HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-13, Page 4­ " " , " �, ,'A - I , "I , ,i� - ;V�4,q� ir'j, , , "j, �, ".� I 1�j 11�, 0111 I I I . ,� I I . � I 1, I, . , I I , I., 1, . . I—— I I I .1� �� , "� ,0, -�14 ,, "'I ­­ "�, 11, .11 11 I 1. I 11.11 Jill .,'. , , i ': , � . 1�.: I- ­ , . , 11 I ­ 4 1-1 �, �, 1`1v-,.�kll�-'Ir­ z , 1"'i '1'1",;�� 4� �;;, , po, ', , , , �7�1�4'P';� .!�, '�I�,f . ;, ­ . � �, I . ,M,k qi i1A ;­�-�, "'o ��. :!�.��I��[10�1'1,�i7, �1�pj, � . �; , zr, .�-, � .1 q I 1�� q, I a, .,,!,`� � 'i�,:, li�-ilj.)` d' , 'I � �4��,��i:llki#�[�r�.i'l�il',"!;,-,- % �w ,0, """p"', ; , ":� F . � , ;i,', 1�?if� "�-"Z) �. '' , . , ­ i'f,kl"4,-�`,", . -1, "I . I I. I - - I � . .1 1: , 1�1 " i � � . I I I , .1 1. I 1i "I d "'o " , �i, 1 , l,�;, , !,� �, u��i:`��:l `;,� �i, . , �1� '", � '! .� "I I, 1-1 .� ,p, ". , � r.. � I I I � I �1'2411i", "" " , , ., , I , , ,,,;,, - �-,. �1�11 ! � �,,, , . 1" 1. . � , 11 �, ��,, � " 1,17 � I , � - . 14 ,,� ,, . ., : 1: ," . f , : , 4 - . , 1; , , . I , �[ 441 . 1. ), ". I I 1�1,1 . , ­�-­�' .", , " " , l , , ; , ., � , '. I , , , � . ..." ,�, Y I � . 1 ,� � -.1171 � 14' , " . � I 1, 'i�,.,o - - �,�', 1. � ,. , , t ­,�,��.,�'. , ,� . I I I I 1. I ; , . 11. .1 ­� � - , I 11 , .�tt �: . 1 I I . , , " , , , ­. , I , . - � � , �­ , , e" , * ­�r— I -: ., . .�, , I I IV, q . , � ! ., ­., �l . , "" " . 1, , . I , �'e, , . , I ,,, . -'t ,� ", !- ­ ,- ,-;,,. t, 1 �, ,,io� � I . .11� 1. , , : I 1). �.� : �: � , . 7 ­ � I - , , I .-A ; , , � . � - I � . ,A � . , I - - "., . , ,rl I ',­­ ,-,6 , ", � " , � , I -­ . -, . � - i . I . 0 .7 '1� ,; I . I'll I ., , : �, . t". �� "' , , . .; ., . .1 t� 7� I . I I . �;� ! ,;� , , , . , "N - i;., � . r I -­ I' 0 t; . . ,, � ,7 11 - ­. -, - ­ I " 1-1-1.--,- ­­ ...... -1 1-1 I— ­­. -1. 1. I I ­­­ I... 11 1. I ­ I ­ ­­­ --4-11-111 .11111.1-1 I - ­ � . � ... ­ I. I I I ­­ I ­ I -111 -1-1 ... � ­ ­­ - - - - - - � ....... -­ F ­,­, 11� 1. I 1. 1� I ­ --1 .1 � 111-11 ­­ .111.1 ­ ..­ . - ­­­-­,­­­- - ... ­ 11 ".. � - - �� ­ .1 . . 111. . I � I I .1 lil. 11 1. I ­. - - .... ... . � , . � . 11 I I . I I � . I ­­ �'ll"�:17�,�-"���%".,��,�.11liRio�i�,,i.-�.,-..,$;F,�,,���,,,i�,,7."4 . I ,i -.1-11111 ,; + � � i �, h i.-- �" �,;; i i i ��'- � � � . �; ,� , �!�­., ". �i-. " - . '7 " ". �PMM =1 �i;P,;-;,; I _C-- -11. , . 1"4 ... �""11. . ­ �i�;�i;;* i.ii�r; �i.�-,. "n, - i, , - - , 11 I : . i � I - - � I � I - I , 1. � P " ­­,­:" , � .. , , , -, . , �4; `i- , " i . 11 ...... ­­."," ­,,,�­­­­, ,� `A­:�" ] , �� r! , ,�,!., -1 . ". � . I I I.- . I I—.. 1. 7. - , '. I I I . -b -00 AW ' 00 , ta" ". X i, , Wy wow, 4,0 * ". I q 0 1 .. �', li- *. � . � �J , , - � ­ %1-1-- ;��",- . " ,,�, . � , . a ­-­­ � 7- � . I I - , , - -- "i . .w , , " t,4� yo I �.. I, - � 'I - . . i , ,�,�.,, I I -*w 11 I ,�, 0k4t�4��. � 11 I I � " �,!,q�, -� zvi - . � �,.r � I Ot "k I , , MOP* 0 - U. , - , V4' wil" , M. , . , . , -4 , , , - - - W ** Iwo... vlz­w, : . . % ­ , � , g, I ''. .f , I -t,� . I .1 ' wh 4440* I I a " 1 b, , , ,� A''I'. � :, TUch`ero�iuh,', BA00 Aj4 of I N�",?s ;A*W"ap '0114 Wood b ;All 04041 WN 1* i 01 * ­ li, ., 1� Jr% , ja'�,. , i. ". , 1 7 , . . , � 6 1 OW . , b. 111111wop',%* regpv"V� tb4 -I "ge - iv w &T. I - IT . I. - 10", ." -- e * 10%- � ,., jff�, I wao. 11 O.' V1si*e;5dw,y ­Tawn �u d", ww'-wis; .. ��i,�,� �, 111� , - Y"R q r. IA. §p, ., . mu �n 44 W? . � 1) 0 , , ,� I " " , '' " �� ,ft *.1.111`114� . I i, . (Continued �]F�ux rage ),. , I if1w [it *`-,W, . wooptL , The *40� �, Imm J. , W lf,ix -r ed 49ime #V -1 � . . I . T "' " . ,"4 ,. I , 11 cb , opm , , ,-i , , I I . . -0 aboheim ., t , Oernceo I 1.� - - g .. , , Itiou p .4 'du *r I s- -on Satund ," #*-x,.T­1&r4h,* WhWe""AN A'A'a .&M aw , . I " , * : ; ��­. 1% , . .09. vie "'A W"R , I i,�� I . - , . ". I I - , ,I ". I ­ I , `� Z 1.0 04 .00 . . ,, I � J��j, : 'bll — - , : on, ''Mmim"o *1 mtod, W ,opl , I , - * � ,-- , . . :�,.�, . ... . 11 lurs. R" ia�r A *#w4 ­.v9 �bw Qieoa. 9peot #L,� " K0, W,r , " 0, in loarmA -Kau I .�, ,?; Wt on, 1,6 honey. , nr?,0,;i­, . I I ., tor and aftep Mie .1payment 11 attended. -J .'.-, , , W -04 I 298*00 I 4 I , ­, ... .- , ..#�,% , . . I 0* -- I . . 611 `%� I ,,� Rp � ". " OM" " �, P.I. �� �� � " mu a a Falls, ,,, , apy 1W ire C�Aow*- ,&i41M1:,t'­ U 1, ,111�� I , I . . - , k1d $ r, moon �AO,to , g T the bride j;;L�ntv;W,�; -am clean- htrs. Bre-eken.:, ', ., j' - en-ts, -Rqv. and IW% ]�- F� 10116 - I*r, 0humb 04 .1 , ob w * A, �1111 - . . , of a new. vacu � ­ 01M 1 A. , . nl� S rkvelfinv�iuiijaltdue swagger suit -, . y0mg . Ad$ will, be imi6ited -at. new 16.w, cash. rates: ' er w4s, Qivva�' The Temainder 00 the The WALS., of 9MX'U0,pd-.0w vd, by .e qfak 0�1 . rch of the Mame,, . . . I M - � MW pootor, . W. , I 1� 1. , � ' iN -0"T"I"I", . . with blue aeees��es p4d,Ted hat. On af,bera able manaer, uqdd � � , - 11� - " oon *gp in sewing iquots. M�eit Tuovday afterriop.oti, ini 4the church - Um 4inil xw, WelW11% SmAh, of in hio ww4ly I w4uW. Lapt and Found, CQwjni Ry -4. R*--pw wordi, � . - . Sp. ent , - - _... � M ­.. ­ — * 1: * � t , their return ,they i�rill reside on the , a. series -of Lenten wAh a gdod. 00eindaince.. -TWB.- Ar- ,Zlm* vioited -A- the; 60me -of -mx,- Ab" roe ­ --- - �.,14, ",9 dffi- mow- 117--,.-, - ­- �. � M ­ —,- ,i"T"IT "11, �J,p%Qlg; ,.,� . I , %at week ....... , ............................ ant I ' hoiol" WIEW ..... to The aecairad of , '' eaw-ploaaw'K mauti"- - - -- �, ,, lv!�.,�,JMRWM,,�'­ � . , brildegiia,om's farm in Usib A*� ,,, ,� li i �, .. I.', 2nd week ........................ I .............. % Cent Orme, I services - wAs held, in S.tL - Peter's th-uIr Ferguson was in­qbarge. The a7id. ,DD:ts� ' Famw . MWL-0eeia, of �he ydoeg inj I I f4 t',� jF, � X �, , . I 11 A - � ,j, , i.." , ., I . . . . ��. ,ffi. I . Brd week .......... � ... ,., .... �,.,.. '-% Cent . . The many friends Of MIM Wn% a. Wedhesilay evenigig. ,%riptilfr�e was, read by lUrT W. H. vil&W, during the Vast week. tho -el A 86mce, �a sab was'.1w.-Y - tk� 1".. " , . ' ' 0huTob W � 'i i, . ,�� 1. 72 , , , " ,­. Minimum ,hgrg.. firat 'ti�e,*,iiW:'.'