HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-12, Page 3d,
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Stories. of Israel
(Br Cherie; Malcolm)
1 •
(Continued from lairt week)
Chapter XXXV
1Pharnah's allaying vans were stand-
ing in front a Iliad's tient. The old
man linieed".ertrund them as he ex-
amined everything carefully. "Regu,
liar Chariot wheels" he exclaimed,
°With thoee. Arab seeds hinehed bo
these wagons we should make .at
least forty miles a
-Children were carrying things from
the tents—land running back for
anore—sucih fun as 'they were having!
They were reeving to 'Egypt to
Egypt evilere their Uncle Jo.sePh. Was
Phalle:ohs friend, and they would not
he -hungry any. more. They tuariblect
over each other 'In their eagerness to
get the Moving vans loaded. •It was
a regular *elle for them.
• "There is plentyof stuff in Egypt"
the eleven brothers of Joseph told
their thrifty wiemen folks. "The
Pharoah told us not to bother bring -
ling anything with me—Mt 'leave it
where it is—we will get everything
we need in Egypt, If you gather up
emery Tittle thing, we will never get
away . . . Come on, and let's go."
The tents weredown and loaded
. . . the :children and their mothers
rvvere .climbingeover the wagon wheels
—it would b.lf their first wagon ride
. . .. the helves were impatient to
get away— a bit excited with all the
Chatter ,of the children behind them.
The driver is Istra•el's wagon was
waiting floe the told man. He 'limped
slowly past the shouting c hildren.
' Then, before he gave the word "to
go," he stood with bared 'head, and
leaked over the burnt up pasture
lands, and the .cainp Site.,'which he
' had CaNed his hclree fee so long.
He ,dild not want trege„,„.. •Godegether with- allowatees-Ire refeeired'
ihad inede'a prOlinise to his father and to roads and highway e 'briefly and to
grandfather that this .was 'bo be the ' the Performing Rights Society, and
Stated that the Agricultural Ceuncil
land, be his &Killeen . ••. '• "But
Joseph has sent for ane.—.he will be were -dealing, with' these ;problems,
with me when I die. And, th, and 'that effective results would ev-'
'en tooex-
.-there is corn iii Egypt for tny chil-
entually ensu. The Warden
dren's ehildeen" Fior their sake he
preseed his appreciation to Mr, Tay-
. .•
wtor for 1 -is remarks..
ould go. ,''He was ready now, and •
Rev, Canon Appleyerd then •ad -
the Egyptian•driver spoke to , hisRev,
dressed the council. He stated that
'horses. . . e the long praceseion of
• moving vans and flocks and'herds l're was a Trisstee of the, Seafor'th
Codlegiate as as Huron's repre-
• etarted on the way te the land of
seetative .to "Western. The reverend
EnYPt- gentleman stated he would like to
• secure the 'mind of the council 'so'
that he in turn could Corrreotly inter-
pret their wiShiers when he attended
sthe .Senate of Western. He referred.
to the advantages that Would -accrue
if an intermediate school .'for iptspals
. is brought into ,effeet, where pupils
could receive an education according
to their ebilibie.s. This ggentlemila al-
so • stated that he graduated from
.Western and was the firat graduate
from that University to have a child
who was also 'has graduated from the
same University.
• The Warden expressed his 'apprec-
iation for the interesting address' and
•assured -Rev. Mr. Apple yard that the
Education Committee would convey
Huroll County. OM
r .1
, (Continued from Page 1)
Efilett-R. Turner; That we' leave
the matter of Mr. McDonald who left
the Clountry Hoare without the pro-
per (Bechar" in the 1411E4 of Mr.
Jabs and 14r.•1GoveitilacinenCarried.
The, report of the 'County Road
Commassion Was read te councii and
on motion re -read clause by• clause,
with Reeve Westootb in the chair, and
adopted wdth the following amend-
ment; • Meliek-Geiger: That we pee
titian the Provincial CroVernment a
take over No. 9, ktioWn .aa the ZIA-
ich Road, as a provined,a1 highway,
eTitiel yeas and .asked for
on 'this amendment, they were. re-
ccxrdd aa follows: Yeasi—Archribald,
Eckert, Geiger, Macke, „ 1VIelliek, J.
Scotts -1R. Turner, 'W., Turner, 8 yeas,.
NayS—aryans, Cardiff, Davidson, El-
liott, Feagan, • Grain, !Hemingway,
Keys, Isoveli, Mawhinney, Matheson,
1Vrogridge, Maser, McNeil, Peyde, P.
W. Scott, Sherwood, Stewart, !Sweit-
zer, Westcott-20 nays. Tire -Motion
was -therefore lost 'end will accent-
inglbe deleted from the fourth par-
agraph Of page two of the .0ootinty
Road Commisisilan creport.
