HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-13, Page 5... ..,% . ;" -:1111111111111N, ,f%�< �`: �� 17 �. 7�,', J; % -""r',,.ni , ANt I � ,_ - , � I , " � , � o 1�;',,-� �`:�,,'.,N��­) �,;I,'.�",!;,�,,'�� ­�4` " ;" DY � I 1� ", " �,� , W li� , , � . . , �, , " �t , "', t,,, , 1, 7 `�' , � : " " - � - 1�14-11.1'131 41121,111, � . � � . , ''.", , ;� , ., ,,,." �10 .- .. , " 411 '! 1% I X 0 �4'.�",; �1,1�t,�f'r�,,�-fi��f�l.,f�A'�l,�� 1R`!11 5�_ , i X#T1riR'1, RTYIN !,� �ll�ll,,W,'�'I'MI.�p�4YAwil�;��z�,,g , , I I , , ""' , , l , , , N ., . ii 1 ` , , 'I 02 IN 0.1, " , . I ­:� I - h , _. - , `1 , - 1; -1. 1 ','�Ii, ­ , - d" . , I I - , '� ,t�� i .1. I - - . ,;. , . 'I'll, , i I I I : 4 ,� .I I— " � ii ,1;1 I I" � . .,� ,,, �: ,'!, .. .., � , Y.. P, � ", . " �, . ,i,,J,� ,:' �; . , , , . .,��,� ,,, , - ,t' ,� _ . I - . I - I ,.;�� , . �� - :1 "I ,,, �,,,��4, .. , i_ �, 10 �� ,Wf� . , . � . [ . , **,tF3 - -, .,! �N -1, ,f � 9 ."O." . - I 11 �1. - ,� i .1 I, " � , , , " I I ,:� . . "Al"PIR , 1 � ,,, I .'..,,,',. �! -.,17�,.",.­ ,,�!, i7l;,,� ." I 1�1d.�� � I ? ,�_ �� , , , I -L �', , t. 4" # #A 011 I I X-il" , , --"-fw4w�"�.-.�.�..,.,-.��,-,.�....�"".."-..-,.�'ll,�li.� __..... 1-11-1---- 1-111.-'.. � ;; , .. .1 �., ; , � � ,4-,;,,,'.., ­___ I., I . - --_1_-1_-__, . -.1- _1-11111.1111-..", ..... . .... ­., - , _­ 'Tt@k ." 211 F�1111 ........ TDONTA"r1l, "i ;1�0, �,%� tl­ '.� �`­�­­ "' It �1­44.�,.�,.. r,�,'kl"��'!f!"n";,��,.;�"'5,.-,, .---. I � - M, � ­,�,-�­-- ;" - 1 �!�' ! , �� ,,I --7---u;,--,-, !I - . 4 V , ­ " k". " �111 T ,% .N.." . .. 11 _ .1 ", 11 I T� . I "I ... t � I 11 I . I ­ I , - ��! '.' �; ", I...;. . ­ � I 1. I _,", � I . . I , . I .z , � I , , I �""7,;, I 1�� .. Z� �.*!��:11p,p,P,P,P,P,P,"",",r,,,, " S2 , , — . . , it P I , h., � G% '� �' I '11:i .1, "I _, ��,_.,�;t, " . 1, : : , . . � �.: t 11 "I �1'1 : � t, .,� I I �, "I . . ,,�, � 1��, , 4 . W, -I'll, ,. n T ,It, -1 ... ­ —1 - 101%,ril" A. . , ­ -m, 11 .0 .f I � � I 11 n I IiA .. 11 _ .. 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'11'. 1, - 4. . ­ . , . , _P9 . . ,", . I �. � 11 . . I POP. " '. " _-..-,---A . ­_�! I , Irole.s. , � 4, A . . W'. . —I"-,-- - -'---,. "'. ___ I -1. _� - - _-__1 ------- ,�____iiLi�� L I ,*_11;1-j1_ �. — . ­ — . ,-. � � . �­ -W-- -- I 1. ­ 1 � � , , - . ' is -*1 , � . I � ��_ � �, 0 -00 194 , . 1" .. � . I __1001= I ocrf^ 1-1 . ­ . . ­.. . . � -4. 1 . . ­ :1 . '' '' '. ,� . . "N' -1. I I pipo'07va I �e ­ 1� .. I . A . � I 1.i �111­ ,I , ­ . 1. ­ I . � , . VW. 7- r,.-. . . , TEMS., .. I — . —, . I . -.,. ­ '.'4 . � . '0V . . , � . I I � I . . 1 t � .I... . Ir - -1 . I I.. � 1� 1; � - - , ", — -, - ­" - . 3P -F. , , " . 4 T9_11V? 6zll 11, $ , I � I 9y I ! ­ , � 1_-i 1 � . �, . .NekPowelL in i, ,Ruby ��Iqr - I .- .. One -of the fiTst JOW ft MW wsu- ' 1 . ed by asimpairwa, campaitici, c, wrowt. . . I . "' ' $3952294-20 I "" , 4, 0 0001—PN-AT140 FOREVW ' IW­lQ0#WUA--var4"er--Nd4­ be , .� . , the ' ' t . - lkta, 4 Olomift. zargao'wa.. ,", , ­ � ,RV - J. , � _1 . _!..­ I --,'—.,-o`,.-1.; Or � . I 7,_ 7.-- I . , - . . i, , . , 4 � I You'll IAA "Ur share of Langlisand AW in der! a J�_ - ow . ag an .. � came a AUVOWT . , -stock TWO is 4 AUM01Y early ' "� , 112. T .m Many I 241g.." - here a olib, bixf "y .- -two exle mentiOned, as 'i - distijor, ._!m�.11,., L�i I ., - .­�-­ ... --,m, - - / I 11 I 1N ,3 DIKOV ' 167 - I .. . 1� , I I I I - .' ' I . TI& %7 Romance I " AAR . -itil", "' , . -11. I � � .. � i ,_ 9 . I � CARTOON , olb 200b ' the, VIO"Wl, 3 '. , of =7 In(Audes pewenollial, plant wqlae .11 .g ', 01vie and upeful,,, namft AohMv,% tian, 1IM04. ft eutiosta,,, for, jits fhoweps , _ - . . Qu%,RNP, � . - ... , . - H. ' BY FUENCI r-RIPM1, . "t t. . t--' I . I Ir I ,� I . .1 ".., &M � �. ,9, . , obuslhes, 8hillUbbiRT, V*100 WW' ftnAt � y,41 w . 4 , and ''# velvIetly p1ben fobQ� and' A. agma. . . � . �., . z.. I � a T I I . I . ... I—- .­­­ -.1 ,...'a ing— I IDMIM 0F`TJM-N1EN3ffff-JF *S1�_-.,.-1-. . eeL% *wAd be liplantAd. j4l4.4W.,6bk)g�-8&Ag:,Jswt�4e,at t101160's, w0k white blolsslonis and' grey loze—en, jbiW�� .�­­ I L . mAill ,SOOn *e 8* , -be runnft in , ., . 0 A � . 4 , ­­ -LOVE ME FOMVBR" - . . to we*. A�u Ord" to: ov0d disal). . I "'. ­_ .. Inuiresding 4 _-W—ffiiR­ . "), ut �of . MOM- thLgil, 70,000,1000 �.,Waqle tre , _ft 1 ., �U I .. Ewgtter� 'Cantaft and appir"oxiffistiely ­.­ ­, . ' - �., I .... . 1, . . � 1 4 L'�4' - 'i � . . . . .1 I ;. I . I pointiimei;t in, secumg� spftw, viarie, ties, iorders should be'Ralow eiandy. on . &;Z� we the na*,q, I veetbft ,�­, " 0. - opidn" ipwiy ", frag., !1%. . 50^01- Iflawmews in ;in weg Mateo", 1. I 9 ". . - . . . - . I .1 I � " I , , 4 t I I rw4pt' tif it la imilplossiblIe * plamt, the 'ba-.0o,vered � �.... .. the pineusMoo,like Mamfllaria,. .;; ­ 'M,b f%ftn Wes1tern 00tiario, down- tot the - Atdwitic seaboardin NorvaScotia.,are, . I � '.I . . - � .11 4 I .. . b. stock should with . dwiv 4airith or p1lacied -in Dome cool para. -last naorried, has, , I rose-colbuired , Uoissoms and "' . 80190gied in harvesting dwstweet.,and. . iu&i� Wfien ' . .-,. ,.: .. . morist place until, mfoved ith, permani- fruillt. � ' prpduldt. the us& is - in � . . I . ., bip^ 4 V . I ent, quarbers, outside. . . 11 ,' 'The'llinaidien pink (Dianthus. delt �' the malple tree - ,Spridg Is round the . "Old �­ W 77, 1. � . - I . In purchasling such mat -�� . erial, � . - dides), and thip. 