HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-20, Page 4.f1
10 a
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1SS4 ed Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates:
tiantol. Lest and Found. Coming Events, Et. -pr words
t k, '
' 2nd week 0/4 Cent
Minimum charge, first insertion • 3425 eCenents
Brd week
Each figure, initial and abbreviatioe. counts es one word::
13A.F4i. Org Thanks, In, Memeriern Noticere--4 cent pee word. Minimum, 00 ceate per men,
, irk* may he directed to a Box Number. care of The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents
20 cents iddltional per week will be charged if ads in, above clarer• are riot paid. by the
Saturday night in the week in which the ad was rue.
Birtha, Marriages and Deeps inserted free of charge.
ok'eetion Sales. Nati& to. Creditors, Etc.-Detea on application.
Agents Wanted -
Auction Sales
Rel olsportunity fOr 'right Man.. Write
RAWLEIGH C., Dept. ML -363-0-C, Montreal„
„ • ...9Ptnada. , . $5.63.1.
• de
Help Warited---
"' rated in learning poultry business. Good
opportunity dim right man. Apply in person
" hand, child's go-cart. Write BOX 68,-
EXPOSFPOR OFFICE and quote Price.
' 35634.
" ,wanted in Egmondville or Seaforth, for
$100 to $800 cash. Apply by letter only to
Feed, 1 'Rogers Road, Toronto. Ship by
Clarke Tran.sport. Best cash prices. Chem-
..... 35614
es paid.
at Ontario House Darn, Erie St., Strat-
,on Thursday, Manch 26th, 19436. Terms -Cash.
J. C. DILL, Proprietor. 3563x1
" the Town Hall, ,Sealorth, Friday, March
27th, at 8.30. H. C. Duff, of Dominion Live
Stock Branch, will speak on "Grading Hogs
on the Rail." Also talk on fertilizers.. Share-
holders please attend., It. McMILLAN.
Articles For Sale
• Fifi7e 41Limmiliklice • Ilrearteel“tiera ea *0;1'4 'la
dietatiOn Ves WI. IL illespital
theme, '
(eoutineeds.-fiem Page 1)
pieties, .....Ashort story about the King'
was reed by, Betty Deeger. A. des-
criptien of the week and life id girls.
in the Means 'Scheel Dondi in
Aagolta wee read and the-, meeting
closed by singing "Taps:"
Kenneth Ferg spent the week -end
with his parents at •Mionerieff.
'Phe service in Duff's United. Chameh
was concleeted by the easter, Rev. G.
Cumming eon Sunday morning. An
anthem was rendered by the chola.
with M.iss 'Margaret 'Gumming acting
as organist
An Iri,sh. conceit will be held. in the
A.O.UJW. Hall on ' Friday evening,
under the auspiees of - the Walton
Feline lebraey. A ,geed protgram of
mustic, dialogues, Irish sengs, etc.,
will be 'presented. ,
The March meeting of the Ladiee'
Guild and W..M.S. of St. ,Geoage's
Anglican, 'Church was held at the
home of Mrs. R. W. 'Hoy on Thursday
afternoon, Meech 12, with about; fif-
teen' ladies in -ettendanen
After being ill tor four inentlis
.since suffering a head attack, Ettnily
Melinda Fergueon, wife. of D. • B.
'MacDonald ;passed aw.ey Sunday at
her residence, Water ,Street,
North, Galt. Mes. 1VIazDonald was
born at Walton, but passed e*ie great-
er part of -her life in 'CliartMn and
Marton. For the past ', seventeen
years she had been a resident of 'Galt.
She was a ,member of 'Central Pres-
byterian Church where ehe was, an
,active•- worker in ,several of the or-
g.anizaellonst , Mrs. .MactD:onallci sur-
vived bp her husband, D. B. Mac-
Donald; fuer daughters, Mrs. 'J. F.
Clair, ,of Newark, N. „re Mrs. Jack
Whitley, and Mrs'. Arthur Hopkins,
both erf Newark, arid Mrs.. George
Champion:, Beverley Street, Galt.
She is alio (servived by one sistee,
Mrs. Duncan MacMartin, Hensill, and
one brother, also of liensell.
. ,• •
Implements, at Lot '24,, Concession 6, 'Mc-
Killop, ion Wednesday. April lat, 8%
north of Searforth and '42 east, qonsist-
ing of the fellowing: Horses -a. general par -
Pose mare rising 11, Work single or double.
quiet and reliable, due to foal May 1st; 1
dark grey horse rising- 8; 1 grey horse, twork
single or dodble, both quiet. Cattle -1 Polled
Angus cow 6 years old, freshened 2 months:
Durham cow's, both 4 years bld, both fresh,
all good milkers ; 1 • farrow cow aged' 9
Yearr ; 2 Dunham heifers 1 year old; 2 Poll-
ed Angus heifers 1 year old; 12 ewes 4 years
old; 60 White Leghern liens 1 year old. Hogs
-A number of chunks. Implements One
/Casey -Harris binder 6 -foot cut, nearly new ;
1 McCormick -Deering mower; 2 Quebec sulky
plow ; 1 walking plow; 1 set diamond har-
rows, new; 1 hay rake; 1 Iceltiyator; 1 hoe
drill ; 1 gravel box ; 1 grain' box; -1 wagon
with: steel wheels, new; 1 set wagion wheels;
1 hay rack 16 feet; 1 set sleighs i 1 critter;
.2 sets team harness; 1 set single harness ; 3
horse collars ; 3 horse blankets; forks, dou-
ble trees : sling ropes; 1 hay fork rope 160
feeti 1 hay car; trip rope; 1 hay .flerk and
pulleYs ; 1 wheelbarrow and other articles too
numerous to mention. Furniture -4 kitchen
chair: 1 table; 1 lounge; 1 DeLaval cream
separator, 1 bed; about 130 bushels mixed
feed; 30 bushels of barley; about 1,000 bush-
els of oats. and about 20 tons of hay. Terms
Of Sale --Strictly cash. No reserve as pro-
prietor is giving up farming. THOMAS W.
