HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-04-24, Page 1= ,- 1 3 _, � �, � ... ,-r " " ""' "�" �.N ,jgm,* , �,, p P " "Ilki"I z I - - 4""..".1 ',",ii- ,'C; , I - M % � , . � . 6'.. .. ":. . 1: ­ I I � : ,, . - i�1, l -,"'T . . " , """" I h ��". . . 11 . I AN , 'ig - � j�)ijy %# - N." Uugvii , r�f' p- I 1111, �, ,�'����7�1,15t""iell'o��,"*tN,,t7,; �, 1112101 I . . CIEW "! 1!%,�,;.1�1 1�4 r';�­r�­iw­,!t�' --,-j, IT"" TO -1.1 T�Qr ?!W _,�,!6ffl , 4;kj,A 1;1�,7�;,Ri' ,�',, " 14 Am - . , IN -1,1- _, . ,._ ,. . �;, i il I - 'wml 1- --11 ;­.�Lt4".:V%. ,� q � , , 'In �!Ni"'.-, : �*,'. , ­ '' 1. . f ." .!; , , 9111. . , "'! - , -- ,,, . . , , 1, " �', , I -�. , , - , " , , N!, , , i ,,,,,��, ,i��, "l, I 2 I" 1. Q, - , - i , .�,y,,!";,','!, , �, �,"..�,",%,",' �!,,�, - __ - r111M1fW1�i_'11 �MAXP v , , � ! , ,z� . ,, � �:,! -.,,v,. , , i � , , I -1" 12 , I , , , � I � ip PiN , R z I " . . I , , , , , , , " " !. . � I .� " i " .,�'. � ... 1 A. .__1_..-.._._-_-_-.. '. ,, ,� -1 ".. I I I . 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Veloptil'i"'i oij ". . .. , , ­ - - ­­ r_`"i '��m, IA�,T­pi,Mps,­. _ . . � .. -, , � . _ � �4'� "s, - --.--. � "�, '. ", " I�Pi;111�liqll I I . , _ , ­ ..., I , - 1".., .. I I ... - , , * - I ,"P ��__ 4 .. qi� . " . !�. � . ,­� I ­ I . ��::�% , "\. �. �� 11 I . ,, ��,,� ­- -4,", . , I _; �� "T", A, ..,'�.11:. I __ � , . , , . "'' , __!� I . . . I t,: 1 7' �. �ir I 7 . f V11- , " N, ". _­,�� C_ ''.. . - . -"- ­ , , `Pk"M - , ­ ..t��7� - . ­__ I . � %. -- - - ., . '' � � �, , 1.4 , I �," .- . 4 1. . . __,___�_ , ,,,�,Vrr�'ft .. . . . � . . 1. . !'�,-.,--�,�:;--.-,�,",--'������ ­� I - I _­­­��, 2.1-F I . I � , . .. . . -.-1 t, � I'll , .11 !V111 '., I �..: . � ��' I I 1� ­ut . �;�11 "��', -INP ,. . I . � "I . . . ! I I . I . . � I—. I _ ­.. , � -1, � � '�. . I- .�` , ... . . � . . i�,� .1 - . . '.. I'll, I . - . - 17 I- 0 .., 11 ;1. 1 ''�.. . .. � ­ _.. , , '.. I . . . -j-., I . . I. ,� , , ...­ - - I � 1 4 9�'... 11 . I I .. . �­, I 1. . I � . I ... ��� �� � ��,, .. . I . . .1 .111, ... �111111 I : ._�111 I ".... . . .. ­ - �' .1 ­ . I j. I I '. ­ � . ... � �'.- 4,1 I "I -1 .." . . . I 1.. . '. . . , , . . , , I. , !. I � . . 11 ir .. 41- . . I . '­­." `.� � ,. - .. ":." I � �, I ..., ... I., ... � ..... .. . . � . I . I- � ..; I I � . � _"M - — . . .. '. . � . _.. . " . ., 4 � � . .. I I , , :111".�r"21'.V �­ � I I - I Al. � �, ­ . I t,1!"1;_'1 11" 1-1, 41-M., " ­ , ­ 1-1 - ... 11-- . ...... .1 .,�'',.>�-V":"".�i.�rl-�.1l'i� . . -.-- ­ . . I � I - . M 6 I - 11 . I .. . . � " , . . . 111�.- "-'%,, - ". - ; . ­ :� . , -1 I I . . ��i�,;; ��­ 11. ­ I- .. .71-11 ". ... __s ­. ....p, ... ." "._._iV_'. � --1-1- .1-1.1- , .. . . . , ' , - . . ­ I . . ". 11-1. _.- 1.11 ,�.�.:���4"-.�--7�"�'�l",�'41"', 'i I t � . � I bomty-skth Year 0 . . , . . .. � I .11 .;,', .� 'I ,,V" . . I ., ,0 S-EANORT-H - - .; . - .0 _- -� , " -...-. 1. ,� mr-1, ­ I 11 - V]hole Number 356� ". * I ,, FRIDAY., APR - - ;4,i -1-93k - - .. . � , . . . I " I IL . , , .": -� , � I I . . i ... . 'I ] . I . . . . A , � __ I I . . 11 I I . .1 . . . ___Q_"*-!_ -W"_* . � .� ... .. I . . . I -_ ,,, rlx,A llv,_;,�11 - - -_ -_ --- . ."....""..".N." I - I . * "mm I ."14.101. I, i — 71? 14 ", I � "..".. 'Y , , I.... . 1. , I.. . . I . . I -.1 . . .1 I—, i. I ,- 11. 1. � 11 I ­ I, 1�1­ 11 . . - . -.111.1 I .. , I.. ­ . I - I ...­ I . . . .... ­ - 11� I . ." . ' - - , .; . ­­.. ­`­ I ' I.I...'­ ,���,f,'�.�'l-",-"-,,.,.""",..",.."�ll- �.-. :_ r , � � . 61 � . . _1 .. " . , '' . . � �, ­ I I I 1.1c �,,,;�.�;;_,� I I . , � . I . " I rAR I � p�' , � . . . . ­ ' , I _ I , " I O.W._ I . -.�;..�.%­ ...", � .,$,. I - 'UTION, urion F dotball L*ea'gue , I CLUB, - ensal - I . H. , V "I , , - ` �,� I I . ­ . ,SEAr Tk� I I IS'" � .. 1 "M I - A I I ' I . I I % . ­_ -1 I .1 � 11. 11 6 . ' *­ .. �11,1.0 ; L. 9. , � �, � I , I., , . I 1. , $- - ­ - [11 . . I - .. IS, ,- , ple-ndA, � uccess., P11, .11--ji, �, '.,� �',__ T-0`�`t STOW, ' I ­ " �' 110, I I ­ 0. in e, eams 1I ,.,. . yflM ,, S ' If, � S I .ay 1", , '. .V, I 11_r .. I . � , , , , 1 � I'', .11 ,4 � , '� I - It .1� ' . . I -1. IM11 Ve E., TO J' - 7, e -T " , ' , I . . I � . __ � 11, � 11 1111111-il �- - , I. * �... 11, Fln TRiBUT -t I -- P- rthD.T1- , OS . . I P 1 40, 1 , 0. __ _,�'­ � " - j�r 4 .11 , . - 0 ' . ­­ 4- .,% , . � ,f "m U d'i .11 ". . , � �� 11'' . , . . I I . -1601- ,',',,` E i.', �Ilq � I V . - --p 0,11e. . , . . It' ..­ 1. U I e BADMINTON.,; ,�j. *To , . - � �-* DOCTOR ROBERTSON .'Ann al M -e -et ni- D'cide' Is!"LAYEDe . Ca. acit , . . . . . .6 . . . . I .— . 1. . . .-� . 9. =11- . .­.� . I " . . � .... y A ... , ... 0 MY 1. ��, . �4_ , ,� I I . 11 � . 1. .11 11�,;f- I * . I . . � . ­­­ . .- _111;f­,di.� . " .. . �".. ,, f� . F; -1. I , �,111 - J-��!!111, ; . � � ), ,, , I . - , . , _,; - . " ,.,;. , . , . .­ . I . . - .., , ,�, "", � :, ­ . . .... -1 ,; I ", . . _11i�,�,`�".",�� , --- 6' , . lir. i . �;,pp I %, z! " ,�'. , ,; " . 461-6b Armn es To'' Attend - .,,�_,� �i� -- � , - g , NAMED 61RECTOR ]Representatives Elect john Locaf Players Win Izkterest-. �N. Baftfisby, Leader ... and r- 0 0 0 0 ,*. 