HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-04-17, Page 4'C"n A',! iij, 93�1,1�4; ,I .., t$'qy,,P­V 'F',��7,�"1.-,-'.�:,V.�l,",T,'�.)�l;";I '­'JF­'J'- , , -111 . . 11, � . , ­­ , ,­', ,,, .."�,, 4" 'r.", �,�, -!A7 " --X. qr�14 -KT10, �,,,�� 9�o) iRN,���o5,i, ,. .1 � ,�', � i ,� T'_X44;?wS" �'-­'.' �3';,- p- . . '� 11, V I 4*, _.. *1 I , I 1� I .,�j�,., I KW4 A ", 4 1. , . .� 11 �,�'�".'­.jj,F � I, .I ­ I , 1, . - , � � � I 1! I wl; �! ,�4, I _ , ")" �1, -�,111.­ �, , � I r - :I- . ,�*'�, ,,'Afl�';. -, � t.K' M%�,i� `,,'� " IT;�. � :. , ­_,',�; - :7 1, - " ?�,g ig � "Rig, �.-"g,�$,' 4 WIR - ", , N� "r '� _ , I 179,11i - 'R ,��" ,-",..,�'.Jp """I'i a�gt , . 11 I ... I �, , .. : . ,',��,',,, 1, ., �� ­ T " P hl , '.� . ,. , , . "o.'.. �,s , 'I , � - I A,� , ". ,K �-,��;�,�.,�,�71,�IBFI,i�,�,k,14A�w��"O NI -T t5li��11` �i . ,"�.1',�,�,,�,,�Tgil,ll��",,,�,,�11'ri, jg,�? 0 1 . , � �, . �� "I",", `� .. -.1 , " � , . , , � � ,& I � . - � , I "I . ,� . I . , 1�� ­ - � I'll., � � '. I i .a, - ,�-,t,:.L 7�,.. . , , . e "T . I I . � 11. 1� . , - ,.,., , � � ",� .,-, � $ �,,",� _1 . � . , 71r",�!,",.1'711�',.' , , � 11 I .1 �"111 1i 1�"J�, -, - I ,*., ` `�. I .,�-.'.( -, 1. � , ,- 'ilr�, " ,�f - J - � , , " - - � � I I . - V, 1� FP,"!� . ":% . �.,* -�i` I i.l. "; � � . _ I I I , I ,. . .. .. . , *�. I I � I ft ,� ­4�1," �11. ,,�­, .1 . . _�, . �'_. .. ".77 � . .: ." . . ��''-;­, I -,,.-, . , �'. q . ­ ,�- -1 'AP � . 1�7,r,.till,�!,:,�O �h'i I � '! , . I . I " — , , - ., "I , -.,i " , i , � , - I 1� �- ", :.'', _-- �1 'I 'P " , 01,11i,,��,_ I !, :� 1-11 * I E­lw 4.1 . 11 I : _­ � -, ­ Is , , ., " ',. I - ,,, , , ��',� __ - sk . � 1. ...... I . - - . , �- il'�.�,­'31 � � .." , -�:` "' I I ... I I . � � . ,q 11 -,;_446 � I'll -1 ­­,. _­­­­.'­­ I � I I I : a I 'c , - .�:. - ,,, _'J.-, .-, oo - 11.1 11_1_.,_-_-.- __ __ _,__,__ . ... .... _"... 11.111. ­­­ -1 -- ­ ­ .1 -, ____ I � , �� , -i , �; _ ­ I'll . , I .. I 1. 1. ... I I I... I 1. 11-111-1 I 1. .1 -I - .1111--.1-1-1. 11.111,111-.1- ---1.-1-_- ... ­ � - �. � "" � I I 11 1. �­ I I .1 I I 1. - , ­�-­., : . 6 0, I �11'i` . _.;6 11 11: J I 1� 11 I—. 1-1 ... 4 . ;�'�i'i�'i�;��;w�,,,..-,i�;.i4��. . I � , I .1.1 I .. 9 - , !* r'"o,"1110'.0-1-1 N, �e . 1- 111. . 4 ,. , - 111. . � I ! . I %� I 11 F ,�� , , ­,, -11 ... � ­ --.1" . � ,�,,Ai,.".,A�,W,I."�'!"'�.�,,, ;, ;, I � - . � i, - . pmii,,�,"'.v,�` .. I 11 , ., . ,4 : , I I q.., I "L 1. I .1, - � I . I ... � , I ., "In I I , . I 11 " - . I I .11 I I I .. ... -1. 3 . Ich . u1se .04 - g 4 00. I I ", C , I ­Xotiv" - to Creo�ors And; -Q� 4 - ath I - � i -, � _ I � U-01. _0 0 ._ 0, A IscriptV001iligs aftw, W �, ev A , # vt-a .. �, 1I 9 _, tion � wao'' oettw N " , lA§ ,,,, .. I , p" 4 I I . ­­.. . " I , I that undm.tandilwl 11 I- �.. I", M!Kll , " . ­ I' '; I , I , 1w, in vmm A reAd- I I -46re, 11 ;., f4 , - . I I I .. - . I 1. .I.M­-1, . I .11 __ . - . ; 4xim, ., , I —, . Alace, '. ", aster .Vorning,'? WAS 11)(�n*iUV%8' %P . ' . ..... A I , i � - � . A. . 4,41 A, NOTIQE T4,D_4p"D�"Rs on repmum. for,."w P�� 4Q,oni. ­ . . _ I ". I , . , I ing .,nt _ T , ty I I. I , Malk, - I U .%)N_1S­_RM� 1%FXN__1r2XAT . ( i e , . . by Miss alawgur'd ly-w , - he ... , _01_ -ALL, Witteg. UNA �cWRV.,Mq �m**; "WO , . t&� -1 I I very � cWft . of W - _n, - . 'vo , " "S"XF "� I I 144 4% I ims ageduet r _ — _­,.11T.f. t- .Q. , 14t $hl X�_094 A . !1104 � � ll I . I 43rc(litmv and others having cla , haven't. dope., ­ -Sa -IT-WOLLEAst", p� hex , e Ill , I ��1'0... ,�g'tt.', � 1-1 ­ . . -1.1 _�. r 'a hwbq, wil t� � � � , 't - r. _ffi�a.lyy, --ye? __� . - �_.. ��AMMV, I . Ahe - . - �A OESCH. 1410 of-- Abe' A ­­ -, s 3 iro� - � , , ;,�;, w -, couv%�Qf ro#a�, The 300 at the "W4, Ld'by' %gily .o=1,V, 11r.r-.11 1. ­­ � , __" Y&'..", - - ­ft�_, :17- —_ — -.-- - .� r,, , ., t3 cwmty of 1119011. -1 .1 , 4T4 .P6- , i Of �� . it tr ; re -A , I ' I— ' followed 'by 'a 11 11,-. ,$4 � - _". .- I � I � � , T(*AW "' st 2f twNAk I ite Tbere is a I 10,111, , . Carnero . Th fmw. P&I" Mumon, M410 h9a ofto. ,�, "y , U, i & &% . i lie, %,p,lift - � ". � Wnm4pil w 4 on the Twentv- ,s — , ". " � I - — I — ftWN.- .,W,b �U, 1), JV55. are re, �wi . 'A' t, .in- . Is wo, � orth of Zu6ch, had an auction We — �� Ads Will be inSer" at fie* 0*'C8Sh . be diq�_ small,Job 11. --lu � E t�, ,rlpit 6r, � pply at; th,i du.4 by theMW*ses Eimily and EladWe in �� ,�j November. A. �adi I . I ,�,,��,,�J ter I A­ Plll,�,I�ill� . " qtliTed yt�6 ward't1eir claims duly proven i a on Tum6adwy lwt prepa V, ­ ­ 1. -Ver word- I for wohmn - y -,'p t1i - r -- Mce. � . � H"n&6 The -meediig closied with praltary ta, com- '-W..­,�,Rl­ M ,­ " ", I ,. . it to MiW hi's hemov-, , IN , Loot and Found. Coutinc Wintp.'NtF, . �,!�,, �� .1 I . to the undersigned on or before the Twenty- . I I aW.-2 �Ii�l IS . . . . . . . 14 week ............ ; .......................... :.:. I cent , Do Running Wild - I �i5l% ,., ""', - _ - hym� _"d. -the Lord's Prayer in uni- i0g to H011541 �._.." . �4111 11 ", seventh day Id Aprill, A. D. 1936. S 6sii , . - ^, �,��.�',' t7,�_ �d�' �,V;";��;: ,D&- cKe=ie, who VMS pres- I U �eivied at the Hen- SOP. , �w �, ,, 2nd week ................................. ,g- . .,gi� . .,gi� . ,96 . ". ,96 , ,,�, ,96 . .. . ..... ,96 , " ,__',I I , , . �111111' N's . " �'-_ �.��,J-__ , ...... ,::.:. - - Vol AND NOTICE4 IS FURTHER GIVEN that -T-'hn t 11LIPAM0 TOC 114w. W,pu ITUdebwandt and soii Joe, , S� '. . , 11 pro- ent, conipl bo" for­�vll Daily and, M..r � . 1. " ". �, 2�� '_ _1 5, , 3rd week ............................ �, 14 , 1� " � �,�_- after the said date the Exequtors wi . ned of dogs killing hiz sZl 11 Post, . ' I'S; � , Minimum charge, first i9*4tlon ,,_ ............... is Ccut. 4i and Mrs. Ferrfs Cantelon and spent the past week with .r6l'afives in �,­ii,� .