HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-20, Page 3F;A��",,i �:"��,4';, !!! � 1A _!�W,i,i",, " ;1�1'."%1-11 ". ";, - . i . � _ `.� �, � .1 11 �� �, ":, ". i , � � � �� I �i �i , , , : %� �: : , , j I ,I I, ... � `!�1'11' . 1i i , � 1, - , � ., . � �.�,, 11 , ). � .. I � , . , I � . - I , � , 4; , [ � , . , , � �. � , � I , � ­­ 5 .-� , � , , , � , 1'. , ,!,Z, , , .1 ; o � , . I - -1 1. � I � . . � ,. I 0 �;mi �i�..�;;�,��m,;i�i�� . � , ., . . .. 1. I . I � 4 ­�._ �, . 1 .11 11, 11.17 � M ."- ,M71 '" I �11 .1 141aft 11 I 11 ;,", . ... ,. 1. % , , , , , , . , ,A� 1.51;�i , �; . o , , �:l "I,, , 1, .� , i , � , , - � � - 1.11 1;. , 1w, ': "I , ." I �- A I . , -'r, I , I � 1j. �, 4 ��,�'ie� ", . � � ; 1 1 � , l�'; "�N'4, I. �", i ,�',r,� �', , ,,, "' � , 1" ,,, ;:', : , ��-,­ , . , III." �,�.!��, �!. 1��, _�'T.�'�'� ,�")`�� �, �:J " ., : ,� " �� " , � " - I I-, i'1,1. - I ..1w . � ": 1. 11 I , , g ;1 � I , �, I , " , , , , ,� , � . . ., �,. ­� �",!� 311,�,` � ,.',�i�, �i , ',)� ��. �,41!­'?;,�": - ,��_ I , , , I � , ,. �, . I .� , j .��v; 1,� . I 11 � I . I .. . "I . - I � .1 I I I:" 4 i _1 T, , P : 1 , , ,: ,-�I­ , el ), , t , 1, .. � � i, �, 4, . . i, - " I . �, . � .1 - " � ;� " � �q � � , 4, , . �� T I ,, , , . . � I , ; . , 19, . . , _� "I 1:4. i ,'��, , " � � - �­ - 4 �, - . #-! �� ­ . I " , ��, 4 1 , . 11 . 11_�..,_­: _,­�,'_� 'i , � N " , I . . � 1. I , , , - �i � ,� � .1 .:­­ I . 1. " � � , I N:W` ��,'I"i I '. . � . ­­. . I I . I I , , " - -,�_,_ , ! " a , �10r, . .. I JV ;,� I � '. I t .. 11 . , � �' -',. �_. w_ - ti, 1,,10,i..11__;"1r_ __­­ _,___�,;; " " _. �. �,,,;,il;�, .. "" - "" 1. --1-1111-11 -11--11- ..... ____­­_­­.­___ . .11�.���-1.11�,;."�"'',�",,","-,;,�Ill"",,.,I , ;, ,7, ..7',�,, I'' " 4� r.,� ,i I." ­., �. � I I . � I ." 1�� , ,. .11 �'_Wll["��­. i ,,,,, , ,,, ." t,,� "I . ,�?�;.,ri Mi " .... , __� . , " - . . ,.,i� t , � I . , i�t�. l 0;�4 "lit"i " � I,`h ,�",R!;�, 1- I 11- �` -11, .,11�, I - . , . , " . - I . ,�1111�, '1�;11J1LiW111­ IX�,,�-1,1'111I 11114.111�Fll`, , i I � � . . . . , I , �,�`�` , � .1- 11 ;,�T. '­.� I I , , - � . . --, � : , . ., ­ I I .1 . .. -11 � � � , I � ; . �� ; . � . "'i, . ., � " . ,fi � , " � � � , I I % 'a,wit , 01$0*� ` : '0 . � I 'S, " , I �� I I 1--1 � % � ; 0 � , " . , , , I -1 I IV, �.q. 10. � 0 . I 11 . 60 tbo. . other, 1 AA22 11 I I � ( , * , , �s"_,T M -ow ,-1V!,__ , - - . I TO "up, � , X0,00'b"O'. " 19,101; ,� i - ; , ��* ��q I - � ....... I il`,��111-­-� . I , � I 40 11 I "Illjr, a ". rileAnIna, mm lhail, ihuh ."1, . , I , h, �t . , q -;, -11TI.-I" ` I 11��­ . I . � I - 'IT, "�I' , I 16W� TPJ _­ """ Aiv_: ", " , f, I ;;; '' ... �, . I '. 77 .1 I ltlwr -01, I � . I TM , - I .. 11 17"-!".IWAP�'WI-7w,�'W"i",.,�4,� mw�Mpffl� ��'. , � 4. � . I 1. . ,�, *000" so.0_-1%0l . ­ 1. 11 , 7 11 I � 11 RWIP, -1AuZJW44­A' V 0 I ,. .F , 2"!'? �,� I li 1�14 M%y#.11rJV,F.%1 . � . . I aor�! -"-w- _ih 1--Y, %Ap.w-limix t , , . . .. - -'. �., ,�,�: � .- . . = .. � TP71ii1W ns,410-, � I', I". I- I ­ " fplpld,; D � ,��;, .1 �� �,94*51 '00_wy 000ftj.41, , 0 113r, ARV,�'U%A,, " J . , _@04, liq " . � � '. .1, � , . . �:�, ,11 . '40"P.- 1'' 3. , I'll, - .. __.... - .- , 4-1 - I 1, � ... I ;r*Wr I , I jp;, k4l�_11414. lj.A-:- . P.,41 -.4,11'," 'i, � , _ 04 �, " -1 "" ffl ­�P`�­J-`i`jp �,� ie 4 , , �­:,,,11111 � ___ _. . ­ I , I -.11-11 . Op . - on,d Dank - , I - -hii , . . . 1.010"Imp 211 " I ,. . -4 - - , _ I J�400b'o �OJMW_ ng en, ,j JS ", ob. low. W,� JRN '. var-0 id � I ::. � !E IN - .,jqp, v4R. _ _'t I I ,On,_'Le�. a ,Tilan ,, , _ , ... a , -.._Rd mm vdui : � .. . . I - A , ,., .... .. . moo I , . __' _ .. ' ,,, _ " 6' qX the "I 0 ilton , labrei'let, � � . '6f"V opeqailj�r 4b, ,� o A 90� � ' '�n ,Jtj� � I .1 . - (By Q - ()'Vten. the,h tbileft 'a" . ' 6 q0P vaofilod away, y .. ... �*A 107 V.".W 1$�` , i I __r*lpol�tgti, .. " .., _I I , , ft4 . Iarj�es Mao.") luodd *Wmday _ M �6_!, 1 . $ud 0041 � , . �i _rj, 1�t , .. ,�, 1,099*601. - 7404141104. .. An'd. I 1. ­­­­., ,_;�'­.6­6' . P . ' ' : K1i­A,.i­X7,,16� X�',.,�,";'11 '. � . I , I I . I wok and ern�op% the IVWtAM -of a '-kW- t iat�- . � W1404 tllA� 04,wv�pvuliqgt T'lipwo ,bwai . 1 ,�4% ',I ,, ... .....6.11. 6 . ­ I,.:. ;­� .11 9'a'-w-maull"11, � we , tw 6 ' . . IN, . I , " k­,-Wt�.R8qjWrn, W.6ho W"J4 %jAj 100A" i%pQ$'s4W' A r'O'MOW 9 04: ,�., ,6k,.,, , & . .. . . .1 9,100 tNub 700 .41Q tPodab I 4 in- , �� �'peojo ' fflatU 'it ,'. '.,f . ., " ,�., � .. - to, .. 59t . at' t "i �,� 5 I I ast wo*) _ _� I I, t jo.'Ift _., M . j,V (ODUMnUed firom I bem!, Overql These. 0* h year, was. 1bund dead in , his, 1, , ,V40 OOM . OW'W� ."� �,i,,,�:�,,.,, . . 40W. W -r Of 'tille ,hotel sitatf, _,bood"'Ibifl- Il' ! . " I �, " Mill opoin �y a m.0 .,)e 1461ng, � . �� .;i.. 11 '1�1. ." I .. I ," ... ^ the - Born M l0X099Q1vilje,. lip, Wt4 - - ' L 0 - 1 -_4 ;i.. � � ��, " L ;Jld** is A Befi*nir M11 . . _­.. ` . . x 1, I 11Nre , to �, � , L . Chopter XXIII I ' I � I he "t tb'* "no 'W*re . � . I— �. 4*4&en OX lare'el, .', - - ir . �. . . � . APIARI�MTP, 76kj .. I . L , ' , t do zealp.041a�, , hs� y6a� hwm ml&Oxed-by fyincel.j.0 in-: I . ,'e� ! 11 , , I k 190.6 "d tw. q . t � , � . -, . __ - I 'Q�� " ' ' . .r,' , q ,5 " tjjj katchtewan . '4f _) ��' .3y", , 11 X WONDBRFUL COAT- Jeafth, a_33d.,,BeqjAru_1* Tr'eme , PM IV. 1. � workedL on a ruh*t tqp� -this. Chatn ilait , � �L' PIZI 'It V� � . AIM . ,.. . V . htthetb's f"*bes�_�, hd L 1 fif farm unta'101T., later. ho� m Q - * ,­ . .� an4 �;� 4�,,'.,R­F�0�� %, 'jg t -R T__ QA 6 , �_ � - w4boo Jul . . I..".. 8hbwlpd , oved ,� St. , 11"Wreoco V ,_­­­�� ... I . . 0 . .1whela Jbiclob was 01�wng reaoy to - T'dW,L "s hb* het showed, it, 6 . to sIdd came, to Goillemich in .. uao, �mvi ta'�' - ti)i'�*Ik' - joh"Z. 1* , � I - �M,w,%Zi\'� 11-11 , , .P a 11�i�,i� ith � 6 . J,L.