HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-13, Page 7`� 6 � 11 I Al I, '. . I- I . ,", ,; ...... :�M [,;�'�? 4:�515r.�.,W - 11 OFT SIR- "iT -11.1, ,; � . p� � - . , - ­,� . 1-1 , , : , 1 , � ,; 'I , , '� I ��, �� '.� .... , I I - � , , �� '. ;,. .1 . �.- . .. " I I , T! 4WI, i :, 11. � , I., .�, � ... � Al , , , " Is. : 7, , "I" ,,� , - %. , ,Ili ��.�,!; �: . , .." ,�f'!..' N!, � 11 I �s M "g; - .: I ,g —, � .�,��,' , -,,�,,,`� ,! � � ,� . � 01"I ,, ; ,,�-. '. , , I .. . , " 'Psi" , - 1, -, ; I � ; I 11 " � , ;T , . rr�� ... 1:11 ,, ", -, - � .1 .. �:17 ... s , ,il .. - �, ; , 1. 0) il �, ,:, - I T. — ­ i., � �..11.041 ., �., .A. I --ii . 1�4.� --ti-,"I ,�,A�;�-?.;. - . - , -, - -, , , .!s".- - 1!�,� "', - � � � 7`1 �. I "`�,` -, -F3 � I , � i.� ,: �. � , " I , � ,, . . .� � i, - 0 , 11. � — . ,:,,,,..���,�'!�,,,�,,,"�,,,,,,,�,��'i�!,Y!.)",�,,�t,� I 11-,�� . � ,t-.,�,, --:z , I P � 1, A.�: :'J"',,';' is �,,, 5100IM1111*1 1, .1 , I . 4 .. .. 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I-,-.- �­.- -T::', 4- 1 F"i".1­ 1�.: 64, F . , 1, -�. 1.111-1111.11 ...... ­­, -.1.1 I ­ ­-­- "..",­­ .... ,��..",.,"-,-,..'�il--.,",.�,.,-�.�..�,.�.1.1'...�1.1.1,�...� - � . I ;1FA`,;,�t,M,.�,­*1 ,%� ­.. I 'A ., x1r 11�� T,`,,�`77,,,p'n,I 3P,,, , '. , , , I—, I , " , - I . 4111-,"'I", -,"I"""", ­ ­ ... 111.1. -1111 W.11111-111-1- ­ 11: ., "T'll, I - ,11., WERrOR ?� IN . . . . . . . . . . . .. :: Ws`�, . 01 t "­­ ­­­­ ... 1�r�.,�'.��, �.. "I'll, , , i'�, `1-111,11111.,... 11� ���� ... ­.­ 111111p,'�"f­i -111-111--.111111 1-1. -1-11- ­,­� -1- . . '1- I . I I � , ! I , " , 41 . I ­ , :Qlo�. I I ,,, 11 ­, ��:..'�'­ .. os,� � ; ,, �1;!' TV, Ii. , I ,", '. . , � " 11. I.F.I., -­?1.117�1-3?"11;�1111 lip, , !, os ,�,�t,.,,,,�,,�­ �� , .­111;.� "A A.'o , , . ,� .. , .3 11 "I 1""' �' " , 4 os,';,z"� ,,;:,,, "' 1'1� '; ,I , "'" 71.��.�: ,� " -�`, - ­, . . ,. �-i TI: . � . � , t,�­%:.?s'14ki "I "i"i 41,11 �-,..`, ,-311 ��`! 4; I -i I I � ­­ 1AGAL, .- � I s'. � , ,.4.3, " '' !,$�, 0 � " . b, - - . 1. . �.. � I . I.., '' - -- �- �t. � , .­ �- -, ,,,I ;1. 11�� li 1, ,,� I ".­ 7 ­,­. ---4- �,. � ,, 41 k,"", , , . � � - I—— 9 � . , w..'s­ ­­ NT­s.11­Y.'s`­ "2.m.r, . ;4 Is 11 ­NAW.1�1117P,T­ W, �,=M A *"-.�', , ."I", 1*1 -25. ,". V- �� - -1111't'-' I I I ` � I " ­ I x I I . I r�mrl*� 11 "I . I . � . , ,.!�Mre -- I To'. 11'!,r!� 401, a , Ab, IPA I �.?` - . XbOON9. 01�, - .ssl, - , , ,* 9,�;�, , ,..1,..,.. I . 1"'Fill"I 17 .11 V '.. � , . . . I .� �. A 1. , - W, It . "' . ki� .i., A.111 I­A�L,.,,,,1,�� 194"W. '�f,,V199A,Xo1c` 4 , : 1 ", 1� "., 4' � �., ID � . , .. . . ,,, , , ': , -I ,­ 1i . 11 I la.T%l ; I V9%, 11 . � -Jut . , �� . �� � . ! , I � , 'i"'�, " . � "UN j, U1UW-** , I . . -.1 � �' I.,.: �� I - ­ .. . I .., V . I � I I �. �; -..' RxA 110AP04 , , , 7 '. 1, ,9 , - .1 ,; �, � 0,1F "M L . , aTTisvtort - SoHoitor, , , - I ;i I.. ­­ " -=� , � I . .4'4 - i - ; I 1 � . ! Im .. � ,'a, u"IP150 'DWA,im -VgAp -p , 14 �W% I � . .1mipp, . �- �� ... . ., W.41 , . Nlo PubUse � Ete- " - 12i, [�,:4 , s . � ... �, ,; -.. , � oil '.gs .1, 0 , . , b * p�100 .49 �N , - A i � P" VVI 'Zoliv � 41- mg I , , .. ii�!! �� . , , bi,�t, UP 744-PARTIMIX "I", � . , , PZ , I B, ! -k . IT, , .1 ; I . X -o"! look ., "seasowth, out. I *' .. -'�`- " ... w1ith ,Vaie -beavy t,bq,*,b b" J I t1ir'.4''?, � . - ......... ` I, I � I i -I �. � ,­ � - - grIAPP00 -1 4. , . ,� . -- ; : " 5 lio � ... ,p 'vie ­- §At "yb, ikin, ,, ls�.O' �N t : . : i, I . � �� . r, �,� :10ompll�, red hsalir q.4 T%4 0 , , - am- . , . � , U , p. .4 ta, _ , . " . - �, 05: 4 - 34!� 1 - . , "I "' 1 0s,41a* o'cored no, ic,QA,4o)Vt,- R - there . isellf. : soloan - a* i , , RATS & Mw M. .. . "IF.", # . ,. F , ­ . . I .... . - � . .1 ­� I - s.... : . -.,.,� . , "I �171.. - , " .? . . I. . p.;-; .; ,q -a SIM , 4pr fa-%- I vmw I . bl , 0. . �� . . I SuOveodiag X S1. HOis . .. I . I., � .., ,� " ., .OU Deen . lei Xriiego$ oT , . . . I . . . i � I . : . ". .11T.-..- -, . 1. '' �: " - , -, ., T" , I illy ipresent, - # thore � "I E . . I , , , sa*iistws, SqUe Rom . . I . I . . , . ,� .k. , Atom, cotilveys . . 11 I I . . . . h0d' bolien. any. ito AW4.4, � ; - . � . I , ".0, ��. . - "'; L� Q..: R,4V,N­[E­�.� '. - - - ' 11 Al I I . .- -14.111)v I � q . I �� : wotinq at ka, I If'She, 'j3oW,.(t 4v.len 60" ' They,*,Je,oft -0., , * 1��! �, :s,;, - - � M , k0-4 ; - ,* "pen I � I . .1� , AC . n ­ . ,", 't I � ,..., . - A rew 0� ­­­.-­.­­­- I . I -A s��. 1� 0 �.. . . . ­ I. I .-Z ", . and Notwies. 2ANIse. 4Solleirboxis for . . � - Y' Wm, *#,* ,I, . , 41ho Dbminicln, Bank. Or" 4n 8, E sullz* IcCst,hi-umn She was, 0-6.0 tai Aftler th-eZ.4'. W-Uh-, JF*W­1lW--.U11h7o - % ,�, , I , � . I " I ed"d, , i p "i i . . . i ; .1 . "' .. . .." , ­ , . .. � t . I , ­ , " , , I lot". I , , , t;,"- .:.s , " I .i --.-- . , . '', . . I ­ ­ �inaoxorryl . . .- .-I. I, 14 -ftwo bee lod, , �,�. .i I L L. -p, ­ y a XW,�� 11 ,. ­ , "" ­ p , itbe Dommon Bank, Seaflorth. XDZiey. - ;" , 04�,* ­ ­ I, 'L a, 'O , z s � Z ,"�:L.­�', . � ­ " ! ."J�� - i , � I , �� . . ,Me pves4efi;e� astiew 00-0 ,00, - TOw*v4dr :IQ � , 411 " � , ,'­"....�. '. . . !It seeimeld to limper that � to inals. � � ­ 111. ­­­ . ­­­ .11 I 111111111L.­­­­�. � , - . � , . .,­�: --11 11 11.1.111-I..,.,�",!.,,."r."��� ... ­ 1-� I-- 'L ... . . ..... ­ ... 1-1-1-..." ­­­, .­,� V. . . . I .. -� " : 1) I ,,,".1 . I ­ � ]" , . -11 -meogring, when he put the ques-� Creel% ,. � I I . . I � " �,- .�.� �.. .��. ";L�.,�L�­ , . . . .. I I . 'p.-- ­ ­­ - .I-,;:"- was . I If ................."v, - I .�, . I I - - ,. � - ans"re ow=-� ,- :1 .. . " il � I— - . . - . . . � . .-- .' " . . � lie 1�,�.,,�,P 1;x I . ,�A . irl�,�� _ . I �.- L .�,L�L 5 : . -Z- -4A j4d MID 0-111,11113W 13110SW brolther"Obloutil caltseb Sight of blui. beemne a b*ft`k;k -Ule gM. fto " trobs tos vft-dh; she d- qtmver- -- - LlUpidy p0ied- * up 'bior.-hono .. .... �.�­�,�� ...... V� , I I ­ T. �L�S� . . � ,11'.­� �6'1� F111 IT" r, I IF . . p. . L I t. ` slmill R , .� " I . . . . . . : : . el , % .0 4,41 - N 11 11 I I ­ � , JOHN It. j3199T 1 -1. .� I in the daWledo. '-goilden, .'am AftbL -She kiaelwl ,that ,if isilimy saw Roush pear ,Aor 'hoWs in .