HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-31, Page 4oe4wPil ng 110 nru -Of 10 very i �0111lxq Cit. 4101 -*a .i. I0 at . 0;00 I ii (1contairred frolin Vara 1) tho 'of I 4 dow: tIQ M, WA. 44 'V4rjW -�";T -4 " ', 9" ' i " '' .' s4w �e` :' hei,:. "*� , OW 0 o117 nt t -eat�h -of our be- called OW, ewe"A -4f-4he i z ijh00a0p_, 7 L�A _4naetm --P— .......... I _6 d h a yl� Pntt V, a symphoiny Bandy tc� a _d* loved ?jorge 1 Wr *11 b new 16W rates ii . wvhy la 10 kds W. I le a t s70 �W. la, AbA of 00 lots, Mr. al I&S Ceuta -go' 10 . W ext e in..* ed at The Librat d without a discordant note. Ahbri M d f H14y Town@ An.. 11VA' is�the!T - -an in��Insny %*A 7 -tano, a gen- d �ha!T " , be�- P�"ted,.-J—t and F."d, Cav%ios A — "And se" I find it difficult, tO Say Us "Irleld, art th - ea" tl ., W.14 sisters in t1ki beiT Of been Ver thada on Feb, mea# n (w4s fborg,o.n their -fttm Soot eral a4vanov- III allong the 09 anything th4L.t Us nat' A0 week lj� ............. . ........... I ......... I Cent e� an UemSAW k, 44d week ............ .............. Cent )le prizv.6 !!jt�l W kveu the C160beft apa *Ad" i vs. thosand times dutling ..the past. week Sultal -of the worst stotuts, )of the throlshing OUtfLt flOr any :f ard week ..... ... . .................. Cent'. oh could makie, L w1h Tdll be , ne I ra, In g&Dd'n LF this, lit A4111 'Minimum rhargW, ................. 26 Cents by evry voice. whi Serv44 oif Ob�ffeO, wintr asa,�d over this.noighboA0104 tidg d1oriet a4d later moved to 'Polint Alt the Unifed ea�u�Vl� e'9 and -"kF, prepared by the, lost ,Veek...-,Sn0w fell ju '49bundI46e, ided, until his room of U ts 148 nfhw Each figAre,4 itial 4LU& AbbreViniti*41L Co n 0 *rd. self �heard,' A -gres Iu.g, a exporisuA otices-i cent per wo.rd. Minimum, 50 ce add The Edviard where be ve& wU! ats. per week., --olm a� H-i§,-BDard, and The -Bduid IROY., A. zxpoolwr, for io cents man has taken fit aecotaiWanied y a isrong Ldleash, :�Xfc lit survived by uTch * -4- while vtolvin-9 Ifids appreciAbo wd Ah0, may, bF, curected to a Box Nuximber, care of The Haro Ad very, much aip�W'11 I 'lox Qt highwas, a. wel as very coupbryl- and thwesiions- all f death is I jEr* loss to the EluLir6 wo eel . a personal sandwichs oT a eake, fom� sollne of r 04, 41* , 't. good woTR W a, ti I eek will be ha by 4h. and the world, nd we f road, was ip*iU�ticaly blocke4, Motto of HTLy �re4j # ads in, abcme class ore nfrC"iid 441 r naed cq th th s,' Fred (Corbeft, l., e r w grief and oT oil ;So .0-olne 41ong; traffiv-wits, at 'Ind It Was Tee bm_ r nd 0�.&,41pjzatio� f thV pbuneb,nind0t row &r his gong Townsw1p. J'986ph Of Port 1211ron an- niw n the week. in which 6he ad was, ran, &6, ;ery fine ser - "When great ou men die, it is the bring y grts, and diaond and not untlil, late aturdy-,evening, entio 014, AU4 fiv Wit maim, of F4;rition, m &Iarrie4es and Deaths inserted free of charse, glany - I � I .,I, 'thing, to the lubs nd"ades will fall . The, vices of 'the pWretaiker usual ciourtesy, the folimal Of Wes, Notice to Creditors.'VW.--4ates. on application. I 103ue the - ang roads were istors, Mrs. 'Goorge ' 'Maatz; usual fee whlll be inde, so 1409 " " ' Ary roads sai taild i;s leadar Mv­ eulogize. them whether they 4eserve open. Most, f the qOUI lkh. - Mr -Floyd- Lee, Smi-th, ch1olm - 9 it or not, .-And very uten -the eulogy blo-pin for a, good er id by h0TSsS.4: Good -,win, and forganist, Miss ecitta"lle rill.4ge , e, q; Sale 4 F rb Miich.-f� k�s. W�Qu*de, For Sale or Rent -nor deserved. ' The We. Fred Tomlisci'bf7the N On). and to he oodemT011y elfteioii� is nefther a4neere Huron, Wkh., kimm . Char" PerlsY, Xxw 0 RT- news . of their piassing-�-may shck us, 'it I�W days. visiting friends In n, , of 4nd help 'of tbe LA" CUTTER, FORSALE1631 BENT­-aODE)RN 2 -STOREY Winnli.pieg., and lgr�. P. iH. DevIi SUVOT, f I'M - - ',EGMONDVILLI� R. fr. ROSS. brick residene, on Gotierich St. East; may . ca i od It &I)e Apply t4 Dit, use &rld misgiv -all during the as`*we1e-k.,... Stratford. The funeral was hold fepim Hemishil -4 trea . I I . all - ". eas or Buitt."of the 3556-tf double 'garage. AppI5, WALTER_MURRAY. img f�,)r its b6litic ., cansequen Mr. and- ;Urfa. Edfgai dole. are, 'llage, vsited at the 11M laite retsidenbe. Our roilway" section mein 3556 otherwilse. But there is nothing per- vi hoi foif thQ. a.4 r. -., P. 8-. -Meet,� �a; deiptais of prilaw 14 _ *AjLZ_GOOD TOP. CUTTER WITH NT-RESIDE$QE -al about lit. Selom do,we experl- and, Mlrs Wrn. -g with gr( IP tlin OUSE TO RE OF - THE' S.P�n The regualor monthly "meef�ng -of - former's -parents MT. --sloin and, Ulr;' R. 