HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-02-07, Page 7'i n I ! If u,i �11 " A .."". �.j, ". 41", , 4 K - kl'1�1,11. ir f4w 7X�"Iiffi I i . ii I IN `;i, , ­ ... , , ,�"'.,,..�, I '111',�,, ._1N11,,i4',',i­ 112, -!J;�,� � -Ji,,I,��i ,,,�,,;,,,,t-,��.,.t'�'r"��.'i, -,,,,J�Jic, � ­',�`7;_ �.�;'�'(�i�'i�Af",P,4,,l " ,,.,,,, ­��'y "". . ,�,,�,;�" t 0;1�. I I. it'110 .. , - Xi"i 11 - '. , 1", �,�p 4:1,4^ 1p,�� 5'' " �,' v , 14 �r'l . ,,, '" 4 1. I . , , , , . , 4 ,�, " '. .,;, - - I . , 1. .I".".. I ... '�7 , .,t �! ,,­ ;, ,., �, . , , , , "' . , I �A,� -q- .4 ,��, I ., -11, .,,,,-,% P I .iij�,, iv � , ,j,� ,�., 1, 1r, � � �', 1-44',".. , 1 �.�`,Afj,�,��l i.* tl"1��': 11, � " 1� "� . � ­ !�!A_�'-,,_ i , . !.4 � 0'. " '� .1� i.�, 1, ��, .,.,� X� I . .q ", _� '. �, �4 1 :,�..., 1: 11 1. . , .1� 1�. � .1 i 11 -, , . ;: .�. 1 ,,,1,;1;6�.;,&_, i " 4, i-., .1 . , I . 11�­ I _i,., "' . ; I % � [ . .� ''i. j � 4i-- � I , .." . _�;11:.,:�. ..:1117. , ". ii, 4 ; .. . , ,... .111. ?11 ..­_..­._. , , , - , I ". n , : . . "', - , I �'- I � �� 1, ; � I'll, 11F0 . . "' " , , , , . , ,., , � � !1114 . . � -i . � .. . ... 4 1 1 , %.:: � , " I I � , I ":, . I , 1 ,4 . . i 1 4 , . . . . . .. - - 410, - Te I 1,; 1 11913% '. , __­ ` � . .. . U, I I � . I I " I _,�� . : . 1".4, " �, i, I , -Il..-"�..,--.-��1--�1--li.l.."-.,�,.�.��.,�'ll,�...-,��-I ... "", ­.,­ . ...... ____­_"____ ' ­ .1.1 ­­­­ ... ,�.,���i�.,�l-I.-�,�l.,-.-�.�.",�.11,�l-.."�i� _..1_._..._.. ­­.�­_­.1­­­_.g "' Piojlrv�N�A�JVIS!r-,f " I "" . !Wlfv,l,�-'--",I.-�l-"."",.",;t&T',�-�,N,�N -I , ,., III � ... .;­ I—— R - - .-."-,.,-,:%"�,."-......;��-,. _____.___-_.-d r ., , W, _,Elryl ,,, " . i 9.JX,W:X41 I I _m, E41,13 lgvgpg.,� .1-11111. - , , 1! I . 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I I . 0 I . , I . .1 ,, � I � "'. . ­.. . . 4 . i - . . ." , .... -�, �-­��- - ,� I . I I I . . .� 'r. -., . � . �, ­�_ , ��! ­ -1 -1 ... ;.: . �.;,­ 1. . t i , I ftme NO, $4 . I I . ... : � I . ... . .1 . . 11 :Rv:,-- .. ,� .. I ", I � $ I � I � , , I . . - I - _____ - I , , �, , � , .1 . 11 . .---, I I r" 4TUG" -17 . I . . I I � � .1. . .. I � , ,.: 1. 11 _____7_ 7 ­ . , I Y.. � .. 1. W� ­'-A_,,,� i.iml' "I I . . ,_, A. ., � ''i, r , A , Jt9r, ._ . ; . I ... 1. 10 i , ,� , I I. � I 01 Ir".71 N .,.'­� Ku , . kvlsrbqv� P0.40 ___� I . , UYM . A ;:: . . . I . i I I . I . I . I �pin".,_ mr,TPLUX - ­- _11 . , � .. � � � . : . . I - . . . .� - kl�. 14� At IZA �, ' I 11014101 . - � I 1. ;, '� Mlha,t a grant ,of $04 be,' RiA,d ,w IPP "upping! *.� -, -., �, k1r I . .1 Notary I y1te. I , ,194f , , 'I . , � __,�d ,'!,,. ffl I f � .1 _ �, ,#v � , � 'A I , . - . .. _. . I I �q�r I .... 6 f�b omt. . I Wwr .to.. thq� - .xnU.ft__A X'"'linp 4,0. d , bereAp, ApIPA, , % ,, - � I I �� jka* Block, !t I . I * A "IV, I ;X:, �11 IV I . .. _ , I . � � 11 1, . I , q,v R'.T', -.1 , , , 1. .. -_ . __ . :e _ � [ ... I , . .1 ­­ � . '. .1 I , -'10 - - -Orewo "4qQW%Wp , �,�.! 211101 I,f I -11 - ! �: � , 2, - ­ ." ' . I '. vnerf,tl 9,W� .1 tl�;"ft' 9� ,p. , , #0 ','v .. ",$� � - , % .,,� f . - � I I � � : :43 _Pd ! 11 ­ �. -, JR I—. I - , , , .0 # g. ab,,',',T,AU, , . I n&TS& MIR . . . .# ..Ppp1A .�d W 7 ,. - _ I. . .. . . 1, . - i, � I I a VW..mo1nj;, , �, , 412 � I 1. . I . 1. " I I I ene 1.0 It h.11­_1_­WM I . . . I I . b WNW[, #A*0".TA_.%g­ P I . I . .4700 �r*.[H.AW.I*,I�"it4o.l$.40tt-lwe�w, IlLaftamm"13AV'JUR 1 7�11 14"1; ­ . - � , ...'.... _. . 4424 01651pitAl, Iseaforthl, , '40, Q-0, � And utvr* _04 I . . I . , ..;�$';',a gE ,��W�,i�,=".R�"-,�.,g,-,�,.:�MT-1, .1 �__ . . 1. '' T E. � i - I , I "Clintom Publio, UO , ital 10, - , � 1, -_.,-j��,� I suce6bong IL 'S, '06`78 %�� .­:...­�, B Y. -'P E " R 6 - K T. IN E .. � . � V� , a , . I I . ' - . IVKW - ��:t, � .1 1i; . Am, _# � . 1. _ .----. �,,.$Or 1�^ GM . . ' -t rWP`_,9 _ .. , . .__ ._...41qf . __y , ­­.. I .. . . - I I __�. . , 11 I—— I I . . , I � - C ..an conit, wVA1q,. % 1. 1; -1 1. . . - � ... .. , - _". 4, _ , . , . . -$? ' OpA ,Nota4es MbIV,_ _110" X 11 � . . . . �, -a von't "of .r> 1446h. - "a .t A . .. I _ _. . ".. - . ... . 11 . � : . :, 'be paid the VIDminiP0, W"Quild.- 10"1.4. mg . ";,. .- . I &O�Dominion Bank." 0 11A. of I I � . . I I _ Q11 I ".., �.. . . I . . Tha , ! ...... VI.W I i � I 1. . .. . ­.­ I - .- �, I all public UbkoRea,'in Tfuron 0ouni0y 4ppTov , .. . __ ­ � - , I � 11 I I I I I Aj q . � �A �� .1 . . ­ . f the 4CA ,5� , "' - I I .. * ..Dominion Bivk,'� . y _1 � , I I .. ­ - , . 1.11 I I .. I ­ I— I. 1, ­ I 11. - ''itta, th4t -all public ,libraries lweliv,- , 4, 1 �. . (Oputnued frcp -last week) . '* , - 5 ­ I .bo , , , � �, - . 1.. L. .11. . , mi .'. it, a- whple, therefore,: tes 01 Ili � . . . . . . . : 6rig,county grant& 'be rie6utfinid to - file . .. 40 1"�, _ ,%?,. tlii' 6zen or .mq,"..,,p#iz0n9" b , .. .1, I'll, " ,,. - . 11 I for two men"Who are out to .ill ' I , - , 'I-. . -0 1011w ,0 Q,R A� , , '... V � ;;== '911 Maoicipa; council .. -4.41Q�U# "', '' , � . =i. � I PH watch blim. 09476r s� , OX the - no _Khtid 15—MR1 — -TRW . I I'll. --when he'does. it been witn trageo .,with- thi Cleric an- . I W I . I.. . W ay no I ;1 11 , . . I'll `tW1_r;14" lg.�� ::�� 11 .I�Z:11 . �, ­ ... .1 1. C.RA I y - .1 I . � bf t"49 ,County �f 1filpop I 10.-. I ", %g .1 , I I . _P9= ,XV 1. of " of their recelpti-and impeadiWays. . , p I Hinfiiiteii oi- Cang, �!..b etti , I I .1 . - . n. . . .- I P 0-4y later whether - three .0 I � " I agai one d $�Ild ..rim - w , " P � k - . -QHN H. 13MT I "4 , � ,P _�:! 1P 'I g='n be lifkdW- 0 O'galve considersMon", it -.- , - - I . ,I I I � . I . J A few mAnuItes lbetwe (b,lZe 08 'i- Tommy ,had, zoomed', upiv�ard'banlk­ ahotiI- or a dozen had bftA fired, All That 'a , t * of $25 i , ,to _ . . BuaTisiter, Solicitor EtM -tioned t. t g* �.:�,� Wh, ': . � . f6migibblihed whistled for the lone- 'ad widely and let the, -train ��si'-u%�- they knew w"'thit,'withip,a spiuiai the Belviore Librarkjn 1936. " , ..d, . _. . I �...';.;, I , - questibli of -opening up the 6o'04. mriditr-, . .',',,-�, I - �' I'll, . . . : I onta M., ly lid - 'Ile was -in the rear of five seeon4ai, the pietuTO"""h�Ad . ThatTii !grant lot $,SO "be - to 6 _. ,'.' � - I "., 1 *. '" .. . I I �- - i kaMon of -San 010ofre,'T914- der him. Now . , a i ing areas, within Iih, 0011irion, on- .4 ­ - , , !, , � ­ '. � -Henisall, ig � "; li� ,_ , I - _. 