%o W-gly. ., Vaguely shid feAt the pow -3 d *a �6 her thmw , t1l, 06H , 04xviii4q ,ing., * I . . .. � ., � aftersno",., eno . * m, , ed I ­ so Vo iime­ cruel'sihibbir iest of which Theo, splisebed �NiIbQ �- 00M, � AMRs ,11 $1roffi4ding ewes fixed on, a awsbepling theiria r0puld be obtbvg'and one or . f Vyj I Ithe X� I " � -00#0x-14442 AFIRI� X I Barristeis, SoUdtosr� Etc. Ah 'Lindy vent, 10 her, ftoon - early. - . I " - - - , " ­ � eadill :1 : , I 'Outario .edd,y, she w&Whe& w1ithoull; seeling die the. iolither'-wouM falL , . .:- - ZU,6 nursed sagaiilw� her famiew. avot She W14 ft. Apo"Rk ` , -,. - , , the other'4de iof the oreeik a',4 on ,., 09'. " 11141# 4014-W - , . , -io *111 - R 110 ­ kt�, s � I . L. . ".... . 114011rog ouddwilt. . 11iiers slim, Supple I- 'A rifle, shot rang il scarce a hun- ,only resienl�mlenlb, 'but a strong feeling After the cerpmoa%L had been fin-, cid for her to jolin'thisail. Iusi6eiasd� 44 " ., `- " , , ..,­'% .,,." 11111 . ,fwo - r�)FqAr,, p , , - ' . . . boody,'ersouch eid-and venisg, was milortlilon- dred,yamds dirom'her. The li�axslb'c`f OX k0u-stice. He would vot let her i&hed the thav - d nk toveither : sshipp, . ,T,*k­. ITill; I . -4- .�' A— la Ira ed s,- frolm 'the sadd9r, jan , dqw,n, X-04, 1 ".4 T :1 "'.11,115 1�9 11 lF Ak R%;-..V:X9;,s; .. �11 . , I ' , . Z1( iiek,' ' �Itqm. - p , � , .. , 1,,�. %-rnwt I , ;�, -her r .,� seelthed tumuttlu - ob .. � - . 2, 's , VETERINARY I liess,, but ,sbut - - the.-giiq stood ill After ,what -altbend the fsrioUim ,of the nelighbours- Whifle sho'gat Zti eed''. beffbire the the -bank ana plunged dntD the qusxlck�' �Voa,i,r -RL , i�­ I I. -­­ . ls I . I - , ,, ll�,,�� .1 .. . . I ime, firie. WIlreiiii # anse ­- ., 1, . O!", ,--,-.. I " Ible, d $leg* ho6d.lbocausie af his) w1supleis, agv4usit, . . . .. - !"! " - �--, aggly.' . i1n,'the- bosiom of her colargie .see�rnled on., linbelir rone Roush and, as" 'L � 1. I 'L I- f��4 L ";, , � . last R . . ' ' . - I,— . '&.. , 1. . hoey gown ' lay - ,hidden a *ibe. cames too her the vound of a cair,e-free dancoing. Yet she bad heard bim -hea -4 lE ' - -, . 1. � � - pt . :tolq ,the red -., Leber leift­*� && 'Vq"Qdd1&n1.**ty!" shrjok.e4 J - L-' - ',�',.', I . _ ,i ,'i,�! Io :, 4� 1 ,­ 4lg Poe Roanse. -1 , 117� ­ " 1-1: , ':.Ir f ,,,,.,,, F.;�',,, " "' . JQ)HM�,GRIEVA V.S. .. Ir-brouigsh it dets-tiny sailled- �er -to, the *Wlistle. Prelsetitly her brother,siaun- ;how .he used tio dance Vill, ds,y,bv.es,k -in, bloth )of them were undeor"the in- "She's a-drommlollin, herself in the ..."..., ­­ � ­ -11 iW­ I , -.--- . I . � .. ..... ­­',�.. "M -71- 1 -y ' ' * I Il shour ]of decisions, tered,intiq -416w,.,as-dead, squilisravI in his when he swigs a young main. , Wbat fillence 4, liqiiior vl)ave lad .drunk vands," , ' I . I -A,. "Tl, , � "S I 317, 1 Zl- t ft. . 1=61 1 1 1 �. I - I ­- - .... t he 1i �no � f . t � :_ HDn;5j graduate sof'Oljtasrj� Vistol , Ira ic .. . ' I I I TV06ft( �," - 4, I . ''They..11purresdC L ' ' ..... , I �IZ _ I - L , s;� .. . I .... Wlh!&,fo,l-'age"R*'IGB,.�u,n,g-p&.wp '9 tand. The taills, of iiio�iaral b,thevs Mighlb -bad hei th) ,cu'b hem off f-rom Me frieel�y hili5gellf. ", Me* honies back--*- . ei ,! 42,1.,!" , "' I 0"'Odillege. Alldise;ises.of-demesillel' ,gw . %;, q, ..., � - � I O!zw . �11. I " I .1. � eminials treated. call,$ promptly at- sillTred behJiiisd her. Furlii+�.&y 'a palT bulged the ,game bag 'by his 'thihgs th-at made Noe b olAndy would �hive gilven her hopes oross thei creek and ran, to reseuw-tbet , ed'Jift a0ld lout ;am '. T1,11 - s,'!��,�ilz;j IT , 74-unes, now t0plpeld ft hQ I AX, g,) , I . tolera le ? o, %- ' oT heaven ,too -be back -sad ere �T A'W,- �T : -�.Q 4 , . t,- 61 ..---- " . � 11 :..��" , I - . chargej moderate- vet- of'black se-yoapeasr,eld, forth and'search- slidt% , Tht�m` .1 . --`b'a;fi1Wg h elf" foe-, oed a wavii., ]�Weixsv foot * 0 - ��'�J'�"Mi 4,eqAed to and ­ I susuW .did vat need, -to be . -;She was t1he..herliltor tof I-awbeigs, 9 e"y ali- t""'g""" 'But Shei -- l � efimaW'Dentistry a specialty. office ed the b,pposd1be bank of 'the, Strewn bobd that, iflour. out lof five.*.,1h led, VaSS00natel ahPeSIVOTSIL Their- 1ttle rauld,sdaubed 1bedisiodan &he had, Ward'face down. f,w. out of =,, , ­��,�- � 1. A,Ai,ill "' . . �, their trafill was ithe Most ec6nWWl*­­­ ;,��'�' �,-Y'.,*� . , P., J! ­ 01 been wil ' ' L91", ,I, - 1 -�'T , .. ..", - .. P 7 " and resid,ftee on qbAerich, ftriseot, one the thiie-ket ,.of rNpAosdein4rons aboroa, E -host through, ,ihe head ... ....... . .... . ;tUsIbUlent'll] bloodbelalt dn 'her veins-. A, ,ocalled hew-,bwrli. reach. They dared -not; vmturia- into silbli - ­­­ , :10,110 -4: ,�,,., ,, , . : '.­ I.! , . "', '. -e . "' ' a m'Othe1r, an unideraltandr,mg fatb,e!r. Thirl-ese days ',later "Undy wakened thic quivering Wig,'after likets. rwhiae , !:..., - I . '1.s,.'. , , , door east of Dr. Jaiisrott's Sea- the Iblioloarfing lAmisse is ,belloW. Viery "Thought; I heard vioices. -Was wise I . I . I 111T- "".t's, . , � il I I - , . ' """I"" 11 .... I I ,, , fiff& - - r-1 VW I . ,u ' . �A I , -,.!. .I,-- � V Svealthily,a , handstoornie head 1p -shed ,Vomeloinle with you, 00" -the ­booy e6wAd haive Saved -heir Tivom fbbe trag- lbb- fifid a-biroad issfibbon bf sunshim tlWY - otdlll�,Staored in a firoszei� h00�ff, - (Cbutinuedi" Ne.tt We , . I � ,Oik) . , ' I �1, �Ji 1`1 I s. .. . . % .. ­ . .. 11 4 1, � . . \ .. '� .. out Ithroiulgh (bhs lewves,- I . "kexL . .. -- ed�,- awalstang bo,s senilgoaff her. Buit she acro' a Ithel floor of the cablin. He.r the traigedy, visas, --comipilietied: .T�e vic- . . I .� I .. t., . � .. I it � I - I ls� -,I I t , 41 .. �. ��', : I . . ­ . ­ I, ­Z�, , � \ � . ­ IV -, sev&&�7­ ., "Whbod be With me here?" -she hid helither of thesle, I I 1v band bald not doinie bio." egred I - � I . I .1 �;7. ­'... s� 1-11. ,,X. ,.�, , I , Is . .. .. .... . "Lindy L,a vlodee w4lis-ip , M., nsibead, Rer US ' _ , at all st,im of their retvienge 'had d4upp % . ,e ... sl�;;, 11 ";, .. 6 � A. R. CANPBELL, V.S. The gl�i gave a start, slowly tam- 6cunbered lazlilly. ..� . ; fastber's An- b-dbiilt4xW pushed. oh Ore. MOT"It''iss. . , , I . er t13 ithe ,rilighlb bef. S& sbiisv�d, with b�p,neath the Surface of'the ' ' 11 1� , . !�..­, . * , . - � LONDON 'and WING1111,A)IN ' ; ,?