HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-26, Page 8eveh site se. KB LIFEBUOY SOAP with genet box Rinse at ...... set-. 1417n -S. 1rOtAli.. . 29C 'SOAP' CHIPS • 3 pounds tor ' t 25c reave $1.00:—Make own. - JANEL WATER —25c package ZINC RINGS per dozen' 20t • 3 paelanges 10c , ealidhlTEET POWDERS • .11 ison4k. 'BISCUITS knutilde ........ .... ...... 25c GINGEIR SNAPS at pound 401.1DeCHEESE, real snappy 'ate „per panted 10c ne *AM.. BERMUDA ONIONS -11„ 4 lbs. for it: keep your TURKEYS healthy with MASTER'S TURKEY STARTER, at cwt. $3.00 A. C, Routledge Phone 166 Insurance Having Purchased THE INSURANCE business . of the JOHN RAN.. KIN AGENCY from the Guar- anty Trust Coriipany, I solicit a continuance of your esteemed patronage. All insurance_ re.cords, have been transferred to my of- fice and any information will be gladly given. M. A. REID, Prop. WATSON & REID' Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists, in All Kinds of Insurance. tta<>0000000000 S.' T. Holmes & Son FUNERAL SERVICE 0 10 Main 'Street, Seaforth „a>0 O S. T. Holmes., residence, 0 O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119 W. 'Charles Holmes' 4. 0 residence, .Gbderich' Street; 0 East; phone. No. 308. •0 Ambulance Service 1Tisglitt calls, Phone 308. 0 - Day• calls„ Phone 119 J. 0 40 • Charges moderate. <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> 0 0 00 000 00 0 0 0 H. C. BOX o o FUNERAL SERVICE 0 • - Licensed Embalmer 0 '0 Ambulance Service 0 Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable ratchet oper- 0 ated spring for rent. - 0 Nigiht 'Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 phone 43 0 0 , 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o c> WALKER'S 0 ° FUNERAL SERVICE ° o W. J. WALKER and 0 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Ir. 0 40 Licensed Em>latmerss and 0 4 ,, Puneral/Nrectors. 0 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 0 attended. 0 0 PHONE 67 0' 0 0 0000 ?„--0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Heron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seafarth. Office hours: — Tuesday, Thues'da,y and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 pm. to 9 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, 'sickness and accident insurance. If in 'the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give if& a call. E. C MBERLAIN Insurancgencies Phone 334 : Seaforth, Ont. 3485-tf • - Insurance - With the enormous increase in ” auto accidents, you cannot afford to take chances. Let us protect you. Rates are low in compari- Non with protection give n. s •PrOmpt service and payment of Claims. • In case oftrouble'the Citirdpany's Agents through Can - re, A adi are at your serviee. Enjoy yet* trips protected * one of eine Attto Polfciala I Auto - Fire . Wind, ' couve7ancing eAr Estate, Etc. •4'4,„1., • ' NEWS QE THE TOWN • EngagenteateenAle.. end .Mrs.' Hugh dtkocanden; 'of Walton, anneuece the elegantemeng.ef their youngest daugh- ter, Jean Agnes, to Mr. James Mc- Dougall, son of Mn and1414S. Mc- Dougall, of Cane, :Ont. the marinage toetake plane early in 'July, Presbyterian W..M. S. HOlds Meet- ing. --Mrs. J. D. Gemmel! entertained 'the W. M. S. of Flint Presheteirian Church at her 'home on, Tuesday. The interesting program for the afternoon - was in charge of Group 1 with Mrs. Feaet, convener. Excellent papers were .given by Mrs. Feast and Mrs. Freeman. Afternoon tea was served' by the hostess at the close of the feeti•ng. Ladies- Guild Meets.—The Ladies' Guild of St, Thomas Church held their regular, monthly butiness meet- ing on Tuesday 'afternoon in . the Parish Hall. The president, Mrs. Charles Holmes 'opened the meeting by reading from the second chapter' of St. iVfark's, Gospel, recess 24 to 28, and took for her topic, "Keeping the Sabbath," fol'lbwed by t'h'e hyena, "0 Day of Rest and Gladness" and' prayers. After. the variene reports were gilven it wan decided to hold only two 'meetings during July and August, and that a c'olle'ction be 'tak- en at these meeting's instead of do.. in:g, any, other work durtinrg the sum- mer menthe. Mire. Apple:yard closed the meeting with the benediction. BroadfooteBritton.