HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-12, Page 8' A''!'''''.1: , !, - .:I! ' , 1 ; ;1 ' ..!, , 'Ole'r'll' ' . "1. 7," 'Altgia'i0,1i WV"' ''4.i,10'40i003'r.',41ir, ,,tk,, vq. ,-;'•:.,11;u'iz,!14,%,, , , . • •„, .• „ I • .. ',7,7:7; , ' l,•lt,1.1'. or __..... 777 !1 „ - '-yr,!!'• -,,,'•''. .1'!i00411°,''IL ' , . _ ''' j ,!' ' ' ,'1 : :, ...:• . . ..,....! - ' ',4' '''' ;1 1'•A . , '• • . . , 0i4:4' , li'''' .'1' ,. !ii , w , . 4 I 1 1., .• ,. • .....,.. . • . . . -; • . . . A .1,;,,,ki6. , ,• . • •„,•'^g; ,,,4 !.q, . , ;;; !; 1 p „ '4; .. • ... i . . „ . • - — , " -. . ..__. Y t . !-,,•,,,,o • ••0 ....., „ ., r! :„, ''' .;.,.,„•„;,,,,,,,,,, T , 1 . . „,• _ ' .0 TEE HURON EXPWITOR, • '10 • -•,-----------4 -UNE 12 1926 .- _ . ,..... „ . _ . ---- , . lege, Sandwich. • " NOW OPEN— . - *lead where he rensarinied until thel . , YYt: 1i•I„' 1 . . NEWS OF THE TOWN . • ' Mrs' L. '0. jaelgst'll i' Irislitling in Toronto.. /dm . tiMe eflaiairdeatlie The deerasiOd -WO married to Beagle Rose of Ethel, who ' ore.. . , , ,,,,,, , , , e 0 , . ' •I'''''.."1„ LARGE CAN PINK SALMON, • 11: CORN, 1 PEAS 25c • tall for ISENDED 17.,EXIA RAISINS -Make ,. . ......, Announcement. - 1V1r. and Mrs ' -." -' Harry Tyndall announce the engage - anent of their daughter, Violet Helen, to MT. Cliff10,1Y1 Alexand3er Breadfoot, son of Mrs. Broad:foot and the late Alexander G. Broadfoot, the maniere ' to take place the latter part of June. ... liVer,' and Mrs, E. S. Harding, of Richmond Hill, are .goests• at the home 'of Mr. and Mfrs...Jas. L. Grieve. • Canon. E. Appleyard, Mrs. Arpple- . d ani Dr. R. Appleyard left .on lal ' Wednesday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Cdulter, in Ottawa. They will also stay in Oshawa where their son, 44,,t.ri• ; • ' , est."'" 0 . , • . . Service , - ICI • ' i redeceased him ten years ago.. Front itlat, amnion there were berm dire* children, .five boys and- three girls, five of whom are stila living. Far. a numloer of years :he served on the Tuckerendith court:ell and many . im- provemente •thrbughout the township are the resulkaf his efforts and fore- . ,. .. Havert. You S een Th. . , • .... The New': Summer ,, .. lovely pies, at , 15c .. . ,.., CHEESE -Real nippy. ,22c ro 'CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE 4,9, ! Jumbo size; 2 tins I C Announceinrientr-Mr; A. F. Muff annourtees the enga,gernent of his old- .est. da.ughter, Jean Eleanor, to .Mr. e son William Aubry, eldest son of N' 1 Mr. and 1VIrs. J. A. Aubry, of Nakina, the wedding to take place in Nakina early in July. .. C-harlesr _recently underwent ,a ser- ious upte.r.a4don..•character ere. -1‘1.1e1s .,.:.. MIt'6?g,ar'et, everthils ewe'', '. rell()..114.us n 'matting /eras/ and e.riketais i 13"7uffalto has returned home: • Miss Dorothy Richardson and Mr. Jack Frost, of Toronto, weie week -end guests at the 'home of Mr. I- .. Or Ice COld-Drm s k . • AVON ICE CREAM • HOT DOGS • • . . .- ., and .. •• HAMBURGERS thought. He was a • man of strong and ibehered in jusitiera fdr all. Hisi strongest defence was that for the weaker. A life-long Liberal he never. Missed the .upPortunity' to cast a..ote for the policy in Which he belies*. He was are ardent reader and possiessed a. clear coilitnepitiOn of . , • S.. TWIN -SETS. PULLOVERS.. . . . • • .. . ring Oar:melt s . - , ,.• ALL IN POPULARLY POPULAR PRICED • 1.4,...*LMER INFANTS' SOUP 1 OC at, tin .,_. .• . 'Awarded Howlett School Contract. .