HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-04-24, Page 8101 4i a, i�. EI 1fi_r,i�etu ,.P:d f f, t• ! i+trii!i i; tt fgf Ik, sr a o. 25c ��tlr q. HtEESE ..•1b.2C 'Nippy, et ARED MUSTARD 1lc 24 -oz. ' TUNA FLAKES --Wonderful ;tine• .salads, at Tin 15 c 'KITED OLIVES Jar c CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 1niC Jumbo Sime Tins, at CROSSE,••& • BLACKWELL'S TOM- ATO ,SOUP - 25c itifiltNIFS GELATINE 2 packages _ 25c CORN STARC•II ,., _ 25c •' 3 pounds 'WASTING SODA 3 packages 25c CAUSTIC SODA Loose Pound 1 ac BOG CONCENTRATE at, cwt. • $2.25 A. C, Routledge Phone 166 Insurance tat TOWN J�1eat# death ,'otccjimeeull .at her.. scare, North Main Street, on Ftn'idtxy, ADM 1 eh A. Fr lar'40, fedi/netting an ill- nes,* of sural neeathe. Fot• mann years. M. Chir +fi1'•,led a large, part in the church and Sac* life of Sea- foi'tIn and her personality had 'gained for her an outstanding place in the esteem 'of a1L, + She was ern in Clin- ton, tbeiivg a' daughlbea:•, of •the late Mr. and ides. Jtames Pattlersoir. The funn- ily hater moved to Woodstoek, Where twenty-eight years ago she was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. A. F. Chuff 'and came to Seaforth, wthlieh has einee- been her hone. %s. •C1uf'1' was a member of .Northside United Church' and an iactivworker in the, W etmen's Missione, Missionary Society and Warnien's As- sociation, and for some .years was a member of the church choir. She is survived by hes- husband and a fanr.- ily of twto sons and three slaughters, iMisS • Jean Cliff, of Nakina; Mr.• T. R. Cauff, of the Dominion Bank, Guelph; Misses. Bees and `iRabh and' Mir. James 'Cluiff, at ,tome. She is also )survived by on brolther and three sisters, Mie James Patterson, Brantford; Mrs. Frank Bottonns, Woodstock; Mrs. H. Blackburn, Ham- ilton, and Mrs. Bessie 'Hopkins, of Superior, Wisconsin. A private fun- eral was held' from her late .home on Sunday afberno+on, when the services were conducted by Rev. T.. A. Car- n•ic.ha•el, of Northsid+e Church. The floral tributes were very beautiful. Interment was made in Maitlandbank Cemetery, the pa1.1"bearens' being Messrs,. W. J.' Duncan, Harry Stew - WE ARE SPECIALISTS„ IN FIRE , - AUTOMOBILE LIFE LIABILITY.- PLATE GLASS WINDSTORM PERSON A•L ACC IDEN T • INLAND TRANSPORTATION GUARANTEE BONDS llowest.Rates with Absolute 'Financial Strength. Rates and Information gladly given. CALL OR PHONE -US WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth specialists in All Kinds of Insurance.. O'O 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 S. T. • Holmes & Son 0 Ga FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 Q. 0 S. T. Holmes, residence, •0 O IGod•erich Street, West; ph,ond 0 0 No. 119 W. 'Charles Holmes' 0 O resit'dence, Chclerich Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 308. 0 0 Ambulance ,Set -vice 0 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 O Day calls, :Phone 119�J. 0 O .012/gee- moderate.0 -0:...• , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q,0 O O 0 O 0000000000 H. C. BOX O O FUNERAL • SERVICE 0 Licensed Embalmer' 0 Ambulance Service 0 Hospital Bed 0 0 with adjustable ratchet oper- 0 0 ated spring for rent. 0 O • Night Calls • Day Calls . 