-nA quiet 'wed- ding took place at Duff's United Church, 'Welton,...on Wednesday, June 24, when -Mtn. Jean Britton, :eldest daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Love :of Walton. was united in marriage, to Walter Ronald Brondfloot, onlyson of the late qr. and Mrs. Broadfoot, :of .Gree.• Township. Rev. Charles Clam- ming, pastor of Duff's United Church, officiated., The bride were a plain tailored triple lace dress with white accessories. Following t h e ceremony M r. " and Man. Bro.adfo ot left rinezie ef it Qttebee, 'ito'i',treal and the Maritime • Provinces. For travelling the bride wore a royal blue knitted suit with accessories to, match. On their return' they will re- side on the groom's famm in Grey TOW/16hip, • • MeKillop Branch Meets.—The Mc - Branch of the W. M. S., of the Presbyterian Clittreh met at the home of Mrs. Helen 31,O.Milla.n 'on- Thursday afternoon, June 18th. The early part 'of the afternee'n Was 'spent in quilting and sewing. The 'president, Mrs. J. L. Bell, 'presided over the meeting, which opened. with' •a hymn-. The Se-tip:tune- lessop .taken • from Psalm 67 and the fourth .chapter of. Luke, was taken by Mrs. In Goverelock, fol- lowed by Prayer by Alre. Bell: The •minutes Of the last meeting and roll tall by the secretary.:followed and Mrs. Bell then read the Governer - General' address tothe provincial sedety,' given in the ,Glad Tidings. Mrs. J. M. Govenlo:ck sig a pleasing -solo, "Face To Face." . The Glad Tid- ings Prayer 'by -Mts. T. 'McMillan was followed by tine' offering. The meet- ing cloned by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary ,Meets. —Mlle Barber Kirkman Auxiliary held their June meeting at the horrie of Mrs. Robert Cainachari in Tucker - smith o,n Wednesday afternoon. The meeting • was, held on the lawn amid' the bea:urtilu'l setting, incident do the cannery 'on a dee in June. There :Wee a gond attendance- and all were .delighted with the talk given by Mrs. Lane, of Gederich, Presbyterial President 'of the Women's -Missi'on'ary Society. 'Mrs. Lane gave 'a Mos t in- teresting and comprehensive report of- the rne.eting of the Executive C'ouncil held recently in Toronto. The program 'was in charge 'of the Mc- Connell group, Mrs. M. 'A. Reid pre- siding. Miss H. I. Goaliate read sev- eral of her poems'; Mrs. Munn and Mrs. Geddes sang "The Old Rugged Cross," accompanied by Mrs. McMil- lan with the violin and Mrs. Ander- son on 'the guitar. At the close of the program the: committee served a cup of tea and all enjoyed a social time. n, Sermon Subjects For Next. Sunday. --alortheithe UnitedttChurch-11 aim., "Wlhat, the Crates Means To Me"; Hely CommUnlion; 7 p.m., "All Together But—" Please note: The Official Board have 'arranged for the anni- versary services to 'be held on Oct. 18th. Rev, Dr. Green, of London, will fie the guest spea,ker.—Rev. T. A. Car- michael, Mi flitter. Cavan Church, Winthrop—June 28, 61st anniversary services, 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, Speaker, Rev. A. E. El- liott, of 'Mein St. United Church, Ex- . el 1,40F1WLEE with the ask for NORTON. JD2" From your Hardware Store or write us. Useful for a thousand jobs around the home, for the farmer, machinist, blaatenifth, .garageman. Long wearing : t . fast cutting. Menton Cotopany of Canada Ltd., • HaMiho. , •Ont NORTON ABRASIVES ,.';e:400.0014:4111* /011tf..!ft)0,0 •)t•;,h14.1,F*tt!.;,:tx..).v 1);t2,;‘4.:;„4, ki.giittrAfietWett,!‘r•13.049.4%07;'! raivw •.;04:410. • Imji Y‘ Ag ,&itt ItOUSON otvti. ivent ett de(lIddison, ! ,44tOfte...44'.t.$04940,4ktift)01!tit, '!.q144.,.t440$4*04.14,4111.t.ttli.floi4,4, pk,,; ••‘',N ' ; t!' f." " " • 4 • ' : ; ' , 1!?'' • r 'ro:.4,41` n • +ken. Music by :choir. lanfre Bethel diverch,seirviceis withtleawn f di that day.