HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-02-07, Page 4•"" d Ads. will be,iasertCd„atiiew'loW cash. iritet: *Jilted. 1..ost and Found, Coming Events. Etc.-per'iverd: ' . 1st Week ..... ,;,t, ...i• • , , 1 Oellt hild week •-"'"' ' Iji, gent 3r4 week ,,............- .................. •," % Cent , , blinimum charge, first itisertion 25 Cents , Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. f•• !Thanks, In Memoriam Notices -1 cent per word. .Mininatun, 60 cents Per week. , int,tikries. may be direeted to a Box Numaier, care a The tit'en ExPcuiter. for to cents V . . • . ' qrpti Additional per..V4ek will be charged if ads' in above clime are not ipaid .by ths Aatigday night in the week in which the ad was. run. , ' NA.6,,.'Marriages and Deaths inserted tree of charge. ,.., 101401 §.,alee, Notice to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on applicatinn, . ' .-,. Articles For Sale . .. .. ... . °cal' Juniors Lose 1 cenlebra*Idklitee,'. iitmOity:- T4ifiiA4' ...4tadnli.14ekr4s,- mead. vine an. ... •:' : ...,....._.....__..K.it),..,..., .. _ . Pen- • . 12,....thaistimaja . ail.. laet sanow. • 000 a. yletitri .. . , The • loettls wave •weisk in goal, it be......0,0o4ao,‘„,elne,4*Pan441474,8214orse:0"e".400•"!..ntiraux.:wprt, v (Continued from Page 1) ing' 411 off ',It -Pr 110°474.1er,' Ev-- her ,eelf-ineliani... 'tven,' .to".- the' . last ,Saints 'bolstered their team and aid- ery player pi'eserathipg be had in- the maintained -.1lef ". • indapendenee, .64 .ma.torially in their win. It was a to the game in an effort to :tern thie41 '- Christian life teed 'friendlY Mani •faster game than the first britswith- tales F9n Milverten. At on.e time -;er per won :reiSrpe4• and affeetioa of. all et out the many eniic-ups that featurethe lo is were fotrr goals down but -who iqlow• her-, of ittose a beeowl! %the Winthecia-EgMondville tilts. &Apr by 'pi* ging away at Duench in the immediate 'family' of seven „sensrand letori heat ,Doig trim close in. and Milverton net, tied it Up aear . the tale- deaghters, there MeCarthenesede it 2-0 after Hanle close of tmlase: 'W'. HoKyle, of Win - he gae. remain • to had manouyeredai*ills notched the first. corm- , the down mourn her T.PhipPs, ice in the first-piMiod. ' , ter.after five minutes but A. .Ceamble Fal...Snipee; --(L'illian),. 4Mrs. :W. ' t of .Strome; J. A. Itile;' of 'Edraontone In the second StaPleton missed a NC Handrich and G. Goman sourest RQ5i.', -tiekmsted; J.. • F. Kyle, of Reece rrice chariee- while in front of the uet threein rapid succession. E. Re_nni.... River; Edna Agnes, deceased:, Ar- end,' sliertly„,,after Drummotal ••ives thia,de a, rick -length rush and, beat thus., killed....in„.„the ;Great War; W. S. robbed 'hi the good work of. Muir. Dueneh, but W. Gamble made it 4-2 Kyle, neer.I.Sittone, and Atcheson Kyle, Neer the olose of the period 'Malone to end the period- 'Handrich scored dentist,-.L.ethbridge, Alta. .Threabroe seoted on .MeCarithyre paseeth. make it two morer•••to start the second. but one sister surviNo ve, n. Annual. Neeihigs 3-0. Kippen played every man. up in the lapilli' earn?. beek with three ; E. tilers and; MicAllistee, of Echnontone Charles'S. of the third in ,a Vailreffort to pull out (Rennie getting' the finst, G. Kruse the Toronto; Arthur, of iGeorgetesameand (Annie), airsteRette •Moir, of 'HAY TP. with ,a, win. Nichalsoo beat, 1Vfluir on --------------------------------- ils he third. Hand- IloggartlOs pass with 'every Kippen rich again sco,re.clestTh funeral Wee held froth her Church e ehnede.:arneeeseneeneea new""year fult, pert/seats' .ief church work and ,the W,P14'.V7.410ant.°rNH. 141, L.: 47•:"90*Stri,107:10; .q•Uhae-Erifts Jett. 7142.41ddr:COVOIX,- and vary.liereintereetatetea hi! 'all (ler Jelet...68., Nig. 78, Alet,...0.. .Mara• 4,114. •oof hope „and venues/. 'llgre. MerKeneee .and two „children, :W. Oo•mp. 64, f.4e0g:-75,S13irs---IfiXt. 1% af lenseaedineeera4 Visiting at -the Bola& 69, Alg. 75, Art 5.6, Latin •68,,,. • Name Of Mrs, IfaKenzile-'s -p.arents, Fres82. Nellie 'Fee --Eng. IA:" .0; Comp. 6a, ,W. ComP..59, IGeOg.. Ogre. Mr. an.d Mrs. Errelel:Wummencl. . ?Woe. Bertha. Dell, rwbo has been 'Br. Hist. 44,Xob. 48, Alga,24, Att,5.9.7 • - spending a Prather .of week's. at Bay- Pearl Sarpol Eng. Lit, 67; 0.. 0-millt. field pads:Blake, has. ae.terned to her !7iii.,t,.77.2:. :915..6,;i0p.A:gp,...,6:;?Geo f.04.6037ni,r..p.L.arz ,.., hiaae here. •Th,e United i Clone& is -having . A. a& Filen& 66, Elgin kohistont-Epg. etara.ireninvalr.urandthielte,trivtineata pa.,,:,,rb..y, op FrislaY Geog. 65 Bra,Hist. 60, 'opt 45,, Atg. 24, Art 50-: • Kathleena .lones-411ng. • . --.. :Church Services Lit. 53, 0, COntP. 67, W..10.0orPe 46s ..... ..The anoening 'Service hi the United Charcli was taken by Jr. Robert .G5,:o, gA.tt,655„,Brijat. Hi. ost., rie.73, Sielhot..er, ElvaAlges , Pasembee; a student -for. the minis- McQueeneaEngelsit,513,, 0. Comp. er, •• try, .veryaleceptebiy, and the evening sere -ice was swithdrawn owing to the VI- •°"(19' 4-52e'C'e*g. 69F Br, 11554`t. 69, ' Bat. 74, Alg. .84, Art 57, Latin illness of .the pastor. Rev. • A. Sita clear, ..Wite wasand is suffering ' ft.,,m. French 82,, .Doratirv Munn -Erne: L. , 64, 0. Comp. 63, W. Comp; 69, Guys ' a severe attack of flu. Mrs.. paisley 'ably ' rendered. special, parts in the 79, Br. Hist. 60, Bote,12, Alg. 37, .Art' anthem. • "•• 68, Latin 45, French 75.:. Alice Pfaff . S,erserees, e.th • marnin-g- :awl At Presbyterian ' Church he ..t-1Eng..Lit..61,..0. Comp, 66, W. Comp: t Car weretaken, sy the 'pastor, Rev. W.