HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-19, Page 4-c••••0'
1.4.912.12.1:SYSAYASISVAS !ft.
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Sella ills eft',
c9A .1#.1i•CcAir
ti;11 a.;
Aft' 1;11 iit..111Ac
ft 14' •.
IaSsfied Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates:
E,8*, yr,ted. Lost and Found, Coming Events, Etc.—per word:
lst week t. 3. Cent
End week % _Cent
3rd week
Minimutn charge. first' insertion ' 3125 Canntet
Each figure. initand abbreviation counts as one word«
Ganda 0„711aanks, In Memoriam NoticeS-1 cent per word. Minimum. '50 cents per week.
Enquiries may be directed to a Box Number-, care of The Huron Expoaiter, for 10 cents
cents additi-mal per week will be charged if aids in above ,clase are not paid by the
Saturday night in the week in whfiih the ad was run.
Births. ItLarriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
Auetion Sebe, Notice tp Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application.
For Sale
purpose horse for sale, Apply to Box
., 78, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. , 3.573-tf
`Years old. Appt toi B. MeGILL, R. 2,
Settiontli. p,hone, 170 r 34 5576x1
Help Wanted
" enled farm nrn. three months work.
Come firinsedielteiy. Fair wages. GEORGE
BEATTY, Sr., Varna, Ont. 3576-1
of 800 families. Write to -day,' ^RAW -
LEIGH'S, Dept. ML -363 -SA -F, 15iontreal, Can.
- For Rent
s-R 100 acre, Third Concession Hibbert Tp.:
good grass and plenty of water. Also 50
acres, Third Concession, Turkersmith Tp., east
of Egmondville. A. D. SUTHERLAND. Ag
ent• 3573-tf
L Main Street: cheerful, bright location ;
nicely decorated; electric llight and town
water. MRS. F. D. HUTCHISON.
Farms For Sale
.1 12, Hullett Township. 400 aeres of elear-
ed land ;'.well underdrained, fenced; in ex-
cellent state of ,cuttivatton abundance of
water: red brick house, bank barn and other
outbuildings. in good repair. Located 1,4 mile
from school. For 'particulars- . apply on
premises. ANGUS REID, R. IL No. 1, Blyth.
Notices to Creditors
the Town of Seaforth, Widow, Deceased.
All .persons having- claims against the es-
tate of Mary Diorrance. decea,sed, who died
on or about the 18th day of May, 1936, are
notified to send to the undersigned Executors,
The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited,
Toronto, or to the undersigned. Hays &
its. Solicitors, on or before the 20th day of
-.June, 1936, their mules and •addresses and
full particulars of their clailn.s, and the 08 -
tare of the securities (if any) held by them
duly verified by statutory declaration.
' Immediately after the said 20th day of
June, 1936. the assets of the said deceased
will be distributed among the' parties entitled
' thereto having regard only to the claims of
which it shall then have notice.
Dated June lot 1936.
Hays & Meir, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors
for the said Executor.
Popular Stallions
Clydesdale Stallion
No. 24337
Enrolment No. 1961 Form 1, Premium A.
Terms -815 to. insure,
Will stand for the improvement of stock
for the season of 1936 at his own stable.
Peter Kilpatrick. Manager.
Articles For Sale -
.'. arator, 10 year guarantee; also used
machines. Apply MR. HARTUNG; opposite
Moore's Poultry Farah 8574x3
The Inverted Clydesdale Stallion
1266841 (22212)
Enrolment No. 2908 , Form 1. Prentlinn A
Will stand for the improvement a stock
for the season of 1936as follows:
Monday Afternoon—Will leave 'n is own'
stable at Brucefield and :xi/ south to Kippen
no Thomas Butt's, for nicht. Tuesday—East
to William Martin's, 10th concession, Tuck-
ersmith. for noon; then east to Cromarty to
KsM McKellar's. for night. wecinesday—
• North by Stail'i and west 111, 'then
north to the 7th Concession to Coyne Bro...
for noon; then wt to Robert Doig', for
night. Thursday—We..-t to Gemmell's Corners
and north to A. & 3. Broarlfoot'sfor noon;
then to his own stable for nicht. Friday—
West to the Second of Stanley and north to
Sohn H. Mc'Ewen's, for noon: then to his
own stable for night. Saturday—at his own
Terms -615 to insure.
Proprietor and Manager.
3372 -
Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion
Reg. No. 22860 "
Enrolment No. 205 Certificate No, 1
Will stand for marts at his own stableone-
half mile West of. Hensald, for the season of
Terms—$12.00. payable February 1, 1937.
