HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-13, Page 3.. - I - _. .1. ­ I I... . .1 . I I � I � ­ . I I . .1 I 1. I . . I .� � ­ I . � ,. 1 , ­­­, F. ­­­­ 7f.:�,_1.j;,,.-_r �: :;,! ,f. -,4!!j i7i.'.'4�5'4V'f7!'.'I.��,IIY,T,7,�,�71:1,.j.lr""��,�,'�IRUJI,�,"l';Im"p"!P� ,�,�j,,,Mjl�iV�l,',�l��";".�,.,,I.'��it..J,.,Ti,,-, 11?4�,� .1 � �` ...'. , , i� " I ; � _-_-..__._1.11.-_ . ...... .... .4. IN I I 11W, � g�F�, '76' nr� ; I 7�, r7p ji rt.�,f� �-,T, ,ggj� ; . 1�1,- U � .,� . 11 _ ..... . ...... .. I . --.___--___.-_-1 .... .. � ... 1.11,11, .. _1_--_.__.._._-.-_-- _.... ..__1_--.1- ....... ;­­,­­ -,,, ­­­- . ­. --1-.._11_1--_-_-_ MMWRWIV�01ZIPIIIIZI! gN,�1g,�'I'sav"rLF,;4 , ­: * ­ I hl!1_7'17 IN " irl' ,4 , 1;.` , V7 '1`l�`T'M," 7�.,4""!"1`�­w ... ... �__ _ 1". 1.�"IIT��I'l."Iil!.�""IIOI�l:!!!! , - L".";j: L �, � I I "'..911 I , AA! , : ; , ,, � , . , -Fillill"', 7 'r�i, i,�?' "V�,";'1111!�1 I ,,,, 1,,,1irl, k'p,zx ,.�l!,',��;!,4"����,�.',!��'-W� i lg " ­ � : .. . " �, . . 1 " 1 , " , " , ,_ �� 4`WTirXIWl0_T111'1P I � _�;WJT`lw I , , �-,�, "", �,vn, , ., `�* ,, ,, , . Ili "��""-A�,,�,,�".-.,;,..""",,."...,-�."",��:"r.,��.l���.:�,�,�"--�,�,.-"If��.", � , , , , , .1, . ,, 3 ill ,,Fq irl , . , n , , �;;�,,:L,W n IV , , I , I . � . - ,,, ,,p", � I , , . , _ , I P " V , IWA. �. "I I I I IV , _ , . W - I 1 #4�1','%111 - . 1. 1. 1-1 � I i, ", � , . I I . 11 .". I 4, . , � I it _:,�,il:*_i4l'�,,`Al I I'll �. j � :�. I , - 1, , , , !,_ 1 04 , 1, . �,Mg" 1W � , W ­r", " il - , , I'll, ? I '117. 1� ,, _�H4_4*4 ,"..'1117 � . =. O'K. 4 W 49-41 , ,h ,!., , I R#W . �� - - ;. 1. . I ", t, . - , I l;. f MM - W, . " " # �� � in 11 I ... "_§� . � 4 .1 ,.! -, - ­­ , � . . .111111i­�,_�__1.17 � ,�. '' t?11571�'-fill " " , 11 11 � , t . ". ., � l . , , � , . .I. ". , . , . � . , �;13719 '" W'm 41 AW '". � . �;. , - � . . �# I (� :.�� ; I . affto ` I,- � . , � � * �, 11 I . . , . , 111W - e I - _­ - .1 P . , I I � . . -1 e " I ", � I *.. 10 - ,� , . , '! .4-0 --..,..,. -_ , I III!, .. 0 , �SM ehs.t�__th 1,- � . . # n I .1 I .. , , l, C r ,A.a a_,.._ ,�� . , , , I . . .. , - � � ."! I . . . ng, of waad* ibla ,, , , I ­ � .. , 'N. 'l"" �_.. ­� T � - 11 ;! � , :,­ 1 �_ � I , . I , , I . 4. 4 , ­ .- �_- , X107"M 1q___#M__ft1_tW10 I - j6ne .'" - "' '7� - ­­ '­ '' I V_ �. Xf - � .." " . � I . I . .k 149 -b.40* W - -V .A. "'' , - -77'. � - " f'L fA V . +11� I ... , ll� , �.� �, , . I . 0, I 1449114 11 ., ,,''il. 1. � I � , I . - ­ ­ .. I ­ � .. , r 'W$ �, '01.0braw, aw ,�,� "'W". V 84, , � � - : �.i, lih ...... I!. -�,,V 't , jo I :­ : - - ., , ,!, � I � ,40A,m I_,. . , . I I --T, 'jjW,jr. � , QjK,­jj,4W%'_ - -, �0.0 .-", �WW9q_0=k_0r_4AaI_V100 . , X.- I � . - - l jqW '" *�o ... , 4M ws-, , "" . P_ I 'W", 4i - � . , ,, . , .. _ 0 I Itsibs f(d, Z . . . W%N , �� �W _W W .... 1: , . 1, , ."', , I aw,ph -1 -, � " W U-11 1, I . ' " ' "' '76, b '�'. , ­ � � � ,I , ... � - . (Siicbv�%W x4oft) , � ''flonlil: -� , , % vict&on 0Wd�4­-:&'010�bb**t0d * 16*11ty. _.ti� , therfe, iia, AMN -X V-1.010.4" 'IV. V I P., P, I,_ rm ,I I I ., ,,, ' ' + , !W,W ': Q � vuen, JA*ob we"t 04 be """ Mfrs. Aortoo- 11s',,,qujl�q'# , . PJA+$. I . , ", " . 0 � * . . - � hbo$1W wasi (VM-.4ohl �, - " 1W 'Y� ,: APOV' ,W70w 'wr� � .: "th. 9 . (W .W_ �-,, ��,,551" 1"'.1"i'l, , . . . iixth *bda ­4D*V10, h lbod �4 . 14 - IN4.4 W 0W 11 os, , . I .0 Ili I I , '�4 , 44 -'I � , , � - �,,,;,�j , T _7___. . � 1. 4 '404 .pt�ve.,, aW� he,j mppwor . r4".&*,g,.bWh0*0.0R -41� r, 11 I I I , JUA I - ... . � 4 .. � . 4.4 - 0 . . . I , 4'. I I— 4.. , 5 ', .. ft � a ___ a -, ""' . 0; ,,# �x . 00 1 .­ I . � . I _. I ... W I .." -1 : . � . ,""r,1?',T,­ .- ,?,,T-r ",� ?,, ...... , ­ ,,, ,� e ��,Rifs an _WV1_c4a _q,X2P91i ro � efa � 0- q � "' i,r",,,.,T,,jr Z . .­ . i. _. r . " I I IR" Hus� , orm PIOTS41,pl TIT ', , . t, '(QPutinued 4,1 ­ w lie'. rr vb h9". " - ""R -4 ­ 21h , " I t I IN , � I * � . . , *** la4lt - feek - , -, W, -0 Idg."Inlay-11be stpar"' , , or -we W10hon And ­ , ,A i, � __ I -,Xi . . . I r Xyi ,,) ' ' 40ct* j1V h . .. I 11 . . -be(*�th and' eow­ , ad , durfing March. I .4 4. . ,. 'hooter � I k I DIA b4d I 9 g1ood . 1301,11 1101ped. " -z- � - , � _ ,6. ler son, ... ,6. ­­ I ,a lhemd% ­ . I hie -cowd Voirt.. I .� .Afiox U*bon, ,Of 00-1- I ­­*— , . f .1 . usit, t4eirefore ble vwt 4.'D� " . A4t � -11 towns*, with, lhb wilfer ­ . loolk to otur depiusigs, "OW:Wout Zyw -,, * . 4. , 4. . . TUN10A GOWING ROME! I . ie, oQul& ' 11 arild "Windslor, 00t., ,Affuvh 12 ,�,Slp , :,','� . il,IP , . mai�- is thephysictai . , 1'.,VP.$e.th. t %� to, weq�t,+ . - ' k, . _w , .,e . . 'When af011iow hiasheeni'away fi,om feed and follow, ' . , spent -, the &Y Vkh her, --4'fI whils'verivel t '' , be f Ev- I : tep -up, and AM oftpe I ugme :6" twenty "am or movie he - ID,%y after day he ,led It = on. Godedch, P 'Mulld AW SWIVA91 . jl� jy`��alileo AiijbUD ft'lit , __ � vrou,&.b . W, . It.. 091004 ,patw,-, It. I , . ? . I - A ft a lift le%vtfed whel he� is i6olining em fehv ,da,7s ,he moved hi's camp. � - , Welekii, w&,tes ,Nr . d over f4r tfir,efe. - I =es, ood 1w, lj� . . , -Death of John, Car,ter. . A ,h. With ta, (Vescr.ve . ,9, Efir cOhan-, ii �� . .. . 11 nnia Big . it.. . 0 .4acob' The Arab .Scoluto. rodle lout efoleity iday, Mr. John, - F.-' bj.�ier, .6r " o :61f E6 Howw nfila;,= - " A . WeR. EsOieeiallfy swwhh'� ..athqr f I - itt . 