la- Killop, and •Miss Flarence Dirrnin, of Dungannon, motored to New York on Saturday where they avill...spend „the summer taking a eburse in, economics - " though she was only confined to her bed a week before the end. • The de- ceesed., w. heate maiden Mark Hugall, was been anntahmeel-luwgiaill homestead in oMeKillope-O-8-years-a- • ' A number of •Mr. and 'abnptrtneeveTnicY‘nvng of-Mes-Rohert-431-ako la friends and relatives IVIrs. Orville Bla.ke, Col - IsoihniP"thsePefiaattsa ovnerYthellaaaarm- the-e-ecasion-be- have been transferred to -niy of, . i ..m,Hcame 3 vi .'f 1° Second o. a ris ante p us. • and spent, her entire life in. the filift,Ahirs, • .fi•Ce and any 'information will be .,_ .a ka i pace went o the inn o . fs. . • ' Eeclestone, J. A. Shaw, Mrs. Shaw Fergus, Preston, Galt, Waterloo, . LOCAL BRIEF S Columbia University. • • Mr. and Mrs. Brenton. Kerr, of triet. Twenty-five years ago she was Mr. and wedding,yiinuas7oifveLetreaarrny: Mrs. William McCracken I gladly given. united in Marriage to Mr. W•111 William and ethoneiran • M. A. REID, Prop. . . WATSON , & •REID . ,.... Phone 214 '. • :•_Seafor th H J Ecclestone as qki with a o' score of two wins and a plus of 12. Tihrd place was taketi by a Buffalo .rink skipped by 'Charles Cessford, with two wine and a plus of 11." , Death of 4 1 McLennan - Mr - • - ' - ' • Alexander Angus 'McLennan, for many ye•ars one of Seaforth'se best .known •a:nd most prominent besmess- • ' os man died at his heine,...Victorra. a, ...... , us Mr. and Mrs. Coulter and two . children ef . . , • Ottawa, are the guests of Mae.: Coulter's 'parents, Rev. Can- . on E. and Mrs. Appleyard, • at.. the - „ • Rectory. Buffalo, aee, guests at 'the bOme of Mr: ,and 'Vats. James Kerr. , • Miss Verna Graves is in Detroit this 'week. • Mist Maggaret Symes, of Sault Ste. is the. Miss Smith, who predeceased fher 12 years ago. She is. _survived, by three. bro- there, Messrs. William, 'George . and. Jame•s I-Ingill, all of 1Conetenee. The funerarWAS-theltd froni-lier lialteolieine ington, Were Mr: and .Mrs. . . "." • visitors last week with A. Wallace. . „Presentation - ., ..., Specialists ° in All Kinds of , Insurance. • . Wins • Fellowship. -In a letter 're- ceived this week by Mr..A. C. Root - ledge from Rev. "W. D. McDonald, pastor of Knox United •Church, Agin- czn, Friday, Jitne 26th. Mr. Mclen- nazi had been in failing health for eome time,. but three weeks ago he Offered two slight strokes from he dames- , • Miss -Schaefer, of flat:OW.81, is a guest this week at the ,home of Dr. - H, H. • Rms.. . la Mrs J.. S. iMuldrew, of Vaneou- tMarie, guest of . Helen Hamilton . . • Mr. and Milo' H. J. .Clancey. • O an daughter, of Detroit, are guests at 'the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Charles W d d afternoon when the On e nes ey Roe Mr services weee condotted by . . . Gardin,er, assisted by Capt Wooden. an tell . arp, o t e,Salvation d Lt Sharp f the- ' - • IA number • gathered a•t Mrs H • ' • Harr terneonJime es to !their of friends and neighbors the ohorne of Mr and T • d 11 • Tuesday'. yn at on, af- '23rd, to offer hest wish- dau hter -V* I t •41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •C> 0 <> 0 0 70 0 ° . S. T.• Holmes & 'Son ° ,. 0 • FUNERAL • SERVICE .0 4 • Main Street, Seaforth p court, and formerly of Egmondvillc, is a reference to the success of the McDonald 'boys in their. studies. "Bill and Bob both did very" well this year. Bin got his M.A. degree and was "fellowship" which never rallied. -The .ed was a son of the late Alexander McLennan and Mary McInnis, and was born in 'Woodstock. For some years he was employed as a cominer- ciel 'traveller and then in partnership • •• vole tie a vilest 'at the ho,me of Mr. Robe Scarlett. . • • rt ' • ilsis Mackay is spending a...boli- day at Atlantic 'City . . , • .. . •.. - .. • ,-.