HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-20, Page 8S1 tfit't 4i1li'4 Tri }va,�Pa ti %f '4 !, l� F lti ( wiEsiiity GROUND 'W'HILE YOU : WAIT 25.c .14.11•1PRIR SNAPS ' . TaQD'•fl. BIS'CU'ITS 2 Pounds . 25c PEANUT BU'T'TER 5 a.c 4' Tins CORN .STARCH 25c 3 pounds .... . ....... .•�. . SWUNG POWDER$ 12 -oz. Tin with Rubber Table Mat; All few c3.AI It''S+Y,OATSUP Bottle CLARK'S PORK & BEANS - COWA1N S COCOA . Large Tin 3EPSOM SALTS ' patinas , c � -.� SULPHUR 6 pounds 25c 15c 11c 25c 25c 25c A. C, Routledge PHONE 166 Insurance E� *ST Ee- WT !Congratulations.- • -,Macy old friends in 'Seagerth. and 'Vicinity will fain The Expositor in extelyding. • congratula- tions and beet wishes for many'happy returns of the clay, do Mr. William Eig're, who eeleibra'bed hiis 86th birth- day on 'Saturday. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN FIRE - " AUTOMOBILE LIFE LIABILI'T'Y• - PLATE GLASS WINDSTORM PERSONAL ACCIDENT INLAND TRANSPORTATION GUARANTEE 'BONDS Lowest Rates with Absolute Financial Strength Rates and ' Information gladly given. CALL OR PHONE US WATSON & •RED Phone 214 Seaforth Specialists in .All Kinds of Insurance. sof •t*& W!, 'G. 13arber, .Mrs•. J. H. ..Fetid..-toala--ate- lbad- irele--'8, and gave the opening 'Fayed Mist Chap- man read the Serap'ture and M!tss M ,r Bamber gave the third ' ehapber of thts study 'hook. 1M'iss. •Maylbeille EazU� farv'ored eolith' an appropriate Irish'viialin-slollo wird Miss Myrtle Car- ter gave the Wlaltsh 'rawer ;paper. Af- ter 's'inging a hymn, the meeting dos- ed with the Mizpah Benediction. • Northside W. M. S. Meets. — The W. M. S. wf Northside United Church held their regular in the dhu,rcib, en Thursday after'aoon,'lviarch 12, with a good a t tendanoe, the presi- dent, Mrs. Laing, presiding. The meeting was opened by singing 'hymn "All For .Jesus," and prayer by Mrs., Laidig. The v'ari'ous reports were read and adopted and arrangements for'the 'Easter "than!kroiiet'ing and other business diiscu,s'sed. .Mrs. Laing read a letter from Miss' Mustard, Superintendent of Hearst Hospital, in acknowledgment of a bale ,of cloth- ing which., was sent to the, hospital and telling of the great meed of the •people• of that district. Mrs Wil- lianis, Temperance ,Mtc,rettary, gave a very interesting paper. The devo- tional :period was in charge of Circle No. 3 with Mrs. Spender presiding. The hymn, ".What a Friend We Have in Jesus'' lves sung and the Scripture lass= read by Mrs. Spencer followed :Mrs.B. ,.They n. ~.Vttiti prayer by J.mps,� The dev ti'onal leaflet, "The Spirit of Jesus Set fling 'Disputes," 'was read..by Mrs. Hinehley. A 'beautiful solo by Mrs. Patton, of Toronto, was, much appreciated. The" topic, "Christian- rty and ,Life," was taken by 'Miss. Lawrence and was very interesting,, cieelrng with family life, industry, ag- riculture and health of the people •ofr Africa . Papers were read by Miss Somerville, 'Mrs. Thlom,pson and Mrs. •H.inehley. The meeting was closed by' singing, "Tale 'My Life and Let It Be" andothe Mizpah Benediction. Death of Staff Sergeant Edmund Keating The sad death of ,.Edmund Keating occurred at Fart 'Wrd'rden, Washington, U.S.A., en 'March 12th. after an illness of one.'nionth. The Ston 'of 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keating of Seaforbh, and brother of Mrs: Ar- thur Foreman, .Fort William, Edmund' was a graduate.,of Seaforth Separate sehool 'and 'Collegiate Insttitute. He was two years on the staff of the Bank of. Comm,ea•ce and resigned' to accept a position 'in' the National Cash Register, 'Detroit. , Afterwards he enlisted in'the Finance Depart- ment of the U. S. 