HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-27, Page 7.. �11.11 ? -I , � �� ----.
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Succeedinir, R. '�. Bays
Banigters,,Solicitoria, Couveyaweirs,
- IVNotaries Public. Sollicitors fo,*�
D1. ommion *Pk. Oftlee in rear of
11210 D0i1QWOA BW*,SaafOrth. Money
6O.iMIL. i,� � - ..; .. - "'. .
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Baftister, ,
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1. ... I ,
Honoir graduati of Ontan�D'Veterin-
lary, College.- All diseases of dolmekic
,lanimals treate4. Callis �Pmwiytly at-
tended to and .ohavgei niodprate. Vet-
erinary Dentistry a specialty. 'Office
andresidence on GiodeAch Street, oneL
idoor east of Dr. Jarrott's office, Sea -
forth. � , .
� .
� GraduaW, of Ontario Veterinary
4)Wege. Ualiversity of Toronto. All
411seases of domestic animals treated
by the ,most modern � , principles.
Charges reasonable. D.4y or night
calls promptly attendqifto. Office on
Wain Street, Hensiall, Opposite. Town
lIqll. Phone 1161. - Bre�der of Soot-
tish Terriers. Inverness Xennels,
Hensall. I - I I 7, �
- -_
I -1.
' ' ' .
. . I . . " —
Graduate' of the Facult7 of. Mle'di-
eme, University of Westem Ontaiio,
and St. Joseph's 'Hospital, London..
Xen"r of College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario, Plio'n6 67. Of-
,fice at Dublin, Ont. . 3493
. .
� I -
I . . . .
� Graduate of Facculty of Medicine,
UjAversity of Western. Ontairio. Mem.''
ber of ColIege of Physicians and.
'Siurgeons of Ontario'. Office, 43 Gode- (
akh Street, Wlest., Phone .31. ' .
I Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay. I
- � I ,110 I I .- h
I . .
. . �
i DR. W. C. SPROAT - - .0
I Graduate of Faiulty Of Medicine, s
'University of Western Ontario, Lion- t
don, Meinber'of ,College of Ph7si- i
cians and'Surgeonis of Ontario. Mee b
in AbeThart's 'Drug Store, Main St.,
Seaforth. Phone 90., . . C
I . .
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I __ - ____ � t
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.. DR. IF. J. .BURROWS' � I
Office. and,,residezice, GodeTieh ,St., I d
east of.ftheNnited. Church;, Seafloith. ,
Phone 46. CO-Tioner ,.for the County Of, t
Huron. . I . . .. G
I . I . � _. I
I I)R. HUGH H. ROSS "' d
Graduate of U.niversity of Toronto ,'h
Facul, ty -of M-ed-icine. member of Col- 11
lege of ,Physicians and, ... Surgeons of fl
Ontario; pass graduate course in- '
03deago Clinical School of Chicago. I
Royal Opthalmie Hospital,' London, .1
EnWand; Uniiversiit� �Iospital, Wn-
don, England. ,Office-,Baek .of Do- 11
irnimibn Bank, j$eaforth. Phone* No. 5. -
Night calls answered from residence, t
Victoria. Street, Seaforth. . . 1)
. . .
I . I .. V. Dk.'�E. A. McMASTER. '
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� : , - I WM MACLEOD . R -A I M.....,_` - ' V - '. . , her, solal . - A, P01111-001 . . ;_�:11;', - � RAPM11'.,
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, . * $singh,.! 1, `
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1. =10111 � I I :� - - ', M. I , . . Ing loi but On Me UW11s of � -hex i .
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I .(Oithwo fw�lin- iiasit WO-ek) -' mb once," .hei-miattere I .. I ,. . . -1 neve�,�, - I I I - 144010 - h A, � ...
, . K1. in" with, Uirvvi anP Hugh. vei I "I , I
111loy're' gun 'A6 - ox vo r I 9 ,. , r I 11 1 11
. - sU7,11 announcied. The Aht disltiift wmrmruzr Jc_ -Ybuiie a born, liar Hke the rest d A QUI' T, WEILL 00.0,11041.01rill D. in' low ' ,
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Thurafty.. . 6qk-eX,. diciff libe the way as reached ,him'. 1119,trained' eair told yore wol�f tqbe. You come out, hem(` ' 0ONVZ,1NIENT,. 1111110'D20111 100 11 . i . I He I I . jhij� I
I " .
We fog 'em and Ibbeiy"We"'9916" ,to hilt' him just how Aw away t1w aveal�eeris becaime the.' , ry got too L -hot to 89014 ".OTKL—"85 'WIT" IIIATIL:111 life bl, I I t S. . � ,"..' -i. . -1r, ... ... l,-...-_',7_ tr.".
the traiL Slj,he�.L, . . . ,,clount . z4o . �, a I...- _ "
WRITE �FQR FOLDER ].ffoe .i;111 ,ft2 , ,�� �,,;
. Were. hold you after whwat you diid to . I :,her ,' t a '' th '. . . _.".11 �1.1.; 11FT111-119'.11. 0",
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After one nvooe �hot Prince made An Apa,ehe rounded the b9nd, a 'Undy "Pachio,' You allus, was loi . TAKE A' DR LUXE.TAXI , had Ifovight a. go L. t, VIfial 18 &',garw I . ft.. ,eO AA.", �.:, �, 11 -1 __ __ -4, �
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would be a stor Worth telling v "mlt�g wesi(�p , 6JA6 ,, �i
the mistalce Of lewdng the shelter of tall, olendier ,kbung bi wearing, mixed fnliT�!' . ,The b,oy had, fallien FROM DEPOT, GIR'L. WHARF -2!50 W IQ L A4 .11, �
_ I
; ". _10 4 " � I'll, .
L orse tiqlo, solon, He. swung astride only a low-edt breech-cidth" and -a into the-blo vemneir-lar ,to which he I . . she had becoi an 614 woman. _ Igiti 0 1 _ It; , d 41.
ffis h r , L wv. ",
and found the; sitirruip., A ipuff . of pair of moccaslins ' � .1.1 ' -eltrovela, 'b i�. -t� I, I ". I Ill". 11,
. , ,
. Around his belt had beep,born, He was once.. moi a ; . .1 . 7 ,,,;, , 71�,L.1.
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. li . grandehilloren st her knaL-. 17 -. - ?,_.', , 1,
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-y sloeiang 4— ,n,� - "
Earl . ni�, 1U , ,� , ,
' 10 � n ,lo ",3.,'_O,�
-Does y ur fact )rurit you mucih-?" il- I I '�',.r,
s*k& came from. -the entrance Itlo the was sitTapped a belt full. of cartddges, 4ribal feudivt of �he border Ian' hi6 1, _,�'
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efo ii.,,,�__ --1.1.
