HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-19, Page 1" . ., ,4, � , � ,.1 , ,,, T12. '1` .1 1. I ", i":T'64 :104 , 1�:%M-"�,`M41 .." I ,.�,� �. , _1 �!,�,P,,11*�7.;.,�,'�,,,i7���',i� Cilw_,W. l" . ,t.,ir IT - , ,., I - _Xl,� 1 � �'. 1J.1. 1, - , 61 & , , " , , �11 , .111"I'M7111170-- W"It, 1 , � 1- . '.,;�V. , , " i'-".. " "' ` 4�`k,'.4,,X 11 � �,,�,,,K�r.4--.o,lr .Y."�p AX&AEX !I, P .10 11 A W�'11 .". , �o , I Ilk! -0 ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­ ­ I -1. . _... 1. ­_W-01"Al", I . .......... -wo- ---i- ­­ - -R5.4- ,-- 1�" . . , ­­_.11.;i;i.i�R,"11l_­.. .., . .1 1. ­ "" -- - '- -7 5­_'� - `­­ � %-,,..,.T, . .4 , r _ �., ,' .�- . I � I .,. .r , ,� M� I , . . . ,:.­ � , , I I . , , I 1 1 1 1!1�w, . . , ­ _­­ � ­ � ­ . .,:, . I . I . : . I � I 11 . .1.111, ,* , %, 1 , , I ­ ,, - . � ." . - , . _________. �- I 11 . I 11 I ._... .. . . , �, t�,, I . � � I . 11 ., I 11 �. I ­ I , 1771, 1 I., . I., I . .. - �, � I � � I'll, . . . . ­ I 1 2 . - . � . 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I : "t . 11, ,;? . . F! , , . .. . " , � t� - �, ,; . � .. , , '�, , . , I I . ." I'll - . I � �� I - . . I I ­­:­.V-�., , " � ... . . , ;` . � 11 5 ,3_�l I . .1 . ., . I I . �. - 0 i �­ I ., ­, - � 1 V mi, , - " -_ . ­� I I !a, ! 0 .. � � .1 . I . ­ . 1-1 . ... -.1 I", " I I I ll; , I � I . I � ,� "I - - ,,�-- w , . � ,� , , 9 .. I .1 . ..�­.,.- I : � , � , 7 , 11 ,f,. - . i ,, . . . I ... . .. - '.. - - ., I I '.. . ,­­ . . I �, . . . � I . W ��: I � , io 11WfW11 K I .. .. ... 1. li W . .. .� . , � 117 � . . 1..� . I . ,,, t I . I ,g (Wlt, . � I .. ::::::: ­ ....... ..... � � I , �. . ... 4ti " ,,,:: t - .4r I , � I " _', _i4,, . , " � ­­ I .. I—— ,.", . 1. . I . l.- l " " �'.'� � , ". , %;�.V.01.1 , 4l'a." ;,.4, . . I 1. I . . . I I, � ;, ,.", " � - .* � . I �. � ::. , - .. . ,.' -7...., . . . ...., I .: -4. ,­ ` ,. , ,,, . , l .. 1. I , I .1 . I ­ I - I . . I . . . , - I . i. , ,� k'W 41 .111, ....."".11 ­.­- 11 W - ___ __ I i __ . .- . I 11---- ­ — �,.�-11 . . .. . . I � . I -� . !, I -� 4, � - sl� I I .1 -7 - . . _ � �. I I � . I '. " - �R" �_ . .. =. I— I - � ,. . � I .- I � I I !1;=:= ,: 'I':;."i �,;.,��; , . .. =_ , � r 1. I 1. -, , � I I .— .. .. . . : ,:I, _ I I I . I ­-.� 1;11 -_�' " ,,&. ­� n�,�,',', IM " � � .1 i�lii 0 . � 4. . I . � I X I I 11 � ­ ­.. . .11.1 ... -1 1.1111'..". , ''l, ­ -'tt if`,,*t�t.;�'7m L(I * 4'r . ! I __111 . 0,"� SIKAFORTH9. FRIDAY, � - I . I . I � . - , ',`Pi;,4�!,q�� �,Z,. �,w , 1�4 �� .. . 1�tvtrber 35,70 .9 * 1 .4 . I JUN's 1p� 1936., - st. Z -f . � . � ': I I 11 "..� � �­ 11 .. I P. - . . . . m. . I . . �­,'':,��', "_�,` __ '. I I 11 . ,,, I . - . ­ . .. . 11 I . . % I, �,� t I,- " 111111 .r _­_ _. ­...­ , � ­. j 7 � .111.-. . . � . " I ..�:.­44 y�� filk o .. I , � lip I - _­� � ­ - , -, A , . .. I . ,6 ... .. . _ '. __ ., q, I I ­ , I ; " I I . . . - ___ � . 1.1—... _mlit".. r � - ., , 11 "' . " .. .1 . ­ I I �* _ #­: 114 I . . ' . :7. � 11 , , � — �". , " ::: ", I Wry ­ . — . . . L , - I . . S . , IF" , _—, -�.; � - I . I . . 11 � I I ... : t, , . . . ­ �., . . . .1.1. � . ,= : r�l, . , ' r : ._�Ils,,71im;;­ _-;7� '� I , '. : 71 ­0�1,1, 1Z . , " -6. " �� . . I i oh - . - gitid. I C, ec, Or - ''�; " I lt�� � X. I ­. a -' X , J, - n. . . TRIV-1- � ONE POYS'Sf-p'arat ­'-S-hool, T 'X - a', . ­� I � .. i _ e c W, � I U i Hug� I . 1. . . , . 1. . ­�P�l - r � lit $1 � . 1. 1- I . I . . . I �, - ­ , � I ��l 11 _` - I I r �,��l I 1. 11�! - 'o ''. um - - 11,t . I .; 6 1 1 , , ­11,�li-t.. . Ii! , ., .11 ­ I � �,�� I I , ­ , 10, . I I "I I .. 'T , , -W fq, . IN ANNUAL 1` F. -I ' ­ � d their F ? ,19",_i : I , I , COMPETE' s a., r" Asser ts, Roebo'ek. RIG vy a -S .'A 19", �,i ,�,i 19": i -I , �., �� I I . � .. I.L... - . , . irs eet - ad "'13""'. ta� I . . . _$1 . .11".- .. ... � I I . mg .a - - I , I I 1, -7-1: 1 1. . � . 11 I . 111. I �i ' . I , I . - I I A, � 16 �.i I . l ' 0. -1 . .. * Elec't 'Ttustee Into, .- � - . . ing � At n a a 'RIEVE, Y � i 01[ 17 k 1, . STOCK JUDGING Speak H e is..' I I Ri, 11y'AC ,ME NT : DA , . .9 eetor,s ''I � 11 4 . . I. � - I I - . . 6 . . . � ..- . .� . I .. .. . ­ � i,.. . � �� 01 I Z111 - � 61 ?'', I .� . I -1 �3�' 1 I — 11. . . . I . I I ,lr '' . . '­'­ W - . . :, _ I* ., I . ­­ '.... - I . . . A. � . 0-----� ­. _"", .11 . ­ 1-1 :, 1. : 1. ,% r,. Ow� � . . . � J �f Frank Archibald S c o'r e s . pIRAU AT� . Execu I tives Of al Local, Mevabers Take Jhdi- 0ients___Must,Aw,ai ''.. . . .. 1. I'll ­ 14 ". . 4 m I !-;:,� I ;i r _gENSALL jao , Feder . I r0n ,J_, ��".��,,,� � 1� W^6" , . . I . I . _th . . t Court '6 . 0 0 .0 0 0 :Anuu4l Mleeti , , " ' . ,_ Ill . . _S_ _ _ . IF I , , � � .6 . ; I � � niz, - of H, I f . Highest Points, Wins' : - ocia. vidual- Prizes;' Also T. Order. Befokie 'Rem I I � I I K�v:�, I . . . 1. � . . . and Vrovineial. Ass 11 I .� . � .qving I ' ' : � .:�:,. � ., �11 I , 6 - -1 . 1-1 I . . . . 