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The Huron Expositor, 1936-05-22, Page 5
A r • . • :l • . 1 • •c• t • 4 .• • 1?' ix us "del?I�d"a Idtf'L,�lul r RI GENT T ATRE' S.et Now P1alrg Charles Laughton: - Clarke -Gable- - F ndtot 'Tone ---'-•• "MUTINY ON BOUNTY" 'CAIWrOON 'CAiRlroO,N • Monday, Tuesday,' Wednesday Stan Laurel - Oliver Hardy "BONNIE SCOTLAND" When theiy go dmlbo° +Idiots the whole conntirijr goes •t n'bo stiiibcfhes, Special Matinee Monday, May 25, at 3 p.m.. NEWTS ` CARTOON Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday "THE FARMER IN THE,.. DELL" Coming.. - "NIGHT AT TIIE OPERA" "The Trail of The Lonesome Pine" McKIJ.LOP W. A. and W. Mr$. Meet The regular meeting of the W. 'M. S. and `Wt A. was, held at the -home of Mrs. Joseph Henderson on May 7 with a good attendance. The meet - .ink Was tin -Waite of 'Mrs. Ivy'Hen- dersan and Mrs., Willi -noire Scott. Mrs. Henderson was in t'h'e -Chair and op- ened the .ne.eting with a hymn. Prayer. was offered by Mrs. J. M. Henderson. 'The Scripture lesson was given by' Mrs.'Wlilmore 'Seat, and the roll call was taken. Mrs•. G. E. Morrow gave the dem'otibna1 leaflet. The report of the W. M. S. Presbyterial was gfverl by MTS. John H'illllelht elch+t. The 'm'eet- ing closed with repeating the L'ord's Prayer in unison. A delicious . lune', 'was 'served by the'Phosteesr and lunch eornmi'tt'ee. The next meeting will be held at the homPe of Mrs. It. B. Hogg. WINTHROP 'Word was received here on Monday *if 'the death (of (Mrs. Thomas Pethick, of Landon. ' She is a sister -in naw of Messrs. Sam and John Pethiek, and a .firs'b :.cousin Of Mrs. George Eaton. ' . The funeral Wes held in London... on, Wednesday afterruo'on. l SPECI°AL VALUES MEAN Fridaai,Saturday May 22nd, 23rd PIN'EAPPTii1S 25C Large iJ OR 4 FOR 95c OOtLE1VPAN1S PURE i - LARD -2 ,pou'nds 25C MEN'S OVERALLS $1149 *1 ' '8 -oz., Per pair 4 .. 4 4 • • ! e w i . 4 I 1 r • OATMEAL 3 Bars'' LIFEBUOY SOAP , 3 Bars 6C '22e BULK COFFEE 35c per pound RICE 19c 4 pounds PREPARED MUSTARD 15C 24 -oz. Jar Bulk PEANUT BUTTER.: 3C 2 pounds . .= J PRUNES 25c 3 po'und's MIXED 'CA'NDY per poundi USE SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS for your • Spring painting. 3'75 Per Gallon $$ , We can supply you with New Life Chick Starter, Growing Mash, Chick Feed (Scatch), Chick Developer and Chick Oat- meal. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR CREAM AND EGGS 15c D. ENNIS GENERAL MERCHANT "Quality, Value, Service and ' Courtesy ” • WALTbN Brussels 19 r5 ONTARIO • Seaforth • 232r21 WOOL. WANTED Highest Paid Prices IL M. JACKSON Phone 3-W -- Seaforth THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFI'CE'RS: Alex. Broadfont, 3 . Seaf orth - Jmlo. E. 'Pepper, Brucefie'ld - Vice -Pres;" 'Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS:' Finlay MoKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin; -E. Pepper, Bruce'field• E. R. Jarmoutlr, Brodh'agen; Jame's Watt, Blyth; C. P. Hewitt, Kincardine; W, J. YYee, Gode- rich. BIRECTORIS William (Knox, Londe'shloro; George Leonhart, Brodhagen ; James Con- nelly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, R. IR. 3, 'Sea'ffortbe Alexander M'eEwingi R. R. 1, Blyth; NAM Pier, Bruce- f'iead• Jaynes S'holdiee, Walton; Thal. Meylan., 1:1. R. 5, Seaforth; R, Archlibald, R. R. 4,'S Ltbrt1i, - rN Mr. and Ming, Fergus'Bullard and Mr. and Mra,. John Arme1 ong spent Sundleyr .evdjbh IMri and Mrs. C!1'arence Wade4 'of BeJgr vie. Miss 4isalbelF Elaton anent a couple of of days last week -With her sister, Mrs. Foster Bennett, Huron Road. 