HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-31, Page 711 " N, ;.-; :,, 11.1� � I. .� ), 1k9, , 1, ,� ", ,� "I � I ", ,' P IT— 1'.- , , I . ,. I , ,�­�,il .: . � v.., . . [ I I . -1 , I � I - ­ I , , ; 11 1. - . , . . . --J�` , ­', ­ . I � � ­ �'. - SAM , . � ��. ��, .14. � - 1. 'T I . , ­;,�...�­, " - . �.',.. . . ... I ... . ­ . I . 11. . . . i 11. * , . ,�.�'-",..,.-,""".�.,--.,,--�.,., .- ....-I.-I.- ­­­ ­­­­­ ­ ---- 1--11 11 . -1 , 'i , - �­;�'g " �T� I .. I 'i""j � ­­ ­. ­. I PIT.1111,� " ,, , "'M I .11 !111111'",11111?f, - rr!,r - , i, '01'"' , , , " ,��- -pl . , I � ­� !"r,-.1;�,I,, � -� qqi ,;; : 4=­,�=3;�,i­m ­ ­­ -"I. . i. � ... ; .-;1; � " . ., . 11 11 ­ pq ,,-., ',':,`,,- J I ... I" F, I .. �4 " ,; `­ lrol ,'� al,�, 014,4411� .11.1 " � , ,,-,,, "I . ­ . , , , ,.: , . . , I .. Ir � "A , � �� � � � � � � . I 1=1111;�z I T � 5"�- - . � .;� " - I 1� , 'A. , , , , , I * , " . . � 0 I 1, 4 .. ­ I �1.1 11 . . , I � ��,� . � . ­�.,. ,� �� . I i", . ,. � I I .11�11.11i I . . . i , 'e, . I I , 11 � r'. 4 "I 11 I . I ; , . . - T- ­, I il., I " `i`� p � . N 1, . 4111, -1 -- , s.* - 1 IV 1, 1, . , ,., �� . IN �. , 11 � I , I.; -, 4, --�, i . , , , 4 � . '�^ , - , ��...� , - , :� ..'' .1, Ii. i ,10 ", ., .1 �', . . IT . ", � I - � . I .. 1. , I I I � I . � I � % I I � �K ) " . , . I "r, . , .;#7 ,., W q ­ . 1. ,,, ­, %13, V 4, - % — - * �, ­:� - . 4 1, - . " i I N V w ,1,,�� � , ".. I mqq -1 1 w ­ . , , 4 �, I .:. ., - 11 '. 1� '. � . L ��.. ft f. ., A, . - I - ­ I �. ��,* , I . , 41470""T ,;,;,�,.;- 'I, A � .a I I �,; �, , 7r- � I , I .�,-Irw.,! ­00��,,.� 'g. ,.' . ­ I ­ , , , , " . I � � , , " J , .. �Rqm"Jp � , INA-: . .. �� 11 14 .'��., ., , ­....­ �.... I'll 0, I ­ , , r- 1 �,4e§ . ,% I , - � . . , . 1, , , 'm ,., 4i ,,, , '': : Seafttk, 1. 6r� ,� lik , b . I r --p . . 111� , --- I , - ......... ,� I , i -v, T ! I 1, 'I faxs,4x R.,; rovi"w'", W-,0,,;,,-,,, ,�,* 11 I I �� � , ......... -1 ,F�­ . . 03M 0 man -420k, 1 , . , All' -.'�'4,0*04, - 11%. 1i I . � � . . i -, ! gpt�.Kl .. I A , ­,�­, . .. . ,..!. ..% .: . . . I . 1 I I . . I. : .-.L 1� , . W " 1 . I I I . � . � -, �, � . I I . � .. a " At .,to - - W . I 1 . . . I � . . A too ,w* ..." � "irv.... . . - . . .. � . .... .... , wi� "'i ;.��;",'. ,ii, � " J� I � , . I I 1 . � I ;. . . I . I , .. , . I .�"., . . . . ... ­ . . �. . . . ..1.1111 � . �.,A#744,14410,Qfo ""' i `� ", I,; , 11 �1111' 3 I r. , HAT . I ­ �. , ... 10011 , A �, � �, �, , k* MAIR . . - , ­ . - I , . 1 " , 1. . ­ � I . . . - � . .: : , ,, . . . . . . - ­­ , ­ . 1 41 � � , , 0 I ­ 'L ; I I W � ,.e.--1-,, I" ­­,, .1. . - I � I " Ji . . the h04 "p -tot . ... ".'it ;Akdmiw A � 41 "ayo . , ....... I .4"WA 1AW-10 q- . -v, - - � I 0 14 1% - V - .. "04cipe-aling X $- "FIN111, 1 7 . . . . 4 11, .q � I . I , i N ,e I re, #*Offi li. .1. �11 il , 1-1 � I I I , I - � 41 -2 . 04 I teri - "OW*- . . I ­.. PET �i - . . –, ..... 4, No - -- I ill . mo i 4'"'"Y44"M I . ay. E R � $-, K Y Nlle' Pw Toadvao P 411�' "" " - , � I '. I I . . - — - I 11 "IW&N , mour", &U,eiti)IM f" - . * . . .1 . r , . �, �. ."'.1. I - f* .1 I , ".!iilirie,*­� I � I . I. ..-.-..-. I � , !"T.10"a mix M- , hft - VQ, � � -%V:, r ".41W., IR . 1, . . ­­ �,,,,',`�. ,. � .1 .1. ; 4. , . .. ":. ��. '-­­­- - -­ L 1, ",.-,V-- I . - "' 'I, I" , 11 - - , A P , . - '�, '� � ­ . . 1. .... V,' � . il 40 Dominion MaK, VMW , ;� , 1, , I M -11 I llffl, - 21 .- I ­ V ba, I � , �; a *00.0 . .. T*1hft,,9,40foliM r, ITAW P. -, - . � .. .. .". � I- � . I '.' " � �� 11, 14, tun, I I NO% , 1, N �4 J EN 01) ID .a *uk, Sexf,prth. MOW 01 ; .., "---1---... ---101-1 I . . . . . . . . . 10-1111 I ----- "I'll . . . . . ­­..­­.%: ,z--1.-.1-".-. ­ �­­­ --,-111. . i � -, 11.1-1- 1.0,P"-;he,0 - W.44, I - W. 041 th � J , , ,; .1.4 ­ , - -1 I i.... '; M,::�.:­­­ � . � I .......... ,040, ) �.�;,W � I . - 4. lil pn"o ­ - ­-. . � . .­ IT � I I I d . ". ....... 1� I'll, , ", . I I., X . I efiloke"'his .. 140 14 I , " J RM , T;1� I 11 , I � ,I Ar,ml. -06, co! � q?. an , '! .goz % , 1pqr4ll .�, , - k , 10 I"* ­- 11 , 'AUW I== WO w4ek) . ' ,61060l ein - bbq4T .11 1, , ; , 0, twulw '. 41 the .. ­-, ",,- ., ­ 111%.1�11­11 , I I (6MU NA ­ I p", . ­­­ ­­ ... ­ � .. ..... W.".aF., I, . . . .W wt - ' a, :05� * 1. shoolt "W . as, he bWw ,itseg - . ,pa bo,'.�O ,A � :;"�4;,09,,WTF'!Y"P�i,'�V-�'9,�, I . ­ rl­, .1. t. 11.1 I I ..''.., I I ,= I " 1, . � I, , � 1111W, , .� .� 1 Zl.`� ­ , � . ,� , ' . % .. � . � . ". . . Doak .,man" rm tpm and 1 -m I - '�% ,. ,�e ' W J , '. 11 " 7` 5 . tsfteAc . i.of e$eAd.1%-a ' , A plv ,. � , , �,;� ), - .* .t, ti;e� ,O, X.9,U, 10, I . . the, d ., , J MZE -9, , , . � I ' 46 It I '. .1 . 1"But Janvr Dial !A-,,Viot,a,s1ha4y Al 1.3 ,, I "A . '' , . . ' i � _ �, I'D � 4 k _4 104 al" MPfW -1 . - I ,. ­A*!�!, �h% , � , hol�g�& f ­ ,.- ,' BEST - 1w 1. - - Jmg a lal Imims tblis so,aA be s�61 4 -aim" bo, iN - " ,. I "A .. A I �r i, .',,�',�t'A .1OHN jL 11 altail" ,.A Minim. , @,;;M% , .. , keepeg',)r4 -A-g *ua 40C ,, �� ! TOM. � yer 4*dl 11" @ . ,id ­ , ., '111.i- 10 , , M 1% - . I - I. is io ", -hundirmwe and Wfty " el� ARd na0blog under * f I 44 - 111b.1bF, ON' . . 0 I , IO dii-4010� Play' i0ei­81 I to � , , , . " " K a�es ...,,­�12,� Of New L - 11 , 'bib' - I �, . . Y out -0 I - ", - and sen�- lanADther. a re ,a iurdly, and- it you want U - , "I N I ,7 . . - BlArAster, "ciflor. " ­ countew, he e� U64. ,%or Twawxfs. � 14 'Helluv, f th , ,p 44' I 1114. m -old 6i , � K - = lwk!%9�- V* O*W�40q.'* , j, .. I ­ ,. . - ; , � : - . � ' I , , ,�", I � .1,126 ­ . - mil Ve Lee P . . .4 % . .. ­ ..­ . 11 . ---- , � I I -Shannioni an 0 .-�Q .., 4" - � r .1, g ,V 'M", I . " I fadorth , 02bow , �: -� " ­ 1�i " , "" . � i . seWed ft%W-9 eAa* q�d PA�L On 4 sawed. X . Ible a -vi OdbAner, wap -1y-M ... � W..gruing . , , . +�w * ,. . Is � , � . , ­ ­­ . - ­ - -p ; � ' I . th kit the Only.,iwitneosj� ithe )o If not, tbeiv. s. ­ ", � I . - , b done, say w. '"And now Ill tell.'You �k I bf-; a him,naltaomy .g��,e '?, 17 . .,.7 " ,,, - M 11 . i . .� itiot Whiz dounU7 tO lbbk ",at ,ihe 7gainsit hJ=., - yes, W.. IWIot,ell; yO , 10 dil� ,� ,, �,, .1 . " '' � eakne ? 40un. .., -,��,1.. . . , ,,U ,Do barm 43m .and, be*ldes 11,0o' gat Ivia .,,)� - � �1: �.,�1'3' , - - , il I I—— ­­­ ­ �..J I . ", r I , aomeithih1,11 het v1 ue I'm . .VO4 ket - .,%. t,W I &�� -1�y!?5!��.1,7 *4 '�A* �-,`.; I � .'3 .'.11 I 11 I f, I . P,16 0 ­ ..­, 1, �� T, . VZTERMART-7, i" I . ,*ngwVemen4 "­ . .. , .� �­; . .,­.�,� ,I ... left !qie I do ' tay,,7tak�- .0hie head of thb clasis. A atiother professiaMul' for 6tart'anythin" Sil see � ,fqUbWibg War � 1.1111'.."