�- � � I 'I, ,� � Graduate of ,Ontario Vet6rinary sed her head. ,She looked( at-ifte oirn- " A ,siei&oftld,t�me -she ias. finding re- War gelf-pilty "ind dressed rd-owly. Al- I I . .. %. , I 1 .4 thab ..... d101Dhi�to vv*ich She was . �, -,.`�­J � ­­ I ege. ­ .1 - I . I S6ut1L- - "' �­: 1, �� �, . con University bf Toronto. All eT of the mod6ses from steadly deieV- fuge dh, the fo(rge,t,m&­i*xbs. movilnig Mihal oild. . . 111 -ready sbe -knew that -her life .had goue ' 'CHAPTER I -, . . i P.K '.- . �� "; .�:::::::: . I's � . . 1, . � ., . , . ,., diseases of domestic animals treated liddled eyesi. The ,pulse in, ber briolwn , II -110 rwsaisi -a 6prieifoibt little, felliow., Before her ,maeked mirro the girl �5 I "CALL ME JIMMIE-GO-GET."EM" Wingliam .. - ... ...,.,,s ........ . � - ", 1, . vreek,-that it would be, imposig'-ble . . 1 .1X5 ...:. ., a . ..: z, I . by the most modern principles. throiat began to beast. One. mitght slim and ',hard as a nalils In his [hand dreigsield hersell lbiral.el, in -'her ,6easp ,ilu sliVe'"with Daive Roush and holld , I I . . , - ­ , .. ,.71 I I., ,- I Beilgi!"o ........... 4 ....... . 2.11 ��� � .4, , � ,,, , 1. Charges reasonable. ,Day ,Rk - n1glit have,guessed, her sw1lith semItiassia- j tice he carried, an bld-fashioned isifle al- -best. ,She bald no Joy -in. the thing hei Si2ff-resspects, The boy 'had spent thes, n*ht at a Blyth . ......... I ....... I ..... %23 .' . I .�� +,�, . . ��'. ";� , V�3x . I �� .. ",. 1. Df ,heir love - the Londeabbxo, . .. q ............ &W % , - "'; 1. calls promptly attended to. Offisoe, on -a sullen la�is, urf-tustored iof Iffe, pas- moist as liong aig h1imself. There was ,sdie, was going lbo dD. ' ' [Bdb ,she had cub herself off from �vater-iho'iiit in a 11-ttile ,draw near ... , " , , I 1 , Main, Str�eiet, Hensall, opposite Town slLonate; ,and hiligh-opisratedi, rese,ntful a lingering look* of elvildfishness in she Nvais vost sure and' -of her lover retrell,t. All tof hier friends, beMonged foot of lbhe mese. He had supped -on ,C nto,n ......,.­.. . .;�,v­ . . . li .... ;...., l.' 13.08 � .:-.,..�Ir BAR, Plio3ne 116, Breeder of Scosts- of all irestr-aint. Hers, wasi sueh beau- his tanned,,, boyd,sh face. 1i's hands very unsure. tio Ifiloi Clianton, faction and, they would dold MOORS and'slept"In hills blanket Brucefield. . . . . . . ...'.. 1. , . . .'I T14 ,". I "'4", . :1 111,'�', I A,lbeilllbf Warning fran-co, ssss-�'... 4.97 . 'I "Is, . I I tish Terriers. Inverness Kennels, t;3� as, lie,- inxisch bbood beneath-sillark and fe0t were ism,911 and shapely as fa!intly in her 'heart' as sh-e wa,ijes� not. *anit IbD have anything bid do. with whithout the scotnifort of 0owing lyin- Kippen .. .1 .. ... . . I . ................. r ..... 3.85 .1� ... � � Hensall: I , &Mwisings, hiolse of agirl. About -him, hung the foT the hours & glip, a y. , he�. She lfi�,d alo home 111DW buit-this, on, knosts. For yesterdai be.hasd cut Hensall' ...-... I . . I '"' T ...... � Is in dusky hair and eyes,i in to - wa . I. I � .;i 1 3.41 - I 1, , , ., �,,��K.' ­ $ . . I I . . i -the .ioft, warsm'Q'on,cours 'Of ylouth,.� Al- stoNcls ilropertUTbability of the South.. ,A �ery little would hav truge against the negleot and) ih-� Ifidian Sigris amid after daft* hads�seen Exeter ...­-.":.-"":- .:,,.:-* SJ5 - . ,!�.,P! .. . e turned ihe no re .� . . '. . - I - .. , h wlh -ihe bad the Shadow of Apache eamp�4fi re - � .:': I i T ,. 1, ,ready she was slenderly ,full,'an sebe- ern mountailn.eer. ' Timeii were, ,�rhen tide6 Bult ishe nuirsed her ainger, a. sulis of thist maiii wit loni .. 4i, ' ...-.1.1. . � . . . I . MEDICAL ineirital daughter of E-�se. primative as I& bilue eyes melted' 110s' tenderness gain(sit her fatibers, fed he ' To, heiF ctieldAh the Clouds. ­ .. . .. I North , . 1, . . .."'.. . I I rresenitment selected"V3. go thro-ugh lif, fle I I - . .. "".."".. ­ , - one of hei . . (11 . 1. - . anicegtioris� No or A' ,aigain the cunning ok with the, tnifelmory be oall ihis mind,scame the lverdielt of old' Nance -ing ,he swung rhy the hare 19keter .......... * . -.I�.,iw'y A U., ,11 � 0. - . .. .... . fuT-clad (mlli�bh; YL , I., '.. wVOT19-s. -to . After e&t . I I . .. ' � ' . forest fawn - could, have been moisa� the jungle narrowed blifem, Ito slits' her. Wheni g1t 1,alst; sqfe-crepit, thislaugh Cupliollb9ham -on the limpiruldenFniar- bmk of dillils, ,pony axid climbed, tio, the Hensall , . * - s.... . . . � 1142 ,, ,,��..- DIL D: E. STURGIS - .... ......, ... ..... I . I 'L , � ... 14 , , , sisonotent .i4e of the:'willnollow Voi the dark porch trelks- sifiage of unAlier ghrh� A, 'Randy's su-manlit of the 'butte� Me trained, j6:�;n ..,.. ­ ' 11.&I I �­�L , . senssucous or. � than she, Mad as ja&e- Alrea,dy, at the " 116.50 . , - , t Graduate of the Faculty cIf"Medi- AggAn the inan's, gillance swept the furteens, he shad been shot at from ed -with ,wlild euioiulrollieTsio -she persuad- done made hers .... bed- I xwk,an she's eyes .seaTiched the ,p, .1 A bi-g- K! . ".. . I ...... .... , . -, � I mine, University of Western Ontado, landveave cautibustr before [he mc)v- ,ambuish, had w6unided a $ .1 lWm Bruseefield ........... * — , ..'�LL . Roush at ed heir-gellf Itsbait she was goling only gait to -lie on, it." ,bunch of hntelap�' . tralli down. (Minton L... .... 11.09 : , � was ng 111.6,J L.. !`�' � I � -oand St. Joseph's I Hospital-, Loncion. ed out from cover. .In -the country long range, hadtaken ipart- in a lyiteh- ,to te,14 �Dave Roush that -she would A vodoe hagled.thie cabin from out- to ,water alm%6sit -Afithin . :: . I !., I Member of College of Physicians and -- rifie-shot- Li:indesboro .".".".".'.­.­..'.**.... 12.10 ', "L , "'' ssL' '. ,'. I of .the Glantoss thleTe was always an li--d battle. The law of the feudl-,'was t join hbrm ­ Side. -She went toAIM door. Rans4 Butbe.w,m nooticoskhi!gfoT game.. B-lyth ...... ......... � . I � T�,.'­­ . Is Surgeons of Ontario. Phone 67. Of- olm ne of his name. Ititimpierrilng his heiarb to, iniplacabilli-ty. no,H-,,T heart bealt fas�b . with , exctite-� Roush and'the. red-haired preao�hor ,He sniff ed th6 ,.smlo,ke from ft'pits. Bel.grave * ........ 12.19 j. L I -�,., ,,, ' . ,*", liscie"at Dublin, Ont. 3493 it . .. ... 11 ............... 12.30 . 