HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-05-29, Page 5• t r." SE. 40fitt ; - 116Y4ng 111 "JE TAMER TIM DELL" RenOlni iitehsiart and rises to. heights - ---ettehfiar07. ICA,1013011 ;COMEDY RR fif.V.lisseMste"' iii,l'eQ117:W.747sCra;-"-' The 'Mar* Er90; in ' "NIGHT. ,rAT THE, OPERA" The !funniest a:Newlin 10 years. laWS CARTOON . Neat. Thursday, Friday, ...Saturday 'Sylvia Sydney, Fred MatidurraS, in 'THE TRAIL .OF TEE LONESOME Natural colors,_ phaingraphed ont- ' Oars.' • • ALTWAN • .Ahrburtri. 'baseball team played .the 'first 'game tof the iseaSon Lucknow .on .iMay 25, against St. Helens with le. satire. !of 8-2. Visitoes .4 the 'bae of Mr. and 'Mrs. Esasetweeth were: Mir: and! leers. Moore and Miss lVtootre, M Hlamilton, 'and Mrand lMrs. Kruse and Biily, of Celt. Mire. Moore, of Guelph, is making 'an.exten.ded visit -with 'her cousin, Bliss !S. Blair. .. Mr. rClaJytani IRIbbe'rtson, of Time steins,visited his •parernes, Mr..„1 and Mrs. J. J. Robertsien recently. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Small, of Toronto; and Mr. Newell !Small, of Stratford, With Miss •Small; Miss Alma IlVlutch, . Taranto, with ,Mrs.,Jaimes aVkutch; Mr. and Mrs. C. •McNeril at Mr. C. As- quistli's;' Me.and Mrs. Harvey Mortis of Toronto' and ;Mr. and Mrs. H. "Walk- er, Brdesele, at Mrs. J. D. Howatt's; fide. and .1Virle. Joe .Scott, Mrs. W. King and MTS.. King with 1VIee. Hew, eon and Mrs. Robeetsen; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mils With Mre. J. Mills. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wilsen and also 'Miss Sharpe at Parkhill; . Miss, Sadie in Detroit; Mr. K. Dawson and Mise Stoltz fin Detroit. Mr. Joe Miller left for Capper Cliff tar work for the .sunemer. - !Mk. and Mate. Harry Yunglolut and eons vieted relatives at Forest. , Mrs. J. C. Cleat, of, Star City; Sask., anrived last Tuesday for a • EGMONDVILLE • il'oliday guests with friends, in the eillageand v,iciniity were: Miss Laura MielVtillase. Toronto, with 'her parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. W. F. 1VIciVItillan;" Miss- •' es -Ida and 'Eva ,Love, Toronto, With, Mr.• and IVIIrs..; John' Love; Miss Mar- guerite sBlakek, SHraimiltron, with • Mr. and • Mrs. .W. Brack; MissRia Hills, !Peronto, aib the 'parental 'berme of Mr.. tand1VIrs.' George Hills"; Dr. and Mr.. TW' ,Coon and daughter, a Virginia, • with Mr. and Mrs's' J.. G. •.Docherty ; Miss Ma..rgaret. Forrest, Herniation, with Mrs and Mrs. John Forrest; Mr. Roddy 'McLean; ,Neveton, withMr. and •.--- Mrs'. R. McLean; Ma Forrest Mackie, • !Ayr, with Mr. and 1VIrs. Alex. LH- .. lieo.„.• Mr. and • MtrlexasMaKerizies • Oatileii;--iiifFfirtives 'and •'friends; ''• ou nebu neeJ this handy FILE for1000 Jobs rot mower knives, around the home, for the farmer, blacksmith. machinist. garagornon• Mode of • fast cutting, long wearing Norton Crystolon Abrasive . . . the best you con buy. •the We with the RED HANDLE cannot gel lost •ilsh yourafealer . :,100 ler "J. D 2"1. NORTON SCYTHESTONES. a shape. Ers raid price for every' rgguire• -rnent. Also Mantra). Grit Stones. Grinding Wheels, Indio Oilstone.. Buy Norton products From your HardWare Store or write us. Vanes Company of Canada Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. NORTON ABRASIVES Sold by 'GEO. D. ,FERGUSON SEAFORTH WOOL WANTED Highest Paid Prices 11.M. JACKSON P4one 3-W Seaforth THE .McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE dO'Y. IIEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Alex. Broadfoot, 3 Settforth "- Pres. Jno. El. Pepper, Brumfield - Vice -Pm, Merton A. Reid, Seaforth See.