HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-01-24, Page 7- ". ­"­�., '-"'In): ­ , ,�, ­ i�'i;"?- '-"' ,� , , " , k�v -�,�'�,­.", -, � � , 1. --i ­ . ,-,",i *,"�,,-;7,.,,-*�-i'�.�F�,,�'�,�,�,�lil', I" "� I` il, � V, tW, ­1-rN,X,W4.­V,. . : .,:..., , ­�., " ..44"f , `��i,;`:-',- , : ,�,._ " "' ,�, ij� �:.­ " , I �, � I . , , ,�_X, , ­ . _�, .ii"o 1, . 1�17 �,:.��*,, ,� I , 01!: .. , , , '' � El � *, "q-_"', i , ; � I. ,!� , . . I I IJ ,�, ,4, �e�l , � J;. "t, � ; iW1;,,,,'_,'�;, ,"'- ,',� 1 ., . � I - . � �­..... .1 I '. � - - �nlll ,I .f,�', ­ ­ I I : . 17 , ,�_ �,. , I , I - ,.'�­;,,f­.,_.:�'.' " !,- :; t ,,, . .1 , . , - , I _,.�. 1, ­�rl-1 �'. , 4,:., ..., 1 . . . ,*�,._­ ,�... , ,-__�`,. Vl.�'_,,,,-�;..�6,i� �'N',��­; �11; -1, � . rl,� ''F."."', �"%:;I;,�, . 1. 4, � � , -I- - - ,,P,i,�!: `.' � j - . � 71,11, _r7r­W-F`1� _-t, , ''. ,,�.' �­ ..". 11 , '..". . ­ , .... . - , I I 1. ... _. .­.­ -.1.. ­­ .11.1- - ---.11 I -1 _­­­­­_­_..­_­­ . .... . ­ ­­­ -----__1---.1- ....... ­­ _-1_-.1-_-..1____._-_, I I I ; f-4 �.,: �,' 1 ".:71-i'l­ it;il�� J""Iiili.�"Ii 4'�­�­--,­!.�­.,,­— �:V­11 41 t 'T"111111", � 1. - , .. &, - �..­ '' .!" ,..'�, .1 � -A` ­­_­ , '� , I ,�� � , %.. I ­­___..­_____._ i .. �, , I '. I e5 � '�� 1�14 ..", . r . , . . , ,.� , ;.. , `:!"t I ; . -1 . It, .1 . ;, I— __ IM ,_ 777777", 1111 -1. 7 !, 1.11, 1-', I �11­ � - ;,.,.,.-._-_i._ -11 -.1 I—— - �. , , ,�; , �. ". .. 11 .. .1 . '.. " _r .1 — I . I , - ��., . , . .... _,.,�. � , �ii....,-1-w­ � ..... . ........ ... "i", �"-t.�l;"""�...",-"."�,q�-,� . ...... -,�",-"-,;�,--4.,�-�,-..--4-.;i,;";&,.,-.-- -­-­ .... ... �1�.11­1­11_­­__ .11 "', 11 I . I ,�,,, �­ I � 'it,otoi,1�41 � .. 77 ,�", i-,;, .-1'1w.-_- . ........... . 4"W", - , ­, -,?- -t- ,11-11-- ­ " I I , , lr� ,� IW- 1 1 1� 11 WIMII� 5 _ i '17;,i . . _1; 1, X", . , . : F-111211- ;,, , � , *,, . r , Vi '7- ­�­:�:7 - ; ­­­ ­­ "' "'M ­ - � - ., _ .­,�', ,,,,, � , : ` ,"f,T,�T -'1,rMr ,,,,�r � 'P�T,"� �Ww�,% 1AWT " I I . . I ; . - , I � . I . � 1, - '. " ,.­­ ­-­i�;,�. : , 1. , '11:1, I , �' " , . , X 4�. .. ;�'. , , �, 11 J�"11";ZZ,71, ,.'�',',��,,`l ";7""q � ,�r,r;�! ., , , - , ""' �� . 1 � ­­ 4-1_ 4,!, ,.;­ . - , t I'll - I... � , � . . ,� ­ I , � - , ..... I : . I I I .. I . ,. � �. -'­' Wool X04� 9V - , i; ',!!� _4.. ,� .,.�7.­_. �, � I .1 . .­ . " I ,, ". ,'­.. 1, - . . . . . 10F, PK.. r 1, � I I . W :. ,� . ., � I "I 47.1, "' , - I `,, 11 , . .1 . , " . . � __. :�...- - (1, 1 : . ': , . �­­. 11.11.71,1111, �� I ,� , I '. . . .1. I � 11 _� .". �;,�,;" , A "I"".1, . .. ; . 1..'r�. ". . , : , I ... 11� , I 1:-1,..;1,, - . . I - , , ,.� z . . �� , 0., ;,,..4t.T0r,A4I.), , , "I, �, �' !KA�' "' "" " " , -,.,. 0 . 1. I . I., I :% .� 1, .1 & "I, 1. I � ... I.. .. 