HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-26, Page 6Mg, -XV . , ' C S '' ALE-PORAN ' 11 Er "I I i.., . Se "In I'094t060 FIND '" Ell, 11 F M� , . ,,, � � M - -,-�, � M)rs­—t�=-ff IF,- - . ­ ..., .- . I "" (. ,,ar ,%..a W W�w B TTE " ' '31L , ' - . I g. 141W�'� 1 ___ � - 1 W9 .. wl 3%tr of ,Rev. 'Canon IC, -R. Gunne, 14W. 1 - . I A�eide'nt Preven- out, face-dloiwn, in a horlizontal po' . rectur �1 St. Paul's, Church, Clinton, , .. ,_ , I . '.1 I � M ation Launch -The ordinary and gone�ral tests for Str ­` , I-1311-111),ni. . .... I I 1. I .. cil-cular st.w.es. "Any doctor sho,uld many warm friendis whill�a s,ha reign7 . Explewlenice, .taught our forefathers !M Ma .. 4 o ,, . . � n1jake several very careful and final ed as rn�stxesa of the rectioa-y here, I . I the particular danger of certain I .. ... . .. . .� ' a , .k.ii3ns and io� sure that Ispieci- friends Who ,had enjoyed hQr h3spi- I . � Frain them -was hp,nded I . .. I ... I . .1 -1 11 . . ,.1 . .. . � I AQWNED IN. 1935 ex miln )e. tallij:y here an,,l alsio silnice raing to W@,quote -from his letter: 84 ... So wounds. . I . . - md,­ London, and who w1i'll regret her ,pass,- wounds of thk-, hands loIr feelt. � 1-___- ­ .- . I . . 1.�� ". . I . . . _. I fore pronouncing the patilent. de .1 . I But she had been a great, Kellogg's ALL -BRAN), with the re- . offimmum."111111 I .. . . - -, �� �i V, I nakural though a pa -tient uffereir, knd death sult that I feltj� , of 40ck- , IIISGWREN . . niecessa,r , cal.ne as sleep to a ti,rad, child, bring- have quit all laxatives since 1929. T . , I I .1� I I - - launched An intensive four h.,urs ,or 11,)nger) or until a phy- !ng PeaC "For 34 ' - Bit investigait)ions have .paiovi�d, (Intended for last week) .� . .1 . ­ .�6loila,1fo:: haZi ent dead. is eurvi%iied, by two daughters, MIlisses years, I.had to take pills, Seque led Mr. and Miris. Thomw Consitt, of I L 4C4 C �; . salts, oils, teas, or other fluids, " .9 . Hensall, visited their., family in ,this . I 11 ­� . rourdbar -of dvowning fatalities which "As soon as this artificial respira- Helen and Kathleen,, who resided with which did m6re harm than good. ing of this disease. .1 - %_, � n has bve� started and while it is their mother. The fanera� was held . 'The tetanus bacillIus -has a number Vicinity. " .,._.,'..eveqy' year bring tragedy into scores, tiO "Marl'alay fuom the farr(ily -home. ALL -BRAN now is our breakfast. . - . , .�I,i� , .1 cereal for 'the whole family."- ailled loif ftiendis during -the week on I'll . 'Drowitip.- 11,Ly fo.r iserverial day§ and My Mr. Martin Wroblewski (address . in loos:s'n arry� -tight clo'tlhing about t X99 N-trma Bewley was with the c � , claims more lives , ectnimonly fQu,i_Ad living in the intes- -.1 . ,� patient's neck, 6nes F'�;.­ Canada every year than automobile ist. Keep - of normall ',healthy AnDrn�ils. This n's way W. M. S. Weets I . 1. 1 ! I ,�:, -d A. B Morley, the patienit warm. ,Do not give any Mre * . Mbigan- Agnew and 'Mrs. H. r. upon request) i I explIalins ats, presence -in stables, barn- , . -1 . ��� ... I',,. geneEral manager o,f ,the Industrial hqiAds wthatever by an.outh until' the Meals low in "bulk" often lead to yards, cultivated soil, animal manure The W. M. S. was heild in the I � '�011 . Accident Prever.1.1)n A-sisiaciatio.iis,who, .patic constipation. Kellogg's ALL -BRAN and street dust. ­ church, ,on Wiednelsdayi June, 16, wTth. . I It dis