.*.:&).'.* ......... 25 Cents. 'McLean vW The ,soau-i to -know that 1 ... by IMra "HUMIDiM , k 11 �,��'11'r','i'J­ "' . 1, I . 'Mrs: Cbriatens M= and, son Lloyd Sheppard aad....,Mrs. FeTamvin aqd -the X.n James Daym " , nj,�d Tenciera( VI, X(Akl:,�­% .. Each figUre. Anitial and abbreviation counts as one word. . , ., ' - .hn, of th.e..y9lQW, �41­ -- , . I , ,�� ,�,­ ". i . ,1 � *hb, fis confined to ber bed' with d11- ' ' ' 1 , q.0 some ME- Farx, Rector of ft Phuft 11 � ­ 1, 1%, . i� 1,15N c��,,T -4 ceut per *or& Miu.immm, 50 cents ver week. are -visatting the foxiner's mother, devAik>n*A eaflet"W'Mrs. J..J.,Wgtsh- ,who haS been �� 'sick for boa - . A. * I . I f e �'L" , � , baaUs,. In, Memoriam Notices � i '�,! Iritmi, may �e directed to a Box N-bqr. ca" 9f !Phe Huron Expositor. tor to cients neo; b 4, hopa�flor a speedy �eeowxy- Mrs. Diehl, neam, Taivistock. .. ­ .. dligitbal. Kv&, �c FwgusQn gave a time, is at the present time some- Anglican Church, premhQ I . . M1% and !Mrs. Robert XeGnevor d,e- 11 i Ag so# � , ,�� ,,,, ". ,- 1* 1, . . I . ev . "X, . I � reading and a solo MW -sung 'by RUDY what Improved and 3o able to be out ammuma aind p*n-Z.. s4ditional per week will be ,charged 9 ads irk above clam aid by th. lightfully entertained a number Of WAN.M.-MMME"N" - I ��- �V- - � � - cents. a are not p I CuribeT. The 9xesiden1t, Um. James aW %round the Iiqu&e a little, each discouwws� wbUe ,the musleat yoft''09 ' 4 1 1 1 . . L ­ I I , L ...... I I . , I '. - . $Rtat&7 night in the week in., which the ad was ran", their firdeab On Wednesday evening� WALTON _ L . - day, ­ , e oermices ww Wien stllli�*I� . , -- �. , , I vook charge for the b4si � I * . i (th I �i I I Mrs. Hugh McGre � . �. L Wdgds� theip r I ted of mak- With the recent thaws duiiing the' IVAth. the 'bette�, apeniag Up of ,tba ­ - - ­' , I ; xv.riag ,Vor visdiled with . 4 1 - p -,�snd. I)4tba inserted free -of ohaio. '' I �� " %. . , friiendis in 'Sealfoi.th kfuring .1th week. iness period-, w1hich comm be- , , ­ ofion Salm.,Niotfoe 0 Creditors. E6c,-aates on� awlicatibm. . I The weoift mi�et!09 of thmew=PZfIng plans 'for ilt! ­ - It as d* -4d--, -n,bnt-h a ,Mar.eh...tbe. I gge drift of goads , r4tty & gradn 1 ­ � . -1 . .... I I — ... i � I � I . -my *' W ag. - WN, 16 .. o-�PxV qua _ b ' s 1 4 A -­ --1 I I �­ . �­ . 11:. �� ,--,. -- " . . ­ The many friends of Mr. V211= study Wok snow, ;on the highways aTe xa�dfi i�i,iili�-id-ure.� , �­ ­ ­ I ... � �.. I " . , . . of ppffl� �nit� bhurch'wals beld, in led to get 10adets for �he . � --11 ... � Q " � I.. . ­ � � ` ­ . . .. .. S . .. I .. . 1 Personal I Wante' . Slinclair wiN The sorry to know that IVL Kin , is fib s, 61, any W.M. - M"U I I ,�,J�' ,,. . � d -in taw the school robin of (the churich on Sun- and the seeretarY. X* I 9 i melting *mmy and no I Od � 0 - . I . , , .. he is confined', . Sead'orth Hospi- in ,to arramge ,Bur a speaker f ne,,t i,, - With the re- qje reg�dlgr 11103ithly' IbOethXg of - — - ­ 1 day vvening,with Blair 'Show Or 3- k -d are -taking paa*-- , . � 1,�, I .� , AL NEWr3 Fi��HLCRESS CG&N POSITION )OW FOR tad, but hope that his ilanesa is, qf,...a,, . , . of th� Unbed, NQhumvb VMS .1, I � S,F4oA . WANTED -BY A WID FOUDWing the ogening. exer� , eW ... .. . Lettem of appreciation bira of, dw ic� a4 r6binis w,w the WAX . I ­ � and Bunion ish � Charge- , In ng4 . . 'k : � �� � , , � 0- 1. Salves together ban eight thousakefter. cava,ble ' 6& tq4ip.g full sh,3rt duration. �, I . . ....4 .: comimon foot "ments. At ALL " DRUG . C.I.9es ,vie'",-Sinripture lesson, Was iie9d wm,e received fTbm Mrs. J.' Wills, Miss trust. sprinis not far. held in -the school room of ... the'ehurcb '. harge, town or country. Address E. N., care Miss NUrgaTe . . � away. I", , 3562-1 o ,t MCDD11014% Of,Sea- r;�. - I � . I -- OA Thursday aftei�nopn, ,311arch-, Oft - - �' , ,' I..., 1: STOR"- f MP -S, J. C. JOHNSTON, , �r which comments, llwil% Mrs. W�m. Patterson and M . 4 1 1 '11t'.�. 1. ,,. I Miu+glL Ont, 'I fo�ith, was the guest of ,hW 6is- by Blair'Shaw, af,tx , , I � ,Ath a go ,nbe. - , , i � I , I . . I . 3562 , were ,given by Blaine Shlortree�& The- J. J. Robertsion fox. cards seiilb out. , � 101a,,attenda In the ab I . 1� , — --- i ter .ind brother-in,law, Mr.'amd'MTS. secretary, ,Miss Betty Drager, read Mrs. J. Woods paid a tribute to Miss " ]a . . . sence of -the, ,preAdept, XTs. Geop9p , � I 11 . I . 11,�.� " Agents Wanted, ,E GGS WANTED - OAKWOOD . FLOUR, Rio-sis ... Br4oadfoot "" - V F- 'A. Wair who passed, away since ENSALL umui,s, ic. .,A, WdDbu011 pres!404 The , , . . . .. 11 Feed . 'I Rogers Road. Top 'Z- W. McLean is .0i t the minutes of the previous meeting I vm� . pon.to­-Ship, by 'Mrs., Ji4 e glu it n a ineeti' opened�, wiM u, hymn -� . — Clarke Transport. Best cash'prices, , Charg- I -es Und Wh (Continued from Page 1) " ' ,", ,. f'011ow- q ", � and ci4lear-the roll. The topk given the last meeUT4,!' a had bee ng ,�P: MAN' WAN -TED BY LARGE MA.NUFAC- es paid. 356,1-6 Of, he'r sister, M]Ys- McAllister, I.. . 1110500101 . , .11 ,turer,of household necessities to complete . . 0; by Stewart BryiLris, Y�as followed bly members of the vocioty for ma"N' , Wffi be much mAssed as'one ed 1by prayer. The Scripture .. Hensadl. . ... A vim was read. I by Mris. WEPIonk! and M". . 0 "I . organization in Baran. County. Must be in- 11 . . 1. all interesting talk by the pastor on years. ,Mrs. Hugh C: WPEL-on read ,� built and ,E-Veter. . 1� I ­duatrious and 'willing to� conduct h,Dme ser- I 1, � . I - , "Prayer." The meeting clased, with letter from a mUsion,,y in Korea and, of the early -residents of (M Hialliard. The devotiorlal' IeMl8t � ;1 vica basime3?$­ Hus*qers can earn $25 first: . . iss Margaret 'Sm'WE irevflawedl the McDomelil .h" Teachod a -good age ,was ta,ken-.by Mra-. A. Spencer. - A � !� - k .. , a hymn and the MizPab, Beriefficti1m. Mvi . !�� week and increase rapidly. Write t0-daT. . Notices . ' Mr. and Mra Eli Stiekllq, who -have end only- out -lived by ,her brother -?r6m Mrs. Henr`Y -M ' . �, ... ' i *� , letter Was read : ,. -- - ItAWIMGWS, 1)ewt, -nL-3U-W-C. Montreal, .. I -- � . . . chapter ':,in, fthe studY bob4 . on "Th, Charles -of "Hensall, 'out 'of a largLl I I !