'PottiaTIP-11 left Sun, switches, and wfts: heavj% buggy pole, set H rih, ur;-ifi thW ardi .dbl Alp.ess. extra light bridle, 2 sets late Mrs. )j, J. Welsh, North Main St. en-ce any )personal grief o regret. Bi�tt, olf Seafo to DR. F., J..BURROWS, Sea- Appl 'MMIR.' 3654-tf Am sure that I am & well -as cosideraMe �Dn the --tracks, y to HAYS & xpressing thfi Egniondville, Uaik,& 'Chtir6h. Me- day WorijinIg ;for' Marette, 30ch., td, o the lhibOr Mrs. .3556-1 was eld, on Friday and John Deitz .and d the hmerial da Xrr Mrs, F,&d atten I h - , although thesinw -he feelings of. every subject of the Silm BeAd Jn ex I. Wialis. 'Miris. Willi-i"'Who was late King_ yes, every citizen of the oPanied- y Mrs. Malclohn telling' a Tomin&Dh, iof tlibs received ­tar'of the late vice on the tracks. ORNS, FOR SALF-ONE ELEVEN.- 67th �ear_was a S,15 ,,.9 f, red in color, a real Articles For story f King Edward- V111, after 6& number who 'a aworld, when-tI describe my own�,r Word dring the past week of the oi4e# an4,� J;dhn Patterson., of his ThOge i0f '�he 4ich the - N-atinal Anthem R t - good apimaj; 'also,two young heifers. P�Hcw action tb the a-11110-uncemen't of, was dleath bf thpir siser-ln4aw, WTa. Win. sp.-niddvig AnIlonths in Flowi reai . enable. Come and see them, or write OR SALF-DOOlt 10 FEET BY 9 FEET. efath. I do nat. hink 'that SQ'ift, Befty'lMolopre then led in pray- -of Strw4e Albefta. Two dh while fionding. -weathen-,,conditionsr' r S. "ILL, Staffa P., O., Ont. F watched lumb� suitable for driving Kyle, rollers and 20 feet of a -d -the home f the fo��es ly affected n a er., The'n-Anixtes' of the'last Theeting r and Mrs.,,CToiss are in CheAlQy pretty good on MP&A Complete am any eas, an -0. Mrs. Kyile ivisit6 - here and (the his'week'at 11Y is LEARAIJIGE SA whed. ordinary were read''. dDomothy Tam -will "be regretted t much colder thire than lift - usus track. 'Apply Box 51, EXPOSITOR OFFICE 'than the John Cras�, wlW-';a,a ill. as t�-e sno cold, woves _TANYJARY C LE OF ITSED - sitntfimenfta-�,ji way news o her death ..8539-tf 'Bul a tear caime as nalbually hymn was sulng and 1th;e offerii mother, MTs. �Stoms and- "Pianos. Such! ell -known makes, " Heintz person. tak- by mapy aTqR�d, -this ommuiat;�, s has been -ch, Weber and 'Mrs. Fired Corbett, Who over Wthe man, Nordheimer. Mason &. Ris Write SEPOWE!R` I�ISTER eely tinji jinviolp f -1 en y.Doirolthy Miser. Miss Botty Susie ,have wept -pretty. much all others st-reasonab)e prices and -terms. SALE -A 5 HOR an,j fr ntarily as i she was wel rehisembered by qpany� I= MAN & GO.. 242 114fidlas St., Lon. FOR 6 ialoolm then told'i �rb�ry -of -a Chfil- the 61, r pe,�Iyl , aau, nbf�sing Kg. "n, < �tlotes. 'A very interl*iug letter ap-. NTZ gasobine engine, with belt, cheap. Also heard the news of the death of a Ao0tW"_fiyinu.._Wtas sung dp a nd- hero, returned to-hieT blome thlis, week. . . who don, �ffrr furthiir particulars. No obligations. a lot of hoice axe hundies, whiffl"ree;-ard ese boly. E4ehTe lub met at the 'holme eare& r - near and deax friend. froj6j Xr. John BIDIttO71, 3553-3 hammer handles; a few gcoad b ass nourrud. he closing 10s. W d of, Exete is VuAting, aflieT -*01rbis wife and Motives, bridles, and other things, to go "cheap. J 017.1 "The king -was such a wholesome and WIdred � Finnigan led t I ad, by !of Mr. Ind Mrs. Thomas Btutt-of the a the home of Mr. and Mrsi, laud toge I 3517-12' dharacter. We lolved.hm for his hu- praye,ii. Games ere..then .,p ay villge _ou,IMo-46y �veuhig. A gbod� I . . ., - P are spend-ing' the wdnt6r -in -Florida, er& -W. owes;:. of Personal pAii qualitigs arid his d3meSti-C ViT- the uliaimb ttkme was pent. The nzes- were �M-r. and / Mrs. Launce. %tter�by said letter IM-ing i!n rthe columns L tuies. _ As well''as being enlwned, Misgion Band Meets.- awarded, to Mrs., E. Kyle -and W.. R.. lijive, gone to Exeter wbere they Will The Exposit6i, a. couple of weeks age. -Successful"Ice Carnival' E PNLY CIVIL WO&D Savereign, Who for A quartet qf a The, regular %meeting of,fth Y P S. w%ile the constolit ,-"GtT,GOTN­' 15TH 0� ion make their future home.