3573 -
Tuckersmith. Appliy stating • qualifica-
tions and salary expected. Duties to com-
mence on September 1st. Applications to be
in by June 23rd. MELVYL TRA9UAIR,
Kippen, R. R. No. 2, Secs-Treas.
and worried. She use; Cress Corn and
Cress Bunion Salve. AT ALL DRUG
STORES. 3576-1
-1-" party photographed at The Burgess
Studios, Mitchell or Clinton. High grade
work at reasionable price>. Both Studios
open every week day. Photos taken day or
night. 3576-2
Tuckersmith Township
" before June 2Clith, if possible. Any pert
.t:cn in the west end a Tuckersmith wishing
to haul gravel with team, apply to opera-
tor, Wilson McCartney, R.. 3. S
Road Suprintendent.
rich Od Boy, delimited 4 bap etf flour
far the. enees.'
Mr. H. M. J'aeloson, Eguendville
Old.Boy, -preferred the Huron Old
Boys' 'Finnic te the Long Branch. rac-
es. "Old Ate cannot co.ax.- me away
Atom this Pionic.," he said.
That •Etig-henrted Honorary Presi-
dent, J. A. McLaren, donated 10 lbs.
coffee and two pains Punning shoes
for the program, '.
The Sims' family, formerly'. of
Blyth, Appear. to -le. gaud 'steepens,
according to the tprize list.
Amongathose present were the fol -
keying; Mr. ancl Mrs. W. A. Camp-
bell', Me: and Mrs. G. E. Ferguisen,
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Young,. Rev, R. C.
MeDermid, Mr. W. A. Buchanan„ Mr.
J. A. McLaren, Mr. E. Foody, Mr.
IRaresell Nesbitt, M.P.P., Mr. J. N.
Kernlghan, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wil-
s,on, Mr., and 'Mrs. R. Brooks, Dr. and
Mrs. B. Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. J.
Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Hod-
gins., Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Hoag, Mr.
entd. Mrs. D. B. Logan, Mr: and. Mrs.
H. J. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jen-
kins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Scarlett, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Thoimpston, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Greig,
Mr, and Mr. J. W. Moore, Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs.
S. M. Wickens, Mr. and Mrs. James
Saul, . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Love, Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. .Guenther, Mx. and
Mrs. E. W. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. D.
T. Glazier, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jlenets,
Mr, and Mrs, E. J. B. Duncan, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Il/fcBryan, Mr. and
Mrs. J. 0. Scott; Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Suggett, Mx. and Mrs. John Moon,
Mrs. J. Beek, Mrs. LoeSs Scott, Mrs.
C. W. Doty, Wes D. Thompson, Mrs.
Wm. McCreath, Mrs. John Curran
(Clarkson), Mrs. J. S. iOlubine, Mrs.
L. DeLacey, Mrs. S. Bloodworth, Mrs.
W. J. Tardiff •(Montreal), Mrs. C.
Coulter, Mrs. John Ritchie, Mrs. J.
F. •Gillespie,Mrs. Geo. Griffiths, Miss
F. Paterson, Miss Lavinia Knox, Miss
Sadie Holman, Miss Grace Stirling,
Miss R. Camertan, Miss M. McIntyre,
Miss 'Helen Gook, Miss L. Beck, Miss
D. Beck, Miss E. -Farrow, 1Vlisis L
Farrow, Miss A. Kerr, Miss L. Kerr
Miss Jean Ferguson; Mise E. Gamer
on; Miss R. Cartwright, Miss D. 'Ir
win, Miss Jean Miller,41Vfiss H. Bell
Miss J. Busthlen, Miss M. Grigg, Miss
S. Hell, Mr. D. Cartwright, Goderieh
Mr. H. M. Jackson, Mr. W. F. Can
telon, •Mir. W. IVICKenizie, Mr. E. A
McKenzie, Mr. A. J. Grigg, Mr. A
W. Wise, Mr. G. A. Nanton, Mr. R
Leiper, Mr. K. C. Stanbury, Mr. Russ
Ferguson, Mr. 'A, McKee, Mr. A
Sliims, Mn. R. W. Grigg, Mr. F. ,Gliaveri
and many others.
'1- &Ise, repair work. wiring, etc., anust be
settled during the month of June or satis-
factory arrangements made at office. In case
of cps -Tinted accounts, complaints should be
recorded at office. Act now. . -
Seaforth Public ,Utilities
• Commission.