'Militia and saw service in Texas and O'klahama and foreign service in the Panama Canal zone. In November, 1931, he mar- ried Anne, daughter of Lieut. C'l'ark, of Balboa Canal pone, and now - of Chicago. He is survived by his wife and three small • children. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —Northside United Church 11 a.m., ,sermon topic:, "Temptation," eighth in a series on theLord's Prayer; 7 'p.m., 'sermon topic, "Religion and Life: What Difference Our Religion Should .Maize." Sunday schogl at 2.30 .p m.— Rev. T. 'A. Carmichael, Minister. 'Elgm'ondville 'Church .— 9.55 a.nr., School, . 'Wbaship, 'Study and story by Mira James Allan on 'Missions. Mr. Passmore, of Hensall„ will con "duct services -both morning and . ev- e.nin'g..:—'Rev. Charles Malcolm, Min- ister. First Presbyterian Church -Morn- ing worship. at 11; sermon, 'The Story of a Man and a Parable." Sun day school at 2.30. Evening service at 7; s'ernron, "An'ot'her Chapter From the 'Book of Revelation." Heart- iest welcotie to all services --H. C. Feast, 'M'in'ilstter. 'St. Thomas' Church—Fourth Sun- day in Lent; Sunday School and Bible Class 10 a.m•.; morning service, 11 erne! sermon topic, "The Second Word of the Great Ministry" (series). Evening service, 7 p.m.; sermon top- ic, "Life, a Conditioned Gift." All welcome. --Caron E. Appl'eyard, Rec- tor. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL ..SERVICE 0 0 Main Street, Seafarth 0 O O OS. T. Holmes, residence, :0 O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service 0 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0 0-- Charges moderate. 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 . H. C. BOX - o O FUN-ERAI. SERVICE 0 0 O Licensed ,Embalmer Ambulane Service 0 O• Hospital Bed .0 • 0 with adjustable ratchet oper- 0 O ated spring. for rent. Ot O Night Calls Day Calls •0 ...0-„s• Phone 175 Phone. 43 0 0 O '•0000000000.,.00 noilo 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O FUNERAL 0 0 RAL SERVICE 0 0 W. J. WALKER . and 0 0 JOHN R. WALKER; Jr. O 0 Licensed Embalmers- and 0 - 0 Funeral Directors. 0 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 0 attended. 0 0 PHONE 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 E. C Chamberlain Clerk of -the Second Division Court County of Baron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Oifiee 'hours ; — Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. SERVICES- WE CAN RENDER.. Life, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance. If in the -mar- ket for any of the •above. lines, kindly give us a, call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN ' Insurance Agencies.' - Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. 3485-tf pre LOCAL BRIEFS Y. P. S. Holds St. Patrick's Night. —On Tuesday' evening the Young .People's Union of Northside United Chrurch held their'regular meeting in the basement of the ch'u•rch.. Miss Margaret Beattie, social convenor•.. baud •change of the first part of the ,program which torik the. form .of a 'banquet. The table was.; prettily dec- orated in real St.