HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-06-05, Page 4----
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,N I -1 AM"'?, 1P i I I , - 0 A 0 out of '. ,e twrd #34110t.
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"I 1, �, , , � , " I � I
40,4��',,�.,�,'�?" i� ,��.t I !". . Rev,. -Harry Rayle, �f nwriadoe
I AI 1
9 1 11 1611
,,, I was reormed as secretary by acclam,
� 1� �d A 'so atiott. Local Delegates �
I ,1,j1,f,f,!� , tfe, d
"I __' , .
� __ ... ... . ,%, " , . - - - __ - 'hael, Rev. C. C
1� "I"Z.-I'�,�,"14, .1� I ,i:.�,�!�4,� Rev,. T.' A. 'Carmle
I - ........ �. � . — ,
.��.,",;[,��,��,�l,",',�!"i�5 ; ft Koaw, Herald 14,wrepee and Dr. F
I "!?. " '_ , ,'_ _ - ,- . I
I ., �).,"iq,�- . .. i '
1111�y,"", ,; , 1 Ads will be inserted at new.low cash rates: Wrburn al7e attendjhg .the . Coeer
�, ,�11,� ";"� 1! I.... "" I . _
I � .. � �.� I ". I . - enre ets repreGerktatilv,es of Nbrth_-Ad,
q-111. ,If;. I i r i _ , W-ginted, Lost and Found, Coming Evei�tts. 'Etr--P*r word.
'11111 . United -Church.
".1, P*4 il 1* I 1 Cent
,, �(1�1,, -,�,, Ist week .............. : ......... I .... 1 ..........
21 .. ,. � I
1, ... . � ....... t ....... % Cent I
I � V� i.t .� � � . �nd l&eek ................ * ...... I.*. . I -
,q 11 . I jq�o",,' -d-b
-1 11 � I '. . 3rd week ...... � ................................ 1,s Cent I
���'�19K54iji, iii. , - I 1. I
? J . first insert6on ................. 26 Cents I
I . ,;. Minimum charge.
- " 4'!I, .
';" � , I
, , "t'.1". , Each figum initial and abbreviation counts as one word.
"I"., ,'k,�ii� - . '
�� , 2', , d. ra. er ee
. ,f . .0hods of Thanks, In Memoriam Noti,es-1 cent 'Per W0r Minimu 50 cents P w *. Young Peopbp's -
, . �_
� � I -1 'If ' - 14��iw may be directed to a Box Number, ear� of Ile Huron EbawitcI for 10 cents
01 � 1� .� ..J�l extra. . - (Continu�e .a 1)
0 from P ge
,� I'll, ... :, " -
I." . �. -,�,, sofial Religlods Lb�ling" and "Chris
" 11 . " 10 Zts. .Aditj,,n&l per week will be charged if ads in above class arre not" raid by the
.1 I III, �, -, . . _ Sa,burday night in the week in which the ;Ld was run. .
.,? 11 I tianity or C&MIUunism."
�. ; �
I .� . Births Marriages and Deaths iv-sart-d free of charge. . Welegmed by Reeve
;;`,�%T .
".1" ' 'AW I .
il� -.i .. z� Sales, Notice to Credit,ors, Etc. -Rates on applicatim
"'. : , , ,, At the ,afternoon sewion words o
. ,
2L. I -eb res,
., , . . . I - I yi come were add sed to the .Visit
,k%�: . . 1. , Personal % Articles For Sale � ing guests by - th,� local presidden
,I .
� . �' � I - . - ;FE =-N G A �GE - MA4V-11ARRIS M��ClIrNERV I SOLD.- NL -0 Thompson, and Reeve J. F
�.' I I . with MT. 1,10�,t. since he is wing R ,.P. ior A- I
� lv�le.T rts carried in 'stock. Please Ott. who represented ;- a3
,,, f I � � Cqv,s Cora Salve. AT .ka DRUG STORES. order repairs for haying machinei-Y early in ��fherland, the 'council and tokww
_, , , . . 3574�1 order that del.ys, .ay be avoided. J. Mc- , p - to 'which the Preso pres:
r. ,
, - I K.E-NZIE. at the Mill- 3574xl
"'� . I i � 1. nt� Miss Dane, made a fitting n
.1 - . - - . -
aratior, 10 year guarantee: also used , HkIlgh 'El -lis, of Lea ton, dor
, I I . madhiue5. Apply MR. HARTUNG, opposite ferends pr6slident, faZu with
.1, Help Wanted FOR _
; - 61,
, _., - V -
� ., I I � tAN WANTED WITH CA.R TO HANDLE Mbore Poultn Farm. 135?4x3 SQlo accompani6d on the organ b
I I I M Wiair�,s Quality Teas, Coffees. Caws, 1"S. J. A. SteWart and alsol brougl
_� � . , Spfi!es, Extracts, Medicinal Pr%-rat4on,4' SAT -1 COAL OIL STOVE, THREE
.f, di -
I . ��_ , . . rect to essrabhsheff users in Huron County. 1�`Obtrner; I coal oil stove. 4-burne,r-, one a mets -sage from the coriference. I
... P Wribe T. H. WAR C�OMPANY, John South. lawn mower. Apply' BOX 77, EXPOSITOR the gneeting.
if" i�, . Hamilton. � 3Z73x2 OFFICE- 3-574x-1 'Rev. De Witt Cosens and Rev. V
1, .
11 . I
. - - - - - - I A. Breminler, of. Bruc4field, Spoke <
�� I , � I'!, I.. I 1� the attractions and, activities bf tl
1. .
11, Farms For .Sale I Notices : , SUMIner Siobool at Goderich. Gree
, � . I �i .. . - . . ved from the Presbi
I ' ings were recea
I . . FA Hullett Tow7 LL AOCOUN'M. OWING FOR MERCHAN_ tery followed by the roll call of i
,. � IL2. nship, 'Go --tres of clear- A ions.