-Treae. AGENTS: • Finlay yekercher, R. R. 1, Dublin. •E. Peppm, Brumfield; R. Jarmdah, Brodbegen; Jaime Wad; Blytth; C. F. Hewitt, kindazditio; Yeo, Code. rich. DIRECTORS: Lon:desk:Oro; Geotge Leonhait, Brodbagen ; tares Con- nolly, Goderich; Meet. Broadfoot, R. •Cs" R.' 3, "Seatfortiv;„ Aid er IMOINving, R. n. 1, Bbithe Johri ,Porker, Brune- Stinies Aoktvoltion: Thos. • Medan, Ri R. 5, SeafortIi; Villtiain R. iAntehibald, R. 4, Seater& I 1 f•A'" 11, Ntt V,4.014{4 " eathA;1691. In* dltiOnal. Tnarn agrrtern ' da "ia. On the ilititerarrY ,of n9 few oll annt three. “earavaina" Brit* mdtarista thia'anntanni• Tmsns- "Atlantic jaunts .are eormetihing new in 'the rwraffid of motoring and may be heralds • of a new /hate. a tonal touring. The first MOP ar, 25-inachines. and 75 Passengers will leave 'England on July 22 jorn th Queen Mau. After a'idartleY tint:614h the Eastern States,' they ente Cada by way of Detroit Tunnel an will Niagara Falls Torento 'Kingston, Ottawa and ailantreitr bre- fine re -embarking. Other two tours Will eaver •much the sane territory. Sir Malloolm Campbell, holder of the world's speed record of 301 •m.p.h.,' .may 'be one ef the tourists in the firs •parts. * * "t • Lord Byng's Special Car ' The forthcoming unveiling of the VIrmy •Mermlomial recalls the .eseeean in 'Whieth General Byng was hel# b3r the elffiedi An Canada's overseas forces. Canadians all had a deep affection for the Hero( rof Virriy, and when he left Canada on cempletion of his term as Governoe-General, officers who bad served with him oversewn presented. him With a beautiful limousine. The ear, at that time, was one of the fin- est that had ever been produced in the Dominion, and its manufacture in Obnbiawa was not regarded merely as a ."special jelb" but was, in every sense, labor of love end a tribute from the 733 wee veterans employed at the 'plant. The ear had beeneleedlt foe 'English driving and was taken to the Old Land when Lord and LadY Bp -1g left "Canada. The preientation was • reealled recently to factory ex- ecutives by the delivery of the spe- e,iallysbuilt car for 'His, Majesty King Edward VIII. e * * G. M. Sends Four Vets To Viiny Widespread 'interest was aroused reeently ;When (General (Mlotara 'of Caneda, Limited, eanducted a well - organized draw eo dete.rmine the four lucky Veterans in 'the service af the camparry et/the Would go with- the Vim Pilgrimage this July. In order to enter: the draw, a man's reeord 'had to show that he hadi.served in France and also that he had beee an eniployeS of General Motors for sev- en years or more. All envelopes con- taining' the names of entrants were placed in illumfinia•ted glass barrels which were eleetlritally rotated for some time -before the draw was made. FolloWing the draw at Walkerville where Charles S. Smith. provreerto be She winner of that group; president R. S. 1VICLaughlin and Mrs. 1VICLaugh7 lin officiated at the draw held at tOshava to decide who would go from the Geharwa 'plant and the field farce. The twro. winners front the'Plant. were WiiThaxn Herbert gamble and Andrew Anderson, with &Win Wilson Crone - name being drawn from the bar- rel with the field force entries. While •S h.ia !first car; , dAlthig The name "Palsatthe was a title Of retsiby Pect`the. jejInic44e'dilarrese4 pofl WhoWatilVtWaner15 Wm", friendly, • It; lessens "thigh up" and gives .an indicatiaseref 110.r. •Starles He is 6 'feet ":"23i1- inches! -Americans aniespederstood the tile ad • called him Plettsy.sifirre Then the'•Ire e dans heards•treelnallinig Stark Patsy Jam and aci theY .eventaslak efiePtIed r • the ncunel-Ltoo,. „epealding, of his ear, d Stark paints drat that t has -teen al - 'Most where he the United Stakes. It is a four-eylinder coupe arid has been,liceneedevietry year since . he thought It, tut. 