HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-19, Page 7� K� 11 ,t I I . , , , ­ � F�!'?,?,� ��, ,�,;,-.'� �"v .� , , 7�!,� if�,' �' 1,��";�`Z­','�r,�' r�� �t "", i�Kl �-" i�:,,,�,�r,.r,���,ili�,�'!�-,,-�I ,P.:,�Z� 1;1 ��,,!­ IV;', � ;. V':',:%7;.'! �ll'�l"k"��"?.,.,.":�7!"�,'����"";�!"""Ii",.)����, , 'Ti 1-111, I , 7 !,! -1 o3 � . ,, �,�;�,.,`,',,,�':. , . ��,,,m4�'..�q�.��,i��"?,��,,�.�t�,';�-��,,.���,tI I'IP'11 " ,g� , - , , , I'Tw-�,', I , ,., . �t -, " ,.�y,! "'. ­.--�-Y, � � , 11 , .. � . , ­ ." .. -'i�, �� �, :�",: . " � . . 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I ., - � I., ­!; .. .�, -�, % 4"'.01, - - ­, ------1a__ . .. � . 11 1. !,. . .� ij'� 1 , , . � , .. �, :. � . � . ­ . . I -J, . , � . " I .. . , 1111 ;.�-IVAAAP 15 .. . . . - . , .'..k. ". �­ . � 'A . I—. .. . . I .. � , , , : � � I., . 111 I -- ,- .11, PA�V ' WR4W,..'? . I _U - - ;-. ip. ,L , io. I �"' . RAY4 $4 FAR - I . I . I �- '.11, io. -=�d , -� . ,, I . I .. I . I .1 ,� . " I 11 .. 1� I .1 is. . . - . I :., ': .� ., . : I I . .1 ( all, t, "I"..'"' . ]XI ",'I 1111'.,�­., . . . . . . . ­ I - , �, i '' - � . e"ba t'plinio I*4%-ePW"- - � , S�PC04110,,. R. S, Rays I I.. I 1 - . , . , - . . .. , I I ... . .. ... ;... 11 ; �:. I � .i , i � 1, . ::: ful-11y. Almosib allidlor Wo, ver , v.4 T. , . , . . I . . � , k ew . lie r ­014b" 410 ' eyanel .IX 111. .1 4 . .1 iliti � . . .. ' , , P " I MoMisoQrs, 'SiQlicitors. CQU'V . ,� � . �,� ,.. t I , .,-* . I ,:,*; � . ` -� , '. ::; ,§b? ba ove ft., 7*n olwe, h " a ea far -Mos. m r , " * I - , 0, Public. :$oliciltore for . � � :: ... I wV­w ,.,, , P,. ­ . . ­­ .I I 11 w! ... � 1. 11 ,. ima Nolharill . I,'. �., . I . �-, S'� . � AU . I "I riv*Ow I k. .0 - of . "r I � ,� � "I I'. L . i � �� , � 14ba xr. the housia to, give, C nton - 1. 1-� ' -11, ,; ,; . I ; , " r o beiWev Ohano% She had' 14, bim be said. , I . ­' 14�bm lj��nlon Ban ., Mee in. rear . . . I I . "I . . , . .1 t . I . I � . , , , ,�,,,,­..­ !�, � , t Seaforth. Money 11 . ... -, . I I -e bme'ta. 'her ao ,that die 1.6ould Braid 'tOoldlowAd! Wi. m V.., be,Domiuilou Bank, I I . � . . 11 ­ . � . , .111, I t anak, . ''94 All -1 I , . ft bal&, . - 7- . . - I � I .- I � � * � .� I lvietep UTM � .- t while the , ner 14 thm I , .� " . . I , .. .1 .. ­ �1­1 ..L.. . I I . . I I., . 1, . . at hie Varral, t .. I .. � , .� I - .- ­ � I ­ -- ­­ ,. � * - I . ., � 7 ,PjWlDner - - we-& 4111. aribelek... Tbw 4494t.49000A.. .wj I—, . * ­ I I .. . ­ . - ! . . ' ; won escapoll., It -11P7-41 F .111. I ... :'. VIRWWFLQOP:ftU� 'I . . I.- . 9- MAC,,L.F,,OD FRAINE . ,. ... I .. � : - now. she wa's laughing up. hax It. He dod not 1~ 0 ,*At I I . I . 8 y - )/V 'M . 111"Vrt � . � . . . , - R -6w - I . JOHN � H. - BX$T . I .. ­ ­ . . � I I -.1 . ,� . I . I . .. I 1: -soleevie at the way. ." � W media a do, find odb, . . I . -, �k*f­, �­:­��,;­.:.­� ... �­­ ­,­ ­­ � . . 1. I .1 .. 'ILI. . I . I . .. '. " I , PWKTAWVP*� � � . . 11 01011 Of Win. . .. 'ftiftly' 'be ",a traward th - .. *51till 1, 0 44 . 0 i"IPM.S.,- !V - #A111A1q I . I , wpw,p I RAMIA er, solleltot, PW. W11 I I .1 4 � ", ... . You saddled the li�i�� and left it �,4dlf - the distanct 'he 'be -ow . . . , . �,.�� 111 In. 11 I.— ­­ ,. '. , .141, 111- �- �. ­' ' ' ' ­,' 1.4-1 ­.'�­ ­--­ . .Weg I -� -1. 111- ­ 1�1. -01 . . . - ­ I I . . I . , ­ -, -1 . I there.". Xiis,startionient was ' eo A .. . . 'd ,� , �r ew ­.. ­�,-­ F.. I . . I I . . I. - Allil ­ , 11 I I I * *' iL polet;- --Senearth the - The 4fficlei. tosia at- once. "Just 4 a q,u"- Iv'b , voice called sdvrp$y ,to h4M - -f 10, ­ F�11­',,� �,Q -1 alit . � i I , " '�'�, ��:,-" �.ik III.., I �11 . I 'Oultarlo (00vitinuedi from hirt wvek) of An Inairtic � . � . , I . "..!"" , 1. 1"t -W I . ��,- ­ �­-;;� --- ­'. , �. sworth : I . . . . I . tan.of.his. Jl�y 'faicle the blood admiltip,!' he! said, arn& Went -into the n. tao. � The guard had) burned andCOUjilit; . � ,. - I . I I . ­ , , 'lye&. I bad to save him. I Imew 310ht of, 1*m. I ,,, . -­ iq,uy, 5 , . . . . �:... ­,,.� ,'��, '14M I .. I - - . Chapiter XXX ' - ,- ' � tamed. This was the first realily'kind -bou-se. . I . � ��,'�­�-,a .... 11 X�t-, , -F[LMER Di BELL, B.A. - . � .. . I.''. .1. : --,"410, I . � POLLY HAS A PLAN wr h thi l of Ap room lie was in"dicenw-1 * 1% . The -feet of the .mmiinlog, 100A ,sla,�: � �-011%11" 1.1-l"Al ­ , . * Pedigree. : 4 , �� w, - P"i the room a. apr,�jvgl, All. her soliciltalAW he " . , , - , =­, -;-.; , . ' ' IAH ithe -ex;4arrWdbn;� she had in- ped the gwound fastiew. Asi X$­d.Qj , ;� the ­­­ im P- - L I . f,�*­. '! '104-A , . 'Barrister & Solicitor ,, , ,,,, , �4 , 1, �, , � ­', . kPauline mrildved, across .ud l,A:,b6&fi whmie !C&uAon was and glanced .m. berrided shirilvIelled uip 'before the sown, dritio- the 'trees. a bitivei flevii past .` PA ". - - , � . sl `�- s46'dawn beside Sim " An eager light ed youth in has care. The prisoner lay on the bed in the Decords, approv-04 0 ; ....... , Iy V -,'� V "' . for the condemn! p -'.q ishone an her wit brown eyers. - Perr1haps all she wanted now w' blankets ,drawn over in his eyeit He brushed, papt her Yelt a rnidnient,'and he had� , - ­ !Iil I CAm orf late F. Holmoted, KJO. as to rnv�ornrlight, the- b Out Of 4 .. wirdstai of .Algrlculture�,1`� 11 . . ,04ext A.D. Siltheirland) . � .-Listlen!" she ardered. in a 110W ask dome favour for llManton, -but lhkm Frolm his deep. regular breath- without a Wor4auld strode, I the himseff astr4die the broneo, 10l �iniontbrl -4 19.06 . " �; 1� , . day ,and Fridays. viodQp. "I've giD . ing Jack judeed him,bp . be aeleepi, He bouse. therq and had electrilled tanst, idew . . I 1� .... 