0 O Phone 175Phone •43 0 O. O 000 a 000000.00 O O O O, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WALKER'S `00 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O W. .1. WALKER and 0 O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 O Licensed Embalmers and 0 O Funeral Directors. O 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 O attended. O O PHONE 67 ' 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 E. C.'Chamiberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of _Huron Office in -the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Sreaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 - p:rn. Saturday evening, 7.30 .p.m. to 9 pen. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insutran a-, If" in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give u,s a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont 34&5-tf - .Insurance- • With'the enormous increase in nutd'-accidents;-you-cannot•-afford fo lake. chances. Let us. protect you. Rates are low in compari- • iaon with Protection give n. , Froitti$ service and payment of In case ,o t> b the •rCthrtrte ' of aq, le,. Co#npanys Ageltts through' C'aif� odic s re at ''your Service. Enjoy ,your tr"ifin • protected by oire of roar Auto Polities. Auto .', Fire Wind' ifeyaltcitt Lawns Rolle Have your,Lawn rolled with a Heavy Power Roller and see the difference. Place your order early with- ROSS J. SPROAT - Phone 8 MERTON A. REID - Phone 214 SEAFORTH LAWN BOWLING CLUB an Sine • I3: Fort* Usgn, R. j' , '. S. d 1iolward Hiaxtr-y, •of 'l,,arrdonx: Arnim th!asa-from a Iliisimrne& 'whe:- attended the funeral. were; +Mrs. Ii. E. ! totplarins, pf Nev Yost; Dick and Ted Pattervsen,. 'of Brantford; • Mr. and trah;O1 at las 'Oliver, of P'oeozito,.,Mm. azid Mts. twrry B1a'ekliurn and Miss "Tan Blatokban,; W Banu1lon; Mi,.. and Mrs. F. G. 'Bottoms and Mkisis Frances, aliso Mrs. Moyer,; of Wood- stock; Mr. and Mrs. 'Illoy and 'Hartry, of Lander -a and their daughter, Mrs. Ritchie, of Il ofne z aa; Ms: and. Man. John Mcllwan and M. and Mrs, Alex. .McEwan, of Shanley. DESIRE J. BOURQUE PRESENTS ' "MERRYMAKERS" OF 1936 His New and Sensational Revue „Cardno's Hall MAY" 7-8 under auspices Seaforth Branch Canadian Legion. Ser•.mon Subjects For Next Sunday. --10 am., School and Story; .11 amt.,, "`Building For +Greater Things"; 7 Pane Wi Ml'Si, Easter Thankoff'ening with Miis. Remyle Kneehtel, of Korea, as the special speaker.—Rev. Mlaleoam, Minister, Mic.I i1:l'op 'Charge (Bethel, Duff'te, and Caven Church, ,Winthrop.)—Sun- day, Winthrop)—Sunday, April 26: Special services with maseed chair of the choirs of the three appointinents. Serm'o'n sub- jects, "An Invineible Purpose", "Nev- er Leanne Christ Orrt for He 'is ,the Way, the Truth and the Life."—liserir. G. 'E..d1'Iarrow, B.A., Minister. Northside United Church -11 a.m., Easter thankoffering service of W. M. S.; Mrs. E. Knechtel, of Korea, will are the gutesb ,Speaker. 7 p.m., "Just a Plain Good • Man." Sunday School at 2•.30 parrs-CRev. T. A, Car-. miohaei, Minister. First Presbyterian Church—Sundlay echool at 10, morning warship at 11, evening •set•+vice at 7. Sermon sub- ject for the morning, "Lo'! He Goeth Before' You.'Jesus blazed the trail. Sermon subject for the evening; "The Future of Religion: Aggressive As- sa+u'lts are made upon religion; Re- ligi'on has its 'back to the wall: Date we underestinrat.e the crisis?" The music for the day will include: Morn- ing, Anih,eon, "It is High Time to Awaika"• evening: Anthem, "Trust in the Lord;" solo,so+t;Mr. J'ances T. Scott. Heartiest welcome to all services.