0 • 3571-3
,PULLMAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea-
' l'orthh. on June 1.3th, to Mr, and Mrs. John
• Pullman, a sem.,
,KIRKBY --In Scott- Memerial Hospital, Sea -
forth. ,on June 12th. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
. Eirkby, Walton, a son.
Huron Old Boys
:last and at (areaeilil
at the
bine of her .grandpftrentt$,Ws
eta Mee. Walter Fee.
Among, those who atlanded the
Soldan - McAllister reunion picnic,
which was held at the home of Mr.,
and, Miss, A. T. Dateglas, Hyde Park,
on Saturday lastle June 13, were the'
folld*ing; • Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sol -
den and Jack Soldtan, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Mair and Douglas and Betty
Moir, MT. and Is Clarence Parke
and Kenneth and Betty Varke, Mr.
and Mrs. William Parke, Mrs. John
-Parke, llbs. John JOhnstene and Miss
,Margaret 3ohnitone.
;The &valor Institute will hold a sale
of homeertinde cooking at Bonthron
& Drysdalels store on 'Saturday.
Mx. and, Mrs. Will 1VIcAllister and
lass and Mrs. Mex. 1V1eAllister, of
Peck, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs.
John. MoQuarry, of Detroit, visited
over the week -end with the Misses
McAllister at the west end of tioWlY.
The Misses Liltian, Emma and Inez
Soldan, laf Pigeon. Mich., "Spent the
week -end at the kerne of Mrs. John
Mise 'Margaret Hallakirk; of London
visited.with friends' ,in town over the
week -end%
Mr , and Mrs. Hicks and Mr. and
Mrsl Webster Of Detroit, spent the
week -end et Weer,
borne at Mrs. John
Parke. •
MTS. Lou .Simlpston is visiting with
friends in Detroit for a couple of
Mr. Harold Boruthron, who is ,at-
tending Pickering College. has re-
turned Mame for the summer Yam-
On Sunday last Rev. W. A. Young
and mernbers of the Chair of Carmel
Church went to Clinton and- gave a
concert to the people of the „County
During the •seveTe• 'electrical storm
of last week Mr. Fred •Corbett Vat
thane Cows by' being struck by light-
The eounoil of the village of Hen-
sall-are- discussing the assesiment.
Winthrop flootball team Were de -
faded in St. Coluanban last. Friday
rilgahlt by •e score of 4 to. 1.Haefield
plays in Winthrep this Friday night,
June 19th.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blanchard,
-of Winnipeg, Manitoba, are visiting
at the home of his father, Mr. Melvin
Blanchard, Sr.
Mr. Russel Holman is painting his
ch.oppingmill this' week.
Mee Alonzo Sperling spent Sunday
with her sister, • Mrs. Angus Car-
micnael, of London.
e (Continued from Page 1)
Old Girl. •caeried 'off the first priz.e,
a hes utiful• lelcinse, in the young lad -
race, and --she did' the same last
Mr. Ruseell Nesbitt,' .M.P.P. for
Bracon:lale, an ()large e.ntleussiast,
r^id the picnic a friendly :visit.
Mr. Tardiff, of Montreal, Tbernsely
of Seaforth, was a welcome !Visitor.
Canada Packers donated a gond-
'zed ham, whtle. Swifts' Limited &r-
ated a side of bacon for the prize, list:
Naticinal• •Grocers Limited donated
two dozen brooms for the broom -foot-
ball game, while the W. J. Jones Mfg.
Co. donated a valuable silk blouse for
the ladies' race.
W. F. :Cantelon, •Doverciourt drug-
gist, and Clinton. Old Boy, donated
tee boxes of chocolates', and they
were much relished, while R. Greer,
lege St. druggistad Gorrie 01 d
Boy. donated aeveral-toilet articles,
and Bole Greer always does hs share.
And where was Bert MOCreath?
:That was the questionan around the
ground, but he was excused when it
was reported he and' Mrs. McCreath
had gane ta Detroit to celebrate their
25th wedding anniversary.
Ralph MeCreath 'took his father's
rlace and did yeoman service in the
sports and games. Ralph is the Fig-
ure Skating Ch.anspion of Canada.
President Campbell is a native of
Winghatn and very popular, and this
probably accounts for the large at-
tendance of Winghamites.
Everybody was glad to see those
good old standbys, rMrs. J. Beck and
Mrs. L. g. Scott on the job, and may
they continue fOremarny years yet.
