HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-20, Page 6".V,,�,,NAU, -i"-'. w - "",4,.' "'' �'!" ,��,, , � " � , .1 "I " ..". �.i 11-1,111-111; . ..... ., ,­ ,"'., , . � � 1� .11 " I � �,�g­zw-;;,�,Mx, .r,;", -4", 4"� , I � �, . . I . � , z I I I '. * : I I � , I . ­', .�. : � 1 , , ,,,, !."., w,a,-,V,�T:-,,,,1,�,. -­" ��5;;,I�g��,'��el,141 � " � At��ZNi�g[�,� �., � � ,�­ ,� - . I., . .1 � , ,. , " � . . , , - I, � I - , I l� ; 1 ,�­, , �11 . 1— 'i I , . I . I � � . '. �. ��!. , I � . WiI . . I � r ­ - - - ,,, ,--- I , : i. - , ,-,� , 1,,T;4,i�i IN, : , T, � " , ,. i;,. " , , I I I � . . 4 ".., 1 ,,., . . .r , , . I I � I I �.,�� . I � � . � �,, . '.. , i 1. I ;. '�17 I I .. . . � 1 1 - � I %� I . .. . . I , I .. - , �.� . � . ��, I i , � ., 1-� ,,� I 11 � 11,17� - - , ,�.,, . I . I I ", I �1' X , I . . . I I I I . I TP , ,� 1. .1 11. . q � * I .1 � . '" 1. , ,, � � "� . , �� I il . ,� I �. , "'t -;,�,f� � ,.; .:., � . I . � . I � ��" � i 4V - , , �'. I . I I ,. , I . I � . . I I , , ' , I I . I , �, ... ,­ � " - -, ­­`­ - 1.11-11 -11.1, I --1 .11.- . . � . I . �, . . - A I , � �r � . , I. �, , - I "I , I I '� , . - . �� I , r , : . I . ! . � 1�',ff 11,11 , . . � I I .., .01, �F ,�' " '' MA, �- -V ,,� 1. Y - 0"", I., . , �,, , , ,�­ ,,, , T W11 1,1411M " - 1, '''�'. — f"It .1.1. ­ � . � I .. ; A'11%1,111; "A �,] ,q ji,:":,..,�,�-"-��,,�,�l.,,,,��",!;,::;.,�,��i.,��,-N,��"", "����l�,'����i;;�!t"��',���,�,t��.;;"P,, J­Ii,j­� r-,"�"t�',i,l�'��.",�..",7,!�,��)-f".I""�.:...'�s��-�",� � i;- 1"�,�,�;..",,�.,�,��y'll""I�'.1 ,.,.",",�,:�,,�,��"'i�.�,,�'I'll.",��,��-"�,�,�""."7,,�..�r ­ '' , ­.,, "." ­,�,�U,� ?"',;., ­"':�il,167-11 , '. �, ;��T` i�, , ­;` -VR " " � 0 ... ... "" � I . . " I 71�7.41, tl�', 1, 11! � 4P. .� ", : .4, . I V"!�"­ . $�,Nk,� " . %', - - ` , . ,T 11 i4,-P,y.11111 � -N, , - , .. ,� ". � 1. M 11'�",� . . - ., . � ! ,,,,A , , , ,�, � , � I � . �,­ �:.��,�,�`�p rp� , . , '. :. , , � , �..., ­..t��, � ,I 4A I � I "" "' : , �'! � � ;1 1. �, 1 ,,,1:,,,* , . :', ­ " 116 � I 17 11—-", " ," I .... -1'1'1:1: I �- .1 I . . - I .. .1 I . I I . .. I - — I ,. " ­­­­, .... ... . ­.­,,­' 1— 11 11 I I . I . �, I 1 4 11111— � 'dd. ,,"I'll � ij.. 7-1 .11, — �,­ - "... —1. - :1 1. — . .. I � 1; , ­ � ..... — , , . ­­ — — �. . I �11� -,,�:111,ji,j '01-'.1, ! .1 .1. �0 , _: P, .. , . . :, , I- :(" , . , ,� � V .11, . � ,� � "I , — Z : Z, Z, ... � Z' '"" � �, ­ , - � , ��;4 ­ I , . I . ; : ., �. . . .1 , .... . _.., ,!��, , ­� , �­' " — ii., I �... I � 11, I , ,- . V, , `�,,!`�.��t,,, 11 I .11, . � . I � �, 1:,� �, '' ,' , - -Z"--- " - Isp. 4-4ed, 414 a I '. ,, �, , ­ .1 . �1� I . , . 7 '­ . 7 -77, : ��7­� �­�, ��. -� 4 . a 00 , ­ U -W � , ,,,, I... . I,---, , — - , , , Ws A, V 41 -W110 4 � 4 .11,11, ­.­;,�, �.­ 1. � ,. � . . T - , . i Air -we . u0i V.- - . .11 . 4 � � ­ " I ., �, .1 .. '4% . i i" , , , ­­ ", . , �1' .. the' we 10 'am I . ". �eaoon W the early 'Cha�vh. At -4m. ;:,;` 'I, 1 ­­ teli�4111 it ,red , "I , I 111. -q , , -1 - V"+4w, of fr t� )U 1, - ", , � . ­ r� -: I ­� theimall ..W2#NDQ111q"DX"0 , - �: �, 1-1 -film . 4F -4 " " -.,%.-- . ­ - , ,� ii I - . " - - -, .. 400 W-� 1111viess, it is - 1, ': ed, aind also, it , i*, ­' I �,�,; .1 ­.., ��', , "" A, ­­­'­­-.7�. , �, , 1, - , . --- - 3�riwi" ,�Wn " ba ' � �,�­mlp,-1�1�1 , P,�drick . ­­. - .. . . .Z. . I ithe nloxtb iof 1-relAnd, lUdnappedt" .1-i"-�1:, - 1. - -1-1 - . .. . . !., ,. T i :.. . �-te­eist&b . very ewnenssw lisub,-anather I � �', � I., � t�, .V, - , !, I "�. ��.­ , .1 � , I ,i 1. � & , . - & ­ , ( - i ­ I - - , 1, , . , 1 .1, , , ,�', me " *I1 C , .1 �.. � 4 - .1 "I - . . , � . . li,,� I I,, vz,f�,' W Z� 1. . .. . , . . "Y'.", . . 'How, TagOom thh . � I . . - , "WYMMU, "'�, . . . , 9 imlinds! I . —�� "-V!----`---- *- ­­V---- ,��!,I,g` !(', .. I � li, I . an- I I . .;M-" , I � . . , .. "Mi- - I.. I ......... .... I woqVlOt by plauting. It Ule larmor .""'4g.", , . , ��r� I rJr . . .de�ides that a farm is b6tter with a . �,, , �, ; , . ­ . . � '11, ", ­­ . , . I tr&rk pro#iVQ, -sionlike fthi�* tended �;'­; . �� . I-' woloidlot he abould manage the mmod- '�T 917ra ed .'. I k i M,V'a - i . ' �,'71, I I obeep and' swine for some si, years. ��, . - I . . �, ­­� I I IGAMR'l "'1Q, lerd . andi- ow Day "Op the "'wes"' ""em" In A HKALTH, V,gRVJ,C,9.'4W,. I 191i with (the lob)eldt' of malintainlog 4t � A. �'� .. . "AiN, Ift 1;,�.,, I x �,- ,,, . �.R, 4 , � -- I - � . � . ,� 11, Ml­..� � 1- � V�, I . , �- , A I iii,,� 410''.., � WiT . 1,, . - *N19 CANADIAN MkDJCA4'. " , V , , �,; , '!N;�3 � . tw I � " i , ,`f"At. 40; 1�.,"� . 