HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-27, Page 4"I'll. '04 i . ,,�, Nle,W � " i );&Apr;,,�,� -Ma* `iif­.,.�� -,�, . — , �;d��Al . � , ., 4 , . 4 r i-W4q 4P ,,� -� ,� I - 1#0 01M , ! � f� _X_Nr:�' 11 � . ^Ij�411!11 .7 " I . . .. I ­ _t _.'.� 0 - .4 � w_ � I . � 0", 1 4 . . - ­� I � I ��. � " , 4., ., ,aft., 11 1. ! .. , ,. , , ... �1 . 0% . .. ;. � i ... M@R1r I � 1, 0 � . I - , . ii i� '' ,,,�mod.l "' 10. io . %A I ., 0 . . . "Ill, � 1 ''4. ­. I—', " _. e: i.. ­ eft "11,11ift'"We"eipe".0-41"I'" 1; 0- - " ,,, 4 - --�­_­_- Y, . , ' I .1 �Vll Ads ,mdll, be inserted at new. low , qh ,rijUs.-I , , "I !)) Found, coming Even". W,4­vor *O -Al __:I__ -!,. . I UE ��,,J, , ��ij,, "W% sr118e!!-;; ........ r; v..-. r.-�-..-..:-."",tT,r�-.T;7;",.—I-vin-t- , " � �.,­ - , -1. � ._­�­.. , '. , 2nd -week ...._ .......... . ... % , Ile I. . .......... � "d ............. % 011114t, , N .1 - . ,%71� " i '* '� Bred wve� ................ . . . , , 41�1 ....... W Cam ` � ::: ... i ! � , � , ;'�',_­ - Mi�-imum charge, first ina;aio .:::::: `._,tt. .25 cents 11- ,!".� I 1`4 �­� 61 ,%, . Each figure, initial and abbrevfaifou,aqcuxkts,ap one wqx,d. " I.; ­_ � - I 4 ,� _0 0 Tkay#ii. In Menwriarn Notiees--I cent per word. ­�Wiinizousm. bW, "isents Der weAc� ilg; way it. . 1 , #it ' be ,directed to a Box Number. pare of The, Huron Expotaitpr, for 10 cents , . P ,a I � _4419. 47 ' " . � 11 'Af 'latis, addition 1, per . weak will be. charged' if &(Is' in above cleas are not paid , 11 - � i 0 .8 . . by the , ... I,": r , ; �. 'O . . I ;4 . I I . ,rdew night in the week in which the jid wats run. I " I I .. , �, -Mrtbs, Xarriigees, and Deaths inserted free of charge. I - I ... 41 . , , 1 ,6 Af. , , _ , .—Ratiss on applicatiaix . t, I . * 1�1. 1� getiol'k.3alieS. Nicitive W. C . re ditors. Xte ., , , I , , I � . . .11 : - . . . . 11 e, , i;1 1, � . ­ , I . .11.1111� � Agents Wanted , . .. ". . , I . I � 11 H ROU "�' -ANTED, FOR RAWIMG 17, � 1 144IPI V . �, . I. oc $00 Awniries. Wrijite 'to -day.. RAW- , _. lf"� , IMG&4 Dept. MI -363 -SA -0, Montreal, Can- . . ��. , , . � 10.418; . I . I " i� 8564�3, I I , iv�, . , I . - . i. 1: V. 1� Help Wanted ��",`_ ed. � i, — . 11 � ..� it FAMILY DESIRES GIRL TO " . '. SEAF0 TA � do bousewoik. May io home at nights. .L.. . Apply to Box 68, HURON EXP0SIT011. L I'll, - � � .3564-1 . , . . " - . . I I ,� Wanted L - _-7_._1 - . i 1, ; LL ,� . - IN �, ", '. I � E c, c-5 . WANTED - OAKWOOD FLOUR, '' . �. . , Feed,,A 'Rogers Road, Toronto. Ship by �L . Clarke Trainsport. Best cash prices. Charg- :1 es paid. . 3561-6 N. �. 1. . - . I . I .. " 11. I ­. I Personal .L' .11, � - , - . . I'll. . TALK OF THE TOW1N--EVMRY USER !�,", praises Cress' Com or Bunion Salves. 1. Rewptimended by -ALL DRUG STORES. �. �. .., . 3864-I . . . . I . .. I . - �� . . --- -_ I L , 11 - 1�1 For -Sale, or Rent . . . � " — _...''. ..... I I" 101USE, FOR SALE­84tOOMED FRALM11 ,­j I house, on George Street, V, Apply to I , . 11, 117F ,.-. WALTER MURR?"Y ,or HURON EXPOSI- .. I - . 3564-- 11 TOR. .1 2 ... I . � L P-.. RENT. -GRASS FA I R34, '50 AGRES,-i ON 0� � TON,.x 8 Highway, with goa supply of ,� �Z"L, j'. L water. Appily HAYS & MEIR, , Barristers. , Sea(forth. . 1-1-35i54-3 ik: I I - I . �k * PASTURE TO RENT -ABOUT, 55 ACRES, F."I" Ldt 19. Concession 3, Hay Tp., 114 miles �, 'southwest of Hensall. Never failing spring A - �_�, creek. Also quantity of good bay for sale. .�,-.. Apply on premises. . I 3564-2 rz, L ' ­ . � I, 14OUSE AND TWO FARM FOR SAL,E­ . ­ Eight -roomed frame h ' ouse. electric light, , . . good barn and six lots, .opposite Collegiate. ­ - - Farm, 7.5 -acres, Sj,� Lot 10, Concession 11. ­_, Makillop ; 50 acre-gruss farm, S% Lot 19. _ I t I Concession .2, Hii - Apply to MRS, L - ­ - ,; . I RWHARDS or 'J, H. BEST, Sea,forth, I .. ... - , ; "., - . . � 3560X5 .". : . I ': .1 - . .. .. :- I . -_ - - it . — r*n ,,, �. ' 1. . I . V� .... I 1. L For Sale , - ..X, __-, - I L .�., , ­— . _� 1� 111. ,SEED GRAIN FOR SALE 7 IMPPIUX'Ef) - 1. .. , I so 9, I Banner oats, 45 c" a bust�l.' Alte , � .. I quantity Of Velvet barley. A,Ppl�? to JAMES ,i . I . . . MLLIE, Hensall. Phone 91 - 'i'. .1� I -Hi-2 ,VL 11 . , - . — - __ - .1. , L ... I � '. . SALik ­' A QUANTITY OF RED I � I � FO R_ 1, h I iclover seed. Government GraAing']-To. 2; . .� .;, re-cleamed by Jopes & May, Exeter. Apply ., , I ,to ROBEIrr ELGIE, R. R. 2,�Kippen. Ph,?ne � , - 1 134424 1 . .. 8,564x2 1� . I __ - '� ' . , - SALE -A QUANTITY OF IMPROV_ ;1j' . L FOR , . `.' . ecr Banner seed oats; O.A.C., No. 21 , � 'il. L'. . barley; Goose Wheat, � Irish Cobblers and i. . . Dooley seed Potatoes. JOHN HMLEBRECHT i , �. - Sewforth. Phone 144-11. 3563x2 L., . I . ."I '. . L — . I .. , POTATOES -- -QUANTV�Y qF ! V , DOOLEY 1. Dooley viotatoes Ilor saae. JOHN'MODE_ � LAND,' Egmeondville. Ph- 1,134. �: - . I ... .1. 1 .. I ... 1. 3564-1 1 . � i' � , 1. � BARLEY FOR V :., , SAIX,---,QUANTITY I , , §T c., 21, . .1 6 -rowed seed -barley. N 0 A.C. . .. I Phone 131-2. J. D. GEMWELL. I I� k, .. 1. � . 31564-2 I . . .11-1. ­ ­! � . . __ . .i., OR SEAT -LIGHT BUICKL TRUCK. CAN ,.,, I Fbe seen at W. A: WrWht's Garage. Cheap I � . . for quick sale. Apply to RUEBEN FROST., . I .. . , � 35644 �,. - ........ - 1. . — i, , I �1. FOR -SALF-THRE-E NEW CEDAR CHESTS 1. , t;, . 1 -2 lame, I * small: co%tume foot stool : '.. , I ­ ,also used furniture. extension table. Railge " __ ­ --dherry, --dropi Asxf- tsW­' , 14 --r--n-ew-, �� and oN,, and . L . . . .1. , :.. used furniture. Car' tops rec�vered. Furni, .... I I tore msd6 to order. and reDaired. THORNE . . . %, . REPAIR. SHOP, over jVrighes Gar , age. Sea- ,., I forth. . __ � 3564-1 � . . �1. � i., . - - . .... �� : . L ... - .. — , . I. * . �.11. . Tefiders . Wanted --'. . .. . ... L ... L N I "' . 