HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-13, Page 1, ." =� , M. - "I ; , � . . ", , , f,j�,'�' q4pg��! � � � , �.J",t%­�,a�jo� ��?,� ,X5'1,VXT5F.,tP;,1 r1,7Y. �o, � � g, I — 11 W �T.r:­ '5h��11,11. III,; .,... .,��V�11W,I�P��T�Iiir,z ,'-`�,'MM:"j " , .1, . "'. ` R , " " "' , 11, 1,111 14 ', "' �A'!!�! - I— - , 1, � A " -1 - I . .1.1 :� . � 11 ; 11-1 " I. ­­ A`,'.�� 11". � i?w,.N i',­1"`.V- I ". 11` , - X I". , " 1`11,11! 1�1 I w `1111 .,I _'1111,101111,1111 i . . f. �'. , ��', � � ,,�,C`,, P_ ,b � .:. 4 1 . , �_ , $ , . :4� - , .. - , .,� R I ,� 'O , ..1. ,. , ,.,�� 11 " , 1 , � �, - A -*-N I ,m,,� ,., 11 M. . I � . 11 :. 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I �',�:�� ", K . � . # _. I ....... . . . 1. I , ­­ I I .. -­ - ­.. ­ Ii...."i-Ii. !0"... '. . _1_1 . ,iiik.­ ,jr, ;�� 1. "I I I -, I I I.. � � . I i . f -s.. jk!,t; '11., . . . . . , 11 , . ., Am .� - I 'N E " PA37,1Y d", 11.1''a n. I. up.pl '0 , _:,..-Proposv Xom,''mission AT, . .. t ii 0 . . . . . 1� 41., � . I BURING � PAST WEEV J" I _. , d'b y, P ei, Ui� I . .. I 1. . M" M. . I . , J. CK 11 .. , , , ... I � . . . . 11 . . - . . I ", , 1. . . ) - I . I . � . I . , . .. I I .!Mn_�o ... �, MA - ,�'�! ;11`;1111'11 .. !. I 0 , . . . I . I . . .1 ,� , % . ..... �.,�, . , . ;; I ' . . . . 0. -, - I— __.� "", iii : i * ..1-1. -1 , � L_ . G .*1 , , 21 � , 1, I . . Happy.Qatheking, is Held At I I I . H. � _� " , -2 A � - .. . . ults in -!& .11, - . :- ­:T­� -r_SWAPXj'& ' - . , .. P r"i, , . 'I . I., . . culty � 01. � , .V 'MR" , I ` , , . . N ;,!� . I I . , . ,�'. �:�, .;! , � �, - � � �o . - . . , I . .�. ..! ��:­ , . . . 'Mrs --Tie Giving, Kipp ­­ , Gr 'P ... �,z ,`".:,!� ' '' AaVA Diffl 46 ... . � - 41MMAarlits! aillnen � 1. Second Game Res . 3 `2-r,� .� M I . 0 0. 0 0, 0, AudftQrs Have CoTplet�d I 0 0 & - 0 6 , Of., . a. Negotiating Co. _: . 1. Home" f Xr, aid. - 1* . _ I . I : . M e . , I !41.�:�.,�.'!�'-;,i,,-�!i I I 'a X ... �. aces T i .enjit ­.- �. � I _. . .t. ... . rk oh 1935 Books, Fin- - � .pund ` 4AXI-S'P4,1-� -... I -1� " ... " '. 7 I . . ... .. .. - i - .. . . .. . . . . - , 1. I . I 1. I 1 I . I." " "' vvo I I .. David ... MpLean. , ' . Kid Licenses Irish H1 t ­` .. . . ,� I n Roads. - . Measles - .. t_6 #nd Right to Meet Eg- �. e I .. I 910 . . I .. 1. I I � . I . �; q9w.l 11 .. �.,, � I I 1;1.., .. . ­­ .. . . ance Committee Chairman ... I . I I... 11 1. I 11. � I . 1 . . .9� . . I . I - . . . A IC I � ,�� . � . I 1, - . � I i , i ­ '_­ - ' . I I .. - ­ ­­ I I '. - �.­­ ... I- �.. . . mondville in nnals. . wd_,win be' 'ili , V... . Measles:haa reduced attendance Reports,. - , the prevai ng color . � : 1. � , �, I . I .1 WS - ff'-.... ,. HENSALL I . I . . -TUCKERSMITH NEWS ' ' r __.- I-. . . . . ANXVAL , ,,, M � "Id, "A' : 1A, ­­, NE - . I . of *mo6r car acenses in 1937, the . 11 I .. .It , � , "' . . at lopal schools to a large extent . __ . . I � I . 11 I .:�,', � .1, I', , . ". . I I diiiing the last two weeks. At I .. . I I . � . .1 i Department of - Aighm . . .: 1'-�:,',�'� I - . . . WILL MEET, ON I myk has re- I "','', : . I "'i , .".4 , , Q, _,.�'11 ,,,.��,,'�, S , ,j 1 � t the Collegiate on NrohdO, thirty- , USUAL GRANTS GIVEY , The, homi�­of 'Mir.. and (M;rs. .11) . . vealed. Next year be 'the 'Th& -.V -M, -t Of ,St., IV) "I'll hil , . I aidd � POW .4 V��n _,,,,��;,,'�j � "lay ' . n I I 11. - .1 . "I . � " . ..: �,, - d , . I ... ­­­ 1c. �1; ,,,,, �,. " I. T&g,. Jo .".." ,jin Jac,lown, Vf the . . , . eight pupils -were absent"ll A McLean, TuckeTSMfth, was the scene SATURDAY NIGHT ,Year -1 which the coronation eere- , saint. 0(f the.. jTish,�. IV" �Vlery "aft. qn, , , Imth of t1�ye:.-,r.1l14aige, recelvedZ . FIREMEN AND BAND r . o`�?�,� I ar ,,r qm,g op*,�,.­, � ,V - . . � %Rom" will be held for King. PA. .evidence at , ', ,,, - ,f �.,�,? tims of jgeasles. � Of a 'happly 'galtheTilig T,hiirsday ,W.t a .... �., :­;.