1� 1; �,�J,� ,� a -plan. Therei's, a. hope leaped in his -heart., . � 912. . . Mondays, Thurrs . .. . . � .. - I � . Over Kes,tingtis Dirug Store. * ch'a'n' k, But He made arrangements fbr " the rolooked the door and joined Pauline. . cle thalt it ��Rl worki.1 -thin Pauline went to her room and 11ung anihial into ' life. . - .11. I . I . I , � t -about yaur sleeping ar- night In his ­iisaai careful way. It The face of the girl. was very white herself ,on the bed. After a time her The plonly, struck its-wt-ridle immedi- .. � � , . .� I � 1 857IX52 tell me 11PS . . father cAnve in. -and sit down ba,slide ately. Lb tolok thet rising ground, at a I .. �. '­ � % . I rangements. - Does'Jaek or the other was not pleasant to,, have lbo watch in threl mrooirdigft Her big eyes flash- , . . ­ . I I � - I 1". .. .. .. .. " , ,,,!��A 1. .1 I I . .. ,gas,rd ,slit up and wtatch yoU all the. *the ilyriscyneT as a ea,� doles a' mo�isle, led at him d quesidlon. , ,Had 'he dis- the '&I. He put a gentle hand, on gallop, ltorp I ,san . .. ­... ". ;, . k � . ped. the ,big,, and disap- . ­... .. 11 � .­,", W11 . I . � I ", I ' , I , ., ­ her shoulder. ­ , I I peared over the brow. The rider i,' buit Goodheart was ,thorough in, what- covered that his.-prisloner was frige? il A " I I ­ �1� 1, . 4 �� l . VETERINARY ' t'me?" �' PI know what you think, dad," she ,plunged into. the thick m1esquite. He - I . . 'Nio. Th chanVlon riDperlof New ever he undertolok, ,Skillfully he tied 'They walked slowly toward, the said'wilthout turning her -head. "But knew that GobdiheaTt �roi�lld pursue , 5 W1, .. I I Me�xica, -Arizona, an' Texas .throws Clanton in such a Way '85 Ito, aillaW cotlrxal. From. ft Goolfteart could see I .. .1 .­ ,1-11 - 'bu I , , ,", �40 .., -., I . I eoullpqt help it. I had to do 1tLl1 i t -he knew,,too, that the Odds -were de -7,- -.1: �'..",� 11 ., OPI I JOHN ORIEVE, V.S. the diatmond hitch lou yours .,trully.'He -him enough freedom a mot -ion to the XOnt b1f the house, Iyurt not 'the 111. V I .. ,".1, ., " I., , an' change .position without giving him cellar entrance at the side. Neither 'lit. May' imakle Wou "oubile, ma A hundred to lone against capture if � ... �', .. -1 ­ , 'g , petite .At " '.4" I H�hot gradi��ate -of Ontario Veterin- says golod-night. lie kno,we 11m. 1per- enough to make it possible.for him lof them spoke untill they reached -the ; . he could put &.rmile or. fbwqD between . "". .1, 'I' , ... !, �,­- I I "I canct help that. Jim didn't kill him, and, the Rodbidearuranch. A man .. 1'... , ..' . =W College. 'All diseastes of domestic fectly safe Itill miornW, esvedk0ly ,tlo untie. bimselif. fence. He turned, and leaned hi$t el. I �'�,� - , Mr. Wcbb., I know it.', ­ * could vanish iiii-anly one of fillby draws. - 11 1� . .. I z�� ;c "" arnibials treated. Calls. promptly at- Once both he ant Arad sleep in the "Back ,after a whille," he told J.iftn. bro-S agallinst, it, facing - 111- ­.-. . "After a fair triad a jufry i6aid he He coulcl find aj ibeniporary biding . :, .-, , I" I - Theyounig man inf-the bed grunted IftulinO was Unkler gTearb nervous , �1; . tended',to and charges moderate. Vet- reline room With me!' . . t didi, Proldy. , We have t1l) take their placle up any guilah undter cover of . "! � . I I I . �� -?..., - ,�� evinary Dentistry a specialty. Office "'Well, 11m going to give you dad's sleepilsy and the deputy returned o tension.' Her'Ups, were'dry and her .. 4.1. I . 7- . - m." -She leaned 'forward and the parlor. . -ched. word for it." the iniattedbuish. Therefore heturn- P ,. I I : ", I and residience onGoderich Street, one rdol throat pai If the guard at the I .- - j, , I . , �1. I , . . "Ybul'think� I didt*ro-nig then." ed; toward the mounbadrii� . . � , , t, "r east of Dr. Jarrott's office, Sea- whimpered to iihiml steadily for five Pauline still i her laitchen grpmrn. rear caught Gight7 -of the poisioner ,, I � ,,,�.�, �� ! I �, , ?.'. , . , , n Oth k s- i�, :Forth. .. minutes. I . ' door upon him and whil4he waisfescaping, Clanton would, Y did what ,you thin was Since he was unarmled, it was e .... � ?.,- . . � �, ,,;,�.`% I smiled, in at the . -, . I � right. In -my heart is irio, blainie for sential, that ClIanitlon should get into I . .. . ,;- I I . The sardonic nvolckerr-.-ihad, vanlish- her father. - . ciertainly be shot down. �She knew . . .. � ­­. I . P) - . I . 1, �,�,�.',, L. ­ I . . � you touch with his, aseociateigof the chapt- . . �.: ,il­��, -- . 'I ,.�� �'ed from the face of the ,prisoner. He " You two go but an -the pro . and� Jim ,better then to 'hope t�at.. he - . I 1. " � t-�� I . .. .... . ., I .... A. R., CAMPBELL, V -S. ' e your pipes�," she said. I I woqild 16 lhimself ,he taken, agadri a- He comforted her as belst hie could arrad at once. Until hie ha<f a. -six: -'­ i . I., ­.., ,;%.1 . V listened, every ner�re anA, fibre of him smok e 1 , I - .If . . I . . andlefither to alle-ap, Bu� she, did not gun strapped to. his, gide and a car- A lill WELL COMMU.41TED, . ., .1 r9 , . . ntion. zgil d en, 11' . , , . '. I.A.".. " at allert atte sionally , ,he to firlls�h my -work in the ka 'Tre. q slleep.' Ala through the night -she lay loine under his.1eig he would nrot feel CONVENIENT, MODERN, 1.00,�*.� � .." 1% : Graduixte of �Ontaxib Vet ­ ellar T-he'conscionce of the girl- troubled , . ermaTy asked'a queStibn. Carefully she ex- then I have- to -go down -to the I . ' "' �' ­ , ", . . . and listened. -She -was wnliserably un- cohrlfortable­ All night he travelled, . ROOM OOTEL-85 WITH ISATif � 1­�,� -1 Cloliggid, University of Toronto ­7 All o, � , ..."