; .� . ed land; well uniderdrained, fenced: in" ex- dise, repair Work- wiring, eft., must be �
,� 5 . '- Yw mecudie of -the Hurc
. �, . cellent tate of cultivation; abundance of settled during the month of June or satis- The nie L 'People' Union an
7' . waur. red brick house, bank barn and other factory arrangements made at office. In case Presbyt,or,y Young ' 5
� . houl res ent
I , outbundings, in good repair. Located �4 mile of OisPuted amounts, comPlaints s . d be p id , George Ta,ylo,y, Winghan
, .� . from school. For Particutax5 apply On recorded at office. Act now. Secretary, Marjorie Prouse, GodIeric!
premises. ANG13S REID, R. R. No. 1, BIYOL
I .. . ,
,�..� . - . . - . 3574x3 ,,, Seaf orth Public Utilities treasuier, .Stanley Todd, ,St. Hellen!
. .. . . conveners: ChTistian Fellowship, Bei
�. I . . � trice Beecroft, Belgrave; MissiwVar
_'. I For Sale � I Commission. , Clarence 1MIPLennan, 'Lucknow; Cit
�� . . .
- - -_ 1 3574-3 zenshij�, Sidney J. Brown, Goderich
'" I : .1 . FOR SALE -BEEF RING jMFER AND . � Culture, Alberta Richmond, Bly-t]
-pure bred Collie pups, nice ones waiting Leadership. Training, Marjo -&e Jei
�.. 7' for their master'5 voice- GEORGE BEATTY, COURT.OF REVISION ndson, Grand Bend; PUblicity, Evel5
� . 1. I Sr, Varna.. .. � 3574x2 � 'Dane, Gorrie; Recreatizin, Jack Bel
.. �1. , I - Village of,He'nsall, nett, Auburn- Girls,' Work Je-a
'' For Rent . . N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN =AT A Smith, Seaforill; BoYV Work, `G or&
, - , � I _-�_ )0ourt of Revision od! the Assessment Roll Ar.mour, Goderich. .
- I I , of� the Village of Hensall for the Year 1936, D-uping the 'evening 'sevOra-1 we]
I � T?�DQW TO LET ON EAST_ WILLIAM will hold its first, meeting in the Town Hall rendj�red ch*ruses were -sung by tl
� . -- Gtwe�t. Apply to MRS. JOHN HAIGH. - Monday, the
I L � I ,,, ,,� . 3573x2 in the Villag� ,af Hensall on Hensall group and presentation w;
. 15th day of June, at 8 pan. ,
I O.REN.T FOR PASTURE-- made to them, 'of the sl�leld n I
.!- I I-RARS LAND T Village Clerk. therm in the recent contest.
"I . ,,A 1(jo acresf, - H' '
. I - Thir1ji,, Concedsion tbbert Tp,; Dated at Hensall, May 27, 1936. . ,
. . g6o� grags and plenty tif water. AJ50 50 . 3573-2 Aulbrey Oldham, of Sarnia, pa
W. I acres,, Tbfi�r4,Concewiou, Taekersmith-Tp., east . I president of -the London Young Pe
, of Egroo,nd,vilIe.. A. D. SUTHERLAND, Ag- - ple'-� Conference, who was the gue
. T. - enL . . I .. . . 3573-tf .1, I I speaker, gave a fin6 address and cor
��� � I . no,d' HOUSE, NORTH '10Wnship of Tuckersmith -plimen',led t1ve Huron Presbytery
11 . .ENT--.sEv'EN . having staged the most dramatk ir
I !� . TONFain Street; cheerful, 'bright locaflon ; . I
. . nicely- decorated -, electric light and town RE WEED CUTTING . provement, in Young Peoples organi
11, 2: water. XRS. F. D. HUTCHISON. . ations-of any chuirch in Canada,
.. 1�, v I I -tf THE I The Huron Presbytery expect
- _ . Tuckersmith request all property owners .. .
11 I �, F entertain the conference which -is
- - an the Township to ut the weeds on the
I., ' 71owmship Roads a,ajoining. their property, ray- be held'in Wes'ley-Wil-lis 011urreh,
, .
- I Notices to Creditors ment will be made therefor ait the rate of ' Oc6ber 9, 10 an,d 11.
, . Clinton, on
I - .. .. one and one-quarter cents Per rod of front- The de-legates"Oere bospitab v e
i I I ag same to be cut when instructed by ,pub. . � . 1.
11� . . NO T110E TO CREDITORS . - Me'no-tice frorm theiRdad Superintendent and .
� I
?z .�.. . . . tertained by -the ladies of N,arthsi4
- . .
. .
1,`�,��! , .. . . . IN THE ESTATE OF MARY D'ORRANcE, of to his satisfaction. . . United r . Chure � Ill . .
I I . . I the Town of Seaforth, Widow, Deceased. . 11 I D. F. McGREGOR,' Clerk... . 1) .
� I . Air persons having claims against the es- , . 3574-2 �
.� tate of Mary Diarrance, deceased, who died .1 I .
f. 1. . - - f
j1p � . on or about the.16th day of May, 1936, are McKILLOP .
. I notified to'send to the undersigned Executors, I -
. ,.,:. The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, Ili - Memoriam I S. S. No. 12 Repoft. ..
- ,... Torlonto, or to the undersigned, I -Lays & Weir, ... .
_ The follo,wing is the sellk)[ol repo
I I _� its Solicitors, on or before� the 20th day of IIN LOVING MEMORY - OF MY SISTER.
,7 �': June, .1936, their names .and -addresses and Uabel Smlaflldon, who passed away fi,e of U. S. S. No. 12, Grey and, M
I .. ; . � I full-particulafs of their claims, and -the na- ' Years. ago, June 6, 1931. . I Killo,p. Tborse marked (*) have h,
� ture of the securitie-5 (if any) held by them I . � I perfect attendance, for the month
dWy verified by sta,rutory declaration. 0 hio,w oft she. comes before us,
;1 I . -G rlet 821/e, Wi
, . Immediate�y after the said 20th day of tier dear fiiZi'� so sweet and true; May. Sr. IV len Go
Ii. : . June. 19P, the assets of the said deceased Resting Trow in -peace with Jesus, . nifred Me
L, 11 I will be distrfb6Ced autong 'the PaTties entitled Lovi . ng hearts still long for You. I i Callum 80%, . Evelyn W
I i. liaxns6a* '17%. Sr. III -Florence Wr'.