0` , #r4t, ed, �Wlt - ,; 0001,_ " *1 , .. ­ " � 1. " ", I . . . � . . . I., . 11 �,- �� . ��; �� _. �; �� , _. , � � I P "r Chairier' Night - � Of ing Match 13 Ga' ,1�11,] . I Buchanan, Walton, Vresi- . mes I . . I I I . ..".. , s I �, �,;I)! I0 I - I I . . ganizer ,of , Hensall- Citi . .1 . - rippie �, i , r - ""... '.4. I : . ,; . C . �­:�... �1 : I . . .. . ..... ... linton CIV4.". - I I - dept; Win braw up Sche- To 11. ­ . zens' Band,.- fi M ove To - Hock -"Y' , 1'. .-,.% , ­�,�I.,.. ..Q L' _ :_ - .. .111111111 �::5,.i��,���:�;.,.,�;1:1�,�,:.,.,: . ..... � , . e Children's . '. I r . � � I ,ii, . .. .., 11,1111�ii I _1 . I . . ­ P __ . ., . . I :1 .... i:ll %, ,�'�. . I � - . .k,.�:.�.:.-..-�,.....!..."",,�."."..,!,�'.--..','.�,..-"-,::;� � . I -1, . �!i���"""",,�'�,�i�.�."�:iiiiii.--.--i..-i,-,�,�,.,.ii�����,.-,,"".-ii�iii!�'-.-"*..'!'.'-,-'-,!!�::; �. ,,�',,.il, � . . . - . . . . . . . . . Rr .... . . , 'N""'i"i'11111, I . . .. . I . �,�il.."�,�?,�,�,i."�"".,i!.,...,...ili,...,r,.,',�",i..�,§,"..�illi�4�,,,.-',� I , � , � .. ,,. dule May 1. . Exeter,. . . - - Hookby-enthusigsts enjoyed an ' " I . " .. - -i " .."', 'Vli;,,11 -, . PLAY NEARS EN . . . . . 00W game at the Pal ' � A, . . I R C. BOSWELL 6PEAKS �' - D. , " �_�Y�1. I I . ) -gee � ��; � , !:,I , ,.,,.,..I",L,.,.,�..",;,.,%��,,,.,..",7�,��....."��i��,,,i�,.�,� I impro -�� � �� . _.. ., ' ' I I MANY.. LOCAL CAE�B 1� . 1� - _. .... .1 ., - .. ­ ;�', � , . I., 1. r,��,%':�.`!:. - I Mink on Wednesday night, ,. . , , S ., ,,�� . , . .. """ "I'l 1"! ..i!�! ''. I - the L � I . �i.-I"�""..ii"",.�l;".,�?,"�l!!ii�i..,".""*,;,�4'.1'.41",I"i!., A. -W. DICK AGAIN . . � — . 7 �11, I -no, and Libn F_ . I -i��iiiiiiik,:"I;�,:i,�:!:::e,�i�,,�:�..,.:i.-�.:i��!�i?'��"*i..-,���i � 114dinbers of the Listowel Badmin- .. � -1. ; Lion'Neloon Card NEWS- OP I-NTERE$T- ice being still in fair condition. ....... 11 .. 411. ":,!�:�i�i�l.'�.?���;;,.."",�,;:*� ,� The cold weat4er of April has Pardicular interest in the'pligh ��,,; � 41 tesweiq were in charge of the* ' �§i��ii�l�;.:!�i I ELECTED- SEC.-TREAS. ton Club were guests, of the ibcai - - . � :of- I ,�,,��,,` I .. I I ,,- . I ous, ,Club on Mon- � ��.!',�.11`�!,`419. , IN HENSALL kept the ice from melting, mak- Dr. R -.,.(C. 'Robertson, prisqmeir 61R# 111�4-_ . aneeting,of''the Li 11,11, ,k�;,:�!:_�:�:zl I plialyers on Monday evenizig when a S. - ,Ltw . � ;� - . . - . I I 'I, '"' I . . ing possible hockey in ApriL Wbdhesd4y evening. in a 'Nbva ­ ;1 , I ­ ­ !!.-,��.�'ll.ii!!."".'��,"!".'I i, ill",!!�"!!� ,series ­ - 1. %_Q11 day eivioning and Lion Cardn,6 occu- .: ,W- " Of close 'games. were played. . ­�.' " 'Scotia mina,'ffias been bhown in this,-'-"'' 'i 1piod,the cihaiir. , ��:t:!;i��ii�!i: :;�!�l""i�l.'.,"�'.1�,��.�ikeL,...,..,.�.'I��..,,,�����,;�,-,,'�.�:� " John Buichanan, Walton, was� elect- ubs tied 6-6. in -the mixedt dou- 'The nilwitrell ,show, held tin' the J_ I I I � 11 . .1 R, .. . The el I I 0 � 0 0 d4strie, Dr. Robertson, in. � I ..... 11 . ,� _M,4 .. _ ... 1,�, ed president of the Huron Football bles- Listowel won the ladies' doubles' Town Hall on the evenings, of Wed- �, Worth Lions' -Olub, , ,�,.,.� I �."::;::.i;!;;:.�":.., eonlitne- I , R mts were made fbr mem- �:;i�i�:", ":M / � ArranigernlL ... .�i:��i:ji;;,�'!',', I i League at the largell' atteni an- 4-2,'while, 'SeslioRb won tion ;�th the S I :. ,;,� . . bers of the, club to attend the char- �ii.-&�,.i�*,`*,;� �.�!; . y tv Men"S needpw and ;rhurs,day, April 15 and . — has attended -a large aumlb' - ;1W "' ... I., . -a I pir of crig., . . . . .... .... Aw meeting of the recently -formed .. .... 1 j.--I�*Pii!�:.,:.' . . . . niiaa, meeting held .'-I - the Carnegie &ubles 5-1. .1 . 16, -unidew"the auspices. of the" Hen- . . . I ' 4� ' 1� . . . - .....": . . . Library an, Tuesday' evening. F,nllowlng 'the games, a dellightful . . .11, .-]i;,1­ �� 3 I / Clinton Gbib.. on AipTi I -*� . ­ . ..... ::�,i:iii!�::::!Ii��!�!!�!i�.'.'��i�.,,'.,,.,"!��:.*.'�:�,::...!/ . saill Chamber -of ,CVramte, proved a . . .. " .11 ' .�, "d 'children'. ' 11 . I..", 0 ... . ,::.:�i�j�.�.�:�:,.�'711I.:�!�,�I I..",; . Wingoihwm� and Atwood, both new liunch was ;k4rved, by the social q - great sucep,ss, bobb. as to num�bers and . 4 1 The Toront6 Star on Monday said: . ..i:�. r, I .-During. the meeting Mir. James T. ' ' �ii::;: :i,,.. � oini I REV. Ci A. MALCOLM � . .1 , *::�::; !�:- "" - " e leag rere i"',mit a ea I '. Ji'� Scott delighted 'the club with two . :,.�i�!�!�,�,'����!�'�,.!*�,�,�....,....��',, teams to th -up, we �prese(r� - ,e - lot - I Go, I . ght-year-old son, of Mr. . . I _., , . ji( f the 1 club. excellency of program, every seat in Joey Nigh, el .. �,,t. . .1i'llp 6 , - h b VA hold its -an- the sipar-ious hall and gallery a rip and Mrst. Patrick, Nigh 4 splendid w3la .. Hia was, accompanied, �,:.. ,�...,i�.,,,.�;�l�iiii�l�,�'�,��!��,.-����!��i-,�i,�l!