..," ", -plained theplan, going v4� each de- and trike care of the milk. 11111 nat her t0l . She wa:&,�dcdng this, too save - . . . . . . �-,"­' � ;11 . I , '� 1�ii .. ... diseaiei of dohnesbic anim I it ated . ba�lpy., Her head andher heart ach- winding -in and out lof canorns� cross- . WRITE FOR FOLOCIt . I �,,i. � I 11 11, � .i , tal-I of it ,again and egain. - be long", I - the life of a frielid butt it was ilm- .. I I . "'...,�,,,, i I . ­ . I . by the most modern . a�'snejie,�, T,Bmi Clianton : &.9 efficidn.t. In those Plelrre, -an [obedient parent, rose i;bs1s111-.b)lei not to feel � sense cvf treach- ed. Jack ha(A" promisiod' that she ing d0WIdles-, and dipping down infb TAKE A DE LUXE TAXI I :: �11.1 3� , 14' 1 - � -�ftould be the' -judge iof what' was little mountain parks. Hie knew ex- i4ARF' Me I � . .:: .. . I Charges reasonable. Da� or night ,days it wa, , wneeess,ary qu,saity for and moved, toward- the plorch. 'Before erY tlomi�ard this 'loither .friend ,whose I � . - - .�, ��!!' - I I 1, � I ;� I � 1 . cas promptly attended to. Olfice on a bad rngffi if he Wished to continue ,be left the room GuQd)heaxt took the approval was so �mruah -more vital to T,loht far her, to dD, and at the first actly wher# be wanted, to go, and he . , I I , 1-11 I . Mad Street, Hensill, ,opposite Town to functioni, He ,offered'a suggestion ,precaution to lock the. bedrolom- ,door,. her happiness. Would' jack think test he bad flailedher. She made ex- moved toward( biL9 drestinatilan in the - - L I . . . .1 '..!, � I . � I I . Hall. Phone 116: Breeder of Scot- � cuses for himi, but the ,hurt of beT� -.11ine of greates1t) ereanial1mly. I 1. - . "', I or trwo which'Paullne incorporated in and pocket the key. He was a little-" that she had conspired against his ki . . . . !,�, tish Terriers. Inverness Kenn&,; J&b � ded. ' 9: .... IT.- 4d&.WPP*iTLthleUt-'CGAA,d--no-t--b"suo . :,- . + I ... - � � � .--:.-- --W.W. .gj---Uorqiing­foundhi-m, descending1rom. q Proposed ­CaiMpRl,g`n­­rG­f -siCE15n. ­k�lhaindd-bf--th%, %dt he *khe�w thaiit ,ho-T--in-am--underham ples ed, I . ,a inbuntw1n, pass to the. Ruldom LONDON-,. -Altd I . . I I 1.� I . � I � , . HensalL I I I best.hgT scheme was hazardous. It Go-:Get�lMn Jim was:.a very crol"e. was a man * -91f stmiet princl] . In the early nilornling she heard 11,13tealk-fast soon, you wAll-faeed old I sodth , .* . - . . ;, -, 11 _ - I .., . . . depended upon al, things dovetailing tent and, energetic person. 0onvicied Wourld, the east" her off and haime no the clatter of horses' hootfs in. the P�fill Jiim told, his, mount. "You're . . . P.M. ""' ­. � I properly. But he Was in,no,place to and sentenced bh,ou he' -was, Qla.n. M'Drd to do ,9�i th- her? . 1 �41,56 - , I . , ,K=K.. . � . gh , , 11 IT" � 11. I ". . I .- . 'She woke froan ,her worries to dis- "Yard. - )During ,the -night -she had not ,sure a weary caballb, but we got to Wingliam ................... . . . . . ­.. . , : -pick and choose. All he asked was ton still boasted with clolDl aplomb ,that undressed. Now she. rose and went keep .hitting the trall till we cross Belgrave .................. '2:11L �. �** , . MEDICAL . , o", ­ " , . � . . . � a chance and an even -break of luck. theme would be no hanging ,,on the clolver .that an, emloticinal climax was �A t to . . . Blyth ................. 11 : - k.�, 4 . a meet her lover. He was -at that hog-b-ack.t' .� ..... .2.28 7 ­ , . . "You ,dandly .girl!" he cried, softly, sixth. -The deputy sitrolled round to imilminent. ,.Jack was tellinig her, all . ZN . ....':�'11 . I - - �the stable, a gaunt figure, hollow- A thrin film of smo,be rose from, a Londesboro ................. � . 0,� g . I DR. D. E.STURGIS and trolok her 'two, hands, between the !the back of the ,house . make sure awkward broken phrrasies, ldf his drove ­' �,�I'ij I .. ...to .0 . . . . . . . . t ... � ' I � he; job for - her. 'Polly had, waited. a ' lono, ' qed, dusty,,arid, stern. He had failed 1-tltle- Tvialley to the left. Clanton dre,w CliAton .................... . 3 09' ,�, ��� I ' ' ` ' 't' ' palims of -hit fett&-red ones). "I'm a hrisl asslistailt was still Ion 6 . : ... .� Medi- ,cel '. - tD recapture ,,his prisoner. abruptly. 'He bad no desire to Brucefield ....... S.i7 . . v Graduate of the Faculty of . After a'Tew words with the; man be 11me for his conTeastlon. but caming UP , I 11 . " �..; . I awag, -Polly. � But if you pull this . "Jack," s1ne. -pleaded, reaelling, out -meet now an7 strangers whoste in- Kippen .......... :"..­.­­* , . �, We$terh Ontario, 'off for me, I'll rigilit-about-face. That returned'to the porch, He wasi rat- at, this h3u.r it filled her with sham' ,... 3.35 I �,,;, , ,, cine, University of I . - ... lid disitre,sts. What an evill h e . I . . , �",..'. , , . I and t St. Josierphl§ Hospital � -London. ,is a pilomise.' Somehow 1tw never isfied there was- no possible chance a' c ance a -hand trimidily towaird him.. tentioins, lhaidl not been announced. , HensaIl ................... . 3.41 , $` I . eians and . . Aligain 'he� rejected her advinrie, in i8wittly, ,vK�,P4, 4 pantheTish stmooth- Exeter ..... * .............. : $*W . .1 , it, .11 "I . I I � � Member of 661lege of Ry -;i acted like I waln,ted to, I've'done a of an: escape. The privonerlay hand- that he should be blurting out the � - .. � !, . .. , 41 " ,:, blurg - Phone 67. Of- [heap of wild -an' foolish tli S, all, cuffed and tied tol a bed bythe chain- stiorry of his faith and her g7rlm .. . North F �, I ,,, weanis of OMario. I trust in silence. 9win-ging to the sad- r.lvsrs of motion, he slid from 0e co,w- . A...N.-... , . � I fte at Dublin, Ont. . 3493 P� dk'* ,he rode out .of? .the gafets-, and, rifliv "and moved -to the edge of a I . . .. 1 .. . I ]Uv,e lkilIled wh�neveir it was. put up to ,pion xidpier of the !Siouth�-west. The while she was, in the act -of -betray- , I , .