HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-12, Page 1tti
Beventty-sixth Year
Whole Number 8675
Fans Pleased With Showing
Of Baseball Team ,.
Against Goderich.
• Football) is. again .becoming an at-
traction in Seaforth since ,the, Ath-
letic Association has nponator&ii a
team. Last year a team. of .young
hopefuls were . signed • up, who this
year have blossomed out into a squad
tthat, .wi'l'l he in -the woe for groxp
homers. Last Thursday evening Win-
lbhrep and Seaforth battled away in
a keen well$ought galnve, 'Seaforth
winning- 2-0. A fairly large Crowd
Of fans Were on hand. and they got
their mtomey's worth in speed andi.ac-
The Winthrop boys swept the 19c-
als off their feet and had thea bash of
play nearly all the way through the
first half. They 'ph'eseed in on Van
Bell but couldn't get . the ball be-
tween 'the posts. "Bob" Watson :'e-
s xtatediy sent the ball with bullet -like
.force but 'Belt was -unbeatable, -Jim
Vilatelon and Bob carried the ball fn
behind 'the backs, and with no one ,on
vier .Bole missed the goal .post by
Snehea. The ,Seaforth boys couldn't
gefb diheir, !bearings and their passes
went lrayWirre.
After about 40 ntlinutes :af •play Sea -
forth went on a scoring attack. T.
1Sillaand "Buzz" Dale carried the. ball
throne). the Winthrop .goal and carry-
' big GuyDorran'ce• with
a ithem. ' Dor-
=nee Was hist When the goal vitas
seneedtand Bill. Montgomery checked
Dale .u4, for the mishap. Dale and
...'..•311b'ntigonn'ety then, eft ^agedr in 'fist -
cuffs. unitlil the players and crowd
parted teem. Viery little time was
)elft in the 'first half, although Bob
'W'atson again almost beat Bell. . •
In the' •second .the locals put' on a
better display. '?hey, checked amore
eliose1y •and Frank 'Sill's camped near
Bob Watson, Winthrop's ace ,player.
LSdorirvg 'eharotelea were passed up by
both teams Si hurrying the kicks on
the goal. Seafti'rth made tit 2-0 when.
Glen 'Smith put a hot one past Neil
Montgomery who had replaced Dor-
ranee in .'goal.. The' Winthrop team
made .a valiant attempts to stage' a
ally' but without success. •
Winthrop—Goal,. .'Guy Donranee ;
•- (Continued on Page.4),
Road .Rebate From
County Settled
The long droa rrt-ou{t d'i'scussion don-:
cernirng the rebate which the Sea -
Mardi council for some- years has.
elatfnmed is towing by the county, culm-
bated at the recent'niaeting of coun-
ty council. when the 'Road Coin -mission
in its report stated:
"Your commi'ssi'on . lIlas considered
the rebate situ'alti'o in Ltihe...•to'wn of
earth, and we • reeomimend that of
the 86,411.88 grant received by the
county bf paving Main Street, Sea -
forth, in 1027, that the down be cred-
ited with $4,016.91, whftch' will bal-
ance the acco'unitab.bhe end of 1935,"
Women's Institute
Hears Fine Address
w SEAFORTII, FRIDAY, . .1tINg 12, 1936.
County :Council Confirms
:+5 '1-2:Mill Tax Rate -:For 1936
Equalized Assessment Same
Robert., • Bowman, Reeve or
Bruaaei __.and_..
Warden__ .the.
;County of 'isatin, who presided
at the June session of the county
couneiI, which concluded on 'Fri-
0 LY
P'arishe's of DistrictWill
Unite in Annual
The annu{al Hjody Namte Rally for
tthis ddsltmiet, cornipraising the parishes
ofCinthon, 'Ste Ctolum(ban Dublin,
Logan and Seaforth, will be held -this
year in 'S'eaf'orth • on Sunday, June' 14,
The parade will form on - 'the St.
James,' Churreh grounds 'at 3 p.m.,
thence up' Victoria 'Street, to George
Street, down. 'll2iaiilr. Street to Glode-
ri'ch St., -thence to the church.
