HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-04-03, Page 5. • !r"•, , • .1.7.4 • " ' , ' f, • Olt 40/4/0,00 0 , • . '0 0 v • 1 • r ,P,••• ,t0 I • •ra . . .. . , ' .--NOWV-14AYIN HOOT ORSON - .BOB oreux.p , ;, “PQNVID 01110KE• -44•NOR!' ' • ,., orlitest Rondo ot-tWestern,State. CARTOON'. -•,' .,,7100 -- Y Monay•• • code' ' 4' wodikesilar ANN HARDING ILERIMORMARSIIIALL • 1,4.ARG;RET LINDSAY' .s. 5.711E LADY CONNENIS" ,. i . , Aun Again Gives a Sterling Performance.. NEWS • CARIVON Thursday - Friday.L.— Sturdy 7" SMRL4Y TlaMPLI.14 in i4 The Littlest Rebel" with JOHN BOLES, KOREN IVIORLEY and JACK HOLT MATINEE FRIDAY, AT • • CGMING .,,,.."DAVID-.•001VERVIBLIr • • ZURICH IM.r. and Mrs. Gladwin Midi& have moved into _ithe apartments a.t the rear totf M. M. Gesch's barber' shop. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. 'Deitz and fam- ily have •m'cwed into the. apartments aibiive the Peitz garage. Past of the second story of the garage,have been fitted out as living quarters' and Mr. Peitz will have it 'much handier to look after his business). ' Mr.arid , Mrs. .Herbert Block, of Ibeetbar, have moved'into the house of biis, father., the late Julius Blook, at the south end of town. whichMr. Block has taken over from the es- tate. life' has tpurchaied a large truck and will engaged in the trucking business: • • Mr. A. lVfelick, Reeve; Mr. Haut Steinbach, Road .Superlintendent, and Mir. George Armstrong, councillor, at- -ended the ammar convention at Lon- don or. Wednesday Of engineers', road superintendents and townshiP • • • ' ), • offie- A meeting of 'the 'directors of the Hay Township Fire Insurance Com- pany was held here on 'Satu,rday and a nutmber of claims were adjus•ted. Mr E. M. 'Dagg entertained, his Sunday iSchool class at his home on Friday. evening. • Mr. and Mrs. William Reith, of Ingersoll, 'visited friends here on Sunday. • Mr. William Lamont" and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hoffman visite& at the tome•of 'the former's daughter, Mrs. W. Brown, Forest, on Sunday. A •suctessiful supper was held in the basement of the Evangelical Church don Tuesday evening. After the sup- per, he annual meeting of the Con- gregation was held at wihtioli encour- aging reports of the past year's work were presented. A resolution was When you have a HORSE or COW you want removed Phone ,or write to William Stone Sons LTD. Phone 22 - Ingersoll unanimionsly adopted, 'extending an invitation to Reiv. I. Burn to remain pastor of the congregation for an- other year. Confirmation services will be held in the Lutheran Church next Sunday evening at whieh seken yo -ung people will be confirmed. '- BRUCEFIELD The Monthly ,meet.inrof the U.F.O. and Clrhs was 'held at the home of, Mr. Arthur IlVicQueen,'• with the president, Mrs. William Douglas, in the Chair. The meeting was open - 'ed with a quotation, "TO, bring up a cihilld in the way -he ishoold go: travel that Tway Yourslelf." The ,song, "Kil- larney" was sung and 'ovras followed by the 'Creed ,in unison. The minutes were read and tapproveld and the fbulle- tin quesItions answered by:members. Literature from the dead office was read explaining 'the, good 'Work the U.FJW 0., 'Clubs ares doing in serving thercdirioduniity, eislpecialtly tor •chlil- dren withrdefeetive tonsils, also den- tisitry„ whOse parents are 'unable 'to Pay the cost of medical attendance. Mrs. C. Haugh gave the current ev- ents. IMists Munroe gave a' reading on the life of St. Patrick. The Ulf'. W.O. joined the U.F.Q. to hear Mr lan 