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The Huron Expositor, 1936-03-27, Page 8
q' dpi tT '!t ll� ty yl?! 4p. 9a tt 41, is Si. : Fir �uzl'Uyh'1 1 iu er Akt xI° T . "a• "i:..s R . :.. ARC' '7 4.`3{ tAt is .�fi,t ;jl( • ii es! 14 le ;a r=� eating Hints ,SNAP CLEANING POWDER Cannot Scratch �L�1•f 5C Tins *NAP )1Asi i CLik]ANEaR 15c *tin . ........ • ..... J D. 'E.: OLEA!NEiR-,Hurts':;Qnly, ,' E Cub --Tin :JO AVL WATER--IWorlos !Wonders; 'Bottle 1OC CLASiSIC 'QI;.'bAN!ER 9c v 2 Tina CLOTHES LINES 10c, 15c, 20c 3VAIWTEIS FLOOR WAX 1'In AWESFLOOR GLOSS 59C ia.t' ,. 45c LA'S' FURNITURE POLISH at 25c CASTILE FLOOR WAX 25c Arlt W. MON OIL 15c and 25c A. C, Routledge PHONE 166 Insurance WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN FIRE - AUTOMOBILE LIFE LIABILITY - PLATE GLASS WINDSTORM PERSONAL ACCIDENT INLAND TRANSPORTATION ;GUARANTEE BONDS Lowest Rates with Absolute Financial Strength Rates and Information gladly given. CALL OR PHONE US WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Specialists' in All Kinds of Insurance... W'tontnspita Aid. To.. The negular gaeeltilm of tike Wpsnen's Hospital Aid iso Seotat 1 °eunorlal lias- pi'tlsa will Ib.'b held en. TThnxt day; April 'gild, at 3.301 p.m,. in Carnegie HalL ,4.• Signs of "Spring:, ---Mrs.. John A. MeiEenzie Pinked a large yellow and blue pansy in the .garden at their home .on Market.Street, on Friday of liast week. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth 0 O S. T. Holmes, residence, O Goderich-Street, West; phone 0 No. 119 W. Charles 'Holmes' O residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service . 0 Night ' calls, Phone $08. O Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0 . Charges moderste. O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '.lent the week with ter Mts. Mv. and jam s Hay'as in Egmonicl',v'iRel, 'Egmondville Y. P. S. Meet_, -- The meeting !of " the •Egn londVillte Young• People on Tires:law evening was op- eased by stinging the hymn "He Lead- etli Mee," after which Miss Jean :Smith, led nm prayer. The questions were then tasked and Palmer 'Ooonvbs re- beived the collection. The hymn,, "Rise Up' Oh Men of God'"' was sung and Dorothy Taman read the Scripture lesson. •Nellie Irvin led in prayer. Jean Gemmell read a poem, "April Rain," and :Dorothy Gemmell and Dean Castle gave a musical number. Donna I ole then favored the audr= enco with two. readings. Jean Gem- mell, in a capable manner, to the topic -on "My Respo-nsibility to God," After a few -lively games and a' •treat of candy, the meeting closred_by repeating the 'Mizpah Benediction. The meeting next week 'will he held on Monday night at which Mr. Keys, will be the guest speaker. Dies in Crumlin. -Following a short iilmssis of pneumonia, Mrsa John Shan- non died :in her home Thursday at Crurrimlin. 'Bern in Seaforth 48 years ago,.IMrs. Shannon had lived: in Crum'iin for the past tw'en'ty years. She was a member of the congrega- 'bi'c,n of •St. I'ryt'rick's Church, East Loindlon, tthe Altair Society, League of the 'Sacred Heart and the Catholic Women's League. She -is survived' by her husband and four daughters, Mrs. Calvin. Yake ..and !Mrs.' Joseph Baker, of Dorchester; Mildred and Cora, at -home; three brothers; Daniel Tagney, of Brenton Harlbor, Mich.; John Tag- ney, of Toronto; Michael Tagney, of Crumlin; 'one sister, Mrs. Nellie Sohenimean, eof Toronto. The funeral was held from the E.''C. Killingworth funeral home Friday. Requiem high mass was celelbrated in S't. Patrick's Church at 10 o'clock wit:h burial in St. Peter's'Cemetery. 