HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-04-03, Page 71.• ,A 44.041, ,41 ' r.14 ;IV • a• 4-11.• • .• • rItrrnalt.,===.1.111'.11=111.1=1/...040//11104.4Mr.r.914,71t1111111Mr1.011.41011.1traidllr • • a ;,. 1•1" - NM ••• WIMP °. 14*. 010 • - HATS & HEIR .SAcieWIME: •' 4....14 Ecar# 41.C'Zviejcns"1"4144 • DIODAPiOn V.thee n rear of the bomitden Bank, Seaforthe Money • boaa. a...a • . 4i1j11614.,14; ,„„lo wee, oalateoh, ,...on000leattato ;Vt., '" • •••, - , ereeef`e, JOHN H. 'BEST , Baster, Solicitar, Ets. Reefer% : : Oaks* VETERINARY , JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. Honor graduate of °Marie Veterin- ary College. All diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls Promptly at- tended to and charge moderate. Vet- erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office and residence on Goderich Street, one door east of Dr. Jamrott's office, Sea - forth. A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Graduate Of Ontario Veterinary College. University of Toronto. All diseases of doenestic animals treated e• by the Most modern , principles. Merges reasonable. Day, or night calls promptly attended to. • Office on Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. Breeder • of . Scot- tish Terriers. Inverness Kennels, Hensall. • MEDICAL DR. D. E. STURGIS Graduate of the Faculty of Medi- cine, University of Western Ontario, and St. Joseph's Hbspital, London. ,Meenber of College of Physicians and Barg -eons of' Ontario. Phone 67. Of- fice at Dublin, Ont. • I a 4 •A aft 44404 , Waird'eat Vaiipee e nennlidieof tilo riting.lMen ' ratAlly, 00 boa iot,,lbo*• Aoio- tbeit the 47 i•rvf tlugr, dielPArituro AgtgAt, " -"tepid langelr be•Pe/ilt"Ponegl,O1Welitliar :4vtery4.riiire,w44,bult-CiseO,Itegraelat0,11t°1441*"(tinora7t ;sr. • tIct .t.O.P.Yet MegflAIY.. °We: got all 'thte there is. IN" . need of pluatitiai7no. the. 'rein% bat • •the- heird into .etore earik. and laegee„: reckon the 'old...inane isreitt mixt" u herdin' 'em.,,there.;;" dhliktre Mieeth to biota dealt Alitsa'onrien .00104 up ite..10he Itaaiaideau oPartehe'h '1441.4 Prim ir9tounttede truse:aliP110erelstfiledj- PaidawaY IWItat a salladr,"- her twit- beOr.Qem- It was htfie nuaite0 with noonatiaeable tnast deerofortahla mh-r-e bOuse, and 0- ' Was lo no hurry leavehim- eeeshe waretedh eein 'self, even if he did not 'happen, to' be Cl.an to put his foitune to the tooth :while he Was oat 'with Telly round-. • Ilikaibildhattepounded up. neat' day his •'1nglibe BILLIE!%.? .1-41.01.17A4(4VUIESTION -jag Zotaa:zas_iitoirtrolitIFhlieedkisy wie.roef 'beef atack•abel'eloldt tivoolhundred• head .4z‘aolf.'41i0agill a- '644agi 'arm'Y'61;.° • boy hata 'rbee.,41' drawn 'in with ..4the drovetho During llhe. oaeoed. day taritelomertmidethil.yinithgbaiertiooaswfittealinlitew:4-,y1b•ormux bilbeoetneedorreoiu•OZ1 mother's Milk. 'It had been talked the riders' were buey putting the. road ..terrigee by • his' elders. while as.. aochilelt he • brand on the eattliet jrust bought. newsed before the 'big ,firepktee nn wintee nighltsi. After his elintees tragic 'death .it had home' by Bible 0..leelts and by a • solemn 'oath oforengeanee....I.Vas. it likely that anyo. thing she 'could • say Wank' iliave 'weight with him " Per the ,preeent the girl k arve unbar resolve to eon - vert him .to More 'Christian' point of view. Ae. sun had .sunk behind he Can- ton Wall when. Pierre Rethicleau arrive ed (with. a tram* wthich.....he had 'beet - illy built. There was wagon -road up the guide and, it would 'leave been diffieuit gtet the 'buckboard in as far etsi the fork' Over the br otkeeter- rain. As a voyageiiir (of the North heohad often seen wounded Mea ear - tied (by the Indiana in :travois aorlosS the plains, 'He knew, to, that the tribes of . the •Sonth-weet use them. Thi one was constructed of two six- teen -foot ipoles- with a canvas lathed *elm one bar, to the -other.' The horse Was harneesed between the ende, •of O.he shafts., the other ends dragging on the ground, ' Clanton looked alt this deaice dis- tactetfu.:ly. "Pm no squaw'. WhY...for cant on its back a:n."