HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-04-17, Page 54 t A 4 07' ogr TWO, rHEGRJrRVENTA7 A.New ills 241. Nritoicales • ...flak)* Bepaiii7 . Wiley Pea •-0AIR -11,4,1vMS"• Monday, Tueday,Wlediiesday "—" OARY4eXANAnd Kathekillejlephuro in "SYLVIA SCARLETT' Hepburn Excels in this Dual Role Cartoon Next Thursday, Friday,-SaturdaY "MUSS 'EM UP" Annual District (Centinued from Page 1) are 'listed in Order cif ,merite, 'Sr. 11,r Matt Coyne:, Jr. I1 -1a, McIver, Veronika O'Connor, Billy Morrie, Rita iCoyne, 'Carl Feeney, Peter Jordon. Sr. ,Illt-Toirn Morris, Prank 01'1Cianinoe, Cecelia Givlin, • Lorne •Feeney. Jr. III -Angela O'Reilly and Rose '1VfeIver (even), Harry O'Connor. Feeney, Tom Jordon. I Claaste-LA:ng- iela Morris, Jack O'Reilly, ,Annie Eck- ert, Martin Feeney, Jimmie Feeney. Primer -Mary Feeney end Geraldine Eckert (eiven)., Victor Feeney. -B. M. O'Connor, Teacher. No. 3, Stanley • The listed pupils have obtained! he required standing, in their Easter ex- ianlinations: Sr. V -Mary Marks, Mer, Golden Heard. Sr. P011eck. Jr. IV - I.41olyd ore iMcOlinchee. Sr. IIIrm McClinchey, Ea Mc - Anna Scot 1V -Hugh Heard, El Clinchey. Sr. II-Tiaris 'Clarke, Geo. "Heard, •Minnie Penhale.-C. 4. Trott, "TeaCher. . • Walton School 'PoPlls were examined in all isub- jects; figurreinfdicate percentage:- 1111th Classi-Ci Colitte Barry Marshall 72, .Mildred •Seller 70, Gar- -net Cuanimings 63 (Algebra). Sr. iv. paters," !Ersi. Geo.i0arter;---cPThe Bible • --Bob Smallidern. 76', Frank 'MershelAfrica," Mrs. R. Rogerson; "Bisliop l: 11, Margaret Murray 71, Ross. Ben- Fer-gueon," Mrs. Coutts; "Dir. Agret- 'nett 70, Ray Staddert 65. Sr. tti," Mrn.'C, Riley; "Pr.opliell Hariss," Jean Farquihers'on 72, 'Ruth Cum- mings 72, Betty Smalldon 71., Reseda Burns' 69 (Arith), Alice Stead -wit 68 (Aritli.). Viola, Marks 63, Carl, COutts 62 (Spell.): 'Leslie • Ruthedge 62: Jr. Staddart 69, Ronald Mur- ray 57 (SpelL)..• ,Clatsi3 Mary McDonald 84, Clayton Sellers 74, 'Lawrence Marks 71, Ronald Bennett 70, Ilerb. Steddart 69, John Stess 52. Clase-Nelebn Marks 72, Marion Steles mar -Elva $hdid)!ce, 'Lucille Burns. Kenneth McDenald, Pat Burns, 'Pauline Stodliatit, Jim Oulinliniegs.Chaa, S.' Sellers, Teach- . Or, • • I , No. 4, McKillop ' Restilts ,exaniiikMons for the past term: IN11.---JFrank Casson .469%. Jr. IV.--Jarnzis, Naish. 74%, Lois. , Henderson 58%. Sr.. III (A)L-aVLaine -Lawrence 63%. Sr. III (B) John Ilen,denson 70%, Beth 'Campbell 68%. Promoted to Setiond Hen- derson 715%. Least Tniztakes in spell- ing for ten -ill -Bill Hendersion. - M. -Wheatley', Teacher. 14, ki 'Ayiy• 0 440, 0xlets b 1,4yo Itrap. :74vozoio _ _klioto,-4444; A.,g0tor 7.3 tatY10415:Yagi1_ 40911 '444 bnb#3 Vol*. atecogea404 )1Y 040.4)eattea&L .10tel* Inetoong eang a solo acOomIr= laq Rattle ..410.0080rok 1116''°04.11 404 -44,0ngn.',.ftbe, 014,11 :f,41.0042 Ilher #0,40110 hyMn. .11* - nalt *At* * tocceo0 OA whieh°` was off sPetoet ibitakleratr*- 111"44,4:r. eattllikort44147chigka$ bug of their Wanes. -The :Exr V0verts are Wilding bird hrnstesat luor'q-glealt WI** they hepe Sew ih! the .They hope ta raise the lieceSaary fangToilp.dsto,rfiCaerrYraeeti' negineeamle h an 4thuitlaw to a cloW. ve with a fe,,ratM& eey ee- toi Tlte•••: mWie‘doieeea • Withthe .Mizpub 1404 was served, Mr.• and Me. Ts* •Imephenini and ra •tal, Billy,. spent ifthe-wee.)Prend .with 1144.iTh M, Justin Aiinclair in Brig:: den. Mrs. WiUm Britten aeogni- • Perak' to,-Warwieth en4 sheat the week -end ThMh-telatives. •Billie-.XleRarl,- of near 'Pliiiiget is visiting hie aunt and node, Mr. and .airs. W. Mrs, B. .Snell spent .weekend WeeicesralC" and .'hefildaY visitors in Torontowith friends.. • were: Wise 'Anna 'IMnalneelx, Rat - Mr. and aVirs. 