�, , � - � 0 , 1 . -1. line. I don't reckon anry woman.,that door 'of the roam, wa% . , loielvdtd. Both ling - Mini 1. 1. . . down the road toward .Live -Oaks. blillff that looked down -into the ar.- Exeter ..................... 16.42 , .. -. "! 11 ­­ . ' . , , With a littl� whiftiper P,odly mctypd jilo�W below. He, cr@pIt fbrwaTd,, and He,nsall ...................... .10.65 , - ,: �' . � . I 1. elvier married. 7hie, would be real hap- emkii from the house werie. gua�ded. "DQrIft, Ja:Ck, don't!" she ,begged. , - ­ . .. 11, . I I DR. q1LBERT C. JAjRROTT - ic'Tt's all, -ntly. III blindly to the house thilo-iigh her. ,peered .through a clump 'of daictus Kippen ........................., 11.01.., - .� �, , ­ . . , py. But if youll take a chance I'll- Jack.16111t; ,that ,be could ,Safely enjoy right " he said, ge . . growing at thi� edge of the escar . p-, Brucefield .................. 11.091- V, I ,, � know you -don't"care for me, But4 'tee`r�. . I . .� � �, r - � .'.,­�,' . . �� iof Medicine, ,go away from here an' we'll make A. a smoke. - ,� . ,".. Graduate,, of Faculty . . . I . -had Wo belll,you. Just had to do it. . - ..- mrient. , . Clinton ....................... 11.A4"-.. uni, ,'of.Western 0 o. Mem- fresh s1baxti. YbuPre the Only girl I . . . 1. -, . Chapter XXXII . I I and there is., flor ime." .. .. 1� -'Chapter XXXI � Co,414ntt keep still any longer. TVs I . . I Thee,camp-fite was at the very foot Londesboro ........... �. 1. � 1240 1 ,"�"�, of ' lliege of Physicians, . JIM TAKES A PRISONER of -the bluff. A man was. stol . ­.­.. . . I .eill, r10 :::: 12*19,' ' ' .. I . j.-:--Poally. I can. stand, ft. I 0P&d ov- Blyth ................ �. I, - . , � - of Ontario Office '43 Gol IA lfsli:4 smke lay in hereyes. "You GOODMEART MAKE A PROMISE ; -'I - After Goodheart left -the 'room, ier it cooking' breakfasit. " ' - I . � . . t . " �;�­ . I . 12- .90 1. ­ ­ . Tidill t -ga,f4r,to worry you." . Belgta,0 ` . .'. . . "::: F I I . wwh. S , Wiest. Phone 37. . used to -think Lee was the..only girl, �,% - , AND 9REAKSIT e wept. whem hirs prisoner was confined, The heart of the fugitive lbls't ; a .Winigham .... *.'.... - - .. .. - - .. .. -�'-- =60. . ,� I . Sh. ­ . eszor to,Dr. Chirles Mackay. d1dr2t you?" ' . � . i . � Clantion waited a few moment-& till be -at., then raiced widdly. The camip- - . . ...., � I Pauline was a sinigulaA7. 'honest Her tears distressed him. H - . � �. "I", � , "'Well, I diaritt now., I like Polly �e ,13M the sound of 'his folotsteps had died eT Was Devill Dave Roush. A rifle �,,Ii . . , ' ' "' .. I : . . " It f . . 1�i . I Roubideau better." b tle soul, but she now di�scovered.in ed ,her' to f presumP14"Ibirl. C.N.R. TIME TABLE'. - � .."' ' aw:,�y. -He rose, moved noiselessly Pay besidi.-hilm. His reviohier was rn . tt... !. . DR. W. C. SPROAT . , Ailoraptly she flung at -him a state- self unsuspected ,*capacity for She'llied belen �so goll to him. that he across the ffobr, and ralsed the trAp- a.-cartridige- belit that had been tossed- ' ' Fast - . .1 � , '-t I . . I I hAd , sp�aken, in, spite of himself . I ,., !-,�11 ., es' I'= � '. U.)�, Icilf.y. ,She went singing about * let - dvar sdowly� The creaking of the 'on a boulder wit'hin reach, of his . PA. . I ,� I �:, I . Graduate of Faculty- 'of Medicine,, ment that was a ,qu ti Icy .- ftips"111, Pauline found is -he 'could not . , A.M , . e0dinit- 1�jll Mr. Welbb." ,her work. appar,entily-care-free as a ........ 6.45 2.80 1 .. . ern .0n,ewrio, Lon- � rusty h1inges seelmed to Jim .to be ,hand. . . Goderich ,... ; ;; ; ; . . . .1 luniversity of West "No. t �, ' - Intl Min deceive himself., If she let hbn 'S.00 ��:: .. . I I never killed bur 0 man ,aik. Prese y, still ,humming a I . ' i don. -Member of College Of , P.h7sli- vilt ' hout giviln' . enich ellianslon, she. appeared on, the '90 now, -perhaps he might never come K-uting aido,url the news of his es- . 101aniton wri-ggl,ed back without a Clinton .., ........... 7408 - " . . him an even' brea,k. Fir I ca�e. The young fellow descended ,zolu-nid from the edij�e ofdhe: tliffs and, Se-afOTth ............ 7.22� 3.18 ... . . .�. . 4:ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office . the two back. . . .1 That wag Pe -g -Leg Wairrefi, av, he porch swinging a key, passed, icy, . ftlita th� ceflar and F)tood, theme with- ,roce tio, br!.s feet. 'A savage light of Dublin ..... I ....... 7.83 3 -Al .. �'. - I . . . I � in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., was a cold­hlooderi'murderer." . mEn with a gay little nod,.and, dis- ou goose!" : -out moving till hills eyes became ac�- triumph blazed in his ieyes�. The'lem- Mitchell ........... � ,.7.42 SA3 . I , . S�aforft P�one 90. , . . A. troubled,- little fTlown crossed her appeared &round thiri clorner of the Though -the words e'ame'sinioliInved -the d"kness. He grop-, emy for whiam ,he had long sought . . West . , ", .. I . � I thTlough Pher handk,erchief, he gained, eu-stomed to . , " , - t . fl,irehead, 1,11,;;,e thought f6r--mlDre �house to the cellar. . ed his Way ,to- the door; which Paul- was delivered into, this hands. He DuNin .... "......... 11.19 O." -, I,!, th now� that ydb�-liked me ,The xancher apologized for the key. incredible condiort,from -theiff. . I :, .� , -an a year I Ine -had left,. opern an inch -or two. ran, ',back to, the ,bronco and unibied Seaforth ........... 11.34 9,67 "I'll *� I .., I . DR. F..�, BURROWS ay. And I've -had it 'in m "We've bad to lodk the cellar"latelly "'Polly!" he cried. :10 t �','. 1 . . ts�,i W y 12 she 'CaTefully ,,he ediged thwulgh and the rests, from the itiehlbosi. Deftly Clinton ......': ......... 