—Mr. !E. J. Dinnen, :the well known contractor of Egmondville, has recur- anti Mrs. R.' Priest. a Mr. and Mrs. Rana Smith and two children, of Toronto, were week- H. WESTON . • (the events of his time and his• review Ofensatters of goVeratiAnt amid states7 'rrven since Confetlewase elear Mr. DRESSES SUMMER SHADES FROM 3-PIEC,E SUITS ° AND 'WHITE $1.-00 to $4.25. ; • JEWEL SHORTENING 2 Bounds •27.c -. . ed the contract for the erection of a large modern brick school house, S. end guests at the hoime of Mr. and M. W. A. Crich. • Dr. and Mrs. G. K. Cha man . GODERICH 'ST: - •SEAFORTH , • •a-ation and accurate. e. a Kay wes istrong Presbyterian, who believed t the faith of his fathersi was un- hal • • N' Cotton Bramble Skirts • ' . 'RUBBER DOILIEStor table 1r - . ou at 2 for.,,„ . ' t,•• COMFORT SOAP -6 Bars and one S. No. 13, Howick, to replace the former building burned down last Christmas. The new school will be ready for occupancy on S'epterriber .1. and Miss Nancy, of Fort Erie, were the guests of Mr. W.. A. Ohaptrian and Mrs. E. Chapman over the week- riur • • the first teacher, and being an ardent bud- 1 thefinished. his public school 'el en' .. • education 7witha fifth class standing high for those changeable, and Ito the very last . revelled, in the old- psalms and psalm touter. During the entire ponied of ' ' • • ' ' his blindness never. Once, was he ew -$1 each These are Light, Cool and Serviceable. • . • .. . '' . . . 25c "i•al for ' !AMMONIA SNOWFLAKE Or RE.. BANDY, at package oir t.;.• BUNSET• DYES. are excellent 25c at 2 packages 'k XVIten buying Chick Feed, !My Mas- ••• . ter'a and then" you get results. ti'• .,',. A. C. Routledge . Phone 166 SomervillesStreng.-A quiet but 'pretty wedding took place Saturday, 'June 6th, at' high noon in St. Thomas' Church, Seafortih, when Cora Frances, younger daughter of Mrs. Strong and the late William Strong, was united in marriage 'to Archibald ,Scott Som- e•rville, elder son- of Mr. and . Mrs. William Somerville, of Walton. Canon Arppleyard officiated and Mr. George Clark presided at the organ. The •chancel and altar were beautifulle decorated with early summer 'flowers - - • Mr. T. C. Shillinglaw underwent "an operatidn in Scott Memorial Hos- pita' this week. • The many friends of Mr. A. A. 'McLennan will regret, to learn that he fractured his, hip tin a fall at his home on :Sunday. Mr. Mic,Leamari has _ . been in prror •health for seimie time. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Little, of Winnipeg, are the guests of Mao and Mrs. Andrew Little. • •• Mr. Scott illiawailorne, Me. and Mrs. J. .E. Henderson ,a,nd Mr. and Mrs. Helmer .Snell and Miss June at- which was considered early clia349' As a yOung man the de- ceased was well !known throughout the stricter he! owned and operated for a mural/sr of years One of the old - ' - . — horsepower rommesilung •machines and bane a n of strong physique vied .' - with many of the men of hia age in trials of strength. He was also a - • ram lira', r figure , t many functions far • a - - -- a • • • • 'and. near .where he and his Ivlielin furnished the music. In those same diays Some of the winters being long and .offering little remunerative em- • . found 'hi -mu the Michigan heard tderaturnarr. The funeral, head from -the old hcimettead, was largely attended' by friends from. near and far. In the absence of Rev. Mr. Feast his pastor the servloe was ' ' et:Inducted "by 'Rev. Mr. Young, of Oar - a Presbyterian 'Church, Bewail, .. and .Rele. Mr. Reidie, 'of Cromarty Preshryterian Church. During the service . Mr yother reel - — — * - -'' very ingly rendered a stolo, the 27th psalm, a favorrate! of the deessaed.: To mourn his death MT. MacKay leaves threle sons and two daughters: • Oliver, •ChArrl•ea, ,. , .