• -A. evening 61, Geog. 63, BT. • elist. 67: Rot. 49,. Alg. 59, Art 53, Letins09, French 73. Youpg, in hip usually efficient man-ComDaryl:ie.Sangsten-LEng Tht„ 41,, W. W. A. MeLaren took a array pleasing .---rEsig. Lit. 73, 0. Crania 66, W. Omura • o. 68, Art 53., Barbara.iShherd ner. At the merning service Mri. fine anthe polo • in ;the ,•antheati. At the &ening 69Geog. .62, Br. Hist. 74;. Rot. 71, service, in addition to ,6k m, M,g. 59; Art 60; Latin 60-,. French 78. a. well -rendered qu.artette was giveri Jerry Jahristanpra•Hist:;69. :Robert ' y. 'McLaren And Jemes Ben- O. Cathie. 61,„-,W. Comp. • 57; Eng.„,... gough. Grant. 71, ?brie's: 69; Rot. 58, Arith. Folln. II: Ruth ,13.elle--1Eng. Lit, 55;,• by W. A. 1VIelaren, Rev. W. A. Young, --eiSerelryi the United Church on 72., ,Geem. 62. .Aulbrey Fatenline:-E. .- .Stinday, 'February 9th, Will -be • cone. Lit. 44, ;O. iCernp. 58, W. Cornea .59,...,.., ... ducted at the enornine seryiee by ale Bing. Gram•. 62, 'Phys. 59, Rot. 58, . Robert Paesmore, a student ter the Arith. 72 G , eom.. 48 , Latin 32, French .minis.try; and in the evening. by . Rev. 36. Ross "Forress.te--Eng. Lit. .79; O.' 1\11r. Chandlea• of St. Andrew's Unit- Comei. 66, W. Coma. 75, Phys. 92, ed Church, Kippe•n; as. MT., Sinelai-Geom. a4, Latin r, Rot. 82, Arith. 72, the pastor, is not tu,fficiently recover- 64, French 67. Mona Glenn -Eng., ed from a severe attack of,11.14..to. war- Lit. 80; O.. Oamp. 71, 'W. Com. 72, E. rant him taking his usual servicesee Gram. 57,• Phye. 59, .Bot. •72,- Arith. . ......,..,..Short Course in Progress. . 43, 'Geom. 52, ,Latin 42, French 47. . j The ..men in this cOrnmunity are re- errY Johnston-Eng,Lit. 20, 'Oral' • ceiving instructiorre Along the line, of Camp. 60, W. Comp. 51, .pot.. 46, - "stac•ki raising,. • farthing and use -of Arith. 37, Geom. 34„ Latin 67, French . Young Men's- Farmers' Club and the G the auspices of edh.e. 71. Margaret IlVfeGregar-Eng. 'Lit. fertilizers' under. Ps - fair sex are enjayin.get the same time •ratre 52, P,11Y4./ 56. Kenneth Pees - 54, 0. Comp. 61, W. Coarse 26,-Errige. .0. 'Comp. 67, .W.• a course ,of. ins'truction' in all , the' Ina:rirp. '',111..E,11git,,;...G.51;:ani. 50, pew,. 65, branahes of housekeeping and hoUse- hold duties. including , dress-. making, Bet. • 72, Arith. 72, Geom. .-• 62, La.tirs 'David Sangeter--E, . first ,aid, cooking, etc. ' These tir: instrue- 62.'„' 1. 60, 0. Conep. 58, W. Min -P. 52, '1"enell 57' tions are being given in .the Teven Eau. by men andeworcre.n who .are Eng. Grem."-80, Phys. 59e Bet. 41,.. •dar, Arith. 56, Geom... 58: 'Edna !Saulder serY competent, and will ceritinae- a Mg thi* mopth. coelteeEng. Lit. 69, O. Coinp.- 63, W. The 'regular meeting of the village -68; I Geonis 70, _French 56.. • Margaret • Phys... 71, .Bot. 84. Arith. • . Council Makes Appointments ::.„ 'pima)* 55' :council waa.held on M;onday eve.ning, Shepherd -Eng. Lit. 64, 0. 'Camp. 65„• in the ea:welt-chamber, with all the 2,V0', ,'''cleerm.p.. 6438' ,111/1-.11,84„. 7, 7,tie8e.eLehArifieth,..".' ' men -hers ,Iteing present. 'Minutes of the 'preeioiis meeting .weee. reed. Jack Simmoase-EngSLIE 39, O. Onm- uteS be adapted as re,ad. .Garried. 6P3hy-sw. .7.6°Bilic'rt., 6564;Gram.:AE:ringth... .63,:Geo-.5m3,.. Hamilton end Brock:. That the min - William Consitt and Dr. A. R. Carep- 60, . Latin 17; Freed! .35.„ 'Jack . . Comp. 64, Far - bell; appeared. as d.eiegatee from the quhar-Eny• .Lit2 ; 70; bW. .. Comp. 50; Eng. Gram. 61, PITYsS 72s . South ..Huron Agricultural • Society •aeking. fer their .amexa...1. .gratit, Sena., Arith. 56; Geora. 65,, Latin 73, .Frearith • step and Shaddick: 'Th'at we donate '46... Theda Watson -Eng. Lit. 67, 'O. , 850.00 to - the .Seuth Huron Agricul, P747. IpP.h3,6:::: *84 .13o.cii:It.:7816, ; E.ttirlth...G17418Z.- turaleSociety,for the year 1936. Car- ried. F: G. 'Bonth'ron,• tax -c•ollector; Geom. 770, Latin 67; French 67. 22; •Alg36, l'..1a2.11d...e......,_the. te.,,ic..arr,P.EtFe.,-aA..1.3e.irkg .$.14: Form III: Margaret 13a--:-, Ate. . 130,00-• liemilton, and Brocie ' That • t. 2a.--Atedreyt-Cocitramilinglishe • ..- taic roll be exten.dAnHist. 77, Geom. ed until next regu- Lit. 60, 0. Comp. 60, We Comp. 64, lar meetieg. Caltried.e,..J„, Niaol and 'Chem. 48 Physics 55, Latin Com:P.... c. „, - . •• • A. Salden, the ,auditors, . read.. their, reporte.,"sBreSa....en.d. •Shaddick: . That '63. Fr. Crane. 52,.....Er. Auth. 79. Al- the- auditorS be. inetructed . to inter- len. Davidson -,Eng.' Lit. 37, O. •COMP. • , issued ...and also the twit orders not i.m.y... 70, W. Comp. 55, • Can. -I -Bet. 47, Ane. 42, Physics 57. Marian Doug.alia"- , yieer :the' hank ae .regards to . made when no c • heques. were Hist. 59, Geom. 48, Alg: •37; Chem reents . ,signed by the Reeve. Carried. Ham-52Eng" Lit 4q, 0. 'Gc"n13' 64' W. °C`raP•• Arm. H ilton arid Sangster: That the bond's , Hist. 57, Geom. 35, Alg. 30, for the Manager and Treasurer of Cherri. 