HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-03-06, Page 6'`�" ,4, , �" '"' , * ��"11`1`1 .11, .1 ­­ ., �-, - �"' " -"-.Z� � - .. , , , ­ - , 1: ,�-:--­4�i- �­ : . , , . � �. � , . , . I .� : . i .�,�... I , � i- - I .. 0 � r1p , . , " . -11 ... I- I "I It , � I :::; �. , 11 ­ I I , , , �1, ,­­ . eo,�-­- ,, "�� , ,­, , �7� `�'i,L 1l,f,,!,.1'�'k,,' ��i,,J�j'­q - - -- . '.., - 1 � : ; ,,-1, � ! I ; , . , .. � -c II!, 1. . � , . ., , , , �,, -, , � � - .1 , � � ^-. , , . , I . . — � . ,� , , , % , . ,. � . . . � �: V�l , ', "' , , ',�:, , I 1:� , � j: . �' , - �� - ­ ,. % , . , � � '. 7. , ,, . : , . ,?. ,::�*7­r .1 " -� - , -1 .1 �,4..� .1 I � .. .". � `1 . ,, .1 J . � -, "!� V- . lil;, .� " 7 � --!�. - I ­­ I ­­ 1. ." - - . "I'll i I - 11 F, , .0 � " , , vp, ,., ,� , 'r m"im �iii iivpmi� � iiri,;pv'�',� .... .. ...... -, "' ;�,A;li ;-I �.1t;;1,_1'T1-- -.1111111. I 1. %, - 11.14 .. 1. . ...,". :1 , 11�r .. � -, . 11 11 ".. ..- � , �, '. .� ..... .. ­- � 11, : I . I' I , .".., W'". , , ­­­., -1 I - . %V01e 4p,t4oir ,* ll �- " . ,z . I .. .... ­.. , . . I- I , . L - aft crefaitielt an inver . �. ­­ I . � I "I - , I . 111"P4111101 � I - I ' . : I.O.I.. ­1�7.­­ .A-..., I�.,�i,�.. . 1 - .� glow awr' ent'hii%ilasin iraLwasible, '0 . .­!�� % . I " - . I . ­.. - � .. .. I � . '. 1. .... .. . I 11 I , . 11 . .. 4� 1. I .1tal ., � 11 ­ I ., I. , I ------1-.­-A� ... = ----I"- I i: 11- - , V . ') * . 0tedil , . P0,403'.Abstow , )load -' -afL­Kle -s 4# I I , - ­*. I I � 1. I I . �. I � ,. I . I . 11, . . .. . . , , .. I �, ­ ff� . I -:- I %, I . . . � ­ I .� . ; � , . , �.:. I -1 , . .;k;.. ., .; - .� . ... , , , I/ 1. 11. - � , . . I . 11 - , , `� "I-,., I . .1 ; - .'. . ' '.' - .. 11 1�., , � 1. 14.:� I!, 1. t ,4111 'Iiig -'O' A, INY _1ge,0­ ­ � Am - 2 9. , -iiswel&-� 1411 ,wzw b V M = 7 mi, " i� -� , " ��,4!�;do, , , ­ . I ­, � .11-" I 1-111 " - V. . .. - , " if , , '. I —'--' 1�� I �- Z 4re�smi a. � � p t041 P , . ", 4off I , - .� - I )3uti perhaw it its bet -ter to Siav,t at ni 10- ­�­ ---`­'— .. . . -.1. . I I'. � . I 1. - ,lightis nant&I ,e 4p,mient. He had- few%. e4 the � piany m1beaded 10o, turn th�. .711 . . ,W ... pelvelIS). ..fta.rply ,aft , 0. Dr. V090 -i thile salignall, U,Ove, lwais ftw�eo I 4 V1 ­ f! , ; . It . 01 4V f" I I a he be8tuxium 1114111 the of . , ­ ­ 11 . I � MO SUB gave ,4p.' 'v � � *, I I � . , . � . � I ­ I - . . . ., � , aud sitory � ,r 6 "... " R n�, . 4� ,h ,m ,,� . 11 . 1, I . I . I ­Dlottorll and its crea� .I'.V,g­V -11, 1. I � �T, � I . . ".� .. � - - I �. I � . I � I " .. . . ex! ce" tot the qViindruipliel4s, himself * ­ and -the proviln & . q0f,lof IgnbaWo-'upsid b4ok la" their-,� edbis. ft 4 b , . 1. . . ,h­iT br,qo ' le, : ' � ­ 1. rest itpeftz lunc,W'oa-'A'�e bealtbir1W �'. .. ;. : .1 ; .. . � .! . 1; . �: . : . I . VIN ­`f'.1�0,- ilk', : . . I I tjoin fr4m, the: ,stairt. "I . , , Tp -�q ­ � . I Da,rryi Zaniuck, prg-ductiloii chief of t�;�, -:j"., ; , , 1.;. " r "r, H, i Wo6d. I I I : ­ &*o. '' He -wrbravatid-h-0 W , flor i; tougher fight' f. 'his ' - or quintd�lobs! tle volo,4 reglistered. a v!4iofiieXjt pr - .. III � til-si �. Thiy *erei haviinj tod ,&Iotd-ji� , I ; � I Lijll , :If: , I ,��­i 20th Ceiiibury,riox Stuffilots, is one of ,��- &,�� il�.�il ii . & . V , I .: � -� .... �. - , , .,f , �:)',:-6 I I - 9 thq­ youngest Aid moisit Successful of . " , . seclusion abd Wety than, he, butd. had fD,r -lives. . I tinie. . ' I 11 -, - -1 . �,,.L " ; � --- . ..:: i,-, �..,'­..", V , .: '� � . .1. . � i ­14y,ipood . - �. - . --% � �- � , - �- . H1. . - producers. He m ade, bU el­­� ' I I I ' thvh- Instead off all, this ,he found Ddrec- ,Sotrri� em1bairraisiment twals cffl�ised whien Xafrfie took a violent flanev to" _ . I � 1. .1 . ,� I I �1, 1� ... . , ,ebures using timely '. -­ ," ­ . fama mak.p.g. pi 1''. " I - i I I 1, ,q� �,m . ,contributed, five a4nwit Hicoillevent. "I have nevier ' sub- 'i - "' , - - staries, wril6ben aiiiiDuAd 113;pituil ' � '-'A--- ,ti . - " - . - ,1voir Min- and the entire studio persion- . I pel ,were 1pirepeared,tio, sobey lits'slight- Cam-eramian ban Cluai.k. ,Shet -insdOW upon walking out,of,the Iftene to Min .­- . ..'­ =11.11.11-1�1. �. . 1. M I Pnd. je,ots. .The nV,nute news. sleories,broke Y.VJ%44* , *�-M� famous -glam- ,,q;t:n it wb-rld foe pelopl,,,- 'SID S'ti-lVed- biy� -7 ,, , "." "im-icertatini . - 94,t w4h 'in their filmilag of the price-. u on eivery locciasilon. � fte simply .V ,; ! m I 1. ,4* in a decad% the BUIes,- �)nfe event as everytone seems to. ,be crel2it.1*g --p:LJ.)!1ic irilbereist. , I . , pi ' '- -ed"b ' -e -the ' e, V&te, , h -e % 3iff,d sta,xit writi eir or .: - I -­M�Nwl .7� . qiwP . less-babilesI, They bvo ht 006�iail in4 � . -%imllfs "fil1ters could not. resist his'appeall. He Ainal- . . :'Iii:. . t F), .Ad,ft, rai -Cocile, Aim�eitt6 and �tlrz t . W yr , ,� ,� . ­udiiei, ,d! , Y he quirk *116ts, '7ra work says Dibris Denbo,, aii ar.my.. -of reporters frorn - most � seviefraili .Iwr.if-- --inig, o.n. Original N00h, 41 I I *0ULT'RY EQUIPMENT ealfildhiseenit, , n , fh�ue ,g with which ,to ,phot6gropill the Dion Ap- J,.v h,%d t1D hide, from her ,dight as, of- tem at possitbile mlhe�ni tq,Wy were shoot- i..'�,-!�. � .-�. .,:,. �'iiii� 5:,, -i4?.�,,.`bi4nXU.-, vAk$p ' 'u recent isc­ue -off the Came- e 'eTy sitlate In tihfe� Unhu land from ,elborbels'itpon rtlheise­slullojects� So when _ � UU­iefte Xotuimak - I .