The. Saf lo' rtlh I-Ii'gthlandeis Band will
lead the parade. Father 'Mylett,
C:S.S.R., preiaoh 'bhe serimen.
. The Forty Holies' Devotion in ''hon-
or of the Blessed S'acramen't will op-
en Sunday, 'miornc'ng with Hiigih' (Mass
and close Tuesday. evening. 'Special
services 'Sunday, Monday and Tues-
day evening at 7.30. Fattier ' Mlyl'ett
will he the pre'ach'er.
Nine little c'h'ildren . will .. • receive
th'ei'r First • tHloly C'orem'irunrien- Sunday
at 8. o''cliook • m'ase.
The June meeting 'was held aft the
borne ,of Mrs. Andrew Crozier on
Wednesday with a large attendance.
The meeting op'en'ed• Filth rete Insti-
tute Ode, which was !bi'llo'w'e'd by the
Loa'd's 'Forayer fav um!isen. Business
was diseu'ssed and included arrange-
menits for the garden .pasty at Dave
i vLcLeaan'sl on Juane 25; with Canadian
tOo'wlboys of 'London.
Plans were 'also made far Aehieve-
>nnenit Day 'be'i'ng held in Clinton on
Jutn'e 13 stilt the agricultural office.
Mrs. ,Beit; ,Boyce gave a d'eligthttfur
piano solo.
'Miss Margaret • Wilslon, ',Matron of
6dott 4Mlemforlial Hospital, 'Seaforth,
gave a very inslbrudtitve address on
"Preventative ,Mieesruree.." A contest
Wats 'held' tamed lunch server .. A social
liallf hour was slpent.
5heet Rock
For newwalls and
ceiling .or repair-
ing ofd ones.
SO �
•� Y
SOT �.
't`' •
Stratford Boys'
Choir to Sing Here
Phe .'Stratfbrd 'Boys' Choir, with
Mr. Polley directing. who gave such
a wonderful concert in the Egmiond-
vli'1be Chu'rc'h at Easter, will be back
for, the Egmfondville 'garden .pasty on
June .171tle -
A; the Magical Festival in S't'rat-
fc'.d this espying,. Mr. Pio'lilby was giv-
en a new ale by Dr. A. Whitehead
who' called him "The Miracle -Man."
The !bo'y's sang in such a 'perfect pee
form'ance that they were awarded 95
creditor—'the highest award ever giv-
em'at the 'Stratford Festival. '
These boys were invited to Landon
to a ;public meeting of the 'United
Clhur'e'h Confe'ren'ce,. i'n M'ettntopolitan
Church 1a'stt.vrre•ek and they surprised
the delegate's. with their amazing mus -
teal ability. There is a great treat
in Store for the 'p'e'ople at Egntlond-,
next Wednesday evening.
Councillors Have Lively Dis-
cussion Over Road From
No. '4 Highway to Blue -
water Highway.
Huron County Council concluded its
June 'meeting on Friday arid adjourn-
ed until- December: •
'Busines's on the final day included
fixing the equalization of 'assessment
,#)om year, no' change. being made
in the figure's, ridsin the am'ount's of.
taxes each mun'ileipalnty void) pay,
'Grants for schools, for 1936 were
authoriz'e'd after the report 'of the
Ed'u'eath'on recm}mitbee was bear." By-
laws -Co firming legislation passed re-
ceived' the official seal.
On Thursday council set the coun-
ty rate alt 51h mills, made up' as ' f4r1-
uowtst:•Prrovincial highwaysee3,5; coun-
ty highways, 1.20; general account,
`3.35. This is the same as "last year.
' A lengthy- discussion was launch-
ed during the, comsn•deration in open
council of the. xequ'est of the E'as't
t uron Woe -let -1'e Institute for •a grant
of $100..Many. menidbers' were under
the iimprese on that - the $75 'voted
at the January session was for the
Women's Institute of t'he donety, net
for'West Hui'on district alone. Coun-
cil end'ors'ed• the motion of Reeves
Cardiff and Pryde that the. el•erk in -
'form East Huron 'cine:n's Institu.te
that •al'1 requeses floc, grants . sitwst be
int t+bre hand .of 'the elerfl • to be pre-
sented at the December session:.