—Rev. G. E. Morrow', Min letter. Egmiereteille .01eurehl--10 a.m., Mis Sfieseary Story on Africa with lantier • Miles Lawrence, speaker; :1 a.m.' "The Split -it of .Christ Tha Strengthens: Me"; 7 p.m., "All To th :Glary 'of God," from the story of Tx edus. Induction of Reit A.. W. Shop :heed, Fridhy, Alb. 3rd, at 8 pan Rev. Charles Malcolm, Minister. • First. Presbyterian Church in Sea farthi—H. '0. Feast, Minister. Sun day School at 10, morning wai'sibil 'et 11, evening serenice at 7. •Morn'iul seri'dion, "The Searching, Indict:Men of the World: 'I Would, But . Yt Would Nat'l"- Evening 'senm•ori, "Th Lord's Song in :a Strange Land; Eng land, in the, Sixteenth Century; Th. Alloying Finger Writes." The musk for the day will he; 'Morning andrvene, "Crown Hint Lard Of Alld Evening, anthem, "Lord, I ,Woulc Conlin:tune With Thee." Heartiest wel come to our ,services.. St. Thomas' Church—Sunday, June 28:` eC:onfirmation Class and S.unde Scheel at 10 a.m. Canon E. Apple - yard will speak at bath eervices. Al welcomt.—Canon E Appleyard, Rec. -her. Death of Mr. W. R. Smith. -.--Walter Richardson Smith, one,,,,of Seafarth's oldest residents and most 'honored busidees men, died at his home, North Main Street, on Tuesday, June 23rd, in his '78th year. Three weeks ago Mr. dinitie suffered a ttleait St - tack 'while at ,his • desk in the store and a week later suffered' a stroke, 'froth which he never rallied, gradual- ly sinking until th:e end came quietly and :peacefully early Tuesday morn-. ing. Barn in Haepurhey, Mr. Smith wets a son of theelatehreihn Smith, one :of Senfoettes firet business men, and with the exception of two years itipent in 'Clinton and Winnipeg, had lived all his life in this town. Start- ing in the grocery' business withthe late IAn:drear "he 'purchased that business 'on thee death 'of , Mr. -Young in 1906, and continued it until his death: For fifty-one years :Mr. •Sertitilenhad-beerrein linsiteests-..inetthe saute store in the 'brick block on :Main Street, which he owned • at his .death.l Quiet and : unassuming in manner, generous and charitable, and possessing a 'business integrity that brought him toroth respect and honor, his passing will be keenly felt in the business :life. of .Seaforth and his fain- . iliar figure :will long 'be missed from Main Street, where fpr over half . a century he had played such a :prom- inent part. 'Mr. Smith was one 'of the oldest membees of First Presby- terian ,Church at which he wes areg- tiler attendant as well as -a generous centeibtettor, and far a • number of years ..a member of the Board of 'Management. He was also a well known eerier and howler. , In 1884 he was united in marriage to .Miss• Margaret 'Anders.on, of Seaford), whese death occurred four, years 'ago, but he is survived by a' family • of three son's and two daughters; Messrs. William and 'Henderson Smith, who were in businesswithhim; Mr. Frank Smith', of Port 'Colborne; Mrs. H. R. Scott,. Seaforth, and Mies Bell Smith at "He is also survived 3y two brothers; Mr. David Smith, Williams- town,. Michigan; and Mr. Wiliam Smith, Seafarth ; and' six • sisters, Mrs. A. Haugh„ Flint, Michigan; :Mrs. A. Greist, Lansing, Michigan; Mrs. Liverance. Miss' Eliza- beth Smith, Ottawae Mrs. T. Hater, Blackie, .Alberta, and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, Seaforth,, The funeral was held from his Tate home on Thurs- day afternoon, when the services we're conducted by 'his mihiseer, Rev. H. C.' Feast, Interment was made . in Afaitlandhank cemetery, the pallbear- ers .being Messrs. J. A. Stewart, J. J. Cluff, John Beattie, Harry 'Stew- art, J. M,. McMillan and' J. E. Keat- ing.' Among those from a distance whoattended the' funeral were 'Mr. Dave Smith, Williamstien; Mr. Jahn An d ers on , -New York; . Mies Elizabe th Smith, Ottawa; Mrs. H. E. Serilkerl, NEW York;' Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Smith, Alan and' :Douglas, and