& . aireas W� R 1'1,11�Vl
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mbed L -he a;ked glently. . , 11 a I kt, %f'4 Rl��,
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I . , ,p�railri�es- Stoll,* o ';- 1. C,ilr.;�
gulch. Bfflie tUrned to his, fillend and from Wgrojected ,the handile of "I, sweaT'I hadn't a thing th do fuss about il�olthlul 11 he . gru . 1; .w ,s�%Iaw. ,�. , . I I Ai.,
w-1-th a puizled, sli-ii-kIfy smille on� his a long Mexican, knife._ The lyz4own with 4hat," the man cried eagerly. 11DW,t I tell you i't was, 1311 -He Prince "It sort lo?'keeps my rV&DIDT7. j4-. Writ. "t
. I "��J L � ...
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face. L The- oeled, shicul-0j*'60 V "t, i. ",
.. I I body of the youlth'-Was 11the and "You shore dowe _ "" ',n,4 ".
.,W,�n'r ,,,,
. . ,
"They -91ot me, kid." I - that wrong. senit� me? An' 4ay, I glot a pill in my ,kind of forgot-me,not ,ad micro Iftn one-haifl ' 'ivKf . , �,J I ,.
. �at of 'a panthef,'-ife Daive an' H gobd lboyi compli; " �Wu I �ffl, i . .1.
I . �� gracelfuil as k ugih dionle that. Thi,y're foloit. X,iniMiess'icif one of them, dad- . - I �
. -
6'Badl?l I . . . IL. was snilling A3#er his shoulder . .got "81" up, '_ nenits soil. �i' . . .1 , . .� . 11. - I. %,
. �t -the a bad llot. When I found out about gu med MeScaler 'L ' L off avlev 'buick, name unk1wown, , � , I ; ,,:. ': �". %:. , ,
m as 'I hot to 'walk - I , , , ,., '�.
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L iawble,y began -to. siag iii 'thi� vext r1der in, line, a heavy -set, squat 'Lindy Clan -ton I quari.411edl, with %ni on. that laig. I Wish Yore boy Would probably now pelryalarebtly -retited . L. 1- __ � . . L I
. . . 11 ; L .'L "'. " 1.
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, , , .
saiddle', His friend 1helpled him to figure ion a yound.-bellded pdnto. Tha)t an' we-adl 8, ,y. Thi's .go up on the (bluff an' I from hisbus-linesis. of ralsin' Cain. But _ .' i�!.:. 11
' , Plit, up equilpain cok after .my ,r:. t, LL
the ,ground. The wound'wasl,in 'the '-'smile was to go 'out presenblk -like -t.,he , I I .i 71�
. �
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way of .it." , ight be a healp NWorse, �Thie �` 71",". ,
. .. .:... '
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� . , . � , '..."
� , , ... ,
. . Idi've been, glad tO Colleet ".�, 11,� 11,
, You'Te Certainly in bad luck then " iieckci c mlin" up CA - Q61i �trr. , I , .
I horse. I mosit, rolde it to death, I it m L
thigh. : the flaineof a blown.candle. A third 11 I 0 the ' anon. An' WoU onyr A , ' '' .. K1 . �rl
"I'll tiellit up for,you an' you'll be Mescatero foillowiell. Like that of the iboy sihouited Nick tauntingly. "For there's a sawled-off sihorbgun.' Hiell - r " �; r i� �,
. "Icalps if it hadn"t been onlognvenient I I ; :r,.,, I
. - . .1�i.
,... r,.,_"
Is ciderse black hatir fell I aim to stionip you but ,like I wou,id .find itt, . ty r � I' elxpe�b." 'i . .. ;
golod ,as ne*," promised his friend;., ithe others, h . . . . I _ s, . �,�� . . . . . . ; I I �
The older man looked towaird the " th QN6,4f
ersi, gr ed )T v .:. r 4 'r ' '�... ,�,
. . ,
to e should, free mexcept for -a a copperhead.',' Very distinctly he For -a fewnioments the ground had "Yes"" she a e '& 1% ely. . . i . . ,,
I �_
' "I .� I He sat up abrOptly. I'Say, what . . I ";, ,
go�rgel. No Inddians, were n is,lat.. ' .band. that',encirckid, h& forehe". added h9s explanation.. "I'm %indy bOen going up -and down in waves be- . I �
"I can wAit, but that litte erl .in , Kill the boy did not fire, BLe wait- Clllanton�5.,brotber.11 ,- about Billiiei? .1 -Jeft -him wounded *,W- � . .. ��,�`,...��6,
. � .1,
, I I!, "i'..,
fwe.,the eyes of the bloy. Now he 1*1 - . .1. .;,'., ,,-,,�
h f or sup- I . . .1, 1.
ybu game to play- a lone hand, kid?" ed, a man In.1xinged buckskin breech- grovelled "Yas. It �Riem /A i 'r ��, . 0 014i .. ..'KI,Z
the hands bf il�,4e devils- can't, AT& 0 till the-lia.0t -of the -party ppi . Roush - begged for -has life, He '.clutched at a sitii"up leat outside. Did yore folks find him �`-- .
trai . ,$�
1 ,
-in, the dust. He pronlisio part, but his fingers cou-1 . s, the Apadhes i , ,
� d niot seem .4 , I r .., I., 1, +`
he a4ked. 11-� . ; k�(J,r . 111, - ,.-ir
eq and hickory shirt rilding pillioh be- Worm, to leave the coumltT.y, tO-do to find it. Before he Could st y ped 41hemi the sitwblie. ,�They -roped � . " %_ -_ I .il
ty . . - - p.,�w i I . . . . . . "i
I to 'i , )� I Co.
.%O -w .
I ' horses arid came straig,ht for the I 1� I , -
r- - . I . . . . . I
.41: 1, I
- I hind a y1olung W1o;man. Both of these anything -that was asked ofl-him, himself �he ,bed of t1le.,dry erle,ek,rose- I 1
"I reck6n lead -
, r(OOEV! .1 ... �
"7%epi_ wide hell-ifor-le-atheir up were whiltie. I.. . . ! "Go ahead. lit's meat An, drink. to up,,and`,,bit him 'in the head canon. They fouln&,Mr. 41rinee, but � .111. 11 .. I .� . ,. I. ,�
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they took. Virthere the -gulches come ered the seebi mideir carefull, . B I .. - 't. r , .�,".