CARTER, Proprietor; Harold D. Dale, Auc-
tioneer. 3563-2
" repair. Apply to BOX 6-7, EXPOSITOR
OFFICE. - • 3563x1
drill?, in A-1 condition; 1 Gocifreson
truck, an" good mechanical osndition ; fairly
good 34%7 dual tires, cheap. We are agents
for the Fertilator. Make, your old seed drill
a first class fertilizer.drill at small cost. Pay
tor it when you have tried it, payable May
16th. We also -have lin water soluble fer-
tilizer.' Give us a call. ,SPROAT & SPROAT,
Tile Manufacturers. Phone 136-2, Seaforth.
Tenders Wanted
receive sealed tenders until 1 p.m., Satur-
' roads ef said Tdv'enship during 1936. Tenders
' to state larice per yard mile. Lowest or any
"• tender riot necessarily accepted. '
A. W. 1VLORGAN, Clerk,
--- Hensel', R. R.. No, 1.
Farms For Sale
North of South 1/2 of Lot 26, McKil-
loP, 2.5 acres; brick house, barn and hen,
house: good chicio,en farm. Apply to MRS.
JAMES SIMPSON, R. 1, Seaforth.
" east Of Seaforth, 11/4 miles norttrof.High-
way, being East hall Lot 12, Concession 3,
Zlitelfsillop.„' On farm is a bs:rn and dwelling.
Pcassiofl .April, 2nd. If not sold will, be
rented. For particulars -Imply MISS JEAN
TURN)EIR, Box 114, George St., Seaforth.
Notice to Creditors
' ing Lot 22. Con, 2, Township of Hay..
Good bank barn. 96 acres comprising. Lot
al, Con. 2, Hay; '2 frame barns, good frame
.house. These farms are within 1/2 mile of
Hensel]; have 20 acres in fall wheat ,and 35
acres seeded to. grass; Plenty water, and 36
acres bush. Fall plowing nearly all done.
• They .will be sold together or separately.
ALD BURNS, Hensel]. 3563x2
,Farm Stock For Sale
. '
MIisisKaYeSiieleinn; of Detroit, Vie.-
ited her father; DTA Ceeil Sininsoie of
the v:gligeelast Week,
the ineeilfiette of the W. A. of Kip -
pen will preleent their play 'entitled,
'Where's Grendina?" in the school!
room of the United Chturch;nBruce-
field, on Meech 27, at 8 Ole, ender
the auepiees af. the Women s
tion...• ..... .
creditors and others having claims against
the estate of William. H. Mundie, also Mundy,
late of the Town of Romulus (Hayts Corners)
in the County of Seneca, and State of New
York, Retired. State Hospital Attendant, who
died on the fourth day ' of April, 1935, are
-required to forward' their claims duly proven
to the undersigned,, Solicitor for the Execu-
tor, on or before the shah day of April,
after the said last mentioned date, the Execu-
tor will proceed to distribute the assets of
the estate having regard only to the claims
of Which he then shall have notice.
DA.TED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 19th day
of March, 1936,
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
choice young sows, just. brecr. Apply to
ALFRED BUCHANAN, Lot 34, Concession 4,
Usborne. 3562-2
For Sale
• GEORGE BEATTY, Varna. .3563
ed' Banner seed oats; 0.A.C., No. 21
barley; Goose Wheat, Irish Cobblers and
Dooley seed potatoes. JOHN' HILLEBRECHT,
Seaforth. Phone 144-11._ 3563x2
_,hoolckeelfing, accountancy, banking,
finance, economics, and secretarial fully as-
alySed., Original cost $40. Will sacrifice for
$10 or best offer. Apply BOX 65, EX-
For Sale or Rent
.0Queen, formerly of the Town of St:
Marys, who claim any right to share in,,,,the
proceeds of a certain mortgage made by the
said Allan McQueen to the Royal Bank of
Canada In Trust. dated the 28th day of
April, 1932, upon the secbrity of that part
of Lot 10, Ooncession 1, Huron Road Survey
. "" late Mrs. F. J. Welsh, North Main St.
Apply to HAYS & MEIR. 35644f
releelred- 'f0f)c
.$3.50.00;• talc*, 1034, 41110401 ref eted
of hospital 'neceinut 1y Js. Taylor,
B40.25. The fel/ay/Mg. abecuuntswere
paid on metilen elf 00.9Per and Bel-
a January and VelnelarrSe *Med
. ,
' Mr. Edger Smith - is. spending 'a
clouple-of weeks with his aunt, Mrs.
Mary' Hines, of near Chatham.