..,,,,--�—,,,,,,�,�w,Rt, .. . =)Win ,& I ... ran�h aw Uncle Aleck.1 1W ­ . _ I " I I not VAnk be had m#t IM TioirW *Wid lawfy"...-was i4gooed wh . Alng, ., 0101.1 A� I ... . Oat' you. Ithe ., _010 0041-, I ' � . ,,­X,R,b,,, "1111111 ��� . . - I . ,'�. � . , . . I �, . i`4%w1,th*. �he some Doak: who f 9'. I en y1au the same anio6nt of mbnei"44 not d6iOt stiaTt it it, plow W bawinesisi., wal's=, '�"a' lb� i9an .8111101111, fi1ad ' ' ': � I , " i I - , � .. O� - V. ,yfuur y 'We i my �, ,, ?)ieen ­ .have to tell you ". t pve..h ,, ., �, . , ! �.1l""�"",,,�7-Sl�,,�,�vl�"-,.,*)� ., , 4 I � . � A lih,three je�s, Of- pgA f � , I I "I'l""Il!"!,!"!,!'!'!"!"""","- 5AV �. I.' - I . &.,� ,1half ,the risk. L , , �!.,� , , ad .this, e�,&oibby 4 a b il, . or , qmv . I . ' ' I on vtr � f. ar ten 'd'd*lr,, ofta lnlmeiai� �1111" KV� I. , , i I I " , " .­ I I "I , - i,- I— , ­ .1� I I - JOHN­GRIEVB, V.S.. ­­.. - f�� to-b0-11he Sax K Ranch atz2he as a detective f6v the lCattAlemen's As- indan P;wJy is d4ingerou . I , , " 11,-'! YVIi,; ­t�,,�, " h0#141 ­ I - . , . s I , , lei�u six we*w ago ant khe first zef- ato.17 f4ereafter the body - �6 T " , I., t � �, .,—, i �0 . ia ue of btem: n 11 � ',;W" be . ". .... .1 I , I . ..... . � I . I , 11 I - i I . . 'f , -. : . Honer graduate of, Ontarib - Vetfti,u- li`46iils�edi 'I 'that ' .-iw-7- sloiciatdon.of Arizona- Ylou lealifned . 141kni* it,'I'know ft ",.Doak growl- i - � . , , , �, .'" N ... , . ; so bliamed ' . . ii�, - . I .�,�rp,: I I ", . � .1 easii,of doinestle unelOs esitiate-I'l � - . ler'U'01b Puts a, btil�pt,-%Olo in it has placeAd on 'the Feiest-,--�'; aw4rl� , � � - � . , ft , � .. � ", �,:�7��,'­.eL � , or AN dis . - w*uy.... half-ibaked llegAl ed stilL.daimpletdy I.Whis grusaid, , g4 ' .1 � - , I '' .� Al -_y College. . � "'yes At . ­ I. .. � ,- _0 to dadg� i ,' . . " . o; ,.. L, . ob.� . , ,v7,�, Ai . . I . twent ken in fbQ Awgpiiillo,and 0 , ,:1 �4 ��,,, I . . I Y-tWiD b401W410tV to ItruCki -ta , , X p ,,,, ,�.. I 4i"liwt tr�mted...­,Cial- IV. prbmPtlY at:- poants as a detelctive,­yo,d1ve neweT `1My price inelludeg *aAffirli, Bud . , i "'q'i"., � A L . , I � . vl* ' . I , ,, Z :1 - i, ,�;;,R! ,,..! � : I L . �, I !0 11 . ., . . ­ 10 F** ' i �L ­ , 11 � I . ,Ji:-% . .: ".1., , 1p�, , tended to a�d charges 'h. Do learn, I - itho, 114,ver, V� 0 .. 1; .­ � W " . inTodembe. V�t- ,"Then they d16 went y1bur rane d tot think sibraitTilt sin�el'l Shiannon lomer ­- O�" � %-he , . ---.- p-d w"t 6h the 'Giolden. ­Stiaite , -,"Q� ­­- I I . i .... t., I A - �Zf I I'll ., . . -- - ­ ,,��k�oiw the ainlounIt of the appralis-. I ,. . , . "y ­ -- ,hed good-niiiaredly and ,�rew.­ Mrs, Prie4w, -: bad. ch . .. ­ "',*'.4,�Ir"; � , - . , , -m-ry D�iitistry'a - OffiC6 . "Todd gbt' g1b ^1 piwell'. went; ­v,&& -0 Cwt, 9&1f,Qr the iposlt�orWe te4o- the.loitni a eouage vrgan.,fA :0 Q . , L'­':",�J�.`-­ , I *A BPMMRY ,I . .iffe rpasloniod Thirither: ., I -0 I , . 1. . . I derich Street,'one a -- ' I Pgakls telegram about five o'dock so 'Ask. -bhiai� lew . ,4114e, nobbw,. - Jx# � and d 1011mul " � , - - . Pj$ �, *V0. .... I 1'.C. I *.ii:A�j­c ��ijt�*�'k Im , PIP . : - I I . I � It the 14tter place black1singth?s ,Ivyle -anti ., " V . &., , , . ."..­ ....­,e��J�"­' I I door 1� '-Be figur at. would, .,,it bg t - a. -1-.-t4 ,� �..�!'§! VES. illJn, a9me. I vto4on, A . q zp��4 . . � mW rilliidiiice on Gloi sty Tfi�ft dollars !T* P1. L - � ,�), "`% ,,,, . 11. . , 1. I . h th gralbeful to Purdy . � I... t ,'I 11 ­­ I I . east.-ot.-Df., Jarrows pffice, ,laa­ es Doak wwall. -have -left his"Of- Ite'll's me . , .1 . - 1444e - om � % -�17, . 4 . , I . -� I I I ., . 1 4"Its WoIrth, ten, oven in, these hard found wwalilting him a telolgran, possible',Xor .Xisv Purdy - to, cloi� ' tq .. I ab .-�.,,,1!..,,q- , - -,. �r . . . . . 411� ­ �� � ,,gerth. -.�. ­ . � .flce,�&efore.a reply can, ,reach hilin. ,Sio ,for faR.In' to U11 him, .-,when he had f&A tbalt I .. . � ... : � , , 4 , -... . ' i day, frlb�n Pasadena. iaind, the funeial, itfid,,pTa7 a , . . , 1'..; " , -1. . . . I 'Jimes., No. woudei Ithley. wanted to what'Tadd WX dio, is this: Hi%, send tho'lam on -his i4ide thlai -Awls -liable reada 1. as, follow I . . I.... ... . ­ q. - 0-!., P ... 4 ". 1 ; V11 � ilil - .. -11 , . � I .1, - . _ . , all a: . I . .�. , .1 �­�, � . . . ired b1m." Lhik .. g . . ... o�:.....,.A".� ----- % i ­ ;'-w � . ,� . -e , , and. Ki , " gq, " - I . , .11 �. , ld....,ruin YOU, Doak a lbr�g nignX. lettian- Doak ,,Ad11 to ,6PA Pwd)i Who I,* , I 1,.t would. - th . I . bu'y.it. Aind.ff *ey-cou I . ­%oreoveir, her , . . . .Ir� . - . . ,..# ... 1.-,.-v....,..-..P1'­ . .,A � . ­ � . !- . . �; -, . . . �; , � . �. . .. ', Qthlout your-yeahzibg It, V..*-. w1ould-7reil ft early tlo-m6rrfow Marn6Vg4 Hallidwell imiled cruelly iniba, Doak's ,­.. ,%3J*,t Cf;1jfo . . uld come , i I -q­e��;,.­, , X- �, A. it. CAM,1PBI5;LL, V.S. , ­ I OVr4'Wby, WOrdild 001n, 1. ,, — , , .. ... I., I... . ....... r . ..� ., . . I . " ' rnia Mbilted §�n On6- sing. ,' ­ � I - .� �; X ­ * �F "'. I . .. . reagop--*hy jiiu­�Would and'if Todd's argumenit lis, stronig eh- tvAtcandmg1fuee. liThat wadd be in- fr, to , .1 m. I .... I 11, � "I ''. ua DM � . ....�.,& " I - �sl . ., . 1-�oweivlear, E eter . 6 .-� . . .1 . . . . . . . .. . . T , . .,I I,. balege. Univershk r l that ridiculous I -morriow aftemoon, "WAD1111 ifeia, Preshery was-diffighted. �X ..... - all I ''... , ough, D,oak may lea-ve for ,'Arguello cavvieci.*& 'for you, Mr. Doailr;, -he .pick up,paseenger leaving train there, he had -one more favor to asA: Would . ­ . . .1 1� ", , �' I ,diseases of . .... domestic ambnals.-treated prileek. - WO -11 --you- 'cintt bet raiiied un- at %leminded the lawyer, I I Nortk . ,:��. -11 ­4� I � ., 1. . On . ­ 's" I" . t.. . III emme . , . " - --��:­ .. 7p AUX. . . - �, 1, on,ge we get ,those mort- eleven-thiTty A. M, ,Or L". the other Doak nodded. B Qed, will object to trip byl­,pllaiie as I and mike a.:funieral oratilDin blver Exeter ........ " ­ ,,, , ; . 11, 4-1 1 ,6y t ' , the Cailifornis Lim�ited to -day. � " "and take hihn o t -to -riairk-h Stop He ,her brotther�aftehd the -fual a ' . ,�, I he nii"V � modern principles. til next -fall .,all"'I'l, ontin I . . I I - 0, I �'�v,; Chargesi reasOn-able. Day or.,.nighi glaged eaItIble up -into the �Reserve. . ". a ..... 4o r . . . '4201 ��.;� �,�,,I,. , . ,, . , '4 ­�. , r�, - . . 