- "' '." ceed to, distribute the *Wate having regard 7'.1 - I - 11. � Each figurej�, initial and Abieviation Twits as one word. ims thickens and in gen'eral_'__­bfto='iJW Weekly newspapers. A uumbe"T yet little'son, ,o& Schomberg, axe- spen& London. � ", � ; , �0, I , 1%; Thanks, In Memor!4,Nm Notices --I -cent pew word. Min" I nuisanices around his neligbboj"I in arrears for rent,of post dfilee box- ing the holiday,- with .the former's Mr. J. W. Orbwefn intends makips I 'mum 60 MAIN Per WOU& have notice. i� i may be 'directed t8' a Box Number, care of The Huron'EXPORit0r, for 10 cents �� DATED at Exeter, Ont, this 2nd day of "Whit's the use of havdng laws 4f es will please s6ftle, G. J. Suther- ,J y ". . . I mother, Mrs. D. ,Gantdon, dianges and improviements, in wbalk - - ",I4V �,111 11 . . � ;,,'' �.. ­ ­ 14. I April, A. D. 1W6. � if you don't elifforce them," asked Mi% land, Poetimaster. 1 36157-2 011r. and Xr4 eeli­k" "Val the past as 40-��_ ... W, I ,,, "add ove clan aire not paid by the GIADMAN & STANBURY, . -..,r ,!,-". � itional O'er week will be charged if ads in Ab I .11 McKenzie, "Surely the eounda has, I ,ross are viMng has b. - ' P, � �� , , !�'z,,, ,.� 11 Hensall and Exeter. .. friends .during the h6liday. at Clhes� Rekhert dv�elling tpropeoro at'� the ' ,4 � - I I 0.1 !�j'��,�� a ay night in the week in which the ad was run. Execuitiors' Solicitors. � s6mething, to sa 9" I (Co . ntinued from Page 1) ley. , . west end of the village on Richm084 ... 1. . . ... P I ,, .y. , , I .1 ��, ,?, 1". '��. , arriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. 1 3566-3 �'l thiUk the council%, should have' Mrs. W. A. -MeLaren, and -at the ev- 'Roy Kyle, of Pamolur Mi - Soultli. __ . , , , S.1',�',_--;,A;4ct1oa Sales, Notice to Creditors. Etc- -Rates on application. 11, 1. . I Iles, spent , ' St I , "I 1�, . ". . . 11. . I I - so"thing ti� �qi out dogs ruT�Opg MA -49_ .... !�Tyiee anthem by the choir, the week�end with his -parents, Mr. Rev. A. Sincladr 4zid Mrs. Sinch& � . ,,.y 0 1 . _ ,;"� . I 1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A around und Sti'atch , ing -64t '96 eri,'-"- �' . __ IUA �With � I . I � . "O !§ of the world"; solo, AThe ,and- Mrs,A - Thos. Kyle. ' , and fwnft spent Monfty � : I CE IS KEREPY GIVEN THAT LL 1: - — Wanted For Sale or Rent N6T` - relat ves an iend§ in Sarnia. ''. � creditors and others h ing claims against Cou'Red"or Parke agreed. . Stlrangex of Gali;lee� 11 by Frank ,113:a,t- Miss Dorothy McQueen is visiting i. d fr ." . - ,; , ) I 1, "'. I. URE ; _' the esti0e, of William H. 9.11dic, .I.. M.Z. Councillor Keatii�g . ...... tuo, agireed: t,zi.s,by; quartette, "The Old Rugged at the ihome of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. iMrs.. Ei. K. Rufton dUTih1g t1te past . I ,',' -WANTED - CATTLE TO PAST HOUSE FOR S�k"' OR RF,NT--4T'AML late of the Town bd Romulus (Hayta Corners) "We, do -seem to harve an over supply C,, -is" b . Mad,aren DorotbY S(ett'-pf cromarty. week Visitedl relatives in Guelph aid .j� . - , . . 1� ­. . vlentiyi of water and shude Also * house house in Egraon,iville, on 'Cerktre Strett; in the County of Seneca, and State of New b . y R. Y. I I Mr. and Mrs. ,Ha,r �, t water, hot of th" around thwn. Therv,�4p�_ �d- er , T), of Eke(ber. �:, for rent; I ght, hard and ii�f garden water heating; barn on property. Ilbr York, Retired State Hospital Attendant who , .- - ­, , I Datarsi, Mrs. - James, Pat; son a n d ,,old Scruto � . .. and garage. JAMES BARRON, Seaforth- further particulars apply- to WATSON & died on the fourth day of April, 1985, are Ways !plenty of th,eM on Main StrpeA." Ja;mes R�,iig&ugh. Pert, Dover, spent the week -end, with - 1111en�4011 had its full quosta of viA- I ­ . Piwne 60'L ,� 3567xl REID, Sea&rth. � . $565-3 _,­� n r ii a t ' ,MT. afid , ­Alre �, - M*taxen, who hw�e friends i :, . '' ­ I . required to,A?kward -thedr�clainis-Zuly-.,i,:.Pm,y.eu, A Clne­plAn o e ef 1, s. year had ' . "d relatives in timm. Wrs ilturing the Easter holidays, _ I � ... WANTED ­GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Execu- thrr � I ''Mr. and Mrs. Laird, J1oyn1t;._af. To- Mr, Collin S., Hudson has been buip- , .. I I .1 ... . t1or, on or before the sixth day of April , ee dogs," Xayor Sutherland stat- 1,e,, re,,iding in 'Miss Margaret' . �( 1. 'wowk. Must be fond of children- Ap- 1 1936- . ed. Buchanan's home, left this week for runco, visited the former's mother on lly� cingaged of late as vifflage asses - (ply -to Box 72, EXPOSITOR OF , FICE. Auction Salei . - I - . . 1 356-7--l. .. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that,, - ;Mx. McKenzie: "W.hat is a stray Kippen,, where they vnill in future re-,� S,unday- ,�IDT fox IM . 11.11 1_. `- I r the said last mentioned date, the Execu- -dog 9 " I .11 I Pamorur 'Mrs. Hugh MoEwen and son Jbmale% __ AUCTION SALE OF 115 GOOD ONTARIO r will, prbceed, to distribute. the assets of OouncMor Kea�tdng: "Aniy" dc)g s5`de. . 1 Mr: James Sangster, .of th6winter months in To;. — — Horses at Cullmore's Stables, Seiddith, on the estate having regard only to the claim . .1 Mr. and Mrs. John Shepilielid, ae- Mines, vislitedovier the week -end with who spent _1 ,-. ' . I Friday, April 174L W%�jAM CUDMOP-E, of whic,b. 'he 'then "I have notilie. without a tag is -a. stray dog " . . I co.mipaiiied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred ''his family Gveye. I ,&, ___fflonto� relturned -to their honte ber's ., ' Help Wanted Pro I Drietor. I . ; 8,567xl - DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 19th day 'MT.,McKenzie: "It's high,t�nle "u -1�fa . ims. motored to LondiDn. and spent . Miss Annie Ileuisser - ,of Windsior, on Wednesday lasit, — 1% I. " I - of March, 1936. . enforoed the law." , 6tum" , , WAN,I,ED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE CTION SM_�E OF CHOICE DUR AM I .1 the week -end with rel�tivi&s. visited, wilth, her inlotheir over the holi- Mrs., George Brown has r work. Apply ito MRS. F. J. BECTMY- AU a � Cattle, at I.,ot 29, Concession 9. JOHN J. HUGGARD, 1. . Mayor Slitherland: '*Mr. McKen_' Mirs, Manley jinks has been quite day. .1 . from 9tratfoTd, where she spent'oev- 7 orrw Tovniship, half mile west of Walton. zle e to take action Mimself." s,,iol�tgl - dau0ter, 3ftlo. - _j M �r d, . Seaforth, Ontario, will ha,v . with 'her Goderich Street West� � I on Tuesday, April 