directing the safety.campaign: ar eonitinues. APpointed Manager provides generoas "bulk" which'ab- The tetanus bacillus is one ,of the the president, Mbssi Edna Coic)hrane, I .', 'IDitilring'the past 10 yearg, there AVarn-ring is given against moving I Mr, J. Arnold Me'Millan, rnanag�r 6brbs moisture, foims a soft mass few diLsease-produciing biacttn,ila pbs- presiding. This ladies of the Kippen � 87, -rx*r- "I e , .......hws been an average of. one drown- ithe patient unnecessarily. ' "Should .of the local ibranch of the Atlantic . sessilnig t4re ,power tfol form. spores, a AruxiPliary Welre presenit; and a guest 1.". . ' I and gently exercises and cleanses , � , .i )5r;- a day In Ontario. This terrible ,t, be necests-ary, due to extreme wea- and Picific Tea Ocilrnpanyls vtore the sy' 1,90 jur;. . re-s4stant dolrilmalriltl., state, whereby it .speaker, Miss Annie Consitt, of H,qn- - I .. It 7- toll, mulsit be mducel. Toto 'many , to her'e, recelived w d Wed -e day hi � nishes vitamin B and iron. , . rrilay survive; for many years, ufider sall. The meeting opened with the I ,. -a are movie the patient b2fore he is breath- transfer to a London, Ont., branch. .. -1 I . sue ,da carefu n1uha 41 farrYffiea.ln Ontar" , plunged:. Into . adversip, conditions that destroy other vil-orship seirviceand prayer and cill hundred , ch "bill 1-17 9-, 1 nitiation should Le He and, his voife and small da*u .. ed are returning'to many a fwMer" i�', ayio.uyr,�ng when they eihnild still be Ing IrOym:011Y, resu, ghter Two tablespoonfuls daily are , bactell4a. io vvi�ailhip. A ,hymn was sung and 111'..� welaxing gay, Summer clothes, and cirri -ed on during the tinre that he is left foy that cil'y Thursday moTn- usually suffi6ient. How mueh-bet� . 'The paislon or top:6-n which this ,,the idevotiorral leaflet, "The Fellow- a profiti over cost -of feed from, $200 ', I " ' ing. Mr, William, Riley, local yDung ter to use this natural food in place , bac7lus ed,ahorraItes is unusually pow- shlip Cireiated by the Spirit of Jesus" t, $ �,.� having' a thealthful holiday at the b'Cling ,moved," the circular adds., D ,Wio a� year, which is something , ... lathe. I �. man, wbio, fhais be4 in. th Annie Jarrobt. wit; to te disdained by even the'most; I - . currip -me time, was ap- -i-on - tissues. The tetan lesision- wag'then successful farmers. N �.: , -1 - The campaign is e�ndoirsed by H. R. ' t4e, Ct . apy fc.r SO Use as a. cereal 1wth milk or I t, for nervie us The ScallipItfure taken I I.' �- Gill!tard, greaKdent of the Canadian . I Pointed manageT of the local branch. beeiEus, is called an anaerobe as it followed by a !hyn-a� and Scripture I ­ . 5:� . - . � cream, or in cooking. Aa_bPAN is flouvisibasin'the 69enoe of oxygen. prayers Iby Hellen. Anderson, Mrs,. H. 11, 11., , Amateur Swimming Association, who (Intended for WsOweek). -t:iderieh Star.'. - . 'l , , ' I � much more effective than part -bran ' d '' ­ , '. . ". ".. ,p,o,M1,0-,!ot:1b that, 1,%9 persions were Misses Mary and K . King ,have Teachers Engaged For Collegiate I W. 11th, lthgsi� u Vrm atilon. ..as- to where Turner land Mliss --- Rena �Stiewjih-enSbn. Crops, Hit By Frost . , 1- I ., I I .a -to products. It i's -sold b 'all gio�iis'.. . .1 drawti-ed. in Caiiada last year. received'tlheir B.A., Degrees froin'the IMT ­ . As part of, their safety drive, the Iss Mabel Powell, of the Colle- Made by Kellogg in London;jOn to ,the conditions which