HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-03, Page 1, '--),-,-`r, lq 111..Mi I..", S � "W"'M I ,� ., M!""Z )� WN, it N WiF "i."n". - � ;; , ,,, , !. ... 11 .. , , , , I �� ��, I- ,� I R � ­' S '' ,�,,� 7 17 Ili & " 15" ,!! .. I-",,�:1p,1.j', , § 1 $1 1�1 11 --11 , �� 't�'Nll � � i , ­ � t, I" ,.'5� .,�o , I I -- .@MV 1#,� ,,,,;� " �, I 105. -., , , , ,,I, 'is -1 7 ,,, . 1111M, ,,, g, � 1, I , I , I �tl =1 ­,�I. I - I ,� , ,,, :, M ,, ,7 4 't".41:11'i.; '' Y , �� pv� ''j. ke�., ..�,�;��,,. ".�, v. , 10 vg,F�R f P , � , , , ,�� X, , I ", z , ,W A � � �'..., , , , .1 ,­­', , I ... zz I .. ; ­�:. 0'. iI I �J �,V,,��'T., "I'll k 0-- I � ,,- -- �­'4­ �­.­­,­ �,­L� , .1% � . I ,. - ­ A . ­ ­ . . ­ ­ � 1-11 -1 1.-... . 4 I . . . . I ;�;� . , . I � 1 1 .IV . . ­ . . ... . I 'O . . . 0 , g�� . � I . 11 —I . ­,­' .W�, I I, .. ". � .11 � I .­,TfA�,A 4111 �Iqvmft," r'� .!7, ,1�— -1111 1,1,1`4 1X 71 �,,,. ­�, ',V' .,-1'1ft1%�,r.4'­,yWRxi ,w .- "'er , -� 1p"p v"'�! ,0-- �� � ,::,.. 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I �. - � -1 'I, . %,.. , " , % �,'; fg.' � : � �,, - 4 .� - �, � � -1?m , I "I �� ,�,` , ., i, I A . I ,ii , , , . . - ('I��v-T�p , gi� . ;. P� . . . I . 11. 17, ��, 5 �,z 1� . ., , , 7, �g 111511WIF 11 `��`! , 11'�t UIX-111, " rgir I . . I ­ . , I 1. .... � 1�"Il ;. V � I . , I , ". ;,;L I ... .. ,­ . :��, 7 , - �., V ? VIE �, "'m I 11 , 5", - '0`01N�!,@',� i , , , , I ., ,�, ,NT , . � . ... I . . � i I . .� " , .. .- .., . � , . . � � . 11. , , '� �",;,- , �%T;. �,�',,# '! '11, T, I "I I I 'R� � N, e , , , All I ,,l ,�. ­ F i I � 01 it . � . mw , , I � - - - , � . I" . - � 1�. " . , " . , .� - .1'. '. " � , , , �, - . . A" . . , I - .-"�, " , 47 X � - , I , � ?, I � . , . , � 111�� I . k.. ;...... I 11 ; I . I �Z.1� . I , . , 11 I � r, I , � I , . , '. 0 . . ". I I , ,. , , I . I I , . I. . 1. I I , .. . ,: . 1. i " I . .. , � � . ., ,� '.. I.' �:, , I I � - ­ "" I I " "i ­ ­ , . , � . � I T , .. — 'M I'M ON .1. I , 4 . I I. W .. -q M � �ff - . 1 � y,skp,,� �,�,, . I I . I . ,,I "' ... 11 - .�. , A�� . � . . - 1� -.�1-11-711',Wll�"014"iYw�F"119.��,�-�4�,,�lwtzI � I M I ­ . . — . . , , w� ,; , 44 I I - I , , ­ I . . .. . 1, I I . ­.".­­­ 4;;,rQ.1­ ­­­.­ ... --- I : — * ` I M. , .11 I -111P.177 I kgji� ; . , �'�'�11`��".'!. I ;We,,lg­­g "-V' - %,�?,M, �; , 46 ?.., R ,X . , I I I I I � " � * I � f , 'I I 11 ­ � I . . . ir,, �, :1 :,"', .11 ...... ­ - - - - *" " . . , � . I - '. 11 . 11 , . � I ­;- I ­ 11.1 � ­, . ­--­ I " I ­ . I - . ­ .. . i . . I I - —.- . . . - , � " I , W'�j ..,4 J, I .. , ­ ,,, ­ I , � I I - ,� "; , I 11 , I .�',,� I 0, .. 1. I I—— 1. -- 19 F, I I LT , 9 'O , , . � ��, I I .... . � 11 r�,-* -, RA 9 R, ]DAY, JU 3 19$6. - .. . I.- ­­ ­ . .. W eii. 7,1",, : seventy.sixth Year . � . , I . . . " ; �?W.' lw."17�1. . , "I ­ � . . , I � . . A,'P ­-.'�, I 1� !!!!!! -1 i .1 �- , Whole -Number 37-79 0. I I . 204.2 I -- ­ . ­ . � , - .", . ". - - . I 1--1I-- ­ --- , �­­­ 'g I I . . '.. I .. I . . I .11-11-- 0,� . - I - I � - � . 1. � - .. . ., . I .. . - , ""T ... .... I . ..... ­.Irj�,�"-�,� % 1.,- I . 11-111 7--'. 1 . . . � 11 I M"I , I �— -, . fd ;, . -­�—�� . — � I . I I 1, I . I tr I I I .1 . III -1, ' ' ' , - : . '. � . I " �; .1"'J.3 D ft 40 . . . ' ' " A - * - ­ , I I ,; ;n , , ". Tj ,� " , " 4 . I � . - I " , - - , -,;,� . I �. IiII i I , , 'M It- ­­ I "' I ' "' SE, F jgj- J� � I I 01 0 0 - t -ion -­-z:II A'F0RTH".AE,,,EA . - � 0A ­� I .. � 11'.1 �.... "� . - :-.-, ellf.I.&I.-i. " I— "I �:;; . �, , ­ . ­- . . . . . " "". `�.�, I N' , -�� � 7 , 11 � . . '- '' , ., ­ &,,N .',�,' ;1'.11 '"I% , . A . I A . , , I 1. -11 � , ' .1'. ::* 1-1-1--i I.VW-n . - " " ' ST X I - -- I I .- — - - . . " 1,� . . . . 4 . �010- d (X -, . s. . , - 0 , .,o n Da'ylvitelebm ­ -�', � � dpar � ; , , ul 4 , Hu - e ,,, ., � BOYS, AP GIRLS . .minio .,4 . . , ", . a. Dec, ad ',- Attricts wt I r .. . - . . � . ­..., ?. ­ . ­..­ . i - aa " ­­,. '.1. ;. i i i, .i i - 11 . n. s o e a o r . . . i �,.,� I ­ ., , , I .­"­�O, " . I . I , . -.-.. ... �', �1- I I .L 0 . . , - . I . I .- 'KEDLY-CON . I I . . I . . . . .. .1 .. i R I - . �- .. -1 �.". .." 1YENT ­ . 'd' t , �-T'"t i 'A E - ---- les I . I r i . - S-PQRT-S.- � $-ARE, . Biggest, in 0 ,- At. Las, : .4 n S a ESTED ­­Thousa S ", � h: DON I .. UN— , , 1;�� 4-` .. . : . � I . .Ir . . 0 - : I - .. I— . . .. '' - ... " - 11"." - -1 ­ 1. I I .. I ... W 'g, . . I 'I'll,�,���i�_s�..�ll'..,N.�1,11�,��;� .. . . � 1".1" ". , 0 " , I I I pq Record Of , SURRENDERS .,�,.. ,,�,i� , . . I . 1. . 111. -,�,� ,.-. ,,�, I " . . 0 * 0 .0 Startin With. Parade'in Locals'Contip H G -ARD ARRE . .. � 11 .� 4Children's R�ci?s are Popu7- 0 - , U G ix .ST . 'r .