HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-04-10, Page 4.�,, ..., &­,�y'­­,�.�, "'I" 11, . " , ", g��I�,,,r,-TXIIR;t 1.j�,-,� ,11.1� ­,­, , ,­, 1.7,1�,­,­,�_ .., , �- '-� "I - - � , " " 1.1- "I"i. It , , , '­ � 71 7, ,, TV,4 �', �. �, 1� I '1�1 , , " , , - I , ,�­, , . , � . .. ... ­ ", � ,.� � - , "; , 1q, ,111 11 I ,", � k,i 1, 1, ,-- 1 , , " 1 - I, I . I , . rx .. ., - I il,.�-,­ I , I . �,,ytg,wc,, "', '' �'�, 111_Q�`1�111!?i,�� , I ."� 1�:11 � . 1 . .. .11 I 11 � 1 , '� , ',". " " , , . - 1. _: t-� . ....... I . 1, �, q-, � , -.7- , .� , '' . 1 ii I ,. . . 1, .. . 11 . , 11 � . I �. . ... �;, , , , . . . . � . , _ . �_- , -.,. 1-('' �.,,% , . :�� , 1� � � . . ,.:. �L . I . , 1� I ; � I I � , . I . , ., I '. . I . - �;nit,;�­"�" J �, , � , ;;_ I I . . I I I , . I .1. � ­ - � I I I I I ­ .1 I � I 'Or ,,,, � . .1 . . I � � I 11 J . . I . . j� - , ,� . : !� ,, ­,�­ . ­. ". , . . 1, , . I ., .. I . . . � I - , , :�', — . - � ,,, i. , . . �, _ � 1? ., . , 11, 1. I ". I., 1�.. . 0'", I . ,.�. I . . . -AP R1 � IQ'' � I � . � �' .... ;(` — " i ,� , 1-1.11 N .. 1. I 41.. , _,_� � I '4v. . �. I I , - , 11�', I ­. t1l, I I 1� ­ . . � . ". ,. ;. s 4'�tlla�,! �1� . . 4i � �_ -_ — 4' �10 , -, ­_, 1.1�1­_� - , '"' I' I "' " , "" , i� i 1, � 'I . - ! I 1� , �1� M- ; I . . , _ 1� 11 �� I., I . , , .. 'h 1, ��4,_­ ,!Tii'i'i,1111"��,?,. ,.K."".", , 1, '. �� .� I, � � �� �', �� , , P;4�i, ,§"I'r �,!71,�,�k�i�5 , :; ��'�., I , "'T �-,,M , , ','�'.'!?",i� �111��1�1'1`�41!Nli, �i ;%�', - - , , . � ,,"", 1, ". :"�. �'! � ��,!; , ,, 4`;�� �� , P"r--v -"'J �­ �­,111411�i , '"'141"'..'' , ", 'T�, I "T'7-1 " �, �,4, I. � , -, ,,.�, �, � "� . , "': " "" ;� ,:� ,_ P'Iljr.151'ill�"�;v�', ��,."'!77-, � . ." T , - I �!,,, ... . , � I � 11: , ,,�*-­ . , .4 , . - . , 11�4.ii4.;�,;. , I I'll...''- ... 11-1 4 - I � , _­ "­­ . _ - _ � I � I—. .., I I PM:1.;,F — , ­ ­_ , - . . I 1-111.111.1 111111.1111, --j- ­-, i�' ;,;.;;��i!'4,4�1' I- 1.11.1- 1-1:151. "I.".- . I 11 . - ­_ 6, -4, " . 'W 1.V111 ��q �. . I ­. . - llili _14.111 ;". , . � , I - - r!i!;�, -, -;�.,,;; � ,., , _= ,, �_ .. .... M;ii,P ;;� -1-11 11 . "ITTI, I . . -1 . - � I I I � I iii;i", .* ;;� - '. ."b 'k, �;�A,, ... ! I '. , ,;,; 7 ; A � , , ;J�,Jk' �! , ", , , * , ;; :;:I: 1:1— V, 11 " ,,� 11 � , � _ - ­­­ C_,­­�­.�­ . .1 . 1-1 , , . . �: . . 11 0,."�,l 1 I - . I, - � k 2 throotf,dixg I .. , ___: I - I .1 � - " 'm I I A . 1 '1;7�4� : I i, , '0� � .­'. . 611 - , " ­ I I ­ . -_ q . � '. , �, . �. V -A I I�W' , ", 0�,l . " .. I 1. . . --; "..." �­ �,. aw ayuo- I' �. ,— I 11" . 0; , to, -� I 04010�0-t I, "I - , or !&ul%,, -% n 41 000000. - - � 40000* : i�ewh Or iNwl_ 000-0, .'r - � _. I I Ir_- . .. . - ­ _. I MOM -=9.f Public Sc—hool I � ­ _­ I __,__-_,__1___ - 1 ,4 '�'��6��L55`1'1 T'p"" -f kiwhelA ____ - I - ". .., 4 'NL � I , A,� A171A."'.1-10 Wool;; *4th3he 14*qwes, 'M4 I — 4pokogse. with , . ___ , � ) I I I I . �1�11�";�'Ik�,� �111�.11��Ii z�,�p 11 JurvVIV—, I ., i�@,', , dinliw room`�bajm; 4 ,number of , , , 3", , ­chA*rs­_._1a_7Wk1A_9_W9_AT111�' T (Con,tinuied ftom Pa '_ i - , " 0 � ,:, , � ".. , I I �1_11� %1111.'�S'41 "I 1. wl�fting desk and chg,qt of draweve corlidWqd; ' . ­ , _ . " ' U ited CbWleh an'd MrS, 901bert IU9-91u& , - . 11 - 0 L Urge piece Vnotlq��. about 1.2 X 11-6 ifetot6 Reeves .: . 1. JU1$J;:A0_,A ,0,4"�,, ,',ofl,�,Xssox Thlit �� InAhe 0 . , � � - .... � Uss Indroft Kyle, of LMA^ vio- - . , ".. I . af.&d, other ginall airttw uoh a§_d10,h".,etr- .)j Couift�Wrly A;*-)mJ5` 4r, was c b I Rew, A. .. I - , . , , � I , , ". ,, . � W' Q#)wte4 fl,w pastor, - .� I , I I I�W' � . . . . . .__ . , 4qgrvp.,s#,., e farm 4 a seed, i;�w.-.exv,mqnata<,hi.s�-H.aTtiat iho- ­­ ' "' � I - iteld with.her *iots, Mi. i um ll% 0-.� �� 've _I,� P"*14V sel'.L__�M, M_, Dell, Teacher. . L - " 0 '. '- III ' � 1,0� Si!11011ijr, in e, . , -by * T. %yk- �m ,S�iVday last� 11 � � 0"01§1� o!� ... PoAU -inq ahur , 11* t%, . . , J ,)y no,V r will VastV . . Ai,41) , � i 6,11. i .W#le i L . , '21,-,", 11 " \ re I ,,,, ., 4*0 b � �� 11 ' IL , � � 1� �� = "r ,0. a ha 1, I , . cattle k;r. Is V - IwRT SWALE. agmt. for ,Uo4pe.r , Few, 1 . Mr. 011eve Joynt made a businogs. - 1-M A _Q 'an wre"I" "u" .& '8 . , ' ' W 1. M110, W." ., Dle ft - M�V. t . , W VY -W , 9 _ � , ,, f . .- , . , " .1 - '];iY _ P. 16irn. Auctioneer. , I Room V - , ,.,� ' � ` . ng the � , " , I Ads w�ll be inseited at new. low 'cash rates: P .# - " I . der. Full liblo'.0f. . grat�� .,01 1, 0 , een Go kind. in ski . � � - pla . Found. Coming Rven6.�Etc­w word: - Propricitor I x . � 8565-2 1 a�eld% .edar b . i w - fWip to UWQ,n�,D �fie begivindOg of thig ,, I P, ­ � . , _ , T.Awt and I 1, . . posts and ..fence 'thated4t Mastle.w's, illinwo of the pa! . un I ' . . I �11,s,�-. . � . . wlelek .,- , � , �, st week .................. ..... - I ................ I Cent ,. �­ IL .. .. A-Lovise Caae, Billy Sproule, +,.,. .+ . IMr. Clazo ".?y, ,of London, mls- . 4 # ,i�l � 2nd _wee ................................... % Cent . ,ARING .�UC�1014, SALE OF FARM Lenora Hub,W)�, D�nald Mann., ,Don- Chicken Starter and other �eiedisl. Al- iug Aist Was the first a I � L . v;4W,�, w_ - CLF � . - . I I ,�� IF4 V�;, ............................... t ......... % Cent Stock and haplements. at,7Ut 30. Part Tharne. Clordon Wilson, rw a few s�ft of new team farm hir- Mr.,81nelair wasi alble to tak ... w ited with f1riefids in town On Sunday . 111. Mi I na charge, first insertion ....... : .......... 25 Cents al, Base Line. three miles. north 6f',Clintou, aid --riess. W. E. Buot, Kippen. Phone ing an i'llness id C finl�� R. ust. - � � 'A 4 I I ]&sell I A �­.�L . . . Rev � kt'ggF­,,J­­ '. ,� ­ `InTfigure. initial and abbreviation cadlato as �qne word. , A 12.30 P.M, con- IB-J,a*k Mlakins,�' Eleanor Weaver', . 356&4 - ," .11, fl.��'[,",�, .. ema 4L , ,7" 1 on ThuTisday X4 '16th' :at -�Oue bay i - oyce Wilbee, Bett�, IMarke, . �,t�& , . I � —1 tent per word. Minimu­ 50 cents per week. slating of lihe 10110INing. Horiiis H 11 41 . W., & young of Ca Women's Institute Meets � i 4 "; 9 ..Q� ..... 4 . bytewian ,CbbTeh delivered , fine dils- t a .'Lt Tba1qkp.,In Memoriam NatIcest , � I I - " L I I 1��.. 0.1- Way 4p directed to 'a Box Number, care of Ite Haitrou Expositor, for 10 cents horse. rising 11; one -bay hersel rising 14; 1 Richard Frui4.,....-John !Ed1e:r,,_. Bobby (Conti from Page 1) ' courses on, isunday ,last and the "choll". 