favour its ports .wer� rod and adopted. The Mdd,-May f r4osts caused,' eoni�w�; . �1? , Faculty of Arts of the Western Uni- gdla,te staff ha,ving ..,,been ,granted a ** � ,. I Industrial Accident Preventibn As- . �4. growth, f ew can understand that any roll call was qans,wared;'by the letter abile daimage to ;crO'1pv,s,, esp'eciaUy in . I �11 versity on Wednesday. MISS Mary year's 'leave of absence, so -that, she 11000"tilpat" duo to in"XCknt\".,&" ' ' ' ing - " wou which, is, contanunatled with "L," Mrs. Turner's -group havin, 10 Eastern 'Ontarito. Alfalfa and clowir' 11 92ictih thl.as--and-s of ci-rculars and pos- I cce�s-sful in'tthe Honor Classics �niy Study ,in some of the echool!"in - '" . . 1, ,-',13111 should be c6n.sidiered dangerous: podntiri and Annie Jarrot,Vs, group 9 iteceived a. seivere seitback and in soltne . '�. , . cootnae ancl- Miss, Katla in the Honor Europe, a ,subsitituite will be appoint- . I .. -rtz-vs, ihawing in a c1lea �y I 1; Rust is mt.11t; dangerous in itself, but poirible% The ,off eming was then taken se�qtilc,nsi red clorver wag ruinie& A - how tot revive a tock its e6dt by taking bff �the id?or the ruity nail is moire likely to have and Mss -CiGnsitt was called upon- to IRTge. acreag'ei:" .... 6,f strawberries, ;md 1� I I V .peapon who hais 'been K:z,.3 Ang-ela ,Gibbons and her t,eachey's have been re-engaged for of Chi meter an, iihe, front verandlkh. dirt Ion it than is .this brightly �olish- give a report ais a delegate to the in -any apple brichards, were 'hard, hit 1. pull',zd out of the water in, an uncon- i�:Ilerid, Misis Lois Duetharme, visited this ensnnng veair ai their folmner sal- ' - " I I ed n1ail, hervice� -the bad', reputation. of ODrIffrente Branch hedd, ait ,Sarnia re- bly Via frost. In Prince EdW ,.­ � elzioas �oonilitlbn. ,- ilast week in London at., -the home of - aries ' i0i t&e exeept.pon of tba prin- On ciorriling to th!e lower floor to t1te arid Coun.-- . I.' , This meibbod of artificial respira . - :her inarents, Mr. aird Mrs, P. Giihbniss.. cipt�li., wIT. Scott, and Mr. Mr-,Dowlell, - the Tulsty nail, . cently. The rep.cnt waa well given ty early,pleas, were frloelen'i�qhly, while : . library, the bo -It came down the elec . I tithi, 'known � as the "prione pressure . , Itric fixtLrres and moved ,Donald- ,who Dee;p ipen,eitrating wounds, particu- And everyone present enjoyed it very alll clIovers. and wheat were ailso,burnt . ;4. M.r. Harry Dallner, who ,has been wh-o, we�e given $100 in'6reases each. was, seated at the lV.iano amusing larily !of the ihands or feet, and gun- much.. A vote -cif t(hanks was exbend-` About�on.p�-iiaIL-the--c,lh�=ry- b1ossVmi;­-- ----- -- - -- ­, rri-J-hod" oan aLco be used in cases. of , n . the ,staff of the Bank of Com- 'T:�e fu 'A f or the Vete ) ' M-' . 1I I . It is the one recommended by the f e "y" wera takinig .their after-dinner nap 'Any ftetanuls bA,61133,carried into such ladies for convirig out on such a wet aippIes al,slo affeeted. In Leied%- Cloun- .I, ed to the Wing-harn branch. ha,fl`n,a rnach2d $613-5, the Board add- a ds find' therein aipelcullarly fa�_ day. The imeebing closed with , a ty, ,thousands ,of cabbage, cauliflowdr. io - -ctr,,c Power Ocrn- Rex'. E. C. Srnitvh, Mevrilll Cantelon ed- aml h,'ar $15 to iniske ithe aTount -e opport.unlity ,for gr-3wbh, shut hymmaid prayer.' The July meeting ' lants, were wiped out �1 nikslion and' the Eaectrical Employ- L'ewls attended the S700. A Erantf-.,,rd , for a ri-43j'.iar trip and his surprise- on ouratbl and tiorri p I .. arid X` ­s Ruth firm seer. -the 1: . I ers? AL­0ciatil3n. ,. X-Iddle-Zex-Lan,tblin Associa-ti,an of y4d rea,chini'11ame was- not so pleasant -off from the air ifi : I warm and, rnoist will be held atothe home of Mrs. R. eniiirely, while sitrawberrieg lob,k like "' enn'ractl or the ew roof on, ,the Col- w!hcnhe saw'.Wls bed-i'dom. dem!Dlislhed. 