-- "NOXACOtN" -Oti 9S century', gooverned well and isely, I as helld..,on Janitiary 28th, 'Xiss Mildred D-itz and Mr. if lal of the season, has' f.,)r those pesky' N c WeAf t6 fi�st V taiings called corasl ..Get NOX-4,1CORN from o,st dliffift1t. Jean- Sl�nith, - -an. The n-Aany fri�nds­off Dr. Sintillie The during one of he m and with, this reslident, 9T? Thqma§ Wpkm ing -under the, KEATING'S DRUG STORE. HERFA�Y GIVEN,THAT THE aye pileased, to See -bilil'out aigain ai- held on Wednesday evel -hical er -Mr. Edgar.Levette, of.Loudon,.Vjs_� au-sypices of -the Cbamer 3556-1 I's mmberi; of the cr as in thre hisbory f -the sidng., The meiffng'opfen6d. by 'aidg- bf 0D=- i;npual - meeting of the . I fb ' -d around the villag a aevere attack of the flu, ver, GOOD MEDICI McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company N -Drl'd, and wi,elding a rent yet pow- im.g:,4 hymn IloiW;6d'by all repelatin ited -fri�nd im�an y large. abtend�snw. THI�S IS NE, SYBILLA v im's, pr.wen the mo'4ft depen�able will be held in the Town Hall, Searforth�,'on eiful inflence not only 'over the Elm- the ord's r-�ra�rz in The fov- didring the past eek. Miss, -iKathryn , Drysdale, wh-a. IS merce, W SP.A c Clbck, pjn atteh-ding Alima College at St - the Hiemeall Clitizens" Band wias int ind safe to treat coujrh� rofsp, whoo�pirfg- Fridu�, February 14, 1936, at 2 o Fire, but over. Europe trid the wwld. orite 'hymn' olf our - larb& sol,vereign, Mr. and lMrs. Usbome * tl ccAlo..;bronrihitis, �onsilitisf and throat trou- far the business of receiving' reports, n 'ral -c T-homas, Spent the Weak --end - at the pAtendlance. The its w�as in slpilfa",d. arid " I He whfs at the same time an Ideal WIlt �Xe was. a Ited over tA for conddtion., The-priz-e winners were r�e . Jean London, vilsil w "O' b14, it's: amazingly good and guaranteed- 'business the election of Direct Al rung he eek�ena home bf rher parents, MT.. and MT�. as KEAT11;tG'S - 'and fancy,.Ijouiw Drdrn-7, irtMPHILLNS DRUG mmbr, are invited to be present. ted to'g6ther Ge-nInvell, Who 'had charge, of ithe with er tparents, Rev. and Mrs. E* Mark Dryfdale, LadiW 1 M. A. REID, Secretary. g F. h andier -P STORES. with hiiii Graci6us Quelet, for the - meetin, unual, Vestry Meeting pIond, Mrs. G. M. Case-'ladleis-' com- _pur ST. A hy�no I ow le, 11:V mdesty, uffectiton, and simplicity was sung followaid by the 1%ripftue Mrs. Fred R, P9rsons,,,of L6nd Zuede, al vesry Imleating'Of �it- 9 d OTICE TO. FARMERS -ANY FARMER of his home Yfe, ualities hich make .-rEadin, by ,Tac*,� Wallace. Dean visito,d foT_a few dav' Th, n (IN R. a with her par- rixe 'West) - girls' fancy, G. E. 'tharnson., Paul's Angilican hurch wad on A en, ts Wante N their horses trested)an irresistible appeal to all.whl� ad- Castld thenled ingrayer-, Jogn-Smith cuts., Mir. and Wrs. fGlarl& T�0111cell- igent's ntere.ated in having h-,)mely virtues anywhere, gave a leasimig sk4tch. 1of the The Januai,3F rheting -of �Lhe Busv 'Du, ay. evening, Jauua-ry 21st. Rgv. o bots. may have this done at a charge I yniTe S:U, SELL CANA-DA'S MOST POPULAR KNIT- f r 6sd Redden; .9 2�i' cvnts per head by arranging hrs�ni in' ,eh wa to ;�s Mr Farr, the Rectoi 'a exx)erence irn`� 0 -pi:e. ded. Re-- e .­up� c' 25 or F` 7- h' "The Kin ')ys' wear, fmaker to wearer; fr, d gettingrn touch wj' but e.sp.cially in a royal fib life -of Rudytaird Kiping an. Beea Circle, Whli Laird Hudsj6 necessary: liberal commissions. � -z was. a Chrisitfian gentle- Gem-mell reited ifi,orKipliug�s WL -11 hald,kt!Mrs. J. Hendersont's, was post- potts weTf� rec'�ied',jfllom the varlouls -pbaim- DR. A. R. CAMPBELL, Hensall. i Cvak� lfadi�s' i�aoe Agne-sl Fal a ritory; energetic salespeople makq.excellent d* �,ema 4eay� GomWell -next poniid ioiiie future' rgau�zatlons shoin' ' thAt tlr,7 �bac 8553xs nan, a deeplye-ligious man, who, be�- like P date n ac-: 4 g incomes- ollowing our a -if BRITISH been i active during the* ytar,and rran Paisley- the" w6rks and ithe ccunt of th, quite KNITWEAR, Simcoe Ontario. I;eved, aud humly -put his trust in dwelt ably on-, a -bad' rodds. dlen-,'bayr; race, RQ_0F­A LOT OF ROOFS WILI; God and was nat ashalued make idi,& I i-YucmItie, tem�186ment t,tou,r be- Mr. and Mxz. E1,11,3re of .were In. a yery faitiaraible� coedition, M i- I -Ew t aX Hu&:13n, Jack SInimonv. -3556-1 A N' be reiulr��&­thi Yeir, both. burns and tflaywrfitar, Gemi& .Bern.ard Vana, spent -a dif-recently -with Mr. All -for 1-3.35 were p profeiaion -of that faith_iA4, lgv.-,d The h3cky mlat,eb lo-atween the fate -EIGH ROUTES OPEN �FOR RLLI-. d�vellin�z hcuipi are in bad condition. But -in aft his 'public uttevances, a E,hw. A, reinark by 13hn Woods fuv- a-I.Mrs. �G. )�4. -Thoniso, frvre DeceInbeT 31st.' The election of L corinty.. ood mve them recovered yvith c1btaie I nized ithe leans resufte a tim e: gliva. . . I ale men in , N.