„ t - . • Miss Marion Sclatere of Toren re visited last her . Stewaste • • Mess Judith McLean, of .Harnil- ton, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'K. M. McLean.. - . . i • . . .. • Ma and Mrs.. W. R. • Black, of Army, Seafortle Interment teak place in 'Constance cemetery, the pallbear- ers being Messrs. R. Rogerson, m. Armstrong, William Brlittorn ,, , esages, D •,... . ale, 4. , /.144.7i„!fmong arid Jeelliigai. . - e. t is week. " a musital selection. and ;Dorothy, .folloWed by Marries Off b f The :program opened by by Misses Jean ,Geramell. This was e reading "Uncle Jake Ii• • '' • Is Girls, ' by .Mrs.L Wil - *. — . . p awarded a at Johns with the late la. H. Broadfoot, he week with • grand- . • ' Toronto, spent the week -end with fred Coleman. The contest, "A lave- , .0 S. T. Hohnes, residence, .0 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 . Hopkins University, Raltimore, Mary- 'land, where he will study for the next conducted the American 1,Hiatel in Brussels for thiee yeam;s, and later . • • mother Mrs. William Selater. • .11/11se Jean Brodie, of Cerarina, 'Miss Mrs. ,George Black, in Tuck:ersmith. • Mr. and Mrs . William Hogg, , :.MCK,ILLOP.'.. , story in flowers," Parsnip Family was won by ' the The following girls 0 No. 119 W. Charles •Helmes'. 0 e> 'deuce, Gladerich Street 0 three years on his PhD: degree- um Archaeology.' In ad'dition. to free tui- the Commercial Hotel in Seaforth, for twelve- yrears. Since retiring' from the and Annie Brodie, Of Kiridand , . , . . Miss Mabel Hogg and Mr. ,, Leslie Hogg, of Stratford, were week -end the home Mrs. R. Hale, Eggert - Kechnie Reunion Th • ath t'• f these e ee.u.nron eel. ra ion o presented a Dorothy Gen:omen mock wedding.; ,Miss ea bride, Miss Bet- 0 East; phone No, 308.. 0 ** Ambulance Service • 0 .0 'Night calls, Phone 308. 0 0 . Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0 0 Charges .moderate. 0 0 , „. 0, 0 .0 0 00 .0 p 0 p 0 0 tion and theefellowship, he will :have a free trip to Greece each summer with all •expenses met and perhaps some small amount extra: That will be in connection with excavation work being carried en under the Reake- feller Foundation. SO altogether he hotel butsiness he had lived retired. He was an enthusiastic . member of the Masonic fraternity, being a Past Mester of Britannia Lodge, Seaforth, and a 32nd degree Mason of Hamil- •• ton. Ledge, and a member ,of First Presbyterian 'Church. •Dietinguished • • T I, c , . guests at of kirk. . • • Dr.: G. C. Jarrott left on Friday to take ipost :graduate work in ,NewRice , , , • York for two weeks Dr E. Apple - ' • • ' yard will ,ihave charge of his practice -during..leis absence- . • two fa/rakes was 'held on July lst with 'about 160 relatives and friends f • '•:• . fromKincardine,Detroit,Kitchener. Stratford, Rostock, Blyth, Auburn, Mitchell Lacknow •Milverton Seb- r. . • • , ' , • , . =girdle and Fullerton, A good pro- gaam. Was enjoyed •as fallowa, with- ty ..Doig as Macdonald • . ith Wallace as best ;be , t se ides fat '" Leyburne as Habkirk Teed e• e - --- flower girl, Mies Edna - • . '' '-'• as Jbradesmaid,. Miss Ed- as groom, Miss Bessie man Mrs Jim Doig as ,'. : er and Miss Margaret minister. , MAO Norma an, address, --dual. - -- ., ng has been a pretty fortunate boy, Out in appearance and with affable, gen- i ' .. Rev. H. C. Feast and Miss, Feast 1VIr Job • • L ' It 'wog John - eleStratford,in the n invio .. , occasional. cnairs• were , *. 0 0 .0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 he has worked hard and deserves the success he has attained." ' - is! -Manners he possessed a wide car - cle of friends, and was widely es- ' • . • Any farm boys between the spent the week at their cottage in.