HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-05-08, Page 4________.________..._ -----.. ____'.____,,d,__ __' -,.-- R -n M : . '. , *,% ,,� I � 1- ' , 1, 'i, - I ,,;�,r 'nsk � t , "n �!� , ,,, r� � � -, �', �j�0,1�,.-,,,,,77M rj, ) I , ,- 'j!'1�,'j, '�g7,,.,",,., ,, I `7:1!" IlIl � , "', "I'll, '. i I .. i ,,",; , W411-7 ��1111`111` �"Ilf'�`, I ;,'�,,,,� ., '. -, " I "I 1 7 1 X �,;%` "I ��,�'qlt"IQ�,)� I . 'if 71111"Mr F,1111�1 ', ", ". ,,,, I I I � ��, I - I. , , ....... 11 . ,! , 1:��;,!,,;, � � � i : ,,!,,' . .1 - I � "', Ili , `Ii '.,�'�i "W� -,'!N�� : - � � ', ;101t�'i, �, 1',.":f , - ,­ . ",'I �� I i I ::: . . I! �; , , , ,%, , , �,,,I� 4 �,,� ,I I - 1 ­ �,��.!.� :1,:,1': , , � , �1.' i -, ; . . , �N'il'��,,�1�`, - ,10 � ��, ,� I l!"'I" . -II, . N(��,111,W.11:� . I . I , , 11 � �:;; , ... � ; . 1. , IL . 11 " Ilm, �j I : ,� I.;.,% ; �� I ,� �; ,;" � �' , 1 I , . . �1 , r_ - . b ,t � ,� " ." ; 1 '.I - . . ;..�, ., ,- . , I !, :1 I , ,, ,, ,1�1 7 I , . , '! , , -1 �� �� �, I;— -1 .. : ; � , , I . I ., i:_ � 7" ,� I .. I . .1 1:�� . �. .. ; " . 1, �.. 1. ­ ... I I I I � ��: � . � , ! . -, I .. . " .1 11 , . . I , , �, . �, . '11,'i`,� � ,,,i I " , , - , "! � 1� 1:� , W Mltl A , � . 1, ... " �: .�'1111��1'11 , �. ,� :;, . - �' I � 1.� . � , ,,,, -,� I , 1. - �. 1 : , . I . 1� , . I �, t , - , , . � I I— . ", .- � . I , ,, , ,�� ,. � 1 , . � , � - iIV, j , ., - , . � :: 7� � ��,, ,r � , I . �. , , . � , � � � , I � I - , I I.. 7119 I ,, , I . I I I I I . I � � , i ­ � . . I A .�., , �, 16, . � , , I I .. I 1� . , , I i I . 1, , ; ... ,.! �, . � .., ; - , I I ,,, ��111 � � I ` I I �� . .1 , . A, �� . :11 , I 19 I .I - I , I . � . I - . 1 1 . ". .. I - '. � - .. I - ,,, .,., , � . , � . I � i ... 11 I .. _. WN 4 TR Pil�l . .: � I I ., . , , - "I .1� I , -, ".- L � .1,11 - I ... I - __ I.", �. 1".. ­._-, I I . ­ ­ - ..... �,.--,.-,.,��-.--"-,-,.�.�,.,-.- ___ ... - _____ I I , 6-,�Aotg,.A;�;i i�ii# - 'i�--.� -.!�� " I ­ ,t -1--1-_ . �V, _ I : ;, .­ - , - - ____ 111:4- - � � . __ .1, 1: - I. -I.111- ­_­.­.__ ... . .... I 1.111-1., -, ....... . ... _111 . ... ­­__ ... - ".. 1. I ... -.1 �iO,Irii%o*_�06�1�0.!" --`-`1 4;��., ._,;jj�'i.o -,-It�iim. , � , ­3�10"­: ­ ­ 11--7- - - -1 1-: I ­­­ ­­­10mriii40 ft'�mt4lii�i' ti;,ii,;;�i,;iii ,­..­­. , .44. _­­ � �, FW11;_T__1 1- -11 �- - _11 ­. , , '. . -It I i __ - . , , 4 - . - . . . , _p , _._-,` ' I - .77,_��, ��& qs��W�a�­. � � _. - - __ ­ - - -- - . . . - .. , - , - ,­ � , it,1041j,"111 , L ' , - . , . , ,,, g" � "' `1�1'� T I I '" AV ", �' i 6-- ­ -_ t.p. , I 40 I "I 1%,# A.,., TA-,, 'y __',j,#* , we , 4W,-.. j"W %t rupop! p1promy ,, Q. 0 Ir I . I - , - I � . , @ j ,.,.�: 10 011� " AM - - �J-�i _ 4 * �'��_,"��.*� � " 16 , �r ,' .0 .,� 44 �,Xq , loe , " ­ I 11. � r �W �tpl� '11,!�,�,,�,,,�4� -`,I;.1a -- __-�w -r_24-4 _ w watal Thee -41110M =7 .. � i;i� I -1 0'_,,,.-,, � ­, .. - 11 , ',ai� ,. � "��11L�,�.,"J" _ � � _U " 0110 _ p", - I 'T - "O. A� W1 0 14". . . A- 4 ,i, . ,�b� .00004, W. % cow, ,W '"14U.00" -,*yp ,�,,: 111�%Wx,gm wv ,,,, "Naup" ',SiIs�m " I?, "up 0 , t�M; � - � I I � , . 4�T Nit ­ I = 116".11ri1Qti Ir - Pa "'?, 1"y MT !�, " �j�,,�I;�,,�I"VIRVU I . 00 - " 'fil, _'_ . , j ,,, 4" - . , " 1,4"I.-Tro, , : , Nwmu !"X40''Yow,wh V11MO," Nor -1.44 to,# ,� . . ., � M. " -- - li,o.,�!4.;,�7;r-*Maiwq,-.W�ll'Ui'l"99,!,��I , . I 1. III11.11111,1111,10 �`_Coop@r. alad. Paas�,re-,' Ths�t the po# , )� - �,w _.. . " - I* `0 _ V -, ,,, Nomp) 41 0. 4r I ,L ja I she f orme-rly W M,j.* 1� 14, 1$WT ,,WiAdq,w.4i' , � . ", "J� ", 1111i � I * lelor, -to X*rldh , 14.;, .0 r__! Yw_ t * f tho 2 a 0010 - I r, . " . , . , 14 1, ,� ; i ; I �_ momw boading commay., NovW by U%f"! ��, � ", , ^ 11� N111 =4 t, W-4,04-9 IR I f I .. ...... � , � I , 11 ,­ � 40"W and _ .g', 1 �,,�,-"`Ai, i " I I . _: r,T, = ., .4,u .0 01,11 I 'NilA, ,,,�" _,_ � it _. _ 4 -, _4 -�t ,+,W-V:i1,g;, Vol 14400 ­tux I'M 1.� I,-, I I I li, %1. I . qp.a�f-� �2 , ,P "ma, ", -713y - vqq..p �4 4"Aill"i'll . I e , --" 'SA. . . I I ,,--., .­__ Dri I ,t3�W,III,j V i Dal I - ...... . . �11 Im ' d9 , m oea,�y -41"I'' #,W"� . ww''eq'i _�A " - 1,'atS N " , sury,"4141, b, . . ­ . . I ,ill, I f I*re 'I "' " �, . �., � "The .06�t �Vivlde " , v=-.;, "W"Or tw. � W. i* I ,, - �, I .. . q,,= . id,, as, from l . Is ., i - - !, , I �.. � 11.1'1� .1 V`�d, ".A' , , ,-�� _ A, � . . _1 Il � �� . , 1!� " - . ..... ­ - Ati��, �, ___,� thal ard do$ borld0inlen, relle`1�0(1 141�4e, � F AM xnends,9,f - . I WW:` A -W U.- -7 QUO .44. .* "X,,",Y� - - , ."O ff, i _N* .. 11 ," 'I, , �11 1�1� ', I r45 . A ."'. - . 4 il�l � )?" � . I "Goeater IjM .."OSA ....... � 1 ,,W4�­ V"t"""ll� - . ". , , � , I . V ,lu - f"113IS ", , , . ", 3 _ I* T� - r tbe T � VAIU, xWULquat", Pa -T.; fow _0,11 _­ . � 4mp . 0 1. . A, `�" .: sh r� - " vo-�', jisibifity,r-tZg0riled - A ' 9of"11044 004�kv 41 , 11 , , 'ersil" U", , , i �, - XTWO� , ab . "I 1 i 11 T#M@�`:0e_Wy§ . IM1.41- 0 I..," " ;�! I ,I .t.90 ,IV;, zq-:;IJ�IV,:�,�jtj . ,"A . � , W . - kom I . � * will be inserted at new,low ea h r =R� we" , � .1 =1 rwh , ��'J'%iil',�,�,",,'&i� I'* . . "t -re - ­ eaxn that oble A., $incW I " ; . l . . 4our sa r . _Z _'..", ,". 11 I, " � Ilk- ;�,'. �.Wdwl so I , .ot l,li.�g��k�ll;��ili'll�����l.,Tr�'IT,Llp'"�-,,, jy""d.�`Lootnudvound, Coming Evpnts. Etc. -Per word. : Ir rePowd- recel'pts wem as borrw%, *1W m .rV l � I 1111F�Wly motbowl", � I .. M - kq and ha$,�."n very p6orly and trust lno� 'In tW- S'P i44 XjD,YQiWk" V041110 ,re. -W ' ., VAR,iIii,40117, 72 �,`� _ fa I T= �arvft , $440; ta4,pen tipt riv id " , kinfle's xf,m _0 Muftu Trout cm*; , . ' ' 1, , I - - M, , �,Z , *Cek ............................. ,.�.� ...... 1 cent .. . , ; I.W. .1 ., 1 I I �ls. 4:" .. I 'P ­ �. . %Ar r-- - � - 11� NA,;11 1, � , Ir t- -11, � I I . 