-.�- '- Canada. I . S562-1 Seaforffi-Counal ,been iv.§�4ivq, o,n--the- -14tiv- e&neess$on. AChurchL in- Africa!' I which, she thanked, -the laaes for all . t � I �. '.1 I . . TOWNSHIP of, Me-KrLLOP ' I o,Lf, Mlcy,illop p&r -several years, moved It was on Mar,ch 12, 1903, viffieh"Rr- famiIy­46f boys andt'girls. � the. i6ndnesis, shown iheri during Eiir . � � I — , . , . , (Continued, from Page 1) � 0 _ am7 F'a Will Address'BDard of Trade -ranged i4o, . . 4 - - . xpenses to date amburited rto about -0 .... to -has friends ?ra. T.- R keilly, assoeia6e pro- hold � . OWING. TO THE "LAW � BECOMIN4Y M t the,' YM ,owned, by,.Mts, wuii .r nk Turnbull, bel*ve,& vh*ciali Of ,recent ilhiess� It was ai !7 Articles For Sale stricter in re"rd to the c - ollectim of �60.00, he -said, and there are some Woods, on ithe 16th concession Of A,U-bu2m, 'bade fare"I'l feZVOr Of--ECORG[MiCS at the Univers, . a quilting ion Tuesday afternafo�. � —" taxes, all taxes in the Township of MaKillop Grey,bn'Saturda�y. and relatives here before leaving w . March 10. j4l�'Visffing QIUmUi� ' � ' . - 10,000 bri-eks, for saae which will i -by of western outaxio­ will- address " I 21 � � " livu in—z-�M�" ,22 CAL. REPEAT not.settled on or before the 16th of March, M;r, and Mr.s,;­Earl Machan 'have take up post-giraduate,woTk in the 1 , -d of Trade at its yegurted calling on 26 shut-ins dPr� I RA .Model :!o -A, -24-�inch octagon barrel- lft . vrocee<hugs will have to be taken to more ftham pay for thie-changes. .... the HensbM Boaa ' . , NG, Seaforth. collecL� All those dir arrears of -taxes please C moved from -the 17th concession of Old ClountrY. It was the timie of th�l I ing the -n-gonth of., F6ruary. Vws- In A-1 sibape. A. GOLDI . oumcillor Pa.rke, chairman of the ' "t revular mieleting ',,on Friday, , ;­ I I ... $562�xl give this matter their immediate attention, '. Grey th -a farm, W a mile wesb of spring flob&), the ice hadd gone -out, ne- Con.-Att and MM W. CAT111310 V&O , - .� . as this will be the last notice given. fire a.nd ,water commi#ee, reported a Monkton. .. I March 20, Prof. Reilly Will deal with appointed, to visit ithe sick during'06 4 . leavit,.�,te'rl� itland, river higher and , , � I - ... � � 11 , ou� us -LARGE OAK- By' order:' . J slome of the rn�o�sit uIrgent economic �� ARTICLES FOR SALE � nc* ladder had been pui�chase& lRiecent %�,isitors�`, Mrs. J, -Johnston (in . than it ,had been for month of March. ' Mrs- T. Sherrith , - - A- framed mirror, 6 feet by a feet; ais,p, ­ KEE, I �A cornibunicatim froin the Depart- . I , , , , r. Turnbull had made ,problems, of the day, and discussion sang a sjolo very sweietly, "The 4GW- A I rs,� y v rs.� D I ­ Collector. of IBlyth with ,her daughter, M . . . . cheap. Apply at W. G. , I meht of Healtiii, se� out regulations. C, its liaVited6i ...... The topic on "AAi- .,��, I I small -,office safe. ,olin Fs Z� * " ... WILTJ . SHOE STORE. ' '" . 3&62-1 . I . � I 35GI-2) Mnglmnd; M�iss Florence Ryan, plans tb ,go to G6derich by canoe Rev. Mr. 0hand14--of Kippen will den of Ptayer." I 11 ,J1.1 . . gavern�ng ,the appolintmeait and dis- R.N., 'of. Tiondan; with h.'er par.- bo, OCK es in the was.very ,ably Uken by Mrs. AJ- ,. . - _ntSL, and set 'out from here 8) Ut 1 1 0'61 call : e . . , FOR SALE - TWO FERTILIZER HOE LOT OF ROOFS WILL 'issal,of officei�s of public health and M -r. and Mrs. Joseph . Ryan; Miss lln-tbe for'enobni All went fine ,.,+;I take ,the sor4ic United vin Hemphill. The ni,eeti-ng c10194 ?* 1. I drills, in A-1 vonditlon� 1 Godfreson A "MW ROOF -A was.fi-led. ­ . Chu h here on Sunda motriiipgi and ' , , a7c . V . r -- -, _ be required this year, both - barns and ' . Ethel Uose, of Xilverton, with her he reached �he C.Njz- -Station *t God- � I .. with'a hymn and Va"r- . �: ,.. track, in good mechanical condition: .fairly , - �' . good 34x7 dual /ti , w. cheap. We are agents, dwe.11ing houses are in: .... bed condition. But , 0ouncillor Reid stated the auiditors diparents, Mr. and, ,,Mrs. Adairl erich, there hie wavedi,,his hand to evening. . Wliv; 'Margaret Jiahnsdone, ass&A- , . gran . .1 . . gs a Kit T Lie' 1 of the United, Church ant 'in the local �post -office, bus been . . , ;L . . for the Fertilait6r- �Mak' your old seed drill have them recovered with choice galvanized had complerted. �h.eir Work with the Sholdiqp-; Miss Norma, $tei, _ some wbvionen and lost contr6l of his e st with a . a s alt Art Metal Co., or c ­ days pasi sufferimt I - d e excepticin bf seliding-ouft; notices on- mot =nday evening la, , . first class ferti,lizer rill &t small cost, Pay the Pediar People of Oshawa-n*ne better. ' chener with her rnather, Mrs_ D1. canoe and- it Upset, He WaS able bO f�di �atlttendWrke.i FbIlowing pray 'off duty for sionve Ill . cror it.when you have iried it, payable May Or I can supply you with nearly all makes firminig. tax'arrears. er ' from' the eff.eefs. oif a sov,,eire co1ld, but 1-', , , 15th. We also have sJ-1 water soluble fer- .t Steiss; Mr.% and Mft, -Fred, Kerley cling -on to it but was isto chilled he - . . . . T, 0-ouncid excluded- the press as I being tak- 'Iadys� P ''I , tilizer. Give us a call. SPROAT &'SPROA of slated asphalt shingles of any weight or and daughter, Margaret Ann, ,wi!th -passed Away shortly after ,by 1�� G assrilore.the Scrip is improving nicely at ,date"o fwTit- � I ­ . I .. 1�, -2, color n re in , whole , tnire lesson was reiid, by Miss'Verda " . . , : , ow on the ra�arkeL Wben,you a went linto committee of the , Tile Mainafecturers. Phone 136 Seaforth. . �L 1 13Z61-4 town call and have a. talk and benefit from � scuss the Kruse, damalge . . "o the latter's paren'ts, Mr. amU Mrs. en out �of .the water. Dr. Turnbull . A hymn was then sunig.arfd ing. : . ; . my, long" experience with roofs and roofing. u' action with Joseph Love. .�-' m�a aimles . '. 