­j�� , W ;��11�11� "L I I lewre,his Uncle Labanls rplace, Rachel 4934. He was lilentified Wa th,is '' ' ' - _' �., : ffheire W r Iiior' thi''B"Veii I erp elVven new costs need- -Unit6d Church dE . , r afi�r 9 Nd wmw some of th; hlo-uslehoM , 6 qiw, 11 .later- use . : . ed "one, sVrk*�-4Bftjabl1n was 00 U'4 Was q I 'tl* 1i.ny L '".D.OrefieAer" ' jOQMOWjj, .. I . '. , 14 _c. . . m7ler , We, I 41! I � � ill . *ds which taban worishippe"q i,Two sisteft sumi-OiOei bim, oil, a O�-, It- q�� " r, ig EUboUt:It! r - , - I � I it b - -, r t 4 . ,bb kn�eW_40diij In sm1hp "Ylet to [gob a. coat Mike tam big T 6 1,alibur- � : . buO i y Stephens.o;n ox , L*Rmaoi . .1"'I'll 2 . I . . I angieviRle " and. the wher in IT I , .'F,�. I � A*% iso there were just I to .hq Enoand,wuslbrought alemoss the At. - , '':::.. I'll ,I ' , . 1 _V - J�dt, L,.r Iger boot .1 % 1 , � . a few days after tho havie . A lnooftdli The& c a ,J.-Wers -,. a0W , , remains Were taken to Or- 6.. ,. ... I'll i $ , I . Imin and - hisi horseiiwn .04Tdo , X9eville on Sulbfty afterni . Aam�lc, ' nau'limg, the ,=41a,90 -like . __ 1. ...., r ­­­ '." -_,"-6 . ........ lf7p��:,!, I r 0 Olon— -n , - the - � .. .. 11 ....... I'll W,,­�'-%­� "ll, "I'll 1-1. ­�,:,11_,Y - - of , . , .,.', .... ­,'! ',,�, . i4ber length, mi 01 4Golijenth sw, .1 , ... I . Ii, , , , �.:_­t I I coaches o . MAGIL ' them,,and idenlianded that -the st,Aen :9 'dw otele Wiiw , . . . I r I the first siectift I)IDN,,r a, "'I 6 , . ,ql' ,,.S, ... � , , '..'"; "J6�"j�U�jt�j;� .. � � � . Out, a is�e .. ey ro,ould . * . . FAMtMg "."o, ;z�­_ ­�.'_'j�' 1 A __gp anyV&Oiel, n .­ � ....... , .: _', 'tWWI-n vblidh eifive;yed. many of'' the . SX. � S.'IM W 141*07440W'11 . . . _ _ 'oUaM , �1111' 1 . i.�, New% Pos,ttion ­.�_. �.�._ : , .11 . , gold bei r�lturne6d_. jacqjb��WaS quite, h4Ve, a sl'it J*.thei. , '- ", ���� I � I . w9gry that he,,shoutil"ibe accused of a . � 04 its'p6erfie0i ­T-i'� B A N��' — ., �side. of W-14 !-!�i "' - . ithweer-hundred' ,passengers who.-lat-_ - . . Now you. can avoid "'"' "' Z,4�Zq K I IN� , - I I go th t the I s col walk, easily. MIt: JameiS Weir, a f0mer student. I OU14L "caved -in" - stealing such �* - � tended the moment eivierit of'Ithe muffins, and Ast, p6oWer.' What's tal)fe, aijj�1.0, " .. I I r 1. ­ . . t�_.­ '6 . !,! I I'll, ,,,� ' thingsl�' He toild' Lqj'b'an Theire would be cbj,l�r andrcuffs as ol the 'Winghaim High 'School and, a VARN , - --- — ,opening ceremony. . he�v I - I � I 'I', ,y cakes by. " I to e.Qarch the -tedbis 'of his, ." ole %vell. as rkleerit graduake, in BuAnesp Admin- I using good is very m*_ ',' , xjwpsiv. ,e o.use, . . I � � ­ -04 'd'e hem at the buttom � - _1. .. - -00000� 1. . bakin 'ivorig'r - carmp! Aud.*st is what'Labaiiii did.. and up X . i0tiration from ''Westervelt School,, I '% I 1-1 - — g powder. Canada's Ws than .14 nak�,4`-' �t I��4�g­ . , .. - - .,­', � . .. �2 - . Ngnt.. , They weie to. be . .� I I exPerts ree- 01*_cakel Ask youi i ' m�� When he ie . Unbebdeld for 11aist wtiek) l , . leadiig cooke;7 �WQQW 1 6 � ,open, I ,-, _ �,,,� !17,11 Thayer's Limite,d . .., -1 '4 ��#il.. " , ­­ . 'N .11, . , 1,,,1'1_-4 r� '. Ra&wdls It appoliated to the staff of the ,,�,. O.. ii , . . W" "'6 "" 4 I . _,%ine'into M& . 'down, has (been. . �' ­ I ommenld Magic because they for . I �, ��,,!,Fg '1' I ... 15he was ­"�'6 :front -"o b'utthn`�', London ofAce of ` , ... I I .. 6. � . . . .;:."." a..,lielaitty wid wss Edyth -.- 'BHMI�ey is Canada's third largest . 9 . _ ­ , . '. i,� k sitting on ithe household - . . . " ,- -, -,,, irl'�"".�'��', , � - jusib, a' wide, ,slash t6� tie aa-vitind, the eSday" gra'M. 6 1 ? , I '_ � � �� . I ',W .. . , � 16", V ; vilitich �Laban was lookin ... I . I i . .61'.�.',� :. I � � 0. " 6, W� op. It foWW* whe" I � ., , l I ;� I Vp ffo1r1---_:_�,4an, . and emaimenced- his new duties MASsIOP linOitoMd to London Tu AM 11- . - and, '' __ _ - 14'.. I " , �.11�1,, . .1 .. .�, I _ , WjngjhA4D, . ­­ . , she fust sat -thebef ,ILAWkban did n -aist. , . Monday, Wareh, etu,ned oats, but the bariley production wist us- ­- �­ - - - -,. . I -- .- -, � 1. 11 6 .... 1,111 ,,,­ ti� _.. 11 it , 7- .. IMIss UMM Elliott.. has, r " 4 1. IThe Costs . . -- '' . . "-;`W ImWeM A'- were 1:oI -Ue woven with vance-Tifineg. _ __ ho -me after spending a ,= V "', � find them. ,So Laban apoll0gize j Ad"i I 77- . _ . couple of uhlly less Mmn one-qu. ter. that of te-T, , siipgIsr, And.4 (pindh of �Ioyft? &.1 -Ir Over niest 3 cu 11�,Zlll ,, . . , qs� qf 1p�ayy, ,,ili -,.��'.-,,�,,,���;:�,��,,��,,�-�,,,.,��'. t. Jacobi and went. ba,* thionvii" ver�' finest mbW�-4t,woiulid take a 1 tad, " I P , ,., . ,; oii 1, - ,", I I ... I i ' I I ­ I V'X, I Ups , 1. eeks 'in 4310derieh -with, hi�x, sister,, Wheat. ffWqoy. co,q, ns more_et�weh SNOB And dnnOmloll.' Tl�en begin, a- O.Dion cho' ed, oh,6, t4j)je ."� ';6',' .i� `_�' 4, - .... I'll , � I . q_'. . et - . pp I =111-1 a .... . I JR06hel could -not trust Y�hovah th�, good while for a man. to weaw each ­ I. . I . Wh . W �, - - q., , - .. Mr. and .�Nxs. ­mMtt i I , .,I ,""i-.�.t , ":, , �` ,:, I Mm Herd. and Tdore craft fibYe than with another 1ayE-X ,of ap9je& ad -butterj­%. � , I b1fla, " A ,, 1 6 1 .. U., , 6 i"", , ", 'i. 'T.F"%, _ dolat Trawl `_­� _, 11OWe by a Ye CrollnbS, and teaspoonfulpeppeT, aa on . , ,::, � i." I _", pat ,but 'gain teawo God of Jicob, not until. He had 'ling weaverls, "Wer 6. Morgan`_ --of Lenten services will -I be'lield in St. a bu&M of barley weigbis. �; j;rty- fol d , " la r of , _ L i ��,' i .- ,e_.Q,I" . Archie , -a "W"s IlM - - TJ -borne, bad 'a most unpidas t 121, - �,t blidughb Jacob to his blow ' e4- in, to help with the elieven! WIMV F-bur.,.-thile'llnixtu "' � ,� , To i ft , , "'' peace! narrowly esea ' 14 bakt].7 , 01­ _� Perience and ' "" J01: -'s Muich :on ThuAsday aligilit eiglit pounds ais, against 60 of wheat. s,o on'until, the dish is filled, ending Ad chees% Then she galthered up 'alilehm, who' learned their tri&a 'in, Egyipt '6 . P�'d ger- The Rector, A&,. Bugler, ;gave, a very The isiltraw of wheafamV of baijoy,arie with a tMak lay of C L.anj _ dish ", i_ in. , _',­,­' - . � g , ad, '), �.­ ,.".. .11, well-goreig,sed - a 'MW ��"-`11 . 1 6, I Per. )other '51'a ious injury when tile cutter in which . I 6r ruimbs. 