0". , ealls p Lord, what a puzile! ban#, hemay n1ot.. I ought t1o, jcgll'and "Ira and Purdy'had a run, -in -'the oth-, aive kept. that a secret, but �bu , ' ?. " , , . .. " , , *­ .14). I ­ , . � . , 4 rom,ptl3r dftended­1g. Offite -on. - . . Oh. vidl'Diaak the idea thiat he is itio, drop. er morning W A.. res4aurant imb ' h, cm Steve . 'Henisall. ......"'....'...i. ­;­­ 11 ­ $I ";�,,64� . " .. ­ .. .. ... , 4;:.A,#, �, 7,� 1 1 �:;�,,�.�,, . ­ , ba�te, Town` AVIhat',lar"ie"', thave, tw- adiber? . .,. . eVery Y- 9, aVgkle -hilm into it,.J know..Stbip,' I� Hallie, -did, not know, ,,',.Leo- was, ,with KiT.1peril - .1. - -.ii..,..4...,- ... .', ltoll � ,,, ,,, I I Main, street, Hensall,­ 4i) . 9 tbing and .Proceed inifinedliately Chinaman, friend "M Purdy's. Todd I ­ , - , . ­ . , �,�' . - I I . ,. ­ ot-- I'll neveir floo&Plivie miyself if -Beaded up toward Br , .111,1111, # V . . want' to 19ay good joke loin m , � e� x K' drive, . , I Hall, t­ft.aqi�- 116. BTeeder .of 'so , - hi b. thle-So ,uj�efieid- .­..� .......... :. � R.66:' 4"'.1. . I . ,'���. . , , I- Verhuit to Arglyello far that'dotaferencer"Wft ,elid hisbeist, to 161ror6ke gunt4play:t1but � . U.'s , ,�� ...61 � . 1. I , ,..,��;`, ,"� 11 tish Ternexs. Inverness Kennie . ­-11� � I I . :.i�,`t.,� -to, kill me befare, I find Out," Todd, ,even if Todd should wire lihn Purdy 10hyed' We; Umn this Chink' . C�­, 7 :. �, for ... a year And a sen1d a ranger urver *toi -the "drimV and Lbndedi,110M ...... 1..�. -1.,-.. , 'I A!,�� ��'�` � " � "' ' 11 .1s, theip ediuste lio ha,s .-been attending to buisi- fithe Guyamail - Mrs. ... PresbeX7 "llight (Xinton. .'j ....... �...- "' , � " I . ,�.I,., I 0 11:1 - 14"Whalt b Link Hallowell .gbdhg O� that he ,is, calming t neisis -too closely It'.1"'I"i'. I " . D L69 Angeler.",� up ant" swakii Todd, with. a -1... 1, I I ;, �11 Hensiall. : ��, �110"ii .1 . .2.1 , 1�;". . . . 2,19-.-:.., �,,, : I � I do in Los Angeles?"' . . PuMr atm,Q§Ph:l it wihat'h4 needs ask hint. 'Mr. Piregbeiry thanked h-4 Di ' ", . I There being nothing more that he and, adoet ruins him' Toldid lsn�t in Stop The ,trip . yth, . . I . . . .�� � , . " I , * "' " ... , ".;, - , 1: ,. �. � I . " I , ,�, . I 1. % ., ., ;:. , � will be a grewb elxperi- ,and said ,he wouild do, that, . - 1361itave "':`12 ., - � . - 1. �­. �­ ., . XQ A - I 11;,6;;� . ­ , .1: :,"... � 10, . . ­ I A2.W' , �.. .. . -1 . , , ­�.��, .11 1. . � 'I 'haveni"t the slighitiesIt. 14lea. -I told could do or think -19f.. that aftht',' Mr. fit physical 00nditiOn to hold. dip Misi ence for him .::�-'-' , " " '' . MEDICAL - - him !the entire .story, and, -left. to him Hililawl jiourney,,�d f i - ,end of tibia'dea� as a,Tiesiult; - ..can't, . litit.renifIV&'eirt Tdh,Mtlt . .1. ... I 'W�pgbadi .:�I..jo.�,�.%.,,.-.. ,­. . , , , riom the, Stock he � eek �;:��i . A . .. I . I . (Continued, ,nt# .w ) . -4� .­­'­.'��,% - .1 the -task of nialdng his Own ballis and yal*b,11lotel up lint1o,'ithe heart of Wa gelt around, to. a i.e thily,body, nobo,dy. iiia.0-tunt'flying, because -he -has a�.;Ijhdl -1 � , - I . 11. 1 ti F, � .. . ....... --A � 1.11111-11.1­�.,111�y. i 1. I I i ' . I .. , . . . R. . . - . I �;�. . . ., , I—.. 1. I - 'le he has,W'dle EMoner . 1. ,�'. "S , f I . 11-i....' � - . firifik them.' One d4n trust Link t6 Angeles and allbeoded a - gix�,reel West- h64rtP' and- +& .1 - ,. ., � � . . . . . , 1� I ­ .. ON - � .�. �. 11. Ill. . -1-1 knows you -1n, the matter;- -and. 'he I . � C.N.R. TIM,. , I ...., �4',� . I T . LE . ... ILI I � , , DIL D. E "STURGIS ' aielftwilth'dFisicretion, and whateirer he er'n-photoplay in Whliich an old friend . ' . later never let ft ­ be'64W that 1,01ur , �. - ' ' I . :E. " .. '. .1 1. '.,�,i` I I � Graduate of tg� Fi Of Medi- does Will be -Alone we"ll."'. .., . -wants I should.imipress upon you or of hu mor "Ied 'him6 ��. ­� Late Jq!WS Bloch . ' . -.' Fast . ' ' . , 1;1; bee*. %-real caw sense . , . .1 ; ", off.'W 10 haid Once I . ��' " ... 9, whi " - . � 1 . I . .h .1. 1� ksity� ,f-lbat 'if this Job is, to The �pbt over ., . I , . . . PAI "�,�­ ­1 � P ! dilae,. Uilivi of 'W,estern Ontario, - "Now isi-the. time for all good men . I , iffi.od I .1. - ; � . HORLWI-O" I . to . . I A.M. I . � 1, . .1 ! ,; i. "- I I . 'W" bEiing star;red, After -the have got to oame to Argue-Illor and I . . This -week -we'are called upon - ,derichr .�',',. ......... '6.46' � 2.36 L 1, - I- ,,P,',1, HosiAt6l, London. bay' . , Go .3 ,X , I ard St. Joseph's and true tio, cosmue Ito the aid of the , shbl� -he ate lil,'&d ioysit6r for the .,h,d,p . . -of Zurich's (Xi . . 'I V 11 I ,s . . ehrion-icle thedeath'!af one .,.�� " I .� Member of College of -Physicianis and pilty", GlWil, quoted. . fourt-1h 'ti1me And returned to, 'his lito- ,,�umdy's gunmen.have Todd corn- to To(w1my 'glanceld 'cautiously around . Oton ..l.......,.... 7.08 .00 .4 '.' ' �! t�' ., '. "' . - " ' ," , 'k I . Surgeo . cable . I . welt-kniawn,and. prominerit-eitizens in gegfoi,th ............ , .. , ., . � na of"Oniarlo, -Phone 67. ,Of- "'Please ,Gc,d they,do. not tbO. -teL­ � .1 I mabecertaih he�couild affordta sit I 7.22 .3.18 . . -'p I . . ei�ed in the hated -the minu;�e. he dawn, -Dublin � ....... a 3.81 I.: I 11 - � f - . I , .for .an Ithe persoft of 'Mx. Julius Bao-4Dk Who I e " - . . -1, . . , . , ' 84QS 110te," be re-olied with deep. earnest- et . passed, away on S'aturday, Juni. 18 ,M all .............. , , ­ I " : fil at Di�hlin,, Ont, . - � At ght Weliock. .nwdt: morniniz he shp _ undritj�rruptedj fivie man- .. * ..... . lz ; ��*, , , . I I I .. . -- ;.- .nqsA, and fell t1o, di-sicussing othel, t1r.eld-the office 6o;@T -of DDaik,,E,rlih­& ,ws on. �Iie street the shoo-ting"ll Utee, and &6,�e' this anessag4. -"TL)' f tch 7.42 : 3.43 , , I I I . . . let , d� impe � . . I I . .1. 1,�� - I ,a a'nq ber-4 ­ .r 1, � I It I- � . Art. Purdy's ranch, cook Idil-lied the bcgin," he b4d. himisilf, 'lies, fri:W 'after an '11nqe�ss 6 m - ks : I - . � 1) 41 . ".31 L, .. ...­'. . ; I I things. At midnight he ludked,61ut. Doak, ' ,but found Ult - lo,qked.. At ' a man senit u� to Da Onqsta, Eneantaida Link HaIllowell., w a from which he suffiered a .compli4za- ,�;. West - , 11;19 .9;",. - ­ . , . "". - . . I I . . . DuMn ­. .,. . -,," .. "'. L . DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT marked A�ait -the indon was, up, and quarter aft,eir ,ailght 4: YlQunt'Wl)rdan� to j4,1n h se !ffiliddle, mtni- A,'.'. ? I 1. 111, �tt.l , tifoill - '�,tl.111 . ne, bad,, .the k UP, ',v airplanes, and. ker is Ho�&tlo. I . use . T, it'' i of diseasies., ,heart faii"­beiiaig I , . g Soaforth ........... 11.94 9.07 . .. , al �.:... - .:� z", I I. I . -d and ­held hisi for an, minulte',IaIteT came a blosy'witha teile- . n .