�� . . I ­ - . " , - .. *i 11 I . . Morning andXuding with Wins in Huron Foot- ­ . . . . T;� ,. '. I " , i � �.., ,,� , , . �: ... , 3��, , . . � , ., - � - VERB , . I i � , , , , ' '. , ,. �, � , :., , , , 1, I . - "' lir Featqie of - Morn- . * I .. t�siu''�,,R�""R"�,:"E�,,-�,.�,.�)'J 1 � , . ,,, . I ,-� , , 11 . ,,� ", , " . . . . I -II. - , .., � I Dance '. an rolic At . . - - 1. ball "League. . ' I I "I I � , , . , � � . , .. " `1� ,,�'..431 . I I The Same d F L I S. -01 Ell F-- �'. T 0 FIC ' 10 I , 11 - 1I ­ I � - . ing Program. . .. I . I I . .. I . ,. . '. I I i . . . I I . . 1�- . . . I, � -s i� i,"": "r It , I I 1"", ;,;� , I - �. . . .. Speaking of coincidences, the Night, C�Iebration Never . " - � i "a . , 11 . ­, 1. -... . I - .1 I � M record was pr estaNished I �. D , , . - . CROWD I I ,;,���,"!;.. lwy..;--,g��..�i, � AW ES. ' �,;�� ,� - . - .. ....01-..."...1:1, - ' zagl*..;:,.,��, r.,'��, , I . , IRECOR OF CONVERSATION ' .1m I .... .=­ . , " � . . ,*I ... .,.� W I . � ;,, I I ENTRIES. nt Lags. . I . I �I . ,�.. . . . I - i:'��, ,,, at Victoria'-,fttk on wedngs"Y - I 11MMIS !�0.,-i:,i.,�&o.li: "�)g�`?` ., . I M-11.01-�' il � 11 .. . . III w ", 6, I I ��,,,.-..-,..wg,� , I ­ . , . I �', ., �, . . . .,� .,­ % 11. -1 I . ­. . .4, I �4?, � I . night .when the-tworefreshment . - � . �. 'l, �":, .r I'll.. . .�, .IiV.1� I'll , .. , .. X , I . , �.'Vr �� . , I—,; booths closed up for the night. Thig, Seaforth football,telain came _ ­­­ I . I PERFECT WEATHE ,. 1�xpress Belief He M a y .,,� .";,1: .E 11 ­ '' 0.`,Z��-` Wants To "G( :;��": . grown- :�?,�� . - . ,' I ) B 11 ' . I �. . . . . . . . . 11 . , �': , ­�� ... . Children, iln common with When C. --M.- Smith and D. 11. . . 9 " through with anlotherwin on Wed- 11 I ��' I ­ " " - .. .;­ .. Seaforth's aiy' m they Aovned � -he- � , ,17 I . : , I & � ups, bad a graod, bimle at , wednes- 'Wilson in charge.,of the booth% I -HELPS SWELL -CROWD nesd evening wha Help R a � i I An&Face t ­'... , . Donidirdon IDay �Vilrebralblon . . V I . . I, ­ " - couixtea their - receipts, theyfound - I the St. Columban eleven, 1-07-Neford I ' . .. . . . . 11 �� A . I daly% - . ,� . . , they had both done the ' same . Of Bonds. ,. , �� . .. HeSays. � . . 1. A full pfro,gralm. of 0ort even- the largest arlowd in'many �ri�rs. The 111 -KIN" -%* . . � ­. � - I I ��, 0", . . . . . . N I . I 11 ­ usiness to.th ce -7 . Seaforth'alived �p tb its record' of , �118 .i.: . -but the . , .., I . I'll, .! . . ­ - ­ .-- b e Ent $77.1$each. . I � . I I phumed particuMaTly fox -the chIldren . . � atting on real celebrations and 'the. Saimo were favored, to. win . ......r�..I. .i�. ,::. '. I I . ; � Very Populal, , ­.­ -, .. - F . Seaforth boys found their brearings In , BEING� BROUGHT tA,CK : J . . Aof the dissftTilct, . . 0A.: 0 conimittees, in charge didln't have to John Flannery ADMITS $40"000.00 i . 1� .1 I �," ,with -the large P= that followed 0 0 0 . is . the second haolf when I ( 1 . . . 1��.l ... . . I . .;.,� - . . - I back down on their sitatemerit that ),;ve,u Tolp Sills'.. pass, between the I . . ­ ""g... - . I .. 1, I "... 1. .1 i , I ­ , �,X . wvul , - . ;I � ' '' :" � . . I the parade, to the Recreation grounds . . . . Do,minion 1D,aY here this year Id -I' - .- I.: . 11 - an the morning. . � poOts th tul* the galmo away. J161m, J. Huggard's dramatic .sur- 1.10� I I I John J. Haggard, Sexo�h 'lawyer , '. ! . ,:� . :, I . . -event was, keenly contei§ted be "the biggest one -day celebration: in . I 1. - - police sta- .. - bn a warrant che ! � . I I 4 1 Every I . . -y had into 'vender in a: Dus .Angeles �. wanted b, 11 x97. � ; ;.. re hard , ARLY 2000 -E-NJOY Seaforth.11 i I , Both teamis purt all the . .. t I I I � NE uttt 6 tihe# a1ecurities " - the judgm alt times, we I 11 tidn on Sunday pight thais been the ing -him . . , �� 1. and I � .1 ­ Conlin! ing at 9.30. in. the morn'.their .playing and foveed the issue . ­ I .� 4,� � 11 1. pressed'to render delcisions. ,IV " - Th M mayar fopic ,o� canversatiorn in town � . , belonging to cllents,, gave himself.up.. 1;'e�l - Gi, rl s, ing with a- mon-Aetr Vatiwde; the fun from start tb finissh. et -alone , . � .W, - -he since the news .111:" I .to ,police at Los Angeles, Cal., on, Sun- I , ­ , T�w pufte winners were, -9 F I I first ,bdca-me. known. - . .. .. I � . I r. V AU A F10R T 11, R A C E S eaTkly the next morn- brothers, playing full back for t Dominion Day program .� day night. , I ­ , I . !.. " .1 . ervqnts, runnilng races. 8 vears, Ma . I did"" en"i Un, I locaU from. pene- Even a full I . �,.,h I .. . . i.g when the record- crowd thorough kelpt the �. .gwet Qt , 1. I ­ -1 ,i � � � tinlan, Annie Woods; 11 - on- many occasions had to take sec- ;.- , Declaring bib want -ed t6 - - ft-o­biaek- .. ,,,im I . . -nb - : I --p I �� :: � 11 ., . . I' I ly tired out talled it a day and we � =tinll� their territory. -Much Inuff � place. to -the Hugigard -arrest. %..": . 