11 I ,MY ;Scaafe se(otled as lighilly as a,g.ull agqin % - 6d -Main. - Seaf orth,, Clinton and I ­ .. . .t . . _ .nd 6ming on as ,orp, RAl- c1hauged. In, �he- -middle, of- prmg 5 -,extensive bo 0 A. ,� ... 11 , I .- I . d -bwn -M-ook, ,Shows, And, §2641or Himsall 'f' . 4s, Reiso,IW4- _iat: .. . . � �1! 1, ... � " , - # few hp6dre yar& lo - eVeet'anrd, pointed- oath- Street'L n - 4gow6l. lay, fa,gp A - :of fhiiy4polutir(Yu--�014rw -94 � , �� � - . on a bare'spDt - , well 'stood I k H . I _. a copy . I I W� - I 1-1 i . . I - 1�. ­, , *in El Vaille do lo . . at ­ 1 14R;;;;;;;;; 1 ,VETEUINARY - S Ojos Negros ,orit ively to the northwest in- a ges- Ward, arms outstretebred, each hand Soeid Show in 1936and K#rkton, CW- e 0 � L �: ., -- i . . . . Oita 4 ' . d t the federal moInbers, PU7001j,-tAy - i 11.-_ li�'ll.,�,,���,�:.7.,:,��.,�1,11�",,,,�Ll",�V�r�,�� P '' .. ­_�"Vpr­r� - and';�alked llelsur6iy 0.ver to, -the Ota-, ture that said pla�nly, "Qo home!" clutching a guu. On the hotel porch' fiord and-Lucknow recefte $40, each in'. '' 4 - I .. b ,�, "1115M0,11, � I- 'fin . 4 -UMI; 11 .. 11i , . I . . . I repregen 9 the 0onfity bif H, ' _,.11_.1'Z;­ir,V.,1 ,, � - sl liogo. . Dec. 4 � I I th two forty-114ut Tommy, -wily shook hii head and the -blond man lay very -still, on,hi , ,�-; -c"U 'in AON . .2, . 4 -JOHN GAIEVA V.% - 4 tiam �..., Ili , addition to 'i�* � and resolved,, that coip1e�'.-qf'tbfis-.rea.q -..i--. � 'i "' ' * . . � . ,7, .a to � - - '��'.`�'.11 .... 11 I . 'Ronor graduate of �- - Veterin- . five,s Ith4t .were always..Ion his hips�- wi�,.ved one anmAu a vii-alent gedlta�xe -back; the'darlE man ;was down too, , ,That a grant bf $80 each be made Intiail ,be forwardied, to the' T " " v ji P. .,..".....,I�­,,��', F13. , - 4,400 ch ged" -:�.Pvxi ... -College. All diseases of domestic . . I , . I siy jt.ila,te, h-a.cirrriedi, as an .,extra Pre-, ofnegation; again he exhibited for- a but ,raised on his'" 1�ft­elbow, striving to the South Hitiron 'and North HUT- Mfifiistfeii§ of th6r PFi6viaces within, t4je "" pq;hera, . . 1, , , ,�.;f'' I animals treated. . Calls pi>4jlp�IY at- ivir -fideting insta,lit as. he ,passed danger- to.'lift his beavy m, for apdther shot - 1) minion. � tal. for , i. . I . . � ,it ,.!Ion . 9gainEll, ambugh,, a light' - . k, I on. Plowmen,'s Association. Au'aud - o � I . , :. , , " .. . , - close .to the train, those two at HalloweAL Aut his.-_sead;Zparx.ly%_ it(id financial statement must be filed . . �, I i,-tendied to and charges moderate. Vet- 8901rillin" c-arbiner and a be%tiful, of o;rja,- ousl,y I . . � . No. 3 - Moved by R. E. Turner,' . � , . J"'11 � . . � 1 ' -use�t­ffie.task; his, -left with -t4e Clerk. . ... 1. I I . . : ­ .:,� . . , ntar,i'.,ti.6In;- - -In the shadw - lee of the ,same ,outstretched fingers. .f%'h,en he ed musicles ref I -Cardiff: ,Wheireas,, Net cost to -) -- oiint)� , I . ry Dentistry a §Vecialty. Office , * m- see0indi4 by L.'R. 0. . .'. . erins , . . Te buckle upd,er him, permitting , Th�kt a grant of $150 be made Jo `,­" . 1. . . - !-� ,,, 4 1 . - stWfilbn lie siquaitted :on his lijels and. td-rned Ito -repeat 'his ges�ure Hal-� arm d ", in, a recent Oanadiin - I . and.reside4ee on Goderich Street, .. . 1pres� ,despatlzh "' ' Huron County -.Ri � I . , i ll threw ,both axms upward- and 'his ,face to -crash ''Violently Aga . 1. f W-410": - 1.17r, -') - -­ ­ . I Qnle walted for his rhan, itlD an1V1EI,----­- , 1. inst the Salvatidh ATWY. fot".1a ?� , I ­ '. 1,11, Im door cW- of Dr. Jarrott's offic�, S�,a-: I . - ... I " from Ottawa, A U stated government, I ... . 1. "I, � -�,`04�1,1 , I , . . I... A . a' , . ... ���'. " � I I � The ,U ,wiais on. ,time. Tc')Mmy 113utw-04-11n.the 'g -nal that says in, All the porch floor; his sibioulders twitch- That,'a grant of $150 be mad# to I Rocelp , � , . 0. ��'. , . � Italai , - in Canada costs in the nelghbarhood, .1 . � , 1. -'�t�., 11 forth; -. . _:1 BI . , -relief pay4ments on pfi-Q � �, " ., I . 11 934 . _�,n,(%). . ..hipjaird ilt o'llide battely ,to a,*,W15 and languages, "I understand." �d a'little and be' W48 still ,forever. the Howiek T.p. Library Association . , �.�.��. , I ... . ­nm,2.9 . -, ., . . of $3,10,00A00, a year, in pay for I ": 11,50TI; _. � .. eg- binplayment scheme , � ..; ,r, , R_ 11 ­ --- I... . 1h " - , . . . . . . ......''. `� . :1... � I OT111. aigain!L�wheviibore, ' he 'And"he twas far from, being 'happy . The proprietor 0 the bb.%el wa�the' in,' 19�6-- - - -, ,� ....''... ............. ....... ....... ,�, .. .. .. : , , n,�, � 11 .. i en�roll�� I islators,; and whereas, Canada has 4 .1936 relief 1�4,yiinwats'ofi"'4i',p­ -- :, `,�O`�: " � I 1. I , :, I . 'fi.'CAMIPBELL, V.S. ',' ' knEw it had di,sicharged, a siuglw,tias- in .the possession of the informati:on. -fir-g-t- man ,to. -recover from. -the. ghock That. no actidn be take�'dn regard � �. '. I._ .,.� I � A. . .i. per capha of about one legigla,to-F to empoloyinent scheme .,.... ,1, 4131-8Q��, I '14 '""' " . "� - 4 . gaie 4 Ontario Veteria'a"ry' si-riger. Stor--bo stralled axoaindl the 11, two men in p I Grad. � IPI T asoned that if , im - of the combat. He came out on the to the On,ftaria..Assiociatiloin of Rural ever 12,500 of ,population;' .and, 1934 raters paid in 4995 I. .- ­ 9� � ri�6�, ?. ,'I. 4 �. I . � �� 1, I 'they exist- ,porch, looked the dead men ,over and . I , whereas,, it -would seem' the-gin6unt 9�eT'68t on,unpaid xaters . 4o1o,,t;1A1 ,. � -I ()611ege. University of Torianto. All corne-r.of the`stitiont'S the sidet6t cal to "his welfaxe, ii.cisted, .Municipalities, . , .,.4'� , ,., � I - . I ... ..... � ". �J � I -animals treated pairalleilpd,the, track, arriving jussit as ed in Arguello. Tommy 'kn " " ' ' "i t That Roiss' Johnston, -of Zu*h,, b 70- , �,�;,J, . . . � I 4USeases of doiqe�stic ew, a urned a seriotis faeer7'ta --a -neiklibar e ipent for leils,faPion' "I"n"" CanadgI is Out 1034 su43iO ... I— ........ :.. - _' " "'N ?" , , "the 'oat' m i1ples. -the al%er, ,t&iiwca swept past. -rse, that -Hallowell would leave who had crossed th& street and Wif� appointed (0.orn Borer Insipector of i8hTi,%��:'_ -`4 � 6y -W odern princa v r - cou . , , - the po ,00.. , ,. .a, of pro'portion to 11111'��:i' 4 L ithe County of Hluiqon for 1,986 J . pulation;., and 1964 gas' tax rebate .... �.. 1,1536o .�,. �.i, , . . (21arges. reisIonable. Day- ai­ night 10n,the rear platform of.