Esiclolididp. It's s1hortlew than the way - - 'The �aweill,,off gun, of Thii-ti they had no time to stop then. Fa- . "...''
sdayeolv- me to hear aRloluish whine. I gio all I . W. .0, . 'I,
. y e- ,day to do ithis job, but1 aim to,d!o CHAPTER IV I ther is looking after Min now,� He 0 . . . I � ,�. , 11
together be waitin' an' Apit 'emfrom fore. rthe sound of the shot boomed it thp,riougN11 jewed Claniwil� .... ' " __ .said he was 9,16ing,tD tiak,6 hilm to the . - 0. .. ,.,�,,u
. . . . . . "I
the brush. -There's 'jusit one 'slim A-pwn the gorge'the Apache was 11iftu A bullet flattened Itself against the . , house in. the bu&bo,a4,11 - I %IV - : : 1."IX,
. .. -
chance you"I make' it an' ,Come (back ed from the bar "THANK YOU" till . Shina. -__ .1 i,
a back of Jhe pony. rock wall ten feetbelow, the boy. In *J. 1. ' she .badly buint?" . . As __11 .1 . � .'' 'T: . .. , 1. ;,,.�
ali-ve." I Linnile Clanton slid back from un- "Jean, thinks he will -be -al . I I . '. � .
11 I
. . 7:
- I - I The heavy charge of the buckshot deSpaliT the.4nan was shooting wild'- coWiciGusiriess to a world ae Centre Mr. n t JrL I -right. I , P... V , ,
The boy's pyes were shining. "Suits had riodled him through and through, ly w`.rh ,his revoliver. 'He kn., . ince Old hi - ilt, was only a ,
I'll gD.earn that name, I Ins sitting -on. a. rock fles,h wound, but the muscles were so , %
e -Ar ,there of which was'l I . :.
me fine. . a girl 4" . , . " ,:..,i
stantly the slim, y1dung brave in Was 111D Use in pleading that his- day . . . '10 .1l
chri�iteqlied mlyself. - Ji,wmde46lc,-Get- the lead dug his:lheel-s into the . udgment .had, come. ` w-fth his rifle across 'her knees. The �aralyzed he cou I Idn't get a I d "? . . I I." .i. I
� . I , I i, �i
. flank "of J - ' To ' � I.."..
. .,
11 11 .h 11 ."
'Fm,�f I .. picture did not ze Arst associate 'it- "The lbullet didill't strike azillri,��ryj , �,,.
of 'his pony, . swung low, ,to the far Youne 'Clarftn laughell in inbeik- i-
. I ,11
P self with any -previous , experience. then.V . I .... i�..`, ,
Dililie his face twisted with ,pain, side so that:onV a leg was, visible, eiry. "Try again, Rbuvjhi. You ain't ,Sh . . :�. . . I ,'_',�'��,.
. .
wat-ciied. the younigsteir disappear *M a and flew arrow-straighit up ithe -canon quite go,t thb range." 1. . lei. was a brbwn, . slim young thing . 4My briother seemed. �,o think not." I 11 � I ... � I .... � . .... '."`�,
breskfieck galllop ipto Esoondido. for slafefty. Thuirsdak let him go. 'The m1an madle, a bolt for the bend' in a calico print that fitted sinugly ��l reckon there�s *no do'etior near 11 . . .; . I .. . ..... .... . , I
I , I -,-- . . I I - . ":4��� . .
. a -------- 6— , - I 11 -
I � . Twice 'his rifle iiang odt,.�.,� At thht in the; call"' . the soft lines of ,her -immature fig- Her ,eyes twiniklied. ,,N,Olt v6?y - .--- , -' I . '. I . � I
. . CHAPTER Ill . ddstance it *es.1m1posi foT a ,good, lill-sitia hundyed yards, away. UTel Theboy wAItcheid, hey shyly and near. .,.Our nearesit np ghbor s on I ... .. .:::.0
. I d ,4:".
RANSE ROUSH PAYS' shot 'to miss. ,One bullet -passed, �hiwldeT of the b ' - , 'i' live ' L i . 1
nitly the' rifte Y. liewped tic, the wZdered, at the quiet -,self-reliance of the ReCos one huni.-Ted and' seventeen ONDON 'and WINGHAM � -�, .
I � I
0 1 hEfr. - ,,Qjhe was ketap ' I .11 ;�,
- ing guard lo��'miles away. � South . I . .1 .,�`.
,throiugh the head 'of -the third Mes- ll'R`ght ir�. frovirt of - You, Roush," he hirn, and thieTe wigs� about 'her a cool �good'Iiks a docto y o th . I _1
. , But -my father is as
Jim Thursday .. knew that.. his sole cal,eir, ..The -other broqght�down the prmnliesiedL . . I tr la;nT: da i t - e I - .... � I P.M. � 1,�
I I ,
. .
chaace of sweesis -lay ... in teaching the pany,oh wililich the *hftes were rid- Thl� buldielb kicked up the dust at ' vigilance tbat went oddly wiftiK the week ',' . � . . Wingham ...-.i.....-... . 1 "I, �
% ..... 1.55. ' , I �,
. . . ,
.OTk of the canOnS before the In- 5,g, , . smai piquant files and the tumbled . "Likely y1ou. dion"t... o w offe B - 11.�' ..
. . the fwft'.;� tbe, running min. The mmi Of cu y chestnu, b ryo c e elgrave .................. � 2.1.1 ��'..
... 1�
ians,. So far he hid -been luck.y. . . rq t hair ,that had. ,next libbir when you Tun oi of it I � V
Phree Apaches Mdl gone tio-�hellr hap- ..,The fail olf tibe horsles, flung the nerve of Rovsh taiiledt -hlim, and he fallen ,ini a eascadia across her s1houl-: lexpeclted.,, .But ,do on- Blyth ................. I.. ".. . 2.23 -
y ibUniting ground, and though -both glxl,freei, but the fodt of heir eapbor �,,)-�-!k �niveir, again behlind a, scruib, live- , - '', I .ni't you ,get- lone- Londeslypro .................. 220 , .. * � "'.
. . . .
was caugb .between the- saddle ,and o9k; A meni ders. - I ilom,6111, 1 -, . I -
�, . . 'cry had' flmhed to him 'Clinton ......... . lr.. I
le and, Billie were wounded, his hurt the . 'ViheTe are yore folks?". -h -e asked . .. (,C.Ont,i .1 .... ? ....... 3.09 . , I".., ...." I
, k,round. Thursday drew a blead of, the day, when liel had- s -e -,n -a thilr- Presently. . . nued 'Next Wasik), .. - . Brdoefield .................... 3.27 . 1�
f least did not interfere - w*b. ac- on him while' hii layjhare� helpless, ..te,en-v--!aT-o1ld, 'boy risined Jim Clan- ' I' I . .1 , ",
urate rifle-fln�. But it w-a's- - n -b -it' . Kl�pen .;.......-.-..:.r ........ 1. 3.3s.- '� 1, ,�,*�
, Tea- -but some Imipulse *f triercy 1. - She 1urn-ed hay head, ,slowly and . . i -.0- — . ... ;1 1,
held, his .. . .1
Inn win a tuitkey skoot azainst the ,,, - .. I � Hensall ..................... 3A1 � S.