1. � 1. =-.......1. . . '."' USBORNE 'T6wNSaip 'cOUN,CIL .. WILL" �_ . . . receive -sealed tenders, until I P.m,.; Satur- , , . - i I 1, . . day,, April 4; 1936, for truckhi�: gravel on '.I . . roads cif said Township during 19,36. Tend-ris to state price per yard mile. Lowest or any �L. - tender not necessarily accepted. .. . 11 ��., . A. W. MORGAN, dlerk, " It . I . . Hensall, R. R. No. 1. . . , , I 3563-2 ...... . i ... - ; . 1;. - ,, TOWNSHIP of MqKILLOP , I t - ' I AS FOR TIM OPLRATIING OF THE "'117-, TE=2*I.XlI.T6F­qtone, cruoier for the semin. 11 '71 be'received,-by tbeundersiienad till' 1. 11� .... 11936 vn I Monday, April 6th. Tenders will be open&l , 11, . at- the Carnegie TIM], Seaforth, at 3 o'clock , , " . P.m- )on abbve, date. I %", , ,, , - Contractor to supply power. drive -belt and .1 , W , oil;,Io *it] crusher and ,to supply crusher with . . . m-alarial ifrom pli I it. . � - Towns,11hip to su�pfy' drag line and scraper,%. 1. . I'll 1: .. I I I Crusher speid to lye from 280 to 290 rev- ... - olutions per -minute. . Course material gaing over screen to lt,.� ... . . . . re -ground. 1 1 . Tender to be,hy the cubic yard and to :,n- �l: elude moving and ;etbing. Price per hour 1, -1 I . '. , for 'repair work. ,,, lRoadwaity under chute to be built and m6in- . tainted to suti,e,fY Ro," Superintendent. I " I , . .Sets ,rds i�- . to Average - about 1,000 cubj� ya I i I , durine contract term. . -Work to begin bn instructions from Rod ., ,a .�, I . Superintendent. . . ,, 1 , I Tenders will also be received for trucking I I t. . crushed material from crusher, -by the. yard I - 1 I mile. Tru#ck5 to be from 151� to 481f wide 11 and not to carry Tnore than two cubic yardi. . 1�, , . -Cont�actor or contractnris will be held liable 1 I dbr ciompensation and to furnish bond'g fdr� �. I. . $200.011) e4oh',' also - U) 'furnish statement o( . I � , t labor. . I 11 � . . ,�., Lo*dA or any tender not necensarily ac - I . '. I cepted, I I 1! ?_ " .JOHN MrNAY, Clerk, � &. . . R. R. 2, Sea Mrth. - I .1 � I 3564-2 , � . ,I � . 11 � " .1 . iii -4 _. . � . . .. - , ,,,� , . . L , , .1. . Farms For Sale - 11 I 111.� .1 ,iel. I . ... '� ' FOR "LEI-50-Ac"'PARm, 3% MILES, , ,. . .. - ." east 'of Se2iforth, I IA miles north of Higb � r, 'being Rost half Lot Ii2, Concession 3. � . y � :1 Nckiilloo, On fartri is a barn and dwelling., ; 1�� Possession April 2nd, If not .sold will be . 111�11 rerrfeA. Foi Particulars apply MISS JEAN . 1'�, . TUTOM, ,Box 114, eGeorge ft, Ejeafoift..- I!,; �� I . 1. " I . . I � . ­ - --.4.1--- --I.- - - � �... - - - ... . I - - - . I I . I . ,,�.,, . . FAAM 'FOR ,IJALE-ON NORTH ROAD, . " I , ,.�, '+ North % of '8outi 1/g of Lot 24, MeXil- il;v . 11 . I e ,,3 � ji �_25 d4fes, bikk house, barn- and hen- , ,!, botffiel, "bd ablelten fink"n. dood drifled'well, . .- � A�. I ' flis froms,dhool, ai ai stom Apply . ., , iij� MRS, JAMES SI`MPS6X, 1, . . ,4, , , ... . . . R. . Seaftorth, "44 . ''. stag-tt . `,;I, .. .... I..., � I . � ;.. 11 , " , 1, ". 4t., .. I . , ,W�ik' ­� , Iv. . � _�­ ,� : % I " . I . .. : 1, �,1,6, , , lf.,J'W,i� -j* ft ULZ-140 , ACAES.-COMPAIS- . . , "' �4., Iii boll 1 Townisbiv of Hay. I b�,.��:!, - , "', � I . � - tot ... , 1.9 I t. .." L 11 . 11 ': A ,� 'U�,*I; uwew� W ,Z?6 &invi4swi? .­­ Coming Events ' .. � .1 AFTERNOON TEA AT TH-E MANSE. ON " FridaY, APril 3rd, from 3 to 7 pi.m.,;' un. der auspices of Ladies' Aid bf First.. Pregby terian Church., Silver collectiQn. ' � I I , . $564-1 . . - - . Articles For Sale . . . POR . SALE - TWO FERTILIZER HOE � drills, in A-1 condition; 1 Godfraiorr truck, in good mechanical condition.- fairly good 34x7 dual tires, cheap. We are agents for the Fertila4or. Make your old seed drill a first class fertilizer drill at sm ' all cos,t Pay for it when You have tried it payable May 1,5th. We also have all ..mater, soluble fer- tilizer. Give us a cmil. SPROAT.& SPROAT, .T.119 ­114inuXtLi ,Phone 1364. Seaforth. - . 3561-4 . ___ I I I Auction Sales Au"T"ON, SALE OF, HORSES ,AT. CUD- more's Sales Sti Seaforith, on ... Mon - i March 30th. Sale eom.menees at 2 p.m. Fifteen to 20 good Ontario horses -from. 3 - year -old up; , I matched Pair of chestnut goldings. 4 years i weight about 3000 lbi. Terms -Cash. WILLIAM, CUDMORE, Pro- prietor; Goo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 35CAxi 1 1 � I � AUCTION SALE. MR. W. NALRN HA ' S l public auction on Lot 29, Costs . ,tission 1, Hay TevAmship, 1P.11 mile ' south of KAppen, on Friday, April Sr�f, 19S6. the following: 1 gelding A Y,,a.--.i geld; ' I gelding"'15 years old'f"I 'telding. 7 year�­- I marej 10 years; 1 aged mare; I driving mare in *fGal; I Perch4ron geldini '2 years; 1 filly, 3 yearisr I geldirig 8 years. Cattle -4. Heye- ford cow. frfsh 2 monthsl`,,� I -H`blstk,:n cow, fre,h. time of sale; 2 cows 'to freklw�n m-vidle' of April; a few stockers. Implements-Mas- 5ey-Harrb binder 8 -foot- cut;, Massey-HarrIs bez.n schiller and pdl1'4r;.2 cultiVati 1 sat harrows; I disc; I roller; 1 walking plow; 2-fuirow riding plow; turnip sower; 2 cut- ' .ers; .cutting b:)x: root pulper; I wagon; set 3ieWhs..,-1 set breaching harness; qudiltitv bay. -iDots and, other articles' too numerous to . nlerAK-1). W. J. HARVEY, Proprietor;. W. N . airn, Auctioneer. - ., � '..3561-2 . . __ --- - I — AUCTION SACE OF FARM � STOCK AND ", Implements, at Lot 24, Concession 6, Me- Killbp, "y&n Wednesday. April Ist, 3% miles north of Sisaforth and 1-� mile east, consist- ing of the., folloiving: Horses --ti gepteral pAr- pose mare rising 11, work single �r double. quiet ,Amd reliable, due to "foal May Ist; I dark grey horse rising 8; 1 grety.horaq, 'work single, . or double, both quiet. Cattle --i Polled � Angus cow 6 years old; freshened 2 months; 2 Durham cows, both 4 ye:ars old, both fr'25h� all good milkers; I farrow cow aged 9 years; 2 Durham heifers I year old; 2 Poll - ad Anirus heifers I year old; 12 ewes 4 years old: 60 White Leghorn hens 1 YeaT old. Hogs .