'Little Verna 'Carm'iehael, of Grey Tawnstitp, spent„la's't week 'with her aunt, Mrs. Alenze Sperling. • WALTON Death of Wm. Shartreed Mr. William J. lShortreed, a well knower, and hi'ghl'y respected' citizen of this community, passed away at his home, 1 miles w'esb of the vii- la;ge,, on Sunday morning in his 64bh year. He ha"i only been Confined to bed for 'about a week and his death came as a shock- to many. He was been in !Morris Township, the son of the late •Mr. and Mrs. John Short - reed. On January 1, 1902, he was united in 'nvarriage to Janet McFad- zean. They, resided on the 9th con- cess'ion of Morris for about ten years •pri!or to. -moving to the farm on which they new reside. The late Mr. .Short - reed was a 'protrainen't 'farmer and operated a threshing machine for ov : t biirty yearn. He served as El- der lin the Presbyterian Church for some years. Besides- hq's•starrowing widow,.. who is 'at priesent., also con- fined to her bed, he leaves' to mourn- his passing four sons and bine daugh- ter: Tom, Jing, Wilfred and 'Gordon at home, and ,Miss (Miary, Sh'omtreed,' R.N., . who i's' -on the nursing staff at Queen 'Alexandria 'Sanaltarnum, Lon- don, One eon, -Jahn, predeceased him 'sister also survive: Robert Short - reed, Morris Township; Dr. George Shortreed, Grandview, Manitoba, and Mrs. 'Scott (Margaret), of Ilderton. The funeral was 'held from his late re'sidenc'e on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The 'service was conducted by Rev, Will'i'am 'Moore, pastor of Melville Presbyterian, Church, Brus- •s'e'ls,. of, which the d'eceas'ed was a member. Palllbearers were John Wat- son,' Bert Andersen, Robert 'Patter- son, George Kir'k'by, George McAr- thur and Gilbert 'McCallunn. Inter- ment was made in•• 'Brussels ceme- tery. . • In Du'ff's United Church; Rural Life Sunday was 'observed on Sunday morning. The 'pastor; Rev. C. Cum- ming, conducted the • service. Ap- pmopriate'm'uSic was provided by the chodr. Week end visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. Whitfield, of Mioncrileff, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George MdTa'ggart; 'Miss Edith Ennis, Mss Laura Manniin, Mr. 'Han- cock and M'r. !Hollinger, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. 'FredEnnis and Mr. 'and Mrs. H. Manning. +Mi's's Florence Ryan, R.N., of Lon- don, is visiting' With her parents, Mr,. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan. Arrangements have been made by the W- A. of Duff's 'Cthsrch to hold the annual garden party on Wednes- d�ay,.Jvly 1. ' fine monthly meeting of the Glean- er Mission Band was held in '-the echool're'om of the church on Sunday morning. Da1rb' `Chv'rfh will' be guests' of the Bethel Young Peo- ple on Sunday evening. The May meeting :of the :W. M. S. of D'uff's Church was held in the basement of the church on Wednes- day afternoon, May 13, with tibe :president, :Mrs. (Rev.) C. Cumming preuidrr.g. The 'Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A, McCall. A report on the Presbyterial, held at 'Clinton recently, was given by