11 'A . . I'll, . *h � " . I I � . 11 , 1� 1 ­� -1 � I .,;� _. � 40 1 ,"­ I , " _4 l I - Sam'Oter., *,009r, "" :. I I, �, , a ilolb I . 11 I � . `� I , � I . . . . . �' : 1. . ­ , 4. A � 11 . . w -F - ., - "., . y . W­WAIVO; 4, ".344ing. � .7 ,11 _::.. I �� `�� _ ,: i .1 11 "' - - , � - ,WW ote. '. , 11, �, tJ. I ,­. " "I'll" , 1, oe�. - O!'Noy ;,p , : I , 1� , . , �.. 11 '11,11 "I'll, I . I : .. . -7 i . .140, 400"hew", WWI 1�111 1, ,,� I W Ont. �. : , I —i .1 , ''oo , ,w I fie seitortr i .1 11 . . / .. 1_. , .."00 _ r, . . I I . . � _ - ­,-.t6l, P: , 11.1 !, ." I'; I . . 'T ,, # -_�,1 '. flli,q . . . , "I ­ I . . . I _t g 1,45FA.-A ,..%, X - ­ WV . . ,A'Mfmllmii� ... INJA h � Aft, , - ,,, , � . . , I , I , I abow W,:'Iur*qoe�� ao,J . "I �. A—" 1. . . . , . . . _Ir "IS. . . 10� I . - ­ . I - -� - , , 11 � , . ., I . A �, :1 A 1A 'FiRR."'. , ­.. ­ I I , .. , Ays i NUIR - ­ . I - I I . . . � . � I." , I., I I . . I .. . - ,; � _Xy - - 1.� I . # ­ . .. . ,� . 1. ;. - i I sn'A .,q Idgir 1,;J � I �anc - � 1W,!,, .,�, ��%'.`,,;P A - g , . !If' '' . �, i g R ­ � . �. . I .� . . .. . � .. I . ­ V' I I . I 1 I , .. L _v� T .'-1 ,I �* 11 .. . � ip" � ,� . . . . ��p, ,_, �,_,, �*, t,i", , . I ­ .'I- � I I . p P -01 -MIR, , - . ..�� ­ ,, I . " ". � ,,, , 1 �',7 ,Pq .,iA_W_ P , �. . j4 ... . *r,4AA 11 I � 500ee�idin _v 0. Hays � I - ". . . ., . �. � . � � . -pf R.,WS.. Wisia,wPupi" " , .., .11, , � ',`!� lo,�,!r,�I�'�*� - . , . . . . .. � . �L � 1. � ., ..� .,.- .'_ . "; . . ...... . -Al, -­ - * .. . I . �: , , 1. ". '�,J.,, � X- �, - S16ilicitote, 003(10ve . B '. ­� R. . I I . 11 ­ - 1892—Holeame heir W Jpn g 400 .:, 0, � ... I I awamtjvp! Able , _io­ , ""' ""'blic. -.Scilbd ....... 1. - . . 1 '�A'P*4, " k ... ..'�'Il 4P. P.- #1 ., -Y F E T E - S.. KYMt -" �, '' . I � ". , "Ab i ond.-X . ­ 1- - ...... . I . 1 I I Altiwt� I I . . . �. . . � NOI ... . , . arles' 'Pa . . I . -.1 . i , . , . ­ . .1- 11 � . ion Bank, - Offoe an, ... - __ - ­ - ­- 1- . I ., I I .1. - . . . . . 11, - . � It I � . _� , � - �' �. 00-I)OI]XIlin .- I "I -4. - I . . : � ­,�,';k . I . 11-1-11 I -1 ...'I,-, I 1808—Mamvied. Prinoes ' ,,, �`), . ."Ir I .a Vl.q ' ., , . 01*q (�w the I 1��k# ­­­ . i�,,­ .... *lmlio , , i ughter a ._ . , _, � ),R, ; ­ ,ke - . . � , - . , ,4 1 .. . th0­p0mirdon BM*; -SadoTth' � �� . , - , Z � I . 1. .. I . .1, I . .11 � 1, I � I I �� 1-1'. . to i*W , . . :* . . 1111111 -0-11010M . I " _ I I. I I I I , . .1 1. I -, � ­� ''I � I:— � I I �.. 1.,.�­ 1. 1..ieT"­ �­. �..­­ ,-.--. ;­,, '­,, ,._...._,­... "Awbeso * - �, " .. ..... I . ` : , ,,!1. �-,IIIP - 0�1, . I I I . I . 16T,mk- A 4jjb�%t Zftard''I'W X11"Irl _., - ,.,�,S . . . I 40"ffla first .0 _ W_._K -V -w `�i, ,�. .. . (C4M 'AUed , , " ` �,Nqti por, & d", '.or ,two , . . iing,, XM t .;,;-,r , , ., la 1. .1. - -,a . 