�4 ............ � 11.50 � 10.11 - ; :,,,,�--,�, . � wersity 01:41iosi - OntaTio. Mem- ,hin, her' ban . ,the 'final cause 'of' his ai�itfi,. Mr. olii,tlo- ­ - I �, irl good, night. She jgwv�- , areld- and l6peted the Office and, a Purdy's man , carried the body -onc:R since hiL9 Irb-vin' �parents .*roite B1,W -,6, . I ." Gradi*te 'iof Factilty. of 'Medici olpe. Wa ,Only � un-, tt , = . 0, hei of College - ky .' : . the faMily camanui orn and raised. in , this ,G ,elich .. � ...... � 1 .37. * � ,;.., � I .. .tly. ­ od . ' ­.. , . . ! �.i,i;,i . � 1,11 � ­ sp ieciable J)leAod griam. Hallowell foll6wed the bo ' . -12.10 Q.. . :41'5l . . . . . . '.'�'! I " I , a, Appreciate your frieddshT,q nind' -asked.-for .'.Mr. Jasper J)laak', only out cotm�ment, while the'man sent ' 'town, now owned, by Mir. -D. Dulch- � . I . . . I i. � , -- 11 'Burigeonis of Ontwio. --,Office, 43 Giod6- .. 441 0 I a , '- '"? AiTilekinis ,and thert-111ox K fil 'bapthtmaVrecoid in .�n � . in the airplane w6r to " ,,h was .. ­ I . . par . I 1. . 7 "' Ranch And. droppela it, in on, Ira With, , na having farmod- ... south' of . .1 ---­6--��--'­ . Bih1q, -an! -that -Was -wWn­tbr Tol . 11 . ' " I . . "K f �� I - . *j& Shvert, Wilest., Phone .37. . ., ltrdmiil�doualy, 'Major- Ptird" to bo-jiiMarmeld by the girl tbat Mr. ' UP' in.' officeir'pried,him' an' -b Aame a­,w,mo. M -t distposing of CXX.. TIME TABLE,-.' 1. .. I ...."., , " . I � s- . 1 -1 . 11 ...:�­..�.,.� . ,Puecessor� to- Dr.. Charles *ackaY .­ V- midiit- .,of yb.ur ­ tu the. Cuywrnaica -to start a smoke er this ,farm ''... 11 I .. .s .� � . .- ­ I .. I . '� , sured him.' . 1111n. th ­ - Doak woluld not arrive at t'he,: offiiee fi part as a matter of official record. he ,moved, Ao Zurich and, for A -few � , , " Blast I . 1'.'�.. I i , 41 ' . � I . . . . .. 1. - - ... . re in" the -mose, and ,bring Puirdy . . - - . . . .., ."... , � undfil n1i"na blelook. . Why does he -sign hinisialf Horalti,'6 . . I .. . . . - lown great worries yoti find time , to . . lei wn in 4 -- -crash . missed ou.t -on his, . yews -conducted a buteheii ,business I . � *A.M�,.. ` .. . I . I I Itilee on mine.. - Itts -fine of y1ou." � ' PH wait for him," HaIlloweill in- " now? Why, to conceal his, I . I ..5.01. -1�1�� I , I I .. 4=n�e,d the. girl, who thereu on identiltlY, in Hens�all, but of late years resided_ .'4), . . . ... ­ . ­ , 1. ."�,�. � I ,,I'm glad ..�i�, I . . . DIL W. C. 9PROAT . I � indj_ mil-sisikin. A farersit ranger -spotted of course. He Aoes#lt say' the feller in Zurie, wis'a. count Mens�t ............. ....... --5.55 .: , ,., � . ... aite�-of Fiacultk of Kediqin�, I " you .have dig -covered , . ly Ym arA the-darn-ried, crazy Mekican � -h, where the y . .. ` I ... "' � .. , Gradu mething -C .. ....... ineu,&%�. In i2w 'char- ea,beld a chia4r he imilgililt ,occupy if he " May (object to, flyin, with me. He Says, ,canstable . and did uruch'in,keeping or- McGaw .�..,­ . ­... . ...­.­.,:, 6;04. ..,:. � ,­,., . ,Valivergity.of Westil Ontario' Lon- killed thevanger, and had to getiout , . 1. I 1. . : L, f ';�Ki ,0o, desired, and handed, -him tliht I � . ,he Will oibi�ecit. Link's certailn, 4 'It," der .. and ' ake the Community la1W­ A121b= ............ I - ­; - - -- . .6-1 . :..! . . dom k;i�ber of ,00 -lege of Physi- .. ter," 'hie anwered with a wi Obd, �marning's newspailiet. . 1. I of the country -two jum!ps ahead of = . . 1. -... �.�' . I j 0 . ' ill "Gbod nfi-jht­and ,take g '' . ,wrong even - though he - hs' kept ',the news. abiding. . He *as Also- a metabet' of BlYth, . ... . ... . . I ........ ....., '. 6.25 . , . "z , I - . , cians -and Surgeons of 'drrtixio. Office "i 1 . � 'Promp the- sheriff ' Everything's,gone' from .... .. " friend. W1hy has he keipt . . . .., I . llp..­�. 1 , . . e lof lHiallie for -me while I'r4 . .. . , .... "' . ; ..,..� ... I "'.1 1� �.C.. , . , � �0 Abirhart's, D - in + . . t17 at nii�iie' o'clock - Jasper AZid Ira's -got .tD4 get away fo,r ,:, a ­. the beal Board'.oURealth, .The late Waltion ....... � ... ,�. 6.40 "�. ,� � " , ­ � . rag��.Store, Ma . St,t v6nib,' p4easip, . . I Doi& ,bustled 4n. He_ was, 'a jelan,l While .it a si�rel Why, if he didnitt, the , . ,. �:��-, VW`&,� - "'.7 ,� '. . Sealiforqu Phon4 90. ' ' .' ,zl ' � - . two .i - ,. " � .... and he's goit to W. Bloch was aged 68 yewsr meNaught ........... A .... !.... &,52 - : - ' " ;:"- I - I . I . -t I . I . .��, - . � . ' swalbiwi­-.69mewha brisizod nihn f. F? ... get away."u'a feller Wouldn't -get off at San Ono� remains TOTOAtW.." . "..,.. 10.26 .1 - I : .:i , . ­ I ­�. H-e,b�nit,..,bveir,.,impul-sively,.anld"kisi-, . und .1urry I 14" I - 1 . mbnths, and 27 day& His -­­­�­­. .,t �­� t ' . . .;;... , % 1, ­:.. , I 1. I "" the sunny side ,of fifty. -H1 fre, -of course. Link -assures' me I W aid . st it eran , ­ - West � * "': - .. . t I. . .. .. . I . I ... . ed her hand, "`S1:,,:s1c)rry -we got, off 'On 0 Oes. , -W-en Purld� and his people,sug-* -., I � girg.­I, . to, ­,e �,jn tile L th I I i . , . ' ' . . . , � . �­ ... DR. F. J.'BURROWS - ' Itok such,.a bad Oart "I he murmured, were a brilliaint brown -and', in, cer- pec .. cam argue thisi'pasisleinger. ipto . tfie y o& Tuesday . 'th - Rev. -E. " . . &M. ". -..­�.,!­�'. , . I 9`1 . - i -�­ '. ,,, . I... . 1. I ' t Todd oemieter w . 11 11. , I - . . , Office abd resi ene%. Goderich, il' .1 . '. e7 WPM ­ �K'f I pe fl) ' . I I I., . V . I 3t Nhut. - that's. an'afileiemk fault -of mine tain hilt -hits, almlost red,- th plunie, Which meamis, that, I,bald bielt- ,Turkheim officiating. -Surviving am Torotift .............. ­.. .7AO, , �.�, . . . f Qy,x�,Upd d� ., , - 1(6 tea, y6w they 40. But - . .,;,�; . A- - " ­.. .. 1. . �: ­&. I I . -0hramX--Sea1*rth. I Todd� is --thet2onoil; Mi-ey eict I bereft widow, one son,, Herbert, I .. . 1. --- the- ni "Hof*L--v(i-,--4t-lo-tfh,e--,fina'-sh� -that reeffi�,fRW 'e frohn chv--.. keNsught, - ....;. 1.....?......� -11L 419 , � " - . . . ­AUL _po�e�ed - -dii-susip ter arrive heiled, in case, ' y vi , �rbal -,hi. , . .. � * * , . ',,.., '- 1,11 . . I.. �46. � -, - , ner for the County of c: ,. . eirniou�s s1ol&ketsl�4be, eyes lafa- Q1i&;T-j . . bxgy1ment fails, - - Well -- M 1. lw�� 'WiAltofi... �- T ...., - ­ ,.. ----. . ...,-.17. , 12--Ot- - - - . . ., ou lantf , ib?". ' and tihak'i;-the point I'm . i" v 4haIttis eegrf` Bitod-hil"cif-Exiotei, andMim CUT& . "i.-...". ' ' "'.., I I 1� . -- . . stressing. Con'binuin' with is�lhere.;dlgest, Link . I ', - . , ­ .- ' the telie�., per of WlindgiolT, 1.�.;" .. .. . . 