1. I - - . .' JConservative :Assp -" `:l%.1. ,A,,f�;�., I , '+ , m1cmill . , .'' � 6�1:',� . edal. I wMes S . ,,,­ 11 M - . an Trophy. -' Docunients,19,e cholarsh* :1. ,�� " '' I . I . tiong'­�Aire'lafiiined At � .. . curitiesand I I �. -1P � I , 6 . I : I . � ­ I . . ' ' I . 1 . tion Held in Hensal _- I I I ... " . . ' ' . �� I : . , . I . I _I I I ement has beew ma#e . .1 - - I ' E'titlh as i a, ti c Annual . Papqrs Left in Office. 1. . Announe ' I I , ..'i, . . � 6 �'��l::�:i�:li::::..*"""""*�'....".,� ATTENDED , ".,.i I �11 .... � . I - ­ . —1 - I I a "I :Ni��: .1 . . — TENTH ANNUAL EVENT � .... �:ii:;::,..:,ii;;j�.�:;:::i..i�:�� ... LARGELY. � .!;�dl���iiii;�.�*.,iiiiiiii�"", " week by the Seaforth Col - 1 "'111-1�`..,. FROST IS ­ : ,01;�, " `i.�.,. . " # . 1, I I `111 I " Alumni Assoeia. -1 - ., !1l.".."11.1".. SPEAK :, �`­ "' I .. il .... 11'.. . Meeting. . . I legiate Institute , . EA �,,1�1. . . . . . ..... � -1 .1 "I""..." .1111 "e, . . . A I—. , - I EON, ."i'llill I . 6 . I 1� , , ' nith annual - ' C ". 11 � ­-!"-,� -.�, 1' .1 ll� ..." "i; ... !.. � 11 . .0111 �Z,�. :,,,�� .. , I ...,.,....�.'�ll.",*..."..,,.",*'�.....'�".....",�'�.,�.".'.�l, -� iAKE TWO WEEKS MOR thdt the winner of the thlrd I.."11", , 1,11 �_ unty � .11'. .1, I i� � . . .. . � . . Tbei te HdTOT� ,1D _4 ... ,� 111, -The Huron Count ­ ...- .f..�.-,,�'���ii�;�i��l�:;:;I.:.,���;i'.,� I , . I y, Athlevemlent . . aunUa lumni Memorial $CfioI-' � Oeckil Ftole, Mayor o Ltn6aly aeld 11 "I , 11 . , . : ... �' . dent ,of : :: , - .., 11 - TO SECURE ORDER arship is Miss Dorothy Golding, f1hrlit. vice-pr4psi 11 11 : '.." I A . � I I l,.11�, - , 11*0 §tock J,udging. 0onvetiition was � tl,; ,.'., . . 1-.;" ZWICKER, STANBURY " "row-w-grie Planning, Day- was .. , I hold in the Olinton district 'on Sat- , `**i� I 01.1 ' i 1helld"i "Clintolidio -Saturlday, under - . . daiAghtpr of Mr.'W.'H. Golding, the, , qatardo "t. � AT.IONS the divelcld= of the, Cblunty Coach,- C01131slerVative Assilifeiation, Friday � �' .. -,;, " - "' . I . M.F., 4nd Mrs. Golding. The night at HenealL, made -a ,s . .1.11 ...... 11'. ,,` - HEAD A980CI . .1 urday, under the direction of " loc- - :-:-,,;;;..:..j,.11- Z',".. d troug ap- ,rl I I ;.. qX11,11, ii, � and The Guaranty Trush �Co. of Canada ". "'. Miss Faora Durnin, 'Dunganno �, � I .,,..�il.: _ . .. ,,� .., I I I " 21 Branch of the Ont.bauriol Department i1-:.1;.;lll�.- Ill parts of the. iefounty ,were relpfres- was elected ltrustele, of the estate of scholarship, valued at $25.00, is peal to Roinan Catho&lies, as wen as . ",.111111 1�­;.,�, i ". awarded annually. by the. Associa- Pric4teotants �bol support tho, Con,qerva�, . .. % , , � ,�'�,,, I I � . .1of Agriculture. . Th6irty-olve, -boys too,k .1. Wgiorousily defendibmg the 011tarin, ented, there being, thirty entbants for J. J, Huggard. at the first ineeting of 'tion in memory of Alumni who tive Party in its'Pledge to repeal the . i . I -port in -this co6. 'O. g.�::. - I ning creditors head her& Wednesday, gug- fell in the Great . I 1:1 . petition which w4s -, - : school'tax legislation as.;passed' in ithle competition 'held in- the 4norm I ' on farnis :,i' ' ,�War. 4 *pi8n to UH boys regident �,!" the L6iislature'lalstselssion, Hon.� Ar- whilie fifty were present for'"the af. gard was declared ,bankrup�t ,on May .. _ new Hepburn School Tax Act. . I 1.1 0 :.:;.: I � I �"` Qhwg-1 111" 1'. , . . . I � ', years of age and ' , ­ "".1 60� ' . . � I . i_ M­.K.N. . _. I In the county- and 26 , ;:n;::,-.�$;r:z.,,. ... - thui - Roebuck, 'Attorney General, ternloiow,sessibn. Miss Florence ,Pi 16, the same, company bein ' d - . _ ing 1�hat Premier Hephurn had -push-, ,, "I - - ... - .. -1: . g name ' 0 -0 9 0 ed the act through -the Legislature ." � . ". 31.. . ioi - - 0- 9 i"..."....., 'l �.,--�ii,"'ii,*' under. - ....... . -,,.;i:. ". .., ."...._ . ...... *il% 11"i"..""i; �0::::::!"*.%W-�,�l,"! I ..... � 0 ,-Ill.......-, !!ill . . . . . . . -1 . : spealidng at thec.b1mbined meelthig of E"e, Wo�nen�s Institute B�anch, custodians at lthat Ibinie. E. T. Berry; . ',� . ' � - 1 ,7 . I in payment. pf 4., poililticiA de,bt ,: ,. .;, " i Ten classes , � live stock�were juag- - .....,.,",".�"."iiil"...",..�i� Huron Libleral lelne in Hen- Parlianient'Buildings, Toronto, as- skiptiqsenting the Guaranty trusit"C6., Mr. ,11 ::;, . . l. on' &�-_ foillowing farms in the dis-, I ; ... -" - out at ciitics� sisteidlwbth�the judging and Addressed, was dialTman. I I ' ' - , Frost beiiiereict cotholim wou'ld find . 1. 1. 1 ed ", , salf"Wiednesday, lashed T I I - .... ), ... .. . 11 ­ : "I .... . . d ,AK thils as obleebio'nable,l as ilt was to . .. !., I . . � 11 1 66.. 66' �; _:,­ . ; .: '. - . : , .... -the measure. . I . The gh4ls, on pr I , - IN . � 'I., � -thict: ., .. " of - I ... .. bject work� The Au- . 0'The m6elting allso ellecte two in- . . , ........ :I.... .soll., 600 E' PART. Protestants. I _. .. I , .; I . Thlei Ontario Government's; school burn and ZUTlkh'CAX1b9 Worked ,on the ijipeicibors, Misis Isab,ja C . . �� �i � 4ames Me1vtosh, Tuckerslnilth Tp:, .....":. I ompbell and - . 