111he rievuMIr nwedug of the, Jumfer qgl 1_1� - � "I ­ .sorren dra ising 1; years .. nued Insatulbe was held, an tile bawment of li, i 1, ­-%f�I,Z, ver or LWork horse, rL � , , 8 y , , rie EisleT. �� " ;1 I red cow 6urfignit care I , �Zg 11, BuTnbiiy, Do - , �,, wAek will be charged V ads in above, elms are not paid by tho old- Cattl`l ' ird Mr.. and Mrs. Up,sb@vIl- were pre- as, uisuW doing weal, their part in the ican 0ho-rch. The meeting --1 , 4: " " addition , - � I'll ..� ­', �:f . ... .. n* _41 per ; Durham -Fraise,r Swan, Rhoda Beaeolin,, ith a beautiful ;studio coiWit. servjeeg, the AnIgI , , , �, % 1.,;-P, , tl� � old, just freshened; I black — D sente,d wl .. 'W fi: � was opened by siagin , ;.�J�j3­ �, �.�j Patuiday, night in,the week in which the ad was'ruis. 11, cow 6 Years old. -due to frechen t of June-, Edna *44ser. , g itho Ipphtutw 1 4, , . . ......-I. , L , 6 - "'. ". "06thp. Marriage$ and Deaths , inserted free of Charge. .1 � . -cow, Durham, rising 8. hened: The address was as foUldws: "D�-ar Alb ISt. �?*d'v Anglican C&=h Rev' Od foww -, The � . , � "' . . I I . , '_ '_ -, lel� -Your tMr ,FaTr, the R,qctor, 'oempled is , " . ed by %,oxanwda." .1 I P", - " . 1 red '14';Nn� I . , t! freshe Missed. _ex&T,� � . ,� - Doris, , gi)�n, Mr. and Mrs,. Upshall: We, b minutes of the prelviouff0leetiOg WeWO ,. , I ..12"' '^i he --RaOpo on avvIlqation. . I Holstein Cow, 6 years old. June I . . � . .�.� I d . - let -. 1 red cow, Durham, - 4 years. qld.. just HaTol,d- Ro ., "'E. H fliends and neighb� have assleMbl- i ,ik ��. " 1, V�@ - - , I " ,� , ,Actloh Sales. � Notice to Cre itom L M � 'It., _: - , . t��6­­ .... ...... ,A.. — , % . . fres-beried; 6 head of yearlings; 2 black Poll- . ss, giribil Maikins. 11 P*it delikering good sernwils and .Rcdl Call W110' WeU'- '! NR�2_ read and adQlpta "Vfflx;�,� ­ Eld4er, Teacheil. - I �Isicalpart of the SerVICO$ Were - ".. ,�­.­ Wanted I I Articles For Sale ed Angus caJ yes ; 3 roan � calves ; I cuff six � ed to-nigh� to �giVe,'-ourseltvelsi the the. . � ,L' . "'. - answered by'w­&-�orftle book and . .� 4 I ''. ,, . . 11 . . .. . . months old; Guernsey heifer. Poultry ---65 Room VI, pleasure of honoring you, for it is a well suaWnblt ' % authw, Wss KeddlA distabt org=­� � I I . .1 , i`�."!` " ­,�.;l .1.1 Lwhorn hens. Pags--l'wo saws ' I ; . I pilegisure. You heve. yourselves, pit- jtSundlay - last being Pallin Sund .v, izel. of ,South .1 - -4-1 , ­ TURE. PLEN- 0 'Ma -Juron .... - ­"WANTED---CATT1LE TO PAS .,PRINr. CLEARAN,CE SALE OF USED IC -7 I 0 ,.�?, _�, � W V ty of wa&-r. Apply to SCOTT H.&W- - -ten taken part'in justsuch fuincti6ns the eharch serniQns,centered upon . e "A .: makes is I aqw, ;due last of April ; I sowldeu. 1.1 'of ' P�rilnary, A­Buboby HollingsI th , and ,Mn;. - ��-,,� . Pi,...e�' Such well-known July; 22 young Pigs, weighing 156 pounds. 1. Kestle, ppesident of the Hur6nd-ade, � THORNE, or phone 13,236, Seaforth. Heiritzman. Nordheiimer Mason & Ri5ch. -Massey-Harris hay loader, nw- Zomald 'Smith, Jack �Ltttle, Harold as this and by your good -nature and ��leiiiljnphal entry Of Christ at Jerusa- , ,!"., . I.. . - impiemeiat�. � . I Women?s Institute, were present and -i I , 'p, I I . . 8566xl W.b.r and others. at r,�asonable prices and -Harris bin- Knight. . %­ - . I _�� , "�. �, __ . _.� terms. Write HEINTZMAN & CC . 142 bun- ly ne%V; Deering mower; Massey , - ready wit have added interest and lcm. eatelh gave a vieTy interesting and . . � � 1. 2 der; Quebec riding Plow; -walkini Plow he occasions. iNow, that SpeiciW Lenten ,serviceis, have been I J ,� FLOUR, des St-, London. for further PDX re N � '11'r CGS', WANTED - OAKWOOD rakes: B -Billy Cheoros, Walter Boswell 1spice. to t I ,heilpful disicourse. ,Mdss 'Mild -red I dcula - '­seuffler; cu1,tjvatoT,,1set of harrows; 2 I ' I , � F .1 U �� , . - 1 'Rogens Road. Toronto. Ship by obligations. 5 -3 Bain wagon. with wagon b4; set ,of bob and Ronald Savauge (4qual),, Jean you have b6en away on your holley- -e local, ,churches ,this 1,11 Feed, 3 66 held in W) thre ENK. ..­ " � - Charg- . . . � . I Smillie ispokel on Homve' M6gazinew. I I .0ajIk4 TrknisvorL Best cash irices- elve' I A � 1,i' . � sleighs; roller' tutter; buggy; 2,000 1�8- Me?&kster, -Peggy Trapnell, -Nefi moon beyond all fear of interfer week, the4i�rst being 06 lMondJaY light and seNeral membeiragave their opin- . - ,;,Ill . .eq� paid. . I . S561-6 _ extension; seed drill set of , , . . �i4l. .. . I 1 1 � I �eales; ladders, I wheel Bemtltie, Dpni;kd Mae"Kjen�hLi. from us for's!ame days, we -cannot left in Carm4l Preqbyterp&n� ChuTch,con- ion o,n ,dhffierent magazines. Mihs I I I I - I - . discs; stone boa,t; ma.nure spreader; - .11; .1 - I - Farm upee, Helen Cbrri�-, you kettle drwn on even so desir Z "! 1. . I . Stock For Sale barrow; De Laval' creaan separator; churn: C- -Bruce D' - i -&blli� dructed by Rev. Mr, Stewaiitt of 0en i Maude MeLean gave a demonstration _­ 1- . ' ' " - ____ elt double harness; set of single harness; elen O'Die,11,. Finlay Row, ,Fred a "Fri6ndsdup' Farm"' 1�'ralila- the seciond ,in �he Unit& �� Agents Wanted ' ff, I doinicile,. . as . on scrap books. A splendia topit on 5 . PIGS FOR SALE-ilX YO f plow harness; chains; forks, whiffle- . ". � 0 i. . .. -.1, RkZHIRE PIGS, set _Df Weedmaft, Kenneth Swun, I$pbby wityli,out givillig you some sort of in- Chur�4 on 'Tuesday lidght last, Rev; ", - — reloy to wean. Apply to F. J. COI.X- trees, and numerous other articles; 400 bush- ' ,Canadian Iterature was given by . . I . I �1 GOOD-; RAWLEIGU ROUTE NOW. OPEN MAN, R� .... R.-11, Seafortih. Phone 238-22, Se;a- els mixed grain ; 25 bushels of leid corn'; a Knight. .. itiatiork that will remain a pleas -ant Mr. Farr, A,ector 'of S.t, Pa-ul's Angli- , 'Miss -1. Alexander and Miss L' Drum- I I;! I , I you. industrious mau'ean earn �ei_ Itorth. -,_ � 1 3566-1 quantity =; quantity of Potatoes; quan- D -Kenneth' Hogg, Ivan Beacom, ,nemory for the rest of your lives.. ,can Church ,being the speaker, and In I . .ter = average income. '. Complete -di- of I . tity Of Everything to be sold as- "ChaTlile Venus, , � You liave w1waysI been- 12art of our bai Thursday evening R'e!v. Mr. Elston 1 ond fawored the audience with. a . yea�. ---- 1�_ s o, meeting el se saTW g 11" � ,household necessities es,tablish4&' 46 .V . proprietor has disposed of his farm. Terms- . ' ol . The , oi d by , n ­ 0 ,, 7 issed examinabions. - Luella HOP- community and we awe happy to of ,StL John's, taltes the semices, and / ,�; . Permanent. No imves,tMent or, experience I ­­ Cash. 