1lVfrse,Ben Keys is spending a few
days with -her -sister, Mrs.. J. Me -
Naughton, fef Tucleersmith.
Mie and Mrs. J. •Scetchreeee, of. the
Binewatei Highway„ spent Sunday
with the better's mother, !Mrs. Jean
1VIcKinley. ,leitt, Board of ,Health insfpection,
'Miss Helen Bandey, Muncey, $6.05. Council adjoureed to meet on.
sinent' the weetlensud with. her parents, Saturday, April '4, at 1 p. -4A..
Eel. and dere. G. H. Handley, at the Morgan, ,Glerkn_ . ,
eXeminaltions. "'
Wont X ---e$2" Are-dlierera Ceo-V
Jim CalMphell 76, Carey 31Den4
Lorna Zuelle 721 Gerold Papmfere 72,
Russel Hledden 71, James Alexander
lanit'rve: Ilawairitt Axil.tte; snew-wortc,„ .61, BM ins 58. J. TVe-Haeold
$2.70; Elford, anew worke$2.70; Koehler 70, 14ai4 Love 71, Blanehe
Wee Bradshaw, snow •work, $1,65; ThomPeon 65,Meeeergarettl Bell 60,.pon-
Kennethjohns, snow .work, $1:80; 'alid Parkelt 6'7,: Mary .Goodwin 66,
Wesley john's snow Work; 60c; Harry Cecil Kiefer 54, June Sanedorcook 54,
Cole, no wOrk, $4.25; HeatierefFeed, Rae Pester 52, dlefrris McEntee, 52,
plow on road, $120; 111enTy' Ford, Madeline Vaidandteghen 52, George
superintenden.ee, $10.05; Aimee Ex, ,Sangsterd 46; 'Shirley Twitehen 45,
positetr, •printing tenders., e bridge, wen ieunsene 36, Audrey Twitchell*
$3.25; Helen Mergan, typing euditors' 3s,$t. !ID -Donald Joynt 70, EmilY
repeet, $2.00; Ushorne &Ilifillbert Fire H-esenn 66, • earl Datazrs 56, Jack
Insurance Co., arinual instalment, 00e; -Shepherd* 515, Marlon Drernmend* 54,
J. kVL Roberta, eounty clerk, rebate, 60 Iva Allan 42.--1C). H. Blowes, Teachee.
per' cent of Joe. Taylor, (hospital ac- Beam II -Sr. Cameron 77,
count, $20.13; R. B. Quame, relief j. Nasky 76, YE S.angsteen7'3,
supplies for Jaiiiiary and February, Paisley 61, R. Hetes 59; R. /113e11* 68,
$20.0.0; Fran.klin ;Delbridge, teeeenr- R. 'Sangster 60, R Green* 59. Jr. III
Ws bend, $112; S. J. 'Fyne eolleetion -R..Keenedy 73, R. lea 70, G. Camp-
exnenses, $7•10; .Mulstkoka. Hospital; Wit .6q, IL. iMacLaree* 64, J. Clarke
grant, $10.0Q; Sick Children's Hasid- 53, J. Beer* 63, M. Brock 49; J. Marks
tad, 'Pet -onto, grant -4-110.00; John Kele 47, S. Fairbairn * 46, J. )Sangster 44,
R. 'Higginst* 39, .D. Willard* 33; E.
Faimbeirne 19. MacLaren* 72,
D Bell 69; •M. Hellen 66, D. Corbett
66, E. Hoskins* 5'7, R. Stephen* 56,
A. 1McIEwen 56, J. Drysdale 55, H.
Smale 47, A.. Smale 41, G. Otterbein*
374eeK. A; Ellis, Teacher.
'Itroarn IleeNlorme. Sangster
The citizen's of the village, es 'well 83; Donald 'Shepherd 78, .Shirley Hied -
,Gloria Twitehell 68, Ron,ald Bell
as those about the community, were den 76, C. Hamilton 75, Bobbie Cook
again saddened during the early part 74, Mac Zuefle 73, Marion Sangster
67, Ruth Hess. .64, Mabel Fairbairn.
63, Marion Green 62. Sr.,1-)Mervin
Stephen 79, Helen Wolff 77, Mina. Mc-
Entee, 63, Harold Bell 62, Donna Mc -
Ewan ,60, Annie Vanlandeghen 59,
Shirley Wolff* 57,. George Beer 52,
Douglas • Cook 47, S. ,1VIcAutin dab-
sentf. Primer -Alma Bell 8'7, 'Donald
Moir 86, dVfoir 82, Rase Jinks 79,
Ruth Young 77, Ronald Hedden 76,
junior Hectzten '75, Roy Iledden 64.e -
Beryl Pfaff; Teacher.'
l• •
'me* aliterlda* 0 Meeting or thih
bboitih &hoots. - • "
pareenege, -Varna.
1VITs. W. Armstrong has returned.
to her home on the Gos•hert Line..af-
tee having a pleasant 'three months.'
visit with her -daughters an London.
The "Irish Stew" put on .by the
Lades' • Aid was 'greatly enjoyed by
those .prestent. The ladies and gen-
tie/e'en with their gay Irish head-
eirests made lots of jokes. The skit
composed by the minister, Rev. Reid -
ie, was :hurnordue and greatly enjoy-
ed, also the musical numbers given..