111, 15� . . ', . Ja,,.pro , ,�:p� , What long -weary, years they werq I .., . ducOve woodland in perpe ty., , ,"I % T, -� 1, �7, . I W 1111-, " ogsoc"AVION Aptip A�litt - . , OV - - 1� , I 11 11 IN4�,�,R�4�,, . , . ftwh of his time was spent in liDud, . I I I., Ji, , � � I' ." ­ -0---� —­ I I I iIINGURANCIR COMPAN119* " . . -An imports4t phase ill. thep mtjw,V- individuall I i � , I, ��, � ­` , "" - lonj iifio��hts with the result tilat he . � " k, z . I . .%. Si - %, , � M CANADA mallit of the-woodlot is the vision, " � IT " 'I , , .1 . I - pro' 'L y .� I " , ..lqn sgiint Patriaks; Day the thoughts of -the .sdic beautiful 'lake districts, eventually became a "changed" �lad. . . � 11 �, t, IR �. , , ,, I !Jr-�. "' T.�%',..il­ I , , ml"'.�,­ " . - of Small trees itio, take the place of 1, ::: i ki . � I I..." .I- ��- ��.. -` - . . 4 A . , ... . I I ' VINcFNrs­­A. , ,,, "I. ,.%.", . I, 1�,­, He A boyish All, which placied him with - .. I ,,,, , , sylvan beauty, ........ . �,�� pfAq JAsh awe turned, towwds, ,thiat famed- for their . 1. ­NGI-NA the trees thalt, are cut, and (Ne. The , Z-.. � - Rose Ain Bur ' � .. .1 . "IN igr,"a ilititte, isae Whieh hold ,.pexman. longs'to ,vee again -t qu t - King- Di0vild 'and ,Byran, :�si largely . � 11 i,. . . . - by � I... Al..... -­­ --1-.-'- . 1, ..k, ., . 11 - I 1�- ��Unk 'growth may be Eecured . . -, ,'!,',%.,I ". 4 V I ..� .. 1. ", ' ill''",",... . e�.�hek JOV10-41-rel-and! Says B. S, WVWs of antiqu#y, ch-applis; monas- resipournme forhis conversidirL, In his � 81. TJ9V G . ViaceMls, A 1i was A"ro describ- ,pd ftiom. natural, tepTodue- . . . I .. . I ­ I'� , �,, . ... � n9na' ajn�jog ow I ,,, , �­ Nho v 'Her- teries, aib -itabld lahekhoss he could neve, �, I 'O - it is .'important Ms- I . .. . ,,, mT,, waiting in the Famill, casIbles, .boys� vier r forget h a ­ied In. -19�8. , " ' �' V ".. . .- P4 asid Weekly ,Star. ..." Oisagas -in. istohe," al6nigiside the up -to- homei and the.sound teachbigs, of hi's . 11 .. . I ltioy�,.tbd ia, started from seed of . . I .. .-I, 4 1 '" � , eusle, ,and, it hias -frequently been mb- tre gTom -ng in t I �V*i� . es .M , he ,WoRodlot OT . , �A,. ,� �- (,With toasts, Songs and' sibories., they date modern bu 41gs in clities.and, parentis amid fth,is desire to "go back . . . taken for diphtheria. It became com- sWourb gTowffi ":5 11�','?�­ . "I . fro'ni, -,.It atulnpa�.,. " �� . '� - ., . .1 I 1. I ,,�, I -,: � w � or their , abim saint, Paiiiiek. towns. i:ibe" where ,hie could re -dive, the beat arVd 64otory awarded him a ndiche parats%rel�y cbmulion among it ' I Q I I - . 170 hon P, to, ,I)b ... 901- Planting is euppenavei an&.Fill likely � . . I,R,19�.�� , il 2XIQ .he ... . ..... .. . . I . , I -feat4reg of Artistic, poetic lileland,, hater , of ,§tairied past istirred his 3�64tltful heart all s ..' alere iof the World Ww when the a it requires lUbor and '4 11 4 IN 1: z , I �. � '16,isi one of ,the perenniail. , IA owni, I � 1�5� - , 2 not W, - 1 4 rif- , 1. I , . &.%­,doy that not only the Irish re- sibants bi po That Patrig* must 'have possessed, ,fibne 'a . I at ever t1b,phonie,of true,-emo- -and made him (feel ,11s1br4nge,17 'Wailm. condiltIon was ,1knowli. as "trench thel'plunted- land, will not gWei relturns ....... I ... , ... ... . 44 . . . '" WoAd" .rejoices witb- tion',axid stirri... .:,, 6,Wve tXooire, ,so much so that ften as much force of chairaetw, a charming nvou�th!, Later �,4-ly sprea4 fur twenty years loi more. Natural " � ­­ - ... . �V,,'(, 4, ,e but the ,-W t4l g, . ,.,. Joi%. 11 . as.., I pray as to , a Avap, ", " 1','�'� - dw*l.- Amd those ,away from -the Edgeworth Swift,`RU,rke and 43,old- one hundred flines daily'indl by night perdoniality. -and sikill in the Manage- t , ...., I....., . I A I I " " �, - I I . hrioldght;ut the chill population. mepr6duedon may ib,e awared very � .... ...- I . � . . . � ; 64auld saiii" are mosit enthusi-asitic in em1th, to ,name, -but a ,few, ,to, the alinb,pt as. frequentlyiI, whiasit he menIt of men that !belongs, Only to the 'Like other Infeetions and, communi- elteaply. . The only 04pense is a fence 0 I ' . I ", , I , " the observange. .. ,World. ! I worked 'o'er W, U, ,and,'. I Asle. IWbre ,reallygrea4 is sbowd in the conver- calba�e ditSOas"84 Vincent"s Ang,in�% is and Ithe lbsis of Vastupe-In the wood- .. .. 11 I ". , 1.�� . I I "� , � e +1 g0blitir � caused -by ai Yivamig agent -or ba4te-r- lot. The pa6ture is) usually not very I ,T�, - jBirth in Ireland iv not essential The ",green lisle" suggests thoughts ,daTybreajk b, ;;uld pray dn L.Aow, saition of the petty P ldngs, o- . 