HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-06, Page 7.. , , " ­­ " " . - ;!" , , ,: , 4'. ,:. . "? "'':V 11�;,Y,i�f,�.�,,% w%,­;:­4.1��'!Nqgy, '1Z � W M lip , li,136 all - ,, . . . , . FW Im . , -'. t &% IN . " � ... , __ , d , ,. , :1� , , R"""PI", E'T',".,Z�,.",-',vl mm, "A. " I _3111141R, .111"V11111"k, ;i,�-. ?� I't ',R,�q 5;.��., _'_�. 1, I - . , ­­ I'll. �, . I 'I 'r . � , '�` �"i"","",!�,.;�,,,�A,���'fr��.,���,,T�!,.,�,��,1."'��,'�T'�, "" I �, . . , "" . , : .,,,-'A 01, k! i . �.: ;.!',.,�., , " - . . �, . .. �,� �. , - , 0 - I I i ,. ,, , I I . pkk,i,�,,,�,'�� "� "", � � 1 . , . , , F 040 ::::::::: I �41 I ; , I � , , ,:T; , , T. � � " � - Rk,ti�'14 `11V�, ', " 1, � L�!'. , . ,: V!", ,V.:ili, ,',I � --,-�q �' 11 , ::::::::::::::::: , .. .. , I I I ! � __ . : .4 , �! .% I : i "',;!, ��.. ,, ,, �, _ , I � -,� i. . , I .. , I ,.". , . � I : . , . , I , . �, . , , � , , `41 ; .1 .; . ­ I . '. , . 11 :� " �.,� .4l�l,�_;. , '. � � . 1 I I � I I I . : , " , I, ��,) _� 1�3'1"Fil �4 .i ! � I i, . . 1, � . _­ — 2'.. � , O.U. I 1. � ... � � I --.-v, � I "t, ., '. , ... �___4,�.�A e 4,k­� , _'L, 1!..� _,4_� � , - ; - . "U.,�,R` 1; `.W� .. . , iL­-,4,,4+ _�_:,_­� :71 , �,_:? , , I , �_ , KA Q, . "I I., ­ ­ Tr��. ­�­-.T-_ I.- - .." - ­__ .... Q , 1 �77171." -1 I—, --- � , � I'll, I 111!17'111111_�, ;.1111.1. 11 T-.­;�---J, - ­., '17' 17 .� - �­ 7­�_�_., , ..,� . . I 11 . ,— - .1 � - . I �:, I : _11: - Wl..'. . - .. Z ---,1 ...... ..... -1. 1­� ---LL .... .. �­­­­­­­­.. 1-1�,,�.."-.".�"""."..Z"-�...�l.-.,-.,..-�.�,.�""--��.-�,-,."flo.o�� .,�,ww�:,:��,,�,,,A , , ".1 11 - I ,. I I .11 I , = - '.1 I . ­­­ ... 11-- 1-1-1.'. . - =_--P'1- '"'''..";�l,,,�,,�,tt,,O-*.iwt-,ii--I I .... I - S;;�' .. . I . """."-""-��,-,-,...-,--""-,� ... :.,-.,-,- _­ --- -1-111.11 ­­. I *..'R I * . ., I -.1- ­­­', ; 7 ""' �1117 1. ,,� I "'A �'. 11 I I � ­ , M ql',�,.,,, - .. r! I "I , I ,-q ��t� �',,,, ". � :�*. �'� ! , If_ ,;­:'.11,'­7�' ,% ,�, .. ". 11 .1 � - .11 .7, 1, ,,� - t,��,,� �­�A� . ,��,,�'. _-1.__--__,. , , ,� �� , , �, . , I I . I . lo, I . _1 "­�_ �. , .1 , J-, - . . ,�v,� � ., ��: I ! , ,�l , - �' !�, I 1, I I L� , I . . . " � I ., I � � . � ,5, � I � ­ . ; ,�J ,. I , - � ;� I . . . :.' LIR �. . I - - 1-1-1 ..".11 - ­.., ­1­1­1111­111­1.41� . .�� - 104 . I � � 14 I I .1, , ,. , , . - - ­­A­­.��,.?�,;'­ "��­7 I'll, ..... ",',MENEM,, . . . . . . 1-_---71- i"i"l'ili'l 11, I Oill.- ,. I .. ­'­ -1- 1. ,--1111.111 - I 1�- ,.. _,,r, .�,,� . I � iiq, ­ _1__,,,- ­­-.11-�­;1i "A:... , - ''.; ";.,,4 . � I I I ""' I . . . . I 1. . � . 1. � -.o 01.... �c,��-.,, - , i " , ,� 177 - % . 0.1, - , I ­­­, � . ; . . . I . ''�, . .. ". i . . . . I . " ��. , - , . I � . I - , - niow, 0o; , I .. . . . . f- I , I . . � . I . , o " __ .__�..` I I � 0 . . lk� , . I - . ..4 �.. ". . _,"'n, . ... � ... I . I . , t 1, �­ . I . I .­ � , ­­ . . ; ,R.IRN �. HUM - . -I! .. .-_z ­ - - . � ... , �� GAR I _ 1) I ". '. .. . .. �� - ­ o , . �� I . _;,". , . � I hpr" ,.'.'� I , . liiL , _., � �: 11 � �- -ir. �-,& - .. �� l­�,% ­ __ " I ( 11 ,-- "tin . '. "'....., , I � � Rwr0tor, Ii. - " I . , .. 4p,gr, � "-,,? �i..o Notary, � IN - � . , � . '.,;, � , 1 , -1 I 4 � . , P ..�, . , "A , �i �' " , "' , U . . JbUIZ, �Eu_ , -1 I . . -, -,r.,�,:."�:,,-�..:�,,'�,,',,,,j I I 11 � - - rowla�**-".- t - - 1-11-11. IT"', . ", I , . � ,� . . I . � . . ", _,� , , , . : �. ", '�V .. . I I . I .. I .1 I . 11 ...... ... -111-1. - � 04, . . , _, , : I .. ., 1ka Block � �._ -.-;,- .11sw4rtb, . . ,o _ 0 ,.,i, , In p;m , . .M�e . . . . � �Viery,.g � - ,, _0_0).Y. ", ,.,� '. .'I M, , ��, �, . .. - . ��! �, . . , ". . - . . - . . 1 54049 " V i � . - - ­­_ W -A, , ,, ;l-, .-,;;. Z - - , , . .. . ... . . , I - .( . .- - a .. lie - , ��e 11 - I I - 1. - -, " " -. - - �, I I . ' ' ' ' I I ... I - I I'' i R , I I I . I - ."Rahft DPW[, we, - -0ow-1 . .a lill, "gAli'Tv", N ; � I RAY$ & *PIR , . . 11 - '4 1 . . � . .. . 99AV I ; .1 . , � I. . " . . . .. - I � . 0004toore)4,"""Wo 'Purid" we .tough T" I F&V1#AXA)4t*101l1f1_A11 . , . I , . � . . . � Succeeding. IL S.� Rafts I ­ . , , I .. . . \Z;��/ : , ;1 , , , , 4,44 riough, AtrIen't -we, Lee'? goe .-a =40AM,90. � An - � I I , . , . , , . I � SA, jx# I.. 11 ........... . '&S" 'Conveyaneem , .1 . U4"00: -.0004"'I.g. 115 I.. � 1. . . I gii I . : JXVT AMOAQrs %Vao a plriata4l, , � I. 40 ,''. I . - . I � . . - - -M - , " 1. ' � .., , 1111111 :0411111APA , - .. I .� I i * . I .. I `".11'"'ll" B. . I . . � . BWmalterg, Solicit I . . ay PET , K, Y N E ,, PuTidy 6-4woedl toward) 'GaiL "'And � 15 li, --.,, . , siod ,,NotAries, Putil '101 ' � f%l -r-for, : . 1. I 1. .:�� , � I I . . . �1. . - WX - i A' . �. - ­ .- ., 1, I I . . . BAW � lditemL I . . . . I I . 'llip P=* �ato -Mt�. T M 7_11 - - -1. . . . . . , MAT] AL 'MOIR , Iw;VT1,­ . , . � 00 i X.P.04pini6n.. i,. 111115ce, in rear, of' ,� _. � I � I I-- . ­­ 11 . -1 I.L , . I � aniol. Jr r01,6JtA"._.,.*N,14s a I Thiere, 4 . ' I nl�- s'V '� � W " I'l.".11 ,.T.J, , " * .111.11. 1. ­­ .11 . . - � � I I I I - - . ... ­... 11 -1 rV4 odl p , - rn; . .rg jeft .p -V 1 --w-111.111 lizen, vqce fo§od. and d 4.1,* WNIM , .. .., do pol�lu%oi� 00,1*1 Se"Orth. Mouor . . . . . . . ,.­ . ­ . 1: I I—— � 1.1- I.., �i�;, , - '- 10 -, AWTA-ClQuaid-lb - iw�� N 1 :, - � .. L .. a . ... I �­­ .. . il I _111111 I I ­­ , � W­Jftd�7,shatt% , 11� gr�nlc 4*4 . .., . I : 4i 1100116 . I 11 -, ". ��, -117= -: . " �..:!'111 I'll 'T .t:�� �, � . 4axw-a -mad-v I �V�4130, I " L I 9 ., b" : 1. � . ­ - " . if : 't . . 1. . . - - !, . (GlDiltin�!il from. e*)-_----_ '66 _­ - I (b .. . ...... - , , � .. . ment Aftan there,jis cone i $"�� � I .. ­. - . �* It", -Qd 10wellve. tbnles, with a �Istoj-, - __ _ , I . . _ _ , , ed. lC*'s 'L, q p Angeles: *�n -, alto. very anyjaq lf� . * lir '. to lh � and�,�m I ... I . � � � I- I . dw us !n,OF - V, - r. � , * , . I Uiv ble"Ag �6&- estIalbafth a Urge spiel MAII -in , 'whona be wa I St to, lirab,*t�r of Bodo I . "A'o . r, 1� ". 11 I .