HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-04-17, Page 6;n
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ii, Ir!t f �t�l r1!l
a: rasAwiRwmgmprrelp.
arum Io f,,. ,* i t. i,Q.OQ 'has Oven placed Ila
thee ates, which lis the net
steed tit the t€ is is expected to yield
:after, vehniblllr$i.'n{g the Department of
National Reikrenulea for 'the expense of
�m+lteet lig, 43.141: atter 'run=
ichiallt',ies 'tine amount to whidh they
will -,be found entitled.- Necessity for
intn'odltuetiorn{, of the provincial mean i'e
tax was idealt with succinctly • by
-Petimier Inept . in his budget ad-
dress in the Legislature 'March 12.
"There its a limit," he ,said, ---"to
which any government may, go ea
support the economic structure of the
state. That limit is reached 'when
deficit after deficit is ploughed' back
and e.d'ded to the public debt .
eeturn Serves for Both
minion and Provin-
cial Tax.
Om ha'rio's income + tax returns are
dine on April 30, and machinery for
levying. and collecting the tax for
t'he province is already functio'nin'g,
it was „ learned as Queen's Peek to -
da" The tax is featured by the ut-
niiat s+irtnpllicity, and the Government
anticipates the fullest co-operation on
the part • of • the public in the new
I'n 'a, Ilu'tshall, the provincial ttmeas-
us'er's department explains the opera=
ti,en • of .tate tea* thny's: "If • Yalu are
,IJjiii'ble for Domini:kn income .tax, yoti
are llkialbje for provincial •income tax
Pall—it+u eurly-Ve a 'fox '. Make. oat
• 'n1y. +one eheque.. Having filled out
the form, take it or send it to, the
federal incoin?e tax office in your dis-
trict. If you have filed ytvu" Do 'in-
toe tax form already, completely fill-
ed. out, .:another will not be neces-
The. form referred to is T1-1935---
ur T1.A-1935 in case of fare ers-and
is the e'onvbined foam presceihed and
at.t'h•orized .by the Minister of Na-
tional Revenge, Ottawa, and by the
Teeasurer of Ontario. It may be
obtained at 'branch offices of the fed-
eral income„- tax depa'i=tment;. from
postmasters, or from provincial sav-
ings bank 'br''anches.
Municipal incoriiie tax, in cities
where such was levied last .year, is
superseded by the 'provtincial tax arid
no • municipal returns Lvill be requir-
!Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn, prime
minister and Provip'cval Treasurer,
has awth'orized adv,erti5ements in the
pres's-of(Ontario to. provide taxpayers
with infosniat,ign on how to make the,
necessary returee and remit tax pays"
What Tax Will Yield
As to the a 'mount the Govern{rta'ent
expects to obtain from the tax, the
The policy of, this government is to
pay as we go. It is better 'to im-
pose a tax that confo.r-m's, 'to the
sound •principle that there must be
equality of sacrifice; a tax that bears
inilparbitirlly on alq classeis in propor-
tion to their capacity _to support the
cost of ''gov'ern'ment, •a -tax that has
been accepted.•..in: enincipile by every
democratic country in the world
wherever the best standards of so-
cial justice are recognized."
In the inter o ratu'enang the
alvgest nest 'amount bo . dhe ,pu 1 e ex-
ie,guien';. 'it was arranuged tQ Ihaivle the
income tax collected by the Ilnomainiiit -
I '
.. a --btu ilia
•ate saav�di ll p
atremendous orgsw i'v'at1'an, and took
advantage Of pttanva Impatience hi'
tup 'i''»
( andbuilding! � e
•s+ifti'Iul, taut, rolls to tl
cordis •for newly fit) „ye ar:a,
Not 'alta i as t i:nt• ac tttalaa'h 'feature of
tiho new tax 115 stat '4' tea •overtly
spr'ea'd, P evitaut'ly the nittjucity of
munkipatlitiei dial .nett •1evv um mceme
tax although t'e t.red by statists to
do se 'Phis i�.v.,Rtlted in an tnequ;it-
tilele diutribution rxf the taut ...burden
in,trte:Anily, to a nuag't•atioiu of
tax -venders to, leceiities where the
'ta.x Wan 1101 ,1latpa.\e'il,
Share II'Or Municipalities
It is understood that the province
,this year will remit. to those marl -
Polities which fon ulerly oulleoted the
inconve tax an amount based on last
year's levy by such municipalities.