11 .1. . � r_4�: , 1, T: I , _, ,�, . - . � _# fTom liat - - I . . , I AW7, � I . I . � - weeW Tomlmy� gled comistittdon, and I,. me* greiit 1-1 . I . . - . . I . ,,1�4 �'ffl I . ... � .. . I . I ler; 11, ' I ' : : born. I I . 1.11�w%­._�, . � I , I . 'P.J.,''. 'f . The aninute, we ,p�� " "Jlb-ul *.be -yewning to 1we, xow that he wals,,, . 19,0 � , . . . ", , I .- , 7 I � , ...­­­... � . ­ 0. . , . I —.- Made -410-ur (of the "a . , , .., �. - �** &A po*a­ " "­- " . i ;,444.., . _-- I .__ 10--m.pw j, w 11 I I- . , , " V 11 . i . JOHN .R. `BBST news pture,wift beb.D0iJ0-Wb- ;5*141 �, ", " ,, monwealith bf Australia,. Zearandi, I Aft� �,,,. � .... ". � M . I I _ , 11 41In. El Pas I offiis va; 841*1fied.- ,�' �'., M - I Rarrister,_ Solicitor, Btr_ , . ulch did hq.px7 you 11 liepropefti, and wom Todd heare it -someithing whilch' the could trade "j6r'.. - atfif, - .N. ,;I Sm" 11 I . ­­ �1, w I- 110 I . . . ­ I , " alild ci 'i _, - 16,11,11111, � ... 4te hundred dollars gold Two ckw . I,- . . .1 .1 _ a , � - ". � �i ... . . - I 6, Work_ - .. . . v . . he - v*y act differently-, &M spoll all Lere Pu,rd;y 11or h1q4life and, liberty 19,01 I - . — ; .� . — " 11 A , �'o . . . . I 0*84-0 -4hundred an,4-., fifity b# -paid' at the timo .my. plans.,- , . I �, , _4Waa Claimed Priuce of waks -on a0cemift of lu* faawj� ,P - ..t 'i _L . 141 119 . I � . - -4 0, , � 't . . .. . I'Mr. ,Shanhoo hotid; 4-6ir---, lokne, Jiloure, be, . I . ... .. * . ­ = . I - ilm ta�' thu , _ The , "one A's E4ward. VIL . I . . ­ , I 1, c PADI.'4A AVE.& r_CL� ��t') , I , . . :,, , of the engagement and iiwo hundred,, 'Wrilliniii nodded lent. ,'-a Wft-, fare Purdy yp,eauw� alp -his ILW6,4, "' . !__,., - I �� 1. 1. . � - PaY me sidning a d clioyk ' i . It e. I �-d( Ift,—Visited Cavaida ,and attended Tie I ..�� ; ,; $41 'V.FjTZM"y­_'. � 'and fdbM more he agreed t0, en ` � - '� . wpenlbenixy, 1961?bra#qns, 0�t " . �. , . . . ., i . ,,ONTCD I � . . . I - 11ML*0 yOU." I n bq4 behind h whee be_ Anig, sionle IhOX4, - . Quebe4,CUy. - ­- I ". ., J TOf? 11 when. I had % 11 . i I .1 , . I � .1 .. . p . I ... . . . ' ! wihile, Purd. spun thiJi propeller, and pvuld had didt-11h,6d -his d�g . � . I I I . ; I . . .. A'WJh7, did you - W-11 the forest ran- then citmfl�gd. into ,the sih,11P with the tbbxbuihlv. I .1910--Pronl0ted, toIbe aduldfal of ithe fleett, and field marsiba-L 1. I 11"v".