'MorniWa 11 . , .K mm 11 mosE . R . I -:: - len "ecildw "Ti* 11 -%X-- A . _: _: ... ::::: ...... % Cent - change fortho better. -Mv.' AUred ( . 10'. , M " Tfm 04111 X94 . I 11 - ,'I P., ­, - � ,,I . i: �:,*ad - 11; glovernument grant, on she ni vwrts.weo , * B K`,'l - k, 'A.',t- ' I 14 I � 4y 0 -W-i , _.,pap -,b ,14T�v....Gelq, Hese, Book,'! Sbey,wiaoP, loctor of .BbN% ` I. � I - -5 �,�,,',,",%"4'��i"'�""r��7�,�,',�,� It , I "I � li RM �, . , . week ................ ..... % Cent . .ao6 ex . ee a Q ., , 11, ..�Ir, 4,":, � � 1, �Ivl , 01, N�M ,, .V , . ,�,� _ . . 1, I t 't'll, 11 4, . 3Td ,tweelt ................ : : I expenditure, $2,Z42-18; mis 'Ur. (-W.. "'The John ,TobusW 7 Mor, . I 1 �� � �1. "I � � -Minimum charge. first ins_ertf�� ­ ...... ... I ... 26 cents I - ­ - irp�* and LpnOsonib aiTw," XuToh,W; . . ,W otlw' d'True I .._ I', I, 1�1.1-,; ­ Ilk f7, _- have Go6awin. At targ eve an iee ,tIhe Iff of Godi" SON. ,, W . � 1� . I A � 11 � eejhq�bus, $2 The follow6n.g. 'ac iMrs. fQ. Wjkdden and f0pufly Eft=mjgft Detroit'- * 40 11 " .14� 11 ";` � " figure, Initial and Z&;;;;�u I cou;Li� Qs,l, one word.. - , . . "' , oun4i , , . � . ' I "'. I , rdered moved `thL tho Jam ftick farm (*Me S*11 .'U i " , ", ,,, . � 9 were Tecelived and a L- ., g i V" ,Ole 131ugh mm-amG, of , ",, � .,-,,g , " 't 7% ri -1 rdat per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week, . , "I" ,�',f� '.Aj �'�j " , o caub)U . VS Xflpa� llovm of' Heftsall, LadVT1W,o. 10,- the . Wnmoi�e; L. ar The A � a I P . I LLL . " , � . ' 0 1 _A� . 02, - 09 I . , .... . a;nka� In Memo am Notices - � I "bor of vfisiting Tract," .8fift,ek; - "SnW*W,,,.. Hki, ., - . , .. I ­ I for io oents 'Psl'id on niation of Berry and Cooper. adjoin ng .*,village of X4 . Wiiterford;, Bob NoMar, . I �q � 'Hoiries"May be direuted ,to a lsox'Numl�er. rare of Tbe Huron Elloo,sitor, , , 11 ,04., . 400wavanieo �% ripig. . . I �. yki www Fred I . . ­, 1 I. . . salary as assleb-Aor afi 'MISS XW .*12, i - "Dan ial, . , ., H. H. Brown, . . �.%Uohal - "The .3 .eari .. ., � M - .t .0 I - ' ns" ucto bl..�ahren fto_�Nrucefteld void. Exeter, 4ryx , BjlackTd__%11 Ra&ne , I Va0b , . � I .... ,,,,�(,�,,%Q-.pqents,Addtw,maI pt�- week will be' charged U ads in above tetalas arre not paid by ,the p9stawl, V5.93; (EL Ford, sup�Aiitendtt theMemI N1,Hospital, at I � whom. tal'" gea�X4., Vmts were re- Bar r v. . " orl St,rTho=st, , _ tijla D,u;u,0hte;i," Iliand; `Mlte, Way Manus, Alfred Taylwj'James P*4016­ �Ij, """ _", I ,11�91 lid ). SM*I# . r . q �,I,,t,, i� M11' ,,j�*w - enie, $M7-.0; refundl of',error in cheque spent the vmek-end an v','rs- 16f U10 'Stu �or., Nelson 'Blaitchford, Go ��4, r'�*,A=d,y. .ig(ht in the week in willwh the ad was run. with her matheT� for , , L vng", CidW%q - "The `Volce � . . ,.,, . - � . . . 's I'll �: � 4, . ,served, max'ked ... alinu . 40 �' �. P f.= Tuek�rslnirtht '$120.58; CountY Mins. -Al' - S"anan. ., dore, h� . I I. I, .�*, Marriages sod Dimtba inserted free Qf charge. ­. ex. . _ , , Aiin," Kanbor; "If 'I 'Have and, CthaAes .X -A Q�g, 60" . ; - Oil ile ilcatihnt ..'� 9. I .1 - -indigept hospitall accounts, Mrs. AM, Smuh, of London, also ary oerviVes llml&u U160st inlPrOssive 10f 113ugle 0 . " . *n _�"f -4, ' ,_ ­ . .. �­',,,', " , A44d Sales, Notj e to Creditors, Etc.-Rabes on appli I Olerk, , . "ded. '" , ill . I I . Sermou v�4s.cl.ellveredl by the pastor F'Our - Apple.%" Lawrence. Reindeer f-roni a distance wbo a# �_ "' - . � I ­ ..." *, I � - - .. -1 $16835; road expenditure, $140.39; spent -the week -,end with relatives and wh- ent'iexcelled him, Trek " E�yan�- "Edfi,a His lWif�," funeral were Un 1). McDanalil, W4 I I / 0 11 ", . Is � I - ..',�, . . Wanted I Work Wanted , snow work, $39.27. ,Council adjourn- friend's in the vivage. � o by coniMlon t0lk I 7 I � 146tt" Lijli,ebln; "SUDirin Mr. j�M UVI.3.'G. Chvirian 'Galt, Me. . I . 'I . self.- 'fhe antheun Was well ,rerldered Barhbi�- 1�11 - , � � ?"",:" . . W 1". � . 11 . . I ed to meet on X�ne- 6 at 1 p.m. ow at -Mrs. Em�ma Hawthorne, of Texas Yir and in additift therebD- Drift," Dell; - "Warning," Wiakne ; 11rank .'ClAiTer Neoi�axc ­ ,4.; ,RT; I.% i . . I . . . . . s ��y the E�c . .1 . ' _' - 'I , ANrIIED TO BUY -A % FOUR POSTER WORK WANTED -EXPERIENCED FARM the ca,U1 -of the-Reevi&_Z-A. W. Morton .is v4siting hpF reletivets, Mr. and,Mks. � . wea,irendered Solos were given 'J'9ver the 06-1b," Farnol; "The Tra'l Bracey, Ruy�l Oak, B&L lkis. -Afiil I 14�.' . , %YJD r . . . - - ,I 1, 'I, Wzv$aoden bed. IState pr:ALe. Apply in writ- hand wants work on farm or work in gan, Clerk.- George Brock and MT. and 'Mrs. Sam ' Miss Flor- of Fear,�' Armstrong; "The Treasure Bernis, G41; IMT� Wlil � 54ortin,, Boi- . , It l.. 1%, : -2 - .1 _ - by Mr, Lome Ip.lder and -Miss A. n - . IMI tA, P6W 0 " . I i � , a". , Ing & 13OX 75, EXPOSITOR. 3570 general ablout town. Apply BOX 74, EX- . . I � 11 ���"`IL ,.- - POSITOR. �, ... 1.1. 357Ox2 Merner. . ence Wlell'sh, acelOrrilparded' bY ­Mlss of Big Wateri�," Gufium; "The Maif all Oak; JAIA "i, , '. I , - . . I - � I � 41 ,­ I I. and Mirs. Doerr, of Blyth, have EA"nor Visiher, the church organ st. From Texas," ,Munn. Non -Fiction- Mr ' Mr ..'Chai " 'Mistie = I tl I "I li,. A LIMITED NUMBER OF I � �. ! Mt - . . and s , ' , �,�.��, , k� tam Plent>, of,grass. run- .�. moved injtQ what has -been 'known as At Ithe clo.50 ctf-,tihe, seTv-1ces 'the "My Kitchen Window,"."Edna Jacques; daugl�ter,,Exeter� MA and Mrs. 'ftftr � ... , I I "7 shade. JO$4gA .Q � . � 's . , t, . 4,1 � ,�A]3_41N, ­ HAY - I -room 'IlTony's IS- -Book," Tony I . 1110. - -------- jilRefitoriam . Mrs. Wdllhiim, Buchanan s, home, at- bx�W-etn retfurne.4. to th-e lodge coap . WQns; or Beakinsimill-10- F Mr and Mivl. A. ' , . .