HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-02-28, Page 1�.,,,�. ..,t.-ir I . " � ". . ,�, . � ;� W- . , I i��,.,., 9 It.0 I Ii. , 0� �w 14,.�,Iil , P7 ?1#WX �1. , 7 " I Vq',�-qh,­,Rr'�,� ,� 'a iWiq ,1� 1� , ., It 11'ell , " �,. 9,11!11,1 I ", , 4,,,� 0� "', ll ""1"'.., -, . "'IX " t, WE � I n, �,J , i, �'�t"r X` t`1111 t N � it � I , 0 , ... " �". , 70, , �,,,�;j�,,v ,-��,g'ig��,�,�,,i .,m " I 11 " - ." �, ,,, , ­�,, . " 1, I 111pl$,� , nll, R1 ""'. , . . .",`.,,n:1-. 't . ''. .� M'3 -w, : ... ".�, �, I 11, �- ':, .'."..; . , ". " . 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III-" � , ' , i� , : -7 . . .-SEAFORTUTEANSKARES, .0 Ua i ' F t . ft- V el , ., I i P.." a ��' . ., w , ­ , W , m, I ,%;, I . � I I . I . r . I . ­., ­­ I Id ­ . . A I . . ... I . - , ..� . I d .. - . . ,.,� ,.T!$,, ,,$..I 1 , �Ap�7, . 9 I 0,1 , '* . , I . ". " V11111i "I'd I, I , 11 - I L . q ' I . . I I t. . 11 I ar I � t U! , . ,; ; " � ,,, d , 11 � I , I , �d, ;, I � , �� � I .- ' ' ' '* mes a d'Schol , , . . 0 1 .xni ts at AjinualSou'th''. &ELECTS Oe iiFIC'S - - Pri , , --flUIN ' ' ' RES I ** i ''Obil' �` '. - - ' ININTED dU T . r LA hil' - I E "',, I I—— I 2 . .. , d I -.1 I - . I ,. . . . . � ­ ' -, "' . A . ps 'a . ­- , ­ Is , d. � .. I i 41:� 4 . . " " ' ' . .. - .g . — � , � '� I . , . - 1, . dd., ...' 1.� ' 11. . � I � . , F . . � IL , .. . . . " I .. I , , " ' ' " ' * , - 't , , I ­ - ., I � -`4 � . I . I - W -ed " ' w ' t * * ensal-1 I AT NUALVEETING I 2--th S-OCI.0, C , , - , 1, -­ -, 2" I - -GAIIES THIS EFX , nur ano a 11 . I I I OF . . ­ on S . ­ AN . � ammencomeot ,1 . . . . ,� " � � . ­­­­ . � I . I . I I I .i I . .. . d I I . . !1@ - . . .­­, � ,.. . , I ... . 1 I ..'r I . . I I � . ­ I . , I . . 0 11 - . . . ... d 1� . t 1. ,. . ;, , ; , ' d ' - � . �.1.1�11­1. "I 'i - � ­ ­­. - !. I . I ,.v ,�', . ­,,­,.� .� �A .. . .. . . - . . 1, -1 "I 'I . I . . ­ . P, 4� " t. 4J�'�'o', - I , ..." :4. , ­­­, ,... ­ .. ­V,�� . 'is I "" 4�1�,, , en d ,ar �n 1. Cha - hy - the ,h �,--�, 10, M4, �"'­" -0 " . . "I A " ") - Juniqrs Lose To Stratford; 0.- S . uces Re orts� Sho,N� 13,�§9 Books - - I I . 0*.: W - I -1 - .. ...... . A 1� . I " I ,,. r �,""F-'��P.�41"10,..".,�'�f"�, . . . �F� jgf ,I Ifto . . . I ' . ' - .40 : 0 40 0. r .� I . .. 1,9101 "'f"'.. . - I t.;,��111��11��. ... , Were CircWated During , � ? .- I ! 7— ­, . I .'� I I-- . . Intermediate ��.. " -Nuftibtr ' c'� . t � . . . f 'Lionism. 5 - �, , ,;� . . . . . . � IT, . . . . I/ I . . ,­ 40 * 0 'O 9 Impassable Roads Red .P, , r. Sp' Prog! 11 I ­ - gdi V, S. Fall Be-, � 7 - , ,� ,, - . 01 .. ""' " ll I . . . . � . . and . - I '� in �tefta ihe Peni�' O d. .. . ayi: � " � ddddd � 11, . .. 1) 4 . � .1 . * ' , ..�. & - - , � - .-�k ', ,,, , " . I . � fore Clintom, - Sees'Robin, ' ` Off E,flubit Past YeA 't � 1. ­. :,��,, I , � . I I . ors At HensaU , , 'r�. . . - - .. Will Hear King - G-harles, $te*a'r - ,.,-- ,l,,111 ... � .. . . I . d - teni Pirates," Enjoyed by I 11 � I �, - I . I ('­ . . 1, IT, l; , 1. - . . . —." ��. `4 �::­ � I I � �­, - - � ' -7 � �� �` � 1, I 11 I Mr. 1. M. McMillan, a ger ,Seed68how.;,LOn Friday. I - I . Large Audience', I., " I I Local'churehes' have arr " � .. 1. . .1 �, I .,'�,� ... . � -PUT UP GOOD FIGHT - of the Prdvince of Ontaxi� My- � . . . . HAVE - 6,�99 BOOKS . I , ,.. - -1 011�1 I " -� " I I . . 11 . . 11.1 . %�., . , I �. . . htqs -Offme- hemr,bait the distine- -, - � ,­ . — - . I � � ­ . � .. . . to have radios instal! I - -- I 71 �' "L j � .- ­ I ,­ .. .. � . .I......... -... I. . -11.1.--1 w . � V- . " I. n1mV...- , � i I.. . � I . I ­-­.. . 1. . — � 1, � .1 '. . I— - in,ordei I TTEES­­.�� ' "', , , . .1 . I tiep of being the first person I in PROF. W. J. SQUIRREL . . . I I day witirning d.. , at con- - " d . .:: , ,�­ 11 � : :-, " �� .1 , L � � ,� . . . I UD I . - 1i ,.� , , , - k,; " .. B04& Swoii�ffi hackw ' c. . . grogations may have -the toppor. , �,, � . , - - 1 � �; � , .., I 11 . teams mere to 5 have reported *se6ing 'a . d Mr. John, FUlaysion. %was re-Oleeted, , The ifortnithtly meeting - foT, � 1.*e, � "" � :, . .eiliminabed. ftm epm -oth, -the Jest �.t To is' winter., Mr. Mcmillan" , DISCUSSES -PRODLEMS ChAiirman of. the Ourneee; -LEvery , , .. `ANN :.— .*#je*ty 'Jil", . pe�fti, Z N � - UAL" DANCE 'n't-v-Afw,hre7d"'A, His I.. ', �, " 0 1 . I I I King— . . . . . . �,, , . I . wOeL ' Ths- iStratford Mtft fore" saw - fhe riobi, near his residence Boiax,d at the board's annual meeting in his' first - SwOolith Uk)us Oub was hiald''Moin - ,� i , � . . ' I �-. . n th Lioii Q` A. '1�%­11 . '" the jmn�om- but bf the race when . 1, ,on Monday ervenib,01, 'Other .1 �broadcast to the Einpire. C4)n. day evetni g w! 1`� early Wednesday ,morning. , . , officials �. 8410berl �`il�;;, . .. � , . gregations are �ksked -to -be seat -in the chok. Hie'was asssilsted in the . r."�;, t I they.!qp",ourb bes� (4-3) in an iover­ , . I . I � 111mipaosiable,itDaids c�Ted &,.dei�ressie and dommufteew.