1,11atcLetotd give an address on "Pruning, Gratting and (Spraying." Rs address was excellent but must be acted upon to get resultsMiss Jean 1V1urdock sang a solo. Lunch vras •s,erived. The April meeting wili Is theld at thehome of :Mr. Alex. Wright on' Wednesday, April 16,, at 2.30 p.m., The social program wild be ' in. charge of Mr3.," Charles ,Clifton {Miss Mamie Swan is. visiting at the 1-,,yme of her brother, Dr. Wm. ,Swan, ...n.Illlatroilton, at present.' • Ts many friends of Mr. Duncan Aikenhera,d, of Stanley, were pleased ',c) sloe him able to lye out again, after hie long illne'ss). IMrs. Eohner Hai been spending the past few days tat the home of Mrs. Alex. Ross.. ,• Mrs. Janet tRos,s, has ,gone to wait 071 her sister, 1Mis•s-Mary Gilmour, of Stanley, who is ill with pleurisy.Her many friends hope.to soon bear Of her recovery • Mr. and Mrs: James' .MicQueen re- ceived a calk' front their son, Will, of. TY:Onto, this, week. .1Spoial service § Will be held in the ' .10 14) 11. 1;00.,.;,g1111141' • 4.111•011* *I 'er*TRIV/4.1 .1900** 1132445r ntgliV" - C921114**.r, . IWO& *A be 11'00 atl the MOrrling servIdcir VII '44#11.0.. , EGITONDITILLE: TheID'grcleintiTiRe ..kisei;n; Rand nIet Li" thihathev"presideni.MitoT4e4Madredal 4Fiontenx7, in the chair., Twelve Members re- elpiOnded to the roll call by the soprez taDorothy Tainan. Denis Eisler 'reefi'ved the offering. POUT members' •nasnes were added to the Dait7. El- 1en Ainshorough read the Bible istroorl; `Dorothy Theobeld Sag* a,1311easallig noig.pP''recCi*Piktriderifiliei -�y t WriParrayye'rSbelw"i• Wet! th Malcolm told an -interesting stiofy and also planned some lolly games at the thine of the meeting. •The Explorers hacl a good eviening on Tuesday rwhen twelve boys' were present. Mr. Malcolmsubstituted for' the Ocrimisellor; •Harold Finnigan, who is still Unable to take rhclaVe• The Egmondlville rungregaition is bringing the wonderful Alpha Boys' Choir rot 'Stratford to town ,on April 17th. HENS ALL Spring Show Saturday, April 4, 1.36 Horsesan d Cattle - CATTLE Angus 1st 2rml 3rd • „ Aged Bull $4 n Bull; calved 1934 or dater 4 3 Con, any a,ge, 3 2' , „Heifer, under 2 yeam 3 • 2 Class .II --Shorthorns Aged Bull Bull, cal1ed 1934 or later CIONV, 'amry age • Ilst,,,donated by C. Moore, goods; .2nd, donated by Roy Weber, Heifer, under 2 years Class III—Herefords Aged Bull 4st donated by T. Welsh $2, cash added, Bull, calved in 4934 or later4 3 Cow,j any age • 3 2 list. goods $2, S. Rennie, cash added. Heifer, under 2 years • MARKET CATTLE Butcher- Steer or Heifer •1st, 1. gallon motor oil, sealed, by W. A. McLaren, value $1.40, cash -added; 214, flour value 75c, 3 2 donated by Case's bakery, cash aBalcolydedieaf 1St, Spencer & 'Son, goods, 132.50, cash added; Ind, W. A. 3 2 Buchanan, $1 goods, cash add - 7 4 ed; 3rd, H. Hayman, 81.50 goods, cash added. . SPECIAL PRIZES, 1—Bag Linseed Meal for best Clydesdale Stal- lion, donated by Owen Geiger., 4 8 2—Gentleman's Turnout—$2.00 cash. 3—Lady Driver—lst, $2.00: 2nd, $1.50. 4—Best Wagon Horse -42.00. 03 5—est ?horsemanship shown by boy under 16 years; horse not judged. No estry tree. Prize $2.00. 6—Boys' Judging Competition — 1st, $4.00; and, $3.00; 3rd, $2.00. , The Competition will he under the dime - 8 2 tion of Mr. McLeod, County Agriteultural Re- Presentatival Score cards will be given eaeh boy; 50 points will be given DM. placing by Score card, and 60 points for reasons to be given °rail^. Class to be judged will be heavy horses. No entrance fee will be re- quired, but boys must have their entry in before 1.30 o'elock. HORSES Class I.