60, Phyties 63,...Lat.....Comp..46, ,. the Hydri3 be .,placed and ' }eft- in"' eafe- Fe. Comp. 26,.... Fr. Auth. 40. • Bee • Dr ty depeSit box. ' Carried.- ', Correse ysdale-Ely. Lit. 41, O. 'Comp. 64, pander -fee was •read, as follovess 'Celan- W' Geni9;63' Alle• Hist' 46"-GemiL '44' '''.•• ty --Enghieee, •Departnient of Health, Glenn -O.' Chem: 51, Phytics. 69.... BM William, Foster, Dept. of Municipal Glenne-0.' Comp. 67, Anc: '111.st. 50e,-- . a Affairs, Aiiiiisementi '..,., R -6-Vibtn. p e Alg. 31, Chem. 65, Lat. Comp.. 46. Fr. Camp. 26, Fr. Branch, Salvation Army, F. P. 'Gilles, Lat. Auth; .49, -• ----- Ontario M•unieipal • Aesaciatian, me. J.. Auth. 52: Ivan EipferEirg. Lite 55, - - Brock: 0. Comip. 62, W. Camp. 52,Ane Hist. Otterbein. . Hamilton and That the Clerk , be instrueted .th 'ratite 63, Georris 29., Alg 16, Chem. - 51, the County 'Engineer regarding the 'PhYsies 76' •GlaclYs 'McKenzie-I/tilt'. crack •filler, $37.75, used on the calm-HistLit' 58' (I Com. 64, W. °°mP'. 54' A. ty...thad. Ceeried.a.laills....end accounts • 14' Geom. 67, Alg. 86, Chem. were, read as -follows': G. Walker-, 72; Physics 88' Fr' C°InP'" 51' Fr- . transient's, W. ft..Dav- Auth. ,56. Vera .hicLeins-Eng. tit. meals, traneient idson, relief doal, . $23; W. Green, re- 52, 0. Comp. 65, A. Hie.: 68, Gleam. lief; milk,. $7.0ae. T. E. • Drummtard, 57' Alg. 45; „Chem. 61, Physicae64. -- relief,, groceries, $13.5t5; N. Batters- Dorothy McQueen -0. 65, Aim by; relief, groceries, $2.44; J. -Bean, Hist. 56, Alg. 65, Chem. 54; Phyaica relief, bread, .$5; H. Dayrnan, relief, '86' Lat, Comp.- 57, Lat.. Auth. 56, ins: groceries, $13. Total, $92.74. A...Sol- Oonrrp. 46, , Fr. kurth. .56. _Herb deo,-auditing expenses, $3; .Munici- ThOmpsan-Eng. Lit. 40, 0. 'Comp. 59; • . W pal World, .supplies, $21.10; Bonthron . Comp 55, Ane. Hist. „57, Geom. 46, -- a,7,;Tei;...t.e ,en Walker -Eng. Lit. 50, O. Comp.. Ala. 67, ,Chem, 50, Physies.. 64. "fel- . e/....„es.r.rys.d.ale, supplies, '$2.25; of Huron, in.digen.t, $270,0; 'G. t- 64; W. Comp. 54, An.c. Hist 51, Alg. chell, eapplies F. D., $1; J. A. Pat- 77, Chem. 56. .. • ereon, postage, $2; A. !Smith, labour, .. • Streets, $1.00; B. Kyle, labour, streets . .,,,, ...... ...... ............... .,.. , $1.00; G. Moir,labour, streets., $1.00; '. paid. Carried. Hamilton and. Brock: ' ...--• _ NilURAL. "BULK" . • G. Walker, labour, streets, $2.40; W. .Pfaff, labour, streets, 50cTHERE IS titi: .' - ,1 teaming streets, $15.401, W. R. Dav- idson, coal,. hall, $25.'36; Hensel]. Hyr dro, $8.45; K. McLean, secretary, 250; Bank of 'Moatreal, refand, poll tax, '...SUBSTITUTE:::-..fOR $2.00. Metal, $153.58.: .Shadelick and Sarsgster:That accounts as read be That the 13ank of 'Montreal be return - •ed amount'paid as poll tax to the vil. !age. Carried.' Hamilton- and Sang:- sterThat DT. G. Collyer be •Medis - Needed to Oprreet e cal Offieee of Health for the. year 1936 Consti at . a "selary of $70.00 for the year. !' ..:pation* selegs...... ,Carried. • .'Sangster and ,Sliaddiek: 1936 on eommissicra. Carried. • Shad- Most 'peeple recognize -the seri- :. That D. Robison be peandkeeper for dick ana Sangster: That By-laws 30. ousnbas Of conetipation. •13ut too 4 -aid 6--bi given, first rea•ding. Car- often they. dese-thernselves with rie.d. Brock and • • Hamilton: That strong catharties that often actue By-laws 3; 4 and 6 be given' see,ond ally lead, to ohrciiiic.Onstfipation. . . and, third reading and finally peated".• The natural Way to check Come Carried. Brock and Sangster:. That %awn constipation -is to correct the we secure a cap and badge, also conditioneWhich causes it-meal/ye hand cuffs for the conetable. Car- insufficient "bulk" in meals. ried, • Sairgatet and Shaddick: "Tirat, &reek And Hamilton be a street com- itotiAcan •You get "bulk"? PriiilSi. ..and vegebeibles have some. Brat lias mit*. Brock and Hamilton: That. Saegster and Shaddiek he peopert,a more., 'The Most popular product •Orf this kind is •Kellogg'reAtraeBrule. dommittee • . Brock and , Haertiltone That we employ W. Fraser to repair The "bulk" in Att.-Baazir is gentle the chairs. ,Shaddick land Sangster: in action. ALL -BRAN also supplies That we now adjourn. - James. Ai. vitamin Band iron. .--..• . Paterson, Clerk. School Repot . . sorne food: Setae Asze-Bitaeasegii-:--se Clerk., This delicious cereal is a *tele- • The foilayAng is the last repo.rt of .larly for.i.e.gillarit/, "with iiiilk �r.' the fireriaalle 'Coatinuation School:- cream.-'-er use in cooking. ."' ''.. ' • Farm k: lack 'Bell.; Eng. Lit.. 66, O. 64WeeDernp. Oh 1Geo. 74Hr. Two tahfeipoOnfnhtlef AtteitRAN Camp, , .11iSt. 62, , Botany 59, Alg. 16, Artz 50, daily Will ,rteually. correct constipaa Latin 12, Fretteb .64.- Keith/ Buchan- . tion due to insufficient ' "balk." Mr -Clarlw 'En.' 001110.. 66, 'Oral ac:::.n. :.t.irlt4witit..:8:0619, noge:6...4:60::56s,B7r.7: If not relieVed,'See your doctor. • • Hlit.' .58,416411,y 41, .Alg.. 59; Art,60. • ....4141;,,,B.Rits gives yoh ,,gookt in - Mr exercise...Sold by ail grocer& Botany ,67, Algr1S, Art -660.: -Latin 86, Made by Itellogg in Loader', Ont. MA .66., BottvitY 'igio Mg, '5ff'i - 000.. 0.,.19yi. .tI,f4);-64;.Oterqy. tte . . . . . • , ...*Ntitailatii* e ,teetes'00.0. ' ...' 