4 )I , �� I , . , � . I for true' Irish patriotism. Whereiver of hope.and joy springing eternally in falost or rain, and, feat no ill e0ects -fth one "high king' at Twa. His Tani. Thlis partibuliar disleosie is unus- valuable gs -grws in the shadb of ROYAL YEAST CAKES ­ ' . . ., an Iritiman is;,,�e serves his adopted the human breast., PsWbollogists- in- betause "theopivit was then, fervent -apostolic love Of soul% ATkd his Con- U65 lnkbat it results from the com- trees is sparse, and, not as nutritious - I I , 1 country. . Rrom the days of D'Arcy form- us that grem Soothes and, go in me."" What Sound modern psychol- tinulous "Practice'of the Presence'of bineld iar.t"'of it�na different; Idnds' as grass grown. in sun-likh1t. VIeeds ' . "' I " . .. I - 4 1`1 �� ..j :-1 .1 MdGiee, jthey have served, ,Canada to �Ia -the Irish When, not rubbed, wrong- logy! I . ­ � . I ­ jClod".won-for hihi, ,the ,title, ,Patrick of baIid4beTla wbirking to,94her 6s a are often very. plentiful in the open .' aliniays. keep 1 I. � ; � . ��, .­'.. . , th,�O. ibeisit of their abil-itp and, She is ly! Then, with their ,Irish up they -'[Far away froan home (with I'nda� lips the Dauntless. ' I team. ', pastured woodlot. -, . . - . . . I . . " " bett :.*ad ,stronger for exce and harinony sug- ,to km% no heart to love" him, . The--tUslea(se rare,ly iocc�urs in Young * ., . i') . . W their Tsplend�d ignure the V Pat- As a teacher, P.4'rick exc*lled, And: V11 4i A " �.,�, Tree .seeds from, last season were I . A AILL STRENGTH * . � r .0. - Torgeib how tbWngly he dis- children, 11t is . I .r I— I". � . ­ I I I I , . . .... � . �4, - . contribulbiiad. � gestedby the color green. 'It is with rick was Very homesick. He could -who can d1uring -,the TNgh School ,scattered (in the wdodlot last. fall, and � , .. ': - ­ � � ; i � , An Irishman never forgetis ,his na- 'deep significance that the Ilentierald" stand ,it no longe�r. At last he cussed ,�le'.141octriinie -of the Trinity. yea,ra''that A boginsto. s�,�r, It I ..... 9 ar, . I , . ­. , . .. a . I , -..- - I i Tan . I � may olther species wk thave seed ripen�iig . "; , , 4ponalky and that the :little green isle symbloillies -doniteside feli-eity for this away an'd after Itrudging two. hundired Pilcking UP, a I. "'. . , shamlw-k 116 Proceeded be.. either aieute or chronle, and the in early spring. Wan� �f these, Will - I . -­ Wn ev 1� �,',,., I rsietiJ�l tlioigrey Atlantic is, his heredi- harmonizes with Saint Patrick's, loive milles finally reached a -seaport where from ,the knav M. to the urACAD us s erity,of the''attacks varliels, a great gecrinmahe I i, S and would ,grow into - vailu- :' 11" .. tary and spintual home. Longingly of h9me and- domest* ha i s. And lie found,a,veasel readly t sail. The he colinpared the three peads-of to deal. '�The onset may be mild ,or sev- able treeis, if the'stack are kept ,out. .. I I 't I ppinbs . .. .. - Iq , . I "' .4 & * �- .. . . and Tondly be dreams of Ireland, the in their gladness, -of beart,they Sing captalin, with -much ihesitan,*, finakly the Three P*rsonsi On the one sbern- , � . sbwk ,,browse theseedlings, each yeiAt � . X, , . I.. '- I , ­. . I Isle ofRomance, With its varied Seen- in true Irish sciiii4i, I'The� thal engaged him to help in caring for Gll� The Usual ioravet is Warked,Uy 14he sooT9 after they germinate.,, There is .., ,,:. d! Like John the Bapti'st'"'he ere' ' - ery creating an illusion of being sevj. once . . ." and that harp 'p , to ,his cargo, of C­�­Jltic b,olunds. Soon pre -erel . A I .:. -1 i I ; t;ok ached fearlessly and sluk- " I on in ii . . 1-1 .� . . Yi, re- appearance of a ,spot (in the gutins, pr usu - reproduct! , . . I iall!y� Sufficient . . . . . . . . . . . ::j:j � . - eral different countries in one. As them of King David . - � . Persia they ,were W to ,Gaud! � Anywhere Venitan0e! "Willy," asked the King, cheek. This spfot is tender and" is wididdlot. that is in -pasture as with �' . . B, I the cleric preaches seem an U .5 k1::i*:X " , he hums "By Kilkviriiey�s Lakes and . . ,. Italy in the days of Dante . . . -out of Ireland and *anyway would "does -*hat covered with a whi,ti1sh. fil'in which, c e Itilviatled.-field as the stock aro only . .� - ,:j:�;j:` 't . eivientuailly home all -so dangerous to you?"' g4 ,;:j:�:' .�.�,�,.,� Fens;" he knom% that this iis, but one the sppi6ious days of Elizabeth . . bring him Because," -be easily removed, ,leariling a' bleedling in the woods ,for a, short 'period. I . . I ' , V and 1936,-�With­'its liltinj hauntiing thalt this b6 ck, 14d want was , they aniwered, 14he ,preaches repent- surfale, . ITE BREAD I . - ,. I -I'— ...... f ''. P mtesi ed. e Unliess properly -treated, the Might to -ten acres, of Woodland, on . I :: - � I � ft , � ugh Gaul and ance h .a teachier-preach-, condition spreads rapif(ElY. -ThLxre Is a 1 -00 -acre farm i's daually suffici�nt , 's . , &� AM SAW A melody of the past. . AS he wandered thiro, . Under iiie - er no,fwonder people forslook the Druid �,Iiprht fe-ver wVth nausea. Usu 11Y, , to, supply the ,ordinary farm. - ,house I I - * - . No wonder, then, that Irishmen ev- Italy, he had but one ithought--homol' . . _ a .11. BA496,JPVFA ilglit , altars and adopted ,Christianity. '� there is, some padm on ,swallwing, and with -fuel,, b I . I qWddy &Niiip� on ihe - eq*ywhere proudly wear the exquisite One bri vpo,t in these �A;ande,ring, el ­­ ' puty.two.or three acres- are I " I , . , ,..14 � - ­ - ,little IlShamirockii, trefoil, 1whioll at was his visit Ito the inonastry situat . - " In (thas great c:oinveirsion of bh Ir- th6 glandis -,of the neck , are swollen. betterthidn, nothing. ,,.. - , - I , ,... ­ I...