„ , HOUSE AND PIC • NIC DRESSES • .i . • '-iiiir • .made from sturdy Prints, guaranteed to-st•and the .. wash - and sun. Well made .and prettily. trimmed.-; , cr . s _ • ' $1,00 Each '..", • French Made Prints, in well -fitting lovely styles. . .. ,......, - $1.39' Each •- • , e . t • .i•,, The bride was charming in a quaint floor -length frock- of pale 'blue • silk • tended the ordination services. at Metropolitan Church, London, c'''' plo lumber woods with other local boys', ' ;Margaret and -Bessie, of Tuckersimith; Ross it, ,of Herisall, and , •• . r •• ;., ,. Insurance r.• Sr net over taffeta, with short sleeves and skirt finished with tiny frills. A s -mall matching hat was worn and she carried an arm bouquet of B 'al- . cliffs roses" and lily of the valley. Mes. Carson Allen, of Guelph, was Sunday, when Mr. Harold Snell,' of Lo.ndesboro, was ordainede.: Mr. Snell is- a nephew of Mrs. Henderson and Ma. Hawthorne and a brother of Mr. Snell.. • • Mr. and Mrs, C. Eckert have 'handy with' the axe or skilled in river driving the logsto. the mill. In 1876 Mae MacKay rnoved to Toronto and and for two years .he Worked. out of city -on railway construction work' and', in 1878 he joined 'the To flour-'grandeldadren; also one brother, William ;M. MacKay, of Grenfell, Sask. Interment took place- in the family plot in the Egrntonclvilleceme- tery, the pallbearers' being John El- gie Roirert Elgie, James Hay, Eric .• . _• " SMART STYES UNSURPASSED "' LOVELY •. IN - • - •• • VALUES IN SUMMER • sumaviza GLOVES NEWEST 'HOSIERY HATS AT • 49c, 59c, 79c pair 59c, 75c, $1 a pair. POPULAR. PRICES .. . . l'WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN " FIRE . - AUTOMOBILE , [LIFE LIABILITY - PLATE GLASS WINDSTORM PERSONAL ACCIDENT . - . her _sister's only attendant,' wearing • a gewn of -powder blue suede lace fashicared on long lines 'with jacket and full sleeivean ' A large matching hat was Worn and sh•e, carried -aphelia returned- from, Detroit after spending a week With friends in the. city. They wereaCcompanied by theiretwo daugh- MrsM ters., . . Desboro and. Mrs'. 'L. Br -all and 'her son and daughter. I... twill°, police force on which he served for • four years,. Leaving the police force an 1882 he came back to Tuck- ,ereimith and took over the old home- MacKay, Hugh .McMillan and Roland Kennedy. • • •A wiry. pleasant time was held- on June 6th at .13/Elton Farm, Tucker• - smith, 'at the home of 'Mrs. Charters, , , , . , • . • .. .•. f, INLAND TRANSPORTATION " roses and •Clarkia. Me. Carson Allen , • Mr. Gebtge Hays is, in Si', whieneshe celebrated heir ninetieth ,. , • Gil TEE BONDS was „gresonsman. . After the • eere- Detroit t' s -Mr; R 'Bell, _ _.. birthday; Many congratulations, gifts , . _... ,...... ninny dinner of Toronto, and and *Oliviers which- received testi- . . . Absolute Financial was served at the -bride's home. Later bride _Mr. -Cliff. Bell, of Paris, France:, Eur- - NEW were .. fied to the lady .. - • ' . / Lowest Rates with Strength, -- — • the arid groom left on a trip to Northern Ontario, the bride travelling in opean manager of the Palmblive CO., were calling on friends in town this and OLD TIME esteem in which -this ig heill, and although at gulch an ad- vane -ed able to • _ . • • . • • . ..