-A number of, 'chunks. Implements" - One Massey -Harris binder 6 -foot cut, nearly new; 'I McCoTmick-Deerffig mawer; I Quebee.sulky Plow: 1 -walking plow; 1 set diamond har- rows,, new; A bay rake: 1 cultivator: 1 hoe drill -. I , gr ' avell box t,-1, grain 'box; 1 wagon with is teel wheels, new; I set wagon wheels; 1 fhay' rack 16 feet; 1 set sleighs; 1 cutter r 2 sets te�arn harness: I set single harness: 3 horsei.,coll-kris; 3 horse blankets; forks, dou- ble trees; sling ropes; I hay fork rope, 160 feeti 1 hay car; trip rope; I hay fork and pulleys; 1 wheelbarrowand other articles too numerous to mention. Furriture-4 kil;eihen chair; 1 table-, I lounge; I DeLaval cream separator,; I bed; abiout, 110 bushels n-dxed feed; 30 busheb of barley, about 1.000 bush. elts of onts. and aboiit ?,p tons of hay. Term,s of Sftlem--Strictly , chish. No, reserve -as pri Prietor ,is giving up farming� THOMAS W, CARTER, Proprietor; Harold D. Dale, Auc- tioneer. I., 356S-2 . I - ,. , . .1. I. Notices, ' " . . . . PA'FLvF;RS. TAM NOTICI(F-THE HEN - .s -?,Il U.F.O. Fertiljze�,. Mixiti are .open ?or orders. Phone der to' WILLIAU PEPPER. 92, r 11, =411.1olereor to Club See-e- thry. . . 3564-t OOF-A LOT OF ROOFS WILL ANEW '�', be requi ed this year, both barns , and dwelli'mr houses are in bad condition. But have them recovered with choice galvanized Ahee& as made by -the Gait Art Metal Co., or the� Pedlar People of Oshawa -none, better. . Or I can supply you with nearly all mak;; of sl.ted asphalt sfiingles.ofi%any weight or color now on the market. When You are in town call and have a ta* and benefit from. my lonV experien�i pwith. roofs and. roofing. JOHN ELDER, phonq 1, Hensall., . 3556-tf �_ . . — . I i Notice'to 'Creditors' . I � .. q., 1. NOTIOE .TO CR t. EDItOR8 ­ � - - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALT, erediticirs and othep havi=.claims against the estate of William H. Mundie, also Mundy, late of the Town of RomWus (Hayts Corners ) in the Clurity of Seneca, and State of 'New . Y.ork, Retired State -Hospital Attendant, who (lice! on the fourth day of April, 1935, are required to forward their ,dialms duly proven to the' undersigned, Solicitor fqr the Exedu� . , tivir, om or before- the sixth (lay 'of April, 1936. . . '. ' AND NOTICE IS FIJRTH.ZR GIVEN that after the said last mentioned date, the Execu'- -bor will- Proceed to distribute the assets of the estate havinV- regard onl�" tq' the claims S I of -%4hich he then ishall' have d<Mce. . .. PATED at.Seaforth, Ontario, this 19th day of March, 1936. JOHN J. HUGGARD_ Seaforth, Ontario, - I Solicitor f?)P the Executor. . . � . r", . Q51 I a L I I -!I . . . ALL CREDITORS OF ALLAN A. Me, Queen, formerly ,of the Town of St. Marys, vv�o claim any right to share in 'the Proceed% of Eb certain mortgaKis made by the said Allan McQueen to the Royal Bank of Canada' In -Trust. d'sted the 29th day '9f April, 1932, upon the securitty cxf that part of Lot 10, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey of Township of Tuckersmith, now in Town I of Searforth. -and -tivait part of T..ot'lo, Con- cession 2, Huron Road Survey of Township of Turkersmith (trpfon which is stituated . white brick flax ndll) fully described in said mortgage registered as namber 8107 fot tho Town of Sendorth and as ,number 10431 for the Townshib. of TuckersTritith. are Tifir,Ay KivJ en,natice to file their claims property verified with the undersigned an or before the 4th . `10`7 4f Alin], 1996. after wihich date said proceedsi. frow reajj�Ard) wqIi be distributed Pilo rata having regard orkly to claims Pro- varly visrifiedL ,by then rei � 1, .- I . , Dated at St. W-j.ya this 4th day of Marob, 1086. . . � . THE no,, YAL l3ANx or CANADA, - � 1 w- St. Marys granich, St Mam, Ontsrio. I r, . : 1 8562-8 1 , -11. - _ - .. I I ! ! I... I . . Births . . I - I � , , " T&TNTOSH,It-Th Tteimnia-60-111"af"Howtad sm AlAfth 2W)I� 1,40' ,*, - plid W4. Scelin jj,j,_ , fth, Toronto, (rkit�kftna Hough)" ter, I . . . wft daugh- .. -,I.. 1. - I I I 0 � __ XTBIA-In #66a verd&tial ToAvilidil, - 011, March %Ord, to Mr. atg&'311u. 04rdion Mulie I . , gea�. I" " -, $ . .,8503xz --,# 4' Abr4 . ,�, r., ,,, , , , .. I I I , '. - i, � . .. -1. � ", ,L , ` ­' . 11 i-11 1-1 �, ; ` . ­\ I'* k 31, )1. , I I . . 1, ,h�`..,. ,� . . .. it - . ,�� , , . �, �` . Ilk : - , 't, r . . It 'r . " . . . . . . I . I . . )''�:­ 1W . � .� I �;_ , - 1. . 11 1�;.(�r�? --.,r .. - , -�, - - . - i i ...... la,, ;-­ ,-, �; i. ,�. ;�,,, � v,�-g, 111 � 'It It 7 ,r�,,O .11 '), r - �. "'..'VA", " ii, r" 1X'A' ,�.. T,� I � ! � , � , , ., - S; I , 'Y2 ­ ­."­,�. - ,"t " ,,�'� - � 49 - 7 I .1 . . %Iffi _j *Aw`�� 1�1 %14,P �r, - - j ., ,%�-iei� . . , �; .� ,,� � "'.1 , . � " ,_' .11 ,. . I 1P �1��i.�� i . : �'r .-.' , �,� 'Y'. Vl�­ " * 1� 1, 4, 1 �,!� i . , . '� �.. :f��I ­�­­�,,� 1152'.�,;7'?",.-.� , . ,,, I . ift I , : - , t , � , 1, - , , iir,W " � Wt.. , - - I , , '�, - . W I 1,1 I: , " * - � 'p, ", 1, , , - A I . L. � A, - : ilij ��, ,,, .k.,,�,�,%%,, �, fie, � ..., I ..� � � !, ". . I " , __7 r., � 'Ir Ah . , R41. . . " "�",�,1 1`11", ?�� " N FINN " lvf` ,4 I", � , , , 5 � � ,� 15 ­',�'�,�',W, I I 'e" ,, 4, 7 ?t,� I -IN-111, , � . ­ ­ , - ,�__,,�:­ __. l".'�-- L; I ­� �� ' '� '_�� ' ' ,�. ." , I , , § ", . �_ *_� � - I I 1. %,% I . - 1'11�1,V i i , " , -1, , 1.1 'er, . , I ., ,I, 11 '. . . � ., � . , V11, . I -, ?, t�o�, 7%;, . - `N�,.',.,� ,,, ,,; , ,-. " - ,,, . -; 1.4� ­: I , t.i7i , ,, � ., .1 I" I I . I , #- 11 V ,�� �."',�'­4�.... W-:, ".. L' " '42L ... Ld;... .1 �% ��,,. . _ � .. , "" ,�'11 N ".P ." �, - , 1. � ,�, '! . i . �.: , ,�. �, '. . , . - . , , c � T I ... . i 4 � 61 �1'17"" W. , �k��,, , , I : ,, .,,� �. , . �,� W* I .- 1� , I i , , , it . , , , W . � " ,� '.. " 0 . . ". , . . I . 4 . 1110 I - , , ..., I.. --l"..... 1-1-1.1 I., . ...... i ... i 1-1-t - - 1-11,111, - ­.­ I.- , - zil , 41%.t,, . I L,- ­�'" _11jff_j)'"1­7;-, 'i�4��-�-,�,�,,��,7�",L�""","I"�,-�-11�Ill'-"",��.�.