� " kivef!and Kidneys this Season' of the year, u"pisprings i,n �ed on Lernius 11sliand, off"the coast of ish, the syzi�paithetiiim nature of Pat- The ,breath is ,offensive- - 1. I I - 'I � Is 11. . 'i., .. wwwomd by marshes and woodlands besidle � the i�rfovenoa. Here he came under t,h I . . . � . "I ,e rick continbuted largely towurdr, his The ipreveliblon. of Virieent'si Angina . 9 — . - . .1 I I . 4 I 1. � g. 'And what deeip tendernes� depenilbi Upon keepirig the ....... mouth I I I , ; 4i 0 , ", " �4, 4 - . I . D1114311%S1195 - clumps of mosses, and old leaves,. A �ipell of the, mionistilic,,ideal. But .he succes� :�ii�i��,!�i�.','.i�:�.,,,;�*�i::�:�iii;iii�:l��i!���!��i���i� X... I . . . . I � . :! . . ��.� true imes.Senger of springtide, the was homeward bound and,,afteT many of heart is.'reveal-edi in. his, vensiltive clean and 'healthy. This -.49 not a ::�,,,.-'-"'.,;-.',..-... ....; I .;, - �, I 11WA a 2 Speaks also of the time thrilling experiences, hednala; - � , !i*�*i '11, '. I . . � V7, �, Shamrock - ed 41the y reach� ness to the reDroaches, of his entenille.9. guarantee that the disease, will not ;�:' . .:. 11 . .11". ­­:. � . 1� ,h�rbor of home sweet .home.11 � : 1, I Ok' the mok nloobeworthy ,things luro'n County Woodlots .::1.1p I . I .. ­.; when Irish bards, warriors, and chief occur, but'it renders it much less I _ ; � , - . " , * � 11� 7 TT, about- his "revealing" confesvilow is 1-?- . . I � . . I � ,� i. ------.-, I � - tailis we brou-Ni- -nder ti- 1 ---But hiow things ha'd Ah- Al .7 ..! . ..-:; ! . I -of 'Christianity. . �5- I — iis never the same after You once the entire absence of miracksi-even ,V ., . . . . . I . The rai:iid spread which oc-curred ' (Continued from Page. 1ji . . : � ' �� .� I - :�! . � I � 1: . . CINNAMON BUNS Geokgy records .that kmg bef ore leaV,e..i-t-;L1'. Patrick was resitlesis and, the proveilpial'one a�bobt his driiving'amlong i 11snakes" the soldiers, Was the resullt'of i 1. Cheap and conivenlent fuel for ' i1i: I I i':*i"': -the bogs and fovests began to grow NVithin him the�re surged a strong mis_ � i si3nai;y -his the out of Ireland -while the, �fve�o(f the Saint are full of them. d,,dit,i,,, 'which made the tmnsTer- the farmer and ressilde,lits ,of Villages I :;::.,. .,.% ,;. - , ­ . i.....". ". ". I'. j;:�!:i% ",.:. �i::*.% - all over,Ireland the country was twice, at least, 'united to Etigland and, , imp ulge and thoughts , ,were now focused on dear old, Ire- - .y? , Bem , Wb 4ir,*e his whole life seem- enice of bacteria front one mouth to a."Dtber much more likely -than1s, the I I and Small towns. ., , -farm 'build- I .!:. ,��i�i. i "-,i�!�i�i��:, :�.. twice ,5,evered from England aga:ill, ,land- Dreams, visions bauntedi .,him ed to him "a transicendant'ridtacle. I case in ordlln'ary dvil life, � f2. 10heap lumber for . I . . ..... 1, i��i]iii�i�i�l. ; ithough it retained its connection Witih as ,with one Voice the Irish ,exclaim- � That God Should have- chlosien Jusdt �- , The truiisfer may be by direct con- I � Ings, . . -3. Xaplie syrup. . .,:: �'-,' .:,.. ,X-... ..!.::,.. *1.,-:::.1. :.:: "..".."..; I . ,%! , Scotland. I . ed: "We baseech thee, 0 Holy Youth -m -the iinner him, out:of 9D.many, hi y . 'the -failthful, tact, notably in kis's,ing, and in the � 4: 'Wiffidbieaks, for Agricultural -:::;.:.... �i�i�iii���.",I.i�i�i�i�iiiiiii�:ii:::i:::::; .. ... . . ... .. : .$jij:::j::j:::j%,%:'. i1;§i.i,.,.-. --.:::-*.' Iiiiiiiiii" BDtanists4elight to inform us .-that Ithat thou come hither -and walk With !hie least of all unlearn- use of c"ommon eating and drinking . . crops,and farm buildings. I , ... -..:.:.�.::i:i:i:,.i..,.::::::;$:.::.. . . . ..,..-...�.,.'.,..'...-'..".".'I ... ,.I........'......... .......... .. ... I �'....-",.-..,*....-"..-.'.-.,......-.,..-....-."- ,:,:.:..::.:i.:::���!�!���i�:�::!:�iiiiii��:ii .,., ... . "'. " , . , ......l.i... ..