'never twice in, sue - cession in the 'same State. This' year it boasts a Ile& ..tag.: Stark has driven 10 years Without en accident. He has gone off. the road, and down - into gullies, in 'traversing road not meant- for 'Motor cars, • 11:111tb bus avroided crashes and :collisions by careful driving and by watching, out far "the ether fellow." He says his oar lets not reached the retirement age yet. they are away the men will be con7 libeled on She iianerlall at a intnimism. salary of $25 per week. In addition to expenses whicth the company pays, their fellow employes are ea-eperat- ring in seeing that they have some necney to jingle in their pockets. "Pahatim" and His Chevrolet' “Pahatim" wars barn in Iowa 76 years ago and after .many years in the United States Indian Serviee was retired in '1924. In 1926 he bought Nie. and Mrs. C. Westaway, Hamil- ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. , Patrick, Mr. N. Patrick; Toronto, With Mr. and Mrs. M. Patrick; Miss Bessie Grieve, Chotharo, Mr. ..and (Mrs. H. "'Grieve and family, 'Windsor, with Mae. and Mrs. T. Grieve; Mr. and Mrs. W. Black, Tardnte, with Mrs. G'e'orge Black. , STANLEY The Misses Roxy and Adelene Pal - mess sof ,Haanilton, 'spenit 'the week -end evith MT. and Mrs'. WIlil Relid, of Varna. Visitors over the holiday were:— 'Vries, Mona Glen, of Herman, rwtth Miss Dorolthy Peck, Mies Willa Jer- anis, of Clinton, with Mists Isabel Rob- inson; Mr. Allan Keys, of Western University, with his parents, Mr. and Nisei, Ben •Keys. HIT ASGREEN Mr. James. Coeheane, of Toronto, .sperit a few.dayis- with his sister, E•d- na, and brother Allah, es's •'Mr. and MTS. W. Darriden were virsit.ed during 'the week -end witlf from Strattorclend Mitchell. ' Mr. and Mrs. WI. Huxtable; Of Cen- tralia, visited' at the latter's, home. Mr. and 11/fire, C. Rlobirison visited relatives in Mitchell. • ilVIrs.‘. Jenks -Love.WaS . called to 'Gin/lb-die en. Mondaynight owing to the .dealth of her :Sister, MT S. Eliza- beth Andernsean. • Raspbeiry Plantations • Where manure is not applied to ras.pberry relent:rationsuntil teh e spring, a eoverreerop is also advisable to .prervent too irate growth of cane. As the advent of mosaic disease is making. it advisable to renew planta- tions miore freqblently, the grower who is unable to ges large quantities. of manure:, will find that shorter rota- tion lends itself mere to the' cover crolp and inrulch system, for each, new plantation may' be preceeded for a season by a erop of clover or alsike which, when turned ottner, will 'leave the sol in excellent condition for the new plantation. This method of re - emelt, Say every six years, with pro- per green manuring, cover erop: or molds, and adequate quantities • of commercial fertilitere, will 'Vender it possible fof tett:berry grciltring • 10 take plea betide Orel:larding, in Be- nt" Mere or leas, hetes:leaden* of the failing and increasingly expensive suPptly of maniere. . k". •'KIPPEN Now in Stock—Quantity of ,differ- ent kinds of No. 1 Government grad- ed Essex County seed corn. Also complete stock of Beatty Bros. pumps, piping and 'fittings for gener- al farm use. W. E. Butt, Kippen. Phone 41-91, Hensall. 