41/Int., 'IWebrillan and cherier; -Dorothy Melyneaux, Ayton; daugh*, . - Mar4on f London, spent Jack IVIolYineauoe London, with Mr, Suralay with her mother, .Mrs. Henry and 'Mrs. T. J. ilWalyneaux;''• "Arthur Mayller.LoOloy,• Windsior; Joseph and Clayton, Londesbaro linked Church heid an •Looloy, 'Detroit, with Mit. and Mrs. L. Easter service on Good Friday even- J. Lociby; Mr, and IMrS. Jas. Hanky.ing, ing, •inviting Burns and Constance- and little son, Toronto, with Mr, and' Congregations. Mrs. W. J. Hanley; Mrs. 41. Hunter, •4The Corstance young ladies put on Toronto, with Mrs: E. Beate; • Was thelseconidl'idrauta, "The Challenge of Rose McConavellfl, .Delkolit, with Mr. ,the Cross"' lby request.-..- Miss Helen and. Mrs. D. 1VICConnell; Ralph Dill,. Britton gave a pwatIourdnie, "1 Think Stratford, and Kenneth Dill, Totonto, When I Read That Sweet Story of with. Mai. and tMrs. P. Dill; Edwin and Old," and was .13.1opoirnipartied by. NB's. Frank Stapleton, Toronto, 14.te. StaP- George Addison. eton, '100404 wir& Mr. and Mrs. The .giaster. ineeting iof the W. A. William -Stapleton; -IMies (Gertrude 'and W. 'Mi was held in the church Stapleton Totroutio, with Mr -S. K. - basement on Thursdiay, April 9th, with Stapk1tIon; Miss • Florence ISmith, Mrst P. Lindsay in the chaiir. Mrs: Hagersvillle; MTS. J.. ,Hateman, Ham - it. Rogerson Ted in :prayer. The Min- $lbon, with 'Mr. and Nis. Frank utes were'read and..adopted and Miss Smith; 'Donald 'Benninger, Toronto, Phyllis Medd tbok the chair for with Mr. and Mrs. J, Benninger;. Group No. 4. Mrs.. :WM. Carter led Mr., and iMrs..-.Lenard !Smith with Mrs. in prayer and Mrs. MelCampbelleE. ReachL , gave an .Easter reading. The ;Scrip tore lesson. was read .hy Mrs. Wm. Canter on the 'Epistle of Paul to Philemfon. !Miss H. Britton and Mrs Peter 'Lindsey sang .a duet . aCcOm- panted by •Ella, •Deter. 'Wise Phyllis !Medd read a chapter titan the study book, "Life of David Livingstone," 'Miss H. Britton; "Dir. Fraser and the DUBLIN CONSTANCE The -Constance Live Wire Claes held their regular Meeting on April .9th -with William Jerwitt . presiding. A thyrim Was sung end the theft -Prayer-repeated in union. The min- -sites were read and adopted and busi- FARMERS' INSURANCE THE WAWANESA MUTUAL Canada's Largest Farmers' Mutual OUR WIN RATES ARE THE LOWEST IN ONTARIO Farm Outbuildings, 40 cents per $100 Farm Dwellings, 20 cents per $100 3 -Year Policy -No Premium Note. ,Get a Summer Automobile Policy, '7'/ months, for a Five Dollar Bill. Make enquiries right away. M:es Ella 'Dexter; "Liberality Of the Africans," Mrs. R. Lawson. The read- ing., ."Christ. is Bliaere" was. • given. by Mts. O. Dale, andthe meeting closed With the IMiepah Benediction. J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336 : SEAFORTH TIIE NIcKILLORMUTIJAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. BEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. • - - OFFICERS: Mex. Broadfoot, 3 Seaforth - Pres. Jlao. E. Pepper, Brumfield - Vice -Pres. 31/3eaton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. ,AGENTS: Pinky MoKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Bruciefteld; E. R. Jarrnouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Myth; C. P. Hewitt, Kincardine; W. J. Yeo, God's - rich. DIRECTORS; William Knox,- Londeshoro; orge Lambert, Beodliagen ; Jan Con- oUr, Alex. Broadtfoot, R. B. 3, Seaforth; Alexander Ma/wing, R4 Rh 1, Myth; John Pepper, Brum- field; James Sholdice, Walton; Thos. MoYlan, R. R. 5, Seaforth; 'Archibald, R. R. 4, Seaforbh. NIPPEN ' ."" Notice. -3 have oaken over the--eg- ency and stock of the late John Work- man for Beatty -Bros. -pumps, pipe and bet n O4uipment. Also .agent for Cooper's Warble Fly Powder. Full line of ...grass seeds, cedar postsa and fence material, Master's Chicken Starter and othier feedis. Also a few Sets of 'new team), farm harness.