—Y � .. .... � I . . . , , �,v NLI�, I.. I � 1910_Asc�nded to, Jbho throne on the death of Edwaid VIL .L. . , %,Tr��,-,w .: - _ I ,,�,,*., M -"t � , " L � . _' �,­ 11­��;��1'11�s:�, , . . . -JOHN' GRIEVE, V.S4 ger,3!L__..,., pilot, 'Half, am ­hloui later ; th had "Welil, Bud ) -u(P bb* , 19A—CoronsVion ceremony toq,�-j&: i9ptowed by state vbJ _ � , . Hq4or graduate of Ontario Veterin--' _."'iHe looked up the hillside and sow, . . ey, .,, you. k lid, cut , ce, ,* to , : I .... . . ... I I parked thei'plane ion the ,outakiffis. �# are you to-j.day?" Puivdy'dem:4nded in . , . - we behind the bush. I "k ............. ..... h . . ilmelpind, Sootland and Wiles. � itlidn, , I piplitifti6ate, jgs 1, - j��&Xeze. - All diise"esr-of dionissitic - ' . . . Yufther dmvm cereMboues , . . le . .. - I . I , . I . � their 1-hielmets and their.-mdep, wrap- 11DIDin' -nioely, thank yo -m Reckon: ' " �- r " . . I ­ ­. it e -, " . 110�v' ,,: -e Argluellia, In the fuselag ' theiy' lef.t hisi fri,enditesttOnlesi. ' � . . . . � . , anipiaU ti,eate-A. Oalls *poomptly at- w0uld­eome to arrest me -1 fired -at . . in Willi, India., I j., from 1111, -, texided,to and charges imodgrate..Vet- Once- I am siorry I killed him, but.1 : ed up in ithe . ir . . "'.:49.14--jasued ni for mobilizatibn of British forow for war. ,, ,10=vivall.� � -A, I . I , ". , .. . p leiii6r%coats,; bare -U wont 14hove up any of 'the ­ ­_ Duiri "' inal. ,v�sllis to baW�e�front each year and * thalt the.�4yu I . , I I I I., . he saw' me." _ headed, in -their ' shirt,6111eeves, - an& � spring irhsis this year,, Mr. Pt=dmVy` - , . Mg .210peltslo . . I . . . ..... eainary Dentistry A, specialty. Office had tD.. �I tellyou . t= I . VII., �. . . . . . . . . . . . - ,� . . , -11'..", , t16 . also to the grand fiedt. I . � in *Mw JWqi*i6,w . :',,"V�112 A,Mk9 . , I TO Milli . - * HU,PW �1 ,:M - �, L I - � Nip I . . , "That.sounds reasomeble... yo Ch a padir 'zif foitty-five-ealiber , "Yolfit -will if 1. deeide;:you bught ,1 -, - � " I a . . , P . ,i"d resiftwe on Goderich Street, one ', ,Dlid u ela with . , . I I. - I . i IN - tho . , ­Aoor -,easi of Dr. larrotes (lifflee, Sea- 'W,'+ri'thSt fire?" � . . 1912-7-Wumed when, his himme, frightened - .Uy :'.dhelleri .e� p I ,� ... � reNiolveris showing in Ope,zliho4sibers at the;,latlter reminded libli, eltsply. , ng, thrion mvided m,= - ,�, " , , _py ,� . -, � , li�,—.!�!�,Mtl.,�A =7E,� ,� ,MQJ*� ,,, � n7vm­ M1. =1 t'� -it vis' . Ill,' - ' i ited'&oops at the ftolid. - I..' -hiould' 'be', p 'd 41QVWQ*",."�,�� - . . . . I 941OF , , forth. !"yferg"Ibut all simloike.11 . whell "' WIWI " .350 '000J.0 ULA aa* �Pwvnq,*",�,;�. ­ ". . J .. , � . �' ,. his hip, they calmly wa&edjV .. .. afain 1111"im not af,ra!4 ya41ll..4@e_k.1& to do . 1 , I Palace -V *ord, L 1'.1I for tho'bonor and, � , g. dagpft , - ��l . . . . . . : ; " . I . I . 71 I. . I . 19 8L-Adidik-eveld hu .0 crowds amtiside,Bueldnlghal�i '" . tittl PrAity, lofr,� . ­. . . . I I . 