'Ched1dor pink (i� uo"" ` n - Probs?l '%'r o'matter what I ... I . . 0 It , 1W.0 . _&U�nw *& eirititels temphasibe the inip . obtalfilug fresh sitock and. No* . A TO- clatesius) we indiispensable members Of A_ large tflndlF4 .. I J- I isa�k . I I — . , ,966ugh -them AM Jolver 7-0,000,000- .. . I..--- . ' - . . "I . A HEALTH sliEnvileg CW - .11 ) 14ADI!%N M9D.iC^L . . 4— ,6 .r,_ I X, 4AT " AND . liablibt_ Canadii�ua Source�, - Rocibs, and .� . I 'atents. on 'good , Mkoery stock are,11111loduldt&,by So4r . 0e, of th, earliest fl,Wj,r;s lal;a buWbbus ,plants', such. as-... -produebig, trees on Easterri, Cm-dilarL STIMs, only about 24,000,000 will be, 4 lb* these . ' :.; I I LIFE � 9 . ... dINSUR-A-MC-k comp-Awas . � IN CANADA � InDist and,paiable and in the caswof shrubs and. -vines the up . per grow&, .. . Sei111a­-8ii.lAricai,, ,I . pi;Acs, d,.= F. -paRidiflora, w1ii1el Ixilohrion , TetUM to pe4 . WA 'the " izietaffile',am1miot. The rev - 1- `* 1" �, .­ , " . I � 1. 4 4 . . . will show evidence .of plen�ty, of ,green ,nion- twilauni blwmis in' ' runie. � ,. , . ,nue golm. the sale of fillalple sugar 7- . Thall ithills'-foold P�16 that food are' 1-ilve ,buds, -Bef6e, Plandfigit dis- well . 0enoth0a mdisch� is ah, ev- and maple syrup for 1035 as $3,5=.r . .. . 0 It 1 1 ... , I '. � frtcawpaMblee -and ther, efOre 61110,6111 'meal t1O trim baii the upper growth ,sitame- . I . . 1 enang , which lopew its liarge 4?0, an iW . xesse,of $481,,8X-�ojver 1934.� I -UDt be eiii6; at .6; ,same 16 What to Offbet any shearing off .iok w�fer-filj7ymi�zliblioegonis'a-lq day ai0l There, OpIpears to be no -sound rea, I I .. l k . --reurhaps- the'Taost generally bedilemed ,roots an -it- d * Is. not advisable to aiflbw . all season. - I son. why- far imore than one,tbird of . . . . I . food U4 of ithei-preswiti .*me. "I" -too much Sloomi - the plants . , I— -..thq ' ... - ... ". ' Th�,mwls serpyll um., Aly,saluin' sasa- the trees in Camada sh- ld t ou no be I A I mplt- . 'We axe told, by thasie who, atte .ng ­Of fir st year. ­ I tile, Ibermis aelmiyervgllens, -am of a brouglilb into production. Offidagis of . 11 to conviocle, ust with th,eiv dagmatic , � ,. P�owers For Cutting . . . tsubl,-shrubbery oaltuxe, -and Daphne the ,Fruit Branch of the, Dlqrdnioll� . . I . 4 A .1wee1pIag abatements rather than *y, 'When aii abundance of boutiquiets Oiaeorum isi a ,bru@ shrub, d,varf, ,v- Deparritmienit a Agii�culturie say -this I .:� 1, . . . I e6ileAft e:4ple1nimeV4 Ithatt proiteints _' , is, vi�anted exlperienced giardeneirs, ad- ergreeln, land fragrant qf bliotoin., doiuld soon be ,dh'ng,6d if �&e� public " I I -and ciiiibohydinaties should, not ble in.- - vise growing a portion of.suitablel . * * * . " would realt4p. that nidpile $TTu,p and. , , ­ icluded in the . 1, . . game Meal. i annual flowers i,h, ,t#aight wows The 1936 Seed Catalogues maple sugar are ,qot merely seasonall . . . . i . This staitement isi-igiven.,an air of alh-iiang.,the -�;egelbablds Or -An. 9, ibezilal The ,approach -of said, the products but:g6od all,the year ... round. I . Tee,'Peetigbility b§` �I�Zkirilg it with, . 7bat aplyear to be scientific gar- cutting ,garden, Some well dealigned beds of mixed annuals are spoiled ,.spring .. arrival ,of new seed catalogues. .,are Neigthev Aletleiribta[bes by time in anT way *if kelpit 1propeTly. sealed . OT Cov- 1. . , I . nientsi.iWe are lbo9d that as nietat"and if too many filowers, are picked anil. closely aaslorliited .evemits.. Both aw,&,,a ,a. ' . pkeasiant anitaldr.�itiiaji of eireld andin cool githirage. . - - � ns' r . . �,olther protoi e4uilire an, acid med- iumq,Tor rthein- b,gain there axe certain things ,like fulfillment ,of plans ,and opportunity ju,, ,� as t ,he genead� in 'C , a practical aig_ . I I oithlefir digestio�n wMle pota-. i�A 'carbohy- sweet peas flor instance that ' for creative efflorti. iManly f I o 'Our irliv&ture ,miada is, assio0ated with I slugara; and� si"nidlair I � ' halve little � attracti ve I'O'lilge' but 'ght thome galrdeners will �bo embarkdMg the FrencI4 for in 1605 de�Xonts, and I , . . . . . I . n -.9 need an a6kadine medduffi, � , beaut,ifull b1boins, These mi as ­ 1. with ,entiliuslasim. ,on a - new, enterprise. a iparty of sekders did some planting ' , , , . , ,IA . 'I'� botai are ,pressint,,, one mi;st in- I i 'the well be' igrown behind- the ragu'lar ' � Some will be motdivalted, (by the atesth- laltl Port; Ro#al and -in 16117 Louis I f I . teief&e w$'h dilgestion of ,the i- beds. Choice wiU1 largely depandi ,L�!,, and, 6thers, by .the �tlilllity--jvaluo Hebert established the firsit farmi at 46tb;er, . . I uo�cn individual preference but. for. 'wilth o,fAheitr undarta ' k'Ing, 'but _aal Cootem- Queber,' aor the Prenoli Were the ifirst I A 'Such a 6o,n1C1UE11o.n ign.DT& the fact -that blro,se unfainihar ,the ElIxt"ject plate a gotaldl)� measure of pleasure. 41D lay ,the foundatilons, -of the maple . . when learrachyd-nates, alone are I w. t W ng hp fOE'lo i may be used- as a guide: f, , ,in .th i 0 e time -and energy they w,'lf "'rit 6 and ,meple sugar, indiusitry in diie . I �ealteln, there�.is a flow of scid diige-s- -Long Ztemmed—Gladi-olus, Lsrk- 'spur, 6evotiei to; their gaixIiinsi, ' Diolinini=, It Its true the Indians I I 4 4 . tive juict4s in the shomiach in which . Snapdragon., Dahliss, 'SaIT119- . . Th3 ndw eptal-bigues as,xeganjs the fT':)In lbiefo,re� the firPst relcordinig of . ,� . "tive ea,xiblobly&ite is ithom:)ughly mlixed. 