'Mn16­tb-4n1sh, well, IlUlion"r - -EL zeaot rin any cause, whether for Ira cautt, talk -to y,6u-.,.*.v, . i ith I the, el-Ald".n beingfDlyth .................. :.:::. 19.12 J ' ,��' ;: "', 11 . . �� - I : .. I - I - . -*1 4 dout in front'.0aing sibraing, A& -gc;.,id or flar.,evil.. q slays , &is Ibili6r-Iiiats, been, alpplyw . I 12M. ­41.r� 1 1 1� . . . . . . -1� - ng S!"ghtly my,olplie, ph�ne And he canft wire you eamept. . of a f ormer . maTnage- Mr. Blioch Auburn ....................... .-4 � i .. I I � . I . 'eleting-1rom each. aide ,of a himself too close to busirvess foir up- . . 11224 .: �,�,� -. under wraps And enSoving 'the mud. . P long, in a guarded way., 1, tell you stlls� 1.'Vftrds will be greatly missed in the mMage, M<�Gsw ........... I .......... I , . , , �-t�,�, � 11. . I ­ . , I I �;� i ,� . , . I � . ' ., , .. .1, I � �. , . DP-, , HUGH IEL ROSS ' -, ch? 'Good -by. Glod bless, 'you and vu.11ATe, no-ses, those e7eg Were, never- ary Cal see.,bi - nd' of a yea'r anil cleaner;.purer 4nd we sympathize with the bereft. Menset ....................'..-.,,,,,12,.4A .� � 1� � ., ­­. I - . . � .., Glip*aibe,ox, VniveirsiV of Tovontc?., keero, ,you." - I .� I . ..., thelleas, the windbiwis- bf un, a ert, neceiss , an, 4V 1piefmon,:4 atin,ospheTe.*0 do him good. Tom- __� � - , 4 , ", now is the _Zuriv G ............... 6.. 12.46 ,. �',' I it h Herad& oderieh , , : ., the - - girl 4vvh4y- time �p see him. Ha'11 , ,. I .I ' ., i� ­: ' - , Failitft, ik Mbilkine. ,member (of CD'I-;' He was gone, le�ti , intelligenit--mind., -Above , a 16-1 a- hito , imlo, this here'v a very, vAndy . . I .. . " -�­ - I . � ,. I � I . . I I I . I 1� . out.- of 11P d .- - ', 1�� ­ weJ1 is ... I � 1, : 3ege of -Phydicians Alid Surgeons -of ,standing in the door, gaziing aftleir 'somewhat law, bread,brow, iiieonl,,gray hellpling'Doirt,'t le stAel PurdiT.fe Out telegrani.7 from a'man of few words . .. . . ..... I I .. ----111--r- . . ,.. -1 ... ". %. � 1h ald­: K r I..,�,'. . � I *Ontario; pass gTidanate course . in -him as he stro&- thiraidgh i.the path. hairt�shart and thick as.-a-­bDiatbrush- . x, fb eman an' thelan simple - an' direct. '9%at . * . . I . � 41-,.." ­ . 1, ef I . . . . , I .,,�.. . I I '. ­ � (Ihiea,j�, Clinical, School. of Chicago ; A"the g ed -and,, looked stolad ell,ralkht -up.- ,in a beffigelrent , lusiness has this visitor been aipply- I . . . .. 31 - , - ­ ate he. .turn , up inta the Reisev�le before Newlin � 16 . � . 11. � . . I . . . '41 iiphal� L ill:: baclo; qu!-be I . -run Mis-si Ormisiby's mortgaged cattl in� ,himself ,to, for a , I ' UIL . I I I # I � ,OP without MhAtian qn,her . 1091m1padour, and accenituated, t lh e Veax? ffis' own .. -0 I Vespital, I can forecalose ari theirn, and Purdy's ' - � SNAPSH T -C �'t . . - ­ ­ -' ,Uuiversi . ,, ,,a -ed tW length of, that meiin, ga.111aw -f&m business Lee� Purdi's arbofth? An' . . . I , . 1, '. 1. I I I kkigland, I part khe. kL-s tips � bgi, fingers ... :r,d1,,g(r­g.u,vman., ..Spaife, . fig wattehip or . . I . . I �, . 11� I ­ g. has -ilt bown dirty busaniess-T...-Has.-he . . , .. .� i don, England 01fice.-Badix of Do- to tim, -and �vith I!Jri§--ol-&ib--�re-,--,t-i�'�rti;,-,fijeeici�--�utiir-.-,1141.- thip - - -- ta- d -as; ,, Budf I . ­ � . , -An', anowering ea- ''.. " 0 at -La Cuesta' Encan - � � . I - I_ . ­ . � agni" - Baul�t i - . Phone NO. 5. lute In-kind, he wa' ,in- f1lowell wiloth an imlmediate"Int�ulryl , been lediepiin' ,bid, cumtpany? Lialik , OUR ­GOOD FRIEND WINTER,, "' . , . ��.. I .. I I is glane,. Five n �. I i,,. Purrd-y's ,got tw10 killers, watching for . . � I . ... I I � 1;r, '" , I . . �. - from -residence, uites later she ,heard the air'planel WItivout looking alt his . -y- purer atmosphere would, do . . . . , ,� . ,f�- � I � .. .., �,� ". - � .1 ; Night callsi: answered . secretary. he Todd, afiid Todd dare - sla .,, a I I I I . ..,. I. I I . 'rIoartngpff Ithe Enchanted Hill. -id brus ---- I I not .leave the ho him goodl -' pril su I . I � . . I , , .". ,,, I Victoria Stre;et, Seaforth. ­ . deniandiz, skly: ', I :� . . -tea. You. k7n, of course, that the , , yq-e of it. or Link ­;;:� .. I " . -�F..:; - ­­ ;;� I I Owl wouldn't spend a t of, money .6n A - I -- i . . . "Si0i 'a coal, calculating, voulliess, ,."Ar,y telegrams?" - .." OTn*by . girl. has fired Todd?" . I ,!:,-?! '. ":, I I I I . ' , 1. I - The girl, ba Bd him, the . I 11 � ­ ii�ep the' I straight fidgigriam to tell me' about , -. ir� vaulful, Wonderful, wild h4vil bf a o I I ­ . . " , DR.- IRL A. MeMASTER' , 4nanl" she .reflected. IlAifd I don't boy had, -just brought. '"This- geritlfaiw� . "It would, never,-,dia for. me'th go Man unless he had aijbint toi c�nvelk� ­ , .. . , . . . eater th r ' there afid comnip-hicate, -with ,him," I 1:� . �Fal t�, *, . � I I I . . Grs�duate of the Unimsity of To- care .If ,he's u gr W and a ran is wiliting to, sive yo-u,.,Mr. 1)601� 4 � y 'He says . . . I . .1 ... �- 1. I : � 11 . . .- " .- , releriftlielso qdllft thiiu .he- adifilis­ 0olar strate-gy; ihd1ee&,`1 ,,,'- - . s , .p la , I - I . : - �, � , 4 ? "That would, :be b i rta'n th - ronto, Faculty of Medicine ' ,more Erble inforffied Min . . D�ak protesteid. t L is h6m­ I �; . . I .1 , . 1. - Physid - fear ' Doak gri[lintedl silightly d'e, -p in -his 1. e. r i .! .1 � I I Member of College �of laus being. I like him. I - I'm g- I e, br k to yearn, fur - 1 . . , . f , #i ' , Ding I . "Of course it-woulid. But theire'll I --------------- ; .... .., and Surg,6ons.of 0i,it;LTib;,graduate Of to like hiffn th,o much fi3ir my peace thr�oat, and 11oloked HalTowell (01�rn .1 . a joke b&6re. What's the jake? Rid- -.1��;-....:..,"�...�.,.,...... ... I :": .. � 7 1 ­ ­ ­­. � I � New York Pout Graduate Sehouland of rhin.d." She gazed, sbarry-eyedl,i fieraeliy Oro ltake'�arleoof I ..., I : I... 1. - ... . .-I 'be four of us tio �,'�.,.��.­­.;.-,-.-. " I- . . � 'm b6rotsr ... to eyebrows. His Purdy"s' in? him in my old bus ur kildnapite t :,.:::.: ��%.`.:: .. .......... I I I .. men before you show, up ,in Arguiell- him biclm San, Ono'fre an' �"birinigin' I � ..... . . Lying-iu Hospital., New YOV-k-. Of- at the back ,of the hittlie-hand he had"glance wms deld-berate in .1 60�7:. ,., . . I " On High Stpe&L--Seaforth 'Pli ` ' I , appraising, Un- Id.- We'll miake, the 'hard- to cA' . .- �::�: . : I 1. . One kisised ,slD be6ign,intly and, IV dly.' � I �. . wil. him bbme to Lee Purd�r? Well, if ' . � , ?... 1. I . I -1 I � I ­.. �. . I . . gp,e,t�, frien I .. Tlb,s!n!,Ta.dd!l11 leave the hotel,and.run . ,... .1 .. I -1 . ,. ,. ,. I; . , 4ing to ''the. Fou. re- d)ovm- 0 -San 00olre 6 his car to - . ,. �:�, .