•.. Muskoka.- • Mrs. Harry Grieve c"'hi.i.r: ' Welcoming''• . _brought address by Mr. • Jerry Doerr; recitation eby Merle • forward. friends for ,Violet thanked her the gifts. After a neigh- 0 -0 0 ' 0 II. C. BOX • G 0 FUNERAL- SERVICE .0 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 0 . e.„ . .., Sermon Subjects For Next: Sunday. ___Northeide United Church -Rev. C. • C Keine will he the minister on Sunday .att 11 a.m. The Orange Lodge ' ' teemed for his charitable generosity. In 1900 Mr. McLennan was united in marriage 'to Miss Effie McLeod, Odaughtee of the late Murdock o Mc- .. . . Lend, of ' Seaforth, who suivives himMare , • • In ages 'of 14 and 20' years, Inc - . t ' sive, who have not yet signed up • and two chill- 'siren 'of Windter are guests at the 7, t . . home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Grieve ia.Z.gimindviille. • • Mre. Shoeeraft who spent sev- . . Marg. and. Bert Ktechme gave guitar an so o se ectrons; ad ress y d• ' I 1. ' d b 11Itev. 'F. ,E. M . ; es. 0,, lark, . a . . Kincardine, gave eeverail simpereona- burly drat and parted, !wishing 7 . , . happiness in delicious lunch, all do - the 1.. ,i much her new :home. Ambulance Service – Will the ' ' - as members. o f the . Seaforth e . , • , Ote . weeks with her aunt, iss E. tons, • le and Louis floegy, mouth .0 Hospital Bed • 0' 0 with adjustable ratchet oper- 0. .0 ated spring for rent. 0 conduct . e seeveces at 7 p.m.- Ree. T. A. Carmichael, Minister. Furst Presbyterian Church„-eHare old C. Feast, Minister. Sunday 'with h•adopted ' is ., son and daughter, Harry and Margaret. He is also sur- eived by one sister, Mess Ellen Mc- Parkerood•Hcapital . • Foal Club, may secure a copy of .t.• he Rules and Regulations and eel , Davidemg hat retuened to New York. • Alio, •Cecelia Horan, of Sudbury, is spending the holidays with her organ land gaiter selection; Doreen and E 1 E. . • • ar ggert a guitar and. vocal e , s, . duet; p ate e ' 1 1 t by MOIKillap members, 1 • - MANLEY . ' s t- - - . 0 Night Collis Day Calls 0 0 Phone 176 Phone 4O ...0 0 . .6. 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *. .' school at 10, morning worship at 11. even- • , mg eervice sit, 7. Morning sermon: ,Religion To -da yo Social. Action in Reverse." Evening sermon, "God Moves in a• Mysterious Way; His Wonders To' Perform: ,Len-na.n, of. Lon- • ' don. and one beother Mr. Malcolm .. • McLennan, of Winnipeg. One. bra- her John • McLennan died in Novetn- her last. The funeral,. which was un- der Masonic. auspices, and was . very . ' the necessary application form , from Mrs-. Bessie Ken,' Secretary,Jack . Seaforth Agricultural 'Society. mother, :Mrs. .31olen 'Horan. . •.. r • • Mr. Fred W. Sutherland 'and. son., of St. Thomas, an - . , d Mrs Mar- garet De Wolfe, of London, were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. A. D. those taking part were Velma: and Dorothy ,Sherbert Della and Norman . . i , Eggert, Marie Hoene Harvey Koch - ler Harry Regale. Several popular . . ' • • selections were enjoyed and musicalt . .. Mrs. McElroy . gave an instrumental. • • McLoughlin A. pretty took place . D-ublin, when ' \ •:, Delaney Dominion • Day wedding ' ' • in • St Patrick Church .. , Miss Helen Delaney, - 0 p p 0 p p 0, p p 0 p .c>. 0 .0 . .• .0 ' WALKER'S 0 4=> FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 W. J. WALKER and ge. G loari ii. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 a glance at History." The merning anthem, "Lead ,Me in Thy Truth," soloist, Mr. Dalton L. 