�i�',,,��,�i�ii���,,�,.!., ed an1d signed up. The-irpi de- The Seafart Clu 11 �beirrg I I . j tan wam and �111 .. .. i" 0 � . � , , 'r,"k I " . � , , .1 � I..". ",!" iii ....... ..... .. ` ,�,..,`i��.;�i�-�!` , vickid to extend, the league t - include nual (lance .on Friday ewrying of Chis takEn up. The long� and, varied, pro- ­, 11ke other , _`�! by Earl,, V&PEgniond. . !illi�,11'1 �i�,.,.,.,",iii�i...",,.,'i��-,,'."",.,."*�..,..,.,".�,..,, NG' T 0 C. HWHAM. I . Vialy I ­ "... .;-;.:';;K . '. � I 4,1'1"',-:,it.i:i.-;,,,:., Perth CUUnty, but pla ens from Mil- Nieek. A filumber of membeTs, and gram, including sodii duets, dhorus- I ,� i I . The speaker of' the evening was ri. A -M-1 1.11 ... V I . .11 c h. I I 0 re ri, :...­ .., �i�:: !��.';`�, .� - . . 1. � . . I � �; . . -wh ' , I P?. i..'i.."! �. --ij:: ­,,..i,,��i��,.,, verton, Listowel. and -Stratford will friends from 'surrounding clubs are es and dancing delighting the ai �. ! ,thanks to the ". .. . . ;-.: ",I . .. .�� . . �?` � - - 0 �ill.- "", 1.! , .�� I 1dion Boswell, -a chove for has sub- ii� I 1'......... ., .- I li-rezeint., h ...".;... I I '11 I I � 1111.1 . 011 . A Evolutt6n 'of 1 . 111 , I . , ­...... be barred, . exrected to 'be cnce froin start to ftuh. Those tak- Qhatham Minister, Rev. A. I .", skill .and Zen- � I jecre, "rhe Origin an ,::2. ...... ­ . , ... . .. . ; 1i - , 1, - ., -, I ­�,� 'i� , a schedule, but a mie g for this final bburnamemt of the seaso, will ­ .1 '.,'Iz.�, 1: , - -- - , 'Ili o- aittelImpt was, made to draw!,up On Wednesd of n4xt week the part nuirnbered netairly fifty with , "..; ,;..., ", L"' erosity Of,, Dr. -ir - - i;%, -i.-,...�:',.'.�, , e, . ay I I � ,';;!,",i� : :: __., � IN. 11 tN , '.. -�'..­ - 1, I � Morality" and. traced the subject ,fr om :.-.� i ,"..* , .,.;_g;,,;,,ii, � " !ii�. % I I 11 I— .��­ . - �:. �;�!:�3 'Ir 11�14'1, �;;:�,`�t , �;,:_� t . :1, � . ... . - ._�.,h. I . I I I �, W. Shepherd ,Comes .',�,- ��;:`,�'."'.','; .. .. atin n " .. D. E. Robert- I Carl Egyptian to the ,present thill... ! , "'i --:. i; � , 1�,;, I , . ,FlciXI metitib-ii of. the dancing -of hit- .. , "I , - .,*I ..']i ;' .. .e has, been called for May 1. be held, to be fol1lowed by the annual t!le J,oyce Btrode�rlck, -ftv,,e-_Vz-ar-,o.ld aw.,'.a�,, 211 . '.' % I ' , ;, y 1. � - .. :,.;. Tpos . I �'&,,,�,".,.12,,. t"", 41-2 'i 'on, noted To - ,.l .i., .,: ", .-�,��,"t��.�'�"...'�l.,,'�,".�-t,,...."......,.. . . . .., ,,,,'..,�.'� . j . I 11 -1 , : � . ..: . ..., . . 4 .. .' . . " I I . .. Officers were iieleictad as fOlIlows: rneetin . . . "'To, Vgmondville. .,. . t ,q 1111 .. WoUvated bry� the ,precarious 'Poi ..K..: 1yu .- ! 19, daulghter,-of Mr. and -Mrs. Ru,srgell , , ::jr ..,,..., ruLL v surgeon . , tion, of Dr. D. E. Robertslan, Li�-n Dr. EL A. Corbett, Director of Ex- � 1. '.',,,,?"�,,,,,,, , :�. ", � , . . President Johri 1§uchanan, VA9,1ton.; The gameis� on"Monda'y were as - . , .,,�. V. J. Burro*9 paild, a tribute. to the - Brodea5ck. ,,,,., entombed in a, - �-s �- "I'll tension, University of Alberta,. 4cle�pred;lent, A)rt Nithollsiom, .. ,f0l M�. 'Claude Blowes� as -7 '. .,i.. . , . i . L .,�_. I wonderful work that Dr.' Robertson who has been appointed Director M. Sea- - laws: one ;of the en&nien, in Ms. comic A unanimous calll, which has been 11 �. i". ,/ . Nov,i S e o t I a -, . .11 . I .1 .. had d!one'aAd, the ,],,i-n,d$y co-'aperatilon farlth; . selcretary-treasurer, A. W. . Mixed Doubiks Flinging and acting, had t' , I .1 ,mine. . . 1;�. of Adult Education throughout i ' P rVs1POnd to extend-eld to Rem. A� W. Shepherd, of , ,,,� . -Joey, at -two 1. 11 " ; Dick, $vfaforth; registi-ation cqmmift- ' Mrs. D. 'IL Wdl;saon . amild Stan Dor- repeated encoreg while those, giving Victor; a Avenue Church, Chatharn, by , 'years Of aigel; :.:4 ' ii) 1# . ,__ I and gss-�sltquoo that the Seaforth Canada. The position is the .first tells: iSidnley Dolirnhge, George Krau- .. I .,�N,t.?,.�.,�.:,, ., - I . rance delf,61W, Mi. and MrsllHieims- 9olos, and duets and alehiddrig in ch -or- the Fg.jil.-ohd-vill,� Vinited. Churoh, one ­L"'l, ii I ­ .. .. . I I . � . � � _ h " . , Lionsi Club had received in connection --of its kind in Canadi. tei%. J,a!mes lCairlin. war ".. � " �* ad badly de- : ;;, , . .111. itb. his wm,,k and. exprestled his s,1n­ , l . -b�-2 -14. -red' much appdause. ::Mr. of t,he. 0 dest cfhu h in s� ,as ­­­ ": 1 vn t, ,O . uf es recd re * tirict, . "pg. .i��..,� I I . I . I 1'...._��;--,! . .' , i" ...., I I cetre hol . — Mr amid Mirs. -Hanna eliminated Laird Mickla was interlocutow and has been accepted and "it -is peaWd gig ...... i -1--l.. .... 1: 11. IL' _. : formed . I e,g a _J pe, he would survive the ior- � . . L lChiliss - were _rciprv,akuted- as f olillow.j: ex - ! t, :;! and s e,e m -e d , "" ; , . , , 'n- Atwlaoid, ,Gordun Pewh&y;, Walton', keiien McLean and Geo., Hays�--22-13. Miss Florence We-l%,1ha,Won1p&Pi6t And' his pastorate in the Egmbindville .. � .. I .1 deW-. The resotution also carried ' � R, I&IM sAructions to the secretark to . exprest Jlohn Buchanan, St. �C!olumban, Jbe Miss .WWhgh and- Hit-. Thbinpsoii d,e- pianist.'' Thi6 Chaimber of Cummerce chutell will beigin on, July 1. "I RIV. &..