We .are entry to hear that Mee.
Frank Hepburn was taken to Sea -
forth Hespital. We hope for her
speedy recovery'.
• of th-el week when it was learned -that
. .
'John A. Weekmare of the village, had
passed away. Mr. Workman had
-been quite seriously ill for sOme time
end in spite:of the beat ref medical
attention and geed nursing; he failed
to rally -and early 11VLondity morning
passed peaeefully atway. Fuller pr-'
ticulers of his death will be given in.
next week's 'Expositor. •
Mrs. William Kyle, of Viet.eria, B
'O. ,niece of :Mfrs. John ,Deitz and IM's.
Fr:ed Tomlinson, of this village, Alrpnt
a •visit with thorn here recently. "
• forth, are spending i few days in the Church ,Se,rvices
'Mr. and Mrs. William Butt, of Sea-
na„ is spending a 'visit at the home of -Clinfinhee en Sunday last ere -pretty
ee local
'Miss Gettiiide 'MeClinchey, ef Vae- 'The services • in the
village, .
her .sister, Mrs. Emerson KYle, a the .of 'Carmel Presbyterian China, took
well att•terided. Rev. W. '. Young,
spent a clay in , Lender/ during the
pas1Rtteyvi.,e7ek.. F. Cha_n.cller, of the village, .otho:ne
Rev. Mr. ,Chandier of Kippen took
and Ree B. Farr, of St. Paul's Neigh-
.0'se.hruvric'eh'el forbothservices, while
and 'evening.
Mr.. Ruseel Brolvon, of Greenwa.y, the . services .in the United, Ohurch
beethearehnlaw, Der and (Mrs. Elise 'paetor, Rev. Mr. Sinclair. On the
,g to 'the Centieued illnessefthe
visited at the home of his, sister and
1Viousseau, ef the village, during the ePlnillg Sunday, Meech 22, Ree. 1VIi.
The You.ng People. of St. Andrews. allalcc'laTi'
botb morning end eveeing.
of Egrnondville, will preech
past week.
• United Church held a ,soeiel evening Mr. Alfred Taylor. was quebe pearly
. day - sche el - room .and a deliight,ful for the last week but is now back to
his normal health.
HILLS(ipEEN ,nTuesdayof this Week in the Sue -
The . Women's Association of Kip- time was spent by. all. • e: • • . On Tuesday evening last a "jtigg-s"
pen are putting on a play, "Where's' The" Yonng 'People Whir) Ipresented Sep -Pee" was held in the:basenient of
Grandma?" in the Hillsgreen Church the play entitled, "liVihere's -Grand- St. Peel's Anglicarr Ohurch and was
on .Friday evening, March 20. This m.a?" will. again 'present it this. Fri- largely ,atterided and very successful
play' is a ,three -act comedy and comes day 'evening -at IIillsgreen. • -: .in EiViery reispect.-
highly recomtmereledt 1 The old-tiane euchre -and dance, 'Miss Helen Swan, in writing to
Me. and .Mrs. Clarence 'Parke. _and Which was to he gi,s;teri in Watson's friends from Daythna Beach, where
family, of 'Goshen Line, visited at the Hall 'last Friday evening, was, post-, she is epencling theewinter months,
Poned on account -of the -storm, and 17'E"P°Tts splendid weather coeditions
_ bad 'condition of the roads. This Fri- and a west pleasant time rneetirug in
home of av4i. and 1VPre. R, 1VIc.Allister
0n1Mtir.riadnact Mrs. Wl. Iluxtable, of (Cele day evening the Canadian .cotobloys with vo many frOrli Huron :County. 1
tralia, spent Sunday With the letter's from London will 'be present to .play, --Mr. Alexander Sparks, who spent
mother„ Dere. James Love •end fain- arid as they are no • strangersettrethe the winter months -with his sons in
. Kippen people; having played here on .Deerolt, h)as returned to the village
ily. end reperts. the winter months, as
end with relatives in Clinton. doubt many will, be present te hear
je no pretty .severe 'in Detroit, mech./note
'Mies Edna Obchrene spent th:etweek several occasiorrs before, there
bert P,asstmore, of Hensall, them again. . se- than ueued.
The Hortieulttinal preminm list are . nd Me MrOrville Twitchell is having his.
Mr Ro
Church on Sunday afternoon,' Rev. E. now heing distributed and the seere- replaced ,by larger eere op-ta-
present gasolnie tanks taken up and
tbek the servire in ithe, •Hillsgreen
the Hen -sail church.. ' , glad to furnieh anyone -with one of date on,es. .,
F. Chandler taking the services in tary, Mee. Johe Henderson, will. be
Reeve Attends Golden Wedding
Mrs. Jas.' Love and son, Stanley, these lists who have not got one. As
spent a -day with friends at. Ceneralia epring will soon be here and . no Reeve Owen Geiger, acco-mipanied
doubt many. will be replacing shrubs by -Mrs, Geiger, spent the past 'wek
do ring jtoliherienFeaterkg.uhar; 0.f Hientall, is
ar,d bulbs of various, descriptions, -al- in Pigeon, 'Mich., wihefee thery attend-
ed the golden wedding of Mr. •Gei,
efpending a few days- with his neele, Eio fruit trees and so forth, we might ger's, brother a•nd his wife, making
Dlr. Allan "Cochrane'. say they could -do not better than to .the sixth golden wedtding that has.