'Surrioundings. McAllister -on the 16th, . I .. � I The Indminial Accident Vi�evvntion the Baptist'. Church held in Petro-lia., I legiat&. Mr. A. n" - half a proo or less. In Prescott imd i� Associationlis -urge All citizens to put . VL Robertson's gilts _Mltchell Admocate. , , 'Every wob'nd wMch -is anything .. Russell, mast of the alfalfa. and ellov- . ,�i. . � -e p,ostters in thel'ir summer cort- of. a s -?t -of Encyclopedia and a,.p;or- . . L_ . -r � more than a scratch rEqu.ires Q�kfllie . prra - -burnt i,': . lt��on cia re-autleritatoon will be readily, . _____9 - God-u-ich 'Star. � I . FLY MATHEMATICS . , -w`14 u(sually have to lba ol,Pefi�,2.d ln,,,or- . Ontario and favored"by warm, sunny .� ''. aila,ble, if it �lhlauld be. suddenly . (hatended for last week) . . '. . . . . der that all-forl: -an material. may be . - ' weather during the latter ,paxt, 'of av d'. (intended foli last week) . �1- - ., rvaeded to save some precious life. The W. A. and W. .M, S. hbld their Rennie ­- � Rumball ',. . A , Single female fly usually lay5 ritimovad. In eirday case where tih�ere W. J. Manvjnl,� a formeer Hurorn Man all crops have' made ra4pid.... '. . 6C a to Qy tlhe zlight:eEt cau.�*e. for susp,`ci�n, Ccu�ty 'boy, 'was elected Worshipful growth. .. . Copies Of the pvs;ter may- be ,obtain- ,meeting Thursd* afVernobrl, June IIJ A quiel, wed -ding *as performed- at de,r Savow,rdble edrIffitions theie ,egg' V,6ta- . fiu5,ar:1'l`l3xAn is given., This is a Ma-el"6r of Georgian, Masonic Lodge, - . . . ed, 'frE-6 of cha�xe,' by applying to at tilae homi' of Rev. anA,.Mrs. Gard- t1he, Ontario Stree't .United Cbu'reh hitch In ten or'-twellve. days and bher6 ' _4' I .,;., A.P.A. vffi�e, 600. Bay Street, Iner, Londesbpro. . I on 'Saturday, Jurre 13"I . vi,intive mezaui"a, and it is prac- Penc6angufkhene-, all. a langely at- I . � .. .. .. I ... . --_J Tcrontio. .. I NfTis. G. -Addiean., pres,lelent- of the - -%N+-F--n -Mar�y"- E,".Ieen. eldeist, daught6- g.,lr,_,rZJLlC,nZ ticall,ly true that it is specifli, ter-ded meleting recen-tly. Mr. Man- Clover and Grass, Seed:s � .. Each vital ste,p in reSt3ring-narmal W. A.. opened the m,seting with Vhe ''of Mr. and _74.rz. A. E. � Rumball, bL­ n a The .name "lockjaw" co-iiies from ton is the youngest Son of the late . . .. fly'cap produce in th'!P. -1911.1 p- J. A. Mansion, of St-anI Reports from centr(al Onit-aTio in&�' . ... . lained, -hymn, 'IT -aloe the Name of J'e,slus with'carrla the bride of. Samuel G. Rennie, onf t1hTela generatkons" a few weeks y- dify of� the mimtlles, a ssym -ey Towuship, �. . . . I "Qudc'kly remove victim from wa- You," and Prayer by Mrs, P. Lin�d-'Fc,n --f ,Mirs. Jsz,7re, ana the late- E. bpa-rt, as many als, one I 'billion diseass . Is '1' . '. of teitanus, whoch pre'vent.s. the On TuzadaT, June 9th, there pass- Cate that most of theste seedis have . . ter and place- on grqund or otherbard say, fo,113wed by ,the Lord's Prayer R'Inln'i2, -f HmEall. Vhe- ceremony -,�-en moved from growers to the trade, . �_ . I - carrying imemeepis to Sealth. � ing of the jaw -s. Tetanus has a ed into ebernial re4cit ,one. of Stanley's su,rfare. If pt!Sisiblle hav;e head slight- in unison. Minutes ,af the previoas I Nvpi-. ccrIducted, 'by the past,or, Rev. F. I It , I ,01bVious vriry high 7VO-111taility Tate, the�refore, highly resPECtied reed, . i�� largely tic) the local oetail trade. Most ' !,' " . i's. that eve"y effort its prieventlon .Is,, extremely Import- s" deas, in the Pe of -the tipiotfli.,y Seed dri the St. ,Law- - .", -r than the reist of the body so nreet'ing were read and ad_­pted and' Q. Fa,rri-11, aridl the bri,de was attiend- on -of Robert Greer, at the aige ,of . �, � . s1hauld be put foirth to destroy the- renice counties has been sold. There I . that' water and other liquids will buslrn;ss -transacted. -4rs. Lindsay I'd by'lher si,s�ter, Mi,�13 Halen, Rumball. first flies . . ant. - Tetanus can 'be prevented 77 years. He had , ,b(iseln, suffe " 11� . . drain away froqu the victim. I -then took 1he chair fo,r the W..24;S, --Clinton, NeIws.-Rec-oH. . of"ithe sealson. � ' throulgh. thq proper caye of all wounds from a heart cond.Ltd,on fior s(Ome time, still remains however, some 3-50,000 , I . I .. - As a inenlace,to .health, t� Day. noth- Juounds. A fair quantity of timoithy . I .1 "As s1);On as ' POSGible," feel with M,,I,nutes, arid bus',,mSs were read and Furglas Pay Visit To Brustels ing of litils 6�-igustihg loathsoim,miessi and t1he use of tetanus antiltowin, ,. Jho,ugh he wa's, able �to, be around, till !'I. - . and reniove any foreign body such. charge of the program for Group, No. o e ,Cn XEdical As- thiFmefore, came. with a shock to his I I i. 'r. as tf-fmci and, false teeth. If the '2l; The -hymn,, "Lead Kindly Light," . scicia-ti,on, 184 0ollege, St., Toronto many friends. He was a Trian of deep Ontaxio still hold about onewhalf -of ".. . mouth irs tight shut, pay no more voas surg Afte,r wllic�h -?vf i , And wi'll be- an,�wered perec-Inally by let;. the red clover and timothy crops, or X!.4. 4 . I . is.. Gard-'rnl, I Fv1day riv.,rni'rig. Vie building which a'_,'_-,�,..gh. Sanitation effor1is have .been be., . . religious.. convactionsi, a true Chris- , ' ­. �i attlertion to 'it umil latet. I led in prayer. The Scripture lez-soqi -,, z;. uatE h-ir yards rz-a,.' the C. 'inEt-Auted to curb man sources of " . C, an and a kind f r1end and neighbor 750,0C,0 pqv,nds'and 2,000,000 p3kinds I . ­ �__ "Do not stop to loosen the patienit's 'was read by Ella Dexter, John f-.35- .d a t t,l ' y I 0 . ard' will :be ,greatly missect in - the reElpectIviely.' * Buying by t,h..& whoij- 7*1_ N. R. track,,, W'3-�? en-'omd. 'by prying 6-h:'IsgE_-u* diveasesi, there -has been . "'' cliathing,,but kinneddat6ly begin. ac -,39. Acts 2:41-47, Gals. 1 - yri-numity. 'Hie �is survived by three sale trade -has, declined ow-ing to ", . tual yesus6ititibn. Every m1ament 'of - '>'11-19 The hylmn,, IIL Alm. Thine, 0 . GOOD REMEDIES FOR ,sons:' John, Nor -man and R:Iberl�, all large stlocks secured already. 'Most ",_1 , I I ,� . . ma Lei'ltch is of small size had b -a -co id�rllled and mon houze-fly: . . I .. I of. Stanley, and- ione daughter� Lottle, of ,the alfalfa, al-sike, sweet clover . . dcl7'ay ,is -serious," the circular wa,rns. I Lrd," 'was sung and Al the d':)r b�,wn curi,pl?tely off at the It is -a matter. requirring Personal 11 . . . Tull in-strucdons are given. an ho gave the s­?ond chwpt& in phe study POISON IVYEFFECTS .at j-.,-ima. 