111L� I Whalt are you odbin' 'here; Dave Tshe keen gaze ;of ,the bloy, re!st?d on ment and drigiaid... . P ca. I "Ill . - . " s�, � � , F 9 , L olor, undisciplined. had ridden into lbhp . eao*ffipg ,and wiliere the venegasdies, were relasting, 'W[ingham ................... 11,50 I ,., . ":�",. ' ' I Roush?" the girl demanded. "Are her." ]Dver Arniese, wo,Td had reached daughto,rt,".,of. .the sm , * bl� mescal, an . � � I . " ; ­ : - I ­ You craizygot , P . Millis, though'she was, weire dfi ouniting. They. had wr d judged the dista,nice to 1. '� 11 . I . the 'Cla-ritionsof how 'Lindy had "cairs- a'immour of tho future whispered i" th*tw a bed, lhoirse. the Apache camp at ,616-ge to teil -14.. . . DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT -- . I , 's; n , . . � :: 11 C ."I'mi h6it�.bRiausie ylim are 'I'Andy xii,ed ion' with Dave Roush at the hers cars andweiiightsed her bosom ,"Fix Up 50me.ibreaddasit," ordered nviles. . . His gaze swept towardi the C.NAR. TIME TABLE . , I .. vraduate of Faculty "of Medicine, . M. I . � I . �1,1 . . , 0 , ­`,' d,6ioe at Lowessiolma, her' pdo,ple had Quise4y, she, stl e � . , -:1.-141.1 Caintl3m " he aniswered pLimpitly. . ca Ransel, . SUnrigie' horizon and rested, upoln. - a - 19kuA� � - ,? :Z . University of Western- Ontario.. Mem-' I ' pa'A the sassa-, 11 . '111 I � . . . " I . I . . . ­­ ber of <Mlege of Physicians and "That's 'a" irlight good. -reason, ainot watchled,sher suspicioiusay. -The thing fras brake' to Ithie Mg laurel. Her The young, wli�,fe flushed. - She re- cassolud of dusb,. That probaNly meant , * I - AX P.M ' - . . I'll, Burgeons of Ontario. Officei 43 Gode- , , Goderloh ...,........... . 6.45 �. 1,36 . .�.­,... it?" Aw 'had done had becin a viollaticsn ,R I ligt eentled hiis. tone And his. manner. Like, a big herd of cattle crossing ,to the . � . I . " I I Inner tooft her4i bantay, daltio hiis arms . . .. , vkh Street, W*rL, *Phone 37. . . MSE'ed the -soft mouth- agadn an Da:vle, he, too assufffied that she tilrd' Perios, Valley on the Chissurn, Trail c2inton, . .I ........... � - rZ . . 7."T The pink sip".1ash-eid imto, ,her scheeks .,the hill code, and lula Clay Clanton anq A , 3.00' ' . ."' I - , , I . I thriashedl 'her wilth. a coWhide till Again She bied tb .�dt h; n frolin I . I I . 7i'ke Eipilled wfilhe. . kied d 00111ne"Ab be'a idrusillge for'Ithe' '401b;'�tjhlat led, to Fort Stanton. Ibs rfiders Smfovtb - -q- -'- - - �- - - - , . 7.22 " 3.18 - I . Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay. , i 1i ., . . T, . , , � I . w QU 'miny bad reir, �o ,polbest' ltbat slie, was'nots go- x nken clan, Ei creature to be.Sneiir, w,exe,Ukely just throwing 'the beeves Dublin ........­."... . 713 3.31 .. . I �. ""11 , ... . , 'Yotu'd better gsoR. Dad. iia y s,lise,,beggeid, for mer8y. J1 d u � . . . ­ . ,. ' �� . � I I � .1 --- —19 I . I come - hbine, frosom the, siffflil to find ing w(:!th"h1sm. Evii b4ore. li,i-, ard,J­,ed elt;;andl deep&ve&' froirWthe'lloed-ground'sto the traiii. The Mitch -ell ........... 4's .7-42 '. 3A3 . .. �, � . . is ... , - -- . , ," . I DR..W. C. SPROAT I -'-H6 .11augheld, haorSiy, "Th-eire'd be ,her WIfithinj li�l' Pasalonatle re'v-01116. her TeEioutdcan meilteld. ,As -alw 4,43flently she v,,yaketd­a meal fur the boy-wafloid to make sure of thelir line . . West , - I � . . .1��, . . I . .,. '� . I .,�,' I � .- '11.19 9.44 " ''. I .01 mem The girl was, past, teArs-. She� 6f trss-�,el., ' I D"n .-. .',... -,...; ,,�,l � Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, one leggRioush--Jor one less Glanflon,,I) The-, bby had 'been -., furious at -his. when he was'w.hbs her, Itis iijfluens�e� ij- I - � ; Utivers-ity of Wlestern Ontario, Lon- he fim"Ched for her,. - - . I . I father; yet had aidimitted the �g-ulbstan- wis ,varamount. � slia,d'wept herself Out: - Presently he spiolke aloud, �after SW -Orth ........... 11-34 9.67 ' !�, 1 . dm MqVb,er­oT ooillege of j?hysi- I Dave Roush was, a large, well- ,tial julaltdlc4 of the punishoment. Its * "The boat. iia u-ndier-thialt clump O,f lWhile they sate the men told of 11heo fashion, of , (thi plainsmian, wljo Clinton .....,........'* .... 11.50 , 10.slt.- .. ��.�­ � ­ . . I I .11 . � . . -man 1imp,re-sisi,vA.:J0 sp se I hex father's - fur' . , '1249 . *, I 11 I ..-am and Surgeons oi Ontario. Office shculdered. I . I 1, i ft WhIdi., �usbes," he: 1whispeTed. y when ,he had &is- siperho:11s; much time allone in the sao�.- Ooderigh ...... . ., . . . . .s. ... . ..... , IsO.37 , ., int Aberhart's, Drug Store, Main,St., of his hiomespun.' If ,he c, .... wirried him- -1111a sisibeir to, he stubbarn w4 (old Clay ""0k7,'Day.e, 1!m not e,diin',11 ,,he mar, 4�overed the melopemen.t;'of -how be, bad dile. -"Look llike thoiyld- throw off to- , . I . I I 7-1 - I I ' 1. : , . . I �;; I . Sell Phone 90. ­ seif with ia swagsgeor .there wag -no himself, and he 4eiaii3eid�lsesb-th�y drsiv@� mureid. 11 . gene 'down tio, ithe mM ,and, cast ,h . . I . . �.. .m- . . . ser night cliose to. the o:Pache' ca � --.", . . . off with a fa-ther's curses, renouriscing they do,hela's. a-gsdinit,67pop-jt�isit be- - � . .. 1*%' ". - baliek it. her .to 11he arms of Bad I)ave Rough. 1,!'Then,193 go s mp's If . C.P.R.TIME TABLE, . ... �, . . . I back of boldness ,in him. to . strai!gNt to -the h- e. . ... ,� � : I I I . T . � His ,long halir wasetrialight n P1 o. in PLIO, all rellixtilonshilp',wilth- bier. fair ever. It ffuise su"n-upto-morrow. -1 reckon I'll, . . I ! East ' � T '' . . 1:55 � . . . � . I . amd bla�k "I re6koln you yras' talkii 4 -do y.ol- ar0-have dt ouitivAth, e Id anL"Ne I , " ; �' - - . -and ir-oarse, sa deriva,bive filorn -the I . . I ,mwei-ed.. ., , -at held feirthem & great ridti &s0as and warn the outfit.?' . M. . . :%., DIL.F. J. BURROWS n- self, melbibe," lie suggested. I I , I wais a jest, ,th A. 1. I I ;: Office, and residence, Goa,eirich St., dian, strain in his b1folosol. . I . "I ree,kon.", , . i. .. . 'His IV .1 . enviour. They made, sport- olf 'him an"I 'Prom a trapsper the! . y had I Goderisch .. i............ . ... � . . &50. 1. I . I iolice rang gay with the .'t1j- -earn- ss , .. , '.I .. east of the,United, Church, Seit�rth. -of the other Clantons ,bill she could ed at = - pap, Msnselb .................. ; . I 5.55 1 � ,,, , "Git my note?" he lasiked. th .a band Of A ap� . : . . , . , 1 ' TheY wa:T6d ,home tbVeloher Along "Imph 'IT vi&16ry. , He did not intend I �� MeGaw ................. -i s604 . ` I I., Phone. 