�the, 'car the tra,in at Akguello, io' undoubted-. standing looking down at Link Ral- at -a - h reas, CarraAa.gi-nati-oinal debt� has Bank loans .............. 9-7,600','oO -,',i, ; ' . I .- . , c .a :,_ .. - I -to. Offici on -kslb Wr."Tdne -ra&Iwe ger in Arguello that lowell. The other,, -man whistled. sialary of 45 cents' per hour and h vv' �' . .� ill'... , , , ", . - . ,_ falls .promptly attended oln Horatio I .14 ly it' was of .dan ea6lied such lyropartia,�s as to cause' Sundry revenue ..... , . � 5,9931.,22'':- ,�' � I . I ... Xain Street, ,Hensall,.op�osite TovM-'- looking qiihe ad, damidy in Tomini , a to.. w-arn hlm� !Of "That was, a kilhn?," he'declared. lie fulmnish his own transportation. . � . . . 1' 11. - . ..., .f c�tid6&'& I . y ,de ire,d neer-n and a resuftint ddslire 19,35 .. es .......... . . 5 67842. `,��­' 1� . 1.11 - th� That tendersi-h;r",ineat be, supplied ,grave eo .rat I : * , 1. I .. , e' ' M -s star6'8bitfies and -.1mokAnig Q,Oga.-T. course, nobody knew,he wag about to "Well;' Pin, tight glad they,\had - economy . . . , I .. _:,,� , . 1, ...:­ Hall-. -Phon irg.' Breeder of Scot ' to see greater measures of' . _' - 7 � . .,; ". , . . . . � � �'­ - . 4 .1 , by 'D. ' . O'Brien to the g&ol...,at 7% 1 I.. ­ :J" i'.'4(- . tish Terriers. ,InverneAs -Kennels; Re ,�itared--Rtt Mr. Sawife with no h,int lescend Upon Arguello; consequerdly deceney�­to puW, it 'Off in the street;' ,MI . ,�ffected; "ffesollved, by the Municipal I . .1 . .. .. ;1. , ...�� I . ' hits fatee, amid Mr. unl, ' les should'be,waitini- ,the Baniface -keaffled, I�I been ex-frents per pound, bi, 1936. . 1 11.1. :: 11, . Hensall. I , . 01f TSCO'glitilan in ess'his eilieni I I - � I Corporation of the Ooimty of Huron . - . 3 . I - . _,V. �1. - A � 1. . � t. ) Less overdraft,. JaTr.. 1i 1 .m. I .. . . Sicaife, willo, As we ha(ve dislooveirred 6n Ithe station platform, the prro1ba;D- Pet; Ill SCanethin& like,this to happen ,That bread be supplied.Itp the gao, that the s6riopus CoAsideration of -the- ... 1, 1 . _.....", 3. , .� I I,.! , ;; I-' I �, 11; - � � I ' -p'e r . . � . i I , ... ; , I �. I . .. � " I . , 11�000,fore, could ,see through a. lad- ility of meeting them was not great. ever s,ince them, -two corfie to t6wn' �y Arthur Poster at 6% cents ' Federal and Provincial Governments I . ': "I., I 11 , . . - , � - .1. . . . . ! ­ Tj - .. `:' . ies -amid pro- I 1 5. - , :. .. I . I k'. An in-- 'R4"could avoid -the main street'of the yesterday,'an' I -been scared to ,death Ical"in, .... 1936; that grocer 1, . . .. , �Ii:,'� I . . I . ,..,-..,, MEDICAL - ' der, sibared bi _ Of the Domini6n of Canada be 'given - - I . I I -1 .... . . I u they -might get shootin' in my lobby. I-'is-ioiii be' 9'applied by Calvin'Cubt,ac-' , Empendtiture ' ­ � �'. _, . . '. ,_",� " I . , . . - elffferenoe quilbe the eq ea of Mir. Ral- town and trust to Tommy to fly In I to +he question -of reducing the. bur- Vou,'cbers No. 1 to 46, in-clu- . .. . I "' �. I - I � I I . �, I . . I I 13nit not for' long—niat for for ,him', after having -delivered Doak -lit ain't six weeks since I. had, that, -carding'to his tender. I , � I , filQw-elills,, - den of government in respect to 19g- - , -, do Mr. ,.,: A I DR;-�D.'E.'STURGI9* I That the prin-ting for the lave .................... $114;iO3.5-6... , , � Al , �...... I 1. __- , ::..' .. , . '� .­....-', . rnlore,)rthan -.,& split seebud', to be e -x- -safely Art La Cuiista,Encantida. F�om lobby all- done. over." I County islative costs; and Tesiolved that . -1 ,Committee pay. IistiF . . : - 1541.95 1. r.� ."j�l . . - � I . . Graduate -of 'th4­,-F96U1tY Of Medl- I . of Huron be drone by The Huron, Ex- . � I. n . 11 ',T1 � . =)L In,fact, evien, for that s�pltt see- a point on the outa�kirts!"of the" town copy_of this resolution be foxwa'rd,e4 104 loans pdld off ..'..':,. 58�0,60 00.- - � " , I � I . eine, Umiver*ity of Western Ontario, ' at feel,, that. -he ,be I CHAPTER XXVI. to the !Honourable The Pirime,Mlnts- .. �. 11 ,.", � �, . ,wou d watch'Fo see Tom -my flying .... .... � .. I on % S,6iaife &d u., I . I POSitdr Of Seaforth in 1936 at '65c ? L j�Qis,,6ph!a�,_.)3�*pj London. . . . . per pIage, also. that, their tender for 19&5 loans ,paid, off ...... 42,W0.0 * ,�, t, . . ,,, I . I Ministeirs � .1.. . .. . , -'and" S1 _tgli, cauld-.affivAid, to ,waste the saight of in and meet him at the. -spot -where C ' . tel; of Canada, the Prime ' . . Loan literest ........... 3,297.23. !.;`r " -11'...... .31�ember.*f-C&I,ego,of PhysiciAns'"i-n-d.' ,W, ' urdk laniled, custordarily. Steve 'MaeDoggald's departure from receipt formi be - accepted as fhey. - I . I I . ..., � '... . � I re itharn ­oITkr&­ey1e oin, Mr. � Hallowell. he And, P of the Provinces within the Dommion . I . I — ,. - : ;�,.` �, 4 1. ­. e the. lowest accordEng to price list. , I � ", " r, . � I . . Surgwns of Ontario, Phone'67. Of- .T,hg cithoir *,eyF, he .reseirve!& f6r 'a , 'The' siltuatian, was.' uncomPoritable the arena .of his activifles was as kL,r We recommend that the Offer oif J. -)=bers Within' t I he - , - . . I . . I . . . 21___--_ ­ - " t:- It . I I . , .. . , � and to the local,mc $--8,032.73 . . " . " , 11 : . fjbe-�Jtt-Ditib,lln, Ont.- I 3493�.s,�.fort, ..spare, s�lllo,*-1111oohlnig man .c�_ only,beqause Link Haillowell Was un-. simple and -unosteiitatiops� . as the life , Caunty of Huron." , Dec.131,. 1R35,.'overd " `$ . �,',;� - . . ... . . - nterith -of $250.00 to audit 'the . - raft - - 737.44,. . � �,; . I., ad"lived, as i the W- MO I Ca.na , Provincial Highways . : 7" 1 :11 I :, I , " I.,- . � . undoubited urban ap�p!e.aranoe,,,.'.-wli(Y.'.-artn,ed.. 'While, throughout the past he hi Inpressive as No.'* 47i'"',''Whereis, The . than I .!�. I . - ....0 I I .1 bl,,oks Of the Gounty of Huron in'133a . . . . I . . ­ ' sitz!,oei -on the platforin, wilith. a now yea mitted himself forest -clad mountains and val.leys he - Packing 'co. made- a profit of $33,- Jan. I '. " '�` . ... "I . I 1, - ". I 1. DR. CxILBERT C� JARROTT." Aan - 15!�g in h,i% hand and'. gazed Upo� -to t-fAivel unalined in his own cou had 'spent so imany earnest, loyal be'accepted. Tenders were Also 're- COO;OCO in a pe ad ,of three' years., 1 ,balinc'e: in, bank.,.$ 172210 4$ .. . ,; . . . A- ' Prank P. Gibbs and John 93.5. , . . .1210, .."", - . , .., - - w4e of Faculty Of Medicine- uardiii;k froin , ceived from . and the Hog ptol�!i�cer -received as; low- rates . I .. .',... � ....... 