- Huroii ' it - as i%d roilts 1)r hustlers ers­wera is very rare a -�wt:ay&a the vtyle of Ithi follows., Re�CtOT'S cDm- sheeti az made y the, Giili Art Metal CN. or tbijg-which n unconr-­ thax aUne-tip, fo. the fats was: 06al, w- p Pleasant, the 'Pcdlar -People of Osa Rev, C' A. Waden G'.. -C., Petty People's *ay' pany. No e%pe�iiW,�e necessary.,, awa-ribne beter, rn,c,n sonong the -so-call-id. great man, z-'% .tb-oughtsand.,pIiys., eo. Brook: 1. d., . DTys- -1. Aldrichp vestrj.' clerk, A. L. B-`11; I- d-, G profitable. dignified work. Write to -day, or" 1 can_sijVply� you with nearly, all,,Tnako' �f this, geinerat*. garL1 a -truly dinspi-Ting �a�l d6n I W. Allan; W.,. FJD-k ntreal, of slated asphk-M shingles of any vreght�qr Zuki Aa�le; Cenre, r Mo Fee- meai� Canada. RNWLEIGH, Dept ML-M-P-A*1 Vf;Wn you ar�'in 'i4lt waz rny great hanDT and priv_ 7�-n he life d:E:. *tanloy Jones 'whih tTeaurer"MLEs if. GE,3rge Hess. Leaam­ �35�56� color now on the market., 'ieIeci' vestry,, W. Fee, Vt. 0�1- Welber; . .w., t,-%vn call and have a thlk ind benefit'from ilege to see -the King in persd.-h,-.'7A:nd wab vv,ry iwall- received y al.pres- The anmiza mesting d the 11hy ber's G!�jal,.G. M-, Ca,7�e­ r. d,,.,Th;o& Kyle; ierce with'i�o&, and raolfinx. tha -M lycr, A�-L. Case, -J., B. $impnn, L. ­�er I I I preelon a -.,I f-?atn Mr. Ken Jackson poke (on p- 'Far fats Mu Ital IF re . L d., Jos. 'Sain 4,r; centre, JOHN ELDER, phone 1, -Hensall. , , i . P 'm . , . t 1. In W'aTden5- ' delegate . gv that experiz . - bi!. t�n. .two oidks entitled -in tj Clark and. to -T W - ah- ice was, that' .14 i surame was hila ,10 hall here Bltowe,s, H. Dfq�m L -ed Righ ; .. - I - finaW, reiorit, le-gate,.H.- Annual Meetings' presence and' appearanev c.bfiffirm ts"t an"VD :Ken.I,l' - .S�hDd, G-C. Petty- 6. de lorA. Honday.� The 61�t'a Aldrich; sidesinlen Johii Trummoind' She,13hrd. -the high, astlin-ate al�eady entP:rtaiqi;- to�vk t4e tuvi-c of Ubrarhes*`­ ' ''d was preaented' ar�d-the directors. �2,11ect- A4ulkinion,has, xeiturned fro. THE SIXTIETH -*NNUAL MttTrNG OF Births ed for his noble* ch4-ra6t&,. 'His kind kayis of improving -Ckr and Levi Randv- E' nn where' a cit_: the Hibbert.Mu6a,l Fire in- Wo."v's-rg A� - A-exidrick -G' �'' Atim in Lo U,�boine and Drtimptiond and k. 1. am: fgce; his larg"e'Ain2st 'blue a es, is rzading maitten Thei_�j�fo&Jdct be 6m� -his eye. Mon- y s.6ong and -0. Klopp,'whos arm had 'th aract'was Teluloved fr su"n�e Co. will be held '.'At Parquirap, E$T-ln 'b a demeavor,. boidklrig a2vnost taken u labeT, Miss Edit Wallace ;Tt * e inony-1rieuds Elea�br is y, February 3rd, 1936. at 2 P�m. for the FORRE Stanjj�y, on January 21st, to hum I P were re-elected.. � 41,e Com_ F -Mr. Janles, Sangster j%;v1 itinig his -jrts of. the Direc- Mr. and �M rs. W.. ForresC' � daughter. 19hor are lea'sed to see her out rdrPose ;af receiving the reT4 3n It El parents !after Spending sofmg. tIme, tM, . . yZ' ally' n3t, big, but g?,v� a short redlag (of Robert BurnsP Pany� had tot� eceipts off. $20,10f..79 trs and Auditors for the past year, and for CHESNEY-ITi­8cott Meniotil ff Iagain after KeT recent illne4s. l8th, Mr. 'ale !Of in- three- (forth, on J ry to d Mrs. this disadvange more -than ednitpen- lifz, and-.Anua Ldkv�e rea tl�VD of his Narthern Ontario. the election of two Directors, for a in IR35 plu,s4 'proceeds ;of S ..Ro3cDe ongregational. -Meeting other, Silsiness that Hugh Chesney, Farm," ' Tucker- sated, f, -r ­,%y his gracious 'Poise and 4aura- Stewart thetm.fivo�red- , i -1 year term, and. for any XlEjstm-ritS 10(f -$3,1046.43', �n.ak ng the 1: The 'D �n -ne t4rm of ofr daughterr Carol Ruth. 'every �%I'f a , pdan3. Jean Geminalef - ''. - � 1 paym . The annual may be i the intereit3 of the Comwirry. Smith. a 050 ta dignity. Ye_z, Kin- Gairge was 26 -Tota ents-were-, V congregatlionitl -Ineeting ME --- now irectors! wh ice expires. MORRTS-In Scott ­�demorial H I 1, Sea- 1 neh a king. two -sideid ioonducted an old- otal $23,1#8.1. D-t­�te Uned Church was 'Eeld i Titt- who7-aze for re-election. are, W. ft?rth. on January.. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. .1 $9,648.67 -and blondis purchaseA *ere- - In RUCEFIELD H.. Coatgs and F. McConnell. Thomas Morris, Hil)bert. u' Sim. Ma! - th.e. iiat � 'K1 ng of . Kh-rgs 'hishiohbd spilling mateb, This wa.%. - a ool c Mon W. F. BEAVERS, COLtVER-Irr cdtt Memorial Ho9pital Sea- 16 060.00, ledving a cash -balanc o-rant'hrn in- eoicb,inge fo' his'eaTth- eintered- ittor iWith. &eat gusto �y. all. I Ift'd i�§�ett%7-Trieasurer forth. on January 24, to Dr, and M;�%, G. r .