HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-05-22, Page 8tf S { E' 16 ..i JS 1 b) o e.. vt . 1 + 1 1L, J .,6 } 4✓ ,k e;a 'off x . h i ai A. •dfi. .51 1+. 1 l nY �, 3 f t t �`n.A1m,.irl `f. li it nt r 1' 1.;1111)0RTED SEED OC Pound **ER SEED at 30c and 35c PEAlPff1ES—Mediums size O5c fOr iJ `EES—'Our own blend at GINGER SNAPS }pound SODA BISCUITS - 2 pounds for • CROSSIE $'i B,LACKWELL'S alfALADE- 40-oz. jar i;RIS!PIE'S PICKLES 27 -oz: jar 'OLIVHS lb. 45c 1Oc 25c PEANUT BUTTER 4-5iounid-.pail M(AIAIED CHEESE 2 (packages CORN ,STARCH 3 pounds' RAR - 30c 25c 15c 55c 25c 25c Raster Pig Starter is well worth a trial—$2.25 cwt. • A. Co Routledge Phone 166 Insurance WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN FIRE - AUTOMOBILE LIFE'LIABILITY - PLATE GLASS WINDSTORM PERSONAL ACCIDENT INLAND TRANSPORTAT,ION GUARANTEE. BONDS.' • Lowest Rates with Absolute Financial Strength. Rates and Information gladly given. CALL OR PHONE US WATSON & "REID Phone 214. : Seaforth Specialists in All Kinds of Insurance. oo-o'000000o0 - 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth O O S. T. Holmes, residence, 0 Goderdch Street, West; phone 0 ‘'No. • 119 W. 'Charles Holmes' 0 residence, 'G'aderi:ch Street, 0 East; phone No. 30,8. O Ambulance Service O' Night calls, Phone 308. 0 Day calls, • Phon'e • 119 J. 0 Charges moderate. O 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q. -HII . C. BOX D X O, FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer 0 '0 Ambulance Service o O Hospital Bed o' O with adjustable rathllet oper- 0 O ated ceasing for rent. O O Night Calls Day -Calls. O O Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O O 00.0000000000 o0000'0000000 WALKER'S 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O W. J. WALKER and 0 O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 O Licensed Embalmers and 0 - O Funeral Directors,. O r O Day or Night Calls promptly 0 O atten'd'ed . O O - PHONE 67 O O O 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,: N? E.C. Chamberlain Clerk of the'Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Domina'on Bank Build- in'g, Seaforth. Office hours: — Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, LSO spare to 5.00 pan. Saturday eventing, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, ,autbniobliile, fire,'sicknees and cccide'iilt--insurance. If in the mar- ket for any Iof the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. 3485-tf -Insurance- With the eliormous increase in buto aecidents, you cannot afford to take chances. Let us protect you, .Rates are low in compari- eon With protection give n. Prompt service and payment of Maims. In case of trouble, the Company's Agents through Can- ada are at your service. Enjoy your ,trips protected, • by one of,. {our A.nto Policies. Auto - Fire Wind Con` ey'Rncing t , t Real E+ St te,' Etc. utherland titiieg. I5 C •tij It $1k NEWS QF' THE :T R�• TEa . were presented with life nue+nubers'hips in the WJM.S„ and Mrs. E. Clhepman gave a very coiriuprehens'ive report of the Huron Presbytiea'ial held in Alpril,- Captain of Circle 1, Mrs. F. J. Bech- edy, opened her part of the beetling with the hymn, "When Mothers of Selle•rn,". and 'Mrs. B -Christie led in mother's 1pra'ye;;.- The Ser•'iptuite was taken by 'Miss J. McL.ea-n and an art- iele aolni,paring mothers of yesterday and to -day was read .b Mrs. Be'dhely. The fourth chapter of the study book, "Fe'stival's of . the Tithe," was very, capably pres'entbed by Mrs. E. 'Gau- che, and. Mins. J. A. 