1. " . . MAlen j,"b went awayj:ihjs,:faWwr ,looking . . , . ,d 4yv=i% "NY 191fat" Tblis reseirve is toft w1kh an.'-adp, 11 ' ' � . I . . Wad 4jill end , not expected 441five'very I for p"Itt're and wo,tching for MIrs. F."AiMuitich, xiv.* 0ochrane ond, toWmo about Poftlgi. Kiidni6y, Fill,19. diet, exericisel, Tmesh air, .,,rest. � " .. , I I . I p ewemfiosl­�Oni;a of thein h-wid pue� to. a1d4,3bsi�_L_A.,, ML - J,,.an-& T_ If.., 1-uiW - Mwele boxes, land.,w,ao. -viell I _en� '.�sgeati*lv gole, easillk obwnet ­ ­ ". t i. 1;; LL .. '.'go'- Bdom to slee Esau, and: bad come Uafrtex�,(of 1CVn0onZ,'and J. W. (CArterr, ough to Walk. 1 41010k OUP more, Wx in ,the summ ' 111 I Wj 01" -much loidgert; His, =,bhm w. as ' , A Itell: � . er ,time but can bi.� -se- �, I'll " ; 4 0*,,and strio-Dig. She 'WaO a `dhemin'f back to . say thalb, r4au Was OOW4; AldbuM, TI away lifn WomMence and il really was well. I am 27 yfetaj�.a, clW,d.,1iA WdhtOr 10,aY' With ! -% - -;--111 - .1 - 1�, ;-� . . .� _61d laidyl Ista1u, his brIother, was . ca . . - , I . , frieful ... ... %.Tilll 7, 11 ­� 1;. . . I .l, I I , ", � ... .. . . . ' "i . !­­ , 4�` !, . � �­"';.,��`_".""i[T. - � I '.. .. 4 with 400 taflntled hOrt0niteul Fo* Hlos;Pftat,­Deftioif� ipwithod Doorning of ad land was -never sick bab * 10 DIV -Rlannhio�.:. Toward - the'-Q�; ,of I ;).O " I ..; I . ., - '. I � 're * , ,, f 1, . , I I . . vfmy 11ofoltsh ifellow, qtj- " the iday baiwdred, ,' - I P�er _WT -RISIK . I . " bell.W. *00k,40i", . Oint Jacob let tholme he was ,veiry wo, wild Ar(Wbsil Wks it =y February 19,, The (deceased, who bad- life lunfdO my lb�k ,got sime. I can b*. awpisles k ____ -0 -__ �'11 . , afraid'? A4io . -limeg in Detrolit flor _ . - - . New recipes , . ..... I , .11, I .., I � l'.. inder Ahwt, Jacob was' thank my skster and Dodd's Kildo , , r '. up, and I . 11 � �i R ... . I '. A i niany years, I . . AT , sngry�­so. angO that if it had noit . ey MaTch may- find US, VM4 a ljoweir�& - � ` y With. , Y014 . elvo' -TAR 11 ­ *WW-. ,".11 sent gifta,T_� And prayed? . leavesi lrj.q lonly 'MAgicbeegugai . ., , , . . , �,Wi i nit,1111 . , W - a Perf�ctle4v�,A,j�ini�rvioe6v,erw.,� been for the fact difiat his father was .- . ydaughtfer, lifis, W. Piffli� for mik heakth. I iresisfiance for witnt�rlsl last saUies'. ' , ' 5 k .� 'The gifts, J-Iacob stent -to Esaul,gr- gowerkey. i . her husband ­ and, two Lssit,sumniferm my ,husband h ' reRable.That'swhy an# 8 lAnO U, ' * " - "., _ , .t, I Alk t� . Ort his This b no- (bime to relax, in Difew plau- ' � I .1 agle is lao, eim. , .", V ", � _ ti 1. , go Seriously Rl, hie would have kWiled Aved all rivb4- And Esau was, very grandchildre'D, Jack and Billie -they R�gek catirrylilng Wood' He co leading cookery eixperts . - - you -Us "' t � " , t,j ��11�--�'�121. . . . Jacob . . . . go Jacobhad niodifing much ' sfu,,Prjacj"a . . uld not Ding. Esis�erfftdials; canft be left- to e I .. - a4laakb _1 -7: -.1. I I , I when h __ . � Wept the elbithes him -,ino,re . ch flock - mode R& halvilig,vande ltbsir home together. w1ork. I --govie 1�111m' Doid(ra Kidney chance, we must know that ea�kAay's and re ,oniniefid , G;. ­, 10-W.0,11A in, a bil r ,�, . . -!IF suripirlisedil',.. , . - - . ",".7 11 I 11 111&v�: ri&- Jac- Mr.. tand'hilm F. Mitch, WeI -T. T, TH16 and 12W a f6w, days, he waii abi . . it. $". if it - dolisn't ma i is a tin'jzoni ' M5 , 11.7.1 -on his back.'an . .,e _ 441111 , 0 It id a staff 4n his han& olli'miust be! - . I And ,VA J. ,Carter -auiended ," fun. ibo go, ba -Weinus IsluIpplios. ­ I . � . ..�ur,gr � . .. . .... 1. . 1, ,�`11 " . IBut -it Was all, veiry, differlenit n1low! . . 014C to wbft* agall'u." I I .1. At leaslt� 1 ,pint milk for ea&' I L - . .: I 1 � "... 7;1.. " i � I �an. dwaigive 'the Alow-moving eirvil fin DeWolft. The iph9beafrers. were- For loMer. baff / a ceintfuirly Doillfill's. adult and 1 ,Cjf�j� for ., . �'! ".". 06 f1atheir had( - re&&V4ed, from 'his . chadren. I . . .... .... I . " -. I I . W14NAM " - I � ;,,- ,,� , -1 of sIcii;DleW.;- laintl, nafts _stjH earnip -of Jadolb coming' -across tl];; 4x ots -my P41119- havi,D been heffplin�i -1to, .2. ..L0 LUNCHE - ,, ' . 1,4PI ,� . _".l 4 � bad (spe-1 nePheWis,, - KenUi6l.andl R , s Car- Klikh �jtrjjs ., 4ON I -.11 . hillia. It. toolk them dia" ,Vul lato, 1� .... - iftli 'hibewaiita. I .I - _�, , , �, �11 I � I � _%.., 1WWl_ I, ,,"! ganfewoulp servililigs of of � bheir gre r '_ , , , 'Wo ': . . ;f-- �,,_ i - - - � I -to ' ' c6ime ter, - lftrniRa - 'Dave Qefl and Lorne ,re&vv� Whe - itirooblev. - They - are _,_it,. fbomL _bjee or wW�- ' 6- cupa- fkyiir­-W_Z - - , . I Ili'viogt:-lbut Mis moother had (led While I - ' . y I sh, Belau bh . �_, - I ­ le'."11.1 -1 Ill I . I measurinig). , - .. . . 1, I I ­ �. I I_ . A . � ; � I 63,Wn ithe,sborb.-Lmlley.--itherie w." no Carter and J,i;;k Muftich W Detroit,-' IspectigIlly 1"paredto help purify the fruit Or lvegetame'. - , - Papr" (Crackers , , "" X _ �., - . I; ' " ��.'t� ­ . '' , .� �_� �,),. �1, 1. t * � T1 �.` . , . . - - R ­ 1. Vleai-60�,in for hurrf- , - - . Then,,onb- Chn1johi NewaiRecoiricr. ' � "blood arid, thuls'-enable.,the syst4kn. to - I . 'Aux sh;6ft'inig, boi ,�, 0_,. , " ,. I , S. Two veigetiableo.;in addition to n1wed Green Salad , . � -ftg W410 " ,i,, . ", I � 11 .. day thety'saw a' bold ' gy co, . _-1, .1 . . - 'W'' :�,�,%,.I� 1.11, 4 , I . ­ ..: , 7 ��y tof h0bMR.0T1 Rev. Anderson S#loke From His Bed Welgidin 'Its normal behillh. 