Mr. Taylor of the „ •Agriculteral
Council addressed county Cr:moil. He
stated 36 counties in 'Ontario were
new, affiliated with. tide menanization.
elle paid tribute :te'lleive
way stating that ,he Was fulfillin,g his
duties faithfully as County Repres-
entative. This gentleman referred to
Hydro matters and the peospeet of
an early reduction in rates, and to
the Municipal 'Act stating that the
larger centres of the .proyince receiv-
ed an 4widue 'portionof the income
'tax. In respect to inatters of 'edu-
cation he. stated that 40, 'to 45 .per
cent, of taxes of the 'farmer went to
the payment of education. cos: He
referred to the high salaries.received
by teachers. He 'stated the Teachers'
Federation Union , was responsible
for high costs of education, that the
countyshoed have more control: ov-
er salaries, that the Board of Edit -
cation was an extravagant bawd;
that Inspectors' salami's were $'3,600
a year minimum and up to $4,600 to -
They got as' far as Beer-sheba that
day—here • his father Isaac had
built 'an -altar a' long tirne before—
and the whole camp gathered for ev-
ening sadrifi.ce.
The borders of Egypt were not far
away . . Israel was not yet fully
eatfsfied that he ought to go • to
Egypt. He was ,afraid God would
not be 'able to keep His promise if
he left the promised land. The time t
had Come when he must choose be-
tween Canaan, and Egypt. " ' •
. The children were tired after 'a
day's ride in the Egyp:iian wago•ne—'
the mothers were verse than "pic-
nic -tired" and the whole :catnipwas
quiete.d down for' rest before 'bhe sun
was set. But Israel's, sleep was dis-
turbed with dreams and visions.
"Jacob! Jacob!" came a voice out
of the night. •
"Yes, I ani: here," was the sleepy
"I. am the God of your father
Isaae," ..and Israel_ was awake
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alert hs an instant. "Fear not to go
to Egypt, for I' wall make you a
' mightyenaitien in Egypt . . I will
go with you and 1 Wilr•stay•with you
•es long as you etay. I will bring you
out of Egypt 'again when the chil-
• dren of 'Israel are •a- multitude arida
Mighty nation . . . Go, and be with
Joseph, your son, for the rest , of
your days."
The next morning the old man was
up ,beight and early—he was 'nearly
one hundred and Thirty 'Years eld, but
he was as eager as any child to 'go,
on to Egypt. With ,hitn, were his.
eles'en sons, their wives and their
Children and -grandchildren — about
seventy in all. Then, . in addition
there were slaves and servants . to
look after the sheep and cattle (the
exact nember. we ,do not • really
Israel never hesitated. again — he
never looked back-nbut orders went
out for the drivere, to nra.ke just as
fast time as the lambs and young
cattle could stand. He was • very
anxious to see his . son Joseph. The
Moving Vans were carrying him to
-t'he land 'of Egypt. ,
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a hit
'giro!! their
the mind of 'the council to him be-
fore his attendance at the next met-
ing of the Senate.
,111r,,Latithwaitet from Goderich Tp.,
addreesed ,council briefly in teSpecteto
the menace ,of jack rabbits and apple
maggots and asked their considera-
tion for the possible elimination of
these pests.
The report of the Property Ootm-
mittee were lead to council and on.
motion reread clause by clads's- with
Reeve Keys in the hair and finally
adopted ;without antendanent.
The report of the Warderes Com-
mittee...Was read toeonncil and on
motion re -read clause by clause With
Reeve' 'Scat in the Chair and finally
'adopted with thetfollowing amend-
ment; That motion No. 76 be adopt-
ed, the eonamittee having reported no
The report Of the Mance Oonernit-
teentas read to council and on motion
ie -read clause by clguse with Reeve
-.G-rain in theite -and-finally "adapt-
ed with the following • amendment:
In respect to two bills of $82 each
presented from the Registry Office.
be struck out:
P. W. Scott-Bryans:- That the
County property Comnrittee mage an
effort to lease the plot of land sur-
rounding Dunlop's, -tenth for a term
of 49 .years "at 31' per anniturn, Owner
to continue to have the use of said
laird during tenency.—Property ,Ciam-
mittee. •
'P. W. Seott,Melick; That ii fu-
ture all see -mats" for grants' of money
from this council be accompanied, by
a 'financial etatemere or torganizatton
for. the year immediately ipreceding
the requbsti and inriSt be presented to.
the County- Clerk' erior to the Janu-
ary session, that that a bylaw be
passed, aceoedingly.---40a.rriect. •
Cardiff -R. Turner; That we .
struet Mr. Roberts, our Clerk,' to
make arrangements to have a speak-
er attend at least once sner year at
the Huron County Council on some
subiect of interest. --Carried.