••Patc'ick's style. The boys wore green , ties' and the' girls green hair ribbons. Aftetr.lunch Don- na Mole gave a reading entitled, "The Irish -School ':Master," which was much enjoyed. Miss Mildred Cud - more, m.i'ssilonary- convenor, then took Charge. A. hymn was. sung and Ee- elyn Carmichael led in prayer. Miss Myrtle 'Carter read a letter;. from Mre. Wilford of West .Chine, telling of the great work she and Dr. Wilford are acc'omplis'hing.. They are trying to' fulfil that command our Saviour left, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every cr e.atoms." The• Scripture wase read by Zetta Da,nl'op. kr. Sam Scott very ably diem'esed the topic, "The Value of Prayer." A hymn was then sung and. the Meeting cloned .kip -repeating' the Mizpah Benediction. The rem_ windier of the evening was spent in -games and" contests. •• Mae Lane Auxiliary Meets.—Six- teen rpenabers of the Mae Lane Aux- iliary answered the roll eall at their meeting in the basement of North- sid'eUnited- 'Church Monday evening. The meeting was 'opened .by a few moments of •silent .prayer for the Kingdom of God _vloverirent, followed by a prayer by the president, Mrs. Close. 'After a ,hymn -was sung, a prayer for our fcfreign missionary,Mrs. Bruce, was offered. Splendid reports were given by the recording secretary, the treasurer and the tem- perance secretary. During the busy ness discueSion it • was; decided to h•rave Mrs, W. P. Lane and daughter. Hel- en, •of•G::•derich, for the Easter-than.k- offering, the third Monday in April, also the Virginia Jubilee Singers on Thursday. April 30. In the fence - Insurance - With the enormous increase in auto... accidents, .you, -cannot afford to take chances. Let us protect_ you. Rtes are low in compari- ,pont with— •-•- protection %kiven. Prompt_ _ service and. payment of Chanel.' •In ;base . 01' trouble; the Company's Agents.. through Can - aid acre, at;point w erv'ice; Ett9jop yetis' .t i�'pa protected by one of our Auto Policies. Auto ^; Fire - Wind.. Cttnyeyanehtg '• . to Etta. •....,laird. i2a EUCHR andDANC WED., MARCH 25th 8 Pan. Under auspices -• Thomas Mc- Millan Young Liberal Club, in the CLUB ROOMS. EUCHRE - PRIZES - LUNCII. DANCE Admission - a 25 cents • Mrs William Bezrrv; of Brucefield, is a guest at the home of her ,bro- ther, Dr H. H. 'Ross.. • Mrs. W. H. • Hawthorne and two children, of Goderich, spent the week end at' the hiome of Mrs,; R. (Haw- thorne. • Mrs. F. Cud'm•ore and Miss Nancy. of Toronto are guests 'thiis_ week at the home of 'Mi•is.• Cudnnore's mother, :Mrs. 'J. F. Reid. •- • Mr. and Mrs. 'M: A. Reid were in Toronto over the week -end. . • Canon E. Appleyard has bean called to • attend the quarterly meet- ing of Huron College Council, to 'be held in Lhndon on Thursday 'evening. Mr. Thomas Jackson and Dr. E. Ap- pleyard accompanied the Canon in order 'tio visit friends during the clay. • M,r. J. G. !Mullen was in'', Galt on Tuesday attending•th,e funeral of the late Mr. Brown. • Mrs. J nett, 'Miss Mary Flett and Miss Mary Bell attended the Skating Carnivalmin-Toronto on Fri- day. • Mies Elinere Burrows, 'of Strat- ford, spent F. week=end with her father, Dr' F J Burrows NOTIC. • The annual meeting of the Sea - forth Athletic Association will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 1936, at 8 p.m, at the Carnegie Library: The annual report will be submitted and discussions as to plans and sorts an -1i ' the election "of officers and com- mittees for the ensuing year will take place. • -• • The live cities art'. towns support sports. Your Association has been fielde responsible a s or h forday f t children, resurrecting Duncan Cup hockey and encouraging all manner of good clean sport. • Attend the meeting and show your interest. All are welcome. Seaforth Athletic Association IIP Gt1A11.0 .: president mEttfl:'1'l�' A. 1 Bltb - Secr'etar ' `IMM;EliS 111.cturr - Tringiteet and you ,should safeguard , your car by having the oil and grease changed to the proper kind for Spring. Sealed Shell Gasoline will make your car run more, smoothly! CALL AT THE SHELL • STATION 4 H. WESTON - GODERICH ST; SEAFOII.TW ton was read by, .Mrs. Roy Lawson Mrs. 