11,40011, . � I Uot . Biscuits - VaT, allUbiran and . U. n "'" ' . . r __ ridlinig at an easy e4n�er,. coming ,t6 . _. " __ -1 . potmoleffal; . . � 'Honfely shoiritetag ife . lsap� _X r pv '000 . . . I ­ . . � I 'On Suinfdxy . If you, ldoiVt fe(di wiell aind sugPect 4. Malt, fish, fow.1, eiggs or cheese ­ melitedi. � Lob, aw . ; , '' ,� 0 ". I morning" ii&r reteeiv- i W4 ­ . �� . ,�*ed Apples � _W .� I . lCmain - -til ,*Oduive li�a'lukewafrm. ,44 "­_ "" �r -1 II i I , � a j ­T­�,I� - . ,,,� . . . . I -- meet, ,them. They calme,bg-litly down, ing th1s, your - K41dneya take tEliddId"s Ki&eY 15. Uk4tlive foads su�h­ar.�,bran or' Mj . _ , �.��, . I I the hillvide into -the valley ""'be" the Unfit King's-meastaige by .aidlo - I.V11141. - .. - . I fk - . ­.. - .1 I ; . . . . . �� '. . � . . . . I - cakes -, - A ,z;o -,:'.', . 4 , I . � eldiChurch, R4v. J. F. Ander- - 1. , ­­- wholle gralin icereals, leafy � arid ybasl L 491salgiilid in Wr , , I Jacob was., T�eir ;leader wale '&Tk- - . ".. -I "gettiabled DJNNER . . . _a, '' �%,.,r',�,�; 5 . I " - I s* who has been, 111-f6rwbhwe'q weeks . --- and fruits. . I .1 Vern! ,wattm Add..-Iloui ,,, jboo� 1:-,,� ,� I faced and black-whisitcer l I . I'll ' .� " � I ' ' Mcklied Mdon PJihd oughly. , 0I bowfli and, 010W 1,�j' , �� 11 '! , , , . .1 . .11 I (Cidery, . � - ., - , . a long %ig"ht - winter qdW, " eeti to . - �­. I , ,, I 1_ I . I ­ . Dill 0 * 'Wleoh a 00ke to his ctingregati,on Ifrom his to dia�ease,­Iinsielct iinijuiy;� - t st �... ­ I, P0 ,� "t . . olvienient of hill 'arm *el , Otibed Steak . - '�,mb I " . , - ordelr lis gilven, tiol. 'his beld. Ms mess -age wais broadcast orver fink, etc., and geneirally sipe,ekkifig, c, colmaAab � ­� � . fr gle(rator ,over n1gft 6i brAd .,W . .. � -11� � ,,,,, . 400 . men , to th the en�rgy requirements - ' IM-ashed Tumilipsi and Pdtatoeo 013��*W . .p .: .."": & - "' "k CXNX -and picked up. by the Wadilo befts (13pwime anio,re for less 'unsightly "" the ,day. . ­ 1141 - -, , to, use. Form balls, bf the -_ I - I I halit. A great clioud o1f ,dust ,rose in. th n I k1 are tVI1 M4W-11 ,it, ,:I Baked 10ndionsi � fill 7 , 1. - 1'1�:,�: . =11= aboub kalf, .,AAL ., " , ' �, . �",�:�L��'_ .. " , . _ � 11 , rdan ;the fejet of the h1arses aLt, -they ere ' 0 ': Menus bal- efrigetrartolr Bran Rloj% Buttem rise .. 'Bak - . 94 Illpt VRMM ;� .... �, ,%�`. . f p chuirich.. At -the etiening, ser,_. AttfentionsgliOuld be even, i the f ' 'L 'e; ..'��',,`,� I I . 'L.� 1_ . q, ... , were suddenly checked. -a &in- vke the choir Was, - u'ugintepeW by .o(f pelrio&e t1ili-nnings land' margilifial arcidd by Ithe Tuales for an adequate I - - '(425 lininaoijili � I'T'J10-a- .. ,', 7 .'�: j �. I , : ..... ............ ....... .... .;; __ ` . . With members of 'the Q:G.I.T,.,.*h1D render- cuftitivalfiPp.. . , dWt. ­ . � _.... I . 0read and Jelly Pudding - deg. F.) about 25 . I I .. �:,f . � I : It .. . . . gle, mavemen - Ibridlei reins -Wer -ii . ".. --Ondde with bread-WRich has'been, -3Y2 dozen SM0111 TO&% . �": , . . ,... the ___... _ . .- .. I,_ � I Ill . I. :::: ::::: . . . . . . I ? I Wd twO,�a7-AheD19__Md`­ :1D, the sef-�_ - 'lln-the naturall flofiett, .thinning is. . .1 _. . �.. .­'­. .. I , '. " I- ". - thr"T� � .�Ibhef arched neck of -J�ie ..Vice ­, . .1 � . 01VI(eq, . . . BREAKFAST . spread w-irth butter and- jelly). ...... . I .... .. � _-.-1 ­ _ 0* . 1. , .... . %i: . . ii; . " "..' . . ­S:S....: -spirited Arab steed he, was rid- ,of Omisle, -Mrs. V. Sanderson giolibg on ,all, tbe - time.. - it.. as:. - -the � . -free 0offee Ifflark for chadren I . � � I � .... I I � .. ." . ... , 4 . I ihd,� , Caftedin .�, - . I � �!.%!? .:---i:,-`, I tojok fbhe siollo. ipart in One bf- ith,e an- -sum '.. .. . I 1. %% ini,,iIand lhe­rlder leaped,'lightly to .'val f(d the flittleaft undl if this did fPrunesi writh Orange, gliceg Refrigerator Bran Rolls . . , . 1. ".. .­� I F, I �� ': -�.;�� . , , , `� - , , , . . 4 I . . .-­:$� � rendle - I - � %­­:. :,;... , .. 11: . ... F ,, t::;: i:iii - . I cup lboilling water .. �. 6r.jq "A1,L,&S­ - ­ ­�� 4, I I:,:.;,:S-X,-:: . - 'J. H. Christrie, H. Is- tiolssible for them' to sund've. As each " ....... . .. . ­ , I ...".1.11 . . , . I eld ov6i a 'meet Jacob who was, limip- E Wilkinson, mile tio' I � 'Af ff I " , . . � ­r� " . :::�:j:::: the� grotand. ,'It'was Esau! H,6 walk- thems. ,Miss Maligariet Partushek ok-litake ptate-el the 'treers would soon _' - - . � Corn Flakes "' - - -` .1 �ulp sihorbenling , � . �* b I filed A ealo, and a niale gittartette, be,do .densle diat. fil't would be, lin. . . Whole Milk . A OR N. .1 . 1­j�:: ing towamd him. There was no Crisp Ba,con . % �5uip sugar . I 0 ii��!�,'�� fear, . are otomolly arid- i ' � 'RE , I .aTd aiti J, . Mijitche,11, .also, . - . I _ ' M. . . i: ��... ---.-,,��- �-.'��.`:,�.�'I. I There was' no, batred! Bolh faces win,gh,am. .A, sang.— Ind6vidual Itiree grows it requdres Cinnamon 'Coffee, Cake :.-...-f..1cup all-qbran., � . �.. � :v ........ I . � relieved Fay the iiase,a ­ ... _ ,. '� !I" ...........'k d1vancewIllmes. I ."I". : ...... ,.,�� . . . ,. �;"�. . ,.,. ...'X. I nilocre roliom for ith6 development 1W teasp6ons salt 11 . � # I ­ -'%;W-:*-.-: :;:.1'9;:Z:�.--- .... ". were glad. Each congratulated, the ,of lCoVele 'MWk ox Cocou .fot Children . Dr.CIIASVS ­ . ",. .. 11 I ,.:�:.