- W. E. B trt, Kippen. Phone Hensall 41-91. ' 3555-4 (Continued from Page .1) 'Miss 'Grape Caoper, of, London, spent •the week -end at the: home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. 'Cooper, of the London Road. Ma and Mrs. Edgar Butt, ofthe village, ivisited at the home of the former's parents, Mns. W. Butt, of Seaforth, during . the past week. • Mr. and Mrs. John Workman and Mr. Framer, who have been spend- ing a few days at the home of Mr. and 13/Irse-Eldon Kerr, of McKillop, have returned =home. • The many friends of Mr. ' Arthur Andersion, of the town line, will be •pleased to ste him out and around again After being eonfined to the house for ',some tinie through sick- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLaren,lof Remelt- this week moved to the 2nd of Tuckersrnith where they' will live in Mr. Harry !Caldwell's house. EGMONDVILLE Mr. 'Charles Mason, Philadelphia, was a week -end guest at the- Charter's bome, Mill Road. Misses Rda Hills, Laura,McMillan, and Ida and Eva •Lovie, of Totonto, are Easter guests at their respective homes. ,Miss Betty -Stevens, Kitchener, is holidaying with her Mint; miss 'Belle JacksOn. IMisse,Margtierite 'Black, Hamilton, is spending the Easter vacation with .her parents, Mr: and Mrs. W. Black. M. R: aWeLean,, of Newton, Ais the guest off his parents,, Mr. and' Mrs. R. 11WelLean, IMr. and Mrs. S. 'Gray and family, Stratferd, were Sen -day vIkeitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. -McMillian. ' Rev. C. A. Malcolm was attending the .M. & M Conference in Whitby this Week. Miss Bessie Grieve,' Chatham, is thfolidaying at her home here. IMr. and ?Mrs. Ken Anent, of Kit- chener; ,Mrs. McKean, Hamilton, and Mr. James Chesney, Hamilton, were week -end guests at 1Ruseoe Farm," thE home of Mai. P. M. Chesney. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brodie and s'on., Toronto, were ,week -end v-isitors with Mr. and Hrs. R. J. Beatitio. Misses Cora Sherwood arnd Jessie Archibald, Toronto, were week -end COLUMBAN • „ Death of W. M. Doyle A former native . St. 0olumban, in the person of William Patrick Doyle, son of 1fr. and Mrs. William Doyle, ofe-Goderich, passed away in Buffalo. Mr. Doyle had been ill only two weeks: He was been in 84. ,Coligaban and moved to Goderich. with his parents: when. a ,child. He was-rnarried 17 years ago to Ger- trude, Blair, orf „Porte -es. Hill, G•ode- rich Township, and went• to Buffalo after their marriage. Surviving be- sides his wife and parents,, are four children- John,..1.151-yeare; Edward 11, LaWieinie ''0,"' and' ''Jnaneg." also a brother, John, and three -sisters: Mrs. W. Hinchey, Windsor; Mrs.. M. J. Merow, •Smith's Falls, and Mts. Vic- tor Dean, 'Buffalo. The funeral was held from the home of his -parents in Gaderich to St. Peters Church on Tuesday, Rev: 'Father Nagle, officiat- ing.' . Easter visitors: Mary Dempsey, Guelph-; Mary McGrath, Toronto; Agnes and ,Gertrude McGrath; ,Kit- ' chener; Lucy .Burke, London; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan, Kitchener; and Mrs. Percy Laing, Windeer. Mks Viola, Feeney, who, has under- gone an operation for appendicitis' in- Soott "11felmorial Hospital, is doing -as well as can hie expected. 