. . thereto lra�ing regard only tz) th6 claims of . -Mrs. George Eaton. , -
il I -which it sball then have notice. 3574xl �, � � lianislom* 77"". Jr. III-:-Vi6la M
I � . Dated J11 ne Ist, 1936. . - Callum 71%, Russel MeCallum* 63'
I 1, � . . I COMPANY, LIMITED:� . SElIves. beloved wife of Peter McNaugh- - '
.� . . - 302 BAY ST., TORONTO. ton who Passed away one Year ago, June . .6, -Bobb- , ie Dalton 70'/,. Sr. PrimerL
Ili � . Hays, & Weir, SeafZrth, Ontario, Solil-itom 1935. � . Ina' ��Ililliamsion*, Percy' Daltom*.. J
i -
. ; I 1�pr the. said Executor. - I Primer - Jean Coutts. -Gladys I
Ii, f . � . I 1 3514-3 Ju�t,a thought of sweet reniernbrance, Coleman, Teach,6r. I
I Ju�t a me;mory fond and true, - �
11. " - Just a t -)ken of affection .
, . .. . I . And a heartache,still for you. . �
I .:� � 11
li . THE BANKRUPTCY ACT More and More each,day 7e miss YOU, . AUBU,RN - . .
I I ,,� . IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN J. HUGGARDI ' Though our thoughts are not revealed, -
t. - Little do they
. ''I . carryLng on business under,the fl�ql riamp . know -the sorrow .. -...-.. ---.Xi,. and Mrs. -3M'ton -Plunkett 1
.1 ... . . ____ 1. That is within our hearts concealed. a�
, ,
, and style of JOHN RANK - AqL,N�CY,Oof two sons, of Toronto, aceompanii
, IN --Sadly missed by Daughter and
,�' the Town of Seahirth, in the Pro�-inre of n- 3574xI, � " Husband ' by Mrs. '"Tilliam Plunkett, visit(
Y'�, " , . tarto. . I I
� �
. '11, .. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE', that JOH_1'� I I I friends, her'e over the week -end.
I, J. HU,GqARD, car,-�ing on business under , . - , Mr. and ITTs. Shearer Wilson ai
. "
!� I " . the fli-m 'narn- '. 1.1% Birth§ Mr. Rovs., Wilson, Of London, visiti
__aftd style of JOHV RANKIN .
,�. i I AGENCY,`of 6e Town of Seaforth, Province �.
Jr I of , Ont.&rio, was adjudged bankrupt and a - I � with 'his ,brother, Mr. J, J. Wilso
.. . '
.. '
. �, ;, Receiving Order made on the I&th day of SAVAUGEln Sc*tt Memorial H�-pital. ,Or, recently.
I , . ,�!, .. MaY, 1936. and the u nder�igmed ha.3 been June 4tJL to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Savauge, Blorn to -Mr. arid Mr5. Wilbe
1, appoir�ted C�todian of the e6tate of the Seafarth, a son, Fred (Ted) Holland.
� Debto� until the first meeting of creditors; LOVP--In ClintQn Hosp4tal, on Thursda , Thom, of Collborne, -on WednesdE
, .1. M W411 May 28. to, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, 2 so Y last, a dfaught�-r. I
�t�, and that the first meeting of credito n. �
, be held on Wedne--day. the 17th, day of June KESTLE-In London. on June 2, to Mr. and
- Iq36, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the .f' "'-Nl-. C. K�-_-tle. of Exeter, a son. C&.' and, Mrs. Percy 91ibb&, of D
_J ternoon at the Town Ifall. Seaforth, Ontario. WILLIS-4n Pri,ate Patients' Pavilion, To- ti,cdt, sipent the week-en,d With h,
X, I . . I vote ' -if N -Y ' -�-,. r, 1 �
I To I thprpat proofs claims and prox- roneto. on Ma 30, to Mr. and MI Robert SiGte Mrs, Harvey MIOGe,
. � - t 0. 'Willis, Toronto, a son. � 'Mr. and Mrs. Frost an'd Miss Rul
.11. ie5 must be filed with the -Guaranty Tru,i .
I . . Company of Canada prior thereto. I Adefle, of Flint; MTS. N
L . 11 "I _ Mccool, ;
.1 'nose ha,-ing claims axainst the estate muA I. . - Clinton, and kr. and. Mrs. Ga,Txet
I I , file the .,a.Tne wit:h the Ctut*dian or the Deaths, . of Blyth, visited with Mr - apd Mr
�, I Tru5tee when appointed before distribu,tion L; -- - ' 0 W. T. Robison over the week -end.
� made. otherwise the Procee&' of the estate CAMPPELL-In riday,
. ... 'huted Walton, on Fr May 29, MT. and Mrs. A. Asquith an,d Re
, I will be distrT among the Parties entitled James N, Campbell, in his 77tb year. i
11 11 I theret�a, without regard to such claim. I I and Mrs. S�'I,erman, of Clinton, visit(
" , I . ... I 11 .
,,, DATED at Windsor, Ontario, this 3rd (lay � � . ON � ,,, last week with friends; in Bowmai
11 . . I Ville:
, . :", of I June, A. D. 1936. 1 - Mr. and Mrs. W&lliam fCoates"ar
P , ; , GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF London Conference Names . Mrs -1ston, of Flint, Mich., spel
, CANADA, I I - - Ran
I � . I (Continued from Page 1) ,1 Sunday With friends here.
�11 � Cu&todian
11 Guaranty Trust Building, age of SC41;en vears, He received' his � Mrs. Fox and Misis Lettie Fox 4
1, . Windsor, Ontario. early education at Owen ,%und, at- W'hitechurch, visited at the horne,,
- . . I . 657, 4 .1 ten -ding Ahe Owen Sound Colleg�at,e IMT. E. Phillips last week.---
. I __ _______ and later the. University Of Toronto ;Mr. and Mrs. Allison and Betty, �
.. 11 Pop:ular Stallions �nd Knox College, Toronto', gra.duat- Parkhill, ViSitf-d with h
. Ing in 1901. Mr. Bremper's first Mr. and Mrs. D. HaaTkiton, last wee
I . " 1! Clydesdale Stal . lion . I C , hurch was,'the Bracebridge Presby- Mris. M -Donald and M]i.ss E. Ma,
1". � - Donald, a Lockalsh -visited with Mx
�1 .. oefriaM ChUl'Ch, in.Muskoka, where he .1 .