— H'ariol+d C. Feast, Minister. The. Late Thomas Sharp. — T h e funeral of Thomas Sharp, an esteem- ed resident whose 'death occurred Sunday after an illness of. several remelts, took place Tuesday after- noon frclm his late reeiden•ce in Har- purhey, west of Seaforth on the Hur- on- Highway, interment being• made in the Herpurhiey cemetery. The ser- vice was conducted by Rev'. H. C F'easb of First Presbyterian Church; Seaforth, of wh'i'ch he was a mem- ber. Mq.-Sharp, -wh)a wva5 in hips 59th year, was ..'born in Tuckersmith, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shawn. He was married 28 years ago to Mdss. Nettie Bowman of Ailsa Graig w+ho predeceased him. They moved -:to Hi'1lsgrreen, .afterwards..,-• to Ailsa Craig and 'then Hensall where ' he : las married the second time in May, 1915, to Miss Gertrude Kaie+er. locating later' ire •Seaforth, where he carried on a blacksmith shop. :foe ten ,years. After ..disiposimg of 'his lowliness. the family spent a few years in. Stratford before return- ing to tHiarpurhey. Surviving ice his, wife, one daughter, • Mrs. Charles Dolmage, Kitchener, and three sions, Alvin, Ernest and Keith, at home. A nutnber of beautiful floral tributes covered' the casket. The pallbearers were D. M'cnLtyre•and R. 'Bowman, of Denfield, . R. Scott, It. McKenzie, ,of Ails -4- Craig, Clarence and Russell Sharp, Sarnia. Flower ,bearers' were J: Brownlee, A. Dunlop, W. Miont,gom•- ery and Mi, ;Clark Among the rela- tines from a distance attending ,the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1 NOTiCE�f THANKS THE GREEN FRONT DEPARTMENT STORES in Cardno's Block, Seaforth We take this opportunity to thank the people and community for the faithful patronage they have shown us in the past, and to show our apprec- iation we are going to continue this 'Sale for the benefit of those to whom we could not give our per- -conal _attention, which built our organization • to what it is now. _r OUR WEEKLY MONEY -SAVERS': Ladies' Silk Panties And ELomer•s, all shades 18c and size's......... , , Each 2 Pair for 35c EXTRA SPECIAL 1141/2 Yards Pei t, beautiful patterns and shades; extra good quality. 13c Per yard or 2 Yards for 25c EXTRA SPECIAL Men's Work Pants,' good qual- ity theavyclloths, all shades and sizes. 73c Pair SPECIAL 100 Yard's only of .Tea Tow+e'I- ling; very good quality; 5 yards to a customer 110c Per yard FOR 15 LUCKY MEN Y 15 'only Men's Suits, Worsteds, S'erges and Tweeds. Ail shades and sizes. .57 New (Spring arrival's $88 EXTRA SPECIAL Men's Work -Shirts, Navy and Light Blue. All +slizes. Big makes. 43c Each FOOTWEAR FOR THE iAMTLY Bargains That 'Cannot Be .Duplicated! MEN'S GOOD QUALITY WORK SHOES either aU421-•Pa-Ise-o--Soles---All--sizes•-= _ LADIES' SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES Tiers, 'Pumps and Oxfords, all Oictlords, Ties, Straps and !Hiigh seizes•, ranigvng from Shoes. 98e to $1.98 ' , 980 to $14I The GREENFRONT DEPARTMENT S'fOOES (WE SELF.. '-0 •tag! f lncwk , : fn h'Wg-ogivittki. Ice ulritlAtsitld. KatYd,Va" 3fi t51 to FEATURING 4r, Roy Breckenridge and his new orchestra, with the latest dance hits. LO.0.F.,y;HalI, Seaforth - formerly G.W.V.A. Hall FRIDAY, MAY 1 Dancing 9 -pm, to 2 a.m g Admission: 35 cents including tart Under auspices of the Seaforth ,Athletic Association. J. J. Ruggard, Pres.; M. .A. Reid, See.; D. H. Wilson, Treas. • WO. p.x [er 'by.