� I . rz,Q i , 11 r., I I _ I �l a5ft-Or 'Council- Meets , . ; A,arshalled by Pas . . .",(,- I . the welst encft,of Que d G. "Afric-andta," ,Reitz ; "R,o I I �� No,'4, Seaforth. ,Phttrie 144-24. � mmmmmwm"� I ' .1 Do-rohesterr. The' d6eftmd ,- I , ": I " � . I - � I e'n Street: ,,,,� , I` t. Noble Gran' P�,�i�), . . I , � 1115� �, I . ... VE IN LOVING- -MEMORY OF MARY E. AN- I Miss, Jean Foster is in T6T00t6 -Vis- 0. P,ttyL Thia lodge I I Schw.&zoff- "Hulinan Nature and the will be sadly In-919sed by 116 rqlatli4 �1� . ei . - . '. I I ,� I CATTLE WANTED TO PASTURF-HA derson, who died May 9th, 1933:" The regular monthly in �tlng of iti , ng 'hew -sister. . by ,Noble Gr­��, G..r,,was`.'T`eopene( Socj�1­0r�er,". Qaoley;' "My Sit9ry," and friends. � i.,.. room t,) pasture 15 head of cattle. . Ap- the ciouncil' of the Tawnship of Ijay I e R. FIoe, and' Rinehart; "Gardens � : , ; , T . Singers Win Sheaf were Mary Robeirts - . i '' _ ply KERSLAKE7-S FEED STORE, Se&fbrtil. May brings to us fresh memories was theld in the Town Hall, Zuri�h, , very thearty mobes, of Ithanks . . I . . . 1 .",� o' . moved io the pastor, Rev. Mr. Sin- and Gardening," Mercer �� 1'.., 3570-9- -Of. he� .we laid to rest . In- the -recent e mpethii6n. held in, . I .. I ... I". , . Three yea.rs ago, sol) sadly missed " on Monday, May 4, with all members St.- Andrewts United Chur aining �chool � - % � I . , I By those who loved her best. ' . The minutes of the meet- cjh at Y -'P- ciair, the choar, the managers and Hold Tr. .­­ . , " - ___T_ I " I present. , pen bletweien the Young Pepple,f; Sci- '. s ... . h I or Junior In- . \1 � - . , I .' I . 11 ,j I 11 ! " 1, -Sadly missed by HU,16alld., Son and I . . . offieens, of the ,United, 'Church, 'the A ,training sc clo, f MINILIT-RS-or ­ ,I 11 I � ' I ".. . . Personal Daughter, and Brother and Sisters. hig-z held on. Apri,1- ,6 and April,,'18 'cieties of this district and in which of-ganist -and 'the' qsiting brethren,*. shitute Project Leadeep and. ass:ist- . I 1. I " IL.. . . , I - * inton aii 4, followed by Short and interestin - , . 11 � I, 3570xl " ad. After d"'Pos - the Socielb.es of Blyth, Cl - g ad- ant&, waghold in Hcnsall Friday and, - I '. ,. . ;ng of the oom 1- - ­- . , Lt.. R, 1MV HAD CALLUSES SO BAD HE . I municaiions, the fol Hienglall completpli in singing chorus- - Saturda .when -sentatives were I , I . , number of visatin.g and y reprL " - dre�sses , . . -_ , were passed:- ,es, the young',peoplie of HensaIld So- 4ocal brethren. . I, I I ,I, . 1W u�,ed �Icane. Cress Corn Salve,q banish- - i lowing revolutions by. a (present as follows: Seafortb, 'Mrs. HOURS? . "�, ed the-m.�`fb�evcr, �At ALL DRUG STORES. . I— I. , That orVer­c,�gy,,,of the London Tele- ciety were given first prize and ob- .. J. 1-hillebreclit and Miss,Annie' Palp- ­ ; ". " 3570-1 - Deaths . . ,,, ..- ,phone' Dir&ctory be purchased for .. , i � !,I I tained the Shea(f given and, the Hen- Council Meets P16. Zumich, Irene Mousseau and I , . I . 2 . I �. � ! eadi sabscribiet of the Hay Municipal sallites are to. be congratulated, as The regular meefting of -the vilRalge Mary Coleman; Hensall, Mrs. E. K. ' OR14 - i MkiMARTIN, Duncan -In Hensall, in his 72nd . , , iI,, . yea .. Other papers please copy. I Telephone S. tem. That accounts 11 For Rent - : MucGlEGOR-In Hullebt, on Thursopty, M ay . Y-9 ahsol-their tra�ner and, instructor, Mr. council was, held Mon&Y evening in ff,Utton And. wiss Islablea Alexander. I . , ., I 11 . I '. I .. 7th, Minnie Frances Spooner, wid,D%'v of the coveriiig , parments . on T0`nshtP W. 0.,,Gb,odwfii, leader of the United the counicil. charabeir with all .,,members The class was under A�e­airection of, FLAKES . 1. I I !1, ado, Chatri�k and' Relief, Telephone, Church choir. being present. iMinutesl bf the prett on. Th4se . � I'll. . OR RF_N,T-8_R0OM FRAME HOUSE ON late Charles M. MacGregor, in her 68th E'D I ' Miss F.- Durnin, of Dungann . . I I r .�� � FtEast William Str#at, 1�-_� blacks from year. I Schools and, General- Accounts be paid 05r. and Mrs. Geoirge,a Pettp spent viow three meelftgs were read and leaders wM now help in carrying out I I R� . . 11 ,�. Collegiate; hard and soft .,water in house; as per vouchers: Township Roads- . . .. I � I 411111.7' '' good' garden. Garage. Apply MRS. M�', - ' Monday last with tbR�ir son-in-law and adoipt&d. Roy Webber " appeared re- Ahe lntlere�sftinlg and linstructive caolth- . � I . ,�. I 3570-tf . Huron Expositor, advertising, $3.88; dt�uglhter Dr. and ,Mrs. Shilith, of St. garding permisgo'n to -'instal a curb !ing project, I'lBein-ij Well dressed and . .. I . . 1, 'WHITEt I ' , , . I I , �!� � :.; I . _' I ' Births . Tliines,ttAdvolcate, adiv., . $44§6 , Gode- fmarryal, . I . . I gasloiline ipuntfp: - No ;action taken. .Well grocimed-" -in theiir respective .. � . . , , � RENT, JUNE Isr, SEVEN ROOM . - � Mr- aqtd Mm 'Fred Batter9b,y, ,of David Robison appeared re Board of oluibs, �. , �. . rich Signal, adv., $1.150; F. . Hah- I I...", - I Tohouse�' north Main Street; gheer- BELL-ln Hay Township, on April 30, to - I * * Each-iblub-,and-clab m0m]�e� THE breakfast'your family I*m I 7t. erer, Road 7, $4.40 .J. M. ZileT, " � . � ­ ful, bright location: nicely decorated; elee- Mr. and Mrp. Harold Bell, a son. 4'' London, speub Sunday at the liblulle of Health and sanibary affairs.- Sang- will- -show their ;best work in- compe- I . , , tric ligibt and tow -la water. Mr. 10, $3.90; W. Fischer, Road fi,11 M,� best is the easiest to serve! Kd-w -, ­-, � 1 � . I __ I MRS. F. D. WEBSTER-In Varna, on May 3rd, to ,. 't'.. ,and jMr, A. Hamilton. ..ster and Shadidicik- That W117' grant tition on, Achievement Day'wbiell!wij� logg's Corh Flakes 'crisp and I I . ", HUTCHISON. . 