46. Coroner for the County of She, nioddled sullenily., I I th thirl.ough, the 'T11101d6ldendrons. �t.o. let her. hesitati, 1i keep still M0 lon&r. . had left the reserv-piltion sithise �'Weeks . ..A.? ., I I .�;-­� . . a .1pa , 909 ,ob Mon of it. se . � .�;.`. .. I . HurolL, I . , I I . I I 'Lindy had m,qt'D1ay.e' Rsduish'at a The,longs, slen&-r legs, ,of .,the � ,rj - e other . "I wo&t stand, thig! I dion't haVe besfo.rie,."e'rosiged into Mel' Auburn . .'. . � .............. ill � ., ­ ��I I . . I . . \ . ' night5P she piombsed I ".., .". — ; , gi " , I . id -�W ...Blyt ............. � ........... , I %-- . . . . . - ,ilance ,up on Donesiom-el wherie she hiad biloved rilisythiniciall y anid, her alviiis Not row -I dion't want to go now' to! Where's,Dave?" ,jb.e demanded, iplLnoleroing, down the Pecos, aT ' as ,h 0.25 . - �, .. .. n1a buslinessa to be. Alt .the.lihne She swunij like pendullums. -1:,ife in ,bbe I -I'm ,not ready.!,. � . . e -yes flashiing' vifth eontempt -and an- n,..w ,heading (ba-ek, toward the Stak- Welton .............. I ....... 6-40 ', �. I I r I... I I . ,.­� ........... . . . , I... , , - is, . � .� -6.5s . I , I.. , I . I I I , I.. , . , . . , , , D& HUGH- H. ROSS had been lv,L�Nbtlmg a dristtant cousin, in Therse's no itlime alke . to -night, gie�- - ' ed P14,1ns. � Ev'idently the ,droroer did, MeNaulght"'. - - , , . Graduate a Uikveisity of Toronto open bad' given her ithe litheness. and . S, .. I i , a cove adjacent -to that creek. SbIffie the grace I—— 'Toronto .................... 1015 . . . �, . -of a woodiand crelature. hmfey.. !My briDthe eame wiltha-me int- - -Ranise grinned, then tamed!, flo, .his nlo-t; :know ,thilg, since he wa - moving � � � " ... w .t. , c .. ompani ­ -W69t : I I . ... I 7multy -of Medicine. member of Gol- C. ins'6net The mountain woman -is cheated of . I . c,�. On w:lt'h !eimull,ated P�isplo:--- his cattVe directay itoward the Indian � I E ��e% iOT -adventure, islome, " the boat. We've, rg-It horses ai in .... .. .; � i legs, ,of Physicians and Surgeons of ance baid ,taken. ,her to -the fiso- her youtfi-la-Imbist' before she bass -an' the preiachar came ten mil ity. - .Huigh.',!, camp. -- . . . ,A.3L . ," ' - ,� i� Ontario,; pass graduate, course' ;n lie where. she -Y,ffd* ithe, Rioush &Ian l 4, es to ,"Damfino," 'rep1lied the Teid-head- The'* -young &Ilow let his cov,pony T-bronto ............... , - .... 7.40 %, ' I .1, Chicago Olin a med to enjloy As. But "Lindy �w s do the job." - I � . ': .., , I McNaught ...�­,.4� ....... 11.48 , ': :.;;,7�� . ­ vi- - I . . ". , ,�-S" � Opthalmle. Hbspital,' London, ' lrst :citill uniders'elig4li-teen. Her warm � Th�n�� ,with the. wisidbin. borri of I p' sha�p. � ir-ad School of .Chicago ; wl�,ullid 6F in Xovcs�. From the f ed,, man, ,.,and the giirl could' see that pilck lt,§ way down the stele "' - Royal, sight of lb!eir Dave had wooled her taslity st,lial denied ,the corming of a many, ffirtauOns he was g1lost-ing", over ber. di;�dl ;X4thout Welton -, - .,!....."....­ ...... 12.01 1 .. �� . England; University. Hospital,' Lon-' -he dropped -argu- , bb,te . . . . :s , 1- . . ,wk,h a ­,caneleslsi brava -do- that, plii4iised , 171110 wasi at -a dance. on God, -For- I supplie,, BlYsth ............ ,......:t:::.,? 12.12 � .: ' .­�J . .1 Am, En day when she would be a sallqw,,aro ment slid. wooed 'her a-g4lensff- " Th 6 W te moltiom, packed !his . � . I a wiss !,' I ' - , � *V� ,a-d*n", " Bank, iSelisforth. Phone No. 5. - her dinitigmes, . 'gulaW sinuZ!cheower. , . , anLbo'r.s tha-t-.,heM-1-the-ghlr-to----r.v- _tgn , . Crick Diawe's - .-- . "..� ,I, . gland. Office -Back of Do- liesr� p�iiclle and,intri di - safe . . ssoft on a ,w; .deTtl,y, mounted, and, was soff. In the Auburn .............. .. 12.23 ..'�� I * ' The.giii4l's imagination transIlleNid in . ... '. I dr ggcd. her diesirt, d6wup theres, you.skii!ow." . way. - hs. out, scros�'tlhe desser toward 4OG;lCw�.-�-...*..-.,,,.'....'...,.:. I 1W41-- . iffight calls answered from ressidefice, te.rmss of rom,ainae this insiollenee and .Wit-hin saight iof the l6g"cabin the 1 . I . T�b,d. tug of Sex_ . th,e coi,ou ; ir ebbed from th a,ce . - 1141 .. � ;;, '- 071ove and ilgriorance of life, his ea- e, Is of the'm;ovings her&swas the certai�ity Menset ..... ­ .� ............. -, . I , 11; e gir' lingered flot . a mioment' by ,the . 1 , , . Victoria Street, .-Seaforth.... , ' - ad, city. Inito h r st' t1he wife. One'of her, hands cloutich-: ti-je fronti,ersman. Godierich . . : ............ I.% . 12.46 ,,, 1, 'I . "V1 . .da, , ayved exiqt;en,c,e sa:ssiafras ,himili4s­nseasr . ger. and passionate demand that s�,e � I He did noit , hu ­ I . . .1 . .. '1� " . . I -the SiRr1ing- ;rust. `,irh:,a41 thieste swelled ed at -the back of - a chair till, the � �� . I I I ­ " � . ­ .... . — he bnought dbdib,uT and eixjvvtlib,�. , . . , the, tiae . 6-:— . � s� t Some delei* craving' 11 ­mpaths� . ki,luckles -sitolod out 'white. and blosoi- ' I I I . . � . I . . � 11 I 1. . . �Dslt.`Ess A. ,McMASTER e bove ... ? . 'Lindy was, not . or sy .- that -beat igaiiasit, bier" Orudlenscess, � I . -1 I , ,, te moved '[her at tfimes. to. fur- nruiv,e,d,be,�t.o,�iiiensrp!9;0.c,b. ShituPrii.. She caught b1s-',iYaat lapels tightly less. ,Her eyes ftstbned I with a . � . I .Did $ I., 11 " ! ill, 1, ; 1� �, " I 6'. I'l 1��, 1" �', ­ .. 1 IC7%1 1()T,CU' ,'!� ' I ; I .1 Graduate of the University of To- ed uPoh Nim wlibh an hbiptenousl',fi6iissce. .,,, fileir s6lenched fists. , gi-owing ho�rosr upon thlave ,Qf the. m i .. . ' . -�,,, ranto,- Faculty of Medicine fouis anger and again.410 injairtiouliate it delviieslgL ,n. ., me�ws. .in . . - . - . I . . . - .,'f, . I .. I id nat iinderstand.' For .en 9 her ,"If I giiJ -141 be gsivisn' i� everything he�dled man. . .. . e It, ,., tloingings She di I She had, cai-ne to the Member of College (d Physicians 'though sihe was heiritor lof -a life full- o"You'll"'never florgit me, Bu,d?' No - , edge of an.awful disco SNARNH IL I �11 . .and Surgeons of, Ontario; graduat�- of m-atibers what , happens, youlijil"10 Ill ,In I'the WOrgld for y1ou, Didtve Rlous,h. ,"You're- no . rVersy. I . I '' -, . I . . .. L blooded and undiscipj&,ns,.dl;, every fibre . . U . pxie*a,�hfer. Who are . . I .. �.... Mew Ybrk Post Graduate -School'and ..."