1� ­ ­,". �A. a brother of Dr. Walter Turn- W�ats`on 'Mr. and Mrs. J' W. Agbft,son ,� � . - . -- , , . I -L G., M,eir. I eMP14376d bull 4�ow of Vancouver ,who was with the deV,DtiOn-al period was filled by and Nhl& Rob6rit Paterson, Sr.,-, re�- .1 - JOHN ELDER, plioni 1, Hersall. the town solicit6r, I Angus McCallum, who, is , Miss Gladys Luker, after which a turned hOme ,on Sunduy last 141om ak ;.- I . I 3556-tf f, "'�- . ,Card vf Thanks .1 . '. . Motions were as follows: ,-, .... I ,with the U. & Navy in ,Calffo�rnia, is 'him here for some time and Dr.- Ja--. I . I .-V.)vPd by J. J. Cluff, s6icbnded 1)), tinit ,given by Miss Minnii5 Slang- , ., . 'Spending -severial weelis, with his Turnbull who -was ait the same -. Solo"Wals visit th St. Thomaswi�h relativesand I I — - — I . .. I I . J. H. ,Scott-: That thisl meeting now sing in -Goderich but wiho pass- sit". The topi;c for the 'evening was f,j,,do aTio Mr.,� pat,irg, I 1k I - � mother, Mrs. D. McCallum and bro- practi taken by Miss Jennie Murray. A I � on who has I MRS. JAMES G. MeMICH.AEL AND' FAM :".1 I o a In M&aoriam adjourn to meeit a -gain at the call of ,theT, Gilbert. I I -pia o duet was., rendered ,by the ive he I ily wish to thank the relatives. friends ­ . � . ed away Al Van0ouver two yeam .ago. . 'j'. I mud neighbors fow their kind" expressions of I .- the Mayor_ Carried. - Miss Tena McCalkitil who is teach- . . I ,,n wheel, sad,d'llt was -the *ai7t dn I � �. - RF--�-In LOVING ME-MORY OF OUR wmm� ,Misses Goodwin and Norma ,C,31ak. i ;.: .1 symps,thy and ftral tributes extended them CUDMO Mlov�&d by F. Sills, secondlad! by J. ing near Hecarst, Northern Ontario, - I fok--and � . e loss father. Roland Cudrnore. whe passed away I The- meeting c11os-(M'lwi.th Hymn 37. ever had. owing to the derim I � 1 � I in their recent sad bereavement, in th J. Cluff: That the moAeT­�)f-audibo.rs 1, a�f 'Xday�fig .with ,her mother. . I . I . . , it, and the roads. I" I, . -of husband and father. . 35�r2xl in Hensall on 'March 16, 1928. -s so ho EX I -Mr. Albert Pasmare of Delhi spent i,a,.,n accomlpavyi�rog % 1­�.­ � 1, further duties rblative to tax arrears, A numb�-r from the village atteudii, so bad owing to great baniks, Of snbw � � 1. I . R . I .. . . . q ---SON6 AND DAUGHTERS- be left in the hands -of. the finance . ­bhe hockey. ka�me at Clinton Mop- ,Fix .. Sunday last.. hem, v4fb� his parents,. , at the sid-as which narilowed- them. � -1 � � I. ..Auction Sales - �- . 1 3562xI . with full ed . eter loist a well known resl&nt Mx, Frank Fdrquhar Was in- Ham- -weeting cam hi. the &C' . I , � . " . I I . I . � ­ eonnr4ittee to look after . .da ' j ll -11. in'tlie person�of 1Miss :Susan Me- . and made . - SAY .-THE UN - . , XORY Carried. y, evening. Turvey �'of near Bluevalg Donnell-, wbiD di'L-d M, I . , ilton thie week visiting blis .ftther'. Most dangerous. . I . ... . DERSIGNED IN LOVING, M7 OF WILLIAM Mc- Tvo*er. - Mrs. Boy � - i , i , J oig. ' three cott, seci Onfty morning Mx."Thomas Farquhar, v?�IlR is very ,Many n this see- 11 . , . ''..,­ AU`4MON to offer for Laren D who passed awa,v Moved by J. H., S 7�,ded 'by the home of in'ber 9,5th year. Decla-as:ed was bo- seribusly ill. --- . 1,. auctioneer has been instructed . Of the farmers i Ill: . . -ale at n, on Saturday. March years ago, March 19. 1933. . -- 'Th4tthe au,di - . jivas a week -end, guest at I I 11 ri tapping I . ... . s public auctio ­ J. J. Cluff ' � tdiF report " �N.11, and Wirs. Ed. Ablilleir. .1 tion gre'prelpa ng for ffile a ", '� 24st, at 2 P. -n -L, on the prernisea, VV& nilles I _ in Exeter, a 'daughter of John Me- Mr. and 'Mrs. Ral� Tfa sugar I ,` ,. west, of Seafort.1i, the fbllowiAi:,r fine farm. -W,*I@ 'A" FAMILY... 'be iweived and the auditors paid. - * IT and baby, trees for miaple , and molesses. 4, ­. cainprising Phrt Lot 6, Concession 1, Hal- . �, '. Carried. I .. . � A large numberi of logs are being iDor,inell, who -with .his I br4other-in-low, of Delhii spent Sunday liag,t-'withi� Pel- . I . 1 - l � .1 I I hauled to the sawmill ,.for, ,custiom -,c Cax1ing, St., were two .� . - I . lett, conta�nlnr 65 acres, more or less. On . , . 1, .the late Isaa atives in the village., . :- ''. Moved by F. ,Sills, seconded -by R. I . - I ­­ .1 * ,� . I --- - --- � - '. ". f .., sawing. . . of the earliest residents of the Wcin- qq, and IlTs. RobeTt Par"s I ons spent ­ � ..�:� ... �, , . the arm is a good ba:ru 601 -., 501, driving I G. Parke: That proposed chanpis as ' - ­ * �' . hous�- mver-fadftg well, and 2 scrd5 bush ; iMm. Tyler of St. Marys is visiting itv po,r some years &-ceased t',21"ght the week -end in Londbn with irela- . - I 1-11 � bala at, " � .- . . ",;. . me nearly all in pastur�., Farm is one- Births- , I I put for -ward' by P.. U. Commidssaoin be t& home of Mr. and Mrs. W.' R. echool in Exieter and'passessed of a ti,ves. .. ;;, , (of . endorse,d,'the plurnibIng .to be gon,- st,w,rt. I ., . .1 I HERE ARE. THE .REAL � half miles from school and 3% miles west , .1 . loist in. ,the An ,� I . . i�l Seaforth., Terms -10 per cent. cl�wm an day, KERR-At Niagara Falls General Hogpital. ahead wilth, if lyosw�bl,e; after, the rate , . I finte voice -was so gl'- Mits Annie Taylor is q-isiting ­ I ; I . day.. 'Sdl� ii;. subject . on -March 3rd, to Mr. and M n . ­ I . . iChi#cb. She is survived by 4 friends in Cromart-y disitr%iet. � � 1. I . . � . her, 1"m .of Hen&all Lodge I W ;35 1 . I " I 1 :,- - . N sall, and a sister ,Mrs. A. E. ,Bennett, No C S ABOUT-IRAff-I., ' ,� 11 i of sale, balance, in 30 , - ,qan . I to a xreserve bkL HAROLD DALE. Auc- Kerr, a dauVhter­-:Janef­Bii�in`- W 'rento - is struick. Carried. . - 1,�, 4 tioneer. . � 1 4 Mdo-ed .by R. G.- Parke, secondAd brot Charles McDkonnell, of Hen- The Od,dfel ,, ;4 - AUBUR .� FAT'' & � I � , * . . ",, b3 J. H. Scott: That the request of All . 223, enjoyed a well attended . . I I" . - I %NMEN — of.wbose Jaw, "Saski. Wuhaffi Gax- %. . 1p I L � s1no-ker and.,euchrie, in their lodge - I . ". , . . � I .e I . Mrs. No hg, of Exe- ' ­ . ' � ��', For Sale orReni ., Deaths . . - the Band for grantof $3,00-00 be'giv � i , i I.. . I .. 1. . - n as follbws, three paymeiRtp .of $no - I ­..