It is probable' that the annuat
church parade will be held in .-No•-•
v e rober.
Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. D. Thamp-
eon rendered splendid service in the
Tramirsortation Building in preparing
the dinner.
Western Canada Flour Miulis Coen-
pany, through Mir. J, J. Page, Gode-.
Farmers and
Come, see our patented all. steel; Bower Straw Cutter
and ittreitider which Can be attached to' any Threshing Ma-
chine. This 70 lbs. 2 H.P. invention replaces the old style
ledger -plate cutter. Upon request we will direct you to a
thresherman in your district who operates it.
We also have a. new Grain Thrower to replace the ol•d
discarded Grain aerators,
' A
fikatitGOTT COMPANY, •
• Mildmay, Ont.
I lb,,1 A s•L
The../tensall Public Library "will
close" on Saturday, June 27. for two
weeks and will oipen on Tuesday, July
14. • All books are due on Saturday,
June 27th.
Mr. and Mr. Roberti Parsons spent
a few days in Londen last week.
-SoklanlMeAllister Reunion • .
• The fifth annual . reunion of the
SeldaraMeAllisterfamily weal held an
Saturday, .June 13th, on the spacious
lawns of Mr. and Mr's. A. T. Douglas'
herne on No. 22 Highway. The ver-
andas were all ibeauaifully decorated
with Union Jacks. and Stars • and
Stripes. Over one hundred relatives
and friends from Detroit, Flint, Pig-
eien, Pert 'Huron and 'Other Michigan
poiryts; as Well as tnrembers from
Middlesex, Huron, Prucer-Pecth and
Oxford Counties attended. The af-
terndeh was- spent in the following
Spores,: Girls and boys, 2-6, Ken-
neth Parke; girls and boys, '7-10,
Calvin Beckman; girls, 10-15, Lois
Rennenburg; boys, 1045, Kenneth
Collins; young ladies, this Ronnen-
burg; Y0 ling Men, La' Croix McQuar-
r le ; married women, Mrs. John
Smith; married me -n, Melvin Moir ;
ladies' clothes pin race, Mrs.. Clar-
ence Parke; father and son relay,
' John McQuarrie and Clarence- mother
and daughter relay, Mrs. John Smith
and Lorna Solt -late' nail dtriving„conl
test ( lad ) , Mrs,• Alex. 1VICAlliete ;
kicking the slipper, Lolls Rormenburg;
necktie race, Fiera McQuarrie and
Allan Douglas; husband -calling race,
Mrs. Melissa Vanatter; men's kick-
ing eonteste J. P. Hicks. A prize for
the oldest and youngest :persons pee -
'sent were given to ,Mrs. John John-
ston, Heruseill, i35, and her great
grandson, Douglas Vain of St.
Thomas, 9 months.' About 4 o'clock
in the afternoon the past ,presi ident,
Me. William Flach, of Shakespeare,
called the meeting to order and a
sheet business meeting and election
of officers was held. Mr.
McAllister, of Applegate, Mid
stl-04 elected president. and Mr. Alex.
MicAl'lleter, of Applegate, Mich., was
eFac ted seere ba ry- treasurer fo r the
comieg year. It was decided to hold
the next reunion in the park at Port
Heron next June. The rest of the
afternieon was spent in ball ranee.
'Mrs. Thomas Wren, who has been
visiting et the home of Mr. John
Coulter for some weeks left on Sun-
day last for Exeter, where she will
make her home with her son and
daughter -in -lane Mr. and Mrs. Hem
Wren. for a while.
Mit. Sarah Coleanan, of Seaforth,
is visiting at the 'home of he'r sister.
Miss Annie Consitt.
Mrs. Laird Mitekle and Billy. acrd
Betty •'Miekle Ieft on Sunday for Ron-
(leau Park, wlere they intend re-
imainr;ing for a mon'th.
iMV. and Mrs. Orate Twitchell and
:family spent Sunday with relatives'
in Tixeter. ••
Mr. .and. ?Mrs. Mtn Mtn opent
iSanday 1aM with relatives and friends
in Litolchow.