­­.. ;�IM,Dej� kviatry cauntry in the worl,d Doetimir Dadloe was hereaidied, a -III 'orvier . the w1orld -as ,hero he ted .,t I . . . The ieliability of"Jamesway 'Poultry b i efit has' bee c!M4­so well kno that ,.3=rAk ­ , = ameswey Hatched' is equi*41 t to a ­ misters. Dan Cliwilo, -the camertaman had - beisted thosiei carefully on- 4 y,eaT- . ' ing istoenes. . . . -1 The third day' wals notalule by an ", .�.�5'. -1.1 i�, .I....."...'­ .i ! :!; i�! ;* I : �� . : .".....'.. - ix-, ' ", "' .: --- a sfar T, acoo,mipwnyinig s w , _ ,=1 4.,,_.,X, gp m, :Lb* gtarte-0- ou,t -to be u' to Calilander. They ' . I , �. �, � _ - Rnig� ti W. � ers working &i 'Sitl3ries uarantee a , . . . a fqu . '911ity, - - - - - alrid-a�half-blld bfilbies Hauly I in ,wood - , accident ..to Jean, and Annette ao- :,�4:,.,:ii , ... j:p ".:::. ; 1:� .: :i lvst,�' Apiottivex picityre haa� turmid in6o !c�d-nuirfm,tred Ithe membelrd, 1of, 1 our gllotrtfy . .-- .. . 'he senstait0on ,of -the age a1l because company ten tl)'One, . oounitaW dactior, The scitafry finally se- . . lietitvpldvfikais��. (he usled-as a starAng ' 6di -littk sis-ters fvp-�n "MA -were besieged * by- popple -all IT106 I' . ' Besideth Incubators, Catudalp leadlia - - . ultry lnenxso!� Jamesway oil and'co;fg.r,n'w - , rl , ­ w -A .., A-". . VXW.J - Vanery �' T.,Z"MZZ 4"Alp iXUP; w.WJr8.cPx all kinds -.1 and bod'-priaivied them eotilrely (harrm- � lest. ­Dri� Dlikifoe ex-amiiined"thern and d ,I sedured lidinnIvedf delighted. quitned a n ew bower left molar and EnletHe a new lower ri-ilit mo�ar.� An- nette, Rineildet, Marie and Y Gonne had v . 1; .10011.'. �.a ....... ;i .... �Ii :�;�!i .... *...'' i .... ::i%":: ::, :: ..�-..1.-.1..1..%i,%'.1 I 1-1. �!Y!i...-.-��I, , :."..: : i , . "M . . .. . I I I. I ""' """' ` , - . ­ �: i�!riTl- i.j V.!,� 141 i* .::.,: - ; I 111, ; . ..; .... ;.;..- ! ;.ill ..A..'IN . :: ­: Is.- ::X: , �";�' .11 `�,�'ji�2'!i . "' , I ­ . .. . gers- ,aM have presented the al:)ng the way 'arid vielhicle fbe,"Wil Ro, . srince, arrving I , -1? I Meel.nests. Lw,u s . out' ,. , -1911,01F 4V*, Mill 'The next morning the tee kal nine rtfiiiith each then, aykd Cfelle, .!.! ,,�� ..... "' I ::i - - :1 �.,�,,i ... i., -T III.! � 1. 11 I......, R ...... ... ON ft In'10,1, inleant, MIA qUave lindiusittry-in'the w.)rld with hcante everytone, I meielt, wi-sheii, W..be' _ we Charles' Blalke, re- - , replete Pro9der houses. gerin' . a I . �fTIMIZIL ' 1;� rrived 'at the Dilonne I pital it eight. ' . I .: ... . .- ." . -1 ts 'greattest: thi'Al. cobi everything I kniow about"thelse. P.-,rt.,r Par Illita Chifc'aig�, Apierfiiihn, .1 ,E . and fihe man who Should re.6-ive iniost talk 'famijus babies.. I ,have in ,: Manufacturersofoll kinds . . instal byilcifng rhateri,%iiheq , at nine-dihirty. They set, up their . in the Jean Hershoft, trying to take ,some �IXX . - . X , Necutivesi eoxoitediliy ,of 290th never my Deiiku�-Fox'si therse ,of life. I of 4 -he ,zpedflit for- the uuprg�edefnted. Buy From vowlocal ivicesway d�jjeror * . . Volvdiredlof poiltable ,equipment play,voillin (Mbeis. sillow seenels With,his smateur n�ov- �.utfit, the ice � , , ... 1:: 1.1".."..'-, fi:: scoop�.in sig&ng ,-wenty-,three yL public on . ��& . I I fill'st lf`tr`!'�c'iht�lr'�Vt in the quinitupleits; waS- while -the Dilonnis slelpt Ion the . . ,ing ipicture slipped on � .� .::::::::: !!!!!!! ...: , ... . - Mlet iones for thiedT romantic s.,age and, slmrzien recelived Ruch worlid zis , . low to the woTld.� "It. will be, . the w`da pubMcitk, I would 'have said, it liviing -on the J613 with Dir� Daffue. He " IV - k1W)3 , - sleepang poirch. I . 'The few persiDirls to be allowed -in ond - bruised h1q. left ,thfgh and fwas,]­ un'able to work f1or two days. News, . ­ , ,.. I".... �� . - , I ­ - . . '13 tlM a great news ,stbry in Its e -v- gbeatelst ,mloney-maker ever to come ,wou.. ,be limposksible :flor anyone to sen, � . ery aetiad I J mEsw Y -2-irn-it6d GUELPH ST , I D I V SION -'-------- PR ESrON, ONT i —ala"t � the llffll�siefry dkwimfg- the filming had Pipems ifleatured the- story that Dr. -. " ,"".'4:��:' .; �...­, "", : :,� 1: , .. . ...'. ... " ... :;:. : �;::;`::;:� ,....,.;::..i.-.. ,�-,.X -:'..., ....'..."....'i . - - . :,; . �..... ....... --i�..','..., ­ -:'. .,:,!;:.:;-`. .. ... . . .::. .1. yut q Roallywoo&IL.--4is. the, univemal ,receive auch pablicity 49,1 -have xe- � . ". It w�g ,1111aike 0,F,h*..few to Chicago nie&cibion.. "It doi&n't -make any dif- ce.'md sinc�e, I -started! work in -this . . I Faqto;;e­a Ato-,trf;a—lau,pT-0��n- t�;- � . rilliseis and thrillimts. sprayed and all but Jea�n Hersholt 'and' Doroithiy-Peteision Dadoe was treating Jean Herfsholt go widely that Jelan freceiVed a wiiel from .­ 1. .", . . . . . . .. �: I � . . aill ib,k& .with an electric refrigera.- -weD4 , what kirrOt of a Picture they .pi..cture� - . . in tioir and filia1lilly *iltih, irlaubatiors4 He ake, wirth the quintallyletis it will be `1, -is imposisibIle to, beicome a b-alby .. . 4 , —. wore sibeiffitzed sirgdon"s' gio'wnst and I m`aL'il"S- Jean tan& Dicirlothyle elio-the ' S . , . hiis bwentiy-4one�yeax lold son: -saying, "I'd I et,tli � - break my n-ek.-k, dad em $i.i:.. . .,.":.".i.'i:�:�ili�I�i�;�,4,1�, ','ii�r!-i%,.iiii §'ii­:+:1;:-,. �:.'!'X:.:,.;.: . : .:.$ i.'�li.l.�i:i:.,i.li"ii�;::i::..: .­:.... ..:.::: `:,:,:, i`: ,%..:!?,� .- i!ii�iii�,�iiiii` :� 0, ...i.01, MR,;: ': $ "*04�111` im, .j!!:ji�:j:3, S-1 . .. . . I t - I " 'borel at the, el4ow iolf the hard,work- with.-thel Ovtiaxiill� GoveniMent f6r thie. . . ,,, ", ;.:.:.:.:.;.