%mian. Balq and son, Clar- ling and the f-Risse J s Garli fid,oms, on Tuesday, evening last and, 1 4 . � I ,1 .11. I I qRce, of S rumerbilL visited at� the tea, are first-cousiins; I)r- I`Iar' J- refreshinents`*Ore -served- during the Brought Out by. Tests with. :�. . LA�JD TO RENT -ABOUT 30 ACRES Mc.MICHAEL-In.Seaforth, on Frida�. March each,Xardh, -June and September, anti � ry ''I ... I I -1 I � �.� ­ ..Z a - for ;r - . . bc-me of"Mrs. G. L Sturdy. -last week. B�r6wning, Eoieter, is a neohew, and evfning'. , I � . ­ I nd ready op; in excel ft�, 'James d. McMichael, in his 7,3rd year.. usual grant"bf $100 to Seaforth Agri- . Co ins, E xe,ter, . . . , 11 , .,�'. I I . lent condition. Phone 133�22. Seaforth, . or . . I I . . . cultural -So-ciety,' and that bylaws be .1 Mrs. Wiilham Thom, of lborne, Mrs. George, Haw1d of Mr. John D Craig has been. quite - Kellogg's ALi,13Rm I— � -apply to T. G. SHILLlNGLAW. I . f spent last week with 'her daughter, 1X m utr, I � ';� � . � . �&,Ohvier Becker -of New Ha b -, 'potrly, confi;�;d, to the,home for the . I I �,, : . I . 3562-1. . � pr6paredl far same. Carri�A I . Mrs. Frank gaithby. ) . -and .Miss Dorothy 'Dixon, of Godie' ­­.. . . . . .,I -, . ,Moved by F. Sil past fewi vieeks I (but is irow regaining .1 I ( 3m," . Is, sedonded- ay - Mr. James Lansing, lof"Clare, Mich., ,rich,' e � ... �, � . ­­­'..... . .. . 1, I—— � ­­ SALE.- ­GILLBANK HO. A WINTHROP Charles Holimes: That tax collector , . . ax nieces. The :funeral ,took his usual'bealth. ' I I . . . � " : � .VOR. I . beautiful rur,al home in Egmendiville. cont zpent last Week with his cousin, Mrs. place ion Wednesday, wiffi:'Revi M A I'Mrs. James A. Bel�l is visiting with Some years ago, there was corisid- ' , I "I �'.. i.nue the Collection of Unpaid tax- J(.hn Raithby. I -�.. 'ie,- 'In' , . � b' ' .. 11 I (ad,ioining, Sea:fortb). Two and "two -third The hockey game between Winthrop es fo;r thr.�', mianth& Carrie , Hunt as officiating, c relatives ,and friends in Townitb. , erable difference of, opinion regard- � ,. acres of choice land with fruits and flowe CL . , nicely located; ol,yse to church. sch I a-,; and Kii, ' � ' et li . ad 'Ais lr= u' ,,t§ visited her terment was' made in the Ex er l; , ppen on Saturday ri�gh�vqas 4 ' I ,s No' Co The rurial mail couriers are this - ing the use of bran So to discover , I I I . W "VE6ved "by -J, E. Keating, seconded h o me in W�nkh�m ,oveT ' the. week -end. cemetery. ' I � �� i . �, . 4 depot. Good house- good poultry house an�d t;ie, 3-3.�. . week finding the roads the wors -i the case the 11. . . 'by J. H. Seot,.t. That the report of t Of the actual facts o If �, . of Several hockey fana from here took I P, . . outbuilding,. Low taxes. Abundanee the finance co,mmittee Mr. William She paard, of -Clinton, . ­ ­ I the season, for'withi the great depth � Kellogg Company asked for - I . � ", I w . ater. Full particulars fmm owner. WIL, - ,be - adopted. visited last week wilbh 'his sister, .. I - I . a ., 11 .7.1 ,,� � 11 T.Lkal KNECHT&L, Seaforth. 3W 4 -3 in the Durh�am­Clinton .bDiakeiy� game Carried. . I �. I . . -- --- Of sn,cnv in places and,the rapid thaw . . , I i -11 . . I 561 in 4C,Iinton on Mianday night. " Th., ,,L1 rr -1 . . series of laboratory tests at. lea& , "Y � .1 .. . - played port.of the finance comm!'L� . -1 BAYFIELP . ­ horses break through and are in dan- ing ianivetsities. ' . I I ­ . � ....... .. ­ I . . -,� , FOR SALE OR REINT-100 ACRES'. I Ile t;Xrs have been ru"ni`9 be-, tee included the foiIIo,Vn'ng:.- . ­Mrz.. PeIz, of Preston, iri.�i,ted her i -ger of breaki � . . FARM . ­­., ng their legs. I . 1i with good buildingr;o ploughing done. , ' Experimental studies on a group I -,t s-istier, Mrs. Jozeph Irwin, last Tuets-, Miss Margaret Groves spent the, The openling up of catch basinis and . I . 14 SW twwien here and Seaforth for the p2pt 'Jame's V. Ryan, salaty,, $60. Joh 11 dv�V arrd Wedwesday. . . rface water of -healthy women showed that the - �� . . MMS.3911 -AN. IL R, 1. Hen*all. Phone 1 3 .. I I ., . I . - ' I I 22-92, Hensaii, -, o . 3,561-2 Week; . 1. . - - I week -end in Toronto, returning to her, giving runs for the su I . . A. Wilson, salary, $50; D. H. *ils,on', 'Miss -Itene Ament is eliga-ged for duties in -the post office Tiu�.siday. from sidewalks is helping ciotiditi*ns continued use of bran was thor- Ili . Miss Di,&1elyn Spaxling of Hullett salary, S920; H. ISnell, salary" $60; � ome time At I I 11 I I . I it- . tISE TO RENT -RESIDENCE OF" THk I .1 . - I �. .9pent Sumdwy-with her �arents,, -M - the home -of Mr. Frank ,:,Th,,, ,d,an,,, men,ti.on ,of which was greatly. oughly satisfaq�ory. U , �� . Ho ' '- Thb��Y. Storey, salary, $60; - nlike ca!n . 1. late -Mrs. F. J. AVelsh, North Main Sf ' H4 -y Sta- , I 11 � Apply I 3554-tf and -Ma-s. A13nzo Sp�arhngi.. . tioneT�y Co., invoice, S . .Raithily. ,. .1 .1 ­ , - r. and Mrs. James Di,dk left heTe. tharties, it did not -lose its effeeL I 1, I ­ Z8; Caliadipri made last week,i.,the Object beiing too M ... . �� ",:.�, , - Mrs. 'Geoerge Eatch 'has return?d National Railways, croslsing protee- M-�!. Ge'arie Hamilton Nisited, her pay for tables ... and carcls for it -he last we6k to join their son, Row, near ­ . I . I .11 : U.OUSE FOR SAT OR RENT --SEVEN- home'after s�pehding the past 6,uple - n' ' of Godelitch, last.week. town hall, was quite a success.. An- ;51 Othe� independent tests on men . ., -L--L roorn�d frame ho e: modern canvenieur. I riftliville, on a farm where theri in � .- . ,kion, $4.77; County of Huron, ho-spi- so , rho lna -q ' 11 I _us of iw&eks wilth her daughter, Mr-', talizatilon,' M.10; 8' 1 Mr. and ,Mrs, Joi-seph ,McNerin ,and ,ther will, be -held -this Fridjay even- 'are , hundreds 7of maple. trees' to tap. dicated that, with certain people, 11; est. good location. Lately' occupied by the . R- Hart & Co.. lat, Sirs, . I loderich v' the "bulk" in' bran was more effee- . I i" e7lb ­ Jarqjps, NficIntosh. APPIT to ERNEST Foster Bennett, Huron Road West. - T are (Ahl. and Mrs. E. Drummond, spent . I ,. - Mi -s. W. J`.,Andrews, of G s" -ing, IM h 13th- , - inyoice, $29.16; . Thonipso,ri's Book ;tcd at the bom;t� ,of MT. Am, os L - � � . .1 , ,�c� � Md1NTOSH. ,�r THE HURON EX'POSITO?