Mrs. McCall and -Mrs: Nelson Reid. An interest- ing topic from the study book was given by Mrs. Ed. Bryan, MANLEY The late frost• and eold wind has given ve•getailion a ee'bback after the rapid growth and 'has damaged the early fruit bloss• es: •Mr. W. Manley''Snet •with a painful accid'en't last Saturday when he step- ped on a nail which 'pene'trated through the shoe into his foot and until m'edieal aid was admrini•stered he suffered considerably, but we are pleas'e'd .'to learn that he is, improv- ing. •• Mr. Nott, our new neighbor, ..is a 'hus'tler as he has done all the plow- ing -'on the farnn he purchased, as there was none done last fall, and we hope he will reap the benefit of a good 'harvest after his ambition. A numrb•er from here atten'de'd the funeral of the late W.•Shertreed last Tu'es'day in Morris Township, as he was well known in our burg as he had the contract for, crushing stone for MIc.Killop Township for se'v'eral years. 'Much sympathy is felt for hi's bereft family. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. S'and'y McMillan, of Detroit, spent tlh•e week -end at the honne of Mr.• aed Mrs. Patrick Wil- liaans. -• s Mr. Robert McGrath, of Detroit, spent the we'e'k -end with his mother, Mris. Patrick McGrath, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Crdhi,n, of De- troit, ep•ent 'fire week -e'n'd with his brothers. The 0. W. L. are holding a social on Friday deeming, May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan, of Kitchener, 'spent th'e' aveek-end with Mr. 'and ,Mips. P. O'Sullivan. Mis's Gertrude McGrath, 'of Kit- chener, visited at the 'home 'of 'her rpiarents, ''Mr. and Mrs. P. V. McGrath. 'Mr. Joseph Shea, Mon'tan'a; , Mr. and Mrs. James Shea, Wlind"sor; Mrs. Basil Byrne, Detroit, and Mrs. John Faannligan, Toronto, vi's'ited with Mr. ,and Mrs. Joseph Kale. Mr. Ch'arl'es ;Malone, of Winids'or, spent Itbe week -'end, •Iwit'h his par- ents, Mr. afTdl Mrs. John Malone. . Mr. and Mrs.. Cu nlmlings and fame ily,, of Dublin, 'have moved _to the farm of ,1*.s.'. J. Stapleton, West of St, Colu'm+ben. Mr. and Mrs. 'mith, o 'De Detreat, t it, visited with the ,llattter''s mother,' Mrs. James 'Doyle, of Hibfb'ei't, Mr. Martin *Quaid', sof Toronto, braltedi his brother, Joseph 'McQuaid, and ether relatives. Miss 'Alice Flannery, of Toronto, vi'sli)t'ed her tparentk Mr. and 'Mrs. Terry F1'anm'er'y ryl 1 Y3 1 FII x�� • 'Miss IMaarae<;•Fnnery has returned to Toronto ,r A social is being thh ld' iu :the-. parish hall.. this Friday evening unser the auspices of the.Catholic Women's League. TUCKERSMITH The death oleeurredi on Wednesday, 'May S, in (Mather, Manitoba, of Mrs. Janet M1eKiinnon, !wife. !of D. B. Mc- Kinnon, who pre .eceased her twenty- tw'o years ago. 'Mrs. M'cKin'nlon's ,maiden name was Janet Ba+oiwn, daughter of the late Mr, . arid- Mrs. Ne'i'l Brown, of the 8th eopeession of TuckerSmd'th. Five children sniaviy'e thew out of a faintly of eight: Mrs. G, HI. Davis, of Pox Warren, Man.; Henderson, on a faun at Mather, and Grace and Oheulter at 'home and Ted in 'Brandon. The 'funeral was held frolm the United 'C1!uu•eh, Mather,. where the Dowd' present bore testi- Many to the esibeeni in ,which she was held. She was loved by all and Was to everyone a friend. Present at the fun'era'l from outside .points. were Mr. and Mrs'. Davis