17t - TM13 ha,Plp,8119� TtJ,ga11d11jesS of whiether I Dasmis. � .. Nadi . ulml--�Osmos Zinnia, Fhpbles qtualitiY are generally superior to . . l.,d, itbry ,kriew of the delectable goo- ,d'- � ulota of the �napllatree. ­,. -- ' . . I I 4Dr not theire Is ..... a p'ric­tein food, in) �h "' " i e P Scabiosli,, S�Peet Pea. I ' . `— those issued. TOT other yeairs. An. mu- ,p,rovenienti is,first n0ted -in the dov- , As earli,as' 167� the Franl�� priests . ., I .11 1. . I . stomach- sit Ifie same, Orne. . I .. I Dwarf Pansies, Nasturtiumis, I , , - ' re andoovieirdes�gms. Manly l6tfthesa viLerualized 10he eornimg9pigi-all adviiiil . . an ages . , ­ . Exp,er6mientsi haive � � lihiown that� the . Marigulds, 'Calendula,� Ciallfilo ' , Ps"`- ' include the mlost 1potpuilar and ,newest lDf ,the saip fr6in the maple trete for . . . . . . . . � ... .11 .... H Imesience of a courbo'hydbrate. food'dops * '* Where a lar gii nri�ber of - early t6arted lvaTIllaties of flowers and- vegetables, in, lbey. mat& a relAort accoirdfTngely_ to I .. .. I .. . I .not, retard the ,d(Sgeistion of a protein . . A I Tood. AS a ,nVafbteT of factl,'meat a,Ad -plants either of flowers Or vegekables are wantedra, hot bed '16 11heir naitural ea.loaiu.. J%is ` ,highly . ist thelir superiors in Franoe.­:,But ithere . is no reebrdof cmKifterlidal rproduction ' " I I ... �.., rdaWles boglethler are juk as agree- adivilseld. Smaller ' numbers may Pat cl6mmendalble,'i'vinote it :o.Dt,.v.nly, gqkves -the r�adiir an, Iminkedialte intereastl in urlt"' 1706 and it was%�aix years, lalter I . .!t. I � ,� I ablio tD'th,e stloinise-h -as they are to I the same early start,by being -grown the contents of the eatalogue, but. ' It LE----, 9. -,a - f before the - rs ,00nsd , mal-ule i�f�i . . _. . . . . �the paillaitle. The sibowlach carries out in s',hallow ,'boxes dn�,a sunny wi�ndow,. -iis an-excellerilt; Way of at Once Vyirlup�and Tn.a.kpl�-sugar was, shipped . ..? I its d1ge1stlive'funictlibnsi in a rernaxk-� Normally in ,mlolst Pa,Tts lof 'Canada . . � . ,ahb ,allilling the pri6spectiivte custoniter'si Wt- 'ba market., This-Iwent from Sauat au 4 . . �dblly cofistant nia�nmr with reglard...10 .such things. as totmaitoes, 'Mb�bollgel ;�Eft',_'ivn tia'the f6eti that -the catalogue Recolliet VD Mioutmeali -tten miles awary. . . . I I . � V the Winds Of food � preisent. . head lettuce, cauliftow6rs itc.; awe, w Tielpreveotis a s6ed holusle that is keeip- There ,has been a veAtaMe. Niagara i .. I I . . ISome stom-alchs embty miore quick.., started. ,Wibh flowers, �etluntials, aS- ii breast times. . � 'U'er of oap, drawn fabin, -the trees since I I ly than do others. .This happems. in - . ters, zinnies's,'marigol(fi; -are stimilarly .lof .the I ,all- e1nithkiiiiiasitic garrideners that epoichal event 230 years -ago,dhd . . I I � Ithe -tprpslerice (of mieiat'- and, ..... p&aboets .., . ­ tre-atled., This early slart (seed is ara G@way9",1*1cj11@ i . , -g ng for sometRun the businfelsi7hials grown and 'develop - , . I it dues if imient aillone 46., eat -1 � jus t GI's . I il. : . . " en. The addittion of fait; to the diet " .7planted in 11M ,airoh), aisaves., flowers or vegetables ,weeks' ahead of thtos;a � . w for theiw garden:6,, ne and, It is.An I'dotv- at lis� nowa substantial indus- . e: "2 a special Act and tr�itd ,guarded 1by ' . I I im I . ­, 1 . . - ........ � . -allcowst up the evacuaitficift, io.,Qf -the: stom . . plantip whiqh are grown -in the ordip� - ltb*1's lconnettlion thait the word' ellty", -is ofte n ,employed in, te�aturilrl;A, Tingulatilons ,to in9UTe.the puTi�ty of . . � . I sch. That -is -*hy flat, foods give a ' aTy. v*y from seed outside. , . _ . - . �,uipfflopedgy new vairilaties, The word thl6 ;h e syrup and suglar,v an offered for � . . sense of satisfaction after eatiog for � The�jhl�ib bed, is usually preparedi makes- a. particular appeal, tDt4-perslons -c-ale. ,As a matter',oT fact, the amount 1, . . I . . i � a longerr geTiitooid -than -do 'other foodv. 0. -1 . 113W. EL covaist' -of a bed -of fre b . gi who devive plegiguirle, from tryinig 0 f adulterated mapil-e syrup and sugar . ! , 1. �t � Manypeolple -eat ,too much, and if ­ . " .. blorse ni�ihizre, which supplies the , so-mething glaim-oriously desem 'bed as FbY -is pilactiically neklirgdble so (viiigi- 4 . th�Y 011iminate .soine carbolhvil.Tate heat, ekiu; 18 inches deep,, On this- new and novel Decau-se it was often � Tant 4iiia.Ahe officials of the Depalit- , floods from- their ,61`6t, rthely wilfl like- I I 1P, I , ly feed'beitteir beciansfe-of cutting down tW,,) or three in,ches ,of fine soil is placed and after the bed has; heated, , , j1z,und ,that s r O-cailied. nDvOlties were new In I 'ul1buT`e` ment 'Q'f A�gric - ' Of 810 s!simIA94 velaoted by Pruit Branch tln,R�elctdFs .1.1.71. N I thlefir food ITItAke unibil ft is more . . I meaxly whafthey need,, and not bs- , up and , ithan dooled- dom m. agallA (a matit,jer of three or 'four � dhys) the nota@vrays all- respects ,but �, ather Un nanie ,o!nly, priortiectire 1* ' T1 "i" . ' - here, there and everywheire., fi�re were found' nai to �O�mply writh thalt slac- I I . � . * .. .... "ill . I cauge thdir digett-on is better ore .. I .. f . seed is sjown, in rows a- fej%� iniches lative -control iof ,the usfe'and advieT- t1silng',of variety namtes'Was'included ,tit _ 'On bf ,the Act.,deaUnig with ,proper � ­ that prJoitelinis -and carib6hydrates are apart. The bed- is protectield by i�.orugh in the iSeeds Act enacib&d- in -1923. ide*ificatl(on ,of imitation products . . I inico,inpatibles. ­ . ­.