21st, at 1.30 p.m.: Cattle Solicitor for the FIxecutor. -y 1.11 for the ipast ciouple, of Mr. and Mrs. C, Movies dnd little. eral weeks . ,� li MAN WANTED ;�iTil CAR TO HANDLE -Durban� grade cow, 5 years old, with calf 8563-3 F. Sills:, "Anyone who bas- a dot., weeks suffering froan a severe attack. daugiliter, Claudette, v-isited over the Wfflston. ' ­ . . Ward's Quality Tow, Coffees. Cocoa,, at foot; Durham grade cow 4 years old, wi,th or dogs around and doesn?t 1. elaim ,.of quins�y and is stdll, confined to her 'week -end with- frierids in Londom Uss Irede Hoftaxtb has returnedl ' Spices. Extracts, Medicinal Preparations di- calf at foot; Durham grade cow 4 yeki-. old, NOTICE TOCREDITORS them, then, We should Wt thean'inithe room, but it is hoped She 'ay soon Mr. and Mrs. T. ;Hernphifl, Wrox- holme after spending. three months C�untY. due to fresticil..1day a5l Durha�a grade cow NOT!CE IS'HER&BY GIVEN THAT ALL In rect ,to establislied users in Huron ,pound. ,We have a pla,c* for tbean"' experience a change for the better. eltex, spent Good ,Friday with rela- with hor sisten's �n.,Xontreal and To - Write T. H. WARD COMPANY, John South. 3 years oU with baby beef 5 months old; creditors ana affier having claim ,against "Certainly," agreeld 10oun,611or k��L - e Towni- tives and friends in town. ronto. ­.. �._. I 3561x2 Durham grade cow 7 years old, due to fresh- the estate of William Warren crosier, late of Mr. David ,BlackweRi of th Bat6 , Hamilton. . All think the Mayor would be well Lane ,�. I I . I en September Ist: 3 Du'rhasia grade heiferis .the Town. of Seaforth. in the, County of Hur- ship of Hay,, a couplp or so miles Mr. Robert Higgins is visiting for Mr. and Mrsi. e iby, bf � L I — 1 3 yeats old, due to freshen in December; on, and Prorviuce�`a'Ontlsxio, Gentlemani who advised to ,gift the Chief anthbrity west of� the village, is � in ,the Clinton acoupleof weeks wi,th his sor-in-law Exeter, were recent visitoral-in 06 Durham grade heifer 2 years old, freshened died IDn the, -fifth day of November. C1935, are I I 11 . Agents Wanted two weeks; Holstein cow 6 years old, extra required to -forward their claims duly proven to eirnplov�id any stmy dogz," Cloun- Uo�pit�l, where he recently had to anid &vughter, Mr. and Mrs, J. Sweit- willagei. I . . ­ . his .., ,tom dilk,r ,Roknes suggested, , � _ — beary milker, just bred; 5 extra choice Dur- to the undersigned Executor, or ?a � And Wit1b have one of,his legs aimputated ow- zer, oT the Beach O' Pines. I I I MEN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH ROUTES ham grade steers 3 yeilrs old: 3 DuThara e% or b&fore.the second day of May, ING. tlhat the dog questionwas siettled, ing .to an aftaek of gangerene, but 'Mr. Douglas ',Schoellig', of DetrQlt I I - of soo (families -in Huron County. Re- grade steers 3 years old; 5 Drarham grade AND NOTICE IS FURT GIVEN that A An appEcakion frohl the Salval*n we are pleased to report that he is sqyeitt the week -end sit the 'home 0� . _S liable bu&tler should start earning $25 week- heifers 2 1years old; 11 Hereford and, Dur-- after the said last mentioned date, the:,Execu- ly rmy flow a tag day was ,granted. ' THESE FACT , ABOUT and iricrease rapidly. WritE� to -day'. hain yearlings; Durham grade bull rising 2 tor will proceed to distribute, the assets 9f doing well following such a critical Mr. and, Mrs. Jus, Dontillron. I .11, .11 ... � RAWLEIGH, Dept. ML -3"-D,, Montreal; years. This ds an exceptional lot Of good the �sstate having regar,d'kmly to the claims ,Mayori�Sutherland: "The usual n,D-' operation and I it Is. hoped that hits, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jus. ,McMartin visit I . Canada. I . 2567-1 well bred stoelt and in fine eopditlon. Term� of which be then shall have notice� tke w -al have to go Into the papers ,, ed over the week -end at the home o I --Six months' ,credit will be given on furnish- - DATED at Stratford, Ontario, this 2nd day that demyed vegetables carmot-,.-be ', cavery Tnay ,contimm'. be. i' BRAN HAVE BEEN . , . ing approved joint notes wdth 5 per cent. of Avxit I MeSlsm. Lloyd --and At. Passniore, the tormer's mother, Mm. Ro rt I . I , . ...... I - per aunuin added; or a discount of 4 per _�LN& taken to ithe town, dump." , of Delhi,.spent� Sunday at the 'homR Bonthroni, ,, 11. Personal I cent per animma allowed off' -for cash. Any JOSEPH J.'CROSIM. � lmpr,6*� Vacant Lot � 'he - BY TEM . person purchasing stock at ,this sale. can 97 Ontario St., Stratford, Executor. �f their pi4vnt�,' Air. and 'Mrs,. Juhn Mliss Beryl Pfaff ts. spending t ' - � , � b have them fed and well cared f)or without ' RIDDEL & MURRAY, A letter -was read from the Secre- 11�asFjmore. ' . I " hr-liday with friends at Watford. PROVED - 1. SPENCER CORSET INDIVIDUALLY D -E- � 'Bowling Club, re the o Miss. Marion . rSinclair, � Toronto, . I . signed for style or surgical support. ex . tra .cost until May, ast. All stock at owm- Windsor Bdock, Stratford, Solicitor I the tary oif t%e I t . 44 The Misses Lily and,. -Edythe Me- I � Phone MRS. ANNA McDONALD, 137, Hen- era risk ae� soon as sold, and everything to I . I Executor. between the club grounds and the spent the Easter holidayst at the� Ewar�, of Kit661,ar, are visiting -this, Supplies Gently Acting "BuW Ball. I - " 3567x4 be settled for on day ocf sale. At the same 8t654 comler. The Mayor expl1afined that home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. week wilth, their brother and sister- - '1� 1. ­ I I time and place &e- following goods belong- -,.-. I to Aid Regular Habits inz to Mrs. John lamb will b�- offered for - -,previous couneilloTs ha,d agreed to Sinclair. I . , in-law, Mr. 'Ynd"Mrs.' .John McEwan. , . I I sale: Aged general purpose mare, quiet and . the ffilling dm of the lot with street Mr. AUAii Douglas, of Lnndon� and M.T. and Mirs. Peppler of Hankwer, . � . . Farms For Sale reliable; Ayrshire cow due to freshen April . — I yearling, heifer calf 're Births sweepings and to top dress it and Miss Caljherin;e.