and family, of Fox Warren; Mrs. C. Upshall, a sis- ter, from'Gilroy, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Muth-, another Sister, ' 'fr©•m Portage • la .Prairie, Man.; Mr. and, Mrs. Neil !Muir, of High Bluff, Man.; •Mrs' Al.'G. liiroArithur, of Longburn; Man., ,al niece, and Mrs. Clarke ,Met- calf, another niece, from High Bluff, Man. Mrs. (Hugh Grant,. of IVictoa-ia, B. C., is a Aster of the deceased, al- so Mrs. Herbert Fowler, of Seaforth, and Mrs. Arch. McKinnon, of 'Walk- erton, and one brother, Angus Brolwn, .of Tuckersn lith, ,slurvnve her. ZURICH.... Schade - Horner Two 'po'pular young people of Hay Towns'hi'p were -united in (marriage on Saturday, May 16, at the home of the bride's 'parents, 14th concession, Hay. The •bride was Greta `Belle, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Blake' Horner, arid the (groom, Ervin 'W., son of. ma's. .Schade of , the Blue Water Highway. Rev. R. M'. Geiger, of Welland', uncle of the bride, per- formed the deremrlo•ny. !Mr. and Mrs. Schade will live on Mr. L. _ Birk's farm, about one male east of Dash- wood. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinbach and Mrs - Clara Decker 'left Tuesday on a ;trip to visit' relatives' in North. Dakota. They intend to return albout tihe middle of June. Mr. George Buchanan., barrister, of Sudbury, Mr. Milton Buchanan, a miclmlber of the faculty of Toronto University, and their si'stePr, •Miss Clara 'Buchanan, of Toronto, visited relatives here the br •ceo • Dr. W.' D. Bryce; and family have moved into • the dwelling on John St. owned by Mr. Jacob Weide. Mr. Louis Wu'rm+, who recently sold his farm, had a'successful sale of his effects -on Saturday. Mr. .Wernis will leave for. Port Huion,in a few weeks and will live with 'his daughter, -Mrs. Gossman, in that 'city. Mr. Paul Jeffrey, of Detroit, visited his mother, Mrs. C. Ayv,tte, last iMr.S, W. Arohibaod;' c1vu1 engin- eer, of London, surveyed the lake frontage ad'j'oining the farm of Mr, William Ducharme, near St. Joseph, last week and is preparing a plan of the lots which Mr. Ducharme intends selling to persons who wish to erect summer cottages on the lake shore, - Mrs. Loujs Kraft and Mrs. Gas- per Weber (have returned from, a week's visit with relatives in Detroit. Dr. W. D Bryce attended the dent- ists' convention'. held at Toronto his week. ; t" Ir. Norman Gas'vho, 'of Byron Sanatorium, spent a few days at his home 'here last week. HIi.LSGREEN 'Mrs. Mina Love is visiting at the home tof her •s'on,• Ross, , and Mrs. Love and family. Mrs., D. B. Saunders, of London, and Mme. G, Brown, and son,. Windsor; called 'oe relatives 'in this vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott and fam- ily, of Mi'tc'hell, visited, at the home of gr. and Mrs. C. Robinson. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. M•ouis:seau •visited at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Wei do. Mr. and Mgrs. Leonard Wagner and slaughter, of Zurich, visited at the h'ome of :VIis. •Stelphaar. Mr. Usborne Littleford, of London, delivered a very inspiring address on Sunday afternoon at the Hillsgreen Church. • •A number attended the reception in i:xeter on Thursday evening last for Mr. and 'Mss. Arthur Broderick from this vicinity. Seeding is pretty well finished in this locality, now. W. M. S. Meet