'Hu,gi•1l, of %roup 8, then took charge of the m'eet'ing. A hymn was suns after which '. Scripture lesson from Mets 1:1-13, 14:81-28, 15:31-33, was read by Ruth Hu'gilf. ,, Leaflet, "The ;Spirit of Jesus Settling 'Dia-. pute" Dis- pute" was given by Mrs. • Roy Law son. The study book was in charge. of Mrs. R. Rogerson. • An ins'tru'inen- tal was played by Helen Britton, fol- lowed by a 'playett'e;. "The "Vision." given by Mrs. Hu dl.l Mrs. Lindsa Y and Helen IBritton. A hymn was Sling and the meeting cloiked with the Mizpah Benediction. - Luneh w a s servted. _ in. W. Logan, of Blyth, and Mrs,. Justin (Sinclair, of B'ri,gden, vi ted at . • Miss Elizabeth .McLean, of Len - don, spent the w'ee'k -end with her par- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. K. M. ,iVIcLe•an.. • 'Mins IDoble has returned from Toilon'to where she . spent several weeks with friends. • 'Miss Sally Wood and Miss Bait'h Thompson spent the week -end in To- ronto • :Mr. C. Eckert was much surpris- ed on Monday when he slug through the snow da•lfjrs which he expected wrrul,d have protected the trunks of the young apple trees in his 'orchard, to, find that rabbits had 'barked every tree to the roots, and all will be a total less • Mr. ,and Mrs. Stanley Gray and family, of Stral`.iford, were week -end guests at the hong of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McMillan in Figm'ondville. • Mrs. W. •('b Bamber is visiting at her hone in Toronto. • • • Slides of Africa and her people will be shown in the sch'ool;raoin of Ncrthside United Church on the ev- ening of Thursday, 'March 26th, un- der the auspices of.the W. M. S. • Ti -ie Euchre Club will hold a euchre tournament in their club roams beginning Tuesday, March 24, for members only, and entries must be made not later. than Friday night. GOA. prizes have been donated by Christie 'Bros. • The Women's Hospital Aid in- tends holding a rummage •sale on Saturday, April 18th, •• An antique tea will be held by the Women's .Ass'o'ciation of North- side United Church on •Friday, March 27th, whem there will -be a display of antdiq•ues and pioneer relics and an exhibition ,of spinning. •• Mr. Edmund Daly was in Toron- to'6n Friday attending a meeting of Radio Engineers. •• Dr. J. M. Field, Inspector bf Public Sclhoolrs, made his ',official visit to the -Seaforth public school this week •The annual Public School concert will be held Friday evening. DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 17th 0_in G. W. V. A.. Hall, Seaforth o -Tony Farr's Orchestra Under auspices of Sodality Girls of St. James' Church, Seaforth. t7hlRtholneq,' IVA B. II 0- eneen bu ClivT 3*. ; The e Wu1e aunt nd W1dtt"ig. their mon,th(ly meeting ! n.'Friidaly ev- ealesg in the sandal" ach.'ooi momof the, ohrdla. Owing to the outbreakof mnleas'lesl the 'Mission Band ' ce n,cea'rt will postponed '.unt l Faiday, 'April 3. The county* road from the village to Nov '8' Ib ghlwny • is open to car traffic; .Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson and Lorna visited] Mr. and ...Mrs. J.. Davidson at Bruaefield on .Wedne dlay. WALTON Duff's W. M. S. Meets The mbn'tah.ly, tweeting of the IDV: M. S. of Duff's United Chnzreh was held in the fbarsemnent of the church on Wednesday afternoon,. March .11,- with the president, Mrs (Rev.) C, Cum- ming 'presiding. ' During . the "'' tirsrt part of :the meeting the Day 'off Pray- er ,program was followed. The twtpi,c from the study b'oo'k was taken by Mrs. Cun-im ng. The secretary, b,Ibte. John MdDbnald, read the miinutefs' "off the previo'tds fined '.ng and called the roll, which was a wered by a Scrirp- tune verse be!ginn ,g with the tetlter• "M." • Duri'n'g' the busb- ees periods it was decided 'ib inv'i'te the Brussels W. M. S. for • the 'Easter ^Th'aruko suing m'ee'ting. CONSTANCE The W. A. and W:M. S. !held it "d'i.'nt sWeeltinrg in the School roam •of the chi dh off'. Thursday, March' 12. - At. the Windex were read and a adopt ed and tills bit .masse'., a let - ted. of.-•60061a'tiiellt f'r'oth E'e'lerr• %Ixtiir Eat�n--- Dr3. Cleaners and Dyers SUITS Ai 1D DRESSES — 'Cleaned and Pressed. ,n From now to Easter.."4,04,8 L:. F. BOLTON ,AGENT ' SEAFORTH 1 McKILLQP 'M;d101l oip, Bethel and t uff'd,. ,lAti 11 a.m ,and 8.45 'ppm., Bethel and D,uff's services lMemibers of +the Young PebI ets (Society will assist in the aerdviiees. 'The guest speaker wi,l1, be !Rev. Elford, of Elgnsondvnlle, and will speak on "Some E'ssenti'als Flor the Christian. Life," a. sermon to young peopl. -r Rev. 'G. E. Morrow, Minister. ntique Tea IN NORTHSIDE "UNITED CHURCH On Friday; March 27 from 3 to 6 p.m. Under auspices of Women's' As- sbciation. — ALSO Display of. Pioneer Relics and Antiques. EXHIBITION OF SPINNING Everyone . Welcome ADMI SSlON- ;: 25 __CENTS, FIIBBERT -.Whig funeral -book place IMondayi af• Mania "'Gerry, wi'dolw• .of 'Slalrirr,ue1 Ke'stile. 'Mrs. 'Kes'tle letft • H'ilbbert Tp. •thia••by-five year, ago and made her , in !Kam,Uoo B. where she .hams ,pss C., died suddenly IMare'h 8. She is sur- vived by :three sisters: Mire. E. S. Wood, of Ke n:o'orps; Mrs. L. C. Ger- ry, of Edmonton, and Mrs. W. Belrn- ,erd, of De!troi't, •and One brother, Dr. B. J. Gerry, of Kamloops, T. J. Kestte 'andF. R: Ing Iti�e are halo ,tvers- in4aw and Mrs. E. }Dory, of "E setter, . a 'sister-in-law, Thlesreanai'nis arrived from London on Sunday 'at the 'hrome .of her .nephew, C. 'W': Kestlle, John Street, and ' interment was made in Exeter cemetery 1VLond'a!y afternoon. Her nephew, W. E. Gerry, of Kam- loops, .accompanied the remains. C -O NCERT BY PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN • Drills • Operetta .__ • Dances and Songs Directed by Prof. A. W. Anderton. Trained by Public School Teachers. Auspices of Home & School Club CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 20 at 8 p.m. - TICKETS 25c RESERVED 35c CHILDREN 15c, learance ale t TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAIN PRICES• •'ROG,EIRS $20 00 64.1,0�L KrOLSTEIR.... 