Mrs. Hercim.an,, Port Colbennie; Mr. George Anderson and Miss Mary Anderson, Chat ham. LOCAL BRIEFS • Miss Alice Devereux has passed her third year in Honor Business Ad- ministration and Secretarial Science ,at the University of Weetern Ontario, London. • Mr. and' Mrs. Warren Ainent and little daughter, of Detroit, are spend- ing a week's 'holidays at the' home of Mr. and' Mrs. William Atnent. • Mrs. W. R., 'Attath,erwelle of Ot- tawa, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Neil • :Mr. William Somerville . Of Wood - 'stock, was in town' �n/ Saturday. • • Professor 'Brenton Kerr, Buffalo University; Mr. Reward Kerr, 0:slit awe, and Mr. Leslie Kerr, Toronto, spent the week -end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr. • 'Mit. W. E. Southgate returned frOmi New York :on Saturday. She was acoo:mpanie'd by Mrs. Southgate, gyhtespent 'the winter with heir" daugh- ter, Mrs, R. A. 'Wilson, in New York, • Miss Mackay and: Mists Redmond motored to Toronto for the week -end. "'Mt. and Aire. A. D. Scott spent dhe week -end at the home of- their Alaughter, Mrs. Love, in Toronto. ,0 Mr. Arthur Edmunds, of the Do/minion Bank staff, Hamilton, is spending his holidays at his home here. • Mr: 'and Mrs'. J. Leslie_ Oakland, California.,Mee J. johniston, Gode- deli, and Mrs. F. Middleton, Go:die:rich' Townehip, spent Friday with' Mrs, Rid' and Miss Galbraith, Goderich Strelet. • xi.m Margaret Thompsen, of Al- lentown, Pennsylvania, is spending the holidays at the home" of her par- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs.. W. 'F. jlhoinso • Miss Peggy Goddard and Mr. Hell, of MeManter University, Handl" ton, :and,. Mr. Vries:worth, be Qunen't Unihersity, Kingston, were the Week guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- Kellar. • Miss Beat Southgate., teursenin- training at Welleeley Hospital, tb•. VOttlt6, is home for the holidays. • legs Ohapritatty of Mc, Donald, Rail, in vending the heliidaYS voith httrnofiher, Mtn E. 41 Mr atild :Mtea rekft*4 • etenternee ,ItT.Weitekettdtt"iet ettienet'nen EXPOSITOR [ Nowv)EN,,, . . - - ,.'eston's Service : For lye d Drinks . • AVON ICE EAM • • ROT DOGS , and • HAMBURGERS H. WESTON GODERICH ST. - SEAFORTH ceived word that their daughter, • Mrs. M. Desh'oro, :who :recently under- weht a serious operation in Detroit, is able to leave the hospital and is making' a splendid' reeavery. e- Aire. John Nolan, Huron High- • way, east, is recovering from heir re- cent illness. • Miss Margaret IMeKellar is visit- ing friends in, Sarnia and Detroit. h • The many friends of 'Mrs. F. J. Kereliake will be sorry to learn that she is not enjoying good health et peneent. a Mrs. janies Beattie is, visiting with London friend's. • Mr. Alvin W. Sillery m'otored to Toronto where he sant the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. W. C. W. Barber were in Toronto on Monday where Me. Barber was attending a Rogeers- Majestic dealers' conalention. • Teachers of the Collegiate have returned home for their Shimmer holidays this week, Mies Fennel go., ing tic, Grand Valley; Miss Wood to Kidgetton, and Miss Darling to To- ronto. Home Cooking Sale , and Bazaar. .._ , i under auspices of W. A. of Con- • stance United Church, on SATURDAY, JUNE 27th in Bill Barber's Radio Shop 'DOORS OPEN- AT 3 P.M. r GARDEN , TEA : : • : Under 'auspices of 'the Hospital Aid, will be held on the HosintalGrounds Seaforth on a -,) FriAfterneen, June 26 , • 3.36 to 6 P.m. ^ Brink your friends,,both ladies - and gentlemen,and enjoy tea on the tool hospital lawn. SILVER COLLECTION . E r 'T J t v a 'P Anniversary' Services e 'Cavan Church, Winthrop c SUNDAY, JUNE 28th 1‘ P • h P -Carden Party h a n Monday, June 29th o f: — PROGRAMME — Bachelor's Quartette, Listowell ; W. 5. Taylor,Comedian; Mrs. R. Cox, Elocutionist. SUPPER SERVED FROM 6 to 8 p.m. 111 Admission -20c and 35e. A in51 . _ . . - t - -- For The. Summer • During' the Summer month's, we will endeav- or to serve