48,698' � ,� , . . � Grad- ' Tormmy S-Aife with niarked disap- �try, a becoming sense of. propriety 'years g the, wasteful . . . . ., '4� I . I .. . I I., -- - . . . . � 11 .- . I . ,. -,$ . . University of WesterufFlitir,io. Memw .. . . W. Raiper 06'.''iR the. same price. I � , 1� , I . � . . i i� 'proval and su.spicion. had:Jn6cated, that while en raute to and destroiln'g hand, of' hisi, fellow We su�gges I a figure as 3 cents per pound for . . . . . . - $01 59 I .:. ` �, . t�,, I . . 11 .. . . . ber _,..*f...,',.Co1lege of Physiciiw 6� hu -nmy ' * . , man. When'Hallie and Gall,arrived . t thit. Bylaw 18, 1934, bogs, and, Whereas The Canadian . 1 918 1 i � . .. . I I .,_,Td. -bowed to him watb,the nx - t� Los.Angelea he shoirld leave.his art- I That setetion . . Expenditure . ., I 1. P Aurge(iii*,-of Ontario. Office, 43 'G,ode- - be a.mie,nded as'folldws: . ,,.g Wuhus- Volitenel-8 tfiaIt di_`�Itill a very illery -at- hame, sinde possession'oe 'a At San ,Simeon they found Steve, - I Packing C6. were able - to pay 'their" " . I . . � !2 §hall read:..,!' hat the said county - Debentures and , intereet. . $ 1�,9,50,46 .. � , I -11 vich St&wt� West. Phone ,37. - " . efist,!Mob part. o*f the uIpboringing of 'large, business like revolver wa�ld ,&ressei—d--fbT-tfte grave in his b6st unfi_­ , - S'. . 1. 7 offidals ,Q,alarieg *as high as $76,000 P id .on 1934 maintenance, . I . . �,,,A 1 , ay I I I . e enib-Arrissmenit of, form. In a iver�, plain coffin he re- Pay full cO 3- ai ., . ., I \ Successor to Dr. Chairles- Mack of,hospit,ali ation. in, a I - 1- boNs in the rrura(l dlisibricts of the 'gifEJ-6-ct him to th , annuni during this period'- re- . .. M913.10 : . �;-­ I.....".­­_., ... I . - ----- . , ­; . � � .­ . I , ... . - reat SoUthrwer;it. 1,1Howd1yj mister," bejng ��are at, it it did not -result. posed on a benelh., under a huge, pliblic hospital:after lie his received pei '�l "of paid inteteAt - on.. inainten- - , � I - ";"...i_ , � . . .- I .g � I solved by the.'Municipal' Counci . I , , � I -, I . . DR',WA.­SPR0AT .,'I. he said. "I been sent'alown here 'to . of spreading mi&iA�in cedar fteie* �jn r)lnety days t,reatinenti, end that out '- th f the, Count , , 0�1 I . in a Ja-il.,..s.e0rteTrce' on a charge. ly - of , _1:i%���, _.., � I , . . . . I . - ' r- �:tanding acc'[')U"nts of 1partients, ,come -e Cor,pokadon a - an,ce ,and 6ustructi9t. � W.77'. - " �.. 1. I . . . . ­ _611t ... a� I tr4ea y weapon.. .. . Huron ithat the Governrhent� take the �.-I I . .� -137K'nk YOU Ed W.' Lele Purd"/,a, _ ng. - . dl . 4 front bf,the Forest7S,ervice headqua . � ": * . . � . Graduate of' Faculty of Medialine, � 1, . I . '44, a- -ters. - Around him were grouq>ed ,some under this bylaw. ,,, ,. -1 ... I. .1 . .� I � el'. . 1L.1p nd h e I am, headed. for po . I .. neeassAry EC01tion to -prevent the p I � . . . $49,719.33 . ? . . . University. of Wlestem, Ontario, L6fi:z' -ra=' ' - . . er -.1 , - . . . I . , '­ , I . Ahirty or fort'y meh and women the I . ...;m., - k a ��stement was simple, dillrect; 41�le trouble, with nothing more dan-', �' ) . I .... So1U-1.1­o1ff,_ ". , ,,.,eT fmn,­prraf�iteering at the ,expense Dec. 31, balance in. haTik. . 4199.85- � ,�, . ,4 1 . . . I , . . . I - I don, Member of Cbl.lft* of Physi- . - Hi r h " ` et-�knife on n mimbe'r,'the . Re ... .... . :;, .- .. md Surgeons, Qf Ontario. Offite it had Oxactly the effect . he. thought ge ous t an a Jack me,,,, latt6r pathetically few i . I . . of the bag producer. Resolved',that . . . . 1:. � � ... I ". I I I . clam, a I . . � . � I in Aberhart's Drug 'Store, Main St.; it ,mig�t Inave., " ' he mourned. "I cannot -telephone the pen uncovered. Cowboys, cattleimei�, copies of this- resolution, be, sent to ' . . -W �', . , - - ..." il, . -i No..1: Whereas, we have suffered � . . . - . . i �� . I . .- eftforth. ji%one� go. . ',Who xAnt _ya.u,1.'.',Ddak (for it was., -ran-ell nw�i' If. I appear on. Maijr-rangeis and follest guards, packers, the' Hon'ourable ,the. ,Prime 'Minister 1. I . . . . � course. nolie-other) -demanded, and Street, so�;ebody may,.have 6 carry gui old Navajo Indian, 'the logs of our lafi� beloved Sover- * ' �. .�. . 10 des, and the ' and .to the two.-m6mbers pre!§ently re- National Farm Paper— - ' "' -14. 1 I - buis Majesty King -. 6� I I I . , i ­ I . I . ­ ... .- . . .... ... .. .� , ' there, was fright .,in -his, voice. - The off !Main ,Street. The. telephone ,Bear Tuath, and his four stalwart eign, His Mat Graci -e -County of Huron,'and .. . . I . I i� ..., . L..., . . I ­ i I �� '.. I . 6eOrge, the Fifth, whose laimented pre� nting th . .. .11". . - . 0 - �.v XgpT . Grows, in P601, , . . .:"4 . . �.. I. . .., . .. ­ --BURROW,S­- - ' . I I'LiTrk lHallowell -sent me.- bliat fel- office i's on. �Ma-in. t treat -and I hate t,o , gons, the - 'e.oli-ted all of Steve's , . -to The, Honatirable the Minist&r -of . . .. b .. 14, , . . ,. . I I " ­ . IL'P. J' I 'itt4l -t death occurred- 1O)a MandA-y,. january - ... . . .. � .. I .. . .I.I..." ­...... . . '. arity .- . - . I.. .. . I I 11 4Wce and residence, �,-Gioderieh ,St.', ; f�r seftbiZ.....iout 0-ni-, the'rear end a' the ski.4k,'. ,but I'll have to.`� I e world�and when allie got 9,u . Agriculture,., , . . i.. .4 � ' .. ...- A�_­.­. ; .1 h. obserivation-car. . My name 4s SaAfe, . Tommy -flew bn ahead now,.. bi . lowed by the"de- 20th, and whereas, in common with . . . te hard' -times. the .1 ..., � ! Lit ,of her car, fol adman's I � I 'Despi Family , . , I I . �. east of the Ultit,ed Church, Seifort, the various peoples, of the whorle great , 9 P 1, ­ . Coroner for the Qbainty-lof -Tommy ScAife' and 'we both work -circled back, turned' And came flying dog, the sight ,of that familiAr com- Tri�asurer s Statement , iaeraia an'd 'Weekly 'Sta�r, Canadia" S . . I 1. .%. " . I . I,— � . .. . . ftone,46, . . � 'Lee ni;rdyi�.\ Pick up - , Empire, of which -we are pr6ud, and .. .1 I .. . -in Naga�zine, is able. to-'. � . . ,;,� . . I . for your bag ovet -the train again just as,it.-halted rade brought a tear to many a rough -1- National Pal' ;­ . . I I Huron. - . I . � . 'hand I I I . loyal sulijects,,111urpIn County mourns Su y of, Re eipts -and, Expendi- reporrt steady progress, .....Xirculation.. ', ��:1'1"� - . ..... I - . . . � � . . .;,. . . an' 'head north� Qiilcky . -This, ain't in Arguello. Link saw-hi�' , , flut- ,-heek. , the, lossi of -a great, wis and benefl- in . .. !