8 -tube r.... �Z'"J"lo.. f1`VEST.IiNGROUVS'E too rtitu!be L O t APIW1VthAbER KENT , I30,00 • These are - only a few of the many good values. SEE THE DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW Every machine has been com- pletely overhauled and is guar- .. anteed to give entire satisfac-, tion. J.F.DAL PRONE 102 SEAL+ OR'I`E ST. Ct LUMBAN Rev. Father Powell has returned from Wildest- where he attended the funeral .of. -his sister, Mrs. Roach John •10"Sullivan 'Itis returned from Bayfield Where he visited his sister, Mrs. Wilds. New pring- Hats. On View Now 11 Stride .In# the new. -season Wearing one of our Choice New Straw •Hats • :We have some of the Smartest, Styles .shown at popular Prices: • Our Hats always bear a standard for comparison. • Don't fail to see the New Arrivals as they come fre- quently from now on. Miss Mary O'Sullivan has returned' from Stratford where she spent a Month with friends. n IMiti Patrick Flannery had the. mis- fortune ie to 'break a couple of ribs when he slipped, and fell. In honor of their recent marriage Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Connor were •p•r•esent ,d' with a washing machine and .a purse recently. A pleasant evening was spent • at their home when thleilr friends assembled. STAFFA The, Women's insti'tu'te will meet on Wednesday, March 25. ' Roll call, your grandm'other''s • maiden name. The grandmothers will . have charge of the program with Mrs J. Hill, co'nv'enor. Any one having ',antique needlework, -.Please bring for the dis- play,. Hostesses, 'Circle 5;' C'on'venor, Mrs. M. G. Davis.' GODERICH' TP. On Saturday afternoon 'Mrs's 'Edna. Somersall en'terbain•ed nine 'girl friends at a 'happy ,birthday party. Games were played during the after- noon and a dainty supper sersled on .a table gayly " deco'ra!t-ad • in g r e'en • and white in'•" keeping with the St. Pat- rick's.season. The guests were 'Miss- es Jean and Maxine McAllister, •I:so- bel .Fuller, 'Mary" Harwood, Betty Sowerby, Arthemise, Lorraine, Paul- ine andCll•arice Lassalene Mrs: •Somn- er's(all was assisted' by Miss Madeline Naftel, and Mrs. JR-nbert Sowerby. Inspector E., C. Beacom paid his visit to Union School' on Friday. William Jennings and Alma at- tended the funeral of John Stgepe an Saltford. Mr. and Mrs. Dave 'Elliott and Lil- ly' have moved to •the "second conces- sion to the farm tof Williams West- lake. - ,M•r. and Mrs. Carl •So!we!rby and family are moving to the 3rd conces- sion 'to the farm formerly owned by Mrs. Janes Ross. WING HAM chair. The meeting 'opened with a 'hymn ,and this call to wor'shi'p and re- sponse. The Mission Band prayer was repeated in unison and business was dis'cuss'edi. Misse Helen Blanchard 'read theScripture lesson.:. Miss Bes- sie Blanchard told a delightful story, and the offering was then rede'ived. The hymn, •'"W'e Aa'e Little, 'Sol'di'ers" was sung and the meeting closed with the IMizpah 'Benediction. - Me. Bruce vagan spent last week in London. 'Miss Ari'g.ela Gibbons, of Hers•son, spent last •week end at the home of her parents in London. • Dr. W. A. ' N eKibtbon, 'wnhio :ehas• b'onght the pma,ctise of the late Dr. Colborne, has permanently establish- ed .himself in his practise in Wing - ham,. ' • ,Mm. a;hd Mrs. E. R. 'lla,ra iison and daughter and( Mr: -and Mrs. W. H. Miller and Helen returned from a six 'V:tereks' " vacaition in Florida. Mrs1. W. L. 'Craig, tof Ton;ante, who bas been Visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. "Armstrong, has returned to Toronto. All, the main road's, leading . to Winghuann are in fair •budith'on .'s'ince the mild weather of the pastweek or tido, but the storm Friday left same heavy drr fta in this 10eintilty. IA number of farmers an this vilcin= ity-.wereebusilyeerigage,d.in fie" iitiaiplle syrup business during the recent mild spell. • WINThROP ESI)VILLE IMx: and .Mrs. Dawson Smith; To- ronto, were week -'end guests with the. farmer's parent's, Mfr. '.and Mrs. S. Smith. :Mr. and- ik rs. 