-, ithe �".", i '�' � , JnAollige#ce iof the deith af 'one-, of I _ r,eg* .we "'I � � � ward and Ontario; motor 5ars will, 0iii.... _ _ ,.W. I . . . . 'a i . , ihe, n of fifth River, AIWEC'. miscellaneous sho*er given by -the , Sea&�rth­lh .... I I- . I ,� �111.1. " 0 0 0 Atteraftions in ther cleik's office, ,as, hkwgesg Me's Mai, are - holding NV!nthroq�'fbo a 3-3 tiel- thus -assist in celebr&tjug thj� . , !!"', , ", I 1. ! . 1. her sons� i1F171 *0 0 -in honor -of i g t By . . . He *as s,ixty-tW'o y6ars, of ag��, the 0 I . I �. �, 11- .. 11 'evening, when the c, 1, W, � �!. � ��i� . . ' . . proposed by tfie Public* Utility Com- pd", daughter ,of iMT. ankt, iMrs. jas. ,an 19at&day night,, Kippen won -the ' event. . . I .k�q ajigh .... � �ii' ' . � Ai ( A I 4dest ,d dv� family I — . y ... I . .* , TbV=eet-- ":�'L; �.` ... pf b .g ;0 A& girls 1, . - anmall st Paitrit ' , I ;.. . - W_ I .. , �� ... IZI �, . I -py __� 0 . . mission, were a1pprdved by'th', `oy�,� Bay, of Tuckersini,th ljose ma ge semd-finals -in the Fai-niers ; S I I- . . I Ing . was �:ararnlged by- UonsL' _jr�­ .t I I and hhd been in failing lihiiMh: flOT & .1, ­­ . . _,,,wL Leagu .. . mmeU<b1t'0R - of Xtg ItID J'=eg Qayt6n L J�jor�e.jj �"Pf 1U­sb6 " and gained'th4 *ght to meet Eg,_ 0 .01 0 , 0 ­0�: '. .. 10 Dunean and fFathe� H ''and. IA. 'a L 1 , .. 44 but ... his &eath izwde ,-douncg on veto M0, ussey D 1�,:'.��,�11, , I '�� .. Q�,� I I 60ple ,of . YeRTS, dvill' ­ the finals"'f6r the me- � I . . .., ., I jvolom�ty eouinii1ttee. at .the 4wuncil t,00k �jpjgce ISaturday. &)Venty;A�re ,1110,71 1, e -In .. Duiwau presid,4 . . . . , 1111 . I I . ��, � . quite, suddienly at the tasib.' He w1as PLAYERS -E'NjOY . . ". �',. N�� I d I . evening-. . Millan.. trop�hy. As ithe score -indi- , .. '_ I . "I" I -. I ... 4- ed by this wife & -few years I . ineeting on. Monday guests were prestent. I " - , Table decorations'of shamrofeks'ind :. ,;:" 11 , 1 , 11 predece" . In. a letter to� council the P. U cates, tifie, ga'nite- was close h w1i I 11,; 1.�iz , ,�- ,0$ , TW , e slon. about a yoax- A ft - C- A inb�,,k'marrriageprotved an enter- 1.1. ,green hXt9 for each of die Liochs,add- ' , .:'�.', .. It "'_ ZURICH, INSTIT ocesivilon. , .. f�re;d , "I,". ., 1, LL dblined, what was prOpDsed to, be tw " Ze I I . ning, .,feature. th�rop put#ing on a final sp= I , .1 , and by, on . AUMIN -v 0 -Xws. JohnXode- . . , . _ � Wow but iQ one ,van -wil liviag.- He 11 TONTOURN'D Audes dyirzig In ments is , lay. T e first . I ­.. .. _UTE ed'tq- the Irish -of the' I , , done. This in � .. :, ; leaves to mourn, his dva4t four bro- _. . I 1C?Wtiti'0T"9' a 'land played t)w weddihg march. Alice 0 f 9 �h I . Willis delighted the Club with tWo - . t . .. ,;1 ., ;1, Av,ate office for the lonihiission and th��psfon . 6 of the finals, scheduled� IMS1 I P LINTS excELI-lent solos., . - w_'V'.�'11,�. � ­.. � � . ""' "'�' �ml.'. -: , . I I ` Uwa and four sisters, their namos . . I . � . .n . t arfurnied the'paTt of. 6he gam' , for PLANSIMPROVEM -, . - I - I � . lbeing: - 4saac and Jack of High River, Nora SteWart and Stan Dor- lavwtory 4coomunodadon. The toos cleirgyman, and ,Mis. Nel%e- ,Irwin, Wednesday night, was. plost�pon due The spea)ker' of�tfie. evienhAZ Lion . . . . . , -i . I A%&,, and j%ojbL_t and �GebTge ,of near . . __ of the, ahwations ,wilil be borne by the bride, who 'was- lgi,�en, law&y. -by to mild weather. Weather perimitting I �-� . '. . . leir,, was, introduced by Lion ''' "I I "I ;�, _� , . the Commiss0m, while the town il - Kippen, and Egmoildville will'stage I I I . I H. G. IX I � T- I 0 1 um,11. ,Mrs.,BrIeTly, ,of High River; , , - rance WinS Honors w I David Md -jean Miss Hazel M�H.eoh . . :, I, Hem i: ' Father Hussey. L16n Weir spoke, ' ' ;'- _11 . . uisWl. the lhvatoiry, ..The Cominis- l,M ,the. j�i,djj;;0onj. Mijs. Mth their first encounter on Satuidlay I � ; _. I -JoDewi, of -(De*- - - -- ­ - - ` �-- � was , 1. .": 0,234 , .,�% I wi n i - ..