0 O O O O O, O O 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 s> 'II. C. BOX o 0 FUNERAL, SERVICE 0 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 Ambulance Service 0 0 Hospital Bed 0 ' 0 with adjustable ratchet aper- 0 0 ated spring for rent. 0 0, Night Calls Day .Calls 0 O 'Phone ' 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WALKER'S 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 W. J: WALKER and 0 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 O Funeral Directors. O 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 O attended. O 0 PHONE 67 O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E.C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. • Office hours :- Tuesday, -Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m: to. 5.00 p.m. Satuirday evening, 7.30 ,P.m. to 9 -P.m - SERVICES WE CAN. RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance.' If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. 8485-tf nsurance - With the enormous increase in mite accidents, yon cannot afford fo t71ke chanced: Let us protect yon. Rates are low in compari- ao i- with ,proteet-ion given. - ri'rroncpt Sertince and payment of ;claims In, case of , tirouble, the r:�' `ice' ntifa°n 'o Agents thiougb Can - i ,skies are set .y slur. Service. Enjoy", -. 6iir triill'd ` ptote'cttd by one of atkite tut; Potkiek. Altd- I(y Mr., Fr -P. . -,Gavin,--•Iup•I'eetor Ifigh.Schools, paid a_n: official v'ds!ilt 'teo the 'Seafanth C ewegi 'e Institute .tahis. week., , , • Mr. Tom-Cl'uff, Who has been on the staff of 51'se Dominion. Bank eh'exe for several years, 11a0 ;been transfer- red to the 'Guelph . branch of that bank and will assume his iuew °du)ties on. Monday. • Miss-Kathrleen ,Stevwart, Univers- ity of Toronto, is .•pend'in'g a few days at her homes irea'et • .Mr • s. W. H. roldimg ias in Ottawa this week. • An antique tea, . under ,the aus- piees. of....the' Women's A'ssJociation of Northside IOihtrr.•ch, will; be held on Friday elwenling, March 217th, !Nora 3 to 7 , p.ni: • • Mr• James Scott, University of Toronto, Is -pent the week -end with his Mother, 'Mrs. H. R. Scott. • . 'Mr. and Mrs.. W. Harrison of Seaforth, spent 'Sunday with ,Mrs. E. Brooks, in Clinton. ' • •. Miss Jessie -Grainger, of Clinton was a week -end guest at the home of lvLr. and 'Mrs, W. A. Wright. • Mr, George .McGav'in, of-- Daly's -Garage, is in Toronto this week at- tending bhe service school for mechanics, held annually by the Ford Motor 'Company. • Mr. 'C. Eckert was in Toronto on Monday • yisiiting his son, Mr. Joe Eckert, avho has been in a ho:spibal there for some time undergoing treatment for an ,injured. knee, but who is now recovering. • Mr. and Mrs. .Campbell Suther- land have moved to the former Charlesworth residence in E.gmbind- ville, • Mr. Scott 'Club had 'the misfor- tune to fall from a tree on his farm and fracture a bone in -his foot. He will he laid up for some time. • Mr. Thorpe Rivers is 'having.- a cement foundation placed under the rtec•i•dence he recently purcheAed from the Cud'more Estate, on North .Main. Street; before he moves his family from the farm. • Miss Helen. Crich spent last week end with Toronto, friends. • Mr. A. G. Smillie, of Toronto, was in town on Thursday. • Mr. and -Mrs. W. E. Southgate and IMr. and iM,rsi. F. •5. 'S•iNs.'mtortoxed t• o Toronto for, the week -end. • 'Mis's Getrtie Crich, of -Toronto, spent the week -'end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ai 'Crich. • Great interest is ibeing manifest- ed in the euchre tournament being held in the eutchre club ropms this wa'ek, .over 40 have entered .and play is- in progress day and evening. Priz- ehave been donated by Christie Bros and a. c'ons'olation by I. Hudson. • Kenneth, t•r"e little son of Mr. arud^'iMrs. Fred E. Willis, underwent an operatitn for appendicitis in •Scott Memorial Hospital -on Monday of last week. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -1Northeside United 'Church. -11 ant., "The -Model Prayer," last of a series on the Lord's Prayer; 7 p.m., , Mr. Robert Pass -more, of Hensall, will preach. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. -Rev T. A.-Oarmichael, Minister : g'mtondvill,e •Chureh - 9.55 am..! &hlool, V,lorship, Sturdy and Story; 10.30 a.m., Lantern slides on Africa; 11 ''a.m. "Building a Christian World as a Tabernacle"; 7 p,ni:. "Tine Holy Spirit and the „ Think -en"- Rev. C Maicalm, Minister, • , First Presbylterian Church-Moan- ing hurch Morn- ing Wersrhip at 11; Sunday School at 2"30; evening Service at 7. Morning sermon, "Still the World Seeks After God: There is a Haunting Demand for the Divine." Evening sermon, "An - ether Chapter from the Book of Rev- elation; Thee Gi'ty Four „Square."- Harold C. Feast, Minister, St.• Thomas' Church -Passion Sun- day, March 29, Sunday School and Bible Class 10 arr..; 11 a.nr., subject, "The Third Word of the Great Min- istry"; evening subject, "Life's 'Nor:- mail Nor-mail Ccmdir.ion."-Canon . E. App le - Yard, Rector. LOCAL BRIEFS • The many friends of Mr, P. H. Moffatt; Prime? pal of the Seaforth public school, were pleased to see him •in town on Tuesday- after his long and sethious il'Ines•e. • Dr, E A. McMaster had a large X-ray machine in1fahled in his office this week. • Mrs. Joseph Grumm'ett spent the - week -end an Toronto 'with her sister, Mrs. Douglas C. Airth. • • Miss Bess Grieve., of the Chat- ham Collegiate staff, spent the week- encrat the home 'of heir parents, Mr. and Mrs-:• T. M. Grieve, in, Egmbnd- vii.le. • Mr, and Mrs, Sam 'McKenzie, of G•eorget•nwn, were week-enkl guests sit, the home or Mrs. McKenzie's par- ents,` Mr. and Mrs• J..:41 Cardno, • Mrs, W. C. Sproat was a week- end guest at the home of • Mr. and Mrs. "R. J. Sproat. • Miss Jean -Stewart, of Toronto, was aweek-end guest at the home of :l'Lr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant. • Messrs, Howard ,!and William' 'Hays; of Walker-v.ille, and 'Mr. 'Glen Hays, of Osgoode Hall, .Toronto; EGMONDVILLE The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was -held. on Thursday in the ves- try 'o,f Ole church. Mrs. ' Jamie. Allan presided and offered the opening. I prayer. The devotional leaflets .were read by Mrs. Nelsen Keys and Mrs; Robert 1vfcGonigle. Passages ,in. Scripture were read 'by 'Miss Toms and Mrs, Itiuigh Chesney, Sr The. business was conducted by Mrs. -C. Malcolm when arrangements for the• Easter • thankoffer'ing ' were made.• Mrs: W. F. McMillan.. then gave the treasurer's 'rle'por t'The topic. from. the study book, "Penetration in.Afri- ca amid' he.'Chu.rch in Africa" was tak- en in a capable manner by Mrs. Jas. Allan. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs.. James Brown., . eire- and you should safeguard your car by having the oil and -'grease changed to the proper kind for Spring. Sealed Shell Gasoline will make your car run more smoothly! _.. CALL AT 'IRE SHELL STATION FL WESTON.- GODERICH ST. - SEAFORTH Mr. E. Re'ymb'lds, of Toronto,• is visiting :With his sister, IMrs. Ed. Rowland. • iMir. and.. Mrs, .K,ennietf} Rutledge and daughter, Evelyn, are visiting with 'the • Tatter's brother, R. Drager, at Dobn. Kenneth Ferg spent tthe week -end with friends in LlondoaI. Miss 'Muriel Dundas, of London is visiting iwith 'Was Jean Murray and Other -friends lin bhe vicinity. Mr. Art 'Pullman spent tthe week- end with 'his mother as Mitchell. WALTON rWMEAMMO (Continueergrom Page' 1) girl ereartin:g 'talk on '"Preventatives" was given by Mrs, Ge.:orge Kirklby. Following a s -'tory- entitled "Silver yup" by Mrs. Cumming, the meeting closed; with, a sing -song. • IMr. and Mrs. Fred Kerley and family, 'of Toronto, returned h;omre sin Wednesday after spending a few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I_lorv'e. Angu; McCall lum, who w"as htoiiday- ing at his home ,here, returned to Southern California on Saturday. Mr. McCallum is employed "with the U. S. Navy. Miss Jean Murray, of London, is holidaying with her rnbther, Mrs. Wm. 