­ The ,chilef -danger of Tad�,y diets is - boarding alo th� side or. heaped st tiiF up earth, . . d on top about 10 to, 18 Provisions of th"� Act nloiw make -it 'necessary that ve,g� vhTiety nainesi land4even were found adlubeTarbetd. In. I all] cases, aceirvictibus were obttained_ I ': . . F * I I thait siome food elsis)ential ,may ',be git . I . inahes above the (bed is . Duceld - � a -well . of 7gvtables and other econo,mie crops In ta'dditrilon 23 stLorekeepers� and, foilr' . . . out of'rthe food Intake. We ne-p-d . window sash glassed,,and slap- .. IY6.11ioeifi,'�64 for use, such a lic,enss.be- resitauranlu keelpers palild penalties,,foT- ....- ' . .11 enlerigy foods. Just becaluls�e many ing towards the south. When the ' . .Jng granted,....qnly when the vaxi�ftly f1ailure -,�,? nitark correctly -imitatior � I I 1. . A perSOns leir too much enery fol3d in . I " T"m f vairboh-kdrabas .is no rea- th plants, have developed ,their secOnd' slet of ,leaves they are thirined out has been 03-und by trial test to be a disibinct, fr,:iTK_.,any pi , 6,du8si. ..I 1. I . I The Pilorvince 6f Quebec is, the can- . I . I � son toi think *atb we ,can ,ge,t along , I and. !before be eing transplanted out:- new a" cyther known vawleO. This does not iin any ' �Wer off , thef, Su. �for 751per cent. � Qnl sbry, � I l -witholout.-the required, anounts. A side they ate hardened in a, cold . way preclude 'thlet intr1odut6tdon, of a of the Gams diain production that is ; . � 10arliet � of-Ilojod's is' dadiiAM, and fr amia which is, simply a , hlot ll,eta- new . variety., It does, however, 'c­6h- miurketed. 4dome)s -fnolm�theoe.� Pr6duc- "bion . � ithere - As no known -iieasbu, why foods withopt Any heating nil al. . Gov- i ,tan I troll the use of spurilous, names, and is heaviest in ithe co4ntlies -,;f . I of dffererit -kinds ishould not be con- , I � I sumed at the sialme imkilaL , ­ - - - ' ernmelfit,,'brulbeitimi gi(ving details� Qf ..� constructiou are avallable in 'elely of failste . and fraudulent ad1vQmtis` lnO Beauce, 13?td6e, Misististsiquoti and, Shef- - - - I f,(�r,d, sioulth oft'he St L River ' q I I � . Quest -ons, concern1ing health, , ad- promintee. The ... windlow hot bed is and descrij-pbion -s lof re-namted .v.arie- ties. ,T -has ,great, his, ,ly imtpr�*,Iiedl seed' 111 e - c' and along lbh& . no.r1i, -S 5to a ho, P beitween t - I dressied'to thie( ,Canadian iMeidlical'As- simply a shallow. three boic two or � cat&llo,,gues�­­ with special. ' and, reference M, ontTleal and Qdebeic'Ut . Ontario � iscoiarbioni, 184 College ,St., I Toronto, inches deilep) d4led with -line sloll kept t1D. 19316 t I atiallogues it -is. ,inda�edd gra.t- ' acclounts .for,- 24.3 per cent.' The 1. , twi'll be answered 1personally. by let- " WeRl Imiolitsitenledt', Verl learly 7adish I ifying to mit.0 the 4m1yro1V-.`MElr,I; In ,greater y pait of the Onitarito suppi ... , 1, ter. I . - � - .. I .. I . . . ON I -�, . and leaf 10ttuce ma,Y -be planted. in Ole .hot bed and used, directly from ' coinneAlon with delsterilpitions of vwia- ties, I . . ' 'Omes from the couoti,jee of Lanarrk, L ' Leads and Glenigarry. The Proviiii6iis . �� � I I I . i I I r , ' , A Plari'Fort, I that. . - . . . . � 'Where bheap electricity -is, aivalillable . I Pruning Of Apple- Trees - - . . In oilliter to develop a well of -New Brunswick and Nblva Scottie. � oduce the remainic pr ,Leir. '_ - . � . ispecial- heatting wires are used'in the � ,balanced Up unbil a few -Yews ago the ineth- I I I . I -1 . � I I... I The Woodlot iplade bf manure. ­ , . I � 7, tre e, with main br9riches evenly spat- . . ed, is necessary. Four -main ode employed ilai prepwing the syrup .. - � Pruning , : . pruning and sulgai, were Iviery ,Vrimd tive and . I I . . I . . Prom ,March untill Juni is usually branches with aoenbral leader is us- ,blitere Was a more or less fine disre- . -' Man does ig�t realize or api-eciate donsidered ,+,I,- be-- Ir utaNly t4v -aim, the side 6rignehles, ev- gard for ,dleanliness. 'Me back of ' ­­-­-'­? � , ,,� k,1'111lW,.,-, -4'. y . :J,(_� '� I 1. - " 4'.�"N, , -, 'I , , � �'.. � I I , , � �, I ... . , . . . . . � __It�_'.., .. . I ., . - � , . . I .- ,- .._� � . '. .,� r , ...-I.I. . . . ' "' g) , , � 1 " ''..t , , - .. � . __ - � I I �. � ,.;,:�` , - 11 -4 , , �4'_ . ,. . �11 `!�,". : ,.,,� .. . , . _ � . I . 1, 3;, . . I .- I I . " �: �, *�', � V, 11 - -I It .IF , -, , ;tj 11 1 4�:,s � ,-,4,.,..l " I I � '. 11 :::. � .,_ , . � I . . , I , , � . � I I I I , 11 , I , . , .. I I � ;-, . I . . . . I . . � ... I . . � _. I , , , . . 4, 11 . , . I , � I I . . , '. I � t � . . � � I . I ­ . . " , , . . I , - I—— . �. I . . . . . -1 � . . 0 . , * I I ., I �. . . I I I - "' �`l * 1.1 � I - ", - '1� , A . I ­ , � , , "", I I � .. :4, 1, ,_ .. � ;.P.111v,l`M -1 k,-<:n?,g � L . . p ­­ � . . '_,--11, ��,,�­Ws,;­, "41", R, , . . � r-5 % , . I- , - , ,,,,, ,'�;.'r ..