--w4re also, Te-detite& The tweIfth,'avri-5M­ commencement I - , . ", . � ..­ time game, on Thursday lost.. Cliln - — in, the number of exhibits at the Seed 'The replorts of the.secretary-treas- b1f the Seaforth. Collegiate Inst ed � at 10-66 M . the, , broadcast R)f the progrkiiim ,;bv Wn. , I 1)' . . .v� , 2l " . litute, , . �oVl , � :.",'� 1..,,,�T l $ . ton.*3,11 -the round 1by deteWting SeS-- 0 , 0 �.. 0 0 I 0 0 . . 30 le� -1 . . I - d �. , wl I . 4 commences fj�!Jj, a.1ft.'' , - I I .. . 'Shdw '0& file South 'H;Uiron' A,'gr'j1cul- uretr,. 4F- 0. �ChiaMberlaiirril and' Librar- was held in lChrilino's, !Hag'oir� Friday 4 . d - , %% �� , I � . I , - .­ 1".. . forth'24 ,off�':Monday nighi abd ithen - - . . turial So6le6y at Hensiall on F , lan Mi:ss G. Tbiarnpirdon; shbiwed thait. oveniog.-befm,e.;�,,Ia,r,ge-mid�m�� The ". . I Or. P. J. Bewhely ga,v.,% , �� ­ � I& .... &-6�­ ­��., i'd � I . qridfay ---- - - 1 ' W -1 ­­;� ­"., , I , , - , ' ,�, ' ". . . � * 0 * ip reVor work -d the cm - : " � 1 . � i - - ' - - ' ' I ", , I , . 74 tBoir a ,Wtal io� 10�5., The --jame * lbuib despite thisi the judge-, Proffeswor ,during. 1036 a total, of 13.589. books sp�ehdd kvo�g�. v*ich wLis. pre- 0 0 � , � 9. W dret , � �`, , 7 ­­ - * I . . d d ­ -... I . - ,. , , .1 � -4 of Ontiardo, Agrical- were circuLift& �Qf this, nupiber, sided i - - immft, Z-,pnce , ,,, CV11toin ,on Weidnesid'ay &dn'ti,get un- W, J. 481quiri . children up to the present, ,.V " � I i " ' Over (117 PriwiW- G, A. Ball 11 � the frelpiorb =PW : " . *i -,.;,�..',.,�'. t . `n OADMINTO PLAYERS Jturl�taa College, =- s0ealulig 110EVw#V 2,088 'were irriduldled' OreserribW*n: of imp b . demi wtay uuM .10 p.m. �. , -- - I 'N , . jut,rentille. - iliaut!yne, . last month there ,ha ,.d sil�xk,. , , , I I I , d - A.. , .�, is,, , d pen, . I . I , . . d _piani, I . I ;­ ." 'v" J I UsIbowel. and, Winthrop battled , - the judging,, said the exhibits. com- ,The library has - on Tts--sibelves prizes and dillipai6mas, 71�us;ml Aum- three4otrip-di tolpeirstluns. and �iwvwr ': . .., , away on Wednesday evening at'the paxed very.fav,orably .w,.ith lany. ho 5,221 aduft. airtd, 1,678''juvetritU �i Woke. bers and, the'�p tolf iglasseis supplied. He a the -, ��.." 1, . , " I . . , � -. � eretta, "Th"e, Penlitelk 'S -V Ilace � I I .11 161mg rink wd-th LisroolweR taking the H 0 LID - TOURNAMENT had, seem,.. ­ .. During the yieOr 168 volumes were pi�?ait�.�, , ' , I CRIPPLED CHILD � 1wogress arade by' = Sit undeir .!,:.%% d . , , I I . I 1, . . I , . , I , 4 . d � hionors 44. The ice wks in ve% Poor . . Plraf.'S�Iuilrrel, in an, infiirmal:. addect The valtute of books and, per- 'Following the program the stud- D the care of -the club. .. ';',,' - I � -, I d . . . k , �;,.,. . � , .11 t discusq V­iZ' .13 -during .1985 was - ents and thelkir friends enjoyed E.k ( Lion ff. 0. X-eir, ,elhairman a the , ,.� ; ised a nuirriber of ithe prob . ,* diea�s purchase,& lance , REPORT FORWARDED $12�vai-­Z.1. - ,�­­ ­ "� . " shape�' "10 the gamj- )was no mng Mrs. L' H. Wi6edma±k And 1thaRi aZeiirlt the former., , ' mumittee, repolkied tfiati­­ftt--­.-- . " I iiqDre than u. sl3ppling sibrugg* with .� . partlaulairly' $3128.02. -Biolmotwers (bobal-led 378. The with Music by Tony Farr and .his ' ' . . I �ll . . �­, �'Jv. I � . . . , . . -the drispection of ithe isidout Tmop-,"", .." . .: , eaidh Oull. 3ust Uke a stwun. I i reladoin IJ6 seel- ,Dr. A. R-C,unw- Seaflortsh Puflikle Library was ,6tab- lorchesitra. . I . d 1- . ... � 1 I . .,., I Z . . Stan Dorrance Emerge' , ' . A � "'."'.1. ,. � . . . .� ,,,� ' I 'the . I The presentaltion 5 VMS lals Tuies"y evening, . Und4 I I'll I I Xlint�n'V*afiriirth I 1".. . bea, President oif Solelety, was irt lished, in 1696. I Of - diploma Local Lions Club Cared For , �, .the di- � . � I ".�� ' a . . W. J . I', -I.: I . I � . 04niton ,m-ade th,sir --ited6nd' a1ppear- As Winners.-,-:,'- - , -the �IWW,- Thip Torwn Hall was we I IThe .officeTs, for this year are as made by WNdiiam� Bdiaoi -iirrnan of . . . . . I owtilDn ,of X onesi --fieMd"ieiinrie.w' . � I . I . . I - . ' , . k, .cba n'sciout$ ".. IN[r. .11 aa6e in Seaflortb on ,Monday ei�vlening - .. . I . fMed for the nVeetling-'afid, the .large foillows: Chalirman, John Fintlaysion; the BOaTA wh(� COMPKmMted this - 53 H ndicatped'Chil- -, ,"a"k,of �he `0 , t .. , . . I . � . . . , . a 1p�­.�, . I d � Whw they 40feated.obaforth 3-1 .-in . . . I I number of queslitibus lasilted Prof. 'Ve6iltawy-tireasuTin E. ,C.:-Cht�mber- sabood, on Mwing'-flor fatty , years, (been ' ' Zonoels :had expir,essed himisieTf as quito - �:.:::". , I " , I .. lithis, firsit game of tHe serni-finals for An efijoyAlble loic�sl tourrramelrii�. was Squirrel indliclaited the intiereeb whiii-ch lain; *cli�d,rman ' ertT , commAtt*e ,one 'of the foremoist,- Collegiaties, in. dr.en,DP' in '1935. , ,pleased with the �roigress 'tot - the I ��' t . ' , -prop . r 9 I "'11", ... . .. . its takeh in the show -and me com-' the promince. d'- - ,- ... ., I .. , � - ' those in , i . Up- held at the Badminton CIft on Wed- Mcam%mrthaftman book He reminde, trort�p and CiDimpilimentied �.