When the re.p'ort of the G,Iod Roads
Comm.issite taken up, •the clause re-
counnt'en'ding t'hat'the-province,be ask-
ed to assume the Zurich Road,' the
Dashrs.eod• Road as a 'provineeial high-
way, and that the Department be al-
so reminded of the wiisb of tine noun-
*, .tro shave 'the Asntberiley-Lis+dowe'1
iRbad and •the Win'gham-Harristbn
R'o'ad 'as,sumred, .a lively chafe s'sion en-
'sued. .
• Reeve Swei'tzer claimed' the two
rotatds, to Dashwood and to ., Zurich,
were too close. The Dashwood road
be advocated 'was' a ' through one.
Reeve . Webster . Turner d'eciered
there was •nre' road mlore tr'avelled, in
the county than that from Zurich. A
m'otiet'i in 'amendment . to the clause
was submitted by Re.evie:s' 1VIellick and
Geiger, "that we p'e'titi.o•n the P•rovin-
cli'al Government 'tn tak'e over NO. .9
known as the, Zurich•. Road, as a pro=
vitrcial highway" was lost on the fol -
''lowing division: Yeas—Archiibald,
Eckert,Geiger, _ Ha'ack'e; ..Mel'liek, .
atco'ti»; 'Robert Turner, W. Tu'r'ner.
Nays — Bryan's, Bowman, Cardiff,
Davidson, Elliott, Feegan, Grain,
Hemingway, Keys, Lovell, ..M'aw'hin-
nety, Mathesirin,-M'ogridge, Mosier, Mc
Naill, Prydte, P. Sdott, .Sherwood,
Sterwart,. Sweitzer, Wlestco'tt. •
Mr. George James; the caretaker
of 'the' Court House, addressed coun-
cil briefly in respect to the cowl ques-
tion, intimating that in his opinion
the saving in the cost of coat was
largely due. to the repairs in the
'Court House carried 'put last. year.
The rep'o'rt of the Legislative Com=
mi'ttee was read to council and on
nvoti'on was re -read clause by clause,
with Reeve Owen Geiger in the chair,
and finally adop't'ed as. read. The re-
port of the Executive •C•omanittee was
read to council and on motion was
re -read clause by cl'aus'e, with Reece
Davidson in the chair, and was adopt-
ed with the following •amendments:
Moved by Reeve Bowman and sec-
onded 'by Reeve Car'd'iff; that we lay
the quelsti'on• 'bf grant to Sick C•hil-
.dren'.s H'oeipit'al over until the Janu-
ary session and the C'le'rk get infor.'
matron from the 'hospita'l as ,to ,what
other counties are tiding. ..•
The yeas and nays izeing asked for
$5OOTO $16,400
First Meeting of Creditors
-Till Be Hel).'
on June -17. •
CLAMS . ARE $150,609.12
'Clients of John J. $.ugtgard, Sea-
fot^th 'lawyer whroltn police have been
se'ar'ching 'tor Since early in Maay-on
a warrant •,Charging. Nan- with the
!there of 'securities valued at ' $2,600
flan, Joseph Grutmmrett and thie 'Dan-
iel - Gri n'iim,ett esitate, lost amounts
ranging from $500, 'to $16,400, it is
Hnuggard was declared •a d'ebto'r on
May 18th and the' Guaranty Trusts
Company, wive ryuere .appointed tem-,
porary custodians of ith'e estate, have
announced c'lai'ms amounting to
$1'50,609.3, el- Th'e first 'm,ee•ting of
creditors, is •tbeitig held"iti the Town
Hall 'here on !Wednesday, June 17th,
at 2 p.m. ,
Clients, all residents of this tawfr
or the i'mlmediate vicinity, who hate
filled claims. fare: e
Allealander .Campbell,
Elizabeth 'Campbell, $9,000; Isabellar
Campbell, 1$13;800; Mrs. Agnes Con -
silt, . $3,000; Roy Cionsityt, $1,000• A.