�,� it ,�,l " �. l " , 1. - .. , . MW!" , " ". , , " 'k � �,,, , " �. , il", '. �� , It, I I . ...;_.%,:,:� , § 'A i . I . . , I _�_" J:�, �V' 'i�,.:�.� I J I, ,%_ � , k, .: ,.,;;"­ ., �, .. � "7­4�:�;,%R 1 . "I i . .-.1.41 17NI�111 1. . _7.�., 1, L , "I . -J-� -Q, . . ­ . : _. � ­ , .­ . . . . 1. . 1 . !_ . I .11 . �� �, I .1 . 11 1. I , .- V I I., . i, I � - . . I I . � I I I I .4 ",:."i ; I _� . . . .1 I . 1. ... "O. -l-, ,� .. .. 4—, . -1 ­ S09W. ­. -.., . ­..... - . : _.�. . I,.,;" #,' . --.1'... I I . . .." I _ i ­_;,'r,­,_.rJ.1. % - � . , /�-4w . - _1 . I. .., .. , �!��'�j�J?, I I I . � . ... I .". , � !.`�'�,,�_ � . I I .. ­ I I . � -�,-o.'Av�,�, . . . .. . I � ,� . �,�:z " . " .��,, 'M . I � 11 . I - ,4. , - I . I � i ". , t. V M I -� � .� . . . , P - , - - . . , . I I . . - _%. - , � "... , I � " .. ,r I ­ �.. ...., , " . I. . , Ml . - . .- .1 ­ , _. �. ­ -1 I .. . I � . I.- . 11. , , , . � . . . . r , . - -1. I .- . , , , . . 1 1 14 - A ., . , �. . _... I . , S - ,�, �; � ., I � I q 1, .. . � " � I � � - . , ,1�11 L:�,t." I �6 . I " � � I .. . . . '. , � . . . - _1, , , I., I., .,.�,.,�, , , �k � , ­ . � . , . .1 I- . I .1 � I . I �;,,�., �, . I --;;:" . 4 � __ . . , I . . I . , , , � 1.� 11 I . . , " � I . . I . - - .. 11� , �. .1 I h - - ­ -4 " I ., �-_;', I I :.", � ,�'..:4 I . I I ` I I ­ " �*,- ....." %_ I � , , _-, , I . � . � ... . .. 1! I . I I I , . .. .... I .... t � ! . . I ... . . . '" , , i !! P . , , i I 11 . . .. . - - .. .­.. , , V . I � . ..�, I � .111 . . 4. . I �' , ..... 51,11 --..."ll, . 11 7. � .. ` : , ' . � - ' ' . : .., ' � . ... ..4 . I ..t .4 . I . .. . �,, ,11 , , I . I . 'i I 1; 1, I Re e`r .- " '' - -Gay, Glori ous - ..'� - ,., 111. . .... - A . S - '' %.. d_.t1k..._1....1. . � . ­ .1. , 1, , . . I " . 1, , .".1 I . 1. , 111.-., o es I I......- ". . �.�­�7; . _%e . . .. .� . . R " � I . . ; i`_ A �� ,�f-­... . . - I.. . 1i beAfteis, - ,r Selection , I ... I., ,_�. .. 11.1 "�.��, . � ­ . . _ ... . I I 11 ,., I I . . r . ....... . .... .l �.::,%' .. ... I I, -.; . ,!, �_, - �'�, I . ­ . ­, . I . ,1,1.--111 , I . t.. I . .,;, ' . . I �, 1. to choose f � :...." . . . . . � .. ...... . . ... � . � . I . '. i . . ..�',,;. ..� I ��f .1 . .1 ", I . 11 . I . , ...., . I I .1 I . . . I 4l 0 You'll be' sm, arter, . . �13. ' ' Stunning Veils . ­ . .1.,:..13. I I I proud of the fine" � I -1 . I I . I ;, , quality, pleased at the I . .. 1� . _­.­ ...'' I . I I . :,.5. , I ... . ­ . . �. .- I .,- . - I �___, ­ - , . :4,.. * inone , you'll si ave. in q .- ":_' . Smart Flowers " ..... �, .y . . I . . ' � I - . .. _ '. W. R. Johnston-staft or �, I- I .1 ��,,11 � . , , I .. ­ I.- I , . - . . I .1 topcoat. . . - ­ .. ,�, . I 1. , t.. I 1. ... , ; . " I I ; ...... ;, ,, .1 . . Flattering.Styles , , I. . V. -I Tailored to your per -i ,, . .. I., , - �� .1 I ".f, � I , - .z . I . . ,,,, "I � . sonal measure. Una,'on .1 I ,. . .1 I . - ... "4 . , �i'. , .11. I I . . I �'. .1 . I � I ,,� a, . .c'--- ­ ­`!".' ' ' ' ' .7- Z-111 ,I � I rduaianship. A largeii '''" ­...", - , I � I ' I . I., Hats wepa'- '"never more - attractive* A,haff -.. " ''. I lf, , brilliant "range of new ''.1" . . this s0-ason. $ilk and Straw, Neoia Braids-, ,.,,. � 4. . , 4 y ;1', :- British woollens — we . ijkid . . ,�''..,J, ' . . trimmed with,xibb6ns, 1xv-eils', ornamelits , - ­, .. I don't know. the - equal - . . I .;�, flowers. , Cone- shapes,' flat - gtyl�s, sailors. I . . .,, , , � of these clothes. . I . I _ I . I . ­% . . Black, Navy -and Br'.O:'' a ' the &edominatr '.... ' .. I .wns re .. , . . . . I . . . . � ... .. :1 ... I . , it t. I , . .1 ing colors. . -11 t. I s'. ­­ . . . , � , . . ..... 1. . . 1. . . ..­ 1. . . I I., I . I . . . 'I ad't.M . � .. ...-. . -1 . . I . ­�,, �. - I . ,` ­ 95. t 1- ' ..%�, - ...".11 . -.1. . I Suits , I Price' - .. % *1. -� - ­� I .. I . . ­ .' I ... . $10 0$5 ....'....., " ­ � �­ . . . ., ­�11 I I I I.q . I 1.� ,, L.R. $22 to $30.AO.' ­ I I . I.. � -11 - - ... 11 . ..�, I '. , .... 11 . .. I I . , . I I I . a . �:..., . I " 4 1 ­ � . �.. �, � I . � . I .. --7 ;1 , .7op Coats . - ' '---" , I.. 0 9 _1 ... - 1..­� . � I �-.... ... I � I . . . . . . , I .... . .. -I.. I _ ''t, � . ... �.- . .. .... ..­1.4_1._.­�_:� � .. . 7111 . . ­.:: $2i to $27-50 .' - ' " I I .. '..... ...... lb - .1 I . .1. . .. . .�' I I ..�..�j; I . _W .. -1 . . �, .. : I - Showing. of . .. , I Special Adva'nci' :, eady to Wear 0, . .. " ' ,:A .1 1�1. . , .�;;: I . I n - N '" 'ring 'Coat. .. � . Wome 's. � ... .. ew S, ,atis;,. , ,._... . � " . . , I , $15 to $25.00 -� , I . ".­_ . r I'll .I , 1� Dresses,,.an Suits 'i I � . .1. . :1. I ­ .W1. ­­ ,.- .." . I ,,, Top Coats � . 11 : . .- .... . ­.­: . ., ". 1, .. I COME IN .AND. SE E, THEM . 1 �,� . I , �., �<�, .", �., . . . I . I I I . $10- to.$14.50,,­. 11­1�,-­.. . . I I '111� . . . � . A. - . 11 � I . ., 1:: I - 11 I . ,. '. "'. "'. �i , . . , . , , . I I . 1-1111 ��2 1 1 I � ... ''I . . I ... r I . _. 1. . I .. . ­-- .. 11 ­ ".....1 ' � . . ­ . � L L I . I . . . . . . -:�� I , ­ I . L., I I I .... i�;" .. "I A . . I . . I .... - . . , - -. 11 . 11, .. ew-.-.ar ... ros., ea, or .... .'�, . . �.., ­ .