Grain-Bryans.: That a bylaw be
drawn up rescinding Bylaw 24'; 1936,
and Bylaw 22. 1935'...—Carried.
Mawhinney-Lovfll: That the mill
rate fee the. year 1.9.86 be; General
ACconnt. 3.35 mills: •Peoeiecial High-
ways, ':95 'County. Hiwh'ways,
1.20 mills, making a total of15172 miuis
and that a bylaw bedrawn un and
the county seal attached'—Carried.
• Friday
The Warden addressed council in
respect to the two bills presented
from the Regis -try Office which were
previously ordered filed. He suggest-
ed that he felt these you•ong ladies
were entitled to consideration of
some vort• for- the extra work they
were required tie do in making the
transfer at the Registry Office. The
following motion was 'then put:
Mc:Nall-Davidson: That we pay 25
cents per hour to th'e girls at the Reg-
istry Office for whatever time they
were employed in the transfer to the
new • equi e e nt.—C a tele&
A supplementary repoii of the
Property Committee was presented to
council and 'en motion adopted with-
eut am e n•din ent. • •
The report of the •County Home
demmlitten which met on March 30.
last, was read. to council ardent mo-
tion adopted without amendnient.
The report of the Education Corn-
niitte.e was red to cou,ncil and adopt-
ed without amendment.
A „`Ressoletione Whereas We colon -
siXer,• in respect to High School and
Continuation- School grants, that
county eouncils, While they have the
• responsibility 'of raising the necese
sary monies, have no control over the
administrative loadienefho have the
spending of such,!nronies collected;
resolved, that the Municipal Council
of the County of Huron petition the
Government to enact legislation auth-
orizing county eauncil and councils
of; ,high school and continuation
school districts, to submit ' requisi-
tions for grants of high seherol and
continuation school boards and boards
• of education for money to the Nun-
licipal Ebertdl foe adjustment When
they 'deern it necessary to do so; re-
solved that copies of this resolutiep
be forwarded to the neighboring
county councils and the iflionouwable
the Ministerc of Educatien.
In response to the inquiry of Reeve
„R. Turner atking what obligation
Huron County incurred Th respect to
the road on ,the boundary between
Bruce and Huron Counties from Bel -
more west to No, t4. Ifighvvay,
Reeve Haaeke relied as fellows:—
Htiron 'County teanntaine this portion
of the road andeelharges one-half to
the County of Bruce:.
Melick-Ilemingwaye That Bylaws
-No. 28, of 1936. to No. 37, of 1936,
inclusive having been read a. first,
second and third tithe be fintill3r pass-
ed, and the county seal' attacluedee-
At this time the Warden addressed
the Members a the council prier to
adjournment and thanked them for
their 0 -Operation and expreesed his
appreciation for the prompt dispatch
of business, as itwas carried out at
this Seeger.
:IVIeNallelileketrt: That we, atljoerri
to meet Tuesday, December (1,, at 2
Imintediately folhrw'ing the carry-
ing a the ,anorbien to 'adjourn the
anemfbein erase and sang !the' Natibn-
at Anthem and joining hands sang
4"41001 Dane Syne,"
Report alike Connty Clerk
• • • •
emder to, facilitate the' wok.
the chairmen Of the illatiatz0 etemalt-
tees ire preparing ',committee reports',
a standard form. has been drawn up.
As documentsresolutions or sno-
liens are referred to comrnittee.s,
these will be inserted into. thse re-
spective• Committee report forms
rediately following the conclusion of
each meeting 'of couneil.
The number of each document or
motion will be recorded; together
WW1 an explanation of the centents
of such ,document or motion. Opos-
be item listed' a space will be
available for the conemittee to report
on. ••
'This platn &meld Make .the work of
each conimittee easier as their only
ansnonsibility is the filling in of the
report en each item.
Bylaws' and Resolutions
Referring to page '42 ;of January
eniinutes, Mot. 32-1-36: Acting under
instructions contained therein: I beg
to report that the last consolidation
of.bylaws was printed in 1908. Since
that titne no definite record has been
kept, -apparently. I have now com-
pleted a list of bylaws, year by year,
ju order tot number. These lists are
inserted in the bylaw book and are
readily available.
Also these bylaw* since 1908 have
been recorded under an ,a1Phabetical
index in .ordier to find the particular
bylaw that may be required by re-
• ferring to the index rather than to a
list spread over many years. An ex-
amination of the reeords themselves
would explain the simplicity of the
:Itesolations, 'since January, 1934,
are kept in an alphabetical file for
easy reference.
There * a visible index reeord,
that 'might be secured, at a total cos
of 1 or $8: This record is a leery
complete one an& a more serviceable
method than the one I have applied.