'Stewart sang, "Mother of Pearl," A "Mother" poem was also read by Mrs. J. Cur- rie and Mrs. Chase gave the Watch ',C'o'wer paper, The cllosing hymn, "Faith of Our Mothers," was fol- lowed by thei.:Mizpah benediction. Hold I irth,daarty,—.A delight- ful party for c rildren was .'given om Tuesday afternoon, by Mrs. J. G. Mills, Ghderich !Streit, in honor of the bhf'r,•telenth birthday', of tier daughter, Jen E'lizabetili, 'Spring flowers were .u.agelferedieeteratione, with pretty fav- ors .iln -spank and -green ethad!os.. 'Each guest received a slotuvelnir sof the oc- casrian. A birthday cake with thir- teen candles graced the tea table. Games were played during the after- noon, Mrs, Mills was as'sis'ted by Mrs. J. G. Mullen. Women's Institute Hold Meeting,- The regular meeting of the 'Jun::or, Women's Insttitute°'was held at the 'home of Mess. Dave McLean 'on Wed- nesday afternoon with an attendance of thirty-eight. The meeting opened by singing the Ins'titulte Ode, follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Plans are being made to hold a gar- den party in the near future. Mrs. R, -Nottt fav'otmd the audience with an insti•uanental. Very interesting re- pgrts were given by Miss Ruth Ger- don and Miss Jean Gemmell on the convention which they attended at Guelph. A contest and a flower ex- ehange was enjoyed. • Lunch *as served and a social !half-hour was spent. Married in West• •A quiet wedding was Solemnized en Tuesday, May 12, at -four o'clock, in the Central Church 'of ' Cheat, Lethbridge, Alta , swhen Ruby Alice, youngest daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Graham, of• Cal- gary, Alta., ibeearm'e the bride 'of Roy Edward Dignan, Vulcan, Alta.; only son of 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Dignan, o'fKincaid, Sask..'Rev. C. H. Phil- li�.ps tefi'tciated. The 'bride wore for the occasion, a flesh pink georgette blouse, under a Bermuda blue , swags ger snit, with matching accessories, and streamline hat, which was ac- cented with a small confetti veil. She 'wore a cors'zge bouquet 'of talisman roses and maiden hair fern. After a short honeymoon in the 'southern city; tihe •happy couple left for Vul- can, where they will reside. • Death of Mrs. Sylvester Allen.— After a long and trying illness, borne with wonderfully quiet seatience and Christian .fortitude, death came as a 'happy release to Mrs. Sylvester Al- •lesna at her home, Church Street. on Thursday mrorning, Mrs, Allen had ;been an 'invalid for the .past ten years and for sixteen 2nonths pre- ceding her death had been confined to bed. . She was a •daughter of the late Jahn C'olbou.rn,' of Summerhill, •Goderich Township, where she was Morn and pent her early life. On April 4, 1912, she was united in mar= riage•to Mr. Sylvester Allem. of Sea- fortih, and all her married life had been lived here. Besides her hus- band, she is. survived by three sons, Meseas. Russel, Ross and Reid Allen, all of •Seaforth, She ie also survived by one 'brother and one sister, Mrs. E. 'Williams, of Brantford, acrd Mr. Russell Colbourn. of Fort Erie, North. The funeral will be held from .her late home en Saturday, afternoon, 'when the service will be conducted by her minister; 'Rev. H. C. Feast. Iritercmcet will be made. in Maitland - bank Cemetery. • Death of Samuel T. Jacks ►'fit.—The death occurred in Scott Me'morial Hospital, Seaforth, -cn Sunday, May 17th, of Mr. Salniuel Tory Jackson, of Egmondville, 'Mr. 'Jackson was a s'on of the late Henry R. Jackson, of Egim:?ndville, where he was born and spent the greater 'part of,;.his Life. For a number of years, in partner- Is'h.ie with Ibis brother, the late L. C. Jackson, he carried on, a photography .business in Seaforth, later going to Chesley where he ssconiducted a simi- lar business for some years: Re- turning to Seaforth he opened Jack - s'on's Studio, and did a large busi- naes in photo developing, his clients arming from all over the Province. He is surf iced by two 'brothers and two'__sist•ers, ?4r.