11-50 .1', ' Office and resiaence, Golderich St., mind a great deal, as to -what I ought slinve , so, many invovers have been go- "Don't you say a ,word, Jack. ", , I . dered, "Let ,me do the'talking. 12 crouchedr in 'the ,gloom at ,the foot of. he eofledl the rope and adjusted,�he Goderich I ............ 12.10 10= I �-'�' , . � . .1 �,, I ­-, ellat �Of the United Church, Sealflorth. to-do ,if you jFpolke to me about it. � I ing thrrough on this road. Fill. blen! 'Or the srtep�. I llo'Dp to suit him. Again 'he stole to . � I . ., .� . "If you'll tell me that�-­lthat- I " 's �! Our harm%��they took vf . you I PTione A& Clowner for ithe Counnty wish you had a good wife, Jim. May- ings and flew. eotTe was wfiist,�' the rihn rock and waited, with- the C.P.R. , . I � � I - ly rattled the milk pans- far a 'care avy-thing for-4or-"' Not far away slobil TIME TABLE Hwon. . . be she could save you from youtself.11 Poll. I It . , . - d ted . y te. i nce f th .. ... I. . 11, �. . . For a 'big stupid who is tio;o ling cheerfully. Clanton recognize R th, -d adly patze to e I ..: East . "I I'll , - . ---- I "Mebbe. she ciould, Polly." . miomrarit 'or twcy. -and then, listened. eat ever Itio, �hink e"i ugh of him -1 .the tune as the usual, musical offer- troudlied cougar. - . . . , , , . ­.- -The b-ohles of her.eyelids fell. She From.above-ithere came to her the anod, no I ' ' . P.M. ".."', . I tiory ofBrad. He was giving 14Uncle !Roush rose. His arms fell to his � .... . 4.20 . . ..... DIL'HUGH H. ROSS "three faint ra-ps on, the self,".sihe completed. "Well, I do. . Gal ........... : . � .1 Mookei'd down, at the bands of lrolh a� sound Of Ned" t6 aw unapprebiative world,. :sides. Instantly the rope dropped, lgenset ...... :":::' 4.24 ,� . . he bed. She crept up care IL -grest deal for'him." 'XIT - I ......... . . . 1. . I . -rou,ii,d- ,his .emall wriets.. 01�­J.'VL. woodwork *9 t� . . ­­...... :­.: - . . . . 7 Grgid e­o,fTJ"@v`er`s'fty' 'a- 'Toronto . "You diontt mean1-" The fugi-tivei crept up the zteps- and uncoiling as it flew. With. perfect , .... -, ­ . 4.33, �, ..� prayed ,over it, Jim. But 19m not the stairs that ,led, frorm the-ceillar e loop desicended upon its- - 1-1 � Pkiridity. of Medicihe, memilber of Col- _ I em 01 do, too. ,That P. s just what I peered over tlh�, top.. Braid, was sit- accuracy th Amburn ....... � .............. 4-42 - :�' . of clear that I've found an an"Isrwer." Her into, the house. 'At the top of, th ' , ened about his welist, B, th ....... . . ��. lisle of Physicians and Surgeons . I...... ,d mean. NID,, you keep back them tar ting 'on a bewh against the wall. victim and tighte - . 4.52 � ? .............. , 11�. � i -I dqn't was a �trap dolor. ' Very Alowly a . , , . low iroice broke a rit,,tle.. . ENidlently he was quite eantfortable plinning the arms doze to the -body. _W I , 1 -k radVg course in ' 11"he Mgsbed this y . Through I'm through,, Jack. I want to find . ­­ iio�w . � 4 . .a bm, . . .... . .. .�­ ­­­ ­­..� . ..... --A-05 ..�� . ...Dntado;-pn­-g- .It- � - -,* I -- know what,4o-s&yV!----:.. -­­...­.. ­., ,­­ -c-0,izefur -_ ,.�_ - -- ­ ­ - -and had"filb -fhU!i1t16iFbf',nWvdnt." ­ne' �amitibn -witiriia--in- ­ TH4. ae -, I—, I 0. &C . . - .---.- - .. ­.. ­­ ­ ­ ----- -if-y,to-u love1l line. a-4 Tra, ii 1 &� ...... 5.15 .. , W,��' 1. I Micag Clinical School �f CWi go'; , t"Id ilt that ,the ogienrinig she ,passed in -to a -bed- Out I I ... Meliaught ............ � '':. . itil, London, ,, . you .are afraid of whait . . ,it ,would iotillswiftlY. Dragged from ,his 'fiet, Tocrionth ..................... � ' .6-00 ' ., - Royal ,OpthaWrle Hospi . you2p '.. -guard was so- near that , , in goin, to be. Canit. you trust'yore 1`001m, ' to mak6 a dash Roush 6ulld make no resisfancie. Ble- . .1 t "' England; Univ,,elrsity' Rospital, Don- . Softly the girl s-tiole to the bed'. "Polly!" he cried a second time. ' be a fair Tlisk to try fare he could gather his star'bled wits - . . West . .. , I., _ ilon�' Enrigland., Office-4BaOk of I D 'life with mie? I shouldn't think you across the moonlit open foT the aspen , . . AJM. .� 0- could.11 .­ I Frorm the cellar she had, brictught a Her small face was very serious ,thart before -he founirilli-imself dangling in mdd,-air . . ' � ' � � , iminibn Bank,-Seaforth.. Phlone'No. 5. . andl wh!ite in the mloonshline. grove.. He; was 'so far - . . 8.80." . , :i . Night calls, answered from residence, , Her eyes lifted and meb his brave, butcher knife, and, with this ,he 4 about the p . risoner could reach -him -his, gun agaimt the face of the, rock wwll: Toronto .... . � ..:.: , �' � . I iSuppose we doh% -agree ­*­:* - 12-03 0 ; ­.: 1�1 , : , . z''. �1. � .1 it �., !. �." r I. . im, ., - ,- � �­ If ��, I ­ �� � - "No W., F, I IMMI, �V�W,in . I "" ii�� " , ,!;, :,f I -12.u, � � � , ;; 2A�l � , , ­ , "" �11K . W! .� , [--�; �.. .�i. -- i . . I 1 :�,. 5 1, ;� . .� 4.1 ; , . ­i��­ ., I . I I I I � j 9 " lv��, I..". : will �, " " .­.. � g � ,� � 1, ': , I 1, �t �� ., I � , : I I ­ 7 .1 IN Ill.. � 4'1� . . I I � � � -, I , I . I i . . v, 11 . I . I Nk I 0 - 1,-,I-, I .. . ly. III think -that wouldn't stop me ga,�,ed. at the rope which'bound, the ,would be in action. There was noth- The inan a:bo.ve fastened the end of MeNaught, ......... ... . . . :" V I I � something. Say., I & a thing ,that " � . , ictoria Sfteet, Seafarth. . if�-41f I cared, Tor you that way." prisoner. � . I . 9 -right -to -me, but it doein't seierl� ing rbo do but wadt. J-im huddled a- the, rope to the roloits of a scrub oak Walton ............... ­ " 12.18 , ; : 't. . . I auffs. What can, we s`E I PJ m � Blyth ­**­*­* ..... **, 12," � . . � ,. "�tls Billie Prince, then, ,it �E69 " ."But your hande gaiwit,the sustaining wall while with arld (ran down. the slope at"full speed. - -i:. . '"No, it isn't Billie -Prince.