--.1 - ­ - . ,not baties"M"'e?" I I My, -folkelill halte rise. ThaVdI never you?op . . . .. . . .. I .. I i g, I -W ­ . .. AIBOUT V ' . , , . I . -of heir iwas ..c-e,a.n anil piwe. There, - I ' . f�-peak bo; me again; �Y,ou%I­Jxe - goad I ,,V . . . . . ­ , . I EW FINDERS ... 1. Lym -in Ho?y�pital, ­11e,&-T�&r . Of-' when FUr uniusstud einoiin m � le,? I? His� ,mile was cruel, as I . . '. I s, I . I I sche- hated him, . Tr, embarrassed to me. 'Youi won't cast it up at, m � - . . I . . �,,t I fice on High Street. Sefifsorth. ,Phone were hours ' and a, littaii, e I. I . I . . � . ...-- I .11 . , � I g-lim-pseid in him polints, 'of view that . ­Aarmedi- "Oh, shuck I , ' &&Ah., "You �6o,niz gu!eszled it, stister. ­� .... I . . 8* that I ri4n, away wi,th you. Youilli- I I - I . . . -alin% anything glo-im, t0-happ,eii, yO.Qir`l1-4-" Her Vvii,ce ­ r � . . " I . ­ I `­ . . . ::`." . , I . . � . is, -27 40ffice -fully equipped for ultra short ... filled. heir.with vague ddstruist� But They I - I 'nT Hugh Roush�-Dave's b. other." '.. . . ..."," alwayc: he -attracted bier treMend- el'S. Xha%'s adlin, ytou.911 , . brokea dl�be . - gl[14D�id dlown a Ilittle gob., , n I., "An' -'-an' mfy ffiArelage, was 4.11 it . � I wave electric treatment, Ultra Violet 1. I I "Buit ,if axi,ltlhing does Vou 11 nou , , . , I- '??' . � :1, A A, '---,, :,.. I . 'I 7 I Sm Lamp treatments, apdInfra Red electric iieatrrientsi Nurse in atitend- 01.1.s�,,N. . .. "You're gosin' ,with me, gal" he . y . � ,hate inel---you'll, reniember. -I , aMus, 'th,m-ght' a heap bf Jilinim"t"'91, .. He Ilaughled, She couild not see his fooe in the d,aTkness bulb the soun - 11 (I '11111 . ... I � . "I'll, k 4 .. - ..r 4 4 4 , 4 , 4 , , . 1, ^ , "Wd ye -t nk Da)v,e Roush would , ;;;.:X::.: 4 '. ".. k, .. 0 J."ols- I I. � amess. I ---. .1 . .. .. I - - ---1 I 1. . urged. Clols, to h le , eir hand w;a� &'Ifittk'61timp yiolui, "' -. - � SQ -teid. - 4 4S tinsi's "Diogkoirle of hbT laughter was. nut reassiaring - He shbuld ha(ve met heir appeal ser- Morry a. Matnit6n? .H13's a ba!d- .ltn, , .. .I'-.,:- ... . . . . . � . . . . ,. . ,. . Dave is, bu-t ,he aiinlit come that lovir . ,. . ,. . ,. . ,. . ,. . . . . I= , t. . 11 . — , � . . . of 'forget­,Tni e-n!&ts which has, pushed sit,'ilf you're gt;iK.tbdnkinI that Diave . i -Du s I Y. I 11 . .. -.1 yet. . 1. ­­­ ��:: . . il. , ­ ,For ",h,er " .. s'I , . . - DR. G. R.COLLYER thrcu,kh the moss, 'Lindy feligned.to ..., of scalalwag Roushi­11 He briSke off, moved by soiffie tousaht . The giasil drew' back. . ­,1T,s. .- �h� fin-Itana fa—sk. le i �, : 11 .. life 'Linidy faintied. . I I I .1 I . Griaduat,e Faculty of 'Medicine, Unli- w-sliqi1ill:ws of Westem"Ontarin Me -i r be busy picking the blioissiomiss. . "Yes. To -nights --at ,ell -even o'cilpick 'Of PlIeS112dient lt,rageldiv in heir young I S,eMed at, once ,his mistak I "'G - o d ,bo vou! e cried 11 I ,,sA, . : . '.. Prege ,::j.,::!;�: . .1� , ut(ly she ffoated back to con- :�:�': .;:: ;.!::;::::: . �; �;�i: I . . r I 0 4 . . 1 4 # A 0 , , I I 0 0 4 I 0 , , s, A I . � 4 r 0 I I . . '— . 1. I . . 11 I , " � , ,�,�,��,,��,,�,,�,��t,'�,�,'i'�,i, - I I 'n?t -ever a-goin, bo pm a-goin' to . I sl I sei.ougness and the die-spair of a soul � . . .. .. . I College of Physicians and.. -Surgeons. ,'Lind'y�usn ' "ce- ""Coulne, I ad 1�' . � der the big laurel." . foi,git you noine, Sig. Hit afin't Irikeily ill -- y " I the best elver." miurtally ,stni,oken. She & it all . I . . �/` of ()ntirio.+ Post graduate work',t Wbile­,he resented his, assuranice, . it?" .. . . , adre t .got any' imlolihc�, D's,ve," A.w � . . I L . . I , ,,you nm,y. The lies of Dave lRofissh had ++ � .Ne* Y,6rk CAty Ho4pital'and Victoria i't none the less, coerced.bier She dlid 19 Agnl�n s,he chio-ked lin -her thro-alt *i : 1�1 ( Hospital, London, ,Phonse: Hlensal I a 1(oivesr whio. gro"vell,led in, the 'it was a comfort to hii-'rn -after- evlule,�011 her into a tisap. ,11-e -had! *b6 . .;11;: ;: 1. i r,6. Wot.,,wiamt wards to reciaql that he subini6ted 6 N,�ouldn'ttake aidvaintlage of me would wiorkffng, for roenge against . .�. .-. I , Office: King Street, Herisall. - dust sbefore sher. She wanted loililei to you?" . . I . 0e, ' ` i:,:i:.N.:.N-:.; �;�;j;j;, I . .,,�'. . � . WeT imptullsive calless without any As- - famia-y he liated, esspeciailly against , ::!:;�:$�:j . "" , " , ­- """ � .1 ::: . , . I zweelp her from. her feet, I-I,w% pilotelsited hiotely. Dieskring on'x 1.11 :::::::j;j . . . . ,.$ I ; " I -- a Y"'g ible irritablillity. I * ;;ii�� ...... ii.,,?�" . , - �;:�::;:;::!;%::::: '�111111111 ..... ?.� . ... Lachmirarr to compel 'her by .the po,rlue , I 'to be convinced, 'Lindy took one 1-ast "brave old Clay Clanton, who had kill'. : . '... �., ..'.."'.. T. Vnidly buslied herseff repairing . , " i :::::, .%.".. .. .: :..,.. 00::;:�.!:­ ............... *;­­..-­, .1 I DR. F. J.'R., FORSTER � of ,1�is, personality. � .4p precaution. I ed two of lits kin wA'in the yeai-� :::::::::: .­j:j $ :: i.."'.:g I ,�'. . ls,uppier for ,heir father' -and lbrorther. With the craf inhiesi-itield from �v ge - . i�:�i�ii.. ." X : ._: . -"ITI not be thierse," she tioad Mm., ava ­.'......... I ".1 ,.,:;, `i� .P -:- ;;;!;$;: !::: .x x, , .... -.'.-'-.i� * �?.W-'i'M .,,'..:'�,,���,:i,�';�-,',.*"7..�i�.',§i . .. I Eye, Ear, Nose and.Throat 8ivear' you'll do, rtight by me &I- a-iocestiors he had sent a wound more i:�i��!i�l , 0. 11 Graduate in Medicine, University of ,,"We'll ,' Ever ginice her inlother doled when. .the ,, , . I I ... . � A . git sright across the river ways . . , . Toronto. I . an"'be married inside -of an hovir.!' chbld wais eles�,C,n she hid.belen the ,He Pvore it. .11 ­­­.. I. ,4,adby ithan any rifle bullet could Late assistant New York Opthal- licl teP,l you I'm not gloring *ith you. fasinfly housekeeper. She put heir, liand iin his,and he led carry. The Clantions, weire pro,id ­ I .. - ` Q . t dusk ,Clay .. ­ - I .