­ , .. ... ..... , - - - - . .......... . ...... ..... li����i;i. . long ages ag�) a -group of -So,utheTn I E,uro�ean plants were brought ,to ,the 11S."' This hame-loving heart could no ed as he was to carry out such a grfm it work �; the-convdrs,16n of -the I ut,ensiis, or ,olf -eating and drinking 'Ll tem.ils which -are be- I- � I& Ncin-agr�eiilburail - soils such as " ..... ...... ... I .- I— ,.,..........,.,.......,......'. ".., ''., ..., .,...�!�.., ... 1.111,11111.1.11111.1.1'. ­ "....... -1 , I I '11,1111.11111.1 .. I ...".. . ". �� .;, � - , , , ...........",, , , , . . " .... ".1 ..''. .."". .."'.'.. . ­.­... .. ..., ... � �,, -, . . ...... ,-!. .. . ­ ­: . . . . . . . .''. " , � "'. . . . � shoreg of Kerry and Connemara and . longer, disnibey the heaven ' ly vision, ',iis,.b�t-h-at,.fi.l,lled�"*h'i� soul with am- not stleTiilized, i,,,,, , I I I uFie. Sitice the war,. the dis- 0,' And and, swamp can Tbe utilized to grow tpeev. . "."..'..'.... I -. suchplants were not found anywhere . SID he "came to the heathen Irish to , azernent! God had been with him, besetting -him, 6ehind and before. as ca'Se hats continued its un,usuhl"preva- . I 6. [Prervents erositon on' isteep hil-1- . . in England. Ireland with its social pTea.c,h�thp Gospel,-'�, "The leuce, -and sorne believe �i,bat it'Is ac- sides. � .1 - - and literary tTaditiplis ,plus its geo- � "evidences" . . Deeply conscious lof his i'rMSt"city that great polem Breastplate" sh,w3. And conscious �f this Plres- tually on the inerease� . I . � 7.. 11101PIS to conitrol. floods, logical and botaitioal is, in6eed, an ,old isle of the sea! - * and I -ack ,of learnimg," Patrick was n0vertheless deteTmirred he ,ence which eneo . M]5a;s, d him aii-d qll�r The harin-whir-h ma,y result from Vince.nWs 'Angina depends upon "hbw , ,8. Reservoi,rs, -that helb tio, pr6,vide � ' ings But it .is� the colossal . figure of ithat would tell ttlem the "old, old, story." Some L,§,h,ap,e,d, his ends, life became -for Pat- I . priynbtly tb�ee condlition ,is, brougb(t un- a sibeady -sup ly i ter for . p of wa spin , � and wells. . I - - I -Saint Tatr�ck thait! I, 1hines. through I hem 'the im- declared -Min unworthy of the office of bish- op because of 'a sin committed ri-&k. a perpetual, miracle. I On, tbe 17-th of �March, Patrick the der . pr9per treatment, .and trea-tment must be con'tinued until a 'ible�althy � . . .9. R6u.ultifles'a icountrysildie." , ' ,I ' bf firm. .. .:- .. . : .'.-.�� .:. i. I... .:::::: . ..: I . .. . . .. . .. :. e . perishable radiance that streanis in lboyhood'-s-foote forty Years, before. tonant moved out after one hundred and and mouth is'setured. The nibilth must I 1�(). ner eases t,ba value a ., 11. Prolvides ,work for famrn labor� . . f"', I .. . . . from hi.4 life and- 'wark amongst, the I Irish ,tribe�s­vAo came' under his Pat'irkk acknowledgEol- the On, and called 'himself "'Patrick ithe .twenty-one Years residence ' his bMy-hii-si hau&5---�Vals lik-6 Shake- be put in"'D 'fil'sit-class shape, through dental treatments to repair; �leak . ers -and others, -in the winter. . :lCash .1FOR . I . mighty iii -fluence I I .. S`innier"! . 'Others regarded ,him unfitted Owing speaxe's, "buried deeply." But "his '116s, zmd. co-rrect dislea,sed or faulty condi- 112. crop or insur ance. , The owner of, the large woodlot : -S�ae,--for tbi�'t%ms, his nfamle in I .... early to his lick of - culture But t"'U' to soul goes marching on." work I -,-f t an indelible niark upon, ithe world tionz. Vincent's Aire' is a disease n -a .- I ' may sell- fuel ,wood awd logs -each year . , day.5-��vg born ,6f ,Christian parentage ip 1390 A.D. His fat -her the 4 -tradition of f��Qt� and their sons Patribl-, ,1.&-w -.,*--A 4.- A- .. for -centu'ries afterwards the flame' . , w1l ieb -zielquireis skilled care, as, ��othizz *.. N- -*Iii .... -4, 11 � .- ,�, IV' .. � iOT,. mak hold, it and -regard it as, an . I , I _ . � Q I V: . I � . � . I I . . I S barited undinined'eixercislin, . y � .� , , - , , " itisurance policy. - . I I I I I. g `., 2., 1 � . . I i g am inica-li. I 1� 1. - � . I dition which is destructive �L Ithe The land is .divided ion the township , , ... �i ' .t"- I . , � . — cuatille inifluence upon. the whole of , - � Use Tested Rl Spo . .1. . . 11 . . � T,ealth.lof the mouth. ' self I 1). I — � I , 1. . . . Ei*rape. From- Gaill, Britain, ,Ger- 4 assassment rolls into four clix ica- , "!, - - i . I Q-tiustions, concerning bealth; ad- ,tions. . I . . . � I . I . I]IIIIIII . - i, . many and malty -other veattered pilac-. . Recipes and Royal Yeast I V, . . . drv,ssed to theCanadian Medical As.- - 1. 'W dla "..'' � 00, " rid. . . I I � . . ­­ eTs 'throughout the'kingdcm of -Charle-' �:ovialion, 184 College 'St�,. Toronto, 2. 'Slash. I 11, 1� � .. ' ' ' magne, Students calve tic) Irish nionas- ' I ' Cakegfior these fine bieads 1"S. . I I I . wild be anSwered pers'ahally ,by let- - I I " -, I . . I'll .... . . 