1. . 1. � ::, .. . ; dairy. cattle and sheelp; IR(oy Pepper, :1: tuk legislation mwide thle pilopertly of project of "Dressing -up ,Hq" GrovAl Dr. -F. X.. Bechely .:: - ... an � MW Froat Imlown . as one of Ithe I. . ". .� ... � - .6 1. rladokis I extent Vegetabaes," wh* the project ta,kein ,, _; ' � Cowerviative speakers Of el I 1�.11 * I 80nlej Tp., beef cattle, i@Wp, E�ild . certain corpo , to the outtg;�"g." ,� i I Any secur�tiel that nia,y be re- H mE "; � 1. lownied by separate- schooll adppoa4bers, up by OLY NA ' RALLY i - ­� 6 swanie, John J1. Mlfflwen, Stanley Tp 1. -the, Sleallotth, ' Dwganwn, . . the prorince, ,v�ag weR receli,ved as'he ' , i�_��_..X . . , I I :1%`,. ,,,, ..",,,111 6 ph, am, , and Bluervale cov�ered and which cannot be proved I . . I � .1 _ � I beavy horses; Ge6ilge Hendenon, I I � as b4linging',to any one person, will . . __ addressed itthe Conservatives of South . . . I I . I , gehooll purposes, he sai& - . . 'i . ., , I . 1subjeet tol talvation for separate Fordwic , ;I -Stanley Tp., 1&wltne. . L . I Ch %eibig Well Dressed. and Hum, at their annual meeting -held . I . - II . � . 111, I en . . I - .I � In addiSlon to-, the - above . Hon. Arthur Roebuck, Attorney '� .. .. ffiby;6,".he-qald.-- .t,T '-vidu9d bothibit9lbf rsff' ---'M b k ' come -into 'the pst4te," R. J. Riddell, Nine Children'Rece -in.taile. . . 11 . �.. I fa:r1nePsl;* .... ... General-, oUthe-Province--of On- "That is what wals; dont6 and noth- Well, 'Gr000med.11' Therer, were indi- soliator�.of _the ,Guaranty Trust Co"� .. I ive First ,H, saia,Town Ha'a 11 I .� _. � I... I r _F _'�--­k ' .- ___ ... � � Ellmer Townsend and Albert.Pe . 1 Ing � . -hit piortiion of a ps, reco 00 S, said. in answer to a ,question by a . - �' ­­­ , - ­_ --,-''- 7, Before I ' me spo, e ---.-- 'I". I . I ,pper tario, -who addressed'an enthusi- a porattaxon -property which is owned fobd charts and'iesisays, alea club ex- Holy Communion --' "-'-'- _­ - `W,e-'-asso­ , ,. rd TuckealsmRhi, and 'Aldx. MeEwen, astic gathering at Hensall- on, c r clienit. The trusib company, while act- .' � ciation held ' its ,business meeting. I'll 11 . . by public scholul isupplortlers relmains hibIts tof "Flivel ,VVlays, of Serving,,,One ,11 L � . -1 � Vim. KeEtwen. and Edward Glen, :�r., 'Wednesday. - ling as culsftodiari, had no Power A on Sunda'y. I .1�11,d 1; � � powel, � I James Marlev, Exeter lawyer, 'was . " I I ..of Stanley, :supplied anknals to coni- . 1. as formerly subject. to taxation for Valriet'7- of Vegetab1le," accessory -divest itself of or eive out awy,ofthe � - South Hui�- ,,, . I I I . purlplo.ses.lp � I . . � chose n as, pre7slident of, -the, I., I ` . . . , . . ,� plete the cAasn,es in bheep, swine -and. . . , . public sichool � Shewn with. costanie, and daYning, Papers or documents in the boxes � . on Cc,in erv.ative Ass -16V �iother .. I 1. 1. . . !Both'thle - v*tive. meRid-ing . , ati�m..,,' . A. ��., - . I iwrsw. '" , .. I Iliberal, and. -Cbnser -and patching. . , which they tobk over, -he exp4ained in A largely attended' annual - Ho1v odleera eleectled were- Calri,­.Draper, 1",:, I ­ 1, � I Frank ,'Archiblaid Selagbrth'. , ,parties, he said, Teclognize s�parate ,In -the mornling, the, girls judged ex- ansWer to anotheir,question., Wrong Nanie, � Rally for thiz d-�istrict, clon�- Clinton, Ist vice-preislident- Rielhard ,,.A. .. I . I � � ... .. 1. scorid MEMBERS 10NOUR'sichools amid, -their need, .for additional ilibbits, in the. various, ei,astsles while, t - ... . a . ... -isthes, of Clinton, - St. Parke, -S af h, 2nd vi - i t; .. " I . . aecuri; les � ­ I e 6rt , ,ce �ies den . - the - h�gibWt number lot ,podnis w*vrh ' ��___ ' Support, ,but ,the. Oonsermt�ye poli 'd might be lin ,,other b,ax ,prising the paa I 11 � ' - cY the afternoon session there wer'e two Wid the trus1b comPan-Y cannot' afford C,olum1ban,'_,Du,bl:jn, Logan and. ,Sea- N. W. Trewartba,l C"lintan, 3rdl Are- - , ..... 692 oult of a, pwsiblie 760, but was no is to meleb -the, need -to the-,mteint of demonstrations.. ni e forth, was ,held in St. Jam,W Itotian preeident; Clark Fisher, Exeter, see- I . . I,'. I I � * 'I', � . I iletary-treasidrer. The hovarary pres- . .1 ,�. , ke"ing the sidhdols open by gifts, of delinonstrated -. "Veelgetq)ble plate,%" Catho,b`c Church, Seaf-orth, on Su ,,.�lul eligible, flot the suilver 1;APhy awar: BRUCEFIELD PASTOR Aul'urn 'group to taqm �he respinsi%flity. of"'Ihand- . � the filg:Mst score as -he had- . I . . ing them over. It will,be necessary � n- I . ed f6 . . . money talkeh, from the public selhool wbille, the,Zurich group dem�onstjsted day. Six hundreA niem�el's par'tici- 91der's .chosen were: Rt. Hon. R. B. . .� ... I '' . . , k I I to obtain an order in court t3 dlistri- � . won this, � tro Phy two yelaro- ago. He . . share of the leg-11ilatrive grants, at "The VegetaNes Go to School." . pated 'in th Bennett, Hon. Ra I :�;�� � , I was awardled a sliliver, -Medal ,and the C61igregationoCongratulates bute these securitlie ,left, in the bok e, parade which farmed oji .