­ .. , . .;� I .1 I . .. ­ I , . � : . I I � 11 .. . - I I ... I _1 Or prun- -­ ­ . . -- I . . � �� .. I I ly the valte of certain La6tors and ft � eiffly spaced around the trunk,and six ,the trees were out with an axe� the o ' I .. , �. I I fall rg but, there are a few specific 'ex- T inte . turns to* thoughts of what is not more- try is* plainly ,evident Wth 89 ow . . ,to dilght ,inches, apart ascending the zipti'l,es ,and bUdketp war, Of wood and grlity I - influe 'that Celp� to faake, . life ceptions. Most of these,arethe -early The restri,qtve ,,metastuires oT the Ily mundan;�.' Young people whia li" cent exploita-tion, as is the &we in the'i pcels - . . I . I ,-­,.". , I .11, ruore ournfortable and ploaslant 'until bloon-ging shrubs, -such als thle Far. ,t,unk. The side branchles shoudd- be, Chq boi,ldfig was done in lope-n--i"ron Act piidhlbit adulitlerattion. of malyle in tcawns, and ivilillages within easiy.dis,_ United States, the 0ana-dan CrADP .�� . ihey Ure 2WaJy for a tim-e. sythis ev-drilly s -pound the tree se that loattles. . � taiken . These -should be left ,until ,paced a in the bush. The resulting , - would exceed 610,000,Wo lbs. in an : .., I .' � , Woodland,An -the agricultural sections after bli6toming. Grapes; mu,st.,be a, unifDrin IDad 'of frudt mwy,bde� ... tqar-� products i darWin, colour *ith'a p.Toductp, foxb1d the ,use of the wkird itance of a sugar biish get a thri'll at e year. A cluickenied &-nitsM . 1. _ . maple or an� derivative, ,of the -word a sugia,ring off J*rty. ,There is the averaig . .1, . 1�_... ex_ ried at all slildes, It its necessary to dedded flaw,veioruer of smoke, wilth uaudl- lin-thi-descripit1ion NOT a syrup br su- wa-11c or drive to the woods 'n', s n- W 1. - ", . . . Of Ontartrilo is an, exceRent 'example pruiriled early in Martch ,"to, avolid ' to a u ould naturally Wmulobee the prq- ­. I I of this as all farms had plently of ,cesisive bleeding. Raspberries we ' diTect the growth from year to year,. ly a fatir percentage of impurities gar oTT,i7�Eis nolt a pure maple prIo-' ny day dat 'March, the'stampling, of .hot dootion. .. . C I 11 0 . A � woloid for fuel and' timber to -build pruned afteir the crop basi belen .pro- as otiberwise,the branchesoo one dide that eimle,from ashes, bitst lof bark, dlXGJ�Tequire the pibipert yiaming of syrup and the tasting of "wax"' that The _-.�t , is running in the triam� � - may grow falster than on the Other. inass ,Or -Whatever the wind whisked Y. ,P �. I a I houatels and'barns. There was so duced and then alli thb- year old canes the ingredients of. syrups Or sugars has been alllowtiid to harden on the"now and the r Iting syrup and su- 1" ' � I much that it was 'very MCI& to z1hould be remloved, IlXving tonly Ptl The faster-gro,,MIng branthes should irilbo the c()ntezitz of the ,open kettle. , . �Gu � .11 4 he beli&Vly headed in Pit the tiip�- ,T�e It ia, regernbling purift, 7ij!slplie Tpgoducts-, pad clean snow tind then the trip hoine gar w0l ,be on the market in a abort I ...�A � . A' clonceiTe the6priosper-t of a shortage, new shoots. .1 4UH moi -le oiF less popularly be7 ithe indi,�afibn on''cirneros oir bills of perhaps In the M101Drilight. ,V&a.t bet- time. 1-t Fill be good then inid eq- , W I . . weaker and slower-groving , m'Iain lileved that the - besit g d t, l.", but tto-c1hy irrere a&e many farms - The� imain object of pruning lmGPk , ayrruP fare in 1public eating ho4ses, restaur- ber setting could Cupid have for his. UallY as olo a any time'thTongb- .� branches -should not be cut at all at should ibe disaik,iix'colour and' strong .1 -ouit the year and what -has been said I � vAthout wolodlotsand f4ile, farmeT with rwhetbeT it be rose bushes, fruittrees ' � antis and hootte1q, tih�, where -such is wotrk'." . I ,� I I ' the tip of the branch, lonly'some 'of �11 ftarvfouir whi le as *a, mai6er � of fact, - per- of. strar0berriies is, just as true of I , a fine �volodlot is enivied by'litits neigh" ior howering shrubs is to olpen up the th,e weakt,r the case an arti,fiehal-maple flavourls, . Sap running t1im-e-coMfest Wt a 7 1 bors. . I � , ­ centre of the growth so that sunshine lateral gTOWths being the best and (purest -is ardber',in dol- used to, flaw I , , . . iod, of the yteari­,about, the middile of Canadian maplie pro'ducta, that doubt;`7' '. . � . eliniinated. To ,do this annual mlold- Our andfree -of any caramel lorsavoky ur fdod4-_. I less tGod could ha" m6de tbettw pro- ... ' .1 . .� . Wloio&ts have a definite part in -and a6ir may penetrate ,freely and erate -Pruning I is essential, ' flAw.ur. . . 'The constructive, feeituires Of the Marchi= --when there is liltitle'o-ther ac- ductsi - itlitan miapaiii. syrup -and maple -, �i � � 0 A the econtDinic isett-up. � tolf an agricul- alslo of -course to .produce a sym- , - Act iTtioludle.thie.e-Aa,bl,i-sihmien(t tof siban- itivity on the faxin and, the hai'vest . I . I After twelve YeArs of .ago., when lIn dhosel,pianeer d, s miapW's. ' . V . 1: � YMP dards for malple products, which' a -re provIi,dbis the farmer *1th -moTilety to sugar, but douibtless He never'did., � turs.4 s,eiction and ,the individual farm metrical plamb.