-:.:.,;.:,.:.,-,:,.:, Ile Most wid y-fattended , ture in amiywhere in the country as.,-stctod 01 pid . ini- 4. ft'ghtin . ­ . I ', � man, WqVD 111-eld within 1-0�, corneir off the g1loba." long as it is. the,quintuplets farie --, 9 . 1`13 Vower arild-science.five litt " lives. , Use of :the quilituplets.in. hie &�ory glorriflyine'lible cimm tiry doctoA -Selv- were thofrouighly.sberfl�zed every da,y be±IDV8 entering the nnme,&y. "I foIr headlidnes fte that" ,,; , In" ,one .Sequence Hershoft, Weeirs a ::i�ili��.i��!:�:.;!i:�:;.:.:.:.:il;:":i: - .....""",.,...,"..".....","......i�i���ii�i� :..--.' , i�:! . "'. . �i!! � ` 1.". . iil� . " , '."The Country Docibor" -has become about. -lie raving I I . , " He hViTa ­ , Eiral o(their prodnoers, and- stuMos ' . Dorriort-hy Pelterson �slal,d,' .9haR new-blure-busledse suit whic.h. has, .the . 'iliiid !!; . ;:I ;-,1� ��!i ,.ii. q7!1,: 1�: ­­­­ , i::::::::;:i;::;..;.;...;:j:j:j: , �� watched accomplish the mk- ffie rbadk ,of piotiure-makiii. AvIdy- "' ' "The I . -4 g Part iof Dr. Dafoe is - the acle ,of 41he niteidicial world withaut wood, and, sall -the -rest:of the .country grc-atiqist role any aq,tqr'htms, ever been ' ,�, -I- ' MWY Pilckfoird and PaTiamiount among Aorr ,the never fliDirget mly first glimpSe bf, the, quintuplebs. They were- brought, in stize 'and prfie;a tag to- the -tail. It -is interidleld tioi be thgt way in she -­ . :.:::.;::.':,. :;::Z,:li:i:.','i;�ii;:.."......- .. 1.1;:i 11'......; .. .......... I , :i%,:: : ;: .1 i: : .. :'.; 1 '. , . : . ..� !i 1.1'.111. �t; - M! i� , ,,of 41he ap�pbanfces)­or scientific them, ,Memo maiking foffeirSl like bundlels lof, bIlank,eda. Only . .:.:",.:: . ""'! i:.'�":.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:�.;i�. �::: ,;.:::i--,�! bakes quate, us exicked an ilitereirst, in given to play� There has never hean - . ...... Im.. I, .ul-1pnil" t of moidivrn niedicine. It bhe piloduotilm because of the xjnpre- nnythilng like lit in, , tH eo -II e ,SI Dry Of ips ,-erviieez of t,hie, .Lfa*au6 lEttle' ones. Zanuck's stfory.c.11inchied, the diesil for woloaly . sin-rall 'vimid, red faceis. i�bjldfng up but' . plututrie. , - ' ­ +, 1'�.Evefryoyga at ithe t FkPip! re Hotel ' : :!: : .. :::.': , -..-.-;.;.;.;-;:-: ;�11 :,,,ii, , . -- "'. . : � :.: :: . .", " """: ............. ... ::': .:. ': .1 , ....'.... - - : .;. . . fail was br age6nst nata-rd in itls. m1Qst , en t "Is' -an aetotr's­ . .edmted wtorld-wide interest in the vvagd. .or scine'"i I I - � pi�lmltil`ve stag6, and- the brainis,'and. I ,him. and ion, Nilyvemher'7, 193-5, Man- of the igrqatt heaps of coverings, m4vile where we welre sitaying," r&lalteis Je an, "f,reim : :!�!!:.: . N :.,..:. � ­� I . �:t " `.;,.,.,':.: - ;: `:: .. x::::.!7 :' .`;,..,7.',M 1 ` , .. , . .: ..... .::.:..11.. : , Dionme sister%. dreanu $hfoulld i giv''e' the most, ,ter- .. ... , . the ifinius 13X a little country cloctor orablie DinviA Cir.bli�'Mlniker illff Pub- , one irealitze, theire was something very I the'llian,ager, !LOMen DevEne I to I :: " .'.!:!:: -:;:11:1.`..:. �,.: ,. . .. .. In me vible performance -q,f -my ,careeir I' - ean S&11* 0at, across fro. , 'Her. . . bsta-cle .... knlown J. won p'Ver ,every d to in .... the beautiful library -of. his home, will still. ble more famlauts than - I . ,lic Welfare f1dr the ProAnCe b1f On- . tatia, the Ligovern- much alive withiti. . "When -next I vaw them they aip- the liewisiboly qkt the dolor'.0pq .. �.. I . .ke 'tio me. - about tUepr1lidef,tag ion my erbat. When : . . � �� . : .. I m,rrtounded by his ,priceless first edir� go-ulld. .�e, X,itlh..thet , fineist performahce , T"i-an' - Is Thi is,Ahe firstbrecord of quintrLiL. by in and .%provincial � ment', , offidal ropresidnit-Ative on the pvared� --- in ,dii-al jeTts land, IT)ng White - elb(irt's..,and. were 'like squirmlibg joy- I reached the bbs1pitiali the personnel of the Defoe hosipi'tag stfirted ,.­:.;. ;.. .1; ..... .. bions and ell,ellisihed ,books,. He salt on eveT grv@p 4,n actor any 01ther , -111villig ,over ,59 wimutes even in , , p�ets I bll'a�7& g'utardians for the quintu- � ' OUR ilittlie puppiesv. 'Their little faces calling . it' to niY attentib,A, -and when I weia�t ; .... ,., : : ; i I v .. . I the edge !of his c�htair mfore excited Picture!' .� noi all hirth. Thie ,Dionne quintu- then I thave ever seell him, nvoji,e*ex- "" From -this unu-stial interview with pl,eU weire tpreTaarture;­selven m I onths Pliets, ,�%D�oiuneedi that 20th 06nitury- r'ox 'Would be perimittled tiD Star the "The weTe , #Rl lerinision -and , tmnsipai,eint ficim the cold freigh air and, h&-litfiv into the ,scene with the fWbies, Marie grabbetil the tag in her tiny fingers .. : . : I Atel than I ,would, ha�e brek-deved the Jpan,' to tba;t which Darryl Zanuck-, . old ben -'es.; They were bbe'61ack foir qu4htV,:1e;tIs, in their, prIoduction. . ' . . Sleelp. Theitr reia.lfly staftEngly behu- ' and atitemipited to tpuR it ,off. The . .. .... . �:�, ­. . �; I . '� ,:.:� �.." :i,::�:!: quiet lovable intel'Iectuial could' be- -.he ,Drv&-c6r, whioee, Ak4si'gi-It' lie, and it was fall'over. the nulintu ah4 eia-y-9. Thsirlla were five little heart�i to. "a, -on L a - quick action won this, -pt,oductr keep fbeailinigj�flve. little. Couetry 'Dioctior." -. t ­.