-- The re- meeting Of the Ykning �tore,,.-,aact.,,, $4.64; Gea. A. Sills ?z ' drews ,on. Sund' . All Members of Trinity -Church choir the week -end in Guelph with relat.ivet§ , tive than that found in fruiis and . , Box 64. . &56lx3 " . t .1 . . - - I � . . . People of Cavan Church vms; held On S,.n,, aect,-, $26.96; John ay. , and friends -of the ciongregation gatji- And friends. . I . . vegetab,les. � I . . I I? - --- . A. W`&dn,,, We are surKy -to report"'that Mrs. Owiogi to the 'continued illness of . I � 11 � i�4 .... .. I I HOUSE .AND TWO FARMS FOR SALE- Tuesday evening with Kenneth Beit- B., M. and D. registration, $42-75; A. .. ered mises on Laboratory analysis proved that ,.,�.- Eight-roDmed 'frarne house. electTic light: tles, vh,e pr�siiderlti. in the'ehair, and . Herinaii Doerr is. seriously a-4 in Friday eveni last to hon6r ... me q 's , 1. . Mod barn and six lots. oppositt..'O,'yllegiate. - . I . ...1. ng � mis- ed Churcli, Riev. Mr . . Breffideri of the . D6 Slithkh-lan,d, insuranize,' Firemen. Lon,&in Hosotal. �f Rev -'A. Sinclair, pastor of the Unit- Kellogg ALL -BRAN supplied vita - A �i , I .. ' alis�b led in prayer. Th�---Tndnutes of c,64- A-. D. ' Sutherland,, i the,choristers with a -shower -of . I min B and iron as well as plenty . . ; . F&rm. 75 acres, Slt, Lot 10.,Concas;ion I.I. insurance, 111,i,ss . ,. tih-e meeting were read and received. ' '-n Ha e, . . , Flora Diirr'iiii, '"'gannon, cellaneous household -&fticles. The United ,Church at R�ucefielid, toi k I Si.t� Lot 19. ToNN .11, $9.60;. John VeKe=* ' . � ' I 11 to Mumts. L� The Scripture lessotl*,was taken from � visited on Monday: rthe Auburn G I 0 af bulk. This. "bulk"'in ALL-99AN "' , I "''" � black'mith acet, 50c; Rell Teleph,) roulp ?7eiqipient, Mr..John Wayne Is leaving' services both morning and. �evening I . . I ,,J� meht wi 01 ­ �: ­ ,. I R aforth. wbich are cairr,3,ing out..thq p�oject, hig is gentle in action. It abisorbs, a . . Psalm 64 and was given by Margaret C,�,,, ,,t,,t_, $�.A-; P.U.C., light, $21. ne . present �6m,ploy' th Mr. mlost ably' and acceptably. -At t,he I I . I 3560x- 4 dit 0, to � . � �i:�. . .1 . ' Mantgomery. The vopric, �-The Value Treasurer Public ,School 1 6'5 ; "Dressinig up home­&*wn .veg6- Di��IdGalbraith to engage -in farm- n1cTning service, in ad i n the ture, and . L . I . - . , . � . Boar,c� Slo., tnblez " . I . I �- .r " cleanses the intestinal tract. ­­ " r � FOR SALE -50 -ACRE FARM.' 8% MILES Of ... HiSr'Ory." was taken by Harold Nfawr Vehicles. Branch, true f se A rt �ug On, his own, initiative in G&dewich anthem, Mir. Lome Eader very,pi�as- . ' " _ - J . . . � I . 1. I I . 1. I I � , east of Seaforth; 'ii� miles north. �of t Bolt�om. The ofFering was receive k 1� I iMr.­ The Killough had a ,wood- TOwn 'h . "I -ion the,. _ship- He will attend to isi -Own F,;nglY rendered,. a solo -as also did constipation . � d $2; Watbs�biri & Reid, workmen's insur- bee last week and enteztailired household dutie� as well as work the IMi- Lettie WNI&>at the evening se'r- due to insuffi �,,o Highvmy.'bebw Fast half Lot 1�- Conces, . ALL -BRAN corrects I l ­ 3, '-UcKjllqp. Om farm Ls a barn and d -el- and the -meeting closed by sixigin . g a ance. $111.40; direct r,q�Xer, $416Z6; I I cient "bulk.'!. It is the � . ,;, I -�i ling. Possessim April '2md. If not sold will hymn- ni�. triien,�s to a dance in ,the For- land. The ,gifts consisted of a nulm- vi65- natural way -far better than ur, 4. -1 .. i., � ,,, . H. Hart, wagm'$T5,40; Tho.s. John- - . , I * ­ I � .�,. , I - ls.� '' b 04, , Ili d a 410 '" , , e - A ''i i I- 11 I 'bo i -1 I., ;- - 0 :t t� n � ta 4, . I " " 11 t ­ , , " " � "- �', � � "., " ., ,�� § � ", W I; Im".11 , I.' I '&Tit:, *Kenneth Bettles, s�ne, wages,' $15-40- .F.- - Lmnionzi, re-ter's Hall -en Friday evening. An ber Of useful household articles and Mr- 'Charles L. Jirflcs,' contractor ing pills and tableti. Serve as a , � be renud. � For particulars apply miss Th e presi ,�,. . . XE -AX TURNER, Box 114, George Street. nrended at thtt nreeting of the Y. P. Iva $15.40; McLe� enjoyable time was spent by -all. � avd. courier of Hensall Route No. 1, real­ok use i . cooking. Sold �y . , 1 � I'� Seaforth. 3561-2 ,- L. S, rL Bms., aect., , .1 one ,01oce -of. furniture. The gatheT- ce n �, �. field in Cavan United Church, Wi '-)i�s. Glen Rafthby and baby EvIelyn I. 1�1' . -- .. I'l- P07.44; Wn-L Mmontgornery, aecount, ing was relatively quiet becatse of has replaced ,one -of his hbrses.with I 1A a.re visiting (her mother, Mrs. Sam a fine young driver. . all grocers, Made- by -Kellogg tim - I �; '' -WARM, . FOR SALE OR SENT - THAT th,rop, on Tuesday. Fifteen members S47M. I � the 'Lenten s'easbTL Starm7 weather * * . , " 1. splendid 160-acr�'farrn known as I�t 1. ans-Welied the roll call. Harold Bel- .. .. you'ag, of We Wawanbsh. ndon, Ontario. . I �`, . . -in - I. ­ , I , � I 1 ,%. 1 conedsizion Ia. FV&S.. Tuckeri�mitti­ . Has ,_!� had m4d#:a pre -Lenten gathering i I " The-& Y. ?-',A. of St.,Panl's ,An- I , �o '­­­, . I ton gave ark infarmative addi-��. on The Mouth,f' B.Y.'P.U- will be! held po &4j!b_I ei, , ,4. X is I I � I � . t. ,ck>d . � few games we;re. played g1lean 'Church are havii1t What 11 frame bause with kitchen and w, Z:i 1 , . -­"-!"� in the Baptist Church on Sunday ev-, uTrder the dit good "The Value Of HEvtory." I . � s hed. baaik barn, silo, dri�e­shed. iDig pen a . . I � . � hern house- Sag. ell , -1 .. HILLSGREEN - rich 155 I ection �'Of MISS IAICY I ;� ay loan�.2 Fences and ., . . - ening, Ma , art 7.30 p.m. - Woods two',of which w e auestdons' . . '. I I ." . drainage -W -ood busib. Good I I Many from here attend-edi ,the . I .. good- I'D acr&, Frdit� - , ,6 , supply.,of.-viater: 45 :icres plvgmhed: 20­acr� 'Mr. William L:hle, of Hensall, spent dinitla)i- ' beltwiee�n and &nswerg,, and prwred rat'her con- . ,�' 1, in hay, -16 of, which new seeded. . Farm -ell a few days -in "th I -1 ..hockey game in . elusively ithat there were'inany que-s- 5t­- . . loc,ated. 5 miles- �e�ni liensall and KiPP-ft- STAFFA , , . is vici�ity. '.' ,. CLinton and Durham. 