HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-12, Page 6, . , +;••••r'ft'tttt;t:tt tet%tv tv• 1)00;/$.0"ti,otr /Os tt, rter seseeseeeeereeete'reseereeettteeettile. .4tillpfte!We't- neereerneetee • ' . I • 4 "AtgAitft • Alp THE OITROPI RiPOSIToit vv. Negev netts., en ree. JUNE 12, 190.410' ...v.! • .• utvv.u.t.voctver.vtv.v.,. ounty Council continued `frono, Page 3) authentic manual, swill be 'perm, 'Pee records and will 'be available • at than time in the Clerk's effice. In it�iscomention I twill. read section 69 tpage 25, which -may tpeorript an additional proposal in connection with ' • neneneements to our rules now un- der consildeaation. .. May I aelc.counpire consideration .to -a plan of bringing in a public apeaker .on occagions to Adrienne County ,Council ton matters ' that •etitould be of interest It is felt that if ()outsell approve of some such plan that perhaps .a representative of the 'Government 'might address council on matters pertaining to agriculture, a 2'0 presentative from. some imtportant • industry, such en, The .Carradian. Pack- ing Carepariy, would on request per- haps be glad to carry a message to • us dealing with the question of pro- , fits in indus-try, a.. representative from the . head office of some lef our batiks .would passible be willing to convey_ valuable information respect- . Mg various queitions, on- which we would like to be'enlightteriee Insbrief, we wtould halve many, sources from which to draw on when seeking en- eighteryment on question e of impor- ' tance to minicipalities. It is your eterkns epinion that, having obtained yotvr approvale'he would be in a enuch better' position to proceed with this Ilan. "He feels personally that' de- partments ,government, fin.azice and industry would readily respond . to such sr request as, 01.1tliriea, as.' it is no doubt •a matter -of material ad- vantage to corporations to -have pub - lie endorsertnent. Any message con- veyed to the mernites-s 'of Huron County CqunciI would unquestionably be of equal interest to other member's • of county councils throughout 'the Donation, and Huron county council 'could reciprocate the kindness bf these' who may address us by con- . veying 'stitch messages to other enun- ." • impahties. Old Age Pensions „ Council waseheldeinethe-Boatrd-Ron 'Comparisonts between the east five of the Agricultural •Office, Clinton., on • months of the current yeah as Against Thursday, April 16, 1936. The War - the year 1935 see*. an increase of den, Mr. Bowman, was' in attendance ' • $560.00 in payments made to the Old and all members with the exception of Mr. Lovell. year. There. is, abbot 12.00.D.0, owing by the various eaverishies ak this time for 'their propoitann of thospetaleeosts. plot using seven dilrerenb varieties of. oats and mentioned that a 'field meeting would be held. shortie before A lest of eitose libraries to whom the graineveas ready itla hone; ..The nte-aan-tee benpaid- this near -wilt-neeinebeeeneTte e -carnal were in fav - be passed around. I would request. or of this meeting and also support - (the several Reeves to certify to the correctness ofethe addresses of ,bhose librarians) or secretaries enewn on the list to whom grants will be for- warded. Insurance 'Sondes oovereng county property ere ready for examination by the Property Committee. ',Matters left over from the ,June Seeseon to deal With --Page 4$, Doc. 46-1-36: Re appointment of mem- bers to Good Roads Ournanission. Page 93: The. question of moving lavatories. Coal According to figures obtained from Mr. James, Caretaker, the following saving is recorded ini respect to coal used. The co.mparetive figures are for the ,years 1935 and 1936: 1934-1935 1935-1936 On hand ..... 8 tons 2 tons Purchased ... ." 85 " 98 " Lefe over 2 97 " 12 " Coe used ... 96 " 85 " A saving of 11 tons in -coal used in spite of a much longer and severer winter.)