'The funeral was lhelct ,on and Canaffian blue grass has,been' , � . . . 11 `ilngez-.. ' It* is said th---,a was, ni; cash 'ieffort tio k.ee-p the th-cime, cleaT of flies.. I .. ­ . . . to ras.tijre brearthing Ify applying book on Africa. 'Mrs. Wd ia.m .I. ' . I Thurrdiy. The service was conduct- slold to Vae tradia. , It, is,expectea. that . .... 'i.. Brit- in th.? vafe ��ai I drawl -l -r cari'aining Thi3 t9imini-Ition of, po_zlslbl,�ia breeding' Will"!e Poison ivy is widely a! -by Re . . . rhytl�,Dmic ,pre.-tsure to the -back of the -'t3n closed' ibe me,2,.-Ing * it . . lsl.rib- much .of' the tlmo'.�iy S3ed and per - %7'' uneorec-ious perstan, who is'stretched Lunch was Served. . el,igh- , p'a.cF!_4 -mr0h as uincovered -garbage, Te- ed. in"Jo-sis, 1panAda and, southward a,,- 1'�,ted by Rev. Mr. Dougan, of � I . I . I oh'^,rl lii,.N'r� a couple ,of �4-,zks aw fu_i_--,`,`irIanur_,, rci'.ting,leaves, sere -ens uv�er'the Ib rder, the majority of the over by growers, to next:--seas,on . I .. . I . - 1 2 a.m., btit On-d':­I--, and Nv`1n2:)w,s,-and *covering comilplaintis from poi-soning from this do.n, all cif whom paid, itribute t3 Cap . . � .I......... � . . + .. ;o and a,djacent 1-,*I�2- of the departed. The pallbea'�- taxid indicate that there are -at least � � - V, �slioi.uld fliesi ex&ir the partis .of Quebec, esplalcially from the fixis. ware Ralph _ 1, � � . . . . . Held 50 Wedding Annivt-rsary Supp regularly according to directilons,. will tilact camp,3TS'and. sumimer eDttaVfrs. Aims-trung, John SoDtchm*ete and A. .: " ,THESE MUFFINS N , ..?�, `N I ,10th, Mr. and.Mr5. Frank I HenrW, of . : - .— . der a - �-azh:.'iy of condi'613ns, we� or This Stephensm, families held their 000 poulnidig. . I I . " .. �,PT, so ,,,,.,' I r_ � kLL0,H�LFN-I .1 dry, shaded or opiln-, 'and in all'soils , nices'being paid growers . I . ; _. .� Wh:techurvh, celcbrated' the fifUeth CATS AND ,DOGS . from pure.tsland.,to rocky ground. - It reunion Picnic aIt Bayfie'l.d,' ,on, 'Seltur, , , per . EN ' 1. .. :. anniver-ary -of th,�­,r marriage ,;�ith a � I 11 I . ideil -and 120 Pound, 'baslis NID. I grad,es, are: For . - I'll", =T'�l ICEPP COVRSE,fVE ALWAYS AND GOT, A .. day. 'The we,abber was I nection were 1,v � . stern Ontario, 12' to I RZAIPE 7 Yo U R Lisro MAGiC �`: . . . . . . - suppter'J­athering V a-Tew -relatives 'IN THE GARDEN uations leatsit likely to 'be disturbed ,0-umeof'thase outiss,ide, � of 1w lu I south-westeTn' Ontari '711 to Z, . BAKING - M :;� - . MAGIC . . . . . I t'i:-.�'M. Farm, Maoty civit cdihmuriitles have as- by iman, but oii land that is, farinied, atl'.endied were: " Mir. D Ontario h 16c. for alfalfa, L2 to, -16e; 11171d al- � . �V , R . FOR WNCH . dl-fr..- ffl ars ago, jh0re were . tive I _Mr. a Mr . George H: 16 to 18c; sweet cIlolver 3- bo,rw; . I 1� ­.­ - - N f- I N -Z.& -Z AND SEE WHAT pr:i-mt; -on Vh�s bc�.a.`o-n. The ae- during the, night',�hrough -the, adop�.,Icm 1ence borde-rs and plaims no, Teadhed Stephentsion; M.r.-and Mrs. Wi,lilarn H. VimbthY 3 to -5c; timiothy, 3 6 . - , tual anr:i1v,�,-.­a:ry was Dzeembeir 31,t of mg,mlatiions -prohibiting noisies, such by ou�tivrqldon. StEpheng M, Mir., anti -M,, OrvIal and Canadian blue grass, 3 Y, to 4;: - , �. hat;t but eeIeb,at'F3n of th� le as the chiming of n-oi Y public clocks As a rule, poison rls . . .1 V - �� I I ICAN MAKE --ient was, :, s t * 'ivy is Of low Stzip)hlanson and familly, ,of Ma tte, . ------ 7— � I . . . 