• W. O. Jackson and Mr. Tudor Jackeion: of Ripley; Mrs. R. Stevens, Kitchener. and Miss Belle Jackson, Egr iondville,, A private funeral was held from his late home in Egmondville on - Tuesday after- noon, when the services were con- ducted by Rev. Canon `Appleyard of St. Thomas' Church. Interment,.was miade in Egmondlviile cemetery. es - Died in Vancouver.—A telegram, announcing the death of Mr. Robert Beattie in Vanelorpver• on Monday, May 18th, wag received this, week by Me', John Beattie. Mr. -Beattie will be remtem,bemed by Many of 'the -older residents of Seaforth, he having been in !business here far several years. In 1890 he purchased the grocery and produce business of the late James iVleGinnis, and later in the same year the firm of Beattie Bras', was e's'tab- 1:rshe'd. Leaving • Seaforth, he eon - dilated a•general stare at Harrington, Ont., for rseveral yeare..an'd then went. West, and for twenty -flea years had been with the CI,P.'11. Railway as deck foreman in Vancouver. 'He was twice married, his first wife h'ding Rosetta Rogers, 'ocf Seaforth, who died after ,glo'i.ng West, leaving one son, Onel, who resit] .919 lin Van'c'ouVer. Fifteen years agdo he a.gain. married, Mrs. Jean Gibson, of Vancouver, B. C., w'ti,o surv'i'ves: Funeral services were 'held Wednesday, May 20tlh, Mae Lane Auxiliary._ -True regular monthly meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held 'M'ond'ay evening in Naafi:aisle United Church, with 31 members in att'end'ance, Mrs,' E. H. Close, pre'slident, opened with a poem on "Mothers" • w'rit'ten. by Edgar Guest, followed by stile$rt" prayer for the Kin'gd!om rof •God and a prayer directed by Miss R. Fennell. The first hytmn, "For the Beauty of the Earth," was !suing after w'hi'ch the president led in prayer for the �nnooup's special grins-io.rJari-es!, Mr. and Mrst. Bruce. Mb -rates of the last Meeting 'were read and adopted ands Niles. E. Beattie, in t h:e ' absemee of Ilikesetttoseill, gaivle the treasurer's re- port. As a result of a report brought in by Miss S. 'Weed, eotnwener orf Ways and Means Connaittese, it .wasresole- ed 1e iadioptt "'Svsndtinre, Bags" as' a ihretits in raising f>rmidsi. 'Mrs. Peter Megabit and Mrs'. I, H''i Wieedmark m #. Cl �tsa�l tti i via.. t�ni ,q it M1 �l� i Wkk 1 tit Je�S� lir, iry�..i ii to . { 1' ,h. If�q rt � J ;ir:Ir +Y tiHl b!� ,4T 22, .19 ' Sermon Subjects For Nest Sunday. --iElgmosrdville Church -,.- 1Q a,m., Clhuncrh (Sc'ho'ol; 11 am., "Our Chil- drem-"Ane Our Bondsmen ---If We Sin, They Pay." The Sacrament of Bap- tistm will be administered at this user= vice, if desieed. 7 p.m., "What is this Communism?" An o'pportuni•ty will be .given the congregation ' to ask questions and to 'discuss the prob- lem biii'efiyr-Rev. Charles Ma'leelm, Mi ni's'tea'. 'St. Thomas' ChurchFirs't Sunday after Aiscenr,i'on Day: Confirmation class and Sunday school at 10 a.'m.; -morning topic, "Ascens'uon Tide and S'pliritual Religion"; ,evening service, "Some, A'tti•i!bwtes of Gad." All wel- come. --Canon E:' Appieyard, Rector. Northside United Church—Morn ing .subject, "A Song of Deliv'er- anc'e"; evening subject, "The Man Who Deserted." Sunday school at 10 a.m.—Rev.' T. A. Caarrtidcha'el, Minis- ter. First Presbyterian Chdreh—Sunday slohool at 10, ;morning worship at '11, evening ;service at 7. Sermons by the minister: Morning, "A Chapter ',Frani the Acts of th'e Apostles"; ev- ening, "A Chapter from the Book of the ,Prophets." The music for • the day will include: ,M'orn'ing, Male quartette, "Drifting Along," Mr. J. T. Scott, Mr: F. E. Willis, Mr. M. 