—J. M. Roberts, County Clerk. County Gaol There have been thirty-nine pris- eters corametted, as follows: Theft, lone vagrancy, 8; L. C. A., 6; breaking and entering, 4; breaking parole, 2; fraud, 2; car theft, 2;, for- gery, 2; disorderly conduct, 1; at- tenipted• ern-6de, 1; incorrigible, 1. ;We, have at present in custody sev- en porieoners. Cos e of daily rations per prisoner, 102A cents.—James. B. Reynolds, Gaoler. Advisory Agricultural •Council The semi-annual meeting of this Age Pension Commanssion. • • • Mother's Allowance Mr. Hemingveay, the chairman, dur- • Comparisons between tee first five ing his address tpresen d. a report of Months of the current year as againet the me-.eting of the Ontario Agrieul- - the year 1935 show an increase of :Weal •Council which wan held inen- . $2,237.00 in payments made to the'morn° on February 17th and 18t1i,and • Mother's Allowance Comimiesion. This aise• read and explained the resolu- t inerease is. accounted - for. by allow -1 tions pasted on.. at this, meeting. ances paid to mothers with that. • The . Agricultural • •etepreseretetiye • Hospitals - • . was called upon to give a report of ;The tendency in respect to patients this work ewe the Jest meeting. of • in sanatoriums who are paid for by the council arid he -mentioned particu- • the eatiriter ie tiewarde. Eaele • new, tarty the wellsatten.dect Short Course •• patient in a.sanatorium means an ii- in Agriculture and IT-onve Economies . crease in &runty costs at the rate of which *as held in Hensel during $550-00.3 year, and each patient on . the Month of February. He also men,. /the steerage stays in heepiltal for s•eten timed the series of nine meetings of era' years. I would therefore re -e farmers. erhieh had been addressed hy • spectfully. suggest that care tak- Dr. Lionel Stevenson, Provincial en in authorizing the erittir of sena-, Zoologist, and believed that these . Corium patients as county charges. ,nieetings were among the best that Under the Act a doctor is permit- - ted to enter any person inSo a hos- • pital using his own judgment only in • such mattere. This means. that if the patient impeened to be an indig- ent, the county automatically becemes crespensifile undeer-the Act for the casts of such patient and the cminty is without. any 'recourse whatever. • Comparison figures as shown by the Treasurer's, records show that hospitalcharges in .19:36 as at May ' 31st are $19,190126 as compared with $9,312.90 et the same period last ed the idea of holding two demenstrin tions on the %este eherecel weed .killers. It was' suggested that . one of these 'demonstrations might be in Turreberry Township and the other in Ooltiorrie. The Agricultural Representable% pointed out that rro demonstrations on the control of i-nterrial parasites in sheep and swine'thad Ibeen held in the courety for two or three years, and the Council were in Tavel.- of twee or four meetings beingearranged for, the location of (stuch -meetings being left for Mr. MacLeod to decide on. • In discussing Junior Work all mem- bers of the council spoke in .faver of one month 'Short Courses in Atgricel- ture and Home Economies. It was moved by Mr. Feagan and seconded by t, Mr. 'Grain, that two oneemonth courses be held in the county next wireen—tCarried. :It was further suggested that Auburn be the centre for one course, and the other to be 'held in either •Seaforth or Wing -ham. The last item for discus.sion was L'the County Massey Scholarship to the 'Ontario Agricultural College. Al- one met -we inquiries had been inceived them prospeceive students, the'lmembers of the Advisory .Council recommended that no action be tak- eru—Oliver Hemingway, Chairman. • • Children's Shelter had ever been held in the County. The next subject for discussion was the queetion of holding some eneet- ings sine demonstrations during the serene F.' r