- St�ge . in Town Hall Will- Be ,,oreat m,ir in irj,,h nistoty,- on ..' 1. XTS . ��lth and Uts. .. Friday Night. sion ' Ill pay, $6046 towaids Vh,i ct,it fi�W� .4 � ... ..; . . . . . . � � � so , bridesmaid- Gqr�:oa Wright 'fight ­ ; . ,11 tTjoit andi. Mxs. Wesley Cblomfin� of . ­ 1. ,recalled men of d-rijhbirth who W:..'. �'o',-'.�'7', �", I . � - I I of this. .. groomsman, and , ihbi�a,- MeLeai4 The game opened with both, teams � Enlarged, and- Dress--� '. brIought ,,, I ".� . � 11 new Hensr&114. The.ftnefal ,last week . . 11s, chairman of the - �-� . . fame to theix country, , . . ' .1 "" . . wasl ,held, from the United 10hurch at . jdanneWor Si flower girl. Mrs, W. J. ,Free, dress- playing ,an offensive -game,' ,Fa,rqu-. . The ac6mpamist during rthe pro- . 11, :�, , . Many close and interesting games prapeity conin-d1itee, reviewed, a In I - ed as a negro, woman� carried in, the har-was. iput off foT, holdil* Nicholls � , ing Roqms Added. I:r, , Mgh River, Allba., and was , quite "T, ' - . gram was Earl Van .,E?gTW0nq. � I - 11 � were. played alt a tourriament h*,A,d by ing hils committele' had bad w6th the Itting- ,stick and Bl?oww followed -shortly af.. . . ---- -- -- � $ largvty attended as ither, deceased was . gifts in A. -,'basket whieh wem f �. I , I ', � ­', t. . i �.� - I *_ . : I the 'Badminton Club on FTiday.even- Commissiion and estimated the cost of ter f6i- ,high-stioldng Bullard. Win- Tbe_]��, branch, �f the Wiurdai's .11. wet and favlorably, ,known and-' much Ste' , 5. ly avknawIedgied by Miss Hay. 0 . , .1 . ,,,�-:�. lr . .1 ... I . jpajtb� IiS felt for ithe mother, bro, . -�_ ing. winners rwere Num . . wO,T-t , the lavato-iies at from. $�150 to $17 I-Miusic for the dancing was , pro, throp, ,ww,t on the attack and forced Institute ,have con�oj�ted plans, to '. - . ' - . %.. .. . Isyn . "and iStan -,-Dorrance. . 'The' properity committee lbaked ov- vided, by ft�rry Sibew.art, Gamemon Kippen .to play defen4ve hockey.... ,: prove the.sta,ge in the town bell, _� I .­ th"s and sister,& UT. Jack"sm, the , ... ' . .. I, Pla' " 'Galt ,". v, I I I . The garnes, were as 90,111ows: er it and a1ppirloved it ,and it ,is up. W -Rintoul, Ha�=y Gheitey, Clifford, Kippen broke away and�Yester miss- " * ' y ,in , ".11�1.I., I I I ftthew, passed away a number of I . the -council. to -approve I it," he said. BrbadT-6,t, Wfisbn, Me6wtney, Mrs. ed a rebound an Huligird's shat. The and when the work is completed it .. . : ."', I , ymTs ago from his home near Him- First Round , , will be -a much needed co-riveniencein . ,�g. . I ".�Gan the town, ,gtsfid $160?" asked J. Rint,oul_,Mrs- 'J. Modeland and, AT- period ended with neither si&,. fi-nd. , es Durham -and ,Clinton- hybernmedi.t. . ... ,1� I eall. t. . . Dorothy Paiiike and .Kdn Beattie de. ,bouncill6r Reid. - "Had we better ,tilmr W.iight.'� . ..... ,_, '. Ing the, net. . . I pr enidng plays, etc. The stage will , ;. su 1.1 Mother Dies in Chesley . 1eaVed IMary jHfays and Nelson Card- wailt until iA�,_ 4trike.our tax rate?" . Horton - Hay .. -�. ­ ' be extendle�d a6d' raised, and, dressing "B" h-ock" clubs,will pl�y their d- I ­. wT. W,. B,.Grose, Vlan(alg#r ,of the : � � . 1, . . .10 . . . 1'.1 MaCaul -scored for Winthr`DIP just r-mms will be' provided for; also suit- denZabh play-off game �in Qalt_...ch.;,7. I . 1, 1. . mi"AP221 . 44W,e, ar�,­golng to be short, this *The+,ome of Mr.'and Mrso. Jauii2ig''a�fii-i--tE,i�-,i,-&diid .period started !on a 0%le � 6,fiii�iment .for sta�9--,-�16ff­e&-"dr' Thurgday��ght, ----­--,:_.___.' . . . . , I -at- . . - _ _.... .1. '� , B,ahlk of ,Mk)ntreal, was in �Ghevle,Y Janet Oluff gn;t K-E�rl Bia�idy defe . TheV�t Kruse ,case-, is eXtra, , aInd Hay c'n, -the gth,cancesi$io I . � Il , . I n of -Tul6k- r6lay pasg.. from ,Carter and A. -Dale'. a curtain. 