W. M. S. Meet • join the Kippen Horticultural Society beee celebrated a•mlong Mr. .Geigees
The regular monthly meeting of where the 'finest of stock is procured brothers and sisters. It will' be re -
the Wonienis Missionary. Society was from one of the leading nurseries in membered that the )Reeve and his
held at the htoune of Mrs. Charles
with M.rst W. Turner presi.dieg. The
meeting opened by singing a - 'hymn. ter's worth in return. We. trest this
Stephens.= on Wednesday, March 11
byeiMisS .Rena Stephenson friom Acts
and 'the Scripture lesson was taken
laith chapter. 1VIes. R. McAllister
, for every, dollar's worth of stock
may. be taken" advantage ,of and -thaft
bought, d
'you get a dollar and ,-,e, quer-
the Society win have one of the larg- n.ay.
-the marriage - of her eon, Peter, in
London on Tuesday, 311. Patrick's
Mrs. !William- -Hildebrandt reports
. --,
the country. We might ale° add that wife celebrated theirs some months
est memberships this yeatethat they , Mists;Marion Sinclair, ,of Toronto,
read an item, "Inasmuch"; prayer' by ever had. . visited over the 'week -end with her
Mrs. W. Turner and a hymn,. The Mr. -and Mrs.:Jim Reid and dough- parents, Bev. and Dire. A. 1Sinc.lair.
secretary and treasurer's r•eports were en,. of Toronto,' spent a , few , days Mrs. Mice Joynt spent a feiv days'.
reiad and adopted. The besiness was with 'friends here during the week in London the e'nd-' 'of...last-week..
then taken and it was: decided to and also attended the funeeal of the 'Mrs. ,Geoirge Dick is visiting' far a
have the play, "Where's' Gfrandlma?" late John A. Workman, Mrs, Reid be- couple of weeks at the home of Mrs.
On Friday evening, 1Viarch 20. The 'ing a sister
MS'. Jo -Jul Parke. . .
„quilts„are to be taunted the last Week .Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kenof , Mr. and 1Mrs. Wesley ,Caldwell, of
-in April. I'Vfies Edna Cochrane gave Killop, spent a few days in, the vil- Londen, visited friends in town on
the topic on the common cold, tun- la-ge derdrig...the_ nreeknowing be...the-Sund--e. , . . .,
light ,and a healthy semen • The Aprilaeold Shettitt, of Toronto,
serious •, illness arldn_ death of Mrs. !Mr. H
meeting is bo be held at the biome of Kerr's father, -Mr. John Workman spent the week -end at the home„ of
Mrs. W. Turner, 'The offering was Mrs. Thomas Kyle, of Clinton, vis- his pwrente 'Mr. and 'Mrs,. Thos. Sher -
taken and the meeting Closed' with ited at -the ' home of her von , and rite
prayer in uniene. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rev. Mr. Young is in Tee:int() this
'Kyle, of the village, during the past
.i.i'd, MTS. George Hill, of Sea-
forth;"eriefited at the home of Mrs.
John -Deitz and Mrs. Fred •Tomlineon,
of this village, dieing the ,patet week.
. Community Night
The Kipper/ East Women's Insti-
tute will )hold. Community Night on
Monday, March 23rd, in the, haseinerrt
of the Chriselhurst United -Church.
The ipelegraina Wilf!'eonsist of a .short
play by the Yelling People from the
wihite school section; a 'debate entit-
led, "The city depends on the country
to -a greater degree than the country
d,eplelnds en the eity"; musical num-
bers and ether short numbers. There
will be no 'charge andethe public le
medially invited to _attend. Ladies'
please -being. luneh. .
Mce. Louis Wurm has sold hie 75 -
acre faem together, With stock and
implements, to Mr. ,Ferdinand Haber-
er oif town, • whe ha laken Posses -
e'en. The farin 'is located just sleuth
of .the limits of the village. Mi.
Wuem intends to retire from farming
but will remain on the farm until the
end of May.
• A sitting of the Tenth -Divisica
Court, was held here. on 'Monday with
Judge T. SI. •Costello presiding
Mews. F. ,Denntelly," •God•erich, and
J. j. Iluggard, Seaforth, so:Helton,
were in attendance.
Mises E. ,Gillesp.ie end F Kerr
see holding evangelistic meetings in
the town hall this week. '
'Mr. Milton Oesch has rethened
from a week's Veit with friends. at
Del. -hero.
'Mrs. Ward Fritz is visitieug rela-
tives in Toronto 'thin week
Dr, arid Mrs. H. H. .Cow -en and
ef Txeter, visited relatives
in town on Sunday.
,MT - Hen Williem's, was confined to
the,houtse last week with lumbago.
A number of relatives and neigh -
hors of Mr. and 'Nies. •Ed. Johns. call-
ed on them on 'Mondlay evening, the
occasion 'being their` twentieth' wedding,
anniversary. - • -.•
We are -pit -ease -d to revert thateDer.