�.ili�i�:i . ...:.;" ,other in ,his ,success. Wins* a First.. Prize its crown., ' �ftone isbilil. nu(trients I . I . ., I . .. , ,�, I -1 ...: , Idigh-t '' !"t. I f"",."i`i;i;; �;;:�:i��i:��;,�,�i��i: ,.,:. . The ,old spirit ... I . I I . 2 eigigg <well lbeat&,) A :U ,111111111. .. � � �,�` I :' , - - ' , . t -Tj -1111,� qN Aj, Vj I I � . . . �,�-11 , . - f. I . �:���!�l�i..'..�����i;����i�i���������;�����:��iiii�:; *,...,:: � was 9nne. They met as brothleTs �'IX`hs` An'nie dMi3irgan, dmulgh-ter of and imi2iiisiture. As theire is 'only a , - 'LUNCHEON - . . 2 compreissed yeas cake$ ' . 11 I � ­ , i. I .. f;::::.:.;;;:::::,::::.::: ..... ... .1 4, rught to, melet. Peace and happiness! 'Mr. titnd-M,ro. A. W.Mlargan,'Usibit, lumiBbed supply of itheste, factloirs, Of , I . 1. . . I . . . . . � , I ';11 � I I f.j�;;ji�i!�j�,��...i i ....... I .1 I eed Sweet Potatoes ' . � . "', . ." , 4-1 .. . .... Bak � I . --"W ­ .... e ., I ....�: - - kisoled eialch lother and w one of, the growth laome olf the treas Must fall . . 17, . . .. . .. 1. . . I , ., A ��ijiV .. . . 'Serainbled, Eggs - , . . ...­ . , ;!�!�iii�i 0 .e The,5P "t Township, wHe awarded . 1" ' 'Ai . .� -1 :`i�� , i�ii:i:��:!��:�;��i: � .. . trars ,of gladnels-s! Then they talWd ftajt� prizes of the �4nior gra-de, -in the by the rwayi,-dde' go ithat the hWAtihier 1. I . � . ­ _­ �,,,, . I . . � . I ­- I I 1 7 . . . : f;, ii� s I ._::.:::� .1.1 . I . ­ aa Brian Muffins, ' Butter 0 . . I . � ,,. I , I :::$i��:�,'i:�ii��:;:;: , -.f the ,0111d hi�ymie. And, -their fvtherl Caina&an contest in � ,Ajlcoihoj-�ic � ­EdV_ specimens can go on, This naltur . I I . � . � , . . ..; I .......... ... I . I I � ;;.];.:;", �:-:.. . Aople- alid cleleiry Salud. I I 11 ....... . . -.1 .. . L:;: Z And the'lir mother -whO ,had, -died slince cation spoinsored. by the* Sunday weeidinig-outpi,ocess .cannbt -take place , I- . I . . . . I �'S,,. 4 4 � . Milk . , . '. - . - seeiri, each, other! . . .. ,slehoolis, -of .the Dtolniqn1lonavd,,Vbe,Can" -y fin an -tiefificitailly-elsitailifish- I �. - . I . VUHW rgew —w the VOrY.64210WOrot Of t1be . I i", , � , , 'i'll ,.!.,;,;.:.;, ..,:;.., tlhey -bad Eio readil . . ) . , � I"'. R1, :,:,.'.,.*::. ... � ' i6se present, eld belt, be! se, u � alwa � unisorm , - - I � j�.,-�:�i�i )INNER . ­­ . �ii�ii��!�...;i��i�i,-,-`, . � I 1, .. ,�ij��ij�!� . - . ,�_ROYAL But , � s,!' Elsou did not adian W. Q T: U. The conbiest. wa: . cam n1like a iloTest, it I I world90 beist'.wheat. it, ­ I " 11 I I I ..." . I 1. . .31 I . . . I � YS I ­ � ::, . I - Tomato Juice . ­ '. ., N. .... - . ,onilposed of trees all ofthe same ` -- -- ". , ':' ne-d thleM Surely Jacob would nut 0 bs lL I . . _ , . . 4_": 1 pen to sill young. ipeople.Of 0 , I . 1. , . I ... __. .. " .. � .. I � anada, i I . antl --richin , 42 1 1 n.. . .: YEAST CAKES. : � a e, ,each. With 4(he'samie oppo Beef -Heafrt with � . — ... I . 0. .:.. I . I . I . n4st 'thit he'.' t&k,6 a,ll those docks Newfoundfla� ,amid Bermuda. a�ndi w&s. .10 irtranity __ __ en4lable amrishment aim '' �___,., , . . . . 0. . . : . . . . , , Ccwn�lftaal St?uffin,g, . I : . .�_;­ I -�- -had ible for suit-vilvial. .Thus, weedlhg-oult does, , I �, 11 . . � Oways, - .Moh' ,en stenit to Esau! .- . . held darinig OctDiber -and Nolvembeir Mashedi Potatoes, and GT,alvv la Uaver�ftr calkes�, Vim, KaUy Vaftry wtd . � C'. l... I . 11. are ., , If -s6, -then let.my men. escort you of, last year,. There . were. four_ fitst rr)t ,start, unNI much later in llfe,., .. 1 . . I ­_ . I . I.. �q� I,. . , I . . . I � , I � I ,trid vour , fificks � back to the. old pn'z,e w3nners:in- the group, Anne be- ThN.,liffficullty can be �elasily 9vercome EtTl!ng Betans ' I 61MMIL A Meng: Vour � that go" fa 1._.L # " .� ,. .11 — - -anch! . . . . Na? . . . 34a:vob ing'one ;of' th,tin. There were I ithree With. a fibble help frb7r; main.- I . 'Butter I , . I -.1i Full Strarigth ,Bread I . . . rther, I . . . . I . I I j . . . . .. . q : � � .. .-.'�..*,i!,.".,.,-.,..*�*,.�-I 4id not'think he Woul.dL L wing Raw.,Carrot and, Calbbaige -SaMad . . .. .L., . � ,�� '�01 .. 1. '. . need them! grades, junior,,inieirmed'.atle and sien- After the trees have been gro I 'I, . 'Ill I 11 X..: , , Butterscotch Pie . . . I.. ., - III .. ..::;�::!,�;:;�i�,�' Re 'Was, quite sure thathe'could make kcir. Anne is a � member, from IIN 01 18 years an- insipe?dtlon I :��. .. "I., : . of ti b e. Cafffine-free -, Cloffete . I , . . .�, . . '. .-:: - ad Q n -0 - revead the fact that some are . - 11, , ��� ..., ,,,_-.,gii*�--. t hl e ,rest of the yoifrndr�r alone. So it Thamels Ro 1 'Su day sich,ol and'was wilill .11 � .. 1, � . I -,'i:�i�:i��:j.i:!..,.,.,i:..*..*: �Vlilk for Cb0dirlein 1- . � , . R ... -;-:�:.­!::'� L dliig irn(udh beittetir'Ithan o1filieksi._ The . . � I . . L, ". . I.i 11 ......".. was arrankgid -that as slottin as pos,- first )',m the junioir griade, for tifuron di, .. BREAKFAST ' . ... . . . . 11;. �`, 'L . . WHITE, 13R *:i --.`V ' Pao rtadfil,trees can - . I . . : I...,. .�,. : �*;�:�, �: " E L . . - . ,-I . .. I EAU ` Fible Jac,ob Would'go -over tb dom C;Vunty�7­Exeiter Times-AdIviocate.. b T girowth ,among cli . P,UR. .F R", � . 0 I I'll :.:.X-:,:;.:,:-%-!;:::. L. .. and vbs1ilt,Es,au in his mounitadn home. I . e attributed to varilous'L causes, 'such r Tangerines .1 ; �.­­ . .. .. ...., . . ' ­...': � *;.i.,:1':1`-:_ ...::: I . ..:-:.:;::::::;.:.:;.�:, . .. ;:iii*.