'CHARLES TYNER, Propir . I . etor; Geo. M the National Anthem. A contest on *�'r - needed, Write us 1-d.,. AWLEIGH, . Notices H. Elliaft, Auctioneer,- 1 3566-1 per Buddy smlithj---41Z. S. Thompson, know that ,you areto continue as part ort the coming Friday inlorning at 11 � Dept. M`L_363-Q-D. Montreal, Canada. - I . I . . .. I I er. . . 0 . . be ,poiabs was en1joyed by the menlibers. ; J .p . . . .. I � . 3560-1 * - ' Teach I I f it, ibut ,before you s6ttle down we o,cliock Communion VerAtces will A d%dioty 'lunch was, '.then servl�d by I ,'I . , " NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE,. I feel we Tr1ist express our- hope that helld in Carmel ChuTchand in) the ev- . . - � . I I � I just ,begun un- ening Rev. Mir. Young will take the fthe fouir bbstesses, in charge. , . - . I, " � � . . ALL ACCOUNTS OWING THE LATE, W. . the n, w .';to you have Wiss Alice Higgi-ns�'6f London, via- I . BY VIRTUE , OF ��, THE ' I ar such bappy auspices, may eon- pr4pawatolry 'Ice in -the ' United - !" I � I For Sale W Crosier must be settled at once. �_ UNDERrs AND BAYFIELD I d, sery ited at, the home of her parents, on 11 1. J. J. CROSIER, Powe bf Sale contained in a ;ertain . tinue"for at least, fifty years in ever Churclh foT Rev. Mr, ,Sinclair,, and the , . I . I — Executor E&tate of W. W. Crosier, rffortgag�� which will be produced at the time I � � Sunday iasit. . ' 11 � a,sALE­5jD.0 BUSHELS MIXE GRAIN, 97 Ontario St., Stratford. of sale, t For several months Bay -field has deepe�ninjg; happine,sp, continued t�ealth Communion service will be ilield on. I Miss Gladys Saundercook, of Lc�%-_ .. I 111"406 bushels Improved Banner Oats, 'ill 3i6 . 6-2 1 ,�here will be offered, for­saAe'IW,-1', and incriasling prosl0eiefty. In toke I .. I �� . I . ETER McNAUGHTON., .1. . THOM-V­FELLS, Auctioneer, I., been without a medical ,doctor. Last . good mishes, pe n Sunday Tdorning, April 12. 1 al- don, spent Sunday .with her mother, . �11' suitable'for seed. P ­ � ,of -our sincere xes et -St. Paul'& Anglleaiii �Qhuroh wil I . ' . " ": 1. Phone 56, Henaall. . a566_1 . OTICF-I CAN STILL -SUPPLY. ALL . . at Nveek Dr. Win. Fowler, of Toledo, On- vnd aff eettion, w(V Prelgenit YOU with oo,ho,14 a Communion service on ,S'un-, Mrs. Annie Saundereock. . ), . I N PUBLIC AUCTION tariio� with Mrs. Foiwler and, sort, ax- J , Messrs, Harold, and Harry Paffe7 , . . . sEtS CARS, FORKS, PUL- � old and new customers , with Brantford this studia couch.-s5gned an behalf day mornim,g, ApAl. 12. ,�! , , i I FOR SALE -2 . ndi-; asphalt Toofing and siding, rii:6t!A1I4c steel roof- an MONDAY, the TWENTIYI day of rived and are located, in the red birick , your neighbors and fi and Mis6 Beatrice Balleyand Mr.and � , , 1'. . ley$ with a5O feet rope in good includ- APRIL. 1986, at the hour od TWO O'CLOCK house formerly occu ited by the'fabe of jends." Mr. Vi � e ni .1 . 'rock elm, afidco Ing materrial. Eastern Steel Products, i . The regular Meeting Of the qlage Mrrs,. Kentner of S1, lbouir e, spent, 1. tion; 5 8 -foot stall 'Posts. t�vo . p I I � ing steel rpofing, "Jamesway" PoultrYl eQu'P- in the afternoon, at the farm of WIL;HEMENA �M, Upsh.all, in -a few. Wolrdg, made a s�iit-' cou,neil was hteld Monday evening -with , " I . stringers. Apply BOX 71, EXPOSITOR ment; new VS. Bailey. W)e welcome Dr. and . Sunday ,with -Mr. a � Vis. Travis&- . ' . I 354x2 .Pieston Fertila,bor to attach to SANDERS, R. R. 2, Seaforth, Ontario, the ablereply, thanking the"many friend4 ,all,, miqmbers b6ing, pros-ent. "'Minutes � I all. standard seed drills, WILLIAM DOIG, dollowing Property, namely: Mrs. Fowler as residents, and truist. I - Dr'.. H`aTry and, Hilly J-6ynt are via- . ,'?, . L foi- the beau.-iful. gifts that had been of the previous- medtiing vv;�lre read. . . � .. ­­. R. R. 3, Kippen. Phone 1�q. r 2, Seaforth. that any in, this distr�ict in need of a . iting* With theiT mother, Mrs. Aliw I SEE I I _­ 8665x3 ALL AND SINGULAR those certain, par�es, ­­ -D BA.RLEY FOR SALE. -APPLY TO . I bestowed on liimself and) wife and Hamilton and Bmtk: That the. min- I .. . . - : :� I . JOHN 'MODELAND. Phone 143.r 4, Sea- - or tracts of land, and pr�mises, s,10ate, lying doctar's service will give him. -a call. 11 that oweb aiid every one at utes be Joynt. . 0 1 1 � , , I ' ' ", forth. , " I $565-3 . I I I and being FIRSTLY: In the rt�­nsbip of His Wephlone number '1� 631-6. , hoped adopted as rea'&---�Carried. F. The towngro,ups Gf the Ladies' Aid I? RQOF_A LOT OR ROOFS WILL . some time or -other would' ,come to G. Rorithron, tax collector, repiorted, ... ANEW 'barns and McKillop, in the County of Huron and being . I . SEED GRAIN FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF be required this year, both "'. I � of -the Presbyterian Church, Intend . I I I . dwelling, houses are in bad condition. But composed of the west half of Lot No. 34 in Good Vrtday iseqvlcesi In Trinity VIBit them in their new iho�me. After the arrears of taxes as being $667.00.. holding a sale -of -home ew,kiug in the .. 11 . I I oats and barley, mixed; also some good have them recovered with eboDlee galvanized the F�urth Coneession of the said Township lunc I . I I I clover hay. Apply to DAVID M,cINTOSH, sheets as made by the Galt Art Metal C containing by admeasurement fiftry a�cres Church is to, be from' 1 to 4 o'clock. b twas seirved dancinIg'was resum- Hamilton and Sangster: ,, That we ex- basLinent of the church on Satuxiday I . , . R. R. 3, Sea -forth. 