1:,Zma-c.mirg of 'z-`1 the, family, The arid, imstarcycles, and the, tooting of in leaf roo-uld, -and clirribs, up fiences, Of D�troit. I . _. . .. .. . , 1, Cv(.-l:.-,,g wa-_ p:tasar,`,y sipaiiit in Social norn!sl. kiowelver, no city, tormn, vil- and quite, 'high ,on frees. 4t can best .. . I.. .1 . 1W. . I and Mim. R:nry imii!e in wlEi`iing them "ke 40 guarantee ithel ahvence of de- leaves which are arranged in threes . I . I I I _�, � I I , I -I. ' House Struck B v',us ]Rlbple dndi,Itle want of sleep 11SIOn ITY aTe qudte farm Notes I i I - _. �� - ir -,ara cIE,.,tr'1 e') ,no� ,irnL'ad-e a 3 damagia. ,done smalo,th � and, firim ,to lelatlieTy, with the The Farm Poultry Flo<k . . P I . � ,�. � . I : I .E�s,iz .a th� Fa ical stOlrm because these .satarii!c brawls gener. edges, _parlin,gRy ,coarse -toothed. In I 11,.: . DON'T RISK FAILURES Magic. See if it doesn't give .1 un W`,,5'dne--diy. last at 2,401,p.m, light- 'a .Y 'Y take pla-ce in thie,pet pilot of a that rv.­pedt ,they are someWhat like !Poultry is at last definitiely-x6ei I _Nl� , . 11 . . . EveTi a beginner can use you the lightest, most delicious , I ning er - the leaves of Virginra cr, njzed as onie� of, the, esseni � - n`l)Ii1`nCd V'le chimney ani much pTized galrdien. To this, cat the - eeper, which al depart- ," .. Magic conflaently because it is muffins, biscuits, cakes you ever I t"") .I)zd i�l-iii- on ti'lle second 'floar "inakel 7 rhents of every up -to -d .1 .... I . 1. . I 1- absolutely, dependable 1. Canada rrofre beautiful I SID- arlei,huWever, arranged, in fives. Early ere ,a , ate farm � , 1, . - That's made! And Magic is so inex. . of Ili% X J. E.,nn;ngvr's residlennce, ,ga'n do,es�aat mean a thing, anJ­iria in the suTrImer, inconspicuo-iis clusurs logram of mixed farming . I _42_1XVAV±T,T1VAV- ,,, why Canada's leading cookery pensive'to use-aetually costs A I wh PT .1; I I . Dulb"In, ar-1, then f`C-1',wed­Vhe elee- 16 -nes -the- ru,in i causled t!o li,ve'byj ,fairrilall white flowers, arise from the is carried- on. Not "Ily is It re,,Og_i 111111194� �., 6 W F I., experts recommend it. Try kiss thaii-l*�er bakingl Made In Cangda "wiring through the house and flowerig ?and flower be-dis is . � . .11 ­ . tressling ,'to the plerision whib ,has exi Plants are �iolloweid by round *hit- farm work but moire and more farm- . V t� � , . - I . — pended much ca,re on. the garden. '. 'ish fruli-tiv aboull, %rhe size of a pea. ers are comdng to afhalilze tliat, foi� . � 1, o I . . Apart fr3im . frull"s are fleigby at first but the' da,pitil inivesite,d and labor in- .,I k4 11111r- " I I . DPLPHINETS SHOW HOW TO SAVE LIVES ,of the cat in knai"ing the feline prize ' ry I wfh- e '"'I'ved theTe 'hrc' few - if any depart- IFAch pad Ill flies all day gm& I later become. Arm, and III n I h e, "I 14�' , , . I 11 .1 . ring'-whiere it wi?& create mio(st darn. condition Ithey may be seen' thr,()u,g,h_ ments that give as higib returns, � very day for three weeks. V1,11; m., - ... ... ::: age, Ithl.- Thale cat'at anry tiane, day Ouit the ifoillowing winter. the ,Mixed farM general purpose , z" . ­M�', -:.=,W_! ..... i:!ii1.-'1Z1ki I or night, is an unwelcome vistirtor ,to -The treatment most widisly rkom- breeds such is the, ,p1ymtu,uth Rocks, 10 CENTS PER PACKEr ,�. :�:0iT!i�,�Sii ­`:".