157o-,; and,bina. Melvin Webster, a ,daughter. . $12.30; (M. Corii,velau, Road 17, �3-16-;, - ­,Mjjs� A. C. Hoggarth, of Calgary, th, in of -$1.50 peT'regulair meeting be beld ,in Clinton on Jujie 13, - I . . I., � I I e su I � 1".., I - - - A. Zimmer, repairs, 5N; M. Russell, who has sipent the past couple of ,to each member of Board- of Health, I wholesome -are fully cooked' ... PASTURE TO RENT -FOR THE COM- Funeral of Duncan McMartin ... . I. � - P. Campbell, Road 14, - and have ­a,'lyy- and toasted. Ready to eat in an I I I ing Furnmer. pasture farm in Tucker- . Road 1, $7301 weeks with her sister, Miss, Ethel Secretary includledt The funeral of the late Duncan. 2&- 1 . ,: $66- A_­Smilth, Road -8, , $17.10;. A. . �1 smith, Lot 4. Con. 6. H.R. Survey. Apply AUBURN instant. Save hours of toil with ��. � 1. I W%u�rd :V,�, 7turfred to her home on law prepiared to cmeT slaimle.�Cartt ,Martin was held from his home in I 11 "I''.. - �. I I to JOHN SPROAT, Saaforth. . UT,0X1 Reichert, Road 4, $8.00; R. Adams, In ay I ried. F. ,G. Bo*br,onl, tax collector, Hensall on Thursday afternoon, the this tempting, economical en- � ' I . . � -.--. . I I ,NIT. J. R. Ross spent Sundaf wfth Road 10, $4,20; T. Steinbach, R'oad 8, 'Mr. and T&& Ray )Kaff visited on re,parlbed the tax arrears aa $491-97, funeral. services bding-conducted- b I y ergy food. At all grocers. Made ... . I xl� I - . . I , . . . ,It! I I � friends in Walkerton, .. I $4; H. Steinbach, 'Road, Supt., $25.55; Sunday last at, the home of the form- Hamil-ton and, ;Brbek. That we act- .Rev. W., A. Young. ' Miss B61)Ia � by Kellogg in London, Ontario. . ' I . .11, . "Help Wanted Mr. Milton 'Plunkett, of Totraidto, R. Munill, R,)ad 1, $1120; Sawyer- er's mother; Mrs. Allice Pfaff. ,. . . th., � . cep1t, the tam ir,D%�_�rri;M Oohm S. SmaXe sang, ,�Sortle Da�y Well Un- . . . I . '. I. __7 . I ' spent the week -find with his' father, 4 Massey C� Ald- ,Mrs- John Honed� and, ,ohildren and Hudoon, Uppetared w'�lh tj�e asseis`- . The deoesi5led, i ­ c , ., grader blade, $4.61; derstand." was In his . V STENOGRAPHER -MALE; STATE QUALI- lam lunkett, who, is ritItt _ worth, Road.% 2-3, $3; J. I.A. Richard- ,Miss Mt* W,olff, 0 Goderich, . are ment roll and wasi 'iven time to I - , I . . . . .11 I. .6cations, experience and'age. .Apply by Mr. Wilir P , If I 91 .72nd year, and was born in'Manches,- Nothing takes the place . of . . I, letter to THE ROBERT BELL ENGINE & i'CallY ill at Present. ' sDn, Road,5, $8.80; John Oesch, Road Visiting at the home -of their Par- comp�ete slamle,. 'Correspondence was- , I . I . .., - . . . . . ...., . tier, Ont., iin 1866, as a -bay going , . . . , 9 . , I THRESHER CO., LTD.. Seaforth, Ont. Visitors in Auburn over the week- 8 $64.10- F. 1E. 1)4e,nomime, Road 10, ents, Mw. anIcg MT& Charles Wollff. 'r,egld as fol.1,ows: J. Slullivan, re tele-, with his parents to live 'in Wingbam ,4� I I I I . . I p. I ; 569-2 end: Mr. Geoatge *,Pilgrim; of For- $ 5.45 ' Xiso Margaret� Suchaman, who has gra-inQl- Compensatift . � - . ;, ; I� I I I 8 11 ; ]�. Schade, Road 13, $6; P'. ,Workmen's Where he spe% his school days -and . . , I: . . . -_ _! Dominion Tar & Ohernieal C'o - I � .;; I . . est, and 'NIT. Charles Pilgrim, -of Var- Me,Ar,'(hur, Road 1, $14.40; W. Cole- been visiting foir,the past few weeks Boarcl, " ,later moving to Brusseh; where he I I I 1. na, and Mr. and Mrs, Yeast a:n.d Itwo m. an, Road 9, $3.2G; -W. E. Turnbull, With friends in town, returned,: 'to W. Timnien; Ian .,McLeod; Relief ' widow, -in , CORK ]FLANSCRES . � . . It For.Sale daugh6ers' at the horme of M , E. Road 12�-,80c- A. Mousseau, Road 3, I married bis now .bereaved I . � , , . . IT I Toronto on Tue�day'lalst: . pranch - Clerk of Wingham; Deipt._ of I . . . . . ! I . I � , ' I I I I' Phillips; Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Roberton $6.80; G. (Su�erus,' Road 9, $6; W. Mrs. Lee Hedden, of Sudbur e filled.* Sh-ad- I . 1. I - SALE . Y. is Municipal Affairs--saTfj.l . . R -LIGHT WAGON IN GOOD .. . I . . ': ITbat we grant . . I ! -v with his parents, Mr. and Farrell, Road '18, $98.95; 0. Greb, ,spending a few weeh§ at the Suther- dick and gangster: � . . rcondition. Apply to JOHN -A. STEW- and famil, I . . - ` I., . . ART, Blarksmith, Sealorth. . 3570-2 Mrs_Williani Roberton; Miss �0. 'Me- Road -6, $10; G. J. Thiel, Z.P.V., $15.12; land home and hew many friends are the Salvition Army permiss-ion to a . I 0 1 . ­ . - . I 11 � , . . . I Gill_of Blyth, with -Mr. W. T. Rid- U,. A. Pfile, ,Road 13, $2.01D. Hay Tele- plea,sed tk> meet her again after an hold a) taj day ,in' the vi-11lage of Hen- CENT AMILERound Trip Bargain - FARES ,, , ' - ' .. . FOR' SAT -FOUR CHOICE YOUNG dell; Mrs". Strauser and. .W. Stan,ley phone -Syste'm-Bell. T I 11. .. I .pigs, ready to wean. Apply, to F. J. .elephone Co., absence of over a year in Sudbury. ,-'all__Qjr,r.ied. Bills Eind accounts Knimum Fees Adulh7ft Cblld4Oc* ..", . . . .� e, , Strauser- of Sebringvi-116 . . I I "'' . I COLEMAN. Phone 2'2-238, Seaforth. � I e, with R. D. tolls, Feb. to March, $65.jj; H... G. ,Mr.- Eckmir.e, Of Zurich, who was were read: Hensall Hydro, $6.94; F. . � 1. I , -, . 3570-1 M.Unra. -Hess, salary, $1,65; Northern Electric r�oent -ead,er -stake and ... NapaiiIeiIi, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockvift . . . I . . "... . . . . I ly. engaged as I of the 6. Banthron, ip'o 11 exchange, FRI., MAY 15 1 to prescott, I �, I . Mr. and Mrs. T�ini4m Patterson, Co., mabeTial, $78.06; National Rev- Citiizeng',Band, is highly spoken of as 1�3.7,5l- C. Wold,-Ialbor streets, $6.60; -. - , Morriaburg, Cornwall. UxbHft4 I : I - I �I­ FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF GOOD CEDAR whi have been -spending the winter enue -tax to -Us,, $21.15. 