­ - , 27. - ' 11 Idd"t-be issurprisied: if - lld�ls Mixed dp.Wkth'that.-hftzard'To,dd ' I :"': . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . .. lully''andt' retift " detsertedlY "'I wou � . , , , - . .., . 0 11 aliVingroloni, sit down before cognized me the i . ."1 -;;*`-1` .-.-,.I . . . .;: I....... 'I", � �! . :*:",i*::� . I...., ' .......:: ...... . I. ...".. ........ `*.� . ...' ....� .1 , .1 I X... , .. r. I've That depends. Well ,to, continue: 1�" . . .... ': :::;; . . . Office -Ad ly equipped, for Ultra short thie elm,- . , next time you .see rri-et you, and talk things 1�ve it wou'dn"t be'nD jalqO-�OY WoUld it? . .... . . 111111mve electric treatmenit� Ultra Violet, ,bliersi �of the dYing log- fire' and wept me," Unk Hallorwel . I observied, calmlly,. . .. , ."'.."'..".1 . ....... ­ . I '. '. 'i . � 17 0 I'll giA t1wD ti-eklelts and a drawing room Link says.he doesn't wantme, to stunt, - : . . 1,11� I � � Sun'Lanip treatments, and linfra Red at ithe fultillity Of lee iw-kenleral and -- You 1161ok at me like -I milight be, g6lhi.e ;on- the California Limited. We can 'itih him becausehe has. . :,: . :;�::, , :. . . . 4 � I , , . electric treatmenta. Nurse in at,tend- the tragedy of Lee---, Pardy's'.....'*�p siart of"a frea�k." ' I . . . w . a- bad heart. - :­'. ,... � *�:�*,"::*i - 1. , XX . . . . . . . , leiveni-thiTty to -day. , You - ­.I.M.: .: ­ .:.:;:;:�:�:::�:��ii�,,�,���i.".,ii�i."i���i����:!:;; �:�,�;�:�i.�: -i:�;i���i,���i� ­::::. i , ted -) Py U ...., ;,:7:::::, ... 2110". 1, .. % , I leafm all e .. , ­ : ­ � �;� ,: ::N�:�:: I - I I I 1. '", life in, particular...- .. � . . 'tWho aie, you. . ,drop off at:Sun Ono-fre While I go, on feill, we.]I,. well. Tomlpy, imly son, :;;�."; :::::: :;::::;;:::::" , �� ,:::,:�::::,1- ...'... 1. . I I 1 . - 01 I I I I . IV . . -- -- --- --- All N , . 0 � L . I!, . - � ei r? Yes, ­�;: ­ i': .t . . - . . Illo, to set Ira free., ;:7. ,.*Xi::�..�i X: I . 1 1 -------------- �- "My vanie wouldn't mean thling to Argue 6 vou see through a lood a f.ftffii I . I '1� 7i @, .. . . . . 'CHAPTER XXIII .. .... ­'­ ' ,to you, Mr. Doak. I -had a talk over I 44 Mr. Scaife, I can. Nobody kno,we, ;. � �i�i!��i�i�:;i::i' �:;!i�;:�::::� .: ) , I . I DR. G. M COLLYER I . ' lie Bu ,Todd wires rne he's com�'ng better'n�Unik Halloweld that I'm ,no .., �:.��i�.,,:jiji ..: I I I I I the liong-dist-ance. te4ephone to AT- ie�.ii� I . . ... ..j:j:j:::�i�:�:i:ij�:.i::i� : .11 w . I . I I ,Graduate Faculty of 'Medicine-, Uni- Long after Link. HaIlDwell 'had gUE-!111D, New Mexico, last night 'with , , ' ' WaIr avilatur but a plain motor me- I ;�j:�;j;j:j;�::;:- ,::j.::'� ­ : �! 1 � jP:::::,:, :.�:' ,::::, :: I I I ­ :' .. . , werisity of Western, Ontario.., Me mber� )hung up the telephone he gat on the a f 11 4 "He's crazy. ,I knew Ihe'd gelt a. , (trained by his boss to do I .d. 1. . 1'�� el ,w ,Wn, there ,and I thougl1it bran&naw set of ideas after talkip . i, ,.:.:, ­�. . " " , !� . . I , , I emon-s edge of his ,bed, in t . .,;i,:, , "" ,�' -, ::;:, " :: ,:. ::. .... �,: X I . . 9 ' interested to hear tio me. Wire hi - good, ho �, ... ` , ,, College of, Physicians an&, 7;Surrg. I )he St1oAl ,X ,a'aiic ­ �?.--11; � � I � � -'pon&e . rling the things Purdy maybe'yould be he Test-, straight flyin' for buid- L o - - : �: ., �;: ....�: I.... I .. li ef Ontario. .Post graduate work At.. kliottiek, in to stick ,where. � !".."., . . i what he had- to say.11 � IT irpusus 'only.' An' nabody I . .%:.?....`..'.,: �:":. " I . New York City Hospital and.Victiaria had' t0ld Mani. Point by paint -he r is until your niesvenger reachies Him. � I . , �.:;: �..;:,.T.:: I . . I. �-* , . . - " e- "'Step into my,pirivaite uffidel, Doak .1 ,.: .....X. I - ��, . TQ him yo,u' knows better'n LinkAhat a two -g -eat- . .j;�:!;:." ..;.::: :: ," Hospital,'L6ndom. Phone: Eleinsall 56. vInfwed, in orderly,sequence, each, dra- invited, re ,starting to-day.11 I;. ., , .11 I I , :::, .:::; ...: . . ' �-kl...-., I. ,� : .."i,"': -1 I 'him in, at alter6d vale'e. , ed "obvervation. 1pilanie laoin't, paptular I .."........ ... ;-1., 1. � . .. . N.:., . ., � ­ . ` -: . . . I ' iDoaks reread the telegAalm". He Winter brings " :�� . ,� , . V., . . 1. . I I I :`!], "' ��:::i� " .:.:.:.:, I . .;J111 . Office: King Street, Hens,20. � in afbic event which had - -occurred Aiee Once iiinslide theI private office D61a& - dewed. . as a oturk ship even wi-th stunt flyers. :.,.`!!:* " .. ­ , I ? I � . - , . - ;, I - I . �.. - . 2 Pon . , I What ,Link means, Is * that he waints many pict6re I 11F. :. . .:.:�­:!,­ ".. :.;i�i��ii��;��i: . ", . wardin I .. �1. f . 1. I �.'! ­:`,.­.: �::��:,:,:;�-i!::;:,..,..,.,:i.I .. "..".......... : , . � � . I he had partied w1ith ,Lee Purdy that closed the door, after first 1.0, ,"Todd tifiink,,� it's safe to'JeEuve� AT- .me to't6ke the best posis6ble care of opportunities. - .;,.�. ­ ... , ,::, : X. .. . . . �� # day at San Onalfre -to come t1o, Los hi�,s. secretary that be wail to be : .: 1'. : I DR.'F. J.- R. FORSTER ,,,.'..:`:y:-,;, :" ,� '�* ", Angeles w.,Ith tbZ shipmo-ht,of Stelerg -fe -have . 7 : ., ." :;:i -, ` .. ;::.: -L.,; " ''.., . I ..., 11 ` ` I , , , .;;. , , . . ..- -I...". - ; I . d, !on any pTebext He sitbiod guelliabecause Purily and, Scai ::: � ... .. :.--,.,. ,. .` 1,'-`,,-,..`1-�:,;`:�­;.:� " ­::;;:,. *---, .....­ � . - disit , '...,�`0:.': ,...-.,;:: .. - urbe this piagrim, because he,'s worth nilare , �,��`::-: ..... :-,.�.,; *...'.' ,.? ....., 11 I .. Eye, 'Bar, I ' , . .. , . , I . . , . �,,,,.,.,.,­ � . . rr, I ­ . - Kose and Throat For two days. he -had led a V�Itte&- in d1he ,nid-ddle- iDT -the flolor, Watching gone bal !Vo' the ranch," 11-9illio"ll I .. . .. ­ . . � I �11 un the hoof than 4ressled. I niusiltn't, . . " . tence., He�--,hsd been -to two I.i,qlk,�-i�.ibisOlici,o;uisil,y and tivArling the kill him b-elca,&ge,Link',s savint -him to ,P.QP- -these suggest but,a, few of the I Graduate'in Mediiine;,Univi�rgltypf fly� exis .=g,e,c1. "The fool doesn't know t1hat . . . ". I . I I LD Man Winter may n6E T?.p,' , �� . I man., Purdy. I do.. I know he has- . -� .�� . 11. T6ionto. I Pildtaire 'silhows a -day and .had seen' unopened telegraim., git hung, ',13feaxs like to ,me ...Tin to 0 Mar with everybody but, its an picture taking opportunities which . .� . 0 . ,� � ,Ttlwo MIllers out after Todid and hw , .1 'ivin6r 6ffets for the carrera Ow' . 