; RITE AGAIN served for five years. Th,en he 'wa$ F. - Ross recently.
.. . . � � I . stationed at Ripley Pres,byterian Miss Aliiee Robb and her daughte
. I No. 24337 . h far s�ix years ,and the fol1ow- '
t � 'Ch urc Mrs. (R. McKenzie, of Loolialsfi, le.
'. . Enmlmont No. 1 961 Form 1, Premium A. " -
. I Terms -41.5 �. insure. ing six years Wasi at Almia Presby- last week to _ytsit fTiends in WZnn
Will stand for the improvement of st;ock terian Gliurch in St. Thomas. peg. '' .
., .
I ..
I I I �� for the ,,ea -on of 1936 at his own stable. Ten *Years in Brucefield I ... - . . � -
; � ROBERT MURDOCK� Proprietor. . - - I
, i Peter Kilpatrick, Managet!. I . From St. Thoma -5, Xr. BreTnner .
L, I I . ,
S; i ., - . . 3 5 72- wa!!; called to St. An6rew's Presiby- TUCKERSMITH.
i " . I tenan Churcb, ,at Cobourg, where he iw�
i � . The Imported Clydesdale Stallion i l , and then, as MrS. McKean, Hamilton', Mrs. Fel
i MISTY LAW chui.-ch' union was effected, .he SerVed ' Walker and daughter, Anne, of Ri
I . [266841 (22212) for a year and a, half as co -pastor at chester, N.Y.' "MUS Bertha 0hesne
. � 1. I Enrolment No. 29OR Form 1. Premium A Trinity United. Church','; Coboi,xrg. Tuckermith, Xm. Jel-Os and M
. I Vrill stand for *the imlyrovement of stock From Coly,wrg h,e moved M- his .lyres- Leslie Jervis visited recently at tl
. .
, : for the season of lgg6, as follows:
,,� ent pastlorate at Brucefleld United Charteire [honle.
.� Monday Aftern�,on-Wffl leave his own
.. stable at l3rucefield and gty South to ylivpet, Chuireb, which he has served for 10 Mrs. ArthVT MaSIDn, of Saskatoo,
I ''I 5D Thomas Btitt's, far� nisrht. Tuesday-EhAt years. is a v,isi.tor at the ,oharters, home.
�," � ' Rev- Stanb*7 Owen, Of Stratford, ___ I
.. to,'Williarn Martila's, 101lh eoneess-ion, Tuck- - ,rr "I -ft-mmww�
:, I . ersm.M. f9r noon; then east to., Cromarty to was the neareSt contender in the elec -
I �l' Ken McKellar's, for night Wednesday- - A "'
1� Worth by Staffa and west 1 I/ - tilons. Mr. Bremner ],ad been Tromin 'WP PFA � -
�� 4 miles, then - - -11, �
I" . ated b� the HUron Pm5bytery, and ..
I I north to'the 7th Concessian to 00"�, Bros.,
��, tor noon; th,-n west to Robert Rev. A., E, Doan, of F .
". , . I Doig's, . for amex, by the The Y. P. U. are
, 2)dWt. Thuraday-West to Gernmell's Corners E"
, eX prer presenting Che
. I y b, Ytery. HoWeveT 9 29 noM_ pla.y, ,,, The -
I . and fioift to A. & J. Broadfoct's, far Khan's Talisman," i,n, tl
., Own 'to his own Stable for nikbL Frirdt'on-; in-atiIone Wer6 declared open aind,wer, hall' on Friday even -Ing-, June 5.
1 1
I I � ?11 � I . ,. West to the Sebond of Srtanley and horth to acCePted fT(0m the floor they. came- - - .
Ep Aft JEL Met,wen's. for noon: then to h' -_
I A�� " thick and fast. - -
I, , Own Stable for night. Saturday --M his own -
lr - - I_ _S1hbl1&_1_ - - - .. - I; . . . - Viuse n1omiinabed ii:m addiftivn to Mr. - - CROMARTY , .
I ..
I ,I','�,��.
0� lrermssir, to imut-0- Br4nmer *ere: . IN
V,` . Re,�;. R. C. C�oPeland -
I .,��-
A �
.�,;�, . of Thalme��l I ; Rev. A. k. Doan, Es' Mr. and Mr.§. 1A1074 ,
"p, , , R013ftT MURIDOM e - Miller wei
I a ." P. MeftTlr ane, Chadam
� , ��r,,, ., � Sex; Rev. J.
I - Proprietor -and Manager. ; Sunday Ivisitors- at the-homo of Mr
1 'I "',
, ld�'- 2572- Rev. Jamee Fin -lay, London; Piev, S. A, 'Mifler. -
' "if " - f I I I - I . . .
q,`� .r I - � .
I I ;,f, . Wfflism KiteleY, Park -hill; Rew. Roy Mrs.,Jack Scott and sons viMte
, �,�!,,. , IA) Pure 8re4 Cly#esdale Stallion 041014ne, Charing Cross- Rev. Sja�_ with frietW M Brus U6
, �. ,li, "s I � 1. I . �;els. ol�j 6 I&y
I ..,
'11ii � AtA,RATFION YET 1�ef Owen Stratf&M; Aev. V T.,� ,,Mrs, Mev.) R. G.' MeX6y, frN
""i", q.
i " � ", ,
� t ' iili., .�: .. - Neg. Mo. 160 ,A%()TW, Vvsi�ervoie; Re-�, J. F.'Rey. Pylinee AAbert, Sasyk, and little da.ugl
,�"�",, ,, ) gntolmeft No. 906 � eeftlfttol No. I C
, "
, TI.,.,", " TA, fr6t IWArm dt his 40,*" iftbl�, olw� mft, 8t1i;aM1&r4 a*d,, ROv. W. Wil-, ter, Margaret, arrived i at. the hou
,. ,
', " I*.,
''o, 11,04, - liams, �09,sa;;K. ,
14, , .