Henan .Jeltes isi -able te be up out of
bed...der several hourseach day, at' -
ter theng confined to hi S bed for toner
three menthe with a broken 'knee.
of ToWnship of Tuckersmith, now in Town
of Seaforth, and that part of Lqt 10, Con- 7 AUBURN
cession 2,. Huron Road Survey olf. Township
of 'Puckerernith (upbn which is situated. a
white brick flax mill) fully described in said
mortgage -registered as number 8107 for. the
Town of Seaforth,and as number 10431 for
the Township of Tuckersmith, are hereby. giv-
en notice to•file their claims propeidy verified
with the undersigned on or ,before the 4th
day of April, 1936, after Which date said
proceeds (now realized) will be distributed
pro rata having regard only to claims proii
perly verified 'by then received.
Dated a: St. Marys ne 4th day of March,
. roomed frame_ house: morern convenierie-
good location. Lately occtipied by the
Sate Mrs. James McIntosh. Apply to ERNEST
Box 64. 3561x3
Eight -roomed f
.good barn and s' lots, cipposite Collegiate.
iame. house, electric Tight;
Farm, 76 acres, I/2 Lot 10, Concession 1F.,
ItNKAllop; 50 acre grass farm, Sah Lot 19,
ConeossiOri 2, Hibbert. 'Apple to ,MRS. L.
RJOHARDS or J. 11. Seaforth.
St. Marys, Ontario.
In Memoriam
Bennett. of Walton, who passed away on
March 25, 1935.: '
"Until the day brealm,
And the shadows flee away." '
be required thia year, both barns and
awellinfz hearses ate in bad condition. But
,have thern recovered with choice galvanized
att, made by the Galt Art Metal Co., or
the Pedlar PeoPla ef oighawri-none better.
Or 1 col sumer see with nearly, all makes
Of Slated areeee seinen of any' Weight or
col.* noec oh the Werke. Wino you are in
en teen OTT and hstv,e a talk and benefit from
*Y. Rifie tar eriettee with *rafts arid roofies.
Ni ,Eineen }rhorie I, Itetdalt.
GREER-In Scott 'Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, on March 12th, to Mr. and Airs.
Earl 'Greer, MeKillop, a daughter.
GRUM:MEAT-In Scott Memorial Hospital on
March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grum-
mett, of Tuckersenith. a son,
STEIEP-In .Clinton Cohnmunity Hospital, on
March llth, to Mr. arid Mrs. Andrew Steep,•
a son.
DOW-- In East Wawa:lest:, no M.arch 71h, to
Mr. end Mrs. Wehington Dow, a sots-.
CLARK -At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on
March 1.0111,. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark,
a 500.
M7'. John Melville has sold hie fine
black driver' to a fanner near Brus-
•Mr. Hog•gartliebas engag-
ed MT. John 'Brumbly for the. ,surnmee
months and he has :already 'started to
Mr. William' Brumbly is visiting his
daughter,, Morn 'Cede/ore, of Holmes-
1Vtr. J. D. Ainslie, of Leamington,
is . spending a few days, with Mrs.
Tamblyn and Mrs. Elsley. '
-IMii. Albert 'S'haddi.ok had a , vleTy
successiel wood bee last Friday. •
Mr. Thomas •Shaddiele, of Heins%
hes. been Visiting his eon, Albert, tor
-the past week,-
IDUring thetstorm, lest week e To-
ronto ear And the. .Blytli baker met::
in a theed-on cellisdee in the severe
stem. Both cars vreme badly' shaken
up but the ,oMepants were not injur-
11VIns. D Stevenenof Ilselock, spent
a few days with relativee'herree
Me. 'and We .Gibibinge and dangle -
ter and 1Mrs. I-Re:peon were ,guests
et the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. John
Keine this week,.
Mr. Sild MTS. b.' Sterna andtam;
of &Worth, were geente as, 1the
horele-Of-11Net, and 'Mrs. John Nott it
he A. held .iia meeting tin
Wed/MS.10y 'of"this-, week, it being the
firsit 'AA- +ore toottie Ton oddourit of
$604f4ti• -
afermiti, 61041-14'6WA--
opter# 4e, iweqt-en.4 'with" frds 0*,
Milos Male Simpson, of Detroit; vise
ited dyer. the week -end at the 1W:tole
of her grandmother,. . Min. Robert •
picathriorp. ..
OhilluhreehWat WidS: at:eirC8arniHi:elgulee' Prtares.bmYlbariontblerall
meeting On ThuesdaY‘ afternken, Mar -
nth, liep the wheel room -of the church
,erlingthopeneda goledwutLaittenda tjayncearrm. toll:wed/fleet-by
Na. Dulilas. The Sp-
tuPcsiserre le4s,bany
trie. The eeti eau was answered'
with the .word "Peace as the testi ,
word.. MTS. A. Dougall sang very
sweetly, "That Old Old: Story is
-True." he tiepin "Residential Schools
'Par Indians" mai; very able taken by
Mre. Dallas. After a few moments of
silent prayer 'Mrs. Edwards and Miss ,
Jean Dougall led in ,prayer. 'Mrs.
Arnold read e'eteacts from a nurse's
-diary, telling Of Work tinning the In-
diabs. The meeting closed wi-th ai
hymn wild th:e ,Lord's Prayer in uni-
The regular monthly meeting' of
the Ladies? Aid of Cannel Preebetere
hen Churrich west held on Thursday af-
ternoon in the sehool room. of the
elle/eat The meeting opened with
,prayer by the president, 'Mrs. B. C.