• Dori M90drf,, art, slkorr wale "cheat 01 rwella Kalne ano Woe 'r ASSO Tire. Scrtga re, Ite4894. W41,0 1429A1 Mildred hQuallahrile.,. The deffOtttanarl: tome_was liem iher- -Molle-aYa- tprov'ed very wastractive. A. hymn, was su and Meas 'Luella -Keine_trek charge of the "Candle Light" aerviee. The lights were turned Qf and one lighted candle was placed on the desk. Those taking ,parrin the ser`vioe were Earle Deaver, .Evelyn Oar- miichael, Jack Stevens, ;Mildred- 'Cad- s/eve, Citi+m fie, Ardatth Sproule, ¥ar+ t: Beattti•.e andMe'ilvi11e 4 ao'li was providedwitthcandles mucl as they concluded,their ;pats they ?;jt. the eanrilesas a eonseeratio r to Gad. The r.ieeting eland by singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpalh J te- dietion. ; i 411 :. Sharp and famlily, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp, Watford; Missies' Mangaret and Jean Sharp, Lorndlo'n; enry, ShirWi1l+iam • Fair; Wet- ? ford, and -1nd Mrs'. Charles Dol - mage and 'crenu, Kitchener. t . 410 Y. P, U. Meet—On 'On Tuesday even- ing, April 21,.the Young People's Un- ion of Northside United Church held their weekly meeting. Owing to .the aibsence. of the president, Miss R. Thompson, Miss Luella.Kline took change of the bus'ines's. The Minutes were read and the roll was called by the secretary, Vera Mole, and adopted as correct. The meeting was in charge of Margaret Beattie, social - convenor. After repeating the Lord's' Prayer in unison, responsive readings• were given by 'Margaret Beattie, Mabel. tHtohher, Myrtle Garter and Vera ,Mioie. A (hymn was -sung fol - Spring -Is Here and you should safeguard your car by having the oil and grease changed to the proper kind for Spring. Sealed Shell Gasoline will make your . car run ,more smoothly!' CALL AT THE SHELL e STATION ;. H. WESTON GODERICH ST. - SEAFORTH OOL WANTED Highest Paid, Prices H. M. JACKSON. Phone 3-W -- Seaforth The Young People's 'Society ,.of First Presbyterian Church PRESENTS THE 'PLAY "A Run for Her Money" A Comedy in Three Acts THURS. EVENING, APRIL 36th... at 8.15 , p.rn. in the School Room of+ the Church. Admissions Adults 25c; Children. 15c. — CAST Adelaide Damson, Ona Nicholls ; Corinna Meeker, Mary Reid; Berinda Meeker, Elsie Drover; Blake Hayden, Stewart Geddes; Mrs. Kenneth King, Margaret Drover; Ned Bailey, Lorne Pinkney; Sam, Gordon Scott; Gideon Warren, Stanley Nicholls; Justice Dilly; -George Hays. LOCAL BRIEFS • 'Miss K. Kerltoe left on, Monday for Toledo, where 'she will visit her brother, who. •has been in poor' ihealth for some time. • Miss Margaret 'MiadKay, of To- ronto; is a guest alt the hope of Mr, and Mrs. 'W. A. Wright., • Misses Lois and Helen Moffatt, of Stanley, spent the week -end at the home +of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mic- Garvin. • Mr. !Btres ton Kerr, 'of Niagara, Falls, and, Mr. Leslie Kerr, of T'b- rontlo, spent ,tihe, week -end eviith their ,parents, Mr. ,and Mas. James. Kerr. - !Mrs. Thomas Allen and Mrs. 