Later, all municipali'ti'd•>ct may •partici-
p.tte, the amount in each caste beim;,
basted on the amount collected by
the province from• stteh municipality.
The machinery -set tap for the col -
I t'
If you are subject to the Dominion Income Tax,
you are also subject to the Ontario Income -Tax.
You are required to fill out ONE FORM ONLY—
NLY—T1-1935 This form combines both your Ontario
and Dominion Income Tax Retu'rns.
. . T•
iairst Fxs¢1ent S•-•--'-' ... ....
• Daa
by .. '
• farmers and ranchers.
s other than �*�1P
For use of individual ust have sufficient pia a
PA communications .:.............
�d�by.,....-.. AND PROVINCE DF
4gonat:............. 1935
. _ l�•tl �� ENDED 31st DECEMBER, o copies m'1st be delivered O1' s X36.
FOR. T the taxpa3f on ®r before doth AP
Iso of nav°°a
RETURN is to be retained by 0'.
. .;; .li , e. One copy --; �:- 51s+1'0$ONfO C�. .
Code income sad lar' States .. _.
°tarso Income -
You should obtain three copies of this form from . 'one of the
following'; sources:
1. Any office of "The Inspector of Dominion 'Income Tax". These offices
are located. at Ottawa, Belleville, Kingston, Toronto,Hamilton, London
and Fort William.
2. Any Post Office.
3. Any Province of Ontario Savings Office
On or before April 30th, you must file
two copies of this form TI -1935, (or form
T1A-1935, if you are a farmer or rancher)
at the „nearest office of "The Inspector of
Dominion Income Tax". The third copy
should. be retained for your own -reference.
In making this combined return of Ontario
and Dominion Income Taxes, attach a
certified cheque or money order,. .payable to
the Receiver General of Canada, for 't
"9 4..... t.c7, 1..
least one quarter of the total tax payable.
Because the Ontario and Dominion Income
Taxes are combined, there is only one
form—only one cheque or money order
required. This arrangement greatly
simplifies your returns and your payments.
Form T1-1935 is )3-1f- The:
exemptions and deductio_.s. are the same
for the Ontario Income Tax as for the
• Dominion' Income Tax.
Your taxable income is also the sapxe, with
two exceptions: (l)'you deduct the amount of
,your Dominion Income Tax. (2) You add
,all income received from Dominion of
Canada Bonds.
The main purpose of the Ontario Income
Talc is to enable your Government to adopt
a "Pay-as-you-go". policy. By helping the
'Province, you help yourself.
ai. lS+
Nu ..
LL 4 '
Soh Y ? v
I 1,
„ T �1'f 1 i', I
menu, ,�,'�✓NGj
; f�fRERS ...
it ,pa'i
4 'O 111 4 i wINK .E1
leen8 ww'
; ; with these delicious puddings:
Just add a few minutes--
one package makes 2 pints, Fright
flavors. Economical. Stock a con-
-venlent variety) ,,Your grocer sells
these Menu Makers or can get them
tor you immediately.
.,i MCLAREN'S 9revirseiULu
lection of the income taX this peat
win be a trouble -saver• for • the tax-
p•1►yce. As usual, the return is Ito be
fa( triplicate, one oopyu-to be retained,
and two copies to be stent to the Do-
minion authorities,i A small section
of the -return is devoted specially to
the calculation of the :provincial tax
due. The form masses everything
very e1eaiti
The taxpayer must estimate . -the
amount of tax payable. .The taxes)
the April 30 may be paid in faun.
equal instalments, due dates being
the ilalslt day of .Apr'il•, June., August
and Oeteber, In case of instalment
payment, the 'taxpayer is asked: to
direct the •plroper apportionment,
'otherwise the Whole of an instalment
would be applied to the Dominion tax.
The exemptions in generals -are ex-
actly the same ars for federal pur-
pose's. With certain exceptions, an
unmarried tpetrson is exempt to the
arnoun't of , $1,000(,' a married person
to the extent of $2,000. Eifemption
is $400 for each dependent child, 'and
there are other exemptions covering
the exact am'ounta' paid for the 'sup-
port of various other dependents.
Seen In County Papers
(Continued from Page 2)
Farewell For Sailors
•A farewell party for the sailors
who were to leave for their ..'ships
this week • was held at the ..MIrine
'club 'en Friday last Euchre was
played, 20 table's 'being occupied. The
prizes •wers won by Mrs. 'Dawe Sproule
ar.d Mr. Noble Young;'- and constola-
tion 'awards were presented to Mrs.