�COX -of Windsm, were visited on Sunday last at the home Now_and then, in talking with` ­ . . - 22nd; , ; rubber ti, top � I OUSE AND TWO FARM'S FOR SALE- buggy; one-horse wagon with box and rack; �' � — plant seed. Councillor Reid sugges�t- Stmdtay visiturs at the horne of Mrs. of the former'i sister, Mx. and Mrs. yoor-friends, the subject of bran has H. Portland cutter; bay rake; sloaw boat; L0VE­4n Scott M rial Hospital, Seaforth, ed ,possibl�y some organizabion,- such John i1ohnstorhe.'­ 1. James Bonthron. come up. So that real, facts might Rigbt-roomed frame 1kouse, electric light., ITO . 1),aisy I ch,arn; set light harness; set ,heavy Walton, a son, D, Mi ss r wheelbhrr n cutng x; root pulper; on April Sth. �h Mr,, and Mrs. G. S. Love, ' good barn and six lots, loppiosite Collegiate. ais the Horticultural S dety, would Mrs. Annie Berry and Miss Eilen .M,a- garet Buchanan, of Toron- replace unsupported opinions, the . Farm, 75 acres, Sl/-_ Lot 10, Concession 11, __�,_:L_�__ ___� - . MeMILLAN--4n Scott Memorial Hospital then take it Ov I F -rd - At al, and, 11- Tack Bolton to is visitin- wi frien i 'in town Kellogg Company has aided for W, , 19 e 3; Wow; S(M er; arrows; " . .1 Al . . � I . I " McKillop; 50 acre grass farm, SV� LAyt good horsehide robe; horse blanket, and num- Seaforth, on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. le some years research 'in leading ��,": ��. . Conce;sion 2. Hibbert. Apply to U112, L: A letter was read from, Cons�tab who have spent the WiTI)teT at .Daytona ck List I I .,:� .- RICHARDS- or Ji H. BEST, Seaforth. erous other articles. Terms ­Cash. MRS, J. M..M�Miiafi� a son. J. V. Ryan, requesting -a new uni- Beach,, Florida, retlirned to their I I .1 � nutrition laboratories. 11 '11. , I 1 3566x3 WILLIAM MURRAY, Proprietress, Geo. H. I I fornf, but it was tabled, the council- h ... , I � � � - I Elliott, Auctioneer. - 11 3567-1 . -W o -me here the end -of last week. �_ The past few weeks have bee.n . . L I . --they, and little so -1, of inarked 'with an unusual number o . f Studies made on a ,group Of I . ;�,: I , � lorg'feehng -wouldn't like to take Mrs. Horning . 1�1_ I healthy women showed that two I �,io, MORTGAGE SALE , gs any action at ,presen1t. , Palmerston, are visdting at the haTne _critlaal ca�.-es of illness,requilring hos- � . - F.I. . Articles For Sale ) Drains, Stray'Do . . -":. _ tablespoonfuls of bran daily con�.- . 1,1'." � I UNDER, AND BY VIRTUE , OF THE. 6.1 their auiii�; -Mrs. -Ballantyne and (Pital treatment the laslt: being that , I ' I Bylaws Are.,yassed ;.. . tinued to relieve constipation* over 1. .. I - - I Powers bt Sale contained in a certain I I ,�., 1 , 'Miss �Katie Scott, of Mr. Joseph. Hudson, of the village, ... I LAVEL, ,SAND AND FILL- (Continued 'm Page 1) � . . .. �a:,period of months. How ,different 0, I _FOR SALE ­GF .. mortgage which will be produced at the time fro Mr. and Mrs. Leister F`isher, of who fias been suffering much of late �'.., ler. 75c to $1.25 a load, delivere& Also of sale, there vr B be offered for sale by - tion, t n ,why Bylaws,3172 and 373 were gdven,ilhe from catharties—where dosage ' �, horse clipping, done with modern electric ma- , I i I I he change #?" asked necessary readings. The first gbviing Windsor, spent, the week -end - at the from severe pains in one of his feet � ,� � .. ­ chine. DALE NIXON. Phone 4'144� � THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer, Go,umd1lor -&'IdL-,. home of the fjcgnmer's� pfkrents, Mr. and ]leg, making.it nece9gary to have -often must be inereased. . . * . .. " .111.1 . 3567xl I . . at . "Are we going to keep on at this? the usual gTants -to the HighPailders. and Mrs. Xahn Fi�st'her. - � ,�eeial treatment and attention, and' Anotber,series of tests on men in- � 11 . . . � PUBLIC AUCTION Will we ,pay W-60 of the costs, or Band and, AgriculturM Society and 'Mrs. A. T. Doulglo,s, of Hyde Park on Tuesdaylast he was ta,ken to tihe dicated tbat,.with some people, the, I , " , qPRINIG, CLEARANCE SALE OF USED ., I . . __ 7 i , . , the second concerned 6,e reba,be of 11 - I � `4 Pianos. Such well-known, makes as on MONDAY, the TWENTIETH day of Wlialt are �we going .to do about it " is week at thehome of id,farried Soldiers, Hospital at Lon- "bulk" in bran was much more ) - �ie Repivie again, askedl, t � , .1 1.� Heint= Nordheimer, Mason & Risch, APRIL, 1936, at the hour of TWO O'CLOCK � ,,axes of several taxpayers, who use i's visi6n)g th I . ., Weber and other., at reasonable prices and in the afternoon, at the farm of W1 . . . thdir land for"agrieultural purposes. Mrs. John Johnsl'.`one and Mrs. John don; "Joe'? being one of the soldiers effective than that found in fruits .1111, LHEMENA "If the property owner I I in the Great War, and it i's hoped "he and vegetables. . . . . "I'. I �, . I t - Write HEINTZMAN & CO., 242 Dun- SANDERS, R, R. 2, Seaforth, Ontario, the S given The Clerk requested an amendment' Parke. I ' I , . , I dn" London, for further pa�ticulars. No following property, namely: the privilege to tap a town drain and utting oil on the streeits. Mr. and, 'Mrs. Ed. XcAsh,, of ­r6n. lnia�', receive treatment, that Will be . -, . -nderstanding I I , obligiutions. � � 3566-3 ND SINGULAR those certain parcels given the u that the "Ia'tike to p I ' ' I � Further tests showed that Re]- . , ��., . ALL M is� don, visited the end of,last welekwith beneficial. . i �­ � The necessary instructions, were logg's ALL -BRAN provided vitanun , ' or tracts of lanil, and vremls�, situate, lying llown'hs not' responsibley then why I Sunday' last X, F1.01! SALE -15-30 McCORMICK-DEMING sued. Mr. George 'Dou ]as ,and daughter, I All the. c1buirches on i B and iron as well as "bulk." 19'. ­ ,�, and being FIRSTLY: In, the Tow`nshiP Of alhould fthe� town ,dig Up ,the Amin?" . . , .1 . k." . . .1 1. . tractor, 3 -furrow tractor ployv-1br�'ernar Mexillop, in the .CountY.of Huron and being ' I ' Boys. Causing Trouble . 