'Wbrk ,will commence as ,Efforts had. bi. , . ­� the first part of thdis week attL-ndhi�g ed ,Mrs. Meir and Eid 'Daly -90-27. . _year- h em made 6D, have the - -:, --- . . � we won't have the $2,200 from the ',.rFjmi,t , was ,the keene'of a bappyX-osier-drew -a rest for cross. check- ,soon as the weather gets warmer. It game playe.d�, in, iStratto I T4 but dw4ite ,the fiiz�al- of, his mother, wb1a bad .. '.Mary -plett -and 1. ii. Wee&narkdle- ­ . . . � 3��.� C.F.M. " -replied Gepk W�Ison. * . A - �; �_:� ' eve;nti on Saturday, X&Tch, 7; at.11 big'and- Vien Holland put,WintlVop is al �, ! 11 . I ,,. been- in1ailing health for 'Some' tinle- er and J. M. ,The falte,&Wons were approved, the � I . . .11, . I � I . . f,a',ejd F,1,14 Eld I - so praposed to -put on a conoert� strong representationg-rhy tRe,Chuton I . I ,_.- 1, V110110`0 n,g a penalty ror in the near future, the ds .rbo� clA 'Durham iefuied und,insisted". on, � �� � " Much 6yfapat * plumbing to. be done 1ollo,%ing, the daughter Margaret Edha, wag'unit- sluggiihk. Going down in a nice rush ,go �bow,rds the expenses = labor ,the -9-,ume being plaTed, in Galt. I :. "i, I hy 19 f0t fur Mr. 'Cross ,zi,6_30-10.- - - '­il, � � k' in the forenoon, when their. on the spot by - getti ' I dn 131s bereavemieIrt." . I . . :1)6rolthy Darhng ,and - Ian., 'Had- strdildn'g',of.the .tax raft'. ' ' I I _­_­ # . ��',, . . , T&L-1h defeated- ,Mrs, Weedmark and ... . ' It.. ed ,in marriage to JSMS-IGI-ftylt011 HOT-, FmAer ,pulled Montgomery -out to tie and, e;quipm,nt. . . I I ... . . . , I. 41. . �., J!, . Death of Miss McDonell . I I The repbrt of th,� ,finance donIML - ton,. son, of Mxs.111orton and .the -late ,the I . 1. . , . count. Thetie Nvas'broken again ' . � . —O— . , ... � i - of R. Wn�-30-20. I 1. presented ,by � Mis% Frieda Thompson and daugh- � I . . . - - ,1.o "Miss Swan XeDlonelli a-zister the chairman,' Noah 4HJurt6n, 'of'Usb�urne. Rev. C. -, - shot dribbled I ... � , tee was ivwn Ferg Bulldr&s . e, ,� . I )bm14,' olf the, Wfil- !Xora ,8terwart and' �(Stsn. Durrance C�ouncilj,or . 1 ' . - ter', of Rielding,. Sask., are vigi4pg - . .., :: , � � ..; 1. _ Nk� Charles 'Mdl M. A. Reid; and, adbisted M m, ..� pastw. bl Egniond- through D-oig's pads. Bullard, draw itth, home of -her jrjother, Mra.'Am- Announ acon''." '':, � a-lci)l ,' M.A I . . %ge, pass�ed away at Exeter th� first defeated Rurbh -Thompson and George on *niotiou of Cmincillor � J. -E.. Kest- ville United 10huroh, officiated; only a rest 410T throwin ' . ce 0 . . ... _ " . I I I bf this, week. ,Mi ' McDou6ll Hays-�W_15. . -.4" . I . . 9'j"m �Do'g 'Over el-ia ,Schnell, for a� inionth. I I '. I . I '. P9At 99 in -. §cptt� -, - " - � '' the imrmed,�ate relati-�es of the con- the hip ,but Kippen were unable to , � .!, ..g, and Reelm J. 1H _, Lit. . ' ' ' '' "' 1. 'he 'oft- We Elder and Rev,. Carmichael de- � ., . I . I ' . ' . . , , VMS "R knlown �eTe, wheile 9 The contract f!Qr tow ... n txamini ;Vai" tracting p�!rtks teink present Milss e . ,SPeciQ - Lenten serivices are being � ��, , on..e­through with a tally._ Carter . Competition, .* I ! ten visited with NW brotber, Char -IQ feat:ed We. Meix and J. -Stevens- awir&d to -William M[ontgoTnery, the jMijdr�d Swan ,played ,the wedding � ,,,I mecaul com,bined to puit Win- held in the Lutheran Church every I ter . p I .. .�.,1. I .,� I . �,. . I . .. . a ' &'4,ht', 80'-217.* .. . I . .... . march.,'., The briaq,� who was U111st- throp up two. ,goals, �3-1, Lut Lift Wedqjesday �evening. I I . . . . 