A. Colborne and Mr. Roses Dancing
was enjoyed after a hearty luncheon
served by Stewart Bonny, and vocal
solos wore sung 'by Miss Margaret
Young and Mrs. Meanie •Sutcliffe•, The
sincere thanks of the club 'members
are extended to these who helpAd tlo
make the evening a success, and par-
ticularly to Mrs. J.. Black and Mrs.
WIalkier, whn donated' the 'prizes.
Goderich S'i•gnai •
• Champion Marksman •
At 'the conklulshlon of the three-
month D.O R.A, shoot at the Colleg-
iate, Joe !O'Brien, who distinguished
hi'misiellf last fall by winning the local
and county senior athletic champion -
:ships, was high man. Joe tallied an
avlera,ge of 90 per cent. in the three
tehro'otle, an' iTanuary, 'February' and
Marc+hi-IGoderieh Signal. • .
Death of G. A. MacLennan
By the death of George A. Mac-
Lennan, local merchant, on Wednes-
day of. thi's week, Clinton loses one
of its most outstanding- citizens. Al-
though unable to take his place with '
his,usual alertness for a few months,'
i was thought he .would goon again
be in •good health, but instead the!
end came (soddenly:'Hi's death remtov- I
ed from the busines district the Wast'
of 'the family 'which has served the
community for more than sixt years'.
At are early age George was left with
his mother and. sisters to carry on
the !business of his father, the late
Robert MacLennan~ 'and since the re-
moved of thesisters. to Toronto the
business/has been successfully car-
ried on under his ownership —Cin-
ton News -Record.
Cheese in the Menu
At this season of the yeely busy
house'wi'veis are checking over their
recipes for meat substitutes.. The
primary purpose of any food •wihiith
is to be used as an alternative of
meat is to supply the necessary pro-
tein for the meal. `Cheese dishes ad-
equately meet thi's relgluiremen'b. In
salads, as dessert, cheese may be in-
corporated iii' into the meal, but its
chief use in the making of de'lic-•
i'ous and attractive main 'course dish-
es, afew of•Which are siuggester here
by the IMillk Utilization Service, Do-
minion Departinefjt of Agriculture.
Cheese Souffle
11/a cups milk
'/.s carp granulated tapioca
1 teaspoon salt
11/2 cups ,grated 'cheeses
i/2 teaspoon mufstaa'd
4 eggs.
Heat milk ..ern' dbu(ble boiler, • Add
tapioca) and 'salt, and cook until clear,.
stirring di'cccastiomally. • Add cheese
and mustard and stir until blended.
Remove: from fire. Beat in 'egg yolks,
one at a time. Fold in stiffly 'beaten
egg 'whites. Pour into buttered -bak-
ing dish three-quarters full. Bake in
moderate oven (350 to 31451 degrees
F.) until 'firm and lightly 'brolwned
abouit 40 mi.nubes, Serve hot.
Vegetables au Gratin
Butter a 'calslsle(ro1'e' acid line meth
ci&oiked sspinaash, •- Add a parer ref .cook-
ed rice, then, a layer sof string beans
or pests, and cover with Sakes of
'tom'ato ar anion, PO= a ge'riero'as
,amloniut of (thin cheese saukie avert'
'vegetables, 'and ibake dn a mtodrerate
b'ven abouih 20 Minutes, To make
cheese sauce use: :_...._
$ taibleSpbons butter,
2 •'LaibQet:Pens llour •
Ito�'. 'oitti grated 'cheese'
(Salt and ,palipeir
Pinch of m'ws'bard •-'-.
11/2 ewpla' mri'llC.
Melt lbutbelr, •.Mend in dlortr inlet ad
'Milk • gradually. s. Sir until -iniat'tti+re
thickens. rotittd ne'asontinlgs sold grist:
ed elteente.ro, Beat vt+ ll, -
Zaoniato and Cheese Rarebit
3--talbleOrpb'oatdr ibtiilafr r
t aibi t weThs g,
fiU. dSit. , f „,pp 1 '�
t t
.�t4.rrkt�.,e4+.�iA'n '
2 ta(blespio'ons c'hopped onion
2 cusps grated cheese
2' cups canned tomatoes
1 teaspoon W'or'oestis'h'ire sauce
Dash of ca.yennie, salt and pepper -
Cook cih'opped onion slowly in the_
butter. Stir in flour. Grkd eliy add
tomatoes and sleasoninugs, and (cook
until mixture thi'cken's. Add granted
c.h•eelse. When cheese is melted serve
on toast or crackers. Itf desired, the
tomatoes may be strained or 11/2 gips
tomato juice may be used(.