­ . i!l Rlwe and Col. H. , . �� ,� , I . the discretilon of the Iminister.' Seven certificates were' awardied for s e14 B.'Co,6iiib,�, -Cffiaom Rolnlbrai�y vice- ' I. . .� I I -he . 1"I. I I 1. � ,of- ,the I vault in Iblie chu-rch grounds and led- -by the .1 6 -trophy wiLs-a*airded t'b C-FuToid Croz- . . I I .. 'The, Liberal palliely,,he added-, Is to the cloiroaltil ttwg . lawyer".4, office.. -1� t Presidents were WiMam Consitt and, . I .... 11.1 I of yeqrs project Seafoith Highlanders band inarched, �!.' . . ler, Dungannon, Who had the second W..A. Bremner,"-Ne'w di -Aide the grants,on a.basis of equal- work. - These were thd ifirst secured The ,chalrmai�, sitaited it would' prob- Ii-enry F43rton, H,e�Ma. Ellmer D. , ,� e, � I . up Vieborlia Street to George Street , Bell, Seaforth I . , rr. 1. I I hilghest siciore 'with 68t plDintS. The itly M� ,accordance, with "titme-honored, in Huron -County and were awarded. ably be not,�moY6 than two weeks be- and, d,o,w.n­M.dn Streelt to Goderi,ch , acted As chaiii1nian for -1 .�,14 . i . I I . . and - fundamentall schlool..Jaw,, and to to Miss ;Samb Whitmom, Mrs. Wil- _1 . I "', . I - Conference Head. fore t,hZ- trustee would -have the nec- Streeit and thence to the church. The secretary. I . , I , sliteld donated.by the Canadlain Na. the el,wtion with, W, -0. Goodwin-als , ., tional, Exhibitioii,*and awarded to the I . esisary . I .. . I., � .... I I . .. . meet thie-need,of the-.,siepitalte iwhoolsl fred Coleman, M1iss Irene Boltion, Miss, ins1tructffons, to fttrribute nelvice. dpebled with' the Litany-. of , - I -Ta � . '". . bigh-bovice, was ,Von, by'Jac-1 Bry- MembeT6 loif Stucefieldl Church re� by securing to separate schooi,blola,3�4s Annie Papple, and iMiss. Helen, Beat- 1),alptft, documents, etc.,.Jelt in the br. R. . If - � the "Holy Name of J- y1or, of DashwoocL ., � r , ,.� � am, Blyth, with a sicore of ,619 points. centjly h6nored'thieix ,pastor, Rev., W., the assessinien -of private and coq'Or- tie, all of Sealforth, and., - wss, Ruth bffi�e. ­ . I .. e1sus" read by - . .11 . I t . . . . Rev. Dr. Foulkes, of Dublin_' urged the &nservattives -to get out :....., . I , I .." A first Prize of 42.00 and a second A. Bremner, new ,president of Lon- ate., pro,iierty as owned by tAe sep- Straughan; and Xigs,Eleinor Willson, The sale of the insurance agene ind work now and support ith6 new . , - rlz� of $1.00, was awalrd'4�& to - both d6n Clonfeilence. After Ithe req�blar arai64 -school suppbT-terv." I urn, I . 'Watson & rkj�dl, 'of L sel *a$ . . � �,, I .., I I T of A.ub' I . to . y Rev. Fath& Gallery; 6-S'.,S.lR., of provincial leader. He reminded tHem .. .'I � . I London, galve, a forcefilt address in �., �, ., . , ., ; _�.__, , 1. -.1 - The HuTbbm County teani, for the 'approved alt a subsequent meeting of which hie advised the iiiernbers of week before the election to start earn- . � .. I , �. slenilor and junior bo�ys, as foMws: praye'r servicei , Mr. J. B. Mustard.' Cites Legislation I that they should not wait until. a I , . � seniors - Heavy hlo4ses-, Stewart was named ch= for the evenring. "It ,,has been thei'lax,ii as far back Canadian National Exhjb6tion; clotgi,- representatives - of .the Gmranty: the slo,biety lto -hold fasit and put into paig I . 1. I .. . 11 . ning. .. ;�,�. . ;". -vin Lobb; Clintou.. He paid, high to his, pastor in as 1886� ifialt shareholderisl. nfight niot� ffij�i, judging cohnperbitfflon, wHil consist .Trust Co. and the inspectors. - Practice all the principles of the * I . . f, I � Erwang, kyth; Al ibis rvinarks. Aarank Donnelly, Goderilch la I . . Beef CattlO-S,buart' D. Mr. R. P. Watson, on ify their di,rectorsi t6t they were of Mrs. Wilfred Co1re=n,,.Migs, Hel- H. G. keir, of Hays & Meir, wqfl�o I-poay. wyer.. ­­- , 136-Ewar4 -- Nqnze Society, the chief o,b- told the people to -be ready 'for a , .�! � I � . Clinfbn; W(Mied - Shortrered, Walton; ,behalf bit the congregation, thez* read F�eparate school supporteTsc,"I'shild Mr� en Beattie, of Seafor'th,. and M -se were appointed solicitors to the ject of which is to prom6te respect provincial elek-tionin 1937. I ... ! I ,.'. � 1� � . � . . . I 'Dairy. Oattlie, Harold Ubb,'Cllinfbon; the following address: Rolebacle, "i�#t the directors if they Frances Crozier Oungann-on, with t,,1:St&e,.wa§* -instructed to-Petitiq7i and love for the "Holly Name of . . .A-,. �l. - � Rev.. W. A. Brelniner,,. Frilslident, of wi�,he-d might require the mundcip4ld- Miss Florence Douglas .as .%Pam . '.i:ie supreme court t� George 1,1 I ­ ( :1,__ - --,J-Q-h,VL--Rkl-�-m---L-u%:-IsILQ-W-�--,%,e,g.p., I r, an ,order- st�i. Jesus" and to .,make it better loved, . d,. H. EEiott� of Ch ton, can- �`. I - ,, 'the �ho-ndip,n--GW-eweuw,:,.