1. � I � MM, 31 I . I tioi -eirOled 'coniganly .,., could, !!!! �. Churaft and school convertien't. Forr. further - Tully iind sojis,xisited-, atL, ris the ass i,. . . - Mr RoV�it .Roibertson, of Clileton. I the horue of. * � I noftanswer. Thi evid-hing wwbrought ,, , , particulais as to Terin� and &A'e of possession The Junior -Farmers --ayid-Jun%r 'In- her brother',, rl��, Briki�- f�isited bie brother, Mr. VAm Rober- , , I I apply GLADII.-I-q & STANRLTRY. Hensall and . -P,d a social eveni M-. field d4n-ing the week, . . to a -eliose by the ser�ing,of alight ' LL 01 i ixeter, solicitors william. Sinclair Estate. f.-,itum w%l'h1 ' ng � ' I ­ top last week- Mr. W`m. Rdberton lunch. ' . '' " 11 , 11 . � I 3560-4 th� hall on Wednesday ' ervening, Mi4 ' and rNbis. W. McMurtrie of celebrated his 73rd biTth&W. John Atkinson is Spending a cou- , �'. 1. I ... March 18. ' I I Kippen, visited at -the home Of' M. The'montihly meeting of -the W6 M, I " eeks in Detroit. , . ,i�4� 11-1 ' - ;D ,;Vill pe o. wi , 2PV — —, The Y. P. U. met in the chuTch W. Jarr4oltt and Annie. , Q of Knox PresbyteriSal, I ­ ' ,,�', t looks as ,if spring 'wiil soon be ie held at the hyme of M.r. W. T. . ", Farid Stock For Sale,, withche president, vera Hambiy, in I 1,, . � � � charge, Win. 'Bain read the lesson here. The crows are back, and the P,i�adell ,on Thursday of this'week., . . "V", - - I I - I odd robin is zee;n making thefir wel- . I KIPPEN � � " .. -DIG9 FOR SALE -29 - SU'CKMRS and 23' and Vera Hambly led i,4 prayer, foi- I . .. I . . . I l, ., - eianks j4L,"br to GORDON HOLMES. 'k,wed by the topic giv,en by Rev. My. come song. The cars will soon be go- I . . . I V . 1%, L I . . �: I - 1� miles east of LeadburY. . 1 'P��2-`Li CLunming. entitled "Prayer:"" !'George ing on the roads if .the sn6w keeps . . I,% � -- . Aix. John Gibson, of Wroxeter, is I ­ I -, melting. . - �' 0, SALE�­NIN-E, CHOICE' StXKERS. ,5 Oark .d� Carl Drown sahg"'A, d,uet. . - nee - - .spending a visit at ,th& ,,home of,his , FOR � doyou i d . ' I I ,.. choice young —. Jost bred. APPly 'I* Russell Worden gave the� current ev- . I - -law, ,, I I _ IfIt ,"� .kLF,rtED BtTC1:L4-NA.N, Lot. 34, Conclemion 4. -- I daughter and son -in ,Mr. and ..� ­ 1, ents of the week I .111, Mrs. W-,. L­Mellis, of the -fillaw. - � I . Tl�;borne I . s7AOR-12 - r# I . 11 L -s. R*y Conoitt, of Tuck- -' . I I V1mtoT--: Mrs�--­H. Dak 1. . MANLEY , I", , ers, Hensiall. . � Mr. and X1 11 I . I -uneral of a ", . ­ � ­ pw! &ux-cHoicE YORK BPOOD Sow wkh 31r. and Nlrk. H. Harburn; Miss ,­ . �-srnith, attended the f I - 110 Speare. Sleafarth, -�vfth 31isses, has been ­ . - . relative in Marlette, 'Michigan, d-ur- 11..� acre to farraw'socit. Priced rigtit- &L Ada Our school attendance =41= A�qll cbok�w clover bar- Apply to H'UGILL*S I I I HP, Sylvia and Edith TuffnL - ,low as many of the Pupils are,laid I ing the. week. . � . �� .., I DAIRY. Phone 61". CUnto- . . I . . . ' , � . . . .... with- meas;Ies, of a light type- . l� , � I 3z6t-1 . UP .. � MY. and, rArs. Edgar Butt, of the ,. ri, . 0 , �i ­ We are pleased to learn that NIErs. I . I I Mlage, vikted at the honte of Mr.� ,� , ,,, , . . I - � I . I §11 I . 1, I i . Martin 'Purcell is4�.abk -to be around. . 11 I ­­ I . I . and ,1Ws. William Butt' a Seatorth . M�;' Notice t6Creditors tJSBORNE , ­ again. . � . I , ,,, I , .� � I , aming the rp�ot week. i�, ­­ i, . I , '. a t . . . I . , . I � I A � . r . r , I I e I I 4* , . ��, .;, , - - I 10001000� line s4dit weather has.ma,de it pos� . WEON I A number of our local sportsmen . I I . i,�'. I I ,� �, � I'�� . . I,P CRED17!ORS OF AIA -A -M A, *,- The dedth took --place .... in.­Winchelse� 4ble to plow �he roads .to cle . - , SUPPLY i kNY attended,the hockey match in Clinton . . — e �- 11V I .A­Qmsen. *"&1j. of the Tv -n of st- of Charles Whitfie4d Godbolt'in his the smow 'so th - � AT _off . ­ .. I "I'll.. � . at, motor traffic will . . I � , , ".. 1h . � ,; . . . . . . � ... � , . Nam vr,h A , , iright ta, share in the . I I I . . . ii -11 J., --- -,­ -79th ywar. Decesse'd ,a " born in soon be resumed, , �' I I I ­ � ,L ­ -11;. I � rrpp� a ewtatia mortg=e made by the I , I 'An vdd-tinto euchre and dance will I 11 , ,:r� Bomni; OTA-, an -4 -earne bo, � Usib#orne -,We are -glad to 'hear th,&t, wit. Joe I 11 "I'A I I giw�"iab sk-000en", flo �ffi* P --,W mtnk Of I I .be, j�eld in � W6ftoes Hall on..Friday -1 ;-­,­. - -1. . 11 . .. - 0 , . , Cans ft Trost� dgted the 28th dwr of Township -73 pears ago. He was the Eekart 1 � CARBOm L ­ ­ �� I � f � .-,,,�.� r 1 ,4 is -Progressing nicely since he I -Ovelung, Mwech 13. A good time. is . . ­ %S TV � .- Wl ,,,(­�,!, AVnj. 19M awn the "mrft, of that; Part �on of Charleg'and Ann Godboilt. 1lic was operated on in the Ge�ral Fgos- I : ft, *11 . a .11 -- ', 1 &,4, , of 14ot 10, Clancession 1. Ifuron-,Road Survie-7 � , - I , 01 ,,, "I . ",*b,jo, ill CARBON BACK "" 1'g'W`edto`a1k' SZE- " -40,, - . oif T. -or Tackei�. now in T. -as mwTiid 60 years ago to'tAbri- pit&!1, Toronto 'but it wi , be sevjaral , � Mr. 0ATe#�e,WLe=4 ,of 1budon, 5-T � - , I ... - I I 00 � . ....­ i If, ItLO "de. lt4tftj�ffi. .9nd Omt rairt of Lot 10. Can- gail ,Stacey, wbo prefficeased him. weeks - before 'he' will, be able to be ' m)pnt- the week -end at the home of ­ .. � 4 44,11, I � a'2. Martin Read Surver of Township There are t,m survii-ving daughters, moved. . . 1111� ,,, ' � ii:�, . . , I 11 . of Ta&e*izith (n*n which is sitoated a' ' - - . - I . ,JSI* 009E PLACING his -mother, Mr& Jar. B. McLean, of � saft 9&10 rA -1 I ­ ­ I I I 1- -­.­ � , ---- lot I " �, L ­ ­­ , t �;ih&-1rkk-*& v0f) fully described in. satf R*s W-Abur -Batton and Mrs' 10 R * ' * YOUR ORDER PHONE - the London Rootd- I ­ I A "I 11 igig I -:, lre�� as naviber 8107 for the ho . A Ityle. for �very. � aste a '4 - worita" , Fl;�t�W, Of WinefiAseC.