HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-05-22, Page 1• • • Beaeity -sixth Tear Whole•Numher 3572 SEA -FORTH 'GREENS ARE CHOSEN FOR DISTRICT PLAYOFFS Seaforth Lawn Bowling Will Act As Host in August. GREENS EXCELLENT .. ..The greens of the Seafeeth Lawry Bewling Club have b en chosen as te the scene of the distrt . lawn bowl- ag competitions fore 19 30, it was an- nounced 'tbi°s week. . . . R. J. .Sproat, J. Ile:Willis and R. J. Weeder represented the local cluib at a district meeting in. Mitchell when •it was deeided to !hold the provincial pee yeaffs all in -one clay, probably during the firstweek in August, the. date to be set tby the" district chair - •man. One rink, one doubles and one "-re :single entry will be allowed from •.- each club. .District No. 4 comprises • Goderieh, Clinton, Mitchell, Seeforth, • Listowel, Stratford, New Hamburg and St. Marys. There was a great deal of enthusilatemat the- meeting as considerable 'interest hinges around the district play-offs. Local bowlers will be especially interested sineet'ne Seafbrth greens weie chosen. The grtunde eommitteerreport the greens are in fine shape and .-wiel be ready, for the vepeninevehich will take place ehertlyAm:thee ,big, .eventIn August is the "ee.dar cheet'"tourna- anent which preniesas to be the larg- est tournament staged on the local Beautiful Month •Of May We :bait with rej•eiein,g the peening of Kay, Her eyes M on -get -Me -net. blue Send thrills of new life through' the forests and ,glades, Her •daiseteirl.etlees, dripping with dew, Invite by the silvery" sereandet. 'to lie. ' And Watch the buds bursting, • the clouds fleeing eby. Rare. eveeetnees • ethales front the stnearderw and thorn • SEAFORTH; FRIDAY; MAY 22, 1936. Local, Organizations Plan Monster -Doniii Celeb-ratiiin .for Seaford' • -• • • • • Lad Injured Alex. Thompson, 12 -year-old son of Mrs. James Thompson, on the Mill Road, west of Bruce - field,. is in •Scott Memorial Hos- .- pital following an accident Wed- ' nesday when he was run over by a disc harrows on his mother's farm. " The young lad was thrown to the groend as the team, which he • was 'eddying, ran away and was dragged for a, considerable distance. His Ieg is broken and he is suffering from serious scalp and body injuries. • • • • • .0 • Conunittees At 'Work" On 1)rokram To Include Base- , ball, Football, Horse Rac- ing and paning. PLAN IMPROVEMENTS AT LIONS CLUB. PARK • Larg"- Dam. Will Be •Built • Replacing Old Structure. Additional improvements will • be! made at the Seeforth :lions • club .Park, • rite board of directors of the club has decided. The work to be done will' include building a new dam at the southern end of elle property. Plans call for g dam 15 feet wide, er nearly twice the widilh of the present one. Other work will include seeding and letel- lingodifferent parts of the park. \Despite the fact that the water is. low and that the weatlecit is cold, the pool has been patronized daily for the past. week.. Improvements which were decided on will .make the park one of the .anoet !pleasant in this dis- trice. Lady Bowlers - In ;the beaptiful month of May. • Her cheeks blush' with • bloom of the apple and peach, • Pale primroses twine in cher •hair, Sweet vealets purple the ground at • heir feet ' • ••• • . Weak earth crowns- her Queen- cd the fair. The balmy breeze, burdened with fragrance and. Song, • - ° eekeeuettes with the grass as it passes ailolag. Tall tulips flaunt gaily in gorgeous •• And lilacs look up at the soft, • , • sappthiee skies In the beatueietil anonteitof May. • Iter rippling laughter isheave o'er, • the hills., Her path is a pageant of light, And loveliness, pnir'ity, dwells in her soul•. ' And shines tbroUgli the lily bells White. • The Mtwellip and daffodil spring at her tread And Beauty, a berriston,obreatihes ov, ar leatad;i• , iAill nature s jubilant, Verdant and glad, There's Mope for the sinning, the siek and the sad, In the beautiful