our custom-,, ers by making regular deliveries, four, times a week, and twice a day. In this way,: with the co-operation of our cus- tomers, we hope to elim- inate all unnecessary delay in delivery. Deliveries will be made as follows: DAYS—Monday, Wed - clay, Friday and Sat- urday. . . • - - HOURS—Morning de- -livery: 11 o'clock a.m. Afternoon delivery, 4 o'cltick p.m. RAirE---me Mut ,MVII. SEA*111 CREAMERY . ,,, ityllliar '' 'till :thane—IA IIIIWPINPROWMPOIRISW.Us • 01: 43.70E0114t) " Mn and 'Mrs.,:A:61t, 'Wheeler and eon,' of 'Dettleoit, spent the week -end with friends in the -IT:Maga Xxv• Ray `D'Itigo'n and Son, of Lon- don, Visited friends lin the village and Seaforth bet week. Male. James Berry visited friends in London and Port Stanley lent week, Dr. and,'Mrs. . Glanfield„ of Wal- lacetown, 'called on Aden& in the village this week. . • i d ST. COLUMBAN quite a .number Of school, childfen 'ate u'p with the measles. A :good 'program and social was :held -Irtnitilay evening, June, 19th, un. der the 'auspices of the C. W. L., 1Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moyslan,, of Kit- chener, visited friends over the week end. -- - Misses Agnes . and Gertrude Mc- Grath visited their mother, Mrs. Pat McGrath, over the week -end. McMillan - Williams 'A quiet ,'but 'pretty wedding UWE place on onday alt 9 to'cleck in St. Oolumban •Church with Rev. Father Dan'tzer officiating, when Mary Wil- liams, daughine (of Mr. and Airs; PaJtrick bf Hibbert, was united' in marriage to William ,Mtc- milian, son of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Miles IdloMillen, of Hillabert. The bride looked eharndng in a lace gown over pink Satin, carrying pink roses and -wearing a large pink mohair hat and pink satin slippers. Her sister, ,Miss Catherine Williams, was' bridesmaid, wearing a, pretty yellow.•govan, White, hat, white, slippers and carrying ros- es with maiden hair fere. Mr. Hugh McMillan, of Tuckereanith, a .cousin, supported the grinene 'Following the inatriage High Masa -was sung by Rev. Father Dantzer with :Mrs'. John Dolw,ney: presiding- atthe organ. A sumptuous wedding. :breakfast was served at the home of the :bride's parents and in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs • McMillan left CM a ,,heiteggiaon trip to Detroit and: other 'points. On heir. rietfirri-they will reside on the grotem's farm. -in IHIllebe'rt, • Visit/ors; . :Mists Lillian O'Sullivan f Landon, is spending two months with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Jas. O'Sullivan; Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Moy- an .'acid' the Mises Gertrude and Agnes McGrath, ^of Kitehten'er, with their 'respective parents: 'Miss Mary Purcell and: Catherine More with the formente sister and- brother, Mr. and Mrs: Terry Flannery; Mt. ,Gert, Holland with his 'brother, John alle'n'd 'and other relatives; Charles alone, Wirdeor, with, his parents, Mr. and: Mrs. 'John M'aiceriet Mr. Jas. L. 'Dorsey, 'ofDidutli, with Mr. and i's. Janient Catlin, and -Mr. and Mrs.. ohne Holland and • 'other . relatives; Phbinns. McQuaid and John :MCIvor t their respective herneas. from Scar - oro. Bluffs .11V1ission 'College. ZURICH „ An, interesting event was' celehrat- at Drysdale JR. C. Church on Mon- ey, when Rev. L. Marchand perform -- d the ceremony "which united, in a,rniage, Hazel, daughterr 'of Mr. 'and ti/i's, Joseph ,DuchannIe, of Drysdale, end Anthony, Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Masse, 'of Hay Towns/hip, AtE- er ceremiony an .enjoyable time as spent at the 'homes of the bride's arents, who .celebrated the 25th an-' inersary of 'their .wedding day at he same time.. Relatives, were press - cit . from many distant points', in - lading !swine from .Alberta. • - • 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinbach and vs. Clara Dether,'who spent the ast month with relatives and friends C.nvalter, N. D., 'and other western Milts, have returned to their homes ene. They report a splendid. trip rid that the crops in this section are inch better than in 'Dakota, which is e ,of the 'Western Stated, -suffering om extreme heat and dry weather. A large nembee from the 'village vicinity attended' the 'Wurm ene nho held at Bright's Grove, near arnie, on Sunday. A straWtherry lawn 'social will be .ion the lawn of the Evangelical urcli, Zwick thisS 'Friday evening. n interesting pr'o'gram will be giv- after the supper. .193670. 