A. C'utly"v11 estate, $16,400; Peter
Daley estate, • $1,000' ; Mrs. Louis
.Devereaux,, $1500; Mrs. Isabella De=
Ooursey, $6.,000; Austin Dexter, $2•,
000; Oharles . Dex'te'r, $1,200; J. G.
Doicherty, $1,006; Adam Dodds; ,$7,-
00'0; • (Robert, 'Dodds, $5,000; R. W.
Eberhart, $2.000; Fred Ecke T, $3;506;''
John Forrest, $2;7004 Joseph Grum-
matt, $500; Daniel Gruntmett estate,
$2,000; !Mau .Henders'on, $2,000; Jno.
Henderson, -'$2;500; Mrs. Johri' Hulle
breeht, $31,000; R. F. • Jones, $90.0 ;
Mrs. Isabella McDonald, • $14,000;
Wlm' 'Morrison, .$3,000; Cecil Oke,
$2,000; A. ':L. • Porteous,. $500; George
Reinke -estate, $1,500;, Mrs. Annie
Simrpsion, $1,000; J. W. Thompson,
$1,000; 'Charlotte Thompson, $2,000;
Johan $5,75)); 'Wlil'bur Webster,
$1,000; W. G. • Willis, 0,500, and
Catherine Weir, $6;250,,
24 Take Part in
Bowlers Tourney
Twenty-four bowlers took part -in
the' men's bowling tourney Tuesday
evening. Three games of Irish tre-r
les were played. Prizes' were won by
William Hart, 3 wins plus 20; Harry
Stewart, 3 wins plus 19,- and Ed.
Bright, with 3 wine 'plus 11. .
.. 'Those,. taking past were Canon • Ap-
pley,ard, IR. E. Bright, Wim. Brine, J.
J..• Cluff, W. J. Duncan, John Doherty,
,Htarodd Free, Wm. Hart, John north-
ern, Charles Holmes, Harry •Jeffrey,
Field Johnstone, Thomas Johnstone,
Bert Muir, Gordon. Muir, John Brod-
erick, De. R. R. Ross, Harry . Stew-
art, C: M. Smith, C. P. 'Sills, Ed.
Smith, J. E. 'Willis, R. J. Winter, W.
G. 'Willis.
on this amendment, they were re-
corded as.. follows: ' Yeas—Archibald,
Bryans, Cardiff, Davidson, Elliott,
Eckert, Feagan, Hemingway, Keys,
Lovnell, Mawhinney, Melba, Meg -
ridge, Moser, 'McNeil, Peter' Scott,
Sherwood and W. Turner. Nays—
Geiger, Grain, Haacke,o Matheson,
Pryde, J. Scott, Stewa>;t, 'Sweitzer, R.
Turner and Westcott. The motion
was therefore carried.
Eckert -.!Cardiff: That we . delete
clause 82 ,of the Execut'i've report for
this year that all requests for grants
he in for the January meeting.—'Car-
Cardiff-Pr•yde: at our 'Clerk in -
.form the East Huron Women's In-
stitute . that we insist that all re-
quests bine grants be in the hands of
the 'Clerk for the January meeting
of the co'unt'y council.—Carried.
Council Will Prohibit
Parking on -Main Street
.South . at . Recreation Park.
• • • • i
Same Staff ,.
Seaforth Athletic Associa-
tion, Says Spectators Sit
in Cars on Road and
Watch Games, Paying No
ICauncfillor R.
pointed chairman
ing on 'Monday
'Knee of Mayor
Oeunt=iil'or J. E.
G. Par'ke was ap-
of the council meet -
evening in the, ab -
A. D. Sutherland.
Keating was else
Tlhe ,repot t
of the Finance Commit-
tee presented by the chairman, Caun
cillbr M. A. Reid, was a'd'apted on
mytion of Councillor J. J. Cluff and
Reeve, J. H. Scott. •
Council'l'or- 'Charles Holmes report-
ed that $2,169•.32 in arrears of taxes
had' seen collected nce 'ust of
-the year. There is still outstandingthe f
nearly $14.;000. si
• Dr. E. A. McMaster, Wesident of
the Seaforth Athletic Asebtiati'.pn, ap-
peared before council concerning
parkipg •at the recreation grounds.