month of May. IL ISABEL GRAHAM. At a 'meeting held recently in Car- negie Library, the lady bowlers elect- edeofficerst for the ensuing year as fol- • lo.ws; Mts. H. G. Gibson succeeded Mee. E. H. -Close, who hasbeen a fatithful president for a number of years. Mist Belle Campbell was 'Pe-electe.d VelerataTy,;••as was also Mrs. •Robert &nett; treasurer. • The new tourna- ment convenor will be Mrs. William Hart; social coneervor, Miss, Dolly Carlin.; ••prize convenor; . Mrs. M. A. Reid: WILL BE AN ANNUAL EVENT • Arrangements .are well .underway for the . Dominion. Day, !celebration which, is bein-g planned jointly by the Seaforth Turif Club 'end the Seaforth Athletic Association. A full day's fun and entertainment is planned -commencing in the morn- ing with a ',parade and a baseball gam& elEaces will occupy the • afber- noon when tpurses totalling $750 will be offered. Children's epode and flootball will follow and the day will end with a big -dance in the evening. Committees in charge include: Par- ade; G. D. Ferguson, Chao. •Holenes, Fred Jdneeton„ Frank..Sills. and J. E. Keweing, chairman; children's spode and game's, W. J. Duncan, R. E. Jack - 00/, a G. 'Meir, A. D. Sutherland and John Beattie, chair:nate; advertiering,. John .1VIlaeTayish, 'Charles .Stewart, James' E. WiIiis, theirmane !horse races, J. F. Daly, R.. Holmes.; base - hale, C. M. Smit,h,eF. E. Willis.; feat - hall, 0. P. Sills, Be F. Christie; dance eolaumetbee, •Wmi. Hart. Each com- mittee has power, to add to its num- ber. • J. F. Daly is President of the Sea - forth Turf Club; D. IShanahan is Vice-Presede.nt, and R. B. Hlolmes is Secretary, whilethe elffieers of the Seacfeath Athletic A:see:dation are: President,. Dr: E. A. McMaster; sec-. retary, M. A. Reid; .treasurer, D. H. . •• • ... • Is Appointed First Postrnaster John Daly, sort of •Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly, town, has been appointed .poierneeter a Beresford Lake, Man. Mr. paly, who is employed by the Gumner Goad Mines, Ltd., went first to the district when only preliminary work had been done. Now a com- plete tow -mite has ben laid eant: His appointment as postmaster weir -mark 'The first. 'pose Office to (be establits.hed in the ,districte •• 'For God's sake lot us have a little folly in the world. --A. P. Herbert. • Prominent Educationalist • Former S.C.I. Teacher, Dies. Wiliam Prendergast, 37,5' Wortley Rad; Louden, fortiner principal of the Dond�h Norenal-Schooi and one. of ,the foremost educationists in the pro- vince, died et his home Mondey. He was in his 75th year. . • Nr. Prendergast was born on a facile -near •Seaforth ine1.861, sem of the late Mr: and Mee.. jno. Pr endergast. He was cite catede in the Seaforth Col- legiate Insti- tute and was graduated from the Un- versity• of Toronto with the elagrees a Bek. and bach- elor of peda- gogy. He taught in the high selekols e t Chatham, Wm. Prendergast • Clinton a n d • ' ISeaforth fol- lowing his graduation. He maritime - ed an ifferesting .artlicle to 'the 1935 S. C. L Aintree Year 'Book in which • he recalled his, teaching days at the S. C. I. In 1895 he was appointed separate sohlooi intepectOr for ettadt, the first to hold that post, Ile was appointed to the staff of the TorOnto Normal SOleeloi hi 1908 and in 1922 he was . transferred to London as principal of the Normal ethool.• For nine years he served in that .post, re- tiring in June, 193to • A ,renowned matheneatecian and teacher, he was peesented with a - King's jubilee medal last year in re- cognition of his leadership in educe - tion. ' He was a 'inember of the London Hunt Club .and a putt president, as well as an active -member of the Baconian CKtb. He was e member of St. Martin's 'Church, South Londen, and a member of the St. Vincent de Paul ISteiety. in 1898 he was married to Mar- garet Killoran, daughter of the kite Mr. and Mrs. John leilletan, of Sea - faith. He ice surelieed by his wife, throe