11 � ,,:�!,'.4" - 049 while Jacob made an altar, and amid in 'Babylion! The­­vlery-' best they were drixiii; to ,town Friday interesting talk (on the Lord's 6 .. I Ps 'of bultber. Mth a knife make wi.th ibuttered ­ 1 -6.4"'" 6. i,;�', . I Prayer Similar in cornpqslition. lum, ijoread, cratmbs� " _; , "' �`Z, �.` .....'.. 1. . I we�uvler .w#s put to work bin,.Joiseph's - . I . 6 a I 11 . JEI " _''. .'�' I , A I q V I'll.. they burned, their. .other goAs and coati. . I I 1. ,� ovening last WaSO Aruck by an. last Thum,W6y,' I space on four sides between. the7 for twenty minute.%__:Can"Jan n", ...�61" .." , 040'�. , � % worsfidipped God at tethel. 14 . - auto .. � "1101. . " .... 1� .. t; I'll � . . driven -by Harold Broderi Mrsi.'Wfilliam McDonad, of, G �ele- .. d -k -h and. ,the pudding, and'.pour'in- a spaghlifti ,m�i;y be� . �4. . . . ck. 'Mr. - - I .... sui - illi t6w: _1.�, 1. . I. There were ,only eleven fr6ys in, the ... In a few dwis -the first coat was amid Mrs. !Morgan, were drivin -rich iTo4niship, is visiting friiead.-i i half cual of mil and a half cup InalMeCTA. . . 9_ , I .. I .. '.,�, I ­ �11 . I . - I LLL ,i6�, �� .1 0, I ­ ff,aI�ly when Jaeab arrived back in finisheld. That was for Reuben! It �h,e hill lsioqth of thebricgge, wh g Up and airD � und V in Artbw­­��So your new job makes of 6old water sweetened with -sugar. . . . . . . . ..� 6 " : '."'�,�,,� . the . arms. , � . . I I . . . I ,��,�,� en I I . , �,'��'�' I.. ' . CJ' -Mr. Fred, Jewie,11, of 6 You Indeplendell . S-olabh the sPaces..o1vqr, and$ set -the - . . . ''I I . 6 , � � , 5naan, lb,4+, A was, not joing until w4s an elowellkint - coat, for Xadob was, car cq�ished 'the rear of bhe_cutter. Cbrlb %v, - has Affliert-.4"Abisolutelp. I got -1here d,' , -111 ,." 1 14 1 . 1', !'�j', -Mere wai a new ;baby boy, andithey "ich, ,and h13 had th .firiest -51h,eep in Mxs. -Morgan was tho engaged- with M,r I tsh ih a pan -of bailifig water aid' � . �. .. . .e own out onto . Frank Weekes f air any idme I want before edght til � , , , I . , . Ij 1, and ;bake un the pples. a te der ., � . caffiled bihn �Bftijamin. Rachel died, all Asid,'- Thiere was a .wide border .the hard snowbank argd. was, ' ,ndp Ithe summer. ', . a ir n and. . - . I . .�;;�� ... , ;.�!�-,,, .. I -1. re ar- :. -� 6. 1 . - -,,.,, I. 11 . se l0aw just whien I please after five." the , . ,,.,�6 ". --,, When Benjainih was born, sio. jacob ,arcund,t6, 'lbotto!ni, and the duff,T sid-uneonseilces. 'Me hor - a 'We are sbrry to report that Mr. I . I prianbs el$ghtdy lbrown. Sierve , �.�t �Q . I ,6 I made i' _�_ .. . his 6 - i 11 , !�,,'P, ­4�ki,1�11 I . . .... ,�, 11 ' tber fo,r a cou- James GTassie is no(t as well �1.s - . ding '6 66 s ,� ,�, . , "i .. , -nkw .der, ttha, - tqie� ,oi oreak for liberty and ran', with cream or with lemon pud , -�� - . Had to be, bolth father and mother of were, ch wi n . . �� .1 I the baby! "Perhaps that is why Jac_ Y10,11`1119-4n0m ar.oun&­theire, were wear-- Pbe. of'bill,b,zks with 'Mr. Morgan lVajin. many friends would ilike. ' ' � I . lsappe.� ­ 4' - � 11 " ... ��, , I I . .. .1 �. I �­ . .­ . lob ,was 96 veri fond' ixf Benjamin. ing�- Theme was a scroll on the cuffs ly endeavoiing to, stop the runaway. .� 1- . TESTED RECIPES ' Shepheid's Pie . I .­ - .! !t_.�_ - - , , ; , , �;"� " .., 1. , � , / I I -__.,,�. . , , "s 0,hildmerk and a pattiern worked the Main . 10, . . . I . I . . 61: . . " "I - _. and alsoof Joseph, Raei,j.ed on .th. front; "Lt Street ,church corner ' . . - - I . I 1 �..�6: .. . k . ; ..::,;�., �, . . .. I-- .. A I . �. 1. � and a. few. tbuches"extra t the cutter ,struck a telephone pole Sausages and' 'Butter an'eaTtheu baking dish and . I , oudhes�__ Fri,ed Apples I q I 'I"., . �. smashing. it 'badly. Fortimately the Uentennial Celebration I . I line the sides and bottom Ito the 1, I ..'.� 6 ... . 11, . . I OA the sleeves and- , shoulder:- It driver escaped, unhurt. : ­. . . . I .. . I "11111111 I p1leitsed Reuben very well Hfis ,b,ro;_ Mrs Morg-an Trick, the sausage weill with a foTk: dv,Pth of 1 1/2 inches, with hot mashed ... . I ,:: -*,717,W,P (yved to the office of __ of Canada's First"Railway �Piaee in deep irying Pam; pour I . .1 I .. ,f7 0 . r.,..1 . . "I . theirs weregl1ad with thim. And. -the wKs rem"' � " I � in prOtatil Session withfinely chopped . .. 1. ,;�%,,Kilii�iii�i�i�iji: y lop. 'She ,had been badly sth, I . nuugh .. � �1' 6 . :. . . I waited anxiously forjtheir o,wn �oaub amid suffered st'light abrasiions he :)n July 121 of this yewr ther e -boiling warter to cover the bot- orlion orr -chives, one tgoblespoonfull .t6 11 .111 ,� . . -, I to a[ppea4 . . ,_ le will to,m; cover and cook. ,Q(V.,er a mode -rate two 'cups ni�ashed potatoes. Fill cen- '. I - ,. 11�, � - accident ,Was bil le CellEbratelif a centennial event of fire., . In 0 � ,�., . anifaid un L,IW N1, When the waiter evaporatels, re- tre with chop fit -over cold be . . ' , -i­�-' A .; I , ped lie .. ,:, ,�::, : . . . ition of the roa&-Exeter in ;_ - g Yoiisiten wVth brown or �ream sauce, - . . 6 �, 6' i4 , As the weeks passed by t1rer .1roys condC . . ...signific ce, tihe -opening of stausagee . I ef. "I 11C - � - , 5 ` � � ." - � a�a S firsI ,an I y move cover and turn it'he � S'. Se . ., f I ., I were getiting as fast as Advacalte. � it; steami railwa . Co,m_ - .. 1 .6 1 I I .. ­t'j 11 , their coats 6 . several tirl so, that they may . be ',io Which add 1/2 tablespotionfull-minle- Nowlis, the time to re yaw I . .. .;All . ., the weavers eRild-finiiih ,them. Each ' . Trans . .. ising fourteign. and a half- ril of nf,celly browned. Turn -onto a plat- ed parl and onion juim _'Cover ounctl * . ,,.�.X-,:,K;:,: a . fm-eo , have en im- I � lo, . ­ 1'ne south ,Of the Sit. Lawmence Rimr, M. "', :;:!; - coat A'� jUst r­ighlt f the one who Mr. -Willi aim I I avoida"b%..W.h.1W.'.`t.d durmg try .. .