�� I I . 11 . .- -1.1-41-14.11 . I . . no d mi�'to discuss detaile. Link Aal- tering high.' -over -his be -ad to direct, . .:, Lee Purdy stepped out of ,the. little I . ZZ, Geperal cAecdunt for the continues' to gromr, indicating 'that ,,, - � . . I .1. I . - ­ .... " cent Y -yeai ending Dec. -31 1935. there is az great a .demand .as ever. - � .. ... �, � I . . DR. HUGH H. ROSS - Ps, mt� ., an -:42ve, Jai's"t""dis- a4ention - then sudidenly the � arm. eMwd and cailne,1orward to �meet his ying and Emperor; resoltvied that - I I �11, . lowe�l _i,rl . . ' I .. . "The rangers 'wa - the ,Council of the County Of Huron, . _-1 ­­ . 1. . . Graduate of­-Undversity -of Toronto . ' : r-d'd�__ S1 �ap Hands, up!" oope�l "downward, -with ter and Gaih' lit . T far clean, entertaining aria," hielpful'..., "; . � I . "cove it. SW . a pG!nting s1s ' sA�ssiion as,seinibled, pledge our , .. I .,'�,, I I rAculty of Medicine. member of C01- 'Doak had reached into � . - hip gesture I and: as the ,ship roared ..orver- ed nie to say go-od-bye to Steve for in Receipts reading matter, as provided by this' 1. ,­'. I . lege of .. Physicians and . Surgeom, of I , hills, head so'm!et�ing Aro1pped from it . and all of us," .,be iqxp,lained. "The Box a . teadfast and devob&d loyalty to .his I ; I . -k-ly. � . I . "., . ,` I . . packet. It stayed therel Ti5lnmy's ... 1. I cessor, His Most Gracious Majesty ,County ,Roads ............ $141,667.79 pqpular rural wee , '' , �_; I ' .. . sue ' , . . . I ...�'. I . I" I 0atario; pass gradpif6 course --m- rifl,e was p6intedstraight'it his. "stoin- claitie�ed squarely on the ties betv,reen� K drive was pretty well organized the; Eighth. The Kin� Licenses . � .......... .... - 1719.00 - .The FAmil�y Herald, - an,& Weekly , .. � ., ' � " I . J _­ . . �'Icago i- -ach- the .blea*­ unwinking . at I are of the tracks. �4 . .. I . and close to the edge ,of the Reserve, Kin . g I Edward . ' ptly meets the general reading � � . I I � 4M,eago Clinical' School . of - Ch ' . ' . . -Taxes collected for TWps.., 12,001.37 Star. a . �, i . Segal 0 e 'Hospital, London th " t ible parb'!:blue I Out over 1$e ,brass railin )-j. t I ,eight- milei - west of here - go . I . . ; ts of farmert and their j , - � - pffialm . t ps.e e,rx,. eyes 9.(, ,I; e � about . . . - - _______ Schools .......... ...... 96.34 requiremen i ;,!, � - . Tra,r. po's- _ 1 6 - , . . ." . -1 n,d- University Uo ital, L I 0 .,a � _ . -Hall-6 . I w '�o,de ' .. , The Jnfarmation'on- farni zl, . . . itilvely paralyzing.*, CoHands �ug," he- %observation - platform Link , hen' the assistant supervisor - � 217.41 ,families. ,.. . � . . out ind asked me "I couldn � I.. - I t�. wn.al 't refuse. ,��a'ves, humorous, simple gentleman, Registry Office . .... .,.. . . 1,41� . �, � &n Eiijliz;d. Office -Back Of DO- snarled -again, --and Doak's hands leaped ,and picleied up a be ,needing little and � desiring . little, Administration Iaf Justice ' 4�741,51 and farm matters it contains is alone I , . N 11 � � . . , I - - . , . I Bank,',Seaforth. Ph6qi6"No. 5. on in it And I do not attend funerals is a,rule," worth ,many times the subscription' . : I.", . '"' . � 819.55 . ­�,_ . went ' ub. 13--owlay 4 pd1ately re�7 fif'ty pounds of immuni�i " � 'it Aild grateful, for $unlight and- siTowfa-lli---'4,-agi�tT-a-t-ets fie -es ........ - � ­ ' I be., explained W, ail, "unless they. be . 1. . ,,' - 'Mgbt calls answered from i�esiden�e;' lieved Min" of d sinal r'liocket pistol, a brace of,-fbrty-ftve-�dAlibeT rev6ly,ers.. -,,price. Add to th�s the delightful . ­ t I ­.:- I . �11 for -bees and birds and fIlrry friends, Bank -Loans- .., ­ - ., - -, - - q,0,00.00 storie§,,. up-to-the-minute Articles; the . '. � ,. the f6tieitRW ol ' enemies. It's too, .4 � Victoria Street, i9eaforth. I , � (bound his. bands tuge�tber Zp1lititil '149 4n� open holstexs. Tommy �anked­,qv: %-' ,for ,% voice,tovOr th.s. telephose, ' for D�ivision Courts* ''. ,7..,. .'.. 45.09 , . . . � . I . I .....­­ .. . ­­ , . 'b much Of. a he�rt 'y en,cb tp,say -good- . . 3'6g Women!�,and ,Children's -secti-ong,"the . "I". , ­ I . . back ,with Doakl.s�, own. handkerciiief, Ir the straggling town a��dfleW a6k, W ­r . . . . 1, -, � . . . . . ,bye -to--i-nen 'one, respects "or lDve§." . fvieedoln frzjm fires and. the'strength R�edeniption of Lands ,4.... 66 - I.- I ;1�2 , " : picked yp the.mian's bag and' started ,as he passed o�oer -Hak w",i4l's -head _ DO uniqiie, -iiiia much -loved i!i�unday Sec- . ,�� .... . ­.. . � DR. E. A. MeMASTER . . 'Little pale f1liallie, clin'ging to her to -fight_A�ni, for, the Voice' of the In tdrest Children's Aid bonds 60.1 . I . .. I . 'if -the. run for th. hrew lihirea kiss, *h�reup- . .� . d you have a -veritable sitme- , I ,. � , - a e airplane. ._!�Xou the latter t . cattle, the, si,n!ile of a Ivirtuous1woman Township's sh-dre hospitals 3,2%,92 tion,;ap I I . . ,. I I 'Graduite � of the University of rw � i6lasp. ,of a ,true friend. Sundry ........... -g . ,!, . I—, V and ' sfrii haus�­.' I readin , to 'bring pleasure to, - I 11 , I - To- follo ", me," he commanded Doali, And on Tommy opened lais cu't,out,�gave' ,brother's arm ding to. � be - And the hand ...... 2a8.45 . ..... . . . ronto,,Faculty,of Medicine . Doak followed. OInto that rear seat-," voice to three mighty roar"5 - -that brave, , was escorted to ,' the -black. eve�ry 'me-mber.-.6f �the family. At .. * I . . . ­ . . Because you hAve kept the faith with Prbv. Treas.; Children's Aid . I ' .? * - - . rMeniber' of Cd1l9ge of li�­ I I aded zanith']s wife's cottage organ,and Gail - . . I 1&2,9, $1.0r) per-, year, the . Fainily,'Rerild ' .. ; � . . . . ._ ys'c'aus he diriRied, .as the . panting pair 'must hav6 been cheei's and he ' me -ii .confidently we, leave'- you with gilin ' ts .... A ............ . - . I �. . . .! I andSurVons ,of Ontaiio; -graduate of reached' the . airplane, and , Toln-mmy home. .. I . , . - ptandin,V�besi,de her-, sang to Hallie's d Weekly Star cannot be equalled; ., h.,. I ' ' ' '� - .1 ' i . . aneaus ...,* ....... a � . . - � � , �., �ork Post Orad�ate. School ind � -iment 110ifei $weetl - Clod. ' Good-bye, Steve. . When the Ml�cell i ... 161-43 an . . I . New i burled the'bag in -to the fuselage. T,o As he buckled on Tommy's Arm- accomi3an y Sol . . . at the special, rate bf $2.00 for four .N It . � . 