'Specials,, "Every Item is Standard . Whit e Gloves .. . fahricist. Catchy go, seasonalide. • trims Pair ult Pair . . . . . -- etfflne quality; new telex value, Cool and Deep- fancy cuffs, sup- hMineh better than reg' Girls' Sox . . .25C • . 41ostery cdDieglitilible "fine Crepe weave.' Newest shades. ' Regale/. '75e, &Qs, f0.t" • • •'• •-• • • • • • '"" Cotton Panties Light weight and ser- vticeable. Made from fine riesh weave. ric. Pak' re. it 4 Lovely Slips Well made from 'Satin arid Taffeta materials. Lapete-hrim and tailored. styled - Each' IWash Aprons, 'Good quality Prints, 'neatly taped edges, or= gandlY and other trims. 25c to 44 Bite,' .....i....., English Chintz Splendid for furniture Slip Covers, Cushions, Drapes, etc. Very col- orful; reversible pat- terns. - 25c, 20c, 39c yd. Galt Bath Towels Unfadahle to wash or sun. 'White and striln ing colored patterns. You'll like them. 14c, 18c, .25c, 33c and 39c up to 75c New Prints -Yard wide, sturdy cloths - in fast dye prints. 'Splendid pat- terns. • 17c and 20c YARD AIIMIN=111-• RAYON Silk Tuscan For :Window 'Curtains. A ,beautn, iful. pattler and very special price. Yard . •":"." Special Showing of SUMMER DRESSES COATS, SUITS, HATS, ETC. Come and see the New Things CHILDREN'S , Wash Suits A real buy for young- ster's ' Summer wear. Priced to clear 'GO Snit MacTAVISH'S A Big Time at Crornarty Anniversary Services will be held in Cromarty Presbyterian Church on SUNDAY, JUNE 28th, 1936, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Conducted by REV. JOHN ELDER, MILVERTON. Special music at both services. Thq choir' will be assisted' by The Exeter' Quartette in the evening. COME AND WORSHIP GOD WITH US In connection with these services the Young People of the Church will hold a Strawberry - Cream Festival and Entertainment on MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 29th. The programme will be given by the Young People's Society of Staffa United Church, who will present a play entitled, "The Khan's Talisman.'1 This is a Canadian royalty play. Music between Acts. SUPPER SERVED FROM 6 P.M. TO 8 P.M. Admission: Adults Adults 35c and Children 20c. ATTENTIoNt • Farmers and Threshermen • Come, see our patented all steel, Blower• Straw Cutter and Shredder which can be attached to any Threshing Ma- chine. Thi S 70 lbs. 2, ILP, invention replaces the old style ledger plate cutter. Upon request we will direct you to a thresherman in your district who operates it. We also have,a new Grain Thrower to replace the old discarded Grain Elevators. DON'T DELAY IN WRITING HERRGOTT COMPANY, Phone No. 10 - Mildmay, Ont. 357-6-2 VITA F D, is a / .CHICK BUILDER I Poultry- Farm Proven. Fed to thousands and thousands of Baby Chicks, annually. 2 Promotes Rapid Growth, deep yellow, pigmentation and full uniform feathering. 3 Maintains Rugged Health and Vitality; Strong, sturdy bone development -.-- full of vim and vigor., 4 It, eliminates the Hazard and Guess -work in your Chick Feeding Program. 5 You can feed Vitafood with, full assurance 'that it will produce better chicks at less Cost. ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONTARIO AgiellriaNisk rFuOD YI A '41 CHICK STARTER 110 Rriiiii/600,000 - ... • ''""' PROVED RIGHT MADE RIGHT at the Roe Poultry Rauch at the Roe RePtfseOeti locafir by4.4 .7 ., tir ii »MX tAlit:4L'tgetYri4 . Mit Armlet, TEAVIRS,,Wititmt. MIL IEVINt WALLACE, Elyth...; MR., 'Egos. 1 wItm; Hoot itouttoz' & 1JAVIDO.14`;',Witntomie .•I Li„,...totiessed • net tat