� ... -1 . . ggawd . A . - . .. L . : I Koinscilaus, but he - isn it , . as, doing Us . . mig I.: , : ", � 1 4 1 Through =0 11601% 'tull nw 'w - - " - lthat' � eileaver vn horse A bf ;.: I, ,, ll .1 ...'an" "" , '' Che (rn wmd10w Todd Hwld0 waldW Fdal- itid,g0b into 1tbi&'6wio_ cl$A �i,.ithin., ��W,- - iWes' lbapk. . Utery , ,"11,13,105V 'J - . J.ORN x , _. , &ew " . ! that , r � . I .0 oilf , , d1micitarlIg. I ..., . . . . . . . . ", , , " "' ': ' 3�0`g s6rde, V ...'The 00,1-0 'pwovoiso-,a �� . . I - �Wcramlbwd 4iitia r6ohn' and pols- lseater - an a' A# IWO), while a -member of rdhe lben'tj�ofn 0 S,� " ". _ ,­ � ,-ArIM, I 1A "I L I . , , "" I , Bownstei, Solicitoor, vt�, , I a ft In to, Airvuetlo, i1or �, . -ve3es 4there are L ., 'a "; �� .. ... Vl 1. . ��1­11 . I 0MU40 SoSsed L 111j" ,Uft 'MeMahon's , I milbb"S ADIf tDaliS Of . , deog OVU=g; 1001 0. � ffwk 11 "or ..- : :. : ,,_Af of lC oecor.pj e ., ; il . exciellent.4ron, lore, but �!of cloise it's Rangers, bUV I a.. ". I I I .1 mlk . ift% 'In a detached way he itabserv-, , tious. OL-80*11alb d --fth 1 -b - P*g I I 'W� �.,, 0. . VOCI Off, a human I - To,cas , �11�lv i E. , , - I . I i .11 . ril - "'W—bat -hai become4of the Moxim' 4 *ortfiless unlessi one can secure AY"A w1thoult even tiMug the man & h tp b b -ni ,Vwu . 41 , , ." �,,�lv , M" I ed that ,blood wasi ' f1low"ig frOT4 un' killer Ourly was guAr"lline . . . ...... 1 'L . "a�al he was undoil arresit Re, ,knew the I . 1 I I i1s, tin itl sho to ithla�t 1p� Yw 1 I - . . from. which coke I cikn- be madlis jto � - 1 0=0111000,4041:11, I "pa, " ! . OF, - . L. ' man would nitat sulbrait to aer.ost be " 11 I'M` � . , VETERI"NAR11 ­ ,6LW, Cuziy�s hat. He ithein stood, -over "'Todd idOled hi* on .1the princd�le 'synelt the ,ore. And, them -is mery -cause ,r,,e,,t m 'be aroused, and wedIdeanan ' ev.- ., 101114 10,111101t.7 11117w, -_ .1, A : I . .1 . (the [s1qVIr,=*ng­1m.'tch He I hanginto Smb,�_. eTY reasionable, Wort be made W .pro- I � ' �.. � �, EWA, W"t), that. dead, men tedil no, taji,es.0 L -ZUtba eoUnig ooWlcin the Pacific Cialast. Plant , .1 ,� ' .." 'L i ' _�, . . an -this drug -created itelfroi �,adl Slain ,oI-row, 41,U)t -Doak? 'I MWelt, (fold -d sent in'a . quently-and the -human hyena, vaA suicil:-unhIrtgnate-happehings-, � at � . . . . . . . . I'll, ­ - 11,1.1-!.,.�". - M, tau or t1wo _ .. Im I 4.)7:�. 1 i!"'� � T.&I41c";- ,111,w, Stere Mict)olugald. "You =light just 1',Tddd releasted h4h land armeid Mm for a siamiple' and ,Dotak ,bad ,wke a Bsikliggr ternit to, 'arrest blim, .6 I � 111"', 11 I hp . JOHN GRIEVA V.S. ldfted� t1tad'Llealst "'Ja `% 'extent thailt 'our prevent ,._ . .. f, .. . P,7 Aj"Y? Gurl�rfst riffle, " L ",", � 'L '��%,�, . I . . I VAll b dead s fhe [way you" ' . a week befol%& Only men witt4 sity,ft knowIlecDge ,makes ll�rsMfUon, VL;l6s.1_ � . . _tEir 'L � __ , Hanar graduate of Ontario Vetekin- .#Is w,. � - � a arej, vAith Thel Chih an maide fToM'L1t. Thequaii,ty .o[f thti' - . .. . , . , , .., ,,, -6, ,.. . f ,. * , ary Cloillege. L AS -*I diomestic.-Herrera," helremarked: doldlily. "Anyr he,sr ' . 60all I , - I � Ala diseases 'the bunkhouse was so.superitar.that Doak realized heads,tpraotice Ca,iriStilike, tllelorrjtee�,= Ible. I LQNW,N *Ola' . - � It, � i. ...., innimals treate.d. Calls promptly 'at- how �.,alulfrel,Lftlao dairgQT-olug 'to be laft a CP 'the. sholoung .sit ­ 1!m & thw& LE y1au The Ark ­ __.�t, . . L k . 4 . ,d 'a, doiwn, frain thei.'kitichen Ito: in- You were the liossegsor 4 a,bremenidt- S`m -X10, "' titer, T_(Iail ie,, . A'Sling -of 'Public lln�erest - -- South, - , -­,,-�'. ­,�.�,'��im" 1L . tended to and chargeq,-moderate.'Vet- aaCir.e.,du PurdVfs hands, land, I canrit -be , ��,,#gwb&. nei may c"&eWbe-� on the tpailb oUthe itidi� , .. - , .,e i I I - " , � �;�; -_ � L "' :,�._­._�... I I . -4- � I r... I Mh hjm�-it V,a-_ . __. . � . - Wit3L'Orace tb6�t-hietrejdrm.*-tih,yioiu�.'I Quilbecooftand , I 41hatef allong the BID Grande '8, vid��'11, a"'feaT thalt *­Zult' & all Q VA"them'. .,i....... 11'41-�-� ....... I , �jl.*4& , " i , Re -ciarried- a, rolbing-4pit, b* -ay. valusibille assist of the, exis,t_ will ii6call thalt your reila,tivile,-'bur d. . . . . letinary 15ontistry a _�m " Seems he was,'-rollling enee of which .ccfw I I " , a , .9 Wo]6-ani's brains -, n imm on to, the Alang*ie.. ' It - , ...,.?iF." L,.,2 "l."'41,�q'i i4id residence on Gloderich Street, one claUrarly he blew tl1h 'You welrel'gnorant� So' d -*-,d'- Lim-.-Ria.1.1tawel.1 a d. To y P10"t-I . is d0s�­ DelgrWi*o ....- ." . �, .., I % I L .. r;i�ot va�lmle pie-crusit--at the itime. D,oakL thek-TRZA to, buy yloai viat. .4t , , - ... i. I ­�._..,!`�v Jarrott's office,. Sou I ghoicit , - !:� J, 0 . L ' I door'east of Dr.' . IS - out Iturned to DD�ak and released tt,ii,ld ,tic, Th'sy we'4 ScaffeL, They had. a- i4yini5cafte and ""a to reass"re IwAhierg -that, as flar I . I ',9 ,. � -111 le ?��.!.-. ... .�.:"- L - . , . .. . b m, 'but the rifte was no t pavticiziarly At reisited in, ,the Box , � 21f"? �.;�.Z'..�,,`�! - I ou . ,..I. , 7.. �.. _1 .1 . . � " __ , - ' Z%_:. �1!�':, L ,... * I ' p , ' 151M ... ­­ , , forth... I., I ham. The lafter rose, ipalle land ihak- set AV 'sa(fiety! abd Man didinlit. know K Rraivah.. There is no coad ,on it ' used itib siteal bac.� frotln .Mexiican 0,3 they indbvi a -lily or& clon,cernsd; .LC .:q .. , " . ,*L ��, I en, frican ,the beid'and star at ,Todd ,hlow to, �i,rsejt ,it is 'Clin on ...., p "I.. 0, � �. , ,.. � , I .� I �.. S. ,,,,?.,,, - . 11 i 1. L . . . 11 . ' ed . ,10 h;,s could, shoo�t. while.'Todd wanted itifor,cattle ra an0l bapfflts -the catibl-a And horseS which 'thefts b UD CaluSe for alarM;f ,1vokided t) ......... i..?..: �. �& . �;%­ .! 11 I . '­­' � age ,' id`lbandhs '81tiole from Texas, Neiw- .(Ualey tr,llace themselves, under medical I . " .! . . . irn.fetpir and! )loathing. Wile he wag futsisting w�th i1t--i--'I and schelmed to, get, it, 'he .knew he Flat 4.27L ' :�w�,�,,' ; I. .. A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S .� _ Briacefield ................... . , I , - I �� "', , �� ) I - * "Golme -on, Dloak," Todd Ordered. "That h-'eathen Chinee *hanged him ,clovid s -mach lbtss Ormeby at his .lie!- e upelrivisklon emilly in their pregnancy,' Kippen -.'.'....,. .,... 1'4­;­,r-;-,�".: _.. ��,, 1, ,, "6 Swing it 1. - . a -as .1 -4 ,�, : I Giraduate ,of' OnItara - ,'Veterinary "If we Sbaly here wel'ait . an ,the eableze- with the roaMing pin, sure. Althoggh .1"Ill was fifty'per cent. of whait they and' then. folliow the advilc,6 and' in-, Hensall ......... '. . 9.41 �.,,: , "' ,:1 . College. University of. Toronto. All , -as thnisit Cutly's rifle i0bD Douk's tied - him up And has ,been ' they offered ,you "'A sitole, and the last dime thoy sibode Fjtrudtqoi,:tJ3 which thiety receive. E*,eter ..... . � - ­� ........ . 8,0 ."... , ,I 1! --of- C nimals treated h � - - scpula$ YIa ' I gular-clIA nice proAjt ion �tur MmL-h yfou refus,_ ........ I . . . :�,,,, I ­ 1. .... g I anythling 'the slyndi6alt' Mattem,lty is a public 'health re.;- - ... - ­ . 0 - � t.1A _ ... diseases .,domesti ' a� andis ursellf . togsither, him ,ever gip6e,,11 Tommy dnWr .7 ed, it; they irWised -the offer and) sibill 0 blaill tb- thrash . . . —1 ' I N4th r - ' - . .:,:� �.111­­ � i , li I... _1 . ,, by the most anodern principles.. n . Ilan," - two hundred Mexican cavaair�men in sponsibimity only ,tin a limited way. 1_1 .. .. , ,!; - reasonable. I)ay or--ni . I I . I . '" - Charges he comananded brutalla'y` "You "IT-h8'I'll that little yelillow devill, -iZs you refu-ifed, sto -,the started to make The public healbli organizatilon, vi&e­' . " 0 chakil I If7- * ou .7 . — . A.M. - , �' " ' calls prom-ptl attended to. _.W. i� . 1)g .!like A. girl. 1 .y ,see been actifi" lately I'll lay,ybu ten, bo, this coumtry an Unpleasant place for ord'6,r Ito live and grow un into men . Exeter ..... .... � I'll . I I 7 Office on anyboidly caroling ilt ;;R% be an eniern: ._a alairigle I w4$,4. 149 I- their It -be toffieW - d! VolUVbaTY, 'Can. ............... �10.42 .:.�' : i': Y- one heIs been livin, eakeily ­­. ernall; ougi foodlish , . I . ion heart YOU It, live in,. The. -r ovor,nmelib trield all Ithree �, I Hensall, ._.,..,..:,_.,... _ -, � i Main Street, Hertsiala, .opposite Town Shototh-km. I'll be back imi a few min- of, wildcij�.?y -, . I I y eabbied- the bmk gi [f 7 - - dD7 VeV,y little exciept- an - co,ioperaii 1�1$psa,, --- ., ..'"._..... Ao�%_, - , , ' I -_ ' I . I . 1�. � . , � . , _ � . I -,Scvt- U,tIdg!' , '....., I 1. . . . . that head the `on us-Toir .� . , 111.01, . 7. 71 111 , . Haffl. Phorie" 116. Brooder of " I mortgagest witth the doctor whict'has 0-harge'af ..., .... 1. . ... I..i ...... ; I ,� � . . your vl0latifolli lolf *e neutralitly Uws - I . i, 1'-� � I � - -T as Kennel , ffillie ,put - - . , Brucefield ...................... �.11.09, . : �.*,, . . _." . He ('Iaxilad Uvtb 11hei ,hangar amid ranch .!and they ,wetached the ic&ttae and (the case. ', 5 ,,, I I I Ush Terriers. coul It make it Stick arrdt--�­, I . ,:N, i. k I . . 13 dly was'.Int the pAtio,��gair- G,U, h,a du Indeed, the real purplose, - - . . , " I . ayed bkxi run out -the bwo- loan c6- . Clinton. .,...._._.... '11.54 - " 11�% - ` I , I ­ . . . . I den, *I g 'with shears the dead �gegter. , ,'The , 1pany ,that - hold, thd nootgage, Gail .1lusbed- darkly. "YOU dO not "of ' ........ . , I" r.;, ldli6maal . sq'i.piplirt Jib - the puble hlealith- organiz . .1 . " �.,_ . . rels a ipallomib�o saddle- .on Yofuir cWtItle--anitt one day You sur . I ation 's J�ondesboro -.�.. I ........ I '10 � :;,�.t I- I I I.. R13striornis off a cldm�p qf, ... . geranlulms, 4tarse biled 'iback tof the hangwr,.-Mliss rendelred - halveitlo, explain arvylthdng to me LeA J, .t4D lW-Ing �thl)' patient and the doctok - * 1,2. I . t,-., V, . 'l � . . � .. � . I allct tolld T�olddl . you Vlore . . Myth ............ 7,� ...... .. .12,29 .,t.",�., . I I when -the gets silammied and Irs Todd Ormsby., I sanv him as I fl she tassured.hinL ayou neiveIr, did. vogether. 11 I . . - . �­!�,� " I MEDLIC-A4 ' sitrla,ad Z.,r s, . ew in. willing th awellt a reasi , 6 _1- � 11, "..f. OnN)Jba'e Off0r., really. ­. I loalthe explar,a,titonS, an It --fiis weE. Belgrivv "... . � 12.�o �, , ` , 0 rea#zed Y to redoigladz4 rnatternity, Wa,gham I .. . . ' , �. , . - I . .. , ......S.. ...... 12,50 � � ;.-�;,:�, , , C, . . the 'garden t!"ard her- nmt ' harstO belongs to Chick Anth-� Then they, ... ­ , " ­ ­:­ * * -She r . ou were still 'n I'm So lhb -�the ,enL - .. . - - - __ - � egarded ,the bag-gard, unneralpt Ony, _pae,als . ,. I .. so tea. He . M No aW unt f . - I � ­. . 1. .. .1 11 � nry I en,de ,j as a medicAl I railal , o a. . .. ­ . .ppy -to ,know ,bbat in p I . . ... . I . 11 and-, d1E1S1PE1rlate6 wretch -with n0d in- he ,,rjj�- ,on sd,c�j.i&, - , - ;.., . -ignoranIce of the reW' value of (the IfUlturs Your lidt is, to I 'in p aslant .p. , ,;.. I . - � Id.. -:1 I '"DIL"'D. E. STURGIS, . around' ints' if is )p written low veaWL, KWice, bi of ruvh� A . the ranch. I : can. rep( _ 1 :I.- , rp e . "I ; I 'of ... Medi- untr , Todd, was maugging the dleal places. ing care, Ve, lbh medical CiXR. Mt TAIBLE � - _. . - , 11� , t �111 saw.i�he 11:14pliSrtol'! . ed'.., . if . . beinist il, ,as he mime nearer, hc�lie o'being -useful, Ito unsaddle that and 'he , 'bad an, exxtaingement with nrine h6V6 r, aimihationsi amrT- 1i tierviklonig. - With- East .1 '. 1. . , I � Graduate -,of the, Faculty she Your worries are o-v6t and ex - I ;, I I 1 n hilw hand, a 'miall, pult him in, the barn, A,nd, -in- Doajk ,whereby. when you should be ., GIMMencl I so I -You, out these procedures, the life apa . , If, , � 0 1 cine, Umiversity of Western Ontario, , an. � 1. I... .1.1. "Wh-#hat do you Waiit'l?"! she �rodluce Viloase, Lee, after dinnew to-rilight, I'd, �k.w , ''I'll . IPA. . , 11 111 11,1�1 � and St. Joseph's HospiW, London.. . . hilai (UD a whialle lot tof,WAter b�atlen to the ground. and forced to - I ­ " I .1 I 11 .1, quil-wered. I . like R-digh�y *all tl' Ito 1w t health ,.of the motheir cannot The sale- Goderi�h . ............ � 6.46 2.319.--` " - I Member of College -of Physicians and �1'1 wa t seou," Vodd - repilied'ibr-k-k- and olai ,He -spun the .pvopeller seLl at, their l:l1rIce in orkir to Salve pun.4 Cattle ralvc,ho 68 lid lho 0 guarded, ... .1 . I Ca . inton .., .... I... . _. �11 .,. . , ,__.,�­ ,, -ol 1� , 11 o. . .Of- � ev . � and while .the mutior -idled, warming s-om-eithing, but ' . and' make a pay ,. - I I 11.08 00 I - I �` �?, .'', , . 1. , . Burgeons of Ontarl I Phone 67. Ii. V. 'I'm .. Ding to siteal you and Your . ,Of the,wreck, he was rall grow where there 'isn't any The"' ''ble i not efiVirely mledi- Seafo th ........... : , 7 92' 318 - , . 4 � I'Onti. ': ' ,.� 11 up, he ran, dalwn for a Idol: Af Curay, ,to irseelve 'th,e Biax K Rarwh and a s If ; � pricti ,m 119 T . 11 :,� � - � . fice. at Dublin $493 " -t , cal "because on a moment's 'as � - i.,F1 . : - �:, , . . . . im PUT. IH16 Jocked paslt I ,eT ta where ­rve , Always he0d Td.dd, couldn't hundred thurust8aid','diollar, in c teed. . . thought, Dublin, .............. I : ,:,:�; , I . ., I - , ii I �_ ____ - . -Ga,il Sat on the. veranda ash, for '-Why ' it will be idbviimt�',thtab so Mitchell ............. � ; � . doing go -me , —it U-Ittil after dinner, y 7.42 . $A ... I :", ,� - 1, 11 I . � .1. 