months. Mr. MacLeod stat- ed teat arrangements. were. %eine made with a farmer in Stephen town- ship to conduct an oat demonstration two ecnvcritions ,tysee addressed. samtely: 'North Huron District. W. I. Convention, at LonSesboro and Unit- eci Church Young People's -Clean of Huron ,Presbytery, which convened at Seatorth, ECZEIVIA %Moven ItobjaW isuiOld,y, fluirsa x head the Wen, a moat effective treatment or Eezeasa and other 44 talatiblea. Vascont die ewe DriChases Ointment ha e been quite a help in complying wee) the Depaetment's -request • for accurate monthly summary of work done by the :Superintendent Since daily work sheets have been K4ortefor the.pest two months we are able te •grive'you a sublunary of 'work done. During May and April there were 211 toccurrences, sub -divided as follows: Ohild protection work, 86 ;. unmarried) parents'• work, 60; child care work, -65. In the two months there were 48 office •interviews and 112 visits made. Report (yz May .314 shows 18 cases of child protection 'open and 20 unmarried parents' oas- es. There ate 64 children under care, as of May 31: Shelter, 11; boarding home, 1; adelption probatien, 9; wage homes, 6; free homes, 19; other eo- • ciety's. wards, 19.. We halve tried to create interest in the work throughout the countyeand R. Turner -j. A. Bryans; The ••re- quest of the .Children's Aid Society in reference to the trust account held by the county be transferred to the Childien's (Society, and a by-law be drawn up to this effect.—Genvieci. IWle have held one meetin•g this year anclehave inspected the ehelter.- The ;Superintendent was instructed to erder paint for. the upstairs, end var- nlish for the 'floors which had begun to show considerable wear. The Shsel- •ter was fun d to be in good condition inside and .out, except" for" two mat- tresses. These have since been re- pleeed by new ones,. On June lst there were 11 children .in the Shelter, but one was placed out on June 2nd. All the childeen at- tend sehool..exeget two girlsnoneehelps the .matron and the other is sub-nor- maL We have six boys ranging .in age from ,eix„ to ten years, ready for tplaeement. We are very desirous of finding homes for these boys and if 'any of the council roitenibers coed ns- sest • we would appreciate your in forming us. One girl attends Col- legiate and has headed her form. for two years: . • • • We also desire to express our ap- preciation for the work „done by the matron, en thte, fine supervision' and. care -she- gives the children. • • Under the old system there is a sum of money' which was left through wills' to the Children's Aid Society. Thi e money' has been held in trust by the , county arid under the new. regu- lations shouldee treniterre.d to the • oreclit of the: Children's Aid Society and we would ask ,the council to 'pass a tes,olutiort to that 'effect. Atthe request of the Provinclal Departerent, Mies, M. Pronse, sten- ographer, wet to Toronto in 'March. This wee clone for the .purpose of be- coming familiar with new record syst cen, keeping of familyehistartiess and other new phases' of the Week. While there see (visited Toronto ad York County Children's Md .oftces, Social 'Service Index Office, • Toronto Juvenile Court arid the provincial Offices in the Parliament Bu•ildings. City of H.amlIten Children's Aid was also einted, and considerable time event on -geeing' understanding of . the filing and recording system. This -maintained as usual, and as the funds anta4ateenjiter ereadl-senge, entleee •-read'Vetlei the same so last venue no permanent improvements of any importance have been contemplated. 