� ..e � � .X� U U vall'-d. I -t o I _, ."! - � 4 Iq I., � ' 'I" I. -I.. e sT - Mrs. NEW EDUCATION HEAD 'Mallone; 'Uvhci�ieff, Frank� Harrison; feated- - Miss Peg Grieve Mid Lloyd eire delighted wBtih the success of the P..' '. A,. il....�..;, :: i the , lafe of a ..%.��,, � I.., _jt�b ..... rupathy ,of the club to . .1. I I . � I . . . Shepherd hap token a very.prominent � . :1.1.1 Hierman MaOill who husband has'al- WilvIthricr3, Percy Little- Bruissels, jIggga �%�_�16. . . eivening. The ful-lowing are t1he -place in the community, life .,Q ' . Joey Sigh I 4cripple-Thratwh . . � � I'll . , . . r . . _ ,f � the ­ . I . the agency of � I :: . .." 4 �t - I telady lok,his llif� inthe Mine,,' The, HarrTy Dowler; Kippen, kit Nichol- . Wiv. 3feir and, John McKenzie' de-' ,nanyeis of th,-43e.taking.pwrt as given ,city of Chathain� hav come to ,the cri . 11 .. ISA . . -ee o �, . . . LL:, POW -K HERE' ,Ing? * : I . , , , -4 , . ­ Som. Seaforth, Blev,_. Chrisitle; Wdng4 feated Mimi Kibbler'and Me'Lawson in' thie 1pro,gram and the inaldf . pipled, dhil&en's committ i I . i.. � I I, . rievolutbrit was seconded by. Lilan Cianr i I . I. ,� I � I . ham, Robert J,6rdari,­13�uce�eldl, Jack _�_21_19_ ' . . . I . . ar tin ch,atihahl five years avo, ,and, endear- the L%aforth Lions Club'he attended , ,�i�' I on & Appleyard. � 11 . ­ h. they appeared: , � . I I , whic Opening chor- e&himse,V, not onily to lnezriber,s. 09.1, .1-cNniC-in--M*;'wfte,rr­7�,e-_ . _exam._ . �,'," � . I . *-----7- , 0,1 Alikenlit" . Miss Mary Flett and, 1. H, Wee& us, "Xit the Deck,` "A , F48 .� ­117,4� i I . . . . I . 'Mr. . E. A. Corbett is Ap" . . . . . ndibTs the congregation, ,but to the,commun- ined ;by - Dr. Robeii-jon who � roman. ' . d; . . I I "I I . . � . . . mark &qehte8' Miss TbDOn4lid ,and X�reigh"- "Good News"-, "'Take Me ity, , At the, present time he Is ­presi- i�;iended thatan'loperatiDn -be perforril- '. . -� ... I �,-!,. . I .1 —0 I . ` # " . I ,!, , , , , I �­�, .., � . � , ­­ Mr. John Sproat - - ­" . pointed Director of Mr., Elliiatt-&1-20, -, Back ,to My 'Boots avid Saddle," dent of the.. Chatham Ministerial A -s- ,& The club made arrangements to � .1!;�� . .... � . . . . $t . , - H. Walson,and Ted Taman 48hine"P- 110h. niza,'?` the Endmie)'; sveiat:lon and is a 'member at the send.rthe 'boy to the Hasoitad for Sick_ . I I I . . . &fea�e,d Mass Rynie1r and Mr. Al danci Mss J,oyce B . ".. i� ,% 1 : , . I . Adult Education. . I , ag Euchres , ,: mr's-D rl- song, �14 'i i6dm�T- Public Gener9,1-'H'6,Vlt�a1 Boird. .He .." . ".... .. I , I ­ . Is. ,85 Year's Old � . . I Children,, Torqnito, where the opera- 1� � . .1 ,� . drews�-22-16. �_11 ick-, "A'Barrel of Fun," ,the Endmen; 'has been an enth-tislastic menuber'of ti - med, ' ittrito " 'I . I . . . : 1. ' P1 I . 11 I erfor e� 1. I . . Mrs. BlIckmore', and Mr. Shan6on gditol . . on was p gr usly ... . � I I I I . . of ' idardy," Rev. W. A. the Macaulay,- tlub. -on the Occasion Dr. ..4%�. . . I . ' tha,t Are Well Attended - %es P . Riobierts,Dn, the Limis Club as-. "I . Announcement has been made . I dZefeated Miss I)Grothy. Parke and VQ - 111 -6 ' . . . I I ing', My, Gal Sal," by the chbirus; of .the death bf the late King -Go ,.!,� 1. I .. i .. The nn�ny friends'andLn'eighblors of the subcommittee. of �he Canadian . .. . .. orge surna*rig th,i cost of hoappitalizalhon. - ; ''.. . .. . . Nelson.. Cardno,20-14. "Margie"- "Carrodinia Maori," - "DrUt- be was ,chainnan of �he -ciommittee ' . ' ". . Mr. Johii Sproat in Seafarth MW b- ' 1. �, � e Association for, -Adult E,dtication h6d Tlie�ioperatdbn was it success' and . ", ,, ,, Miss lairige and- Mir. Lavery dofea ing ' '1� . . ire wr - An enjloyable sftlg euchre, was held, t- , * -and Dreaming"- "When, You which sio successfully carried Out t'hl- within a year J-6ey was- as. quack on I � 4, F . I � t, . inte m -ted in the fact tli�t he,- cele- re,conimended B., A. Corbetl,` Di act in,the Legion roibms on Wedinlesday ed TvIliss Mary, Hays and John Crid, Come Home," Lorne'EldeT, "Wahloo," arrangements for the, ,civic .miernorial hisi feet as "any normal child. ; . -N 'brated.,,his 85fh ibirthday on Sunday b -f Uni,vetrsit!yP Extww.ilori for the Uni- . .,!,, . aib the home . of hi . . evening when pTims -were won by -2 � . . . . Claudle, Blowes; ddet, "Shubert's Ser- zervices. . I . t .. .� - " . I . ' ' , . Isis . .. I . .Dr. F. J. Beche,ly, chisirmialb Of the . I __.. � I Ra. s idiulg&er, ,Mrs. 'versity 'of Alberta, be appointed Di- John130attie, 011arles Holmes '.and Mi Dorothy, Diarling'and Ian Me- en-ade " Rev Young and Dr. Sinalle; I . 4 Gliwke, in Detroit, .Mkh., w1hen rector of Adult Educati,n in Can- " . - , .� - Arthur Powell. . . � Tavivsh 4afleated Mhm Garnett ' "Beal Q, I . aind - , of .�t. .Mailys," James Den- Rev.. C. A. ' he hioh- Mpplied children's, committee of -the . I ­ My Xldren arid -andcliiikiren . I . . � , . . . . Malcohn,,-K.A., it * � . . I 1. . L . Detroit gathered. together -in hionlar of , I M a -d choriir - 1 In- ada. � I I ' I , gr I The Athletic Association sponsored Mr'L Zurbtrigg�-=-6. I gough an .