Mite Mabel- Fee; itktite4rwfxtaining
fit .lillemnrial Illosprital; Thlealaa,
•ffW tiraWifenttrfVedinhuraday
•.11 ••••,"'
• Death of James Robertson
On Wednesday last Mr. Jas. Rob-
ertsoe, a highly respected resident;
passed away at his home ,in his 72nd
year. Mr.. tRlaberteon was an Elder
tin the United Church. He moved
from the farm 'abeut 18 years ego
and built a fine home „here. Two
years'. ago.'hie suffered a 'Stroke Which
was followed• by heart treuble, but
he was able to be about until two.
weeks ago. • Mr. Robertson is surviv-
ed by four 'sisters, Mrs.. WalteraFair-
bairn, Stanley; 'Mrs. Robert Tatite%
Aylmer; IMrs. Habkirk, Regina, and
Mr. Dodds, of Saskatchewan. A
private funeral. will be helcilcitn Fri-
day with interment in Hensall Union
Church Services • •
Mi. Paterson, a Western -Univers,
ity student. conducted service's in St.
Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday
last, giving thoughtful discourses
both Interning and evening; while the
choir added much to the interest.- -
At :Carmel Preehyterian•Chureh the
Pastor, Rev, W. A. Young, preached
at both services, giving good prac-
tical sermons on rer,y interesting and
well-chosen texts: At the morning
service Mrs. Young itiok the stile
parts in the anthem very pleasintgly,
and at the evening diet of worship
Rev. Mr. Young and Dorothy Deters
tock•issgo parts in the antilitem. There
was a• goad attendance at both ser-
vices. tr.
Rev. A. Sinclair preached at bath
services on .Sunday last, delivering
well-prepared. mieesagesi, while the
Young boys a.ndagirls of the Sunday
School ledthe service :of preleeaboth
morning and evening. ' In, the morn-
ing Jessie Paisley and Bobbie IHiess
eaeh sang a solo verynicely while
the anthem was well rendered by the
young voices. Attlie evening serviee
Robbie Hess and Mary Goodwin each
sang a solo and Margaret Bell took
a special .part in the 'anthem, each
showing god mnsical talent. The
attendanee'at both ,pervices was very
good, particularly so at the morning
service, and the Church was- most
beautifully decorated with flowers,
in fact the decoration Would do credit
to the largest iof arty ehurc'hes, and
those contributing flowers and at-
tending to the placing and arranging
of them are entitled to the greatest
credit. A quartette of birds also
added much -to the service with their
sweet liquid notee.
A number of the .0ddfellows of
Hensall Lodge on Sunday afternoon
last united with their Brucefield
brethren who were holding a declara-
tion servite at Bairdls cemetery,
where there was a large attendanee.
It is expected that Rev. Geo, Logia,
a son of the late Rev. John Lurie, a
pioneer minister ef the Rodigerville
congregation, where 'services were
held years ago, about a mile south
of this village, will conduct service
on Sunday Morning,' June -28th, in
the United Ohurch.
New Books in Public Library
Fictiona-"The Docter,!' Rinehart e
"The Rolling Years," Turnbull; "Love
lJnlock-s. the Door," Swan; "The In-
heritance." Swan; "The Trail of
Danger," Raine; "West of the Apache
Pas," Seltzer; "The Wifehood of
Jessira." Hauck; "Friday's Child,"
Hauck; "Doors of the Night," Pack-
ard; "The House of the Arrow," Mas-
on; "Flaming Wilderness," Cullum ;
"White Clollne'Cial," Baldwin; "The
Chance 'a a Life'time," Hii1 "Dawn
of the Morning," Hill;., "Code of the
West," Grey; "12-30 •From Croydon,"
Croft:a Nan -Fiction Mastering
Fear," Bradley; "100,000,000 Guinea
Pigs," •Schilink; "Power to See It
Throtigh," Tont:lick; "Garden, Month
by Month," Sedgewick; "Phe Garden
Note Book," 'Puts; "Antony," Lytton;
"Alway "Ito . Cape •Brebon," Brinley ;
John Hoy, of Ethiopia," Il/PeLean;
"The Royal Road to Riernance'"
liburton;"England Speaks" Gibbs ;
"Long Dive the -King," Actamld; "Blue
iDays At Sea;" Morton; "The, Fool.
Hale Said,'„r Meals; "Be Kind To
Yourself," Yoeng; "Psydlielege and
Modern Problems," Hadfield; "Olif-
foird Sifton," ;Defoe. Juvenile—
"Faimlons Mstimel Stories," Seton;
"Tales of Learghter,", Wiggin; "The
&Mitt iGarden," Burnett; stilVirild Life.