6harity and a mtu . I rand, llabor 4treets, $7.660- Iilhdsay, Yi3terboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Allandatle., Penetang, , , . :, "' I " gence'posts far sale. WILLIAM J.' MIT- sician�and is having ,practices . Hildebi t .... -- I 1. I 1�, ,"'Phone 25-296-, Con. 12, Tw'p. Grey. . with' the vaiious -members, of. their Redief - Town.. of Clinton, indigent, wit,h. � im,6 to tame. W. - lRgdebrand, -4bor stree - ' Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie. Orilliat Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridg%,, , . CHEL the bamd boys from,ti, - tsi, $5.20 . . ... I It All towns inNew Ofitaldo - . 1. " d I -led to their home, lait $11.78; J. ,Kellerman, acet. indigent, , . . . I . I I . . 3576xi family, return The relatitires and-manty friends of Cook Bros., gas land- oil, Fire .-Dept., Huntsville;North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. � -L. . - .. �vei�k at Wall:erburn. " $2.65); ,.j. Gascho & Son, a�ect. indi- Mrs. A. -Mc-DjuftTle of Hensall, wijl $9.88; County of Ohmn, indigent, on lizLe -of %Temiskaming. & Northern Ontario Rly. . Nipissing Central . I . � LL I IkRA . " o, , . elicoe, Bear4mio - I . ­ , I . � . I 1.11 ,POR SAI�'"PRING CIj, NCE OF toll � '' I I I'll. Used Musical lmwtruments, such as Saxott Mrs. John McKnight is, visiting her gent, $13.38; G. J. ThI14A, a6ect. incli- regrelt to learn ',that she is and has, $3,zo-. J., A, iPatex9onl,. typewriterZib- Rly.: Kapluskasing, Longlac, Geraldt n,.j I I I . . I . f C.,. phones: E flat Alto, Tenor and "C" Melody. father, Mir. Slucle, of Goderiell. rent, $3-, Ontorio Hospital, indigent, been quite p Ing at bon '$ 1 . . . SAT., MAY 16. '- I Also to . . � __.__1- � .1.1.1 � � ,� I .1 . I. Trumpets, -Guitars. and all Band . Inst)ru- " I i I oorly and is resti 1; J. A. Pateirson, premium, - I I I Brantford, . . . . ��� I. j . . Mentz of well known makes. Reconditioned ' Aiss Ruth Straughan iind Miss 46; A. Meli.ok, milk indigent, $2.94. the hr�w�e fof,,,her son, John, of Sta- rbrea,suvees Jbdud,; $20; W, RL PfadT, ­ .11 . . NTO Chesley, Clinton,'!. _.­ . I - dr . . 4 . . "t'. uaranteed. Wri�te us a . bout fu,- Eleartar , Wilson accompanied Miss GenETal Accounits -.Zurich Hy 0, ley Township. - , labor streets, $1.70; W� Dabus,, t6iletsi Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph Hamilton, Hanover,' � . . . am fully g . . � I . . ns. Floua Du-rnin of Dungannon to attemd -iights Town Hall, $5.42; A. J. Kalb . .. .... - Church services .1 IngersolL Kincardine, Kitchener, Lo;don, Listowel, Mitchell, i ' . . - �,., . ther litarticulars of prices. No obligatib , . hall, $2. Relief -G. W�edker, meals, . 191 . I I I . I ,,� IYERINA DEACON MUSIC SHOPPE the Girls' Con-rerence to be held in -fielisch, Divif4on Court, $4; W., H. Fallo, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Ca I � . . �.! .- . HETNTZMAN BU1LDIN I G, 1. . . . . Services. I'm St. Paul's -Anglican trai�sients, 50c,-, G. M. Case, coal, $4; 06 -nd ' os re ft can- T. El. Drunimbndt,­'4gro-ceries, $2.60 .1 ' Strathroly, Walkerton, I I i . . I I . Guelp�. this week. . St. Marys, Sarnia, South , IF � London, Ontario. I Edighoffer, -assessor a p -tage, Chu h we �.xrery acceptably 7,a4o�,, W,ngoat. Wo amron, Stratford, I . Phone: - Met. - 6072 . . 24-9 Dundals Street MFs. John ,Shultz, of Wa-Tipp, Tvisit- -ard, Fritz, Division Court,,$4. &W � .-Rev -Mr. Farr, 1W. Green, milk, $1.0 I -, $70.07. - pd.",��q_ _7 �.-; - nt which awniinia I. I � I unlit's . � � '. . . I . 35 . 70-1 . $104; ,W bed by," Rector 0. To(tal ' R� . . . - - rs. .,� , . I Open Evenings. . ed, �h ',he home of her daugaer, M S,ehbols:. Balance of 1935 rates, and thier�-_ *as a go;� alb�;n�anee. Hamilton ,and Broelo--That acco -and.Sat.,'MAY 16 1 1 11 t:, . Charles Niven,s, over the week -end." $3,714.13... The council aidjourned to Rev. Mr. perm, whb, was, a college as read, b6 paid. --Carried. Brack. and � - 4 - . I .. . � .� I I . __ - . I . I I . 'Miss Anna Do,bie, who has been meet again on Monday, June 1, 19,36, chum. of Mr..Y;Dung'!s,. preached -two Awnfitou: Th,a)t the -,0lerk be . in- For Fares, Return Lftnits, Train Informad - kets consult neama Acent. -1 . I ' I I I ., I ... I li,�me for a week'suffering from an at 1.30 o'clock p.m., for the Court of vew i - ii - terest4ng and impress -i -vie dis- .structed to get ,in touch'with thle,lm- for complete desti" yei 1. � . . I � I . .. . � I I ;, . I Articles For Sale � attack ,of me&s,1es,- returned to hdr Revision to consider appeals ajai coursiss ,in j - � I Is ­ .. . .as r �� . � I . . . I WEET CLOVER SE"E. ,.-FOR SALE-Immm-Ap- school. at . Blqe*l,e tlilsf week. ,, the 19-M -%sseEsmlent roll azid for the Church and wgg ,li. ed to with �s'treet oill.-JCarried- Brock'and- am- C A N A see Handbills 1. 1. L I . . I . ,;� I I " 1� -' � �ply to JOHN BUERERMAN, R. R. 4. Clin- . - - regular monthly mieetine.'- A. F. very much'interest. At ,the morning ifton: That we now adjourn. -Car- I . ��� . . ton; GEORGE BUERERMAN, R. It' 1, Dub- . 1. I . . ­- I �_ . . 10 I . . : , % I ' _ Hess, Clerk. , Service there was, a fine anthem in ried. , . . . T814A . .- lin. Phone'24-23. Dublin. 356SX-9. --�'..-.,..--�...-�l---..--.----�.... . _ -.-- . I � 11 I ., I - - --- � VARNA -- - . - ' I . . . . . u - I . ­ I. . I ... I .. . I .1. OR SALF---BARN. 24 x 34 FEET. Phone . .. - - I . I I � 0 . I � I i I 1, F3.30 -J. j�OST OFFICE BOX 402.l . . . .1 I . , " I I � I � , 3569-2 The members of th , le towntship con RENSALL ... � I . . . . 1. ____ - I. I � � - I . . I _" - I 1. . ., - I I . AffiT, 1, ", . - cil met in the hall Monday. , - __ ; mw� ,...-:nez!.�� � I -11 __ � - I 'I . .. ; I. - REN -T175. ACRES OF PASTURE Hold ; , . I I I" 1; FOR The W A. of S,t. John's ,Church. ,Social Evening , "e"!r.��li�i�:��l::::;:�;�:�:� � ;: I I 4 , land to rent, or cattle taken in 'by the" ' ;i�irrsd I ung �People's Lm-gue of the � I I I � 9" seaS HILLStREEN PEAT WORKS, R. met on wy at the home of Mr-,,,. The Yo .. I . . � "I I I . I ,T,;�� , - R. 