-�,,� CCICOL10 th0noT.S. , IQ'J�CaXdine and, P eting by J. X. , d the stu ". . I . . � I I I ,,­.: . , . Chi '6 bosyl * I'3W . A.- ''. ley, we� -the fothler padT that , are bat- , nesday eivenling. and was won by Mrs. .the farmers of .the diMmiet. , The mittee, 11 G. Melir; Ubrarian, 'Miss dnts that education ,is, the sa lt arge, 11orr thie Way 1h .s . had ��.'� . .. . . , � - i"t' ea es ,41he Seilafortli, Lions 101�b examiaried' been .handled, I '. , d;; ... Wi* fo;r a charoce to, represent this 'I. H. WisedMaxk and Stan Dorrance ,sipeakeir ,on cionbludling i6narked, that G. ThoMpsom i. .-, ., I thilrV either a iriah or wioman . -:'I , . .1,11,�; - I I . d .. , , . I . . I . .. I land bad '.charge -6t., fifty4hree. ciou " Lion Ohadles Stewart; chairman of I � ,,�� I .� , 01 . distiiii.ct. . When the CliTition,Seaifoirth following a'steriesi Of sitiff 'ga,m,ei§. ' it was lttwen)fk'-'s'1'y,' years -since he ha& ' I I . I can, carry. I d .��,�� � , I I glatae.'beigan ,the �-qrqner were favor- A ddliglitluil lurrich was . stermed, first judged ait a flenstall s,ftd show, . . "The 'Cipletreititia, was a particudar,ly Of cri1ppled sold 7othwwdsle incaptitatted the' Voris` Ediricattional Con=Afteef . .�"!..11 11 I 117 . . . I . d . I '. . , . , , , � I d I - I., I I a ne to speak ,''I � I game I . oolked - eac i pleasing.giortilon of the -pr�Ogran-L The (�. J935, aleat5irdmg to ,game fi taRikon"Llontiv ," , - "I . � '. -it" to win, but wh6h, the got Ole 'Slocial, Cbommitteei., '. � and 'that file . 1 forward I childiren idurimig I .. . - I . I it act tolok (place in, a. wealthy hom& the TIE Dr4t rojeebtly forwarded, tdo the ling asi foams: ... .� . ,--.`4 '' � innider way ,the Beavers haid, them The gamest were as, foloillolows, , year 'to' tfie trapt. . � - . I ' � and the secland on a ddsert itland.. Ontairio''Society'of Crippled Oh%drerr' When Lions Jack lk-attle a#d, Chas '.:";- I " .. be0ed buit just. Racked the- scoring ' . A hearity vbte ,bf thantlis was mov- ONTARIO BEAN BOARD firs .. I., . I - . ' punch * to, beat Doaft- Time' after First Round . � id the sbe"er by Xr. W 'D San- -;i I I. . I. . - - � I '. . 1 � . - . �� , � Miss No�a -Stetvarit'. and Geol. Hays " - . . . I .. ­ .d I .. . - .1--1 The steenery for thei. siecojid ac�, was by Lion Dr. F. J. Belchely, 10rairiman BaTber' informed .me thut`tlieir. pro- I , d'. 11 . , I I ­ I -and. � 1. H. . . - 'this ' 'Cllub'le C-ri - *gh't had : .1 .��, �11 . � thiye pas-ves Were - Missed in, fi:i-ont of *defeated !Mrs; R. -J. Spr6at &-Ov, of Exeiber,- ,and Reeive, Owen painted -by. ;Miss ,Mary Gillespie, :of Of piAled Children's ,grain arrangements for tb-nii � '­ t . � ., 4 I ,, 0. elger, -EASES' OPERATIONS. - I h6 leaste Include : Mar- Committee. I � .1 11 . I . - � rnioea&riled, they gave me an. unamoid,­ . I . the goa$ and Many molre were oent Weedlinarki­80-25 , � G �oif Herislaill. , . ,. . ,the staff. T . . I ­ddl'. .. 0. I I . ne' ; , - I The pbize winners we as . 11 I 9 I d I . . , �­ � but tof this oorners Wath no (O Wait- Mkr-3 D.- "Parkw ' ,re ­'folllms: u6t0de, fhe Optimist, Myjqie Wligg; Orthapoledic cases itioitaffied,20. made able eleveWth hour invitabilon to,myi�a -i I -and, Cilu-Tord. Car- ., . I I -i ffff­ , . . ,. , I. '. � � � ".., . .. . e1w. words ,on the �sl nfism'. � i I 11 . ,-ling to recefitv& +1iteiiii. * ' . mit-hael deNsited Miss D. 1�airlinig The folliowilng is. EL Salt folf the suc- . ' ,Peggy, the Pessimist, MkrT Mcl,vier; up',of 8 infarittile plaralysis-, 8 clon-Iff - ubject of Uo , .. . ' d I ,,, - I , I . � . I . Stiany Tee - prelvented, anything Nke and Dt . r. St . urgis,­30-23. ­­­ _ .q!;fu11 prize iwinnem: � Many Bean. Growers in Rha, a 'Sparrilsh Ghil, 01tive Aberhart; genitall, deifpr�mities,' 1 TiW�t�, 2 0,c- lBecause cif the short not -ice my first I.. . . , . Id.. , , , I � . .s. fasit game blut.'this. itetams didid-the' �lqo s Evelyn Carmli - . ' Ida, the 1QWbiu1&Bk?l Morde Actr�ss' I , bow Ilegs. Sevierntween of I inclabation twas­ b6� beg off. Hlommmer , , ­., .1 1� � I . . . . . . I . I s chael and John adl wheat;&­�.- R. Dougall, 11-L Des- . Huron '. W I �dld�.nbs� , 11!:�, .... �. . ' . e�r-- - - d . betst th�y could, under . tbe,,- ci id,rditne, 0w,en'-G4,#%'ger4 Sarils. J I Be i,eian .Dungsy L . Evelyn,, Ardath, thel twenty cases were .new ,, dkaing I theiy informed me that they onli ' - ftum- MoK-ngle defeated I I . . . . i 14 . 0,4- Malry Hays . I.. I I ice u ion;' ... . ' +%� . I . �, -and Ken BeAtiel­-30-26. , I . . 