�,'��-s""";i--,T'll"I . ,,, I --l-l-le ... jee;'V�"��,I�i' . -7,-- -­iie`,,��t��i .-,, '."'.'�,;,.,=7".'..',%'R-'.,,�,','�','�,".'�'i', 't,-,' ,; "","',"', ""',"I t, M " ""'R", * -�; - " , , , - ' lw' , .. ,_ ... ., ,t�­ , t. 'r."'­P,.,j ��­,",',j#i ,"FiN ; , � , ,�-,-*r-* .,'� . 1. I... . I'll, . . . 4:nz: '. '. f , ` '�� , . 7 1 1 I I . ..... . 1-1.1 . ..... ..... . !­:,­­­­­ . ... ! - , *10, , I t "' I _,WA%� I 4,'AVwf.*1ii 40P�R. 1. P., 144"'i "_"11 ti�'A . .Va - 1 i % . . . � , , �� ." � ,414 - -4 oi��' �1. �IL, '�'t'� - - \ I R 7 I 7 L-Mm"w1oll it . I - - ,r -. : - -. - , . � � . - Iftio . . , , t�40 , . - , ,ft " I I I .- � ­­. - � W'A"A", I . - .. - IF I , NA a 01 �11 " F" " ' �­ `� I . I 00 0'St,PWW,'jP%q�;., %Oww) Ruft " A P-rot,Wt,ppp%�oi,,,-,-�w,.�,pk-Owk s4co 00"m #4 a I'.. I - I - � 01=4* KIP, 'Awet 115.51w_ # W * . - 11 I 1� ,I - 4 4 . 166d.. of -1,81819 ,�INM#,�,iq .. . It " , -q ,;;w , -m w pe#, jq 1$Q'i ."i.-AtIrp " . . 1- W I .: E is, own ir " "' , -j P ""r WIS, ' - in St. Aindw1W.-to United .V j7h,. p: j 6 i� 4 1 � =v 9 MW , P. 19st, " . , v. . . � , .;. , I i V, � _- ho. , , 1P ".''01i " _v.*�,pv � _ .,; ,.& i � I _ 1p ,#jdjW, MGM, 91 -#i" bod!ty" 'Lvivt a &V, 'crO I .. , - . - . .: _111e, , � _ I , IV% , 11 _1 kx'Mc P 1. WMA4. � I 70-41'"P ... - I - to ow - . , . 4" , 'k, . . . . . i , , W, aw., , V . � . �Wfw,$..% 04, W " -'to , - r4,.,. U I , , - , - m1ky , Iing' ueed ** . , , arb VIP _.) ; .. %" I 0% , I 1, . - . I I I , � -, ft , . I I - .. .. .. . I * �81A*0,,ot _aii was �. _. irialctior-w (��Neiw-rvo,* 'Wowd-Ta. WMA) , .. . � . . W. Vfti IS . ?Of Ifts. ftb@wt T. Of," oxw: 10 11140 a � . , . , I . . . 1. - 1. ,% I I 'irk 110 vi 94 or 4 411oirt U -4w drur� the t,l;w ..In N.nL -.1*7.,�Mm',off W . . . I .. . I ­ , .. � Xr. Was A � out, . QW14 , -, I It I . - . . - . � - � . . 11. ,,.�,,, . . . I ,. _M�QM ---T----- , * , .1 I . .plw the =. we* linvn-ak aciiirwnt- mi - to Hi . , for a � - . ________,_.-_--L " . . I Aux A. - 11)" *Wll I . . " 1-1.41.1-1- 1slieFlot York I W -04 -It .' 1. iw � - ... - k U�r., jift IW& -lof Vpbro - I . t � .. iw 61 - 61 . I . . . 411(��.'11"��U,�:li�IeN�8i;��4�e, ioi,whi, viii 61 - I �. -I 1X1)91W_!VMM!2PAW ". -at Old of -the- -11[!L � " . . Irpow- I it, spa* 19160APa J011MiL4Vn, - 4-t "� nto 'hia 6, xlpipene,, pastbo &B V,0*704,4 Wft - waa --mald, pia1p,ar.. ft - Relvii. v. his A169we .Mrs. 4-isitory. Peiv�ae from ithe, in M ,"I am'now writing on w slab ,of ItOd bils PWe#b$-QWF4dAy108t ' F. Oband$ea;, 1. aqid, the WkM. q)4ig limid sister,. Janet . .1 ... 4 1 , - F� Wi - I 'little windipwiesit . 3 - chu,rcbi__�was nicaly., dee with lAk W, .),A' 'i Hwvey, of the TO- L narbow gorigo: it Ibhe Dstorn ;�Ills- of firee &.10k in a - ftne 11 _ am I . tering Gollelo, A .1 . pennsylivaniW iAed [to, Wk ah5u,t A houise,'g;ptag flOwni'through a gaip, in it . � 'thl fevus and Sip ng low e - A ,,,,,. ffarlold Boathron, who its alt en ing -Pkk 'Pelt Ai and Ri IWO=' . _'WAle-i !' ' a ,vale, of - - , , . ;lagd, Its haug an suQ06 . the wall . . Theis ia n1ok a wiaek�end hem with -hie p4muits. satini, mplOniantIs On ,let �vaa­thei Old' Coneemaugh, Lake. " -ruin , beattitgul-17. gowned in,.-" I fatm: stock ghlid. � t6l� , . '. - T 7 with brddal veil and bouqvet of farbi, istio0h bf the vilft-ge, on FT1144Ys I Buginiews'bod thrown an , eaxWm "It is 'a, d"ert. Awide arm of . W. -and, Xrs.­Oarenciii Qfk_,J6^rA1 I . 4. jL �j , ' "in 11,01001 feet,wildle and Ito v,,ver'sailid, iobbiltierot-log .'the street and fititle daughter, Of L*ndGn; open, 6% Iiholio, :11,osai entered ,the Churich, 00, AprN 8, I I -- ­ Deqt I I . I ' i , hig� across the �poiin% whiere it lines, cut into islandi ,by V, half 'Sunday last at Abi home of' Mr. and them�ptti%fts of the Bndul Choms by � Thp annual mleteting.of the Kippeld � - 4 I dozen roaring &A*a=L9.11 . Mj�sj­jlohn IShepherid, of *,is IiAW1.1' .IW -W in and "is esmor-ted to the FoIlotball ,Club tvdll bobeld ait -.C. Wet - ,i � " , , ngn _ � ddWed- nto, t4e CiQiiftnitugh Riyer. wasn't I juslb--ffilpd at Jbibastowm Mr. and Mrsi. A�beYt TnAylts, �etf _-Robert F . . lay- iveiNbwl Mum* sk I � it I 0far by op . lit usin, Mr. - A. poits on WW . The watei dammed up 'Yethind it, Johnstown hao a ipTietty, masonry Waftool, sipeut Sunday lasit with Mr. .. AN infere � . illa,, Q& , . , Mi6s. .gdon Upshall, - stei$'Vlelaso alibmil., I I R I � . The lialm becwn@,.,A reservoir. , ThT'e Ibrid,,�e,la Isten.11stylvanjis, Rail�� strue- alld '.Mrs, -Travis, oif the vililage, .. sister of the groloin, as'�naid of bion- . # � . . .1. I .. - 1. � ... miles ilong, A indille, and, a. I . lPraobilce,ft a inin0bred Show, .tb be and thiee_'WsiIs� Dorothy Elgie and _L' . . . , 'In the I wbridis of the q I -emee, in dye, ,eeptre bf tcown, I . or, ... . I 1. , bra`g$lar�sl- -hurbled against �� thalb bridget. 'A I held ei , - ., . Houses w0e. --­��,t- ,, . A 4�u A.0ril" -is now going On Dorothly. 1341r, of Toronto,. cousins Otf , ilt was, truly- . . og � a -seis 'to be one: well wbrth I rVir ' bioc in from the tribAlbary a Stolity an VZOnli I . I . . 16W16 ,"'Me 1higgtist - reservoir I I .. . I. -1. . " ,were I PR . N! - DANGERS' ,,, 1 4 .1 % in the Ca -eek smasheed houses. Etighteen attein,fflug-, I - lin­ Ep of . . .­.. . , - .. n ,y driesseed0in � ylkw i United $Wb -es, mwtuTal- or awitIificial!" P,e,,ne-yltrani,a:'.Ioicomotives. sUcked iv- . . Church ,Servic" , . lowt; green a'nd ipink tripb,- oheer crepe % CIIT * . � . ., .� � . � 'Rhin feg' hard W�dneesday 'and to t&e mQ,. . with hats t10 matich. -They carried. I ie . Thursdhin May 29 4nd 30, of 1889.1 . 