9 . . .,_Q if. . � . . - & alignmig olUarmistice. was WdeeWed'; later.pardeipatidd in. na-_ - f rOw,,m '# '. ­ ul . I ; . . . . . I , , 1,1� ...... I � , . . � .", "I'; "'i Z502, , ," V I kwhy? &revt, I.Purdly leadin dF Tommy an,pthing like that, I*. Purdy." �, i ­. � 7. ,;. � " 1. ­ � . g an . -1 I 11 . ", I "So nu would- drop, down from the- - ,.to 1`01116wling his, c1iiiiaf at a disit- MYoiu�rei prett)y . I � I'll. �'i,�, 1.�, 4 T, , , . , 1 4. .,A..,,R - .; d __§mart, arenlit yo . . i I . The.airraingement w" to. 11. , , I , � 1�r"ye �,, , . -!so your wdrigs would break. -tiuAp 4 t 19, , ,;, f. I iA , . CAMPBELL, V.S.�, sk I ance, lolf about"Ehlirty.feet.. - .. iShiannton? 'Well,.'I dare say we un- I _1 thanks4iving servMce. -1 .=,Su " t, "' g -"RE" Ontario,<,Veterinary was'ta, watch where,you, fea,-and if , Olk 1� 192V:"VY0k'�d.­Belfz&t land *augurat,ed, firsib Parliament of Norther� ' - ing the " - Of 'Fa' lit"Georte,,` 11-fia- ­­- . . . , U ft, _ . .!�, I .... �� . " Graduate of � . I �1' 4- , ., . I The,chadr-warineirs - Ahe v4pranida derotaxid em -ch other afid ean,do, some I ; 4N� College. University. oC ' ­­-, I , .. � � Ireland. � not. umftvo;raMe to., ffie, 114,70,M"'J*5."001�� 141, - _ 41 I., 'r��, . ,,, , I I , _ ­ � . ,qr�nito. All your Im1oltor imighe a fir!) I wats. Mai �,prdt ,,Of ,thel hhoitel'waiitchledl them pass and 149t 'trading. .Whio, hired, Tiou th. ikill I othe crio,wh estaities hayielp, , ' "'llw"'. "I �' I . .1 . . .. ed , 111.1, I ".., - I "I , �:, "I ­ . � ". , I � �t:� I .. 1� 6', ,- . _ diseases of domestic,anknails treated- 11.e fire iout, If ,you ls�tii,livied after i -hen stlood up .to ,gaze after them ; me?," ,.I. "P 1923—With Queen !Mary, visilt - Vatican and, Qulrim_-� -a Palace,' at. . lannulal rent-, awoik 008 r .*' , , " .x I . . I 1 �.._4 - by the milost modern prindplesii, falling I was to kill y6u." , . ,., . Rome. I 1. I ,. , 411441 ... � town Ilo-afers on ithe wooden sidewalk "Jasp 1. . . . I - I ��l ... � 11. I . I . . Day . ier Maki, of Doak, Erilin & 1924�jSuffered frIcim, 1.r4luenza,-Abipenied +;he British Empire Exhilbiltion so,metmmes- greater,than, 1he�'J.6;i=V.1.:.­.­ I- ' . . "'. `:,�:��!' -, Charges reasonable. ,or niglif 14WIlro arr4i�*kied ,all thisi?" Purdy d,n frOdt''Of -the p0ol, hall gja4ped at Doak,, Citizens' N-altionar"g-ank Build- of the, eiiivil bist - .I,, :': �' -�4 ' � .. . I -­ 11 .. z 1. .. I �, ­4alliis promptly attended to. Mee on demanded. . ,at Wembley'. , I _* . .1;1�. I I . , , ,�,,;,. . � . , �, I cla�ch other undle,ristandinglyl., "All kniew ing, Lios Angeles,, 1paliflarnia. i - . ODU.'2)k I thn . , W 4 I" 4 I .. " � . I The, King"A id�111�� I ��S..:,.Ijj , 4,q " N Of �,,-,,,t,k�,f, . Ito Town *"S6noTTod'd,.'1 - I U1. S. 1925�. Suffte'red stoo-nd"and serious ialness; opened tanaida, House. . . I I - ' 360n: Street,- . ..... �,Si;41. 