Owing to 'the cost I have withheld
ordering' it. It has the advantage
that Huron County could have,, for •tt
small outlay, a visible and ready in-
dexCovering all [bylaws for 100 years
, or more, under -One cover; •
Continuation and High Schools
The new act governing the pay-
ment of grants to Continuation and
High Scheele will coime into force ef-
fective January 1, 1937. Certain
ehanges will take placer governing
.,graihrts •payable.
The Cost of education of county
pupils attending continuation schools
will be op the same basis as for
oqunty pupils attending high schools
except that where the cost 'exceeds
$100.00 Per pupils the countynis only
• liable. fer' Oneshalf enee.ea, •
- iMeentenance octets ,Of -high Veliseteln.'•
'. Will in future .inelndefeentaillentiOnA,
pension ,ifnilds and 1.21terern-fdp1M tens"
porary oaps. The' eost .rney e as -
entwined on the previous yrs figr
ures or estimated -On basis of the
• current Year a final adjustmelitto -be
made later. In either ease .the total
amount of liability is to he paid by
the county ly July 1st of the sec-
eeeditig yea,:
All details .are not yet available on
this' mater.
Standing Rules and Regulations
Referring • to page 82, Report of
the Legislative . Committee, Motion
1.8-1-86: Acting under instruction
contained in the report a careful per-
usal of the Standing Rules and Regu-
lations has been made.
• :
foryour Val
at lesi than ONE
I do nos recommend the re-Iwriting
of the manual, at • this time, lowing
• to -the neeessary expense involved in
so doing. Rather do I present . for
your consideration certain sutges-
tions, whinh, if adopted, would elim-
inate certain sections no longer serv-
• ing-any useful purpose, certain slight
changes to meet our present needs
man.rednteerztain amendments to bring the
manual Up to our ,present require-
The recommendations, which • are
respectfully submitted for your kind
cons.ideration, are as follows':
That Rule 10, page 2, fourth line,
shall be altered: frern "after the ex-
piration of half an hour" to 'read "af-
ter a wait of five minutes."
That Rule 21, page 6, subseection
10, be deleted.
That a bylaw be drawn up 'groleern-
ing amendments to the Standing
Rules and Regulationss as follows:
"Whereas the iViunicipail Council of
the Corporation of the County of.
'Heron deem it advisable to • adopt
-rtiles for the -amendment of its con-
stitution in accordance with standard
practice; therefore the aforesaid' come,
cil enacts that almendments may be
made to the Standing Rules and Re.g-
ulatiens at any regular meeting by a.
vote !of the majority of the entire
council, or if the amendment was sub-
mitted in writing at the pnevious
fegailar -ToUsliiiiirmeeting, then they
may be amended by a two-thirds vote
of . those attending, a quorum being
present, and that bylaws may be
amended or altered or rescinded' on
the same method of voting as outlin-
ed above."
• •I suggest that. standing rules and
regulations manual be amended by
the adoption 'of the attached motions
which, if adopted., will be entered in-
to the .Rules Book as numbers 85, 86,
r, 88, 98, 90. Vhese amendments
may be 'identifies*. the 'June minutes
For 03,00 a year you canrent'a Safety pe0054 49*
h; the vauhs -of theseaffirealgrtherptectionofyourt
valuables. Boxes are acceSsible to the boxhol4ar pul!;
Let us 'show. you a box suited :4i ''kettrtequiremeeta. •
'Estatissind ses/
Hensel! Branch: -• W. B. A. CROSS, Manager
Clinton Branch: • H. M. MONTEITH, Meager
under 'Motion 2,-86.
A motion is also attached for the
rescinding iof'• Bylaws 24 and 22, of
1.236,'at these bylaws will &e covered
by Standing Rules if the motions at -
are ,adopted.
„Your Clerk has assumed the re-
sponsibility of having had printed. a,
//Milted number of sheets eovlering
,nretters relating to."Beiles of Order."
'This has especial value in respect bo
various classification. of motions and
tihetir order of precedence, together
with' rules for your guidance in each
case, as it anlay arise. • I -will leave a
copy with eachertember trusting they
will furnish valuable guidance when
the need arises in future. It is honed
this action will meet with the ap-
proval of the -members lof Huron
County .Council.
I have also prepared a short read-
ing • which .dea&s with .a.-`Xtonernittee.
of the Whole." If this .subject is of
interest your 'Clerk will be glad to
present it to you, or if .ciesirable ,by
'council, will have •Applies..pteilted for
ire use of member -Rol
Mr. W. H. Golding, Your member
for South Huron- et Ottawa, has been
kind enough to bring me, en request,
a copy of the Parliamentary- Rules
and Regulations' of the House of
Commons.'Thts manual, together
with "Roberts' Rules, of Order," also
(Continued on Page 6)
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