. oked �Ot` him. *.,Souitihern suine; h, . I 1,11.
onable t10 expect ,swill, golod. fortune hand,.,, The man was, that creai�Lri'e be -11 mairkenlen lof the hill count' I ' ad Exeter ......... I ........... .8.55 . . . '. ,;i. �
I .
o -bold. In & partyhe was :pursu- accursivid in the' border land, a Teive- ly- sprinkled beneath heir eyes a myrilad' Crested Wheat Grass . . '. �
. FF,
ng were four mer6 "all ,,of them used Tho army -Ciolt sulf out once mlore tof powdered fileckles, She met his , . . . I North , ... I
gade whio, has turned his face against &� 'the boy on the ledize, Before the . . . ' .'. '
- - A M ." "' '. li.:
o waif -are ih the'lopen. Unless hei I .. 11 - .. I
I . .1
- I his, own ratce and, yllusib,' to pklave'his ech-ir) 'had dird, awiv'tbe bolom of an gaze, fairly, with -a. hoyi-sh directwlss, For 'Seed Pkodui6tion Exeter .................... � , 1'. - . I - :1
- - . 0.42 1�:
.ould-take them at adilsadvanitaige he sinceinity tio, the tribe; oAt-Apache an explla�sion rfil.he 4 and candour. . - , ... "
� ��:_
i .
ou:ld rvolt by,�dny possislilil-ity aefea't. A-pachie at eTueqty. ;Still, . he d tbp canion, PlOush '.'J -e -an has ridden out, to tell your The grow:ng of criested wheat tgrasis ,,�Iensall ...... * .... �-� .... 10.56 . . . . . . . . . . `�,e I
was, pitri'llied fbrk�rtrd ,,on hl',; fave. . Kippen ....... �- . . . .. . .'.. � �. ... 11.01 A
19,6m and restue their Captive. white alfter all -n ' Oilend.s a�b,out you * and Mr.'Prinee. for seed, . producti!on presents, no . . . . . ..
His cinnamon plony took the ri-sing was �oln . ad Jim Th . u . r . sday, ,Jim Clanton �Iow-p:,eid'hils rifle.with stheir has goneback to the h&us,,- to e rt a a resix f Brucefield ............. _-.. 11.00 . . . �1.1�
_ illy e,; . . F special difficufti s, bu , s it o . i
fgbteen. an exclamation Hils, face was ,a Die- fix upa liraivlois to carrk- you." Clibbon ................... .., - I
I 11
,,-roumd & a steady gal-Ilop, , Its sitride. 111-ifle in hand Vne bloi -clambered ture' b -f amaz,_e' I ij,umerous bests conducted -over a wide . . 11.54. ' , 1�1 , I
;d not falter thbuill. its breuthing . y mi Slom�i,e had, . Londesboro .............. �. . 12.10 - '4
ebwn tho jegged rock wall to "Sho! I can ride." . -range 1cT ,soil 6der varied cl-Dimatlic I . %%% ,,,,
I :; I
,as labored,-- '...Occiasibnally !he .. , the stol-en his veilge,anve from him by R - "Thefre's. no, need ionsV certa�n diefini'te, (I iiolpl�.,. BlYth ............ � .... � ..... � 12.19 1 . .'i,
T"d` dry, .river-bal' b .',?t This I 11 his ble4irg, , �i4adtb_ . - ,,, . . ,of,,-1t.'Y6U must 00-71&6 3T11 . . � . . :, ,
ouched its flank, with the sharp i owel ib.,ih " 11 helvie lost a[ ' . . Belj-iave ..................... .1-2.30
, L 'Ifh -of Mood." , " hoNe bi�veqj estabilielied. Thl'e'se' princi- . I I
-i a isiDur. The lbbiy was'a. lover b . --heelled. boot Ls Oggy . lTwn inen came rou-nd'-'khe bend on . great deal W�ingham - .... � 12.50 , ...
� .f Hie loloWd -down, -at his, fooit afid pleig eav relalk with in detalil 'by T. . ....... ; ........ , :.�.
.. I-. ,� . " , - ,,,
- , . , ,!�
I ..
iorses. - fie; blocd, buit for the pre (lenjiNe. had. b-orselback. * , Behind them r1ode -a girr]. sa;; that the bobt had bejie� cut away. M. StIoLveni and W:"J. Whike of the . � � �1. . . . ::.
. .
. 1
. . .. ,
le 'been tied- Dominion Forage CMps I-a-baratoty, C.N.R. TIME TABLE . I
to his, braini, The business o pintlo, of the Indlian, Clanton had kill- around the wound. , He guiessed that Saskatoon, in a bulletin on. 'krowing - I . .1 . � 11
eseTt stretche.;�, had bdo, taften' ke'Pt b d . on the birebar-ked, A flyanidage -of. calico ,had
had -ridden, - tbio.miariy dry - mare the �pwln mle"ssalges.-theilb-thir.ob- She waq mounted
. Ig
fght watch over a .sleeping berd,', band,would not wait. ll� I wt " . ...."'.
ot to care.fOT the fatithful. and eX- " the -girl had saic,qrificed part of - a cric3teld, 4Mheat grass'- Which may be .... I... ,Past -_1 I . 'I.,. ,
i While Thurs'crky was -still slipping I - � P.X. . . , , 4
e ent animal I . The ii-iny clambered down fb the ' 'A . ,, ,
thalt served him' and down from. on-aJouteropping ledge of ]-led ,Of t�e Ar , ed w tr skirL . . obitained from fbhe�'Pubiliciity -and Ex- Goderich ; A.M. .. . ,
'bn . u-1ch and lirrip to a d 6.45 -2.30 - . .
as a co,iripan: tb his loneliine,�&. "And you sstayp� here to see the tewl,bli Branch, Di0imi,illon Department ' * . , .. ..i,
Ly rack to, ano-11her, a �Iunge of the thie.m. T11he color,rhxd ,ebbed from. his, "Paches dii,din,"it play witth me whilst of Algiicultutte. Clinton ............. 7-0-8 " .3.00 � ..'� �.
ike man plainismen he made of his ,vounded horse freed 'the renegade. lips,.! At cr,nrry step 9. pain. sillot e -father was go*e," he, tiold her. l . , - ., , 1.
rbount a f6end. 4 ' ,,,:; , The m -ay. I scramb-led, to his feet . aild through �i% le.g. , One Implaw! at point is thatt Seafoirth .........'... 7.22 3.181, �. . ��, I, I
But ha. dared not spare his, pon I But .in spite of .b; Y" ' the Dublin ............. 7.33 8.31' ..- ."