1. . I f t 'IT dis-16 C;e6 e- th year-' . ­ I �,; . I . kitainces. Nbi�tftelr scored In the first' ; - Zpaling whea6 --- �R. Desiiardine,�� 0. . "Affected. . . , Sproule- Doiris-'Al' rg I 0 I petted me to take up a, PIDTItift 6C 'the , , .. �., 7 ' . . � Holmes were -gliven 661jer & Sons, . . . ArrOld 1W"'R ...... 13� Ross Rennie ; Non-orith-opsedic cases numbered, 33 timiti,'and when r reflecited that aic. ffiMaKiay'and' Ri. . I ,... I I . . . IMrs. Weeiritntark and Stan DbTrance I '4­1�1'o, ; enry, ' ,,� �, f. � I 1. 1-1 I ,. . . mts, for Minor ofTentim l I 'delf 'Early'-oaltv--Lorne CU,pman, Alex. . . I I Stephen, Melville Shannon- Xobnl; iniclucling 22�eVes, and 11 tonsils a;nd 001rdini.9 to L4,0 -ns - intOr-riatl , in- � ,,,,,. I .. . I . � , eeitie'd ,Misis Sa.U:Y,. Wood and A. Y. i ' ­­ jL J" I w - , , ­­ . �' . ere all. ne�w� . ­­ ­- istmob.ioms, to My' ciolm, we Willem '�'lZ. " I . . Bu h I ! cit,ii0tiesi ­Oif-the- W tern Ont4iio, ika- Stills, Egge , . VaSesu . .. ' . I in Iffi,6'siscond CUinton ,'beat' D01ig on NdLeEq-36-21- ' . I lq, antan. I . - ­ -A � V'r, 0e 'John 10-A ; ol � . , 1M'fttd6;---­ - I . .. ­ D�nialld Jenki L rits; abiput I The casest"were disposed of " fol- nolt,wpeaking on Lionism as. Often, as ' .. ", - 'McTav- 'Date lots ,. DoftalL Beian' Marketinj 42 ' 'have- been I .1 ­ bw -loalcaE@,lons, Streets isicotring the iMM.'J. AlA�iunii, And Ion' tsi-jw �R. B= . fift5r 1 ethet. ,, :� I . ey P�C, 1gri * , -mlitted we should. '11 discovered no matter' 1; '... ' lBard, , 6-rmed--�AW... R.' Diougall, ,msr , I to' hospift�� ' 23; .. � I first .when be shot -hom6.,the 11000B ish defeated, Miss Peg ,Grieve and pendeld fbllbw�rrg -4'nieeting beld V10 -7e and' girls- 10 � e: Readini ows: Ad . Vudc. . lRath made it 2-0 when he N,ellsOn iCardnoi-W-21. Lorne Chapiman, Alex. Buchanan". ' in Chathamon, MondaY. Thede J i lby'P�ta. Duncan. I . trealbq.id�.as out, patients, 13; 4biri- which wayl I went; I was- lialibit0i tio . :`�� � cqswn . . I I 1:W 14.. 1.1­41'1.� ,I I-Musiiqaa, n,qmbers werel.- suppfied,� 11; glasses supplied, gelt- in wrong., I - iwas somewhat in . I . �.� . was kilt unguarded, in friont. -of the Xr§. llt� Y; SLprlo,Ait and. Ken, Beattie 'Filield pelas�­;EL DesJuTdIiiie"" - John wiql Eiffeet bean growers in Hurwri, a "We Are an0gs ' i 7 .1 I ,�� .. .. -rill of tivb mey,' who were � �, I . goal, illlolmes;� , -of ClInton, and A. -defeated -Mbe Ruth Thompson and Pelpiper, -Alex. Buchpklan. . large number beling in the Hensell Pirates," "Bear Song," -Re,gudhr 10;'ItIonsti1q.relmovedi 11; operdffil6ns-, fhe, p,Dsitio: I Ill I j � . , . �Iielldl beians�-Lorne 'Chapman, Owen district. . . s . . .�'.. . I . ebmn4 fol, �SetOoirth-', L.� . Regular PirAtes 11 "Pirate Life," 4'.Th 1; Wthetr treatmehtsii f4 - . . , a . � , . Rod . dT� . the Rerv. T. A.. Carmichaell 40-27. -�� llc�ei utgal ' s Word otf a Fi'rate. Gen ick , *� ,changing down upon thern. Onet, � `­'� . lbarly ,�iiialtdies of the perio-& -Janet, Cluff land NeRsan ,C,g ger & Slops,,W. IR. , - I.. lleci lion to sulspend could be trac-. , ft 'I . erAl " "Pli 1.1l.... ....'­*". . .%,, . I ,- .In the third, the ,B Is$ YEQI:)w Eye lbietan,9­4S. E. MQATthur, d f1wo factors-unteertai Please liet Us 6o," "In � . I IM' ,r,di- Do, . . , Em Ourt . , 1111— shinneld up the- only tree bri sighit'and " " � - . . savers ��ere re- ,no defedited Was Fennell and Dr. '. e .to nity as to I Ga . . . I ��!!, . .11 .... ... I ,warded When A. Hildebrandi, sictored Siburgist-49-25. I . . ­.,­ ­ -A.lei , H. LC,riertar. . . . ,the, validiby (of thoe Naitu-61' Products, the 06: 011d T11meg,"' "It All Ends. the other jumped. in a hole nearby. . . * - . , , � , ., 7 1half w,aY through, the per�od. lt was I ai d*49b(yot- We'll." I . Mrs. Mel*r,, M. Hays, The bull jumpled,,over the holle and . . - 11 I .1 ., ; . lTimolthy- 4eed-W.,� M Dbugall. Mtarkeltling,AiO and, thei 2 _ . . Second Rouna - .9 .- ... . . .. . �111 .e rs 'Ths' Mste was trained by the sta I the man dn the bdle ju�mlped, out. The �­, I A-0irt 111lVed 111MVeivelir, for Gibbs ,made' iRed .' c1bve'r---seed--4Sam, Doutgall, lieg,oing" of. bleans i9y'.. , it is , ff I .1 :t I I Miss -Nora 'Sitiewari an4, Goo. Hays I;O,rne Chap .. , . I - . � ,;� . it 3-1 on .Piokiett's pass-, , Wlatie , Man . . I I. I replorted.' . Of the school, assilsted. by A. W. An- e t bull turned, saw him, charged. He . ". ., . I "s was detfea�ed Mis,s Dorothly Parke and- r.. � Win Tournam * n mid th uh . , ,, I iplenalfted -for, pir-111ing jH161mes, dbwn, 0iiiinrilichsel--N-15., � ., Poltaitioes, early v4dtetyl,--W. R., iCertatin dealerv, it, .is said, capital, dierton, of Clinibon. .1 � jumped in a is b jumped over ­!; I . I 7- * , 1� � �� I � ., . Dov-.mllL . . . ' izing upioTl the fact that both buyers The piar)o ti;dcompam'sits werre -Mr. . I the hole again. This ... eontimued unUl , 1, 11 .1, . ''.) but this 'Beavers weirs trimble, to break IMrs *eedniark and Stan Dorm', ce . it. fu3io as man 6ifi - the tree5 . . I . �"t, I .4 firnally th .. I .. throukh the strong defencepuit:up by eilbrii * id IMiss -E. '-C pdtatheis, , geperal tqiO.9--W, R. and gro-,yers were loosing confidence. Atiderbon, Reginald .Prycle -and Ptuth In a report of a iladlies, badintiniton . I . ' . . I inate armichaell and Dougall,'H. ID, "ardlivel. � . S mith. . - . I I lbafw4led dowTL &it lim.. ais, be, 4' � 1�1. .1 I � .. %.: 10iih-tOU. 1 ' , . . � John,' McX�enzje�-29-26. . . . 