- ISin-oe Zailuck's plan- to make, this, Itiful ldlark lkrbwn � eyels: seenied , to pre- veTbial, absent-mittidedi professor would . . �:i��'.,: . ::::::: I.I.. : : i:i .;;�, "":111 . :;,.', kv:j ... ,pairs. of ' s * pleits a,:n,d hL ­rfali off Ithe doctior In ..whDotp, to 'Henry King, the director, lurlv to keep filledi with the. breath ictureii. . , bbeit.p., -­ - Doxloith'v iPeterson-, who- the i stoxy a abiTiring feature for Will Rogews.,: the tragedy which shoickeld dance with haip'Villielssand vigo,,r,Th:e,y were n1ot,stfll'a; inioment. It wa . is 11like nerer..geit far. qn , . Canfadfa with any sort ,of visi ' ible mistiake hike thiati" . :, .. - , : ` .. �:. , �-: �..j:�.: ii:.�Ki. .... I ::: �. ... ` I !,.'. :, 1 : '. '.I. .. . and plaiys D1 life,' There .were five ver y sick, . I R , e -had juAt retturii�id from Callan- rurse, I. met tth6 same vxt1-av-a,gant,.-,4r0 Tititlis '-willitpis -Df belings. tio held '" - Ing a . w0111111d, ,bad -taken, -,plialm, Snatch' - . � a Ave-r;nj lcdrei� to waitch li.� " "We starbed the firsit scene immed-- The"biggest i u la�gh Jea� and'. the cotillpany -had while in Carradij Jean .1.7.1 !�: , .: , , �.:. "' - . i.. �� .. �:;�::�� ,::,%. ,; ���i��,.�j�:,. � i : '. ..." ,::�..�,.,..,..,..,..,.���������i��,���i���,. I.;- '. , . , . , . ':.!­ '. .. : diew wheve the wildely-disicusged ecenes enthusiasm., -- - ... � ,h-cT,-e.Ion ear tIh against eviery',oddsi. with 'the louillituplet-s'were maida. He It I I Tli-e Dionne �&,bivz ma -v ba-ve'' WT- wa!3 a bi'1'!',I2T Igruieliling fi ht ' frium, the w1orld of men .one iolf its,- mioist'billoved public idols. ' Will Rog- * � ,s6,ily as, we were lqnly filernil,tted . � thirty mirlsitels rhoillting a day. Jean . I tells on hkmiwlf.� He -ressed IR ad1d the lottary Caub in the holtel grill ruo.m.. ... - .. .... .:.­ 1- .1 .... I . : .. ­:` I �'.,.-.`. :!!!,.,:, .1 . .:.-��, - .., .. , :��I'.� wa -sia'eathusiastie-over the 8 . - trip ,to red the entire -,varld, th-raugh the' Pgai-rot dI?at.1'i. TIE're were TI'D PMFA; - . ' i Canada, the fbiabies, Dx. Dafl�e, the written word and phati�,graohs, but heat ft,zi-10tres, vni semita,r� care- �,, slipped :out ,of the - slid r4lige , 'OIL killaw0edige, of human. things as- a m k ' and -I were to, dresis ,them, in liltue Ha had had adizzy week of spaeches-, - ... . . .�. '": . . �, . p : ii��i`: , �.. . ........ , ... .. ' ": � : � I., .. ... - . --ng hospitial. 'Canadian peollAe and every- ebe-re is vo-mething about actual con- fully-ioro,tect2d hospital Tooms aft first ellps down fthm: its phiriacle ... .. -far a- . p:Ink atrid.611Pe drei-sies. The cameras ztlarted tuirni'mig silentl Y. I started rad.*6 talks, iiiatiograph - . signing, per �, ilonal appearances 4;t theatres,, and . 11 - !- �..:::::::::::: - I ;. . I . . ... .. d : ­.. .::::. , ..fi�-­ X".. tking ii,lout the experience, he W&S Tact with ,'tbern and with their, fine -Tily-thUng but hot wid, a wet . I I 'tvtd�s I I . . I -Ffpo,nige in homi&maide, 'in- bave -a deep river and[ drDpry irlfb3 the . .. . I 4-spiths b.elo;w,- leaving -West , raircles lily firatt E - .,riln­d-the cafrefully� rehears- lsomeihtl�v iih, the �cfanfufs�ion me -bveuts . ' I . .,.. .... � ...5 - 1,5 �:� , I : .: ,,....:.;, , � ." ..... 4 .111, . .�*,*,*."*�!.,:�:;;.....�.,...... .. ..,. ! .. .., . ........ '.!!!i ..... ;;;;; . .... . :1.", . - a biax-like . I I I . , . . . . . .. I 1, cubwtbd­�bo be'kept .at Nixactlly the . . . . tu Of IdIllstt-Tibande; , in t1he quiet _waters. . .1 as, I Toloked 'd words Idleid -on my llpil�� .. . aroum.d me. 114 'bad it plaped, in Nis .mind, this gmuip of dils,tinigiuisheid. -at . I 1 I I I I . I t- I � � . ��.. . . . .Stime...', . it' . I . . . . . . 't.jjl4o emilperaiture ,and m6isture ' long da -A The disturbance madis by,Will 1601got S., divai2pelairlance firfom ,,human- sight will . .. . �'To Step 1pqe -tinly chubby baby do- . in weire., L`,onsi. Theireifor% ahe 9-tatsied- th� . ' � NEED . . , V191i -y§, ai�d nights, -1. OFF TO -A GOOD START. e 0 4 � vigil� One a comtin-ue lioing into the sunset lof'thds' Ing Trorinlia- baby things ils -fascinat- I I . Lions warmly and'fr�quently in his ' "het'he ,NO- . . ' - - ' " ,-"�', ' " . - I .. � . I. r. I I 1. . . .11 . ,,beart-ibrvak.nig ,man, . ., . . . . nur7e, and a re,porber to '\errand .1. I I . � . run -s - - l . �needed, -acconliplishedi w -h this . � I 9 tilDn and, int try thie isuarrise, . of , 'enera I . new geniratibils Ma c6mef. Ing �em I - ulgh ,but to iseie five cal identi, li-ttlej faces and fl,guile's dbing fivleZff-� -cIlL SPee Whein .d) finiA�;�' Ithe 011-alitrnlan,''atlose' and, tha,ilked him -' � i I . -AND TO . 1 1, 1. .1 .en . al- NOW, MR. GROCER,1 WANT A CAN . M�DAM, YOU WANT, ' � : mofEt imposisi"ble task. I�r. Daf�e zliys OF BAKING POWDER7- IT -76 . A . � : MAGIC -BAKi.NG . I he Tinver had ,a fidaeT of liorDe poy - MAROON AND YELLOW - * . I POWDEF -, --- -- \ , . - LIKE- � - :: ; filie first few days!, but it chall, ienged. Zan6lck loved Will ilike a briother. They had met on ,the polo, fieldis and slacittil: events more iiit , ...... ­,reigularly and ferecilt and individual, things and; ten �,Iljg , .. li'ttj . - . ht 9 eye's � IloolOng into your, face'st the first sound -of yo,iirr vioiee� in cordially but ise6d, he w&s certain the a-Eselm1bled gentlemen would like to have hil's, views on their own, Organ. izatiloon, the Ratary 101tub. ,RU,B I . - : . . ' . SCRUB CAN JUST I r0s IN bup. KITCREN, I 1 WE HAVE AT HOME - , ' ' ' 11 TOO . 