..ride?') "Blitause y%au are seeck. It iss of the importance that you do, not ex- •ert yourself. Voyorns! .You will be. copaartable thee N'est-ce pas, Pql- ly?'"' 'Pierre ,gesticulated as he ex- plained yeilettle. He even. illtiStrated the. comfort by lying down in the. traNlo'ils hill-ills...elf- and giving 'a .drarm-' atic representation •of sleep • 'The' •young..:min gambled,. ; but gave way reluctantly. . "How's 'Billie . .Prince?" he asked presently from •the cot-wh•ere he lay. "He will ,h,afe a fever, bet soon he w5n be well again. I, Pierre, Promise it. For he its good sttrength anti sound as a dallar." • Pauline, •rifle in ;hand', seouted a- head the bravos and picked the (ernotorhesit way down the rough ra-, vine. The `home that Roubideau -drove was: an old and patient one. Its matter held it to, a slow, % elven -pace, so that ate Avnundi7d iblOr was jolted asetittle as -ploe,si!rthe. When.. they reethed 'the 'entrance to the gorge, ti ave-] across valley •became less banipto • 'The , young giti ,walked as .if she v lb. The , f rbe srwing the wOmen was in he -i' step. She !breasted 'the slope with the light grace of a .foreit faun. Presently •drcp,ped ;batik •to -a place beside h our 'or aro. a.. day. (Canthzued from lasteeneit):" •• !Means alt 'Ithateantl reiairhe es abo,vti 1104 be11,0*, 47,100'4 see it L . • haaMen't.time," she ftOld hien cheeth 'doe.sn't. fd feed 'oar enemies AMY- "Besidee, somebody'. .gleing when they are • hungry. NVIe've to do threugh 41botte off every :three Or :them good flOr . four ntailthst. Then we „learn all: the forleat's all 'Tight for comma; neviec." • • - neyediay enemies, but the Roush elan Jinanie. glanced at her .eltfriy and aiitt. that kind," easpleined the boy &oiled, quickly Nifty. TIlusf. girl was Bitabblentor. ehore 'is laid on me not like any woman hejbadi known to 'destrey 'mem plot an' branch, ,like Mout of them were- diali'ereaturea. the Table -sap!' with -the spirit washed out • of them. . the way he wagged MS bead he His ester had been. an excep.tion. She root wee been e wise Itotoo leid bald plenty ofevitality, good looks man. :The. sevagalphillesoPhY oe the and ,pridle, but the sombre shadow of • hem erivitenment had netemade for gaicy. wee different Pauline Roubideau. Thbugh she lied just es- c.aped from terrible...ebang'er, laugh- ter bubbled in EA."' ...aloft throat, mirth rippled 'over her Mobile little face. She expee.ssed herself ..,. with swift, drephlstive gestates:eat times. Thep' agait' 'she suggested' an.•intheri- bathe of .slow grace food], the •Sauth- land of her tnvother. He did not underek.and the contra- dietiont..o,f her, and they worried him a little. 'Bqlle. had told him that she Could rope and shoot as well,as any maru. • Ile. had seen for himself that she was -an expert rider. Her nerves ,werat :geed •enough .stit beside him :at- quiet ease 'within' a stone's throw. -of three speawling bodies from which She •had seen the lusty life driven :scarce a- halfahour since. `Already he dleitted the boyish camaradeale that was so' ,thitple and direct an expires - slim of good -will. And. 'yet there was ;something about her ,queerr smile he could! not make 'out. It hint - 3493 ed that she was really 'old eniough to • • be his mother, that .sthe was: heiress of wistio•ni: handled down :by her sea throat -1 all the •generations, As yet he h.ati not found out that he was only 'ahoy and she was, a woman. DR. ,GILBERT C. JARROTT Graduate of Faculty. of Medicine, University of Western Ontario. Mem- ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 Gode- eish Street, West. Phone 37. Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay. DR. W. C. SPROAT Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Lon- don. Membee of College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main, St., , Seaforth. Phone 90. - DR. F. J. BURROWS Office and residence, Goderich St., east of the United Churth, Seaforth. Phone 46. Coroner for the County 0 • -DR. HUGH IL ROSS * Graduate of Univerdity of Toronto Faculty of Medicine. member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pees graduate course in Chica,go Clinical*, School Of Chicago; Royal Opthaintie, Hospital, Lon, ,land; University Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office -Back of De - min% n Bank, ,Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, ,Seaforth. DR. E. -A. McMASTER Graduate of the University of To- ronto, -Faculty of Medicine , . • Meimbet of College of Physicians . end Stirgeoes of Ontario; graduateoef, 0 New York Post Graduate School' and Lying-in Hospital, Ne* York. Of- • fice on, High Street; .Seaforth. Phone 27. Office fully equipped for )(eny diagnosis and ultra short wave ,elet- itric treatment, Ultra, Violet Sum Lamp tretatforrepta, and are Red electric ireatmente. N.urs • in 'attendance. DR. G. R. COLLYER Graduate Faculty of Medicine, Uni- versity of Western OntarloroMember College of Physicians and Surgeons ▪ of Ontario. Post graduate work -at New' Yotk City Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Phone: Hiensall 56. Office: King Street, Henson. DR. F. J. R. FOR,STER • Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal- mei and Aural' Institute, Mamefield's Eye and G -olden' Square Throat..Hos- pitals. London, Eng. At Coramercili Hotel, ,Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month, feam 1.30 pee. to 4.30 p.m. 68 Waterloo Street, South; Stratford. DENTAL DR. J. A. McTAGGART Graduate Royal College bf Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office at Hensall, Opt. Phone 106. ' ATJCTIONEERS- HAROLD DALE ,.Licensed Auctioneer - ' Specialist in ferna and household sales. Prices reasbnable. For dates send information, write or phone Har- old Dileephone 149, Seaforth, ap- ply at The Expoettor office. ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer's License ' Sixteen years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Teleplione: 13-5/, Hensall. 'Write AR'1111/R WEBER, , R. at: 1,,DashwOod. 'INSURANCE THE JOHN RANKIN AGING"! ItsuranCe AN kinds. BOWS, neat WO& • , IVO tat& . MOOS 91. • - " ONAVORVI COURT° CHAPTER .V NO FOUR -FLU SHER . Pauline Roubidetto knew the fron- tier code.. She evinced. no cariosity about the •past of this 'boy -man who had come -iota her. life at the nick of time. Noes the less ,she was eager be know whit connection lay between him and. the renegade• .her Ecother had. killed. She had heard Jim Clan- ton say that. he had waited four years for his revenge and had followed the mat. all over the West. ,Why? What raotive could be ipowetful eneugh with a bey of fourteen,. to . sway so corm: pletely his Whole life toward' venge- ance? ' - She set herself to find oilit without asking.' 'Inside of ten minut,e,s the secret which had been looked so. long in his 'warped soul had been confided to !hem The boy 'broke down when he told 'her the 'story of his sister's death.. He was greatly eel -lathed of himself far emotion, but the teuch of herr warm sympatihy melted the ice in his heart and ,sat him sob- bing • to -Quickly 'sate tame acreas to hint and knelt :.clown by rhis,..eide. "You' •rbor boy. You. poor boa!" .ehe ntnrmuredr, Het' •arm, crept round hie shoulders. with ttfh.e infinitely tender', caress of the-to:other- that lies, dormant or a- wake in all gotod wemene, • nothing but a baby," he gulped, tying desperately to master his sobs. • •• "Donh talk fboliehness," she scold- ed to iceinfort . "I Wiouldn't think much 0 you if you .didn't lelve your sister enough ttto ery for. her." . . There *ere tears la her own eyes. er lively young imagination pictur- ed' vividly !the dueled:don of the young iilI'girl betrayed ab cruelly, the .evoift decline ,of ' her it.ern,. baoken- hearted -father. The thought of the thalf•tgrown boy following Ith,e be- trayers of ,hits 'sister tacroes, .the con- tinent, !his life dedicated for years to vengeance, was a dreadful thing to Contemplate: shocked het. sense of ell that wav:fitting. No (belt his mislabel haid bedome a religion, with him. eh had lain down ,it night 'with that single :Purpose before him He had risen with it in the morning. It had been his companion throughout the Frortn, one season tio another he had cherished it „Whe.ri he should have been Med ,thre 'h -app, healthy play impulses natural to his age. The 'boy told the story of the -man- hunt erithoblt a eespition that there ,was anything in it to outrage .the feelings ef the girl "If., it shade% been for Dad Nanee Cunningham, I reckon: Devil Darya an' his Ibrothers woluM have; fixed up slanie Mok an' hulls story about how 'Lindy was drolamed by ,iteeiclent. 