'R. Rennie, ,Mr. D. L. Reid; anthem, •tI Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," solo- ist, Mr.. Douglas Stewart; evening, anit•henr,,"They Shall Mount up," s_olo- is't, Mr. Evan D. Rennie. Sincerest we1'caiine to all servscesl. IH, G. Feast, Minister, Death of Mts. Samuel Dorrance.— The death occurred on Tuesday morn- ing, May 19th, of Mrs. Saiisuel Dor- ranee., for some years an es'tee'med: resident ident ' of' Seaforth. Mrs. Dorrance had only been 'ill a week and had. been taken to t'h,e, hospital the day previous ta her' death, where she 'passed away suddenly Tuesday mann- ing.. Mrs. Dorrance was a daughter of the late Gilbert M'4Mic'hael, one of the pioneer families of • Hullett Township, where .s.h'e was . born 76 years ago and where her early- life was spent. Over forty years ago she was united in marriage to Mr. Sam- uel Dorrance wti'en they settled on th'e fai•mt on the Gth concession of McKillop Where they continued to re- side until Mr. •Dortance's death, when she moved to Seaforth, where s,h•e had since 'm'ad'e her home, Mrs. Dorrance was , also predeceased by her two sons, one in infancy, and Mr.' Samuel H. Dorrance was killed overseas, but there are three surviving grandchil- dren, Mrs, Henry McKenzie, Oshawa, and :Messrs. Saniu'el and Stanley Dor- ranee;:,.ef Seaforth. A private fun- eral will • be held from the home,of ''M her -daughter-in-law,'rs.' S. H. or- rance, East William Street, on Phurs- day afternoon, when the services will be conducted by her 'minister,: Rev. H. C. Feast, of First. Church. In- terprent will be made in Maitland - bank cemetery, W. M. S. Meets:—The W. M. S. 'of Northside Unlited C'hureh held their regular meeting .cin the church on Thursday afternoon, May 14, . t h e president, Mrs. Laing, presiding. The hymn, "From Giyeen'lan`ds Icy Moun- tains" Was sang, followed with pray- er by Mrs.. Laing. After tihe variouis reports were given, Mrs. M'cMi'chael read a paper from the Watch Tower wohiic'h was followed (}lay the roll call. Arrangements were made for the 'so- cial meeting to be held in the church. on Thursday afternoon, May 28. Mrs. Glew, captain of Circle No. 5, then took charge of the devotional period: The 'hymn, "I've a Story to Tell;" ems sung and Miss Golvenlock read the devotional (leaflet and Mrs. ,Bright gave' the , Scripture • reading. Miss Lawrence took the topic dealing with the sixth cha'p'ter of the study book on Africa, presenting ,the 'kind of ed- ucation needed to -day by the Afri- can b'o'ys and girls and the pruvrisii'on marle i'or their education, especially in the mission sc'ho'ols and churches. A unique presentation of h'ow closely our workers in Angola are Milked up with us in Ontario and Canada; was vividly protraye'd by ulsing a map of Canada and one of Angol'la and con- necting by ribbons' the, station in .Africa in which the missionary work- ed and, the name pi' her home town in Canada•, The missionaries;. . Mar- garet Daws'oh, Elizabeth Read, Edith Brawn, R.N,, 'Millicentitj:ger-e , Helen Roberts'o'n, Kates R'ut'hlerford', Mar- garet Halliday, Elizabeth MacKenzie,. Mary Thomas, R.N. Edith Clark, Marjorie Millar, Mabel Faust and, Celen.ia Femrlira 'were, represented by members of th'e Woman's *Seim:nay Society. A duet, sung :by two little girds, Patricia Bechely and Helen Carmichael, was 'much-en,loyed by all. The meeting was cius'ed by sing- ing and the !b'eneldp'etion. LOCA(. BRIEFS • Mr. and ,Mrs' Per'leyy Banbury, of Winnipeg, are guests at the home of Mrs. Banbury's father, Dr. F. J. Burrows. • Dr. J.' A. Munn attended tore' Dental Convention in Toronto this week. • Misses Mary Plett, Grace Free and Bess Cliff _wean in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs,'. Milton Chesney re- turn'e'd with theta • Miss' Fennell, Mies Salle, Wood erred Miss Ruth Thrompston spent ;the week -end • at Niagara Fails. • Mr. Stewart- Plant, Faculty. of Medicine, Un>iiversitry of Toronto; is h+onle for the holidays; 1y hi 1, 1 1Vur.1 .or Spring CALL AT THE SHELL STATION , H. WESTON GODERIGH ST, - SEAFORTII • Mrs: F. C. Fe'as't was called to Hamilton this week awing to the ser- io'u's illness• of her mother, Mrs. 