-ii�,i.,.,i��:i . . . .... :i�'*`,-` ,,'.':i `., ' Old Landmark Goes Down Bran Flakes , AM &% - I . .,.l:: A I :;:;::::::�:;:;;::--,L;:j:: ... .: ............ �.:..::- , , '" E sau turned, to his mien, again— - as disease, mechanical injury for in- . . '. I ." , , ,, ., ii�-.'.i���ii."`.`-,.;,i A"landmarl: of ,-G!cIJIlerlch le It slow,growth, and Whoae- MTk I , Z ' t Aor ;� Bahbigr ` "' ", - ... 1. -:::::.:;;;:::::: , '.. i as d - ,heinel - ,these eauises IF074.7 I C711 . �k I . , , : a few lithe steps, . I . b1shand 0,'] L . 11, Ill . . , i*� -:-1`�1.'.*._':*� .. I The re -Finnan Ha:ddie in Ciream, . , . ... ,, I .-,:., W, I yourw - I ­U'.4m., his horsets, main . and he r5l I the teqring z1hould, MDved. . . I . �­_ L.L ...... . "" ­ I 'L .. �, I .. " lij�:j: . . troysid liaisit week wilth . , ­­­- � I � ; , �--.:i� I . , - I ­ I I . I W., ,?_ (i'r,,, -of 'W, AdAilf Xhlerls, grocell , Toast . Butter I . . . . I , . I j:��x` swung t1D his seat on 1`1 'ng ..V . , . . � I , " 1, .,.-Z�:j:i;�� i,e prand . . - . .: . �,;; - . .., Coffele' Milk oT tl coa for ,Children. I .1 . - .. . ..;i;i . . . W. . 7 , tk I . 1. . waitf.mg hiornsle! ..... . Anio-thetr rrr"-- vtbirie ' at ` the eOrn,er Vf Vietwila. . at-L.,j 01, � A.10 I � 0 I . . . . . � L . � .:,- - . . . I . . . . ....- � "I . . ;.,:.: - .1 .. I , . I . I ! . .. .. . Ne-liaon , `Strlei3t . , The st;-re was ,over - I I ,. .. L . . L' I . . . .. .. �- . .. .. . �.L' i ­ �:i��:::::i*�::i . mlent of his � comimanding arm,- and .. � ;�i�.,.-.,.-,.-`i.'-, , . I.. L . . � I L .. (` I I :: I . . �i�ii�ii--'.,, 400 war'rl*,rs turned to foillow him 11010 y1eafra 61d'avd: was 0012111pll?)d by a , - llay Market. Report , - I . . I . . . I I . I. I . .... 4 ; ,,�'.`i�i'. , " " I ­ ��:l . I I .-i:i*�::::: ' I . . . I I . I . I—, � :��:.`.*ii:: Mb,z,r',`bf wali-known d.tizen§ f)f L. I I � . 1 I . L I . I , '' I ... .1 � 1, ;, .. as lie -led the way, galloping uV tlh q "I , ,has been practically no . . . IIIIIIIIIIIII, . I � :,._11 � I ,I . ; .. 1: I - just Go'd"'riLch. It. was originality buillit by There ..-­ .: - I l, , _ . . . � . �. I . � � .. : . . . . . . . ..:-' . -11s,ldle,.oyer ifW -i?iiiv he baid I cfhange in the hay marketing slitula-' , . I . I— :1 � I :::::::: H, '' : , r, . ­ . . I 1 _6 + _. __ .. 1. __ I .11 I pcqn2b7-.aInd, out. ,cf sd!g:,h't -on. his way M, Wells, ,a internfoerr of.a prominent ltion dirrin' 'the ipasit .... linoTilth. -Lure .1 . . ­­_ � ­ I , - � .... ...1 11 .1 Oh . -_ — ....., I . . SiailtforM falmrily-,tnd the first: occupant .g , . . .... I. . .1. - � .. . I .. back tio EdDni. . supplies ,6f th * T40 ' 7 " .. rr N;;; . . ... . e 1935 c Ipt arp still - � .. ". I � I .. ' ., . P ­ .. J-1cob watched him . disappmr.4--wa-s !Mr. Robert Proudfocrt,­who gro,weirs? han�,ds. The de- .1 , '"' � . . . .: , 1;�� , ; i agaih to lis own- 0,r having. ouffered --ain accid-6lilt on I I,', . �. Tb2n. H7111ped back is generally pobr at- present I , . . . I I ' I . I . . his farm gave up the rural -life I af- mand , I I 0 jig -0 'i on -those . ... ";. ... I availalbPe fin C�L, 'H, ME, . �­ calrip, and fo,%Onk -to.-Tacal farmeiIsl supplies. b,e- I I _ .. � . � I'll, . . . , , . 1. . - In q few 6ays his, camp move.j.- -opened -a gralawy and� ppoducle st,ore. - . I I . . .. ­ I � . . . :.1 I �', L . ing plentiful and t-hQ ,terminal mair- � . - ; . ­-­ I . I ..'' -W-r. Priouid-foolb was -the faither of the .' I 1� . "I'll . 1, . %,,h)w.ly`u13 that same billside! '- I . ;�Tay I 4 I . .11:,. � p A,1 kets and large sltsbJ14,stlockied, -heav- . I ,. .... S.M.44y� a . ­ � I 11 . S 1,11Z . N afteT-a fei� wiI he .aTrived at tb , late !Senlaltor W41liam Proudifoiiyt� who, - I. . . . I ­ I. . , I I %... e- I I lily w`i1th hay ,last fall. The Tolronto . . , , . i%�;:�%:I;.X, I ;�!%�% . .....-i, ...... -� I 11 " Of . :,�.,�--��111. .t�` ....4- ": place where hl��,bsd a th-eam some r'e I . . . ' I I .. I ';:.-!�:��;��, .... �.'*.. vreisenteld -Wetst Huron 4in parlia- W�arkelt its stfll reeeliving, ,some hay . . � . I , � � v%:i.�: .. 1. '.'--'."-`.` .-� --.`.?`,--.--.-,:*�'. bi- ia, - � .... ... . �,;` I .I., -� -.`.' -�, .....", . ment� f number of years.—Ilkom- . . � o :1� .. I.;.; I.N­ �.:.,; � - I I 1`��--.,-.'.'111. �. ...... ..... ­­ twenty years bel6ore--­fwhen he had . . Ontario_ Large quanj I from -Home pp�: .: -,,,*,,,,�*.'.i:�,..".,.,.,..,"���,...* I from eastern . . I., ':.:. , . .�*.,-` . . .. '............ . I I ..."', ��':. ';'.*.,,.*'t'-;.'.,'�i;t,-.--�-..:.:.i',".: r-.e(,n the arigelis--when he 40�4, made rich Star, , .. . � . I I . � . ,� *:: _, :, �;!.%, . , , I . bilties of market thay afre� reoxted I �. . .. I . .1 I I I , � ... .: .�;�', , , - ,�;;.�.:: ,��:::�"�,. .�..11.1 1: , .. 4 bar,glaln with. God! � . .1 1. � . . . . ... _� , !�:!��.,�.���,�. .-...-�:;.-.-.-..,.-..�i:;-.�....�.���', ..'�:�.�.� . ­ Horse. Takes PI � nerally throughout - the pilovince . I I . � .1.1­ %�!-:��;�.-,-'.`. , . -,; ��;-.`,;-.� ­..�:' ` -� .`-�:�1: . unge . XI: _,�.: 1. I I . A,.i-`%t?',t'. I - .1... . I ,._., ... _ I . ; Now thal6 God ,had kept H-19 PaTt - 1. . 9P ... — .., :::. ".. � `�`-, *V*?. ConsidETable exciiterneint was, ere . - 1 '..., ;;:. ­.,:., ... . I ­. V . .. ; . .­ I 1. I ;.;:-;-.-.�:-. ��'11 and partilcula,rRy from the, northerly IV, . . . . I .. I g;-..:1..::%%1;�'.1 ,�,"r :'', : 1, : .'��- . W . 