1,11"s ingenuity, ana, he wais dkermlim.eld MI:rre often stafflo, lot. -than ,on ithe . . oadden xasryt� attent,.I,,on,, wafsi toiD much for human enduran,ce. � I lotoked Evefryfoile, d -inldl'u ing :Jean, had, -a, toDdl, lauglit,land . , ' . I i I I ­ . - ... . / .tia ,slave theni if -human. eff3rb ,,d ': They were fast friendisi, To make little .at Jean. H -i stolod in thle centre of Jean afrose and fstafted all' over. . . I G�Iett'a'Pure Make Lye takes off ..., -f��, , . I -1. . mledi'tcal knlj�dsedlge and dommoii sense 101' I r . . � . . 11 I --. 1 .1 10 acclomplish tllhi�s mir, . . 0 Ile . aele.' I!k . -�W" , .: Jf :1 cm, ^�:., ma,tti;,rs a inlore trying for Zan' ­ . uck, eveity rep�irt'brbught t6 him',by knew.* Dr.. Daffiod" the, roiom watching -,the , little -ones -*th,a nst lockon, his facef He4o,ok wk. - k I ' - . ' . The cameras did VA g��ind ion the -iles.niore.tlian �wielya iiiiiii � .-- b6b o n . ,, u . those ugly'yellow sWns and Von't . ... I - -.., I . ..... .. : �. , . the b , damiger was past 4 I Wh,�In - ,firisil, 1. . I � . . . 4 .1 - I .. .3 news scolzip - had ome ,the - I , - . and. hi, bee - .� .t,1,1 --isle wh6 carried ' I the inlp"Q)Ile 'iletnaTk that th3f Wit . I , * and quiet �ho,mteif,.'y"�";'pthili6sojpib.y this I .f!d up at me-avdi we into I b6thlake - . helo-Yess laugh -ter. �. alTy'lidaY, On lone niarri ng the quin- tuPletg almt,twenty-five minut&S..Past I harm �namel or plum bing. Once a week pour, it .full strength ilown- . ... .- z -- .- -...-,-3knia-titon,..!oi..-tli,e...,%g.e,z .iC1i,arIes,­.IMhke. I , . - - .. - . ,of ---di.... A; -- ----- - I , . - , ,%enry, King.,had,so palinsitakingly theiT."usual tiane and,,Mr. ]Unj g*t in , toilet bowls and drains. It. -kills Z . . % . 7 . , sirut hin-T.1-tIr v- in hls� thotel-rolom fbir . J, J ) . . ' . yo. He wr�be 4_ Story sur- . a few day - . ir"�, Zlzlt courlbry coctlar.- was remiark- a-bly U that � I ,�� i.�)! .. Vill kle-.......A...... -;9..:-th, '", -,§- - �L41.­y irehewnsd us, It wais "his wish .to 'it,11,ze every sifEF'idondwith'the orly ,4 minufte or two - scenes with . tbei I ii. At ten minuttes. twelve,,work . gernis, banishes, odors as it cleans., I , , mT� L - - ­.­ .- � ­:-und'; I r. -g th:s ht?,rbf!�.- fig - (if th- litA � '16 e3urf-ry dl,(ctor anti, the auintbu- . P.logers. . .. I ' .,,a Zantrck halif-heiartedly sou. ,iorelmlous ba%ieis and sholot everything they d! I d jb,em. -to, was; Istapped., � The Teiqullpmentj was taken ' Frew trap and drainpipe.frwX ob- � structions. And use Gillett's Lye . . .�, .- I � ­,7-etv. IT!e st1T>mft:ttedl it tio � , ,Hol,ly- ,g,h,.t siu.bi stlitfutEV He mugit be�,,Fen.tl% ... fine" vritillont orle r�zlheaT'Slal with , -,.B.,,t ,iN � .,,.,,, first sicennes 'had to.bie iv- out a� istlently 9s, it h d 'a ' be n. e put U,P 'and, by 12 o'clock the bafblie? . 'of h - . in Solution* ior all ldn� eavy L . 11 wood gtudl'o an'd it was returned. -- S - il-11tel,112%latual. - 1111a mu'st - convi cingly. " pi-firtrity this breirio; of, - m eiaiml chot-ibecaluee je,pn ,and I were spf�lj.� .... wei)a enjoyin their half ' hour 'rest . . 1. . .9 'feleding� clea-Aiing tasks. It eats dirt., -Saves . , 1'rr'071e. &6-visl-i Jilim I o Send, it tio DON'T RISK FAILURES assures. light, delicious cakes Tht�rryll Za,rfuck.' ITi w-ireid, ,the iidift to -the ws.-)rl, hi legion admir-, , - d' and. sat6sfy 9 boand b�r the. wondt?'ir ,of thlose.-five little faces s.,.) Idienitilewl. .W.e co1uI.(dh,t' whicih.,)Rreceded -their" no1on There was never bilore than four you hard work. Aj:iK�ys keep a tin I , I . on hainidl' � . I . . I - In, . tWent. .-... CanaWs leading cookery and fluffy bihcuits every time. Zqnvck. k -four fiburs,lZath, I 7!,61: badcho�!:il the dl? ' experts recommend Magic And Magic -is so economical * - -ad foir, the Asf&iii� e 031. Somislonsi he.1pipily suggj2l�te . , Jean HeTsholt.-and he"vae,mleid, just . . lrd ,our well-leaTned walrdIs. Theiy just wou Idn't come!" , I . rneinbers tot the omp ny .in theroom, � 'a wilth the.:­­quieltupleu.. -They weT6 . I.- I I. I I I I *N4kvw dissolve lZe In hot water. lam . . . ." ni I for finest baking results at -actually you use less than d this.id aTriniged with - Blake Tor a flve-w-z-Eks cian'tact to to H-ol,ly- the man. , . Arrangements, we�e made\ tu'borrbw him' friani -Metr16-G1a9dtwyin­ I I F. ' ' , feniy King, is as enth-ilsis, ' stic as. , Jlean, Dorothy, the cameraman an-cl . I , � . I actliou of the lye itself heaft the water. . I . I .. IM'.. - .11 come L home. This famous baking- I O'worth in a large eake. Order I . . � . Powder is absolutely depend- , Magic.13aliting Powdei from . 1. .w7;Dd and, *,Tr,k` with Sonia Levienr'a Nayer to whom lif&.was under P,3n � ' Jean an. I . d Dovoithy. "My directibil.of. these babies was onie ,of the-mlost the direictfor. -.1. 111.�­..­ .... 11 I . ' 'The babiesgained wellight and- Seem- ­ . : %­­ ­.­ ­.. � n ­.. . . I .. ­:.,..­.��:�:���. .... . able. Its full -leavening power. your grocer today -1 . , Made In Canada .writ,�r. arid HenTy King, a diireetl�r. I . . � .1 11e itirnmediately �begarr- nogo,tialbns tract. .- . . AsIVAID11; Itaughed iaishe told me flilzirw ex- 6ting ,out, off a homig careier of excit� , � ed to Ifiri-Ve pn their week's work' e-1 fore the Dr. 'MS-4n.e I �:: .. . . ':�:-., ---- . . I I I I I I . - I I � aligry hie was willento-11d,hk his studito, executives, to tepofl�t to Darryl Zan- . uck -alb .20th 'Oentuoy -fF[E)x for a T,3111e. : "It. 'cillows wip,es,nnitiot plo! �albly -kniow 'whit ing and ,thrill1i'ng,happenings, before little rhtutrhh-pictui� camera. They nev- I . I er ervideneed the. slightest embarrass- ment ,or isuirip,rise at the new faces, a- glound theTd-. Jean and D01413thy difeiss qainera­ Dafoer f alst f r4lendis; with . every wembeq� o,f . the do,nipany., They, canubt.9i Iiis' ng� pr. iiseis loudly enough. The universal,. zenfllyiemit expfrzelslsed ,. ,:: I : ... -11 .... I.. - . � -1-.