1.1111, ft I , I I , ­­ ner.,- .1 . I*te assistant New York Opthal- three. good legitimate playsi"he had 4`1!m in, nio great hu -i -fry, Mr, D'Oak,l he careful of him ,because he ,has a, f opportuffi- I :,� am an I tmed him. "Read the , "How do you know?" bad heart. That means hie'll fix my ties for tikifLg beautiful ''pictures, Then, t6o, there are the'liuman . . . ��. I I I d Aural Institute, Moorefield's e'alten fiied loysibeirs three times'and his, v;Si4tC1r i1nifo .had thern, for a week." inexhaustibleqinventor 0 . I ... � � ... I., - . .. Oye. and Golden Square 'Throast Has- bad ,done rsonie ShlDpping; and' -he bad felegraw"' 'It might -be impoitault. -My I clock i,f he'can. Very well, Lincoln. fi� is certainly a good friend of ama-'. interest pictures Of winter spoits- � - L I . I .. I Fitals, London, Faig. A�t Commercial -,bleen on the point of 'going back to "- " I I H*Klowell .11augheld. "He triled to Horatio Hallowell— .All is now ,as I .. I'll � busines.is can Wait." I I ... ­ ".. ­ .. . Hotel, ,,Seafp_rbh,., third We -day in) NEW 'Mre%tcu--V&-cibT'Ld,6-T'Z&d�,�,s, itbrie� D&L-le hastilly Opented and read. the . I .1 tour pliotographers. Remember that d0tion shots of skiing,, sliding, skat- . " � . -h­MwTor'-th6 j.6.b,, -but' hie -wouldn't clear ,as, mail -;- saying which, thel . � �� 4 . dfies m . 41'.1..1. . ­ enich In6hith,4ebii 1.34 1p.m. to 4.30 p.m� grAni'arrived, ins-trur payeriough. Besides,,Todid's too pap- 0 with his tools of snow and'whid, he ing, ind lce'bpat racing -not to for- I I e,., ' , . . .tdn.g hihn to wire telegrayn three ti'mes before -turning welary ,traveller resume.d, his journey." � ' . ". 59 Waterloo Strept, South Stratf,00. A d66nite engigie'werilt to tallk with, tion ic,- uJar in,that co-untry.,and any, time I . I , is . get, Sally, Pal and the snow but I ., 1..�­ . ISuftifig his aetion to the word 11 . they so laborioiisly hol�owed out of. . . hisi altiten (once, invire Ida HaRl 20andscap6 artist, painter, etcher, . libbe I -after by telepftlotj�b. remove a pop,Vlar citizen I want a T16mmy ninde'a ratifid of th,T,:tlo,�`n irst order. Re- 8 4' , . .. . I _ I I well. ,. ..T. -. .. thic6sla,lid dDillar.s, for -the job. 'By the . and sculptor of the f the great drift in itliesard. Chance .1 -I- 1!i I I DENTAL . . .. TUy yp,had talkeld'and i'llow, there "I recklan that telegTarn's from Ira . migW, mfeeit, niember also that big handiwork is . �,!,, -, I il I - . .. . , .. 'Mr. Hhllowel-Ps ,is m.s way, am I ' ireld?" . I like these prove'a source of 16j� to '' . I e.. �'­ I' �� . ...,..� . ;. � qM-8, in e`X1pa`e6Q-1We Todd," the latter-ye-niturl eie h agaidn ithe three straingers, who had fleeting, so do riot fail to have your e ' I - -. . If I .11. '. .1-1n- , , ­�. I - langqagl�t -..'. tall bell to .pay anid no !Ilk'S 11ra rVeMeT CaiC trust anybodly tio "You certainly are." :� setemed so anxious to pick a fight - those clever enough to shoot, af the,, ­,,.,-.. '' ,.,... Is , . .. DR.. -1. A. McTAGOART f0ch h16t." Wherefore, Link Mail- ,d�' tflirgg . "Then band over my fee. .1,,,work Wii6i ham' in' thieplo-ol-iloorn. of the Ar- - cameraiever*ready.fo take pictures- right moment and with the right ex. . I :�.-12 , ,� I ­ 11 ... I ­. � I � ., I . CivndUM6 -Ra� . g iri,ghlt. Or eillse anaybe he Tor cash only. Nodeferreid payments before' the opportunities, are gone. ,posure_and focus. , I . . . .. I " . . 1, 110110 of Dental iowela doutinued to sit on the bed . 1had anlolther thlolught afteriward." . guellio hotell. He. was rewarded by I . I 1�". 1. . . Surgeilinst Toronto. 012rat,Hensall, And pondet ,unitil he bad arrived, at ,,,yola con1d :from Todd, " Doak ininild vo dhieckig.11 . Each. snowfall creates new , sub- With regard'to exposures In win- ... . 4 the sight of two of them, in ftwiit of . 11, I Ont. Phone 106. I a colnellusion. whiereFoplon his Mental cha ' I 'I'll imeet you At the ,train, at, eteiv- Jeefs for picture taking, for you ter, many think'thal'tecause snow 1, -1. I ... I I.", , I ­ - . I pitchi,,pot iboirled over. . , Neinged, and added Instantly, ',,How en-fifteem'," Doak replied cristolS,: 111111 the Main Street -Garage, and yetairned - - will find that each time the snow is'white, they should not be so Tong I " t:.. I cloolknowWhayoulsib? Havelyorril'i" hand you the - money 0aard .� wi'th ,a gveard ytearning to interview I rifft chang- is in'suminer, but remember on the , I !". 6 . . AUCTIONEERS "I loughit ,to be back ut'la Cul&s-ta licititleir from hilmi?" . . . the theni 'buit relm-lembered in tiline bliat I . . I .� - rain I I I mantle is put an diff erg -� some other hand that -light is not so strong 1. � I �, . � .. ........ I. . Enicantadia," -he decidea, "I'm need- V%lentsI dn, any profe'esiondon,'t car -L t "' hehad An eTrand d 41- ing the landscape to oAte'rai 11 � - . "'Solid,. - And wire Tol ,immeidiaitie­ 1, �., � . ed there. One thing I certain, Now- ry Ilp ' lio . 1. , .1 e -V , .and that is tha 4s. Itter'g, y1r. Doak. Cut- out the 'ly ,to stay where hie i1s, untill yoJi. get 11oweill the nemb l slo, hie ' 111eW features on one occasion, bringing in,winter. The old ruls�expose for,, I �, ,,, 0 . Ar t the day I can sparring and' ,get, dpwn Wo buslnoslA . .. 4 thoughtfully back ta....,the Enchanted g; i 8 ; 4 4 Licensed Auctfiiinieer ,1 I there." . t tbe,m Into relidf 'on anothi�r, giving the shadows and let"the hi hl ght , ','�� I 41 .... ­ . . .1 . I ..... .. , . � slete Ira Todd lover the ,slights iaT a You ilint i'�hapby -the nlarneof'Bud Hil and puit lifD the day installing a ar charm to,objetts that do take care of themselves-:Jw0ke , , 1, ­fArrA ilknil -household , 8, , Y D'ahk noddied, and Link Hallowell . 'il. 1, , 0 SPecidlist iii A " th t da ­Ift VAd''bir Link Shaninbii,to,"ki-111, Lee 'Pm-dy. Well, he d ingbaftig ."'. I mitio. Prices misio'hable. For dates' lwa,�C,W,701111 departs this' life. - Bdrt 'spartied withbut fumbhee�adb. At Hill .and p6ra in the day not attract attenil6n in other sea- fully'sib, well for snow pie res Un- � . , ! ". tu , . I I ' I didiiitt db it. Purdy garb Sbarinion ffi- new sibiii!its on th� Itwo, Airplanes 8, *�en', how- � . .."'. � Ill OW-Wormation write or plione'Har- oan't bast Todd in Los AngOWL It Eiteiad. HoW4 that for bed news?" eleveit-ffteen o'cliock Jualper Dook miet which had ,been t4mPered sons, and ofteli displaying 'Weird or der most condition '. � . J. old' I " ' Id 'be a align of badi luck Tait me . nba, Fe -station, and fif- ­ - to take apieture too , �� Wei. plione, 149, ,geaforth, or &'p- Wad him -at tibe'Sa wit1b. , -,.fantastic snow formations, never to eviir,'"O VI'sh �.. I .. , I I I I VIY 4t The. 1DxpoaAor'offi6j teen minluteaUter the CalffaTnia Lim- it Ou hit toi -have both ships in, coim- 1. - I I I I as in the ea§e � 77 1 � .. , to kill hira off our own reservatton. His'aftack was so dBireot, go, fuee. be exactly repeated. ehiphasize shadows, � � . 