1� I -Lying-in n6spital, New York, Of- t . Doak into hi� se t ' a tfii atnent, a'?eeling,of peace stole- over , . emn Thoirght.." At the condlusion of Chief Ranger sets you.:to guard the I � . I L I I "I .. � . . .. '... years the valixe in .,reading ,given sur- I ' �, ` . . a rarp . pa wa . . fields of' asphod�el save �a cAmp-site I 1. . $249,822.71 . ' . ... fiee, on High Street. Seaforth. Phone tU4 pasges beyond,compare that given. by ...... -4 �.' 2741 , woTk of""i. second; a g at a pro- Lini� Hallowell like aL rainfall in El the hymn, Lee Purdyf in leathern ' I ,_ I I " . .- for us --and Whus,key!" , Bank bala�nce�, Jan. l,'19&5 6,304.16 ­: �, � I � . , , � . , .. . . peller blad-ei and'Ne motor ivas-huni- ,Va�"de as Ojo's N,eiros. *'No longe'r 'Chaps And spurs,, stepped up beside - iffe turned from the dead ranger .. . b irmpai any paper on -the Contin�pt. .'. . .. 1. . 1.11 4. .... . . . .. . . I I . I . 40ifice fully equipped, for ultra stort in6g-tbey were skimming ' across did.,he -f6el ndked All he- hwd to do Steve and laid his hat on .top of thii' 'for th.eBible which Pres-- .. $256;126.817 1 . . .11 �- � .. . I I . '7�'�.- vrave ;4ectric tre�atmervt, Ultra 'Violet the stunted .sage and "into. 11. tb air - -as I to 'bewafe oi Istran-jers-not a co,fPn,. ' For a. dra,niatic� ten second,- ano reached . .�, ". . I I . , , Lamp treatments, and Infra. -Red while `-Doak.' still :sat blinkilik e, with difficult tasik for one who knew eviery.he a . tood looking down at the still bery's assistant hAnde,& him. At the � Expenditure " LONDON and'WINGHAM I :­ . . I Sim treaitmentg. Nurse 'in attend- face. ' Then he sppke,-t6 Steve.' mention of his n4met the dog Whus- Mothet's Allowancis '"' ' ' $ 14,542.50�, I's.. . . 1. I , .., k . , elfttr . ic I . . the suddenness and-ferocity'of it all. min, wo-nian, child and dog -in the a� good- key, ,who had corn'j"with' Gail and Cbildreri's Shelter .. 4614.29 , - outh . . I I . � owell had gone ,to the country. He hastened up to the plat- "Steve, we've come, to s ­ P.M. �:,�. .. sk". , . - . I :,; 4 �5 , . � .1 . . I . ,Link Hall Hallie in -the car, pricked up his eais Adimhaistraition Justic� , , , , 15,157,22N I I , . ... - I I — .1 . �.-. - I 1. - rear -of the observation ,4ar for the form-, relieved the portef of his suit- bye to you, old-timer, and when. we,'ve and fixed his bright eye . s on. Purdy; Old Age Pensions ......... .15,615-10 *ingham .................. i.r .. ... rr I . sole purpose of obtaining an unob- case, and checked rit with the station- done that I'm going to read for you . - � bR.'G. 'R. COLLYER - . . Sofole simple little lines from that reassured -by the latter's, glance t ' hit' 'Grants ....... 4 ..4 .. ....... . 3,680-00 Bel.grave ............. � ..... 12.11 ` : ' ,f"J .. . I_ I , . Graduate Faculty, of Medicins, Vni- structed view of San Onafre and master. - ----- il . I Book in which even �t i agan may find he would not be unweltome, the beau- Municipal Government .. . 6,9.59.90 Blyth . ................ I ..... 2.23 . I "'... I 11, , ,P . ��', .. . : I . 7, oversity of Western Ontario. Member ,Pa!ing certain that Tommly )Scaife - "Ank strangers .iTi town. lately? " beauty , and tiful aniinal Walked toward him unt�j Schools ........ I.. . I ..... 62,387.54 Londesboro ................ 2.30 � ,I., ( . 1 ,was there . to carry put" Hallowell'i "he inquired of that, functionary, as wisdom. I do n-oit know -way there, he taught an old. fa, Registry Office .......... 1,266.33 Glinton ..................... 3.0 I ." I I .College of Physicians; and"ZuTgeons ' When, be the latter stood m O� v&at religious faith you were, a. half 1 3.27' ­� . tele-gra-phi,c inst"etions. I -miliar andtbe-loved scent; ith a Jail ................... I— 3,500-08 Brucefield ..................... !_� � . ... e - of Ontario. NA aduate . work at communicant, and I hazard IF1,11 6 w '_-... 3.35, , I , . I . . . , 0. . saw Tommy on -the platform and'th� 'sewi-priv�cy of the baggage room, short, rapturous. ,bark he ran to the Printing_ postage and sta- Kippen .................... .- I New York,:Oi Hospital and Victlo�IA ' hat you never bothered . I.. � . . .ty, lattei gaN%---vo sigi- of. recognition tie­,th`6 Distol hol�ters -down to his thought t offi-n aifd stood on 'his hind legs with I iery, .................. :� 1,497.42 Hensall .................... 3.41 . ..... �I. � I /. . Hospital, Londm� Phone-; Hlen,sall 56 , i . . ­ � . - ain both guns were 658 ,,.�, nk �.Inew that, as he had assurdied: ,liigs and 7make certs your ki�.dly. old head about it - You 'c . -�, ,� Earth to bi& front rpaws on S.teves� briiast. He Redemption of Lands .... .33 Exeter .................... � 3.65 '. �, �­ , . . Office: King Street, Reusall_. . Iw4 . and Working freely -in the lived too P-1.9se io . Mother . ..1". I . . no blue-prinit -had been required . to loaded of waited a little. to be spoken to, then. Bank loans r�etired ....... 85,W-0.00 � North ' � '' I � I .waste yaur time on thoughts a """ " I—— � . �_ .1 ., . .i - :".1 I . . 4*_ I , enable Tommy to visualize the.-situa- holsters. . licked the beloved face as who should Demaed loan interest . � I. 2, i 21.312 I A.M. ' "! DR.' F.. J. R. FORSTER`, ',_ telegram. had "Yes, two. They rode in froln­ZU, personal healven wherein, you might say: "Well, -Steve, even if u do County property ........ .3,111.55 1 I I � I . . I tion. Link's cryptic ' I encoiint6r a joy commensurate with � t you Insurance, heat and ligh Exeter ................. L... I . - 10.42, ;� I � . - beem 'suffirciently ill-uminatingv, , and hills yesterday worning." -e,.ril ;A�a t.. 1,7q3.63 Reneall ...... . '10.65 I . I Eye� Ear, Nose and Thirgal -i- . , that whi6 should be the due ,of ,a refuse to �peak to in. .............. �- ' - ' I " ­ J I I . 11 breatbed a sigh',6t-Rief as ."Who are they?" Hospitals .......... .... 19,9-016.35 1 . � . ne, University of Hallowe . � I -st the same." Kippen, ............... � ....... 11L.01 Q, A " I . Graduate in Medic! - I . . worthy man. Your faith was a very ju , ,� 1 6 � Tioracto the long�traffi rallied out o I f . , � San . on- *. "Nobody ,knows." I .11 I old one . , ,Steve. � Jeremiah referted to - Strang�i S',telve -did not awaken and' Transfers to County Home - 5,400.00 Brucefleld .................. , .. " . � . ,� ,, , � ..