'Cam- eron Urquhart, of Toronto, were guests this week at the home of the Misses Young, , Goderi'eh Street. • Mr. Giibson White imtotoried to :Toronto and spent the week -end. He was acc'omp'anied by his miother, Mrs'. M. White, and Miss+' Phennia Gordon. • Mrs: Lloyd Curtis, of .Marnvora, is' visiting her mother, Mrs. W. G. Edmunds. . • Mrs. .1. E. Keating and fancily 'sep,ernt last week at Mrs. Keating's home 'in Toronto. • 'Rev. I: B. Kline, Mrs. Kahn and family, of Grdlmisby, were 'guests this week at the home of Rev. C. C. Kline and Mrs. Kline. • Messrs. Charles ,Dickson • and George Parkes, of London, silent the week -end at their homes here. • Postmaster Kelly, of Windsor, was here this week visiting his mother, Mrs. R. Kelly. • Mr. John Wallace, of South Woodalee, and 'Mr. Adam Kinister, •of• Comber, spent a few days last week with friends in this t`rvlicindty, spend= ing 'Fridley at the hone of Mr. Alex. Wallace in' Turkel/711111th. While here ,Mr. Wallace per,chased- a' Veh'er tf colt from Mr. rWifli'am Beattie, of Mc- Killo+p. • Dr. E. A. MetMaslter left, on Wed nesday on a 'hlaliday' trip' to Ber- muda. During his albsenee his prac- bisethere 'will , the looked after by Dr. Gorwell, of London. • Mr. and Mrs, John Watlker; of H'Noe5terthr.Battl'eford, Sask., were week- end guestts ' at -the home of Mrs. • Mr. Harold Snell, wlio ,graduat- ed this year with !honors in Theology 'from Qu'een's University,` is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hemet. Snell. •' Miss Lillian Beeves, orf Toronto', and Mr. and Mrs. C. Webster `arid falmily, of Detroit, spent the week- end at' the ,h'ors'e 'of their ihrients, Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Reeves, •• The Women's; Missionary Society of First Presbyterian Church will en- tertain. the auxiliaries; tf 'the local c'hu'rches at their regular ,Meeting on Tuesday, April 28, at 3 p.m. A mis• - sionary pageant, will be given by the young ladies Of. the :church. • 'Dr. Arch. L. Hays, Mrs. Hays a'fYd sorry of Fort Erie, were week -end guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hays in Egmond- v iiil e.. • Mir. and Mrs. J. R.. Sproat, of Terinagaltri''i, were guests. this week 'at. elite home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sproat in Egmos divine: • Miss M. Wilibe'e, of Toronto, was a' week -end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs-. H. Wilbee. • • Messrs. W. Baine, E. Mole and Alex. Ross were in Wingham on Wedne's'day attending the funeral of the late George Spotton. IT'S HERE Come in and gee the refriger- ator sensation of the year .. , the new Golden jubilee, eat- ingbouse. Time tested ' depend- ability plus new beauty and convenience. !. F. DAL vfarth ins -and Drapery Now TOWEL SPECIALS Galt Towels, Sun Fast . and Tub Fast. Lovely patterns and !color tones; also all white. Large= generous. sizes. Price Range: 14c, 15c, 18c, 25c, 33c, 35c, 39c, 45c, 59c Each. DISH CLOTHS 7c and 10c FACE CLOTHS- 5c, LOTHS5c, 6c, 10c CURTAINS In pairs ready tohang, in tailored edge effects, or fril- led. 59c to $3.50 Pair Silk Rayon, Tuscan, Mar- quiesette and.= Other. Nets These are in new patterns and in a large price range. 25e to 65c Yard Chintz, Repp, Homespun and Slub Weaves Beautiful for side drapes, cushions and furniture slips'*.. Very colorful. 25c to $1.75 Yard Tapestry For . Upholstery Two 'specials excellent' ' in pattern and color tones. $1.25 and $2.25 Yard We are showing an extra value in Factory Cotton ; clean, . ' even weave. Yard wide. 14c Yard acTAVISH'S survived by a family of two daugh- ters and one son: Mrs. Carson Allen, Guelph; +M,i'ss Cora Strong and Loon- -ard Srtreng,at hemp.. The late Wil- liam Strong is sunvdved-tly one Tis ter, Mrs. Norman .Hearn, of North- ville, Mich., and two brothers, James, of Vancouver, arid Robert, of Sea - forth. The remains ' were 