-�-Deaz-Taa- _ties in vibich the x*�npan$`ig 1-yroperty Th6 South. Huron !WQ1:uV.,s Inst idate in the 1929 and 1934nelee-tions, I .1 .bWak Arehibald, Seaforth; Cliffloird . - � - I- dng thenwithodl tobe followed in-dis- and' known, also to inaantdin ' .. � 9 b ' - . - 4xibubing the dociuments" ete. ,in the increase in man fai6 in the divinity venition at Toronto. I I . - I . I ; ier, Dungannon; Swine, or- We, 'the members and a6her- is located -to �&N'Idie; its--assess!ment be-. tutg- pr�ze, a silver basket vm,s a . a�d, spoke briedy of the Conslervati.* con, I .., I Ctoz Alfred . . ward , , -i, I I cni;,of the United Cht&A, Brucedleld, tween separate?- and public schools, in *-,d to Miss, R-uth-Straug.h�rri-ihi,gb,g.irl. offi�c.e. He *as also i-nistru, � � ..! . , 10 I Paikers4n, Lucknow; Donold Tho . ,te� to pe- of ,Christ of'which there is Thuch � ...., . I., ". � I . . . nip- ititon an . home, 16 9 tition th4e- court tb decla-re that �lients nee'd in blieve days when paigani-sin, - � ­ _-1 - 0— . . ; � �, . I ison, Auburn. 11 . . gathered at ,this time, wish to con- pro-POTItion- as, -the s6ires are. 40,1d by in the nutri d ma, 11 . ­.­ . I 1_----__- .....- . _. . L.;. . . , � I � vey,.to you -an expresislion log our fel- sv-parate school supporEers giving no- class. A silver dish* fbr the highest who home lost secullitiles 'from Alepogit heresy and sin, are rampant. I . , I . , .� . : � . � : .. � J *oTsl,-�,eavy Horses, Jack Bry- kitation and congratulatlons, upon 11-ce." The pHnciple of sulch a cHvi- cmitestant in. .the cilothing class' was boxes, be admitted as- creditors. � � 'Rev. Father Sullivan, of Clinton, led P ublic Library ..' ". :,�: aw,j. . .�, ,lyth; Jack Hendertori, ,Clanton; your el,ectibn to the Presidency of si-.',.-.n "is mt at sill new," but it has zveured Jby Mrs Se �_ ( . - Coleman, af*rt'h-' It. is .probable ,that ttie next meet- the m-ember§'in the repeitition'- of the . . I . . i - . . . Beef Cattle, Frank McQuilllir.j, Luck- Lc,dm Cionference of ,the UnfitedIVRn found that boawls, ,a �djlreeto,re The Auburn group won -the club priZe, ing ,of creditor, wiUl--not The held for Holy Na ,e pledg �to abstain from All . mo*; Frank Moylan, Stadbrtii;.Daf . . . . . ni e ` I . I I iry Church ,of Canada. , "hilive,been reluctant to take action, While hwalrds for ithe demonstrations some ti,me, . . . . , . . I Cattle," Glen JolhnSton� Goirrie- Rabit. We feel thalt this expression ;Df 'and f6r many reusons, one of.which went t*o Auburn, -and Zurich. Gifts . PerjurY, blasphemy, profanity and Receives New Books ' '' * I . Auburn; She . ­. ' . - I " I I McAllister, le,tl: Tolni confidence an your qualitlesliof mind is �that separate schlobl, rates, are .us. wero'Prlisented, tothe local lieladeTt, pf . -­_ I unclean sp�iech. - . � I 1. . WaTIVbY, Clint6u; Lorne Hasty - ... V. . . . :, . I . I I ' Dun- and spirit shown -by, your fenow ually highler than public school each group,,"the presentation lbeing . " Rev. Father Powell, of . St. Cblum- The following books'liave recew.ly . . 1. . . I , I ­4­1�­11--­­ gannont 'Swine, Alden CrIeb, Sea- Inem,l);rill of ,the andon. ConPerence, rates.." . ma.de by the District Pitesident, Mrs. ' ­ ban, officiated at the sloillenin benedic- 'been added to 'the Public, Library: . . .1 .� �, I � .r -fbi* , --farl Fimnilgan, Dungannon. -was�,meiited, by you,_-l...­__..-t._____�._ _ F.Ur_tAM_.!h,e. continued, because of Fred Oster, -)Kyth-, to Irene Mous- HuronTr u'stees and M", assisted lay Father Dantzer and . . . l . � � .'! -ar , . � -Moran, The Choir was com- Fieition�-_!�Albon..Out,bf Reach " Ped- ' .1 . The judges who pl ,ed -the classes ' We wish earnestly to 0 the large nitilinbei of Elharres, issued ,�.eau, Zurich.; Bleanlor. JW.!1so,n,..,.A,u� .ID , FatheT - I . xpress bur�. - I. . ,, . . I and sediried, the contealtants on, oral hop6that the -great Giver of all good . . ­_ I , I ,'And the wide distribution in. pip -int of burr,;, EvOyn Culbert, Dungitnon ; X%atepa-yers-.t.o.-M-el'a't-Posed of imenibers.of the Holy Name le,r. "Deivert -Saiild," Pedler- OWa 1 .:4 1 " r4i�aliwne , were 4 as. follb`Ws.. Heavy `qntinued on Page 5) , I r '" . : I - E. W1h Agri (Q _e6idence of isharehioldleav, it is, im- DQuothy ,Green1way, Bluevale.- Mrs. . Society under the"'direction'o-f the Thr'ee,," Pope;. "S41 -ver Bar M;ste y I I I � . kbrseg, R. ite, ;Dept. of - , —0— pos.siible to di+ermine, in some cases C. Mairtin, W-inghaim; Esther"Hard- I . 10'r-gaindist, Xm 'Margaret Devereaux. Little; I'So,mie, Day," AyeTs- "if I .., - culture, Str#11ord; Bleivf Gattle, R. S. .. . I Ann6uncement has, been made that In St'. James' Catholic Church, Sea- Have Four Apples;" Lawren�e; "The , I . the proportion iof sharesheld- by the ing Fordwidli, and Xrs.,'John Hille- - , � McKercher, Dublin; Dairy Cattle G I ,0 Avoo classes of sdwol supporberst. bre, the annual convention of -the. Huron forth-, Staiday m6r.ning at the eight Lasit Puritan," Santayana- "Votice of l . 1ht, Seaforth. The Thomas Me- -1 .... I "But it may reasonably be assum- Millm ttioighy for the best ,layette . . � ' Tark Sale Lists. 