111011ne and face the'inlusic," Hdggard "."� I . 1�� v . Ing and thilgh kicking took place for . � . ears, Thelma Dolmage, Jaoqurt�ine -9 lend .. . Odell-' 14 years C11a0a Dolmage, mii- Large Crowd Enjoys Splen- ,home. - . . Moist riesildeaits of this, town who -0 I.,:.Xi... walked inbo Los Auge,les polite ;iiiced' -' e 7: � ,� . .. . ' . . 11. I idred- , , Finniglan- girls? book race, 11 . The parade included many inter- the,first. 20mi-inube& Then the te�.nis have -livled with him and, known, him I -W ... :. 1; I : .... . '-Sunday And gave himself ulp, lieut. ' ,,' , 'did' Dominion Day � dTnir- siettled. do�vn land, dlsqld�md,a w.e- - " . years, Dorolth�'Smiifbh. jean Swan-, 14 . .. � esting floatis and was greatly a, en game with plenitiyr.6f sipeed and fot the past ede�reft yeaing, - , I . . .. ­ . x, i. Hess of the Los Angeles- Volice " � .... I I . I . , opened -�,e and - , I ed as it went from-Vactoria. Park to OP a law, business he , , . - -­­­., - ­. - - -­ I ., . yearg, Jean Swan, Dorothy Similth; Meet Here. i John ,J. Huggard, Seafbrth ' 'is repO.ited - - - � I . . . . ...... . . . - ;i,14 . down action. - ­ ,. - ­. I ,bought , the John, Itafikin. -iniurane . U lawy#r missing since May list, - IlHe didn' ' i -t. at ..�%. s'a ' girlAs7 egg race, 1-1 years, Jean Swan, Gloderich Street ,to 4q1p1 ve R toney all ') L , --- - Mai - . . -s kept algene ie ' fuggard's re- 1. v in a - " 1 3% a t iley and, 'PigrotbT Sm# In'the second half the llocal axning of I t '�� �h -­­ ...., n to the Rderieation grounds. Y, , hi se. up,".the lieu- ''I _,X-- ­ ­. ­­ .. .. ­ --­ - ­ '' who gave himself up to Los'An- when ,he gave himse- --1- -- - . � . . _ _Vg X9L a !Mc1V1e-T*,-Jean , -Perfect weatb�eir and- a -good' ern- in- hammeria, rbed tonfes,§i1on now ,believe that 110- said he 'had been N1. . I (tit); 14 years, Theirers, . Entries were both, amusing and ' g -away. until finally John po geles police on Sunday. tenant stated. "He .. ' .". I I . Swaqg­ ochool coming farthest try brought­�ut nearly 2,000. -people ,tafesiting, P�rizes being� won a -%,,f9'1- Flannery scored on T. Sills' pass. is guilty. Others are not so sure.' . .. . going under the name of J. J. - 11 , -110. . girl I 1.� t! .. - . . ilfistaiiice,, Jeanette GO,inski, Robinson to the Dominion Day races here on lows: Best deeordti6d' float, P. J- The Slaints w. ete stpurred to action Two monthe aglo, .when police in- ' . . . . since co . to the - . ' 4, . I . ,?th vels,tig-stion disclosed the fact thst .1 �. I Thoiniftins . rniing .. I . . . . . . L ". � .. Irene Henderson, Wednesday. Spectaitors saw solme -sey, Lions Clr�b*-� decorated car, J. imid carried the play into' -the Sealb i3 ,. I:: I . . .. �. ': "' � . . I. SlobvIA, IDetrolt; . . splendid rates, ari, - d. close finishes. .Doi �0,00'0 in -bonds, werie miss- States. ' 4 4 " ,. % .1, �� I I . NilagaTa Falls. I W'. MICCIO1011, Londesboro; Mrs. W.m. goal area. -N. McQuaid t,"o1ok two neaTlY $11 . N I. FIRE'DIS7R.0-Y's I Inspector E. C. ­Gurneitt of *-e � , -%:I, I BDysyunni , 8 -years, Elgin Boyce, The meet was such a suggless, that I �; . . . 09 1. _Iam decorated - bicycle, . Blanche ,cornelr ldc,ks, in a row; the first a. ring from the vau-It in his ,qffice, man'. . . I ,investigation, ,branch of the . %%% 1 : ;,, 11 years, Howard next year the - Seaforth Tii��Clrub is t f the goal refused to believe that Huggard was crimina. . -1 . 41.11.�. . Harry OVonnor; � Watslon, Ki-ppen; -Clarence Westcott; i�eautlful diro� bi fron , 0 . ED Ontarill) px1o,vincial ''police, and' Pro- �� t, . I . . . , � . - 'I. I . Burgess, Kenni6th--Reid- 14 -years? considering making 'it a stake race­� ancient car or,vehi,cle, Mr. and- Mrs. but the ,second -landing ,behind the 'guilty. ' ' . TUCURSMITH BARNS vincial Gonsta-ble Fred Clark left on.. . . � ", It' I ' , - ' III neiver for a minute thought Mr. � , I . � .�. Arxeralid WGonnor, Stewart . Wligg- The track- ;�ya��, �fgst apA.- #14. only A. W­DunlopjrE� F,rrPe1Rmv.es,;..4v1 gloal. . -1 . ..... , ". P. ; I - . . . ,-own, A.-fe,w-,:gnqdlous moment�% for H-aggard wovld do anything -wrong. -- --: , - ­ - - - ,- ­..,�:.. i - ­ 1. ­ ­. ­ -Tuesday bv train for Lo� t � . . spil of the 'day came on the first j, - McDaiid; .hard V Bell followed 'but . bring Huggard, back. f, X, . t1hree-legged race, 11 yearg, Ji-Tmy ack Starey, ------Fe-a-­Tose­ to e­vl-, 1 - I I I _ApK:t� to , ,�g I . . raiser, heatof the Z:27 race-wilien Babe A16- , t , He was so kind," one eldetly ,client, I � . ". ' � ' . I Brown, Harry Earle, Arthurr F time costume, Ijulu Hart, Jean Swan; ery ,,ocedsion and kept the Green- .: �c.. . ­ . � . ;r.rant Fin- dell fQ,l and broke a -shaft, upadbin , .. a thefts said. 