-, Naturall'y any dead the tree. should be in good frulit6hk; and ;sugar' was made primarily for ,described as prbduct� -p,rE re'd, ch- b4y ,seeds and -other necessities for I . . I A A and if a sufficiewt percentage of land or wetak growth, sho�ld. be removed, thie pruning isffitoluld be cirrifined to a yeTni4y us (Da. � � " � Is not 3)eft In wooidland there are li- and SISID branches 'that rub ag I a Po augment, a sionvewhat rectly 'or inditredtly from the sap,o,f hli,4 busly season Just ahesid. ... � . . I � ., . . . � . I ainst thinnintig out' of the WVaker, SOIDW', linAted menu. In other wo,rds family ith,.inaple, the estslbilLtiliment -of sani- There, 'i,% a hait- THE, McKILLORMUTUAL . . I % table to be" disoonif6ft9 and. loss as- each'orthev. - . I I groming lateral branches and those � necessity -was'the pfincipal fictlor be- tary ,condditilons under *hich maple ever *amount olf either syrup 'Or sugar I - . the influences; of woodbmdi ,are,far- -Rock Garden Plants "*5eady markeit for w � I . .1 t readhing. I ­ which are likely Ito tDoss.each other, hind'the industry. Vand sugar was , � . � - Algreat many rock garden'subjects Ya dfieof two branchesi competing for products ,may be preparied,,' priolviision Is producedt. If the majoVitv a palr� "PIRE INSVRANCE COYY. . 1� , . Value of Woodland to Agriculture (requifira S#acisl cton�diltildmll h -rare dellica;cy.to the farmeT Iliving for the registration .and li-censing of soma ,living .in the unban centrets of . . . . !'I , 11 I sue as the game sipatoo. The best. fruiting E"loine dristance frolni ,6fiti,es and thwim, sugar bushes, �pd manufactur1ing GaVada really knew of -the exceillent _.. , - — ,_�.1111 ... � ... . .. I .1 � I I 1. , The fa�rmer­vlbh a w0iodWt '11,4s those of sioil and, asipect to respokid branches with goiod .4-ruiting buds m1orooveir, it was itoo,-explons,irve. ,414out I 1-1 . . . �W , I I . '­Ita. chteap, and, coniveniient SUPP17 Of wirth ,s�adsfactory iOowth, and until should be lieft. A judiaous thitining 1850 the com-m- erctial possibilities of plan�s ,and the rpr5viiftn of voluntary f (yod valuo of rrizaiple syrup and maple I 1-11 ' 'pt; Vuld, while Ue one'-wifihout a wood- th&r needs are a,n(ceitained and sup- out of the smalil laiteral, grov*h ,Par- grades, for maple syrup aiia sugar. sugar, a food which )n addlition, to ,be- -HFAD ..OFFICF,SEAFORTIL ONT. , !��; I . aot� has toi balua wbod .,long distances *,,led unt1wifty -lolokinig patiches -are � inaple syr -up beigan to be Apprectiatecit. Malple. gyrup�mlust weigh hot less ing notably delectalble ailso has pe- - I . .T. '* , I and.mslke�,a car.b. outlay to ptirch"e' oftian in elvidence. The (fitee-usla of , !ticularly those branches which imsy In 1861 the total pmductilon wait , I icinw I ies, .. . I '?, � , than 13 pounds two bunces, per ga-1- :cuitiarly valuable moda d qua A ... � .. 7 ' I . vialiod, and of ' . lu burichied togiether t(oward the out- about.13,550Q,GN pounds. F�olilty yearst lan, and contalin not mlore. than. 35 ttlifo,de d would increase w it I .. '�.J .1 clotal or ban the :Esxm- Plants which, arre less particulaie will side ,and whiteb. vbstruc� . sunlight, latertilt thad jumped Vo 22,500,,000 lbs.' . I :- -�- C I— ", I -house 41si not adequately lbeated. reoder these JJ09l% I'll- conspicuous and per cent. w,ather. Maple sugar must Vhio,uld.' The ,average , annual per ' OFFI�CtR�: , at . ' houid, be gliren first c6iisiderStillOul- Last anyone shou-10 'rgk that rack-, I ,��.. % ;iSpriogs ,aiid *04 thab Pre- i a u-11nished appearanc-6 by the s � rn,otre than 10 per cent ,capita production Of maple pmduots, ,� A 4 . gave f . . I . , thi -W-la"' contain not I I .1, viloiusV had, a steady Supply of WR- lrOck gardent, The hi�adft back Of frafting trees elteerd'Ag, tbs a modern practis% Alex. Broadfobt, 3' Seaflorth o- Palm .- -1 . iz ec! ff they Wt to be -kept ter, imapile cream a% expressed in pounds of suga.r i . _. wifter; .matple but � , 6 6. Uz .go )&ry, beicause the wolodlaiid ,At the ,Movideh I!k1yeAmental Sta- . . interesting to know ffiait it was fair- Jn�D. E. Popper, Brucefletd, --Viice�pvw ... �� " # I , and niaplewax nolt movel'thaii 15'per 2.2 tbs. and'the average per capita I . f. 1, I I 11 � c� usually 1190 60ne"bY ly we4 developed milore t1um 40 years Merton A- Reid, Seaforth - See.4krioss.­_ ' . tlhta�,was 8, rdsetrvoli�r'has been,remot�r- 'bion the t6ollovAng ,11ist of lylanits ba , ceot waiter. export (is 0.7 lbs., which velpiw#ents I I ., I lk�l . . � # 4 . ed---- ,.­..,� - , 1 ... --proved -to .be ialf-i�vpkd growth hairdly g 9r,eekilk the aleading..,terminial ago -in connection vAth the- mialylle sY- � � -This f atio,fi Is ifh166fiffed to be an altei*d 71darly congdm#U641 of -I AIGENTS: It . � . . %�l , . 11 � ,_a, The fammer has mom difficulty' and toleriatt to dro, g *1 hairdly 9 .9 *dthftit the selvtere.. repressive Irup and * mqa,ple sugar . indusitTLY for beneficial to the induistry by crexiding only -1.5 1b,9. ,of sugar Vei- person, in '- I . . U ht. I I 11. .. . -y a . I pT ng so offbe In I-piradfised. The r6- the market betbame glut1ted 'with, ad- I . ­ ,1- , , to, Vlow mops andl wheat and-ClOver ,A,moing tbd­tstJon,e�crbp6 awe Seft�n I)T in ithe 'm1inds -of the consuming 1public Canada, a ratheir di-scouiraging--figurie. Pi n Ia y, VcK er:pheir-, R. R. .1,,Dublin- I , . 9 1"... � I , JnOV1 -4i reduces boift lruit- tubterajtad products and .-it ippea7rs lit- that pure maple pTluduat4 ate, asisured 'In rebeot� (y�ris- there( NsJs, belen b".'Peq;�er, Btu&Aeld; R. R. Jarmwffi4. , I . al of btranldh' I . ...... . jd% boA beealitise the fidds, look the, sVuriuni, afid' its varier.vy coceintealm" - woloA Arad lagt'area and vm I X " . I 1� I I pioitlelctiifon thisdi is'givle,n by'wooifflmkid- ,S,. k�amsichaacum, - ,-and ' Me 'Miriiety ing, . 