- 11VAthout a Song," -,Y -esteemed pistor of. the Egnrond- club, tald The Star thwt since the ' , '-',`,`1 . , 'S . . , `� " . ea�- , PoaZ Mr 4 the event, arid in, thankfulness of ithe Mr. Corbett is well kri,)wn' in � a staig euchre in the town hall an i and. 4 .. Rary,leiiet de- Dr. Snig.le, "Th�',Peai�ut Soog," th-a *ville United Church for the past sev- N*h cue, the' Lione have fia4ldiled,' ��`, I Monday ivenin'g, pHieis L"ping,fg.Fredt fesibed ,Mt%. Weed[inark and Ted Endmen; fiTm'le, "'Marching 'Along en years, has accepted a call tb �MT, vearly 400 cases, a number Of them .:i-.. I ,-,.�. " I , . y years he bar,. been spared, and forth, and, is'. a brotber-in4aw Of MTst. E. willis John. , Beattie and Gordon Southgate 19-18. 1, - her," "Golod-lyye Blues." Inter- Shepherd'a charge .. in . A * ' . A. D_Suitihe,Tland, his wife being Ray I ., To,get Th� in conjunction with" Dr. Robertsion. '7�f,�, L bliessed- with iialad fieWth. ` . , I Chathamil, _V.- � Those 0resieiit,,1b "Ades Mrs e p , Endmen. pelople ''of. Chatham" are to ,be con- "It was because a Dr. Robertsion's I.., 4 , Pa 1ple. - Miss Peig Grieve arid A. Y. Me- lac,ii�pr, . .Laird _:Shc- I I I 4 - v. Spirbat, Diclesion, formerly of e, h . , ' k1l_ I . -S afor . . I ­ : 1� Xr� and, Mrs. Ray Glinske- and fam- The ,vibournmittee, composed of Sir . . � . Lean die.f,eated Miss Hlone amd Mr. Claude Blowels, James PD,eirsion,'Ei igratulated on -slecuring, the -services skill. and his willi to ,give his . ' , . I.i." . fly -were: Mr. Hngh Sproatend fam-. Robert Faacioner, former President of I 0— W. oodcock�-�2-8. I rial Drunirmond, Wm Befl, Toim'Kyle, af such a 9-p'iri-tual,* scholarly man as� servi-ce-s to just suxc�h ncod� ca=,:s as ..:, I , �­ a .. , . . Mrs. Eila&more and Mr. CiDi de- GoorgeHelso ,er, Alf -red Mr. Malealm who has dbnre* an. hn- thls. ,that the, ,child. Is normal to- . 11. ? , I Vy, UT -and Mrs. Shodkeor and .fam- the University of 'Torovto; A. E. Mar- .... 6..W.slter Sp'enr . , . N I ..,P, � - . -ilyr Miro. Helen VAves arid, �arnily, gan4 'Principal of McGill University, News Of W, alton ftaltecL Mi,. S,opthgate ,and Miss D. Clark. !Cho��us,­'W;. -Glen, M. Moir, port-an't unork,both in the church and day," Dr. Bechely stated. . . I., " ",'� � . �.� ,-. ... Parkel--22-13. W. Good1wiln, L. Elder, W. Young, Dr. this c , 11 � ter daughber'and son-in-liaw, Mr. and Mont,real; and Wi. J. Drunliap,' head'--tuf - . I . ornmutity, Mid whose departure "Dr� 'Rebertsoon was a great help il . . Ladies' Doubles ,Sm3fliie, J. Ben-gough, H. M5Ttan, .H. will be egretted. 'r . . . ,; ,.. 4 .. �1 Xrs, Paul Nei&ibor ih��g come University. aof Toronto Extension.. ' " �� Y r to ,the work for crippled children in , I , �;� .. , - � . ,for the 'Mment. A Coutses,"'iiincui neetin . Hui -on County," Gerald .Stew.art, see- . I'll . ho" frofit ,Ohito' .. riced Mr. Corbett would Thd -W A� a g followed with MM. Wilsom and .Mrs. Mear. deifieht- C1315k, J. Flymn; G. .Briaadf,vot, M. -:-6 I ­ . I ,. Mrs. Bi�;;; Presiding. Hymn 11a ed -Mrs. Blaickmore and,Mrs. Hems- Dr " W, , ., viisit -was paid"by Ithe family to -the take up his dutles. immedia�eiy con a was surnig I . J. Id, le, L. McDonald, C. Smillie, " ' .- retary of the club, told The Star. He , �'i..�, , girave,of tb . . . , after which Mirs. Lleonard warth--210-1,N. � . 3,ber, W.' Carlisle, F_ ,Cobk, J. . -'-., . erir son and bVelther, Osr ,voluntary ,basis and on, . recalled that Alice Leith, 11 -year-old - 1, I . , ( . . a full �'!ne Leernfing read the rStripture lesson, Mns. Henna and MJss Walsh ae� B(inthilon, K. Vlanns, R. Paterslo.n. A. Blyt:h girl, was an'other case that 'Dr. - � car,. who died six manths a -go. Later ba�qis on Seloteirribler 1. The Posit'" frlom, Psalm. 96. The� minutes of the feated Wsis P. Grieve'an'd Heleri'Mc- Daviidson, J. FaTquhax. . I Staiffa Home 'is 1�1 i. * tbe faimily ate ebipper tiogether, when is the fi-rst of its kind in, Canada. . I .. ", Robertson had ,operated loh and made :, I . a Leen�22-9. ' . '. . Mr. Sproat received 'many gifts, but � I March ineletAng were read and the ,. . I Band Leader,Leaves. ,,., ' , � -11. When she was first brought to . .,L ! , I . � mleeting closed with Hymn 886. I I Destroyed by Fire -,v, I �LL . . I whalb. pleased ",him ,most apparently Xr. Corbett,* a bive of Truro, . M�sts McDonald and Hiss Garnett Mr. N. Batttsby, who has conduct- ,. . the Li3n-S clinic she had been a crip- I . � .-- 1. . � . 1. I mus the presence iof *,sto. many..b,f his N idwated"at Huntingdon The weekly aneeting of the Y.P.S. diefEatted Miss ,Dorothy Parke and ed a. grocery business here far about I .. pie nearly all her life. 'After a ser- % . I . I . . . . � .1 . I., . Aurnfly -on tMe becoalon. � - I A16emwya! Quelber-, and was Secretarz, Of Duff's Church was -held in ithe M.a,ry Flett-­292-12. 