3.566-1 or., ,or The Rector. (R ,, will ed im.til the v.,ee silla' hours of 'the tend the fix roll uniil next regulex �, . � A ' I ... I the Pedlar People of Osbawn-none better. more or less, and SECONDLY:. in the Town: ev W. G. Bugle . � . Aiqril 11. Tea will also be servill '' . - - . in.the'County of Huron, and conduct appropriate se(rVitCeS aiij n,orning, when one aild all returned med!I L. E*T'-anid C. . . �i . Or I can suvply�you with nearly all makes Ship* of Hullett . in- -Carried. ftom 2 to 6., � . . � . INR SALE - A QUANTITY OF RED of slated asphalt shingles of any,weight or being composed of the east half ,of Lot Num- hopes to see a good attendance. bq theiT homes, mishing Mr. and Mrs. SmlilliTa,ppeatred as die -legates 'from ( i _ � elover seed, Government Grading No. 2: colo,'now on the market. When you are in her Eleven in the Fifth Conce3sion in the I Celebrates 85th Birthday ; said Township of Hulletl, containing by ad- Upshall much happiness 'and' ' joy tithe Junior FalrmWs Club, re i�ent " re-dearied by Jo,nes,& May, Exeter. ,AP,.:ilY town call and have a talk and benefii from . . i .. I Mrs. John day I )Irl 11 to ROBERT ELGIE, R. R. 2i,Kippen. Phone my lo,nii -experience with roofs and roofing. measurement fifty acies, more or less. � through their wedded, life, The m"USIC Of, part' of"'ha-11 for their meetings,. I I I ,!, , I . 3.5134x2 ,. . . I . I - . for -the evening was provided 'by Mr. Brock and HaWilton: That we gnant, I last celerbiated her 85th Virthday and . I . � .,. . 2-34-42. - . JOHN ELDER, phone 1, Tiensall. , . On the said farm there is..said to be erect- prayer. Mrs.' 'M. A. Reid, the . - having attained . that ggwd old age Is ,,, ., I . I . .1 � -O.A.C. 0. -i8l Peas, Alaska L I . . 3556-t� ed 4 d uitable farm build- guest Wm. Haytew's ,orchestra,' with iMr. the Junior Fariners, the council clia,�l ' I . ,..: ­ � R SALE N I—- , . ings. I .,,lyeakeir foil� -the evening, had. the 'in- iArm Workrnan ac ils :floor rhan- ber for ten $20.-C-ar- �vonderfugly s,matrt and active and en- . I �.. � I F%ts and Velvet �arley. M;rces and'sam- - --and- reverent,ettention of , ting meetings for I . �, ples -on 'application. ALEX. BUCHANAN. .1 WARNING T"he Iands, will besold subject to a Reserve i!=rest 'her ager''iff"lliS usual pleasing way. ,ied. Levi Rande ,appeared, re the ,joying Jife in its fullest sense, talk- I .. k r":---, ". , Hensel], Ont. 'Phone 41. "5�5_' Townshiy) of Tucikersmith 131d. . I . � audience duir,'Ing a very, worthwhile . Institute To Meet .. Brock Stretet dratin, to be considered mp a great ,interest in whete,ver ig 11 4 1-1 � . I I .1, - -_ . address on "Practising Acts, of to 'he Kippen East Women's Institute 11ater. Coulmunicaltilons were , oin k commun is, �, BARB BARLEY, GOVERNMENT GRAD PU . BLIC IS, HEREBY. WARNED TERMS OF SALE OF LAND -Ten per cent ve T .read g ,g on in. th6 -ity, and . - , -A ' 'cluite a close'rqa4 f 1p ,blic , e - B TH'P of the purchase moneys to be paid down at at Easter." Mrs,. Reid to, us, with - from SgyK'yer' & 'Massey ,, er o a v�entst I ., NO smooth' awrie�d. ripens. against dumping noxious weed -seeds or will huld-theii: regular nionthly meet I I I I, heaviest 3nelder, ' - ., Liquor �Con- I . I I 1, I with s _15" parLynent with mem-ory unimpalred_amd moves . . -ii6te oats. A. p. HUNTER, Exeter. any other'nalsance, on road sides, under pen- the time of sale and the balance within ti,ar to Palesbine, Africa, China and ing on Wedne day, ,Apilil 15, at 2.80 trof aardi, ,De of Health, St. �, . . . 'I, . 3566xl alty of fine lof $10 ' to $550. I thirty days. . I Peace - lRiver D11strict, illustrating p.m at the ho,me of Mrs7. William, Joseph's lRospital,' H..Vollan,d,-.D-ept. a-bmit. thehcitme A� one very LittlIe past ' 1. . . ' -. .1 � . D. F. McGREGOR, For further particulars and conditions of very vi,ridly t,he lives ofsome- 'of our Sinclair. The program -.w.111 be car- . f In,d,'ian Affairs, Attorney -General, roiddle life. Her many relatives and. . �' ­ I R SALE_-QUA_N7ITY ALASKA OATS; Clerk, Township Tuckersmith. sale, apply to missionari,eis "who. h a:nd aire labor- , frielidIs, hople she may be spared to . I .". Floggrmination test 98, Grade Nb. 1; 50 . 3565-2 . "I ried out as -it is for May 'on the pro- Dept. ,of Rehef-'Same filed A8couut.s , I I .1. . bush , Apply to W... LORNE CHAP- . I /11 , R., G, M. McDOUGALL, there. We C'ai�. - a:in, to Eg- gram sheets, the only item that is were read as follows: G. Walker, re- E,p.-�nd many more birthdays!. She w I z cents . IER . . � ng ag I I I .1 ., - -n , - V1 - I � ,all. -_ _. Solicitor to the Commissioner of , ., 7�­, MAN, 1 Exeter. .Phone 1&on 33, Herr: I . i ondville where --Mr.,t Reid -left 9 charig�d being the :place of meeting. lief, pleals, $1!5.75,.;.. H. Dayman, re- rEnl0mbered 'with man,y gifts, not ,;�, I 3566x2 Affric,ulta-al , Loans. Parliament . . . � . ". .. . � ,.,.,_111: . Notices to Creditors Buildings, -TORONTO, Ont"' with the challe�ge not only tb PT`at� The annua,l medting will be held ear- lief, groceries,..$14; W, R. Davidzio'n only from -inembers, of her family and ' �. .. � �_ � , , - � I ' . - tise our acts ,of lo,�,e at Easter bult to Bev thlis yea)r on' May 13. The roll relief, coaa,' $8.540,; T. E. DruMmond' ., I 1. . ' ' SALE�-QUANTITY OF GOVERN- DATED at Toronto this Twenty,li'fth day relatives bult also by many neigh - 'it ' . I, .1 kp!e ,Gra&d Red Clover seed. Apply to NOTICE TO CREDITOF(S ,, :of March; 1936. 1 3565-3 practise them each day ,and every ca -11 VRI ,be anlowered by payment Of relief, groceries, $1.3.50,; W. Green: -b,ors and friends. -1 . '. I I OTICE I I - 240-6, Sewforth. . N , '� , . R. L.'BOLTON, R. R. 1. Dublin. Phone S HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL ___g__ ihour of the day. 'Mona M�Gregor d,,�. . I . � . . . 3.566-1 . I n�"ef; milk, $7; Relief tiDtal, $58.75. Funeral of Mrs. Ross, 611 I .11, '. . . tereditors aiid other. having �Idiifie against I ' and Violet"Tyndall delight�d �the'garls r, of the London He""all Hy4tro $7.38; W, Fx'aser, labor As we mentioned in 'rast W�,ek's is-. . i. - � ­­­` ­__% 11 s late of the Mr. Rob�ert Coope . � I)OOLEY POTATOES - QU OF Personal and" visitoTs, with several - isiting hall, $10.75; D. Walker, labor hall, sue the death of Mrs. A. P.-Rosa�o�c I , . Township of Stanley, in the Coun,ty of Huron. . , ' musical Road, s6ent the. week end, va � I .. - I.... . I . Dooley potatoes flor s:aae. JO MODE- Married Woman, who died on the Twenty- . . selectitoll'S. A Social half ho�vr Was . . .. � I i fi, � . friends in, Tqr6nto. ! � 4 '.'i' ,.4-0; A. ,Spencer '& Son, matrel4al, cu'ri-ed last week in ,the Kitch,kner- . " I I LAND, Eginondville. Phone I-0-4. eighth day of November, A. D. 1935, are re- miss SUFFERER HAD AN ACCIDENT. sp,-nt and- refreshments s6Fved. b '1M . &nith, labor I , I ;1 I ,3'564-3 ' y 11he I rs. Robeft G,recin and daughter, hall; .