1� tories to drink deeply of their intel- 3. Sw�mp, waste or barren. . - . I . '. I I.. I I I ter. , 'Cleared I -and., Ali, air -tight wrapping preseives the li:-., 1. . . . , ",ectual , vi�dd­-�pilrdtual water. These ­ 1. freshness of each Royal Yeast Cake- ` . � , I. � I 4. , . . . ­ - . �,, , , I I . . monasteries , were really "the power '�` I . — , . I Woodland I the only dry yeast with this extra pro- � , I . I I 1, . � I .. .1. . , e 0 ,� A r�e­ .. .h.ouses" ,of Eurtpe! Sit. Colubiba and �� . . � .11 . . . tection. You can count on their full.-! , "..� . .�,�S , I d . M...- . . I . . 1, , ,�'. . I - ­­. . I ..; I . I , I i , � ,the Twelve Apostles of Ireland thus "'I dtbn�t sup�pove you don't krfDw of -e ,county "I - I The woodland area in th strength leavening power whenever . . I consolidated t '-fine ,w'ork begun by notbady who d3n't want to.hire ndbody has d, I -1 . . -1 �bel . . eereasled from 9.9 ver cent in ' YOU use them. 7 out of every 8 Cana- * I I I �;- , 1. . � - Saint Parhn�ck., 1b6 -do nothin, don't you,?" - 1901 ,to 5.6 4 pex cent. in.'1934: All'the dian. women who.prefer dry yeast de- ...., g - mand Royal. Buy a package today. '.. � � I IlUe beilongsi to the ages" can be , "Yes, I don%." . . . . ,:� I . truly said of Ireland's Pat: . . �ownzhips have, less than 10 per cent. I ,.,.,:,. I 1, Saint. ' � . I ' m rwolodland, and nii�ne of the sixteen ..­­ - . roa . ,.r '. -.1. . - ­� .-.;, FREE T'.. . His priniciph.ei�'are old YeJt erver new I I town -s -hips have less than .5� 'Pefr cent. I �N. ''. 1�:., � -1 . - . . -1 ;i ., ,and can, be -suoiaessfully apipliied to iiber ,of farins *itho ..... 1:.11 BOOKLET - .. u s itu'tes -u.a I . I I. V;', S b' � q I "' The nui ut wota 1, 15. ' I .1 ( . .11 � . . - . . our mn,deM life. .... . I I J!, 1, � , . . � � I helps �oull .� . . 1- � . . I .1 ig .is is increasing yearly afild in s: e I I , I . � � . I I . Prayer, fasting and - almagivi r L Farm 'Notes districts t6ver half' -the , faMis 'are - � "Me R�yal Yeast , �, .. . . � . I . . � .� .. � I . I ­ I I � ,these three ,occupy first place''Iii bis . . - . I . -tely ' cleared. ' The wouidil-hrid IF . Bake Book" given 11' � .0 . clomple I 7 � . 0 4,116. Sunday iwas, t10 'him 'a day of . ��.,� . . . -11-1 * area shoul.d also be disebunberd as a te'sted Royal ; , y, . I S'iiionge Recipes T� - - I . � I I , .Crop Survjey Issued ''. 11 - rest and gladness, To-dw Canaffians , large, number are ,the typical pastur- M �� .1, . . . . - � this re- ,If weather conditions during wintea.- 49 for all the breads , . 1. . - dege 6arly spring remiaih normal - , t � he, ed, wobdlbt with scattered trees and I , shown above and I q�. n - I ^ s,pect for )Strnda�,,. iist �nerating i _ and � I . !I. . i, - a 1 , rieed to foUo � Ny in his, train, in . 110 reproduction. - - . many oth6kW. - . � in , t .Y. '. � to A -day of 'ainuslement. To Paiftiek Ontario fairmer should experience no- ., . . . , I J I I .1, I . . A VREE-Mau,coid- ,0­ - .,m :, I - --14 , . general feed' ehivrtage in 11936.' With - . . . pon . I �­ � ­.... I I it was dedicated to the light type of ' . .. Slash I �todsy? .1, ,- I I . . . I � . . � . � . 11 amulsement!' He did riot inuive on, the ititentj&n. of giving -farmers as- I i . I I I I . I BVY MADE-nV- I I i". . I . . � .. I . I things temporal but.raither "amiuved" sistatice iiii planniTig their program Slash -is infeirdior wroo-dland, mnd I . -11 CANADA C.06DS . �, . I 1. . .11 - - this year, the Delpartment,has issued wbods are rput 'In' �thisi classification ''.:.."...... ,.;. ,.;. ,.;. ,.;.. . � . � himself with thoUghtsi Good, Beautif ul Outlook Report on Agriculture. It I I ,. , . . . 11. . .. . � I , I I I I ', an following a Severe cutting. 4 is of- STANDARD BRANDS LIMrMD 11,12'. . 11 I and True. On one occasion he refus- malkes no isipeciffic recommendations terf potential "od-land alid if ft was. FraserAve. and Liberty St -Toronto, Ont� lli�ll I . ed to leave a ship fearing he would but'swin-marizes; last year's crops. thinned rather than slasheid, it would I , . . �Iell I I .1 . . I � I Please -send me the free Royal Yeast , 1. . .. ibreak the ,fourth I.mniandmerit. A . .11 .� , 1. I . I I illation with firsit thlings, first should ­ Th, generalily I Xaviora4b�le growin.- be classified ,as woodlamid in * 20-40 Bake lipok. , . I . . . , I sea,g ` id ach 1k, . . ' be our,aim. � . . ,on in 1936 a -in , to correct, years-. Th,6 clelan. cutitinig, of Second N I ... �1 ` . ,., trade -marked .and - A6 the feed sho,Ttaige Which' exis-be!d in gr6wthstanft isa, vei! sbort-vighted' f. .. . I � I I . . Prelventlbn'A�-, better than cu,rel) as 1934 and 1934. ,Timothy, alfalfa and -i-ey, as Ithe stand will ... stre . .1 " , . ,, 'omnlon-sense and be Vnhesi- red clover produced excellent crops 11.11, . . I advertised merchandise. Do -not accept a sub- ou�d c Vol grow very Tow Prov.