He pointed out that more people sat
in their carson the highway and
watched the games than paid ndmis-
srbn do the •grounds. He asked that
council' prohibit parking along the
"It would be a real assistance tot
athletics," Crouncillor Reid agreed, and
other. Councillors concurred.
The Street Committee was in-
structed•,; to have the police enforce
no ,parking on the road.
A letterfrom the Seaforth Lawn
Bowling Club requested assistance
from council in the 'upkeep of 'the
grounds surrounding the greens, and
caused Considerable discussion. ' The
Club ,pointed out that •it .had been
instrulni'ental, in changing an eyesore
on Main Street to a beauty spot.
"I think the • town should contri-
bute something since it is really a
pack and civic beauty spot." Conrn-
g�� fT Cluff remarked, and pointed) dirt
(Continued on Page 4)
Bride, is Honoured
At Trousseau Tea
A very delightful afternoon was
spent on Thursday last when Mrs:
.Wi'lliatin Strong entertained in. honor
of her daughter, . Cora Frances
Strong, whose marriage took place
en Saturday, June 6. A large num-
ber of friends called during the af-
ternoon to see the .bride's trousseau
and lovely gifts...Antlo'ng the gifts
was a beautiful mirror, a shower gift
from the neighbors. Tea was serv-
ed in the dining -room • which was
'artistically arranged. Mrs. William
'Sproa't and Mrs. Simeon Ley'burn
poured tea 'the first part of the af-
ternoon; Mrs. Leopold Van'Egmond
'and Mrs. William Wallace, •tthe 'lat-
t.er part. Assisting in the tea, room
were Mee Harvey Moore, Mrs. Bert
An•d'e setn, Mrs. Edward Dotrgan, Mrs.
Robert McFarlane, Mrs. Wilfred Cole-
m'a'n, .Mrs. Joseph McLellan, Miss
Margaret Strong and ,Miss Edith
Wallace. (Rev.) Mrs. Morrow was
in c 'arrge of the gift room; Miss Vio-
letiTym'd'al'l; the. linen room, and Miss
Marga'r'et Leyburn, t h e , personal
Archibald -R. Turner: That we
leave the consideration of a grant
to the East Huron' Women's Insti-
tute over ei the December session for
more information—Carried.
(Continued on Page 3)
The Seaforth •Athletic AssociationAssociationlooks to this team to bring
Monte ie
• ni Colo, of ,• the Moron Football League, Mem-
of the teat* at* OW !ft the above • piefitre. in the back row,
�ad ."tom left hhr lrti 4#, 1,. the Dictate -tete.. Dr. E. A.
�._...,. y, p dent f 'the forUt Athletic Association;
ly Christiemanager of thP team; D.Dale, L Flannery, D. Sills,
captain; P. Silks, and Dill Hart; a member of the S.,„A. A. executive.
In the front row, from left to right,those in the picture are A.
11fCl.e tl,
,.f. Wagon, G. Smith, V. Bell, G. ltruse, P. ailla and C.
There will be no changes in
the staff of the) Seaforth Colleg,
fate Institute „ when school re-
opens next fall, according to M.
A. Reid, secretary of the ' Board:
All teachers have signed con-
tracts at thesame salary.
• • • •
• •• -
Dr. Joseph Daly, Toronto;
Delivers Instructive
Huron doctor's met in Clinton on
Wednesday for• the regular meeting
of the (Heron Medical Association.
The s'plendi'd pro'grarn included an
address, "Gastro-in'tesf'irml Condi-
tions," by Dr. Joseph Daly; Chief of
Gastro- enterology Service, St. Mich-
ael's • Hospital, Toronto;, case reports.
by Dr. W. A. Oakes, Clinton,, arid
Medical' Relief Comniittee's Report by
Dr..•Percival Hearn, Clinton.