'But folks !heard Nance an' then Wouldn't believe O word. they,....eaid. :Dod swore us •Clantons to wipe out the whole clan of "em.a, Every last man in the hills that wad decant got to euseinf the Roush 'outfit:- Then the sheriff came lap from the ,siettlemint an' they jest taittirahly lit autt. 1`4I theerd threy Were in Arizona exe loftier !dad died I took after 'ern - •Bulb !seemed like I laud no luck. When .1 ostrack their trail they had 'always just .gone. .Teoday. got Manse- leasitways I would 'a' 'got him if yore brother hadn't interfered.. IT Meet up with the :Others tone o' these times. I'll' gilt 'em tow" He, Voice with ertfiet eonatettion.,,aa If it werekelbubirness matter that had to (be rolOked after. "DO you levee heat this.: 'Welke- jonlereld,.1?1, Thine; .mi11.1 repay, Saith..the He Iteddecla "Dad used; to read tfhat to Md.,: elliere's a heap iat. the 13161e abaut yore enemies. .Dad said the.t veingeanCe Verse meant 'Malt we all was the'lloirdt's 'deputies, •• - -a theriff had Mges in hel.p sif 'we was •terbainly •to repay the .Rotchee en/ not to 'fergit interest neither.° The :girl theolk heid„ vigotretuS2 "/ don't think tliath athat it sr. Oust yome Isuispiendierra , On this job, • hoots," told -his men. "I'd just. as lief lie yip. here for a few deys while Uncle earn' is roundinf up his pete •camped out there. Old man Raulhiclaseu says we're welcome to atick around. The •feedrs good. Our cattle - are :some gaunted 'with the drive; It won't hurt a mite to let 'em -stay right here a spell." ' Butt ,on the, third day came news that induced' the -Missourian t o chaneo his anise. Jean, '• who had) been twit es a Iscont, returned vvilth tho • infommatia-n that a, company of cavalry had come vilorwn from the fort and that the Apeehes had hastily de- camped for pante• unknovv.n. . recklon throw -IMO thettnail again 'to -mere*, joie)," the drover told Yankie. "No me wastin' time here if. we don't have to stay.' Well mosey along toward the river.- Kinder take it easy an' daft the heed down FIlOW so as to let the cattle put on flsh. ant' the kid • an join ws eeon theere fit to .thavel." • The decision Was. aneourreed on the. porch of the Roubideau 'house. Its owner and his ,daugfhtteit were 'ores- •erit Was . Dad -Wraybutn. . The Texan old-thoter. snorted as he rolled a, cigarette._ "Tim!. 'Soft t'hose two boys have got'sittin' a•reand an' hein' pet - tad` -by•Misi 'Polly' here. I've a Option, to -go an' blot laig .to. Will you tioree ere real tender, ma'am, if I get stove' up pullin' off a grand -stand play. like ,they done?" "The hospital is full. We haven't got mom . for. -more, inval.ida Mr: Wraybuen," laughed• the girl, ' you 1st me !knovi • when, therea a va.caney, 1Vlies Pally... My sister .gar -le me a 'book to read ',amt. It was mina, tw-ente. years. ago. The name of it was 'Ivanhoe.' I told herr I would save it to read when I broke my -Leaks like I never- will. git that (bock inea:d." • %By daybreak the outfit was, On the move.. Yankie trailed the. cattle out to. the plain* anti .:started them for - 'Ward le:au-rely. Webb had allowed hi elf pienty :of time foM the drive. e dam? 1••:,t.. for delivery et the fort .was sti:l dztand and he vva,nted., the beeves. to be in • firet-eisee Condition for intspection , TO reach Feces he we.; al -awing three weeke,' •a pro- gamnTe. that would let him bed the 'herd clown early and, would permit of drifting it. elowly to graze for an go, Pony." • • ' The 'girl flashed, a look.atoidexaShe regagnized1, the eympterno.4.er, gaze went back to the Ix:rave-like' motion of 'the (backs, of the moving. yearlingso "Dont Billie," she said genfly. .. !Before he spoke again he thought over her advice. He knew he had his anewetre But lie had to go through with it now. 9 reckoned it Would be that way. I'm, ,nothin' but a eaugh