11, 'Rervi Beverly Farr preatched in St. . I I OF C. Mi IPATION ' 1 �­ A yellow,flame li*ed up firom, the sulidguy. bouquel-s � -t _0 I Paul's Anglican Church ,on- - t -of meet peas. Mr. Rober . . � 44 " rOrty toy) of thic. bridge. Slomeonoils stiorve jas�b, r Voth. Mornhig and evening, de- D. Eligie, 1),rother of -the bride, was . ei._. - - Slowlythe I*te walber...irasei. - � .. . I . . I � I I men worked qaotialij on a -new s1uiee,i,,- -g:till W.4's burning. Then half an 1,1��ng wall thought out discoursesI. tho groom's atteendant, WhRe the ush- I � i , .. .1 � way ba prowdde ani dradn. a-cre of debris becaMp, a fun C'Tm - Igie, 0, ' I , - Rajin ceased FoitdW morning. Water ' 1. . . . pa:al pyre. Aj I el Pre*bYtehlqn Ohumh the ers were Mr. Ri B. F t To- "Bulk" in ALL -BRAN Is Gentle . ' * The swell of rosesitlOg flash wafted usual - -servileft were- taken by the fronto, and Xr., Rdbert Upshall, of . . � . - ,... - � I e, I lapiped,across the 20-fdolt toip oft, the ovetr Johnstown�i..-WhWt was jeft,iof it. mpistm, Rev. W. A. Yidung', who gave Ki-ppem . Following the,cerairvoiny the . in Action � .. ' . . � . I ea-rithan dam. Inhabitarto of the, val- �'A �-le?* ftamiadi Wo,oii dire* golod - *%icticM serwoh-s wen debvier- guests w lal lk I IV, of Xotlifi9tii-wit, 18 mi]tes, Away and, himself into the water below the ed. At the morning -service,'M , go, xopeivied, at Maiple iP - in ­ � . � , . rs. W. ra,Tuk the home. of tht bride's'niother, I : . � 300 feet.. below, M&re. tiold aboutt it. - bridge. Mon pulled hini, out. , `-7 A. B&Laren'and Rev. Mr. Youne took where a - delitailous sv��r wasi.setvied. . f I -- They wene interested, slightly. ' . "LeIt me die,!' he pleaded. "My'wife 0olo parts in -the anthem, and at the Aftei receiving congrabujsttl�ni iInd Commop tonsojitilon - is larg4ft',` � - � 'd .. . ... ls� ,j . At 3 p.m Fri ay, May Me 1889, -a;nd childrei6 are gone. , Let me die." ,pvemng , sem, ee Zftis,. E. K. Hutton' ,best wighes, ,MT. and Mrs. Vpishall . 6s,t� ips�fficient eilliulk" in men k, .,,,,, I the dam broke. . . . It . . . internal Inw- . ( . , They dMWt. But flity barreals, of renderedi a goj�' left on ta' motor trip Ao thi Bqrder You falfib getl,your I . . , 4 . ,-Fifty feeet high, 'a white sss..r6areed whisky had washed ashore. Hours *The, pulipit-4n the Ullitted' Church, Gltie,%., th.& bride travelling in a navy cise.- Millions bf-pe9ple, have f6void � , iftwin the valley. . . llatere men siaw Wbodruff and bis t "a' evarkAg, wa t)h accetilsories to , that Kellogg"s.AL-r_BaAN.spppliei ` - It struck South Fork first. � I � a filled tadlo�e,d suit wi . I . . ,�. a companions reehlitg 'beside the flood. ;by, Relvi..'10. Malcolm, of Egmou&Alle, mateh. --On their return they will re- I , soft "bulk" with satisfa6torY ' I "It looked ilike duset," said lFreeight Men 'neveT kne,� fibw ,napy died at who .gave very ifupressirve . sernwins. .sido at Friendship Farm, , Tucker- jesults. , - . m � - � . it, " . . . . , . Ageent Piticherb. "Thalt must have jt;hj1stowrL Mlorgues . were opened' At the morning service special parts, �,4ini . ,� I " bben th6 Lspray. Then the b*uSe`s throughopt the -valley. There"Was a were taken, in the -anthem by Mrs. Mr John Gibeion, of Wroxete,, 1�111113 - Tists:in nutrition laboratories, 4 I .. . went down," I central olftice� It ,'to-o,k names to check George Hess,,, Dr Ivan -Smdll,ie, Har- spent a pleasant vislt.,at the -home of' dembingtrate that the "buW` in I . I -He equickly had, the telegraph keys a hist of the dea(L ry HDrtl(i_ R,d4r,. and -at his Agughter and son-irt-liaw, Mr. and ALL-BVAN can be used with the 4 I .. 1.. � spult,beTing, 11 -Por God's'sake, to the It t03k the names -at the living-- the evening servi% .MT. W. ,0. Good- Mrs. W. L. 1i 'has returned- home. , utmost;eonfidience. Naturally, those .. hillsl" the message said. that list was much the Shooter. I -win Itaiok the special parts ,in the., _'Mr.' 9tobeot Ja,rrott, while deli'vir- few individuali with diseased or "I..., ' Sm;48 . Four millets farther the waters , National Guardsmeeii started bury- anthent and Mists 'Be -1,11a . , . re , - Ing �Lr a ong te ruira rou, . ig , .. 5 - . vi Xneral Point. . ... . ing the dead on June 4. Theiert6I Were 'derail a slollb. On 'the comaing Sun- had, -e ' ort to -have his mail not take "bulk" in any forni­--either , . � � ;. . A botriemun pounded �, 4:lwn the ,,'o cereemonii,iss, There was lift, le day March 29, owing. ti .the. con-' horee, &bip dead, on the road . .... .... in leafy yegetables or in brax� I . . . pike ,and .he storm�d, ,into . ,0one%,:%vReping. Men were glad to lee the ��ed- illnes.is ,of -the pasbor,'Rev..�,Mr. ) �.,s "D itz, Magee, is . . I.. . . � . . . � I j n1augh, six milles"alv&y, '' .-In"' blodles go rney bu ' - ie ­�2 ,. . ii e of the va Unlike cathartics, ALT -BRAN is . I I A0 800, ­'-ibodiies 011ilaft, of Main Streat UAt lb ' .. 4 . "Run Dori yokir lives. To ithe hills!"' e . spending a few dlays at the ,home of . . _ 16gether 'in Grand View Cemetery.. *111 taike-,'the morning. pterv, i"I her sister, Miss Alice K71e, of Henr' natural in its action—nor does this " , Pe,)!ple thiought. him a mauriac. I Never 6aentified. I . ., I 'Ice ' food lose its effectiveness with con- ' ' Relvi. T. A. Carn-Arjhael,,.eof Notiftide, sal -1, ,who ,is at the. peeseft.f. time un- c 4 ' - - INJI.,nutes-l-atei the. whWT eamla.. Men said 2,200 in all had,,- died. United Church 'Seaftorth, will take der ,the doctor's care. '. . , tinued use. Within .the body, it - ' ' - '- ('on-maugh pa,sised into history. Some gaid'10,000. . the evenin,g service. If will beqyleas- absorbs moisture and cleanses the - , A I I . D,,%vm, the pike tfhf--A -river c,aug1t 111P - 1�a'ter- tha� . Mr, and'Mrs,. Wilbiam Butt, of. -Sea - I .t afteftlooelf posters wLme ing Ibb"'t-he- di'onteretegation, as well ,as e rietuimied to,their home intestines, ,promotkig normal and , � I I I I Avith t'h,e man on the ,big 6a,y hi put up in t6wn, by .order of the pro- to,,t.!