41', , ��,; -Ulf mud *0Aft*0f liftswil-lot illd Sea"n of a & father, -T-am,eq Scott; to aveii
ill'111 lil��111� I.., , .110 . . '' ThIV6 ballots Wlerg lleeegftT7 for the su'Mmer months,,vith bet , r
, . a �
,,�.j '� : r - ow
,�C, � � V . pla
,'%1!,'.',A'__ &Tu�-g 0. 0"Wo lodlituary 10 1037, the,' eket$oft Mr. lt;rmm4r le"#g here, allso to renew Old
* I , , ; � "Ato wlwa, - . 44tMintafte&
11 I ,If, . , I , .. I -blift0f, with 01 ,out of 9,70 ift fq* firA- 1.61 The rbin, wb&dh *fsa ,b.qydlv neeAo
1�, 'L ,, I ivit. but'd M on %Is OWOW, ;Wd 286 ftne ofi MohdW, Jwm 1,� and
, ", �:_ ,, . I ` " I .
Vi_. I I �, , ��', :�;,:; � . � I I I thi#p
ll'?� :, I, 1, : , f."', i I � I - . . I . 1 .
� .'' , , ", , , :" .1 . . . I
,I iliI."I".6, , ". , .
I _::k! ... : , , ,f.,!" 1 -fl;,. �..,,e r ,, �:�,. . I . ,.
k� '11"" I � 11 I r
, �;. I 1�! ,..., 1". I 1" I . 11 10. .. I I I . "I .� '11�"A,;.i�
�,� i�� .. . "" X� .
. �j,�'�,J.11 :1� �:�,r, ":Ij ''? � " �� " " ''i " 0. . � I
'�,�����L4'��,�ll"�li""Ili'll�,�.�'ll,�ll'�f",,�,�lt",,�?llillli.Wl�,.,�.'I."�:,.,�4��"""!,�,.��7��,,��,,�,:�,',-,,,,:�",z.�;�,�-.I .1 ,:,,,�%:,]�.�;,h" . - �,': ,, '" t
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7,,�Fg .�
, a r"F � IrIlf�.11,;�,?:�"-�,,.,-,v-�4t-j,�m�'-"-i�,,'i--�-,-�,1, -- - � j� .�,,�� -
- ,,�TRWW T'.7"TIA-11"11., I'l, t, nrv,,!,�J�� -- -q�!,-.,� - -N-T. ;',T,.��V, RN M�110'qllp" . j., ��,,'*g-�F P,*K
. , % ,,�.�; 12�
, 4"1.tfM ,, V ,I ��, ,4 ., '.�,,'1'4 , ,
" , '0 "f,�,,'�,�t"�ffl!,OjNyo , , N
" � �_ I " 4 t,,�,�,lr,,,;�,.,,,,,�,;,,I,��lI M M "I t�111�.�,I'. if �,,,,,,T, --"k"lrl"v!@�FI),�,,,���,��', �,'��,,*',i",r tQ,6I, ,'A", I , i il g " �' ',�� . �.1 � g
".� � 0 , I I , 'I . f, �'_, ., '?,I. "I't5 4", V
pg��,ifi.I,;;", , , .11 �r,,, �:jli' ij�"'I'f�",'1'7 � "I' 1�71' 5"'�,�� tiv,�,,."Ik "IT ", " , , ,� I � ,-, , � V "" _,d
., I I I 1. - $`, ��.'�, ,,, � 11 i: ", i 1: . , , , , ". � , "�,,Tl w j, : � I � , q , , I
I , ,, . 'i � , ,� , , , ,, , 111!1 ". '� " i. I � I . ,r � ; � �� �,, - - , . , . ,� , :��_7 1 t, I ai,� �
1. , , � �, �,% �,. ,, ,,i� T", , �, �i , , "'
, I
, I
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� .
. . - � I I .
. I , r � I � �-,� I I . -
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"I'll, . 1FIVIMA '_ ' ' I I I , '. - . - I $ . .; J
� ii�
I %I . ,, r ------'- � - - I . I.. . . � __ , . - - �. - - — - .,. -_ _ �z � , I t ii,
1. � WWI � - I - - — - - I , -
- .. 1, . VIX 1 . " I , p� �1 RPM ,. -1
I I.. - --, ,.__ �11 I -1 - . "'I., , .... r .., 1. � . . � I .1 .1, 11111 '' , - 1. . I I - - - �. I I 1� = I
I - . I I . . I ." 1. I � I . I _.... _. . . . � 11 . . , - . .
. �
ham taken ,on a better 10ok for fu- spent. -Q%e w0k-end at the home" of Ing Sunday e*e4lug it 7 Aloek. - as a delegate. . . 1. .1
' ,. � .
ture ewM,,An& allo, laying the dutt, . w,jilia= Sangatell, aft�-O*eh QOJ;9�� W- in- 004ed,ch
her,, gamn W. and Mm. A. $pen- Mr. and XT*- ,
Wedding hells, are ringing in UW3. %MV. � .. _,1F11 , I and monlibeTs of ,their f4ftAly, ntot*T- thJI week,ottendrag thV 0011"tY 0004-
, I I.
. I . I
distzict . All stom last to 0A, .
, p4, and business plaoea -in. ifed to Windsor on Sunday . . ,
Mrs6 Frank Harburh,,'who has been Heneall 4� lose(t on"Wed-adWay s . . 'ilena% . 1W Mill Web Md 0034 UOY4,
,, be, c ,pend the day with fz . _'. ton ort , ,
- . _ - , ,
a sewte iufferer for. i.jite a whilb; a,t 1-2,30� n,&on dwipg 14g, months of ' 'Miss . Je�q . sie Bell to here froira Tox of 'London, spent Sunday laot; at tbo '
passed, 'away last week, the remains June, July, August and 64�eInb . Tonto for a few days thisl week. home of the �wmerls Torento, ,Mr.' ,
� I ..
being laid to, -rest in the cemete-ry at Mr. and K ,� -4, . W, M �
. . I , m. JK 13rittoII'anid -little Mr. William,,oalJoham, ,vf Detroit, and Mrs. J, . Orh n. . .
otaffa on Thursday of last�vl�eek. The daughter,,lat Pp - T"011t*.