'ankrich. 3,56 ,,:-, E. Beattv. I I � I. United Cliurch ,held a socia,l evening 1, ,;:;- :. � .f.,_, I..;. . . . � . . 14) I . t, I I .., . , . 'I 1, , , . 19 1 ". "'; . .,..� ... I.. " % . , - . , I '"UTS ­ h r6turfied ho,me dn the school rdoim -of -the church at ..-..� ` :,.�.. ... - :;-,.,. , . ;;,7.:.: :,x,, - i 1� . 'm ,..'..., . I I I I; ., , .�.. ., . 4.4 . - - M. . Redd -V . .. -- ­.�;, . . . . I ,, � . CLOVER FOR SALE - SWEET , . '. .:.,:� 1, i :, . ��. ::-j: SEED -.1 ,.: . . clover seed, $4.150 bu--bel. JOHN BP,UER- after vtisiting her Aster, Mrs. J. T. Monday evening with the president, ..: . .: ;, I . .1 ... . `;'.. I :. . ,:*.,';�.. t;;;:;:::.,.-�.% . . , "I ` . . MANN, Clinton, R. R. 4, or to GEORGE Reid, Loind,Dnl. : . . Mr. Larne Elder, in the chair. The ,. .. -.1 ,, I I . . I I . , � TERMAN The,- homes of -Messrs. Wat. and meeting was in charge of Mrs. ,Rus- . I 7.1.� I BEL I N, Dublin R. R. 1, Phone 24 . . .. . . , � . r 23, Dublin. ; 3-568xs Mel. Webster ;hav-e .been brigh,tened sell Broderibic "d Miss Doreen Far- . I i :i::�:� I .1 . . I. . . ..; . : I �,*,,�::ii;,,'�i;i�:.-.,'�i�i]�iiii:i��iiiii��!� , ',',':�:i; , . . `C. . . I - by the arrival of little daughters to quhar, which opened with'a hymn, 11 --.,:,­ I I, . �; ,."'i . � ... � 1 . . , 1: .�: ---,-:,.` . . . . . . . I . . I Notices -each h ome. - . .. ,: :-. ;i--,.:;,..` . . . I . I I . followed by the Lord's Prayer in un, . ,;�vj;-:;;: '. .. ,.:. . .. � . . . 'e., I I There vvill be Confirmatibn serv�ce iqon. The'Scri:ptuxe les'son was Tead . 1. - ­ . . I . kd,. - ROOF -A LOT OF ROOFS WILL . I . . - .. 1'. A NEW in Stl. John's, Church Sunday' May 17, by ,Mr. Norman Sinclair. A pleas- .... "I., be required this year. both barns and when the -Bishop of Huron 2 will of- ing duet was given by Bob and Rtuthie ­.. I 1, . I . , dwelling houses are in bad condition. But 1. , . p1 ��, � have them recovered -with choise galvan L . I � i.ed ficiate at three -o'clock in the aftertit Hess, also a pi4no duet was weR rent-- . � re . ­ sheets is made by the Galt Art Metal Co., pr noCn. I i�,."..,":�:i;",i:-..�:".-,.. ... .... ...,i"�:i:i:i:i:i:i:i...���:��i!i� . I . : conis-equentily there will be p,o dered, by the Misses Goldite Cross and .... ......'.,."..'.-.'...:i�.�.. I the Pedlar People of Oshawa -none better. .. .............'..'.....'...,'. , ..... fix. . ,- ­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W71 ":-:- . 4� � Or I can supply you with nearly all rnakf-- E,eTvlee in the eqnerjing. Elva ,'McQueen. The meeting cliosedl , � .P: 1: I'll ........ . I " I � I . I 11 j . . � . . of slated asphalt shingles of any weisr : _____ 11 _ht .or - ' Miss .Jean Gsemmell, of Egin on,d- with a hymn and, the Mizpah . De'ne- , . 1� color no- on -the market. When you are in ,-I ille, was a guest at th,e Beatty home- ,dictioft_ .after which there were a - I A �,l . . .1 town call and have a talk and benefit from stead on Sunday. . number 'of contests and lunch was. . - ,, .. K.--..:,� felz� My long experience with roofs and roofing.. . . I � __ � - . �61 then served, . I 1. .. !, . I . I ELDER, phone 1. Hensa.11. limi; ... :::j: -.-:*.-j: '::::::j:j:j:��.:j; , - . �.,::��,,*:..`., 111 . .." : .", �� : (Intended for last week) . !::... .. k", . I .. 3556-tf Mrs. 'Harry Abray, of Londlon, is 1�:;:;.-_.1':k:::�-- 1�: .. "I I j. � ,,, . , ...... ...... � ..... ­1.1`­1`XJ. . , � � , - __ . � `�S�ii,.*, ,� -X .- "t , . * 'i�k'.*��i��i�ii��.�ii, :. . � I visiting at the h-olme of her parents, 'I�l:-:-:-:.:;::.:.;.:.:.;.:.�-,:;:;- ::.. I I :; ,ajhe Play put on in the hall by Trin- � -:Zi:�;2;:X".�g.:� , 1: . ..,*��..",'...*?"..'..'.,""""""""""""""""""I"'.."".1'.1'.1'.1'.1'.1'.."..".."..-...-....�.�.�.�.�.������.�.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.,.,.,�.�.'.'�I.".'.".".'�I."."'�'...�l***".,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,'"..........................,...,........,......,..",.,.................�**.*****.***......'......................-..-..'..'...'...'....".��l:: 11 COURT OF REVISION ity "Dramaltic Club on April ,22, was Mr. and Mrs. Calda 'Hiul.'ri. � � ....";-;-;-;::,......�--;-;.;-.:. :!;: ­ . , .I... - , -�,*:.*j:';':::*., 14", I .,',ij�f��,,.'�j,.'i "......%-:41,; ..".'. 1,1-. ...... .... .... ... , 11 � . . . . � ,,;%,ii�iiiiiii�:i_ IN , I i .their' vIis,ited th I *:i:�:i*i*i I vl�,611 rendered,, each artist dAhk Mrs. Robert Jarrottf of London, . I I uckersmith begi i t th s k at . ",;,:.,..,-,i�:ii:;,.""���,,:��*��.��.,�:ii�:::....... , � ...... - I'.... -.�..;,;.�. ...... ;:i�2;:- . I .1 ... X.X.-.'_';.:';.%:: ,. ToWnship of T -e nn ng, oof Ill � wed �,.-.5:::;;.:.:.:;:;.;,:.:.:.:,:,;�:�:i:i:-.,.,.,�::;i:��:i: . . . . . . ...... :�; ; . � I part excelition-ally well. ..'!�`�. �.;::::::;:;:;:::;::::::i;�*Tli�ii"..,.,..,�;i�ii� :_......, ­­ . 1. ..�i'll�i.-'.,..'iiiiiii�i..�i��iiii�i����....-,;.."-.'��,,'.','-.,'����'-.�,� : . .11 . I . il _, I . - . � .1. , E MUNTCIPAL COUNCTL OF TUCKER Campbell Bros�,,bad the best -aue- the hom-el ,of her brofther-in4aw and- � . I . '. I . "I . , I. I . I _ , I TH_-T.itb will meet a..3 a court of Revisio tian sale of the season. The day was ,zlsl)er , Mr. and Mirs. Gdorge Hudsom ��,..*.,.`;; . � 0, ­ . � � on t'he As"es,ment Roll of 1936,. at S-eaforth" Mr. and Waz. Les:L6 Knight, and : I .1, . I � It � % " on Saturday. May 30th, at 2 p.m- All ap- fine and lyiddiTeg was brisk. I . ohi,k1ren,, -of Kitchener, spent thia- _... ".. .*1 . . . . I . . . ! -the Clerl - Xrg. White, of Detroit, returned � ..: peals Tnu&t be �n the hainds of A on :: ..: .: .:.: � . , I or before & 18th ,of May, 11336. home after spending several day,, weelf-end st the home of Mr. t and . ... .: . d . �, I Interested parties should govern themselves . I accardi . I wqth her brothers, Robert and Nor-, Mrs. Robmt M - gginel. I . 