'The prograin and. social -under, the auspices of the .1Catholic . Womien's Leafguie on Monday evening, prolvIed to he very ,successful and entertain- ing. The cheering for a .patched quilt took place just before lunch and° was wen by Mr. Thomas Ryan, • of Mc- Killop Mr. Zechariah IVIcIlliargey, of •Lue- in, 'spent the least week with' his daughter, Mrs. Thos. F. Ryan, and family. • • CEN"( A MILE Round Trip Bargain FARES Minimum Farts Adults 75c Child *kir • a . FRI., APRIL 24 AA Napanee„ Kingston, Gananoque, BrockVille, ,..... "" Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellfbrd, Newmarket, Allendale, Penetang, Collingwood, Mesterei, Barrie,Grilliel, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, nuntaville;Notth Bay, Parry Sound,, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario On line of Teitiskinzung & Northern Ontario Rly.:' Islinissing Central My.; Kapuskasing, Loaiglae,eGetraldlion, Jellicoe, Beardmore. SAT., APR. 25 tOToranto Also to Brantford, Buffalo, N Y' Chatham, Cheeky, 'Clinton, Durham, rxeter, Fergus,Godericih, Guelph, Hanniaton, Han. over, Harriston, Ingersoll, KlimaMine, Kitchener, London, Listowel Mite:be ,, .Niagera Falls, Owen 'Sound,. Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, il Port Igni, St, 'Catharines, 'Sty Marys Sarnia, ,Soubbanipton, Stmt. fprd, treat*, Weakest° Wilarbon, *ingharn, Woofdstock, and SAT . APR. 25 -ta between important -Stetione at, which - ' Fat ion'iloketsare sold -Ask Ticket Agent. For Fares, Retum Limits Train Inforinatten;Taketweensak nearest Agent. 5fle-fldtU for. tonnntete list of destinations. . r-TTNATIONAI: . , • ' '• • • li.i..1,014sty,-4 • 4 tol..A00; • • ;It • WINTHROP qt?.41:144,40 Those winning prizes 'at the euchre and dance held in the hall ion Wednes- day, April 8, were: Ladies, most games, -Miss Elva Pryce; lone 'hands, Miss. Ella Armstrong; men's moat games, 'qr. Wm. Pappl'e, and inen's Ione -hands, 'Mr. Leslie Dol - mage. Mrs. Irwin Trewarthla and Barbara sPent a few days -with her -parents, Dr. and Mrs. Harburn, tof ..Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Feng* Bullard and children spent the week -end in Lon- don. " Little Marjorie .Baxter, of -Goderich spent. her holidays with her grand- parents, Mr. and yrrs, Robb. CaimIP- hell, Sr. An Easter dance was (held in the (hall on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett and children, Mr, John 'Bennett and Mr. Melvin IlWerriaan spent iSunday. . with MT. and 1VErs. George 'Eaton. Mits. Archie Carripbeal, of Toronto, spent Easter with Mit. Margaret Guth Heel Hugger Shoe Week Prize Contest ARE YOU A GOOD GUESSER? •If .sa next week you should step in- to Smith's Shoe Store and win a pair of shoes which this up-to-date store is Offering in connection with Heel Hugger Week, celebrated all over the Pp ors in exclusive, Acres handling the fame* ,Ileei Hugger Shoes. „ , Over' n'' thousand retail outlets are ,participating in this event which is held yearly by The Murray Shoe Company a London, Manufacturers. There is a prize of a Pair of Heel Hugger 'Shoes for the Man and Wo- man guesting nearest to the time That an eight day dal* will 'stop. The clock is displayed in our store window _arid was wound tight Ian - day, April .20tia -by Me. V. S. &W- aage, Jeweler, 'I'and the key is safely locked in his vault at his store. -Thle Judges of this contest Will be Mayor A. D Sutherland arid F. S. &Tram and it we see -you) treading lighbly dam Main Street next week knew you'te a good guesser. IMr. $mdth, of 'Smith's Shoe Store, tells us there is no obligation in con- nection