'D'r. R.. Stewart, Wlinghane is pres-'
i'deftt of the society,' and Dr. G. C.
Jarrett, Seaforth, is secretary -treas-
urer. . .
Oddfellows to Hold
Church Parade
The Independent, Order of Odtdfel- 1
ldiws, Se'a.tbrth, twill hold their annual
divine 's'erv'ice't Egm'ondville United
Church to comtlemorate the one 'hun-
dr'ed and . s'eventI�eth anniversary of I
tine order on Sdnday; June 14th.
All. 04ddfelllows and Re'be'kalhs in
Seafloribh and. district will be male
welcome. •
The parade will form at the 'lodge
r'aones at 6.30 p.m: and'•wili be head-
ed by the 'Seaforth .'highlanders
Tuckersmith Lady's Nephew
Has 6 Grandfathers Living
'Armors d Gliibson, not quite 2 years
old, son of Mir. and 1M;rs. Nial Gibr n,
Bruce Station, was the centre of in-
terest at a pie/1k recently in Bellevue
Park, Sault Ste. 'Marie, when his flour
great-grandfathers and two grand-
fathers were present.
Great-grandfathers were Ferdin-
and Beilhan!tz; Bruce Station; Charles
Mount, Sault
•M Ste. Maple; Henry Gib-
son and Thomas Murray., both of
Laird Totwnrship. Grandfathers were
Carl Beilhartz, Bruee Station, and E.
Be'reie Gibson, Deslbarats. Mrs. Ber-
nie Gibson, the grandmother, was al-
so present.
!Older residents ,oeSeafort'h Will re-
ntl;'niluee 'the late Mr"•s. I envy Gibson,
who was a daughter of the late Ben- Father Hussey and Mfrs. H. J. Mellen,
jarnin Eden, of Harpu'rh•ey. Ccnteenor; to Edna Eckert, Madeline
Mr. Thomas Murray is a brother Fortune, Mary Murray and Doreen
of Mrs. Harry Tyndall, Tuokersani,h. Regier•. •
Lion H. G. Meir Speaks 'Ol>1,...,
"Civil Courts, Their Con-
stitution ;and Business."
Lion Basil J. Duncan 'presided esidled at
the meeting eof the •Seatforth Lions
.Club on Monday evening.
The speaker of the evening was
Lion H4 G. Meir, ,who s'po'ke very in-
teresitinigly en " 1iv!i'I Courts,. Their
Constitution ancL 'Business_" Th. e
speaker outlined the various courts
of the country from the loeal divasi'on
eeurrts, presided 10,Ver by the county
judge, to the 'highest court of all --
tire Privy Council.
• The 'vlari•ous functions of each -of
the courts—sixten in 811...e -were. out-
lined, and their duties' explained.
Special. attendance • 'butt'o'ns' were
presented to thirteen members .of the
cl'u'b by vice-pres'iden't Lion G. D.
Fergu.s'on. Members receiving but-
konswere De-rtJ. Bechely, Dr. F. J.
Burrows,, Nerlett Cardr,oe J. F. Daly, •
B. Duncan, J,, E. Keating•, IL G.—IV/Teri;
J. G. Mills, Dr. J. A. Munn, J. +GI.
MicrVllilian, Father T. P. !Hussey, Cha. -.
Stewart and Gerald Stewart.
• ••
Will Hold Boys'
Judging at:Clint.on
The tenth annual Huron County,,
Live Stack Judging Competition, will
be held tat Clinton, ctn• Saturday, June
13'bh. This competition is open to all
boys and young- men jiving in Hu'r'on
County, who are 26 years of age or
under. Contestants will be required
t'o register at the Recreation Park,
Clinton, by 8.30 a.m. and an entry
feeeof 25 cents is charged each Con -
Ten classes of live stock will be
judged, two each of heavy .horses,
beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and
swine, and oral reasons must 'be giv-
en on fihie•• classes. The .prize list is
d'ivi'ded into -.two sections; 'both Jun -
'or and 'Senior, so That boys who
have never ...previously taken part in
this ebmpetitien may have an equal
chanee of winning psuze money. Ap-
prp cimately $30.00 in prize money is
being off'e'red, and a silver cup will
be awarded the high boy in the en-
tire corir+petition, and the second high
boy will receive a silver medal. e
high novice will receive a han e
„shield • -
This competition has been well at-
tended in peat years., and we trust
that there Will be a larger number of
contestants on hand for this year's
competition at Clinton, on June 13th.