1 � ".. , in past years. and was of chrxiTmani of' the aity*et conItfittee, -le . I I ftion, and anade a host, Wary Hays and, Lloyd Hoggar-th Roe . - I � __ I ve t&ott, ,repoT4*&. ' . twided,wore a g�cnm, of pink Wilk came Nick"and'scoT-ed. -for Kippen. - "A-Udin,ber from the ,01dage attend- , _'A._.9PM'"g:Set� Baidon Litter . cheerful dispo� � Com- . - "' . . $hs bad, ,'a wonderftl (lefeated Ruth-, Thompson. and I51r. ,"We -have a ��Ible at the wafter-- cre)pe with brown alacesso6es:, and :" , . I � OT frien(Ds, � I . � L . -_ In the third peTiod, Kippen noubed ed the Str2ft&rd4Guelph hoc�hey game petition is again being sponsored. hv I .* , , , .... � . I �', 1.11.41 .. memory was excellent compan7 and StufrgjsT�_26. . works which Is second to noneP stat- c;iriied a ,bouquet ,of pink Bria=liff ano,ther when Little scored oxi Bills, at St6itford, on Friday evening. . the Federal anx -Provincw, iii�76- I.- , ' a -n defea o n 6T ... 4 . . ... I , " . - . . was posoe�sed ,of a fine musical voice j8aRy,L ,W�Iod an, R. Mil .. . t- ed'C u ci�ll Slllis,,,in presenting the roses . ..... Vollowing the ceremony a pass. Winthrop put on the power A moving picture show held in the Stock Branches far solws farrowd'ag' . �A. ' I . . I - " -1 .1. I )or many, ,years was a memLber ed, Mrs. Weedniark end, Nelson Card- ' comm�#ee- buffet Itink-heon, was se�rved. ., and p+ay but Vere unable to b��k the hall on Tuesday 'afternoon ad,v� 1. . 1. I I a -ad f . .- relport of the pr(operty Mr erti., frbm'.Warch ist to Ma,y,A6t1h,, inck­- - I �- ' �A . . . . I �. . , . ; of T Xemorial. Church At Exe- no -28-215. . - . . 1. 1. (Conbinued on -Page 4) a; . (Contiiired on ,Page 4Y . . tis. Nedther t -e . am looked any supeT� in a we -11 -known make -of far ording to an annorunbemebt : ., . -flee was . . . I � . I , 19 ,in, trac- sMe, Rec .. ..1. . preki�fit edi . . . - e district agaic�ultural tepresen- -1 I 7, t,w and, before Me . Second Round . I �yy th ; . ..... .. _. 1. . . . I ....I.-I.I. tors, was well attende& ... -1 . , . -(continued, on .pg ': - - I . 1. � . I . I . . . — - Any bona -fide farmler UM7 . '. ! : , I _X� 4) .. Dorothy Parke and ,Ken Beatti�, de I . 1. iMr in -i6uf . I . . . I I ' . ' .: Wd-11lia . -Ruby, -is.' still med tat0te. . I - rA .. 1-1 . .1 I -feated Janet Cluff said Karl Bamdyk- .. ti,i 76me house but is, recovering from make entry', In this. competition and . ' 1.1, . . , 6_- � .. . . ' R vU ....., . , i . . . . 29-'26., . . � SEEN AT HURON -OATUD BOYS ,L� NION . . ,his illness..., , , . e�mtesrtants will bedi3Oided.Ant6 zones. , ,� . I .1 .1 ....., . 11 . I . I ... �­ . . I . .- I I I I '?J--- Fl-&+ an)d I H. Weedmark r 1. �, . . . . which *0 be adjusted ae�ording.tq - - . ,4 IV . C . 111.11 ... � .� Passes, Music Exam ef.ajbed ,Dorothy, 'Daiiiing .and Ian ' . . . I I I 1. I 1 � 1�'.. . . . . .,� , amisb�-30�15.. . � . .1 . . ,­ . . . I -Nora , ,Ste,Wa;rt and Stan Dorrance ... � - 1Atjh,_e recent Tot&hto, Codse*laitory defeated, Ell, Maer and Rev. Cht- . I - I .. . I .1 of Music Examinationts, beld in. Btrat- michael 80-20. 1 I , . �­. .1 .. , . fotd, j,john jMjj�s was successful in .,Sal�-y AMojgd and R. Mihi defeated I.,., - I 1, passing his Grpdi It (Junlarry Theory )Mary Hays ancrL. Hoggakrth�-27-22. 1, I ­e3=rrdnajtjon ,Ath ,first class bonotur . s. . I . . ,j . __ I Semi -Finals - I .. ......= , As is a iplipil 14. .Pra-essor A. W , irk '"' ' ' I- I . . I , M�sxy'Fletrt and L H. Weachn I I 11 � - � ,Anderton.', - - . . &fefaiid D. Pirker -and Ken, Besittie . . . . . . . . I . I _9 1 --29-21, . .1 .., .. 11 . .1 . � . . . 0 ::: .. . .. ..... . I . ,Nora SW &rt and Stan Dorrance . I I ,,p 1 defeated Way Wdod and R.. Wilu­ , .. .­­­ 1�. Kitchener Def eaft ,,-.l,, .. '. - . ' 9 - - - .. I I .. Blyth in WOO.H.Ae. - - * , Finals , I Nora SteWart and Stan Doq�qce . I __ .-I ­_­_ _' .1 .. � ­.- d.. . I . , I -.­,� .... :, . ­ -1 ---- - -- I __­ , , ....-17. I � ­ . I... . defeated, iMaxy Plett A'nid 1. H. Wee '- I I � I ­....­ - . I I . 