$4..45; -A streets, Waterloo Ho�pltml fliollomirrg a Th -U . I 1. � I - - � 1. � . .. . quired to forward their claims duly proven Sh-e cut her corns. Now she uses Cress social Conimittee, convened by Alice f Port Stanley, ,aTe , -labor, streets, $3.2&; resulting in a double fracture of her I I, I, � . to the undersigned on. or before the Twenty- Corn Salve. gold by ALL DRUG STORES. I 0 visiting ,at the $5.20; G Moir, . 1, �V_ I r1OR SALE --FULL LINE, O seventh day bf ,1priJ, A. D. 1936. 11 I - , I 1 356&1 Thompson. . .. I home'6f Nfir.-and Mrs. Jam, -69- Dayman K. 'Mann's, labor streets, $1; J. Gei- hip and from .... which she never recov- - . - .. I seeds, cedar posts a -ad fence AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that - . I ... 1� I . material, I . S., 'Mrs. $. Tomlinson, of Kippen, is of the village. . mains were braught to '' , a .,Chicken Starter and o�bher f4eds. . . ger, team and lalbor, streets, $26.70; -ered, The re . ,. .. . Mastee after the said, date the Executors will pro- - e gues, irs. George HM's. I I . ,�,_ Also a few sets of gew team farm harness- th . it of K Mrs.' Jobil W,cVkman:, fayll sistel;, G. Walke,r,_salary 3 rnQniths� $46.25; Henstall on Saturday la§t for interw- . �,. I . I �ced to distribute 'the estate having . regard I I - . .., . . W, E. BUTT. Kippen, Phone Hensall 41-91- only to the claims of ,whiqh they then shall For Sale or Rent � .. I -Nirs, Frazer 'of the yillage, sip"t a F. W. Hess, ptinting, $26; Bonthton ment in the famfly plot ait H,ensall , ., � . ;. � " I . 3,5'5,5-3 have notice. , ----. . . .L I . I "I � �. I . I .- I .1 - I I DATE . D at Exeter, Ont., this 2nd day of OUSE FOR SALE OR RENT­tFRAME .11� I . '. few days. at the home of 'Mr. and & Drysidiale, s,'tlpplies hall, $6,5.06; Union ceniietery. The funeral selrvice 11 , . . . ,.SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - "REWARD- Aj#ril, A. D. 1936. . H CONStANCE . Mns.,E ' (Ion Kerr, bt McKiTlo', during 1-li-knsall MX1g; Co., $,& .-Totold $272.14. was held -from 0arine-1 Presb�� . house iri Eginondville, on Centre Street; '* p . .,� I Sprin-g wheak, "Velvet" Barley (smooth GLADMAN & STANBURY, , ,hot watc-r heati.Ing; barn on pmv­y. -1 1. - I the past week.. Shaddick and-,l3rock: "That acclounts -Chui�oh, conducted by thepastor, Rev- k � . . - Hensall and Exeter. I further parti . lars apply -to WATSON & Mr. and Mrs. Elzar ,MousSeau, of as read be paid.­ACarried. , Yeas- W. A. Young, who in addition to de-- I P, ­ - awned barley),' afid 'tAlaska­ Early QatB. . � Lo,ndesbhTb Church has invited , cu I Prices and (fAll inf 1. Executors' -Solicitors. I REID, Seatorth. , . 3565-3 - I I I � 1, , I oiMation given upon ,aP- . . - I 11,.:_ 1 35664 1 - .1 Burns' on& Constance Chur6h to at� th� village, visited'overr 11he week -end, Brock and Shaddiek; nays- Sangster, li�eT.Jng a fine.Aiscourse, nrost fleel- ­ . �, . pji�atiIon. Apply to OWEN GEIGER & SON, I I ACRES. 6N tend ari E�ster service held on Gaad at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Mel-Alle Proc�k and Hamilton. T ,ly rendered that much 'loved solo, . . 3565-3 RENT__�_GRASS FARM� .50 ,)Tat B-.vla,w 6, ing . . , , . Hensall, Ont. Phone 59. , To * . I .1 . - I... NOTICE TO ,CREDITORS , No. 8 IC12,rihway. with good supply of Friday evening in 'the, 0hurch.­ , Smith, of ZuT�ich. I 1 1936. be given, first' and see-obd read- "The 011A Rugged Cross," accompan� r I ­ I -1 I - . ' IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL water. Appily HAYS & MEIR, Barristers. he Gp4den Link Mission Band held MT.. Robert MIcKen,zie is' wearinig, a irgs. ,Sangster and Shad -dick: That. ied by Mrs. Young., The f1bral tyi- .i - �� 1 , I NOTICE Seaforth. 13564-3 T . . 4 1 I SEED BARLEY- creditors and others having claims against .. an Empire concert in the school.,ro m broad smile thp�se days. A bfright By!aw No. 6 get third and firl'al read- butes Were niany and most beautiful � I t. I G . . � the estate of,William H. Mundie. also ASTURE TO RENT -ABOUT 6.5 ACRES,, �crf,the church last Friday evening. baby boy 'has come to, ,brighten their inlg�Carried. Ha?nlilton and Brock�' aiid many relative�& and, friends from . I - 'F OR THE GROWING OF MALTING BAR- . Mundy. . ,-,. 11 ley, sow pure seed. We can supply you late of the Town of Romulus (Hayts Corners) P Lot 19, Concession 3, Hay Tp.. 14/i miles Th. . I . . �. .11 2& in the County of Seneca and State of New ere was an excellent pro -gram. ho -me. Congilatulartions, Bob!, That we Vill the Library $6, School D6troflt, KiNcheller, Whtierlioq. ,&a- , . � �, I vr .pure. seed.sf,nt out by tbp. Canada Malt- tc ant. southwest of Hemall. Never failing spri h,04L ' ,d Sta ng T se responsible for lithe evenin-i-g' ,;1r, ay 4 % �_� - _: I York, 'Retire Hce;ibal Aftend who creek. Also quantity of good bay for .sale. . s T nd Mrs. Reid, Torrance," of B,oard.$.10 and thle Hydro 0o,mmisision , forth -and Ex-�ter were present. The 1. , � ,1 I ing"Oo.. Let us have Your order. die�! on the fourth day of April, 1935, are 'Is.s Ivy.Porteris Fnl. visdited ,at the b e f auditing ex- pa:lbearers, were John Eqd,6k-: Alfired I � . . � � . I required to forward their',,Zkaims duly Proven Apply on premises. 3564-2 program were: England, X, oin of $10 for' tbeir',ghare o I' t 1, 1. I I . ", . I . .1 I . V. William Staffl�t6n, to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Execu- — Sllrnmohls,� Irreland, MTs. J. Fergua,o-� Ivisi6n, of the* town -line, penseg.----Carried. Sihaddick, andlTaylor, Fred Borithron, David Shir- .1, y �; Mr. Henry . � ,� �_ to,, an or before the sixth day of April, . -I... . Seotfland, Miss- Helen Britton. Lunch during, the week, . .� Sangsito=;, That We adjourn -till next'ray Win. Jarrott and Robe,rt J. 1`1at.- . . � .. - . I .. 11 Phone 31, -Dublin.' 1936. ' : MTL William Harvey, ,of the villag,e,' regular meeting_�Caxiried. rs,on. . The,dielceased, was the third . .1 .. I . __ I .� 3,566-2 ' Farms For Sale - was served by me-mbers of the Band. ! I � U, . . I. 1V .. AND NOTICE .IS Fi�fZTHER GIVEN that :. . .Mr. and -Mrs. J. Ferguson vfs held an, auctilon sale of farm stock Biggor and better than, ever -Hen- I dku,ghter of "Ahe late 'Me. and 4hv, . I � �, . I _____ — . after the said last mentioned -date the Execu- ARMS FOR SALF-100 ACRES,. LOT 9, tilted . mll R strel Show, Town Hall, -Hen-, James'R rithir , pio e T d , I 1� 11, " " F , Mr Ferguson's sisteT, Mr. and Mrs. �nd Implements to the soutb: *I the s Min o on n e resi enits of ...