404 ..:' elegise' 0, O. 4on ,.. . . 'trench It Geldie.„ ..Oreafe:e0rigi„.•••ksite MI- 'a:ALE-DOOR, 10 FEET BY 9 FEET, MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE .rnatebed lumber; suitable for . driving -•'` ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING a The .traink. Apply Box 51, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. be hold et the C•ompatty.'s._office at -Seaforth, Kiptana-iGoaleeSe-Daig; r. d., M,unn; 7-5..at the. end of the .secon.on Sunday, January 19, to Rosevale shed. saysepiete weir roliens and 20 feet of Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Ce,... Ltd.., will playaiz inside the. 'blue line. • 3539-tf era, on Wednesday, the 1.9.th day of Febr.u- ilatileerto,n were held scoreless. in cemetery, and'was largely- attended. aiy, ;pat at 2 o'clock. in the afternoon - ' .1. cl., J. IDeig; centre, F. Sills.; r. ws, the third. and hardly gat a sho"t - on .. - •----• • - POR. SALE. -74' 5 HORS,EPOWER LISTER BY order uf the ,Board. , , .. Raggarth; 1. .w., A. Nicholson; -alter- the S'eefottle goal. The local kide a let et ,rohoiee axe handles, whitfietOees ' and JOHKINLAYSON)F-, -St. Colardban-Goal G. 'Nair; r.d., tuned on the . power play and were •••- gasebine engine, with., belt, cheap. - Also nates,..,Rloe, Dritriarmond, Little. bat:inner handles ; a few good brass mourned I 'Secretary., :.; J. Malone; •1. d., W. Healey; . ce,ntre, sticcess.tul iu getting twa, the.. first • 'bridles, and 'other. things, to go cheap - sone by G. Kruse from a 'scramble and F. , .... J. Lane; r. W., D. McCarthy; 1. w., N. Sills the, seem& with four nrinurtes e Young People Meet • genera Hensall.. . 3547-tf . • 3557-2 , . NOTICE' 15. HE:11..BY eiyaa THAT .TKE McQuaid ; alternates, c., Berm, lac left to go. aBundscho scored both • The • Young - Pepale's . League of the - N° ' annual , meeting' -of, . the memberd'. of the R o bertso lee F. Ste pletoa, J. Moylan; goals in .the 'overtime period. "The .UnitedeChurch held their regular MeKillop :Mutual' Fire Insurance Company OTTSE T(.../' RENT-RES1bENCE •OF rag Friday, February 14, 1936, at. 2 o'clksalC p.m. Winthrop --,.Goal, W. .montgomery ; ed feelings a admiration fotr the two scliooloroom of the ehurcheon Mon - ern be held in "the Town Hall, Sewforth, on late Mrs. E. ' J. • Welsh; North Main St. for the business of receiving reports; -general re a, A. paler', .d., F.,.,jillitard; .ct.m., teams that had battled away to .thair day evening; February 3,. with the: ..raney to HAYS & MEIR. . assert. business and the election of Directons, . .'prlagtbnt • ,pees•idlings The meeting meziabers are invited' te' be present.. 'AU tre, T.. Eaton r, w.,. N. •.MOntgamery; last eu.nlae. of strength. : . 1. w., S. Nicholls; alternates; J. Moore, . Mileerton-Gaal, Duench.i• t. w, NAT., eperied, with a hymn and prayer. The • et A. REID, 'Secretary-. ' . . Rae: Carter, H.. Dotranee. , GaMblee,.L w„, W. .Gomaneeentre, H. Scripture:141SOR -was read 'by athliss. • Coining Events' -,- - ssss-z" Egniond.ville--Goal, R, MeGeoch; r took; r. 'weW.• Handeich;..1. w., J. Leitie" Love. This was followed by d.;*D.. Dale; 1. d., C. Trott; 'centre, J. Bundscho• alternates, . A. Gamble., G. a piano polo by 1..aerne Elder and a ..... . •-• At -Home; Operetta, l'The,:•Penititit Pir-; P rsonal iFlapndty; "T. ev., A. MeLeatn.;' 1. se. 'Goma-a, .11. Appel, .G. Berger. e Poem given by Clarence Smillie: The ig••.: .c. i. ANNUAL • COMMENCMIENT- AND . ' ates." tWatch this paper next, week for full, V. Bell; alternates, G. Kruse, J. SeaforthtalGoal, McCartney; r. w., .topie on David Livingstone was very . -deteas. . , ,. '3557-1 TT WORKS. • YES.: ' SYHILLA SiAHR'S Nichols,en, :Meer Rattrap'. T. Sills; .1. d., E. Rennie; centre, J. ably ta;ken by 'Wise Vetda Watson. • -. Won Lost Pts. Dunlop; r. w., C. Flannery; 1. w., G. The Meeting...closed. with a,....hymn and ' remedy' works quickly, .safely and sure, . c ' The Standing • when treatment tor colds, , catarrh, ‘, cough, • KresSealternetee, V. Bell; J. iCheoros, the .Mizpah Benedietipn. . • • . . • Notices brenehitis, ...tonsilitis And throat troubles is Kippen , , 2 1; • 4 R, Rennie, F. 1Sills. Two nights .of fun. and , frolic -are needed. it's fast better,, try it. KEATING'S Egmon,dville .... a... 2-. 1 , 4 being sponsored by • the 'Henssill eiti- -VILLAGE .OF RENSALL,- and HEMPHILL'S DRUG STORES, r. gray./... Winthrop 1 . 2 - 2 Referee' -J. MeCurly;" Stratford, .. , _Duncan Cup .' '---- . zens 'Band. • .. pURS:UANT ' 'TO, THE REGULATIONS St. Columban 1 2. • 2 . . 'Au ice. carnival will be held • o31. matk utider the authority of ',The' On- ,Games..played "Saturday merning ree. tar% Weed Control Act, 1935,•.,' the Council stilted As ',follows: Sills's .Cyclosies of the 'Village of Hensall hereby gives notice acute indigestion . and....-pa.ssed away B'ell's Broneos 3S MP i --nu-e's' Rarnibitrts es' fancy and ladies' character; girls' that Ne%ati• ,,Blatchford has been appointed before medical aid .could arrive. Mrs 4, IFierin'.e. Faleorie p. • . „ „.. . the provisions ,of the Act .in the said Munici- Weed -Inspector for/ the year 1936 to ' ' NOTICE' TO CREDITORS .. ' • ,. Kinalthe was born on the 4th conces--fancy, 12-18 years; girls' character, palitY. • ' . ' • WO:11, ,Lost' Pts. ,12-18 ye'ars'; girls' fancy ,under 12 et.. a the 'Statutes in that behalf that all the deughter ' of the .late. 