�,i many friends of the 6astor, for:h, i healthful. elimination. ' I . � , 11 They nfIver knew who he' i , . ofter speriding a ferg da,ys-iii and . .4 , ,. r � - I visionad Ma,y.b)r-' . P(ev. A. -Sinclair,, to lieiaTn-'that dur armlid the village. . . . .. i � deli� . I .111. black wall hur,tileed inli Wood- , ,'Wented-600 labomers to cl-�_,arir up Ing the'paist week or �ID there, h I - - Two tablespoonfuls of this f , Aralay An enggetne's si Whisitle, . pre- as' , The,vilrd-tbAte dance whiob was held e ith milk oir "he tolwn at $2.m per. day. Apply att beian a� decided i1mg.roivement in . . I I . ceded it.. Engineer 1-1. M. Bennejbt, . his fn�'Weatson`%, Ha -la on Friday evening e . . and, 1C.-inducittor S. .- works. "Blocith. &I-PYI171411 1 6 1 . I ., hetilth an'd * -is '&-ped that 've`7 last, was a, fine su�ceesii., The Cana- cream, are usually sufficient. Enjoy k . 4e , , 11 , 'W'. Keltz, in En . I - 'be ena6l,'eit to taike'his, dlian Mountaineers -of St. Thbinas fur- it also in cooked dishes. . . i . ' ' voon -he wi,lk., � . I . . I . giiV3 1165 had just seen the avalanche ' - 1eeeeee1W ,� . I ---..mm� accus�om6d services. ' ' I . 4 ' i ' o,f. water �. . I . , , I nished thei music and a good time was Help your family keep well. S, . . ­ * ' Mm. arid Mr,_& ,Duncan ,Sjbe�waft, Of - - - - , , They'hatile'd b=_-Ic -the lever. Their VARNA — I ' . iptnjoyed� by all present. - ALL-BRAi4 regularly for tegulariw # freigh� whizzed . . r . I near Hi were "glad­tto� learn that . . t '. " ' r into Johnstown. . -tt' ind kid- . I Quite a numWeir in this ciommunir y ,.Sold by all grocers. Made by 4el- . � .., : ' MA and IM:rs. G H. Bea their son; 'Murdock -S,tvwar% of Hart- haeve tappeed and. reporta fine n of . Bennett ,and Keiltz jpni,ped tx) a b1,11- .- I y . . I ru Itogg in London, Ontario., . . . . 61e.3 mlo-t-ored t3 Ripley ari-Si flora, -Conn., was safe from ithp ter- S&P .. . � � . .. .I .. . I - fe- I I rible floodis, erven though it &me . voi,altipaiion due to,'insufflolvi "buW , '. -- . I . sie,e—sa I , , , I MT. Horner, of, Zurich, w -ho has �, . -Foot is Hurt . . " . , -501instiDwh was -a prebty big . with a half Intife from Els otflice. , . . r'. in tbose days. Ilt ,,had 3 , 0 i, ...­ bead under the id,actorlp care�'all win-�_ Mr Goodoin Wreni to the east of . to " a� ':' ter, we aie ipleatsed to say- has been Mr- - � - . I � I ­­.­ � I '. 1k . ta-71ts. It W a­$5e;o0,0, plaut .. . -,her sister, in --,.I .. I I I . . � . I Caiubria Iron and- 9 � . � _.� I . I I .� . I I , . . 'he � al'alpe t* spend. a d)a,y with -his daugh- cel'TO wo,rd . that ' � , I Co. 1. I 11� . . i . Four days later a _LaX, Mm' A, Ingo. - Pennsylvania was slafe, I I . I I . I - . �A . I. . . I 1. J : r espoh, e , -1", St. E,di.t� j�a,ltj ..... . . The,. item canicterning'ithb, iiiiarriage � I I I ­ . I I \ MI y spent a day in �j . - � ,, � I . , � I . -Pet4r Mark's marriage wi I - I �, le . , — - . A, TREAT o a I . . . , Landlon thit week. - . I of Mr. '. . . . . . I . JUMOR GETS o . . � � . . 4 . Mr. ah -d Mrs Latham, of London; correA. . . . . ­ 1 I I . I . I I I - I . " I � . . . . . . . . . I ... . ; . ! I Spent Sunday at the, home of Mrs. E. 1. I I . � . - ; Thinning Out 'B.eatity. - " - . . . . . ND' SOME BAKINO r ;� ��� i. i .. I . , . . ` � , � , 1 4 j . , �, � I � The liboaTy euohT,e and da�ice"v,rhic,h KIPPEN - — - , DER, Too, Bui ii � � GEE,mom,-rHA,rs, � . : I . .. I Shelter Plantations was postponed on account, of ba,d I I ANT RE. -MEMBER i T14E BEST CAKE - ! I ! . � . , I K � INDMRS� i: — � ., . I I . �oiads, will, be heold) on, Wednesday, .(Continued0from Page 1) YOU EVER MADE , m . ELLS SAID ... I - ­­;. 1:, L . I W"hen ft�jr.jnnilng ouit a plantation, April.U,: 1)(aliPt fo,�i yourself -on. the sufferdr and through'all the y6ars.of .. . ­.. " .1 . 1. . so GIPOD . - great care should be taken nz)t to chin, da -be. Lunch, will, 'be 4?rreparecl by the his illnins was ,ield.om heard to cio,ii . . ,; __ � I., . . too severely. , A 'heavy ' thinninig W411 Board, and let uis mentiion that a nice. plain., /He rWill be S0Te4y rilisse-d by ' : .. � 1. � 4 . . � I .. " . 1. .. - . 'e., THATS BE' LISE I . ; v1A:n up, the crown. cano,py, too ,,in at�h ­ � his beriavedi'wididw who ..eon- .1. . � . cI-ke !or box ,of sandwiches. wifll be , wag a .. I I I i and the excess light reach!lnk' the vcT-y much appreciated by the. Bo stant companion to hini. both in times ' : , - . � , r . I USED I ; 1. . �aro r � _. or6und will 'result in a gT,oi Of 'Music will bE�,fujrnishedby the Varna of healthand sickniess, and, Who spar- ., , . % MAGIC'SAKING � - . -.-1 I I - . , . POW ER L . � . zra,is -and wetds whi-elh Are ivery Ss dr- orchez�-ra, which can't be beaten. - ed -no ipains to do whs:tever She could .. . W � 0ii � . ; . . fous, cl3m.pe�tlto�rs for food and 17119is- . to make the burden of life ;6asier, al- . .. YO ANT L ... .. I . ture.,- Occasional light thi-Tinings, at- - . � etteetteetteetteeteeteeteeeetele's .sb'bkr his. daughtear,'Kre. t1diaii-Kerr . .. ... ­­. MAGIC -i -res I A . . � . I intervals -of 4 to .'5 years will open up CROMARTY - - of ,McKillbip His funeral 6ok place - �1_ 7ME 6EST Ii � ". . . . I ' * .. HAVE . . I I . T . . . , . . the crowTi. canopy onily slightly each.ri'__ - . r .. . . . firom has Tesi,dence here on Wedni U TkIF _fff . �, ,'iiine and. thp ,g'rowing 'brincilliteis will Mrs. Will Worden went to Toronto (lay last and was conducted Iby his . ­_ . - ­ E _ . . � . MI ,in this ga,pist befayle, any harm r�_ lirit, ;,veek for 9m -operation -on her pastor, Rev. E. F. ,Chandler, 'w1ho I .. . r . ' ... ,-ults. The idea, wr . ites D. j. Cross_ ,1-hroa(b. Weaare glad to know it walS, Gpoke Very bouchingliT 'on the hifle of t'?, , : ... I R 1. I I I . leY. of the Dordinion PoTest Nurse,y 7-ilceessful. , _­ the deceaseed. Ile- 1mves. to m6i . . I . I . . . . .!.. . . Sittaiion ..ait. Indian.! Htead, Saskatchia- , Mrs� 'Feank Allen iis in, Toroh�o, .his loss his bereaved rondlow, -and. DON'T RISK FAILURES every time. Thb most. dei . . I . ' wan, teho'&d be to favor thee slow he:ving* accompanied, Mrs. Will Wor- dialughter, also -one .bTbtheT, Thomas., . . . Successful results from cioui cakes, muffifis and bis- . . - V ........ . 1. 9 -Wt - - - ____'_____hhanb-ht'v,irie, id,en. - : ... r . - .. ­. .. . - . .1 � ­& .. . R".. ....r. . fo. .. ,(=S: . . - � - ....­­ . .;, - . ... on.vin . m3re pe . of it te London - oad, ,and. ur sis :�6i:�r;'46it6-b-ai�i-g--de--p-e-�n',�d"6ii"-'i�uitg','Nfe--ffiade with"Mt9gic' I ... . . ties such as agh'and r elm at the ex- Wrs- :S. A.,'Mrilllerr has returned af- MM_., R. Pr ,Rtll�e - ------. ' ' r , � . Mrs4 Win. Butt, Mrs. gQ.od baking powder. 1(taii'll, Baking Powder. And it's so . e. . pense of',p;Dplar and ma-ple. I ter spendinig-isome time ,in Strs�tford- A. McGregor, .all of Sesfortli, and find Canada's leading cook: inexpensfi�e. ,'Actually - le q _.- � -- ., - I 8L � . . When entering a planbation, wi th IM,?6 and. Mins WilloaM Houghton Mrs. jambs 'Reid; -of Toronto., 'who - ery experts advise'tEe use of thpis I 0 worth- in a- cake'! Order , � Oh't intention ,of thinning, "the first entertained a -number of friends last bave the sincere and heaxt$elt sym. Magic for perfect leavening .a tin todayl I Made Iii Canada , * . . . . ,, frees Ito be removed .should be those Friday e-�ren,11`1190 . . pathy of ,the entire comintuniity ' in - " , I - .1 � . I I . ­ . chowing sr'igns of ,dis,ease, Particu- Farmers are $busy in the sugar this , their sad hour of beereive�ment. �, �, . . .lar y h H;is remains were'l I � I . ' I is 00s the ca -!§e wit poplar. bu-76 n,.z)w. . ... ..... - �.r . I adIl tb Test in Hen- , .. . " I . .. I This ,species: is very susce*Zle to -The-Y. P. & of Knox PrIiSbkterian sall Union Ctarnetery and ithe pall- I __ . � . .- ' � ,. ... I , canker and as soon as the preseiree Church, Witchelfl ere pTesemJ1,ing'the1T* bearers were Wlessrs.,Edgear, Thomas . ;, , � __­ 1: . of the -dd'i;ihse is noticed (it cAn be pil-wA "Windy WiUlows," in . I �,. YNI NGI " . . � 'Staff a and Roy Butts, - Orvillo Workman, - i . I - " identified by the ugly bleek swellffigs Town ,Hall oii M!Wiiday eivening,'MaTch John Anderson.and Elzar Mous:s1eau. . "I - . . I 4 . Ritchiiie, � 0?% - , I -e which ulecur bn- trunk or ibra�ches) AhWME4vy / toT Cisamir,tY Those who attended the funeral from I ... \\ � . I I the offending specimer,;S Should beire-. Churcht. 'This; -play is ,coming well re- . a d1s.taT,ce were: John Butt, *1 Ralph I I . inaved. MaLow--fariii hesitate t ',do, eolnTnendled and promises to be , a WoIrkman, irlirkti, Wich; Roy atqn, 1. Like fresh fruits for flavod, - I this because, thi' d"Iseaste, usuallyosp- i�eil night's,fun. " I I I -Strattfordt; Win. Bell, - toronto - Mr. I I I I . I I - Colars for every qccasion. . . I I . I I '. ��.'.�`.�,-.., , , . I ]years when the tree ,is putting en its and Mrs. Reid and daugMer, �oron- ,��,,­. , , Quick and sure to set, too. . I -1 - , best growth. However, this is, fee- I , _____ -.1. . teeteeliteeteeet . to;MT. and MrX., McPhail, -Gdaderich; . 11,� . . � � ing Pei wise and' -pound foolish be-, .1 '111ENSALL �.-' .. Mr. T. XcDorfald', London; Mrs. Jes7 - I 1. ;�,?, Choose from the range of cause'these, trees act as a'so_­_ - . I sie Fraii-er, OxfoTdi, Uieh.; )MT. E. , ?1: dainty,, flavors on sale I t .. i,iifeecti6n to 9.11 the remiainin ,(Continued from Page 1) .. HaTri-son, Wingbiam; XT.' M26tbry and % I These . . - .. 11 at your grocer's. - I 'ars in the -belt and irt is ni g Mt. Tick4t; Glin0pli anif Mi.- a -lid .. � ... I . . . � a4oee- lislee,. 4 London,, spent Gundity with fore they tare, aU, diseaseed. If these their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Mrs. Britton, Dublin. ,delicious Menu Makem . I trte�e's are remolivibd early they are Carlisle. I . The Young Nbp,lie of 8t._ Andlrery�`s . . . cost but a few cents each. quite likely 6:) sProut-again from 1�he IMr. and Mrs,. John FlAber, whobaive United Ghurch put! on, their p1lixy eni- I I � I . __ I., .1 � . . . . ro,ct , and thij,g pfrovi!de a constant spent. the, whiftr months with their UtIled, "Whiere's Gruiiaini?,11.1 at Mils-, MSLARENS LIMITED . . I A I - ' Source of golod V40TOUS growth in daughter ,and sb-n-in4aw,, Mr. and green on, Tuesday-A+�&hinig ,of thisl . HAMILT I I . . 'the undeir-story of Ahe, belt. week' and will -again, present it in Mca .68. 1. kPly-409= 9 � All dead Wood should be (or 1: Xrs. Thlompson., in Toronto, returned � a ,N2E==__&11L__� d . .." . jeastion- to th'617' home blere� On S*turdAy.,. Brucefleild this FTjday te1vierAng. '" - I '­ I . ally reemoved. The deald tops',of win- Miss Mavis Spencer, of Dashwood'i ' . . - �'7 1�, I. , I � 'ier-killed maples detract cionstidera;bly, visited niver the the .1 , I. .1 I 1". � I 11, . I—. - . . I ­ ? fr0m theappearance,of 9, W,Vand it hom)'e, lof -her Pareir�t " MY. and Mrs. A - . I � ; is a. very -tedlious job attempting to Spencer. , 9" I . . : I I ,,, . I ;. 11 � . rern-ove, cmily those braniches'that have Mr., Sayn Rennie, spent the Week- � I 7 . -_ �, � � . . . 1. .. I ­ I . bie.qn killed. The, easiest. miet,hod is enla in Detroit- His-�n6theer, Mrs. E. �. I I I . , � I I I -ta 6hup the! trele off aft ,the root:' It Rennie, rwjh(6 hj�j7been in. Detroit fot, . I 61 I I I � I . . � will .,slovin sprout ,Nea;�ily fram� the ,a couplie of weeks,, - returned ,hrome' . � . ' Wait cloillair and provid� a dense, .heavy with hd,Tn on �Monda,y. . I ' . - I . . --- --11-. - � I I ""' . I � I !!�elter If-th�s.&- w#ter-killed, maples. ., IMr. John Drurnmb,IM viorl(ted with 0 11 � . I . I I 1. gre bo:o numerous only',i,tew of them friends in ,01tint6; over the week-eend. - -1 01, � . I I 11 I I . ,,� . I Should be ,remov6d in one.thimhing. Mm. Robeirt Eacrett, of Deftit, I . . . . - � � . 