Edwards, who 'presided over the
meeting. The minutes of the lest
meeting ware rea.el and ,adopted. Tho
general business was discussed and
Mrs. Sohn DecEevan wee appointed
Group Leader in 'Men J. A, Bell's
place. The meeting OlioOedi by all re-
peating the .111lzpah Benediction.
Y. P. S. Are Entertained
The Young People of Channel Pres-
byterian .0hurch weire entertained oti
Monday night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. .Davidaon to a St. Patrick's pare,
by. Thedevotional part of the proe
. gram w4o,In tharge• of the president,
Miss Beryrrfaff, and opened by sing-
ing a hymn, followed by the Lord's
'Prayer in unison. The Scripture les-•
soli was 'read by .Miss Helen Walker.
Business was then discuesed and an
invitation was ,givep. the Yofeng Peo-
ple to .hold their next nieeting at the
home of Miss Beryl pilaff. This part
of the program closed- lerith a hymn.
Mrs 'MacDo.ugall had eharge of the
.pregra,m Which ,opened by all
singing the Chorus, "My Wild Irish
Rese.". Irish melodies were played
on the violin by •11V1r. R. R. MaeKalls
A paper on St. Patrick was eke, ab-
ly given by Miss Mabel Workman;
everyone then joined in singing,
"When Irish Eyes Are Smiling." Mrs'..
Young then favored the audience with.
Irish jokes and legends. The meet-
ing closed by all singing, "It's a Long ,,
Way to Tipperary..'' ;Col/teeth Were
then indulged in alba -Ty -which a de-
licious Patrick's lunch was served
by thelentess. Miss. Pfaff moved a
hearty vote of thanks to the . David-
sron's for the pleasant evening.
On Friday evening, Ma-rch 20, ine
the' Town Hall, Hensall,' Prof. E. Ee'
Riley; of Western University, 'will
give an address on "Economic Prob-.
lents of the Day." The meting'
ego/leo-red by the 1HenselleChaanther
of Com,merce, and a cordial' lei:kW:ion
is extended. to everyone to, attend....
;Mrs. D. McMartin reeeived: the sad
news of the death of her sister, Mos.
D. B. M.cDonald, of Galt. Mire. Mc-
Donald had been ill about four
months after suffering a 'heart „at-
tack and -passed away on Sunday at
her home -in ---Galt., --She-was, been at
Walton, Huron County, • hub passed
the greater part of her life at ,Chat-
ham and .Wiartent and fo-r the past
s event -en years had 'been a resident
of Galt. 'She is survived by her his-'
band, D. B. ,MeDenalel, four daugh-
ters, Mrs. J. F. Clair, lees. Jack ;Whit-
ley, 111/Irs. Arthur Hopkins and Mrs.
George Charm:pion. She is ,also sur-
vived by one sister, Mrs. D. McMar-
tin, of, Heriselleand .orie brother, Mr.
Ferguson, near 'Henson. Mrs. Mc-
POriald Will be remembered by a-
numbee of .111ensall people, her hus-
band having a, butcher ,shon here for
a number of years before going. de
Mrs.- Carl Schaeffer end little
daughter, Elizabeth, of Palsmerston,
are visiting at- the home of the for-
neer's aunts, Mrs. Ballantyne ani
Miss Katie Scott. •
The last euchre and dance of the
Season, sponsored by the :Hensel!
Chamber, of 'Commerce, will be held
in- the Town Hall on Wednesday 'eve
ening, March 25,, at 8.30, with :the best
prizes as yet given
The bridge on the C. P. R. track
near John Hallam's faern and south
of the Auburn station has been un-
dermined b1Y the spring fresthet, mak-
ing- it necessary for a C, P. R. rears
Andrew Kirkconnell, to ke.op witch
all night le case the _hedge is taken
The storm of, Friday has again
blocked mahy road, the one from
here to Myth is impassable again for
motor.One Auburn motorist was.
cern eelle'd to ghee don his .car on No.
4 'Highway, eolith of Blyth.
Vii.sitors: Gordon Taylor, Bert
Keyes, 'Elmer Rohereson and Harry
BeaXile motored ta .Toronto,.
Leslie Buchanan' has 't'he record S(T
farfor growieg laege persnips. He
brought sorhe-ete the .village on Fri-
day which meas,ured 13 inches in cir-
Cunifference a'n1c1 were 27 inches long.
• A much enjoyed banquet with a'
varied pregearn was put on in the
ban -tient of St, Andrew's United
'Church, s.perfdleeed by the Woman's
A.seaciation, an -d- .the W, M. S. The
program consisted largely of re-
sponses) to toastse to the Various or-
ganizationof the. -church. Robert
c4entelemer propcised the Want to the
e • .
ch melte reepended to by the •pastor,
Rev. R. M. Gale, who then acted as
.1.; apt m a .ster. There were readings ,
11111eite and recitations and Irish solos.
Geor2.6)EllioIt, of 'Clinton), guest
Frpelleetr, ernteetainted with speeeh and
recitation. -Between numbers there
wasa eing-song in which all join;ed.
r9b,, tihtenteki Iteek is *tiring
4tOild ot�1e. cfitisi y..