11 �. two years, ,coming ,here from Srtrat- Edward Treffry' and his sister., j,s af operations performed by Dr. . � 1, " I _,_ I I of 8tratheicnia Hall, McGill Univer- sthool (riaom, of, the church onSurilday ,.Ytse R,ymer and Miss Lairge, de- fe,rd with his wife and two sons, Miss jennie treffil, elderly, residents Robertson she -,ipent neaily a year in 1. 1. . I . .... . . . � I .- . sity, for goine, time. He joinod the evening with Blair Shaw presiding. (Continued on Page 4) - Laiinice and Frank, Juts,ileold out hits of Sitaffa, ,had 'a narr6w.ast-ape *from hospilial in TcirontD, -and now . has al- .1 : :�.. l . � University of Aibertg staff in 1521, The meeting to6ered with -a -hymn arid W . buiiness ,here and.we lbelleve"for a deat4 early'Tues-day"' eqr home -O'St re,00vv��'V' � ... 11 .... I . when: th . . I . . .: 1, I . Yon" e I as appointed, Director of the the "'all 'call', afteTwhich the minutes, Is thne intends makling Mi; h e in Exe� was. .destroyed by fire. - . i' "' ­­ " " ' '- - :1 I . I . . Depqrttm-ent of Extension in IM7. of the last Inleeting were Teadby -the ­, ter wher. -his son, Launce, settled 1. 0_ - . I .1 I ; �. 0 - . se'Weyi MaSIS Betty DraZer. so�ne rrioniffis ago. Mr. Battizby and Arai.ised bv t80. crackle of fiames I I 1.� , " " , �­ "' I,, , " . " I . i _. . - I - I , ��"_. .1 eating,up the' partiti.' . � . . I —0 , Margaret Curntming read a story!`,5'�- LEGION. SPONSQR fairaily will,be much missed from the ons of the home, Athletic Assoc. . ....C� ' .. MUed "'The Boly VVho Discovered . . "I I USIC , Ili'. Treffry called ,his sis,iter i I The Young -Pieo'plle's Society of"I . I I I illage, in both church and in i a4 � and they I . . ]Pr6pare Fine Play � . Spring.", The 'Scripture lei was ft . , imade their way. to the street only ­ , . . I * ' '� I F�itst Presbyteri Chuirdh will prq- read by Jean ,McDonald. The topic, societies in ,both of which they took .r .an , Brucefield Church WiH ' s,cantil'Y clad. The fire was thought Plans Dance I . � aent a -play entlitlied; "A Rum, YOT -Her � . . "My Life is IlBs,`�Aras ably taken by V! I BOURQUE SHOW a, vcry deep interest and active part. to have sit ted h4o-m the stove plpes� ` , . I 71 I- , Mir I ____ ;. Xamey," a co7m,ldly in three, acts, on . i be miss- , , .1 , ,,f Mark 60th Anniversary jack Dmgier. -During the offerini, . P�pe�aally will Mr. Battisby le . I 11 . I eid as the iN-ieiry,effkient Ielad,OT .Of ,the The house waq burned ' ., . Thuisiday evening of, next week !n I "The Old Ruggea Gross" was. sung I to the T�e Seaiforth Athletic Associavolon the Sunrdiy sclhooll halL.., Those tak- .1 . by Blaine Sh,ort,r!ered. A tpliendid pa- "Merry Makers of 1936" Citi,ens' Band which he reorganized gtound, together with the contents, will res4M­­'e the 90-ies ,of -dances s �� . - inp- mmrt include: Ona Nidlialls Mary � ­ V- f - . - 14 �_, ful; '117 I., . gml tra-ined. Mr Biattisby was not . . 1.9 7- . I T .0 I I MU I I i I i_ . . I . .. P I ­ Ptiefid Elsie I)Tioi%rer, 'Stewart Ged$es, . 'Druceineiiia union lunurcri. .Will le- Jubilee bratielts Diamlodd . In 19eptem- V I - � . . U .y Young. TMe nive-ting ellosed With a: . � Will Be Presented ' . only a fine leader but a ,man also ,Of "iVhen itl appeared that ther fire w c. proved z,v popu air ast a e q,', first will ,be held -in the Oddfe-110Z f I �� � I I . . ma; �a;et Drover,* Lorne Pimikney, . . her Of this ,year, a meeting held this 'Ann and tV,e benediction. ­­­­ h - - Here May 7, 8. �. �. - I vary firie character and example for would sipread, po the home of F. A. 1. I . (forinerly 'G.,W.V.A,) HaliI here on I "I �111 Makers 1936," Gordon Scott, )Stanley, Nachalls, -and week decided. I . I . . .1. , 11 . . , 40 . . the'boysi and has two sions will be Hambly, so,u,bh -of the Tr9ffry lionle, Friday evpning, May 1. ,, � I . k Cx4oirge Haysi, and the play ,is, under I I . : ,..,. .1 . gpeatly miss�ed also as fine, musicianis the Mitchell fire ibrigade. was 'cMled. -the Roy Breckenridge and his orch,estra I . � I I . the d6rectdion of Miss, -Vera Hudsion. . 'Me young people hiuve been, pira tis- 'Nearly 90 Y,eairs ago a imission ,st ti Ir ,commenced, in the villa'_ gef Honesty Piloves Deelre J. BouTqi4e,'pqpul 'ar,6heati-1- cal Produced, who -go successfully it the banl ag well as taking part in ei-itertainments in ,church and musical . firemen coi ithe fixe-tti. t,b,fl Treffry residence. .. "I featuring all new and latest hits, will , l �., ..... _. , I . Ing .f,OT stoirne, time and a happy epen- I c� avToldv blaespresent church was started - . ,, pvoidiieed "The Jollies" here 'Last Sep- e�-nnts, as did also Mr. Battisby. � . I furnis�h the music. : I I "' I ing try expected. . I I '_ in 1876. . . a . Embarrassing I -- I tember, will be here Friday 'to Church Services 'Rev. W. A. 'Youifig _., . I ,.. � � I I I 1. * - Seaforth Public Library . 11 ... ' . Dr. Alrchie:Hays, Farit Erie dedtist" . . .5SP t - � k night op- en rphearsals"for his new and greatest Revue, "Merry conducted ser- vices in Carmel Presbytiordan Church on, Suridav last igiving interesting and hclpf,pl disepurses ,both rn�orninig and I I � . I and sion of Mr, and Mrs. James Hays, 9 Makers 1936," I I Rec�eives Nev - Boo ks of Egmondville, found an AlmericaR bill oif consdidle-Table derrolmination in A .