1 4 , �1, ,1� � i
,4, 1 1
, "'
, I I , ,
i i, � �
I � i I .
4 ! � 1
- I I
j� ,I �
� , 1
j: , ,
, i
-t" " i ;i lil�� I
1! I
ow. -He must ride the he y ran gh-akily for the shelter of 'a 4rowinz weal,-ne,ss anigar blaz��d .'s . "There wasn't any daligeT, , Of value ,of a fli-in seed bed Cannot be. Mitchell - - - . -7.42 ' 9.43 �, ,., �:� , 1;
.. ...,......In moursie. The -ontly one that escaped over-empillaslized. ' In all cases,, it is ... : 1. . i�
art but of ,bcWaldeT. In blis hurry tio reach c!:)ver th- hxbt-blue eves. I ...... West
I .
lie . galilarit b�ute for the. sake of I is miles, away from t,erel ,But we kc,.�jenitial that -the land, be -pai � be-. -D -%li . -, . I . I ..... ,
hat life he bad come to save. And hie, did r1bt �t6p lt,Yget the ilifle, that "I waited ifiou� yenrs- to ��-jt li-im, ,I 'didfil't Lli,k% to leave, you alo . M.".. I .0 n ..._.. .... '11-19 0.44 .... . . .11 I
. bad beewflung a fe,,V!�ards from him kent"the tratil hic-1.,fram Tucson� t-5 "That'sf*i litgood -of you." . fare seeding. The sised bed"ilihould be Seaforth .... , '.' - I - "...
hile he ul'ged it on, his ,hand plitted . ,9 .Cal" . .."... 1l;,34 9.57 1.�
. - .
be §weat-istainled neck ,and his low whc,n he fell. � I- . Vegas an' back to Santone'.:. An' lilaw ' efillypiep&,ed, -,&leql worked Oq , _Clin,ton - . i`
. -
. met, his a- firqi, cont.ad 6 ni � j,-.,.- � . ...�".
.. The boy caughtone glimpsle of that elqgg�gorre it, when my fingee --w -on M. �U.ffid�-;nit, - riioisittii, Cr6'derich.'.*....-..... 12.10 10.37-. 1 1. -
(ice sympathized. evill fear-raciked' - ... as, gain.' They piciured upon 'him the gift the. surface ta 4,pelnilidt quick g45tmiina- . , I .,
I fage. ..l -
"Y-lou've got tp go to ,it, old fellow . ,b;s � '. T�he, blobid the triegger an' tilhe cov,.)te is good of passionite gra,titlide ethe Could not tion iii'd raipla" growth. of -the young . I . . I -1
.1 . 11, ,
-OU 1� )-e Sla-ik al -A "Ur..1-1 flushed i veons v�ith, apiii�ge of tirl- Pn e -ad, -76U C17f. in an`swhoot the ds. . :
it'kills . ,, v- f- ,* 14 A T,� .9 I 1. i. I ::;;
I I I uate of the University, of To- � I ulint e-wais - p. . 0 — ., was ro, 011ie- seeldrings, and -it isilioUlild fbe,,reasionlably ,.,:;
in ' . ,
I got to save that ,girl for Billie,. - ain 0 t ph. ' . fl,112d �vi,thtlhe sav�.Sgi_, ltight'; out of-lbim. By,gum, it ain't I,h,ing,niu,c�'m!6,r�'h*rrribl,e than death file fri ' . 11�1.
of Medicine . '6,i le wlee ds�, On 'the 1. 1,
. I . ronto, Faculty red printitil�-e. exultati .1-.,olf the hei fal-H11 I . ' . In, ,pra.iTie C.P.R. TIME TABLE . �
A I , . . we? Wie can't'$Rt thosle devile mllA . .1 One, nito-m- 1� . . I . .�
i U Ir . . I i. � . . , il,
I ,p
-Fo four �Wars be, bad slept Thi older maTr look�d at him In ,e,rj' she 'had," be,;� a creature crushed, tained on suililneir-fallow, -6rrl, or , 'A.M. I
. . � . Mqmllber of Ciallege, of Physicians take her awal.V, ca'rii I . r. tbat he had' matchied hei. - plains,..tli,ese Condit ons are best A- ' 11 East 11 1. I
I ., the ,trail of this mrani.and had a�t estoniFfhment ,, I I .. .
- . "8vlt be 'is only a child, . * � or " ''
I bhdl &F-7geons of Ontario; gi aduate of It was a, Tough cattle-triil he flol- " - I., - leaden diespi-ir ia..Iier belal"t., Then pdtiato land. Und, inare favork,15le Gode-rie-h ...................
New York Po,i Graduate School and '.owed., strewn heye with bouldeis, and ]ast'"founli him. The .si�ouit had Polly, -th,e mi-i-a-cle had flasbed down from t,h�' ni 15.50 1 1 1
1 t,
. ' fought the A ... Iffifff'Hionally, Celalffie plaose!", . oi,sture condiE'DTIS, suitable seed bed Menset ..................... 5.5.5 . .11
. *1 d paebos . s,ky. She ,�ras free, astridle the, pinto, may be pre-ptafred -on faU- or spri . .11
. Lyihg4n, '-'Hospital, New York. Of - there b te down at bre'skyleck angle, , -
wi, � ng Mc Gaw ...................... 6.04 �,.,,�
I . thoult rarriclour,.because' a call had "Melbbe, I am only a kid," the bov gallokping for home. ,
, ,
. I fice on High Stteeit, Seaftarth. Phone of solippery sibale. Somiti.mes it fell conle to. him. that he ould nat 'ig- 7-f,toTbed- rosentf-u-1-1y. "Buft I reekon . pilto h d - -.1.1. I
" ;1b'e " Auburn ................... 6.11 1-111.1.11 .