1 y sf�fiaot for ' I.m . Cial d0fidi- ,. . I : - ", ".:! � .� ,_ — . r - '. . . I k � DIL GILBERT Ci JARROT: p, Lee .Pdrd, replied, wilth ,his . I I I � . . '4tneywork. Behind- h,e,r W[huskey lay , on his. return, "afre �otv; I know it. nitteA''to run' I -5 lif West . , siour applets If 'he declared bis serviices. Also the -was to, 'be per- idear 9' Vilons ,play a dbutinant role. The Uri- " . �.�";� . . csqe, -On yoVr rapohes ;;j�_jju� , .1, " .. - 4 leine, I , Z- ttW' .-stmilel, I li,it dleirfecll--over4aitigued mother, living Dublin ... * ,'.,,. . . . � .-e- 11.19., 9.44 ' . , , ��,'.` r� � . I.. , RMO!�*, of', Fareulty'..of. Med oiffs tiretched, - his 'bi-ight 11artomm glance Ho had 1hat commion habit- of flinch- as liong als; he fi,*cL Toddit saw Mm- iis,n, tifie, - - I der ansgirtit , � � . i1niver-tity of Western Ontario. -Mem-, *cin itra Todd. � . , W. an' thebiwin' his gun up whlen he. self falling heir" to ylour.,grazing p.r- , t Slightest itrouble for me to un' , airy conditions, is ftT Seaforth ........... 1L34r. . 9.57 . ,�.,� .1 'I'll . . V, � 4, ber of College of I ",Miss '10-r�mlsby"I TOCIld adviiised, her I - e _how gooldig, I'm a smart man, I,am. mlolre a slocial prolbl&m than, a medical ClintiDn . : ........... . I i 0AI - .... . 1-1 I.. . Physiciatiii end ' pulled. ,Ciu-Ay's gain � to go barehs&dL .n)it in Itho Cuyamaea; he'saw htim- ,P ,is as6es, one. I Better standar-dis of fiving-, all "God'erich . .50, 1 �. I . I , Burgeons of Ontario. Office "I am goling ittoitfake 114ilis Pu,rdly with .- ,h e . t and betsib way far you to, ........... 12.10.. � �20M - '. � , . 7 �, I 43 �GoAe­ ed a right ismqrt stnellt ,but I dan't self running forty thousand vhieep i — I I I I'll - , pie afs� a guaranty that hier ibrolther - . . I . � . . . � 1. :, rkh Street, West. Phone 37. ' ridkon .itheire'st any real danger , 'A cure your Worries will be,bo.siell yo)ur around will clontribute to the partial 1. . I _ .L­­,�., I . . . . . ... . hamper m top El Valile, .do I'm .-Ok),s Negrois,; he -saw iran:h tb Torhimy Scaife. Airipl.anes solutIon of this prloikle�m, . ..� , = �,,, �,Sucleessior to' Dar..'Charles Mackay. " *:1. not' ,y departure. from Lea 1?qrdly pryinf.tQ WOrIthleSS, waid- himistalif the ca!We . . lishing : Cj�.XTIME TAB' ' - " , ' : � " "� . . . RV ­ king iof New 3tex- and ccws eonstittute_ cu Cy I . - ...­� . . . I - ,s elauTitry. Telli him -that.any at dy off the pawroll. Have yota. tele-' _a. -r.f, US nl,ix- WithIDurt -in ,any way difnin ,.� ... .. ... � LE I. . :.,.. . ... . -1 ..... ...... - I �. . . �, . teTnipt to pulrelue me will. wM mean . tho and he, would have been - content tuire�' b4t Tommy kr%Dws both from ,enthuS.Wi.n,­,`Tor the better care of . E;pt -11. '. . ..,.., � . . . . I . . ... , I � I . p1boned- W (this eDrioper it Argudllo w,Tt,,h jiha�. They� hAd the coda s I ei�§,;it is desirable .to see this . . AX. ,, ' that7my l0a,�ltiUtre, Elple'lIS' deiai�h to this to c,olme up an' take away. the ,de- all; s#on ,IS they were, in. ::,., .. l D% W. C. SPROAT giTL If I'm cornered P .. , I . Old hitilaid. 'to rdall and I've ah*ays told my-' moith ts ilght. proportkons, to Goderieh,i% ................. &50 . I . A , i . Graduate, of Faculty of Medicine, , Elf Mal her as - position 't`O ildlf that fif II idould -ever affood. it I'd 4:-rubl'sm in lI T ! I I �."". , , . .1 . I ceased dead CID17piSe oIf yo,ur late gen.- de-ln-)-r ititle, burt for some,reason You ,set Tommy up ,in ,business 'for hjkn- realasurp prospective worthers, and not Menset ... ........ �.,.. . " .. ! . I I University of 'Western- Ontario, lion- sure ,ai,q aeallih and taxes, and theri eiial manager?. No.? .Welil f -t in 1"I'l wer - ' I . ".. * ..... . 5.56 .:: yft. , . ' I I � . I J e ,hard tb convince." , I I .'� I 0 j b . ege -of, Physi7- shQIot it out wilth the On' the tend to, dhat, an' After h1f . cOAl itb -overdo the critical denuntilahion, of McGaw .,. � � , M don, Member of, Ccill lrr�.' .L . self . .. ... AS sloon as I can Seal my ..i ........ i- ... 0 , ­ il,�� I get back "Lefe ibbiouight. I . . 6. 4� ­ "' �1' - . ­., I � I dialas and -Surgeons of H Purdly takes, my pro. . #ao getting well Itil give you a fair spirice for your tholve who mqiy� seem -to fail, in -their Auburn '....I...'............. . . 6.1.1t, - - , ��, ". , , ... �� K ill. . with the docitlor I'll fly:off and send tin lklilg climate and, at lthis aftftuAe, Box- K Rraheilil-abo,ut twice ,as. miuch- mesplonsr6bilitice. E n c o, u r a Blkffi ....... . -6.125 - ',� - �';',, " I I Aber#vztIs- Drug Li e. gement 't .......... ..,__],4`. . . . I i . . I., I . yourg . .�. ,th . � ..V �. 6.40" 1 1 1 .�,, -- ., I . I- - one, . 90. . - -: ­ R11 Clear, -isn't id?"I Th`V1 He �Umibedl into e shilp but .-had lida.n Agenh. "Th,at ,and the fact. that J"Tictu've bouglit stamething, thank 'CIL-m faEls to 'secure. I . . McNiught ................... 6.52 " ", . I ee If HaWle ,inforrned dometimes ,brings results that criti- Walton, ....,; ........ �'.... . . � in Store, Main St., gram,, no harm willl'�cblme ,to 'this � L " a�d- lion, hom Po - . . Mr. .Menefee,' �'�,. ..*1*1' , , 44eildo#1L Ph aa,dy. xKou teall ,,him I ,the ,as.Dbaul would have paid, you." I I .. , . . , . . � I __ . . "' 4 . -k. 6ffi, "YOu -got any lie loved his ranch more thart cash you. if . . . . � 'Public Opinion, is vsilua6fe -when it TDT� .to '. . ... . .'. , , I ; an adili,tilon�d thought. . N I 1 . "... Qaiiil iv�ddlsd. She couid vot spea, , vs ,,)r somill sort 6 9 ' di.slinfecitant .11 ..... . . n - . ............ 10-05.. � ��-"� � 1, b I riatori,w. -caused him to reject th-ose lead' . . .. I ' 11 " R. F.A BURROWR Cmrc On," Todd dc-manandied, Ifallie. like rMait, Miss I birmsby? �, � ,n1eanwhile," littl,� Riallie, chimed s ,to an app6eeiation -oif, ctandi- � West I . . ­ . � r 4111 " . . . . ­_` - SP ' . ": ," t Office. gkid-tt, dence, 66dericb' St., llf,have I alliuring ,offers," , 4,pla ,loan ,You enough. money ,to li-ons tihTbiikh a protper understand- - � . .. A.M.' . ""i . , , . I - � .. -1 -I. no, Itimel to losie."