'Charles J Ram-blers Cyclones s 111, , •• 00 22 JAMES A. PATERSON. Clern. _ VOTICE IS' HER.EBY• GIVEN PURSUANT 510/1..of Asbfield on January 26, 1882 years ;" "girls' - • cheiatter.;..._ under 12 DATED Heiman. February 5,,,•1936. ' yearsegents' comic; boyeetainic, 12- .3557 2 pt•-• op .1,1ving elginr? . against the e3cc•*. t'f and Mary Ann Roainsone of 'Ashfield 0' .• 1 0 ollr. A. Murray, late of the Village of Eg-• and later of Dungannon, where Mr. Broncos Faleons ' . a 1. 0 18; boys' comic under • 12 *Years. A ondville, in :the County of Huron. Gentle- prize for ,the oldest. couple. s,kating. ? an, deceased, who died on the 26th day of ' .Robinnin was a Well known ,buteher . .Mais.id,by the .band .all 'evening. ovember, 1935. are required tis fortviMrtheir beith. there and in A.sfideld. Jennie ...,a66.-1.,;,,,,,,, •aims, duly proven, to the undersigned Solic- ' KIPPEN ' 7 ..p.r.1":$.t: Valentine's night, Febrtiary Loretta Robinson was married" -On, 14, the Band- will • put on a euchre 936; after whieh elate. the Executors • will -pro- Otabber"26; 1905, te William Kip -Oran '"'".11- .... --'-'1'.• and dan:ce; •euchre from 9 to 11 v:Tith gr. -On or • before ' the'. 25th dey-tif • February. eed. to distribute' the estate. -having skegard .0.,111t/ the eau.ple"have resided .on- the•ir „ IMr. F-rank..Wright, spente the . week a band concert in the .hall front 2 .to. niy to and being respansible' onlY ft)t the resent farm near Prosperity eve.r 9a Prizes will alie-given for euehre ., 'Sin.ce. Mrs. Kinalthe was an active, en,d, in Toronto eiSiting friends. otice. -,,,, . . . • The, supper 'and play, under, tihe. and loCky. lunchatiek,eti laiens of 'which theY shall then„..hasze....._hasl..,. DATED- 'February • 6th; • A.916. ,•• t-", • auspiceS of. SL Andrew's Church; has Messrs. 'Bontheett &, Drysdale, our ' - ..-- .mernreer .ott" • St. Augustine ,Women's „ lestettiete and.. a Member. of -Sacred h.een ..poetp'op.erd until further n.otice. most , enterprising merchants„ • who . Jonisr n. Sa.s"-T"',.•. " s' .Hear t• Chureh, St. Augustihe, where There will ••lse • a. hot' ,supper in 'S+.. carrY..a hardware and firrnitute stack 3557-1' Andrew'S sIlnited.,,Churah on Friday that will compare. •faiverably With Solicitor for Executors.. she 'had forme,d. a • Wide Circle . of friends, both there and in, Abburn eveniag,.. February 7th, after whieh litany large town departmental 'stores and her :passing will be mourned by theTYoung People Will pat .on a lilay, and who have been in business .here -with . which- She Wee. called has _cams entitled: "Where's Grandyn.a ee, .. The . many:. friends of Mrs.. James ting on e large, 25th anniversary tale . . for ever twenty five yeare, are. put-. -----• -NOTICE TO CRE.DITORS.. - e . all Who knew her and the suddenn,e'ss . " VOT10E IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT W. MC1.4411,- of the 2nd concession of and •offering • some twenty-fiVe prizes. as a distinpt shatle to her many .. ''); to the statutes , in that behalf .that .all 'friends andacqu-eintances. She leaves Tuckersmith, Will '.iee ..sorry to learn They. 'lake a great ,interest• dn. , the person; han/ing ' claims against the- eatate of to mou.rri their lose. of a loving wife that she has • not been enjoying very welfere. of • theeeillale and fill many he Cnuntry of Hunan, Carriage ' Painter, de- goad health and is at tehe ,p'resent offices. et., treeet;,. • • • ' David Fell. late af the Town• of SeEterth. and mother, her husband and. two -eased. who dieti.--orirthe 3ri1 ' day' of Se.ptem- Sons; ,W'ilfre,d Joseph and Alfred.John. time in the hospital •at Seaforth. Her •• iMrs.. ',Madlkinso,n, who recently re•-• ber, 1934, are rciquired to forward• their and four' daughterse.Loretta, Beat-rie.e .maite..frie.o.da::.wishT.for her a.. gp_eedy • tu,rired from St., Joseph's Hospital .al ed Solicitor. on or before the Twentieth dayendon,.,where. she Underwenti;an op - el ainu vetifiid. by .affidavit to the undersign. and N•orine, at home, arid Mrs. J: D . recovery.. . "" . . ''' ' of February. 1936. after which date the Ex-, Barr, of Olyrmpie, Washington; three Mr. Cliffatd Watson'Wt; of the 'village, eration for -the .removal of a 'cataract ecnioni- will proceed to distribute the estate, brothers, Charles, J., of Highland was called to..Seatorth the. latter part Leap .ane of leer . yes, continues to having . regard- -only , to. , and, being ,:`reaponsible Park, Michigan: Willistin, of 'Detroit i?f :the •week7rateing..to the serious..ille make. fine end rapid .recovery el her onlY for the, claims of which •-thek••'/ehail then and Fred, of Goderreh. two Sisters nees of hiss sister, Margaret. . Her eyesighke " .. ,. ..., e. ,. • . . beim had notice. ' ' -D,ATED at Seaforth, Ont., „this' 6th ,,ekey ef Mr se Jelin' Redmond and Mrs. Hugh many friends; ,in and around- 1(4:pen . ,111.r. Jena:: •Sangster, who. spent the k king,. of St. Auguatine. ..