$8 439.55 --on hInd. The blook value day evening last ..and- dess;plte ri e Memorial iervices were hela i tbia 7' Hensall, a daughter. y crown a cilastial;hall)� And may The metiing*1elosed -by idfiginj iGod -many from the United 0hrch 1 ay morninK 3554-21 R, 0611yer, ) Of bonds,ijid- diebeintures, arnlount to roads tha-t prev gat Sund 'his successor, -has royal on, King -Ed- Save the , Ki W.. and'the Benediction'. ountry attendim,, there. was .a` $49.,13�0.74 Iili� cash tin hand, wi,paid ve-U. for, -our beloved' Xing George V. A ward VII, inherit, all those noble Sean�s meetin)k�'..was.a success, and we good -atZendayrc.' The `*as liffilitfFeasive ..gerfrion was, remiums and accrued interest mtake Ws which.wli�j make thank -her ffort she pift forth h , lia Rev. W. A. .. Bremnqr, from forth and Winghant ifxecu.tive. quallites,an vr, for�tfi� ' a 'a'ss�ts �$6�,223,32. T e .'rj;,e-ne,'d' with 4,z4DEoinaI, service, with dd.by' us r�!ffieimbe-r Irls illustriow father,as. fd ,r�wke it -sq. -,�mient - - -A. -dir, pre-zi'd- prolv­'8-15 "By mie X1 Is, &ei-ga, aM R.. J. Bowman. CardiffDaVidd-6e: That -the c3unty bilitiles are losses under ad-iiis' 'ohe pasto�r, Rev. Sincl � 1119 rive the same� grant in 1936 to -the, "King George' the. -Great. and, Ahe ssori0o'. . uneatnad remiums ing ad a fine trio. was given by.. n and- Prihces decrew pustice.11 In speald -g (Continued from P 1Y Plowmen's Associetfion, Agrieiiltural $4;?33,9_,5, -or a tot4l f $5,09195. the' Greta -Lammie, I�red Hess and B. -b- of his, life, hq Said �our Mug age SWI.eltieq and pring scfws aA. in 1933,. St. Thonias� �Church KIPPEN, losses in.. 193& am8unbed to $6,078.06. bie Hests. This *fas� foliowed 'by 'a dildt-olt forget'ithat there was another 1profound of Ri:)n, County Executive., &�urch the R' mlf2r of valizies - . i, Mires, VETY pleasing. duet by mr. W. 0, King .-And H4 -gave g4ory to Giodf. A6 factor, T.btQI . n Xr� -and. Mrs. Usborne, LittlefoH, an Older. The, -oyal to hi,3 0 rcill'-and alwa Council in th-vir gfifht s-r.)w and be- Of 4GoDdwin an Mr. Lorne, Elliortt-pry n, -n E. AppleTard spoke ii� tart as chu ys rd: :That thf� Bqn&n C, ?-,q28 , the 'am -Dunt insured was I rea-vmet," was endorsed. Ca. be­,,h;tifled that HUT,Dn 'county London ' �4&fted for a few d1fays.1during $7,859,1.70.061. At the meehrig f th6 �bunnesa �Part -of the i�11' Iting. WAS attended the's6rvices when -his eal-tk -d ffi e he. atter's -al me red'upon in -the way'of re- -its ymns. of"" ­..Rautine �usiness occujiL e the w;ek a�. the hcmi. of t Raa,rd. after the ann -eting Mir. fhe ente permitted.. The fovoi e "fir -41t known when a long council are withdrawing the persfonal.,.� "The text rim;OMS h. mind- .3. vingn Geige Armstrong, was app�intsd- ar of., the .0 re'rents, Rev. ;,Air. and Mn Chiandl eeli prqts from ill -the d1ifftrent the King Were stinig, "O God, Our us were passed urer'. 'Carried. Xing." The I-raelftes had at last ib- eo.cietie an .. Organizations connected Help in Ages PIst;�', "Nearer My Gbd Wnd of $5,01Y on Huron.conty treas- `--f tht� I?-iging of "Cied, Sv_the� communicatio. at t1e Manse or H. . Eil2r, to, c6,ri�inftftee., -That the public t2,- -t.-h.eir- d,- )IT. gd 'Mrs. Elzar Wousseau, of' -treasurer; An Un W111,1am -e," and "I Heard, he Voice be,lug gtrviti-rnet ,n i� vf�ith the congregati,un �all off Which To The ge,-visite-d 'It the -home, ol� a -of.w- III ost encouraging nature, of ies- in Huron County be qy Lanint, bge e-. Jesus $ay, 09me UntD Me aid nted licl ival d -on the lo,6al grant of $25 ach for 1 T TArsi. Herb. Mo, nlaTing a ased ',Civil a d -ing. as 'the' other nations Who M and' gen- Coluntittees Appoi !,ibrai aid, a by a , IISSOag, Of A arn'l est." adjified telifAufitry. The eopl Zuticb, during the weet.,- -b -f :A 'striking 46formral,t7tee C100a_9d -of all pulb4c libraries receiving 6uniy if�t,he Ein' re-hve sAid-ana rink 'on aivening -off, -this eiral vancemnt. 0oupIW,iirfth't-he Mr. 'T,,uglh the �illage, T�cdved . ..... , Pi P Peeves. Sweitzer, Hemiigw-Ay 'Math- -t s be required to' file witfi' the ords an firinu. a cammu-I was word of the passing of his sistior, gran 'a YnIeTob,le ':.Ziany in thi ty ��'sr- week. a Top ' iort of- the organlizatid.ris ,off heir numbir f as fit r _edle, presli- Milss Jessie Tough, -of Clinton, on c�on, McNaft and Stawart bmught in cleTk an auditeA istatt'emenit, ting close y,,t3 learn of ;the death of Mr. Johrr -­ The annual- meeting, of -,a 'sulb- Mig. Mark Dry f the 'th .Pwing r62eipts an, uTes:,Df the pire� f, vai7l�us kin'd% of rneetirigsr."