� I
� :Z7. Office fillily equippied,.for X-ray �lbrtlptly into WasIles and mure -than e. "Yvs,, Nia�u -owe us much. There t1thieug nw�liiaus, tests havle dem, Blyth ..................... it , 6.25 , . . . . . . . �
, yi ' . A'
Alagnosis and ultra s-Worb'wave elec- .., rose so Ethanply ffivt a heather was, a. note of light s-Sreasm in - hei ons,�rate,d t 4; a staind of Crested Walton ....................... 'I
`�:,_ 1.�� ore, ., But now -the Iusi! of blood, was I'm mane.'ri,migh to handle any Roush t ,� .
on Wim. He had -become that cold, im- 6.40 ft'
1� . - ' #Wic treatment, Ultra Violet Sun Larip, .coLt could scafte have 'Clambered up. ,that fVeT lived,-. I wasn't asrkinl for ,clear, young voice, ,hurt the feeling in whoat grlasls -may -be 'eittablisibled sat- McNaulVbt ................... -6.62 1 - - . J�
treMmlents, and, Infra Red ell6ebric But - Thursday flung hi(s horse vi Pl`a�eablie thirig knicwn. tiliroughout the 'he -In fromlyou-uns that -,`l heerd tell he, heart s1wept it -away in ain emio- isfacil 6-rily by seedin - n the fall o T . ,-,�
I 0 treatments. Nuvr'sle in attendance. . lessly at the. path, taking chan-oag of We,st as ;a "killer." of 71 - ;... . . . tional Twill of words from tfhe'tongue, g i , _, ,
. I I :;ge, . 1,he year earily spring e i e ,
,. The merciless, caution that- dictateS . e Y 'lauv�,ed. He was West ) �,
. .. punger main ., s ed ng on th . - ��
. ., ;.,
, �
. I . - of a. killer animated hii siv. or seven years- lolder than th e fait ei Cause, PIOUT M-Oi. Suns voiu� ,b, C� ,,� I l- y spTing' seed1ing I .
. �, I I .1, . a fall that might" end the made rac�. the methods . of her father. "Vauis avez pris, le -praiyiies 'on Clean land usually gives A.M. - .
He cOuld not wait to pick -a way. His movements. -now. 'Acrose,the gulch, pirl, Who, could not have been �. , T,els.ultsl. Fia,el Torbylto .................... : 7.40 . ',
- ,
. . _ DR. G. R. COLLYER onu,hope lay in'speed,in ralacking tha more j�E�I�ais perdul.'Z 1
. . . 11 ' I I allows the young grass s-cledlings iiiinie McNapght ................. 11.48 1p,
,CbTethe. Memy. He slacrificed qyore ou ,el French," he, said. . 1,
,g ,iddle-aged .�,
womity of Western Ontario. Member everything tio th t., . ' � to become well establilshled beore the Walton ..................... 12.01
.0raduate Faculty -61 'Medicine, Unq- fork b; early one hiumdTad and fifty YaTdq than Fevenit�jen. - Both' -of them lY,_ 11
� . from him, 1he lenlegddle llay crouched. Ain',2!irked 114-ke-ness to ith- m "My fal"her is, ndt my mother. i..'V,;
� . ,,,, a . A h1unic-bied shoulder 1,was just visible. nwril who had maken. Jim g#�:ssled Pi ..,She hiot diry weather setsi in, -but if the Blyth ................ 12'.12 ' -, �.
,(3pIlege. of Physicians,'and, Surgeons. I From. the p of a sharp pitch he was fronT Teliniessfie. .. ..
0 G:f Ontario. Post graduate wqr Thurrs.dhy edged -cairefully aliong t�lait this wa,,; the Roubide-au family "I'm fVoln-the &ouith, tio-o" , '.. .,, . =,23 _ I'$
. land is infeked with annual weeds., Auburn ............... .
k. at looked down into, t1he tw,'in, Canon of 1he ledge He. felt for, holds with of wt there is not suffiCient moist-dre 14 - ,
.. . Vew York City Hobital and, ViiCtOyfa Escondido. A sharp be' . hom -Billie Prince hadjold him� ,"You. didn't need to tell me thdit," and MaGaw ........ . 1U4 ;�,
. ;to warrant Ahe use of a 'nursie - .. ,4
. nd, cut off, the hTs hand and feet-, for not once did "Just -out of the- cradle, by ,Christ- r "'red with a Ettle smile'.`4 better resuldis Tnay be hadi if sei ........ � 11�'-
I Hosi London. Phone.: Hensall 56. view to the left, so that he could sce bis,ea , lift f. ,be, amisw Menset . .....i ... :., 12.41 1 t 4
Office: King. Stf,eet, Helisall. , 1- for 'only' seVenty-4five lotr a hund-rad -ro - t patch of hick-, mqs, and he's kilileld tour "Paches in- IlOh, I'm a Westerner ,,, rfow, 'but :'.... I I
, . ze m. tills. Goderich .................. .12.46 �l
,. ory shirt. The elyes of the boy )laid �Idii .of h I n hourr - . "I . I �
� 0 . i . . . � alf a _iiai,' treed a rene you ought to have heerd m1e, talk wb�en - I � I.. I.",;"
� - , -ri:14- But lids glance.folkowed ,,.the narrowed 6ol sititi of deadly light. He gode to bo,ot," said yolp . U e k .. . -
ya . ,
. .1 . . . . gulch up for half a mile and toVnd . . ,Ig Roubidevau. I first Calme o t." H broached a I � 1;!
- I I I
% . . DR. F. J. R. FORSTER I no sign .of ,]life. He was in iinie. wz13 wary as a-huni wolf and'as "I" it. call it a day�s work, kid.-Toir it grievianoe. , "Say, will you tell yore ' 0 -4, . 0 � . �.
,pye, Ear, Nose and Throat dange.r6us, That ,the girl had disap- slys e belats a,lil recoHs, ,ever I knew dad noot 'to do that again? I'm no ,
. . 'Swiftly- he. madle his prigpittirations. . . - CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain j, 7, �
. Graduate in Medicine, University Of Firsit he, led the exhaug-ted ,lorse back T,,l *,round the, ,bend he 'did nio-t-Kung up by one man"' . kid." . ) t , Minimum Fe 11 FARIES , -, _41
I Toronto. � I . know. His (brain, functilonled for just I lie. admiration of ille young ranch- � "Do res Adults He Child 40c, .-.j
9 , 'to ia.,ciurriD of young cottonwolods and ore lourposiel-to get the enemy with er was paterit.. He could trort, take,hi's ,what?"' . 14'.
Late assistant ,N�w ,York OptW- Hed it illafelyi ,From its place -beside I "You kn:.,)w." The re(l, flanlield into I ' .11,
. . �,�
onei and Aural Institrube, Mborefield'e, h uthrful phienormenon. his face. "If it got but among . I ,,,
I w, lam be ,had- conle 9)t last to grips. . eyes froth the yo . From SEAFORTH :1
I the saddle he took tha muley gun - 11 � - the . I ., - �� o,
I . Eye and Golden square Throat -Hos- and with the rifle in lii:5 -Ahelc hand .ks the bov crept along the rock L4e's' i6landedl, falDver," the girl bcy'ys willat held done, I'd never ,hear � . � I'��
I � fac.- for a ib�tter, vdie* of his . . , � . 11,'�
lAtials. London, Eng. At Commercial h,j limpied sw -Victim:, ,.;,aid 5p. a 115w voice. - I ' 1_ . . . ... ......... AND ALL ADJ A"CENT C.N.R. STATIONS , � , . , . I'll
- " I
I ���
5 Hatel, Seaforth, thiid' Wednesday in t, -ten :;Th� bo-' ' rio-okedi at heir and -hie an- "you �mean'- FRL APRIL 3 'to Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque; Brockville' - �
, I iftly back to the traii'. ,he mimultesi fled. 'Five of "them the last of i1t." - .