�" I _ r. " �' . I ' I 91 ter. Core a ,number of large, tatit' ,",Tth a layer ,Of the potato mixture, 7".4 %:*;;, , 1.11 ":::, ` The ben 6sons of un the staff the Bank of Montreal in n openiings, in topl pie, ing before advances,in the pride of . . I I :�:N 2WNXANi ;1: I :�:"-i� W&S t0_*esm. i�,. - loppuskie Montre , the Chain- Camadian-viOwn appleS.6 Cutthe- i' rialke several depr6asion times. Order your rZg- ' ' " - . I....... 14::: . or . , :.�:.;. . .. �: . . ..... of McKay, who bas been almost Lawrence ,railroad, was, - . . 6 . �:,��. . . I , ` : ;Ff. ., "", ereall fitted out -in their, new f0T several years, amid who has, made -lie . the price of roofing. . . . . ' !_ 1: :­i��'.-��: . .:: .;::.7 - . Jacoib W plain- and .'St. , I I . ... � � I ..6 "I .1 . j...1. k"A , 11: ,: . ilohns, . ""'gils an, inch'thick and dry in the and brush,top lolver with beaten, eav . - . " :%, I I . I . tel.pusi . :::. ` . . .. . , I E S Producta offers two . ; I : , togsi! But whty was. JosiBiph's, coat slo imany friends in Exeter, has been .built froin' Laprai to, Sit. "allisage fat. Garnii�slh 'the saiig,gge �W_ � , -, '.. ,,��l . . ..'... :: , , ::: que., to supersede the - stage route . 11 with ailluted with milk, Bake -in oven �' great values in MeW Roofing I Rail-, ,�', .�, . :; . 'lang--�bedng finished? .. transferred to the Stratford br well browned. 11 : 11,." , , 11 : 6 -F-0_U1P:- an -serve. til hea!ted through and P-011 andTite-rAp I Each has exclup. � �, : ,Z . .6.. I �:,; . . . . . 11. , , "" betwe these two polnibs. It was, the 'apples d rVe. features guaranteelfigweatber- , , . . k6 " 'I%h,L, best wishes of many friends, will , fln - .. . I ... I * ,� I I ., . . 1. . -,;'_[7WA � 'e' ,6 6., . Wall, after a Ion time it did. come. follow him% Mr. McKay hadibeen, off first ,link in 6 thei chain of railways , .. Brown Betty . I I Serve h6h in Ithe baJdng,- dish or un- tightness and esisy . =plication. � 6 s .. 1. , : IN 1. Jlobeph -was called into the I I . mould ,* 6 n ,hot platte-ri. � .S.urr��ud with I They do not warp a .1 Crae - .1 . I., � , -'big fs"m- duty for slDrue time owin, Ithat ,developed into -the Canadian Na-' . . .k, g , ... I' . , " . fly tent one. da'y to 1pult it . on. Re.. Et 9 tpo, illness. ja,on,l gyst�m. , with paprika. cu - bulge. Ask �Iso abQ�7tmsx. . I ._'11'�, . ... I. : I.;, nd his Dlace-was. being filled. by Mr. I 11241ge cup gTated-bread crumbs, sla uce and sprinkle B.18 - - - - made by the foremost I :,�,' .I I I '. was amazed at the ,beauty. his unt Barn .;., ,.::. I of-_- R. H. Woodruff. Mr., Woodruff has FrEtight 'and pasisenger ,service ,6 or & sliced Canadian -grown apples Canadian Macaroni, : ' Et.=_&B I . 11 . ' . I . I � .1 I :.:� oost!- A compli'cated oriemital des'llim nio-w been aippointed .'to the ,staff.- s0uth- Off iSt. Jvhns were then, oper- 1h cup cold;'water..and sugar . . . I . . . .1 Sole Conadi anukdiaim and dM4 . . . .1 . . I r, . 111; I "I . 6 !!! ..". I reqluirlinig all. the, ecilairis ,of flT_6_iiim­' E­eter Times--Ad-vocate. . atgd by,bolat down the Rieh�lieu Riiv- % cup inolasism - ,Canadian ma�carioni With, left �over utm Of J " "' .�, �.�', . � b amesway poulby 1!q . 11 ".1 ,-. ". .. I :�.. �i�i:��i��:i��i�!ii���iii�i�,�i�iii; _­- perfectly iblendledl Turn I . 910719"", I . .6 ' ��6 'L ��i�:�:� `�;, ',,,`,`,',','i`,�-` bow, snd all, �' I � .. ,r,';; .... "' ­ .., "' 7 * " : - - . ....'..".."......'....,.....,I , ,� ...'N . . I ..*,..,:.: .'-1111* . -::tt.6::.`6`:" ..' .__ Victim of Snow Sli ,er to,points on Lake Champlain, and 11311tter and spices. * meat. makes a ..palatable d�Ah. ­Pam� I., . I I . - JZ' . 6: i,; - .::. "i' -'. 6" .' -'-*--1...... _::_. iiii, ,�;; ­,, ____ :: -'' It inside �o , de Vill, I .U..' �, . _s I Ira__ I .1 .1 4 . . . ,". ­..... .... ut and, the patterns wa ithence down the H�idscln, IWKI,er to Butter -a baking dish; Put' on the boll 'about 1:0 ounces of Canadian I , tr " � ,;". vist thie isame! He tbick, it in- ,his , e working in the ,bu!v Yo r 6 . ::tr , .", . i Wh 11 ,h IFIr . . Easlm,�_Wn . .. � ... ."Il New rk. It is intere ng lbo ,n�oiite bottsm a lalyer of sliced i Canadian -.1 rpiacaironi for seivien minutes in four =it . I . ., 9ti . - ; 6 :'� ..,:..,_.::::.`.-'_"`. Horton, of Leeburn, met I , . _,___� . .. ....,.51. 11 . handi-ift was hoit ,only ,Wto?A; it wlas .1th a ,pain- in regsl,�d to transportation. that. even groiwn apples, and, Over the apples a quarts of rapidly boiling water to , . W-11 . . ; N.; N... - .;.:.�;:::.':.1-;. , � .. I '. "' � �. ,::;:; Sill l ..� ..:: " - ..:::... elph . Plefte, 0111L . . :., , ;;;;;;;;; I........ - 1-i!: . . . *` ....: .,.:,-.,.,.,X-,:1X-X.� ful , _ accident, when an,accumulation - io Gu - ­ .. � , - � 1:,:!;� I of 6 in a great deal of s ,b . . . .. . ths( five-st s,ilk; L and wool equally fine! snow felll lon �hiimli CaUSdnlg those early days , it layer 'of sta-le grated, ,bread, crumb '. I , oh one talWes,poiomful of. salt h -as, .. .. I . :1� I � � . wmmii- it . .,� , .1 �, Amid, fluffiv, and. featlbery! 'He put i -t , . Factories also at Toronto and Montresll� " __ I ,. - I I ­i�.�.:�!�!�-:�,� .�:.� .. I.: I .� . .., jury. , . .back was internatrionglu in character, there jusit'bhick emoulgb to cover the IaT( been -added. Drain! the ma,claroni, and . IL . 6: 1 , I I 'and n 'he assist- I ... . . - : , . ;,�j:!�;:::�i.�.i.-.:�:'�.� , I X - . ::::: Ii. ::7 ,. It, was only with t being inuch traffic, bolth -passenger of,applesend add.little, lumps of but- mix it iwith 1% cups ot chopped left- ___-�4;, �2 1 , FM' . JZ 00.W - . 1�.::., cmi- -he kn6W � that he Iloolked li,ke ' nee of Allbert Wo-Ife thitt .1h6 ' ,:. � - - - ..............." , _N' '. ' .::::: - I -Is 'a . I � ­ . .. . . I � i::�.: - . some grand ipillince of & � 1. was - - ------- -__,_6_--.'.-- ...... � ............. . . ____ . I I : � ...... i!iiii�i:i�i4ii i�ii�� . I vlayllon I able to get4re-e--4Brussels, Post. and, file4lit, from, Montreal by.f ry � � Is. ` 6 1 � � - . I ,F V I " . . I .. . I .. 6 ,,..V � . . . ­ - ­_ _ L . ., ,;.���:i'�!��i:�.i::",:,��:"�, I j ,� ' ' , , , ,,6' � straigiliteoled, up 'his, shiouilders just as nce River tla­,La- . - - . I . .. I ... W, � . .. fii' ::ii�li: * ,7* Heavy 9nowfall 51 Years Ago , . . . � . I I ;- . q` . I I .