sods; Dr. D'Arcer. Prendergast and Dr: W. T. Prendergast, of To- ronto; Ralph Prendergaet, 'Ottanea; one daughter, Winnifred Prender- gast, London; four brothers, Dr. Jos- eph and Dr. Louis Prendergast, all of 'Chicago.; Neil Prendergast, of Darlington? .California; five sisters, Mrs,. Zanies, Shea, Dublin; Mre. Neil Manley and Mrs. Dennis Miolynetaux Of Chicago; -leers. Themes O'Loughlin and 'Mrs. FranieRlyane ,Seaforth. The funeral was held from the Wortley road residence Wednesd•ay at 940 io'clioc. Requiem high mais was Celebrated in St. Martin's Church at 10 o'clock and biotite took place in St. Peter's ICernetery. ,•4 Three Are Fined for Bass Fishing 'Magistrate. Makirve. on Tuesday a•f- ternoon at. Seafo:rth fine.. • , i ' . - p men, -and one man' of Stanley Terecnshipefor having bass in :thole possession out of season. Deputy Game • Warden . Wallace. ROES, was comiplainant in all eases.' The offences were Mmtmitbed a tvee•ek g •at • , .ft , . season . oes. nee open lintel July 1st. . W.M.S. Ladies at Hensall Meeting, • Members of the Missionary Socie- ties Of, First • .Presbyterian Church joined with Ebretee and Hensall So- eieties in a sectional meeting held in 'Carmel 'Presbyterian Church, Hen- sel, on Wednesday afterneon. Twene ty-eight members were !present from Seaforth. Mrs. Hudson, of the W. M. S., .Hensall, !provided. Mrs. D. J.' Lane, of Goclemich, and Mrs. H'. C. Dunlop 'were' the guest speakers and gave very interesting and instmuctive .accounts -cif the pro- vincial meeting held in Ottawa in Aptil. A duet 'by Mrs. Sillery anti Mies Weekes, of Exeter, and a quart- ette by 'Mee. J. E. Daley, Mrs. W. A. Wright, • Miss 1Vie P. Patterson' and dales H. Murray, of Seaforth, were much enjoyed. Afternoon tea was served by the )Hiensall ladies at the -conclusion of the meeting, ° • . • , • • • Deer Is Seen on McKillop Farm A young deer was seen on the farm of Mr. R. F. MeKercher, in Mc- -on Sunday. Members of the family were sur- prised to see an animal in a .field neer the house and on inspection found it t& be a deer. After -grazing for a short time it disappeared, across the .fields. • • • HOST TO VISITING DISTRICT. LODGES Brethren Join • Brucefield L6dge in Church , - Services, NEWS. OF HENSALL , Tuesday evervireg was a red-letter night in .Heineall Lodge Independent Order ofOdelfellews the oecaslien be- ing, the .giving of he seev(nd degree to a number of member's- of Fidelity Lodge, Seaforth. The work was ex- emplified in a most 'able manner by the degree team of the sister lodge of Brucefield, Who aeccenparnied, the Searforth :brcethren to ileopall Lodge where a most pleasanteand. profitable evening was .spent. Following the degree work And,the closing of the lodge tempting refreshments- were •served to the large number .present and -a number of ehort addresses were given by the members -of .Seaforth, Brucefield and- "Female Lodges,. and votes of thanks and appreceation were . given to the degree team of Brucefield and the visiting brethren. Ail,present felt that a very fine and helpful time had been event and new inspiration given to all the membero. present. On Sunday . evening lett quite a large nuinibe.r of the members of Hensall Lodge of -Oddfellows 'motor-. ed to lerucefieldi to join hi their an- nual anniversary services held in the United 'Church, which were ably ton - eluded by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Bremner. There was a large- attend- ance, the • largest • in many 'years, composted of the local brethren aug- mented by brothers from the neigh- boring lodges in ,the district:. In ad- dition to a fine •disceuese, the choir -rendered fine enrusic, ,suitable to the occasion. 