11 . . . . . . . . . - I , the bargal -lbmughit him to I sectilons and the Ottowa. Valley.' In . ...'......., , ��:�' .. - _,I,_.. . .-*.'-'-.'-,'.','-§*4, - .. ....... . . � A I. � . �­_ �-� in, and ted at the harbor on Firdiday last - . I . ...." . �:.,:, T. �: � �: � ­�:��:::, .�:. , , I :.. . . . .,­ - .:-....: this place --I'n 'peace the -first thing a the hea,A allfallft�:ha"ri:lducingafl7ea I -......1. ... ...... � ,11 :�, : '��.',�.� .�..., . . . I .. .. I 1. en aharse ownled- llyy t;bu.Masikejl, y . . ��-.":,::�:�:��i:�;.:ii]`� �::!�:���!:�:��',�.,!]�l 1: �.: .....,."......., 111, . : ,,,, 6 I I �;::::: 1'. '. . . ­: .':::,�. :;;J& . . 1. I I : .. ,cy build an altar wh betwehein, Warkilaae and'Whiford, and .. t . '. �" " �d :1. .. thlalf JactobAlied was t 1-1 . . . , h . I . ,� .... I , , � ­ .... � `11' .� �. * ' on �!!�� ,, -i:�ii:::��;:�� , , , 1 .4 � ,­ .. 11ae-mgV10fetned by a - sing lbkl- . �Ii?. ������������:iii����ii:,���i����;:�i.,..�:� �. .. . ;::.];:::;i,;1;�,:;::�,i:: � � � 1. �� �� � �.��:.'�-- ... . ", I - ..� to Q,Did\ and .he worshipped Hian ' !�:.:�� I .. � ; _ , 0 I I., I. "". .. ..".I.... I ... pas ' ]!�i��ii�l�i��*i*%*i, 'I.. .111 � . . - , , I,_ 1101yrdotNe, ,plun,ged Willdly and, tjoppited, �ricinity, a falir quantity of..all1alfA �,.. . %:::::�.:::j:�i�l::��:* . . I I � "... . . j: I. 11 ere. .1 .. ��j!���ill�:`�; .. 71 : , , . . . . !i.,.,i��i��!i:: bay 69 being Kround irt& alfaffa. meal, / � � . ii�:�� � i �;q­­,� � , � , : I 1. . - � �. 'from the w.hgd to the water, drag- ,?',.�iil��iii�i��i �, ,� ,!:,.,,r..���!11.,,�!���!�..,.�i��:: � � '! �� I � . I _­ , I W I Y . .. I . ' ft., Tb . I �` '!�;:�,; r r � ��:: ;.:... . . - .1 �%.`]: :::i,.,-.., ...,..',li�!!. I I ' The lolillr.,prices, being "paid for this . ,r �: .,l . Q : i-xii;-- . . . . . g1rig -a ,light, sdeilgh *ith: . ,�!;ie' - - r.. ,, ? ,p j,'.ay . .. . -;�i!;i...­: . . I ; . I ... :::: ,,'.."....., . .X.1 . . ....... : r.. �:�.:� .1 . � I I . � I I I 1, .- I , at,. fie'riabling tWe grinders -to, co -m- .'.."..", :::::�!� � ��... . I . I - t I � i�:; . ItlElIgh broke, loloGie- as it sh,ft the wa- i ' ..".1". :: �. r �,� . � � _.. I ! ..1. ._.r..., ..". .. ...., p0te -On ekvairt markets, with,: this ,. ' I , . ....... I . �. �:., .. I., I I I a . .... . , �l ... A flew yelars later Isaac died'. Jac- t�jr (amid, workmen who were cuitting 1. S.I. 1.1 � , �.. . I , , 1_1 ­ . . ..__ .... r. ..... . I '......, : , . ,. ., - 9 I :: ,and Esau were both at the hm7 thic lee abovtAwernty�five ya,rfls ciat I I I .'. .........., ..I. �1.11 �: ,I 1�..;: I ,:,i: � � �; ..., ::,:... . I . ob , producV. " ......, i . . � I . . . � ... '. .1-11-i'll., , , ;r.:-. .,iii�i:l�::i::l ::;:: � .. were both aifile ti) ste fT.Om it�he pile 00 I., . _ 06low peir tbn To, gr1owers. are: For ., , I :-�".: :', I I � eirah,. They ,lr , laxed ,�,,,., E, fran:,ic ' � . .- . I . � .1 . . I .. � . . . :i-, APPLE CA ... . !;'helir f ather before he_ dfe,I and haA +,�,-_l,�,a towa,zidis th in. Mo. 2, tiriro to I : I ?,'�!!!�i `,`Yl� I I .�' .. -i . I. � . . - ,j -A t1ape was thy mixtrures, $7.60 . I W;XC:,�,;- .1 . . :, I I been -with him in his last sickness: fa,�11--ned ailov,nd-,its n-zek,. and, w' $8,501; for Va. S, $5.50 lio $6.50, for - . . ­ : I. �'�`�;� 11 .1 � . ..!!;: - a en I .. 1� I ;. . ,. . A I i'.!;: Then after the. funeral, Esau went the bealzj.�' warkeld'h§ f-elifeet .u,P V'IL' alfddla $4.11a'$10 dievending -oq loca- .... I., � . .. l :!:,:..,i`.',.'�, i, �Iii�!�'i*... . 71 1_, � . . � 0".;;.. ::::;::�111.: : :�,�,�:�j�j��j���j��, 7��.f,!! N . �� . 1. �.:. I . I., ,;,;.;:.:.:,.;::x::' �:::i"��i�.'�;.,.,Ii,,i,."...,.".',-',����:��;i:!��: � ;�-.;­­.. �: : ::::::;j:�:ji�::i:��: ':�, . !;..N�. I:— -—.0--p I 1�ivok to Edibm tio live, buit Jacob and bi-on land, Por * s16'raw $2-Zo to'$S,. At N . :,.� 1�:i:�. . .:- .!:: ii�;'.::::�, � :`,:%.;- ,� I I . "" : .. the ice it. was ehobed-By-tilie volple ufi-- ; I i'��-.,.,,.,.".-""...,�,:I:::�:: � "" I . ..;., . .I-,. , . , ,.,,, ..... I.. I : -1 . , I . I . . . . Iiis children Rved ,6n thte',old home- Itil. it flola-ted; after which -it was,,dr,tw_ I .,.`.i!,� " � � . ,;.:,��:: I 1. I I I I 1111F. '� -,;:� ,,*.-- . . .11 � , . . Fl. I * lliam'cl(Dver mixtures are ' ' : , ....., �Xi �::;j:,:;:!:�.:.,q; �. ;- ..: � . "W'X ... __ ,. !:::.]: . . . st ad, in Cannan. . . - sellbing at about $9 per ton in car - I . . ,­: I 1. ":,.� 1-: -_-.:ii,,:, -:;��:�;�j�j�'�.,, � . ;. I . . .. . .... I I , __ , ,�. ... , . �- ,�, I 1. . ­ ­ ..e ­ __ - I.. ..., . ged to safety, !aPit.1hough not without, :.: I .;k:.:�' .. . I ��.t.11�!,;"::�-\,i . I '' . ...'... -...i�i�iiii::��.:::�, �: " - ­ I �. ....,"..". . I I .., . I — considelralbillie, difficulty. silteir, , lots ,,�. ­ I � I .�:�'i,-�i�iji.�.:-­ -:ci�, I . .,�. ';j:j;,�;: 11 . . I , ... - �� The h :.:.:.:.:.:.;...:,�'......"....... : . �!... ; .1 j�iiiii:�* ''. ­ ., .;�j�,.� �:�:iii�l, , . I I : :; .. I .:r&;- . . . .;;..;,-:-:- .. I ..... .. , , .. . . -wMeh floated, alsto was recovered. it - - ". 1. ; 4 ­ : ii � . . .__ . . � :.,. :. : . ; .. . 1, . �:i, Lamb Campaign , was fortunate tji.e ice, Itiald been cut . . " ,. .. : " , '. I ."'� -11.1 . �.:: * �. :;:,X.X::, � . '� ... .. 71'.. 4 -MX.!+*& . . I �:'...­;.;*: :;ij: ... I I ; ::: 6,:X .... Z, , .1 '"' 1 . 1. 11;.;­�. .: I ::,::::::..,.,:::: I � � . . i ;; !�!��:�i�:!