�, � �� . . r �� � . I : ::­ il any o4her boly of sevienteem. would do. , prairie, "then by ioverland 'transit to I - . : , : . .:. .. I I . I I j � ; '..; . . . . . I 1, `X : - W , I . * � And proud ais he could 1,e, he went ago ,on 'the firs -t . I. 6 '..C.,o'l; , . I . 10VE � Fifty-one. years . I .� I I St. Jc1hn'si, ,and 11hence by water to �1� . - __ — , I . ... I ��. j �out to lids , . . . I � � . . . � , I � ., - . ,:, � :�.:: . . :. . ., - - bxlotheTs� and said, "The day of 'March,, Mr. Josemh 'Gat,efiby . -19 .the internattilonal boor-, . - � - . .. . I I �, i*�" 6,' 'R . I fii.,..��,�;::: ;1�,��jtT'­6 : pDints- acro! . . . 1. �;;�r, . . . I . :, 66! . :j:j:j::jj:j:':. ". 66.' ,"':. W1 LL CA� EA, ' best thiiings take'longlel to make! and family landed, at Halifax after a dier.- .,Three ,ferries I . � I . . . . :::::�::�: _ . .. I . I I . Derilous ocean,,.trio from, their native I were . operated, . I . � . .� : 6 , . , , . :i�i�i�ii :�i. �: � 6 -..'..'x`.,-T I am, g1lad I am the ,youngesit of the I . . I - , . . , .1. : .::: "� 6 ... across ,the St, La.wTemce River iin that \1 � ,�, ,.6.::: H .... . . �: OU& '... I home, in YoA:shire, near York. , On : � I ;�-, .7��,�; �,2'�6 1 T.UP... eie�venl .Pretty fine jacket,'don't you l,peT!od--htelt,we-e-in,.,MoVtreaI and Only One Low Pric d Car is FIRST.. .� '.1 . , ....'... 1. . 1. ­: - ' I 1 �7::--,;%:::_.. ,... 1. ., reaching Halifax there w. .early e 1. I.. - . I - !, . . .. . � I I . . ;; _... - ::: v. -.,.. thinik?" Al;,& be ,went to 6 his bro- ere inaun -�Mtontreial and 1. ! . � .,., . " 6 ­',' . � , � , .... - tains �of tnbw St. �Latmbert; between . . . . .;� !!�:���_, �:�.��,:::.: :.: ,,;. ��-�:,� .:,:� ,;:..,:.:, thers wirrh a similei ,He turned' a- tl�a andl Mr. Gateriby said I - . I . 11 I'll, , t S;2 6 ' t if , ween Lachine and I . � I � . :�:j:j:��j:;:;: , � it. le 1h mloney'he Langueuil; , ,betj . .. I .... ::j:j!X-T:, :::j: .0 , � .... ........... , rolund for thr6m; e w . - 111,�, ,;....-,..:;:;:;:::::;::�;.:..,:.�:� .:: He talked nj I'd l�� . I � 6, � . :;:j$�:;:;:j;;:�:�:�::�j'�:; . , a"v)e gone back to his. "'oniiell `.aughnatwaga. In winter all tras- . �., ::: ­;':,:';:6� :' . �� 1. ' ' f . X* .-,;.. �!ii��*,i;ii:� ­.. riglit ,along in h,is iown ipleased way in the ,old rt was by sleigh lover theJee., in Everything that Counts.�TERRAPLANE . �i -*i ; � 1` .,_'::::!:::,i-,.,T.�:.: ]and,. There wast sib miuch ,PO . I - . .. :: .....1; ........::, � � . ....... I — . . 11� :.;. . I 6 j:j:�:�:j:j:j:j:j::: ": .. .... � ,aboat it.. But, whien he turned' back ,snow that winber that it took five . . . . :-X:.:-:-- . "6 �� 6 This pioneer railway ,of 18,36 soon . . . I . . 6 . , �.: .1'. , agaiin to see what. they thought of, days to come "by -rain from 11ilalifax. prilividied th�e'i er . .... . I II�­ ..... I- ,6 ...- . 1. . .. � . , X11. -, ...,:i:�`: :, - . t m1petus, for furtht rail, . I . I �,�Il ;"" ,:.': � 6 . ­ ,1.11". ,. �:: xx! - rt�-the7 were all gom�s! . .. 6 . 'A ......:.::;:,!:;, .:X i :::::i .. 1 6;1:.:' to Mtche-11, and all the money Joe comptruiction 'in several directions. I . � I'l . . , ,!.!.... , . I . !.-!:!:!:!; .... , .,., . ...... 6 1 ,.,­ . -, I .. 'i � .. 7 had in -his--ipockeet when-reaAi -here After a 'few years of operaltijon�_­it­ ", ­ ­- '- - -6-, -6 - --------- - - � � ..- ­_ - - I I I :�`:: 'One by one the had gote �uway n:g . . I "-,.;..:: :"-1.15,11: I.' -1 - I I . . ..''4. .. .1. . ' - I .14 .1 ...; : , : 6.:':� :. ' . � � � I �.-j . . �:� while J,oseph r�ras talking. Each one was five dollars. Mr. Gattemby.-says N,,a!5 deei&ed to lengthen the line -�Ln il ' . . . 1. : . - I ... - I I . ..... I : I ... ­. - j:j:�� "� - -:6 ... ' - st 1 /_10.�. - . - �­ I ....'! lldbk6d angry-j-1ox jeallous. Th,e#4eeNn that ,the now� in March Of t -h year radIs'were extended ,in 1854 nto,ith to . 1. .:� I . 1, � �:��ii, :::�:j: .,. I., .. � ly . . i: 6:�'�', #d t' ng to, themi,selyes that in thils district was as high' as the �Se. Laniiber�'(directly acTo.% the ri,v- , I.: . ��,3: a (he sayli . §ii � I.:,::: 4 . . .. . . . ­ iiiii fences. The spiring show . in one dir'e'di'On, I I i . :iiii..:, .. . It . was held� er 6 from 'Mon .. . � L-�� ....'?".1i , Joseph would -Vay,plehlty for his, coat -treal) 1 6 � ,�, . I .. , �11 ., , I -n A ­eamei . . � . . 11 . And that he,wouldi kvep ,on paying r �priil and �farmers" -to town and south to Rouses PodnIt on, Lake I I . .. - ; .1. . *n sleivhi�.; and cutters: to attend! the' Champlpin i 6 tibe Other.- In 1847 a . - . .,�...­ ,, I A I :j.*, ., i, * :; ':.::6 forlt far. a goiod- lom , ' .. 11��,.,`.: .. 0 . . g whiler! . . . ' n I � I 1 6.., ',.,I sbow. Witchell Advocate. , ' . I .- �,:;: . ... � I .. That misery.was the,priee they would . line known .as the St. Lawrence'atid ' . I 1: :.::: I ..:.;,:.:."j::, THIS —with —THIS I . . . . . ;;;; - .::::,:.:. . � ;` detmand . . . ,and they knew how � To Be Xaterred Hiere . AtItn1tic was trudlit from LongueuiL I I . - .. :j , i. - I . . e � , . . .111. "', `:!" X. . 6 6 4 . I . , :.;. .�* -:,X�: - I I On the south s1ho,re of the !St. Law . .. : .,-.. :- j$ :j:j to make Joseph miserabi 11 The interment of Mrs. James� Dav- - ' " Terruplane alone among all 4% In other popular . I .1 :i: I � � I I I , . . :;,. :-`., � is. who passed away at St. Marys, will nenc�e R5view nearly,opplas-ite Montreal, � I I I . . . 4, 11 6 1 1 ::;:;!, .1 - t , .1 I . - lar. low priced cars low priced cars this is �, ` ' . : .:. . 9 awe pace in - popu 4 ' . , :i;j:j!;, I Wb,odla'n,d, cemetery ftstiward to 'Sit. Hyacinthe I, _6I I � � "I - I . , and' by . � . T�g ... . ay " afternoon, (,her buissband ,1861 it �had regelveld Rlebimo�nd, it � 'i, ..... � . I ;:i',��.; - �: . ... . Wedn'es-d,' . gives you ihiv. . what you get: 11 . . ii�:��,.i� i�i:i, .. ..:,:: 11191i, ... 6 t I . ' 4ia-ving been laid to rest in the same on to $11erbrooke, Que.-,' in 1852, ,and . .. ' ' . . ;...... . .. . . I . _ , I :&;jt�:�: Adolph Hitler, To Open - ­., I 0 Full 1154rich wheelbase. 