Ways." Cory; "Man Seen,V White;
"A Siam. of Napoleon," Letterman;
write iWooddo Stone," . Graliatnro;•
"Happy Wass," Abbott; "Heyday,"
Abbott; "Eetteth," Abbott; "Freedom
of the atottiti," Duchha; "acinitrel
Goes Sktitilig," trttley, ‘Vite Oitivrig
Vitt'ller; Satt'
• auspices ladies' Aid, in
Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Hensall
Friday, June 26
'Hensall eitizens' Band
in attendance. '
•Sapper served 15,30 to 8
Followed by Excellent Program
ADMISSION - 25c and 15c
mas Story," 'Walker; "Sandman's
Trwiligh.t 'Story," Walker.
Mrs. M. Fraser, of Atlanta, Ga., is
visitteg, at the ?some of her brother-
in-law and "Iiiistar, Mir. and Mrs Alex.
"(Intended for last week) • •••
'On Saturday evening last the'Citii-
,szterat. a
d discoursed fine musical
seleetione which woke much enjoyed
by the large crowd! that lined . the.
On Sunday evening •the- Masons of
Huron Lodge of..Hensatll held their
annual anniversary church service.
There was a very good attendance
amt traiarelater kf anerobersfrit=
neighberling lodges united with their
Hensel! brethren.. The service- was
held in Caemel Presbyterian Church
and a meet tftorceftil and wry. inter-
e",4iting s « was atre4 br fRev:
yoiting,' bo o Cannel Pro,
hyberian 'Ohne*, who lie 4,metraber
the lona 'lodge, The choir rendered
fine anthems ,whieh were • numb "ems
joyed •and:Trark appropriate 4, the
lotenasilatre The church was nicely
decareted for the services and at the
close the brethren, led by Mr. Mark
Drysdale, as Director of Ceremonies,
returned to the lodge room where
short addressee were given and vote
of thanks passed to the pastor for his
fine sermon, to the choir and the 'of-
fie/els of the church and' to the visit-
ing brethren. •
An exchange pesters end choirs'.
between the United Churches .of
Blyth and Hensell, took 'place on
Sunday evening last, the cholla be-
ing twit) who .lhad together with the
choir of Clinton, engaged in compe-
titian ef the, young people's c3iioirs of
tibia 14;agge ilOn a reOPOt.100,1100On ,
Jie Ocelipanive wAs'.
tbe 41D-WeigOvoMf?#: logYmv." •
Itatissitate. of heatang t1e'17.011-1/gl 0000
'aad thiePri atagiag swas nlach
as waa-Mtli,stO' the pastor Of tlite.0151k
itTaited Churchit'Eovs. Mi BINIVIce ICU
gave .a. fraOst .ntePiring 01040.041/4 04.•
the: sierriszosi of Rev. MIN.ainostir, pas.
'tor of the United Church,. Heasall,.
end the young.people's aim; aqe00.-
paroled Iblyi their leader and- trainer,.
Mr. W. O. iGlotedwin, were equally ea.
joyed Blyth.
Mir. W. R. DaVldson, i•fOnowing an
op.eration in. Vtictonte Hospital at
ndonefor''klidney troablie, in resting
and doing as well as eau be expected.
' Several cases of. dog poistaniag
marred in the 'village on Sunday' at
which is to be regretted essethe dogs
• were not Of a vicious type and much
prized by their owners.
Between all points in Canada. Take advantage of these
/ow rail fares to spend a delightful Dominion Day holiday!
. Min1mua Rail Fare 25
Tickets good going Tuesday, Tune 30, until 2 ,p.m., Wednesday, July 1.
Return Limit, leaving destination not later than Midnight, Thursday, July2.
For fares and further information apply Ticket Agents
hat are the Prospects for Stocks?
We have prepared a short summand on the following :
• Nickels 7
O. F. Carey& Son, Ltd.
• ....
• Private Wires to all Principal Exchanges
A copy of which we will be pleased,to forward on request
•ft t.
iYou hear a lot of good reports about
V-8 Economy and V-8 Performance.
Most of them come from the men who.
keep track of their costs; men who
operate facets of hauling and delivery
units of many types and makes. They
are in a position to make comparison
front actual cost records. And on the
basis of these records, more and' more
of them are changing to Ford V.8
Trucks and Commercial Medels.;
You can take the word of these
_omen that Ford V.8 Trucks and Com.
mercial Models Save time and money.
They knowwhat they are talking ahout• .
Their records &elude the whole range
of -hauling and delivery operations,
including work similar to yours. If
you want further "proof, call us;
• Set a date for an "O'n.theJoh" Test'
and drive out the facts with your own
J. F. DALY, Ford Dealer
Seafortii,1 Ontario
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