. .blIT4 visited on Sun- sipent Sunday laslt at the home -of Miss Mae XaNlaughtbn, Of
community extend, their synWathy to day last lvilo'gv�.,R, Workman and 'Mr. and Mrs.- Fred ,Co4)ett. ' iviisited ever dle week -end at the hom
the 4ereaved husband and family.' daughter, A65s -M"el. I "' Mr, and Mrs. D. Harris and son, OT ,her *reiw, Mr. aw Mrs. D. MC.
I � ,We are isorry tp Avpo(rt that the -Max, of Ailsla Orai.g, visited, -on S�a,�- Nau&on,
. .
-1 --..-. fu,st of this week ,W. 1. A. ,Huglies, urday,qqst with M5% a,nd Mrs. Walt.et A social was held in the school-
ELINViLLF , lk room of thei Unitied'Church,oa Mon-
. , of the,"Bar of X-Illtreal staff, 'Wei-,- 'Fee -
ed a message advising -him, of the 1W. Harold Bailey a"Shielboume, day evening 10it under the iusplcib
. ,,.1 1. . I. . I � dealib -of his �imother... .. ,. - V.**ted with 'Mr. and'Mm K. Travis-& of the Youlhg Peolples League. It
Mr. A- C. Whitlock, -of fSt I'fh'o!n G. R. I -1. had been,.&nneunieed and 1,40nded 0
. 4s on 'Sunday qast. .
r! Mir. A.,W,.,E. Rk,mi,hill, DEr.
I .
was ek vieitcyr at the home Collyer, . Dr. J. A. ,Mel)aggart and Mr. bErs. Nllocik, of RioLey, is visiting be a lawn social but iln, the, afteribon
. Harry Ford on Thursday of ,last Allan Talbot, 'of Jegindon,.left here for a 60uple bf Wedw "*itb her $IS- and fevanhw a�s w�§`A, vpr7 heavy nda . ,
week. , . . the fia-stlof this , �v6eik for -an auto trip ter, SITa. English and brother, Mr., made. it 1n*YbsS1iV10 to *have the sodal
Ethellene !�d Eilene J,Ans were through Noirtheam ,04tarib'. , I ffbirry, ,Hbwavd. � . evenfing pn the-_lawai; aldiough aU -
, �
week -end visitors at the home of Mr. - ,
On the coaling ; Sundhy evenilig, M-% W. 'IL 'Reldp ,of Port ,IbDwan, preparations had been Mae for same ...
and Mrs. Chowun in Clinton over the June 7, Rey. A, Sinclair, of the Unit- spent the week -end here with her including the wiTing vah qbundmb
. -
week -end. ed Church, together with the young I�iothei, Mrs. E. sheff6i- electric lights, Howeveir,'"the evening
Rev. A- EL Johns, of Haapiltonl is people's choir, intend goingto Blyth , Mr. and Mrs. A. T. �Dbugla,s �' of- wis spedt with the Ciftizenfe Baod in
. .
visibing this week with his-'bro-ther, to take -1 on a . ' last attendance and discou�rsing fifie nthn- ,
Mx. Wes. John%. ' . -part In the Service andi the Hyde Park, AFAted ,1S tuTday uter Is, tbe,boyx
� minister bf Bl"hl will accompany the at the hon�e of Mrs. John Johnr4ton beas at fiequent I Val
Mr. an&Mrs. Alvin Brintnell. and young U*opi�el-. choir of, � b I* church to and 5fre. & Par.W. gilving 'a fine,kbount -of ihAiniaWts
fanii1y,.of Exeter, Asited with Mr. ,take ipart, in the evening serv.j!ces, lMx& Lou Siblipson, of Detroit, is under their eMeilemfb leader, IMr. Edk-
a4d Mrs. Louis Johns. on Sunday. here; in other words, 0*re will be ,here tylisitoing her ulpthew, Mrs. Robt. ,mier. There was also sr.very "a
. � - = an ewhanige a tho min5siters and Bontbron. I prograta ,presided; tover by -tho presi-
theiw chbirs� -who took part so recent- The Junior In'stiturte vAll hold their dent, Mr. Lwne Filder, who did, bis
. HENSALL ly 'm competition for Singing. .- meetingson Mon&y eveningsduring pamb very well., The follbwing nunL-
I - Gelorgq,Hess was visited by the suimmer monithp. The next Meet- bers were given and we
� JI rendered:
XM I � -1 I.
, I . Error is heir sister from Detroit for the Week ing-will,be held'ion, Monday ievening, Solo 'by Or. ,Swililie, aceomipswe ' d "by,
. di ll7
The publishers W11t,�"t1h,t throul en& June �, which wi,ll be visitors' night Miss Eleanor Fisher; rea Ing
their erxbr the name of Mr. jo;hn , The, Masons of Hiensel-I'loodge, now when each member will. answer ,the 5fiss Mattie Ellis; violin duet by
Pasismbre. -was inadvertently obillted known aw. Huron Lodge, w -r-11 attend roll call with the name of their Miss Greta Lanume and Murgariet
. I Miss Gladys
m the re�port of the Od4fellvv& ser- their annual church.anniMersary seT- guest. I Bell, acco,mipanied by
vice foir,th-e late N. W. Pybus, which Vices in Carmel TkIresbyterian. Church, !Mr. and, Xrs4 Hem�y Harburn vi -s- Lukev. ,At the close fof the prbgTam '
.a I --d in 11ast- weeles issue�. Mr. Aermll, and,will 'be addivsWed by the Ited, on Sunday fast at the home of relfres�tentw were served ancl-it -in
- ppear
PaEmnore, as Noble Grand of'the l,o- Pastor, 'Rev. W. A- Ybung. - A num- the latter's partehts, &r. and Mrs, alraost needless to Say much enjoye&
cal 11ofte, was in charge of the ser- ber of visliting brethren from the ad- Fred Datairs. I . Mr. and, Mrs. J. Wallade and domgh- .....
vice. Jo I aning Ilodgeg will no doubt, with . Mr. and Mrs. Goorge.Petty visited ter, Dorothy, of Buffallo, iwnt I t6a
- .