-�.A . ,Glanbon came in- and r')�,p the boat. ' ' .. I Inei and Aural Institute, Woorefield's, ult piesterin' me,", he folks, and he had dragged, their pride . , xftlold 'hiiiis friifle �iin a corner ,of "the Ranimb 'Roush. was at the ,oar& Be- � lye and Golden Square Throat. I -Los, il-119 dlvv�ll­may,care laugh ti;�dl on ; � � L in the muds. I . I Fitials. LondoA Eing... At Conimereial .the heisells iol! ho�r refulsial. Re. guessed, rolom. His daughter recognized ill- f,o.lv be loald IE'the two, brothers expeeted b'or to I I . I I I : - Hol*l, Seafarstb­thilrd Wednesday, in siliveiwilh bivinlour iin the igrim, eyes of the. old baiven a diazen, strokes a make a sicene, t�qy we -?e disap-rooint" Youmi-11 not cut your friends 1'n two if you use youir,view finder pr6perly. .. ! . y tGati qimusmsitanoes ,We,re ,wave ,cf ,beqwOT swept over her. She " 'r �.­­­, . � . I .­..� each mon,th, frorn 1.30 ip.m. to 4.30 p.m. 6ANIng 'her, Afs' boin Th main. ,He was ,of a lbatl, gail fligure;j was lea%,dbg behibid for ever that ed. Nunib with the Shock of the blow I . . its of,a . . �:". 's . Is. ­ e girl' Wig stronigly.built, a ootalbll,e fighter with ,s,he ,iiiadie­ho oqt�ry and, no teprpach. I OW,did I ever happefk to do that select the most iriteresting b T . lil . '! . 68 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. full] 19f relgeribmenlU A' b6ir fabher's quiet, Sunny Cove Ivkord , she' had I -, . . � I ­ . harsh , trela6ment of her. Her starved hiis fists &O. the lbftwling dayi""before been bicititht uip. 'The girl besigan t 01oloit a .move on ye, gal," orderled "Hwhen I took this picture? scene and concentissate on them.: ' I .. � I I 'hn'l � Ranpe saiftoeir he ,hjg!d finishe re'are, the fish an . . 11.1 � I- . bearit crairedt (love. ,She was� daughteT b , ie "gl)t .reillil&. 'at & c"mp" meet- shiv r aga3nist the arm'of her lofloscir. Islysm ,&-. �edtihr,' : ," -: Tlte a part 4':ffIll When an artist does this, he "com- , . . ....:. 11 I . ' . .ng OU ttffl� J 0 - 11 . hitlon who led 'the feud ,11 Now hils CallVinism W94 olf the `:,heiaird again -the slound of he i7 * seen viritten on the subject of , , DENTAL " of ,thlait CfiV. . . She �,e going with us, so ,� ' be ' poses" , his picture. -many votihnes, . . but I certainly did a fine f b of. cut . ' ' I . I . 'he ,held to The of 11Ow,.,triumpbsnt laughtler. I I's harry. . � ting him in two." , 1� , - ­­­ ' JDancing . , , . I sir-olivist the IRloush famAly amid its ad- ,stiesmest. Haven,t you have b 1: - . W bieresrilts.,­, baw took M -a lift in hi,s the . - d814%. -, d:�MdL,P1siyiit1g was, ,& ,win. rn , *Wlhat are �you gaini, stilo do wi-0i heard those sad w6rds.before? Sure coinpogition, but the whole idea may ". , . " � I I . I I If ,he stola drank freeily, .hiis d,ri i back now. nu .. i I , I A ,T* No, hysterical . 0!!­a,hv asked, dotAy. - I I be boiled down to this: Good compo-' � . Graduate 4?*yal 06111age a Dental hands every time lies cris the riv- roquest to be pub back ,,, you ha4e. . 4., , I was wilthib bounds. But be,.did not on 'her ,slide of the Tiver would move . I �. , . . . witom 161; bills -piety *"rferse *lltsh'tho feud.. these men.. " . ment of the elenients of a picture, an ',, ! 11 3111irgeow, Toronto. Office at Hensall, er Idol meet heis. Once he had a �`Woiy, Daive doon't want you any -- sition is siniply a pleasing' arrange- . 01111L Phone 106. more. Wes"to gi)ifte to .genrid, you ihome. ' The answer is very simple., The the seftseiaim, in ,the nd.gbfb to histinsestWely she knew g , . . I . . ­ . keoe*an' Within the'y6aw ' pill1ax of tfie church that. From. to-nighb she 11 iieckon-yore- folliks .wi,U i ' lad taking the picture'faile*d to use' arrangement that puts the eirip'liaSIS .. I I ... . . ­ 11appioihtment. He--knis , ,that hi�g P I was to be ,- - k 11- the 11 . . I I -Millidnegg, Illisi reckless c6 thlough be was, he ihad been icarAie,cl fastibeld sq�@f for y,014" jeered Hug� the view -finder properly. wben,.he on the most interestingfeature. . .. i'A .... I AUCTIONERRS , , uragie, .and I a Roush. . . . '� . . f -,,danger, - Air. blomle. Tilddled iwith -bualet& . OrL.-the - es ...... ­ ir, ."Th4ey tell.mle .you always- .- hot-.- He pro,bably.-saw,that --- A -14ttle- -e" -e- 4n ,11ping- Tew­ Tfeliv- - - ­-=­s-r--­­-- ­. � ..... . 1-1-- T..-.,. 1-1. ­ ­ .., �� , .­ 1. . . -0ontemiplib o, .. gued -.Votlent-, They' found hor6 ,14eill to � Ro sh.. .." mad,p� t*&S , ... I -..... , -� .� . I - ly &T ihi6i. She was "Colubg to, him, .fidut. men,wbol lhiad waylaid him two . iWIngs- been miigbh� hligh.�heeiled, 'Lindy the string of fish was in -view, but. finder will,"almost invariably, give . -..... 1! I HAROLD DALM a,.% rrelbuieta I nbly add surely as a wild - had bleiesnAl,mided' next day and a bWWd In ' a small cove chose to the rivers C.Rantion. Mebbe you woon'st hold yore he . quite overlooked the fact,that the you a well composed picture. For ' so .1�1 ..., _ .. ... 1 4 . I ih '�ihp y Tnoruailted ,and To& into the 'lisead soo h4h now." . . I . . -will reject an a i ­­ " " . I License.4 Auctioneer tairkey ansWetrg the ocalla of the hunt- ad ke#t lhdis,.05ed liar mioniths. .h ,J�!jaxt *hg - of thd , ' , I ... . .. your eye rrangemen - 11 . '. He ate� for al 46me in douir silence Excepit for the ri (The giffil strode betweefi,them, down pronAly grinning Bill..was'neatlY cut. that is confusing or �ispleaslh,g; it" - ­ - ! " f , " �. ' ,4 1 Specialist 'ifi%.farm, and household ev. .. I bdiorre -he turned haraW on* ,Un&y. hoorsess' hods theire was, no 90'und fu'-' from the hillig., Whaknbstift into What In two. I s . ­ V �. I . misea. Prices reaslonable. F4 d o distant, � . I . will warn you that somebody's head I . . 7 �A,­ , I hed, "Yoki ain't haviin' nl�io &mck wilth ,,miles- -1,indy was, the ... f1rAt to speak. An agrmy of fear and -reinisorssei and Most modern cameras have- two is going to be lopped off:' it will ke- , to , � ,,� , mitid informatioin writili -or Oione'Hw- istairtbed themi,., He crou r as 14 to s. First, of , 1��", � § I 'c I wa y Pave Roush, 'awe you? Not moeitlin, Abil't this -A Quicksand Creek? sh`6 lill,aick dosJohir she.. fell? ,She &-uld ,kinds of view -finder veal whether or not t" finished 1�1 - h, or ap- a taittleiartake about to strike. The . . ; old Dialle. phone 149, 0, -1over as, they fP"C'Mill a not gaholme &,oAgrb-off, a soiled crea- , A. , 4 tdaici4 '. Allis, seemed vilmost to leap, foirward. ,up mirith him on blie,gily?" hoel demand- 9ked- 'of 14i course, Is the, familiar reflecting 'story , � -..