'Murray; Miss Ethel Mase. orf Milverton, re- turned home nn Monday after visit- ing yrith her grandparents, Mr.- and Mrs, (..Adam Shol.dice. FOLLOW THE LEADER./ TO JI,iCCE.ff AND EXTRA PROFIT/ BY KEEPING ON\\//// THE -0 N v.- -, 1 ° LAYING BIRDS las •9th TO 20b 416: - ROE COMPLETE CONCENTRATE AND APPROVED LAYING MASH FIRST 8 WEEKS ROE VITA FOOD A COMPLETE STAPTING,F000 COM KALE TE ' GROWINb' RATION Ask voter dealer for ROE FARM PROVEN feeding Progratn-it•will take you over the rough place /nil -give -mutts, - ROE FARM' MiLL.ING C°, ATWOOD , ONT. Rept rserl't 1? yly Bey.. ll M 0., :114. SGOD , Seirnfortb. : ai#T tityiss WO". 'vapid vrosaw-tyk.„4,..itt IM1 rirhh� �dGtl+Yd ka,RktUd,r,.�r�,�a PLAY and DANCE Keep this Date Open for the PLAY AND DANCE, in CARDNO'S HALL on - TUESDAY, MARCH 31 under the' auspices 'of the Seaforth Agricultural Society. The Seaforth Collegiate Institute Alumni Association •presents, the three act .Comedy Drama• "MEET UNCLE SALLY: !with ' the following caste: Ben Blayne; A' Young La'wyer,°J'ohn Crich; Betty Blaine -His, Sister, Alice Orally; Jenny -A Swede iCdok,' Janet Clu>ff; Sally Sh'erwdodi=A College Student, Jean Frost; Bob 'Durant-- 'Bettty's Fiance, Wm. Barber; -Sayork inset -'A !Cockney Butler, Jack Stevens; Elaine Dvrant1--1B'an'is 'Fiance, ;Mlar- garet Crich; Aunt 'D;orindai---'Bob and Elaine's Aunt, Rena..Fe'neieill; Dr. Jim- my Snodgrass, An Osteopath, Camer- on Riititoul; :Miss 'Maggs., Dean of Keltchum 1Co1:lege, Margaret. Grieve ; Rev! Wright, A Preacher, Cyril Rey- nolds; Wm. Hawkins, Ben and Betty's Uncle, 'Ed. Smith.- PLAY FOLLOWED BY DANCING OLD AND NEW TIME , with ••music �.furmhe d byR m S Y th Rambles Orchestra ADMISSION TO PLAY and DANCE Children 20c " Adults 35c (Tax included) ntique Tea IN NQRTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH On 'Friday, March 27 from 3 to 6 p.m. Under auspices of Women's As- sociation. - ALSO -. Display of Pioneer Relics and Antiques. EXHIBITION' OF SPINNING Everyone Welcome ADMISSION :: 25 CENTS Tit'e young Pe lte'st s24,eetlalr qn inti 'A' 'ems n• ; tvalr!a off. I31 Orr Shags!, a too* NO:c.etap s?iivo0;. 'Vete topiniulg h'y'mn was toll -IMO IV several psailmls read respo'n,sitviely. The uin -sus -Vcas any u s Mary IBtulc'ivannn._Miss Betty Drager,. the secreltrarry, callers' the roll "which was answered Iby' a "Proverb." The topic, `IMIY 's�eontsti'bi'Iiuty to 'C�!od," Was given iby !Miss 181etIh Shaim .u. The„ rpastlor, Rev,. ICS Ouannaling, gave "a, talk can 'Choices Young Pelople Are Called JJpon to IMak'ee' •The meeting closed vwilth, a hymn and the Mispn; Benediction. DUI$LIN - 1 . peath. of Michael Doyle Oars ,1Vx'oruday ntihmning :Meie1ha'el 'D'oyle of ibha village died at his biome, in his 85th year. Mr. Doyle had been in giobd 'health and active unitil a week betfore leets, death, His funeral was 'held at St. -Pa'trick's Church on ;Wed- nesday I:ncfrnimg (Hli'gjh !Mea=ts was -sunlg.'by 'Raw. Dr. Ffdulkes, and 'burjal.. '*las made in .St., Qolun,,IbanJ,,Ceinetery. He his. survived by his wife, four sons and three ; daughters: •GeA;ald and Joseph, of ,'1 iiibbert; 'James, 'Detroit;- IPatriick, Cleveland; ' i1VLiis. Joseph Dlotw•ney, illeeehwdod; 1Vlir°s° Franli Jor- dan, Hibbert, and Sister Mary Fran- citseo, 'Windsor. CONSTANCE . The Literary Pragreis'sirve Club will hold the Monthly meeting on March 27 in (tike school house. Trulstees Oliver Anderson, Jas. Dale -and' Wm. Britten are respdns bl'e Tior the ;pro= gram. They have asked, Mir. W L, Whyte, 'Hul1etb, and Mr l:an.McLe'od, of ',Clinton, to give addressees. A musical program has - been arrang- ed. . Mrs. William •Carnochan left on Friday for Toronto where she :will meek her sister, Miss McEwan, and they intend visiting Neff York and Atlantic.. CIrty. . 