_. '"No, but-. I harve lisiterine, Will - "Well, lthey -h�d ' - 0 pro- Meet Your 1-Yr011. When , ,father ing, it. .become Toronto ..... `TAO " "" `�'t I , - I en* of the'United Church, Seaforth. � Hallille glarr�d atlam with ,losAhing.. -dol?" she asked.. ; pelrty chemp,11 .th' . . I-, , . V Phone, 46` 6bl;�ner for.the County and' instinctilviely. - 0 ntinued, ldfled, Lee unbalanced throuigh luck Of irdoT,ma- MeNsught -. . .::*::: - 1'1.48 * � . that I . , . ; , . ,_Q e2ef eb wasn't ­el*ioned in his . -::::::::'. . �, I V " 11 I :,, . ,� ll And,c . cliternopit, recoil "Thait16 a woutdi-wavh, ainIt ilb? , . mse they ,would nlot have ,had 'M,111, becausef ifalthe'r had t - t �.. I 11 111..� . K . � I"s . lon. .. . Dli, ...... 121.01 . ­ .. I I Raton. . - I . . ­'­'�M),' ,a,= hairn'.," "Cam's �here," he ,%t,,A, " . . Other - bough W" ` 1. I I 1P - 0 �, "I - I � . I roared. The I girl, -turned to flee and q . I . . mifficient-mioney to make the, initial ilanch. for Lee and iltocked, it, but'd ' Questions idonclerning, 'health, . ad- Blyth .............. ...... op i .1 12.12 .. � ,� , .... . ,� . �� . . . WeR, I beil,, Henry Menefeei that if payment. .Your brorUlliet would,' doubt- inherilteida third infbeve�§t in, a c(otbon dressed -to',th,e Canadian Medilcal.As- Auburn ................... 12= I � ; . . I �. . I . � I ,1.1. . w$th a long leap ,.he wasr ulpon her. he just naitlarialli'wild iris, kit'an bein" 1&ss have demandied. FWally Todd n4lil in WOrees,t,e1,,, Massachusetts so,ciart,ion, 184 College -St., cicyaw. .�.'...,....J...,...,.-.;, 12L44 I , !�-,. � I .,:, DIL HUGH H. ROSS I "Yorwimlight as-welil,learn. bere'-and .. ToTtanItIo., M . :"'e�-�.. � 1. ,. n,e - , I - . Graduate of University of."T'laro"t , gghblo,4y arf usefull-, ,he Might rwash h,.t uIrflion. the.islimple, - expe,dilent "of d6'- Ira Todd and Mr. 'Dblak didn't kno�r will -be answered promptly bk let- 'Menset . ...................... 12AI - - I , I 0 Inlcmv aiatt 'I mean what I tiell- you," out Whosilikey's mouth. That I ,�,�, , I .1 Faculty of Medicine. member -of col , ' . f0bll d0g. kilig away wilth .yorq, Purdy. YOUT ft-hijit. They didr?'t kniow that I wC4 ter. I . . .N .. . P " he snarled, anil swung and shook her ,has sure been playdn'- with rpnothin' I I . Godierich: . ............. I ._.: 12.46 .ill � I of Phy§iclanis" and Suriblia I .. I S, . . . . . I I 11 I ". Sege . ' of ViCiDUAY. - dmth would, ,bring -the deal bo'a:,bloil behind ylolu,'did they, Lets,,darling?, Of I I .� , . . I . . - .. . ....; I Ontario pass graduate . � `Unhfofl-y�" ­.-.,� . ... ..... �.. . .......... ­ll,l" I .. I I I : ; . ,'6DUtSe.: i1r - "Mr.', X-enefee!"I Hiallie screamed-' V,aili � very promptly. So Doak engaged' a 001FUrSei, old fobatiiIhness, you. wouldn't . . I I . .. ". I , . . ,:: :,,��' . . I .10� Clhicagot Clinical. School ..of Chicago ; "Oh, iMr. Menefee! Hielpvp Tormny ,flew out in1tb Ea. e de ritan -he knld*, who didn'.t,miake, golod, ilet-me.g.et 1661h�nd yfou, but in -a pinch . I., . ... I ,�, � " - , Royal Opthalmle, Hospital, Lo 16s, 0jas N-eigpos that aftierno.on, but and Toidd hired'four ,men waith Doan's I ,w1ould havle )had to- be -iobeyed. bInn, , , . e . . . I 'V .. !'don, , H101p wa; aft hand. _ It arrived- in 26L . . .. - . .. � England6 University' Hospital,' r, ,� d there' �D,ridii Purdy's bom'11J' r,oiie_�.`. .The result of thalt- e I . . . . . . � r I 9 of ,a sigible,jant&whilte streak hall?Ok You carols but imbo, bbe yard wilth -m . . i �, -1 . I , - V ,the h � . urdy., wlilth -Link 'Hal- thiought you all kipow.lill L ., I VT CUIL I ... �Sl . �h.,ls don, England. , -Office Back of Do- that trial e loff the veranda, clearol '' ,� I want 1-10 sihidw You solmething."- SNAPSHAI I ..�. . �, I I _, Ic e 'n 1hk,JattIL-r`,s- je pment, 71. . I . I . minion Bank, -iSeaforth. Phone No. 5. raillng An in - .,!quit ""But ,-could Todd pind DaA be quite - ldw,, �a . . . : I . ­�r . � 4., . -d with, ,a short, throaty , yp ., ,� - I � - ca�n,,elj""� �o-,_Slc' the plane. ' 1. IShe bore her'sivrit" ' a . . " I ..� - I . , t-lesh"p. " � ." I - Night calls answered from ,residence, growl laamiched Itself over Todd�s . - ­�S� eertain that New Mexico coal 'could 'tag ecinveying a ,,,,,ln aw I At Home With Yo r Camera - ...." I ,. Victoria Stiiiet, Seaflorth, - 11 . . "brii-gill'. fiallie Link Halliclivirell he. dea.,veped,-in Lois -AngeRi§1it a price ,'Lee Puroy vto-aid With his back to .. . I I � U I . I . �, , . ­ I ri ininiolteclited w,el "Rem�ifti,iiir,"'he said, -as he t1h C' ive t, - :s e the I! let 1. . . . .. I . right shoulder ,ialt - 114's ­ .at would" bei attrai ti - � a th� t el r plaicie :hIolkifig-at 10akl ,veiry I I � . . . .1 . .1 , lor . . .,� � I . 1 4 . . nee The iniant uttered a 1&fflle, suit- Nic-cla Is tca: wea .contemplattlVelly. . Then: . � . ,�' . I . .,� 11, i . . I Tided' her a 101VRTlike greteita*t' ' ynffl� fe?" ,Hallo' asked. . -1 " -�,, .iji' ... . I � �� I - :::::::::;::.:�:-!-:,�::::::::;::;;:.:.:.!.:::;::::::::; ...... ::..�...--,.,-. : . . I .1 DR. E. A. McMASTER prisled miDanimig cry as V%uskeyfs "thait 41firele mianths frolm ko-day you - ,'.C)oa,l within six hund?ed mileL9 01 "Gail, lt.:41oes-lbak'�'Aisf if i . . . . . .1 .,,,.�.��.�i�!,.-iii'.',�I�i�:i��i..'..-!��i..'. -�, ..,......,,..�......:...,�',.�.,�.-..'-. ... I I . I I I'm -to be - . .. .1. -Grad just . C�'ti��iii�i*"��.��i�:i�iiii�iiii��.��,�iii���,.,..,.,i�;�:i.'-.'!.ki�i:�:�.,:,:.;, �;,::�. _1.-1-..;;- . . Ilong WhIte tei6th inetirrbis� neck, -ben pounds ..gain Los Arigeles ,Was, plie fo - t,h,eTn They I .... . I 1. nate of ihe .:.University of To haive got tlo show me . . "'.1 ; I ; I . . a coad,birricin." � . . .. . .."-.;-.-.""...,....;.;.;,�.:......."...�. 1. . _.1 I .% .... bli his, fright ear. A siavage. tug ,,, an ho-heslit sicalest. Menefee, it's thaid 'ali.)Pady -secured, � , ,` . � ... ronto, Faculty of Medicine and To I did fe'll over IbackwardV.­ a iii�orable "It does, Lee. Antd.Ilm sa .happy . . .1, . Member of College of Physicians � _M2gkbe,�n mlighty-gFood. of you to gulard -frle,'ig'h,t rate." I I fo r Y-oa I 9 I I � . 01 . and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate of hoavy -eo1,14& leatpfi4.clear land, at 7 Ttodtcl f'he girls -here while we were. all *-. .,,,B,,Zt the' dual jileo at Teast troenity.! 91 r sakie. I � � L , .1.1". 1. - s' hq . -� ' -at .0 , - I sat up -land rea�hed for t -e pastA he way," h Wh are ya going t,o do w,ith , - _ - . . - Se - and , . is clontiWdlidb tur-hini - 6o is from the �naiii line ralilroAJ�LII 1� ;:.:,::'!'::.:'%:::- :':;:L%:'. �� :': �;':,.'