'Iva's ion will be held in Clinton Collegiate ceived theiTfirst holy communion, the Kyne; "Manhattan Loiviesiong," Nor- .11 , 1L Paterton, Dept. of Agricuii�iire, Trustem' and Ratepayers' Associa- &cllock niass, nine little children re- Bugle Ann," Kaiitor; '11C�4y Rieks," , . Walkerton; Sheep, T. .S. Cooper, Dept., � I I . I f Continued, on ge 5) won outfight by the SeaTiorth, 1i . . I . ' * kda . Pa Junior, Institute, this ,being the third Aluditarlium on, Saturday, June 2 -7th, nidires being Ruth'Nigh, Alice 'Me- ris,; "Crinie Counter Crime," Lorac ; .1 . .� .., of Agritulture, Max .1e; Swinle, S. .1 I . . �. J. Slinger, 0. A. Colf�lgle, quell;Y,h. Are Being Prepared - --.---.--.-, 0 1, . . - hgvelat 1.30 poil. " . .1 Iver, Joanne McHdllan, 'Mary Ryan, "The Ex-Detlectlive," Appenheim. ; I �_ . . I . year in succossion that they 0 . - I I . . �- - carried bloyre the prize. I The speakers- will include Dr. J. M. Marie Hicknell, Jo-seVh Nigh, Ronald ,ereniiah -and the Prinees%," A4ypen- . 1. I � I . I . . The rists of landis to 'be soild, for Forrest and Love - .... . '. . Flield,_Mr. E'.' C. Beacl&m and W. Al- King, Alvin Relgier and Stanley ,Ihini; "So Ried the Rose," Youn � . . 11 0 - g; . I 0 .0 0 I* 0. 40 I . beTE- E.- Bruner, President of the Barry. I "The Girl in Golden Rags," Cham- . . .1 . taxei by the,Colunty ,of-vHuron -is now ' ' I I �: I � . . . I . I . Trustees' an.d Ratepayers' Aseocia- I , bers; "The Dim Lantern," Bailey; .1 4 . -a course of preparation, accomliing Clans Hold Piocnisc.-Oddflellows Attend tibin and the subjects of their ad- -0 11 "Ovit of the Storm," Hill; "The Gold . . � _i . I Early P' tatces . 'to -County Treasurer A. H_Ersikiiie. . . I . I . dre-�Ises will be: . "'Education --Then 1� , I All taxes in arrears- three yearig'are I . I Shoe," Hill; "To-nisorrow About This I '.,:able to be entered on the lists. As ' 'ice and Now," "New Basis, of Grants to Tin�ie;" Hilla; "The Second, Violiin,` 1, _­.- . . � . I I ,;.-,. 7 , Di Egmondville Holds . Mr. J. W. Beattie 'appears to ' e ,Nearly 125 members of the Forrest ivine Servl. Schools" and "Education and Secux- . Richmond- "Re4d and Black," Rich- , . . Lhe tax sal will be advertised 6arly -and Love -clan attended the annual — �t . A ", have established a new record . lity. "i'"" I , i I � ." I mand, Masked Women,"- BeaeN , I "" '�' I ' . 4 1 �_ I � I wheit he was able to di ,in July, delinquents have.lonly till the pienlic at Grand Bend recentily, A The hi,deptendent Order of Odd,fel- Garden Part ' , /0 g enough The officersof the Association, are: � I .. Y' "tnde'T the CountTy Sky," Richmond- 11 I I � potaitoes. from) his own garden for,',� end of June to pay up and aTbid �,pay_ bountiful dinner was followed lbr an loWs helid their -divinie service at the F. Powelf,' Presidien't; B. Thompson, I'Ffid,aylls Child," Hauck -, ,"A� , Tnent of tax sale costs. . afternoon ,of racesaiiid soft ball with iE)gmond,dl,1, - . I .1 - .� . . his SundayAnner. - They were Costs ,are added when once'Adiver- the followivg the winners,: e United Church. to - awn- Vice,Presidlent, and Mrs. ,R. David-soll, Des(Pite -decidedly 'unfavorable wea- Marlries A-gibin," Hauck. . . . . _�, Irish Cobblers and were planted tilsed, the Treasurer d i -Children under 5, Jim Love, Glen MeIr"orate Ithe 17401th'anniversary 'of Secretary, Dungannon, Ont. l ther Ithe annual Eginlondvillke- garden . . I il. . , .0 . �L vises, and the -order bn Sunday. They were ac- I ttaxe . ty on Wednesday was a. declided - - ,, . 'If on Good Friday. � must -be ,paid with. the 9. Pattiai Love; boys, 6.to 8, Morley Lore, Lyle comp,,nlied by miernbers. of the -4_9 ipa,r Non -Fiction -"The Lfes -of Vir- .1 . , - . . � I ginia, IlTle,ndry­x, ' I 'Cipe Cod Yester- . . payInients cannot, be accepted after Steeiper; girls, 6 to 8, Hellen, Love, EddIweis Relbe-kaft Lodge,,the stTat- I � Succiess. Supper was served in the days;' Lincoln- "Way of a Trans- . "A ,I ,* church. The Seaflorth Highlanders greslSq'or," Fax'so'n. �. . I . 1 4P '* 0 40 the first dvertisement appears. Mary Turnbull; boys, 9 'to 12, Junior ford Cantbns and,inembers from.sur- V mili v 1D c 11, 0 ,,,* a I . . I I . , . ��, I f I I I I 1. i f . . I ( 41 l. I.jove; girls, 12 to. 15, Ru !Love; rounding lodges. * . 5AAJLSJAJI V a 0 0 Band was: ,in alo1endance. . . .: young women, Edith Love, Isabel Fbr. rest; men, Bill Forrest, Mervyn ,The tparade formeld -at ffise, lodge Honour Minister 'The excellent program included Juvenild---�'The White Flag;" Por- .. . I by the Stratford, "Girl ,young roams at 6.30 pm, and headed by the . . .1 . Old Boys' Associatilonof Toronto was numbers -boys' choir ,ter- of the Limberliosit," Porter; I Love; warried women, Mrs. Oarlyle Seaflorth'Highlander's Band, marched . . . . . soltos, by Mr. Maynard, of Stratiford,' "T�e 1-farve giber," Porter; "Just Dav- Taylor, Mrs. Bob Love; married, men, 'Hugh ,to the e1huteh-, where an a i t, pprop ia e I I anidt readings by Eva Stackhlo-use, itl," Porter; "lio,und the C-orner in I I '.. Carlyle Taylor, Love; banana sertmon, on brotherhood was, preached . a ,good: attendainoe at . Brucefielld,; Donna M'01% 'Vera Hud- Gay Street," Port,er; "Strawbeirry .. .. I rac,6, Mervyn Love and Ed. Gill, Bob ,by the pastor, Rev. ,C. A. Malcolm. the' oiO's'ilng regular meeting of the . son and Margaret Chailters. Ar,res," Porter. ' �. I ljoqvwand Mrs. Les. Turnbull; thre�- . .