--aud n and' Januay 27. The symathry f edheir a report . e d expedit' Norris, of Ttickersmith, w1lich becur- s-etibers bf the -H%� Mqpici�pal Tele- dent o Wo�neln's ;As;k�Ritlo ding eon�rr�`Itteea off the coun- y -Liar: ed at hi� home 'an Tuesday nitorning i"'will. be held j all preseftlatif:ln, by MTs. R. J. many friends is .extended to thehl� phlon Systen n -the h Paitervon .he stan ifi'iii'ikin of con.v'entional*' mun0*1 That w,y, it'' hv,L,s a of last Nbrris had. been here oxi aturday afternoom"t of a`�ery fine autpgrsp� quilt with' ere -i ty deeper Wotd has.' rece Ved of the in failing heattli-Ti skne tihie, but �gpedia.l meinoria rvices weri the chu*h pafnted "Im' the ite�htfk:­ -d�ath of Mr. Irenry Cardercn., a &i - Executive -T. Pryde. O.:,Gei.jer, J, council appcint Reeve P. W, scott ad t f Lhun that of mereL oonveinti'ali_ few, days py- pr r and his Scott, R. Grain, T. Lovell. Ricbei-t3 as courrity. auditors On- a,pra,yer a G,)d t3 s� fa*,Ious, to 'his death.bod- held in the Lutheran Chrall-here.,on �e, �snted to hia pasto njeT Winnipeg. �businoss .mian, in his Ili I I Ll Ri at . ve ou'r 1dnff, to been feeling -much better. He suffer s- 86th year. He was.-hQirn in,Sootlamd Legislative -A.' elljpk; J. 'M6�e, th-e 0:-' Ina' J stice counts. Car- guard, strengthm, sustain Teday forenoon irr*aneiulory of-th.e go,. -,d wife, together with a,VaTV ple -L Keys. tied. ad, a stroke on the Sunay nigt pre- late jng.Geo�rge V. ing address -,which was ivery fittirigly gild spent his boyhood days in Bruieei- W him at III timas , and in a laces' Sher 'cod,, Peter S�ott; I It vious to his dath rom wbilch -he fail-. rer6ibd to by Rev. Mr. Sinclair, the an,'he taught s, 0. Geigc ow . field. As a y3un- in Fin -ace -H. Ke rj J. 1M.atbe-s,3n-ATchiald­ Tha J. M-' wh.-re duty m--ght call hini. Ind unty" rOad dantly that prayer as-beem, Ed 'to rally passed. peacefully astor, and on behalf of his wife, for amumtbe-bf years,in go.� Scott, C. Mawhjn.n-ey, G. Feegari. Eck o he �tbur an- .70 away. r. Norris had, always. -been RENSALL both of wh--.Im were cOmPlet"ly taken 3, Tackersmih befoire -going Wiest ars oris regard -ed as a good citizbn an -friend by surprise'and greatly pleased with in Edu&t'on-W. A-rchilbald, T. Pryde, coT*nissioers for three years. Car ­wrad through all tb�e 'y�e Bryans, , W. Tumei, 0. He- -g- Tied' -of stress and train� in in, -the cmmuinity and,his passing the beautifu -and very useful gift. At he -was on the staff f 'the Wipinipelg­ n1i n iife, in tAmes 1883. At Ze time of.hils death .way. imes of �ee and,quietnss, in times Farmers'- AtterLitilOT4,4Thfis veaibn Prope'rty4G way will be loss, fi-qt only to'the lthi'9­7jricture of the m6ej 0 earge McNall, M. a- of sun.0ine and -of sti,rm. commrr-ty,'bitiAn the home where we firtive speclahzed in Riemedies and ting 'Mir- Free Press. nd husband and &t�ie,r. Lice K! orsi hrr Your ilivie_stook 'and p G. Wes,tcOtt, C It is a prayer for the kines� bodAy. be was; a k enir -efficient clerk a theson, F� DaviLe� H. y Horton, tb� . Horticultural 8tieti. jMfecits,., STANLEY the dangers whith His :CLin4eral wa' 11 the Sssion, gave ia lost inteeatink, Cou-nty-H-ome--4W. Archibald, .W. a: held, on Frliday and can supply you with rciport for the session show -wing sub- 'of th miht le*iin his ph'thway;. the ordinary although mari� fresh material, both in bul and 9,& The annual meetin e Bruee,� stitntlial goina rnembersihip� and.1thit field Hafribultbral Society was held 'S*eitzeT, G. Elliott, A. Mellick, W.. dangers of eivery-day life, and- v�ere kept froirn at- VertGed brands, such as, Res; Pratts, fa,j.jOwjug quite a large nunher . Of -on Wladnetday,tlanuary 15. Th�i of- tending on accoiVit of the cold, and Death'of Miss Jessie R Tough 'ch crom m.- Di% Bell's. Wondlar Stewart. ­ , i ext,raordigry dinige,rs wha, %tbTn1,___U�any Royal Pqrple and h he ctogregation and. the flees for -the year -,were elected as A-gric'uhural Advisory -O. Hem- ad heads, kings 'aftid,pTincps and lead- wer�o Present tio Pay ,Renmd4eG. , HernpUll's brug- -Storia. - de -at -hp in �11, H - Iri the n sing of J-essie Elizabeth al respects to'bilef they 1*v-ed. 35564 names of r0hich arg given in the follows. Presient, MTs, Robeit A1_* gway Feagan, 'T. Love era of inen ae $5 Trequently, i their fin ing It dun- 1H a at beside ��prinrted. stat(ment, with his report, 'Ian; 1sit vice -pre§., Mrs_ J. O'Brien M-ogridge, R. Grain. J. -h, which occurred Monday at he - p' . rgmains .Were %id �o re' 'Church SerAceig . -,. . . 