. favorable weath6r, -unite with them. in Toronto list week and Mr. Petty week -end at the houne of iM. 1. and
.. 11 Axkniversary Services The serVice wWF,be�held on ,the com- - attended the Conservative convention, Mrs. Walter Fee�. . . I
. � � -
. I ... � I I . I r_ .. I
' . I .
On Sunday.last, both morning and I :_ " . , I '. - . . .
1-1 .
evening, afriniversary services were �-,V- . . � I I .
held in,Carniel Pr�esbyterian Church, __ ,;I . . . * .. .. I
conducted, by Rsv� 14i, Stewart, pas�- I I .
tor d ClIalaners' PresbyterianChurch - INT Im ! I - I . .
in Tdkonfto, who ukeasured uip wie�ll jo. I I , I �, . 1. I _�
what was expected of -him, ashe gave : 1� , _,; I . I . r- . .
fine eforceful discourses fitted to the
occaslion and was listened to with . I . I .
.1 .
great pleasure and interest. The rev- I . . I I � I .�
. 1.
erend gedtlemain mentioned -that this ' I I - ... . . .11,
was h4s; first visit to Hensall which '', '""' C - , . " .. J ,
hie had looked forward to with much ., ... . .
, . . I � I.
intereat,,and on his return to Toron- ' I I ,", � I I . —_ I
to would'remember his visit with . .. . . . I
� - .1 P-10
plea,swrable, recollections., The church I . Ao -
. wasnicely decora�,ed with flowers for I . . .1 . a
the occasion, and'there war. a siplen'-_ , . I - - . I 1,
did'aitten-dance. The church choir W I ," I
. � . - I
added much to the service with fine I. .... - .
. seleotilons. At the morning service I 11 .
the folilowing took Special parts in .. I . I I
the anthem- Mrs. W:'A. MacLafbfi, - I � I � .
. Mrs. Jast. Patterson and Mr. Frank . I I
BattOnsby. T'lliere was,,also a ladies' 4 __ - — - .. I I .
quartette comVas-ed of D3,r6thy Dal'. .. 1 _____ 11 , fill1r7l(U. - - - . ..... 1,
I aM. Irene, ffoggaat%,- Mabel Work. .. .. . ... I .. 1. I '..... . . .. . � . - N
. - . - . _. — IL .
.1 man and Mrs. 11. HarburlL At'the ' - - .. I ;�Iw � �. . 11
evening sk�vice, in addition to an� . . I - I �,
. I .
. I .
� ...
I ..
other splendid is,ermon, the musical I ,
part was well sustained by the choir, . . -- 4 - � 01V I , ##1 I
Mrs. W. A- Young taking the sollo in, . 64 I . .11 !� -.fiaz>?�e lm�r . . I � A& ,
I . I
the anthem and besid,es t1re anthem . . 1. I - . �, . -1- �
Mm. James Bonthron.rend-ered a fine I I . I . . I....
. Solo. There was a larige attendance . . . I
at bo�h ' servite�. - - - - . U. f, . I .
At Sit.'Piiful's Anglican Church ,Mr. 1. I. - � . I
Rourke ga�)ve good discourses both . 0 0 ; 0 . - - 0 . .
morndng� and evening, and thdre, was .. I
a good attenda�nce and good music by I - I 1.
the choir. I 1. . . I I . . . . .
Rev. A. SintlaIr took the. rnfor�ing I � � I � I .
service at the United Church and . * 0 0 - I- . 0 . . � I .
_ I .
Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Centralia, had - - 0 I 1� . .
charge of .'the evening service and - , .
gave avery a,ble Sermon which was z - 1. . .
much appreciate.d by the cmgrega- - ,. . I I .. Ccmciidals I
tiom The vio,ung people's.e4o6,r led 11 0 I. to - & a � Lovvest-Priced C.cx
'in tbe semice - of praive and at the .
morning Service, beside -the anthem, - ;; . allib -
' . - $30 a moNTHw'th I .
th-gre was a well-reindered -Solo by, Mr. ,, .. reasonablia.do'vm
�Clarude Blowes' and! at the evening .111. . - . - - 0 0 0 -
s�ervice,,,�esi de -the anthem, Xr. Lorne � � 0 payment, based on fl -m -�, --
E)ld*T gave a Solo in his usual pleas- 0. I �. 0 0 - I - 0 a 0 . �77o - T.F.C. ' Finance
Ing manner. There was a"go6d at- Plan, now buys I
tendance at both Services,. particular- . a 0 0 0 . Canada's outstanding . .
ly at the morriiing servim " '' � - __ . 0 a W - - 0 . cac value. . I I
- __
. . . . �
. .
. . Council Meets I I
The regular meetfing of the village - ___ __ --------- __ - , -, - __ - W -
. � . I . ..
council was held Monday evening in 11 . . I . .
thie council chambers wi,t1i all mem-... I I . . L . . � . � ... - .
bers of�council 'being present. Mill- ., . ' I
* -1
utes of pirelvious lileetings were read
and adopted. The Propert.p.-Commit- I - F., DALY, Ford Deater,
. tee reported re the Fire Hall needing . I . I I .
cleankig. Brock reported re the " . 1 4&
notice from the Health Inspector. Phone 102 ft 0 - -
CorresVondence was read as follows: . I I . Seaforth, Ont.arieo ,, ,
4 TreasureT'i Depaxt-ment, re Ideenses, I .1 I I . I I
motion No, 2; Shell Oil Go.,'filed; Re- . . . I . _ I . I . .
lief ,Branch, filed; 'Canadian National _.. - . I
RailWay, �led; Dept. of Agriculturre, . � . I- -_
. I
� I .
filled; County Treasurer, filed; Dept. . . .! t! . . .