11 .Hehii;all, opp6s ..- . Alhat ,a tragedy iimpended-shosuld- Lee A:" ,Sbarinom wheezed -bra ' the mitionaa..-imsis ,serv�6&­ aw-'a W, `1 �,�s`%' . ,$.51 11 ..� 1k I. - lk-11 - Phone 11& Breeder of Sdat- ' "After You killed the foresit ranger purdy 7607. "The - 192$--Cymvie1l,y ill With,conge.-iti1on, oif the aungs. Operated on. I -e war,time.gift,40 . ( . �, ..".. i.. � I . I 11, �.,. i�. ' . , ,. ". � , - _. L._ - �_ "'. Terriers. Inverness Kmnels, you carne 'over here to,kAl me -6t with the m�itn he soqAght. prilice was five hu�dred, 4;, in� ad- 1929�—Gmdlu,Et-Illy,re'eto,ve.�ed af-tier two-reh(pses. - aininder.,of th, " ,. " . P, 11 1. ­�,',':..�11 � � . , ­ �,� . I . 11 me', Did' —and it was comimon knowledge, �iY Vance. I . " I ,, I *000rta� Ifte treldsury d , 'he. _'�:­..`IIA 1 1 � . Todd instruot you to do that?" that -the man he scbvight 'was- Ira Todd. "Will'yo6 swear ito ithat in' Z., ', � I . . I � . alensiall. ,. . . , 19W-01pened I.4ozidm Naval, Oomferenlice, a7ka, first Indian Bound Table - the,quie� oaebrht ' 40 , , ler, . � - `,�,Ui�',f � , L . I , . ­ '. ed I..., , I " . . . . couirib ? 11 . I—- ., I I . , t;jl�, . , I -P1 was dold thafif.y,ou did' not ..-. . .. Conference, also Impe6ai Coniferenim. . I ... , ding I'M' 1918 Mh&y . .11, I �",.i I . q It, , q V., , Clu'Yamlaca at once, otill- Lee.Purd-y prbicleeded until, parked At timile. "Reckon I'll h 0 iinster, ritifying self glovern- .. and,gaivie.-acheque 11con. . . . 1 4t_­-,� ;", � I . , - L . . . # 4 . I I to leave ,the � faill, ,Qlan-eivig'91ortly t,o, lieft,an,o right, B-0 Shannon shhlie4, a spinmirdfis ,19S1­Asg,qif-ted to the',Staitufte 'f West�m ' I 0 .. er� � L "�"' , � I �, � . .. MEDICAL. . � - . -erWlse the fori�s-t range�s would trail .the curb.in frOn,t olf the,­Iyublic itele- I?" ,� . have to, won't I nl.e'k - for donilimilons. I I 'DiedbIled Soddliefts, &Tild $ ,, nd. . .. ' " I �� I � 14 . . � I � - ., � I- , � ' L ... .. .., I ;. . ­ . jne and airrest me. And I was, not to, . �. . I 1932—Sent stirring,meissaige to ImpeHall, Economic Confelrence in O,t- � � WORTHY LEADERS . . . . .1 .��`,, . .1 p1honetexchenge, -he recognized, the 'Not - necesslarily,: but, it' -, be . . I I .1, 'Dw. linig,46hese -_ye�. 0�, . e I dol4b�rajc ' : " I I . . . . .. ­ . return, because of this ,danger, 'but to w I n ---femior, Shannon." . I ?,�Y, '. - , � .41 . ­ .... I . . would I tawa. . .. . I I I . '..., �� , . .... , -L ,6 . DIL - D. E. STURGIS " . oath"eaten'autonilobille, .belonging dial xg, -me a great, 1933--Cpened World, EiconcWit Conference in Llondjoh. a King and, Rills "'1111", .. , . . I .. � 'I �11 �, . . I I . ' try scimia vither' way to - kill seniOr to the Blox K Ranch. Instantly be "`VvU,t .do I .get iout iof tit?" Bud ' sti,ess, thl g"Licious. cion-.. ­ -,11 I ' - - '! � . .. a I I Graduate, of t& Faculty of Medi- Tu,dly." - t . 