—Clydesdale lst 2nd Aged Stallion 47 Stallion, foaled in 1933 4 4: • Class H—Percheron, or Belgian , Aged 'Stallion 7 5 Stallion, foaled in 1933 . .' 4 8 Class 111—Standard Bred Aged Stallion 6 Brood Mare 4 3 Class IV—Heavy Draft Draft Mare, in foal 6 4 lst„ Joynt, goods 43, cash add- ed; 2nd, Hess, Goods $2.50, cash g, foaled in 19334 let, Coal donated by Wm. Dav- idson; 2nd, 'J. Passmore, goods $2, cash added. Filly, or Gelding, foaled in 19344 lst, ,Gold Medal Flour, value, $2.75, donated by L. Mickle, cash added. Draft or Agricultural, foals of 3936 ' 4 Drealft Team 10 lst donated by Bank of Mon., 'trreal Class V—yilgricultural Mare, in foal 1st, donated by Bean Bakery; 2nd goods donated by Boirthrton & Drysdale, oak lardinere stand. Filly or 'Gelding, foaled in 1933"4 lst, Dr. %%Taggart, $2 cash addett; and, donated by' Cook Broa., goodS. JriSiy or Gelding, foaled in 19344 gent'S brush 'sent donated by A. W. M. Hemphill; and, G. Thompson, $2 cash added. Agricultural Team 10 1st, denoted by W. H GpIdtng, and, rothifilebreelt, 42.50, A. Clark, cash added. , Claes VI—General Purpose "Team 1st, 100 lbs. laying mash, value $2.50, by Thos. Wren, cash add- ed; and, Dr. SniSllie, $2 cash added. • Class VII—Roadsters, Farmer's 0.Roa&tter, owned by a farmer .. ltst, Brack, shoeing 0, cash add, ed; and, Dr. Collyer $2, each added, Filly or. Gelding, foaled in 1934.. Class VIII—Roadsters, Open Single Roadster Commercial 0•I*tel, clangs $2.50, east. added; 2nd,, Razor, value 48, Manna & Farquharr cash added. ,Boa'dster Champion Badge, 3rd 4 t 3 4 3 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 • . 5. 4 8 OODERICH TP. 1111r. Fred Mobile; who has madehis home for a couple of years with Alfred Jervis, of noltnestille, passed away On Friday last. The funeral was held on Sunday at the hone: of Mr. Jerrie, after which it proceeded to Munro Church where there was a shOrt ii.ery ice. Mr. Moore kept the gone ral store at Munroe for a num- ber of years. He was married to Kate Johnston, of ,the 6th conces'sion, Goderich Township, who passed away a couple of years 'ago, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Mona, ' of •God,erich, spent the week - 'end at Jervis, coming down to be preisent at the funeral of Mr. Fred 'Moore. The stocial that .the Young People of Relmeiville were o put on on ,Fri- day night was 'cancelled on account of a death in the village,. '6 4 8 8' 2 Death of Peter Cole Another of the older native Sons of Goderich Township passed away on 1VIrondaYlii.the person of Peter Cole, who died suddenly of stroke at the home of hist son, Percy C,ole, Tucker - smith, with whom he had been ]living for the l'182t two months. Peter Cole was the son of pioneers of the dis- triot, the late Peter Cole Mi' Jane Miller, who were of Irish national- ity He was born bn the - hom'e- stead farm Bayfield Line, in Octolber, 1848, 'and wasin' his, 88th year. On New Year's day, 1875, he married Marry Peck, who predeceased him by eight • Years. Tii0;y farmed on • the homestead 'and after Mrs. Cole's death the bereft husband took ugaresidenoe in :Clinton. Since the,partial destruc- tion of his home on Albert 'Sereet a year ago ;Mr.,.. Cole -had re,sided with his daughter, Mrs. 