'Stanley Gray and family, 'Stratford, were .S'unday guests with M. an dr "iVLns. W. F. McMillan. (Mrs. Ivan •Hargreaves has 'return- ed to her home in Long Branch after. s'fisi'ting. her ,parents(, Mr. and Mrs. T. G Shilllirvglaw. Mrs. W. Kyle 'df Victoria, B. Ce was a•. Oat 'with Mir. and .Mrs. George H'il'ls. - The regular monthly m,ee'ting of the Neil :Shaw ',Mission Circle 'was held' en Thiunsday evening art--- the home of 'Miss Jean 'Smith, • with 'the president, Marion Wallace, in charge Plans were made .for the Easter thankoffering .and the project was discussed: Helen Powell- read the IGerrinan measles haves,been quite prevallent in the community this past c'oii le 'of Weeks,. The eaterrpilllar snow plow went through +dh'e. village on Thursday of last week and Made an excellent- .'rob bf the roads, btr Frfd'ay's•. sn'o'w storm blotIced 'thn! eagain, the -county anew ,plb v,wenit through a couple 'Of limes Ore rS,at>wr'day'. ,Mr, !Tiatrry Ad -soft bas 'bean en.., gaged with iMir.-'1tarold•• Lawrence for e moiikih', • Helping Rand Mission Band • 'Stile :,tnesttitfarr ,tne'oitntt ' . of the'..11leb- ing! 'Brand lil7trtssibiiu' Rand 'rias lieudi on 'Srntd2ts (e' :eftan ' i t flli2l ilea eirrieitin of', Ate oh' h' topth the voidtitnti fnfth# Scriiptume lesson after whi'oh Janet Townsend led iii prayer. ,•A.iltice Thompson very capably illustrated the second chapter lof''ihe study book, "God"S 'Candle Lights." Laura Steiw- ar't read an interesting story after whish the m'eeiting :dosed with a hymn and the Miz:pah,tben'edietrion. A. Social half-hour was spent and re- freshments served by the hoslterss and s'o'cial convenor, Alice Thompson. • " Y. P. S. Meet \ " The Egmend'vi1.Ie Young Pec,ple's Society met 'oh Tuesday night with a good attendance. After singing the hymn, "Rescue the Perishing,". . the Lard's Prayer was- re'pea'ted in uni- son. The 'president, Jean 'Smith, tihen asked the questions. The minutes, of the last meeting were mead by the secre'tary,_gnd sons 4busiruess was. dhs- cussed.. y The offering was 'taken by Palmer Coombs. Hazel McLaughlin then took charge of the meeting and the hymn, "Blest- 'Be the Tie That Binds" was - sung The, •Seripbure, Mattiheed 26:¢8-42, was read by Haz- el IMoLaughthin and Isabel Forrest lied in''prayer..Mona and James McGre- gor delighted the audience with two" - well -rendered guitar seledtions. Mr. Joseph- Forrest spoke', in a worthwhile and interesting manner on the topic, "Th'e Value of Prayer to e." • The meeting closed by •singing the Na- tional Anthem and repeating he Mize yah ,benediction. • Way Out In Fron 0E- Vitafood Chick Starter is away out in front as the leading choice of Poultrymen in this territory.' Already more than twice as many F•oultrymei! are using this feed as were,using it at- this time last year. It is rich in essential proteins, minerals and vitamins, and fortified With cod oil. Its freshness .is''a factor iii its palatability, pro-' muting;superb food -consumption with rapid; sturdy growth and development—and . its moderate cost is a big saving to, you:. ROE VITAFOOD isfully guaranteed. You must be satisfied. Raise a group of chicks with Roe VITAFOOD' , CHICK STARTER and watch them "gb places." 0 der a few (bags from your dealer and it will. convince you of its Merits. ,( Farms Milhing��eCo. ".Atwood = - Ontario Represented locally .by --- MR. 3AS. M.COTT, Seaforth. MR. AiBE'itx'RAVIS ' Walton.' Mit. IRVING WALLAC llyth...,.-.` MR. Z`E S O. WARE1`,l, ]d'ettdiillt a