- •• . . . --• ' • Rates and Information gladly given. a yellow lace frock with . white coat and matching accessories. On itiheir week. . • Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Spinal have. ' AN E age she was enjoy the festivities, of the afternoon and . , evening.. Four Of • . the • • • . . I • ' - • • VACATION .AY. S , • ' '' CALL OR PHONE US return they will reside 'near Leadbury.. ' '"" • returned from Detroit, Amherstburg arid Toronto. . • E. ... . generations- family sat down to a. sumptuously laden tea table. Friends were .„, . . -.. .. WATSON & REID . • Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -St. Thoma,s' Chutch-Confirmation .Mr. C. Boswell was in T'orionto on lVlonday. ' , - BAYFIELD PAVILLION pres- 'ent trent' Moose• Jaw„ Saskatoon ;• Chatham, iWfundsor,4Clinton and Sea- ARE •YOU READY•FOR YOUR VACATION? • . ., 214 Seaforth . forth. . ..... . . Phone : . S' 'alists in All Kinds of and -Sunday •School -Class "at 10 a.m.- No cihildren's service. this . Sun ar. Canon Austin ! • CONSTANCE FRIDAY, JUNE 19th the 'Of Those who attended frorn a distance ,the ftinerail of the late Jnohn F. 'Mac- — We Are Ready To Serve You- — ' . ., - , "Whites" Insurance: ' Smith will be an change of serivices both morning and 'even- inigo-Carion E: Appleyard', Rector. '• ""'" Me. and' (Mrs. Jack BusbY daughter, of.Chatham, spent the, under aeapices the' Cliiito ton Old Time Dance Club. ' , Kay were: Mr. and NI. rs. A; W.' Mac- Kay and son, from St. Thomas; Mrs., "Mis. ' See .our ih SPort and. Dress Models, 0)57 - : . . fords, Ties and Straps. Fittings AAA to E, accord-, • : , 0 <).• * * * * . 0. . 0 - ' ,,,,,,• is 4° • S. -T. Holmes & Son - t• • <> 'FUNERAL SERVICE 0 .o. • Main Street, Seaforth... 0 . 0 ' • 0 Nortliside United Church -11 aryn,„ Report !of Confeeence bY Rev: C. 'C. . Earine and the pastor; Baptismal ser- vice: 7 'p.m., The Vine and the Branches'; Sunday School at 10 aim. rr-Rev.. T. A. ;Carmichael, Minister. ' First PrestbyteTian Churoh. Pre- week .e.• .with Mrs. Busby'S 'parents, Mr. ' nd .M.rs. Rebeit Lawson. Mr. Bus- by returned home on Sunday and Mrs. ' Busby . and daughter are spend- Mg a few weeks with her parents. Mrs. Jack Davidson and little son are spending fewdays her . - RUSTIC RHYTHIVIAIRRES . Dancing 9 p.m. to 2, a.m. . Admission - 30 Cents, EVERYONE WELCOME •Flana Parilneate iMir, and Geo. Papineau, . Dearborn, Michigan; Mr. . and 'Mrs. James' 'Murray, 'Mr.- George Murray, WoOdsteck; Mr. Donald Mar- ray and Son, "Ross, and i, daughter, Mary, St. Helens; Mr. John •Clark, Bruss.els;•.Mas arid Mrs. Wm. Clark, , .. .., .... , ing to style. • . . . . ..,. . • •Priced $1 98 to $5,50 .. • : .. . . . • A 'STYLE FOR EVERY TYPE' OF FOOT _ ' GOLF(.. 'GOLF!, . ' Z007' _ , -se-- 0. ' S. T. 142c.Imes, residence, . -7r> 4,•:•' 4> Gederich Street, West; phone <:). - communion service this imitnediate, Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The Kirk a with panents, !Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larl7v- slon.' - . , 3574x2' - .Mr. and Mrs. ,Alegc. Clark, Walton,: Mr. anti 'Mrs. Alf; JOhnsoln and. Son!, VarnaMrr. Charles Dyeae rr ' "e's • Our Special. "Strider" for t No. 119W. 