093 in the scheme, have been usihg chan- . Presentations . .. tournament, which appeared in this � - Jumiped : : .. , , 7 " emiribon-GIDA Doiake; nd., -Waters; Wris. J. A LBtulcikWhelat- .W.. R, Dlouga$l, H - nels ,other than those set up by the, " ,paper last� welek,� lit was stated ,,that (Continued on 4Page 4) - . . � . 1. 1.11 , ­ ..... �.. I - d., Me . Alunif ,arid, Ian McTav­ Des-Jardlihie. I the winners 'wer,�� Miss Janet, CRuff . . . , , '. , I � . . .1 . L )Katy; centre, R. XdElwan - ,r. - ,board, to diisiplose of itheir stocks. , DipMgmas, iprize� arid, sichoilarsibbs . .. ., . I e - , , 'I, I � . I , . I 2 iish d fealted' Mrs. R. J. , Sprout and :M3,81t creditable, ihowin'g of seedi Sallies and prices -have ,both been" audi IN-L'stsi Xw,garet Caxilrol., ' This, I Is— . I � ."R . W" -*,, \T. an; 'Ite'r- Ken Beattie -30-18. ­ . I �: � . Hii,lmes; I., MizEw, ' I , e,re prevented as. follows: 1. � . . . insitesl, Raith, 131:11ibs, Pickett, Streets. -W. R. Do 1, 1. .affeoE�dl because of federail ,was in- e,rrior anil.shbuld have read I . I , I 0 . I . . ip- , 11 Wdss Janeit, 'Cluff and.Nels�h Oaid- 11192i � govern- 'The niames of those receivimig Di . .1 . .. �* i - wiial. . N,ft's. H. G. Meir wad N I � I Seaforth-Goall, S. Doig- 'rd V bye. ' . . . . MenVs act in questionoting. the vali- lornais are: Rus,,el Allen, . iss Mary L. .. . . 1. I . . Varna Man Heads , I .. .� n - �d a ., " - n1oi`7la 1 .1 . - . . . . I . —. dity of the, Marketing Iteels,lation,.the Cudmor St-anley. Dloirraince,, '"a"' *IE,�',s. Thd-s paper regre�tsj the error. . I � 11 $. . � I (Co tiik on NX 4)' . I - I I . I I . ' 4 . - .. � , � . . � . Semi -Finals � ,e, 31ary . . , - ..I. .. I, � .1 I, ., 1. ean, bulaird's announ sadd., Dolv;ne,5, -Brenton, � Godk-im,. Fred ' —0 - I . /. . —0 1.9 11 . ,�. .. .. . . . Mrs. Weledmark and Stan DoTranoee, 'b .c. ment, . . County.0rangemen - - , .,, a �­ . . .. . . . ...., I Make Presentation The belan mirkedog- sicheinite was b'LeaT , Horace Ruft,ledgei, Geral&ne ' . . I . . . . 11 . I dielfeahad ;Miss Nora .Sitemazt. and � . ' . .. - . y � I J I I I.: ., I . . . . . . I sstaTlted in Febt-�ary, 19M, with the Ca-sitte, Jack Chemitis, Esther Duff y, .: . . -.1- � I I - � �I I I � .1 . , 14 '' .o " I I �� al��,' 1611 �, I I I ��'", , I l I I , l-,"", '- is - I , . Geonge'llays"49-28. . 9 underotan'diing it. 'W'*Ould be "tried oq,t Cilal-e Eckert, Dlarpoft.by Gdf1di e n ouritty meeting o� the Orange I.." " ner sChu'rch bi- -six niorriths. At the end of that ,-,NMcl�,ey, ona,11se Molore, M-ary, lar, I... L.-Ege was held in Exeter Tuesday , . Day,of Prayer � - !Mrs. J. ��Muiin and I -an McThvish AtTur , ng, Mary Eucbr' and Da'ce Th e c' . — - . 11 . . . . ­ . . . . .. I defeated ,Xlq�!§, Janet Cluff and Nel- . f! I 1, . � � . . I ,time a -0ote -of the 5,000 ar niore in ph- ' - Pryce, Frank Ills I ,. .�. . ' ' , Thiel International World?s''"Day I 1. . I , A sutcessful fawl. suppe'r washheld we'steTn Ontario, fully 9 opeT cent. Pairicia s . ' . , %: I - . , . - . 11 of sion C,4rdinD-2945. � � . y, Reginald Sri , Neit Wedne'day aft,"o,, ,,,d th., followalfg. officers ., '111� be . . -'S�outhgaite,, Dougliag H. were 4­,1e,ct-e6: Eliner Webster, Var- � . . Prayer ww -held in ­5t, Thqmas, Finals. . an 'TUr-neT'9 Unked, " Church, Tucker- i0X them declared,in favor toe the ,plan ste,,N-aiit, Jessie, Wallace, Laurabelle cDurity master; J. Pattan, Varna, Ae ' C111thurh ,on FAday., .'February 28,' at )M�s. EL I. WeedYnark and Stan slinit-h, when this business of, the beling ,continued Those- who'vtoted, . ­ . ,, . '%v na., ,1 -t- 3 rp.m. The .1pilies of thie, varibus, W. ,Domrarce d6fleg ed MirlF. J. A.'Munn - The Young Liberal Club ill re- deputy master; E. M. -D[grian, Exe- . it, is woutid up and new officers ,cb,nit,raliled mbre-t-han two-thirds, of (Continued -on Page 5) . - . 1. -1, I - M S. Slocietties, axe invited by aittend. and Ian, MoTavish-2942. ­ year w2L . 1� peat the reten' suedessifirf euchre and ter, chapilain; H. 11. Hanley, Clinthni, .. " %�.;- . . . . '.. � ''A program constisted, I I I 1, — . � ­ . . . . . I . installed., I of the bean dereage in the province, ap- ' -­­ —0 . itali,'ce in the club rooms on Wednes- recording -se,creta4jr- Charles Pilgrim, 1.1 . I . J I I 1! 1 -111 -lux ma el Y WON acres.- 'This Bean, Marketing Board, is &m - .1 . . � , t. I . I � . Varna. fin�neial seciletary; Garnet , - I 'cl-int-on, Al. .. I . � � . . wohin selectlions -by Warn ., Whi t- mare and Cecil Oke, amoMparried by . 