- ... ,.r Late, *assistant New york�4boh*l., ofre. - " �, I , "What do they look like?'" I it When . he said: -'For the mountains he badalways awakened -before.! Why Miscellaneous .... q. .... 4801.56 Clinton ...,,i .............. 11.54`�` ' , .- "Tommy can always be re i , u,p,,- nd one brunette. The uppy day%,, Whuskey bad been ,Saiadry ......... -n .:,,... 12-0 .- t, - I med 'Tn� ,blond a 765.90 � � � 06i and Aural Institute,' Maorefield's In 'i short an' thick an' the lbrun- will I take� up a weeping and wailing, since 1p ig . Steve by nuzzling him wit . I" !Taxes . returned to Twps. - - 11,898.13 L ' ondesibior6 ................. ; � - . 10. "' , I � � J�ye and G�;f4ii*s4iiaie Thro,ait Has- 911," he soliloq1tived. "He iias a bead blo ... d i mid for -the habitationwof the vAlde!r- awakeni . BIN-th .. 12.19 Uses, it,!' He -lighted a,fresh- e-tte is long an' Jean. They're two- and"iben warixii-rilk' the Tramferts, to Exchange ac, ' ............... .1 .. , . Fitals, Lofidon,'Eng. .At ()ommercial' ,'.,-A'ftd .be, � un ihen. Lookin' for 'em,, Unk?" ness a lamentati6n, becirase,Ahey are his. cold nose Belgrave . ..., ... ' ..: ­:: '12.30 ., � 4, '' 200.010 - : - R" - ednesdayAn cigar'an-d'gazZed out oVe.r El Valle de g ,::::..** , � � I --.- Hoteli­Seaftrth, -thlM�.z,JV . burnt UP. SO that 'none clan pass cold s -pot with -hi.l. tongue. Whus4ey count,- .................. W�nrghaan ... I - . ... .... 12.50 - ,�. . . . I . 4 _ � ,L'_ 'j.m. to 4,30 p.m. los Ojas Ne -gr", iii1irking with the "N -no! But I'm not dodging them r ler.stand, so be c'Afessed 1. 7 . ,__ . . _ �. , ,,dg _�&Wlh. .mon gn 30 6 . ,th .ough them; eithbr can, men hear could not un( � - A * .. - I Irr ­, I eE-'Siouth,j Stratfot�v keeiv eycr of ibe cQ,ttlernan tl�e t�ick either.'', I think they'�.e Wakieg for ' - fowl his master a -gain, then Ido -ked. Tp At I � ... . $260,01M.69 . , ., ,. ,'I - r ,e , ii the voice of -the cattle- both the I C.N.R. TIME TA E � �,�, , -fts inin urdy, Toinmy ,Scaife, or you,t -6 with a ,nod OKier4raft, Dec., 81, IM5,. $3,925,92 ,,,, ., . I iu ofleg,d - aus grasses that Lee P ' t are fled - Purdy, who -dismissed bii ... 1. - -17BI4 , " I . . of the heavens and the beas . I " , � 0 1 1 .. grew around -e small sage bushes, truil y . . . Well, it's a sbame a 1. , " 1�14 ­ �. I . ­ . A ; they axe gione.' . in the directinn of Rallie. Obe�lrient- Tb�#. ovdi-draft-'might, be explained, East , . , . I I � , -, DENTAL and"'WCTe nouiiihid�by the daw that peseeable, -citizen. has to.go prowling ,, - 1. I ."I .. ... . , . � .. . . vilized 'Steve, good friend alid good man- ly Whuskey got down and slouched as 'fofi�w's: $1,600.0b was spebt at A.M. ,'Palff. __ -,�,g dripped fr 'he sage bra , , .1 . . in t -th of a ci * ne to ibiiing _f,li6i fis,cal Go4er ,h . ........... _ � , $ - I - .�� . . . nches. "Tt's tbrough -e streets e a ino- mclear martyr, d'ead in defense of the sadly back to the jirl's- side.. H -e ,had the ,Coqnty Hoi ip 6.45 , - 2.3,0 . - I A ,good ' he decided. "The co un-ity all, ' I 11 .17' i -DR. J. 'A.-..MeTAGGART richo soil," man dulled up li� faith�listen to, me. I'M voing to Said his good-bye, and Purdy read, the y,ear to Dec. 31, -instead of -Nov. 30; Clinton .............. . 7.08 Soo . 'JA �, J . yal 0 ,ke of J)p sage grows. Iuxurlanitlk over `niinlety- tion-picturie actor in wesern, ril- spent on, the, Court. Seafo,rth . .� .......... 7.22 3:18 I.j l ,nital , p naise"and c� . , . ,�Al,b . Tha yqu a .�firin - i t' thirteenth psaira of David, a irayer $1,400 was I ' ,. I . .1 � uste Ro 1 the'valley.,Wit1h wa-, ler. Thanks for th% information,. ke ro . _ 11 .... SUVgOD118, Torout ,( Office at Hensall, ,five !per cent 0 . . after the fashion -of honest men in for help in affliction. . 'I- House---M(r--At the Regi�try Offiep Dublin ............. 7.M 3.31 'I; - I . .I 1-.1 1, lie 101P . I � . " - . .ter what 4 gardem.-sigot tbls, hell-1vole IBM." . i and J0,00 wa's grantexl io the '16ist Mitchell ' _._. .... - .. 7.42 " SA3 " ., I . 011L Pho, _. . would blossoni inta! Tifie� a.rit�tuld'e is Hir-walked across to iMain Stredt this land that you loved. ,:See, 'Steve, ' .. et me, I Battalion reunion. T I . I . ;� 11 I—. ..-; I touch -my hiaii-d to yours, so now You . "'How"long wilt.thou f6rg hese three items West � . I �� . I I - a tri,fl-e too high for cotbon - t Ill e. -and -turned, up toward the - public I . 10 Loi -0? for ever? bow long wilt . were e ended aftey the eWIM,Ates ,T)vfWlin ...... ....'. 1. - 1 11.19 9.44 11 I I may know I speak'the truth, ­and . . I . _VP .. " - . 1. I . 1, AtTMONEEIRS . groIwing season would be too sbart­ telephone station. Men; seeing him r (friends -may kilow it, too. I b6me thou hide, thy face from ln6? were aceepted as wos also $40 ...... . 11-34 9f57 . .. � �. . ,,, I I � r that you Unse -e Registry Office. Clintialn . � ............. . : � I I � . but it would be ideal for mixed farIni- oppr�acb, reminded.each otbe the man-rwho took away.,., your life and 41HOW long. shall I ,tAke,co' * ,I two porches at th 11.50 110.11 I '.' ing. IA live farm -err could get four the sidewalks mas�t be too narrow for 12.10 16.87 ' : I � - HAROLD DALE ' � ' ' I "aw the -name of the ,man whose in my soul, harving sorro* in my . Apaxt froin these iternis, the esti- Goderich . � . ......._. - - � I . I ..., . * , , Altfa per annuml.,and- corn Link ,Hallowell sin,ce :he chose to walk , I . - t d 1� ;� I , I I . fellops ' daily?" mates covered the expenditare. . . . I ; , of aN � - d arnd gold- corrupted, the assas- . heart , � I . I ­ - Lictused Auctioneer . hould do well." - in the ini,ddle,"of ,the stre.et. . , . gee, . . . I . -A Summary.of the.Co"'Uty Home Re- ­ I - . . I - SpecQist- in f6rm. -and household a . . sin who slew you. 'Vengeance is I I I CYR— TIME TABLE . _' ��_ I I . ""aa-tes, His .musing was intermpied by the ,He came Abreast d the hotel,. On . Als glance lifted from t1le page* and - ' &ipts and Expenditure ­ , :. ", 1, , . I odes. ftibes ream)nAble. POT m9ne- I will repay, saith the Lord.' � 11 I I B"t . %,i . . . . . . ' , .� ­.. . , " . ki6e or p�dlne Har- dist4ni ,purr of Tommy's mator; he the veTan-da a tall, thin, dark man ,i: n sat wri th Wel ' But ifGod continues rested on Gail's teitr-staineid face. Receipts _ . 1, . a" �fiidbrrmatibin, * 1, maybe so! � . ..,. I A.M. ' !'I� ...-. . Old Dale,. 