* Nelver dro wbout them?"she w1hispereid. righ t to you. IMat then 9 It I ,I . 1. .......... 12;83 , ­ ". 1. DR. R A. McMASTBR gilt'll see'm right to me if you do the passring minutes his chance ,of In l,e,.,;s tiha* half a minute he was Auburn ... b ...... 12.40 , I . Oradu�tii- of I . the University of To- mind w1ho. it is. What I must decide . Canton stretched his i4iff musicleg. 4t,` he answered-. I escape silipped- away. I standing bre,A-thless, in :1 front of his MeGaw .................... 12AS 1�!�, �1 . ... " i- wheth&',I can mlake you the Idnd Hie Iniade no answer Rn words. For Menset ............. !.. - . ", , , � "", , ,, . ty of Medicine* . "That's just a ednipliment." Pierre Rouibideau camie'round the prisoner. . 11 :.... ' 1.2.56 Z � � � . ronto, Facul ormren,� wrrithpd. ce - trA .............. � � ,� , -of wrtfe you, neted without being ex- -a in 10T two ,his allrus , -d Brad, -ready shak R,oush Godi ��� , . tilly�pf INio; it's thie ;truth. Whatelvier you corner of 'the house and joine Al n with dread, . . � 3fimiber of College -of Physicians �c then from', out of the iron I bracelet o -seems, ri,kht tb me." . U . :�. -6-A Avra,sorms Ontario! mradua-be of ' ,4 It I,.;- I- 61-Aer hand silowl twisted d . In wavle with. me, he rinished, for, . r. J I . New Ylork Part Graduate School and �,r. . Soon the second, wrist *ks also'free. "But suppose I do sloorliething that . Lying-in..Hospital, New York, Of- 94Yes. I've *always liked you veiry ' VI've had a lot of. fun poked at You think is wrtbrlig. PeThaps it may flee On High Street, Se0orth. Phone miuch. Youirvie ,been ,glood-to, me. I my girl hands, but they come in use- �eenl to you disloyal.", - ­ . 27. Office fully equipped for X,tray love youldIke, a brother, I think. Oh, fud: soniq'imesi,", he mullnu-�ed. "If you do it because you think you . I 16'i,. 4 TM I. A .41", 1.41-31 77 ... I . . 11 - � I I:, I'll, Ill . I , .i;1 .1 , .4 . !1. . . �, . , db.gnosis and ultra short wavie ellec- - I'll be Ou,'g 0, O.VM, � I idon't knb* how.to say it.11 . i"I'll ,have -to -huxry back tor . I- I 1..� P � '', ..... �, ftie tresifte*, Ultra VioletSun LaMp . ' "Sure, Jack?" . , . . t I , ­ . . . : .1 � . I ­ I F"": -,-,:i.-:�:.,,,.: ,,.�:,:­', ��::.!. ��.'�� . IT . . "Let's go, sibraiight,, Polly. Is there :m&i9eirl." she told him.. 'Wou'lll find, ', ­­ , - :..:;-�-.:-::,,:,;� 1:f", ,, �� I �]:�:� ,i ., � . I � ,... .. , I :� �� � . � :: 1� .­: I . I � . I �4 ., :� 11 . . 11 treatmidiltz, and Infra, Red electric Certain sure," he answered, li��­,� �:i!::::!:::...�;;;�f.:"",:;i,�;, �::��i .Ij:�'��il: 1: 11 - 11 - , , �. r I I 1, ­ .." !��::��,:��::��,,�����::i����;�z . . ... :,., . :�.!�:� , . ! :: . I. .... I.:, .11­:� � ­.,� , :�.: I , I " , . I !4; ; I ", , � w .: �.�, !­ , ,, . , .. someone else you love?" a saddled horsedn the aspens,." . ���: �::I:��:i! ;�i�'� �: ,�.,],�,�,, , , ... � I : .:,� 's. �, .:: , � . . :. . . , . I . i , ,!: ­ . ,::!:: ,.,�. ­,, � ,,, , �1: ;�!��:j!��:i i���::;�i , I ..:� .... I , . .� �. . :",:� :, I : ', �. . . . �:� ,. .. ., . �­:i . .� ��,��:��i:! I . �; I I ... , 1, ..i le , .,::.:. � � .:1 � � . `i.:� ''. ::� � ", . ­:::.;�;�: ., , �� ��'- i��' � i� � . , :. � �,� :: 1, �: ..:: : I , ­.. . . . i . , . .. .:I- likiewt1ments'. Nurse in attendanelft "It's a -proirdise?" - i, � '. : " He caught her by the shoulders �­ �­, .: ;:�. , .., � " �ii�,i��:����i��:�:���:!ii�I�!i� . "I 11 , . � i . . : � , 111. �:�. :�:�� . I � . :��: 11 l� � ,. . Ij ... A tide of clo,liar floloded her face to "It's a pl-omise.1, �.,i.:: ,' � - - - s I ; . . 1:1:���..i,:�.:,� �.�: I ­� � . ,� .� :. . . I . . 'her fasit. "You�ve been the, ,�.: :�:;�l �, �:�: �.::.;�, 1 x. '"' I : I . , . : . 1, I . � �� I the irloots ixf bhe hair. -She met his and held . .. ,. , , I I : . � : : . I 11 - I �F. � �. I I I I . � , . �.. .. "I ... �11 stleady ,look reldclantl, -truest- dittle friend ever a man, had. Little imps of .mischief bublyl-ed in- :: �: , 1, I . I .. ­ . � 11 � . Y. .; . : :;:,�. � ; : :": �, , . ',::­ ,� ; .. .I.I... . �:: 1 - I � I . I— I 1, 1-1 :, DR. iG. R. COLLYER . I to the ,brown eyes "'Then why don't . . . I .. ... : . �:.,.:,.:"�.:,!,.,�;:;����,i��,�:��::.;,� ,.. � "..'.....'' �. I i � � 1� �� .. I., � . "l nleedn't diiscuss that O' Jilin, , You've stuck by mie and believed in ' I : .....!­ 1. I 1,11-1 . ­� �: , � 1� ,'� r, ­­ I , 1. �� � � I i I , I P ...- . y1ou Miss me, goloseVy. . ,�,:, .. ­'. -1 ­..�.....�. ; , - ­ I I ... 1: � : � ::.: 1A . ...", "..'. :� . Graduate Faculty of Medi;Dine, Uni- "Needn't w -e? 11 ' He, laugflied -a lititle me even- when I didn't believe in my- He caught her to him,with a fierce. :jili�*�,;��.I�.�:� ,,�: ­ � ­­'�.:,,!:� � � .i � ,.", i A .". , . , I.. I, I,: �. 1; �:�. . wersity of Western Orlitarlilo. Member 1but his -voice was rough with. feeging. gielif any longer. No matter what .:� I ,11W � N, . I � : 1, I . ., "You're the blamedesit, little pilgrim folks said about imeor about yoi for r`aPture,- . "', ".�:11 . , - - . . Therq came tor them tine sudden *,.­ . I I ...... .. Coftge of Physicians. and Surgeons ' - ,:: : �, .. rk at ,ever I drid. see. -What kind, of -ai fed- teklin? -an interest in such 4 scamv, '..'.1i : ­.. of ftda)riio. .Posit graduate wo -ound of dqtuhimirlF ho,ofsl� A shot `,�i��!:n q�: I - :, � .. ;!: .1, *Victoria low Idol you think I alml?' I aint t good you nelver quit fightin' to Keep ina ­ ,.", ., . . .., , New Yo'rk City Hospital and ' Goodlie�rt, :::.