1 -111 -lux ma el Y WON acres.- 'This Bean, Marketing Board, is &m - . . . . I dl�y I '. of next week. � � . . Varna. fin�neial seciletary; Garnet , - I 'cl-int-on, Al. Slarah Whiiinore; readings, lArs. R. prised -of sleven members, -five: Ire 8 I RoadCommi'sion at ranged A splendid evL-ninF bias been aw- and.,'tfo.rllo,�,iii- . g cuchre and Cornish, trealsuve)v ; . I DIEsVtS, nint.)fi, firs -it 'lectUTer- Melvin . I t I � Pear, 1H..Crich, and, :Mrs. p. T_wn M"' `s-� by A. preslenting the growerp, two the -deal- eT9. Th,6 groRvei;a? represen1tatrives ' a lunch, TorontoCofivention dancing with muskc ,by' ithe , . .i ,.�, � , , .­ Clunke, Seaf,)rt,h, second lectuilell; C. � - I qda-ritettie -hurnbers ' Tow, ,send, C. Whitmore, -S. Whit, I . ' are J. W, Ward, Highgate, chairman i . . I Rintoul .Tchestra wild be enjoyed. , l � . � Dielit, Vaima, maTS1111all. . . � ,4 l " . 4 . I ni-ore and F. Townsend; sfolo, E.Whft- 'Unle vDa-11a' 15. . ranisher, Flor- . I � ^ . . - rn-'. 14. 1 U q, , *r ,n ii,-i­,.,�4- .e,nlce,# Dav'id--�arroll Iona D Cain- K*Z , V ­. I . . . ,� . �11 I � Leag4e Standing . I Blowes, Farquhar, Ihttllie.' ' I - FIL, ... es y . e ' J. Turneir, C. O'Brien�� 'U. Grich, N. I 9 1� 61011, Blenheim, and W. B. Elider, Iw Huron Xou y lk,�ouncil Road Commi-I'$0ilon bias xetbirriled from at- I .�, . �... -pts WLyn Loelb Tied E gmondville 6, St. ColumbanA Gaxroltt, J. C:rIch and F. Pepp . eir Heirstall. The dealers were 'rep, ....... ils`5- lbe,ndqh,g the ainnual Ontario -Giod . , I � .. Egrno,ndvifle ,.,.. a -,. i I 1 '7 Widle-orpeni. hiockek wa,s,,tb4 featuTe At thisi Meeting the adherents of . enite'd b'Y W "" C * Hubbell, Chat'ham, ' lRoads Clonvenition at the, R,Yyal Yorrk I . 1. W,inthmo ........ .6 of the Zgmlondvi1Il6 - St. i0olumban � the church -and, their friends ,a,mi(lelcl and W. Fergusori, Muirkikr. Hiotel, Toronto. The mombenq are: I � . . . Kipipen ........ 2 2 -. 1 5 . gamle. . The game started wiWh -the , tbelmselves of the opportunity of � : 167 . . . — � I . ' . I Releve,.% W. Haa,61ke, J, M. Ee-keit, 4 1 � I ll� I I .1 . � . * I I , I I . I . � I. ­­. . . I '. . I I I 1% � . I , I . 4 I St. 103olumban ... 1 4 0 .. .2. ,42tin-ts purtihnig ion a great diuspitay of ,PlreSiellro ng ill and Tylirs. V. I ry- I E. Cardiff, and Warden R, J. Blow- I �, I . 11, � I . Man. -hart -iner well known . .., � � I 0he Move gaime will be,. played be- offiens,ive hoickey. Eginotridville play- berry and family witsh a Tenierm- Needless to stay ithe roiadsfiave been J,gjhii�.q Ijocl, ., foq 11 Born irl Toronto ... ��, I . :BDire the schled-ble is completted. ed ,withuat theli� vetteran R. McGelach, brance beToTe. tfiey leialve for, their aliriloist imilya.sisable but, wailikjoe has A-Islo at Tomn-t-6 .'were Releves Me- resdid"t of Seaforth and.naw h,proni,- ,, Born i�i T�rlontol, Yeil)ruary 15th, I beic-6,me, ,u6rS, fa,§b4onialble. of tinlent (businesis maii o -f Sarnia. cek- �; - ' .� ssex Cbuhtly.- An-md- S,Oinfe 'Of Nia-lil ,of Myth, and Davli,dsorii 58, with his parents hb� inoved, to �, i I ­ f, (Egnilondville went to tfia,tqp, of the also sent eveTy Ty�,�n ,upto'stiorm the new home, ,in E �Iolurig Men have taken, un the a.rt brat,&d .his 78th. biithdiay .ou Febru- �S,,r,,,rt,Jj, � � I �� Vdirwers' Leedgme by a 6-4 - twin oVer], Saiints," zone. . Niehoili4on, -Bell and dres% was ,irleaLt a -ad they were pre- Our ' Wini�ham, wilito in-tervivived the Min- , I in Huron C,o,un,iy whien be . . - I I A .. .. 4 . St. Golu ' " , ,,its for Eig�Mondvfifll,' int sentied with tWo flOIOT ,TU1gS and" a oovelri g this space frifti Viti-na to 'dsterr oif 'Highways, with a view of ary 5 wa�­5te years of age. Later ft be- . '� . niban, while ,Wjhthrop gaah-,1,,D,ae drew ret, e n ill . . the . second runig by *hi . tiewas.-b 'wool blanket. , / , : led the first perlod, whillel W, Ha-mley".17le-1 ,­ Sei"orth, butt relturn when. traffic is having Highway Wo. 4 paved throii gh A rekce,n,t ivsuie of the Sarnia Cana- ,aim,c interested in the lurriberFing "I I -- , I , I. ain. -2-0 on ivig ceivied tiwo flor St. 'lColambian. The . � -. light. - - , � - ni.-.Qbi.A,etrv,efr says: "'Jarnes, -L:),ck- . i � Kippe Satuirdaly night. last. % .1. , I . BIlyth lbo W�nlgbam. The �pavemens ,(U, bwqine" which he,foll'otwed in Huron . 4 . � � . . As ulsuial, this games weirg latte- in gA -- Stalint'; direw. first , lolod -b .tL�f iAJs sio,on, ,as- road candilib-ns, ,improve -was disitionflinued,lasit year about on; I'La"t, I'Oes-l' inlsuranoR agent, clUi-OblY ind'Hasting, counties for imare than- �j b y gelbtdhg . . ;1 I I ' Leidbtn oervigels will be hplid: in, St- 'Inileand a half south of Blyth. cellebrated, ,hit, 78th birthday at -fiis ten y,aw�. In 1908 14r. Laoldhai-t . 11�1 � . ting" under way but when thely did -two iciountient in a TIOW in, the early I Joh, ' Cth urch, I hoane, 288 Macikenzie Street, an, Sat- .. . 