�:i�:!i:�: . - .. I ­ ­..... . . aWay' at the piiiint whei�e -the hor'se Idea For S.14gar Bush - - I ". � .. ...: ! I , I Exten�saion of the'eanilmi '#aaidle its elight . I ,..: �:!;*� :��:�� ��-i��!�:i��;; -.j 'l ... .'',::j: I., ­ , gii-ilftla-uOu- -fdot plunge; 9thelrWISP Ambrose -C �&Mbtir�s, ivho cipqra�tels ....,:­ ­­ ;,I�:�%:.;. .. .: . # . ,,Use Royal. -Yeast Cake; and rated lasit y0itTibry the'Caj .., ....;-V :.;..­..... : :1 ;.:,::: � nadfilan Lamb it gh,t 'Ibe ,d an the .5 � '.i�i;i��.���:�� .1 ... '� � . ii:i��.���:���i;i I . . I . ' ' 'V a large quigar ,Wsh nifear the. ivdlage ... : � ,.:: 1 �! I , ::,: . � ­ . Royal Spo - RIecipis flir 10omimitrbee to eliminate a6asianjal'fluc- sl th., ..., : ;: ...: 1, : ..4 . nge I I ' - 'of Wialterford, Ontario'; has ,hit upon ,X '. ,....�­ I., I . 4 1 sim ' '" � i �,'e "o 'rog) �o : . 11 I.. : elgmh Ili Id � , I ­ "onis intibe ipyi-cle and oonsumVtibn sfi,tete . I! �g .e r 4 . t : tuati ln_"�, ce.__.. . .- 'Sag . . � ��. -tempqng breads .-. . ,h lil ,G clh . n&L . an exceilillent ltimd-str�ving dievilce in ..... , I I I . I . these, , ,. .1 .. . I I I . . of frieElh Caniadglan 1,91m1b, basjusit been . . I ' , ;..;..,:. , , ..._:�_... . . I t�', . .( . , I . . . - t.b.g.,inatter of emptying slap' buc.k6t.-V. .. 1. 1�1.1... ...� ;:-:x�.­-,.,-:' I _:,�, I ! I . -announceid ',by W. H. J; Ttsdadle, of dI . .. . ....;., . . You can count ,bn successful results' Taronta azpstistant glenerial 12 T . .He ipalints one-half ,of the.outer sur- .. . 1�:�. 11 . . .1 . � . . I I � . face of the paAl xed au&Ahe., other � . with tbese fine-quility dry yeast cakes. ma'n Lge Tree Shelterbelts . .. . :1 e ney keep freshJfor montlig ... ...... assnr 'of ,the iCan!i6an. Co-appirative Wool . . 'When he, has temiDtlied ....`,-, , ; . � wers, -and ,chairman of the com- ,helf yellow. .. : '.'.�'j� *-`.; " - I I I .: ­­-, .!-, "'' , full . Gro . . ,.I 'I.. . 'L . ,0,;. : . _ . ::.:. . .. I , ai . ", I . I A b 4.trength leavening power. That's mittes. , . ­ ,each ,paid,, .he turfils R, arou'rid, so, thai I 1-1 11 . ,... ;;ii- . . I I :':,L, .. I �.�: � eca"e each cake is separately . � Need Attention froni a d1sitang 'he can *easily tell 'L.. 4 '' . .,.e 'L, . :..", ". ". ". ". ". I : I in an air- ii� -apper. And . _ ... ... ., - wrap . . It* fitt wi "The enthut4astic co-aperatilon of ... I . . . . It I . Ix. . I ­ . � )led ,_ � I !! 'The miatin�blblWt of a shelterbelit of which pafls 1aive -been -em-ptied, thus . � I : Roya Yeast Cakes are the only dry "be priesis. -and radi;o was ft,Np-oI ' i Many 'Site PL . . t i ." �. . ... . ,... I I . . . . . . . .. . . -yeast - with this special protection. fail fli,6'.suecestv of otux initiail wo,rk iin trees is-, tiot afflord' p-rotecti-on - against ,Flaving a ,great ( sl I s, . 14 '. . I I I . . Wind. Therefore the closie n,ecesoary, of course, to hame a W6 .- _ . I j Order a package from your grocer. 0-ritRill-o'entil Mantreia.1 last fall," de- ir the tivie.1; . ! * � :: �� F I I . . � . in ea, ;.... 4� - . � ... I , I clai,eld Mr. Tisdia,14, '�amd the co-mmirt- aire'tolgether aind -th�e dens-eir lthe ch aide. of the uppew lefte .�t tbg. . ', "I. ' � _.A-V.- . Helpful zrlcwbh,, essipledolly at Iffie Jbiofbtfom, the 'bucket so that it can be hung, on. the I .. I ­ ."Ij ,�. �, I .;� . . teee will continqo,its effbirts on a Do- 1. tree With althler the red Or the yel- . . . . . �, �.., . . " 'Booklet rillilion-4wide adalle., Our aini is to mtore effectlive-tive.the belbs. � ., I I . , , 4 1 I, I .".I..., . . FREE! ii.cqtlalint Canaidilan housewives Wilt'h To � ...... thIs condition states."D. low. color sho4fing. I I I .. " 11 ..The . Royal . Wrist - ithe' va,rTed.- aild altbraictive po-§silbill- -J- Qr!Asley. foif 'the -Dloqrviniion,�Forest . . 0- I .— , � . . , _11N . Bake Book" gives I ties of fr6i(K"4amb and to haivie it Nursery Sibaiticn, Indian Heiad� &As- ' . . I . :::�;�.:j:j��j:j,­ s.. . . : . . - 1. I A A tested Royal I nior,fe frequenitly incTuldled dn the di�t katchewan., it V -S, wdf,Oisable to plant t'Janitor, you could co-ol -our apart- -W; . , �1 . Sponge Recipes 1AWWi . I ; V .1 I for all ffie'brehils ,of ,eveyy Ciallittidlian, familly." the trees close -togielthler and refrain ment nicely-iY you woul4, run, ice wa- - .: �:_'j oij ::, � I I I I ' I . "I .. ) , , A shown'sI and , of'fresill fram prunli �:�,�ji��jl�i&.. . .. W - , The ificrea-seld consurnpition 9 Is, i'al.] ng ,off -�hle Toweir brad"cheg, ter through the radiators." 1. �. I `*W.- "..M. "-,�,;�i: -_111 . .1 rr.� , ., . "afiVE " ';'Z Wd ', ',(�anhdian- lamilb, he'pointed obt,, will e,P c y in .11ble, ela,ply atages idtf- de- "1CanIt-jb6 done, madiam. ry ,�,., ., . "..." .;.;!;, , Fu — - . W. , - �,;.,�ii , �' I I 11 ce peal I ."r... , I . .. be of enormous ben-eflit to farmers ve-110limenit. Belts should nibit consist "What did you have in the m. last ...,._. ,,40 ::.. ..K*'*:- . ­ I,. .I ?::.IN ­ . ... . ,..."." I.. .�X% ._ ..;;-A.;.;.:.1. *1 A I .. .1 *:� X.�. �, :1 I - . . �; ...... ,� . . .. , �CANAD4.!G0O15a­ will contributle subsitrantiall � apart oir ,thireel alows Mf sipaceld 8 , .1 �, '�y ... L. ....... .. I ­�� f ,:., , X.I., - - * ' an, 5 or 6 r1ows,zpaded 4 ' til. BUY MZ:DV.-TN- and shelep,breeldera acriass Canada and Of mc114e 1h 4 winterV' � � I . . y �o fib L. felo :: ..!I, 1, . I return Io,f tag-crultural prospiefrftLy, I . a ,."W.. .. I n I so, feet apart. -If 8 feet is, liefft between ,. t . " . . . . . . � ___ .r !