0 2 to 6 inches less wheelbase. ­ � , I .....,",..., I I . , , . I F�.i ": I cemetery veveral years,a,zo. 'Mr. Davis by the fallowink year iit was emtend- . '. . I . .... , I$ , t: ..' ' , , .1.11111 */,�. - ' : . t.,.'.'�'l;: - ; 2'. '� �'..' .6. , 6 A I � : I . : . 1I �6.'.."`%-%.- - 0 195 inches , over-all length. .0 5 to 12 �/2'inches lems over-all lingth. ,. I I j .. .. 1: 1: . ,ill .!e reca,lifed a� .a' fowmer e7min ed ito 1sland Pond, Vermont. 116ere'it ."', � . . 11 . . . I , � 11 %.... I . 6 1 . . : , . The Poultrk Congress Th - ed wlith the Atlantic and St. �...%--.';.',` , I - . bily?­ for the late Wallte.r­ -o,Tn.s,o n, commene , . * I., I I . _X�Olit power -88 or 100 horsepower - 0 3 to IS less horsepower tht;h Terra- ,_ ig � I , : I sfu 6 - - , . I . "..."'...., with freedom'from -vibration at all speeds. plane's power 4 range of 88 to 100 h.p.- an� I 11,-, , ::: '. *.." , � � I . , - : ,::� *.,. Adolph Hill,eT, Reich ebreir of 'of "Mitchell, and, , residled for some Lawrence Railrioad', built beltAve,en, Is- - . ,��; : i .. ;'? . . ,�'..*-.,'�� 6i ,6:1� 1 . . . not nearly as smooth. . - . "" '--'- ' I I T: ;; _.::, ....-Gerniany,-acoording to adivice receiv- years at Dublin.­iMitchell AdY60cate!- ..�l,,nd,-P-on,i,,an�d,.Po.rtland, Maine, com- I ,.I.`-..-,�� . 4A� ; , : .. : :,:: I . , I .1 � �11`1` . . . 1.-...'-� ... . - ­�:::�-,:.,:;- ed by the Dominion Department of .11111111. , plieted in 1853, this line coffnecting ., . 0 Body all of -steel; - witb� seamless- reof-ef­ ---- -- 0 � Body. only partly'of steel -,or steel body '. , , '. r... - I , - , ... .:. I—. .. . . - ........ � . I . . . . "'.1. . - ­ —_�2 . ... , , . , , . , .:;-,,:,ii'.; . I . Agriculture, will formally open the with the Dosition. and Maine Railrosil, ,-��� solid steel. I with "soft top." ��. `% , * . . .. . �-. . � 1 4 I : e M -;�;-. ­ `*... . . . I, . I J1 . I ­ .. ""' , :::�Z: 6".-' 6 Rf 1. WCOrld's Poultry ,Ciongress ,at . Leip- 'Lan dlladly�-4'1`11 give you just threie By 1847 th i ,,tr,,l and Laichirve . !.�%:..',` 0 Most inside room -145 cubic feet- * Less inside r6om - less shoulder and Is ...."'.... � �, .. 9 � " .1 . - % - ..... $ . . � zig, Germany. on July. 24, .,.;;, . 0 6 1936. The da��s in which th ,pay your board." line allso, was completed and ibh' ex- ,�.. . , e ,. - more leg and shoulder room, and7 widest room - narrower rear peats. ..,..,. . I ..,.� .... , I "I I . . . 'Buarderi-�'All right. Ill piek� the . ,1 . I ... . � ­­ - Congress will comitinue -in misisficin un- te-nision fromi Caughnawaga, opposite .. . . � rdar seat. .i. � r�i ,��".',.� '... I . . If. .'. A I . . til August 2, 1 Fourth of July,, lebri,sitmas and, 1. Eas- Lachiine, to M01OTe's JunctiOn, N. Y. .-,.--�,�.! 0 Completely new style -best insurance 1935 stylin�i, changed only in* details. . ,.q - � . I ��%� �, I - 1. � . - " QUICKLY ��` The announcement that Hierr Hit- t4.- was cipenied irr-1-852, knOrwri- as the .�:�`. of the investment value of your car. ;ar more likel� to be out of date by 1937. . , j ,-'L . .. 0 1 "I . I I - 1. I . - � Iiakii Sb. Louis amid Province Line $��. I . . .11 . I-eir hais 'consented to open �the Con- ' . - . ,'..� I 9 The only rear opening ba,g'gage and fire "' 0 N,o.rear opening baggage'and tire com- . 1,,l ,... . I I gress is regarded as an indication of Railroad. This line, by using a rail- �,-�:��, I . I , * 1,1��,,�� . 1;�,� . . compartment on5and Orpassenger models partment, except in cars where trunk FREE& PIPES th-6 interest that the fxerm(an G31v­ I r6ad - ferry across the St. Lawrence ��....,:�� I I . . .6 .i.��.,� that can be ha,d. in any low prieed car with- models are available -at considerable extra , . . �:T, . I ....., . .. I. . i 0 . . . f ,` River, made -a connection between ,.I.',,`,, out extra cost, Spare tire lies flat inside. C04. Spare tire mounted outside on all . . I . r6M ,. cernment is taking in the event, which ,� ,.,.: .. �'.'!, I I �. Montreal and the Unlitied Stat' - '...'�.;Ij� . I . . . �� !�� I . ed.by dellegates am4 . othe models, I *il! be attlend I es, rail r "I I . - ` .i . . I visitors -from sill parts of itlie wo',rild. roads to Ithe south. This enldrgie�- .i4 .,�I�, . . . � �.*t-�'. I 11 11 1( ��-t,�,-- ,I * Duq-Automatic Hydraulic Brakes . 0 Single, main. braking system-eitheT I . :, � dogglnLr matter Canada -vffl­-havle- a n'atably attrae- !,,inc,later knolw-n as the Montreal and . ,�'..`.�:: �� "' "" hydraulic O� mechanit-al-without cdm- I . I �..,-....- (patent applied for), hoo braking systems �11 � I C� . 4?1 New- York Railroad, was. abso,jibeld -by . . . I", . ti-ve eidhibit &t the Congress, and will ' .: '- ,,�,..",,.� - %j1.=ca1r1ayk from one brake �, I. I - - � . " ' I iie � ­��6YS , 6 'the plioneer ChAmplain amid, St. IAW- ..,�,,`�`. operating ,-) plete reserve braking system and without . . , t 11 � . . Use Gillett's Pure Flake tye regu- , Teprelsienited by ,official delelgiate:i . Tence' or -rather 'by th ., I .,.,',,� . Dedal. And - ing systern from Terraplane's type of easy acting parking I . 4. Omr the Dominion Department Of _ P I , e Montreal and ` I ir �.%,...�. ihe easie�t­. operating parking brake in . 4rakes. , . . . IT. 1. . ,,:66 - "'. . . I N I I larlyand you'll keep sink drains, Agmicullbuile. .. . sepOr di 'a Champlain, ai8 it wal% later known. �.*.;��.�: the world. � .%.' � . , � I . I . . .. .11� I tubs and toilets runningjreel�. For those from -Canada who plan 6 . I. , I The -Grand Trunk Railway Com- ;�-.,..',� 0 Radial Safety Control (patent applied 6 Older .type front end designs -either . 1� Each week pour'it down full panry of Canada came -on the, scene "�`.',""'-.` 4 A . I - tt,y visit. ithe -Congirels's a special 45 day �-,,,.'..� for) combining all the advantages of in- with or wiihout, solid axle �- none of whieh I .1 I '$ . I -strength it will not harm enamel '6 by incorporation in. 1852, the Original �,t'.-.�,�� dependent springing with a sturdy front .. combine,-, gentle spring action with rigid -� .4 , ,or plumbing. Kills germs . and d � e:- itinerary .has been ,arranged starting HO( . KEYBOOK aim of this company being' to, forni ' ..