1,�ene, - - , -�' I wore most beautifully decorated, with � This, "bulk" absorbs moisture, and . . ' . �. , I �., . - . � tionaa), 2 -fun -ow -tractor plow' (Cocks-hutt), Composed of the wi--A haff cd Lot No. 34 in COuncIlIctr J. E. KewViing waillted, to Miss .Marga,ret Macliaren, of Lon- Easter lilies, ferns and .other spring gently exercises . and cleanses the , I , . , 1�1.:, - 10 -foot Doering hay rake, Fleury walking the Fourth Concession of the said Township kniloW. � Another lengthy discussion took , Iflowers,, givinig a very fine Master ap- ., plow, Massey -Harris ii�ltiie fertilizer drill. containimig by admeasurement fifty acres, Clerk Wflvopl: "The to,wn has a]- place Tegar(hng boys breaking ,,in� don, sipent the hoRday wdth her pax- I I system — the right way to correct ..... � I ,: We buy and -sell -used. ma�-hinerY for cash. more or less, and SECONDLY: in the Town- ways supplied the tile because they �ows with catapults and pefty thiev- ents, IMT. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaven. Pearance, , constipation. I �ill. I LIOUTS EBERHART, Seaforth (at ChOVPing ship of Hullett, in the County of Huron, and,' , xf 'Mr. ,and Mrs. Ge�o. Laughton spent I � ­ 1. I Ing. Mp. ,MdCe=ie explained that Miss Kathryn Drysdale, '( ,St. . ' Serve ALL -BRAN regularly for L� �-,�_ I., �. Milt)� � � 3567xl being composed of, thd east li�iir of Lot Num- ;have never guaranteed satisfaction -,end with. Mr.- and Mrs� C 1 ­� - eral windows )had been brbken,in Thoimlas, iz opending the Easiter holi- Ihe week - � ,, I . . her Eleven in the Fifth Concession in the w'heu a dradn is run into a town one." sev, . k "" � . I � - - — said Township of Hullett, containing by ad- "The -town- has to lye I la'is. mill and also in the f urniturAp fac- days - 6t the hoirie ,o,f her -parents, ,Mr. A. &161)orrel� Mrs. Laughton's par- regularity. Either as a cereal, with ",�. . . -iilk or c eam, or in cooked dighm I.. - - t, you . �, ;�� . r enlilen -Const e Ryan`W6zit ,aii4l !Mr -.1_ 'Mark Drysdale. ents, and who returned with n , r _ . ili ", I I MeaSu ement fifty acres, more or less. tory building. - alyl I ill ., - For Sale know, but, it cannot guaxamtee that a 1.11. . I I IrLg ! . visit in Tcuionth,with them. It is a natural' laxative food. gold I'll, ..t On the said is - Mr, INUton 'Ortwein and s( i I � . I . farm therc"' said. to be erect- kralt will not hitd detail about �oysi, stei'lli .bat- )n, Lloyd. � , , I'' , ed a dwelliiig house with suitable farm build- MUS pluo up a drain or ' ,Mrs, SheffeT, who spent the winter by� ail grocers. Made by Kellogg in ,,�. , I J�OR SALF—TWO GOOD DAIRY COWS' , ings. . that tree roots, won"t grown into the tles of pop bff trucks, while.,the, driv­of Loivdon, �vfisited orver, the wto_k­ � J - I I . .� . . , . 1 I ,rising four ye,xrs, just fresherned- -1 end with the former's parents, Mr. T"Teffis wilth heir son -'in-law and London, 04ario. , . , 1�,� . er was dn dolng business with local I I . , 1. rising three years, to freshen in May. ]Z�ply The lands will be sold, subject to a Reserve tiles and, plug thelm," remarlmd, Colin- amd - Mm J. W. OTtiwein. daughter, Dr. W. H. Reid and Mrs. 1, . � � . W, J McINTOSH, R. S, .Seaforth. Tbone Bid� 11 merchants. 11�e_ MwAr stated, Conetipojon due to i""Bteknt -buffie& . i ­ AWEES � . , jlyo� Si'lls. I it Reid. of Port Rowan, returned with' I " � ­ TERMS OF SALE OF LAND -Ten per cent .1; � I . � -be sto, and advised . ''i- .". 150 ,r 4., 8567xl � "Shall we supply the tile as here- wou�d have tc ,pfped Mr. Haxoldl Bonthrom6 who is ,at- her daughter, Mrs. Reid, on Monday � ., ' � . - - I .1 I of the purchase moneys to b� paid down at 'Mr. Ryam to uste hisovqn� judgmeq in tendi'mg � Pickering College, (is . spend . I I I I * OR SALF-2 SETS CARS -FORKS, TUL_. in e with- t0ore ? " asiked Mayor Sutherland, I , 0� 41. *t'. F. leys wiihvio feet rove in good condi-; thirty days. _�n l4nie town supplies the trae on 'the Iiiiinging in the o1raprits. . I -ing his holdday�s at the home' of lids' I . . I ' I . I '' 411:` . .. - _ tion; 5 &-foot stall posts, rock elm, and two For farther particulars and ciondhiong o I f - ,s I t , r6&ts ionly," Itho 0eirk repolied. - J,qst jhefoxe adjourning it, was de- Pt11x`E11t4 lM`- and Mrs. J. W. Don- 11 � . � I 11 . � . � . . , . I I . � , stringers. Apply BOX 71, EXPOSITOR. sale, up I � I � ''. . .. .1 . .Ply to . "Suvoose we 11�eave tRiis, n�,,tte-r to cided to -have a special meeting to thrlon. ..L.. � . 3566x2 �� . __ , Miss Isabelle, Manson, of Detroft, "'FOLLOW THE LEADER,f I � I - I R. G. M. McDOUGALT,, the Strefet Cotdmittee and let them strike the tu�z i -ate. I--,' I � � , � I .1 I . SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. -APPLY TO Solicitor to the Commissioner - I I 1.� Finance Conlinittee Report visited Mr. George. Douglas- and, I - - �� I I JOHN MODELAND. Phone 143 r 4, Sea- . Agricultural Loans, Parliament bring in. their re � port." I daughter, Irene, on Friday last TO' -f UCCEZ.r�,FIND EXT DO ... . Issue Statement The repo -A of the Finame Gotm- Xmi. Roy Parltner and little daugh- ,,,� . I I Iforth. 3565-3 . Buildings, TORONTO, Ont. ' "I ' � ��. ­ - DATED at Toronto this Twenty-fifth day At a subsequeilt meeting of the anittee is as follows: Jas, . I " I . V* Ryan, ter, ,Caroline, are visking at the holime ,�. FOR SALE­�QUANTITY ALASKA OATS, of, ­March, '1936. ,..., 3565-3 'Street Committe the following state- salary, $60; I -L SIVelL salary, $60; of the former's pareilts, MT. and'Mrs, P R 0 r- I TV* BY K 'EPING- ON � I test 98, 'Grade Nio. 1: 50 — sonj salary, $60; Thon, I - . \1 �///X I - I 11 iment was issued: The question o� John A. -Will lias John Fis 11� .11 19- inatiOn " X�� �, i �,�, . cents bushel. Apply to W. LORNE GHAP- we �her. . . THE - � I ­ '�_�*, I I'M, I _,:� MAN, 1 Exeter,, Phone- 13 ou 83, Herisall- t cellars engaged the attentilon of Storey, salary, $60; Do' H. Wilsbn, Miss .Beryl Pfaff is visiting with . � 019D __-Z I I 'p ., Tenders Wanted I -_ 0 1 � 3566X2 1 the counddl .f,vr a considerable time at salary, $20; Canadian NationalRail- � I 711: z:_ I I, 1. � I friemds at WafiforcL . . 0 — N I - ^ 11. 1� - this meeting. As a usual Pdhing in ways, cro,s,,;ing proteotmIli, $4.06; ,C. � - . . I �,,. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED _ __� I. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - "REWARD" / V. . - I . - __ � ,�.., by the:Coun,oil of the Township of Hay the sprqng and --at other periods, of Ab,erhaat, inisurance, $4.20; C. ,,Wls, Presbyterian W.M-S. Meets ' I : "I . "VelveV' Barley (amooeth . -7 . 'I, . Spring Wheat, up to six o'clock, April 18th, 1936, for the bigh -Water,. a -number of private cel- P.M., postal box rent, $5; John Stew- . 1 4,.-- ,##a- , �� � awned barley), and "'Alaska" .Early Oats. following, 11 I ,;:., � . IaTsl� in the town beriome flooded, An(p art, aect., $3.85; ,S�teviaxb Bros., acet., The WXT�S. of Ca.rmel Presbyter- __ A � .FOR LAY(NG I DS I. I I I I,-, �-___ --..-,. Pr,ices and tfull information given upon ap- For supply of -power to operate township a great ,many property owners have $40; Hi. Kellaa�- one-liolf yeaw's [rent !an Ch -arch 'held tlyei.r annual thank- 1 I 1, "'. - _156911 ON. 1� 11 P iiiin. ApPlY. to OWEN GEIGER & S cruslief in Welsh's pit; rontr2etclp to siapply Elensall, Ont ,Phone 59. _F 141 L ROE " 1. 3565-3 drive belt. Tender. to state price per icubic the opinion that the ti6wn is respon- of dump, $25; k�i icipal, War , aect. offering meetf,ng on Thursday after- . � I I 1, yard of material placed in bin. t sible for this cond.iltion, and i�q com- $18.15; S. W. Arcliibald, aect., $18, noon, April 9th, at three o'clock kiti I . IPLE'M - _1�p � Also tenders ifor supplying crushe�r with pelled10 maintain a drainage system Treasurer Canadian Legion, wreath the scholul roo,m of the churoh wilth 7 I -o �,mh CONCENTRATE 1, ­.. SEEP BA 9 LJi . AND APPROVED '11-N - , 111�.�, . ­ I �,ALEY gravel 'and stone from pit. Tenders to state ithat Will ke!ep pxi" c.ealars, dryL $10; F. in@14 ,, $56o.00--' Mrs.' R., Y. Afacl.imn presiding. The Z%^F ,-, LAYING MACH ,%, ,,.f��: 7::!: - THE t-�-..�.:,:.:�:�.' _ " ­, from crusher. Tenders 4800i; Go - . ,�Mr i5igiiiii GROWIN ' " �"'ered . surer Public 1' meeting opened wl'th a'hymTi, follow- , ., R G OF MALTING BAR- pri' per yard of material lie _ . ,pd, re Kruse, , F10 also 'to state price Uerk J. A. Wilision informed the Trea I Ischowt 1%%0 . ""', � 'ley, sow pure seed. We .. �;�;4 `�-_`e I can supply you .�t�,i�:-i�ii�:�Iiiiiii ." - 1111�. " Derr yard with use of dragline land without &Uneil that this has, been om ,of the leglate Institute, $1,W; J. Rea,00m, edl by prayer led by Mrs. Arnold., ' COMPLETE ' i...iipr�j!p:z ''. ... , :;!...,!�j;:::�� .. , .. . ... : . . :::_ ��. I - 1i ` il N..."V4 . 11 . 1. vrft pure seed sent out by the Canada Malt- use of dnagline separately. I Z.- , 27W (3o. Let us thave your ,order. . � Also tenders for trackiirg from crusher. most troubl�esome problems in cbn- refixinig roof , $2J50; C. SMs, starips, The ,Scripture 'lesson was rpad by . GROWINO, I �� i i iiii .. .... - FIRSt 8 WEEKS RATION ,,.5'�!�il �­: 3 �i � �,.�.: William Stapleton, Tenders to be per Yard mile. Tenders thay neetibn with the admindstrIation ofthe $15; John A. W-1,19on, direct relief, ,Mrs. C. Hudson, who then t4ok charge A...-1. ., � �;.- - ­ ... ii...., :4. i!ijifl1�1;! . , iiliii;: ­_ ii!TY�!ii*. � ... )p I .,��­ be made sepamtely or -for the whod contract town's affairs fox nianty years. As a $3,94.41; Ja,$. Cooper, !my, $6.42; Jim. ,0f the 6us4iiess period when thei.sec-. oil �!�mlm�m -, T , , all risk of ' � :..::.!. 1.1. I , 111. . :1.::j1::1;j I q�"­ . Phone 31, Dublin. Successful contractor to assume e' mftew 0-f,fa& every suceessj,�e coitin- H. Earle-, Baijiff, 2nd Div. CAourt, $16; ti0m,l meeting was discussed, The ROE 7--m-Mr- -- �::!* i; . 1. "', 1 , ov . �� Ili:i�T�!�Ililmll! I _.. ... .... ... � � a566-2 , 11'1 I accidents and give a satisfactory bond fo.y 11' - VITA FOOD I !!!;:fi1t!!1:!: i � I . I cil hiu'had to wrestli -, � $300.00 for faithful performame of work. e with,this pTfjb- Geo. A. Sills, & -Sonij ac&., f2o.6s; ebill call was answered 'by the word 4( _ .: %*�W�ij! i: . "I . I z .,;;;��) 1.!i;�!��!Yil . ^ COMPLE'76 :­ ii: ­.:1,.,:.1'; ...e�, ." .-,:ii �:.: iii�i I I . I .,;, Contract to be completed an or before Sep- lem as far ,back as he can, remembeT. 11, -Hart, wa "Oross" as the text, word. Mrs, Jas. . � i:j;:.� ' 11 I ges, $7; Thos. Jolinston, ...,,.�;.;]�iili�11: .... p 11 iiii�!;!, `1 . . :: � 8 Notices -tember 156L 1936, 1. I. STAR'nNG FOOD I ,i:::�**i*�:�� :!: I ];.!ii,: :4 � 1. 3�11' Lowest or any tender not ii�ecesgarily It was also .found that the town wages, $22; F.-Laniont, wages"$19.80; Patterson sang" a very ,zlo,propriate . ,��:;:;i,i::.� � . to . Ask . :: �iiill ,�, eepted. ac- has no draivage, bylaws whatsoever, Thos. Kled-a-4 wages, $6; �HughWrigbt, slalo, "The Old Rugged Cits.s.11 Mrg. :, ij�`�'ii�,.i��::, . �:�:: . _71W t§� �.,_:.: � ............". �:O;�; your deaker for . ..'� I 1. Tenders to be naail�-d or handed to � 'but ft great,rnianY Property ownerg, in wages, $5;85; Jno.'-Cbmlmings, wag- Young read a bewatffuj poem entit- A­��­::.A,:::::;�::'., . ..- NOTICE. ,­ - - ", ,� �i�li��,:;:;;.��;�! � I .. I ' A. F. HESS, - ::;:�: --�i; * i!,.: �:;,:�:.::­:, pi**i::..11: ROE FARM PROVEN ;:: ::: . . "I'll �, ACCOUN�TS OWING THE LATE w. blhi�s Past, liave been given the priv- es, $5.8,5,; R. Frosib & ,Son, $8.70,; W. led "Patiently 'Bearing the Oross.11 "I 11 ::..;.:;.­: ;,;-4i- I . ::;::i , " �: .�,� feeding Program -it will take you' , fle9d bf tappdTvg ,tile sibroet drains as E: - Ker�lak I ; : , �!�: !` ALL ;:: .�', �� !!7 �� Clerk Township of Hay, i ; �': . W. Cmsier mus't be sefted at once. re, feed, $9; N. Cluff & The address for the &y wa8 v67 : �:.."'.-.:11, . ���� ,,,,, . I-— Zurich, Ont. I i;:i:::i � !�! ,� 7::: . J. J. CROSIER, 1 356�-2 an outlet f or 41eir collar. But th,6 Sons, Wet, $4&72;' Bell Telephone ably taken: by Mrs. k Y. MatcIAren. . .��;:�! ,;:;, 1�! - - !I, � ,:. 1:1 over the rough place and give resuku � �O Executor Estate of w. W. Crosier, — ��, .:i�iit� iiii!::� I...: ... �, "t I . - 1_ at no time assilimed the're- ,Co., acet., $3.07; ,VAr& Montigmlery, Themeeting closed with a hymn and �,: .1­1.