'Moreover, this year the county is faced rwith esatrAereleligations respect- ing sales tax, gas tax and lack of relief grants, while extra cost was incurred on account (of the severe winter. Considening oleo that sixty- six miles of'new road. have been add- ed, it is expected that little of a ,permenent nature can be acceneplish- ed, and (that -mainibenance work Well need to be restrieted. It was found necessary to replace an old power tgrader, and a new one was, secured from the:Dominion, Road Machinery Company, Goderich. . The motorcycle of the traffic offi- cer was exchanged DOT a new one. Two claims for damages were set- tled by .the Commission, one of Mr. George Lane for $250 and another of Walter Woods for $85. One dam- age claim was defended in court, and ,the, claim wast n - In regard to requests fon additions and changes to the County Road Sys- tem, in View of the finances iof the County, we recermertend that 'coned - ti f these otters be left until R. E. Tureer, Chairman, Legislative Committee • Re hespitalizatien of indigent pat- ients in respect to Ontario 'Hospital cases (mental), we feel we have no authority to change government reg- ulation. Re reeoluition from County of Wel- lingtonene railway crossing, we eon - men 'Re reselution liceneing of grain choppers, we are not in favor. Re resolution, re -bonding of offics hale by private lboridemen, we•reeom- ene_ntinn.nhange, epresent Ant, ne bonding effinitals. Ike Motion suggesting county pay for heeled expenses up to $30.00 for indigents, whether hospital cases or oth.ervelse, Iwe recommentd no aettion, Re motion suggesting ebhnt Wooci- etock Ontario patiente be paid for by the county, we recoil -intend no action. —Alf Mende tOhairman. Executive Committee era) o next year. . Regarding request of delegation from lelnevatle, your .Commission will look over the 'situation and 'make such improelements asare immedi- ately required. Re motion of Messrs. Geiger and Mellick, that the Province be asked to assume the 'Zuricih Road and mo-, tion of Messrs. 'Pryde and .Sweitzer, that -the Dashwood Road be assumed as a prevancial highway, we recotat- eriend that this application he made, and that the Department be also re - (minded. Of the wish of the county to have the AmberleyeListowel Roaei. and the Winghami-Harriston Read &seamed, too. • Since the Department of Highways is now willing to maintain the coin necting links on the Provincial High- ways,, we recommend that Bylaw No. 6, 1927, be repealed; and that Bylaw -13,- 1025, be amended by taking off (Road No. 2 of the schedule from ,the County Road System. Your Commission has considered the' rebate situation -in the Town of Seaforth, and we recommend that of the .$e,471.88 grant received by .the County from the 'Province on account of .pavingeMairt Street, Seaforth, in 1927, that the town be credited with $4,016.91, which will balance the ac- count at the end of 1905. ' Estimated Receipta and teens, 1936, are as follows: Expenditures Maintenance— Grading • • 1,500e00 • $ 3,000.00. Weeds Dragging 10,00.00 .0everts • 1,000.00 Bridges • 2;500.00 Tarring 2,500.0,0 (Snow • ' 10,000,.00 Guard fences 000.09 Calcium chloride 10,000.00 • : • 1,42001.0000 C8aoultrity ''''''''''''''' Drains ' Resurfacing 15,000.00 3,000.00 'Re letter from the 'Honeital . for -Sick Children, trequesting grant, we • recommend $50. 'Re letter from the Lucknow Lib- rary Board, re application for :grant, we recommend $15. Re letter from the 'Secretary-Treas.- /urer East Huron Women's Institute, requesting county grarit-foe $100, we recommend open coencel consider. Letter from the -Corporation of the Vtlage of Blyth requesting the re- turn of Thurlow" McDonald to the C.oteritY Home, we refer the matter tic) }Myth council•for decision. That this council donate or contri- bute to the Rin-alTnietees' and Rate- payers' Assoniation of Huron the 'sum tot $50.00, we recommend 150.00 and ask the organization to report their activities at December sessiofi of the minty councO.—Phos. Pryde, Chairman. County Road Committee Since the January Session of the county council, elle reads hav(e been r- - THE ' et ONLY COMPLETE LOW-PRICED A Single Ride Proves • It's Wiser to Buy t-,t-t,:t.t•-••tr• • •,...2.