'Reid; evening anthem, "Glory To Thee, My God This Night," solnist, Mrs. J. A. Munn. Heartiest welcome to all services. . St. Thomas' Church Services, Sun-, doff, Ado 5th -Sunday School and Bible Claes, 11 .a.me Holy Comimun- largely attended, was held • from his late home on Victoria Street on Sun -o day afternoon, when Rev. H. C. Feast of First ,Presbyterian Church offici- ated. Interment was made in Malt - landroank 'cemetery, the ,Pe3lbearers being Messrs. C. Aberhart, Harry Charters, J. G. Mullen, a N. Dimon- /tette, William Brine and Keith Mc- Lean. Among those from distance . , The , complete " application • forms must be mailed to the De- .. partment of Agriculture, Clan- ton, before July 15th: • . .• ' 3578-2 , ,Sutherland. • • •Mrs • D D. Wi , . . . Aeon, of Toratito, is a .guett at the home of Mr,. J. A. Wilson .. . , ' Miss Florence Laidlaw, of Toron- to is spendin the holidays, at the . • , g home •of her mother Mrs. J. C. Laid- . - ' • 'Mrs. Budd, of Pittsburg, is a guest . at the biome Of. Mr. and. Wire. Games and races were enjoyed. The ffi r • ' 1 t tatty. f 11 •• J 'h ce s were e ee e . as o (MS . 0 T1 Leitch, President;•-• I Eggert, sec- retary. George eEggert treasurer; Gladys' Leech, chairman'. of special ...,..- comimitteeS Mrs. H. McElroy in eih,aege .pf pdsg-rarni. ;The meeting. will be held at Norman Morenz, Wil- lo G ' W Grove, year, daughter of lair became e,y, • , McLoughlin, 'McLoughlin. :formed b y Ffoulkes, after friends and the home of where a 'sumptutrils. Mr. and Mrs. James De- the 'b 'd f IVI J esiiht i ru e o T. 09 . sten of the late Patpck The reereniony.was per- le Hi, Rev. Father which the immediate your couple repaired to i .e bride's parents, repast was sere- 0 ion. Rector a G. D. Ferguson. ,ntext .„... ed after whieh 'the young couple left Funeral Directors ...,•••• 0 will preach; 7 p.m', eer- who attended the funeral were Mrs. • . theneymoon 0 Day or Night Calls promptly .0 anon -Canon E. Appleyard, Rector. , Charles Coventry, Mr. Glen Coventry ' • Mre. G. St afield and Miss Nancy "of TUCKERSMITH - mi their their -return trip east, and on will, reside thei 0 attended. , 0 .._.7..._...,.._ and ,Miss Effie -McLeod, Detroit; Mr. , :• . ,. . ... ,.'' '. „: .z..,„ of Detroit, are guests at the home Mr. - grooms farm .- on here. Their 0 PHONE' 67 .0, 0 .0, * 0 0 0 0 0 p .0 0 0 0 0 . . , .• . Broadfoot-Tyndall.-A pretty wed- ding teak place at the Egrnendville Manse on Saturday, June 27th, when Violet. Helen, only •daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil " MOLeo,d, Flint, Ofichi- gan; Mr. •ancli 'IVIrs. P. G. Mode, Bef- fate; Mrs. A. McLennan, Mr. A. Mc- Lemma Mrs. W. F. Martin, Mr. Nor- _ ...i. . ; • • - e .. O' -7e------ and Mrs. J. A. Case. . • Mrst • W. J. McKay, son Ray- mond, and two daughters, Reta and Margaret,: of Seattle, 'are epending Mr. Jahn •0. Doig, L.L.B., of •De- • • ' ' trait, was the week -end •guest ef his mother and sister, Miss Janet. , friends wish throw h lif , g e. !Mere and many them a smooth journey . • • Mrs. C. Eck'art, amain- . .• and Mrs. Harry Tyndall, was united man MartinandiMiss Margaret Mar- • __es the,holidays at the home 'of Mrs: Mc- „. Mrs. Joe IMeClelland and Master Kennth, -of panned by their JG. P. Sills, two daughters, Mrs. -le • E.C. Chamberlain in marriage to 'Mr. Clifford' Alexan- dee Broadfoot, elder tin,, Toronto. _ e • • Kay's parents„, Mr. and• Mrs. C. Eckert, an with their many friends E•gmondville, are the g treats of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh MOGre- J:""MoKey and of Seifert and ogre. Iv, her eon, Raymond, and eon of Mrs.. ' • ee et , • gor. two daughters, ago& of the Sepend Division Court 'County of Huron Office in the Denainfion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Offiee hours:- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturciajo 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday Broadfoot and the late Alexander G. Breadfotot, 'of Tuckersimith Rev, Charles Malcolm tofficiated The bride , wore a plain tailored white tetiple