1. I ,. ; start the fans' got their Money's. parit'of the se,c�.o.nd­,4�ut Eignionalviale Legion Sponsors . . V. Mr. Bandy I wais, IMid i1p last . I cani-e to Sarnia,. in the capalcity of I I `�`l ' � : . WbA'h. The Saints, figilitting 11or a ea,me',black stropg with NlicIvilsbin, ' . urday. Mr. Loickhairt is -one ,of the Manager Of. th-c trank Guttri4ge.., ,.. . .1, on C.­Planneiryls ipass,, , e,ej% with luarbagot, HIs many ' oildiest acti�vle� business mien on Front B,i,lbd4-nfg ft -p -plies, now knoWii -as -the I � , I ., , ,iplay-loiff berth, put -up a stiff bult RUB-' Scoring . I ., -j , 11 , ing b "'The Saints' drew, two rests and Eg- ,Fine Stag Euchre'' whienals, will be pile-ttsed, to knolvr he i and da,Qy can be seein at his Gra,ce"13uildeirs' Supplie§, He con- � , .. "I ", atiblie ag6ffist Eigmiondmillie in'.'the . I A.Y.P.A. Entertains -'11"t - tji,ulsd . , , . . � is ,siometwiliat imp, vved. . Rev. ,Mr. sk, ketelying.in touch -with hda.lbusi -Irm u ' . , 0 . seicon-d gaimei after", Xippen. to -sit ,Out Mondville took advantage of ,it when . de with this, f n4l 192Z in v� . I to'the hard-4prestsdolf,Winthirolp squiadL, Krusis -and J'.­Tqalft�mery dombknled to '1Aft'ehjpd".[bqjd staig-euchft was held - guigUer, Rect" of St. John"s Church,. . anesis, and hi§ #arge clie-Altele. the ,game capacity and at that timie � " . . . - ... - , . beat Rintiouldn. the luttler's- nert. Prolm. in the Legilon, rooms, nn Wedn d (O"Wing to bad, rba-&, Made the' trip Northsid6 Society , his health began to-flatil, lie decided v , �� � I . Winthrop 2, Kippen 0 . "' lay *I*n Bayfield -to Varna on fout ',a, . � I... - -'soon eft -- . � . the facti-off Joe... Lane, receiv�d Me- even'j,ng, whedi honors rwe7i)t th M. xq� , to ,distontlinue work, btit tier , � U - . I , I t . .. . week ago 'Sundia,y� - HAS -478th BIRTHDAY ed the 6nisureasce business *hich he . I . WAutbmlp, - ito-oried "the -tomlly gotia ... of Oai�ylls - pasis for another i8bunter, X,eqJh,r an&' John Beatue, after i� The A, Y. P. A. of ,St. Thomas! . , �� I I I— - . . :1 . I l, fthe igame in the first - plerilVd, the fittst buit KTui§.e went. clean through for extjqf g,,m,'e -;�6i and 'J. , . I 1blais-4o'llowed since ,that timft ,The .. 'N ., . *HK­X--�M I I—, ­­­ " .. ­.­----­., Gbfurch , entertained f, b e Young "'" I 1 is a parltriler is, Scott .1 . . . . . 11 I Doilg ­ ' ' ' ' -7 de firmt,in which ht , L I when T. Eatont beat Sandy I on ,another ,tF)gmb--ndvdI* ItaRTA PeHod J. 'Clidiff. J11ohn J. 'HugigaTct won the — . . PebJp1e of the ' Niai4bbii Uhilffed 'hich the other Valt- � .� choed �with St., Cbaumban 3, Dgmund- proic, for lione ',hands. I ,,Cburch to a social on Monday even- ,;,- I & Wclaha,rt of w ;It ,l�: 1. I -p. ­ - I I—, , ...", a, asis frolm. N. Montgomery, and, the . .... 11 , . I I . . I - A ner is ex4tayor W. J. Stott. ThLe . :`1 I isie2nd hear the close Of the peirtiodi. ville P2. ­ . . IThere were 'ten, tabRes, -in pqay. in -g. The meetilm . . :.. ' # it -� , .. I in "N' Imontgomery scor� I . All Sizes In . g Opened with a .i. .: -�.,...` ., I lafter for the Most part looks after I I 104, , � I The arislyi started when Lunch was ReTved. ­­ ' hymn, followed by al prayer by - Mis, q , ." ". . I . I � tblird lihd b �1. 1 .4 11 M � . ". - .:., ..,: the i1eial -eistate end of the bm,Arrem, . I And's 'pa&, In - li I., . , , . I. I I I 1141 V X . , ... . , . .. . t Ve Ni-choftson and C. Fliannerly eopRAned I I —0 *. " D. Parke. ' Then the' br�rd's, Prkver ' :'.7. while AMr. Lockhart lovks. agter� Ovii '.11" I I . ", ohly at -kood ,work tg� both gbiaNes bo tie (the loolunt, the -laitter omiring. . C ' was repeated in uniboin. The presi. .. ..� .... . -1 ­ ... . ...... - I , ' ' ' 11 I mve,, , , - I ... i. -lihisibirance. . . � s��:��..­ I � , . -..", ,�, any­w,unteAZN',� t0t was, F. X14mig tallitid ,his first off the steh- dailt, i1&. ­R. A14chlibald6 reaA � .,i . I ­ 11. . , ,ren� ad- . :"�:�;�� '­ 19? ' .. I 11, , . ..., ., .­ . .... i ;� . pen;Xzied for c9dosscheaking Sills and son. 1o,1)-,a,.,Mqce sodo ,11 Staunch Pirligbyteriarii " , L . dr -"s of welcorfre to th6 'Visfting,, �.....,t,:;,:;., � I .111, ` i ; - - 1� . " G - Beatty, Smid.ey' , ..:...;.:1:=.. - ..., I I 0 sth. Hanloy 41 . . :�;::. �:;;:�:,'. . Halland for tritppirnig Poster. Wath StOried twhile !mcbem -was in. lo'he WX. , young' people. lmmedgatleiy Wet,Cr- - ... - I.-,. . . .. I "Mr, Lucklitart !ff-- 4* stidnn,ch Pries- - ' . ,',l . . � .M. ,-.- x... . .;; 1� I i illopt is6ort-handed Kipplein put on! 0. F lannery . sciGred- ,oft Iris vwnt Hard .. oal � X .,::.. ' re' e Ong ' , wards games and contessts we're held . ��ji I : byterian in faith and is a vwmbefr- of ­ .1 ­ � ... ., ibhe pky but covilidii't bqvt, hft ci;m tiesm was- shoirt � Treasur r Resi -- ' - - � .... .... ::: Ws Church. Pbliticaft 'he J . . , St. Andrie, , bound whilie - WX I creating ainuse-merrit, for all. A . ., . I A . " I I . is a ReformelE I ... :111.1 ....... I I . . � * K oml - honded. Kruse and- .0. Fillannery com- . . wa.