3572-3 Young People's . annianersary ser- vices will be held .St. Andrew's United Church, Klippen, on Sunday, June 7th, morning and evening. The -sipePial speaker for the day will be Rev. R. B. CuMmfing, ofStraffa- solo- ist for the day, Mr. !Harry Hoffman, gold medallist of Dashwood. Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pan. Mr, and Mona Crowder, of lVforecton, New Brunswick, visite.d at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. J: C. Bell and family on Friday of last week. Me and 111re. Ethreeson Kyle, ac- • .campanied by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride, motored to Lansing over the .hisliday and spent a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of that city. •.11VIr. and Mrs. Walker, uf Peteriboro, visited with Mr. and. Mrs. William Ivison, of the village, during theepast week. . Mr. and Mrs. James Reid!, of To- ronto, spent a visit with Mir. and Mrs. Edgar Butt of the village during the palet week. Mist 'Helen .Chandler, of Blenheim; visited wit% her parents, !Bier. and Mrs. E. F. Chandler, of the village„ during the past week. !Many from this comminiity at- tended the funeral of the' late Nor- man p'sibus, whose body was 'brought ,home :.from the West on Saturday. The funeral was held from the home of this .mother-in-law, Mee. H. Ricker, of the Blind Line, Hay, on Monday and was cohducted by Rev. E. F. ,'Chandler, of St. Andrew's United •Chursh -here,' Who was assisted by Rev. A. ISinclair, of the United Churche .Hensiall. His :remains were laid to rest in Exeter cemetery. The widow and family hare thesincere sympathy • of this community in this their time Of sad bereavemeret. The many friends of Mr. John Henderson, of the London Read, noeth, will be sorry to learn that he has been 01): the sick lift and under the doctior's care. W . e nope hul may. seen be up and around in this usual good health. - Miss ,Grace Cooper,of London, spent the week -end at 'the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'W-,4 W. Cooper, of the London Road. Mr. William Petty and friend, of. Detroit, spent the week -end visiting friends in the village. Mrs. E.Izar Mousseau, of the vil- lage, was taken to Scott Memorial ieespi•tal on Thursday last wh•erre- she un.demvent an operation on 'Friday. We are glad to state at time of writ- ing sh.e is making a. satisfactory re- covery arid ;her many friends will look • forward to seeing her (back in the vil- lage .again: Mr.., and 'Mrs. Robert Gibson and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Gib- son and child, all of Wroxeter, ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. 1Virellis, of the village, over the week -end. Mr. Hiarvey McLaren, of Tucker - smith, visited with friends in Detroit ;Deer the week -end. Mrs. McLaren, who. !has been visiting her 'brothers, Ted and Gordon Harvey, accoinpan- ied Mr. .McLaren home. Me. Robert Jarrett, of the Village, spent the week -end with friends in I./endure Owing to the ram on Tuesday night of this week, the fdotball game between Klippen and 'Brucefield was po stponed. Anniversary sery-ices which were to be„heldi in: Kipssen United Church on Sunday, . May '31, thf- til June. Furbher paetieblars wiul be given next week. Mr, and IVIrs. Fred Parson's., of London, spent the ;holiday at the home of the latter's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geb. E. Thornison, of 1 -Tay. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and fainely, 'of Greenway, were Visitors at the !hen* of Mr. Elzar- Mousseau, of the village, during the 'week and 'also visited their daughter, Mrs. E. Mous- eeau, who is in the hospital at Seae forth. • Mr. and 1VIrs, Williant Butt, ,of Seafoeth, visited with :hist sons, EC' gar and. Thames, of the village dur- ing the past, week. .