11 Kitchener Kaufmannis Won a 5.2 ,mark -30_22. I . . . - I . decision over' 'Blyth at- Wingham. on —0 . ,, I I . Tuesday nilih! -in the first 'of 'a two- - - �� I t � I game somi-final series, - Western O' ' Kicked b Horse -, . %arillo Hockey Asso,diation, game. The - � y , . . I *inuers wil' mteet ,the winners of ithe I. - __ . I . title. .. . - . I . ,� Chesley-Handvier seriesfor the . �� .11 The ice was very heavy and .it -was 'Wdlliam Robert Johnston, Bayfield, . I t John M�Clincheyls farin on- I norb ti -11 the lastpetriold, that Kitchener Was a . I. . " got gom.g. �-The first iperiod e�n,aiedt rthe ,Goshen Line, looking at a horse . I I : . ,. one-aill =4 at the end, ,of the, second ,he tboug-bt.of buying when it kicked .-, 11 li I t , .period Wh 16d, 2-1. The goalben& !h1m, breaking two bones near ­,the . . 11 . .. ring loT ,McGee was loutstanding ' in ankle. 'H4 was ,later taken, 'to, -Sea- . these last two'perio,&,.. In the final fbrth,� where, the fracture was tre-a- __ 11 � . staws, Kitchener . we . �k !on- a scoring ,ed. % . . . . " . 0 1 oppree and notched -four goals to win le . I 0— I i � .. I . going -away, These teafryis will meet . . . in KAbAeneT on Thursdak. . f L . . I . . ,Kitchener'- Goal, ,Wlldfong; de'' Huron WactersHligh 11 41 feuet6, ,Schlmidy and - WanamakeT; . . . Centre, Vrobm=; miogs.,' Schulte and' . . I . . .. i ... . KolwallaUt- jsulbs�, Steppg,er, Current, Acco,rding to Wre�port issued bythe . Goetz, iiw�sike. I- . . I hydrogrmphic service: 'of the marine 1� ,, 'Blyth��.aalj. IMcGee; ,defence, J. department at OtIbawa, the waters of , . � ;_ Haggett,and Elliot%; �e&re., Robin- Ijaike Huron were three inches high - 4 A I son;. wings, Dosk and Kennedy; subs, eir fthan February, 1935, and 291/4 1 ,-Jwrldlue, Haggett, N. Potber. J&hes lower than the average for ,the � I 0 �, fteftreo-,Raybould. Tft�ibh foT thd last -76 ,yeabst. . . . . I - 11. . I I . , � , - - - - -11 � I . 4 , I - . . * . - I . I a,v . a � t � . Three Months- Holid.j . ' .- .. . I .11 I I I . 6 1 . I . . I . ,. ..­­ . ,, P-ossibility for Students � � . 1. 1� . ., . � . ,, ­­.. , ,� I � .. � .. 1". '. � -1 1 ..7- ... . A -three months' vacavion is in sight who do mwkt higher VAarks V0111 be - ,, .1 . i . fo� ,bbpee'sW,4,eiiti"!K.-!;--3we,r;�-M-,v'td-1,a�-vrriliiu'r,..,,-d.%.W..tmeft,ta-1- examinatibns I . I - .­_.­__k1_fb___ ...'. �_, .,:ic , V, � . .. I . . and Upper School who obta,61 stand- w"th. a view of. comPeffin" ,, Irl . . - .. , 1. 0 # 04 ' ing on .their year's work, accorairijr, -to orships. . . �'. Two twoo,aud-joae4half hour P"er's ... I. ...... 1, - I the schedule ,of departmental -exam- will .Ve -written. 6,117 4kiing the" ip .1. I er- .- I . .. :- ftertions recettly Usged. - . Exapi3 eom- dod of emainvinatilons. Lower 18060,01 , 0 14 ,:... . meneo an June -10. - -,r-- , I exaImITfttj1ons do not colmme�We until . . I . Copies of the timetable of flie gn. Thursday, June 18, ,and the folillow.- i . A " 2twIldikPaTtmentaa oxaminations whien ing day the ,entrance. clan tests, will . ., commWme Wlbh the wtiting bf dreek be field and Will' Contifi4e, Untill FTi- i� 11 " I ' .. � on,Jumi,e 10 .and conclude on 1'riday, day, Ibno 24, . I . . . ' June ,26�AaVty been --Tft6ived -at ..�the Although -it has b*n intinia0d -.in 9 ff , Coll -egiwW liem *, .. .... tbhila centres ithat them will be; w 1. 11 � In ordk- to 94 Awougit' without foes chaMed by the De�artment of . 11 ii I . . '. -� . ,63munilhotinns, akudents, in Education tj'hi,a'�;ear'SoT,ex,ami,noU,ons, -A, . " . = -=4, Upper ;8ehOol =it Ae- to d0dnitd fjhfbTmsAqA wegardipe, -the I . . _ _ %, , I I t , owe'66 per e_4*.'6-r ii*e '6h 'th Ir eh"gittg.;d,'obhei;e Neg iE;,',avSi1We.. It 11 . !yews work, In JLO"r. gebifol , 11 , MAWW thd Upper lSdhool gradu- , I 14 4t- �.. age io­ 60. -, �Th46, WM likwbi. atea obtaining dilbit eertifiobesi­on _. I I .. " =' WiR be. 11 � I ­76hft'a 0 `W816 a,hA TIMM-40 aip—tval ,0� -the ,­% *01* I . - , . . 0 I . uinw6ig_ 1.'