� .ii ­ Mospital, London. Phone- Hensall'56. eniough for ym--not by a thousand .decent, I've heard ,tell of ivard-lan rang ,out in -the. mifght. "....... ".. -��-,,�� - ­ , -", . ,:,%.:�. .� .. ..,:.. ''.. , I." ' .::� t::,...,� iiii:ii I .. ... . ,ng ,Streelt, Hensd1l , ,radleor. Erven if angelsl�--wedl, that's what yrou've-,been ;ith .the first kisr­6? hi�s sweetheart , . 1: .., : * " k . . ...;11�1 - .... . 4M,ce: Ki . you felt about, me "'.;.:;:�Ii: 1; : . you, -it would he to me, little pil-griln.11 Wnt --UT his lips, flung Pauline a- '0�1 5..'.."'...": 1-... " ... , iiiik'0�1% . I Tlide Abid rarl'to thq house. . 0!iii`�--N' '��i I �11 ,. , ..".". , ".�.',; .. - ., - .. � " , .1 ��I�i , . . . a Isirisik fror you t6 marry inie. But "I havefitt; forgotten the -boy wb( 1. 111,:��. `i�',.:i� - . . . DR. . F.' J. R. FORSTER ribiwl-Sho, little utssionary, I adn't rode ,up Escondido Canorn to save me . The -other guard niet ,him at the .. .111: 11::�,:, I I .... ; I.. . .9 .:. - 11.1 . . I � so stelfi,�tfi`a§ to let'you sacriftc� yore frolirn, death and - diishio'norr," Pauline, front steps. "By ,,God, he's gone! 1! . , ,"., ..,.i7s,J;�i�.!:!" . 'g,r, *:'1x,: I , I . . - -1 . '�`, . ....".. . .,.:x1%:::: i. 11'1�Wi � I "" I oftly. . I :�:.., , :',, . � I cried is the man cried. ;�'.�,,�!� " I ., life �or me." ? Pt ',".iZ; .. I., ­ I 1. -�i�­. :- , . Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat It "Clantlon . '. ,..::, F.M... ff; am I'm Yorqlvie paid, that debt fifty 4mes. ii�,:: .. .. ;1,;,:.,�.;1 � W.;-; 14. ,.: - '...I...' .1 � a.' . ... t1.1;,d: il...."l-i5m . "If I marr1!Y you it will be becadse I "Y'e iliii� . . ....... I .......... 1. Graduate in Medicine, Urflversaty I .want 41,, Jim.t, owe spou more .than I can tell. I -P-" . I ..1.:j:�.;:i' ."... � :,,.:�:,:.W�,.,,'..."�.�.W-."�--- '�i.'�.,�"."�i��i��ii�'�',�ii,-'�,,;�i�..*�*',i'� ,. .'.0,; 44y,m)ll ::.. ... ....." 11 I of Toronto. . "Can't ibe. He was handcuffed, tied 11 ... .::: ", .­­" 11, want tobeftuisle youtre such wisht I 4mew a way to pay it" I W'..,=--- I" � . " ung -,b to ,the -bed, and locked in. Ilvb got ;� " ..... � . ,::::::; . . . . . . , �"'.4,.':'��;..��.�­.." .1 - I I ­Wpr .,­, , .........'......., . . . . . . . . . . . . %. I 1-11".i���iii.l.,�.ms,.:;..:..... , "',"." . 11, W',"',liv � ,., . ., ., ., . ., ". M��. ., 00, ., � . . ., a Her soft and dusky eyes cl � , .­: . . " � , t --�,.�.­ I—. ** `�i "-..'��ii���!��ii.,'.,�'�i,,.Iii� .ii�i�i� 1� 1. a -good little Christian, you think ivs . tihe kely in mW pockelt." *­�.�_ 00", rmi' A` 1�� ...*i�f.� .'i��jiiiii,. ,�!�:i:�!�!�i�!�: - ­ - ,mlll xi;%,-P.N­-1"­ . ..... . - R , ", ..'" , % .... .. 11 ­­ ... �. 11. -,. I": - Late izws# � 'Pleadingly. "If you get away, '.. �' , -:.:.,::;; �!!..".�iii�!."...,i!�!,���:�,,��!��I��i:!:;.,.:;:;:;:;:::�l,!:��,:::;;:::,:;,; ,istarnt New York Optilial I i. �r .�, - - - `�, up to You to, save a brand, from the "S I "�.N,%,-L"M -, 11. '..' �i W1.111 ����ii��i�i�.,,,--�i.,-��ii:;i���ii:ii""�'.'ji,�r�.'i�i���f!�!���f�,."i�,'�%'.'�� -: llq imei. and, Aural, Institurbeic Hoorefteld's Jim, you Will - I 9tp The deputy sheriff -took the steps " �`k�ll .... ` .. . :" '44", . �\.�: ,,­­�;,.,,%,-,.-.­- . burtang. ,. B,lut I iwOutt ,let you do any I be' good, ­­­­.-.- .,. ". ; :::i:::::i.!:�-�$.;;*",::.;.:.:":;:;:;:,.;,:;:;,:.:,:.,!.:�.�: -1 'i 0, Eye and, G�lden Square Throat Hos- ....�,. :: ..... ;.;X., . "11 al such foodisfiness. "I'll be as good as I wlvov? I t� o��* "it * i n at one bound, flung ,himself across ., . . . . . I ... I 1­:� . . . . . . `�' �!��.:i:::i:!,.�',�"l'i'�'..""I.i;.,�*..;..i�",.,,�...,..� ...... ,,�:R 'i lo * , §1 . ii:i:�.-,�,,,,*,;i�1!1.�,.,.",�.,,,,.., ,,�.*,,. :.­ ­­.. .."..;%', .1,`0 , ­,.":i,�.,..;:1;* ; ..... � I You go marrythat. ... . 11 :%':: ­. .i!�!!!"!!�o, . . 1:11.1. , :, ,:;:;:;.,:;:;��::;:- hie to be. " 'I don't know how goad the parlor and up -locked the door. ;:;i�i..,.,.��iii�iii��..'.���i:i��i..-',!��, .,1! piftlo, lJondont :Eng. At lCommere. r:��:."'�i:l�iiiii��.",'���i:i��i..',"!::��.�l'i��ll:;*f��*,.,.,', i . I , , Hotel, Seeforth, third Weduesiday in oitiber ,niAn. If liels, a good, square, I I . I f'.,.,'ii��'ii�ii'.,'iii�e��..�i?,i�����.,.,f�!��ii�i��.".,�ii��i � ) ,decent fe-11tow, youll be, that ils, Tbilly. But I,1,1. (10 my level ,0ne g1lance glro*ed him ,the em�yty '�*!�,'i!�.,'.-ijij�,,� each nionbli, from 1A0 a w1brode lot . VE' No. 6400 -of the front which extends to.just above the i�,�'�","];;;"Iiii�i'-,�i�"li,, ..j!,�. o 4Z ?I bed, the ditsplacedrug, and the tritp. OCOMOTI �..:!::::::;:�::i�::�l:::,::!,.:r,::�:.�,�:�:::: . I . 'bte�'tletr off bharb if you -tried up, with a blest. '.";.;.;':':�":.;.:,:,;,;...:i:;.;",;:;.. �!,., 5,8 WaUrb �:$treet, Vlini�t Stlrat� 4t, ..-.k";­'P . � 5101n. son , I rie"er-do-weld 41ke me.11 . 01h. I'm so rglad,11 she whispered. door. He stepped lbhward and pick- ECanadian National. Railways, rail; the smokestack and bell are ;!.,::�,!:�;�:r�"il:i�lil�l;:?�;::;::e,::: .. . �l.�?"":".�,:�'..i.i::iii..'�*",��.,��i����'.Ii!�;ii��i, ftrd. '- . and- the largest stream -lined steam 14oco- present but located within the stream, ..­..­.:,..'­.....-. . . ",Gtorod luck-4heaps -of it.", I ed up the bitis o,f rope agid the hl ..!�:�;�r�.,,,�v:;;;:;�::;,;:�::. �. . 11 I I They hermid a stop on the ,porch. ' ive in. the world- and Canada's lining which covers the array of ?!i�'," '11:114 ,� ..." , I I mot I. 11.111.�'!�111�ii� .." � , 11.;.�. -P,:,::�-: , ;M.:�$*. I '::1.1.:::-"::, ... "Don-tt forget.' Three taps, if you're He was not quilte .sure whether it cuff%- .11 .'� . . - I first stream -lined engine has been pipes. and domes found on the ""' - .11"N,::,* "I., . - �,"Z--'.*.