vaquero.0 ,11,Vliy for Sitcnild YOU like me?"' "Olt, but 1 do!"eshe cried impuls- dvely. "I like youa great deal.. You are orae of the best men I " know - brave and glood and Modest- It isn't that, Billie." ...t "Is there -some one else? Or oughtn't I to 'ask that?" "No there's noloady 'die. I'm aw- fully. !glad Yen -like me •The • .girl that ..gets you will be lucky. -"'But I dee% care about men that way. I want to stay .with dad and Jean." . "IVIebbe some day you. may ' feel different afbeua it." be I will," 4s:he a:greed. "Any-. artt you to etaylaiends with o•u will, woe't you." "iire. I'll be thee just as Akeng. ae •, you want .titehlor a friend," he said simply. • . S.Ilie gave him her little; gauntleted hand.. They were close to a bend in the draw. .Soon they would be with- in sight Of the houise.• .... ."I'd say 'Yes'- if I could, Billie. I'd rather ra; would be you then anybody else. You won't feel had, will you?" "Oa, that's all eight." He smiled, and 'there was ertmething .about the, pluck ak the eyes in the lean, tamed face that. touchedOher • "I'M gain' to. keep 'right on carin' for my little teal even if I cant get what:dower-a." •She had not ' yet fully emerged from her -childhood. . There was in her a strong desire to comfort him someih.ow, to show by a mark of. Spe- cial favour 'how high She held 'him in herr esteem. . . "Would you # Would.. you like to kiss me?". she asked simply. . late felt a clamour of the blood and subdued it before heanewe ta--- i... It 'wastin accord with the charm she held for him that _tier frank genet - °Nifty enhanced his.'hespeot, for her. If she gahe a' royal gift io was out of the truth of • her .hee,rt. . Without 'need of words she iead acc.eptance. in his eyes and leaned to- ward him in the haddle. Their bps met, . . 00m,' 'Itew, I me. the cor.rveyance and tanned encour- The weeks .thet followed were red- "Youhe the 'first -except dad ,and agement at Wm _. ones in. the life of Jim Canton.. 'Tc•an," she t°4C1 • him. . ' "Pretty bad 6 it?" • .,•-% gsve him the first glimpse of a The. feeling in his pairriitiele heart life which 'had for ae. ewes he could not have an.alas:e.d. He did ,He grinned back. "Ith up eo the oftint affect' On, 'bult trust and• un- to play the hand I've been dealt" derstanding. • He had newer before That.l'e was in a ghoul deal of peal wee .eaey to guess, .seen a h,ousehold that really enjoyed . • "Wie're pasit.the worse of it," Etttle k-,`40,tels shared in common, 'whoze ine 'told 'him. "Up' this hilt -down TrIelmbeTs' were' full ef kinrl eonsidern- the 'othet side -and then we're home." t'il°71. tihe 1°n* 1131r the 'other.' The Rau- bideeus had more than a touch of the The' bawling of tlhiesty eattile end Prenchtemperament. They teak life Iheobletting of calves eould be heard ••- gaily and whimisically, and though now. they :poked all kinds, of fun at each "It he that 'Monsieur W'eibb has o11,e'r there was never any sting to taken my advice to drive the. herd' up trre canon and into the peek for the th'61' wit. 'Pauline wao a famous 'little nurse. night," explained . Roubideau. "There It was not long 'before. she was of - theone way in, one way out Guard the entrances and the 'Paches can. fering herself as a erutch to help young Obaettan li.rnp to the s•uany not stampede the cattle. Voila!" 'From the thillltepo the leaders f ebrch. Two ,or three days later Bil- lie joined his fellow invalid.. From 612 herd eauld be seen drinking at tbe'.ctreek. , Cattle behind were push -hare *Lel ft. the tw'e yenn'a teen clould hear the girl as she wort abou't .ing fahwardl to get at the voatthe while the rid2rs the poiot and at her her work singing. Often she ".cante cut with a plzlt, of hot, new -baked the swing were directing the mlolve- clockies for thermiarud a pitcher of ment of 'the 'beeves, . now eh.ecking .1k. Or the wlauld_dan.ee out with - ;the steady pressure; from the rear ind out any :exeute .except, that of her and now hastening the pace of 'those 'Own frank interest in the youlh she da*cliling in the etrea'm. To add t'o iehared with her •patients-, he confutsica cows: Were mooing 1.ould.