-I ­­' tor ,ffiff­proceed to distribute ge assets of ,Con. 7, ­AaKi4lop Two.. 6 miles -from . 1��I . - � I . Tenders Wanted. I the estate having regard only to the claims -oil soil and good buildings. Price Noble in, Blyth,on Sunday. village on the farm that he 'had rent- all,,Wbdnesda,y and Thursday, Alpril the village -of Rodgeirville,.Mr. Bon- , I ,,, . Seafor;th;l gr , - 'I I � 4 I I I, od which he then shall have notice. I Ne I I �. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 19th day $5,500.00. .Terms,. $550.00 cash, balaucce, 20 Miss Th,elxn,a Leitch spent the week .ed fi6m MT. Peter KilVatrick, on Fri' - 5tb and 16th, at 8.16 P.m. ere and,also, in -- � . SEALED TENDERS,WILL HE RECEIVED year mr�r*iigii ,at 4 per cent. interest. end with her aunt, Mrs..Jo,h,n,&to1.1­,0 new joket, new skits; 8 end.'He, - � ,, f day last. Although the day was par- slongs, nsall, coming froini Scotland wbieve I I I ' i -, by the Council of,-ne Town3hip of March, 1936. n 2. . . . � , I Hay 1 150 acres. Lot 16. Con. 3, E1/2 16, Co Clint -on. . ticularly StOTnly a good crowd* wa,s. men; cast of 40. Adynis"sion: Adults 'Mrs. Ross was born, A number 6f I �� I , I ; up tti�six o'clock, April 18th. 1936, for the I . JOHN J. HU64ARD, - W,Killon Tw.p., 2 miles from. Seaforth. Good ! � . I: � , . following, . Sea,forth, Ontario, soil and good buildings, Price $7,500.00. Mr. Theodore Dexter was luld&,li- gresent' and. fair prices were realiz- 25c, children 15c, tax inicluded. 'Re- I ye.3TS ago,she-was united in marriage 1 4 ?� � For suppIly of power to operate township , 'Solicitor for the Executor. Terms, $750.00 cash: balaritce 20year mortgage ly taken ill on Sunday with a severe ed - 1. I I I verve your seat at Hemphill's- Drug to Mr. Alexander Rose, ,of Living- '. '111 '. I . 3,563-3 ,at 4 per cent. Interest . heart at�klack but is -improving f&e- 'Communion setrvice -"511 be held in Store-lio extra charge. ,Seats on istane, Montana, and following the � , I I crusher in Welsh's Pit: contractor to �upply I Foil Ifurbhe� particulars� apply to ' OTTO . � t - .... drive belt. Tendi�m to state price. per cbbic . I ly. . � St. Andrew's United Church on this, sale now. 1 3566-1 ckath of ,'her ,husband, she ,made ,her ,- . , . , 11F yard a material�placed in bin. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, JOHANN, 4698 -3rd Ave. E., Owen Bound. , .. ,. - . �, � -S!SteT (Jessdte), Mra. � . A]". tenders for supplying crusher -with HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL . a565,12 Ross WeGregor, Bill Jewitt, Vern' coming Sundliy _- � Mrs. Orville Beaver and little horne mith ,her .., . NOTICE Is � , �,� � - gravel and stone from pit. Tenders to state creditors anti other having els,ims against and Leo Dale attended the StratfbTd A n,u-rnber 'of the go,od friends, and daughteT ci� Thamets, Road vishedl-for R. H. Collins, -of Kitchener, and lniore .­ . � . �;;, (price per cubic yard of material 4eliverpd the estate of William Warren Crosier, late of TJOUSE AND TWO FARMS FOR SA Spring Show on, Wednesdh I I neighbors of iMr. Isaac Jarrritt� of a few Olays, fhL:9 4nd -of last week at lately of Waterloo,' but frequently � f. LE�- ") in crusher. Tenders also to state price the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Har- `L ElAt-roormed frame house, electr% light; Y. nto t-bq village, held a wood bee at 'his tbe'b . I ; 4 ,. per yard with use of dragline and without pp. and Pryvince of Ontario, Gentleman, who good barn "d six lots, oppo3ite Collegiate Mliss Don,elda Adams, of Toro , on�,'e of, Mr. and Xm' Rolbert made vistift here, with her relatives . . i . use bf dragline sepairately. died Ion the fifth day of November, 193.5, are Farm 75 acres. SIA Lot 10, Concession 11' Normal School. .is ,visIti -her , ar- P. ay� of thig week When H i'gg.i ti�' . and,,many friends, where she was 4- 1 , . Also tenders for ,truckinir from crusher. ng ,p faIrtn 0 Mond ' I - ". � I required to forward their claims duly proven McKillor: .50 acre grass farm, SIX Lot 19: ents,' Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest Adams. a fine suppPly of WoDd was cut' and Miss,.Gerace Brock of London visit- ways a most welcome visitor, ,being � ",. Tenders to be per yard mile. Tenders may t�o the undemigned Executor, or his solicitors, Concession 2. Hibhp.rt. Apply to MRS. L. . -� . , I , ,'� be made, senprate17 or for the whole contract. on or before the second day of M�Y,'19N- RICHARDS or Ji H. BEST, Seaforth. I Mi,ss Isabelle Jamieson; of Strat- split. ed, at the home of' -her parents, Mr. of a bright and, cheerful dis"ition, I I � , , ford Normal, is spending -the holidays lWinter in real, earnest smept over a -ad Mrs. Geotrlee -Brock on Sunday and- will be much milsisied. Mrs. 1609a , V Succestdul contractor to assume all risk of I AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN rthat 3,566x3 . 1 . , I � I 11, . iaccidents and give a satiqfactwT bo af�e; the said last mentioned date, the Execu- I ,� . I .. � V nA for . . with her parents, Mr. and,Mrs. Ro6t. this ,district again during 'the week last. had attdined a good age ,of over 85 0 t � � 1 .$300.00 for fait�ful 'performance of 'work. tor will Proceed to -distribute the assietri f --- _. Jamieson. - . and lo-okst at the present ,time as, if Mr. and Mrs. A. T. tDouglms and but would never have -been taken for . ­ - Contract to'be c,)mpletted on or before Sep- the o�tate having regard bnly4o the clairos I I 11 I . " . I 1.�! tember 115th, lh6,­'­­ . 1. Card of Tha � I . .. we are� In for a real cold! spell. We daughteir, Noma,, bf ffyde Park; Mi. that age,-bein ,so bmight,and'animat- 11 � � . of which he then shall have,notice. nks ,9 " ,.. 1,6wes,t or any tenjer not necessarily ac- 11 I - . -_ trust, however, this wit clear up the Aldan Douglas, ,of London, and.Mrs ed in manner and conversati,on, and i , ".. cepted.. ,,, , I DAT`ED at Stratford, Ontario, this 2nd day OF THE LATE SAMUEL weather and ,spring with its bright 11 Vair and Uttle son, Dougflas,- of only last summeT was heve attending I I . : �. I . Tenders to be mailed or handed to of April, 1936. � THE FA-MlLY bTl$BORNE - ­' , �_ Cleave. Bayfield, wish to thank theiv I 'J . sunn,y. warin days will be �on hand $It." Thomas, spent Sunday last atthe the Old Bbys' Reunion which she A 4 .. ... JOSEPH J. CROSIER, many friends,and neighbors for the kin,iness I . ) i" , �.. A. F. HESS, from nov;.on. I boni,e of,,Mrg. Jahn Johnstone. most thoroughly enJoiyied' I �� � �� 1. Clerk, Tow-rishin of Hay, 97 Ontario St., Stratford, Executor. arid sympathy shown -them in their recent sad . I � . I . 