'Thomas Chapman Suffers "Ruggard stated to us Aiat wwheu . , � Janws Quiinlan;.14 years, C I 9 most original turn�out in, parrade, shi-rts out. . I � ,who, iloot �heavily in, thi 2 ... - I 11 . 1, .. ,I "But now that he is arresiiid and �ad, I - fled from ointaxi o he first -went, to . ... f rigan, Harry karl - Harvey Natt, the driver Under - Bingen t o n V ou Sills and, ­.. . . Serious Loss ih - he' that - , ­1� . e, ' wor by, N Ro ald Slil s, I ary L * I . un -1 serious, casualty . resulted[ decorated This was 9b Clolumban's..first,de- mite it, I re&lly don't kn1aw WURt to I Buffalo,"! Lieut. Hess said, "and ­, , although' Francis Phillips- Ikiddies . 1 1 . I nex . . . ;� I - . ) . I DiavM Grieve; wheelib�arrow ,race on- the horse -wias pulled, ,out of further ,tricycle or wago;, Marlyn 'and Grant feat .of -the season but 'they went think. -Il . . Blaze. he,went t to BrivOldyn where he .. ,. der 14, Stewart,Wigg, Gevald,O'C . . ... I—- . ­ . ' ' c 'In Huggard's ednifession, he is re- . . . . *tayed. 'for ... about - a - - milonth.- � - F-r,Dln--- 7'. 1; . ' . I mr, V The fastest time Of the Ch&srney Jose, - - � . ­ .- ... ..- . ­ ... ernon'Holpf, JiAck Elliott; boys' competition. ,y.; Blyth- ,kid- down fighting. It 'was ,a sweelt �ri ­ - .. ­ .. I I ­ . . , ph Store . ? I.. - -he rwent to ' and tlh�en . 1. . �� ., I . . _ I afterivoton was, thi-- first hen die -s - costumer B�'rbara Best, "Mildred bdry for "'Sid -1) plorted to have 11 -d taking $40- - - Ohleago ' :�, . I . I jockey race, undeir 14 iGerald. O'Con- beat, w , af6rtif as it; Hild'theft`-u . adiii tfel ,� ' there ' ' . . . id Grieve, Jack Oralbtlan set the pace ait, 2:11 -Mi 1 . . . . Fire e- a9ldn ,nV3VO City, later ' ,. ' ! . 1, nor, Stewart Wigg , Dav , §wan. . .in the front. ranks. . I 00io in bonds belonging to clients, of unknown origin comiPlet d on to'Kansasi - I . il; . . . . . . Hbfvvard Burgess. for the 2:17 class. . I A feature of the parade, whichwas ,St. 0 . olumban, . whereasl investligatfonis disclosed that Ay destroyed tlwo -large' adjoining -go,ing to Dallas, Texas, -and lastlT t1D I :111 -, . --�Goafl, Kale Holland; - at ,neaTly $150,000...�aTnls on the farm of Thomas Chap- Los Angeles, where, he.-wqftied into I . , I .1 iFolllowing are the results: seturities va-lued ,- I . . -� .1 �­ I . . le er S, r missing_ 4 1. ..-1..1-.1 --- ­­ ession of Tucker�smith the police department and ... irtirrende1i- � �., I . . � I -.:.—* . I ' backs, J;�'Malone, R. Malone; 'halve a e man third cone I . . I . . . . i . 2-17 Class, Trot or Pace, Purse $250 Band and, Boy Seb,tits, was a twenty-,. j Holland, J.'Fliannery, N. MvOuiaid; . Some clients, who lost bonds see in WAI'Mhip, slouth 4 ,of "Brueeflela, late etd. He 'told us. that'.1he iwas,'br.dke - - �,,, - , . 1pt, 'J '' .Peitem, owner . . . ed 6 Coristaut-" I '.." '. five year ,old brays,front Ford Owned .,' �,x , . � I lorwards, F. Stapleton, D. McCar- this an qrpottunity to reclaim, some T14esdray nighit, wi-th a loss estimated and that he was dr -of, th . ' ' '. . ' 11 ... Sets New'Record .1 . Sullilseft6ir, . Waterloo, by Mr. Fred'Reeives followed by a . $10,Doo. , Some -insurance �ffilght from justice." . I I Is . "",". P . I I . . . ., - " M,c- thy J Moylan, F. WIAliame J. Me- of the securities and belleve that In �excess of . . . .1 IT, .. . I (Shafter) ­. t ........ 3 3 I I 1 brand new Ford V 8, and a I r'; s,u�s, O'Connor, Hanley'. when Huggard i's retLllrned here he was carried. The fact that Huggard galve'thun- .. 11, � .. . . . . . . . :� 'At --Golf Course 2nd, Cheerful Grattan, . Laughlin buggy. 60 Years old'owned ve .... gal: i - is . .0 -W 'i..;l be alble tp, ,help inviesti .)rs in Fanned by a Voith wind, the blaze sq�,If up is an indication that he 1, ' 11 , . . .... I . . . wneir F. Wherry,' St. � by Dawe McLean and driven -by AL' - - Seaforth­,Goal, IV. Bell, back,s9 B. Ell esb.. . � 'role for ma I �. . lr� I . , I . ,ecovering th ny miles willing to help the crown in unravelo : J` , I . . . ! I Catlhia�rines (Stewlaft.).. 2 1 2 2 2, Dunilop, local ,General ,Vlotors dealer, C;hris,tpe .G Kruse- 1hal-ves, C. Flen- , . I was� clearly vis.1 - " 11 . . . . ' . � - . ; and hundreds of niator cars -were at- Ing his Abock market ,traneartiburs, .� -Pla . ... I ... followed by 'a number of new 45011- nervy, F',E�lils,X. 19,hannon; forwardsi 1 0— � I . t - ..­ . , I Stratford Player . ys a 34 on Dom- &rd, Jldtik grattan, lowner .1 I . . ie by the hifh whiieR, albe up $160 'Obo 4 'hi's clieg S1. � . :., 0 h X. Dean,' "llslonburg, -d cars., 'sins: ,G. Sin-illith, D. Pale, J, .Flan- I tr&cted to the seer . ' .. , Won -.3 Below Par. Visi. eral Motors trucks oLn T. I. , h.' , I Day . .1 . .. . I . � I " and from which arose t -a ..-: ,- ;. . , �, . ,�(Ifulkhes) : .' . .... 