I .1w.ry step was .0oirture, but ,he could . y . . . . Mosel yo " . 1.
I . ftch mon-th, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. not stop to tifyink Of that now. I His quarter 0J.,an hour passed. The ge,r �diled away. ,gs"T, I do. 711t no waly to . 9 . I L Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge'. ". , 11
, 68 Waterloo Street, So , Stratford. renegade, laii3rffiotilonless. Perhaps he "Bilgie sient in,-& un the g,Ach .when treat a fellow. Fnj,- part eighteen if etang, � .",
. I—, -.4 med. thalt,his- location was unknown. he was shot. Hie Illowed it was up to I am, small for my age. Nobody can �
I .. quick eye pickled, a pe,rf ect sRot for he .
I . - . ah arnbush Where a great rock lean- ,l be e ridge
! I DENTAL - o ed -igainst another at the ,edge of the man -hunter on the ledge flung me to git you (back from those dev- pull the ,palt-you-m-the-head-sonny nt -� . "�
a bullet -aga-inist the Protecting boul- ils, tseeli . n' as, he c6uldn't go himeelf.1" stuh` on me." Central . - . ,11 . I
. I bluff. 'Det*een the two *a,% a iiar- . . 0. �::
� , - . 1,
I . row opening' through. which he could der. His' lalugh of cruel derision dT'ift- Poll I y noddled She selemed, to be ,_ '�But �tolu don't understand. That . . .�..,�� ., "A
' - 4 . ,
--DR. J. A.MeTAGGART' t7ed"Scrols's ,the calibn-l'O, the kinid of girl that understandi isn't it mit all. My falther is French.' . . . . . . .
. Command the, kend in the trail bielow: Chatham K
.1 - I ::`.
* , Graduate Royal College 'of -Dental To enlairge this'he sidoloped out the "Run to ,':ea.rbh at laist, Ranse without beling told in detail. That makes al] the 41�ffeirence. When. .. _ . hesley, Clinton, Duzb�m, ". L
, "o Thursday coqld protect him- Exeter, F ,�,
I Sirgeoms; To,robito. -office at Hensall, diTt With -his fisgeirs, then, reloaded Rbushl" be� isho�ute& "I swore I'd Bet re he kis,ced y?_4,i.t meant-oll, that he - I ??eyguls, Go rich, Guelph, Hamilton, Ha.pover, Harrision, �'111
0 � ant. Phone lod, , '' the wift and bhruli� It into the crev- camip ,on your trail 4441 I,gut you,_ self, Roub,ideau, senibir, had sethed hollored and' esteernied you because ersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara I � I
I . ..... -' . - _ I- 'I ' " you. &V-the%-elst.,'. zt yrorL, Wj�ulj tgbd.,, hi -n -In his arms, embraced him, and u " I . .111i
. I .. I I , . ice ' 11-6 saweVOff _61ho ii a . S, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, "I
6 . '4 1. - ,;i � ay e lose sit one, cheek and then the St. M s, Sarni Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, . I
. I . AUCTIONEERS,. ." to �"1'9"Ihandl. 'I I . From the trappecD wyetch quaveredl kis-sed fir, ' "Ibeen tellin' you right along that Wiarto Wing Woodstock. . . . , i';
. A
6 4 . . � . Till now �;� had found. to timle to, back 9J protesk "Goddilemighty, I other. "Eh bien-1 But you a" the Billie Prince, +P,, to 451amle. Let him - � I P, ", I
. I . airfit dio-ne nothin", to you-,aill. Lami- brdve bioyl I count it hovor to kno I .ind SAT., APR. 4 Loca"y.,bre.teled'L'Am.okaTmii'est sit which Rz�ureioa ,
. w go an' kiss Bill1lile, an' slee 'if he'll sitand- tafloni . �.,
. get neTviousi,but as the- minutes pass- Ticke s 11 "
. . .� I . - -_ I . . 11
� HAROLID DAM me leXpillainto . I you.. ,My .1ittle Poll! bavie you not -for it." —_ __ .- - - -_ I 'i
I I . I . .. ." ad : e. began to trenlible, violently and ,, ' I - I I :1 ". 1.
. . . Licensed Abetiodeot . I ��� - imp4_--,__T-ffiPsV1tie6f his experi- Beftr# you,6o any explaltiffil meb- FlaVed her? , Ah! 7ut I forget the' -A fl,,1h of roguisliness ,brought Out .1 For Faro, Rei Limits, Train Infonm"a ekets. consultinekrest Agesit. . . � . I , I
` I I , -his ybu actilons. Myself, I am, Pierre an unexpecited dkillpille near the cor ' $ee Z44ndbillls for compkifte d&tinatians. . .1 - �� -
. aliab in 1srm. 4,11d, hou. , en6e �a.wag ,only a Voly, and until to- _�Lbetber gdess, whb it is thlatt"s introd - . . ." I .
. 4 I
. ... I goin�_to, send yore cowardly soul tb- Roubide�ujz-tout pr1opos ait your SeT- ner -of 'her ffilgiublovdinate mforuitb. ' I I .1�
1. F Prim reaslollable. F day lie imd- never killed' a man. I vien, My ,son Jeam Pautine-what .11 1.
IWd - - -on ,v m.it , RoA .- I - 1ye ,good., all ,of us, amid never do , I �
, . .e Or rptolie -- "Doggiove it, -if I aiW,t ab-ne gone helil 4�5961de iR five, ,minutes." ..... I . will ��e ' CA NADIA N . ATIONAL . . . . .
. I I "
olud I *1 . he"149, Seaforth, oir ap,; an' goit buck fever," be z*W,owhed "If you're -'some Ian 'to Itbat gal, on you CK1.1 -our babile." . it aglain. Cross; our hearts." I 0— I , � It, ,,
Is . . 1. � 1;
I - positor ophae. bim4elf. "I reoi it's because Bil- the hawds wiiflh me, why, 111-1 tel I My rea,l na:ffi.e is' : I 1: � .J� I
. , e I you Jim Clanton,' Youn. Clanton reddeniW bereath . . I . �T,776A--- , . ,.