� �. . 011ys - A�t The- Expo,bitior office. . ' .ljr�ft BV,d i snaoce strelarn. 11 . it picture will tell 'a storg--the , . , .. I ,; � ianited at. Mider—the kind Into which you peer you had in mind when you unlim- " 1. . I . � � ­�ny bMstbse. Jimbie., ed, his deep-sveit eyes fubf tof in . , "I � . ' her. It . � . �' ­ . She poushedhim bacin tloward the w under the heatry, grizzledrIbiriows. He noddled. "The siands am right Sh6 dared not meet heir fat from above. Properly shaded, it wfll bered the camera, for "telling a. I.,; pa - "INDI, I OnAbl"' irldthritidid) Ithe gliv], below us—nisolb movis'n, ieliven or eilght "wr,suild, be iiiip6triWe to -look her. li t- . Onwo. "QiAckll Burn the- windl" ea. of what story" Is the essigb�ce of a good pie- - ' ' .' �"' 11 , I ARTHUR WEBER and heir volice wais ,sullen and deli- -Eteps do" here 10ait ,Hehslog _was Ve birstit1hor Jbpwite in the face. Would give you an.accurate id . . " T� ZVO - Audicineei's De", . . ",whalt about tbo-nw? whiz you ­ . 01 -- ­ - I , each shot Incluides. Then there is de ture;s- -, -­T­...� -:4', yearals � enses I . ? of a�#, . svek,ed uIldler." they lbselieve the Wmiry she told? And 1. .. I . " ") - 1, Sixteen_ emptrience" come "direct" vlew-finder, mounted on thd Althouglr- we have only ourselves .. W.� ". :,:, ; , 1 , I ""ROO 'You a0hot, begisen Vos's want to After another saftsetich rididen 1�1 if ithley 'Were convinced, ice its struith, ' - , -,-4, - ,,�-,� -SaflosifisidiSon ,gsuhm "Hunt,. I WE you. halt's Bud'. - Are 0okslie your back- with, the - build ag4n. silence they lturstied up� a A, .:frIebds t9 please we call .. , ,.; ", I I . nfeed. We w%e whiat difference WMIld that makei? ' top or side of the camera. In using anda fev . I �,, 11 misease that ,pleasure vastly by I , I. �..!, t", I I It'.4 I . �. I I We.phonis: 13-57,11ensA yoou 14q&I for brioublel?" . -1 id�n't aff oW ticil put up with Too foosl� to a bight sh[ining in a eab& wilindow. ,Sho wi,q what she, was, no matter it you hold the camera at eye-16vel I , �i '! I ­ . I I ,i��, �:, . Wirsite ART)RUR ... W Iffe, Ao an . . ­-,;,,.,: �. , � ,WBR, . to the bby. "Birfid -Xiicksbn seen him ,li p , ,,ular pausing, just - befsotse we,olloik the I ,,1 . 1, 1;.i, .1, . * I . . �sped relluctanfly at the edge lsline�"�11 ke -tramed, In sexplanaltibn The bro*larg aq�ghted and Dtso�� help- how !ghe ,had lbecomiel so. d sight through two rectang A. 0. 1, 3�01h"Iod, ; shuRer,46 check 'up Our #Idt4re In. 1. � a . ed stbis .girl d1own. He Pughiedt sup" on the pike they met sold Nance openfligRss-What ywtsee, the camera - I . .. ..... ... i I 1, — th�is si0of -the iriversto . .,.. the"v4d* 1XV60. it IVS,what'*os want I �.. ­�;;R I I - from, -it. I put a quesibilon'-Itbr ye, -610. He says the il and led' )the way irmoler - - 0troindrighaiin ,re*,rnqnig fisbm thie 113911 will get. . � I �,.,�, - I . INStRANCE ' Whein ,r vitirny mawdirs, mebbe Ill gio, thif; aliiilFffie fusibeittimit Rsontsh,has; A man se by the fireigido ww& his w1ith a Mock of,micoal, Tfise� ab , I . . A ,;l-fiye awayl Atid, WhebAlle.-filtilshia, , - .. -7 ,'�, ". . , ory Of I With either or both of these fladera pletnt 1. . ' , : 1, , . I .7 niglihl lisiound the ecive,"" teet'oni ,the tablies, Q� 0O cojne� "'..... .�­.. . been Seim ha- , .Hib **ff resaft a that, inveeting , als (one the so b6t4k, We 'ShAll Cisr- - 1, �,, """ . '.. , �. q9R I . - BuCl- *nitl'-obow �W-Iva*e *111 then I , ld Pigistp ' - #,�,,,,, ­,&­ ".� � , , yonx gimox .. AGHNOY . ,"I'd meeit ye there if 1 $ft .1.1�lie boy"i imloden iface beUdy,ied t I 'an . there is really little reason for fall tain* h6t b69rud9b41fd9d46* 90'64 . I.. ,,:�,AW I , , I .. & cut, . . t newspaper, 'A tug rolif Whiaboy and told Oter the tragec* 0 mam . � A, I � I Ingto-getwhat ro, e. 11 _77 111110thi6g. kle ow not avok at -his a I . . isa want In a plet'llf 6A this- 1#'�j � "�-".11 , """i.? e � %j1*Me8 �t 41,1--ktIkU, - Nbw 49*," ,she Wggsed. - e .of flisteq%o Ono, ot 01coattatift , I "p, A . . aft ­ ,, hib reach bf. hu 'i 4 11 . .�­ "i,1 I Is . e .1 N7 wit , , I esAger sdw vi N � , C � , �X.%A !�, , j;-,i�� � - 1- 1^ , � � .. . .. thii man vam'SaWlin,thoe plawpw.j.. isister. Btit-ftyspiwM9 Mwgaft th troop, hand. WMobut bTb k to, relino" "'S . ,q aliffitied herlan"' An, stop. Of courseothere are limitti, defffitd gadh ' %1. " .. Is .., .. Ili�, �, � Ti 111's '196,16 -fteal w4t% # is- " . � ' ". 2�.,J , 0 14M fillo�md 0 glently, as om '01 his Alroulgili wa niliM. Re thought again bof bur �0, ­h,os booik't,d pod ... �.,­.oltfv T, dewffi was ever writ -1 by thl� thisivoi of thib him hfj'A, L. - . I ;11 , �� ,a hig olto 60M, th st M'a , Of" AMA , 4"k,gs'm � dit , "'. I � lr4t the, tol, ", . ,I ', ,:.;T . - "�- 20HICV, "K 3, - I I . .., I - ed by th-, up, m4ltlb: a Itiets 6t ft 'toembang, gitt. loft a hilman ftese it MIM61-Y "Zi 0 , - -06; 111­11�1.. . --,"I'll, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �­ .. I—. `� 90* t6 tob". d Mile Voices he bad ha �ie x 161M. ymr-hl � t � �� � 1, L I Iftlaft bil, - IL, . Ifilli" uneelabotis", . , - ." 11117,111's, ,4ii,illim".".�-,�,,.,,,!.,,�.,�l.,:.�rs "­',�� 'i"-. " "I.- . . . �­ ­ ,0 M fieft fl wa I .. '. 1. .� . . 1. ., – �* A.,,,. , - . I , -)�. ' ' - ' 11 ," M,,,Ii, L A, , T U . fLM __ _ . _ __ _ _ _ _ I I . " . , , ,� ;� � — , -- I I - is , ;,".%, , . I . *,y wto, W. , iesits - ,h& TIV,Oto Mid 'he ret&ftWed "t it Md ,�o r� 1040, . "Wa , i,. ,,�� "', i � , �,, I . � ,,V , T ,�.,.,,�­ , ,.. .1 1. . -ot, ,1,, , ,� , ." , �Wl Naba �, , . I I , I - , , , � , , I �4. . , " , " �� I � ;;� " �, - � 1, , , ,, " , ", �, 4 ri&y1dV,,si,,,, , I In ,�� � , ", ' jtg"�, L' 1"� 1"4 j4i�, , , 1�1p,.XaA&l � � I , 1�1'�? � ,'� "'j, ,,, ,,, ., �, tk�# I , . I., I . , WA"ii�, lall" . . i , "N", i3l, ,� Mo. , ;Mpe - , . ,4 ­ . �-, ,� I ii I'll ., . ,�, braithl"woo 1 0*6 at � m - 1�� , ", I ..,?.. `� - .s � 1: �,, 's . t �1, , f.", �� �,p � I � "I' ,�,, ,rg,,':;��.�r4, I q 11 � 1;iWWA6y1%1X IMAII&J,11'11"�rr, ,�, �� ­ .0 . " .j '9 o "t� u, I , , � � I, I'm, I 4,� i��i�!!���������.1-��1-1.11-11-.. . - I