'Obione 149, Seaf&thir Or 6#1' -looked back and sa* thle,ship� rising. and -a short, stout, blpnd ma ainst the. to, give stfength to my 'trigger fkn- I Sale at live stock ........ $ 4,446.79 , . . �.!�11` - - . their chb,ifs tilted back a ow long sball mine enem From inimate�� ........... 1,-013.44 Goderich .......... � .......... ..5,50 i. I .." Vgy at The EMPOSitOr 'Office. ov6r­t1he siky­line, &a*'T`om-my ,bank I ... I . 9 Stelve, knqw` that fr6in your side 11H. .. -en - :1� 1�- i ­­ . .11 � � ....... I -1.1.11, , a7g 00 - 11.1 . .. . They and Hallowell Ap- ger, From Old', Age Pensions. .. ' 7,981452 M ,set .... � ............... � .5.55 I", I � , ." d ime yq I go to pay y �. , — andfturh ,� fl Ing aifter the VA . our score and the Store ,.be exalted overe me? . `s;oA__ �� I . �i, ­ I .1 . r I pe'ared to gee each other simultan- "Cons -i hear vie, 10 Lord Transfers from cour;by '. :.. 6,406.00'"McGiAw ............... ­­. I , , � . .., .. . I ChIN ited "Now, wh& does of every e1ti2en who owes such men , .der and i `.,a. ,6,11, " ..... "'.' ,, .� ARTHUR WEBER �-i ,- be mean­��' � . ine eyes, "les� , ,Sundry ............ ...... 6.18 .Auburn ................. 11 � . 1" ,.,�hat'?" R1110,W611 W(M� 'e�6'usly- as you a -debt .of gratitude, even my ;God: lighten m 91.95 My ...... ; ......... � --iI.. . , . . k 11t&I'l6well's paic,e, slackened and his ' '414 4 6.2S . - . - dere4. ' It -I " w^'ant him: to go. hame with I though, few of them know ,it. Re% t -1 � -ep the sleo-of death; Bank alance;­14n, .4 ..... . th I . I "I , Auctioueer's Liieens#' - -- never faltered or shifted from . I Walton, . . . . i ......... I.... �'. . 64,0, V . I 111. . . Iff,e musitW,b come in to Ar- gaze "Le%t mine eheimY Bay, 1- have 11. ____� I . % ... . - , , � .. . Doak; I easy, foTester, for I, too, am 'of the .. I U I . - 7 I , . gl,tteen ye;i-Ts' ekolerience. he iwo sttangers- As- if moved' by prevailed a.gainst.11, and. those 1, $18 Q40.48 McNAU91M ........... I - 0 , �1 " " . . Iguello Vn'th 'rhirnh, My Plan- devendi t , faith. , 'For the-'Mounitainj 'Will I take (0�'- ; ::: I I .1 - , I � Save --guara!"bee4. I h,iCh it is eX7 a, ,conlymn Jpi,pulse, both me .. fiol ................. : 210 . , , , ': 1. I . upoln the secrecy' with wF !n tjlted, I., .g aind wailffig, And for that troubled me r4 ide when I Less ex�inditutd. .,',� ....... 19:641.42 Toronto . . r; . ;. - :.�.. _... ; . A.,Teaephote: 18_'57, Henesult. your thick 1h4qaA, thJi chairs'forwitrid, on all'Sour legs up a weepin moved.", . . . .. . . ,� . �� I Wes . t . ,A ... � . f,'4. . ecuteed. Oh, damn ... I the. habitations of the wilderness, 9 am I I ,. 4 � .. . . Write ARTRUR WIMR,' The tall, man, moved .6 NWI I I I ,­ I 40, ­�; � �: � . .. , '­ .A I . Tommyll, I and stoad- up. " lamentation,' sinice th,ey dlio inalai- . . .. Dec. 31, balance in bank. . 466.0 Toroy . � _i.. P., A. I,. Daahw'�, ­ �___ gfgM up th4 track behind, the traiJklown the veraAldta wbout S"Ifix teet and % met bers.' A mbt coot -of Home to County for 13 �to ... i .............. 6* I , , � ­�, , - __ ___ , Cd and may -not wrifee -the gri'ef , Again Puxd'V'A cYt I I ., . .. � . . W.- 1. . flyifig.about fifty feet'higb; Tom1m7. .Pgmsed when Arallow6ll epsute,.d. The MO � and' tl�en, his de4p,' resonant montbis perriod,- � 1-1. MeNklight ........ �.­ , ., i - 11 it"Id I . 'I" '.. � " � . " . . . eared at each,. -other A tenF(e nripe which your friftds feel at. y . OUT DASS- PdUSIZ, Walton . ........... fi... - i,i'.., , 14 �t I : I .. _ . po,s&-th,er thfiet, ., ,voice took alip the psalm, . I -an. 1, 1935,,Sash on haU, I . . . � � I INSURANCE %ca)lneiroaring; As he eweOt ing. , V ......... �,$ 8,624AP BI y A , I I I -_ 1. ....... io ........ 4 .. %*.6 4 tv,.;1,,-,1' � f, I I . I I. ' "6nds­ then the quiet of Main " ' I .. t , .1, - , , "' � - �x' - . . y' - triiiii Lin -k saw ,him legM ArOWU Out, Of. � At svol� 'times as this, Stevent, it . plus iyiqenfbo,r� 11 � -,:-� , ANXIN AGMC " I * I .. ki ibroken­by the P-Turhing ve tfusted an thy Trimgferrad from 0900WAl rn- , � i,i; ...... *.�.4.44t*.' � , WA'�,` I �'�11 . � � 10 . h I � r �� . t , I I i I I I . "M 109N �u��se is ,cua,tomary to say -of the dead the "But I ha "k, . J_A ''., I tht I Angeband, exhibit tWo flngefg [Street rOs 1, �-. ­­ I I konfthlb of- Alt kind& -,& ft,or 'both TOar Of pi�tol shou foll6wiffig, each', it .1 rejoic� in A�ect, -to, oo-&iity game. .'. t;,400.06 ,M6GaW .......... w.,-,i,%4.*VAI.' , .. . .��, 1, . . � � . . I , - th SaYl *11M av , , hearl SEA1 �;. I 1 I., �, . q I thilri , e Y,J��y I I � -4 nwr I y of* a rivetift Indly things'we fbrbOre r 7 i; .. . . - Mens'et ....... 64..6, � , - . I., 11 . " latxtft . hmWb who is; Aiqad livid. I will, saY of a a U, . _�.� I , .�. " �:'._` aq , , 0, hi , t ' . b �� I I � � I , - -Other With -the -raPidit n I 'Ile to (� C $9,624.�9'1 Oodfti& ... - k 't, c , Q . - _. 11 . 0 . it., . iZly tb ..1r,om. ThIT, � ,g,ign, �,�fg& .ulachiiies elovttiK, The sounds see f �ou .thm rou� *4W o, tgod,d, kindly, onti I J� ext Week) � ,., �., . I I 1: :: 44"W'' ��_ �2 .. I : . . .. �� � , " . 0 . I 0 . "no", 9i. . , "N1`t!nT 1% .111111119 It* tojR out I- kd to tielV110000 lftfO ' 'Ath 6'*hW; ' '01 � I . I . . 1, ''I .. . I I ­ I `1;` , "; ...... � : 11 I I I . . �` . . I I .1 �� 1 .66U da ii .. . . . . . . I I ., . � . :* .) . , ,,1:1`1 " I . . � , 4 ­" ... . I . .."I . . I I ,--%-, I . . :, I . �. . 11 . I I �',. . , , . . , 1. . J 11 . ­ : " '* " : . I , _ ��, � A" , . 11 , �, . . . � ('� , �, .. � 1. - �� , I , , . . I - . I . . , ,. .1 n � - T . � i !?, '1;7:,,,.. , A .. '. A,: ,. . . .- , 14,� . � , 'i , 1,._� . , , ;N k, , , ��' ,�. . � . % .'I- . . ... . . , -, . �. ,; �.,��Ili �". -.`,�j�,_,�`J , ?,�:, I Ic 11 "I'll "I I'll .i. I 1. I . � "I . . "'..'. - -, ", ", 1�� I I 61 � ,_ � ) , , 6.1, 1'.4 _;_ , 0� 11:1 _�� �.,;,� ,,, '.A . I 1. �-.1. "_,o,._". , , M � , I �_. ". . , 1, � . .1 V, -, -".��, 4�', �� �, , .'(!�,., � j� " 11 tlkoilk t : Vp I :,, - ,& ­ I 11.10. I " I I � :, I ,,, � ", 4 '' . 11 "', , 112OWL110 ,� , I . :1 I ',�.4�11,� 'I " I 01 " . , .r . - . _. '1� � ,,, -�"`,,, ��Z r , I M i? ....... "Ifflif " 11 .. ,i � "', - � clgik"'��, i'..'v ii�"Ii . wl� AMP&A's ,15011�1`�iil ab Imb. . I � IN �1' '! .� 1�; 1M, ,,1 ��, � d A �0 X I . __ - 11 , � , t� --,�,i;t,u�law.iw3�'iffirz,m,ii�mu,,,--�-i---- I ­ 11 ;'�� � �,��, 10" 4 ,�; , 11 I ". ,, ,,�, A ,;Wi0,01'& 'a - --,, gw, I .:, , ,��, � � I _ gg) . (Ag