­...�­ il!��I:ili!@1!10 �� I I -1 97 O-ntario St., Stratf.�.d. - " 1;;:t:r,:; �---;,;-:.: `_` 11 �!�. I :! - ­ .: .......... ;!;­k�V_.1�;..;._____ . ____ " I 1 851,6-2 TENDERS WANTED FOR silp,migihility of keepilag -street drains acet., $37.95. 1 bhe Lord's Prayer in unison. . I I , 1§ : 4n a State Of xepaix that.would guar- Motions passed included- the fb.l-, 'The Sunbea.Ta Mission. Band Of I �1 ROE FARMS MILLING Co ATWOOD,ONT. i .17',�, , . , 1. . NOT'GF—I CAN STILL SUPPLY ALL TRUCKING - antee a dry cellfar for any of o,li lowing: Carmel Preabytbrian. --- I --- - -A I I � I 1. i�, � '. old and new customers �;vitlj 'Brantford r Church held I — " . ' - . I .. I Township- of Tuckersmith pffloqyefty Owners. It 'is a privilege Sills-lPnirke: A- vote of thanks be their regular Easter meeting on Sun- ' ..J. � .. I ambalt r<mfirig and siding, metallic steel roof- ' Represented locally by— I -1- -M Steel PrMucts, includ- TEND S WANTED FOR TRUCKING the Property owner has enjoyed and, tendered the Pub�lic UtiliWes Com� daY afteriloon, April 12bll� ,in the . I A111. JAS. M. SCOTI', Se forth. I , r.1. I 57W , material, Baevt- � � I I � _ . I §� iniz, steel rodfing, "Jamomny" pbukr�o equip- gravel;, To- ttipul�� separiitely- t,he -IBum nothing more. � missio'n-far the instalilatibn-of lights s�choOq room, 0� the church with the . a ,,,, ,�,, mont, new Preston Peculator to attach to per ya,rd mile, for distance 2 ii -Ales or und&, 'I'he question, was ffisrurstsod at con- in ctounicil chaynber and "sident Jam", Campbell, previding. "_ � AT It. ALBERT TRAVISS, Walton. .. I I I ­ � "I 111. fill standard seed drills. WILLIAM DOIG, and also sum per yard mile ,for c stanc the remoidel- I , X� , 'MR. IRVING WALLACE,' Blytl�. 'i , Ii � _ ", I I �� 5 1 �:",t, ." , R. R-P, KivVen. Phone 138 r 2, Seaforth, over two mil0s, ,width of box to be from Is siderable length bY the ciYuflcil and ling of �Clerk's office'.—Carriod. The meeting opened with' a ,hymn . MR. THO . - I 3565-�a inches to 48 inches, tenders to be in banlia it - was decided to leave the who -lie ' Keatiing-Reidl: Tliat Ule Sia,pv,iltion which was fql,lowed ]by responsive S. A WREN, HensalL .. 11 11_ - . . �_ � ,,:: , of Clerk -'an or before 24,th-April. .1 mattieT to thie Street Colninittiee to Arnvy be granted periTiission to hold I . . . I �- 35"4 �, NEW ROOF -A LOT OP ROOFS WILL D, F. McGREGOR, I ­­­ . I 11 ,;�,�3 �; i", A � decide upon a defmfte line of ;�tjoii ann.l tag day�-Caxrii,eid. I . .1 _= , . 4 ,� be required this year, both barns d , Clerk, Township of TuckeTisinith. . . -1 � -1 . � I 1, �,,` welling houses (are in aRT, I I ...... for &O flItum, Take notice that at the ,n4mct meet -_ --- . " ''. d bad condition. at 3565_2 - I ______ , � � .. have them recovered with etwite, gfilvgnized At a special m4detbing a the &reet ing of council I will, introddee a by� . " ! ., I"., . Sheets as made I>y the Galt Art Metal 0o., Or . Committee, called later tl> consider law to a,mend bylaw relating to 6il, ,I �,', the Pedlar People Of Oslia.wel-n.n. hlrtter: TENDERS WANTED A MARSHALL SPRING MATTRESS GIVES :1 I ��� ? � .. Or I can supply, you with nearly all makes the question, it -was uniani4nously de- ing of srtreAet;s­J. E. Keating. � � ": of any we ght or hwt, m0here street draln. thait 11 � ; I ;% 1; 1 .; 6f slated asphalt shingles _, Township of Tucke1r,%MitIl cided t � � YOU I HOUR MOR E R E S T EA(H N I G H T ; .. I , I , , 1. , . c616r how on the market. when you are iri TITDERS WANTED FOR OPERATING am uskad as an outlet for pailvIate eel- . .:= —_ ".., tovrn call and,have a talk and benefit from the stone crusher. in the lars havle become clogged, the pro- VARNA L - , � I . , May long experierme with roofs and roofing. okemmi , fo,r a Township of I I I .. - : - N . � "I .. � . JOHN ELDER, phone 1, Hensall. Tu th eason of 1936, will be re- PertT owners shall have the priviloge - S - -oh aMcirshhtl - -1 . , ­. . 01 � . I I. . I I ceived on or before April 2411h. tD be, -"PM '?of o0ning,,,and cleaning .... the drajyj at (Milsoes' Irien(d and Mary Chuter, of . For sound, reFre hing iest, sleeo � .. � . ��i � ,.,"_ I I 11 I 8556-tf on April 25,th, Bond for $200 With two theii ov�,h , . nn& if ,any ti,le I,londbtft, spent Easiter Sumday 'with Spring Mattress and awAe ihvigoratdd. e I S ,� . I . � 1AU'reme" lnu*t acownpainy tender. expense, soh, resilient I MARSHALLS j, AICE "'r. C,DVftm`ct6r to ftfrftish Pbw6r -bell. And ,alM required to make, the. -n their parent& ­.; I NO"'It I edeesary ... 'S,prings oF the Marshall t4e every I _.�, � I— - equipment to Plojee ma0terial in L�"er, stat. repairs ,the town wil, ly GIVEN - AW" THISVEIM , I I Town of Selaforth I ffig nature of evinipment, all nelums=7 help, fV I supp tbipAn Mr- and Mrs, F. Herd, ,of Goderick, turn �f yoor body-withiout awakening you --the I I I � and ou the crusher. Council to supply oil, ee of charge oh, the street pwolper- visited the latbe-T.'s paients on Sun- - , equivalent of an hour.'s extra, undisturbed sleew. .. __ 0— I . I . "I ' � 1� 'il� . ­ - NvffcE Is lmnBy Grvm THAT ALt Per cubic yard, , ty And, further they reeoWmend day, Mr. and Mirst .M. Blliott. Remember, the Marshall is the Origindl Spring YOUR CHANCE TO WIN ANA140SOMI� ,il parties titkinir &VaYed veveitabW nmttor rr. ,Contractor to 61upoly power, sufficlem that w4yen, pxifv�ie cellurts, bem�no MT1 Eberhart, our former teacher, . � , . . to dm,Twft DtxmV mvffl be vtbhe&aW. Ash- to ovemite drag gine, bot, neeemary help Ma"ress. - I - : 1. , . MARSHALL MATT*95S , - ., .- . - 49, tin chng,'broke" dfs%ea and gimilni­ rub- aM oil tbe crw�her, oil supplfed by courwAl' fl.wded, all proVeitY owriers, are ,wel- wan romwing acquaintances in the I " , . . i. ." The Manhall Company to giving amy 5 ofibefamommay,hallSo I ft"M to the fi6t five peiiplo,whow napm M, -ft MaV I . !I . bish Only In ToetWitted to be takM �Lnd thb Per cubic yard. come to the ad -vice of tillite Street Com- viNage during taw hobkld' y- Season. - tee our Special Wsoays dunfig - drawn a the ".MWW ' ' ; �� vli�ced only iii the 41�ft, 113ased by the 11aiw"', 111. Contradtor t6 supply Power, suffiaLnil r7ittee, as to the proper meffiod to iSeveral frpni, St. . Wsek" Dmwiag. I I .. ! 