-�'-.'11'-.1..- - . 11 . d if ' frym iMomtreal on July ,10 -and leaving sly ;.."�.."... axle -smoother ridiftg, trui3i, steering, safer axle construciion�.. ',' I I .. � I 6 - stroys a ors aft eleans. Gillett's ."..'....". . and AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES of a raiilw connection beltween the - 'A . . Liverpool lionitelward bound, ,on Aug- . . - stopping. I . I , ' YOUR FAVORITE PLAYERS . ports of Qij,ebec, Montreal ard--the '-.-.'.1.'�'.-- 1% .1 I 'I. 6 �', i , 1. .Lye eases up dozens of heavy �Iean- ust 14. The itinerary iriclude8, Don- , .1 �:�!-;��. 0 The Rhvtbmic Ride -the only long leaf 0 Coil springs -or leaf'springs, stiffened . ��)` I . ,ing tasks - saves you tiresome diom., Paris, Geneva and Lucerne en '' 40 Every boy will wantihis blook-"How to Great Laikeg. Li�es Were constructed �.1.'.'-,.1.'1., - .. i 6 1 1work. Keep a tin,on handl � Become a Hockey Stat", by T. P. (Tommy from thesie, imp1artant pOints, in, Qbe . �..,.�* . springs with'nothing to do but cushion to carry steering -and bialcing loads. � . . � ) I - ..,I�:;; ride. . �j �.`.'.`-,.��. your I . I . 11% I route to Lffipzig and Nuremberg, Gorman, coach and manager of the World bee westmiard thfrcyu,&h the province, ,. . I I . I 11i ­ ..�t.�, I I . 1. .�i a I I ­o*Never dissolve lye In bot winfer. The Munich, HeideMberg, Firaiillkftirt, Am- ChampidnMontrea I Maroons. Simply take :,.",:%� 0 The Electric Hand, opt.ional at small 0 Nelthing like th- Electric Hand is avail- � , . . of Ontario to Ssrnia, -at the interns- :�;!%�., e. I " . , action of the lye itself hesits the water. sterrdam,,th-6 Hague, London and alabelfrom a tin of "CROWN BRAND" or it-ibmsil border, with branichesi, built I .',1.-'-.`1--.`� extra cost, for finger-tip shifting of gears able on any other low priced car -'and all . � 6' . . . �, , ­ I Leamington on. the return Journey. At 11 "LILY WHITE' I CORN SYRTIP-write on anlJ acqulived, aftefirwiard radriating in �. without taking your bands from the ,steer- have floors in front cluttered up with gear :" . .1. .� . j . 1- - . . . . . .1. the back your name and address -plainly- . ... I !i . . each pla�ce to be viElited ithere will, be . .. . ing wheel. Front Poor space clear of all and brake levers. � " I I � : d the words "Hockey Book". Mailthe all dixee�ions. By 1973 ,the ,Grand _ � . I % � I - ....., . � � levers. '.' 1. 1, ,I. a, stopolver from o4le to threte dialys. label to The Canada Starch Co., Triank ,,bad absoorbed - all the railway I .. , 1, - , I ..... �. .. �-..,; �-'7'1 11. 1�;,:, __ umiteci,, KO 10 I - - The tour will be'made -at the time of Toronto, and your book will be bent you knes ilneludled in, the earlier p6rio-dof .. . * Extra deep I'V-type" windshield -for I 0 Nothing like Tefraplane's deep"T-type" I _... :: .... . '6..- ".1"... - tbe year when the countries to he � If . mmediately. . I . . . I", � :..:. 11 ... � ... I . also , ftilwsy" bilild'imi 411cOntering around . added beauty and �rider vision. V windshield in any other low priced eair. . .1 :� visited will''be seen. at ,theill best. , � .1 I . . � .... I t, . '. . - I 4 . . .1 �\-_. Q�;;vmn .�,'�: * Send In a label or the front of a caftan Montreol and ,points t1o, the squlth Mild " . . Ill, .1 "..... I I , , ',,.. . . . 11 I I I . . .in .�Siajkomy, %he ftnereltdirg .. .1 . I I ..'.1- rawi��.�:, �� IjdpAg from any productof The Canada Starch Co., east, intelvding libe first railwary amid ; . ., I �A ERY 1936 car buy.,,r in the low price � 'I . I . I .. place of 6e Congrelss iis 'one lotf the, Limited marked with your name and ad- adjacent lines. The Grand. Trunk 6 .f field has Just two choices. . ., 1, .. ""... �� onepictu" . A Terraplalne�. Or a car without the features that Terraplane gives.. i I �,�� ­ .. I., X­il ..,.: I 'm6st farnious eitives in Europe. It ise drcas and the picturdybu want ( Railway was, in turn, absorbed. On I � I �� 1, i, M , � , . foreach label), and your choice Of the follow- ........ 1. , , . - ted :1,04 miles from . . " � , " .1 .. I, . . . ,::::�.",i.'.,�iiii,�',-�..',.'.-,..".",..��;;::; �:, ,situa Berlin and ing pictutca. mounted ready for frarliim January .30, 1926, by the, Canadian I That's whz thousands are changing this year to Terriplane ... stepping 16. . . ��: . . . . . ... -',:!:.*.., --- 'has a populat' NiAtflional Railways, which thiereby in,- - � ..., 1. I I i�ii'�* 11 .. ; ::::: I ion, of -680,000. Lei,p7ip will be sent to you. . UP in"i6verything but cost. * .. . 1. . .. I I . ­ I 11---l..1-1 ...... . . ­­.e�. I ': ;, !il: . 1. i. , . 0 .� � . P11 -I.' �:,, is falmi6ds as a trad'ang; musical-, and _ bleirited tbese pioneer llines. It is ' ��e ad d ' I ' ; .� �:­.. . " :i. . , � �*i-:":�- .iil'�11: I. Group Montreiiii "Maroons"--Grqup "Lee Thelis lies oesn t stop with those listed thted&e. - 7......... � �_ .� can il� �jj i I 1: ­ . I.... .. . 1: . !", 0 -rjr'a ""ff I ,�Allkfll.- . �111 -.1. . . . . . . " .. lymp ockey To -f 1,,y . . . . . . . I I %. ..: #0 H . I I.— A - . L ­ �r�� t� - f.' � eicotyotny� too, certified. by thousan s " , g,�� t . . , centre and fOT its h!StOT- diens '--Group Canadian 0 , wotthy.-bif note that pwt of the Or- '� 6 b I i :. , , . �� .. A` .educatbnaU , I , , ,�',,' ::-.N:: ioi .. I hcot G rag f, � h el� urap Gie,ter d I I _4_ `i:i t 1, .. Individual pictures of Baldy Nort nal ldnr6i of,thip. Chrilisti'a and St. . , .. -.`:i-1- ... I.:,:. . .. f , - . I.. , Alak ajsLqociaVlon&.,',, For centuries it ilgii , . , . - ,- " :j;., M n!d`Ab '-, Blinco, Art Lesieur, Dave . , 6 .­ �,, .. 'Sn 'r, O ner 6taticfu�nt, �.��:.*,�.,'; ritd1s, - I., S. Yotj 11 A , ,e .n 11 , .�.:;:;;:� �;; iTioisIt ,im A ;`i-,;�,�*.'..`:,,., A,2. Laiwreni3e Railroad, t e progenivor of I . find other advantages on every hand. i � ,�;�::.*-'�:;; has been me �iotf th& wo - . I � A ..�;.,..,�1�1.1.1 , : Zndou, Earl Robinson, Frank B ,,,,,,,,, ..'� 11 I .... ,. - !'Acel Bailey. 