#?; • • • *i:i:i:!:'Xi,:?';'*•5?•R::"••• • • •••'''•:' • C 'A R a CHEVROLET -Avvt::://tI,V,:ktfc eleen•nt. enseattene;;eW:':. ONLY Chevrolet in the low price class offers you all the good things of motor- •ing . . . proved by experience . . and recognized by public preference. Sweiveless, perfected Hydraulic Brakes! Streamlined Fisher Bodies with the protect- ing, solid steel Turret Top! Valve -in -Head, high compression engine that saves you money on running costs every mile and minute! Fisher: No -Draft Ventilation to guard your.health! Improved *Knee -Action gliding ride! And Safety glass of the finest „quality in every window! But—far better than words—step in behind the wheel and let your ,own actual drving test prove every claim we make. Payments to suit your Purse an the Genetal Motors Instalment Plan. *On Master De Luxe Model PRICED FROM $736 (Standard Series 2 -pass. Coupe) Master Deluxe Models from $M4 DetIvesed 51 ?story, Oshawa, OM Government taxes, Wet and Iieenne extra. GIVES YOU ALL SIX • • • PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES ; TURRET TOP BOWS BY FISHER. ; VALVE -IN. ' HEAD ENGINE...FISHER NOMAFT VENTILATION :;: KNENCTION (on Master De Line Modele)::: SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT ‘0.696 fe v rl • nee ItkAoff t▪ r1,0' • : StvikI1V •ti vvegt e' • 51 tvet$44, 4 f A • Expenan JCIHN SO SORRY "Mani alKUITO ARS Haney -As e LEAD 1 THOUGHT THE agars WAS FOOLPROOF, TOO:— IDAY KITTEN-1'4E0E rescues reneen— Lea 14Ava, AtiOTHER v N 6 MOTHER TOW To use t BAKING POWDER DON'T RISK FAILURES.. It's easy to avoid baking disappointments -if you use deperadable Magic Baking Powder, Vnerstespoonful assures full leavening power. That's why so many of Cane ada's noted cooking authori- ties always use and reconn naend it ! this fine -quality baking powder costa so little to use-actuallytesa than 14 per baking! Order Magic from your grocer—todayl Made in Canada vornmes tea mend that iteni 4 under Recommen- dations be taken came 'of -at once, namely, furnace be'looked over and '.heating tank be put on a lower lev- el 'and that it be left an the hands of the Warden of the Gaol ren:see this work is completed to his satisfac- tion- For iparticulars see Inspector's Reeort. An appeal from,Mr. Charles As- quith in respect to the grave tof Dr. Develop which is situated on the top of Dunlop alga ,oyerlooking the town, asking consideration at the council in respect to mairttaing this grave, in -respect to Mr. Charles' Asquith's -nppeal to ceuncil, re Dr. Dunlop's grave, your Committee has inspected this tomb and site and we feea that something should be dune in respect to making this geave a memorial, and we recommend this be taken care of at the earliest convenience. We also would vecenanend that the Clerk *vnete--theeecylborne- tee:mile ato-the 'Minister of Iiightareys, caning their , attention- to ithis mattand asking their assistance and co-operation. We also wish to tender -a Note of thanks to Mr.- Harrry eMeOreath for -the interest he has taken in this Atha, also for the time and work he has Put on Your Property Committee !had one meeting since the January tSession. We inspected the Gaol end imade a recommendation for repairs, asked for by the Gaol Inspector, namely, repair of floor, 1 grate door with new lock. We Melo inspected the reof of the -county building and ordered (the re- pair to the -roof to.the extent of 225 slate -shingles. We also took into 'conteside tien the decoration and painting .of the main hall -way in the county be' ding, and we recommend no action fl1 later on, • . — . . . . . .... .., ..y ., .tv.t: tt.'. ..t......-..tt"•• :Vt,..f.....t.t:•;;. 4,, t Construction— Rebates • '' Bridges Grading Drains ' Superintendence Machinery' Traffic patrol ,Inturance Lights. Legal fees, claims Interest charnes .........3,500,00 Conemitie .pay Jists• , 500&Q Deficittpec. 