'Mr. Mat. Armstrong and Mr.. Aus- tin •ustitin Dexter were in Toronto with cat- tle this week' -Mr. and Mrs. Leo -Stephens n and Ston and Miss Ferguson l sited Mr. and 'MTS.: 'Willlnam' Logan in Blyth on Sunday least. Radio Clearance Sale We stilt have a few wonderful bargains in Used Radios ' at prices as low as 5210100 For a limited time we are also offering a few new 1936 Models at money -saving pric- es -A liberal allowance on your old radio. Instead of carrying these Sets in stock till next Fall; we prefer to give you the oppor- tunity ity of buying these Sets NOW at a remarkable saving to you. ,ONLY A FEW SETS LEFT - IT WILL PAY YOU TO ACT , IMMEDIATELY. See Our Window Display. J. F. DALY .PHONE ' 102 - SEAFORTH F AR M ERS' INSURANCE- THE WAWAN;ESA 1VtUTUAL' Canada's Largest .FI arther:0 Mutual . Fire Windstoi nt - 4utorltobiile Non IAras'esrwalblle tl?lo `eies ' Pr1Iie Lia'blLtiy and Property Menage, Ordinary r Limits, ion . 'arffar>I r'S'Ctrs 112Month's $1004'9 menthe,'$6.b.0 'See Leewt >l ►�tefsrve,. ,. • J.1 . SCOT • 1p> n b IonY . 'Sehtortht • ST: COLUMBAN Many from -;here attended the fun- eral !of the late. Michael Doyle,. of. Dublin; formerly of Hibbert' IMIr. Patrick Doyle, 'af Cleveland, and Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle, of D etroit, were here attending the fun- eral of their father, Mr. Doyle; also Sister Francesca and "'Sister Claudia, of Landon, attended the funeral. Mrs. Dan Rafferty, Of Brantford, visited -her ;parentis, Mr. and 'Mrs., P. H. IMciGrath. ' 'Miss, Gertrude 'McGrath, of :Kit- chener,spent the week -end at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Mc- Grath . WINTHIOP' Quite a large -crowd attended the euchre and dance in the hall last Fri- d ay ,night The prize: -winners were Ladies' •first, Mrs. Thoma PPryce; ladies' lone hands, .Mis's' M. tel 1 - mage; men's first, Mn-. Ch le D I- mage; men's lone 'hands, Mr. Ke ly ton, • There will be another eurh e and dance held in the hall this- Fri- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. 'Baktelr and fatally, of Coderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dodds, of Listowel, we;e recent visitors with IMr. and Mrs. Robert Camepbell, `Sr. Miss Annfie Geddes, 'of 'Winghar,, spent Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. ' Little, , The Ladies'. ,mid' and W M. S•. of Cavan Church will hold the regtl`hr meeting and ,Easter T'hankofferiog on Wednesday,' April 1st. Rev. G... E. Morrow will be' the speaker. BRUCEFIELD Mrs Bremner and daughter, Miss Edna, returned home last weeds after spendi.nig a few weeks at the 'Forme of Mr. -and 'Mrs. Wlest, of St. Thomas. Mrs. L. F'orr+esit spenit'the week -end with her friends;.1VLr. and ,Mrs. D•udI•ey Baird, of fibratford. • - INurse Rohner has returned to her hrohnte in th'e„vi'llage after an abserice of a few weeks. Mrs, Dunlap and son, of Owen Sound, visited Mrs. William Ratten- bury last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler spent" the •week -tend with !their friends in ,Strat- ford Don't forget the play to be held on T rida9 night in tthe school room of. the United ‘Church. Jk GODERICH TP. . rwr avif.iiss . Edith Herbert, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents, Sev. and Mrs Herbert, Holmesville, returning