�'� . . " . .,;,�,�:�;::;;�:�::::::�:::Ii:i7�:.,. .. � , . , -q , , L I . New York Posf Graduatd' '61, . I ,g the mile " *Y r, ii:�i�i-.,:,"-�i"..'�,i�kiiiii�i���i��', �:j:�-j: , I t Wnclln Hospital, New bad- dirlopped 'in t -he brief" -milelee, , � ycur ,y9ung li:�o after ylbu-siell ou ::;;::�: �����;"�i'��::��:!��:::�:,��::����i;!i... ...­....... I � York. Of gene-rilf ,mantage.ir Of the ,Soulthwest- I"Th.6y'blad i'an arrangement peT- 'ranlch'?" , . I .... .... �, ... . . . . . . i:if::. i � *`:!*�*� � �:��,::;::;:::.."'..,. .�:."X-­.: :;t . .1 1, -1 - . �:��:���i:,. I...,: 1, � Wh ' .. ,::, . �.. , . . . fice on High Street. Seafiorbh. .... :��skely snalpiped �at the - - 0 9 ,e, Cattae � Loiftn - Ciarpioralti'Un. "BY fected. tio, hiame the Santa Fe Railway "RE' ,�"i;.,.���:�:;�:�.::�".,��;i�ii, .�! : - i . ally, I haveti"t given ithu matter ,, � I I I . 27. . . . P119u`o fiana ,i,fid ripped it cruelly. Tgarfl1mulp, thn' ,*.�: - ... .1. .: � . .... .1. e waly, v '. I :;�i�i.,:�:'��.;�����::.::!:,�����:�::�,:iii:;:���:�� �. :::: I-_ .....� *%-� - . YOU mrUst know this,scoun- Ciamip,any build Z Spur right, uip to any eon,sti-domttition Lee," I ": -:.;'::,:::..:�:::,;::�;j:�;: ��;i�� _.. : .... . I - ::;:::� ii�. . , . . ­, .� i:.-:.'::.'::..'....: � ....... ,........, . ...... 1'.'.'.,.,.K**i;::: .... . . . , , ully equipped, for ultrashor 11 .. . . "...­­. ���i:i��i�i�i� , ���,�i...'�ii�ii:�*i�.� �;.­ .. ....... 1. - .... �i.,!�i�� 4� Office f t little, earls clocked, the dog-s1to-od: there drel Dbiak." . ..::: :iii�i�i:;-::.;.:.:-x ': . i . . ,t plert, ready, aipiptialsing h[Vis anitagom- .,,.I . La Ctiesta, . tnicantada. They warilteid. , " Want me -it ` ' ::: I., . I ­ ........ !:i.-`��;..���.�� ;'I..;.:. ­l,'�"�._'.;';­­' . .. . ,�lj..::Aj L " o, advise you?" ����,;�,-*�,.�,��:::��:�,.��:�.;:��:�i�:���;��,��,����;�;�.�..."..i:::: " ..... -1- V0111=7 1 11.1 1, ­� . . .?,;: , `;­ "*_ .. M,,� .- .i.�i � , . _ - a L - - 'Itia, ,olperatis ,h.e11`1e,-.:,1aec"!se .it's a tl#�; "I'd be very ggraltefuI.11- :i,r,,,:.,,,,,;;�,,�,,,�,:.:;,.'..,..,.: .,.,,.�.-`�.:���.�r�! ::: .. ,, wave electric treatzriento Ultra Viol( ght.1T. H .9 ,of the. bw, i:i;�:.::.;,�.,�..��;7,:;:;.:;;:�-�::::i'���:�:j;�:�- .., --,--o_".-,!"-,.:.,-�?. .;.�.: ".." �;.:.;.;.::j::��. ::. .;!i:�i�ii��iiii:��il�:��;.,.::�...,.......:""".', . I . , , !: �:::.,%��iii��:;ii!�i: I. , " "'I' advise �lau tia /become a coal ' �:��:i!�ii!: i� ; !...1.0ilet I .;:;. , 'Jolt war a slacland -or* two,,A_hlen, decid- I.F-m-cif Dtoalk-, Eirlin & Dol L. - One Of per cedt. , . . -; -..:,:;; . . 1 "?, Sun, Lamp.treatments,--and Jidxa Red , - - an ir ::::; ..-, . . electric treatments.- Nurse in a4end ing apparenitly that 'hie could -aft-rd' L,no D13-ak-, iis Abner And* ithe ofther -is guell'o.. �' . 44 ;..' :::;� , 4:;:z . I . . The loaded cars would' go baroness, Gadl. It's an easy "life ,and :::::: ;... :i�jiiii*�ii::�i�ii.� . I I ?` . ance. . towoul t1he -man chei*,,he ebolzed with Janpe,r, blis nitephew. Abner Dblak ,e,Glwrn ta,the main linie by gra,vity; yib,u will 11,C).t have Va hive in New ::: :11 . I ...� .. � .1 .him a I I I ;. ;:Fl ." . . .1 ....­- . . , gain. . . .. (I ,and J,A,n Erlin aon�i,oll the Stouth- -by fit"ling armatures Ito th-eir wheiells . . .;,;� �:, 1:;,�::: .. � '.'.'.,': :::V. .. I . I '. I Henr`� 'Memdfelei, Isumimbneid tfrom Mexico unless you care tio. Fla. re- :. -:V. . - 1: ::;!!, I . I I weLsitie,rn Cattlet Lo,R-n lceirhpany; Ej:Rff 4they would generate suffi,cierlt elec- ficirril,- I'n, ready Iloi settle dlown into � $ ::.; "'R:' ::;: .; . I .. U OLLYER-_ I . .:: I DR. G. R. C insilee the housle, by Halke's frenzied has, af IVtTIiT11g 'Off thrArilkis th"Oughbut trite pioweir t1D pull the empty cars a tame mild-Maninarqd coel lloaroW - ..:: :':�,: Z::;::-,.*-' ,,, I I "I :: I � -U -T .,..:!. , . _%"' � .� 4 ..I., : , � . .. . Graduate Faculty of 'Medicine Unfi- ecresim, arriverd oA 12he i n. ,' add the Sloulthwest ,also, and Doak, Erlin. froan ithe maiin"Illne up to the mine. and I 'think you'd be able ti6 glet aa .'_ ;:! ...... 1, I . ::: I ::: :.:: 1 15 I � . 11, I versity of Western Ontario. iiLmber -war, lying quieltily On his- back anid & DDgk ,,, ihe -couneell for i ithese Tlh� ... natural gandliti,ons, waidle floi,,itihe Inng wjti� me. .However, I dion't ,:� :.: ... ,. .1. I. : ' , ' - ', -CloUege of Physicians and Surgeons the 4.&Qlg iwas still worrying him, -�r�en 'banks and, -the Caltble, Lown Cbmipany. chea,peslt ,kind ()f transportation." n1l � ..X...;:�:`. � , , ­_ - . ,:_ . . I I uch earme what you think afbiout me �-. : � ! I .,.;.:.'. I 11 of Ontario. Pbgt graduatil wbrk'at X12me,fe-e Ibeinit -olVer. ,the ahimall and Jeoper iDloak is just a start orf fift(h "Are, you going t,6 try to trade . .:. ::: .. ... ..... ... "I'll -1.`;,-X:--- .. I me any more. The, day I picked you up : ::! .1���������i � - '�,' . 1. I New York City'Hospital and Victoria .A'App I ed him -smartly aciralse ithe side wheel in that . law firm. W)h,en the iout ,of Jasper Dbia�k?" . Purdly ksked. , alt San Oinotfre I maide up my m -14-d '.. .. ������������������������������"Q .. . I .. . , "I � , ­­. ­' . . Hospital, London. Phone: Hensall 56. of the he'Ald. 441tet go, Vihuske,3�,", he, "Union gtolck.,.Yards at Los, Angeles Iq am not. I never liked, that. man I'd mawry You ilf.all thell popped; and . I � . - . .. �. 1.111 � � Office: King Street, Hensall. . commanded. Whuskey obeyed,, troit- were Ibuilit a great many catidle, upon and now I know wh�. (He can fight I'm going to, do it. W.e ha-ven't ' .. 11 0 . I .1 bed -off a few feet and sat down, ready which we held ,nvorf4ages were, mar- his- town, way out of the dirtry mess known each'obhle-r very ,long. This room has medium colored walls and a vari6ty of tones in thiellpr- , li,. I I I I tio renew the -contest should nlec4issi:ty ne,ted It . but- . - ­ 1. ; IF - ' . here, -and' we had, to haw a the's floundered inta. Ae's. horribly oh, tbunder come ,belrej lo've you, . nishings. Taken at 20 se.66nds, f.22, lens;focused at 15 feet. I .... . I I I - - . I � DR. F. J. R. FORSTER arise. His white r'uff was fleek'ed' letal rtepres I 4, Antratfive to lotok atttrsour fr:fghtened. When- !'he -law me he and, if Haali,e relturnsi and ditsoclovers: _. 3 . � Eye, Ear, Nose apd Throat w`itih ,bright eploitcheig, of lylloold., - eintereSit1s,6n -Los- Angeles. 