Any boy who has not previously
judged may receive a copy rof Bulle-
tin No. 338, "Hints en Judging" upon
ap'p'lication to the Ontario Depart-
ment of A'gni'culture, Clinton.
Prizes Presented
At C.W.L. Meeting
The Catholic Women's League held
their last meeting until aftetr )the hol-
idays on Monday, with a splendid
a'ttendan'ce, Mrs. F. ,Devereaux pre-
siding. After the discussion of 'busi-
ness natters, the members were fav-
ored With a delightful •p:ianro s'ol'o by
Miss Alice Daly. Prizes for Chris-
tian Doctrine were presented by Rev.
Claims Early Buckwheat
Spoils ,Clover Honey Crop
The farmer and the 'beekeeper 'have
many interests in common which do
not appear at first glance. The farm-
er should and probably do'e's know
that the production of aisike and
sweet ciovrr, as well as buckwheat
seed, depends' on the cross-po1•linatien
by the homey ,bee. He should realize
that there is a d'eiiinit>e donnreetion be-
tween the number of 'bushels per
acre that he produces of these crops
and the number of successful bee-
ke'eper's in his neighborhood. • The
beekeeper is only too willing to ad-
mit that he could not exist wi't'hout
the 'help of the farmer, but he also
feels that the farmer, in many cases,
fails to co-otperarte with him in doing
the one 'thing that is to the mutual
advantage of both.
••The County of Hunan produces
soma of the finest white clover honey
to be found in any part of the Pres --
ince of Ontario, However, it is safe
to say .{that the pn1od'uetierc of white
clover honey e'ould be increased at
le'as't twenty-five per cent i"1 the.
fer+m•ers v'rould slow their buckwheat
ea that it woull'd time into ,bloom af-
ter the clover 'its tower. 'Mixed honey,
that is clever and 'bu'ciceshieab mixed,
siellsf ar about onle4•'half the 'Mee of
pure doves' ''honey and the production
of ,this grade has finel•eased to each
an ardent the past few years' tlh' t it
is beeerthinlg i'ii'inirera dirgly' dlifiettlit to
marxet it et any price. ,
The -bulk of the clos'e'r hone$ • is .
gathered i'etween July'1st and the
middle of August; and all the bee-
ke'e;per asks the farmer to do, is to
plant his buckwheat at such a time
that it will not conte into bloom be-
fore tl'e end of the first week in
Arignst. There 'is very little honey
in the buckwheat until it is fairly
ripe arni by that time the clover,
:which th'e:,be'es..prefer, would be pret-
ty- .weile finished, By so doing the
farittte' werold'n6t only increase his
own 'prod'uction of 'buckwheat seed
but. also bestow a much needed .bless-
ing on the beekeeper.
The only disadvantage front the
farm'er's viewpoint to the l'at'e sow-
i'n'g of buckwheat is the possib'i'lity of
an early frost .in August. Even ad-
lrnitt,in'g the chance of frost, certainly
the in'creas'ed production of seed and
the welfare of the honey indus'tny as
a whole- should repay the farmer for
any ali'g'ht chance he is taking in this
respeet. Beekeepers -as a whole are
very thankful for the . bncltttehoat
honey Which can be ' iadrv'estled after
the mla a easo• is. in .and 't+vhkllr flirt'.
can tree fo'r winter feet ntg, 1 u't iteaul'd
also bemone than
tefiil ire' the
farmers if they wsonitd con'sli'deC the
above ttate'o, an'cl sear their litiok'c#h'e ,t
to At tot Ido inte+rftet'e with t ,...tiiiar.
vesting of the cllover honey &et).