` The. fun.eralahoPe :she ma soon seen . take a decided week -end here with :his family, has Febrna,ry;, rose... . • . , • ., . JOHN' E. BEST:•,--- returned' .to .Pamour igines and ac- .sorkaor for Executors. . . ' 1, at Sacred Heart Church„ St. A.ugus"- wee he'sd en_ 'Saturday Merging, Feb. I change, f'er the better,. • • Mr. John-Wkci-kman., of the village .compartied by 'hie wife, , who .intencia • .8557-9 tine, With ineerment in SL Auguetipe who has.. been •quite seriously ill, du - inakfng a .shOrt visit there. . . •cerriete.ry. , The •pallbearers we.re ing the past 'week, is slightly im- The relatives and ;many friaids of ‘Miehael Cummins, Williani Redmond . proved. - . ..-... . .._ Mrs Htimahrey. D.aymanelate of Inch- Mairiages Jack and' Raymond eLeddy, Joseph .Mr. Eizar Mousseau and Mr. W. k,eitc•h, Saskatchewan, will regret to Carroll and Everett Finnigan. Chas .• L. M'elliseed the -village, spent a day learn -of his sudden 'death 4f..rom It Roloinsere Jr.; af, Highland. , ;Park in Landon during the past week. paralytical ...etre* from Whieh .he Mich., and 111,•esi Anne King, ithrse-in- IMrs Emerson Kyle, of 'the Village., only su.rvive,d a. fema••diaye. The de- training. at Guelph ',Hospital, were is ',among ..Ioneeof the first - we - have ceased was a 'fbrmer resident of near present. for the futeral which was noticed to treat himself to an up -to- Kipp,en and rwan't W,es,t in 'he s,pring larg'ely attended by a host of sorrpw- of 1903e He was well and 'favorably ',ng friends.' , - Miis'''Rase McLean, who :has been known as a .suceessful farmer. He date car. ' • . confined to - her home through. sick- leavesete mourn his loSe his • with, nes,s, is now puTh'ciently recovered. te wh.oS.e" maiden name Wee. Diantlra •• TUCAERSMITE resume her 'duties as teacher: ' .. Carlile„, and., faur children, two . of -.Ws. 'Fred Tomlinson; •:0,f the vil- whom ararried, and the ether two. ..Themary friends of Mrs. James W. lage, who ape•nt "a . few days with en the bl'orneeteade There were also McLean are sorry" to hear that. she_ friends in Heneell, has return,ed ato six bierth,ers and two .siste,rs. . The is ..pot in; her nsualegaad health but her home here.' ' . • • -., deceased had reached' Ithe good age The-iiinte-r• still continue* to keep of .e8 years past. r . Mr. and 31.1e.e..Joe• lVleClellerid and :cold . and itonsiy• with practice:fly all . The A.Y..P.A, . of St. Pears. Angli-, , hope for a eseedy re.covery. Master Kenneth,' of "Egenondaille, vis- roads but the main- highways clased ea.n' Chereh areeprepaeing a fine play ited vrith'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGre- to the .116Q: 'of cars. , which they intend giving' about the Mrs; Robert . IVLeBride, . of Hillsgre.en end of this. -month. gor on .Friday. spent ea..,.yisit ..over ,.the week -end at ' The Young People's League of the home Of her e.o.n.',and. daughter -in- Carmel Pregbyteeiaa Church have •en. law, Mr, and Mrs. Edictie McBride, t� gaged -the. skating rink for next Mbn- CROMARIt •• ,, . the east of the 'village. , day night for a skating party and Dr. Gilb'ert; Jarrotte a • .Seaforth 'we believe fallowing that are to be being on, the sick -list, there was no called at the home of his parents, entertained at the home Of Mr. R. R. •The school teach,er, Me. 'McLean, Me. and hies. ,Isaac Jairestf, of the ',McKay, of the ,village. Mr.....and Mins. (ebbe. Motored to village during the Week. - We are - The storm af Monday eight and scho,a1 held last week.. 'Stratford kilt Friday. to attend the s.;arry to• mention that Mr. Jerrott, is Tuesday .morning has. tied . up .the still confined to bed and has .been at reeds Fri many placee .andr-Vsere it' .tenth anniversary' Ttf. the 'Radiant Chapter, held there, de.saite the drift- times 'quite ill, which will be much not• for the rain that fell, drifting ed roads. .......... regretted,. w,atild...have been much .worse. • The ilVIre. •Re y 'NT oCuull ech returned At her residence in Strome, Alberta, mail trucks from Landon were .pre - home Sunday after reendinese few on Thursday, . January ' 16, Elizabeth vented from delivering. theariiiiirning clays at the heme of her fath.er, Ma, Kyle' widow •ocf. the late , Williara C. III:trent° a.nd .London dailies which Ga-aham. Kyle, formerly of .Kippen, passed a- had to be breught by train. • , ' 'Mese ,O. Walker, whit wes ruehed way stddealy in. her 79th -year. She ' ' Miss Jennie Taylor has rearmed to Scett Me•morial Hospital in sea. was bean September 22,-1857. be- from Cheeley where .she spent a. few, forth a week Ago and 'OPerated on far ceased Was the • second daughter of ieeeks. . appen,diCitis,. is progressing very tea- the late,...Johe sMeAllist,er • and Mary : At ,St. Paul's Anglican Cherch. on ,erably. to -Wards reeovery. Scobihe releareers in Hay 'township, Sund,ey last. Rev, 'Mr.. Beverley Farr -Mi' a lVlildred Q•uan,c,e having se.. Huron. County, where .she grew.. to occupied. his own pulpit deli:verity in;• Monday for that hewn. Pretty womanhood .ion- her father's farm teresting discourses. swarth of Hillegreen. Following . her • Mr.Alexander Smith .of .Blyth call- . ,ctired ,a pasition in Go.derich, left .on sterm.y weather for starting out! "Mrs. McGill and little s•on,, of Mit- marriage in 1880 to William. C. Kyle, the asiungs couple lived in.. •Seaforili week. He is . a nephew 'Of the late ed ed on friends in the village. Kellar then; visited. her