1.1 � W per couldn't ta.lk fast enough I Ao gelt-the ' 'URNITURE dealers report a*sub- side of the camera. If, as sometimes. . �.,� . I I .. � � . Graduate in Medicine, Upiversity of Merefee knelt -by Todd' for a min- . I haven't ,§mothered ,the Opportunity Fstantial increase in business. Are happens, a sunny window is ihL a , . ., - .1 1 I . DIclak was isemit to,lopen ... a, bran6h otf- story. �off his chest. I brought him *she so geigerously gavie me by re- . . I 1� 1111 A he house you want. , Y. , I . I exialmii-ning the st,114. form; then', fice ithere. He was alsio supposed to iover fioT, a loon, at Toldd-baid he 'grelis mo,vin.g heirs,pilf and*'Linn_.' . . well to take, you can eliminate sun -glare 1 J Toronto. ute, you numbered ar*ng those who have particular part of t Lato assistant New York Optbal- mrhille 'hits !ibody shat from, Uallt-ilefs, be %ical agent -of the .loan comi refurnished a room or added new I , . f . . inei and Aural Institute, Mio-orefield's view a isight never init�endedl. for her � PanY bysiberical, and bilabbed it All oult, to here, I ,see, is the'graive M my mas- by a very'simple trick. Pull the shade' I ir I. , 1. 11 . . and -get ipme Claffiflornia buisinipisis for me. X.1holye they give him life." culfne, Kberty! I'll haver to, go to furniture or decorations? . . " ", Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- 4yes, -.he caliled to ,Gai-1, "Take 'Miss li,t. , , . F19,11owell. Henry Mkneifee glanced ,at 'his yiju, ., '. .11 . . r ... .14 . . � i 0 - ...... piltalts. house, 'Mi - � . ". ; .... , Loiiidon, Eng.. At Commercial Purdy limIto "thib If so ybu,should take a picture of of that particula window clear down . 1, He's hoifrilend iaf ,mine, . and keep it down for an exposure . '. . ss Ormsby-" His uncle is a nine-minulte egg, but watch. "There doesn"it appear to, be He -.had her in (his, arms; .his, earn- long enough to' give yoli.,the other'- I. , . - �,his rejuvenated, room. Instead of I . � Hotel, ,SoafOTth, thiid Wednesday .in 'When be- Was alone with Todd hie an honest miam His,ouly ,belsetting any legitimate , .reason , for me ,re- , e9t, eager face, lont, -and ,honest, like merely writing friends or 'relatives I . . "I I � I i . each month, from 1.301, ip.M. �q 4.30 p.m. lbirloike ,off several k-uge clusiters, -of sin -its a yearning flat 1FA" extra ft . to or maining laway froirn my bus$nestw'a,ny -the-b of a m featureq and details. Then, close the . .. ; . 58 Waterloo S I Stratford. -the geranium busheigand ( d1h an h e -e pki �Mht.11 . 11 shutter and run the shade up t6 Its ' . . treet,, South .ptilied e .,i , good hoirse, was ben:t over about the new dining room, bedroo " .. . , . J f, r .. . lionge`T" he declared. "Guess,, I I heirs. "Are you g to be thte-�Bdr_ or living room su'it you cam send . 1:2.. . ,&14 around- lira Todd's rilg,� der and I - �. . %, I . i.. - . , .: . "'Ifia,ve You -enly lidlea what- he ,and, 1 0`�n 1 position. Now, go back to the. � . I . . it ShOul I noriiia. , .� ��. I I 1piIowl along. Pulrdy, we. can use, I& oness Ga,$)l� of La 'Ciu,eista Enicanit- - them pictuxe&.Maybe,you 74ave a new � �­ * ' DENTAL ", I .A k . I . i - irreck. The isicarlet Mbesowis,, Morg- Todd..haiv6 been up be;?", Purdy ask- montelf" �lou owe us as sloon as 'you, ada?" "he dife�manded. -1 candera and, without'changing the� � I ­ . ing mith ithe Underlying callar'scheme I . "Spealil naw or nursery! , I I ,.,�'. i 1. ed. i"Of Vouirstel thellr scheme has sell yolur coat" NO shook hgni�lq all remain forever sdaent'p film or the camera's position, open : . .. I . `­_ hid siomeltbling very ple,laSant,' and Ira be' 11 �, 0, e . %_ "' � � ' `1 41 ­ en to rulift, 'Xiis Ormsby ,and me apoiu""inidl =d delpaiite& ,Purdy tqrned ,"I Move you! 'i D n't put off taking th as pilitures the shutter again for a, half "second- � ­�., �..�776R. J. A. MerkAGGART Todd mad& no objieletions, for he, MIlas . she iilurrmured. And , any longer for making them is not longer. . - . and- bur our T%ncheig -at twenitiV-6ve to his siste'r. lift�d het T",, ,to MS. I -_ . ( . � I 11 Boyal College 'of Dezyt!. cenft orn ithp dolleir, so nIAlturally Jas- "Hallie, will you run. ouit ,to ithe ","'Goid is golod,11 murimured, Le - at all difficult; in fact you will en- R is a good idea to use a very small - � , - .. i- . Graduate tl dead. Whusiktily's teetsh''had met in ., . per- Dbak ,had . suffikient inifluienoe , I . . . . . . Toronto. Office at Hentsill, hiis jug�6,]Wa­ vain and 44th ,had been e Purr .joy It.; H are a few pointers that lens stop in taMng indoor pictures, . .. . .. ikilbeh and 'tell Conchita, to rustle dly, Ilanid, the devil"s niolt hallf bad, . may help I ypu.jn making your first because you, want. detail-. FoWs on a., "... �, I .1 * 0 . 19"r9cons' no lb,6. I almosIb iustanit?vneous.. , ea 4110 ,� , I , . N't 'Pho - ,_� ...... I , - ­ , wftlh Tp�ir-0elople,ft -induc4i lhel)ln to up forty ,dollars' worth ,of hum and lol iyo(6 get wel'i. a U ibuld �ith ts. ,... � , ... . - ­­­ . . I ,"You -don-It -permilt men" 601 T6Vgh­' callif, uui catiblie loans. t 9 If cq a VVI sho . . � ­' , . It I --jWCTIO . But itheirel True eij��w- fdi- youir future hadband and bimi. point about half --way bet,ween the� 11 ., . . I . " , - i r:_ , I . 'NEERS ' fibusiel thime, You llove, d10 you, W1h1,tS7, hame been somothing ,e1sei--:isf&me prize . . I 111-elikissed'her! Then he krissig, hclii If you take your Interior pictures camera and the far sidg of the room; ­­ " � ­ .. , . . . — I . __._ . �,,. I - . . � . . I kely?" Wene6ee,addri§lssed )the dog.. gmeMer thin a caittle raTicih that- tb�ly . . agatiny Cut bis�-broubles were ,,nish -in-- the daytime the chane -es are that - then, when the lens IS Stopped down �,;111 . .. ... M .. �.... "-I-..--- � - ., -h "'%: '" �! l . -'I'MulAW tanuifnipwd -tN6 ­­­ If " . - ­7;� 0 4 . - " grisSis. , .. 1. I 0 Were Sleb, "ng fbT. . ­ . � ...-.. - . . ed and'hel MuMd aff-ord th I you will, have -to take a time ex. You will find that practicidly every- ' ,.'-' "I . I 4 I , : " 1, I . ( I . . -RAWLD DALE . his taill and smiled amiably, ais col� ,, 71111 y9u � . osure unless your eta Is thing Is in sharp, focus. I -11", . Licensed Auc'tidheer alies ,-dQ .... tq, theiT fri,en&. Later he I can -that, tolo,"I Menefee . p cam .. . . , . 