-',;.-. .,:�:::�:�:,­' . - ­`-.`.,--,: . , .-�.I.I�.I...,.,.,.:�7,�:�FAR4,.,ipN.-�-1w.AI � I I ... - .. I—-, " .. i �.: -f.::-:-" ;;5, 1 11 �` ­ - �i, . T:j:j: ' 1'. . '. . . . I . . — � � . r I - . . I ii . . ., .-, I . I � . I I. I.. � . .1 / . .- I . . I I . I - . I ... ... . . 11 . IV- . . I , . I is belst f6ems," he -spid, "I *9)s,. learniin my lineo for the first p6,Tt: 9 in tilor ye -airs that I fielt offeveld me an ill-pipfDrt'Unfity. The first part with " . .4d. ,them and -plaved with, theni as . . esgilv and niturally as if ther,babes lied been.. a;cculsttlomed to them a8l . . by Ithe ,Compairry seemed to, be that CaTiadlians ,arle . . ,the beist lover, ,They. 'said theY had neveirlbeen wore, clord- . - I ially reicedived, n0r � :;.--- . . - . . I.. I 4 �. 111i:i:* . ­ - . --.1.,,.1 . . . . . . .... :.;.:.:; - -I."..."' ::�, i.,..� . 1'.-1-`-.11'.1.`.-'-11-. , 1.1 . I I. I 1.1, --�- . . � I ­ . --------7- A.el . -111 - I - --�- -­.�. * ­-Z_-�� - ".4- wlhkh I'felit saithsifileid in a long Series tof , 1-ilidiffievent frodies. ,I 'priDt6sted- Tur- their shfort ilivielS. . . . , 1. n 'Jack and Whe .-Diorothy %iging . m1are Courteously tmeated and natilling was left u.ndione, foia" thle eir oorn& irit; tlhey, were I .... ;.;. ..:. ... , -..., r ;-;;;; " 04 , , :.'.,..'� M, .-.':-;;::,% .,';'�,;.�,: `i:ii:� .-;,.'-,...-1.,-.. :;:;�; � ... 1 ­. . � � I - -/ ivusly ibut thety told me I had be,bte.r Jill w4but up t1he hill to fetch -a %fiail , . madle. to . I .... .... %`f I -1 I . , M!FP . " fee, weldome -and ,every thing was/ �i�."::�� .-: �';':':­, 4 . ;. . , I , . -- . . , 1 -77-� - .- ,- I - .-- � . drotp oveir and) st3e what Zanuck had for mid If I dillidirlit care to ,play the watier' while � - of 'dress"Ing" 'Marie YvIolzirfe,clifung w1ith her tiny handis �,.)' � don to make itqlej tri a memorable r p - , . bne.e "'.11", ..­­­,.�, ...'...".... . 1 � ­ I ., � - / I -:= , I - I . 11) wais 'th Ilet ,them know. thc edk# 'of --her crib and, jumped un, , . - 4 .:::;;:,-;::;:: ... �� , . i. I . ; . 1/1, I I I I . I I . - - I -rolra 'I went rtio isleia Za=tok thoroughly determineid and down in pqrXect rhythm -to Vill P . - 'Cedle (intent ... '. � ­ — , . .1. .. - -- o I I , " ' , .., ,:�.i: .., .1 �;;�: 1. -- ''. �1110­ . :t�, � ig . . W : -9 .� I "Y'5A If; :*:,T�t . - ­� . . -�F= -= - -�;: . I --=-- - - -- . P to,..tu,rn it down re igard- leslg (of what it was. Imagine -i-r6w 1 singing,;. - up was on Jean. , IShe 'PuIlled his foantaiin pen To Provide Information . ­ .. I ­­ I - . ... . . .. � � . � .. � '.',:a. . ` X-1. . , % Z%�- I_ . 'L I I I . A - �---Z;-,�.. I felt Whien Darryl -Said, "How w1ould wou-,Eikle 11.) ipfliay the. tt�ciife Dr. Ulu- om ihis ,iololcket ,an. fil" d tAe& to Temi his stlee$-rimi wed espectacl,68. 1111alrie . . Ontario vegetaWe griowers, will. . . 'have .,. .,. .­-,-..­.. . .,. ��� ,,,, - I I . I -, Z =- . --!, �� I . - . - - I 1- I . . -11- -- . of tioe.-�n !'This Qunt" ,,bli?.i . :Doctor-, je. I A;dak thar.domb from Dorothy feter� . e icourat! -and, up -Ido -the -minutte r C olp, isiborage and nagirketing i,tffoir- FREE BOOKI,ET-The Gillett's Lye _ ­ . Booklet teild-dozents-of ways-thig powerful, - - . . I 11 I =: - It- -- M .. T ` I , -..... Rho �, I'll -halve had my thrill tiar Iffe now. I �s hall -,get-- z!anls hands and "tried to comb her' ,S' -uv�n­halir -and Amiii�tte failed to k �,aj tilon, ;Priavidedf, .by ' the PT(ovincial . . . cleanser And disinfectant makes house- yfiork essler. Also tells'how to make good . ­­--­-- . . � I 11 --V 1, I rievier', 6FJ-aE,�-.:,1IiiiCfr1 T anloth, ' If nothing '46VO,r happens, of note tI, V er and"Idiised Emelde. Wiceless sicelnets (,,V, , V mment IS H. 'Ili Symions of the 'Onturi(o v� cal &-partment'L t Id t soap at home and gives helpful Informar tion, on farlin saditation.'wilie for a fres, I 1. . I, - "Ile agagn I harvie no ambipla,intil" ' . Do-roltilly Peteraoin was Selected to we coullid ilierver find a 'Way to re-, 'Iilc'lar-�e-" . ........ . � Oil the Gridweris' Assodafd,on-at tihiiir con- ' .. to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Am COPY at Liberty St, Toronto, Ont. , " I'll . , - % - 1. el � . . . tilav Nurse Johnson wh10 bais, been with the bables.,.forn the- very first. , . . . . I � . I .. ­' . Vention in Toronlic. The ,scheme is paialt ,off a fedeval system soonsGretid (by the Dominion . . I— ... ... . .1.. . .... . � . � ­ . . 11 ; , I � / . . . I-- .... �, . , .. - So on November 29,th, 11he c ... ompany lais:t2`11'(1-ked atl Ifte S13futhiern Pa,cilic station, in lJos, Angeles for the Start I -of 11 I � I . I I I ,` . . I . .. , I . . -, � I Burefau of Stiatist1iies, in co-operation With tbile Canadian. H0TtiCUdtu,r9,I 00'andil - andi Pro,vandal Gavernmenits , and fahe'llbel', and to be l,e,.d W the pump in King Street, and - t5lence to proceed through Water Street, as hw I Ili " I I I � . 'i I adlrnilbteidq�y title mast, millmellitou'S, 'location tirdip inany one, -of., their lives. to galther crop ,growing, yield and warkelting informlaition. " als, the middile ,of Gdarge Street c"d thence t1oo proceed back to the corneffI6 , I . I 11 I I Leaving the warmth ,off a ,tropical Calif,ornlia I . . �� ThIlel Ontalvilo, ,service, .,as plan�ed of JO,Fn Street ..and thence to be c' on- ,. . .. 