to Tomonitlo Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Proctor and 'babe, of !Clinton spent ISttndeay- at Lew Proc't'ors, 9th concession. ' IMr$. Hewitt and farther, Mr. Ri'ch- ,ard iG'iidldont, 'of' 'Gault, Visited. friends at (HloIme'slvnll'e:, &fa 'aIodr Mat. •Or!villie Rggtersi spent Sunday with Mr, . and Mrs. Robert MelOaa-tney. - IIVIr. anrd'Nips.'iBondlen IdaMath, who spends !the wint'e'r in Toronto, , called on many of their friends over the week-enti. tlVfiss Minnie ?rolebor, • Mrs, 'George Pr+o"t�Eior .arks •Itorriy agent Sunday in C1inw+,oail, Mkt: Fred Moore 49 Sick. at the,hiantie oih rMr. ,.hoed Jervis,. I iolines+vrillre, Zanies and Mme. Blake spent !Son - day at Robert IILarriesis, 13thile 'Water Iiilgth!vvapr�.. tlVlyd Z. Yee had a fen. oi( her etgliri herb a q'uiiltlrvg bee roti. 'iVtrtrn�s� dliy tate ugegats, (7alibbi tie Tp:y has' pukelitAtted, Ontr'y tam en'Uh'e' *tit rr"r1� 1; h k`t#' ; . ems, �+kiilS rpt ivedf rii ' Ib`n i W• T gs ArriVe .. airy and wo art ad to show them 0411 IVO SHE WHO DESIRES HER "ATTIRE TO SMARTEST . AND BEST WILL FIND THE PRESENT -2 - TIME AN UNRIVALLED OPPORTUNITY .TO"OBSERVE TO ADMIRE TO BUY 11.11•• Ladies' and Misses' SPRING ,DRESSES With Late§t. Fashion . Features. $3.95 to $14.95 Ladies', NEW STRAW HATS They are a decided change from't'hefelts you have been wearing. Flowers are a foremost trim. • ' SPRING COATS AND SUITS - Tweeds in . the._ Limelight. MANLEY • ••..iMs. Fred' E'okeart had a miraculous escape from serious injury when he slipped and fell downstairs •in his ,woodshed, but he escaped with a severe shaking up. He is at present wiiclvea+ting this premdlseis in '.Dublin for his tenant, Mr. Ed. OtHe'arn. ;WIe are ,sorry to 'learn that Mrs, Martin 'Purnell has had a setback and her illness .is becoming 'seri-o"vs. Everyone seems happy since spring has made its .appearance and all roads are open 'to traffic. - Marking• maple syrup is the order of the 'day; but the past few days the sap has ceased to run and it eeems now the season will be of short duration. TUCKERSMITH Announcement IMr. and 'Mrs. Robert Coleman an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Beatrice :iVfargaret, to Mr.. William Walden, son 'of IMr. and Mrs.. Arthur Caldwell, -of Stanley, the mar- riage to take place early in April, Announcetnent The engagement is announced of Dorothhy $Shaw, daughter of Mrs.. Alex. Broa'd'foot and 'tlhe late Alexan- der Brloadfcbt, Of Tuckersmith, to Elmer G. A. Towns'en4, son of r. and 1Mrs. Anvos Townsend, .of Tucker-. smith, the manriageLta . take, place early in April. 2ODist�nnt S Mickey Mouse • Health Shoe's for Boys and ,G=irls; March 28' to Apr.4 An Authorized Factory Sale for One Week Only-- Calf nly-Calf Oxfords, Patent.,Ties, Patent and White Straps, Sizes 11 to 21/2' -Regular ' @q 40- Price $3.00; SALE PRICE 'PL 1 . Sizes 8 to 101/2• -.Regular @.A 100 Price $2.50; SALE, PRICE' Sizes 6 to 71/2 -Regular e i 60 Price $2.00; SALE PRICE 4' y Infants' 3 toll; Regular Price $1.35; SALE PRICE 7 1©9 A REAL SAVING! Smith's Shoe. Store SEAFORTH Next‘to Regent Theatre 9i • SPECIAL .Ladies' ,Navy, . Polka Dot Dresses, ``cape sleeves, crepe. Sizes 14-46. ONLY .... $ .7a Flowered Crepe Dresses, newest styles and patterns. Sizes to 50. Long sleeves. ONLY ,,........ $3.50 ALL OTHER • DRESSES REDUCED - HATS --Newest Spring Millinery, all shades ; $1.25 - $1.95 COATS -Newest Coats, Swagger Suits. All sizes and shades $4.95 to $12.95 MEN'S SUITS -Newest arrival of Spring Suits, newest patterns. .Size's, 86-46, ONLY \,: $11.95 and $16.95 HATS -New assortment of Spring Hats. All shades and sizes. • , $1:25, $150, $1.15 ALL OTHER' M'E'RCHANDISE REDUCED p11 tip 4t So Hir a(; -4 t, ae< •9 s