­ of which -be is present- in, under 41he aus- eve�ing, wfth a good attendance, es - peciEvilly at 'the mlorniing service. In lhe� nornin anithem ,C;.l a,ts .1 .111 I :� .. I . I I . I 1� 11 . .1� ", . I . . -.;�', . , q , I , , � I I � . I in his office ondlak following a pro- I 1. C., . . E. f -V- k, I � i - t� ­ I A' -4-, , � I p � of the S"forth --tvere token by JeT,T,y Derifield and lGelorge SpOton, Cons-ervative.mem- I . . . . . 1'r. I . " I I I .. fessioinal visit by Joseph Timmerman,, pices er of parliarnvnt for Huron Nlo,rth He was px native of Ifuron County, 11 11 . , I I I The following books. haivie receiribly Vv � rder?" 'ReN. . .1: retired Puffalo, bainke'r, according to -branch of the, Cana- Mrs, James. A.' Patersion, and at the b having been biarn in Howick T&wn­ - I ""J.: I been, roceived. !at the Seal'*T�h Public Ji�vendle � 11,fflchael 0,1-Joll,aran,pt daily papersi th'i's week. Timmerman ,dian Legilon. Th'is; 'niew Reryme was a elvening service a -plo was given by from 1928 unitil tih,L6 general eiecti,on -ship 59 yearsi ago .and was educated %, . big hit. 'in Brantford early in the Mrs, Ki,ik Hutton add a duet by Reiv ot lalst year, posed away in W'illg- at Harrist ' . I Uibrimry: . . -Porter- "Keeper bf the Bei Par. disiclalilmled Ownership of t1he money � . I - - .. ' on -High Sch6lol amid, Clinton 1�' . � I � Fktiian—"Thie Challenge of ., *Jhe ter; '4fter PAW,& Daughter," Pior- bulb, f-olilowing nuiniierolus tolle�phone Y`ea-r- . . AV. A. Young and 'Mrs. W. A. McLar. h,dirn, Gc'neral ILspitza In 'MOndaY Modiel. rvchool. Be -fore becoming en- li . . X0114" Wrv,pry; , "The Andient, ter�; .!'A. Daughter iof the Land" Por- call1q, intirriliated. he would donate.vit tor 'Complebe new eiquipment, n!e* cos� en and the niii �airts, of the s,eT- evening. . gaged in onducting business calleges . . ?" . fauyNt solidol. at Wroxeter andi I i I . Nghfty," Clur*b,od- 11SAver Wings," ter� "Laddile," Parter- "Miss "Bill'y" chardty. "That fellow's honesty la a turnes, newscenfeTy, etc., will feature vices as wel-I as t4w discourseis were Mr. Spotban was taken ill aft .his he . I : i, I he show. ninch enjoyed. hame Thursday last and. was moved Arthur.- I � �;"i . n "' ' ode -a the iwest,' Grey; "Dirift Porter; "Mi-;� BiDy's, becisdon 11 Par- nuisiance," be said, allber the dentist -t The cast Is being carefully select- 'At 'St. Paul's Anglican, Church the tio At the time .of hi,% death he ,Was p F�w',,,,'�'Grev-'-'"F,o,rlornAkver," Grey- bw- "Miso ,Billy Married"' Poal-ter. refused to Idilvide, the, money with the hOsPital, eaTly Monday even- -1 'I I , � hirm ,ed and the season's- greatest stage Rector, Rev. Bevefley Faint, prea-ched ing, where /he. un owne'r of the Canada Business Cdl� - � R .� 00appy RfileVs 'Cloiffies- Back "' Kyrie', �.rvvlellling Liibrary�-4"Grain i Race," sPow vdll be presented on May 7ch at both. servicos, with a good piresen, dserwent an iopeTa- loge in Toronbo and the Winghom, .1 � 41 IIHVitier�s' Ohloi*'11 Pedler--' "B'itter. Villkro- "'Libris- Wild and FA.enelly,ll . —0 tion for in�estinal trouble. 1,11 . � and Sth at Qardno's Hall. . (Con biriuq., on Page . . .. Business Gtffilege. Hie was sio-me,years ,��-. ; fleiritage," -[Pediler; '1FiTs'b'f'Yovfh;11 Wells- "'Thd Mijdjern XoivenieAt in . . 4) , I '0 I -1. , . I I .1 . Podler. 11H.brmit iolf 'Par Elid," Pedler; Pailrii�nZ;" Ewo; "The Unexpected t . . I r I ago �cditor and publisibtir lof the Wingm' . �',., I � W , .1 � ------ :.— 0 bani Advance, He was well known j � � I -*""-Baxibati;� Lavier " Pedler. "Red Ash- kehn-iiSitnith- "A Naitk It :,:,.Congratulates I , � throughout the provinc& ais, a public 11, . 9 � i eirrorized � ' 0 ` &% , . . I . es," Peddler- "Kindled Fian;1e,11 Ped- ror; "Th� Science 4 Eating," Me- 411 ''."k and durrilng the last nuimber . �i: �, t., ,..; I ,I ': ': ': ': Oauft- "Wings," tBiard; "ne Wicirld's, g I iAl"p-p'. - 10- "kionsla Standish" fftplper- "It ' On,'Sticklinl' ROSEDALEEnjorFine Play "'.", , '. _� A I - U. �. . '' ,�i;:.,-:.;ii.:.,� spebWr _ .. 4 ' 'Lewis WAlk Exorvayrde,Crisis"- "'Geoirge the Faith- ..'Y4'-" -of ye.prs, was in conistant donmd on .. 1 Clant 11-app;e'n Hidre," . � ""g, ; kf I I , , ,, _ , . ithe Canserva0vie platform in allparts; .z 1. I P-Afty " Stakrerisi- I�M' wild the I -W 11 Gibbs - "Planning You'r Party " . �� 0�� -1.1 . of bhe country. His gonin] mAyawr . .. .1 .�, I . , ., La, , By Clinton Caste ;.y. . I 0601;71.�boldth,, "Tfiettorenvo ]§�izwh 11 Buity, "The� TAknitationis of science 11 'When Mr. kit6hell F. Hepburn an- I . ­­.., I '. � , , .1 I . !w , . 17, and Mo'bolorning voice will, be rnimia-d . ;,; . flb"& I . . �, N'. . I ingtkin-, - $11 DO Him -Go I AYI ftlaliftir-- "7% Sdiendo' ,of 'Life"' 00unced at thebeginning of -the month du,Hng futurto ,eampaignsL -t - Mpty-_ "WdeTni Oom6diVsi " Gkds� Wells- "Maiklitig Our,M%da Behavle,"y that he *&-uld hat it� but 'Wkic" . An e�welle* play, "A lRegitnent of �. ,,� . - p ) _il;li I The late Mit Sp,otfft wift a Mem- " . 