- I Egimondsollie Young' -Pelople's; Siodety _ . . . . . . . I . 11 � .. (Bi E. F:, Toronto) ' "" ' �-'ra'ce (oPen), 19t'j GMC& 7SIbirling ' -nd, ; 2 legged race, ,girls, Ruth, Love and ' . which was head in. the lochool rloom -of 1l The annual, picnic of the. H , ulron - X Cratwforid. Thread 9,nd needle Helen Love, Margaret Lo-ve and Jean l'. � ' liblie �hlurch on Monday evening -with . . .1 . Old Boys' Associatilonof Toronto was (race, Jenkins and; Gr4g. Men"s, race, -18t, LbVe; three-legged, race, boys,, Bill H rseS � 0 hoe Clu Me president ,in charge,. ­ L . lielld In'Ares No. 3 fthibition Park I I on Saiturday last, and. no'hvithstand- J. C. Grelfg; 2nd, WiEllilotit. Pea-' nut race, lst, Mrs. Barker; 2nd, -Love and, Jollin Love, Carlgqe Taylor- and BIN'Snow; tie rue, Bill Fortrest . Ele cAsPresident . The nileetling was opened ,in tegu- "or formaiid a,fte'r the 'business, was I � ing the many counter attractions- thd Mrs. D. Xhompson.' Married ladlies". and Mrs. 'Blob Love, lColoper Forrest - discussed, Missiles Isabel Forrest and , attendianbe was wellb up -to that of ram Ist M O'Hallblr­ 9-4 Af- -t% -r2 and Mrs. G. Pa;tterson; slipper race, � .1 Hazel MrLachlan were appointed :1 " , , I � I .... I " 4 , % . _­ %. I �, . . . .. \ I I f . I I .. . Mrs. Roy Bell, Isabel Forrest- sb:Ft- .moradshoe einthusiasts hleld, their delegarbes to- �1,e Godlerich sum)nier ' S, � . I .1, I , , flortnpr yearilsi. The -weather was. all Duncan. B�wliloon ' - afarth stepped into �op place in inning. In, Staffa on Molhday they 1� . rvce� list, Mrs, G- ball t.hrow, Mr.9, C. Lovie, Edi,th"Love- annual meeting in the EubhTe Club school. Hazel' - bLa.chlan toto,kch,"ge the, Sutilthern Section of the Huron went under 9-1 in a .., � . that clouldl b �� desire(1--an -ideal, ipilenic Tho'mps*31; 2nd, Mrs. E. Orawford. clotti, f ....­ ,gaiii,& th& should 11 1. dlay��and tHe lra�els� were'al& -keenly T es pin, Maygarelt Love, Isabel ... . of the, devotional -exericises during Football League by tlhikUng a 3-0 wi-ft harft.endled in a 1-1 dra*, swoorl.dAng T I . �,,, , MIM rate, M, Jenkins and G. Greig. Fbr,rest. , I I , " . .. ' � A I , . which Edith Wallace ,read the Scrip- fron'l Bayfield on Thursday jast. The to the ,hits. Errors -at. the wrong I .ill ' contested, the lbrolom4lootbaill contest Slow, walking Tate Ist, Mrs, D. After 9111pp�&17,the exe,cutive for 1937 ture lesson and Warden Hainey led Fi 11", J 1- - being the ,leading f6lature of the af- Thompson; shermen, though beaten, ,put up a time, gave Sfiaffa Tapeningsi which 611ey. � .. " � I . �. , I A. % ,. . . - ar, � 2nd� i&. Gibson. Lucky was ellected als follows: ­Pimsidernt, in prayer. 11ev. C. A. MaDcolm, very gamle flg4ht and, protested strongly took advantage of. ... . -1 I . . , I . I . . ; " . - As was the case � 109t ye numbersi, Ist, J-'-W,.Xoota; 2nd, Miss John Love, Stephen; vice�pre,gident, ,capably discussed the t1opic, 'Th'e wii,th fists in a free-flor�alll when the . ,. .,,ti iteiiiaoni, , . . the result was'a draw game betwed" Farrow. 1. Ross Love; siecretury-trValsiver, Mary Librarato-w At Work," and, gave a .... I Noith and South ffuroal. , - I ., . Notes ,referee disalliloVtdl a gloal which they . � . ',�� . �111 '' -LUMBER, .1 - W. A. Catiliplyel-4 the president, bad ' ,South Huron ,beat North H I ��! I I I f, t . E. Forrest; relfreshinient eomonitte6i, . keen �insi-ght to conditions in Arfrics cla-inled to have georea It was evi- .1 I ' I l 'S emilge of the ,proceedings and the ,tibe ga�me ,of ib,a�eball durin urlon ak South-4M'rsi. W. H. bove, Mrs. C. K. as they now are..and were, also de- dient whii,ch telain would win after the .1 .- A g the &f . I BERGERS ENGLIS11 I ... _... I . kt Love, -Mrs. GarneA Patterson, Mrs. ..,, scribling the Work of 4nissionlaTies first gAl." The Fishermen were dis- . �� z, �, I . 40110wing wOe bhe Pvize wlinnerls-� 11bern0on-aind E; J.B.Dunlcan wasthe ' . � ;'1,21 1, � f"f B*s� and' 'VMS" Xatei,. under 6 years', 'greatest ehth)usdMt, My, D6nean Arthkv Finkbeliner. ., Nlarbli. — Mrs. —w--- there, leaviing with �he -meeting the organized and failleld- tlo sftge� the . I I, � '10t Priwel, X Hunter and' J. Jen(kins) 16nei'of the founders of ,bhe, was Ma-leolni ,Dbu'gall, Mrs. Jack MeDwen, —� � for 'Barn rihaflenge, "Wiliat can we do sbou�,00lme-jbaak with the niecamary punel I . ]" I ", f 2nd pri2e, F. Ouetither and IL iSilllns'; Son As"'- Mrs. John, Tjo,ve,.Mirg. Jae. Mustard; ..w.w. it?" Bessio Rite defighted. ,her audi- . I I .