'brought to Seaforth on Saturday. The funeral -was held on Tuesday from his 'late residence and was very largely at- tended. Canon Appleyard condtacted a very fitting service. The pallbear- ers . were :Messrs. Joseph 'Flannery, John 'Nigh, Alex. Wallace, Westley Jefferson, Wm. Oldraeld and RogerRice. The flowerbearers -were Ar- thur thur Wallace, Wm. Leyburn, Robert Archibald and Robert TymdalL The numerous floral tr'ibsbes'included tok- ens from neighbors and fri'e'nds in Kitchener, Ottawa and Guelph, the Guelph TeachersrAssoeiation and the teacliers of the Central and Alex- ander ,schools. Interment was Made in Maitlandbank Cemetery. Ontario EGMONDVILLE ' kr.'and 'Mrs. A,. Hays, Fort Erie; were .recent ,guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jatnves Hays. Mrs. W. J. Finniigga'n attended the funeral sof. the late George McKay in' Toriontia. iMr. and Mars, +WL Patrick, of To- ron,'bo, wene week.end guests with Mr. 'and Minh M. Patrick. Miss Mary Douglas, ,Pelee Lslandy was an Easiter guest wits, Mrs Ar- thur E'd'munds. ' Miss 'Frances HHoust'on+, sof Brant- ford, 'sp'ent the Easter vaca'ti'on with her brother, Mr., Andrew Houston. ,. TUCKERSMITH Miitgs (Hazel Wllson, of • Bruicefread, also Mr. and .Mrs.. Denisr'Sea' Ian, of Kitchener, were •recerb• guests, of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert MsiGregor arid fai n- i';y. _-.... Mrs. Ohesney, of Stratford, lis,. the guest of Mrs. Robert Mee and. fam- ily. Mr. and Mess: •Harrivtey 'Hlulblbard, of Detroit, were ;re04 vests ofMr. ae d Mrs. Rohr it.,Diayimtaria and family. 'The '4elattleni&ldi?t+k`anh. April 17th aro the residence ef his" son -'in-law, ,Garston L. Alien, in 'Guelph, Of Wil- liam ,Sarong, a,,lughly esteemed resi- dent of Tuckertstmith; in bis''67th year.. •Five -weeks --s wnat--tie'Guelph to .take trielatrrn 'alnd. ittvo weeks of that time rhe, spen.•.in..bhe I';ritdhener- Warberaoo Hosptal. 'The deceased was roomer.-air.--Ttickemsimitl1, a _son of the late George 'Strong and 1 WWIiife; E1izlabe'th MloCullowgh, +He Was n,ar tied thli ty-tti o year's'ago to kiss Sthloldiioe, of the slate township. They settled on, a ,faririi,, on the 7th oo'nee�ssao f • • dor a elhort `]rvip ul o,, Shen m'ovted to Sanforthi • reiti ring twenty, ears ago as tgqo_tf a,yy;qutols dispb ,itrklh��eY, �T'i'. his- r a 1 40'4 The Virginia Jubilee Singers ARE RETURNING TO Northside United Church at eight o'clock Thurs. Eve'g., April 30 Programme entirely e • g ey s- cept request numbers. ADMISSION: 25c and 15c.. Under auspices Mae Lane Auxiliary. M1JiMAYHEEL HUGGERShoes (Men 4, Y o 0 - ^L \yN?'vnt, ' 1 AFTER A BUSY DAY z /OUR favorite pipe and, even- ing paper, and the old arm chair. You'll appreciate them because your not "all in." Your Heel Hugger shoes have taken the Toad off your feet and the day's end Ands you still fresh and ready For a pleasant evening. • __:...GUESS! . NO OBLIGATION.. PRIZE—A P -air of Heel Hugger Shoes. SEE OUR WIN- " DOW, HEEL. :HUGGER . GUESSING CONTEST, "WHEN WILL THE CLOCK STOP?" GUESS! THE keen edge of ' enjoyment has not been dulled by uncomfortable, in- king shoes that sap your vitality and irritate your nerves. In •the" miles and miler of wear that. you'll get out .of your Heel Hugger shoes you have the added assurance of being comfortably, and; stylishly shod. SMITH'S Shoe Store' :Next to Regent .Theatre • SEAFORTH e". IPIJT YOUR BEST "TOOT ElAFID ' I an