.."I.I. the ddstribubibn of fthbsO c ,., . . . . I . . I . Car Found Blazi ing . . '. -the' "conte'st' . " �,,_, to 'A Each contettalit *,is 'exP0c.te,A ' , I ... t ' I.. ' ,� k" a . '.. pj�, record of the a;pproxirn te 11 lt� �, -ribute' to Mir, Marsh. "­ afteir payting t Is .0 I . On Goderich, Street . :A , s ,kinds -and plice of feeds � I am-clunt"', I I :1 He and I were there tat a ttwk . � . - are `nD-TW&i&9;b0s on .. . -u-sed�. but thefe , , � I ,�� . � meet. After the day�s 'work' Was � �, I . .. "! the use of! anry - feeds ,or f0eding . ''.. . I ,'d'b,n,e the fift akurin ,sounded and ­ .�l �. derich Street methods. All Ogs ,in the litter musb I..;, - . . 'timL . , day West by two �ciltizens- on Thurs. � 11 bve marketed at ,the one ; a�d in ,;., � 1� - 1". .. I- . . night,'a light s,�dan had a narrow es- order fo quabi ust . 11 I— - .1 in -an old shed ,near the,GrwW TMnk I'll �, - _ . I I 'a a. ? cape from complete destruction, Thelleas�t el'kht- Pigs in the. litter raised- - ,. ..... ... .. . . . . . . . , � f blaze was ,'e�tin"ished and- -Qhie� , ... .� e st 1-drty 1, � . . �, I to markigting age, andLatl a t , � ... � ". - I., Snell no,fthed. I . per cent, of the-Aditter rn�t gxa& " . I o I �P� I I... . . The Chief 'had the c4.x..r?jj�oved to� . sel"t bacoll. . . � - . ... - . . I., ,�'. � f . . � . a garage where it was claimed next . ' . .. � , �:' I Ilie. Ontario and Plommoir,I)tepart- , ­� .-P I ' , , .. Qtmdlana of Toronto , against W . I " i - �� , Hawiltm I dadby iwo Goderkh rnen, Fisher and � ��, I metts of A.giirulebure are % ,.Aoffering . ., former fellow citizens of , ,., i "I .., . - . lih.­ _ �, �111 ' Graham. The mcn couldn't rem-eimber $a00.00 in. pr�ize mioney in �6ch zorie .. .. :;,;*.:' I . . _bAv ,t'h.6FT- car got 'to Goftl,6h Street .. ,to b6 divided as ­follows; . I � ,� I other he was -a grewt,paitoof bino wid . ;; " Mr.'.:- ­jlt, � im a .,goad QqQ# or how it caught on fire. , They 6- ahii- left it in front 1st; $20- ', $19,; 3,rd, $18; 4thj - ­ .." " e " 6th; $15; 7,th', $15 8th, �. �11 .,� ed they parked of one of the:ho.tel(s,, , . _,I,, $17;' 5th, P , I. $14; �th. $1i; 10,tih, $I,-)'- llth� $11; 11 1. - I .. 12th, ,$10; 13th, $10;. 14th, $10. ... "11111 I 11 - . .. � to Complet6d applicati6n forms must " % , 1 I_-" ­"�' h t, �Ii�,.� "Do you belleve fit ddia farr - I" k, .r"?,,," � WelInly" asked Ithe r6r-brbor a"', 164":" �,�'_ ' ior to the other and it ,was just the . he I . L. E. O'Neill, We- . " . . siled to, .Mr. . ,.�, breaikg" that gave Kippen their first, ,A - . .. I St,6k-' Branch,, i-Pathanient. Buildings, ':'. %, .. cha�nce at the McMillan trophy -Flour , . Turont�D, within 14"days after the date .,�'. ..Penalties w ' ere served ,in the third, Doig for Of farroming of the htter, I %� I.. - . Bullard for bodying, . cross-. Further information and applicatTo I n chm�vking, BuPard,for cross-checking .. . I ; fc-rm.,3 may, be secured from Ian m3e- I ,". , Huggard, Nnd Fos-teir fov cross-chec`k , - I. � Leod, D-opartin-ent of .kgriculture . . . . . , �, I I ,ing. . 111.11. . . . ., . Clinton, Ont. I . �,:. I WAII,thrrop-Goal,, W. Montgomery; . 1. :..,. , I � � . 4-�. . I . r.,d., CarteT,; IA.. Bullard— cenitre, . .. I . n — ,: " - I I .��.( I Eaton.; nw., Nkhblits-, 1.w., horrance; . har; I.d., J. Doig; centre, Foster; r. 1:1111", Blow,es; alternates, � alteTnstes, Holland, McCaul, All� Dale. w., Huggard.; 1.w., � . Kippen-G&ad, S. Do.�K; T.d-� Farqu- ... I Sils, Nicholson, 'Shaddick, Little. I.L... , I I . I . . . The sudden dleakth of -Lou Marsh, nationally known s1ports critic 4f the Toranto Star last week, ,has -resulted 'in many interes1ting reminisce,rces of . . . I - . I I'T' I his, life being told. I "' ' 'The VtOTY, in A recent issue, Emys: I.X7 � . ;iii,- I I i '1 -01 -&timers in Seaforth, Ont."" 11 ,ri�mptmiber Lou Marak-as, a VMld-be � 1. firdfighter, according t;) Bobby Kerrf 4, . , ..... , I ­'. - orf oiamiltmo., -former workFs bhom- ", I I � pj!oTI 200 -metre-, sprinter and lifelo'nt I'� � I , �` I - srimd of thedeard. sports writer.' , . 