'I 1 1 1 ol� I :- ngly. ... ,mm. jdhn ' r, e, 1,11 I .. D. F. MeGREGOR, Clerk. -man Caff-pbela. PaTke visited on. Satur- .1 . - �� , ,_ �, .. I . ; I . "' A. T. . , * , - i I ;:, W04 . � day ,last With. -heir sister, Mrs CA 71". In &" j � I" I -w I— I . ; I . I t . - ' Douglla% ad Hyde Pazk. , * I . I ­­, � , P" � I , . - I .. �4 . ., . � - I � .1'.. 0 Mr.'and Mrs. Jainves Dick, who blave - I . . � 1, I � � .1, . I I . I .1 %, .� . .. .11, . . I I , "I I . Auction Sales � 4" 1, ., . I .,:L,� . . 4."� I I � I I I "I'll I I-- � - -vv, ' . I. I : � 11 I I I .1. . . t� I I... 1 . GNED van athd ,datughter-in,la Kb�. -and . - , -, .. 11 . . . .1 . _. t I SALE -THE UNDERSI . . U S I � I . . AUCTION . ,� USBORNE spent a nutinber ,of weeks I whh. their . , "TO D'A ym, 4 . I ' 'll by MI,5. Ross Dick, of S-mithsville, . � . X �� . � t, auctioneer has beemJ instructed to ir� M re- I I I � I I . 1� , . '4o, 1 I , � � i, ;; , _____ Public auction )the ,da=lete household effects . I Council Meets . i turned to their home here, on Sunday4 , . . . M � ". I . 1 , . - . I . 1"11`�,� ,0 I) I ,.. _._.aL.Mm I ' , - T i IV - - 0. ., Ruby Crowell., at the Queen's Hotel, 104:4t, . I. SeafortRL on Saturday. M27 16th. at, 1.30 p.m; . . _ � � ...... _jB 9 t, I", Harald D. Dale, I A The Ushome Township co,IJIncil -met Mr. IM,nl,y I - ES , . .. I I T r . . . I . uctioneer. ,!570-2 Anks and sort, Rogs, I S ,.A T . � . "� 11P, . I 07, MaY 2nd With all the members visited over the ,I at the blome , . " I . I .. ,, !,J� , - EXECUTORS' -SALE OF HO`USE- AND LOT present and the Reeme in the chair. ,of Mr. and V1:1-- James NeCtinthey, � 11 . . I . . Y��,'-, and HlDua4bt�M Effects, of the late John The minutes of the, April nileeting , . LOOK AT THE SALES RECORD I In th6 past twO�us, Oldsmobile sales ,�: MimKemie� at Brucefield. an Monday, May of Varns. � � I I I I . � . . .". � 19du- at I &-clock -sharp, consbding ofi� were read and la,dopted. on motilan of Wra. Claude Mowes, who visited I I �� I have doubled and re -doubled. This year, sales are again soaring. - . . 11 .. � . . I 6. . Din�flng room table-u-nd cbairs, cupboards, 3 PassmOre & Ballaiinty-ne. COMMuni- vnth'ber sister in ,Loindon for the past I I I ­ . .. I I ,��tl I . I I P ;A &mPlelte bedroom saltes, springs. mattr,esses, caflOrls 'were as follows,: From the week, returned too her home here C'n . LOOK AT THE CAR I lxafti'why Oldsmobile is - a I I - - I ll, I 446sither'lbieks, woblden bl=keft, lsheets,�, quilti, Dominion Bureau ,of Statisides- re- Sunday last, . youk wisest investment, Here , I � , . . '� . , I villows, cushitqii3., tail4t stft, new Beach - 11 I is thi fine -car styling and dependability that you *ant. Here is I I - I . tl I , , 1. I, range, wobd beater, 2 coaches, several simall f'rred to R�aad SAPt.; Ctlytatrib 'G,Dv'- -Mr. and Mrs. WRiam. Harburn, of, true economy, measured . 10 I . . I V . I 11 I." tkbleg, kitchen table a%d obairs, drapes, cur- erlimentt ' 1juiletin' N10. 8 atating ftint W.1ch., vialibed with friends in . in lo* gasoline and oil consum on-loW maintenance Cos � I � , . ,� , ,% tains, e.alrpeft, rugs, linoleum, lawn n Municipal 'and School t,wn'on Sunfty last. . . I . . 1, ", "I" , ,I�,',. mower, changes i ' . pti ts-and low depreciation. . � , ". �`�o garden toolls. carpentees tot,ls, dishes; Pots, . . , . And here are all the, modern fine -car featureg,- including AH -'Steel Turret Top, Body by . I . . I . 4 lF, , ,� . Pnr% dind other artides too numerous th men- lavv- 0brififtation of Township 113,- lym. Laikle, of Bsberimy, of ASus- Fisher-Hydm'Wic Brakes -Knee -Action -a No -Draft Ventilation. I . . I - 11, . ��_ I" � Il. I '60h.-� Art the hour of 3 o'clo I ek, the �Ioroperty La* No. 2 by'Deptl., ,of Public High- kat&wwan, formerly ,of this V' . � I ", 1,1:' . w%1 be offered for isale, %ubjeot tb a Xe&erve w - - 4.�hge I n1d I I � �.. .. . . . � I I ,�, b1d.. This IS a �,eiit d6sitable vroperty'a- 14yll- NOtice'bbst TY0 furthe't r0ates as the daughter 'of- the taW Gigorgo � . � . I .1 _ .1 , ��l , ',��, � I ad 'n will -be alalowed on gasoline used in VA2j a, n 0,6 the la, LOOK AT,THE " . .__ . . . . � 1140 1 1 giobd camition, Terms im Property -10 Ver te sb , le tev jas. Whit,, .. VALUE1 Compare. Oldsmobile's low delivered �rl&s on I - , . I. � i.3 omt of dhe puraase mone7 to be paid on mtobide maelidnery used on township ils j;We, vi�dtin,g her reja,ti,vev and I I either the Six or Straight Eight. -An,l remember, the new 7 %'GMAC Canadian plan will I I I I - I -yu. nd fri�srids,afber an aboence of ,over 30 11 save you money on your time pay�rients. Come for a thril6tride in an Oldsmo . . I . I ". day 4 nalo, balance iv 80 da, Terms on �o,a0i, such as, .po*e,r graders a I I ,�� . C*;n.teft*--C=h. Everything to be so3d hIL fra,ctoj., �t S. Con"% I , I�I&­'­­ &M to tobid up Ithe eAalbe, JOSEPH lolted and cb�n- yeaa% and, it gVes wia,out Saying .1 ­ bile today. ' I . ;,. - - 11 ; . . , . I I . I 11 Ii., *1409,&ADSON and HARRY COLLINS, E.- MUniCUtiMILF; filedl, Commbnicati`071, thab 9he notes many ehaAges and im- I . L . . . I . . .1 � . . I �., . '. I ... - . . , I &qftft;, Gdo. M Ellibbt, Auctilffn�_- from Agr'cul'nlral ROPT*esent�ative wk- ProvementsI in ,the vilmage and vicin, I I . �, , I ; I . .11 94'57" ". - ) I ) ,�� , �, I . ing flor- a grant to assist in remun- I � - �r 4 LWAZ I. , I .1 . j� , I . : e -He2Assil , village i1w. I TO 7 1 2'. 2! F., I 21, i r � p � 1! . . ... . �; 11 11 li !!!W _ �__ .. rating .. -_ - I I ",­,"', .... , L,-% I . -_ -_ - AdA.0 . .''. . A. . L. , for besting A meWo cliDiT will f"turo t -h6 ser- * , -3 �� I � . I . 11 , �,;:, . I 1 A;. . . . . , , g I. ­� vices, Iin the U-n1t*d Chsarch on, � - , ,. " - i '' . "j *A ,6 .0. , ., , � . I I . ,, ,,� " I T ha ­ - ., ,e ,,L,,'-' ,kf**) ddw.d. 1. . , .