1. I I 4an Xational System, W11 I Yours t6 try and enjoy todayl Come in and see and drive a Terraplane. , * ,:. I, . . ': ': ­­ , - !::: . %,.:.,... — pitant _p6jil,ts, ,of thle lboloWelaing and .1 . I . 11 .1 . - -, I 1. I �!.:. ,4 -- the lCanad . I I 11 66 IN .1.:j:;:: . I . . 1. . . ;...�,,'1.ii;,:i fur trades .and ffiese�WF67-11ie �cl 4- - ------jg-D-*` � le:Osts as a right-of-wayf-farming -A i. - . I '. . yj,.rr, : ..... .. rada 11 1 6 61' �,N 0 I . . ...... �' 1. O ' � '_ . . I , , I . . " .' I srtWjeS6 ZIA) at the famolus LeWzig - 81RAN,0 tiny Plart of the N.000 .-miles od''11inie I � I � 1. .-.�;,�:: . I ; ...... ;.;.;,,. . ;i;�:, _­' ii year. The ,and up, retail at factory, Tilbury, Onfaric. fireight cmd . I . :: . . 11, '; . .."., . fair niaw held, tvicle, IMOWN row used,by the Canadian National 9w'l . . 11, : � I ... . V ..... 4 $906 ,6�"J.j 1 1 . I , UP' Railways. license oniv extra. as ar 100 h.p.-119-Inch wheelbas6. I , I gki, �� .. , - � ., 1 �"6-" , ... , I .. -1-11: _ .......'.'. : ..... mja,nufaeb=)eiiv of thle eity include O�RN Sy . � '. . I .. , " 1. , �i­,, -1-.11::: � . - C R I , *k . 11� 0 . . i ..... .. .-P., .... -6 . , chiemica-liss, A",Ie,eriy, paper, seirenti- -From � the acofrn gro�la the ioak, a . HUDSON MOTORS OF CANAD;k, LIMITED, TILBURY, ONTARIO ". .1 . I ., X . -Uni 7�16 'FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD- - lgh�y tiee which spreisids,its brabeh- I % I -_ . -'6 . ; .i' - fie and miu9cAll ingtowmentsi, The - I � ;". .J� - � � r � 1. . . '), ' . M . . � versky jpf Leiptig, founded in 1409, / ULV WHITE dam SYRUP, I . I . I . 1. ; W4 1 I I & in all directilone. Pror� the punV I . . . I I I 'A"', J, � I �� , ME 866RLtr-The 01nett's Lye . 6 11 ' � 0 ,I Dooldet sh6" ybii orartiftl *Kya to lighten is bifte.of Cie mda celebrated in CWr- RENSONP8 tOAN STARCH . eiT,fftg of ,Oanad,alq first venture in ' I 0 - I I., . :� :�,i;� , ,i Tft'fty. (It has an obs6rVatory 11lia, bb- CANADA COItM 4YAftn . . . I � 6 , I �t6,'.�, I I I �zmny hbuiolhold chores wili this 1� Wer(fill. 6 rallivad builMng higs, ,grown a -m..q,g'h,ty . ".... 1, I .1 . I " 'r � , - �.� 11 � clesuder Ag ., I .11 1. " - � to v96 Gliletils.pyiAsr-thoraitilIh tleadriji agricuftim. .The ,se600ls ,Include the SILWA 0096. LAUAOII�t�&TARCN . ...., �� ., .".1"., 1� I �, � , �, _ g, i, 'ip . . I ltndR aerbiss, the Dominion to,,sll i.Ta. ! , R . . 1. .� "ll, , and qf6,dhd lo�t prodwit bf ,! , I ' ' 16.' . N , ,6 [5 W_"' M�'"_hr 7--fQ"r__Q ", , , I , , , I 11 I I � I - - , v I ., o. IN' � � , , I , I - � , � '1� , 2�, _,,,�' tl� I .r ; . : I ,. q - I .1 * I i.�, � r 6 , �, , , , "Ilk . - I I . - . 6 . . . i I Be I' I 1 1 rujitiew thdbododiad f Awk - " � I �., 6��. " " ,� Co . . nf("�.40oW&v1VtOty 6f Vdislic. in, aid- I -e- '', kd disinfettifti �., tells a66, how tandcal igardoti and ah; institute -of CHALLENGE 06NN STARCH tr�nlsPorba#oin sysitem, spmieadi"g its INU � A-, , I ll ,� J, . DA .. S I ' ­�; t k W1141how U. - gives , . kr B . � � - -- ,O � , ria. In , " fisto . � the CAMAIM ATAkCU ;&A" - pboftaht eeintres ,and beyond to, vas% conull SOP .., EN LLI . a :�,�'�` � ';"' P;��'��! ,g �,,j ` i� f6i jifida &# 12ndftd I I ­... I I . I I . 11 . 11 � ., . , I . 6 ' I -�Ii� �� - , .. r, qtftlfw boill N 'I. 1. .. � . I �'I, _y diti6n Itlo, ,hMqtg Ifte l"'rat, milwaly , eolonizibn A,reag. Whien the first t I ", , '.... ".. 111��'11,&�",�J,6 , , �!,."�,��", 11 �",� I � " ­ ,� 6' ", � , , 1. I . 't 11PP19. 4,6 1 0 �'l g, . I Ion M OPL I � . 11`�'�' - � &gi W - "' - fm two ve- , !V�` ... .4 11i, . to Stitidii'M l5iskWeiA.td,, filii& Ave. & dt&V"' ... �� 1. I .1 , . . 0 V ,WA�§ J.a�td d0,Wjj q'ft Cifit �6j ' �. I V . t�'.dlic - railwa . Z_ .61 . . 3110,ft. , 1 '6 ,1 j 1 --6 .1i,L 1, ,4 f � I �L� '6 .- 6 - ­' � � .- 6 L 6 ­­ , ­­­ 6 �. ­­ ... I � . . ,,,,�,,,,��� .,;L 4W 4,W I", o n � I _ N. . , I . I . - 1980 tho vision of n,d,th*r afttesnyeit ­.­­ ­-, -1 ,� I . � 4 1*1"111 i I Zlb" St � � I m,jjj,ksW-.vojj oquipp& ab"irts. 11 . . 1. , 130�. " 111. ..�­ , ��. I.: � , yl,� � I � , , " 1, I " t�­4.� � . . . .1� I - i - . " , , 1� L L I I . . - � I 1; I - .. ' � . 4 " �, ­_­ ­ , , -,.,� I I � . � . . . . . I . " ,6 ­, I ;.. : � � : , I � I 11',)��,, ( I � . I . , , I . - � . � ,,, , ,r i.� " ` I 1)� _ I I ,, 1, i IN ., 11,60 1 1, .6 1 I I � , r. � (_ j . .� I,.-,.,, . I I'll, ,6 � I I '�,:;��', ��_,,,if , , :""". L'y' I! I -L. � I ., I I , I , , I 1 6 . i�': ; L �i �111111 Ll.r� .,rr , ,�; , � � - , 1�- , , '�, 6 . , 11111k .. I , 6" . ­.- ,,,, " I.." , � , ,� -11 . I . , I Ll. 1� I . "I 11, 11 " " , , I .­ I, " v,� d,l I , 1 ,114, 11", . , " e � r I; � ��,�, """ , " .' ' ",%l , , "' 11'' � I `�' �, , . . 41111; ",�,�-.;;:""""�,;,P'�� ...... 6�' � I , 6 �.,' , , 6 1 , ,� 6 , , ' _�Ll . . � 0 1� . - . .1 '' , 111111 , , 1. .. * , '_ , " �i.4, I .1 I .1 � �, 1� ; gg§f ( ,6,.� 4�."���:"�'r��i�,����l�zji�";""� "��"'�,"� L � , �, I . . � ', , '��",t,�!��",.V%'�,'� L I � , � 1. i . � . . & , 11 r '' I ' � " ' i'l' ' ' �""'L�' J�,�I��'�M!',",'!� kl'�IAI't`llt.'K� %'�,, . bl " I Z ,� , , . ��. ,1�1 W , I ,� A " � �, , I � I 11. - e 7"d I , - , ' 143�� 11 I "I'll' ,LLL ,��.. ,,;k6,.j�,"t 1,� j`�"&�,�i� . , . �.` ' &","j,;J"� ! , " �, �� "' !it , , , , �", "� -11, N-1-1-6-- L%lm � I "o �� ; '�'�'� L, "� '��t*��6��I�'.I�,'�� �'�"` � ' "' lj'�A"' 'iij��'J'Z4! � , L, - ,� , N' _ , " I,�'J) , � , ,� ;� 1, .,�, 11,­Ap" ,Ih,;�,, . A § `�'�',!� Nf�;l Y@05tlym', ,� , "P"�'J'ij� 4ii _' , . ,,, 1� , I � .� ,,� ,� , ;, , ,�;'§�h , r i'l , 'I";; r I 1-"'. '' - �!�,j�i5�: ��,,,, � - ��i , � , �,'��, - A460t.5i,,0'5'. .'��j�"�, ;�',"�,"�,"K. , , ' ' ""I' S" ,�, rk , , , , , L , "4 -,,�,;. -,% �1� , , , , , i�' " " t ,�,�;" �,� ; " �,'i �;, "I 4 ,,I yi':, _�, , ,� �� L '�F�,�,�t '�i"t M _ '.,iii�,,� � i`� ,)N �m ��,�$,�i�,,!,,�',,';&,, " ,,, " "�ikm, ,. "�,.�6 V"� '. .��,,,f,,,, �� ,�i,;A�g ��""I"!�'��,�i"�(i"��i���'a��t"';� �0,X�.��,�,��.�g�,§Ji�( .4� , , ,C"",i, i . r., � § """,I" 6" ,I,,, 16'� , 11.1.11. ,", ilu ir "'i � __ "_ . ...... ­­ .-.------16---- ... 1- Vas "