1934—Helcr Elpie,Ldail meeting ,,of. the Prqvy'C ouncil, att'OndO'by 66nmun� ' - wit were .unreniftitlig �',J4 I � :!T'University of Western Onta riao, . I . � turned toward it., followed -by Tonimy,!Shammon inquir4d. `- � . .. I I � _,'I tv I I . t in their .en7 ,'q' veThm .. i a worthy4ead to it&6 : � � -!,.! * I .. I I ent for con-, marmaige , ,.;. . .11 !:%1,; engaged to kill me?-"- . ltgJJb1,y* SIO'cial, and ip1billanthm0c Iffe' of the 11111�PI'11 I- e" HbTpital, London. have been dis whci also whlose, _fm�kre_,d hafids now rested -- ­`A­ignand jur ndictarit I *., I ,ft." x0s ph's P"Have you any Iri.em-' tom " -Go i ent. represenitatives� to, give formal. consent to d6avor to give I . . . � ....1. y i . of Pri'n-ce Geox,ge to Frincesss Marina'of Greece. ­­ , . -k . T� the butts -of'Y9'..guns. .. spliracy tio, commiti murder. The dis . arnihQ ­. I'll I Meimber of College df" Phy*,sicians'and "NO senor. Iwork alone. If Others iq re "a . ' 1935—CelehratetL'Bilver Jubilee of scoussion w$th setlaim of ientir6 nation. . At least four royal, courts , - - , "t . . I. . , .. olace - 1 ,.` % kini �, I . okon he's in the ibelephione.of- trict aidtiorney wall, be ho,and tor ibmng . British Empire. - . �. . , .. . . - I were ..... held, at. .-Buckingliam P 3 . I I � - Surgeons of Ontario. � Phone� 67.. Of ,w ' -�allecl I . . . . - #w at Dublin, Ont. , perhap�s scin-le, day when. we fice," Tominly' .; and Puirdy * nod- case before,the grand juiry, in ' 1936­21),ied at" Sandringham, IlQuse,, Jamairy 20 . � 1936. . I ertry -season and ,his mla&q �,7_ .,'� -'!,;� . . . I � I 1 34M quarrell the�)niay do ;me an injury by ,diaig, slb-.13,die into the buildlng7 - your I .. I ws, sodt- -1 � � � I . . I Iliew, of thieJ*t!mQny,.,;s_o.damagxhg . . . 1% � ­ I .q, I I I I I .. ..... . . I tish subjecits'were, m,,ore than ,once... .. '.",..'�� ... ."� 1i q . . 1. . � � .. ....­ I telling the, sheriff." . . At ,thie counter, 'I anlin# ,over . it to yiourr$ielf which you will ' . . . I . . I . ' gi�yte,; at . . gratified at a oouirit ,king bleid at . . il,'� 11 I %.­., OR. GILBERT.C. JARROTT � , ' Pur4- and. Tommy ­-i-_WCh,amgwd- ff his aching aed in - filis haActs, . . I . . I... .i.4-1� � . I .. 1, I a . ; . , t - witif ': - be Dcak's tria'I., Rdt-they caninvt con- �. . I . I . Hoijim-oiod. His .. majesty.* land, the '­ .;.', . � I 6r�xfli�t6 g�lances, ("That Todd is A slick yl - '§Q�. � . �. - , 1. , . . ii.� .. � . �_ ­_ ' . . Of Faculty Of' Mediefille . I 1 ! .