I OF at . tx , - . "I've libeen pass -in : 9 ing . � "z
0 .1 .. � __ . - --....A ... .... 6...."— %e --pri-nee,--ahl't beTie that I'm so ,the hon1est-to-iGod ,tirubh. I was ai;ni 111161ve'red the 'bk)Y- the tan. WlithOut 10OM at her be I . 1. I ,�,,
. . iscalirt." I wi#ht Uhad- a drink, so- as in? tb save i1her tram lthe 'Pacblei� when, by that of 'Thursday' so that none fc�!-t t'h,e JiOOk sibe tiateilk sideways at I . -1 'l ____ . . in I I ,
. 1W I ' of the Rousli outfit would know I wits thim from under the long, curved ,,, I ___ ....
. .. AR'kHth WEBER . I'd be right wheri thie,vld muley gun I-gloro a chanda, Coyne On down am" . - � - 1. .1--.- .11.1 � _. . ,, I 1 -iii,
I I . . '4 " , X .. . , , gitis to blawkin"." - - I let's we-unw, talk it olil reasofiablel." in the ocuritry till. I met up, face to jaip,�6s. -Of cloi ,she was laughling . , .",
I 11 hwoneer's License ., I I . ;;
� I , , I �
. I A faint sound, ahnodt indlitipgu- The boy laughed algaj:n, but there face with lem." til Miril He knew that Tnuch," ,even . D - : . "'M
. t ffixteeh vats' otperk e6. . ": ,,�':
. �__ , . . T ishahlib, - ethbed ,upr the gul �h too Writ. waa siodyiething. very fair from ni "dantonil It iss, a name we thnuign hie lacked the experience to . AW . I . . . . . . I I
. I _. � allial-I iirjx*.,. -1,1J, � �� t ,, t
. 811169191dub-h gbaftripeed. , -1 . � ,,�L�
I . I ��� � ,a I . 8.5 , Hftsall. I Miraculously his nervouisness vlaylish- in the softcW tof thiat Chill llaugihttr., rtm6mter in, Our ,prayers, n'e;st.-;ee (meet ,ber in kindi. Oddily eniought C�=E THE'.ECONOMICAL I'll , -.. :. RKIMEPROW I I . .. . �4,
R, - ,ke-yed up, _e_rV�- ."If you wOn't guegiso I'll hb,io to tell pas, Polly?" Pierre ichlbibed. up and. thoee pticked thvoug,� fhl,q chmilbarmsils- . I , li. � ,'I �,� �
� 01TWO 199 ed. .Every nerve was ... 1 HOTEL I a � It NYL141111410' , , " , � , ""'
1 ary niftiscie'tiense, but lie,* cool as you. Evier 'hear -of the ClanitiDins, wrlit)g fttvey�ft the hand ,of the miint a delicious little, tingle of de- . . .'. LL . ,. .. I 11
.. ,, 1�
I it. 8.1, - .. . "ISO ROOMS�-RATES 1,1J6,9W, . " �i,. ,_ , ,� , ,i
I . . -iA -a mour4tain, sbries Raflise Rou , ' . li,ght. So il((Yhg as, she took ibdm in as ... I I MS-RA"IM, . - -Z . -,
I I � I at#r, _. sh,? I'm one ld 'am N1ow poubgster. . . I I . I . . . .� � 1,ol
I I I �The Tsound rep"ted , ftmt-, la� hIffit'.. yva iknbw *hat chAncig you got to Olaft,*n wav bloth ernbarrassed and a ,partneir of hier �pidlty sht- might $1.50 to $2.50, �� I � $10 fk$*11*1-7�xl'�� "�,.,'. . f 1�4
. F �fs" � .., I '. r 11� -
.. � INSMANCZA tinkille, �ofl ,gravel at-liling,--twim a ,trail talk yoresolf ouit of thin thing." warY. M did-nbib know .at whik inake -ft muidh ftn of hfib as . she , , - , ,"-,.,) I Is , I ��
. . I 1 I I I iINGU NO HIGHER SHOU 10 If - -
. � . I . I boteath the h6od llofte;, At, the, "T -4"M gqdd �6-_Tniie ... elt--h , h you ,M)YmOM NolullAdiagilia wouRd 1di8`giVt66' Pkatsed. "IV VAgdo - . 1 Ili 15.0, NMI 47�"m�_
.L ....... . .. . ..... 2 ,�. " . I . A ARM RAX4,K3N AGM" p wirt rX—filtima I AAW1 ssipwm�...4�, ". I , ,,�
103'U mloyllionit Tb�rsday chitlYW" ih-N alill. 11' ,got too admit that the Roush Ni'm -by attemipting -another enlibril,66. . . ,But the owilugh df1tWtV of his R0 I .1 ., �',�"'
1-1 _ ; I I I ;% -1
. I -.1. ! I 1161mliftft df 411 UNION . nifiroct ona slibsebitattid the shotgun, for elan Is dift aw9n. That's why I lbriolke Thoee was sloffl*t1iing in the Ptenth. Would nOt le1b hift drop tht mb*t' . I 11 .. .. � !.";�, , 1. r
.1, � t i. I I I. . � � I I ,�,,:,�, "4",
9010A P1,69 r4fttd [6 � t1flo, ,an othosibn Awifth�ou.,t,,f,urt�hw,eiolo&tibyL "Ira all 1� I 1� �
.. P 6V Pra 0m, That's, why ff ,dwe mwe'§�- ftsib Mot ;, old a . �,
I I I "J")w W11 � 0 � I . , -
I I . 1. I - O'd 1, Wt. ..You (31shtom In- #11 tt fit, I ,I - � uft'r, , . ifhoht lr wft dcd %, meh you. - ".
. �t,_._' , _". . - 1$ . nm�6yi '666. si� a#ws� 411 #ft! �� , 11 I—
_ .. � 'Pld" Ill No"i x= �
. ,
- , �;.�"'. �, � I " 41"d" k* ". , , , . " '.. 1":
, .. 0 I �% ". �l;.. - 4 , - �.''. � ,__,,M',�1Pt" ,�i;
I . I , io4e * ihoh#�,a, . ON WOW "to, ft 15 Pa. ,!�, ,
__ " � . .., i,
�.�,4, .11 ", . - , , ,�, T,� ,, 1�1 ,
I 11 � i '"', , 4� 1 0 ,�#A,"%gu :., " � " " , ,
. wx,k *"L , 645%%, . Nal W6 ,
"I 11 o, JRW81.111��,�, �ii!i, 'i". I ��
4 � 12�,�,�q , �
I � IXL`,KAWIAK� (1111.1al."XI'Mill .I' lu� , I 11111;11.11 ,N�'Ai,�i�'l,ir��,t"L,;��,�l��.,V;,b&'�,�. �, 14,k�,W �0511,aA,. mm
, � I R."19- : .1 - 41A111111 AN IAN" , - "I 'If,", r,
i ,I I MAN 1i : kl ni A�.
I , &=AM%1,ii,AN1T1dq i� �