'Ffolletwing the church ser- vice,. the brethren marched to • the lodge room where totes of thanks were paseed to the pastor, Mr. Beeme ner, the ohoir, the church in provid- ing for the service, and the visiting brethren, and a number of short ad- dressee were • given bY the limbers of the led:gee. Church Services At Carmel Presbyterian Church. Rey. W. Ae Young preached both. Oeeetetvai earel teeening, deleverin fg , armful dirsobeerseereltedref•aitMele at the morning service rendered an an- them in which a s-pedad part was' taken by' Mess Mabel Workman. At the •evening service Mrs. Young 'and leers. W. A. McLaren rendered a duet. .. At St. Paul's Anglican Church the Beebe, Rev, Beverley Fere, Preached witfh much acceptance and the mem- bers of the choir didtheir part well. Rev. A. .Sincheir ,conducted services 'berth morning and' evening in the United Church, giving well • thouight out and' delivered .seerneris. Alt the mornjng 'service lefise Lettie Love took the solo part ,in the anthem and in the evening Mrs. -Geferge ,Hess and Miss Florence Welsh took the special e•artes• lie the .anthem. (•Continued on •Page 4) te° t. Thomas' Church Class is Confirmed A confirtmatiem service was con- ductee,,Sunday morning in St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth, by Rev. Charles A. Seeger, Bishop of Huron. The candidates, Barbara Adeline Best, Mary . Kathleen Pretty, Shirley Elizabeth' -Oldfield, John Henry .0-141fielde Gladys Alicia Earl, Arn- old •Richard Archibald, Jack Lavern Moore, Reginald McLeod Southgate, Henry •Gleiver Earl, Wilma Bernice Brown,Margaret Isabel Closee I Mrs. 4ffie 'Armen More, Mrs. Jean John- stone and Shirley ..Ciara Pretty, were preoented by 'Rev. Canon E. Apple - yard. • CHISELHURST Mr. and Mrs. William Pybus haVe the sympathy of the neighborhood in these clays of anxiety. Mrs. Pybus is spending a few days in London with her father, who i.s in Vic- toria Hospital, and Mr. Pybus has received a wire stating ‚that his !bro- ther, Norman,in till* est, is WT.. ionsly ill in a hospiltal there. Why not insulate your home against excessive heat or cold by insulating with Aluminex Thermo Seal Insulation Let us explain the wonderful bene- fits to be derived from -using ALIIMINEX N. CRY? & SONS ,Torento Brokers Arreste Charged, With Forgery - - Part of Miisine'Bon s Temporary Custodian is Ap- •Pointed On Behalf Of Creditors As Huggard Declarled Bankrupt. MISSING BONDS NOW TOTAL $140,000 As -pate continue their continent wide search for John' J. Haggard, missing Seaforth lawyer, other angles •of the case havedeveloped during the past week, and a nutrnber pf new lines of investigation have been opened. :Huggard is wanted on a warrant charging hilin with the theft ef bonds valued at $2,000 from Joseph Grum- -me-it and the estateof the lee Daniel Grum-mete. . Subsequent investigation has shown that bonds and securities amounting to nearly , $140,000 are missing from clients' safety deposit bexes in a vault in. Haggard's office. Police .early in the investigation se- cured evidence 'indicating that .. the Toronto brokerage "dein of McLaree and Fletcher was involved and on Thursday night G. S. McLaren and R. S. Fletcher, partners in the firim, were held as material .witnees.es, later be- ing released on $1,000 bail each. Mc, Laren, it is said, was a frequent vis - thee to Haggard's office here. Tice• partners again came in con- tact with police 'when On Sunday they were arrested for theft in connec- tion with a Toronto case, and held on $7,500 bail each. ' On Wednesday polite rearrested Fletcher on a war- rant chttrginge him with forging an endorsement on certain registered bonds, said to have been among' those - missing from Seaforth. Kaaren 'was arrested late Wed- nesday near Whitby on the . same charge. Both men 'were Olken to Goderich to -day. Police investigation at the Hug- gard .office here has been continuedi (by Inspector Charles (Gunn -vett, C.I.D., provincial police, and Provincial Con- stable P. E. MeCley. With the of- ficers has been. Arthur Verity of the Orrario Securibi•es Commission. eleanwhile creditors -of Huggard .sitepOed into theepeeture and. on V0a- day a petite= iti bankrupecy filed on behalf of one of the creditors by Hays & Meir, was granted at Osgoode Hall. The Gparanty Trust Co. • of Canada was named temporary trus- tee. Mr. S. Berry, representing the company, has been in the office this week and is arranging a meeting creditors. . Brucefield 1.0.0.F. Attend Service Brucefield Lodge, No. 2.10 LOOS. attended- dietne service in the Brucee field United Churoh last Sunday ev- ening, where they were addressed by the pastor,. Rev. W. A. Bremner.. They were accompanied by members of neighboring lodges of Exeter, Hen- sel, Clinton and Seaforth, who along with the local lodge numtbered '70 Brothers. The church was .snitably decorated by the flower committee- and'the choir furnished special music which was very much appreciated. On returning to the lodge room the brethren listened to addresses by the 'Bro. Thompson, Bro. Bremner, Bro. Sutherland and etfher brethren of the visiting lodges. • Carmel Church, Hensall,• „ Will Hold Anniversary • Rev. A. C. Stewart, .of Chatanee's Presbyterian Church, Tbronto, will be the special preacher at the annivers- ary services of Carmel Church, Hen- sall, on Sunday, May 31. •— Varna Church Confirmation Services Are Well Attendei Several from St. James' Church, Middleton, and Trinity Church, Bay- field, attendee the Confirmatien ser- vice held in Varna on Sunday. Mrs. Moore.housa, Miss Lucy Woods and Me, William Elliott, f Bayfield, as - 'sided the choir; also. Miss 'Welsh and Mr. Davis, of Ripley, sang a solo, "Under the Old Olive Tree." A class of thirteen, prepared and presented by the Rector, Rev. W. J. Bugler, were eenfirrned 'by the Bishop. of Huron, assisted by Rev. 3. Parks, of Bayfiedd. Mr. and lMrs. J., McAsle and son, Floyd, motored to London ,on Sun- day. .Mise Welsh, accompanied by her niece, Mies Welsh, and Mr. Davies, of Ripley, called on Mrs. G. H. Beat- ty on Sunday.. . !Mrs. Jas. Stephenson, Goshere Line, called on her sister, Miss E. Moseop, last nreek. • I like to go. on otteuit now and a- gain for the purpose of keeping peo- ple out of prison.--Lcird Hevetert. •••••• Appear To -Day G. S. McLaren and R. S. Flet- cher, Toronto brokers, 'charged with—forgery of a number of bonds Allegedly missing from, the Fluggard vault here, will appear before Magistrate J. A. Maideli in police court; Goderich, to -day. The crown is ready to, proceed oith the case, but it is expected counsel for the brokers will ask for en adjournment. • • • • • ••0. HORTICULTURALISTS MEET IN CLINTON District Societies Hear In- teresting Talk By • J. A. Carroll. A ,meeting of 'officers, directors and members' of afle}lorticuental Stele - ties in; aileron 1Counterewe.s hoed in the Board R:;em of the Agrecultutal" Of - flee in -Olintlen reeently, when repie- 'et neateyee -were neeeent from socie- ties in Se.afforeh; Gotland -oh, Brumfield, Kippan. and 'EXeter. The Clinton cit- izens Horticultural Seeiety,- whilee not. r," -prEeent . under the aireonceseof the Department, was, represented 'at the meeting. • . Me. George S. Faster, of Owen Soune, eviee-is Secretary foe the' Dis- trict Association, a:cted, as chairmen and (both J. A. Carroll, Directoareof Agricultural 'lend Hortlicultural Socie- ties, and .Mr. Jahn F.• .Clark •of the Departenent eef Agriculture, were •Int attenclance7„: Beth speakers invited -que.sei(ont and those in etendanee tock quite an active .part in the dis- cussion. Mae Clark emphasized the emelertianee lee ettiterfee evork With loys and gills. in public and thigh reehtels and expreseed the • opinion • that mane' •Seeletielo were more. or less neglecting this, phase of e! the work. He .stated that the improve- ment and:planting of school grounds - wale an excellent means of interest. - lag bees apd girls in. Horticultare.. Several members mentioned ilia., the importance of preinehrnis was, hi many cases, ever emphasized. 