- :One of the Roubideati jok:eis, 'was ly for their 'offspring tiq5Coyett unload- that Poly was the Mother of the fam- ed from the ealf-twegon. illy and ha' .fa.ther and Jean liwto,. mks - Near the :sumenitaJetan with the clhievous lattleoho•ys sihe had to • stole' buck:hoard mielt the party from the canon. Ile helped • Clanton to the 'arid pet alternately-. Temporarily seat and drove to, the• ,Itouse. johe took _the two cciw,punchees into Webb •catiltiered' up. "What's this I 'Iv"' circle and brovrbeatthem shame, _h fully with an impudent little' twinkle ear about you, jiin.mie-Go7Get 'Ern? in her eyes,. ,Whatever Nine state of They tell me you've made four good mind may have (bee ibetfore, Injons to -day, shot. up renegade; rescued this oung lady eeee ',meet theme ean be no doubt' that .now he .y t was fataronts deep in. love With hum - mode one :of my -Moses te teeth, au gry eyes he took in her lauglhter and got stove up itu Mhle foolt ore own :self. It certainly must- hi ire . been itaillery, her !boyish high spirits, the ;Swelert ten:diet-nee§ of the girl far her yore busy afternoon." . father. He Moved' her wholly - the The drover lOotked at him wtth a dharm of her coinhalchehip, of her new reepect He had found the an- swer to the ,qoestibn he had: mit him- .kn'"v'if't,t !Paned:inn fm1Putg'dgh of ttIhat touch of coquetry she Mold trot en - :self a few hours earlier. This boy was no fear -flusher. Ito oat only tirely su'bdue, Pierre had been ••a- • reliasseurr in the knew how and when to eholot, was: . Fannicci-'Prussian War. ' His daughter game as a bulldog, and keen as wals very pawed of it, (but one of her weasel; he ,posteesised, too, that sixth games was to meek. him- fondly' by eenee necesslary to a gun -fighter, alwaggering back and fotrth while she the itistinet which shows him howefe take advantage of every factor in the s'aPlr="' situation SO adi to corme through safe- enfants, de la panie, • pe four de &Oita est astite." "I didn't ,dolt 'alit,".answerred elan- rtion,. flushing. CjT�e (helped; and the 'When aloe mime te the &ems, nem. Ronlyideous euteigeof J.tinet!, Woluld do but all Of them must emaree Apt ritife rimy, 13fifie tells le joints. 'She taught the wourdaan4 tune 'AriYhA(i, yOli.lal,1 made a great gathier to Prince and 'Jimmie so thalt hey coullefeli Into lane behind the old beitwaeh You, Six 'Pechter that will nevera'mil'eagain moot to .gtoo, the !statelier and :hie 'sotto - raiders a, :Pain.' • 4•91:xon'1t you think we'd better get hbntto (bed?" said Pauline gently 4C1101erte MEOglirl"4 'egv'eled Wiehb, "Thoubidea4, thelittMe boss says 1iim,ntie4o-Geb-1.:11m is to be not 'tib bed. Vote ;him in if you'll give my bele ditreciticine WO* Ithrewin' • , • 4,2., ;;;;„; ;;,e;;,; ; , , ; , ; ; , , .:44,1441;,1/41$A 44:"•;',41,gt ee, ;' ghee Otto .o; . , , A s, ithja 4 . Mtn armes, citloyens1 fannies. tvios ' hotafilions! • Mairdhoresi Marchone! Qu'un slang innyar aiblrenve nos sil- tions-A-- • Ilt allwaya began in pretlended dari. . • not know ehat his soul was moved to seme such consecration as that Of a young 'knight taking his vow in ser- vice, thaugh he was aware that all the good in him leaped to,itastant re- sponse in her preience, that by some strange spiritual., alchemy he had pas -ed t.heough ,a refining process. ' "I'm camin' back to see ytou some day. Me the yoe'll.' feel different !then," he said. "I might," she admitted.. They rounded the 'bend Clanton, on hurse,tack, cangfht sight of them. ,He waved his hat •and cantered for- ward. "Say, Bil-lie, how -Much bacon do y31.1 reckon we need ake with us?" In faint of the 'house Pauline slip- ped from her horse and left them discussing the Commissary. ...,"••••••••••••• CHAPTER VII. ON THE TRAIL ; The 'Convalescents rode avtay into a desert green With 'sprin.g. The fra- grant chaparral thicket% werfeburst- ing into (fewer. Spanish bayonets studded the plains.. Everywhere a- bout then was the premise -of a neov life not yet burnt 'tty Sot summer suns to -a crisp. . 