Council Meets
• •
The Tnimecipal council of Usborne
Township met on -Saturday, iMarch .7,
with all the members present. Ths..
minutest' of the meeting of February
1St were..read afnd adopted on motion
•• of Rallenityn-e-Ceoper. Cornmethicie
tier). from Dominion Semeau of Stun
tisties rwas read an.d filed. Notice ef
District 'Highway 'Convention in Lorre
.dorrewate received. 1Council 'agreed
that any of the nieJrnibers -finding it
possible should :attend. Bellarityne-
B.47: That grants of $10.00 each
be -Made to the Sick .0hildren'e 11-R/SilYt-
tail in Tee:trite and the Muskoka Hos-
pitar--Carried. Berryearoper; Mov-
ed Shale in order to comply with pro-
vincial etegulations that -thie Tneasui-
er Of 'the Tcrwnehip be bonded to the
extent of $3,000 with' the Dernition
of Canada General Insurance . Co, It
• was..agreedl.. On. Mation..16f)Bellantyne,
and tBertry thatfeGartiet2McF-plle Sun -
ply power for crushing .gravel, durieg
1936 Int last year's rate, vii. $140
per how% • The Clerk was, instructed,'
on motion., of Pats/mere' andl
tyne, tks adieetise for tenders for
trucking township :grasiet. for 1036;
Tenders to eta-te. iI1eR ,per yard Mile
and tenders to be intOleek's hands by
1 p.m., April 4, 1930, Two insentient
- 'The fietitietery tdelgeee Will be 'given to' be -placed in Timee-Attiretaltie and
lab 1•Brucelfield Ledge.. I.001.F. on Fri- The Hunin Einesitor. ¶LThe scale ' of
day evening, When it is hoped all WAWA Was set for tovenehin work for
naernbers will be present. .1020 at 1/1/2 cents ter hour fol? roan
Mr% James Tharension few end 36- cents tier • hourfor man sant
dal tit vatifth friends le libreter INA Weekteen/ on Motion of 1Coo1,er4lerry.
Jia'flth RO94 visited friends in tibia by Berry anci,„Passmore 't Was
London IAA for4ork,. sewed, the. tate for foe .tractor
gititeeedVlaitY %regent* a 'Peekete weer toe haeling Olden at $1 .per
,einith, visited for few 'days fat „the :hour And 'the 'ItOad ifterinterndenfr
'Iroffitte Jo0 11114§. Mot. Vi64610« • 'Weii7liieitzettetted Stedee 'selifeuhle
Sit§ ttivett ifieeextteet •••ht. ,• 2'i:totter, .proiwiete et. '011ie fait*, *Pitt' te,Baltillitei"
1Ders, IS. A. Millee is vieitiog with
an.d Mrs. Lloyd Miller it Strat-
Mai. and Mrs. Alex. Rh,ode •pleas-
antly entertained the village on Wed-
nesd'an latet.
(Mee .Caldwell had the misfortune
to , fall and dislecate • her hip, but is
'Mee Edgar' Allen is able to be out
a -gain after being confined to her
home with a celd - •
„Mr., _and ..1ere..„.„9,epegeWellece and.
Mt. and Mrs.. A. Colby tspent .Sunday
with friends at .Carlingford and
Mr. Joe Spectre 'entertained the vil-
lagers ter a euchre 'and deem on Fri -
•clay lent.
0,,Of 4'41,41/IR
'(Continued from Page 1)
was follow -a by cenimfinity singing
a a fewelrish' nannbers, After Whieh
the folleiviing protram was given:
Reading, "Don't," Jessie Paisley; solo,
Bobbie Hess; Trialnl0 BOJO, GIRCIST.
LUkelF; SIO10, llgise Bella iSenalte. The
meeting dosed with a hyme and the
1Vliepalh- Benediction. This was fol -
leveed by germ's and contestsand re-
freshments were served by the young
people. •
Will Addrees Board of Trade
,Pref. T. E. 'Reilly, aeseefete pre-
fees/or of ES301110fIllieS at 'the Undbers-
ity tote Wentere Onterice addrreas
tihe Hensalfi Boated cif trade Iat its
next revoker nteeting PrildatY,
March 20. Prof. Reilly Will deal with
some -of tlie most urgent SoOrondie
pithier& id. the dayi tent cliatussion
isi invited.
Pel& lSchool Report
Ithe'llelloeharAie ihhe irai1e001 tlie
diJfl-ttikita flitted tet•itike ty40,
- • " •
--McKinley's Chicks --
011T hatchery program includes Government Approval, sixth year,
blood-thsting for five years, and 'Special Feeding of Breeding Stock •
for vitality in the chicks.
It includes the setting of choice eggs, carefully. incubated and
hatched to preserve their vitality. It /Ilse indludes a practical sani-
tation programe to protect their- health.
• That's why they Live Better'.
• That's why they Gm* Better.
e That's milly they Pay Better.
For further information, call, phone or Write. The Hatchery is lo-
cated on Abe ,Ciothen Line, Stanley. The phone number is 97 "F 11,
•Hensall. The address is ZURICH, ONT.
We appreciate your
enquiries and business.
" ii.‘wicrow61i444
. . . Wonderful Menu l
Mekers1 Stuffed with ,
Pimento . . . with attieri,
ind nutmeats . . . or hat ,
plate. Combinations too ..
staled end plain . . . or
plain, doffed and ripe In ,
thtt tame 'far. At your ,
grocer or deliertessin.
• eit4 itilennerce e
* "
•-•'• c.
; • .