1. . artoo no'dmier 01*m 6wVfX--fdf"y, , to operate drag line, and oil cruahAr, price f 011 Johii's '6111gmga,� I . �; - I 00AAD JOV MMi�M. m hov�r, low W bring vdbout fbhe necessary tiola aftended UARSHALL WEEK " ' . All You have to do Is clip this cOurn, fill Inyour virde and sdilrft� " . . I the Cynod Friday ger- . I Into our doto, and we will mail our coupoll to thd Manhall CdM stLV 'it ' , . I . . . .... . .. _�,, , ".. , - 8W-1 Te"em L and M ti) include moving and 1M1,Pn0V4Vfn6n-t.—(9igned) Street Co§n- vdee Neld in Holy Tri'mity Charch In ., � � I entry In the dmvn ady be' , . , ,7.� &"� , setting, Inat4wial to be erwilied to swtwalction imliftbee, , P . I � I . , mg, ItIsallfree. Youaraundono tion to K1W t I I . ' I . B;iyfield, I I . ", .. ., R,ur entry mud be niade during "Marshall WW', A 18thL+ &O N ' 1_' ,:�i � -f i;;A Sweri�Qden,t. Crusher to .,,Mt, , I . , I I I FurAure Store ­ va 4 It ova , I i . 91TRIVET-01LING . I 5 I �. kft-�the reawta on Ky loth. clip G boopm,16W 1 444. - 7" i I I in AlWs und Pcstherinxl��Is pft, miniffl,num Too Many Ashes :, IM -n !Pipleby und son and daughter, � , . li . � I :�', , , . ., . � .1 I.. . . � J& eldve ,&dtt then brought up sbia,a't (d ilng4soll,__sipent, F4�A,er wigi th4i� I I fd%WmOmm's 1600, yardi, 1, R � I '11 , It I - _`. A116iifa 2500 3 . I 0 � . ,. I I ;* Nme ............. I ....... 46 ............................... t'. , � $ ";A, f " .0 I � ­ ,. . .i - , .. ::, . _S I I I I �S I � ,.: I I 9 . oxforth 1%0 eftiblithw of' nwbetial '116t "Titisfadflaqv- *11T :6ifizens durnphig their I ,­ . , I - - . �)IJ �, . � V � " I 9"Wo TO uAvr. " , ­ . . I , 10'. � " 0 �, 9, to twd fdr. -1. .I I ashes oit the palrenit% 'Master Ernie returnihk with - I I ­.� 4 t . 'I, . ... I I Seaforth 0 ntqio _ , 1,�� 0 - '.­ , I . . � - . �­ I., "'! I stre;ebo, 11W,6 h4,,ve!& bylaw,ii vt�ilt on, t;lf'e= ' ' 4 . � .. � �i I I I + ��. :" I I .. O'l ' , , . I LOWMt, Or Any teiftdc? ro& ,nmmwArj17 ac. � I . . . , . �'�- 4 ,.-. .1111,11 i7wel 4 6KA� OfUd te* Y"Iewb- , ' �:1'1.111 - I I ... I", � "'K, � , _ ,_,�'. 1, . . , ., - - . 1. � . .............. 4.....", ..... A ...... � ............. , �,,,�.` ,*�i,* i the Rdeve, "preohibil6ing peoplj� fthn ...,_jUg.tor Bobbie CWmjeron� � -1 .. ,�_�,:,�­,,.'.�,` 1 _1 , . - . 1. I I "I . 11 . I ... I ". i � , � _� wr', ,I �2 ­V*—W, ifill 40rd blank be re� a, lrf�11, ---", " __ -_-1, -11-1.1- . ��,**,L. . __ ''.., ". � �. ..­ - I 1.11 I � . - 1 ,,#�1,17,11 _ ... Wt, �i ii�. �be W. Ail o9f. it, patfing"asheig on the streebs, ,i Cr we sail- __ , 1i , .. I ` ,� .is fhe guwb ,,of his, a afr9l. - —,- � I ... _� — — � 11, 4.,4 1 , MA���� - - llint� . 300r,�1100[ I .1. — —1 .: I �� .1ri.11 I , ­­,"­ , , W 4L , should enforce RL11 ,, ­-� � , Opteelcltd; -&M Master VAMile, Owk a '. I . .. .. � , i��` """'tt. , , , , : :1 �. � , C I ,,, ��:w 1.0 �;,, , ON, . D. V. W*OREGOU� 016ric, 141my 11 I I I . 11 1! I � � � � `00-1,1: �,� . 10W -k I % I . I I .. " not V4 a nold,ce in, the -:�W' i 1,3 �ivvting hig, gl'!gTH , : , I . 1, . , , , .. 11 � , , :o "I I -­.. �' ... ji,j ' 'L . h-,'�� f . d, . ,l , "' , .. . . ..., �,� ., . ". AL m , - - , I I r I - . � . 11 ,. g5 6,111w,�'t.�"'"� . � 'I "' , : �,�. � *:, � ,:.. , I Mot R , Z Alid Xk*. '(4e,�­ cww,­,%�� +­ � I 11 : I . 6 . 8566��g 'PaP&OV, 940164, �,Couto . .11,11, �FSV�l -4,9',o ,1�4", �� ". . 4'. . I �, ", ­ ill,_, . - , I- . ­ . , "Mir" � ,� , I- I I - 1. I "","� I I . I P, �,�: 11, -,��,. . I.. 1, L, 40 "i, ., _ " � . � , - "h,�li,,'i,i�,�.��.�,��,,,,,,r7 �;,S�_ " . . J I " � . I. I ': I . � I I .11 . �s .� .- li,-�—, 4 � . � � , -:,`.�,,,:s­!� 1�1�,;� I " I � f'', � . I . 1 '111; 1i ',.�!�., , . . ,� ,,,,'. �`, ,,�, 'III, � " , . I 1 , ,�"4 ­ I ... . � V :� ­_ ��. ", " 1� 11,1m&�:�,,,�:" : , . ,� , vi I I ... 1,�I,�kp' 1,Z"-, � I . . , _1 I ..'' - 1,14,,'� � I . ,�. " I �� , . . , � � �, �- "'i '-: _ , , , ; -.A+,-:: ,,�, , %., 'A , . , , . . , . 1. . . I . : " �J ;P."; I � , , P� , �' k, ", I " . " ,', I ", � , i'"n. � . I i'11PE""i"', ", I i` ,� ',,� ., 0 , , , , -1 , " ;'.i�4.1 ��,� ��J . I I , . 0,'� ; " ,, : . 4 . � � I ... I ., I I _­ ,,, , , ..,,I 'W0.0m " -V " , t'j, 0q, . , , ,, " 1 7-8 , �_, * .. , � . . - , I , . , , " " , , � ", ", I I - 11-11-1-11. . - , . � " � '.. I , .1 , j, , m , , �A?;.,�."y & , �; . , , ,.� , IV ".'.... J1 .11 4' , 11 I 14144 �* ,-,,4. ,,1- ­ , , , , " l, il � ,� , , i I . gL ,�,� " - , , , , , , , " " , , L I X% ,.:,:,, ".", , �,�,,�� . ..... . " , - � , §""',,U�, , , , ., , � .. - I � .. _ il�,,� �.v'l ,��J..'JI,1,,%fij, � _�, , - -1 'Ur I '�Fk", I ­ , . A"'. �%� _.,M, --.�� .:!t.�. ,�,,�� .._ � �,,m,&.`_,�v,_,K, i� � '. , � I.-' I + , I , , & .,� �', . . 1�1�.'.11�'IlkelffiAiftir 1Vi11511U1,111.1.V1 I 1, 1. "'X,�"I'l r,�,� ,e . "k,6 , 11 III, "I" tl.� �ill �1�1 ", , 'i ". A . .*��, '. , , , L, �, & , 1 $ ,* � � I U'r ,4 -i,'�'..�!iv�..,,,�""!i..,�"!X.��:t.'�l.i.,�,,��l.i."L.A'- . , A_; � , '': , �; - � , - . " ;i,e,,i�ikt,�i iw��,.._!,. &N 16 ,J', ' " , ,;,_,­'�, � " ., . , 41, I& , w,��, 'M %'C'N., M �,Vl, �1 " . , ", I 'ill '! "11111 "I , "t, , "";`&, ., ,; )MI, MAI., i ., ­ ­ I.., -, -1-Mvid, __ K! W , , .11 �� � A� A �, ,I. ,;!" . . ��,, 11 � , � , ,, I -�:: � �? , ,. , I I -1 I ­ — I I 11 -�,i'��N, , x , '' , , �,: , � �. � I �­ , , I �. " � t",.'%*4.r� 45� : �:. ­ . , , , L . I" .. I 10 . % I +,.:,� �- yu - , . 10�,WIIGY � � - � I I ;% �'A� � . ?:, . I ., �.lffi p. , " � � �, . ,� , �,, 14��',L­ , " �XNUII 1'1.,., 1k, I , , ­'. " I , , !�,, , , -, , �1 1! 1�� .11,11 'I I I N ­,il% ik�,,), " _�.� � .1 , �,� ! � " " J , - �,. ,.� �,:,�,4 . , N , . i ,*, 1�* �, � 115,1111111 - 111110, lifi I (9 i�loznf k ,r�,: , .11, ,. ., 1� 4 0 , � I I 4 , T , 1. : � - 1 . . . I . $ . , . .1 " I � - � , ." I ) -Y 4 I . , I : � .. . I � � I � f, I . � - A .1 � I � � , I I . . I I .. I � , # A - . . . . . ..... a A i 'I , ! I I. . . I I I I i . I . I I ; 1.11 � . .. . - - I I , J 't P , I N