'Dun- • lop • Mis's Jackson and Mr. G. A. Jackson were in London on Wednes- day attending the funeral of the late William Prendergast.. • Mrs. G. Wein•,, who spent the winter at Anderson, South Carolina, has returned to her 'bonne here for the summer months'. • Rev, C. A. Malcolm, Mrs. Mal- colm., Mrs. Hugh 'Chesney and Mrs. ..R. E. McKenzie were in London on Wednesday to hear. Da :Katgawa, the great Japanese orator. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ament spent the Week -end at the 'homve of Mr. P. M. Chesney .in Tuckersmith, • • Mr. and Mrs. W. Ch-arlesworth and family, Toronto,, ,'were week -end guests with relatives and friends here. • Dr. and 'Mrs: J. F. Docherty, of Conneaut, Ohio, were guests last week at the home of Mr: and Mrs. J. •G. Docherty. • Mr. Howard EI'iek, of Flint; Mich- igan; ;spent the week -end, at the home of Mr. and_ Mrs. R. Frost, • Miss' .Annie Lawrence attended the London 'Conference 'branch meet- ing of the W. M. S. in Sarnia this satiek. • The C. W. L. is having a home' baking sale on Saturday, May 30th, at four prn.,- in the store' 'sou'th of Grocery. rocery, • Miss Joan !Hutchinson amid Mr. G'ilhson 'White, of Walkerville, were week -end guests at the home of Mira M•, • • Wlhit'e. • Mrs. George Wheatley, who rent= ed a 'house on North Main Street, be- cause of her health, has decided -to move to Clinton, • On Monday, May 25th, commenc- ing at 1.30 p.m., the Pres+byter"ian Young People of Huron will hold a picnic at the falls, near Goderieb. • Mrs'. Th'o'mlas • Dickson suffered a cere'hralshemorrhage• on Friday even - GOING AWAY? THIS WEEN END. WHEN you return will the drip pan have overflowed?.... will your food be spoiled? That depends on the kind of refrigerator you own. You •can leave a Westinghouse for days on end and return to find the foods within it fresh and wholesome. That's because it's Dual -automatic! Even if the power service, is inter- rupted this unit restores, refrigera- tion automatically! Let us explain , this and many other unique features. J. F. . Seaforth Ontario A"tkori3ed denier for For The Summer • During the Summer months, we will endeav- or to serve our custom- ers by making regular deliveries, four times.. a week, and twice a day. In this way, with the co-operation of our cus- tomers, we hope to elim- inate all unnecessary delay in delivery. • Deliveries will be made as follows: DAYS—Monday, Wed- day,- Friday and Sat- urday. HOURS—Morning ` de- livery: 11 o'clock , a.m. Afternoon delivery, 4 o'clock p.m. RATE -150e PER CWT. SEAFORTH CREAMERY LIMIT1D t �IQ � a4. 1. trig .anal was taken to Scat Mentor.. ial Hospital. Her {n4a0l* fri!e'r>Idts, however, will be glad to earls that she is making 'very .satisfactory .pro- gress towai,ds• recovery. • Mr. and Mrs', Wn'iie,n, et -Sit: TJrotnas, were 'Sunday guests at the home of Mrs, A. Stark. • Mrs. R. SI --Evans has returned from Tor'outro bo.. spend the suaninaer- at her horse here. • • Miss Ruth Dixon, of Dr. E. A. McMaster's office, is spending the week at her home in London. • Mr. and Meth., W. J. Fow'lert of Leamington, were gue'etts this week at the' homes of Mr. and Mae. Adaan Hays -and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hays. • Miss Phenela Gordon, who hag Veen- visiting at the home of Mrs. M. White, has retntree'd to her Moine, in McKillop. • Mr. William Paul, 'President of the 'Sarnia TraistriC'oanpan'y, and Mrs. Paul were guests ` of Mir. and Mss. Feast 'at the Manse this week, on their return from attending 'the iru- dur pion of their nephew to the pas- torate of the Presbyterian Church in Kincardine. • Mrs. W. Hs -Ballard', of Detroit, was the week -end gu'es't of .Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shanahan. • MiGs'M'•arlon Bell,- Miss Ella Roul- ston and Mr. James Scott are spend- ing a few days in Ottawa. • 'Mrs W. A. Crich spent the week end with friends in Buffalo. • Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner and Miss Mary Finkbeiner spent the week -end in Tga^ont10 and Aurora. KIPPEN Naw in :Stock -Quantity of differ- ent kinds of Np. 1 Government grad- ed Essex County seed corn• Also complete stock of r Beatty Bros. ptum,pe, piping and fittings for gener- al farm use. W. E. Butt, Kippen. Phone 41-91, H'ensall. 3572-3 IMr, and Mr's. Isaac Jarrott, of the village, spent a visit in Taronto dur- ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Ivison, 'of +the !village,. spent a day .in London :cluiting the week. The football dance, which was:held in Watson's . Hall ion Friday -evening last, was a decided siti'ccess. Good musi'c..was in attendance and a good time was enjoyed by all sent, The Young People's Society' of the Presbytery of Huron took charge of the !morning service in St. Andrew's United 'Church on Sunday last. Re- Ipeesentatives. from Gornie, Wingham, Bayfield and Goderi'ch were present, The service was much enjoyed by the congregation-. Mr. and Mrs, Osborne Littleford, of London, spent the week -end at the home of the latter's parents, Rev. ,and Mrs. E. F. Chandlery of the Manse. ' Mrs. E. Kyle, a'ccompanie'd by. Mrs. E. McBride and Misses Beatrice and Doreen Cooper, spent a day in Strat- ford duiring' the past we'e'k. Many in this neighborhod will he sorry to learn of the death of M'rs. Alex. McNurtrie, who passed away at the home 'o'f her son, John, of the 2nd con'cess'ion of 'Stanley on Sunday,. May 17, -after an lilln'ess• of some time. The funeral" tolok -place on Wednesday ''to Hens -an Uriton Ceme- tery, and was largely attended. Mr. William Deitz, of, the Landon Road, north, is the lateet to exehaiige his car for ai newer' model. Master Den Kyle, who has .been Visiting his aunt and untie-, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer IMrClinohey, of the Babylon Line, has returned home. 1VIis's Margaret Watson, of Seaforth visited at the home of her brother, Mr. C. Wlats'on; of this village, dur- ing the past week. • Klippen /boys played their first game of football with Seaforth on Monday evening last. The, score resulted in -... v is a ii tory for Seaforth by 2 to 1. • Mrs, Thos. Kyle, of 'Clinton, spent a visit at the home of her eon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Kyle, of' the village. The Young. People's anniversary will be held in St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday,May 31, when the Rev. 'R. B. Cdjmimings; oaf Strafford, will conduct the service both nriorn- ing and evening. . Special music is ighten Up Th Buying New Artistic Things For. It Here Wil kBe a Pleasure. New Designs in Colorful .Cretonnes, Chintz, Etc. All Fast Dyes. Suitable for. " .Drapings, Cushions, 'Furniture Slips,. , nn THE YARD 15c to...$1. 