sheer dress with accessories to match d • an carried .a bouquet of pink and mrli i te ' carnations. After the core- wedding reo•ny a break -fast .ummer Death of 'Mrs. James Lockart- There paesed away suddenly and peacefully at 'her }Verne On Mackenzie ... •Avenue, Sarnia, on Sunday, June 28, Margaret, the beloved wife of James Lockhart. The deceased was the daughter of the late John Tutnbull Dicksonand • . •• or e Th . , , - in this Vieinity. , • IVIre Louis McDonald, 'of Windsor, • is spending a ,few days with friens in Sea:forth end- vicinity. • Mrs, W. Steacy and Mies Pearl Steacy, of Hamilton, are vests of Mit. 3. F. Reid, • . -.. Mrs. Sam Phillips, of Detroit;• ' Mr. Andrew Bell arrived home af- • - ter a very pleasant trip. Miss Isabelle Armour, of Detroit, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Janet Dioig, has returned theme. from Seattle, flying Mott Mr. James tting a cement 'Manle,y's barn. 'Margaret and Rita, Washington, paid us a last Sunday. Hart has been bulgy put- wall under Me. Wen. • • . evesoing,, 7.30 pre. to 9 pan. .' was serv- ed to 'the immediate relatives at the Mary Sloan, the eldest daughter of a familry of nine. There • l ., and Mrs. J. K. B. Brown, Of Toronto, SERVICES `WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile; fire, siekness and ' actident insurance. If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN home of the bride's parents, follow- hig which the• young cau le left ee ' . p on a. tort honeymiron trip to Windsor and Detroit, the tbrid • ' ' • e travelling en a t d -pm e crepe drese with white acces- stories. On their return Mr. amid Mrs. .Broadloot Will -reside Tin Seaforth. .still leurvilve four sitters: :Mrs. Jas. W)himpster, Aurora, Ont.; Miss Helen tholdson. Aurora; , Mrs L. L. Creagh re • ' B ' ' u tr on a , .C.; Mrs. IM. G. McCarron, Victoria, 13„C. , The three surviving. brothers are: Mr. A: S. Dickson, of Natchez, Miss.; 'James R. Dickson, ., • . • During the Summer months we will endeav- e . ' or. ..,o serve our. custom- ers by making regular are ,guests of Mr. and 'Mrs.. J. M. •Goventlock. . Au Mr and Mrs E L BOX .are • • • • • • spendiog the week, in Toronto' and Ottawa where Mr. Rox is attending• the 0, M. E. A. Convention. . ' .. • ' . ' . , • . . • ' - . ., .. . . , • , Insurance Agencies The bride, deliveries, four times- a • Phone 334 : Seaforth, Ont. 34,354f prior to her marriage, was made the tecipient of two handsome upthelstered occasional Ottawa, Ont., and John T. Dickson, Winnipeg, Manitoba. me. and Mrs. Lockhart week, and twice a day. CONSTANCE . G 0 L D chairs at a held were married on' Decemb?er In this way, with the - • . : ehower at the home of :her par- emits, Mi'. and Mrs. 27, 1887, and lived for Same years at .. CO The cooking sale and bazaar held . . , . me -!. Insurance • With the enormous increase in Tyndall., which wait attended by forty friends and neiglibers, Miss Norma Ha'bkirk road the address and Miss Margaret Leybourne made the presentation. Sunnyside Farm, near Seaforth. They were closely identified with the Pres- byterian Church in Seateith during the ministry of the Rev. A. D. Mac- &maid., D.D. 'Between Mrs: leeek- hart and this minister of 'fragrant -Operation of our cus- . tomers we hope' to elim- • f . inate .„.. all ' unnecessary delay in 'delivery. ., in Sea:forth on Saturday, under the ausPices of the W.• ,A. of Oonstence United Church, was a Splendid sue- cos. The:Proceeds amounted to $39. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter visit- ed with 'Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunning - EV NEARLIC EVERY IIOME ' Y1ou will find aritieles of Jewelery that are useless in their present.forin, yet are ejaluable as , .. - , ' • . ... '. OLD GOLD - , . i , alibi accidents, you i to take chances. .you. Rates are low ' son . With protection ' Prompt Service and 4 elalms In • , . ease Contpany's Agents 1, ailit ire 'at your r.Ont trips. protected *it Auto Polleita. :r Aint0 •••'• Fire . ' ,.;. „ • •••c °Iwo -awing . , . . • . ut '. I ' Estate Estate, ' 4..por 1 -• cannot Let Us in payment of trouble, through service. hy ' - . . Etc , , . ' afford protect . compari- g i v en.. of the 'Can- Enjoy one of Wind , • • • ' ' ,i,,,,,,,7,' • ,tras :,014bWeli . , , Northside W. M. S. Meet The W ml, e, of .Nort,h9ida Unit • ''--- W. Cihurdh bead their social Meeting on -Wedrn es- d — ary eftertiden, June 24th, et the home of M T. said'Mrs. IIVI. 'MO:Den/li4 when a delightful afternoon was ent Te weather sp ., e was ideal and .about seventy members and friends . were presern . e meg port af toe t Th I afternoon was spent hi a Isiocial way after Which a good pregramrse was given With Mrs. Oonsitt presiding. nit illYmn, "Showers of Blessing" .. ,Ecutsig litiva mits; ,porbereas reztv the &mtiptjugig Lemon, Night 1.9, whieh was with prayer by Rev. I`, A. Carmichael. _Um Laing, the press dent,. ge.yo. tot itrtonettertk tat 4 - i§ • - . g . • On TN ited thtekoi- an& *i.g. POONA 14. ,.:: ' •-,'with., a, *amt. eolos • miti,, memory there axisted the warmest feelings oi regardf and frendshi•• M and Ms. Lockha111 r. .ed 'rt 'moved to Sarnia • 199 ' h Is h • in 8 w ere t ' lave rest e era d d ever since, and. where Mr. Lockhart ha's been well known in business circles,' in association -With hie son-in-law, Mr •W. T. Sdotity. and in chinch relations Where he hale 'been for man ars h , y ye an onored Presbyterheat Eider. 1Virs. roxikihart Was in tver 'usual 'health when the end came very suddenly. The funeral was prilvete and was held from.lehe family residence. The fifer- al tributes were cushy and beautiful and evidence of the high n regard in which the deceased. was held by. a very wide circle in Sarnia • and. ales-01 ' • ' ' ' 4eti;416 , ' -ephichtet . vvhete The e tots e ed. bY lief Ofrmele ihtlOVidd .ciiiiniater, the Aim S. Siftsolv Illiaelt 114). et Deliveries will be made foll as ows: ' DAYS—Monday Wed- , day, Friday and Sat- urday. IIOURS—Morning de- livery: 11 o'clock a.m. Af • noon li ter de very, 4 o'clock p.m. . . . - . , . RATE:441e 11111t CWT. , .. -en rfitioril efir 1 MERy „' , , - 4/111/n1WIArafi . .. ,. , ntivitirtri ' haste in .Aulaurn on. Sunday. • Miss • Oludineris spetnt 'Sunday with. friends in tOrottnarty.- • - . Mias 11,azel IBloggarth, of tondos- beret Spent the we'elteetiod with Miss Phyllis Medel.'' ' • ' Four of IVIiiss Fergusen's Entranie pupils passed on, their year's work: David Andierson, Marian Lawson '' Keith tom a bto ' e an , nald mutts. 'Ma'. Water Coek•and sitter,. Leila, Of dinitorr, called' on their uncle, 'Mr- Whn6 trugill, on Tuesday. ' Rev. and UM. Gardiner arid Eliea- or -Andean Visiteid4Mr. tutct Mrs. Wm: RtlititOti 101n WOCliVetilkY! , Death .of Ufa.. William Smith' • M , ra. -Williaiti Smith," a 'life Icing resident Of thlia idigifiet. IStgad tiivvaY alb her home hafe Oin Monday; hie 29th, mute iiit intiejo dit-ft ploi, 61,,, ,' . . ' • ' - Why not turn•them hi next week while the . OLD GOLD MAN IS WITII US . • Transferring Wail sentliment into Geed Crisp Dollars or ex- • change them tor Otte up-to-date article of ',Merchandise that twin he appreciated by :Yourself, and treasured by Mune member i ef the family later on. . .. .......... - • . . . . We Pay a Premium Over FaceNalue for Gold COing .„ „ N'EXT 1)MR WILL EE OLD GOLD WEEK AT .:, - • - n F.' S. SAUVAGE'S . ,.. ,.. ' SMOLT...ERB. & orrolvitirargrg - ,' SEAFORTII, ONT. " ' . % •. , . .. Dr.f•fffe , • 8 i . . • , • _ . r +I ,.. . , • it; „ ui • • •• # • ' ." • • '•:, • '„ •,.•••••etleisets • •4 , /14.1itih'11" .• , Yoj .1kiyAk9"" AAii R