11"! .. '- I reitffllecl "I've .been talking 'with I f ' 'THE END equipped with a very,fast lens, say Avoid Includin, large -pieces or, I'�. . Specialiati in ksi�m. and houselhold aiTetrel& no objetetion when- Meindee Doak. Of course, he wis, glad to 4 i�. . 1. .. - f.3.5 or faster. If a time exposure is' 1-9 I , .11, # '. Ied him to� a water Itap -and"wikit1hied 0, .0 I furniture�lni tfie foreground, le'st the3t I b I . I . 1. 1. . *Mon. ' Prices r4astonable. For dates 44 necessary you will have to use a tri- take up more space In. the .picture, I I . - Ito -the blood, of, see mle. At a itilme. 1*6 tlile 1presw %2�v . 4 1 1 '.. . .- ,A � "d W-ormaltlicift write "or phone Har- from his -yaq brewit lent (his regards me, as is member a I I . I I "Thle lbotal output of concentrated ,pbd or else place the Icatuera bn some than they, deserve., I ... -Dale - -ph6ne"14kSeafort1b, � or ap� vbbe man Who had'sadin his fiftt Tom . 4 11� � I I ­ 'hills Xamflilly, go he sitairted a trading � , �i I 1�,,.,i � �61d,, . . ­1� ;r 0 a ' nVilk products in CartaAA for the 11 solid support, such as a t9blor Even! Exposure time will v,ar,�r, of course,, . IN, I � � I . � . 55T& . 1, ) . VIY, at Thif,10xviositor office, . � talk wMbh mief immedliabefly, and nom- .. . . � ..: I . I months of 1935 Qnded- ,November with an f.3.6 lens you, s4oyt� e brilliance of. fte Aayftht .... " � . 4-1 � - . - _ _4Ayq. witlx tfi ­­­., , � i t . I ­ CHAFTEd' XXY.1 irialbed me, Ms emissary to _pee what I . blinlo-unted to 99l;Vff,179 #&tffi&, aii ' - s6i,fie ,tsubstantiall support for your and the degree to whicilh, the Walls, " � ­ %ffe-Ir ­% aid hilm vkX., y1ou, It , . � � I A ........ " Vhm To"My ISE OW in .an I eVaW 'd& fncreR" Of 10,577;6al. pounds, -or 12 came''ra, for you Wilk probably -And, it reflect lIghL On a bright -day, pie.. I .� I 6 I � , ARTHUR WEBER. holur later bit- found ,Gail waWng for seems, iPutrdy, yDu bsive cla" ton this 11 per cent. lover the corresponding, per. neeessary to take your shot at I/Sth tures in a predominantly light 601- . . .41�1 1 � . . ""Ahertioneer's Licen�e' him -in froirt of the hangar. I . . 11 . .�,� ".. I . Tiancib. Doak 'hiad an engilneerlsl,-re� . � iod, of ID341 � N, , " .. '. . . Sixt,%eo years' le . 6 . ' . 11 .. . or.1/10th of a second, and at speeds ored toom can be taken With an 6x-, ii,1111111 '. �. "Irs, Todd called,heire tbia mbrnfifng pOrt on ,the proofti%bti in has fiablito. I . I I 11�11' , . i �FUIA#nc . . slower than 1/25th of'a second It is posure of five or ton seconds. ". -I 11 , 4 I -, l . S'WoWtion guaratitteed. And ' Vfhlusk" killvd- hiM in, - the bagi , nd I hw,* TI-ei it. - A twe 01, dull -� -, .. I- - , �;" I . 11, �'_ I T i ellep�,oflio- 1$ 'I an, __ I n1ty- - I ­ . . . I '. (Considerable Progress .bas been extremely difficult to Mid Ube cameft dAy6p In dark 3�oblfis having billy ,6114; I I .1.. .� T.1: ­ - . , ­.. . 1-67,'Ailniall. �"ild- I fW,6 thittauncea % "tit .� - .'' � .,:,�, ��, t, . viev - o seam df tU ftest ci , . :�-" ... n aide in the brreeding project for the stead3rf.AnY movement of the' camera windOV,­7 , 0� , . . - I wkii,��duk wbibit, "I'li'dinimly' started & her white face coal in the vorld rung 'rigghrb atrosa : � . . . .9h *111 need ,ad h 1= �.g§% "'' -1111111 Sheep at .." .1,141, al . .,'.­��A . I . . RV * :1 ,development of Corri4dale will'cause a,blurred pleture. five minutes; With this 11.611' I . t I - it. ga, t, Dashltmod. ilioing aM sarrntss1Ayi'-.--T�lsn: "Nke lfh$s iclouiTtry far Miles. It runsl`�' - the Dominfibin Experime-hita A . i I -*��' I , ,j4:� ,' � _ ' doiggi;al" iniuMurt6id W,. i9cailfe. through thhel hitli. It only re . . I I Stakiton The o6oret of. success in indoor pie,, __ �IftttStjoj�.F$Ictu)res Serve, to6� . &jj. 1, .1. "� , 1 . lquim I I :, " 1 1 . . ..... . � . . at 14blibrid-ge, Albernts- The work has turet. lies In contMlifig tb�_light_ `Memot� Instutahicel" fitit Ili -41'. '. '19 - - � "Todd came heve ttla 1�611ehse 131as- �wefq _tArlo hwi0yed',knd, Six ploundg, . CT, WELL COND 'theen under WO , -for a number of reaching the . , ' I "ustb,�,.­­' �.L � ', .. - ­ ,90;�ANC I lGail wenrc lah. IM, sn'6*lc- lok ithus, cost 100, m6ko a ftn o[C coke, a 1*61 V 6 T Ep. years. vaxibpa parts of the come when 1h4bh1bSrs,6f y , �� '.. � ��,P, � . "IN ..�r I . ! " , I - ll� " I __ 'A , Z , 15 , ,�,"-, .6-41" 'I, I !�. , I I � f 111"', w4 , -,7 ; : I I I 'I I "" liti�ii`,�,,�; , , . . .:. ."i , I , " .11 ... i`."_`.,:%: ...... I,. .. " - .."'i�*�"...'�!."���..�-,...'!�;�, . . .1......,...,..:,:i ki I per,toan," abovitulleNt"M60en" 160 : 02 dorft 'I .. ,k�, � i , I - U10011 ,they , " I led orolund behlift 4o .(e ,the olpinion ItbOM 9_0.i_4- 86 IWITH. IIATH . , 61-V � "I ill "-.'� 1� .;OM r6om to be pictured; To beglu With', havu 'i ' . . I &,the blunk use anrid and *o engtiteisr is WLL Will' %1 I ! . 5. � .1 LANSIX AGM4CY - +_� � I... _� � - �, .,�, 11 "O'll., - 6 -*p Wkiii raft P0091% - -4- What iwasi t&ia,U�ghfi ear6yer in, i , 01M P Ado Curly MdMalm ithrough t1he that ,this aeon i1s, fat Iftelb o, ' itla. direatly, at Is 4, , ! 0.', i . � . milo 7616VOr.-POint YoUr C&Mllg­ okip"t tho., antavi o- ­ 'a I � . 1, I & beadi ft '. . . awd a toontinbation lo? this fiarwouis; ii ViXt I week , tky,49 plow.gita the I.. iiii'sia),14hen t ;1 V11'.1 % fQdmaiao ,6 , t allu kin . ­ . . , � TAkt- A -6 r the window or door through Which hombisteadi . .11� , , 061idd 1W,-- Etft*6,-- - :..",I. 'Offe Idlil-ed 'Curly?L" I mem verdWgidam, TDdA dis,60 , I C LU' pihie evidence d I the j�r4h4ftt titnoutit Of light is .o, in. ,V6 -d L h , ., .'L!4 ,�, . I 1 x6my &--tifth'. .�. Ver0cu'l rlt6* bEiP,*'r Oft W14ARP-994 . Aifibither -Zthi1o*Ws - Ab" i6ters, ,% A I .i I . lit"No, 1but roak fAboub AIL 7 60 bwl,v�,ftx... lftft�loiff &4_tdVP,etI elm� 6rFA`1h,6L�r11W6­ 1'. �, . , ,, � Ph-62bb , . 0 . ' __. _&�. __ S61WVA# ,4 I . I . I L 01 , -fii ;tau& � 4-.7. ..... � ..... . .. ,� .... .. . m"-._ ..-..-.. I ....... �"" " ' " ­­­­­­­­� r *I%v Z, - �, . , ,.Ik.,�1,1111"..�IL.�I'Ll;�"�"�..'�l-..I - ...... . '-4-11 ., I � I -­­,.111.�.­ -1_1- ...... I , ,, he shot the dotneir oft At Aris.t mid t1oldl . ft 1pro"d, to tug.. Keev the light'behind, .* � - - . , I ourtya isikun, 4"401i the , btolu thau t6io No* -kg, kg"�"Moofti"Ofit, . � , . I . , ­ � � . 4 4 , -Q I ­,� , '" �, " - L ; �'L,,,_ 1­� ,, `� "4"J�l� -1 - . . � ': 'x': " 1A ", , "O ,4 : 11 , I.. 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