— , . . . � I ng1Y repeated it. much more in value ea&h Yelir, -as the " � .;;. � I stitute for what yo' ' ­ �, OW We 'know �`to- while the production, of grain carn . IF . . I., . 1� . � . u na M -e. Long experience�his ' " aaY liDw true this homely old prO- was almosit 1,0100,000 ,bushels greate trees,idereasle 14i Size_ Fuel wood - - .. � r ,I . I ...,�. I I -11-07T. 11 i .1 could be seourred by making benefic- . . � I , shown ,that goods which are "Widely and steadily v(,rb has prOvell in our persional, so- than in 1934. TI.ro&uction of si.,age . . ­,.�. .. � . . cial,medicinal, lool1itiml and natilonal corn last Jal tbdnning�s. The woodland area of I Ill., .- I : . ... . I'd I year,, was 4'4,,010,0 tons g-reat. ...., 11. . advertised in the -newspapers are the ones-tha,t'are life. . .. I er than 1934 with qual4ty above the Goid,eri,ch, Grey and Turnberry to a least 16 per ceiriti. og an agricultur&I I �: , . I .. Youth Ilickin lessler extent is increasOq consider- digt,ri.ct -s ,-1 . I . worthy of youifaith. I 1. 9 in obedience, Heav- amerage. filatiad be in wolodland. There f" - en's first, law, caused. him deep lanixA ,More than 39 -per cent of the pop- Obly by ,the pemen;tage -that -is in is a Shortia,ge of fuel d .in I ,I- .... I.- - . , . n any ocial �, ,., . - e the Slash elassiflmtion. ' - - jetY. How modern -this Sokin,&s! The ula-tion of the province ,live -on th tie's and eiven manor repailTs tt.? 'build- i�,� ,.. �. . I I .... � -ablems of, you�h are !old yet ever 1. . Ings are expensive. � ",.:.. i. 11 . i,r 192.,0400 farms and last yeaT' On- . I � j� , ., .. new! Would that we� were an I'obedi- tario's agricultural pr4ducts' iwarre Swamp, Waste and Barren Farmers whoe still hame a fewi ae, 11.1:. I I Modern. newspaper advertising does you a great . ent"'nation., that .is, a peopleexpress- valued at more than $300,090,000. 1* Several of the tDwilishii,ps I Tes 'of W4,11and would be well advis- � - . have a ,,I P . - 'Farmers seeded about 30, per cent . , our ]OVe for 'Him Wblosegerviiee, ed by' .take measure -to preservb it ' * � lr"g . . 0 vi conelid'erable area in this, clased-fleaution �V, . ser ce; it permits you to accept withou"ear goods 11. l,e,%s fall wheat last auitumn than in and the,pleircentaige of woodland n- ,, 1,�, . is perfect free'dom. , I - is i and pliant -sandy land, hillsides and ' ".. "I'll . you have ne.�er tested. ' What others have believed " The alovence of madesify pained 1934, but the crop entered the winter ' -9 �.� . . .­, creasield as some of thieve, -types are 00)rner cul '. I �... . ", I . , 'him. Modesty in"19�36?, Is thimenot in better conidkion, -than for sewral grovAng timber.. ", . ��, a'gr6v,a of emergreeivs on the fi - . � �, I � . in4and, acce .... te,d you als'o may buy with confidence. a marked absence of rthis ,virtue in years. Last summier'v dry weat,h6r . ' sides of the faa�rn bulildinga �� �� I , . I . I 1) r . and'weslt ,,, .. I - T' I . It" . sonle quarters? Ton -bad; that this a d the -pressure of work in harvest - '11, 1". . . . . . Cleared Land I . is a vAlluarble, asls&t' tD a farm as it , �� .. . ''I' . . Here is a �. . old fashioned but refrcsib.i14 virtu,6 ing iSpring grain, caused the- redue.-,d .. ' 11, . . prortlejets the bulildifigs from the'zero ��.. . . is neglected. Let the farm, hoil;ff,es. eV- acre The. figure in. Uie cleared land windb ,of wiryber, beauM�es the biom, . e, "W., and remain honest if �they eT be centres of llmodesty.Py c,, r .. fit F9 - , i . I . Message f Advertisers must be, I I ,.,T4t6 at crop occupies -a larger area s,bows better than any. other single and is a wifildbreak. for adljac�mt cul- . ,�,�, . � . i e I 'Th'. "man of ,God" trembled fur I'a tEan any �Dthler cereal and the 1.936 dolumn ithe -exibent Of 4efolresthtion� 'in tivdited fields. . I. L. . 