'During the day they ran into a sorramp obunitry and criaesed a bayou where eyprress 'trees and blue goms allowed 'fent:ate:tic in the eerie .gloom of the stagnant water.. From this -they emerged to a moire wooded re- gion and made an early camp on the ,edge.ef arolve of ash trees blonder - ling a small stream where pecans grew Shortly after daybreak they were jogging on at a walk -'trot, lthe roed gait of the 'South-west, into the tree- less country of the :prairie, T.hey marred at an array° seco, and, after they had :eaten, took a siesta during the heat of th.e day. Night brought with tit a thfundenstorrn .and they took refuge hi el/lead:eau hut built ,of pali- !stades and race•ed With ,grase :Sod. -A Widorw lived alone in the ' jacal, but she made them welcome to the best she had. The young men slept in a corner of the hut on a dry cowskrin alpread upton the mud fiber, their sad - dies for pillants and their blankets rolled about theme (While she was coloking (their break- fast, Prime noticed the tears: toting down her cheeks. -She was a comely young woman anhe asked her gal- lantly in the bronco Spanish of the harder if there was anything he Conk' to 'relieve het distress, .,1.te 'Adak her bead infournfully. "1\11o, senor," she aneweeed in her na- tive tongue. "Only Ilime can tio that. I enourn my Michaud. He wets a -i-- -he,WeeinelV4100Inli001htra0 fltho: • • • • . : volotth. ZroarrnyittY.thni404°r. frollOodtM7:11:1":;*..146.4**4•fli-044.44:41,,04";')• *high aeredelta4, I r. • liketh):!nt*h. TOW 41*. oket, iorair•gipp eat hest.nor- sit Sealre ahe threw. IOW . pkintie, the owner oe.opit- flexure, 00404 ' • ' .•911,11e. t&o,"..eseented .01anbon, belie" ;hig ItugeltE.,412 pinole. 'TR a ,yegkeig growth and me OriNala at ' ;Prince ha4 !been inothe innpioY " of Webb for .threts years. During the long houtts where they rode 'side• . :by Sidle `he told this clOmPanion, -Muth a- bout thte 'Flying V Y ,autiat• aria its ,00,7:alt:44":67/7- .4*16°:74441'414741441alltgice..44:'44‘41thella:' 4_0 A .,31.er' „/ . Before the marehed a chaViee.. „.14;19.: *,0041:0,-0: ql: , i 1 • ihmilthi9dld :eleAka:end:hm-eorwtweaki: :3;:01!11:i,:waie:jtliboilv114(14:adms-C:Elisr. '0'''',:;n1g.' 0.14:: ,,, the mecession to Ithe ber...., ee the butt of a relealyer hantare,* 4 "Get busa here!' !Set 'eta apOjet A.nd julmeo!" snarled the healvy The harkeePer took' lone look ahhina and filed rio demurer. "Bed man" ,trestis writ ion every line tof the sullen,- - diSeipated face of the belly. it wag' " a safe Ihettheit he was used to' hav- ihg his own way, 'Or failing that was . ready to fight at the drop Of the ' hat. Swiftly the drinks were preerared. "Here'e haw!" •/ : '''' 4FIVII°*ersTgl' ess Was Ulted ind einpitlede, •Tr (Continued Next Week) ' WcyCIIIfiehlregisie. aHis wird gliloOaalid --11°.orvelTherr Teodas. • Hell sure do to..take along," said Biffhuie ,by way of recemeneada- tion.- I"Aricl Joe Yanidel-does he stack up 1 too?'" asked the boy dryly. nevetr (liked Jee. It eviat only that he'll run a sandy-bh tau ilf he can or %that he's alwaelseidin' anyeae that wihLl stand .to be pickedon. Joe's sure a :bully." But the he's game en- ..dtighb too, for that matter. I've Seen shirn.fight.like a pack of caralmounts. Outside of that rives gat a hunch that 'he's cro.oked as a dog's hind leg. Meibbe Fm wrioing. I'm tellin' you how he s'brike ni, If E was Homer rEght how When trtouble is ,comlire ulp' with the ,Snaith-IMrnohert .outat, I'd feel some ,dubious about Joe_ He's a sulky, revengeful brute, an' the old man Inc ,ou/led him up with a ttight rein more'n ;onee:". "What do you mean -trouble .With., the ,Snatitih-MeRobert outfit?" , "That's a long tetlery..e ..The bad feelin' started seen aftedV.the war when iSnaith •aa' the oad man were bronchia' mavericks 1 it kind • of entotildered 'along " for a While, then broke out, again when 'bolth of them began sto bid on Government' beef contratte. There's ib.een some shoot - in' !back' an' forth eln.' there's liable' to heoa whole. lit More.. The Lazy S M1.-••th•at's the -Searith-MeRobert" bratichaelaime the, hihale Peres, cella - try by; priority. •The old. man aiiirt redognizin' any such fool title: 1.11(e's go% more'n'thirty theugand 'head '.Of cattle -there an' he'll :fight for the grecs if he has to. .0' °purse there's %plenty of Ticians for everybody 'if it .wastrit for the :beef contracts an' the general bad feelin'." 