� I 0' thitty'sba years 'aigo, - ­0-0� to beat Van Bell in. the, Sleaforth . or . . I , " . 3rd ,prize, J. Sibuq and P. Coulter. The igeniul �haplsin of the Assbicia- Sports 06hilmittee, Rev. X Lorvie, Bill F o g enice with 'a piainb iefstrumental. . goal,. The locals sripped, h)_s, couple I .. : � , I f Girls, 8 ,yoaaw and under, ist prize, ti,opi Rev. R. C. KcDe*n1d,'mqR mhuv e 's I W. H. Lwe, .Tean Smith expreisge4 the .SPpTeei- more to put the gonlild inithe bag. CAXADA,PAINT �111 . � 1 X Doty, 2rid, J. MoCreath- 3rd, .J. old Gddlerich friendg,. ' L Ze'.' 1RF'Keith Love was oorin ation, of the Society to Mr. Ma,loblin Near ',he finish the Pisherinen vain- - ,��'. .1� f Girgen. Boys, 8,7"0 and- u;d#-r;- lat,* favon'je. I 'P rr 'I h1stior ,� -a ' - , _ I . . I for- h*,,ea,.1y _,nd, ,CO.'s GREEN , , L , . 14 h , , He &.9 . ap: i �* gre� . 'n, We iralgistrar' . ,��lp.a .,elacient-'leader' ly tried to TE411y, b4t Without Me- . I I . 1� : A.'Jienk-Mv;,2od, A..6ims. lGftls. 10 Allibert iWise 6 the clam. . . I ship, for hii­i"ici and- interest in I .. 1, I , "�. 80 ke. of the days - . . I ce-M. - d ')" 11 years and .uh&,r falb,, D6 Grel �a, Xeirt year rilhe pilcuile wM ble ..held , .0 .. ,,and to Ale ",ung peopile, af ter ,#-hich ­. 30C a Poun � . ,r`41' -11" A � 99 Whem Middlotion's 0oronew . had a the ,second WL-duesday of junte at .., . W. 4 Forrest presentied -him with a Thiel Biluceffield Rovers,051 takethe I ';, 11 X Tuttae- 8rd 'P. Wkkens. Boys, general store w,d a post 0 * . 1. , and ' - HVinnary., on behalf of the'Yloung eir first tust I , E A , I I 10 years Ad i;klbr- Ist ,G "O'Hailor- E., V%od, ffilea Bayfield. . Sehh,pth team on forl th ARS NATE OF LEAD .� I '�" . V was teadhitg, thel Tipper. . - ,sle here -ion Sa1burday evening.' The ' ' .- . I 1; .1 I . . . . 6 P16ople. Mr. Mlaqclolin replied in a . . 'Ith .1 1110 . , an; guld, P. JenldiA : W T. Min &fiaol. - � 1-- engths ivery kindly and fitting manileir. Rovers haves strong tearA ,this -tear . 1 4u . . . .1 ,4 1 Girls, . M-1 I . Wry . . � � i.",-,."! . 0 ft ' , -took cliarge of th4 rL and. may pit" a atian-bling block for " 1 , . . , I ,foi,rblst tl�,eh . � . ,,.�_­4�_,�..:,.j ... ­', � , ., a' aT�isi rJaVlina 92ft headed a glood 2'5c'FOR TOE LAIPT§ , 0 thd Seaforffi bo". No. niaffiberl whioh . . . � at 1. .. , - . 12 yZars antl 4 undleli, lalt, All C a Oatind __ ... � OIU46; Oind, B. JemldtNs- -d� T. croWd, fftw lCidntoin and MI;Ittit, I . . creation hour -and riefresibivienits, , - - , - I � .. -1 . . I I , I � z . I z 1, ,� - - Shmg, Boys, 12 yelavlo god und er, lat, .*% ,D. Car0olght a'thei Goderich- Sped,61 wrtsidieroim. is, I . . . - I -tm= wins it will be vmU, ,wo-rbh oe- . , . ,Xc, . t X. olrli , I! , . . I 1. I V� ='s v, Irml f4im, - Ord, Star is.baft eain� doVn'troM the ,coun- shown thd ladles ialu DlolnifinildnV.9. ,And,. Sizes ..1 Ing. ABERHARTS Drug store. . ... 1: .��, ;� ` ' R. Gr ,,, Years oAdl u6ldew, ij�..foiy�, ' � ' ,­ ,:, rl' , 4 ' . 7 ta see haw ther'Toronbo. rolk 6lecordilvig tol the Sod5fth TuTT Club. ' � - .. on Thursday even4ng whp-ri,gr, Alex. The bsWebakl tftrri Oia f�; have had . 1, I , -11, . I 1, I 1:�'�",_,P:J . W7, , f " � 1;1';J , - , 'led Od ur . ­­A#g�,;ij,o�. * - '. `;� � "' L " ' Qaafiw.�*,:`� I . _ I - I- - Ist ' l( . AontilftMft- hd Af Ofth*- ftft, ,A hel V walbq, Zme Was ellectied pftsident nothing but bad Mck'aidd blad bYeaksi. � I I:! , �Ait,� I I �, ,,, vlt0i.rftry Weloyne Tha'"VTW hats, set la'lt, 4" icent � ­ I '. . wil, bom, 4 Y616 AiR aft&r IMIM(Orado ,Star-11.1lig, 0M6rf;bh irp: aAtMwko�. 11da &lr theni at the tabea e Rome, ,of I I ll . S Tout,name"to to take pla,eb during T1W hwel dished' AP 8 fAiT bT69d, 01 'Th . ,; ��,_. ,:ii " � �, � !,..I- � , �' 1. I . I I , 11 _ N, CLUFF' SON . .. ­.,;­....�� . . . . . � ­­., � . � ki., Q'i %� 600,66h. ., Q81 doll -M0,04 bu Aige 4) 114tw I th�x Itfib t1dual so ftft �i�;-, the alunlWer a3*,Wng balli,but alvaygsfAn, to Im" ow 6ad ,;.,. . .."Ji, , "' " , :,il, . I , , - � 0. � wl, . I., -_ . I I'll I . & .1 - aftauged. _Q__.__"".&_A0W 1-11N.."', . 1, � 54. 1 . I I . I ..i ill. �, �, . . '. I - I .;, ��:,.­ ­ ,: I I I . '. , ­ , � :" �� . : �-. � �,�� , 11 .i. I �. I � . , I . . � . ,'� � . . I , . . .. , , . . I . ­ L' �' I I... 1 ,4 %, . . . . _, ".. ."'. . . . . . I ­- - �. 1.11 , � .. 11 . I , . � .. , I I . '. . � . I " I A. , .",.i, 'I., 14 'I �i. " , , , � . . I � . � . i - 1� , 1. '1;1 I , ­ __,_ - I , i 1 ,4� ll. ", _., O.'' I 7. " . I �1, 11,0" . I �. . A -.1 , , � . . - . � ­ I ., , %, - , , . _ : _ ,�%,J, , , 4 v - I f, V, "?, I . I l'T"'. 1. . . I . � . . . ,� 4 � , , I 1", " , �,� i , . . I - - �;, . 11 , , � . 1. I . . . .� . I ,�_ � I ... " 'e�41,ll.l b � . " ,, ,,� ''. t 11,- , ­ �1� � 1�- . � , � A ... I Ill I .... 0$ k. � ­!, -''-, " . " . . .11 1. ,. , .. � 5 7 t, I ,. . I ;, Mli im It, n W i?i I . I 0� l-, �1'11'111 1, kffi,�� ,, -W - ki... �" �� .� .� ­ I h '. - 0 0_1 A . �',".,,' 0. , ' I RN I %, "I'll, ­