0 CURTAIN AND CURTAIN MATERIALS To meet the requirements of any room in your home. CURTAIN MATERIALS FROM Oc to 50c a Yard'' ICONGOLEUM• RUGS AND MATS . The New Patterns are wonderfully bright, • and attractive. You can get any size Rug or Mat made from us. LOW BES PRICES : i QUALITY 6 feet'x 9 feet $is.25 7%2 feet x 9 feet $6.65 9 feet x 9 feet $7.85 9feetx101/y feet $9'25 9 feet x 18 feet $10.50 SPLENDID PURE LINEN TOWELLING Colored Borders, suitable for either hand or. tea towels. • 1 SC a Yard YOUR NEW SPRING COAT Don't put off buying it any longer. We can please you in qual- itY and we certainly cap' please you in price. $7,85 to $14.95 —I MacTavish's being ,pre'pared'rby ,the• 'choilr. Mr. and Mrs. IGeos'ge Fee and Mrs.. Leppard, of Hen'sali, visited at the home of 'Mrs. John Deitz, of the vil- lage, during the 'pas't week. Quite a, number from here attend- ed the auction sale of household ef- fects of the late John McKenfie, of Brucefield, on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mas'. John Wright, Detroit, epent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James Wright. CONSTANCE Mr. W. J. Fowler and 'Mr. Herb. Fowler,• of the Hifron Road, visited Mae and Mrs. !William Clark on Sun- day: The Sunday s'chooll intend holding their anniversary on June 21. Watch for fuirther nrrrortarcertrenb. Miss Mary Hall returned to Tor- -onto on Sunday after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and !Mrs: Frank Hall, who are staying for ' a time with' their nephew, Mfr. Ross McGregor. The Live Wire -Class are having the church wired for.'Hydrro. Mr. Thule, of Blyth, is .doing the work. Miss Nora He'sk, of Londesboror spent the week -end with Miss Phyllis Medd. Mr. and Mr's. Guy 'Cummngluam and daughter, of near Auburn, sipien't Sunday with Me. and Mrs. Austin Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. William Britton 'spent Sunday evening with- Mr. and Mrs. John Mills 'ne'ar Blyth. Mrs. Anderson, Sr., returned lt'ome last week afters ,spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Howard Snell, near Brucelfield. Mr, and 'Mrs. Peter Pa'pineau re- turned to their home in Strathroy on Monday after visiting Mr. and Mrs, Vim. Clark. THE WAWANESA MUTUAL -.. FARMERS' -INSURANCE Canada's Largest Farmers' Mutual OUR WINDSTORM RATES ARE THE LOWEST IN ONTARIO Farm Outbuildings, 40 cents per $100= Farm Dwellings, 20 cents per „$100" 3 -Year Policy—No Premium Note. The smallest losses, paid in full. Geta Summer•,., Automobile Polls y,, 71/2 months, for a Five Dollar B&IL.. illake enquiries right away. J. II. SCOTT PHONE 336 SEAFORTH R R "For Your convenience" Q 0 • Effective May 3, 1936 W . LEAVE EAST BOUND 8.15 a.m. 5.45 p.m... .. Standard Time h,EAVE WEST BOUND 1.00'p.m. 7.35 p.m. Itineraries planned to all points in Canada, United States and Mexico. Consult- local agent QUEEN'S HOTEL, ,Seaforth. Central Ontario Bus Lines Ltd. TORONTO 3569-18 VITA FOOD. 1 Poultry Farm Proven.`" Fed to of Baby Chicks, annually. 2 Promotes Rapid Growth, deep full uniform feathering. 3., 'Maintains Rugged Health and Vitality; Strong, sturdy bone development -- full of vim and ' vigor. 4 It eliminates the. Hazard and Guess=work in your Chick Feeding Program.. • 5 You can feed Vitafood with full assurance that it will produce better chicks at less cost. CHICK BUILDER thousands and thousands yellow pigmentation and ROE FARMS MILLING CO., jTWOOD.ONTARIO CH, K STA ' E PROVED RIGHT MADE RIGHT at the Roe Podlltry.Ranch . at the Roe Mill Represented locally by - MR. JAS: M. SCOTT, Seaforth, MR. ALBERT TRAVISS,Walton. Mit. IRVING. WALLACE, Blyth. MW—'`110S. D. WREN, Hensall, tt !I. F ri sY y�ua ,St Z . Y C "4 P� t JR µ ry f ! irf iai � rr '1 " t i '4 U s 3 z 1 r t,V 'r!xrLLVud'�.�8 w dtlLl� tt til,;t it?' < , 1.0ti ^u44 iirloilr,,M4,,+,.i: I •