1� 11 . I , �� I, - I � — I vlmiteir� everyone, fleilt olp- ­ tf�misbic about the weathe'r the7 were I � ­ . I . .. I Aws, , ., Into iively,, -%vil include publicatillon 0 : a reip; t8, Mr. Symions,, sai.di, the Attiated to your respective i0aces Of abode'.`,k . p, � "I "I I - ". "I .1�1 "I - . h,� eliclounter. All along , , the .way there I were haisltY tripV Inade to pur- I , sadfir A -a st 11, to be'. issued Way, 1, givini g esti- molte.-d 'acreage of r aTiloug crops and ' Notwithstanding that their "siglit. sei&ini" ,four vas in the nature ,of a l,, I . 11, CANADIANS ' chase fuTCalps, tparkals, and g-albigbies, I the prospiurbions .'of sucill, acreage for . pumiEshiment; theTS is a 4affition that I -. AND THEIR 1,NDUSTRIES-AND THEIR' E�ANK I � I . I -1.1 . � 1---i for it I _trew ooldleir amid colder as they went. easfl-�At, Blu,� Island, J,uniction ' - . ' HOCKEYN AV marlmitling ,and canning. The ,second I i9duled Jum 1-5; wffl (provide, 4.a.rth6y ) r at the end bf the drive one & ithe women thaniked, the. offleeir f6r 1, " 1. . ­­:. 'o * the thermfomt-terl4 registered !� above VIM a . . ... Police havinig' her . I I'. FISHERIES . I zeeo. The Sioitthefm Witotrildins, had. . .. cheek on acreage, and informat!6 h on given such a fine view of � . .. � . . . . , . � JIM- "Bill', do you ev ­ I . ef get tired of handling fish, , But the Chief idmitted to me, confidentially, -of . . alrMIDISit JoTgoitten Such cold. lCentury-Floik and AUTO&RAPHED P,1cTuREs of. ­ I � YOUR FAVOiNTE. FLAVE*S grIolwing icaniditions. A -third., July -15, Vidl cover ,crl(yp condhions -and, the, town. . . .. . . . 11 - . ARA MA - ­ . - - , I quickly dhippe,all. whers, the , - , .. fish, fish, all the tinle?,, I i . .1 I course, that.if it hadn't been for the Bank of' "�­ I . i . Montreal, they -couldn't have succeeded, and hel k 'r BILL: "Yes,jim, but it helps me io keep goin' � ` I . . �, nk " said it'was the same way'wiih a lot of the other � when I thif of the th6usands Ot folks we re r.. The' 210th . . speciall ciars, , were swatched to the Cani 'an trarin, wird it, was here tbery were joined by am ati'my rot reporteirs, At every ista- 0 Ever-vb'03rvpillwantthiaBook-i,H" Becomeallo YStar",byT.P."(Tommy) , � . eke I . Goriman' coach and manager of the World ClisimpiollMontionlMaroons. Simoyt'reke marketing - prilospeebs, and ,a fouTbh- Si.`pbelmillier 1, will recorrd mal4kq*g priceb). 'The M-th, NiovermbeT 5 -wilil record ithe yield, ;s1bo P Taigfa I , fisher ,y concern�s." . . . helpin' to Jeed! " 1. . � 1. .1 . Uorn alpm!g -the way they were'f airlty slabelf rorn 9tin 91"CROWN BRAND"for, "LILY WHITE"' I am�ulilts and marketinj . , prices during th� :1, I � � LiVC!r and .-n, ys .. I . I I � I I . � , , i��! I I "A irl'obbeld! by 1.1he' ouribus, wfhb wante4 CORN SYRUP-wititeon � . .. are I by - . JIM: : " --!I . g6od. st6ry, BAI, and I know it's ti ue, . I .1 .. JIM Tha4s.-right-fish is important and-,wc're because Chief to 'knokv the lillow, whien, the -�rhe-e,e- the back your name and addres . �F-plainly- and, the words "Hooke# ffo"60 . Mai I the ylear� . . - ,.,. ­­.­, I . I . areas .1 � is � D@%CIHAS I the tolit me, to in a fine big business." . I r ... .... , t ,everybo I dy, because o. I reckon he tells ­ � 'rnos -he likes to talk �bout ' . .-and what abfiiut ,the treip to the quin- tuplielts. 'PDT the fiftit tirn-L-1n, label to The Canada Starch Co., Limited, T-nto, and Your. book will be seat you . � � . .0 . . . "i. �.. � I '. MAJ I 11� 1 1.1�1 IIAL., "Wasn't always big, though. The Chief o. I have a savitigs . . � his Bank. It's'my Bink, to" , '. ,his- tOTY''S 'Victiure trlWue found them- immediately. - . also . I . oThe exp"t, 0 iltuitibn warran,us d1L- I -,Mm I . I . . I." . I . 'Was -day ab out how thi� com, account there." . I 11 I -11=.... . I tellin' me the. other . - . . . I . . -pany, started. - To seems fuOny, now, He and his .1 . I . DILL: "Have Jim? S6 have L" SellveS and ifflieIr profeisWjon of selc1on- dary impt TIOLV. ­­, . - ..... DIr , I 0 Send in a label or tlw� front of a r5arton f-- any product of The Canada Starch M., er mle(rVi6cfi�61tfilm -oit miarkiet pbult�y­ in Nina& 'but there is, not ithe.s!ame - � ­ � . . I . � � .. , .1. 4---..1----- , ...., � . .11, �. �--� "..., - z - you, 3:-- 4 . � I partirter figufed t1i4 would do a whole lot better I T Ill ired - Chniadia -,,!a ipor,�, , helY ent, Limited m ked with your name arid ad. jUstificati011, for greater egg IV ffi,­1 -Vo 112- ­ - I . . � . if they. could keep their bait fresh for all -year . 4 1. 4 . 'fishin'. Hudlon and found as miuq4 e=itelnent , , sod 'he pi.,*ur ,alDlil,") ,states The Agnicultural &Itua'.- - m I �. .. . - I.., I. I They went to the Bank of Montreal and' Some of the Banl:?s services fo � . . ... .. the Fishing Indus. wWfts the boVdier als in' the- , Unif ­* * ,dreoe ;_h I Iiiet .b.l,),..d roci. -, dik Itifilin and ,Olutla , 1936, whli& has just been , I . �� I , -i, .. �, � .1 I I � ,, , , . . borrowed on their personal securities to build a - try and itg"empi6yees: Busi6ess chequing accounts; I State% ev",'one sitidns '4910 le =6 b ....tt6y . publisfieidi. . . I—- v I I . . I I . � . I W I. . � cald'sporage plant. Of course, they so .,back financing of shipment;; ,commercial loans; tradh ­. .. - "aid . thi'loin, becaiiist a lot of folks.saw wb d at'a info 4biou 'Its, 1I the quinituol t1lue plaiis Of tho'cidnilpiany ,bo. obbitiogm0b them, . - . I rou ontreal 11 . one" --Group "Les Catia. dkn,P' -- .1 ian-Olyinpic,Hockey ' 1- ­ -­ I .. I.... .0. , . ­ ., - . I-. I I 11 I . � . . ....,t. . I . . I 900 and Credit rmatim.,; safekeeping of securities; . , thing thig business was goin 1p gs -acco,�nts; nionij orders; traveflers W , . -.d , stock in, the company. Now lo4)k at the.business! cbque�; banking by mail. I., . They irrivied, at Noirith Bay Lautio. i.n.a 'heavy do*nfillIq bif 8rlow. It W0,5 ' rou, T Indivi it p! ures,dfJJ;ftdy­Xcrthcott, = R=ihto, Art Lesiour, Dive '17L.ii.liff."s, A , Egrl Robinson, Fgatik.Boticher, . , I - - .1 . Gossips C6ndemne+­ ­­ - ---,3 -- - , " � i. "... I I, . . . . I . 