'Don't yeti reckon it will be set- tled :peaceably? They'll 'get together. an' talk it over like reasonaibler . • !Balla shook his head, '."The Lazy 8 I.111 are ibringia' in a lot of 'bad me,n from Texas an' the 'Ship: Some of our tblays ain't exactly gun-shy eitheo One of thesedays thee's. ,Sture to .he sudden trouble.." , no gurrerate" protested Clanten indignantly. "1 hired °tut to. the •:•,:d man to punch cows. Why for !should 1 take any chances with Illte 'Straith-Mclaebeatt outfit when I ain't ,golt a -tbiung-' in the world alga:inst. them?" "No, you're no gunman," grimed his friend in airftblet. derision. "Jim- inieeGto-Gelle'Em. 4s „stoquietolietle.---Stm- .cia.y-goothrmeepin' kid! IS Was kindler by accident that he bunted off ftiur Apaches an' a half-breed the other .day. • ' "Now 'don't you blame me for that, Bill.You was hell-bent on goin' in-, tp,, the .Ro.ubid•eau place. an' I trailed 'along. When yeti get. yore p111 in the laig you made me ride up the gulch a'.'Jne. I claim I wasn't to blame for Mescaa,leros. I wasn't either." Tahoe hard made his Prroph.ecy a- bout the • ,coming. trouble. ligtht1y. Ile. could not .guess1 that the most, ter- eithle • feud in the' history ef. the West was tO apring Out of the quarrel be- tween Snairh and Webbi-a-leord'er war so gri mend deadly thatad thin three years more than a hundred lusty men were to fall in !battle and from as- eaetheatiele. It would have amazed him ao . know that the bulletwhich laid Tow !the renegade in Shoot -a - Buck Canon had set the spark to the evil , passi ons wh i cji resalted in what carne ..to be. called the Washin.gton County War. Least of all could he tell that the 'girl -faced boy riding be- side him wa.s tlo become the beet- hhown character of all the d•esperat:.‘ 'Ones engaged in the 'trouble. ••••••••••••••• CHAPTER VIII THE FIGHT 'Half a dozen ,cowboys .cante•recl up the main. street of Los Pertalee in a cloud of dust One Of them, older than the Test, let out the wifit yell he had known in the days when he mode with 'Quantrell's guerillas on the infamous raids of that bandit. A see - bind flung into the blue skY three rap- id 'revolver 'Mete. Plainly they were ;.! 1S, 910t1 91) • crown/4p - RATES $15.074$20 NO HIGHER • O. . a QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, CONVENIENT, MODERN !00 ROOM HOTEL -135' WITH BATH. WRITE FOR FOLDER.' TAKE, A DE LUXE TAXI FROM .DEPOT OR WHARF, -250 •., • • • LONDON and WINGHAM South P.M. „ • •• • Wingham Belgrave . : -.2- 2.11 Blyth Loridesboro,.. 2.30_ . Clinton 3.08 Brueefield • Kippen Hensall Exeter .. . ' 3.27 3.35 . ....,.. 3.41 6.55 North. A.M. Exeter 10.42 Hen-sall ruce e 11.09 . 11.54 2.10• 12.19 12.30 12.50 Clinton ..... Londesbero Blyth . Belgrave Wingha:m C.N.R. TIME TABLE - East Goderich Clinton Seaforth Dana Mitchell West. Dublin ..... . Seaforth Clinton Goderich . • A.M. 6.45 2.30 7.08 3.00 7.22 3.18 7.33 3.31 7.42 -3.43 11.19 9.44 11.34 9.57 11.50 10.11 12.10 10.37 C.P.R. TIME TABLE • East A.M. . Goderich 5.50 M en set 5.55 , McGaw 6.04 Auburn 6.11 Blyth 6.25 Walton 6040 McNaught ' 6.52 TOrsontO 10.25 West A.M. Toronto 7.40 - Mehl -aught ...., 11.48 Walton 12.01 Blyth 12.12 Auburn 1:2023 McGate 12.34 Menset 12.41 . Goderich 12.46 NEOW rVV ik4TER FARES -LRA Be ween all points in Canada "SINGLE FARE AND ONE-TENTH" for the round trip - Good. in coaches only., "SINGLE FARE AND ONE-THIRD" for the)round trip - Good in sleeping and parlor eati (plus the regular seat or berth charge) • ello• Good going ani time Thursday Aprll 9th o until 2.00 'pan. Monday April lith-',- - Return limit leaving destination up to midnight Tuesday April 140, 1926. IN AbbITION THE' REGULAR WEEK -END "PARE AND • ONE-QUARTER" 'WILL -DE IN MEM • • 4,43 ,Ar-+ ' Special Limit for Students and TotiohCra 6f Editeatlanal linalfttitibnit ! on surrender of Conadion Foosonsor ASMOVIkit1021100VilfitatEfg Minimum Spatia1 Fore -Adults 50e. Children Zee - . . 4 t Por fares and further information apply to .Railway ticket Agotts • A N A DA AN N A t I , ` • , A