31, 1935 .... 3,000,00 $102,970.00 • $60,600.00 $ 4,200.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 $1f,700.00 4,500.00 16,000.00 e2 >loom 500.00 • 70.00 500.00 Receipts Levy, 1.2 mills - $ 53,125.41 Stibsidy 46,900.00 Gas tax refund 600.00 Sundry receipts 1,000.00 Traffic fines • 1,000.00 • e102,025.41 We reconalmen,c1 that jhe insurance policy covered by Leo s themes Nel son Hillcoveting liability • up to $20,000 for 'a premium. of $368.00 be accepted. Moved by Alf Melick; seconded by Orwen Geiger: That we petition the Provincial Government to take No 9 known as the Zurich Road, as a provincial highway. Yeas — Archi bald, Eckert, Geiger, Haacke, Mel lick, J. Scott, Robe, Turner, W. Turn er. Nayse-Beyene, Cardiff, David son, Elliott, Veagern, Grain, Heming way; Keys, Mawhinney Matheson, IMogridge, Moser, McNeil Pryde, Pleb& Scott, Sherwood, Stew art, Sweirteer, Westcott. Wilma Hateeke, Chairman. Property Committee Re- letter from the Sheriff of th County of Huron enclosing-- tette from Inspector of Prisons, we reek:en e r until we see -how our flnftnces are....„.. Wie also inspected ne insurance policies and on the . ommenciation -of the auditor, placed 0,000 more in- suranen on your own y court house. That the :County PikpertY Commit, -teemake an effete to lease the plot of land surrounding Dunlops Tomb for a term of 49 years at one dollar per annum, owner to continue' to have the use cf said land during tenancy, we, your Property Cu -emit -tee, will interview the owned of this plat and get particulars and report to council in Decembee.-George McNeil, -Chair- man. to,- • • •10,1-115% Every 10c N, ' Packet of ( WILSON'S FLY PADS SWILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN \SEVERAL DOLLARS'WORTH/ eQFANYOTHERFLYKILLER Warden's Committee That- the Rending. Rules •and Reg- ulations be amended by incorporating the following clause's to, be numbered 85 to 90, inclusive, ,we rectemenend •achipted. 'All -Motions! or- resolutions that re- quire to be ,s.ent, to an outside govern- ing tbody be nest referred to the rev-, elant committee or to a committee appointed for the consideration of such motions or reselutioes, we re- commend it the adopted. That all individuals or delegatiens requiring a hearing before- council on a matter pertaining to business, shall make previous arrangements with tile -Clerk in order that the regular procedure may not be unnecessarily interrupted, we recommend concur- rence. - That any inquiries requiring to be artsweeed in the minutes should he presenrbed an wilting, we recommend adoption. -That Committees' m-eet on Wednes- days vshereepoesible se their reports can be dealt with as early as possible thus allowing ample time for discus- sion of any problems to be dealt with we rec-ommend adoption. . That where it becomes necessary bo refer to a manual 'of Standard Practice for guidance in municipal proceedings that Roberts'' (Revised Rules of Order be used, we renern- mend adoption. That every merieber should note on any division before, the council, lex- oept where that member has a per- : sorrel interest in the question, We ee- 1 OC WHY PAY MORE Best of alkfiy killers. Clean, "prick, sure, ebeap. Askyour Drug. gist, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PAD co., HAMILTON, ONT. "NERVES" SHECALLED It, Losing interest— losing friends—she never went out any more—alwaystoo tired. "Nerves,', she thought—but it was her kidneys, the filters of her blood, that • needed attention. .Delay meant danger. She took Dodd's Kidney Pills at once.. Restored to normal action, her kidneys cleared away blood impurities. Fatigue, headache, backache, disappeared. 