7, 'Of- tle was done ab?6ut � itu 'In IBP16 itt itlo ltheni� . statmel iniciretmseO delinand 43r imaple Brodhagen; Jamets, Watt, BI-Pth; C:'F- ­ -- I I .. , 11�: . , . �,t � I A ,A 4, Dedomesivaiti,pn, lon'hillsddles, land yaTlilelgatium, S. rilla-c tert is so, sevreire that best growth an)d was decided that it was thne to), step While made . have prodlucts for, flavorrdnig by the confetc- ffleviltt, Kinildardine; W. J. Yeo,,4ode- I I �.;�".! ombi'snust, S. 'mp,r1ove4nents !­,t'�, I ipToductil1offt am not possd(bile. Annual, in and protect the ,public and alsto to oine wi(th bh1e'1J'�rh;'Tner,ita1i,1nlg of the 6,onery lnicliu�ariea but'the bigigest in, rich.. . I .." - * . ,V%ihh" is often followed, br erosion Midden4orfliamun-4 iS. Sieboldfd and S. light, coTrectWe raither than, selver4 see ,that rb,h� es1qa1ytW.1y , na 'U, the, substftuting of crease has cvme from tobacco nilanu- 1% .. 4: �,l I 8#�I(l wady. st&i is li�bble to deveMop spectabils. Cla Idian C �, .. . I . * industry, such I '. 7 .. �1111 into malueMem sand diunes. The "Mass ,Rhiks (Philox subul4a) prrodgfts should be pure -and unst'dul- metalt epilles land pails wwh, ooviered facturers, who uoe r"Ple suigar to D WCTOAS: . ... " . i . 1 -5, 'Wpodfand, Wps " t6l - COT&O-1 proTlide--dritts i6f ldolour in ad trate ,. do abigiialWon designed [to Curb ,top)% . . . . . . . , : , I I IV , wditfi ai6lientific evaporators re- sweeten the weed ,in prefetence -to * . , . ,!i*l . 11 I I fliolms-asi it raftrifi the surfaeet ,run- &iprling, aftd wh0a the tn)e plhot,.5- the raeldelteering wasposised. To some paa,ding 'the open iroin iketibles, the ro- niolalsseig, One lwg,e ei-garotte mak-. William Knox, LondesboTo'-_' r . ... I . , I : I ,�' . I . ' . . . . . . 1'.�. I afFhri all soasl6ns, ; � 'extent this was �succietszful but time. mantic asisiociatilon when the sap is ing firm in. -the tfriated -Stafts �s a Loonhart, 111rioldbaken; 4411ft" , .:., , -,,l" ( w,i�thy - of ,,a pla)60 -it its exce'llied )_:� mental Istaubm, . anes . : 11 ,A; I .. - 11 I., i� ,,:,,,, 6, I , "', , �. "`� M, � I -4�-,�, . "I '# ,6. �Seaitterja'. wooAliand increase, rthe , ` U16 ME id,� Defisiy Irlilk, odd . 4isalosetil 4ven miore' effec&lve hyaa- 'ruming ciontinues. It is th,dii, that heaky buyet lo(, Mnadiaii` Maple ou- nollry, Godefich; Alez RMS-8floot, It . , ,. , ". I . I'll, .. sures w . ';',,��, 0 . , I , 'a; I donsiderablyi the, beauty of a country- NZITther Phloxes'are P.dllviarie" 4A%-TdqbiTed, sio, in IDW the the �mpish y1ourig, derni-4g1old Cupid is glw. R. 3, iSeatEoTth Aktatdiar MliffivivivA I I ,'� ­ , ` I .. I , l, 2 Pladia. - 1 "'4 ' - � - - ,P"Plieft"gitt 1*'DuAry Act was pbiss,­ tsdl Wt for a busy tilmrs, for tben�,vith No$ m*Te than, 36 por cent ioif Ithe R. H. 1, Nyth - Johvi- Ro ler lhvft,-' . ' � -; "' -5, I '' . ;;L so�. !�:­r.A,,�,',� ,�'; _#P �,� �t,,,,;� 11.7 i,�­, act floric -Ad P. Dl'in 11"'I hearcl volw',ftughbeirt Vejaks, p,s. ed mid Ods put the tkimp in the' the vernal sun beglinning fo rajuvoi�- stiand 'of maplie,titeles i1i Vastem Can- ,44d- Ja=v0L,;56,M,e, W.911 ,�:�,, �7 �.�, ,, ` , I .. 7,, The vtrAtift 1 Ord rne,ft ,& el ' I � ",-77�,,16 ,� ;4" Xi"i' i . , " , , . -1, . he've'la markediauehilie'fttho JAftid- , vertanItiN Does shle speak it flueody? racketeer- The hydOstrY is VOW .... :Well 0 - infin's fifty, mdt Is ewpl Tlier4l:rel . 0 'Ilk"9"�,. , 'A�, . I . 11, " . , - I �, 51 1 J�, � -ftit7 �� .4 baibidd .Me plhnt M, a volung ),g- U;j6;, A.2, 5 Setfoit1th- Wi _ _ ' "�"!'I 111� 'JI66" belM K'Sust like a.n—atiN0.11 -loiL wsideln�a ft% lig-litly sibialty lof ,d=inft� t 4, 819&&�� . T I .. eistialAi8fieO su4 lorga wid lon a. Was and �r Ia. Tiolang _& . �,i ,'t,..�� 4" laft's, ­ I , � I . � - I . , I .1. . . 1. . I - ­ I . . . :4�tbib"`!,%�, , , 11, . �,,� I I I � ­ . I . � I I.. . . . . - ­ I , . � Y , 'Ir .. Ti. 11 I I � ..' , ,,, �­ I . . . . .. 4 V, . . . I . .11 , - .1. . � � ��, ','�`� ,..- .. , �. , , . .. I � -"- * . . --,.T " � ..... , ,/K,!:;��,.� "I I � . . . . I . I 1, . . I � . -_ _ �, V_.. . .1 . � . ., "I � 11 , I I � 141— . 4. . 1�'�,,4 ... � ', . ,l ; I � , , , :� '11, � A t, k . . . . . I . I I . I � . I . . . . . I., 1. . . . .... I . . I . I L-.�..A - U . I . 11 I ., . . I. 1, , � . '_ .1 . I . I 1. , I I I ­ I . . '. . - I I � 4 . I � . . . I I .1. I . I ...1. i0k _ � .i , . , I , I . �� I . - . I . I pw ; i �1 � . I � '11;, 11 ..., I I . I . .� I ­­ 11 . . , ,_... ­ . � $ I . I. , " , , I ,. . . I . I., ,.1 �� i, I � . . _. I I 1.4 , , , � �;h� ";fy , - I I I '' I .1 ,�, . , ,,, . �'� ' ' - I .' ��'J,: ' ' ;' ' �; " *' 'J' ' ` ", '4 *1 "I ' ' . . , �t� ,*� ,�+, �1 �,,�,� , , , , . k4'. q t!t� , , 1. , , - 4 �-- �. i " , " , .. , " , , I I r. " : , ' , . , r.. 1"�W I . � 11 ., , , , ;­ k "Ali"'Ami ilt( !K" '� 1��­ 1� ,! , "a - ,; -,.� -5�, t,""".1"', , "", 'i - .� , .., ? ­ 1.1—. � I . . . . . . 1 _4 �� . _ . _V, � I . �If� I 4, .4. �, ,�t �,� � � ,� 7, , ,�. 1.11, 11 , 47?tWft� 11'1'�I'kl " , , " ggii , 11"frAwi a ,mga l Ago " 't M�,� " ( &b . r , ,""""', 1, A , isl,,.�i, �,�""",�,,�,,�.."",���,.,��,,,,�,,,,.. s""A"I"." - , '' - I � � A­� I U, I i , , 'i AN ift !1"�Ikkifffa,"v�mq. � v , i a.."i & el"'I .mma I & 1�,�, '1� � .. �; - Lg ­dAIA A-l i 'i