7 1 , in Worthy, IV6 'Strange Proposal," *a 9; 11S,weden�,' Rabbery- "The Ro- tvith the leati1eirship I of the Liberal, ALBERTA T"" was cleverly presented by the .. .111'-.1'1'1'1��.,111",!� ... ber ol! -the United � Ciburchi, -,bb . is A. F. I '��kett,ll Ch.asel 11rhe mianceotf the nes ,, Mr. J. . _. ' I Th -11; - -kas ,J& - Memliant, Ship"11 Hawks- party, in sipite of -his ill , .9 � I A.,i;j'P.AJ,, orf it1hei Clin1j)". Angfficah 1 -ow -1 ",;.,� 11 ,ilk, A%tows 0W 1polme 11 Baldwin: "The "lMod&O NMI& Culture," (WaiW,: G. Sitian-Wry, Pres ;1 i,` Ind A. M., having beelh a P.D.D.,G.X. ­ ..*�;.I.', - . . 9 ident of'the Liberal W��� Church, under the diTecti on �,af Mrs. ;�,*,�; 1--,., � �Y­­ � of *Is Wider. He was' akw -a miem- : I I Old,Sioldierri," Niveh- "FlogingPeAll," "Viohaire,ll Miamirols- "Make Ybu; A,Woeilation,a South Huron, sent the . . 1 McGinrlitts and Mrs. MeKannon; in the 14i. .,� . 9`1 $9 I .. � Ill, 16 � " A-311 . ., . I . 9 F .i: 1, ber ,of the 1.0.10.F., the L.0,L,. and �111 ' 4 %wearmlim. Us etkopf Jewels, 7. � . �- p.r1l Nesity M -Spears, OWWUW wire: ra"Nu .111MUL 01 0D. 1110mas k'llnrcn, I . ii :.: . ly . '. � , � ' 6 ' #0 Bove , - "I "Peemier He I � , the Black Knights. For Than- - , � '. penhegrat �440v. ftuln* I � 'Pey," Braddy- "Heroes ,on Wednesday evening of this week. " - ictive in miunizipiaA afll= i ". I the I _� � " Parliament , Worllhftff, lq%rd Iffin-licane 11 , � bff - -af , Ilizattan, Ooto Practical U!Tbh Haron Lib- Mbie following composed this cast:-- '. he was �', I ,,r - 1(, #T ` . COAL 1 1, 1 4 L Winighiam aerving­4% ma"r a,hd ,A"" 1� I , "Mt&Q I . V10 � . I . Heary sib��Sqi, Percy Liv*rmorie, �.: . ii, eouncflllor� and wa� &%D gmblry ih,, .114, -Shin' Bus,' - "Be- I . ,sl1a,ah, " Not9v - inifts al,11 MtoGeliw-Hill, Roui'd6ditift to .. I ; ,., I -1, i ' 4. 'IT , 151 - riafid RhylYeir ftsfg 11 Thloinss4 I � Gordlan Venner, Melbourne'. Ball; �� i il.�!I.%�..i,- "� 0 ing Wi.h,db*& 11 " triL S�4E� . �..,!: �'�,:, . i�17; , , Iterested in ,the ChsmAbgr - - id Cam;, . , , "'I" I'll � lcb!ekla''Pewthei " ..'h� "The Spanitsh glietioh­��'814den,- Dpatgh �! C�rsfts ; IMr. Hepbulz;rk hai� repilted as fol- I .-Qeorge Cyampbell, Nfri. ,C. V, Cook, �i I ­ 1, . -�.-­ - � I � 'i ­ , "', i �� .,::� merM I - . .1 1 �,,,.. " IF aill,� "Clhbo. if Tomg. 6we Miss Andrew, Nurdotok, gii�e. Marg- ., 1..'�... I � " o Main wrift - , "Thal Viaarw , DAtlghftr" I - "l tan aliMTO YOU I very muth ;i., ,­111.,�'. 1`j I i , " � ' - ,. qp,&ed*te thb. *A" . Wonder'MIRiel for 1. ... �., . Sufvivrkng besidies ,his *Id,dw. ,foft,, ­. " ��'. " . 'n , ­"�I' I dPY ,ftbib," 8 . ,"Vailkland's 'Choffice 11 Trent- 11WM,6 UUu1nugmg reft)Wks ' 4'. . aret Middlioboni,, Wiss Ethel Oook. .. "A ayeTis" . I '. �'. erly 04therinie. Tay&yef -,of VV§99'h,A* I I ., 1P. 0 fiv,�*, 4.'Th6 lfland�,, M10 -,' 11 is il dat - Fi C� ' ,�_. J Hari4li 1 194M48 Catitiot- .- , O,%ftd," - Weeikies- cOdWzwd In VOW tol4ism (and' *igh I I 7A6. F. Mutch, Ifighland pilper, de- - ,01 �11 I 41i4ftd ,. . ighter, ,Glenn&, Mrs,, _ "I 4" , , .. I I . 'Reafte " wwollo-du; I'M exr- ADald, Bbdes of bo-bo0aVy- UtMow=' Y611--ft'ald e*16ndlo tbe 'Souffi Bar- lightied .the audienee, wiMh sieleetiions� Rittm of ­fti'mi . . � I.: . """, � ,� , 9 , . I '00, ,�,,,�". I . on Lih.Wrbis� t6 " ` Spring Weitther, , ", . yl� "'Siag-, x sincerest tbavk I 1, fig � I 161t. I �.4, 1, - , I 0 1 , I , " . ft , before and beltiween the acts. He The f uft#ri whid,h, im I . ,w W :r -Soh� '106, Board ,the Dimttid , 11 . SP lot - I— I . L � L 4y,�,:, 1960A 41; Ritid.-40-4 fig" fteur 1VIbk*.A1%o de ��' ClThie ft -ft , %,d With kina pi was IM,ea"wied on the ftum by I ... - I''? I T,��., , � " - � I - # '.� *ga held 114OW as `99. t;�14 �., " ,-�%.,,",��,��,,,I, . , V , Whi sffteftly vzurs, C T]r% Iftt Bobby Molftun whiom Verform- tfteaday, virith I 'Juf��':11..- , 11 . A'.Any AIM, � "' ' i 1. � I I " ',j,: - " , - 'VIV, 'y"bd %--*--,:,,A46 T, . a ,, �e 'thle � uhb,?, s4hatini ., `� . -1 �V li.% , . , , '. �,, . , tord I& . # 116 "A; 0 L I � , V , , - 1� t 1 606 *0'i�,-qtj0,W#)­ . ,) I . � � .1.1 N. CLtJJ'LV Jr & SONS 'atiba' W" 4 WA061 'W1ftT10,Jn'eVh�0te'r'.V.`, - , "A., Al':,.�'i , � , , . 1. L' K�"�Aw, 60,P44% �A . X . . . '.. ,6 0 � � I .11 � .1. - . I I I .. L . I � I . . .. . . . I - �, t, . I . � 1" I . I I I I 11� , , 1: I ".11 I � �_ . l '1� I I I . I . I � I �,,,i. , . � ., .1 I . . I 1- I I I I I r ". .;, . . �1, . � " ;�, .1 "'. I I - � � � I , -1 ­ ­ . h',� ,,�, �� .,. . , _1 ,, , T " , , � , , , 1 , ��;.,14,. .-;­,­.­, . " - '� , � , , � I , . . - I - . ", , 1.1,11 1. I ,, 1, .. , A ! , '. , I � ,, ,f .1 , �t`%,`, -h, - it -.1 ! 11 :, '�t, .1 '4, , , , � '. , -; , ,,, k,4,4. M, , *, -, N.,�, ­ , , , , ,,, " , I.i �"ig ""I';�,60MM2,11,�,," , , , I , �m . � ik�iggwam ­ ... I , � � , .1 ,�! a , . ... , ,�, ,�ia , , f." - ': . , ,, . ­_ I I" , i g 1 , � "'m " ti"".0""m , I 1W, "j, �,, ,7, . ii&i � I - - IV ", "I *10 � i� I i, )) W 610_11�.'11111'11 A iiizi im &-i I . . . . . . . .