1 14 4 3 I Bulbs, 1. Hughet, A. t fl �qner,, .1d the glow in, the ftY; - - s;e-,ftill, . . . '. . � I . tors"Register from P,'Aris*,' 4th I— . . Obildren's sport,§' which commenced nery, D. Sills I Zurich Pivemen ' bif. Goxdion �G. Mia,qLa,ren ,and '-I .�. . 1, ,. , 'Carl - Gr'atban` ' "' . SnToke and asibes were noticed at arrests I - ' ' . -Montkika, . , Owner I upon a,rHbal rof the paj;ade at ,the McLmn. . I I 'next cO,ncesL,Aonr` a mile and a Robert S. Flebcheir, Toronto briti-kers, , I , i *— � '. . France, and. D. 'Pinkney; Stratford. Recreatitin grounds, were followoo �y .. . , I IS'Now Complete -the - . . -now on bail, they .having !been �co,in- - W I I I �. hfir in . . . ... 1 I . quarter, away. .. ...­ . . I . U. §. A. (Jo, -on) .... -,......... 4 4 3 3 4 ayf,O.B.A.A. league baseball gambi A " . I matted for trial on charges of forgery 1, . . . Ca . . ­��. I . I . . ----I— I I, . . Time -2.11 %, 2.13, 2.12 %, 2 . 14, 2-'15-, which . into, ,defeated Seaforth 5-3 * . ' The Ghi&pman family were in 'bed I and uttering. I , I . . b4spite counter attractions, the ' 2:22 Class, Purse $250 ' . � aft Winthrop Yblung. The' biturninous ,pavement has been whe6 the fire ,,,, first -noticed by a .. ,III .. , I . . � Sea&oTvth lGolf and Country Club, dur, Ist, . Harness ratces, occupied the er-, I put down on the main street in the neighbor, James McNaug . bition. Mr.- Ruggard, when brought back, will . I;;; 11 - . Lee Hanley, Owner, R. noon and -'at six o'cf6ck Sea,forth and , ; The ---durst n sance has ,been Chapman ihad only tilme to remove be lodged in Huron. County jail at . I �e.l ­ I past week has been on,6 of Simpson, Listowel (Shat- , St. Columbian met in a Hur6n. leag-de' ,iliage, I Ili, rich . . . .� .... I -,,v ing the, r ' Men Ho'noured N -men ",should Bome of the - stock before the -)entire Gode - I 'I. � I I the busy places in the district. On ter) ........................... 1 11 football garme. - � . . I . eliminated and the pav� t . . - I I 11 , -- � give miany years of service. baras were a mass Dif flUmles. . . . . . �11 ... I Sunday players were registered from 2nd, Bud Frisco, owner F. In ,the evening the crowd danced . . . ... . . 1�. ,�. Pari France, and Butte, MontaTpp . I ' � Late Zacharias Desjardine . In aiddlition to the destruction of . ' . 1. �, I . 91 ,'Wher-ryj St. Cathiatmies � and -tried their luck at the. midway, .. The Young Peo,ple's Society�.. of .. . I - (Stewart) .... �......,....:... 4 2 2 hich was set up in Victoria, Park. Claran,-Church, Winthrop, met h -Iness of some years, - lost nea�ly .. �11 . in addition to many from surpound- . 01 After an il the barns, Mr. Chapman -i - LO L. . . 16 1. . "­ , " ing tomms. ' ' ,. 3rd, "Peter Royal, owner W. - w .. Wednesday evening, June 17t1h, to bi& theire died at the hk�mje of his soil On �,'jl his ,niachin'bry, sitlock and gra n. 0. Will Parad . I . � . The fuln'lasted until well past,mid-- ' - ­. I I ' 1� . I . . I I A new course record was. Aet up on Gaiser, Creft.on (Yearly)-.. 2 3.3 1 farewell t'0 two of the members, Mr. the Biabylon Lane on7,Saturday mom Ten, load'$ a bay were ,Zso destroy- , . I . Domi-dion Day when te"'s. Waugh, Of 4tb, Fleety Direct, owner, D. night. . Neil Montgo,ml��, who has since been dng, Zacharias Desjardine, inchis 67th ed.- .. I � To, United Church --%f .." I . . � I &=Vord, played a 39 on his first Pinkne,y, Stratiford, - '(John.- . The ,d&y was sponsored jointly' by miarried,-pard: ,Mr. William Draper, year. Deceased was bo,rn in Stephen So rapid-ly ,did ,the Rames gain - 1. . 4' . . . . I . . � - I riouhil'and a 34 dn his second., Par I . . ... I ...... 3 4 4 the Seaforth Turf Club and the Sea- e',e y I - as en Towmlhip and bad livied in this com'- headway that within an hour of when . I -------- -- �—, . . :�, son ............ ­ earsh, i ' be 5 . .L.'anA L.-O.B . .14 w . I is V. I I. forth Athletic Associitinn and was who floir the past,thr -&cW the past thirrty`year . He .A . I :� Timle--2.141h, 2.16, 2.161A. . �- ,munity, the fire was firls,t noticed, onl.y. , the The Seaforth'L-O ., : I - . .. . such a success thatplans are alieady tei� ng in the vicinlitr and -has se I ... ted,by all who . I in .� I �­ . . ' 1. Ta position in Clinton. The ad� wa-9 hrig),11'r- Tes'Pelc of th,ii b&rn-s were Wt Lodges.will ho,ld divine service . ­..-� I- . —0— . 'cure predeceased him foundations . I � 1 2:27 Class,.Purse $250'. 1 afoot: to make ,it an ,annual event. 'Wilis Irene B,ol- knew,.. him' His YrRe , . Nort-liside United Cbu'rch an Sunday,- . � :': . I I . . .. . . .1 . .. . . . dresses were 'read by '� err Surviving standing. July 5th, at 7 Relv­.Bro. C. C . . . . Ist, Bingen Worthy, owner I I ve Bryce, and the )a numfbi' of years ago. . "plans p.m. . , I L, , J, es, . �orn and Mis's. Oli 'son,, H the. Babylon Mr. dhapman has made no �i : � � I, ". .. am IL 0 nd 10 n, . . 