Celery and Cheese "Casserole
3 tablespoons 'butter '
3 tablespoons flour
11/2. cups Milk
SaPt and pepper
1 cup grated cheese
1• tablespoon grated onion
1 cusp cooked spaghetti
2 cups diced 'celery
' % cusp buttered crumbs.
,Melt (butter, (blend in flour and add
mill!lt gradually, Stirring constantly.
Oook until thick. Add salt, pepper
and•" -grated cheese. eat until cheese
is mte'ltels. C'om'bine.'s'paghetti, celery
onion with sauce.. P'l'ace in buttered
cas's'erole, and cover with crumbs.
Bake in a moderately het oven (3x15
degrees F.) until erumtbs are brown-
ed—about 20 'minutes.
• Bran.. Biscuits
% cup all -bran
' cttp• 'blutt'er . milk
1% cup 'fl'our
1 tle'aspl:en baking powder
i te'as'poon soda
1 t'2'as'poon.. salt '
1-3 cusp ph•ortemking.
'Soak bran in butter milk. ISifb
flour, .'baking powder, soda and Balt
toga'thr'r. Cult in shortening until
mixture is like c.oises'e cornmeal. 'Add
soaked 'bran; s'ti'r umtil dough follrowts
•for..kaaoun'd bowl. Turn onto floured
board; knead •light'lly a few seeomds;
roll or pat to one-half inch thickness
and cut with floured cutter )3ake oat
lightly greased pan • in hot even (450
cl'?g'• F.) about 12' minutes, Yield: 12
biscuits, 2% inches in :diameter.
• Note: Sweet Milk IRielcipe — If
sweet milk is used instead of butter -
omit s'od'a and increase baking
powder to. three • teas'p'oons.
Ancient Frieze
Shows. Milking
'Among' the many unteresibing relies
which have been unearthed during
the excavation's of Ur of the Chaido
the 'birthplac'e of Abraham, is a Naos-
i'a•c frieze showing a 'Procession ' of
doiws. On one side of a 'reed -built
tbyxe, • from the d'oo'r of which two
coignes 'are seen issuing, mien seated
bn low' stool's are milking cowls. The
men sit under the cow^s tail, (milking •
the animal from ibehin'd, The Calves,'
'duly muzzled are roped.,,.'to the oow'a
headeltiall so as to encourage her to
give milk. • On the other slide of the
byre, two men, clean shaven and
Wearing fle'e'ce petticoats, the official
dress of priests, are palming ktni'lk
through' a strainer -into a vessel set
on the ground, while two others are
collecting the strained liquid into
great stone jars. This (frieze is said
by (ehcperts to represent ' a scene alt a
farm (attached to 'a temple, a farm
da)in g jr raon t 1311(, )BI.(C(. employing
dairy methods rwhich Might have been
employed with priefit in the antenv'en-
in'g centuries.
Another find of interest to stud
of agriculture was a small statue re-
presenting 'the Goddess Bane seated
on a throne supported by geese. Bau
was the patroness of the ,ponlltrry
farm, and her figure,' square and thick
set, in a flounced and pleated dress'
reaching to the ankles, 'has an ap-
propriately domestic look.
Canada is the 'leading barley ex-
porting 'country in the British Em-
pire and Roumania the chief export-
er' in foreign , cauntnies. The explores. .
from both countries, in the world
trade have declined in recent years,
Argentina being the only one coun-
try shoeing, con'si'stent increased ex-
ports during the 'period under re-
view (1931-34).
NOW is the time to repair ygtir
buildingqss whlteh have been too•
avoidably neglected during tiering
-arra adWinkel tbeoyf r�icce of
Steel' piieh up the price of-Yoofing
Eastern Stool Products offers two
`reat values in Metal Roofing 1 Rin -
Role and Tito Lap 1 Each has mains -
toe features guaranteeing weather -
Kariml Easy a liaatien.
dQnot; -W4 t, r crack,
Earns etchiileo. �;S eo *RAToreiP. st
�bnilt • tit' ni nuff gcdirer
QttOt'moi Ja Ss odhrot y boom/M otogialted.
ChM Swat ;s Prelim Cit.
Pitctosrlap rite at Toront?dt ttiid'Mo itxert.
hlf �„n�;iil