- �,M?'­ - - "L I—. :, l::A1'. .... ..� I . I :� .. . , . , �� I . I . -the ilomrs certainly the spacing in the . . —_ ,;­ . . ', :i:. I . I . I - ' vital to elcon-omille sibability.. . � . 11 . tl , I ­ " ' '...' � ... . . :1, ::- I , �'t A Rp.,BRAR'DS LINUTED .. _ - 'lll— - I � , ,,:: ... , ,:11, I ... ­ Fraser Ave. and Liberty St.. Toronto, ont- "Increased lamb donisilimption Will rd*s; S'houid -*it exceed 4 , feet. A .. I ,?. \ r__ ­ � 1. �. '. .U. " - , .1. ;, ,;,:: * I :j*s: ,. .. e . . . I ,:t:::�.: .. .11 ,�'..; �,::� . � .... .. 6 , . Royal Yeast ' tAisio reffelot favol-eably in elve,;rfv Carl cliose di?jnste, gilowitig variety, such as;� JI -M 110WARD looks -forward to " ,:.: � Pleas6 send me the free , a- . :., .. . Bake I Book. dian,'h,braeqvalkeT's',bu,dIgLeit,",addect.,Mr. `321mgmPla, ShOuld­jbp listed for the . " . 1.1".1. . . . �11 . '.. _.:: .�, ., .. � r ''.4:�";,,I.: , ­ , , , ': I , �': " ..­.. 0 1 Tisdalle, expliallning that recent im- loultlsldo row in ordeiir tjo, keelp the belt , the week -ends. - He likes to spend ... i:::: .... . . . ;A_;-,1, ., I . Nutria : . 'a in felelding tiimd- mairiketing d1ofsted4rom, . g effecjt:sl,,of-­-- . I -I- . .1 . I . . . .. � 1. 41- ­ I . ...", .1 I -11 . -1 1:7-. " �.. !� �. ;... . . . mlll �,­. � � � _! � � I . - provemen-d � -Vhe dlesiceaAh , . 1, 1. . r ;� . . . -.1 � 6 I . stme+ I., . I . blave made fr'e6h1amb' uniformly a- wkild ,and faun. I I .1 � — . them at home in the bosoin othis ' -1 . . I I.. � I., �. I % ; �.:.::�".'.��.".-'..-,"�.".. I .. ip� , 0,.d._ _ �,,,;�.­.. . , .. ... " r. .!;Xi.:` -1::4:::--., . I ;: �:. .... . 'k ..,....�l',"�l';"'::.�i:i��::.�:i..i:����.,:..��� , I � f . . . y . ear at Xonflim0ing from the tfinp� of esibab- " .1 � I , �:.,'-- .:,. . � .. : : 11, e- �: . . .. " . . , ry . , . n ;!:: : .. . Town. 11 pt.61,� mouth oT thA family. So, whe a prolo,ng6dbusi- .! .......-;: ,-,-,-,-, : ,�; it �'.l I!. . , , ....'.. I . , a _.;�, ,, I vailialb,lie level m10 i flishinlent 11hei rnjOs1b impio"ant feature � ' .� ,;� . ." I ........ , �I4, - . 11 . I . , 6on-slisibentily deratte priteels, ' ' , . _ . " _ ' d him at loose ends ' On both "Anyone' and 'Terson -to-. ' . . � ". 11 I . I I . I W - . . ­ is lio.kelelp the .4-_Idgesl'�6f` itbe belt, tb a P I . � Xiess trip f6un � 11, . ... . . . . . " # A � . . . . I .. a.*PdWh of ,at liessitt 16 feet, in, ,a con- .. , . I . Person" calls, Low Night Rates apply, I .7 ­ �''..., - -1 - I I ". . I ­ I tinuied state 1oT cullitliviadon. This I in a strange town that Sunday I � DAY. I I � . I . i, I .... I ,� - . . , after 7 p.m., and ALL DAY SUN _____ 0 � "I - . I �. . . 1, . __ � I .3 , 7 nVelans that fenciels, sholulld,dort be plat- . - � .__�.� ", ... . - . I � I I . _: . I morning,hiscu ofsorrowauddis I . I - It , 4 % .1 ... � ­ - . _,:�, -_ ed closer ithan 17 'to 18 feet to the . I - ­ I . p . . ­ I ­ .. .. .�, _. �., - ; I 2 breles, sit ithe Itime of planUing. � - I 1 7. 1 . . content W98 overflowing—until lie I PH I 1� ..., "I I I CHOOSE THE - EC N CA iRN, FIREPROOF HOTELS ,Ala the s1heliterbelts lgrIpw oldeir they . � 1. 1 1, 0 . .. HOTEL . , , I 0 "EUVENIENTLY LOCATF.0 suddenly thought of Long Diptance r .. ­ ,� I.. ­ � .; ! � I � I I - , D it �q .1 I r1equirel pleii5odic aftention- to - ,keep . I , .. 4 . I S r ': , N W � I . I I .: . I ,7SO ROOMS—RATE 1, ' 11,4,� ; - �,.7s.6.ROOMS—RAXS- _ theinii in a hWthy sithtif of devielip- � 'and the new Low Sunday-Rates.� � - 4 I' I �'. I j I - I . 11 roll it. 0. I . I menM The Itendemy -him been to .1 1191W -� . - ...., � - . .. . I . r I . � . ." I'Di I '. . . ,�� . ,$1.50 to UK- 3 1.9 01 $1.50 ib $1.50 , - W I g morchdilts ".. . " It will be ilmost as golid as &ing �4 ­ % I I . ,1"d., , 9 11 .,Wwm the beiltsi to ralare for less 4ake :, . . , 11 , - 1, .4_-- ". ...., 'I". ­ .., ,,a , I I 1. 6 W12ft-f-c- .% I 0 1 91 . � I CA— . , -A. ­ . . I . , a , -, ,. "Al r. I � . ; I �,.,j SINGLE 440 HIGHER SINGLE NO HIGHER - cam of thleallaeNies once ,they have '91 'L , I I � I I ft, . . rert , 14 BRI10GS.Steo, C& - , . "Avr I I ,:,X�, W ­ . ,. I ", L".. .. I -, Wi iiWXiZ5 LMEV , . Iia,Rkolo —INFAWwom " . Wdolme elsitabRitsihod. Ommillixed 111,4111,1111TElOr- . with them" thought,jim tis' he L"'t *ftvl� . . �t ,`..�,,i , 0 . I . M. i .__. ,V i"XXjLX%`j& . I . �., , V 1, , , 41 � I- ­.. ­ ­jr: __.L6d*,F*&.fI I I d4o".9".&WEift ,_ . s§ Wovks iin' amloog fildhe, trees a- "I"Caipada"A Groatest Seod H01118600 , � I . ; � . . ­�L . `�:`, � " I .. . . .1. - 1.� I , via ... briskly stepped to the te�ephiIine. . I , I - I I . I . ?, ...� I I I . I . % Ta.t 3 � .. .. . the edges ',off belts, robbing. - TDAW ' Nolfto,#t I , . � 41, Il". I V �, �. 1, �', I - � �11 d I 6 10 0..NXMILT4NjVA . � � _ �,, - . I , 11: �� ,_ , - . M - I I W I "' , !7 I � .I- � i 1 41 � - � f'' 11, 1 1� 110 I : I ;41901 , I I V* ", 11 I I 1� 'I - , I ,111 " V,I , 'I" , �` , .1 1, . , . . 1% , . . . . -1 I �",:Ii�,_ I �� � I � � �-,­ I , , I , , , , . . . .--"-.,- -.,- — A�101111111111 . , . I � �, . � .11, , " - � 11�� -.7', .11V _jI$A,E0M0NT0l1 . I *"9"k ..­ , : $� . � - �, . , 1, � blveT,IL olf much nee d m4ilgiturie- the 1, 1 . __ I , , " �� ­.. =9 - � - � 1_1�.:­ It, U11611 11 ." it" " � .1 --I----"- 'A , . W I Jut, _",.''4� . . _....__­_­­ "...." .. . . ­ ....-11.1'.. 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