with this contest and urge 'Yohi to step in and "Do yens. Stuff.' In case of a tie, duplicate' prices Will he awarded,„Ind the contest is rot open'ito any 'person) ,entatfected with the store or ntembera of their, fam- ilies, - Smart - New - Stylish - Economi a ° ••" A Triumph—Smart Styling in Dresses Call the roll of all the worth while New Styles: you will find them -fully represented here. We've spared' neither time nor effort tOnake this Spring a banner year in 'high class Dresses at very reasonable prices. Every Dress is fresh from the leading style centres and represents the mot popular styles—the Newest Colorings—the Cleverest Patterns.. omen'sCo' ats--SivaggerorFitteaTypes Clever in Cut; Clever in Style; Clever in Materials. Space will not permit of details. $9.25 But a glance through our stock will enthuse you with the wealth of new ideas in Shades and Patterns and dressy lines. Come in and see these Coats. You will like the Coats. to $25 You will like the prices. Two Big House 'A Big House Dress Bargain'; mad Of good-.weight.Print in clean, ne patterns. Don't judge them by the price. These are -a wonderful bar- gain tORIPAI, Dress Specials New Patterns in Osmoor Dresses— New colors, new patterns, new styles. Well made, full sizes. The House Dress De'Luxe Genuine. Crepe Silk Hose Pure Thread S ilk, Semi fash- , ioned Hose. Nice fine sheer. Weight, reinforced foot, heel and toe. In the 9c -season's newest shades.' ' AA :-sizeSn SPECIAL Art Silk Hose.!.: A nice fine even Hose of delustered yarn for real good wear and appew_:•- ance. -ReinforeAd,heel andjoe. Light Gunmetal, Grey, Taupe, Toasty and Marimba. All sizes. ' EXTRA SPECIAL .Y4 -- Attractive ,Millinery --Easy ''Prices' • If you would know what is new and see what is flatteringly becoming„ come to our gu- nnery Department . Styles that are supremely smart in theauthentic new .colors and trimmings $1.95 to $5 Men's NeW Suits-4tUnbe0abliPrites New Sport Suits for Young Men; dressy Worsteds and Serges for special wear. Attrac- tive Flannels for summer wear. All made by Outstanding Canadian Manufacturers. Greys, Sands, Browns, in checks, stripes, plain colors in the cleverest styles ever made. One or two -pants, as you wish _ . $15 to $24 Men's Biltmore, Stetson, Brock Hats This Store always has the newest wanted Styles; Hats that are quality through and through. Made of pure fur. Will keep their shape and -color and look as smart as they are new WOOL FELT HATS—Best Quality, Good Styles—v.95 $2.95 $3.50 $3.95 Boys' Suits --Boy Proof Quality $6. This season's Best Cloths, Neatest Styles, Latest Shades, NeW Sport Back. One or two- 50 '$.10 pant Suits, short or long trousers, or both. Suits that will wear and keep their shape and ' appearance. Greys, Sands, Blues, Browns, in Tweeds or Worsteds. All sizes • Men's.,Spring Shirts • Forsyth , • Arrow • Tooke The swellest Shirts you ever saw. New patterns, new colors, new styles. Special Warrendale Shirts—$1,00 1.50 1.95 Men's Smart Hose • Penman's • Hole Proof • • Wearwell Attractive patterns, new colors ; the 39c,50c best Cainadian makes, built for wear and appearance. Every pair sure to 75c satidy 3 Big Values in Men's Work Clothes OVERALLS Famous Snag Proof Brand. Full. size, strong wearing, w ell ma d e • guaranteed cloth. The t overall 1J1.1 value made . • . •, "*.iJ SHIRTS Big "B" .Brand Roomy Shirts that have a tail on them. Fast colors; built for dti fit and wear. All colors, ... L, ART BROS. 3 SOX Penman's best makes, 4first quality in Greys or Merino; cuffs looped on. A real or value Lae lz; 1 Vt.. tlak • o- ear rk -4; ,r • a lt•