- . j� , ,.. , a Iw? *ft ofit MW 1 �`4 k . . . , IM . . I %�,,"f��,' '4i".' � � - ,,"' .i " -, ",'L-- I �,' "I � , ) , cyli� mat tues,fft"M hC;;;,0h. � " ., , I I I _ � 'd 4f MiLq awy Shollst-Course atended by tian cominV Slaw*, ,known as Mother's - ­ , . L I . 't n I ; _ "I N�',-, - ,-. ca DIVA likhtiug town hall during FebTu- the � , , , . r , I , I . �_.� I , ." . I I., " "%, I . .,.,.," .1 . _. � " . , : . I 1, ". I I . .Poil% trdw Ugb , , I � - " 1, U I I 11 ,i:. .. : '. J. , : , �, ,­� wtko T40 it ft VQ8T.S1NCF 0"'11- P"SIMOTe and My, both nilorning slid evenir . �, _ , ", , Of 4*161S bUM d $12# -at foory. . , I 4 , I I , DRELY . � ­ , . "" - , ,. . ig, 4 . , , t,_... I . I .. .1, I . ., %," , � - ; � P �. � - � b $6M i rliwd�......car - I'll L' - �i _,�� . , � "' *',��,, ', I�� Berry: T)w - bk- gm - I Th,e,auction,mle Of h,ouseho , , , , _ I I ZZ6. . i , L':, 01 .� __:_�,� . ., . od deeds of kiriftma . . A, 6 � %i . r II I . .1 ., '."�,ql;§!� Z . fiv6 do . , ffft b Id Ig�wds --ow -0 - I -.1... . . -a ". � � , __In , it my I fie& - Tho Clerk mporbed. thait .the S�yd ,furffittre Ifeld byt Mift Efilily . - I . I . . I . I I . . I I . . 1 � TM. 0 . , ,,, I 0,-,W`I),�­ i4tt* " W. . , I.e., A.,. . 1� . 11A6 2111sesslino-dIt ftIll W been com- NoTtison oft gatj&day af 00% -was !1., 4� "I io"F � . -L. , ' - 1 ? ­ I I"I'll 1, .. - 4 '. I . W , , . ... I k .(jk.&',,41�k' ' 11 . ! , Stin, � . . . .I � .I I .1 ..... ", 1 , , ��� � ' ' L ' ' ! L ' ' ' � 1 ' ' ' ' � ' ' � ' ' ' ' : ' � . I L I I I � . I I I I - � . ��,�11 Nor 'th M 'St ')&J,)�4"i'��, , " " , �J�,v , - � A VL lirV Of 2kVidi-611, W; 'A"d, 0(yad,pribft fejaji. �U' . -1 . . .., I . 0 1 � I " " , . j, , OM" % " t ; vtg# TO k 100, as, get fof,ed ',K.i" ,MWrijofir jW r �, !" I - , � �i,' , a , W- io._1�1'1 1h,"t, I 1. I , ,gUrMlig, ft � - .. 1. ., "' .. �',- � a 4 'il ... I "a 4 ifto *j` S, 9.'uL ;021� L - , . L .�i. � I . ,'t..'f­­,­­ - I "­­ , I I I . . . . ,` � 0, I I W S f"I d I '.I Ir, I , * I I I 'a . . ...'..'*: .,::�;-;*: .1.1.:1. �:­­ . .. . .. , . ff I I I � � __ to�, du I -4 . - i'A"'. I '' Oi�l sat*ft, Xlu' . V ',,AII­ .. , � I . ­,��W , ai6 , � . I., � I.. ,.`.,..'�., 1�1 41�', 'A" S E A F 0 R ITT."114 &,��'�,,��,�'.'� L j� ` - _ � I . I * : 0 ,,, " 11 � , , . f I, - ­ %� . ,�,k�,�,,,' . - 10 D ''' IN, ��.�11 .111 � , l�'n ., , I . , , 9670-1 piet�d 16nd, ddiv6'red *tio him on April lt"�' ' I , Iry Well 4tftiided - - - - I ,,,, F,�,,,Ijl - , 1, I 1�t, ... MO� I ',I - I NT 4 �,111 . motitI6,01f soiry.,tZ i6vantyuZ in, 7,106, 9�ryl DMmItmth &O .1 . 0 I f,� . � ". " %4, � ., I -'11 . I � I I -7 040 . gg " L1�6fj,� "" �� '' .. I . 1. I a '� . " .� . 4 i fli I '. I - .. . -- " - S ,� . , 1, I I '� � I I . g�,IEI?�',�Wl 't."I", �,,�T',' 4 1 , � , ­Ii­�' 4, �.. N",_.."', . . . .1. . � , �, " I ,. � - . I I I—. - ��'11. , , . I I . �,;.,��,:­,. W " �, fi�fteo *y"j* , *tftfti#�- ,bmtft jimbr la. � I 1. �, , '.1 X 51m, vilow a tha:zbtet hihat in, eavplf � A I -W 1:�7_,­ , _` ".. I - � _., , '' , I ,I 9 io�;faf�l ,,, I' ,,�'�,,�,'�,�;,,�.".'',"''.,�!�'i'', _,:,", I . . I W*WWA*WAWi 111111ill 11111111 el k I .­'­t,FF­I_ .1 ". A.h, �, .41,1�, 11'. .. I ; ­ ."... . Woo.,- - � I ��;lil,li,����?'��,�l,,����,�',��,.'';,; .i,p­.1,V.1-'­'­ I, '' . , `% I .11,11 '. 1'�, -_ --------- I !I-._11 ... ,- -, .,-:.W,, I I . 1'1�, ­. ;�: I ,,,,­',�I,�'­,­,� � ;` .. :. , � ,!� ,, I _ , " ______,_.__ ...... 0-1 *I', ti�:, ,, � 1,41 1,'�,, �, . . . ,j,I,?.­,,��!-___ . ,, I ., _­­ ­11­,W,6'L , , `­ �� . L . I I ..., 1. k",4,.;,. I.. I 11 I ­��_,. . .. 1. I I 1. � ,,,�Nq�,`; 1"'�!,I,k-�­,j�;, ,'I�!.%��,_,,,,� � "', _,,a7"ov '. . I . ­;. V ,�, � I , � . I I ­`'� "" �" "L_- -, .11. I �i I I.,� ''I'' . . , I I �i ",1!­p1I"1­­I-,, 11.1.11I.- ,.: ... , , , ". ; .., � I 1-1. .. i, " _. ­� � � I _- � ,; '' �1;i 41 ­ . , I . : � .1 .;;,� ", , "i .".41" 1. .I ­ _ � 111. \. � 1�i ; :­� . ...... --V, ­ --'-- ­ I 6, ;�, �` . I I I .11. I� , . I � � � I ! , 1. ­� " , t� .. ,,, L� ­­k�­ ,1 , ­. �, - j, ­ . - . 4'. ", .". ,, � �_._- . ,..., " , "T , I � , ,.'­�,, , 1� I'll ��,,�.. . t`�'I": L' I ,:` ,'� . � _ I I 1, I 111'­,� '�,,�` " � , . v,%r, I �.. - *',-,"t: 4 �,,tI :�e ... . ..... . � ,. _ , � � " _ L.��. . . �. � I - I - I 11 .-,I 11 ,, ,, 11 �L',� �;­ ,,:i, , I �, 1, I ' ' ju ") . %, �I` , - � � ,'� , " '. ,,,, , "', ,,.'�,�:, , ',L, - , , � I I, t, � "4 i,� .1 ". , V_ " " " "L ;�� r ., t' "L " .� 0 " 17, � ,,,il, , � "NomdZ ,�I���,;",�� .., I I 11 1141 I 11 7- - ., I", . �, 4 , � I .. ", I I � �� I �", .� ,, , " "', " g, 141, � "" . - I a ! . ,V, ;N1171ili, 6" ,, I '171014 " , ,,, ,�, . I ,�"*,. : I'... . � ",'4; ,1,': ,f , ... e , . � ,;,� �,4, I ,, �I! ,,, I ill. , - _Il..�W,,,, I ; � 11 �, ;11 ,,, ,W I .1 11 ,,, "I, , , ,&,I�,�'i,!" , ,,�,,-44�','6"L'$;�;�� ffl!%f�I,�,1,1,1;116 )jN1 - I - f. , , 1, I I i 11 �tl , ,��, -11 "flIN, '�' ' ""' � 'l�',�,�"',';','�­' ' 4 I.. ­ ,,, .1 11� `�, 11 -,. L, , '. Irk, I. ,, 4UP, ��g I, 1 4'111",$�V­` "I'- " � � % I., , i &IAI�11, 1��Iiv ,�,'.,l ".`��T , , RR -� , il�,,­ A . 14�,;A, ��I�;,�'Zo�,Qljl��"' i' , --'I'll, I - '-',m " , q� I ", " " .1! I,M,�� 1'-,X',* , �q�g�",e � ��,1�ii"Vl�t",,�,'�";�������, � � , 11 ' . ,-� 1i " '� ill,'- �, - 111'tl� '�,�,'�,�","it!,"�T'I'li4,,,,,�lf!'�� a"gt­­­ - 1"'n'"; 'i""', .,� L. ............. �.'?'�nf,'4"��] j ,"I?IZOI�Wllrl 1�! �11-., _111.�i' , .11, ... �11 Rf� I , g" ""g, �P.r�',7' �1,i�,�� ,,V'� , ,� " � � fjw� . � -­­� I 4 ,1,11i,�i; AVRQ18,0 t 551"')151��",' � , ".0"Y . ,,,,1,46,,I�i; I,�,�_ , " , f i , I ,� .,, , ,! �,� "Q1 I �, "21=6&&�� ,'.� ��,"�).,.O�'�",��""".4,�,,,�,i.,'�',-',R�,�,F"ilNt�,7-�,iq,l,�,.,,w,i,�,i�,�,t�,i,��I N:� , 'L';1�$;�',"t' % , � . "I I .�. ,, - � , ,�`, �, k�y. ='",,',,�g,���,,,�'.',!I,Li�,�!.',,i�;, � %� , ,�'