11. , RIDDEL & MURRAY, bereavement, for those who kindly loaned cars Council Meets , , 1. I � % . i %0 I ,�. Zurich, Ont. Iticitoi to the and to Rev. Mr. Gale,_ 3W -I �_ . - . I W 11 , - . I . .- I S566-2 Windsor Block, Stratford. So I I .. , I . . f I I 1� I : Executor. __ I Usborne ,township 60,�ncil met on . � k I 1� `1. , 3 5 65 4 --- - —I sbove date� IA -111 inembers, 'were ,pre- � ­� �� - . 14� 1 . I . TENDERS WANTED,FOR . 1. . I -s�nt."'.Xin'utes ,of -Mardh ,meetimg . . . . . . . . I . � I . I � . .,�", . . TRUCKING ___ - __. ivejee read alid adfopted on motion of I I . I I I- - . .11 INGRAM LOVING., MEMORY � k1. . I I I � . 1P � - I, Auction Sales -IN OF my BaIllantylle and 'Cooper, ReptioTt of I - . Township Of Tuckersmith I deAr,wife and nur mother, Mrs. 'Ma+y In- � I 11 . . . �,� rfWND,ERS WANTED FOR TRUCKING LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM gram, who died four years ago to -day, April aissessior waEk ,reloelved from H. JJ.' . ­ r . . � � . , . . -1.1 ., 15th, 1932. - Brown alvdj�4oritents ,te ' � I ___ . .1 .1 t. I, . . gravel. To stipulate separately the oum,C .Stock. Implements, Hay. GraiTi, Etc., at %'....."L no' d. The Clerk - I � I .� " I '. � . was inlgCr;�a�d on mooti-on of ,Pass- . .14, ? ' . '.,, : per yard mil�. for distance 2 miles or under, 'Lot 15 Ctonce3si'on 14, Goderich Tawnah"P. 'On In t[he early Tnorn, v*�bn all was still, more an'd illaAlantyne to p,lace the gpe- I - . � I :". and also suin per yard mile for dietanbes T6es(14, April'14th, at 1 p.m. 0 � � - I I P"itively n . Ged gave His great command, . or,, , . . . over two mil". width of box to lip from 45 reserve, Tvems-Cash. MRS. JAMES FER- ... -whool building in I t i 1,�:� .� He took our loved one from us . . �11f,, �� . 'Propi ­Ge�. 'IT. 'Elliott, Auc- , I " inch" to 48 inches, tenders to he in hands GUSON, -ietress'; Into a fairer land. . S. -S, IN:(x 3 in -a separate column on I . I I . �,,i: .. of C . Terk on ,or before 24th April. ' tioneer. 3566-1 . � I . %��:�I I . . . c�cfteobor's, rall. Communication -firo(Ift . I . __ . D, F. '61LID60R, . . . 1. I'll I r ) . Me 'He knew -that she was suffering, , - . el I . 11 Clerk, Township a Tackeramith, CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM And the way was hftrd to climb, De'paqtnient ,of Health, re salary of . 11 I . . � I . I ts, . & I .W. E; Nairn, auctioneer, has -been instruefed Medical Officer ,of 11teafth. L . ,, I . � 3565-3 'Stock, Implements -and Household Efree So He closed her neary eyelids, etter fil- .1 . ' ". ".11P. . . by the undersilzrted to sell' by public auction And whispered, "Peace be thine." ed. Communi,cation from A&icul- . 'Have your Suits a-'nd Dres-'ses cleaned'. ...''. �� I � I ��t­ I TENDERS 'WANTED on Wonday, April I�lth. -ot Lot 25, Concession -Eve� remeniliLred by 'Husband nmd Varn. ,tural, Representative asking aid for 11 , I Y.", 8, Hibbert Township, 21/2 miles weast of Staffa ily . . "'�, . . . 1 6 ,::11 To*nship of Tudkersmith 3566xi vrill'age of' Rensall in providing ac- � � I . . commencinir at; I o'clock ,ii.m., sharp, the. , I ,# � � � I Horses -1 good team �yf awricul- ... - A0111 .. ,Nt1; TENDERS WANTED, FOR OPiRATM,G "o"_7ing: __ # d pressed; th ' ", I` �01` commodation for local ishoft course. ) .1.111. an will look like. oew'. ) , I , , _ tural-mares, one a dark chestnut, the other No action. Comirhbh�catkon .filled. Lett- , . 11-Y � ,�, � fhe stone crusher in..tfie Tan f . . . , � ". , �i 0 a dark bay,willi full white face and wSite Births , , ters ,of aekilowiedgment vrere, Tw,hv- I - mow� 10 � t- 1. �J 4 . !, . � Tuokersmitb, for ,season of 1936, will 'be re- feet and, legn, I gelding rising 3 Years old, I - - , "I �, I ceived on �br before April 24,11h, to he opened - ed .from the Hom�ilta:l for Sick Chi]- I I I , , . 11 I I on April 2rAh; Bond for ,$200 wi Aired by R. Murdock'ii roan horse, and well XRAUSJCOpF-In Scott MemoTi.f, Tospij�j, I , , I ' th t'WO brtDkeri. Cattle ---Three well bred Durham cows _ drren and thi Muskoka Free Hidisphal. You. will be 'well pleased with re'sults 11 i, %, Somforth, on April Ith, to M.T. And Mrs. i � I I, suretie§ intmt accompany tendei.. dirrry�i'nz second calves, miWng good and due I � 0 �, ,!":., . L tonitttittor to, furn,14h Nicholas Xrauskoplf, of MoKillqp, a son. Reports of �hospital amounts, were � . . . I � .� � power. beft and to -fresbon in October and November � 1 Reg- . . . .- I � .1 I . .. =�� ,, .1 I timipmefit to PTgc,& material in crusher, stat� intered Durham ,bull rising ?) 'years old, bred KERN -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April Tehd 'by the Reolve- and, ifemis ri�oited. . I I . . .. ­ - :..I . I . 0 � . -� . . Ing vature df eQuirimen't, 91,11 'necessary help. Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kelin, ge&fortb, �Mwmd by Berry, selconded,by Pass. I ,. .,; by Mr. Godkin, of McKillop, a real bc-rd -sire a daughter. O., " 1. I . . '. I . - , ,;,:,, I and oil the crusher. 0ouricil to tmvpI7 oil. 1.md'veiT, quiet;A yearling ef*ers; 3 fall drid ifi0e, that typi�Ater be purc I '6 Suits or Overcoats Aeaned. and ' I I I LOVE�-rn S&ft Me"IblAal Hospital, Sea, . bwed. ' I . por cubic yatd., , . I . . , A 'Ift, Contractor to supply power, sufficient wiTitter cialvesi PiRR-3 pure bred Yorkshire 1, 'Forth. on April Sth, �o Mr. and Mig. Geo, The tendfeT of Yundt Bros. , trwk. I , , .1nin .. ... .. ___ - , -1 `%­ w,oPet,t, drag Iline, Wf,-" heltv, ter of young pign b3r_1NefrA&s. dboviA_6�ur . �.. ,,:,. . . ­ . . , . . -- 1: - � ,, sows,� ... eligible, for regiiitnttioi4, with f ti- I pressea ......... �-.. . 1,_... , � � I � ; , ?`�' - , ftrat It 6.* Lov'e, waltion, a son. � .. i�lg graV0 at. -eikht cents er YaTd � - I . . . .$ ,I *U -V "I , 11 . Rl"!, .1 .. � I , t , " �. "., � milid 61-1 0e crusher, oil supplW W '�*%"dl" *-dift old at tithe of sale. Tinploments--iOne , -_ mib� anti seven cents over r miles, THE " i It', ­­ Pev cubic 14M'� ­ I Mmse7-Harriq binder .7-foat cut, complete I - - limmmlkw� Was oweVted on,miotion of_; aluntym -0 Dresses, cleaned.. aod- 1 pressed, ' , , ,�. . W� 'dy'*�actor"to wftftly powet, sidifidleM with truck, sheaf carHer, pole tmek and ONDVILLE i and Ooopeir� Treasurer's R rt: Tax I ' 3. . I - : - . . � ...