'ectric lamp to are ope erbert, of Kaine, chaplain, will. have cliarge . I- I I I � I Morris Township. . � presientarbi,orr of -an el Line '­�Ad two daughters, Mrs. Thos. for rebrui4ding. . serrviceis at the church. ' 1. � 11 . I I . . I. . (Hug1hies) ........... � .... 5 1 1 1 V ,by Mr. Stanley Hallen and a I zuTich, and 'Mrs. Emerson 4 111 I All members of the Oyarige"Order, . - . . . � . 2nd, Babe ,Grattan, SeafoiI�,,. Rev.— C.A. Malcolm Ne Meyers, - . � Wardonis (razor set to Bill by Mr. ' . 0 ,'' Reeve is- Iniured I 1L. W*.,- Qiy, Seaforth, I '. RiTsselt Dolrinage, respectively. The Stn�ith, Kiippen, The funeral was . * in - Seaforth and .vicinity. are co,rdidlly I .. I I . I I " I I., . ..., - I . . 1(ffluighes) . �­ ........... �.. 1 2 2 adchre-as is ,as follow9: ',I)e..%r Neil: ,held, on 'Mio�day, interment taking invited to attend, and axe requested '. . 11 I, ., I . ard, Peter J., owner Dr. 1, I Preaches Farewell s place in ,Grand Bend cemetery. " Plan Compeltion to meet at -the lodge, room at 6,20 P.M. ­ . . I I . I , Moirrig Township's . . W.Le, the member of -the Young -Peo- I . , - 111 " .-I I �, , . p I IJ 11 I I . Elston Cardiff, . r&wbervry socW 'held on 1. .;., well known Reeve, met with a sier- 11. itche'll (Houie). 4 5 3 2 .. .1 The st I - . ouze, M,l �---,,r ple's society, are gathelved here this . 4 .. t1h, 'Sym$ioll . Meader Owner )gimiond- �,oeiffig -b, bid y1our fairewell'ind wish Friday evening at the Evangelical For Gibb Trophy .. Il . .. accident last week when has 4 . .Rev.C.A. Maildolin, of the F was wel,l, attende&and over I 1i,ue ,until July 4th. . I � . I ious ' ses Tan away in.tbe barn W. j. Harvey, Kippen, ville United, Oh�irah, ,Preached his you future ,happiness. It was, with Church', ­ — The following will compete.: P. -111. . . . . temn of ho,r - ... (Sberwart) ..,.......,I ..... farewdl-isermon to a large and atten- deep regret that we learned that You $75.00 wa's real'Imed7. . an, F . red Reeves, . I .� . yiard on his Xarm. on the 5th conees ning 'in a sebe- 'The, Seaforth. ­ Horge shoe Club is McIver, J. Pullim .. . 4 " . 5th., Ruth Peters, owner E. tive aWlence. are ,leaving our vicinity, as we- will lL2L!§t Thur.May eve I o decide the George Reeves H. 11ogarth, 1R. Pink- I.. . ' . . SIM - . pe baseball game on the planiflng -a tournai &nt,, t - ' ' . .`7 Fammi, Mitchell - (Fisher). 3 3 4 4 . [I �Iley, Chad -G ' . .1 when left for a arnest 1pastorrate, Of mlisis you greatly. In'OUT SiDdetty you duled Nag lew,; ,W,m. . Yo ung; 'A. � I., ' � . , During an e . . between the Staffa and winn' Of"the,,Gibb Trophy. Play *il] - 0 . The "team ,bolted . Obb., Babe Abdiell, owner L. - - ' r. part wilfiii,q- locail drianiond ­ ner - . "I '-,-I.. I.. . "1110ment'harniessi9d, butufattached to T i I le lo n burg ,seven years, Mr. Malicolm has won a bave &I-Waystaiken-you won out by co ght and eon- Ross, President. . . . . Rolillinson - -0 11, in all the acti.vatIies Zurich teams, the former mmence Thursday ni ...., I S . the Wagon,. MT. Carcuin enaeavpred to co-rneT tbem.but they knocked' him � 1� 6 ,(Rorilirnson) .............. high, 'plate ',In the eS'Ve,eTn, V01 01FLY ief -his own congregition. but � the 0 I- U .Y ly X in Ilh wehav� been 4n -gaged, whe- . . 9 to 2, . 1 1 I, . j.. ­ I down and ran over hftm Hd was Tinid --- �2.17, 2.14Y2, 2,16, :2�.15. . . neighboring conijkregations, as well, , i I s e their -it was at a1roung POOPle' me t- I I � I .. I . )us. condi- I � His and- face,were ter- . . —0 for' -his preaching and consistent . 'Christian character and ,good ing or lany other capacity. Esi.pecial- ly will we inks You In our 1plays. I c4ety, have rnet heire tio-night as an )Mon.. ,head I I .1 w4hly,brr4ised and'lacerated and one I at the knee and Chimney Sets Fire' .the wishes, olf all classes- of the commun- ity him .and, shi's wife and Wheneverr a play was thought of we ,always knew that we could depend exp�esisicin of. regret art you� depar- ture from us. Poor three yearilt'has ­ log badly swollen 1, I ankle. R,;No. bones are thought to,be , accompany daughte.� to 't'hei.r new field in Chat- on Neil as a leader. m 1. -1 Z - �h"..lf Of be -en our privilege to,know you and -19 +",, winthron I . � .� �. .� " 11. . ­­ .., ... I I., I?i .. ,� I I W. anr duLy t, ;s eve- ng - . count u as one, , I I A .+ broken. ouse ham. The induction of Rev. A. People's, Society vo Violet Dupee, DoTothy 1- - . . ,�� I o Roor or 11 Egin TidliVill the Younig , to ask Y,u�ig people., You have always tak- . ri I `,11, . A gaisoline-engirM..:and puipip wLsTe . - I . Shelpherdi into the ol'i -0 pt this lamp as a token of 01 Venus, Alvin Hoff, Neil Hopper, Gor- ­ . , ,�� i wrecked In the wild dash charge will take place on Fr ay ev- ,you t6 -a en your pa,rt wilitingly and cheerful- - � .,;,� completely . . . I J0 ou r 9 t,be activitieq in, which we .... .. The following are the result$ of the don Dupee. - , ! ,� ' + a .I. of "M team. ­ . The home of Mr. J. A. WcSti(�(Ytt ening of .this week. I . appinEciatilon of your w9rk ajnon ly in a,11 in, Un, , Examinsitilons ,held Pase�-­Gleorge Hildebrand, Marjory. � ,!