9 Turner, h, ift of her brother, William Tobgh, ger of. � 0ad ha3 r 'the payers that of -his wife i6.,Staffa cemlef6ryr. Mr.. li#1on. stressed the, -high e5t�em ZTii­cI vice�pres., Mrs., D. F16theringbWlia; n her 79th year, that cM;:. .of the thousands in one"Umptife and The ser -Aces lirt St' Paul'i Anglican Sinclair, -the pa -sitar was 'R. J. ]Bowman. in which MT. 3rd vie-p-Tes., M:rs, *. A. Haugb; -cted u beloved king. held and his very stiecessful, Minis- Btya intmpit has lost highly Tespe*d always prote church on f&nday i;.St were conduct War.&n% Coidmittee--W. Seitz4r, It is ahb an expression -of oyafty,. .WhO try -of I . IearI7 teydars falb Directors for. one -year: Mrr, Geonp son, resident of two -years and the Toqm- ad by the Rector, Rev..,'B. arr, DMing the W.A. 'Haugh, Mrs- T. B. -BaW,,, J. Noser,/P. Scott, M. Mat -he ? sh*,p of Stan ley arn lmigst Ito by which we -have §hown to adli the peace and good -will, and the toutbreak gave verk i-atereigEg discourss both '-03,od Roads -L. - E. Cardiff, W. 71 ebureb t7inion and what fine Chriatian WA, Jean Fot%eringham� IWs. AJ;sx. re-sid,nt. Darn If Dund4s, Au fd f r and' eveing, tn"kini 'very -statemanisip he displayed gus t �e,li,gs love, go-od-whI of, wai was a deep.'gnef to him, ad Ha-acke, �. X -Eckert . - -'e -i d�Tiing mornln�g fDllowirn,g came to. Huron, Cou P I brs -for two years, d d ty Paterson. Direct o 31, M7, she' -nty th,& king wh�cb has-been aw. lobly he did his, part refereai6es -to. the .111fe . and ,rdd-union atil hiow�he Aaught.to al- i- rs. 3- 14 sts Appointment, Of fropresenitatiives 't ) amsalmigly ahown., not ojak- bj, -the -thloe sa,d days- is, -weill krr In rd, � Mrs'. Janet, Ross, -he vaiioug�'schqols in. the ctunty re- as a young child,;, wil arettT, 'a wn tO, deatb'of he belfoved King George V. lay aniv' friction MT9. A.) McQ6enj Mrs. H_ Adik t P �Oiffermt arta'of the FTn�i blut by �11. We love, to nlefn�bsr 'hin' At Carme Presterian Church he playing It *Ill -times a 1�.indl,� hri6l. Mrs. Wm. sulted. ast fol,�Dws: )Exetek Board,of the late J-0hu Tough sid, Isabel Hays. - many other. euple ft, all the od- Wngs tMa he tried t McKenz6e,', secratsfy-tn�w� Thky settled on 'Bronson Line, gran- a 'of the wolid, dr- in p2ta;tow, Rev, W. A.' Young, 13TIEAdhed tion He alt:o strosiq�ed uwer. Rev. W. A. i�rei�ner;- degAft Eduicaiticiii., 19. Wingha;rn,, ing t�e cepwit ' o�-. " of both feTvlce� -giving thbughtful and how AifficUft ft Would 1 -e: -to 'find -19 to ks. ley, wheiria the now'departtd Idved=7. -pa.st few days sin acciamp-11.sh,, -1-In, the trenrib he ig �e Rev., E. L, Ro ts; -Cli�fon, Frani t,oWN, nws of his passa-.1 y was symRathetic, so ourag- til goim;gto­CIindDm two years a dinpressislive s.rm,oms in'Ohleb he made able srucedaso? and that perhaps no F o Zeafartb­ Wilha, Back; - go' to. eons, S'D e`1100121'aging. wordi e 4 giri,e the'"death of her Parents �ah .81, all verry fedling referenfie to the late il- minister within the bounds of the 4odfericb� Taylo. I ��w departments of -the EfmipiTePs actii- had made h,er with;het brother, earth- ,luLatriu 'King slo much beloved bV who(le Pres-bytery received as many C Th�e King's inuon-oF .tieCfelt the helfulness off his pyes7. aj, his sub,j t in In William, an MTs",Tough. Stirvivang .4,,11oT gooa has. 0", any, jqds and i-Matitions, ! to reveh- - anhiversar� oftions' Presented . . at D)rtmNEMt there 'is' Mtorthe' Da :hee-n felt irt'alrtrbst every d4p, nce' 'and *ordIs, of aidvi66 and, clieieTi whqse lilfs was a The benediction. sermwfs. and time and time �again af our Dives' Tfi.&�-hovie and fj,,ftily In the Hloukii of IlDrds,--in -Porliam(ent; choir rend-eired, fine SelectiOns from -the ongr6gatti,ons ..Davitivon­Pffc�all: Tbat the tfol- Brucefield, and two sisters, Mrs. Mar- ; nU'lut" passed, and foT� gaT Ife..,of tlie- Ki,i d his in the,sreets, in, the factories &nUin resc� ion ,eft Steo,�ensf Bruefield, and, Mrs. -..n:g an WE113, in keeVig with the dicourse at year, lbae h er of ul example of thi� the rb6es, .!aongs;t men. evety- il� pa u t minist 7 ten, jofh, a wo-nerf. uc� enjoyed k - Which soke fo itself ad' at the Ward., t,6/ 1p= McQues n* Davfdjo�,` Ddlolv, Sa. A bro, best kiind of and, _�._T hzftedifei.and- it :&annot where he was always a we-lednife and :y thb'6ngrelga 29hister of I-Fighrays: That we in. ther, R&v."Charles Tough, died'o-ne time �kftlied-&paclty audience% the electoml disil, of,.Nbrth Huron yeai- ag) a� Gat, his passing being U estimated, how­vliuch the bomeS e-nobling We Called, Queen We-' t Ct of alt in the Erniplire have 'been el -p- tria "Viietioria - t� God, King Ffd­. - IRev. A. 5inclir. Preched bloth at such anive-saries. - At the @,6gs, have paid.. ag.