4 . !If the bek can Stand further) thjh.a 5-plent a CIoUt,le of 41a,is thi-s week With I , , I . - . I . I ­ � , - I her slilster, M'M'Robert Piaiiaivi 'Sr, i I ; . . . I -let, . , 6 I li'�,g withotli opening it up tolo Tri&-;fi,, . - , I this can The divii-e anitong tbe:miachtan- ,- -Mrs. Mark Drys'diaae and Mrs. ,R ' ? �, . I - � ­__- � I t�,­ . , I I kiailly injured amid dieformed, trees. pa,terSion visibeed with felendig in Lou- . . . I I I Trees thait have been Split ,Or tiiatlW don aiid'_8l1K_Thoema,9 on Hape your Suits and Dresses ck '" I . I Ithe - - Saturday last. . I , ­ _ - aned, A I . deformied -by W-eliht'of %now ,or Misr, L,�Dru-rntndnd az'id Miss Filbr- .. I .. I I . . '. . I . . I 61ose that 1hav,e been. imejurad i -n &ny ence Welsh open1t; . Thursd'ay, last in I 1. -1 .... ;. i*her way M27 VeTy wdill be er6mov- London. . I 1 I � I � and pres'sied ; they'will lo . I . , ed, . I'l 1�lt . - Miss Beryl Druminiti is Visiting I 1 ... . I I " 6k like new.. . '' ,�, In the caso- of ,a s which mav with friends in Woodstock this week. f'. - I . - I , .......-Y . . � -.1 I I . : . " .., . have been, neglected ,thee Peatest, ai . d Mrst. Alice pfaff jV Ivisitiligi, at� the -- � ." -.111 . � 00 IN --,--- .. '1homoe of hier �Ion and dau;glhte . � . I , 1.11. - its - I I 6 . to hea,lbhy dfievalopme* cin be , - 'Wo b�e ,well pliase'd with reS,u . I 9ecur r4m4aw . . . . 4 - , .- 11 . ed by breaking out'a,itrip of land on Mr. and' (Mrs. Ray Pfaff, of Dellbi, ` ­­ . I . � I ,, - -1 ... �. _. . I . I - , m , " I.* a I each Slide ,of the beft 4.%Dmie 18 feet . The Mistses Agnes, Faiirbalrn add '. � ., . 1. . e . I .� I..... , I vhft If thdig'19 ikept.,well cultivatLecl Im Allan spent a very . . ."", . A I ,enjoyablee 0 SPW.qr�.Oyerewtta: cleaned,, ' St low. - 11.... . 11,11 � 1.11 � - , , - 11 . . . 11- �. . ellCh Year it wIll pToi,H,e­=r-GdAitiK)r-a1: -week Ett the bymei ,t& Srrr - ifici mrii; -- - - - ­ ", ,­:'...- - '. , .., _­.. _ ......'-__1._. . � � ap,4-: - ' - S1 19 . . -N.!.: k . - duree of TilciAture for the trees and Afthut Nichi of S169forth. . . I . I I 8 ..... �. . . I . . . � 4 . I ill stop gralsi and, weeds from en- , 4 , I � . , pres� ed i .. ... ..... 1. �.­­ 4. . I'' 'il W, ,��IAIIL I ,.. I . . 11 . I The 'Missiest IsTiellie Fee aiq4.Mar- . I .* 11 At . .1 . fiel& Phe'rd are, 4,nd, halvte ibeen �.. . �' . , 0 Dress6s, .'eleandd a0d pre' 'I 0 . � ercaching into the bo-fts, fro n�arb:y gait*t ;8he � "ims. """ Many roloits will] be tqrp up '1n, stuffering ,from GO att!6ek 'of niesisles. .. . ' .1 . sse �40 ,,$-, 0 � . � I � I verfairftAug WS lorPeration but , if . .. WES -i . -. I from 1..*.-,..... 1. i .......... I......,..- , , . Mr. W,habar,SPenter wais quite P61or- ' 'w� I . . 0 sibPallow ploughing is done the -dam- I during �tlhet p ,­ . .. � nige, is not saribus'i, r, ". aqb Week and, eanftn� , I . I , I t ' I z # . � , I . I Z to hils boinp -ft,kxm alje� e&ets 4, 0�: I - , � 1 %-' 6 . 6 Siiits,�,Drelssed ... 1. ..e.'. . . QP ...... �, I 650 Old,:beftjs sthiat �ontgfin a wiry' tlefv�em bold, Wt 11 i .- �1. . �­ large per- is um much'' - .­.. .� .. . I I . I ... 1. - 11 ''I "n'tave 4 povhw thAt iS dyting olut, jMproVe)Cj � I I . I . I I , . 11-1. . � 69 . I I 1. . . "I ... I . threatening to, leavej the farinear, oll ff,g& I . . , . .1 A . . . 'to . ja)rjj:C4 , , . ' " ..:`. 71 . wt%, IN , I , ' - ' . 'no beat at sal, cant be uendeerplanited. 316.6, lht ibli� - I - � �y I . 06 � * 6 t wftk `w%h rdl& ' 7 % I — �� . . . . : ---- , . > '' , . - , , , . .1 %i,% 6prucel. 1%e, tbin oaiad;e, - , ... . . � I . .. � ea �by- (the pro�jd, ,tives Ond frittilarlit1q....1iondon, ' , I . , � , . y 11 . , 4, . . I G - r - v -,..,,, . , -, I . S D . UN V 0 � - ' h. this "citton, I , be; ' It � L . . iliia . .1 povar miakes, iddal',proeec'_ A. numVber ini have ft I 1. 1. -6. I I . I . "I'l . .. .. & , . - . . ­ I . I ton f Pft. .-'etv&greeh stemodling4% Makimtj ftilologlSt6 in q.1;djV6 llatgeel 411- � . . Of& . -1 . ., 1. I .1 . " I . . .. I . , . . # . 11 I �, .1 nMI - � ,�, ; �,_. - � r,,:--,! I � I � , . _.ft . - ��;, I ,I - .". � . I 11d, 'AnOT19,9#06 , , . . I L I , ' ' tEd see iftgs, beierome e, tiblish,ei, it . 1, -Phoie 2271. % L . .. .. �' �� ,,, :."..__ I 1. cali � .... .2 Mte*' 1 40. �' I We and Deliver.. des ; .. � - . I I .1i. I I . I . . _g ,.' , ;, ', " ti�, �,',.�A.�r'..;,,.x,, ., �..',Ax,., � , -�, "d�"';"'i& " " � ':L'_1, ". � 4. . LV " ' 'A;1�4� - - " ' ' ' ' ' ' "'L.. � 11. ., .� I I - 1. - . . 1�1 - � , , I I - edi the tpoplIft at -bei. rd"Qd, I I " . . � 44 1.1-1-1.- ­­..... 1-11". " - 1. . - . ­''!"� . ..... %L"'_'L-'­­ � , I 11 - � I 11AW, 1 IiIA -i I I ", , . . I — I ­. " ,, ��,J I .1 I 1, I , I � 1� I . I . ,I�n, : r . - , . ­. % I I I ", 4'" . 1­7�,-, , , , , # * - L . ", . � � i. ­'. "', � <� . -T I -_ I I . � � � 1. . I (. , . � ', ,,1 '�.' . i6-- , , � � � i � I I . � - ; - -------- T��F ­� I � -11, . I . I - . . . 'L W I I :. I I I I I , ` I I , �, 1". t. �,, I � 11 .: �11 . I ­­­.. , d .�",�'.. ,"t, ' L , ' � . . ..... � I.....- "I . ­ . I - . I I I . . . I ., : e " I �.. � . L " . , ' �,� "..k ,I � '. . - � , , -, " � . , . .. L;., . . � . . . I I .1 . . , .� - t- . . , . I : . . ., , , .� 1: _11, % _', - " I . I , �i, .;i. . ,,. . � I , I ," , " -. . � . - , � . , . . .- . , , , � . . - I �L � L ,� , # I I , . I I , . I I I . � I ­ � ;, , �, :,. , . . � , "a � . . : . I .;, , . I . . I , L I I I , '. ", , , A , ,_ I I " ,�,� .. t . L " , i, � i . . , . " , , , I ;, L : ' ' : ,;�. , �� . �, .�R. ,"*,�'-� , , i .: ". �� , I ... I ., . . � , L L. ..1.1, , . .� . . I I � , , .� ,­ , % ' ' ' ., . "�', `� k'� ' , I . , I , "! , W . . � 1� . � L . I . 4, , ,�L e I I , , " , , , �,;�j�) . �; $,' 1, - .. W I I , n C ;, .. � . I ; , 1. I I" " i-Ak . I..., ..: . I , , ", .. . . �, , . . I i I . " ;., , , , ". , " . � . 0 1 1� � , " , i 1.'Li,� " � � �1, " . , � , , , . � .4 - , g � , i ,� , �, ., ,,, , , " . I . I 1, hL v�l Alllq.�� !. N �', �,.� ,;i� - �i-,, o. :�,% " -.1 t , '. , I . , � - * "I - I ' , � 11 ` filwl�"" 'M I � ,� �. � -I'L.� �, ., .-L'; � , I , � I I I AN � - .. V , i0l, A I& Awo ,� .