'Charles Holmes' •• 'Session will convene at 7.30- in the (Reis 3. C. Britton returned from Howe, 'Mr..and Mrs., Harry Hall and . Men. All Brown, Elk tan - • ' . ' 0, memo, ,Go.desich street, 41-- ' 4i> East; q5horie No. 308. • 0 0 Ambulance Service 0 vestry. - Preparatory services in so ..Clonferenee many churches have fallen by the wayside: Let on Saturday evening and spent the week -end -with his parents. Mr, Britten ., •1 . - - ., , •sidn and Mrs. Wm. Barden, all of ' Hillsburg. Friends also attended ,• s ..... , • " lied.= Moccasin s t y 1 e - f J.." Spiked• 0 Night calis., Phone 308. , <> 0 Day • calls, Phone 119J. 0 all members; and ad- herents cienve- together for this- brief- est hour 'of priparation. Friday and. ,family returned • me on Monday. . Mr. and Mts. Andy Rieekie, - , fi,N. 81, . ''''''"-- , # (44' ' I fit " from Cromarty, Hansa, • Brucefield and Seaferth. „ . • -•••:-Sole---- and -Heel . ' "They all like it." ,. ..0. Charges moderate. o _ 0 * - 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' ev- ening at 8. Communion se.rvice. on •Suriday m,orning at 11. Our church has but three Communion seasons, in the year. It isn't a question of show-, , of Kingaition, spent the .week -end with -Mrs. R•e.e.14e's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Britton. ' Miss MleKeown and Mrs. Gilmore, e"' 9 ‘, A 14ow (-dr' • '• R • . •"For Tow. CATetnienre' R A demonstration On' the control of internal parasites 'in :sheep and swine will •b•e held 'on 'the farm' of James Smildie, Lot 10, Con. 1, Tuckersmath "re -"- or - . . Priced at $8 90 , , 1 . VACATION . BAGGAGE ..• ' 400000000000 0 : , 0 H. C. BOX -- t o FUNERAL' SERVICE 0 • ing vouf lievaltY to a man-made in-' • - ' ' . stitution: it iS' the hlig-h privilege of :Pledging' fealty to the Christ or the ch•LiTch. con^.(inunign address: ."How ..the...Lreket.the Man of Nazareth and, .... ... °HIS Seveieisn Manner of Tortrilto spent -Sunday with Mr. ' . and Mrs. W.. .0arnoehan. Mr. Bernard„•Riley . is at present quite ill with. bronchial ••pneumonia, His "friends hope for a speedy reeow- op Effective May 3, I936 W LEAVE EAST BOUND • . - 8,15 .a.m.-- • - ••• 545- -p.m- • • Township, on Tuesday, June 16; At 9.ao am. Dr. Lionel .Stelvenson, pe4, vineial Zoologist, 'will be .in charge of this 'demonstration and all farmers in the district are invited to attend. ' -.7 , , New Stock just in, show- , ing Aeropacks, Oyernight ' or "Vanity" fitted cases, ,••••;-• - --- ... 0., ."•'•< , ' '7, . 4 11 -r. • - ,•z s ' ' ' . ; •<> . Licensed Embalmer 0. . Turned People erY• ' Standard Time e ' - Club Bags, Suit Cases and 4.. ',...., ,... '.,, 0. gc" • Ambulance Service -c• ° 'to a New Way of Living" Evening • . • • service at 7. Se -I'm -on, "A •Photograpfi Miss Viola Clark left on Friday for Forest Nook, Muskoka, Where she will , LEAVE WEST BOUND ' MANLEY . "Swavel" Cloth Overnight Z---1.2.,.?.:,1-•.,.-.:: , ...- .-•,1 . ; ,, . • ' . Hospital Bed • 0 with adjustable ratchet oper- •C'• .0 ' - ated Spring for rent. 0 , 0 Night Calls . Day Calls 0 , 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 <> ..c., <> 4:><>0-<>>•c-c<><><>o<> ; • • of One of the Gigantic Stone Feet of. Murrolini: He makes A bid for im- mortality !in stone dT bras's. or bronze: Perhaps men a thousand years hence will intake a pilgrimage to kiss his sacred feet: What bearing has this On the -sure word 'of 'prophecy in • the Bible?" Music for spend the summer with her aunt • 'Mae:. Barrett of Toronto, is visit - in her sister,' Mirs• W• Clia'rk• ' 1Misr