1. want� to be -successful in bus'. n ss, to -day. Their ail- 1people without law ipl i i 1op, � Wi", I I I I . . and dised nfe.y, acreage should equal this f5i&cause, in the diffeteent townshaps. McKRal The Forestry Branch publish a bul- ' i � � . �� 11 � . . to all notincemerits beai­tho,ir.n�mes and signatures. They Again it,seems, as if Patrick is, speak- SoMe sections it was nort up.to the, ,and Skephell' ToWliships ibwe over 96 lrdffi- on woodilot management iand . � , I � I � � n1brmal tandiard. ip- ".'01'eaTed., ;Six other +)Ovnl- dittitw0bute trees free for windbreak, , 1 7 ing far this age. Too Wall he knew � 'La!s.t � s er 'cent "I I ", . I Shopoers— tell- the truth to protect themselves as well as' to th e value of diiscipline in his -own' life Year's barley crop of 16,941,- ships1--Aslidleld, i0alborne, RM1111'ett,.woodbt, land plantaboll planting. ,De - .1 - �. If - I- 4 l " I ... - ,., ' I I—. . I and was ,anxious to share it with 000 bushels, V�Lls -the largest Gdnce'Staiilory, Tiw�lerismith a!id V'sb31m1e1- istriptit,vie liteirature and application - ", 11 , il, ". � I of both sexes I sa eguard you. I �.. ­ . I . latheTs. Life, manlibod, was to him a 1930. T -b# dry .bean acreage pro6iib- have orve,r 96"ipleT cent. �axed.,�', .1 T,-.1 . I . I I . . . � great -advdn,tur chlolse ly Vill be greater than last year,, brut These fi-guries, aie very :forms niiay be S*-ured from the Por- , '4 . I e 40'r PaItNick alis"nibg, estry Brarich, Daxllament BufldinM )�r I . Irl , I r ' 11 . . . . . . . . I ,. .. I and varying 11-11.111.11 ' uhhrate gobft,,,in pTaerence.'to im- the re;p,bTt wa,"ed against increasing as experts who have obudield. the 4 Toronto, or the (county agricultural , ". �� ".., - . tisement is a publicly printed mediate ,jAeasu,re. , the acreage of field peas because the (problem rn all, its; phases ,Say that I at, I =V[PeSentatilves� � ". .., � . - d I � I � �,' - And the secret of it al,l was that Yieli fluctuated frioj� year,to year. �;_ I . t. . . incomes. I ' . §41 , the , . � . - 1; � �,.. i bis textbOoOk Fwa _ Sacred . . I ..... - I;.. I � I I I bond between advertising merchants and, the iliuy- - �serq�� 1� I I . .. ,.� , � . 1- . . I .. fures! Thatimas King Gebirge?s I'vec- A. Plan For The Woodlet - HURON i,.- ASSHS§��T RY PERCENTAOFai 1934, - ' . 1, � 1. � ing public. It is the strongest guaraii-tee for goro& ret!"aJda,'for he.,read, it, -nbt cb,iPfly I 10BY. J. 0. IWArintt) - I Assessed , i ,1 �.,; . I I I -,� I . ,� . . . . . . I , , ��, � � . ' . bvewtive at� itbi literary 11ower, its ,his- I . Pacent.ages , . of honest quality at' -fair and dompetitivre P' i . It takes many years .to ,,grow a .- Ve swamp,wada � �,A, .,Tice$ - ' Aerea I . I Township ` . . . I I . I . . .... I tOl-lic VA1016, or its ,dramatic interest tree, and fon -this account farm -era . Nash' or Buffen , . ."� . ,but because d lits. Spiritual vmrrbl� I 11 , I .. . . , � I r I . .. I . ,i . Cleared Noodland . 'I � ),,­�,,. . ' I . . - . .. I �'i �,-,.� 11 I .1 . " If we are wisie, "Jives -6f great mien ` ASHIeld ............ A ft,,7,U h 02�0 9.6 : 2JD - - .6 , , ". ­ ..., I., ... Thrifty Shoppers will buy advertised goods and--- ' q . - in . I � .� g,r, , I . .... . hould min d us hOw to niake, 'Out the,, spatle, forth, stob-ped figure�, flash. 'Colborne - -'. , . , .,...... 37,93-6- 9bo 4 2S 1.2 I -, ,1��. * - , 'I7 . . � I ,own tublimie.11 A . I'll .. I I � I ing eyes'sugig,esitive of quenchless, en- Godeir&h -..-.-...1 '4 . . refuse tq, accept any substitutes. 1 62,394 81-A . 11�. - 14.7 ,:�, � / ; . .i�� -­ . I I I Ved on'such flolo,d paWok W. lull th;�siaism), And, 4he childreni re ,Grey .-.....,., .,...., .7, . � ; ��­-:i- -1. . I I I I I . . . f a's ,. 1. we 64882 '80.2 1.5 , 123 .,. ., ,�, . 11 -1 , 11 . old! ,sweet ,sim . 1. *­ 9 I �. I plitiitY 'her to, 'IT 9 � us his %1k ......,..........; � 52-;892 -83.8 , AA. - .8 10.9 , , ��6 1 ,.� . Yet MAghty in a,Odng their tead, L. " , . ­�'� , . I 0 � - : , f g1664�deed(%, A "1141)61=0004ew of story"? If �vpu would' leaM ,his Hz�wick .,...,..,..,....1 67,88,7 69.4 7A ­ 1�i 919 , ,i , i: , .. . I . . . 'i ldfa,, m�o,deration, ,prma&l " W,Tnm6n� story, I&ok at Ireland -and .he* rich R10104t; ............. M1,486 1 4 ­ - il.",V, I 1. � . I . .. I ­­ I 1. I . . I I 94.3 4.4 11.2 P, ,,,,� : : ", . I .. . 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I Twkenmith ........... 4o,660 , ., it��;�� 11,�V,P,,, � .� I I . e . ril� ",I., ­­ 1.1 . � t� 611.1y, "t%ught'll I I .. � Oftnts. I I - 91.2 1: 6.2 " 1 .5 4 � ��,;., , , I . . WPM ' I - ­ -1. . . TM berry .,.....-I...,- "45"856 .- ".7 ,,, .-J", .,.,��� I . � . AN 10,69.'� Publishors � � .� ,,, � , . � 0 1 --1 ­ . $kwdorth. "" �: I ffil I 017 , .61.4 �Pqi�,,* � ,,,,, ,:., � . . . . . . M Yowwotder, theft,Adliat in mode -­­`­­'­':,;'', ''. ­ - ­­. 1 18.0 ,�� Rle, . 1. I : !, U*00111,13 , ,Lv I , , , I �. ,. '' I . I I 11-1 .. . ....... ". . fr - Idt! I I ,.f ­. �J,i:�J. ,; I . - . 'Pole 7 01,161 nig i 1kr-, I - ........ 14..f 490M 0,9 ,� 6.8 .1. , .0 . , .1.1 . . . � , St. I .11, 'Wa*anoah, R , 'i''. �'. ." . I I I - 'a "' , j� 1" ,; . ,. . I .­,- alf fin ..".J.�. 41J28 � 19,1; ju 12.0 I I � ��. , � . . 11511 � ".. I I ­ , , '.. I � --- 1-11- 1, r lqTg` KINEW ­ 1111"1111-11, I ..I 4 , . I I I �,' �,'�' 1. 1 .. I %­­ . r 11 . 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