1 . -, -1 I - ., , I I I I , 4""""`* five below *&4orwheni they - and arrived ,na' n­ " Riley. �.., . I � ,,., I .. lghil�geong j&,"4!8.- t 11- " T6uk - ,:, I � . � �, �­ , . I I I I : . I - I . ­� 'N"K ..:. - A ' - �­.,-, -.-B" � 0 F ,� M 0 NTREAL idluirijr[g' tille Idaty 60 thermlom4per, iskidded"'SD ltwieillt�r -'below. ­ , , -Iketriaw -1 I F"WAUDAIDUIRG, I - � ANAN' - I --r-ROWN . . I - lGossipst in the emil- daiy�a'ioff (Cialli- I -adi VMZle areverely dealt with as court I . . � I - - I * I I ...., 11 I � . ..,,�, w4--una ba�iera ii'limi-0an. = . I I ,­ I I -1 I . I I :1131far 1, - , , - . � 116TABtl$HED, 19-17 -HEAD OFFICE$ MONTREAL ,. -1. I 11-1 - . . � ! 3111111111 kt wfmib "' adfaitlebst.-to, tgft on I Dr.) D&tlolb AJV�11169 ISMA1711 but 'd�o , , L . . to- :1 �­ I " . ., I � I I r6eoirds id Nova Scotia Would findi- Late. MOD14 *o6lkt record o� rilhi, . - sfo$- . 11 , I � lo I . I � . I I . � 'i . , , , ,. . I --t- . . I . . . ..... 1-- � ­ . able bTkk aud fmiaintle fioulge in Ci�Wi-,: I I I LLLLLL I I THE - "' tL� I . I lsiol* to - I if IM'(kedords tVVd' worhien of - �, - - , 11� . . . � .. . I I .. I . . ,*I... M. sto , . . . . I '. . ... !,- ''� .. " . Clinton bfarl& I . .� - - �, -, ­.. . V . , .!i6 I NT-SIT141 Manager ,­ . I . , � --..-V*.- - � - I., I -S - .., lavd&. They tfobna W* xtrettle,y, ' � -I alilimed , 4bbut Ae �p�;g, �e Holl, 41f - . 1, I , I I d, " - ! " 1;1 � . a wt tAverVood X.'�19, as beg � . gevbeheed- f6t osaobg in ao­folkvi�r vatdg- * I . . . . . . . , , �, I , i;­*,�., ,,1 i; e . . ., . 4 - , . . - ,,; , " . . It . - Rd"a riaki A. CROSSf, Managgg , "'. ­: :­ � .. I . . . I I I , -, . .. willi6fid.stulfflio,' - �- - . . 11 . 61RNL1 ­'r� I CANAbA',C 4 A1116111111 ... . 941Y MW, AU par,�b T.. &,nd. oll ita P., 1r., I I � ,; ., , � 7 � .. , , 11 A �, ,,� , �, 6 .",� , �, , �, , �, , �, , �, , �, ,� I �, ­ .. 11'. I ,�-'.i t. ,:­. . , . X.,71 2hittfield (Sf&A#ftq)t Open Tueaay and 1pridlity , . I .! , . I I . , � U " "' � " � . I . -lie hiad, &ftTd"4N6% 111&T1d49d' 1* . - I tKALL"aCto it, . 1"If . . , , . I havidig -this, &7 been- coiliviotod ol . . ., L :1 , . . I � ��'. ItZJ. " �­. "', . I , . I � I . . . �. I , ..N j�'� -1 �,,, . . - , , , f, ` , -,�, � ­ �'. I.' � 1, ­!�, 11 � .1 . 'I '.4'* -14 " , ­�. * , 11 . . " . I Ii. I I , , '? �� -If , .. I Iq 1��, " , M " . , , " " ��� I'll, I, �1. � -WA IU4�44,fh , )qkes , JP , � to'n , lh% he" 4.1. itivitd, Ii. now VIA ,qt 1i Lt . F , SILVIO "I - .. '4 '. -, . . ­ . ...., . (--11 r , � 11, , bf . �, I ' I 9 a ocaliftl6ts ah4 -alialild, § i, ftm, �111.11­1, 0 lylqull lb 'with. I , , t�� I , , 1; � I . . � �� �fll ,� ri"I: IS , I �1111.11-lklm & .!!mo!mt �P.t��,ATIGX I , �` .f. . P. �. I . .. 1;9��, M1-,0*i-6eVg ,�!�,,' 0 . """' , . I .0 I �` 0,171"I", X*rm�,v., ""I 4 , � A� ',I, � . . . . I , m . , I � :,. I I 160 Wad lid aftoth4r'sti otto. lid'% ,6ft t 'hie vwlpevtr-�,� �# Vfr�eu as It Tha� .1 litbuttM � I , 1. Id.. I.. I , , ; , . . - I - to be, ill! ItAft t1infl,= ;M -ir Ansferilpt " pr vjilwa utem '. .. 11 pllt,lzr, �;,,, . X! I I . 11 ., " I OWN �Ii I - 1 .... : ,. - . . ­ . - , ,!�' , , , "; : - , . ,.��' "! - - " ,. �f - , ,, , , � '. I I .1 � I .1', NNKINWI", 11, 141'��.,. .I.N, �i." "i 1, � . . . lem A . I stil.166 df tW &d it;db� find fhd ,h16 - . to I . I I I , ; I -1 ---A. I'— ­­ - - - I ,If. � I , I'll. I I . 1 ama I ft- �CMA&dd V! Iiii L MAI , ��! '.. , , � . � ­ ­ - - .. .; 11, X IR I - , � z , . I' . I � , , , 11.1 .? V -1. -1 I 1. 1-1 I .. I J � ; �, �� . . '.1 1, r:.,. - . '., �,� . ' . � I � �L.`.; ��"' � '. I '' � � , I . I � . , 1� , . ".1 . ...- I � 1i � I I , - ­*. I I � 1. I I . �. I � ,. I . I . 11, . . .. . . , , .. I �, ­ ff� . I -:- I %, I . . . � ­ I .� . ; � , . , �.:. I -1 , . .;k;.. ., .; - .� . ... , , , I/ 1. 11. - � , . . I . 11 - , , `� . .1. I ­ 11 .1.11 . � � I �:,��, ­­ ; , ', �.,­ . . ,. , . �, �� I ­,.� �. . .."', , .. � " � � P �, � . � , ��, "", .4 �4 I ;,�l -­­*�­ "I " ,�!.! , j " i , . 11 'i I "' � ' '' . . � , . 11 i�l "I. 1: , j . � � ,g -,q. ,, - . " , . .. . . I., �,� If-!, .� "". � 1� - I ..­ , . . I . I - . ',��' �, " I . I , 'i . , - /1, 1,,,�,,�..00't, ," .I 1. 11 . . .1 -, �. , .. 1 �14 1 , '' � I ­, I , ­ ,� I I I ­ ill ­ , , J '. �, �. . 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Wf=6,1-021 ,, , "' ` LAR N � IN, ", "M"'N' ­ ­ � � "', 01", AV W , 1, , IN , , M ., � ,-, , , 1"i,"I"IN"I ` 0 " 95m! I I , I MR MINORU ��,�. ,,,�, .!': :?,­ , I , , , , . .111. , , ", ;-1 " : . . �� - :"��, , , . - , , � ,�:.,�,�­,�, , -, � 414'al. i;� 11 k�,' 01�. J;Lg'�, , , ', , - , , I � ��',i�, ...... 1,11,111, � -111 . I- " , . .� itiffi, A I - , ''. ,,,�,;j�­i� , ; '­­' " I" � i'0�i `4 1 111 , � ,10 i "'I'dift.1 , ,� a .,�g.""'g i4 I " , n1w, , I, . , a, all"" �� I A , I - I . , 11 I I , ,,, I I . 1 ,,, 11 f -I � � - ------ - - - - - � - 0, !" �� ­� .� VIN ,,, , I I ­ Am 1, - . - - , 1� � - � A ii�L " � "­­ '', - 11 M W .''.