'Sohn) 1Viaid, Gode- rch Township, Peter 'Cole was Con- servative in politios and Methodist (later United 'Church) in -religion. The former Methodist Cole's Church now removed, was 'built 'on the Cole homestead, the elder Peter ,Cole having given the ,corner lot for that purpose. Both the elder and the now departed were staunch sup- porters o ft:he church long a Gode- rich township landmark, and both served the church as :officials. , The now departed .was alse leader of ,the church' choir. ,S,urviving, there'. is one brother, John Cole, Chicago, aged 90 years, and the eldest and last sur- vivor of Abe family. There art -four PercY, Tocktersmith; Robert, Goderich Township;' Ran:diall„ Toron- to, ,and Warwilok; Detroit. Flossie, the orly daughter, is Mrs. John Muir, Goderich Township. There are also five grandchildren. The funeral was held Thursday from Percy Cole's, Proof Line, THeliergmith,, Rev, C. W. D, Cosen, pastor of Wesly Willis Church, 'Clinton, condlucted service at 12 -p.m. Interment was made in Bay- field cemetery. 40 7 4 7 5 a Class 5 4 8 4 2 Class 5 4 or Ribblcm 8 Chemplonfildp Classes -Draft Mare or tektins, cow age. • 2 2 Itt,goods $2, donated by Drum- • mend's, CR811, added ; aild,donsit ted IT Hetes GrocetY, Agricultural Mare or Gelding, an7 age 8 12 Draft �r Agrleultdral Catatonics'', Geadidtr'areY age—Bibbird .or Badge TosenaldP—,Prikii,o, .or Mare en- • tries to fill alas% , 8 Worsts irons owe Tcevesltra. . ' , . • , 10' 6, 1st, MR:10.• 2,114 *Ma* bY COM,. , • nerid( ne, ' • Jti 2. Everything er • )") „ , 1'1' • . t?. ..• 1» Two TIig Stores filled with smart, new, styii Clothes for Man, Woman or Child, at attracti prices that make unusual savings, resenting Women's Spring • Coats Farm Notes Beware' of Weed Seeds in' Manure Weed seeds And their way to the manure pile through Idle digestive organs of animals and in bedding. When fresh manure is hauled out and spread oil the land viable weed seeds may be spread with it. If vreteds are present allow the manure to remain in the Pile for at least one month be- fore spreading and thereby 'avoid the danger of increasing weed infesta- tion. RULES AND REGULATIONS 1 --Entry fee, ,31.90 fosk., first entry; addi- tional entries, 25 feenIter—eich. 2—Horses and dattle cannot compete twice in regular class- es-,• except Agricultural or Draft, 3 Tear olds, Whieb may be shown in tearne. 8--Mhe awarded arty no prize at the •discretion of Judge's dee'? is final. 4—Entries may be the 'tweet:ter 4—Single Roadster may also emanate in teaont1, 6--A411 entries must be the bona .fide property of the exhibitor. PARADE AT 1.30--,AnImals not in 'parade may be excluded. from' coinpetition. DONATIONS .jegni0,••agladS, ; gOo0, 42.50: Wm. Davidson, coal; $4;.. J. Passmore, goods, 48; Laird blidkle, goods, $2.75; Bank of Montreal, cash, $10; Beans' Bakery, cash, $5 Beahron Drysdale, goodS, $4: Dr. Mc- Taggart, cash, $2; Cook Bros., geode, $8; A. W. E. Hemphill, goods, 44; , G. Thorrapson, cash. $2; W. Goading, M.P:, cash, 410; A. Clark, goods, 132.60; Spencer & Son, goods $2.50; W. A. Buchanan, gooda, $1; H. Day - Matt. goods, $1.60•;. Thomas Wrea, goods, 42:60; Smillie, cash, 42; Brodk's. shop, goods, $2; Dr, Collyer, *mall, $2; Commercial Hotel, goods, $2.60; Manns &•-Farquhar,, geksan, $a; Drammond's Store. goods, 42; J. BallartuftsM'e, Itf..P.P., cash, 410; Counneslelal Hotel, bash, $6; .C. Mo'gre, goods, • $8; Roy Weber, toot), • $2; T. Welsh, mesh, 42;. S. Ileareie, goods, $2; J. Flynn, cash, 41; Or.. villa Twitchell, mesh, Love, eaek, $1; W. A. MleLareii,--goods, $1.40; ,Case's BakerY, goIrds, 7,8e; Scolit'S 'GrotrerYt goOds, 42; Dr. A., It. '.0anipbell, crush,. 