41 � - . I . . Hamilton , ;ir, . .,.:, '"It was in 1908," he told the St 4 . . � ­ - . . - . ' 11 lt� �, -ribute' to Mir, Marsh. "­ afteir payting t 10 He and I were there tat a ttwk . � . Domesti.c... � I ,�� . � meet. After the day�s 'work' Was � �, ,'d'b,n,e the fift akurin ,sounded and ­ .�l I : - . I . . �.- . . I . .. - ." ­ 1.1" v6tb+ng weum-do Ut.hL-__aAd_1�4"1At- , �,� . . I . 4, -77 pull a hose--,ait to the fire, Wfiiah- Wds , . I : ". -:�-�, ... - Coke in -an old shed ,near the,GrwW TMnk I'll �, - _ . I I 'a a. ? station, ,.Tbat?s good ma0Y V"Wsl .11 I _". ". '. . I.... tago,� but I ,still remember t2m taxt we .. I 4� Produces' a bright ­ . I ' had patting ,out that blaze!' 4 ' � .. 'for'the Irish- '� ' '�­�, ILou used^ to Tace I I � - . . - ' , , .. Qtmdlana of Toronto , against W . I " i - �� , Hawiltm I even glowing heat. former fellow citizens of , ,., i "I .., . - . lih.­ _ �, �111 ' 41)vft though *e mv agaihs* eab . . . . . . � 11 4 A Is 'inexpensive other he was -a grewt,paitoof bino wid . ;; " Mr.'.:- ­jlt, � im a .,goad QqQ# and wX,k1wtLvs " " �.111 I " .. �� I . I .. . , . Kerr ftted. . I I'll, ..... � , , � _V.i, � _4�,.i, � � ... clean'. Everybody � ,� , . .. �, - �,K' — I., � , _', I ­ --6-o 4!�,,�,­`�; � to .� . . , . 1.01.0 ;64� 1 1 I_-" ­"�' h t, �Ii�,.� "Do you belleve fit ddia farr - I" k, .r"?,,," � WelInly" asked Ithe r6r-brbor a"', 164":" �,�'_ ' �, I . , - 1 -iMKe=4% kMur�y ­- -Y--* ­­... .-.-. . I . I . I .1.1 1. %, � perhftted to emt6r . ­ 4 Ica 0 c&l -ftew9pap& int*rdevoing 0.0, N , 'k . � "'y &Ti4b;b ftidoft "6_ wall, dolt bo VM141- univeTafty, but it I . 17, W10"C' , , I I . I " . . . . . Mitshlo A'T616grank artiat attended the ree�nt reunion of the Huron OWN Boys of Toronto anA 'the � 1 I � '. � :-�. � I Zug, any *AM*wft­-i- - dinim $6 "kes they Want, 16 q0tv f6t 6 sch im j. 1W, om J, A� Me- , 11 "I 'ifing m4w�y. - - �:.V, � , � abo*e sketehoo arit the reatkit.' 'khey are, top'to, hott6m -left to "ght: I I 1) Q, t ­ It it It . V i Ilyc ,. . .. , ? � A . 4�. .... . 1 4 1 [sit 0"i �d* bftht oftidleft.66 gd-,� th6_---d#0fttM#UW` butdoatuto, tufutt - "? tt OWSOU JOhft NI'Mift- GOOrke '8- �_ 0^ 0, 4411 'ho.t6PINd .3 . ,,, N, I . -, td 4M �F,&, ,odwi 'm #*V, wwttj 4A *J49VA SM -uvoft these toowts jAren, IL 146 ShOppard, W - A* Coupwill, 8* 11# ITUAD—rN 4 - f . I I 41 " , r ab" wn at . I I I . � . I . . . rob W ft ,*41% ' SM6't L oftd 'thbit olftw *bAidihm V0g096hp AM R F106dY. ' ­­. 41 �Alv, ' .�, . ''. L� . � . "I . I I I , �1 . '. ..I ,. I 1. � ' 141 - , I , I � ': , ".L . - , �. , . . ''k. �_ �'� �fL M.164; V"'4 ��i` L.,:�:", %, ,�r,� � , �,,� '�-., � , I I I '. .. . �. I . I 1. I . 11 16 � " , 1.�- � . � ..", ". I I . I ;, 17 1 1 .� I I 1'r- I I !, �� "y , 1, - , , �.41 1 .1. .. 1. . . e , , I.". . . I ,,,� � I ;1 :�, �, � i " ��,Vll , ; �� ­., .,.. . .. .. 4j�!: �� I , � , � I , -, I ,L''. 4. . I � I I'll '. � I - . I . 01,11, ,�. �, I . . . �. , � 1� - ,,, , i k� I I 4,�L,6:,�, - � " �. ,, , � I , I , ., ". 4 1 1 . C " �1'j '-4t 11 1, , I �. � X , ",,; . ., ":, , ... I 1A. X AI .. ,wia,! : ........ �'$ i2iiiiiij ,. � I I I � 911111 " , I . , i 4� . � , ',,,J� I I _ �' ,,, " 6" "; 6", 11�,,�', 114 '0 , I � � , , ,,& ��1111611 ; , I , . I .� d", � I ,,, I h- I _ � i � � . , I if .9 - i, Adgik I U I Sm - I I , 1N - %J A: V . Xv, Iduft6sw tags." j ,...,. . 1 �41 1 .... � I . . - ��_ . I - . . :.11 - , , . 11 . . . :I " "' 1, I I . I . I . . . L­�";­., , , �'Iir, I , � "', I " �� IV � I, IV,, . P . I ., .... , ,,, �,, %�,,; ", 'i � I - � .1.11 . . I , . , � �'. � — ;�. t . � � . " A_ � ..... . . .. 'r ­­. . I '. , �L;_,j %, - � -,k , �, .t �� : o,�. * A ." , . '�"�'4­­U A. i I I'll I .. _': , �_ .11' 11 :'A).: ,