-Tri i919' � The many fliends of Xia. Jas. W., �, . -- ­ t h occas. �� � I I I fqrth "d ,w pamber 10431 for onx - 'O ' ' '­ ),rckersmfth, wM- be glad I ion- . Crisp and tender. Flavor, , , " , �,',�,I�j,iiu4 lrTt�� 'Etah"a ly0bill, ­*lto surwivin . BROD US FOR PRICES i,,� �-� , Tw*h a 8ft .- - . r1ed ,, ,�'m Al ",I�i�,? UW a T'hle' dv. are - -f EL MA . . I � I McLean,'6f T . L a a a '. - - . oto bo� '6*- him 11,6' L*'91 surv?ved a.1§& b 4s ..ON ". TL , i, i � , # , omft �Verffi�d tQ1,141.11sO "P ob i;Z�i to *e the" . — L to learn thai --he has sufficiently r-- 11 hat (ai W ­r' hies. -.., such Z t IF ft� . od, aft or bevre. 1he'4th ter,-Zfirs. J. AL Smkh4- of. Vand=�ef% The vftj from -BorrAwim ­Awk' � - The . es � � �fii!,�,� I .� � . - . t* zro& cdW#r,ed front her kerent siok";s to . irly spar 4 &$�,." L ,Ab - 0. Vkj - L � "' ',Jf,N%f.,V *Iffi, 4he W .at* *ffiiefi- Jste "M Poi thirt�,-flve years he ww the choir- ,bWg . Menu M-Aifil Your r6cer stirs � , -1. I ­ 111. S, 'I. - enWWe her t6 be back. lio,fiie agaih af- -I I ... � . ­ I . ' L ��., wo, T;K . �en �has been bper&a for nwtor F6r I ��, 11�11111111 .. ­ I . . ;e',,� I Y� im , - `11 � = iftu*d) *W b" 'dwr,ftw leadet of Sunshiffe Church- 9-nd to titiffic aftdL.f" "bh# fjr4t time SilMe the , * - te& beift, in th& Siud�h Hospital ­. .� McLAR-ENS' Invincib e Cri$pje . , rd 6421t *6 �dm,­s X,� . . 1. ( I . * Tho , 11 1� ?�4� "" , ­ .'' '' ". 04 11 � f1W1Vobi*`tir&4�* -T, . I " L ', , I I tho. last of his alift ftug4t in'the eina of ji, 'O c'Aft . 9961, oh . :. -Pkkles or can 96t them for you' 1, r 1 7i,�,.­,' *00ta * *e **Oeh*& anus 1, i . - IV "'O.'at, L , , Sult&y VL+01., . , Him, ,betd tft�)Wr , It, i 1-1-. Iiii-m-ediately. , , "4 ,ft .Wem & � � � , , 44*,,,w*,--tth &V 6t Th;a ifuhetM "k the roa&­-J�gIn . 9 Ia' I � 11 1,1, t". 11, iN ­ - � -1-1-:;. ­ , I . I - . 1-11 ­ .-1 I -­­�­ . -­� -- � ,,'L I "L, tyihda Thursday gfterift:h with the ftm , t i6i's, �t , h, � I' - � " mft, ik at "ent'."Confinedi to the 14S LA i ��1#6i`,-"� ,,,�qi� ,�,�.i�,�.,­, ,;­. I � . I. Idif , I . S . _�'IXt,,, 'Wk'niam - MW W'.'J;, 'of Tuckez. . , - -- " --i'L.- , 0 '' :­ ''� , , I N��'J ,6 - *0 t'� I '4AN2k1bA, . gh rt*L* Oum afte& AftVitig I I. I . .. % . AFENS - ­ �11 . !I � , ,(I I z� 1, 1, VAir A4W. ar 1L­P6tdm ol-nitm*, of., it &t aomholmi ate itouth, "d I ­ . .1 I ! M � LA RE N'S ,� r\.v Lr�,dt, LQ I , _ I,, ',�,�;,, ;�,�"LLL :,"Jj.,�: -�', " ',',��' �'L.�:� I ""'%ft, I 1"&%V Oft$%" OML Waif jh,opod. & ftV&M,d stif'"6h ,Havftl - is bdnlg - ., � . .1 *fieft lat LtMITtO V 'I., . �, W L 4 I . . ­'J��­-,J ,�,� � ' Q i . ..... 1� " mft�� " kr",�,, , ., . . In, ho toet. I i"WWTON "NAbA ' I at","We! ,, I ��;� ivij�, 34i";, ��""',­,� ,,�;�'.',��,Yi­ , ��,,,­ I ,M614 -Triogtp to ku. M [MON "a" I � . ,, ;. I itaect for ," allmoe - .+ CRISPIE PIC KLE S ' ' ". . . . , W04 ' " W'n tJnJ6.fi,dMWt- mik\, --1 . . I 'E� . *oft* AW, � I '­­(�,,� I I, ; "1#, -ift'X,W L ­ry% d ­­­ . , . .��,,,,�,'$�11 ,�,,,,�0 1, L . . . I I I �, . t, ,U) I 1, � 5. ; I 11 I" it , ',,:��';� �� �'j i': �,� A'�:.i �� ,,:: ��, � ,,,, , �� - � . - "a mtw� Lue. ftdgr�a ;"Cw. � '11, , ".... , I . ­. " L.. tft - - , �,, '§,'-'�Pjg, gum . , i, ,'�, � ,�F, . I L . .. ,pi., I I pl I �. ��,i;��,%�'', .� 7 1 I . f I " .., "­�­ � "I I j�'�,;�;','�,- ,�, ,� �� i.", I .--.-.i1'1. I # I ,��1!1�""�;,;""� A'L �, I 1.1- . � . , "", . � I I I I I I --- . . I , 4�� , I ' , , W . I ­­ � . ' '. �� ." ' L ' -­ i' ,:.. I'll ... .. i 1, ,. ., � . I I I ­ I , .. . ­ I , . . ��, , 1 , ,� ­ - , ", L " I � I : �,'� ) �)&,NI'Ap.,:, ,,;�,pe' I " 1'1:1­,­�­ , . :,� '�!�.­ � 'L, L . r , I .1 ; �, 1 !" , �,,, I - I I . ­ . I .. .... A,' I , , I - L I . I ,1 I I . 11 , '. . . I i. . . . I., . I., � I . ,,, I . . . . . � I . I - I I . , I 1. . . . ., , � I . . P'�J,",L 111.�f�l -� , �. , ,"i ; � ,!, � .11 I I I � . I 1-1. . . I ,�� ­ 1 4 . 14 ��',� ii)l'J"&y ,,, L , , 1 7 . I I I — ... I . I...'. . .... ­ .1, , -, � , � I - I ".N. � . I .I.I.:.1.111111 I I . . , I I ,. , I',, �,�� � � ...... �,J�',�'� . ,� ­�, �. " I. ­ I I k, . LL ., �,� � : �, � . � , 6W 11 , �'J, .'� " � �* �,,,�,, , 1, ­11t�' . -, , ��' I �1� - ,, , I , . .1, , ­ r� 4'. . . . ­ I I � , �i 11 A T"', � ", ,; vo"� ie , , , �;­'­L.i­ , � I � .1 I I . . , , .1 , ,,, � ": `,­�.- . 11 .. - Lly . 11 � I . . . � . L� ;� � , . I I I . I -1 , I " , , . . 4 : , ,, , "',." ,,r .... '14.4 . I �, ,L . , 1, . ' )�,'�"­ ,� �,�,�� �4'OK I I I . I � �,—`� " , , ., ��",�', , . . , , r-1,1.-111 "' �"'- - L I . I , �'. 7�. � . , L " I . "I'll".., .., I , .� 11.11" . 1 4 , 1, �,, .1 ,�',��L , , . " �,', ,� .. . ... r�'� , , .1 . 11., . �­ !'L, " I � , . I I , , I I . ­ ­ -- ?',J1PN41Vr�%'j I il I 11 .1 i i , �­ 'L,,, ­ , � ,,,, L'�� I ,� ,f­J!J, I , �� - " .,141;,Y,,,,� ,­ ­� I :� �q���P",� � I "I x- . ,, J . , ".� ­­�r, 11 " �:���������� 1. �1. ,,,, ��., , ,,, i I , 7�"Ii , I ! 'I �i 11114 ,11 1 "4" 1N %-�ii, - ."J'., , , - . - 4%iqq,�Poi, , �' �;f iij, 1�,!.�,t.%�'O" , ", ', , . _ i1j, ,,, I I ­;, r 1, .L -�L".l.""��,", , *44 ,�,I�,."Jj, ,.,� , .. I ... t I , , , , W 1 ',;�,41.;&�Il�;�," i'-,'4­�.� ":'­f�i�, - r Ily - .. , 11-- " ''I. �,,,I,i�,§�( ��";,.��[ " , ", , 111;�. ' ' .11',� 0 VPI'Mb!;X� I ,,, 1� I '' ,� � �' 1;'g,,;,.,ii, '� i,&,� "'IV' ,,,�;� ,,, , � 11 - L:�.' � ,,, F, , " jj� , , 11 !�; �q I ,,,,�i.', 1,� I , �,I'g� .. ...... "',�, 01, .�� ... 11 I d"!�ft'l i I I' ,�� �:' - I' 'A ­� �1, ' '. I - :, , �, "', g " ,1�, V , � J� I :::: i � ,4,'�!!','�Iif,i�, �� l� 1.�Ji, B ... � I L ... , IM 1; 1;1 �!(,� "'v'O" ,, p'�Ji,� , i ,g,, I '11 , ", �� . I Z ,�L ", , I -­'%""Vi'�Llf;'��1t,­­ ­­­ ,W;�,,,�=Vif ,,,11`.-� �i"L,V�"�,L' 110 I Iii"�,�'ll""I'llf"�'�'�'����,5',,"""I , � I 11.11111L , li`-,�,!111 �11. 1111. � I �1,1' 2 L iz � , , `1111111�1111 ..... � I I—- 'Ik�Z , ' ", I 5 �, , , �v,*�,j :". " � . , I �� . " , e " , v� 161'X11r1`­; 1-141,44,11, . ", 6�i I Al !�, ""I'liP , , , [�Mlt'51';, , . , ,��J i 11�1111L&21�1111t`ff -1iNrPV1i1i1lV,Q'h0 ­ 'I .1111"' '1112 "A � ,'�W, �1-11 1? �1`11� ,i .1 �Q,1�10111 �'�l ' '1#�"�4 "' 1�� ,, ibo .11.­� , 'It. 'N.' 0 ,� -& t'�'l ,'�11'1, �It 11-- . ".. =- M lw'.6.40� 1111�Z lvf V Z,4�!Iil P21, 1