Margaret Miller, 'art -Stratford No/Mal, spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Isobel Jamieson. • !Mrs. Alex. Lowera-f Lowery, of Seoal:10 is 1.00 p.m. • 7p.m. Itineraries planned to all points in Canada, United States and • . Mexico. ' Consult local ageat •-•• . QUEEN'S IICYFEL, Seaforth. , Wedding bells are finking in Our, tTuuAre57.,day pretty y wedding took Place last -at St. iF'etee's . Lutheran 'Church, Brodhagen, when Mae and ' to BerrnewieS' Youngest daughter Mrs„ -George, er was united in marriage Bags with "Zip " o r.35' •` • - ' • . „, "Dothe" fastenings. All. , . , • ; new and -made by "McBrine." Pricesmoderate. • ' : • .• SEE THESE VACATION SPECIALS • 1 i• <> <> <> <> <> <> <> 0 0, 0 0 ,., 0 . ''' 0 .0 K> • WALKER'S . <> FUNERAL SERVICE ° ' .<> .W. J.- WALKER and 0, 1 0 JO -HN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 ,The the morning will include: 'Quaetette, "Or Th.ou Whose Sweet Compassion," 'Mrs. J. A. Munn, -1Vliss H. 'Murray, Mr. Ja,s,. ...,„ , T. Scott, Mr. M. R.-"Reardie; evening, •anthem,. "Who Are, These?" Heart-. . . . . rest invitation to services -Harold Colson Feast, Minister. spending a few days viith her daugh- ter, ;Mr. and Mms. Alvirn..Dale. -Miss Florence Taylor, of Toronto, is spending a few clays vrith her mothers Mrs. Henry Taylor, and bre- ther„ Harvey. , . Miss Ruth Hugill, • 'of •Stratrfoed, spent Wednesday with her parents, .' Central Ontario Bus . . Lines Ltd. TORONTO , /-' 3569-1,8- Mr. Rock, Sort •of Mr. and Mrs•: Philip .1Riock, of Logan Township. After the ceremony the young couple, with. the imimediate, friends) repaired to the bride's parents home where a sumptu- tous breakfast awaited them. ..We wish the 3roung couple a smobth jour- . , ., , • " M. W. LOCKE SHOE AGENCY - .,-• . • . . , Special Attention To Fitting - - . • / - S111 1th. s Shoe Stoie ....r 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 Mr. -and Mrs. James Magill. ... ney through life. - , , Mr, Mr. joe Matthews met With a , 4 Funeral -Directors.- 4 Broadfloot and Mrs. Britton pain-, , . , t •••7 ,.• , <> Day or Night Calls promptly 0 . .c. attended. • 0 : LOCAL BRIEFS • were Senday visitors at the. home of Mr: and Mrs. Benjamin Snell and Mr. ful accident last week when he was operating Mr. ' Thomas Purcell's! Next to Regent .Theatre • - Seaforth , . • . , , 0 PRONE 67 "(> • • Mr. and• Mils. Fred IC.. BroadfootMr. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay. truck. While cranking the engine' it backfired, the hitting him, in . , 0 <> and diaughter, iof Seattle, who he've and Mn Frank HE ret s. aurned to 'Saturday crank fade, the cut requiring several 0 .0 0 -0. -r> 0 0 0 0 0 0 o been the guests of Mrs. J. C. Laddlaw, left On Thursday for New their home on • after spending -a few we•eks with their stitches. ' York and Washington-, riephear,7 Rosa; ,Mc701-egoe. . Mrs' s Cal- -teens, ,..., Mi. Sam Oudimiore is busy Making his rounds the . E.C. Chamberlain • ',VIT. George Bethune, - 'of Port .McNicalI. spent the week -end at h,is of -Crionoarty, ha.s accepted a position 'or sou.seireepie,g rer. Ross me_ II% ,pressing surplus hay, as pros.pects -are " good for another hilmpor crop. *A ar c. ell... ... !., Clerk of the Second Division Court home here. Gregior. • ' .. ........+00 • , . . - ----------- County "'Huron • Mrs. Tyreman and Misi -Melville .... . . . . , of office in the Dominion Bank Build- , are in. Lontleshorts • Dr. and Mrs. James E. Breslin, TUCKERS -MITE . , For ,The • ELIMVILLE * - AT EGMONDVILLE CHURCH. ., .1 , , ' . . . , ' .,, ' 4. — so .4•:: big, Seaforth. Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1.36 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.' Saturday- erening,, • 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.- • SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, autornobdle,,fire, sickness and accident insurance. If in the mar- lest for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. R C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 : Seaforth, Ont. 3485es " . of Thompsenvele, Cennecticut, are visiting. MM. and Mrs. Jas. Devereaux this week. • Mias. May Broladfoot was the guest of 'the Misses Young this week. • Miss • 'Marge Fiorrest„ of the School trf Nursing,' of the sramoroo General Hospital, underw•ent. an op-. oration for appendicitis on Wednes- day Tart. Her condition is very sat- isfactory. . • Mrs, T. S. Smith, Mrs. R, Eber- hart; Mrs. E. Bell, Mrs D. H. Wilson ,,Mrs,. II: E. Smith, Mrs.•K, NE: McLean and itiftss• B. Campbell attended an •Mr. jiohn C.. Dolg, of Detroit•,. a.,e-, cohpanied 'by Ida nether and -Miss Janet, visited -with friends in :Wats- 'eten {luring 'the- week' The many friends! Of Mr. Wm. J. Bell will he soery to knew that he is confined .to his room and is under the doctor's care. A speedy recovery Is h'°'Pe'd f°1% Death of J. F. MacKay The Towns:hip of .Tackersmith lost 'one 'Of its oldest, and respected citi. ,zetis• Tri- the ,persion. ef John Frasee macKay n nig, 84bn year, who died . , , ' '• - umther• . _ ,. . ' • During the Summer months, we will endeav- mon • , ,,. or to serve our custom- ers 'by -making- regular deliveries four times. a • , . , week, and, twice a day. , In....this way, with the . , Visitors -in this comimtunity during the.' Week end were: Miss LOTerla Minis of Toronto, at her home, Mr. Ha and Ars. rry March, Mr. and Mrs, Moir, alsid Mr. Lou Woods and Mrs. J. McLaughlin, all of London; 'with; their • respective • relatives; Mae and Mrs. Fred Johns and !baby, of ,Ilit- bert, With 'Mrs J, Johns. MT. and Mrs. Louis Johns, - also Erronerson and' .William, were ;Sunday migitors with MT.. and Mrs. William Cole at Chiselhurst , - , , • Mtr. and Mrs. Witham Brock, of ' . , on ' . . .' ,. . ' • enesJ' dday• une1, li , 7 , . . . , . • _. - - ' at 8 p.m. . • Concert by the Stratford Boys' Choir and..other . -; talent • • • . • -. . • „. ADMISSiON: 35 cents and". 25 Cents • executive meeting the Huron . ion the old homestead, "Lot 4, Ziort, were visitors on ;Sunday with of Pres- .byterialrof co-operation of our cus- Mr. and !Mrs. WeS, Horne.• . -.- the W. M. S. in the -Pres- ion June 3rd.... Mr. MacKay foe the , byterian Church; 'Minton, on Tneeday. -past siic years afflicted by blind- we hope to • .was elim- - • •-- . mi . : Insurance - i MM,'‚ WiThairn somervill,e, et. w c, - odstock, was the guest of the Misses Young rye's's, though his health wa7s valets wise"tisfactorY, alldetb_Piligh Of ripe ,t0Illers, ' - 'ii• . na., th a unnecessary , • • • IIILLSGREEN • . . ,.. .. 1 t,,V, , ' (,,, :',,, , ,il, b '1 , , .r, 4 , ,, - , • - ' - . t. ' With 'SOUP to 'take - -you, I .Stah 1 Prompt I *taints. 1 VOMpotty's ', sida 1, your 1 our frifittO - ,. ' ' the enorntous accidents, you ch 'take . gates are low with protection service and In case Agents sire at your tritia pratected Ant° Talkies. '" Pire . . ^ Coitv6yancin• - ',it •kat' .'