W iiiiii! ;,t ::i: ii i 1,
.. ; I .
. : .;
: :
: i .. ;� I -
bf Munidipal Affairs, filed; Sahration .
'. .
. ;
Anny, ftl�d; Dominion Tar & Cliemi- i :; ., i' i: 1 i1i ii!
. ;. ..
i . .
. ,
. i : . � . . . I
: : N 1, I .
cal I iii:�
Co., filed. Moti�on 2: Hamilton : . !!!!�
i I. il!::
.! . �
it: . !I.:
arid, Saingster—That we pay licenses .14u% "i!W; Iii - -i I
. i I I Nil !:,;. " I i .
for town hall andpark f r - aF 1936. r ; ::; . .
Q d,( It :: ,!ij1j:;. - . . I
1� . .. ;; I
Passed. Motiion No: 3: S d �k and ��� ::,: ! ...
. ; - ; .
* " ,
Brolck—Th,at A- H " !..
I ";U .,: ::
aMiltDn .1 ., :.
nterview ...
` � .. ., :
". .1'. .
i�: ... i ..
3 - ..
quhar in regards to I ;: .. I .
4anns & Tra :ii ..
1. .. I
ITI .. - .
iiii �, .. -
13,001 room license of 1933', alsb 19M. %, I " ::;:: .. . �
Bills and accounts were read ai fol- ' ( �;V, .., ` : :;: � I
.1 I
, 111 * � .
.. ." 11 : . .
lows. D. SangSter, labor streets, $1; "Ll ; ... . . . . I
..;:!. !::::.: 2: .
K. Manils, laboir Streets, $2; W. Ot- li� 9.1'..".' ii: ! . I. I .1 I C,
t�erbein, labor Streets, $8..so; w. ....I...".. . \
I ... ;;;-; I 1. I
:::I:�Iiiili !�:-;;.; ;� 1�
I ,
... . ;i i: Iiiiii"i
...: rl�iUiiiUlrii�
Da -bus, labor streets, $2. C.. Wolfe, I � : :,"iiii;1i": .
. .: ... .
lWbor streetEN $24; 'W.1, Hifdeibral�d, Ia- - �! �� . .. I I VITA F-OnD
. . ' '
bor Streets, $21.40; I,r& Geiger, team i i ,�, *
and lablor, streets, $8-`W F, Daivid- I ::r : 1.1111, 0 1 # .
son, coal for hall, �?,2.8o- .School I I" .,,,,�, L,, is a *Aal(AICK BUILDER I
Board, current empenses, $�N; - I.m- I OV,,- . I . .
perial 0 - fl, Ltd., roadoil, $523.92; Hen- 1�! .,,,- 'A" " ,, �[Wll I I I .. . P_
Sall HYdiro, $4.77; Huron Exporsitor, N1. . ". I I . . I
printingl $4.10. Total, $1,322.79. ' I I
Brock and Hamilton: That a�ttcounits 1 Poultry Farm Proven.- Fed to thousands and, thousands -
,be Paid. Carried. H. Dalrymple and . of Baby Chicks, annually. I . .
H. Berry, Of Brucefield, a=eared re I . I .
sezt4oes o� ,the, Fire Department. 2 Promotes Rapid Growth, deep yellow pigmentati' VITA I
Sangnter and ishaddiek. That , We . I I on,gind 11 FOOD ,
Sell .the old fire equlpment for the full unifotm feathering- I . I I . . .t I . :
su- Of $16. Carried. Belock and .. I " I !
-Hamilton- That we adjoum.--C,ar. 3 Maintains Rugged Health 'and Vitality; Strong, sturdy I ' '.. I .
rieid,-Jas. A- Paterson, Clerk. .bone develOpment — Cull of vim and vigor. - . I 40, ,,, I .
On Saturday evening, Juhe 6th, the . I I .
Hensall bitizent' Dand will present , "and Guess -work - in your Chick � I I
an open air icondert from &.so to 10 4 It eliminates thd Hazard .
o'clbek. This is the first co.ncert oj Feeding Program._.._ - . . CHICK
I ' I . SUMM - .
. 6 . R., -11 I 11
the season and miany will be V14ased " ' . P-r �
� . .1
.. I
to enjoy the flne nmsic the band pro-, 5 You can feed,Vitafood with flill ass'urance that itwill . I .
videg. .1 I.L I. . � . - �� . I i
,,, woduo, r -chicks at less. cost. .. I . , , .
P ,-b' - -.1 -..r-...-- ... - -
Miss MabO Teb, nuvge-in-trainin, !!,7-7- -77- . 'Rh .. , I
9 ' I . N , -
at MVmlorial HoSrAtAl, St. Thbinas, I�V,.Abk OARMS MILLING. CO.. ATWOOD. ONTARIO , - 117 .
v0lbr bias been 'sVendirig a eoulple of . -�".-�'�,�..,�,---..--�-,---",-- � - ____,_._-_ _____.____ i .-=�g._,_.4Ul_1"q_,tAA1., i—t..."
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wee&g' (holidays ,ovith relittives, -in — ,
-tOwn, ret0irnfed oft 'Sued. PROVED RIGHT MADE RIGHT
. my lost to n-
sulne her id-uties tt the tho.spital. :.
Mr. and Mrs. Finlft",011, of Sea- _�'T. " " at - 'the Roe Poultl�Y RanCil at the Roe Mill :
forth, visited ,olvier the vm&.4nd with I .' - _1� . .,� . - __r_:1-_ I _____ —_ -
Mr. and ,Xm NWftft t8latehfoT& I. 0�1 �, 1. � . -, � .;;R I . I ... — .
I . � . .
MT. EA - T. Berry, of ., Windsor I I . .JW -11 ')�,,*Pfe"11W, Wally by I I
former Hielift1l, biloy visited for' a . .. I I � MPL JAS. & gcoTT, geafforth. .
a .� . . I PAX ALIMT TUAVISS Wal .1
couple vvee&q with his mother ,4. , -1 �� I I t0L
I 1 ,4�,,,:"�'-.�,,' I MR, 10ING WALLAC _k SlYth.
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