44; Owen Geiger & Sons, bag ilinteed lateaL • • SPRING SHOW C Mareh 41; OlinteM, MAI SI Heitisall, April 4; - DIt. A It. CArifrlitiLl • .Ptcrtid.ht , Soybeans The produetion of iso-ybeians on a commercial scale in Ontario cotn- /mooed about six years ago, Up to that time there rwere only a few iso- lated girtovrerrs, priocipally in the counties of Essex and Kent. Although the acreage on individual farrirs has ,,,, ;Autry fee in Ole 01.$010,41.00. xt,M4 SfeLEAN . aottitsty 0, 4c4:, '41,4k -fast, /N.f eg,4 , ,..4-441L0,141X0Ritmga6.1kokgh,01.06 1 eer ez, Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote, you on any style or quantity required. $ee Your Horne Printer First THE HURON EXPOSITOR Settorpli) Oritario • • !; • •or IN THE . . . ¶EWEST MODES, FABRICS AND TRIMS Smart, Stylish, Youthful, with an abundance of new- ness that stamps them dis- tinctly Spring, 1936. You will like the styles; you'll admire the materials; you'll approve of the work-, manship, but you'll like the values they represent most of all. Come in and see what a smart dressy new style coat you can get at a very reasonable price. $9.75 to 25 The New Spring DRESSES •2." to 1375 Gay New Dresses that fairly breath Spring in all its brightness. host of delightfully refreshing new styles and colorings. You,will have no regrets if you come here for your Easter Dress, where there is a satisfying stock to choose from, and where qual- ity and style are never priced hikh. The Crowning Glory of Spring MILLINERY You must top your Easter costume with a Hat fitting in color, harmony and in shape to complete the beauty of your Spring outfit. The collection. of New Hats in our Millinery Department vividly in- terpret the newest styles, the smartest materials, at very reasonable prices. ° 1.95 to $5 p Bright New Spring S-uits VALUES- YOU NEVER. BELIEVED POSSIBLE. - AT THE PRICE • The New Suits we have for your Easter choosing will dem- onstrate what you, - positively know: That no store will give you a greater choice of clean, new, honestly made dependable Suits at as reasonable prices. Sport Models with all the new backs for young mein and smart conservative styles for quiet, dressers. ' PRICE: $15 t�22.5 Topping With A TOP COAT 10.95 to 19.5° New Balamacdan, Raglan, Guard, Wrap Around and Belted Models, made of imported Tweeds in checks and plain cloths of Light or Dark Grey, Sand, Brown or Black. New full length coats in every size. 4011M111111141M The Easter Display of MEN'S • HATS This_always has been the best hat store for miles around and this year is no exception to the rule. You are always sure of a becoming style, the desir- ed shade and the right size. Greys, Sands and Browns are the principal shades, and every new style is here. Pi ice $1.95 to $395 ART BROS., Seafort V • 41=4 in most eases been email, it le esti- mated that the total area sown emblinted to 10,000 antes in 1985. Seventy,lifie ayea, eent. of the trap wits grth til and liairVested for e- IlIdikalide *es liediteett. lor „. • • • . 4 • tl Dairy. Cattle Rings It common affection of cattle at this time o the yeat' iexi ettirfe, This own be easily eontrolled tatic-; en- in One: WiaSh the tJaVt Wier soap and wat to teltirIte etUritS, 2,614Aphig if neeeteary, then dry the spot and aint pith Rtineture lotf decline, re -4 eathtg Ike treatment thely until .efored .Sulphat • ointment or nthy good smothering- ail:trite* if used. :eonseteaitionAy Will (MO ' ire good l'.101.4* " .• The nrbleilnaft caned f exported from Catnaps, to )sten eonsidits ef-4H1feen'S. tit 206,000 ,aisds b &4 ' • • ••• • 0 MIAOW • •"' °" 441)•.›,)"st I 41" 1,01 1,140", i 54 ' 55 Itz 50 113 1'4