„ Mir. and Mrs. Pearson, of Brant- ford, visited at, the home o'f Mrr.. and Mae. Wesley. French. of the (village, during the. .past week. '1VIrss John Deitz and sister, Mrs' Fred Temlintem, of the village, visit- ed with friends in Zurich daring the .peart week. „ • • WS. John Worldira,n. of the village, is spendinga visit at the home of het daughter merl, Mr. and urs. Bmon Xerr, of MeKillorp. Mr. Robeirt MeNanglifion, of Lon-„ don. meant the week -end ab ithelestrie of hits' parente. Mr. tpd Mrs. Jtothn MeNniegihtion, tueltiiinnith. • • • . . • . • ' . • ee ..... :,„, --s., ••• . „ ' : " ' .: ' ::n ,.., , • , Li*ei Prices on the. Larost 'Ott • Gotip of SUMMER. 'REDY4Q-MEA. FASHION -RIGHT DRESSES WITH NEWNESS • AND VARIETY THE ICENOTE .AND LOW PRICES IN EVERY GROUP NEW PASTEL CREPE DRESSES White, Pink, Green, Yellow, Blue. In clever new kyles that are taking the fashion world ley storm. • • CHIFFON DRESSES WITH SLIPS All the New Summer Colors in Floral and Fancy Designs. Clever new be- coming styles. • • •• CHIFFON SUITS Coats are finger-tip length. Colors are all the new shades. gtunning styles. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF WONDER VALUES in Printed Crepe Dresses • ti 2.95-3.95 5.95 Made -to -Measure Suits • Fit • Style • Linings • Materials • Workmanship -- Fully Guaranteed Tip Top $24.75 W. R. Johnston $25-$35 Cambridge 322 to 330 House of Stone . . . .$20 to $30 Men's SHIRTS and SHORTS Striking Striped Shorts, plain -White Shire 65c a Suit Men's • FANCY HOSE All the new Summer shades • in fancy patterns. 15c 25c 29c , 39c Men's OUTING PANTS Plain White or Fancy Cheek Stripes or Flecks. New style. $1,85 to $2,95 Men's OUTING SHIMS ' White, Yellow, Maroon, Blue; sleeveless or half sleeve; laced or neck.- All sizes,. "' $1,00 to $1.50 .. • $9.50 to $12,50 WHITE, FLANNEL AND POLO CLOTH COATS You will be delighted with these Smart New Outing Coats, so attractive, so -useful, so att1:HcliVQ.7 iy priced. Three-quarters or full length. Lined -or unlined. 9.50 to 12.50 Men's Worsted Suits $15 to $24.50 $15 to,$21.50 Sport Suits Men's These are a new purchase of the very lat- est Styles. The Worsteds are imported cloths of fine fancy stripes with blue, grey or brown background. The Sport Tweeds and Flannels incldde fancy and plain cloths in all the Summer shades in plain or new sport back and pockets. , The tailoring and linings in both these groups are outstanding and you will find a style and size 'for every type of figure. MEN'S FELT Hats • • Biltmore • Stetson • York • Corestine A new shipment of this stun - titer's newest styles. The •last word in color comfbitaion— Grey, Sand, Brown, Green „and. Silver: Sizes 6% p % • , $1.95 $2.95. $3,50 Men's OUTING CAPS cool, Light; Linen or .Cetton Caps. Plain colors or checks. All sizes. 25c to 35c • • Boys' WASH -SUITS Any style; any size; any color; any pride, 35c 59c 75c $1.00 Boys' COTTON GOLF HOSE. Penman's, reliable; full .sized meke. , 'Ail relir patterns. .25c Boys All-WonilISWEATERS Pennitan's Pure .Wnol Sleeve- less Sweaters. Blue, White, Green, Yellow. 95c Men's WORE SOX Pentrna,n'g Me 'inn Sox, built for Wear; cuff and toe looped on. 25C • 1 red Vet ART1 ROS., Seafort ,.:e.eirtilesilessetesseetw . IfaltiktUbladkA,41 , " • • ,. • - f144.4.00r.'14.. ",'A",,NI• , ,4 • . , • , esietSritelSeteslfs (irSgOSS '." " ittssenee'S Ilfsed3•4erfenise kOssi" 4