'and 'that too many Societies wefe prone to forget the idea that the Horti- cultural •Sediety should be of service to . the community. Other members, pointed out that it would be very dif- ficult to secure new members unless. the Society' featured eeleulbstantial premium lest. • Before •adjournment a -hearty vote of thanks. was extended 'to , Mr. Car- roll and Mr. Clark and those .present expressed the opinionthat a connty meeting next year would 'attract a much •larger alttend.antee. Golfers Plan Games for1VhindayHoliday A full day has been planned at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club on Monday. •Fans Anticipate Succese - Season #iter Viotory. ICIPPEN•NS. WAFORT • ere • Thiel Seaforth foetal:el teern'. got away' on the right -fora by 'Whiug a'''. • 2-1 decision from leippen in the ferse...., game of the serathern seetion of the Huron Foothall • League on Monday night. Despite. lack of practise, it was a real game, although the play- ers on 'both sides were prettt well . • fatigued when the final whistle sound- ed. The game was late in 'getting under way because Klppen was short • handed .and Referee E. Malone 'set ' the tithe at 25 .mitutie for each half. • Klippen drew first 'Mood nearthe close of the first half when shot from Harold Ellicett'e boot sent the ball sanaoking ' against the' ero.ssber and thee rebounding down 'slipped in off Van Bell's tlieulders. It put the Kippen boys in the lead .but 'the mar- gin *as short. lived. •Twe, minutia& after the second half started, Den • . Dale headed the bell Past •Upelhall for the tie goal on. John Flannery's pass. • Three minutes later Dale again scor- ed. The- S°eatorth team haa been. pressing in and Upshall did 50111a good work in stoppingeserrie heed shots. Thiseedetory has aroused the interest of folortball' fans. and with the teams soclosely matched a very successful seaeen is anticipated. Kippen—Goal, . R. Upehall; backs., J. Sangster, A. Finlayson; half, A. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J. • Sinclair; forwards,. H. Nicheeson, W. Mc•leen- zie, 11. Elliott, J. Cooper, Consitt. : :Seaforth—Goal,. V. Bell; backs, B. • Christie, G. 'Kruse; beefs, T. Sills, S. • Dteleson, J. Flannery; forwards; D. . -Dale, Fe. Sitter D. Sills, J. ,Huglies, C. Flannery.; stubs., -G. Smith, A. Nee - Lean. • • Goderich Editor Dies Suddenly Clyde Kerr Seeerart, of Wilkes and - Stewart, prop.rietters of the Goderich Star, passed away suddenly on Sat- urday evening in leis 48th year. Mr. Stewart had been in poem health for weeks, but he was sufficiently -.recovered to hope to be at his desk in the officein a few days. He had be -en resting in his chair after .dinner when he suddenly exeired before Mrs. Stewart could reach him. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have- made a host of friend's sinee •coming to Goderich, a year ago. Mr. Stewart was born in Chat -keno, N.B., of Seottish parentage and had livedin Renfrew and Toronto before • going to Midland :where he was a•s- sociated with Mr. Wilkes on the Mid- land Free Press for thirteen years before ,corning here. In the mornieg the annual Presi- dent vs. Vice -President match will be .held with eleeeeident J .C. Greig and . Vice-Peed:lent G. D. Fergusson lead.., 'nig opposing sides. Mixed foursomes -hate been plan, _ ned for the' afternoon. 'Phe course is in excellent shape and it is expectied that it will be largely patronized by,, members and friend's during the holiday. week -end. LOCAL PEOPLE VICTIM S O1 .MISSING LA ER tete, telepe ere • • eeeeeeeetreete • emeteeeele•okeeele, With negotiable secutities, representing the life savings oi many pealele, missing, Joseph J. Huggard, formerly town solicitor • of Seaforth, Ont., and a trusted lawyer 'bete; is new sought on police warrants.- In (1) is seen en kis—late home, while en (2) is • Miss Mary Henderson, age 71, Whose -savings have disaPPOMet ed from her deposit box in 'laggard's Office. (3) Fred Eekett, Mdeillop farmer, who also lost. Robed Jones in (4) and Mies. Bella DeCoursey, Eginondville (6), Wide*, are also Victims or varying amounts: - • • ee • e". ••'e