% giviin by R ' ,',.';.';��'::.",:.. � ,. I . speech ev. Canon .,;,.:.:.. , " '.. . I I I . � ;1.X.-; � S:"...:;:. , �, .. e ird'pier�otd opented wiith Kip- binted floi�. th, 'Mr. Ge"1190 Betaitity, ISr4 Ith e ,"� M 11.L , ', 'Wr. lJocildhairt tollid, an iinbew"ug I .. -:.:;::1:,., I � Applelyard, in, his usual good style. A 11: ,:,.1,*i:,i.".,,, . pen VlaVing !Cour, Men forward. Hug_ Was i,ft the e sixth -whillie Joie Lane ,.; .I ­�,;.� : ;� I .:,.", ;,:::;*::, " � ,� box. It veemed as thlofuOth t'Ve"11TO Olf'the' TOM)"WhiP 'Of stam- datinty funich was served" and the :1'­:;;j::,.i-�:j."-"'$ stiory of ,the voyage lof his taither ,;,i,i 11 I I gurd was giVery the-tonlliy' vertielty of every liniv there was a penalty The loy�, bui relsilgined.. He has he,14 the Albir"'ta - meeting was ellos,ed, by singing the �l"...'�.".",.",,,..'�"...'.,"..'.".�'� acylosis the Aftlantic q*n 1959,. At itMf I ': ' r We 1peribid fdr Wlpp�tg, BuRard., Kali- other side sedwood. 13Ah tetwe de- office 11or t1weinby-six YeAris and dkir- � ­­ I . . ­ ' ,,��,-�;-:;;,,.-,., �:: � . ' . I Doxology and Canton Appleyard re,-, , .1:;::-;,.::;:�.!t� I . . t6itne thwe were no oteamships- afid, - - -� , � �� �' :!:::;,'N . � I � . pen ,had the best idf tjAxy bqA %& serve credit 0or their shibming and it -nig thalt Vmie hus been a tfaithfll ser- � ., . ­­.. peated, thili Benedictiloln. ; .,. � .. I Wits fifter licafftile tatTVM the cleftit ,oh I ., i � , . � � ".I- I . .. � � - � ' . . throp Impt 4up, a gioloid dide6m tot Wd the Saint% though bleatieni, put; up �Zll�, WO"'trusit he al my be 's0amd tot , . . , I a o9filing, vemeL, Thei vvy-8196 req"-. , , I I . ftiegir two-goil, admantagix ­ .1 ., 11 . OvpIr eat gaime- of the M�Rlson teWOV a V;*04hrni resIt'ftom Publie , I I I 0 1 ... 11: L led him weelts `duAng V$hia,. tit"LU I,! F (J. rm, Uffimp--cloaal, X. Monwohle"; Baou"Seu-.-Goal, Ri-atimb r, d., AfO. Mr. G. 11. Beatity has been. &P- . and t6ike'. . . was conbiniu;al)�y ill, I%e fo,64'sc4 i(bg 4 ' -"J" I.. � , - , , ,, . . .11 10 1- 11 - M., F. rDdllaied- Ld 110914W' clefttIret, Dale- 1-d. Deal- caftitre, Mchiils�oV; r. *inted as oumessior wh6w " feel 1W "C6n yoii eevve; company?" asked ' ishipwas allotted, 6 041th '' ' : , ...�;;;!" `i� `;Q ,. '. �, �,� . I . 1� . I I . th i :: 0 � , , I e ,housewife when she was hiring .1,�-.1�:2�����,,"��":��;::!,!,!,.,.,.,::: I . ebW; .1. VV., 0. VR6111j�.; ,I.W,; V,�, y,rum; g,IL som *ffll ,nibbrie a icolmoetteint officer. . �..,"l"*:*"��.o week and im Mr. Uokhat I., ) . . S. NilAolit. T%M� N.'� montgdIn . li. ­ . '. ., :i:.� -`.', * � Z6 - , , ". . .., ... I., � I . ... ., I.M., .. . - T P -1 M. %­�� - W", 1. .. 'd Anior Aft , 1W, , , W., jaft�v aR&rqfMW,. A. DAL ft --nates, nipg, McLean, J. FbAin,l The taiulabows ,Who ,served dkvdtn . the A�vwnt. I ­ -.1-.1. ­ - lost ,his 'it ifturtiout'le 1. . - :! 4�.J 000=4 X 1$dbt� a, "A". I ,,�,:-,�,X; - .... .��­ . , ..­­­ .",A f . ­�, I , .,�,.; .,�, .,�, .,�,.' . , ., st i4yos, mum; both WA".9t ' - ,��,,�'.'.. 1; 11. 'adE .� .. 19t, NillurAb -.-Golaff, WIver; r.d., 16 `y`ftr8 v�ire th# IMO 006ftv , ftifd, . -,,in,.. I- 4 " . . t1rip. When he rie ,6d poot, I � sint. Ridd, thel late . ; ��'. 11. i , =, 1%1� mm I lijijN� "What do you triftn?" asked the I , ., �� �' " ," i .�' �* . , -- I .. 1� 14" , 'A %'"O' ...... 111.1 ad the Mood ioviir .to, ** :- i*oi'�­7�' � I I - Z4hdbml� I . . I . I I. . '.1 I i. �, , . MQutadelmW; r' W" H ey, WEVUrn 116bintl6tift, . ­ puzzled ote. - . - 1. - 1.4 ' Malone. 01Mtki'% I . lr�tLlqey' i A& - &Vder . 'W"itti.4itio-Q. - "�.., . �, M4, Te4A-wd ,sum"., " I . 'k, �S*.­�Rwpylll� come aigaftb,* or stal , "' , , I '.., '��.i'. ",L'i, I I '' �;, rm, = � , . 'eto Z - - lak§ - f��,,�A . It6h) I __--- I I.- ? =, W 1- 136ught Altxk I ! . , I . IS 1- t4r, 11 ­ 11 ,��,�;�;" 11 , '' . I I I , b. away.-, '. , I , . JAM198 LOOWAItT io 960116& W . as . .11 4 �. - � I avOk I '. .. �,:2%94.. B62000.. . .. -, N, 14 50 1814--, � 1, , , � . . ."�,�­ ..", q I 1. , �.­" .,' �L -1. . 0; .�.'A�J­ I ­ . � . I � , , , �1 . ! ". . I ,-J, ?. .. I . � 1 � I . I, I., A'�,.", �., I i, . ... . I f.-­­!,�� , , . � � , , , - �.�.':",;.'Ijl , I �.,. ,.� .�e ... .... ,­;� -1 , , , " I �. ) �, 4 . 11­k,�;,.� ­,)­�11 I �";. I � . W ,,, Z, ''� '' .� - -,,'.,­� * ,, - 1� I �` 11 .-1 I � �.I... �­ I". -­', , 11�'i. �.�i­­it, I - . ,, ­­­ ",­­ �­'. ., - .. I "416 � , , , ��, � ,1 . I , , 11 I ,� ". ., �,�4" , , . I % -1- , O'. ''', t, . ! ., � t �. ­. "?, "r,"; I - k .. ,,.,k � I , :: �, . I .1 � , . is", � 1A I o , . . - , " I 01 � I .. . �11 . , I,_ f,�I, " -,W , . �. . , - 01111, Rg. 1 ", � �4, " \,q � li I -01. ,� �.' , If A# ­':,A 11 nki - ,U­�,� � �� ... .11, . .. - . �,', I I , " ,,. . � "A 11 .1. A ­ , t � k,�,o . I I 4, " i'i'. �,.' 66, ,,,,,ik"`,�� , IV, " �,g - qt -k., �.:� i A " b " I �,I