• 0 • increase in cannot afford t t Let us protect in compart- g i v e fi. payment of of trouble, !the through , Can- senike. Enjoy ., tiy one of • . '"' . Wind ' - • g• •. • 4- Eft. ' ' ..,... . :, 4' this week, , ,• Miss Jackson, of Egenendiviiror is in Toronto. • Miss Ballantyne spent the week- end in. Toronto. • The...Misses 'Watson were Lon_ don visitors over the weekrend. • 7Vtr, .and Mrs. R, trownand Mr. and ilVtler: J; A. lideigt,' of, Brantford, visited, Sunday at the home of the lat. trees sister, Mrs. -A, L. Porrieons. They also attended the' funeral „Of the late George C. Lowry, Brusselsc. a bro. ther-lit-law fof 1VLrs. Long and' Mrs'. Perteoni, • ' • Mr; thbitnas Purcell, 1Vti. and Mts. Mtn grigh and family, .11,fles Ag. nes . Purcell, RN.; and Miss 14tary Metactileit- attended the ge-icluartion -comm. Tex aft Wes -tem tintverslity ,i oft Ipo • , *hot-1ft; Tiodig .„,„ .- . ',1 tbvittstkt Alkt Btueltelgyr Of years his mind was keen and clear, The diereasied was born. in; •Sutherlande shire, IS.Sottland7, in 1852, and when a small hoy, with his parents. th•e late Ale/earrider lVfadlkay and .Esther Fran- err, tame- to -Canada, aird settled on wiltlere51' nahritaineery'llrwas8hu' iltTuarsterv5mitehd' as. a. home for a year or two. Then the family moved to lot 4, taking^ the land from the Canada Company. Front, sad bush Mr. lVfacKay saved 'and cleared the anti -rearm f. and lived Ilbatough ruiany years a erh,appiing, log- ging and breaking with oxen,. The bearutifal term hometteiad as it now stands -1s' entirely due -tic,. ihis labor and planning. 'Wheat the Bret log school -was! built or the corner, ,taillt. listrIly biters, es the nott 'novo, eer., mai, git. •Vitstetit0 twt•S' Ate COL 616 Soinie-lhundred "-pi% WOW brftente'd delay -in delivery. ,- • . .. Deliveries will be made " as follows: . DAYSMonday, Wed- ',' day, Friday and Sat- ' urday„ , • - HOURS—Morning de- ' •• - livery: 11 o'clock A.M. ... . Afternoon delivery, 4 " o'clOck p.m. . RATE -60c PER OWL t , . • .' : ,. sEA orrii it ,11 „ . — C EA ERY • ' . , ' - ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' , ' ' :, .. ' ,Willigl) ... . , . i The servee ,green- tburtil Peter's, of arrrerille. The Wong anhiveirsary siert-vice in s • or rg, unte Thamles Road, s.peaker. De. members of take part in the 1 .p.m. rin the M. Ross from Clinton hcone of her Ivrr. eruct vim,. one evening.at Mrs, M., Tullf mr.. Wi-Jarrett . , , , at the hettie Idatio—itit,,,0 *loft—. , '1:,4 taiiritflMetielathie' ,. 'on Sunday in the -Hills- wi.11 'be talk"' bY R427^ • . . People will holdtheir , 'on Sunday even- R • - St. ev. Mante, of -- 'vrilll .131, the guest Smillie, of Hensallrand the Kippen choir will singing, Service at oystring, .. .. Love and babe returned- Hospital add are at the nigher tor a fev day s. William Resat called thie bon* of Mr. and and fantilY. OW Annie vielted ptr .10 • '' • . 04.104, uttete ": .- • ., - . ' Itidtkett tiO the . . Stratf.. ., - ord •t . , , • . . . • ' r .. •.• es ,, _ , •• . ' • , . . . ' , . ! .. , I•LT,' ' ' e 17 . .- . . . .. . . . • • - • ... THE -RACE ,01-41111E StASONi • . ' • , . .. . . ...• . . . . ,. ! ' ' ' ' , . a • an. , 'alit- yH''. and'. •. . .. ..„ ,4, 1, ! ' •„I , , 41 '' ,i1 MI ' . o''., '''''' ' :'''"'l ,`'''' t . k: ,,W,,A „„,, 1 ,,, ,'',,..? ')'i3J'A'%'' ' •A'i iiqN 4 ' lfrPthi414 H W',, '""t i ) • , .,r, . ,• 1 4; ' ' i,,':. •, qq4k '16'1.001M0 fl'',,,t ,;(Y i