0 -- �., . .. . was rolling eastward, , hearing tnisiR �, J . I - � I 1 . agai.vilt"' he detfded. 'Vie agic eflang of Scenery of the picket fence, a Sky' 'filtet . . ,�$, � . I " .. I because the judge and the jury *o1uld ible, that Doak'a giriard waisi io*eted, ited * These m es ... � ,,, . . . 3r!d. hai7ng Injej as Inzit"Ift. Me, palted, . 41iDid puircry Jasper Duale and Link Hallowell, to, inight have to tranapoft sonie troops hooterIg pgya-.. placed upside down On the lens (that, 1 414" �, , ­ I ' never u1ndersiban4i; the I . . make winter a. snaps I. 11., I . . - -UR -1 -1: 01 (An " o 9 Todd- , r1p .,. ­- ­.. ,,­.. -dow-jV in the lonlely vwwbm of in,a ,hurry-" . :�v;,�. . ­ � - . � . � I ARTH ; kjjl­:� . .at the botito,m) 40 � 11 , . . . ­ .. "1 094-1 . mmotlli., to- others, --And. ­haw�qr4i-?,!'�--he, ea er a show ­ , . ­­ _asdoeid�-, ,Lv,. dies. Long shadows on the white is, yellow part 4 . . . . , , .�.,.. ­ .. 11 I . ... I ".. � i 111 . . . I -�:' ,ticitioneerla.Meense ` . ttrmeig heee, fiA, and( Doak Will, �blook up '4`W,`;,but ,he put a hiole throui - O%f%.' I - About WA o'clorcle hle- bad the b1ttle, ­. e now w ­'. ­ �� � 4 " . ,A . I 0 -an &W add betuty And interest tio'AhRt the light from th' 8 ­ " -.1. '' �. . an . I . 1� � ftwen,yleat 1�'ftpepende. solm's new dieviltr - Tud's Aght luug� Tbe-n. what �Fye " . — ' combat Pokker Lee Purdy 4A d rn�any a scene. Such a simple thing be gubdued in . pasMug thtolikh , I .. . -y, and ToM *in be - ­ ­' I . the lehlef ,devil. '13(yalk"is- a Jhwyer'And- (suipiplosle , Purdy Sid? 11 CUA�TER XX'I'V� . fbr�iught holine from France in its aic- ­ -4 - -,. 01 . 'Ii. 7 Raflstsaions guai*nteiid. . as a plAket--fence casting its s6rried should reprodued"thAth eiven better.---:'� . I( . I � ­ I / � I , -T ;6. I&-51 'a woll. . , t1ob anlartAb doMmit blimselif, so.'Vodd. . ,�"Iftat did'he do? IlIn-mot hem-i'a . XF�ldh*n, -the - same imllorting Lifik custiomed ordler,aigain, -and, dWid@&-:t6 .. . �, � ." ; . - � i- ,� . d -, � .g outlfh6 over,.A curving snowdrift with no loss of detail in other Vattis : �L'­r­ . , ;,� , . �. .1 'A' ARTHUR "11191t ' , W141 conCtAute, to Vull Dook's, Aiidsltnuts g-nega. T � I ,- 1. �;;; . , I V: ,oll. z�,e a1vd..-db,.S1ojt7 waste HaIlkweal, loter,viewed, Jla(3p,�tr Doak make a short telsit flight Over -the up- .: - I , ­ van , ; . �'; , 4 1 . . ­� ... 1. �� Out & the fi.& I've ,gft'to, ge, wCM&." 4 1 �' " " ' ' . Tommy ,809,ife h4- per vallil of the,. Rio H6nd'o ,to offi­ that ii has help�T-16..'.1nild MaY Of the Di-ttutd- Ind 4 fhe, ', " ;,,� ... ; � _ P!, 'I, ,'DWhIftio& ', t Mialr. . I in Loisl,. Amigeae�, to' &ph 6&W � Inter" that go put ' the galoshes ,�44�n 1 ": ` f � — J'nto X�eiw Weldoo. Then Wena artest "Re took Shanhon to ,the h1p.pplitail ped off the Epaha)Aed Hill wilth -Lee se e. n rey# xi back a Giiiii'l the . make a pho gf on ' ---tz,�.. ,;�­ p. � ,ry a d, a t t - - � 1. - ", ��.L IN L" ,,, -- , - . , - inuffier'afterthe,nextsno,Wltll,4vftT� -;7;��­ ��.L ­ 'M � �` , " . , ":M , . , . . , __: _­.... lfii,Tn� 0doid.'rort hitin with'�bhat 'Mtr at Arguf911116 And Shannoints geing to Purft "d bore fjh,o l4tter ress of the drive of the Box X any salan would ba proud..1,0­ex ?� . W, . �, . . , I � , 'S Shannilin dnd sea wh(mf..bj&Ppen4 -. P . didift in. IC911 up ,towaira the Cuyarnaca Pie;4 . bibit. The lone pine tree, sliffi�g-ln "do out with With 0� . -. . , , �i. ­ . . �, �. your btimerA. . 111. '16, - � . . get Well PUM'k hasWt thlid -a slaul to the vgialfeyi 4 ,the Lower -Rio, llbn,� ultioh....1kou "I :11 --14 I 3 ,�� �:,�,­%. 11 I 14Y,os ii�,, Jiupi6er,.,I)bak must b�6 in- -how ,domile Shannon to get shot, but dioi .'rke syAloke, 6-ain J1,oaquin's canip ,ae" I ` I I I.% I ., I I . He dislalovered thiat thet catde a graceful bowl ot snow the wind has little tlibixglit to-domlpl ,�.: � -I" .*` , oiilow,k -Iia� ­,�,�,,�- 0, � "M Jo" pt A.4offt" ,kr i , 'Ainft &ldd,j W iitairt for, Amguello., iftniedl-� Aio, Todd he4rd ablout it and c&IIW:on fir�, rising'sibraight inbo- tibel b4d beem combd d Out of fthe,. drawig, it- - moulded around its bate,' faufastle will-Tbide badX .*Ith' S. - ", -.6. � � ,, - UftkiWb 61, iilil 1 - sibill air !,,., �: 41.,: III" tfll TI -T 0 - ''I V1. - .­�llllil, ' . ,, � 0 , I A", �", I � , 11 It .1, �� ", ", ...?...�':"7 , ' "' " "'" , , , , -, " �.:, � , Lj� ' , " .. 11.1 1W - ,a . 1% '. I., - liliii9 , ,;�'. . . .­ �1 "", I ` , " I . 110'. - ­ ,. . " I 1, , , � � - I -I -1, � . 4 �4 . , , , . kl,,,,�,, , - �� , 11 I I I - ' 11 I ,;,� L " ` ` . i I I ! -- , . . I . , - , 19 � . '. .! � � , , , . , ft . � i I P". ..", -le �" )"11"i" �kl'lill l,4111,4,t-�i0,�l";tI�mto�eo I � j . �! e � I , s � J � ; 1� I . I . W.%b� -ft.- %tit, I - b, ib "UU&I I � , --- .. ­ 4�111 V 1 11'' . � ­­�+, � iT,r , 1061;Y-� totihletwi,�e wfll fisv6 �C V" blniali U14mit have givi& hilin -for hundVAds bf feet, guldoil 16ng thel,bihis tholb flanked the Valley cornices on'the, hill Wh, We drifted 'WA19t 04h P4 .: 11 I I I . � I .Wlidk"Aw, I "I i� I , I Ithelm, . . .11 I 11 . . ,. e -Jub exurad MIN , =:4, --I " I Aft . th6 w6ath, . I ­ � � (� .siftt.o � 91 141i-� I . I Ky'liih ran ar�blackqftbd old one� , , . , ,.: ,,, . . 21 I 9 �,.:, .,., t"U&v Urn. -He J ALI P*r4eul s.' So Todd eallt ,on, ime 106 the, rouln"p; ifty landed, jdet and �WsTe b6fig drfv�n- aeiAidi I a . I I " , ,� I;, " I ­., . niolit1bes eRftdif%d exceoll ito ,take up the �Db *li;�&' Bud ld-t 1dff As J,ake,i0brt alldi ,his TW'6pg,. h iva"'tdhed agAkot.9, .73, . I'll I 11 " W��­ .- ? -, . . ,� . avliqIg ,eo,mp4etrbad,y:-,.,111ie eatimuted ithatithe . white hilbida ' ­J� V" 11 �.. ii� .1 � . 4,: t � irlididthl"t Amd a &.0id Jury- axl- I.atid e1T&d­1ftd, to you for the &k-- b�o&&A,sted� Weft &e#9A�j11hg­&r the'ldrave Would be lWeill Up ibo"rid, the] . .­ "--- - . , * I � . - ., .. � ... I Ole .1. I , � -Lob , 'JUIX7. . . 1. I ;, �i�.11� I "'� ;, ", ( � AW �r eN.,:, Ql= '. . _ I I . . I .. I "I. , " . X"', I', . .. . ­ I I e � . - , I �,-,, , .. . �� I . . . � � I , I I I . . . . � " ­ �, ­ . . 11 11: . I .. '. 11 4. 1 .. . . I ; .., ", . ­ ­ . �­�,'­�,,�,..',o!,�� . I !" . . I . . . , I . . - , , ., I , I � � '. , . , .1 I.— I . . 11 I I I (�,,�.L��,','wi. 11,�t1,',­`;,nq'Z, ", 1. , LL " �..,,, . .. , ii� , I ­ � I I ­',. I �, . . . , '. 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