--.,,,., . I . - . alone, in the room," she ,said in a -was ,his privilege to kiss, ithe partied 11 -Someone out the rop�e and freed . delivered to the National.System for .ordinary lo-c6r-notive. The automati.c. ��-."` .... 11 � I - I . r ... whisper. ' nied, to him, but fhe- took billin," .he said, comFlounded at lbhe im- , ar . � ­ 1.0 .: ., . DENTAL red,14ipe uptur test runs. No 6400 is the first of five coupler is - d til perform a I ,�, ... . . I . lGolodilleart came Into, ­6�6 parlour a chance and was not re�bukied. Possibility of itho thing that had oc- locomotives built to special stream- disappearing act, Lehind a steel door, . .. .� I k . - "LhApeot wie'di Pauline went volaselessly down, the Oil � . -1$ with Pileore Roubidetau Tried. . lined design evolved after exhaustive when not in use. , i ��-,, . , 1��., �� . Dr. J. A. McTAGGART "Must of slipped hisl ,hands out. of . -. 1 � bett4r turn in, 61;W-V�n. Weve got steps again into the cellar -lie Clan wind -tunnel and other tests by the -' The new locomotives also fimture . ,-�111 whi . i',� � I . the cuffs, loo,ke Ilike,"' the guard sug- National Research Council at Ottawa a new semi -disc type of *heel, . 11� i, Graduate Royal College of Dent�d to Jnlsk-0 an ew-11Y start, tio-mor"IDW.Po tonUeld the -trapdoor. Hie lowered it . I ..".. � " . gestleia. . and officers of the Motive Power stronger 'and more lasting than the � . .. 1�,, ?I 1, � . I . - The prirl6nier. was iii�T,Pfby inch so th-m. it would not I .. . Im I ii surigeons, Torowbo., Office at Hensalli, �g .p.,onge. Pauline � 3 I had drawn herr fM W`is'316 and was creak, them sipliend, over it the, Naiva]'O "He got me to give him�.a bigger Department of the Canadian National familiar sioke type ablong used by �. , . . I , � . " Ont. .Phonlel'1:06. -Ra 4111' enKinebut dOs. , . 1� .. '.. I 11 ." , . W9 blim some instruetions. The rug ;that "had been, there beford the size--coltniplained .they chafed his I ...�ys- - -'black, green �... ,�' I . ­ 1 .. I , * , . , More than 94 fkt I length, and A new col r design � � - . ,. � -� entrance iof the glirl. . 19 ', _ I ,�. I . �Jl . , �;d *­ V vMstwill ip � 1-1�� -L Nid capable of an estitfia bd speed bf and bluish-gr6y pla"ed steel,.'vn . Frenchmen 'nodded, sinifiling'." Hie a. be , I fth- I 1 .... I - understood ,her littU fevill4irfine, devices "Pler" Roubideau was still on, his "S'anler triCk-th it, if ' 'has 901t kid more than 1Q0, miles an hour the new bronze nqrrpbdr�oa t1fe1unhifitboard I I . 6 I AUCTIONEERS - firscipripe when Prolay came round the h1i'llidg." * ' . .. I ­. �­.p:��-- ., I - and was a oheerfull vi,Mn-L bf theyA. I . . locomotiVea, construct6d by Montfeal and the Canadian National crest in. ul 1, 1. .. ,'�. - �1'1. Z, : . .. ,�,� �-,, , ­ - . The y1lounig woman found a dhance corner tot ,bble house,and stopiped at The chii1eyes of illoodheart gilml-elt- Locomotive Works, present4ft&ny gold a red, ba'cklground'gWe the am ..� � . . . . . . ,�` '�! J, ,-,Z':'1, 1 . , I.. . "; �,,:'��, � � ';:' V1 , , , 11 . L ".. I the iVomh ,steps. . ed into those of Mis asisistant. "Did interesting features. Conspituoumb Locomotives a pleasing �i Wdl &a ". . �J .,� ".11, . HAROLD DALE - for *a) Word SAOnewilth the delpaty. I 1�,,,; A116 !.. ' "I want �b thow you our new eol,t., Witt d10 ,this, Brad ? God -help 7m if , - K striking -IL,t. I "I want to ,.see You their absence at first qlafice are suc � 11 ,,'.,�,,&'. " , I " �il.' I Licensed Auctioneer , , - to-ulgibt, Jack YOAU, did. PIP - . � I 1­1,4i�0 . ek," she mid to this deptft. "I'l9s, familiar locomotivia I gadgets" as a PhOtopu0ba show the first. bE ih�a . I Speciallilat ih farm and hidusthold 41out--oomething." ,Her eye; ;��; Ja� light atep, o6unded. ion the ithresh. , , very bilght and the ,color in the soft mattier-4f-Thct statement came a lit- cowcatcher, 'smokestack, bell and new efigmes dudirig her insoftuda bV. 11111616%. 1prkvg oebs,onsible. Ar dates hold. Patimine came tho Irloont. . automatic cdutler., The cowcatcher CAftikdRd National ptallUity, a"ailt I . - . - 11 chleeks',hikh. She isipale.6 a,lm,ost .in a tire A71 -Y Atd a litblrie tremlously . ion write) at phroore arr- . from ,her " "I did it, I W�13 I in replaced in t e s*e&lm4ift1ft9 of the Montreal tocouidtive.-Worim le(Aldo, - -7 - ,I 0 �� 1 ""', IIVI,11111111f*� - 2�d Inforlitimb Ellis. HerheatAt wills � . I .. .1.1 . ­ I . -..� , � Wl , , 44 ,�, ,�,,�,��.��%-�,4. 'A a I .6 "Youlto . .j .., � . - " I �. 111�� I 1-e 1,49, Serafbt.bh, Or "'"'sper - I �1' , .­ , , 1��! � �,, I' = Twei, Pho tw ()ffio� 1 The 61k y0uhr-shWiff had ft isoul tOrriOU817- � � :- - , : � , � ... I,, W011 -1 ­ . . . . � I . L, 'I.: M TW A . ­ . I � . . : '.., � v, . OWY 1. I . I � . I . I . I ... , ."" ", ," � i� . I L- I I I I I " , I I . I I . � . I I.... i.,�., . �. . 4'' .�. � ".. L I I � 1, . ) . . I , . . . � . ,�. I .11 .1 , I , ­ , "l, , � ,.. � ;�­ I � b . .1 . � I � I— � � I I— . 1� 11 , ., " �1­ ,,:, .� 11, .1;1. ­ ; �- � . . .1 I I., 1"' -,-L; ... .... '.' ­­-­ ­ - . . 1. 4 -11:- --J1.- ­ -. � ­ ' ' L �'j ,I" � ,.; .� , . 1 . ...... ..."I'l- I " - .11 i 1, .� . I . L ' . ;,, , � �,,% �e�li. I 1.1 . . I I .1 I , , ,. - .1 ­­ 1- -L. '�­� '� �. �,j.,4LK."j �fl�'.,�­­4!;,t , il �� � ,4, 1". � � W �;, I I I I " ('' , , � I , �-11 . ........ "I'll" I I . .. . , I 11 . � I I . !i.,4�i:,�;;,: "': - .:L- - ., M, �.. 1�1 I , ! I'll, �! 1, � �Aq ,,vi'Mis"i IR " "r 1', "I" , 1", 'I . , 1 I I . I,' I , ' ", '0 � , ­ ­­­ �� - I � .. ,10 " i 1, , - - .�� � .1 � 111� ��,;. ..4 r , I , , e,, '., *%,% �. ��h��'�-',�'i'�.�-."�,.,"!',N�*,'�, "�"Jvii,'19�0 �il ffil ­ , I i - , , r � �i �� I 'r. ". . , , , 1 4 1 "Ig-lim, .1, 11" � ! $ . i., � 111161" �' 11 . � ��i ;,; ., , �Mwl 44* " I ill