The May. meeting of -the W..M. S. was held at the home of Miss Edna C'oe:hr'ane on Wednesday afternoon, 'May 13, with Mrs. R. McAllister pre- siding. After worship se'rvi'ce and call to wors'h'ip, the uneeting opened with Hymn 252. Mrs. W. Turner gave the devo+tional leaflet, "T'h'e Spirit of Jesus Challenges hneniortal Conditi'ons." Mrs. R. Stephenson read tlhe SeTip'ture .lesson from 1 Cor- inthians, 2nd 'chapter. Mrs. W.. Turner led in prayer. The secretary and treasurer then gave their re- ports and the business was taken. It was decided to inv'i'te the Kippen W, M. S. here floc' our June Meeting. The study was taken on "Problems bf Contact and Christ th'e Key," tak- en by Mrs. •14 cA.ldli•s tem, Mrs. R. Steph- enson, Edna C'ochrane . an'd Mena Steplhens'on. The roll call was an- swered with the letter "1", 'Mrs. Turner'•s ,group, 18 points„ and Miss Annie Jarrotths group, 10 points. There were seventeen ladies presence The offe'rin'g was taken and the meet- ing 'cl'osed with (Merin 258 and prayer. AUEURN M.r. George Bean and Mr. Maurice Bean m•dotored to Tilbury on Satur- day last and returned with a .new 1930 'Perrap'lane. fMr. and Mrs. Steve Medd, 'ef Strat- ford; spent Sunday With his another, 11/firs. John Mesisi �q'h "r{^ie q'. ,� v^.{.`...ri?i9iu,k4 .U; r°�i§tY, bti'w, i : °diff S3 §ei o.i:�J�N��r F e. y�d;4.. •ti tsr 1 cto At Prices that are- Competition roof. Smart S-umrnei-Froc A Wondethil New Collection JustArrived 295 I 1 395 I I .595 Two hundred . Dresses—dozens of Patterns, including this coming Summer's leading shades.. A host of New Styles—exclusive with this store in Seaforth. The cream of the season's most Attractive Dresses at three popular prices. Sizes 14 to 44. NEW NOVEL IDEAS IN ,Millinery This store, always a -leader in new- est, authentie styles, .has asin _dem_ onstrated an.outstanding hit in a dis- play that is .. so comprehensive that choosing a becoming hat is a ' real pleasure. x;195 295 3,50 AN EXTRA SPECIALIN • Women's I�os Pure Silk Crepe Chiffon Hose, fash- ioned, spliced heels and toes. All the new colors. Sizes 81/ to 10. 49c - DON'T MISS THESE! . . Wise Women .will Save on 'These Specials. Cotton Bloomers print House Dresses Women's Rayon Hose Anklet Sox Child's Print Dresses 25c Net Curtains, yard 19c 59c Two-way Stretch Girdles $1,00 29c New Cotton Voiles 35c 25c Wabasso Pillow Slips 25c 59c Women's Pyjamas Pure Silk Crepe lose Crepe Night Gowns Pillow Slips 49c 99c ,25c,. Frilled Curtains ......, .... 98c Lace Waists .............. 98c 300 Men's N,ew .Summer SUITS If you consider their Newness and Quality, you cannot beat these prices 15.°° I 1 18.50 1 2150 SPORT MODELS—Pinch Backs, Easy Swing, Pleat Backs, Pleat Pockets ; smart new patterns; all the new colors. Clean new extraordinary Suits at ordinary prices. CONSERVATIVE STYLES in Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds or Serges, in attrac- tive stripes, checks, flecks or plain cloths. All -properly tailored. .and lined. Don't Miss these Special Values, Men! Fancy Sox -., ....... • 15c Athletic Shirts Fine Shirts 81.00 Men's Shorts Fur Felt Hats $2.95 Work Shirts Balbriggan Under- (full size) wear 510c Work Sox 29c New Caps 39c Outing Pants ..$i,00 SnAg Proof Over - 25c alis ....$1,010 to $1.50 $1,00 ' $2.95 SMART ?/ -YES S/R°' • STEWART BR S. Seaforth 7r