�,eat POTNOTI of reVetf& It -he first break in a, family rof SIX, In, bng, and� evening in the United .1 tfi­war VIH, 9101tward. he.Peacemoker,", of his' report MT. Hoton moved a to the pr(>vintita;l-..,g.a.ve;rnmen�t -in cai' Toueh .until going to cliatonmm ed by that iplepoid exampil a Church in h1i usually pleasinig and mqst hewty .. vote of thanks to the gas tax -as in he past and uq) a Tnember of Blake 'Presbyteran, no4 King,w&s brought -up in. &-,ga2i y -hbma, hatiname *ila be given'to touir late. initruetilve mannrr and draw -fine lei- very effici-enC caretaker,' IM -p. _ Harry 'A to Le pseillt time We liave no Pave- Umite i0bufrah, St�vley, where until his lown,idmie and farrilly has been. a Ming? Wil'it bi '4Gebrgs �he Be- z6fiitrom the life f the late Kink Smdth- '.to 19rw, Goodwin, leader Of PTI, of alient in Nlor pirevernbed,.' she 1 h and our present' King do", Giefooge V and"'Chose inti--fical numbers th#;VY0iT- to Miss Fisher, orewnisit of th Iluirdn. . And, At this the infilliniti,es a age od y, ,ome, Vovad?" We ;63Wt know �Bdwfard, ill dotiftless show in. -his but that would be quite fialft as a the e in ask­thfa Min,ister of as an adtive worke�. Her chief ac- keep"ang eyemniitb M life -the great, i:nrfl usnee of, that train- name to make known his people's ttme -we "old t War the ebto_i�' for nl at- hi tiviies Weis in nedlwurk for those ing to *,a ghWay%,6.g1v1e 9 edrn- organift, Miss tendance, and +o M,�. Aelm ill' s ik- in th-e face of GSd,4 and- rijg�telous feelings t1dW6r8' '�h`sit eePalftd_�I&V- Fisher bolg L6rfi-9 Elder jolayed- du, c. _itroin and, ny paying whoilih the WameWs brganizations XT,, Drpsdali� '"treasure and ed dplon in 1996 . that-H*hway in thAt 9ininig to Ifeallihig with all'men. "By iiheir frdits . 'yo shall, 6ij ­ffiii� Rm -the Choir in a very qn to 01f;fthe ids 'of all rgionrotiioni -d to the town of Clinton been a�',rnteniibejr of- In tifrues of.. Areas and warfare ithein." Men do not gatbeir figs Xo�. 4 be, ddj�miplete gi:�od. nifluenic �ras faIrt by Ill. In the . frol thistles, -or gralpies; from thbims, empalMer mainhr; 'bb chO'ir rene'ring POULTRY Winchifti. And we, the members of Westley-W.-illis United l0burch, and, the, very V1&9ngIY the *Tmns and, an-, th the thereof... Thfis, 'toite Ifo*e d. the, alike, On. said our- Lord, and Mast;sr. No,inaee& thetmjs d6nuecIted *Ith ,this- oIa&io 4�4- 0 aineawa"oullftv councia now.,1111! asr, Rev. G. Wi. I) Vosens coilidtot- ame f wo� by'Mr. J, edt0menit has be 8 -n, The aftefidWide three hu"heg Away HAdhe thb sfsetlo-�ff ths, .bounty 011 -ad u' opigay, carried. er,�i�e at ithie oine i tbi -*Preetg, -and in the, .06mg, ammot 'Amd by'tfio iXffig's We f Faeedg' to a * Ortweilt ,& nanam "Ut-the iEMOiT wlohes we -shall gather the fritIft, e and,,-tbe trvas better highway facflfties,�7- Thursday afterno6n Intermet was was below -the avdt2ge 'this part of-ithe wit made in Dayfiela Asfillong offic's'fa and -Moo. Ilf the W*0, in, C114 ok a'&M.t inflence. W� aVe been ,61Aed pta* the efa�eiidfi of Ifft Elders Ine-use the JwfteiWy 11 artd strts llnft�, , in gteably biltased,by-the,liffe,fo in -go ;was the brooders, (now kiluee in pildo) b ft" 04t t�.e, the, many �-7,�Aa -AiUktd -to 11,111 the phice-.of thsle, whu had brooders. feeders "d watere a 6fjM-�kl#ft flbtal 10ftenngs' 'nut's ft" 'Mutfiti-an. factoriag he ando Christi our M on, In -o. fmfiti 're w re mill kkk +een called by death aMd this t*o 'new sted vestao IWng eaget at gv der4tion ibutda olf 62tteem 'and gyptpathy vX rwere, st� WoA; -at ther' pi� 16 our Wjgi4; iWAI&II 00 11 ;0the iew, wre*rbhs from Make Church - Ind WesI7 tm.". and, ev iota," here Elders eled-04 uffisnimiftsilY sac- oro der a,Atr� ip", "ti-oved by the eat' 109ATY DoWAhaolt oft a 1-vke ley -Will* United. the hmu,t Xin fdreo., It"Alk - AV�Vtbfd -P 6, 69 efii�j­of he King -was f4lt. 0jo iborok. VA46 iMig �doid', &ve 0-16' vngot. glad Vdoft W6, 66, metal ouioliglmak! tanWith im. the'§pint (W, Oed efourage, in the y"ti afted and,.,- t0h W A *46japent Ithe winter in Mtrojt, tbv *t IM, R07 gTadly, hit yor lot, In ra� $0 )%& t 1341 g Or n. d nalw thfttlui!, - Eds-tern Steel Plvducts' 'pending 6 or three 0 W Vim. vmts 4mt laft AM -vto It hiumbeit bkib by Miss *15 ib M E S W A Y GUE LP1, A, wero gWdft*d Of oft, *W, a 4 IIfwool