� I bad a narrow escailye from, fire ,on . - I us, Wi%J it goes a sineeremish for have been eniga,ged, whether J a J e Pinoinotioll School. ,Classes Golding, Jack Birs,ler, All-bert Vmms, 14 6., , I *---� - 11 Monday morning when the cihimney —0— your hapbiness and that of your fu- young people's meeting or in one of' in Seaforth - Pliblic 1. A, . �� tu-e bride. We liope- thist when you .or As, a token -of, our eisl­ are arranged as they will appear in, Margaret EdleT, Harrison , Sproule, - ' ' I � ' es spread to,the -i rr pl' ys. ' ­ J - I . ,,, to I I 'a., would ask you to accept S-eptember: Leo Oke, Jea wan., Isalbel Case- --m I I'�, - � -� Dietatoris . are a trd'able,­ . the got,,on fire. The flarn, got under eon- look upon thi,s small gift .in years to te,em, " , I - . T . -.1 , I . .Nearly 600 Attend X I . - world, and fashion dictators are some roof but were ,scion ­­ . Sr� IV M.. M. I � y, eacheir. . I theml.-J.' Wheel- troll, upfon arrWal of the firemen. I ,come y1ou will always remember your this gift, and with it ourr slincea*st 4-�� torne Ilybotson,. Lois I, . Promoted to Yr. Ill . , . . JDf the strongest 01 . ,161 . N . iiLl . I � The Joeg is covered by inslurance'. - friends in ,good old- Winthrop,-4ftn- -,yis-hes for ,happiness and success, in Honours, - P � f er 'Williams. I I . Garden Party .ed on behalf � Young People Is your futum life. We hope, when you Wright, . Jack Elliolft, Honlourisi--PatiIlicid, Bechely, Mar- �.;l A , 00, , . . � . society: President,lKennejbh Bettles; look upon this small gift in future Pass-41ean Mills, , Mil4iI �o,rie MacKenzie and Helen Srmith -1 �, I .. )ck . ­ Secretary, NoTine Little." . M alw`Ws -mtm- W- -da Ross " "" ' I wars, that yb,u Vn .0 I Allan Siindel!0( , (equal), Jean Wright, Dannie Grum- # 0 1 sful -garden party and ,Gharlie Woods, Jack 11 ­ . I eniftyers Of ber your friends and the golod times dred I 1. 'Tuckersmith.Council Seeks A eucces -r this ausrpi,c- "Dejar Bill: W* the m- Swan, Me- mett, Jacqueline O'Dell, Donald Ross, 1 � - . I strawberry feativall unde -Y MeGavin, Ruth M Rai- me- 113- . ,O , . , . es Of the Seaforbli, Junior Women's In- 'Cavan Church Young People's :Sb- pop had irl Cavan Church, Winith-roP. Moore ' Audre Hudson, Scott Kerr Margarret MacKinnon, . on .. I -'Signed on blebalf 'Of the Young Peo- Nairn, Margaret, ' Gavin, Harriet Russell, Betty Dun- . I - .. 1. ­ - :� ­..:­ To Have Interest'' Lowered stit,tewas held'at the home of Dav- ., . ociety: President, Kenneth Earl Montgomery, Kenneth lop, Helen Carmichael, -ROIBR M -Ont . 1 I . : .. . I id MeLean,-in Tuckersmith,,,on Thurs- . - p� S. tarry, No Tom Willbe,e, Alex. gr,mery, . `"�, . I - - t& Vfto . ,E ��Ies Secre -rin�e Little."- gate, Roy Kerr, . R. Dodds, ,Pas,s Lois Finnigan. ,0� . I . I .. - . ft -,r, when supper wa's served ,� I . . Very' tsuit�ble replies were given Baker, J�hn Sp`voullaIr�A . _ Aubrey Baker, Kennbth a I 1, . iof the- arystem. to be re- 600 people. - An excelletit program . I . Acting principal. Joyce Cutting,. . �4 , -mith r and . Hart, Ernesit gOlarke ' . , The [Council' of Tuckem Aet ih iremVnIts everybne joined in singing I'Foir , . hip tregsurer with- �. � . was gIven. The ptoee-edsi armounted . They Aa*. Jolly Good Fellows." A de- Sr. Ill to Jr. IV Lorna Dialer Donolda. Hawkifts,'Jabilz ...;;, � . SeaTorth, ,on Saturrillayi 11�ul � , . slar'ry . .; ,,, . I ibbe town ball, ih the current year. The C-lerk, D. to $300. . . . litims lunch of sandwithes, cake,J�e Hionour6 --- 4hyron-de Moore, -4M. TVL Bell, Tearibler. i 11 . wAh meimberg ,all present, but Mr. pointed Relief iDlancing followed the suppet. - I . . awn served, which Scortit, Irene'Mowbraiy, MS,r9a'rbtPeth- Froisper. I I I d 'At . Bell) Who is on a trio to the- Old F. McGregor, was realp . cream and tea werre ProVoted to Second CUSS � I . . . CoulAry. The' road insurance),,lidley officker for 1936-3-7. ' . I . I . brought a very enJoyable evening to ick, Kenneth Reiid, Lillian, S�Uthga,te,, ..'� ""I I I Co., of, T,6ron_ The hl%wing, amount$, Werrie pboss- - - —6, I . Jean Ourr�e. ' - ' ffoaours��Dioris Ferguson, boutso , , . . . 1, with the A. E. Wilson . a elose.. Fergus Bell .. 