siStei-, .Mss. D. Me- on the 'Herren 'Read and 'later •ineKip- Alexander' Smith. of this Kellar, the other day. • ' pen, Where, Mr. Kyle followed his The lteeve,- Mr. °Wen Geiger, :was . trade of eatriage .flaltildin.g in the it ' Goderieh leet week .attencling flea earlier d.ays• long" before the advent county council meetings. ' .; ... of the • atitinnabile, Which gradually Congregational Meeting' ' In stadying the income' froneseggst ff,ected adversely a • good liusitte-ss. The annual congregational meeting In 121 farm flocks, it was» found that The Writer of this article, brolher of Carmel Presbyterian 'Chunell-was the pullets which laid.froya 25 to 30 of dece.ased, recalls in has early boy- h,eld on Tilazday evening': of 'last per. eent of stheit tOt.at production ho,a,c1 being giifren the responsible task -week with a'. very • good 'attendance,. dutrin'g theipullet Year in October, NO.- F 041AW 'rag • deirlitionat.bfitiiiiiy -and the AUBURN, . ., v'ember and Deeember, brought - a to the horse power madhin'e which serving .of •an appetiatag supper. the there of 'driving the horse, attathect Mrs. J. D. Hewett. is visitin:g her mirth larger egg income than the drove the band sew and other ma- Ibus•iness meetni .g of the evening was 'birds it floo,ks. that laid only 10 ,per chines' used to cut material for the entered, upokOlth the, Pastor, Rea. Ernondlirille, this Week. . cent .during • the three m,oritlit men. hand rearnefacture orf buggies' wagons, W. A. Youngapreeiding. in his usiml- daraghte,r,.. Mrs. Hugh Chesney; of .Mr. William ..1:3ongentin, , of. London. sleighs and etill is in ly pleasant manner. First a short, -toned. This wasrPrittly,--dne ,..te tte .'eintters teed- slei• fact that the eggt kern the early lea- PeeSesstiaseeof a hand. sleigh mide and interesting pregraM was earrie,d Went the week -end with his 'eister= fry. flacks lercitigfit ea. average cif 'five, there for ihitriself by Mr. Kyle 'When out opening With a singes.ong and the in-law, IMies. Mugforcl. ' ' cents a -dozen mere than tliate from the carriage busieresestaas sueh-th,at fell:nab* numberra A .readingby MT, g iiVITs. Edgar Lawson spent. the week the floaks...that began laying later in they lintioipate'd the need -of better •William 'Craig': .solos riyy Pies-. W. A. end with her mother, Mese William the season. • r' ,• '' ' o.pportunities-for a growing •family, Laren, Mrs. , W. ' A.,-. Young • and Rev. $clater,•tf• Seaferth, . Theeenst el _the -feed for 'the early MT. and Mrs Kyle and .yreung family W, A. Youngs a. piano ehlet:Jbe Mrs. Mies 43,theilee-Laveson, of Stratford; laying flecks' was only 1%. eenteenoee Moved ler a few years to a farm. in ItaleOlm ' Dougall 'and-:- ,,IVIrs.7 Andrew Nefrinal-Sehiial, ' gp-rent the week end per • dozen eggs predated than. -roe Stanley Township on the Kind:Fen road. Dougalh•-•'Tha &theatre, goo. a Mine evith her telrandeersthera• Mirs. Wm. the .later laying lairds,.. tiara" netting In 1903 thesesniloaed to a ism near her of . selecilons' diking the.,Cingper i&lateri.• of-iSeifoitli"" • . . 2:1/2 cents MOTO Oer doten..,.., Aside WietiskiWin, Alia, then homestead time.. The kgkette,'..ef. the Afferent .-.. ,;-. , Death of Mrs. Itinah.an ". fro lii this, the'ekrly laying &cies pre- .1161110. Strome, Alta., in 1906. Aalter eociellea Mid late,:artitatitlei:..-.0raineeted• .,..i„, This' eammimity was east ... len (lilted 49 Mare egge per-birdntret .yeat the sagas and early death' of ;leer with the "efeete)r, **Vet .nroart inter - lam' by the Sudden death a. Mas. thee the later laying flaelt4.."' , ..itrigh. :husband in 1914, ' Mrs. '14de Anaviir eating 4MP,, elited*rigtne.7"itl 7 the , Way 411.jairv .K.thattaa, of west Wawa:nosh_ •egg„produetion, With 'the 'largest pOta.- inte Strome' in order to he• near ,and Of &ler tut"'" 'v*.',.Affigs . ati4,.,;,. adkranee- ',ate There:day inhorrning, J'arruary aath's ;Sib& Minket .0i egg* produced Altar- niteng inersIlietS ef her faintly, istrci *outs a . . fretlye..,li*g...„.4 Ah4relk swag,. 6.8 the....100M, living.elenninest netiirities •'' e nnuige6,50itAil-2-#6. 'cif the.linie nut) her ttardden, death, , ..gterik,girverivbt. the,#efteUti•Yi Wri: Eh** !opc.,Otie'd was a'faltliful,ineilifii*..of ''.Bentlireii.,irereit injoa.,*iini,Inse. floelk -ffire-trillited ,.. atinreh 04 a . ofitito. Itiiiirkke mitlittftweidt***, . , , .. • • For Sale or lent .. , . ro THE RESIDENTS ' OF il THE :VILLAGE , OF • I, c • 1 HENSALL . i viiii.r., ANY. ONE WHO IS -WILLING ' OR c " "inientliner to • donate any clothing ,? or boots and shoes suitable for wearing to ' alese who• are less fortunate, before donating T same PLEASE get „In touch with the Relief Committee- os ' • JAMES A. PATERSON, . Relief Officer. ' it ' , 35572' 161 iq•Ew Roar-i..LOT OF ROOFS ';WILL • be re'nuirect this year, beth barn.s and dwelling bastes' are in 'bad -eandition; - •Bnt • have them recovered with chnice . galvanized sheets .,as made by the Galt •Art Metal Co.. or the Pedlar People of Oshawa -none bettetts Or I can supply y,ou with nearly all makes tf elated • stsphalt shingles of any weight ' or •eolor now on the •tmarket: When you are in tawn call and have a ' talk and benefit ' franr my long exPerience with roof.; •and roofing. JOHN ELDER ' Phone' 1 Hen.sall:. , ,• . ' ,. :•-•e;;,- --,' 6556-tf, .,. , • -Births ''''"' . . . . . . . STRONG -In • Scott , Meradrial flospital,. Sea - &oral, on 'Jatittary .list, to Mr. -and Mrs::' •-, Jahn' Strofig. Egrac4iiitille,,,a,,sart: 'MCINTOSH-In • Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on February 3rd, to Mr. and, Mrs: David MoIntosh, Mill Road, Ttifitersibith, a .....