11) Dodds Kidney Pills commend the fourth word in the first in be 'changed to "shall." e That Standing Rules and Regula - ions be amended by incorporating he following, clause: No Committee be authorized to spend more than $500,00 on any ,project twithout first having had the sanction of the cella- ty conneil, no action. 'Report ef Committee, re report the 'Comity Clerk, 'we consider it to be worthy of every eiensideration by this council as tthere are many fea- tures in it thatwe believe will im- prove our p-rocedure and greatly as- sist in the conduct of the business of the council. . We else approve of prorponed rules of order concerning the peoendings of council while in committee of the whole. • 'Finance Committee Re letter enclosing statementfor -work clone by the two clerks, in trans- ferring documents from old files to the new for $82 each, and the follow-. t ing accounts: The Dean' Coal 'Co., $4; Mrs. Gee. Monk, $2.50; sundries', $5.75; Ed. Lynn, $1.80; • sundries, 55e, we recommend that whole council consider the' payment of $164.00 re- ferred to and we recommend that ot-her accounts be paid. Re letter from L. E. Dancey en- closing accounts from Alexandra Marine '& General Hospital for $52, Dr. W. W. Martin $6 and Dr. A. H. Taylor $40., .re Harold Kaitting, we 'reconeneend no action. ' Re ,County Treasurer's Report, *e reclaim -next that the Treasurer's B� - port No. 2 be adopted and the mail/ rate as therein set out. Re hill, from the Exeter Cemetery in respeet to digging of grave of Thomas ,Stanlake for. $10, we reebm- mend 'open council's consideration. That 'the .County refund - to the Township of Turnberry the,statutary allowance eowards the funeral . ex- pense of Robert Weir, an itligeett hos- pital. case, we recommend the stata- tcry allowance of $30.00 be paid by the county. -11.• A. Keys, Chairman. • Equalized Valuation of the Municipalities of the County of Huron,the,population . tion and the Several County Rates for the year 1936 . , . Equalized General Provincial MUNICIPALITY ' P ot ipounl a - value for County Highway Highways County , Rate ' Rate Rate 3.36 Mille 1.2 Mills .95 Mills 5.5TotaMills' Colberne A s,Thlwellarishills— ' 1217 Acreage Purposes P$276p6os6,6er $3,93331 $3,199.99 $2,533e5 $4.1.42:606161.:32 Goderich 4.4 ' 2100177 523419347 12,,513883,A9400 .6,165.44 1,846.73 1,461.99 8,464.16 7,316.88 2,620661 2,074.73 Grey 2258 64,882 6,007,090 10,073.75 3060861 2,886.72 -16,588.98 Hay '.' 2662 52,977 2,526;860 8,46327 3,031.62 2,400.08 13,894.92 Ho-wick.........3003... . +3093 -e68,256 3,408;085 11,417.08 4.089.70 3,327.68' 18,744.4 Hl6 1774 ' 53,345 2,556,500 8,66427 3,067.80 2,428.68. 14.060.76 McKillop 1908 • 52,286 2,729,880 9,144.98 3,275.80 - 2;59323 15,014.06 Morris , imp . 55,180 2,508,700 • 8,587.39 3,004.44 2,378.62 13,770.36 Stanley ... -.........,. 1807 44,858 2,377S555 7,064.80 2,85e.07 2,258,68 13,076.56 9 0ephen 2807. 56,907 2,835,050 9,40741 3,402.06 2;693.30 15,692.77 Tuckersrmith , .1946 40,729 2,364,200 7,920.07 2.837.04 2,245.09 13,008.10 Turnberry 1480 35,720 1,606,090 8;377.05 1,926.10 1,624.82 8.827.97 'Osborne 1791 42,604 2;443,330 8;185e15 - 0.932.00 2,321.16 13,488.31 East Wawanosh • 1165 41,723 1,672,840 6,404.01 2,000273.: 1,880-10 9.200.61 . CleTe°41.114-- West Waviranosh • 1868 1325- 41,710 1,684,040 5,641.88 2,020.85 1,305919,88963. 4149,,,2,7728:620...:11,02:221... 903 1,000 1,892" 6,339.03 2,270170 1.,77ri..96.4 769,470 ' 2517.72 - - 10,407.37 71' 4;899.67 . "Goderich • Seaforeh ... 4383 1697 • 550 1928 • '. 640 870,750 • 2,917.01 1;044.90 . • --82'7.2e 890,850 2,984.e4 . 1,069.02 '''' 846.31 3,971.66e ' VVierigliam BEniszetrri8 •'" ' Blyth Villages,- , 612 446 011,750 1,06446 et..2 . 350.65 2,084806:0060 • Hensel ' , 1622 766 1,200 460 ' 072269:110000 121,42644.403 335,800 1,124.03 886.452 , " 319.01686.00 1, 402.96 e en -ea 44,10 001i881 $44071475 0400.04 $58,120,41 $42p57.05 601 34)0 ( 1 $248491.40 ; 1 , - • 4 • 111111rEtti ,tee ..enen • , nessattle,....1;'"e.:tnene e ttt,,,it`'nece eettervr", "e •