6-7, , , Lenoirs Hawrki ., , '. , S7 and ed: ,R. .Dalrymple f Windsor., is visiting Pasis - �knni�B Dunlop, Keftweth Cage, Dbnald 'Munn, , . ''I I owed for 1936 and I - VW` li%ts- . Sibeial - Mit. Eyrie, o 1. . f 11 ba,- was ren, id, to R. $1,527-60- R. Dalrymple, pay list 8, S Sib 4,Tuckersmith I at the -home of her father, Mr. John Keating, Helen H(yd,gS0,n, Ruth Frais- Donald- Thorde, Gordon WRIsron,0411Y I .; I premligm, Od ,$120 iolrder,6d ps ., ' Stead, so -eading Will; On 0 . I � ier Clifford Ross, Margaret Dale, Sproule, Harold Ross, Joyde .111, p I 1, j. (Beatty, agent. The, Reeve, and $449.00- IG 'I oil Shannon. Vernon Elea,nior WeAvev Do*p UAler. . ­ , . I 'hrop anald . . Tized to, consult biedge, '�5;5; Goderi6 Salt 'Co., 314 Wint fobtball team wor, by a D' Wood, Stanley Hill, 9 . . � TreasureT were aubhU q186- McLeah '.'Aros-, Pupi 3 -Hold Picnic - 0. St. James' I . pass-136bby Humbiy, Jobn Edler, " .. y .� . I . der,ence, to tons salt', Iq I . I / store of I-0JTi Kippen last Wedmes-. Rdff . � xuir - � .1, , wtffi Wis. .P ' + I ii, TV.fd.sr. IV. ­­. I.. ­Rribliard-2 ­Jh��­­W, ' , 4 �� � . �elgeffe -in, rl pwin'tinq $88.0 - *illiam Lawrence, . - . . — . I . I ' day n1ght. The gawltie between 1W -- - ­- 1- ­ . y f. : --- MaTion- 4M9Jk-iT6qT 4 � . � dmtihuing the use tof safety boxes in - P 'f fired Russell, Ev- Uwkins, Fyi2oftir. ,Swan ,, Betty Clhtke� . :1111" I ­ I I attit. cUntract. 4itichift Disin, $90-00; ,papits from ithe sleholol, of Miss lop -Church th"tp and' Siti.a lColulinban here on ,Riondulrs�­,iW,1nni Elder, Teather 7I :,, . " , I . .. the tauft. . . I Mrs. W. D. fftarr,igoff, iftendinT Mrs,i S.:,& No ­j, Tuck- . Friday nilght was a tie, 1-1. elyn Rivers, Glarence Wbst&Ottl -E. H. I � , �, 11 I � .;. 11 I A ,, ,fact thait genereal . �, wbed. Misirgaret Orievie, , frat Book I ... I In view of blyer Meninell, $18-96� R. Xenvdd� , I obe Promoted to r . ", . twed, the ergmath, o,nijoyed, a, picniid at the Lions I WT. amid Mrs. Albert Spar,ling spent Marlie Calsle, Is I "McKe1q6`r- I �:'i , terest rates -arb ,being red � pass - Thelma, Dolrmadg','e, Jim. ffmor,§-�uddly Slmith, LUelft 116p,w ( sworth - I ­ � I A '.. eaturdr'*eftl instructed iiispecting $1g 75. (06afiW Clerk, Pligik on Fradtty. � , jpo,�Seaforth Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. Allonzo - Hollinig , D6914" 'y " ' ' . � P.iee" end Til� ,half co,si 'pall-eni f�' ,��il,zlpitat $11.05; , outhgate, Mary Wood, Reg DOI er, * Bobby ­`�" . ' SIps,rling. Si Holmes, _ . .E: 9 ght, Ja6k 1411% -� V4:.'�,� I �*­ I df the Bank AL. 0. -Rout1tidge, 6uipplfbs relief $2.44- Since -the ,cement pool has been . ' M �mith Harold IW , 01, ��, I to consult the Mabageft' ' John Ross, of the W -lest, is via- rmadge, Kathleen, lCOA&A"', , I.,z".. of 06mmerce, and Vmini:,on 13201k 1A W.. J pinn,gan, pt 1i B, r6lief', openoid'ithe Lilons Paik hao been, a r. Billy '6eovos, Donald, IMM , I �;r'j... - I . . t this sisters, Mrs. ,Outheill, and TurnbuI11, Teachw. I ii ,� " ; pp . I reiga,rd to loweri, the r r mun- f . - . $416; W. R! Keramlob,' liseeds, rellef, POIPU �#igh the district MA Tiesdayq July 7di it!,&, Trap-neal, Itondld-- 8 ,,%.� " 4 . lav . Mrs. Simpson. Room III Peggy I .-.-1111 ;11.. ! , . LiAb qull� tblis is. 40tTle of d number of pie- . I nours - willmla Hay, -Dorothy Jbaii MiclMiAtter, .,VWxi 'DO ,:�� . b I . a $9.25; Pleiebat Towvitoudw 1� . . ,Mr . and WT& Elton HtMlst land chil- H2O' I I � L !It- e dil Tell � njt% that have, been planned bq- dis- Ing at ,Smith, Frank MIIL% Joan WOMtwter Bhwe Dralpee. .. ":QIM J� �� ed, by dogs. $7. - * � . . supper froth &so to 7.36 P.M. .fty and. Billy are visitil .. re dTe-n Be . , .1. IN . , �11, 11 I � -1 � a migeloh woe -Me � I Z�,-; The wl�1;41- 6*ekA, �*meot on rwdt grou 'and which w4U. be.hield I I .1 . ".. I ..'""..".-, .­­ - the 6we of Me ;AW, MTS. Raist. ,Marguerite We"cott, Richard visler: I (C;ntinuo, on PAP. ,d) t. , iI:l� i" , � - . . � . � . ­­ , I I . . .1 �; ,11 " ; I . lodn 01 $8 ito W, . i 0 0 re. aptiut4a %it th, �T I . I . *'.:.�� I . ,y, JUAly 25% art 7 P.M. e pie I. . — - I I I '. . . I .�; " . 1, :!�;.:, �W, � I., I . . f , I . .�- . 1. I . . . 1, ' I I . I 1. I 1. . I . . .1 P� I 17' I . . :, W V,. ,4, .4 .11, � . . . I I I ! -1 I .... I I � . . . . � . . I.. , (11. . I 1-1 , . � , I. ­ . I � I I . � I . I . , i ,�. ­ ; �.'.� " ,% ��, , . . . 1. .1 .� . . I 111111111 ", , .; I I'll , . . ­ I . % .. . . ... " I ,, � %11 , I , . ,,,11 � �, - ":,-, � ... ,�.�-I:t , :, t, � . ...., , , � � .. . , .1. ,,� ". , ­!Pi%� -.,,o,..� A I I I - I � . � . . . I .1 I , . I '.. ... 11 ,�., I I I I'll I , , V , " .. . � �- . I I I I I I ,. j24 I L�. �� l .. I I .1 .4 1 - , . .. I I I 1. . . ;;,.,-, - .! �'. I ,,, i . 41 1 : ll 1� ,; , �,,,� , ,I'll, , "s, ...., I,, . . I....; , I', I � 4- , :,. � ;, ". . ,�� ,-:,�, " - i" � , , ., . . � , , , .1 �', I'll, . . 'A , W , I �. h:N(f -Is , .. � 1 . I I" .� . 4�kWfJAnrh7VhX111 ''I %�11 �1111111 . 11 - I . . " ­, I ;.g.1, I 1.111.1 I M---- Al I , ,!"� , .,�6�,, 11 .: . . 0-1 9d�NJq9ff&dMWffM1111 I a =