-- Deaths • 1/ • _.__. .. .. . . YvINTERI-sIn Seaforth. on Saturday, - Febru ary It. Emma Gottschalk, widow of ' the • I•st. R. Winter./ in her • `Mth • year. WILLIS-In Decker, Mich.. on January 24th, Mts, John Willis, 'aged se Years. . WILTSE-At Clinton ..on January 19th; Mrs. x.--st .ax,s1t,ss a,arl -RA • vpars, . ' BENSALL Referee -C. Flannery. ' fan,s filed out of the rink with, mai- monthly missionary „,meeting in the Wednesday. February 12, whene-the Notice torCreditors., following »prizes will be given: Lad - Notice CiticH-CELIN-:-Ori 'Friday, January 24th. at St. Coltnnbia United Church, Toronto, Florence Lanka Celin..datighter of Mr. and Mr,. Charles •Cellik, Toronto. to George W. 'Crich, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich, of Senforth, Ont,' .STANLEY• ' and. Arnabella Foebes. In 1870 the family. Moved to thenrece Peninsula where ,the . decesteed . The. entire coremunity was shocked the exception of three .years spent in Vancouver. • After Ms marriage, to •near the sed neWs on •Thursday Miss Bertha Crowe. of Wiarton, they e'vening, January 30th; of , the 'slid- - dett death of Thereat B. Carrinbell, made 'th,eir home in Gaderich, where he held the 'position of foreman far of the third aontession of Stanley. the Goveremmt ever., the Go,derich Th,e deceased had been in his usual a „ er Works and later of • ceerre, • health up. -until six o'clock; .when • he "e"..-' suffered a severe stroke from which • he never rallied. and passed peace- fully away thre:e hours ,later. The deceeeed‘ who was the se.cend eldest • seri of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell, who predeceasad him several years ago, , was born in Clintrat on D.eteiti- ber 4, 1873, where he live,d until he was eine yearssof age, when the fam- ily moved, to, Lot 22 Concessiee 3, Sta.nley, . where he follo'w'ed the farm- - ing industry until. his death. He • was united in marriage to Mary Johnson, third daughter af Mr, and Mrs. Alex- ander Johnson. ,rf St.anlest Township, •on. Fearuary 150911: Two brothers. . Peter and 'Gsiorge, 'and one sister, 'Mrs. John Moffat. predeceased hire. He lea\ es...to mourn his loss his wife and one daughter (Jean),- Mrs. 'Vic- . --.'tor-• Taylor ,-arrd .her 'husband!, and, three grandcbildien, also a brother sof Fort William, and • two sis- ters, Mrs John Moffat, of Mamie Jaw, arid Mrs. Simon IlkilcKenzie, of 'Gilroy, Seek: The funeral; which was large- ly attended,. was held from hie -late residence on 'Monday, February 3rd.' The eervices were conducted bv Rev. a• Mrs---Bremrter,--of Brueefield United Church. of Which the deceased was' a valuable member of the Board of, Managers. Those TOlitin freer a distance were Mrs. Robinson Woods, „ of St. Helene:. Miss Charlatte John- sen and Mr. Thomas McDonald, at ...... Londen, anca.Mrs. Geo: A; Baird and jjkir, Allan Klinkhamm,er, of Detroit, a geodly number from Hayfield and The, dere] tributes else .wrart to show the high esteem in which 'the •deceas.ed was held. The 'remains were laid to rest in the fam- ily' plot centotery, the pall- bearers being !Hugh Gilmour, John A. airegittren Walter Moffet,....GeOtge T. --Salad, Joh' Meedwan and Thames. B. Baird, in,speCtor for the C.P.R. • In 1910 they moved, th the farm on which he Jied, He had always taken a keep interest irs publi!e affair's and serv2d for nine ygers as township councillor.' He \-vAs a member of the Presbyterian church arid later of the United Church. Mr. Fovb,es is survived by his: wife, two eons, Neville, at home; Walter -of Go,derich Township; four, daughters, Mrs. •Nornran Tyndall; of Tucker - smith; Miss Marion, teacher at S. S. No. 10, "Gocierich Toweship, and lellisees Jean and Isabel -at home, and two. grandchildren, Donald and Mur- ray Fbrbos. The deceased was th.e Othegest-- -of a family' of ten, being eureived by one sister. Mrs. Mary Gilker, Grand Cascapedia, Que., and one brother, Thomas, of, . Dauphin, MareThe funeral wee held from his „ late Hallett. on Tuesday af- ,ternoon, Rey. A: W. Gardiner of Londeshora coaducting the .s'ervice at the leduse and graveside. Interment was Made in Clinton cemetery., The pallbsatets were sir neighbors of the &ceased, Messrs. Wesley and Wile liam Hoggarth. Percy and, Warren Gibbings, Ephriam Snell and Harold Woerell. Relatives from: a distance at the funeral were Mr. Alfred Forbes, Hepworth; 'Mr. Henry White, ,Wiar- ton, and Miss Daisy Forbes, of -To- ronto. eteireeeeesease- ULLETT th' of, ,,lantes C. M. Porbeg e passed „avvay' on Settlay; '444 ly vespeeted Vest - et -.0 in .the per. Forfbef4 Oar *OlOgo MCA,. Ithittivitrk 'a& been urnituaTi filit&PeTtion, Of the season *hen kned heiPsts, aii4ivite engaged with, 'rthe sr brine the bet 'pfieeg, ate itry 41, fief -house kl taikt: *hen elie *at liortaii „factors in the aTtual nuddenly Set f en th Ist reeelfect *tat the •ri ... -77-71