- I P - I fil, d0srAte, drag 'line,, and Oil crusher, Pries EGM PRICES - � ...... $4 600 - I per hdu�. %rrain lifters; 3 Mrasse7-11arria 19 disc grain I - f rom ................. - � I 11 , ­ i " I ftrd fortilizerf drill,_,ne4rly -ne�v; I Sot Magiey. - -_ penailtilels 11,934, $9;.80-,, 1935, $26J5.1; � I ., � ....... �. � " I Ir#nd&t f -S,7�ftd 1L to "ticludc vlbvinA' dnd Harris oprfrle tooth harrovr, a sections, suit-, I The allm-al taster Thankoffewing ,6xelo, l9i4, $12D.01 toxes, I # $WO- � I �� 4 I '�,� I _.� I . . � . � - 11111.1. "M Atefid to be oftah to snftfaCtl'6Vk' le,11 ,f,r-,2 ,1 4 home tam, or 6tila*r.. . 0 Suit�—pressed.` . . ... ....... j..... ` - .50 ��� �11 oz "t 0. er to, operate to ad 101455. . 1, "I Suo'emt"d - 1,91h, D"e of f1he Neil Shaw Missibil Cifr.ale Was Baftik -of - Wonti-eal, no p , �' I I , , M-§0r­Hsrrda manure spreader. latet rqodel I . .11 III�,.�11 I, 1 I0 Al .. ftd Fbt I - .. - � . . . .� .. . 11. . , . .;­O,�,_ in - *wd workina C;onditt6n � � I int4inwbiona' held o'n Monid%Ly eVelning AvAll ath­ 100operr-ReM- That- * 1. .1 11 � I '' U!ye*"J*m,0 oitd� in I 11 � . , � "'. � I g " , � mi . I , �,.v­, ,. . 1"** - .Allailg tt, 0, V I 'I'll , �� I ,�,,,, -�, I . V b"i -ft i; Is 11 461*11A,461V atiff tooth tultivatar "h 1�atR'"e"hnd uttr. When lithe Mgby -Lane Amalsty in,ft- aMUUb9 be-peAd: R. B. Qlagince, ,ke- � . � . I W L4�,,41'%.", , - -1 , , k I oft ' . LL"' 11 . # a 'fllib&tal �Plii Mw , ftO needer at-- bio", of Noirt,",lie, C'huWh wierb ent6r- lief louppilies, fl!9,50; Tftn*v­A'dvoftf,6 ' ' '' ' � 0 k , . "I , '. . a" ft, � % 1- '' - .1, 1. , � Inametyels; � I Biag,dn 81wel liow r6fler; I Mhx� tgnea b I I � I'll, Zli� �-�, , , - -_ r,any - .. "I;, 1. I I ( , 'I, 16 , 6irAwAiit4 7i , 7 t,lie. Igirb, I #r,lntihg ,and , . ,�4�1� � � r., ., , 6111�lsa*y ", ,"Il 1 -*"o ta .. V'Viftt & WOMI , .he PkPAident, ""ppibel�, ."9-00- 8** -- I- " . , , " '', 1. Afik fthe 4Wd r'96n lift, � � W wdo � , � . 9 . , I . - . , 14ill, �, �.A,� 041.� tipt 0 be ,r& ChAft igang A -6w, WM r,6114no adlii; U -06c. � ry - ff. ViokI4. . . 1. 6�; � . I I - - "'Vio � 1� . ?� 4 0 NXIU,�4 , _ . M SYDNE ''I , -w % 'Z ,,, ska! , 0 Wftd6ft R1. - &img", 4,d, _,a MAritaft 1w,9111vol: P si'ded 6nd cbrn� Work) $805A jl_ ­ .. I I . , � Y-,!,, UNGEY - I ", ,77%1,6w� � . # I - t- . � I I ', 1 1 Z'��4 Qj,,Tj,�,';�,�",$,�?VtU" , 0' ,,Kf ,�,:��,�',; -, , , -M; � ,* I V�� I L . T; 06ti .� Arr 'ch_,bh,a evee# ,$4& � . , ,D 11 I i I " . 9, a�A dodEVd t1w bughidg; a%w *ba �� I ; � � . ..,; " . ' , 1"'_PI l�, ,0WWJ . I lftft **bv, %, I 1von W "ditto .6h,61 vwi� . . ' lr ' j, ­,­, , . , I I I � . I I , " . i . I e I I 4"V4400- ** , "'. _$ ,_ . ?X1 R I , , '- ""' ' [t t, ". "� I � _ _ ,� , � � , "; . , , � " 11 I .1 I � "I � 1, , 1. � , , 1� I I., , _ " , , *696h't, t hito 9W. i0aftlMd *db* woft- U 'i , I . I " 11 , - all #. `��,�, "�"i' $V) `1�,"�J'4�;'j�'�-:",? " ,�",;f. ,,�­�"%'.P"��, , ,1AA1 a _-ge'. AM 5t 1W M dh"� " � Phone '227' 'f , i M "" �,� � N MR, uwk, . , z�kleer *eft atd 11� - 19. . � * I 1�'�I�jll - " "R , and t, 0�18t,VPm­"';""�7� 111;1, ", " L . 11 , A . , . , . I -C ,,�_ , � 1 , , I , , - ,,. , 6&4' 'a 'MOU"'NI" I ' ' " 4N 11 I f I 11 - . "I � , . , . I I We - � . � , t " (b,"whilig 691*44, ,#d(AWW'.iF , . ;k :�,,�, , I,, f, 'r ,, , i 4 . �6'qlpw,,, e #,, . 1101W 4 1 r4sd ow 02ft , , ,I i , , $ I ,"'IV , i�' ,� ­­ ... �,,,,,I''.,.�,"..�.,,.,,.,�.,,. ".,.,. ,; . .. ," � �,`� ."", � , welt ,]Deliver T�kl��f,I!Z.tllj ,f�,��,'J�­­­,�­ - ��­ ­­ 0 �, I _­ I. � .. , - 1. ­ ­ '; � �11 I (,� 11, __ 1.� ­`!5-�A . ...... �_._ . ot , I.. .11-1111 11. - ­­ �,, ­ '""""" "" L - 111!1111.11JJ11", I � L ilf "��'! , I �, i , , �. - ,,, � , "". .1 I—- -J ­..� . � , U 1" I 1, I , , '.;­ e�111 , -, 94.1 I'W-7= ZZ roft &ZhAZ MI#, 6u A0q*utd­,ft& xbAtl aftwAt" I'm 11i ` 'W P - I., 'k " __ �� _ ,.,_.. - 11111111111111-11- I � L I—- -­ I � ' � A � I I .... h d W4 1 ! t , �4'14r 1�il'.�',',�,.J, � ,4..., . , , . I . . : I I ... .o :; ,� - _11111111111111111i" I I Ii� �, � ". . 11, 1 11,. , , - �. � , .1 . -11 . -.1 . 1. , " , : I . . . I . -, 1. ;;;;;; , ,e - � �;,�,��. � Il . I . ;;;; . � � I . . . �it-!!, .1111111111711.1-1 1. oi_ . . 1.11 �'! , . I . . I.. . , I -.1 1, - I . . I , , I I ..11- . I .11. , ,1. . !.'11 1,1Q. ,''.­,'.., , A , � . 44.! . , - 1i I � � I I I I ....., 1. . I.. , � I � I �, - - � I" � I . , : I - 0 1 1 . � �' ''. . 0 l, , I I I I I' �`�1'14T,1� � o',',Z"" , i" � . . I �) I., I �:" � . . I I .1 � I - . �11'­ , . - I , , , I ; "-V, I 1, � - _�.1'1� .;!�,�, , �. 1. .� I ' ' i 1. �' I � I .- .. . 11 " . I!` 11 . . , ;", . . I 11. , � I I 'j?,� , , ;z ,,,, "., lli�l � ,,.I 1_�i � ;"Q� , , I 11 L: �:, ,,'I,,,,' : . i - 1. .1 ..t� I . . . � I I I t. . 1.1-1 w "I , 1 1 $ 1 I P, 1, - - , .� . 1. ''. . , , , . I I . . , �, , 1. . 11 I ,'�,,11� 't J� 'If� 1, �,�, ," , �'I' L f " , , , A 1,'I � ,,�v ,,.,, , � ,. , , y ,,, ., � 1. , . N � , � _ ',,,','��;��,,Il��,".��,�',;,�'�, - 11 I , . _, � , ,, , . , , .1 I ; . - 5 '. �'4!�, � , - �'111'.� , ;�, ,; 1, . , ' q. , � , �11 . �.", , - I . ,��'�Lf �1111 , - � , , ,�. "I � , . , - . , 1. . .1 .11 U, I , o �u; , , � Lp?'��L� "Q - , 'ft�` � 0� ­ ­ 1-1" 1,it� . , . � . 11 9 N , ", , ,", , "'. , . , '. '�,� , ,14 , ­� ,��L� "Q " , I � � ,� ,,,,,, &��,,i ", tl I py", ", 0.1 I 1,1,j.'�Tg�'11 A 4,'. V", M � , I , , ,q 1, _x,� 1, � 1� � I ,,,,��,,, ,.. , 01AN1,0"Na 1% , �ffinll� t, 1, "J", , , , T" , L , � ,,,, ,,.,�;.;" � , V , � , I ,V:i, it LLLLL �L , I 'I ­­ g ­ �, " �­� , It , � I - 17 1 ih��11`111%,` 01,0$0,�.f,,��§,.11 �, '' ',If­j$��','4 , V " , V,� . I I I Z�% IT jy_gi �,��I�y N"M Mi %1211,& ;;,h "I " " , ", "', I I!, � � ,11-1-1 ­1Z_6wit114i �, , ,� B , i L I 1, I i,,�,,,, -1 . I (4 17--,�,,,�, �,,� "' � , "I , , I 4 , , , 4 1 11 ��. , , ,� g0N� � , ,k 1-111111 ­. t , '41', 41 , 7 1,95,190 , , �,3 � �k ,�.,N%�O, """ I , 4 MI , ­ , , '' , 11 I " � 11 M "I N ;,R, - _ ­ __ - _ _. .... ­ .1 - it,�.;! _ I �� , " ,m 11=m,t',,, 'k J `g� �,;, , " -1 i��. 5;"11116 �,l I ",,&,,�T,,-� " ",'. ',.�­­­­,­,�, , I � , - ,;I, , � I � � U 114 '011tM, N � , 5, � I ,,,,� ,,, � "" .; 11 = �. I #1 , N: 9,,� lii��N