-`,1";�;. . bhe garden. Th,z dog, toro, is al,�q, a mended at the presidnit time which are igood. both for la.yj at Druggists, Grbcers� General Store& ­­::::;:�,ii�:!-1. i;::! Ii.. "-::. man, and it I.% bard, flor a Stranger to veT cent. soillution, Of po-tasisuirn ,tyerm O.- Hainiltionli0w. 1� ,,il�;i1%, �cleanlng hts, hind. .1,age, may be Tierilo e,d slowly with soap ­ _ __ __ ImiIW 11 t,' m ��ii��i; tuft'St Of fav'0'ritle lawn and,. seaed- and wafter. TirictuTe of iodine has. al- I I __ . .. .:.;,;,:.;,.;,. j,:;.;�;:%:::; I... �& beredi, is pav:?d with oppqrftunioss sur, edgesof the sores, aiild by using co"l- -in fi U 1.1 �.­, , � . .. . ..: thOirr own way all the tdmi3. Their hialic elobut,�pn of sugar ,of lead (50, to I ra . iricur0gr(i where they arie not wanted '('u 'Par eent. of rubbing qjiclahoa), bir , I E., �iIeft, and even. fOr'. . . - J� baking Sodat ,or bioraciiie acild SiDlution. , which. valuable articles are ' . �,$., � . P2 - Ni"ClOtins salphate, the widely J. k . , � - used insecticide, prolvdides am effective tBoth, ithe eradication' of volison ivy �, Constantly expoged in ` . ^ .. N�W.�' | �� ^~=] -'b��-- | U�8�� 6mu�m tu��woc�'risc " °=,��� � ���io, / _~~ � ,�,,f 1111111111 , -, a., , as yheir sense ol sniell .Y dubaineid, w exi, for less than a cent .. Branch of the Dominion ,III . IV'. -.11., .... ..... . JNOW that balmy breezes and bright As part of an ii .. I shrubs, huildinrs, Pore eS, w-alils-'and . O' I dirt dgenible. to for your bonds, stock certi,fi- �. I - ntensive safety cam. atlent. "..The shoulder should be ' paths, are not I , �­, . , -�,,- � � sub9hino have started ,the annual paign, the Industrial 'Accident Pre. Trectly over the heel of the haind � 2 The intsecti� Field the boxbolder ody I I.. . � -1 ,�,,i." , , I . Peas Prodncti6n � catest deeds, jewellery, etc. ? ,�,.Y*j ,.P'llbrimage to Ontario's lakes and vebtlon Astoclations have issued at the ,ttrid of the forward I . ci,de inav be used, iii a weak wainti4fa I I'll ,!! 11 . : Roe . Za these'lns&action�: "Place the p9ilms not bend your elbows. 7-nia operaA . . -orf �a ,tablleispioonful to fivie 'gallionsy of The of field peas in On- i . I �15 �i�,, . , '60.1ili§' C6ftCdfn to fhafly paro-tits. of the'handg ob the small of the back tidin should take aboui two seconds. . wateer. e Slpftv evarportiaiteg, in, time tarilo, acrIe"T ounted to .. . I with fingeft resting on the ribs, the Now inithediately swhig balckweird I nd raint will wash it away. There,- olvIer 8010,Q60 wriesi bias elhow,n a BAN ,,� I *fi�meig So that HVL$g MY' little flnger just touching the low6st go aii dorpletel� to remove the priii� fore it ishou-1a be renewed� ,every fwo sibeidy decline. In l9arl. only 66700 . . L ; I X. I "i `��`L ffib q _ rib, with the thumb and lingers in a sure..""After two setonds, swing for- weeks-, in f9ir weq)bheir, and repew6ed deres were grown.. Peft; hai 0,1910 . � . I I . � .. � -, , , l!"!" s#,%me ers of Caflada s natural position and the tl of the ward a ain. Thus repeat deIII*r- afeber every heavy -ro,in, In weak been grlWn, qulibe bixtiensively ;in Mix- clin , �., ­ . $V1fflihfng club fin dio.AJ I to 15 fitties a mitrute, the ' solitikiol� it wilo not �damjage ;fl,Dw;dt,q,, tures with Data for feidd. " Ift view of Hensall BeAnth, . V.'i I -A. ItAOSS, . I so that the wellht of your bad and release, d complete respiration f rbim fIour-avd,,f;e6d, stot itiveeksieb iTk thifis ce6j�­'6hpiufal be ..