&rnl�, and .w'th his back to the dclor, s3bclod vLet ybu Din thAt',testimOny, � � � I ;1",. '. '. ,4: �11 I.. . � . . I Queen receNied, tihecil�-t '' ' ­�­ .1 , .1 I omary tukiiiul-� .., ­ �. . ,,, I 11 � . ' Tblmlmymu�iiiilured,o�d�ni�ri,zi_,- I ev- Tlbd-di. -, is non. A',- �kctllon, -w4ll -have *t, 6 , ': 1.,; # I - Ontario. Mem . ab tu , . d., . I . Univerlsity of Western . .J�urd7 sidled im alongside h ca 0 1�1 , ' DID1 the King *.as -le greidually to ,re- aus o7adon.when th�y maide the* -� d., . d. .1 . .. � I p . . . ,,� a er leitz-his;ri t hand knorw what his mairand rudely prodd�d -him with -his based loxi 'the testilmany given in ur sume his normal acitivatIlee". . I I .. " . I ber of - College 10of Physicians an . .gh, � . . I I -1.1i . . .1 ". 2� . . . .., � �;,� 'Office, 43 � C . . � � . ' ; i , :,:��,,� Burgeon ' ., � � I . s of Ontaiii left-hand does.. ..I'll bet Sbiamaion riiev- le yp LATE-, KINCS - RL Of -y, 1930, king Goorgs, appearance at Epsom Downs, am Der� ,'' I 0. qode� ' ' ft elbow. . own trial --not D1o,ak'&-­and,_you *ill . . I . .... . .. I.. . . I In Jailiudi op. by -Day. . . . ' , . . ..,. .1.. , I . ­­_, er heard,of-Itliks article�heire, and the - . ,,WiL.11. . have . to t japs Der' ' ' "" I ", !"III � I 7-- rii!h Streeti; West. Phone 37. .� Todd , ,' I bear yim've 1-meh rlot' estify againsit yourself ' : ernied the navaI comforeinice, at St. Arb the imbelt dem atiic toulch : ' ' "I'..' .. * , (Contjnu�d krom 'Pi967 .6) - ­­ . Ja,11iie, , Pg,laee. . n.is . -- I I Suceilissor" to Dr. .Charle's Mackay. 'man Joaquin. killed probably didn't fired fram-the Box-l�,," 4he greeted unless you de-�l',.'f6 to.. *If .you're put . .Is year, indeed, of i0a in the King's patronage, , of . ' '��.:,;4:, .. . . . I � . know itheie were' n e I his em�iny. .1. I I I notaiMe, fiox historic oonference�s spldrt w&g his- 'a+itendance .at Wemb�....�_,, I . i � . . othex (kilslers o -th I . on the stand, you can, decline, to an- subscribed to' the National Thainikof� w�a" I I ... . . . I _; '12,111.3 191b.11, I I - 'me 1. I_- , . 11 . 1. . . . I I I - . . - ­ in Londion. Thiere was' .. :% , , I _.� . . . Todd', -turned dizzily,- recog'nized, swer - qil�ptil8miq upon , fhli­�rioun,& Ithat ferling Fund fai-the King's r,eaoyqTy the i,rnp4Ha,l 16;y for ,the 'Enighlih cuip finia,l, , ' , 1,:�. I DR. W. -C. . "If fl -vis liundred, aollars_per-maa, is r. . corifererace in 'October and the Indian odid-time ,custoni ,of.entering'hi­ Ate. : ". - 1� . . I SPROAT' - - ,, PU dy -and swiftly dropped his ' m sit ,:�: , 1. .. . hand!. your.answers I,"ght -tend to incri - which wa& dieveted. to the purchase of. . .. adliate of Faculty'of Medicine, whait to's pAyipig, Todd -has -a murder to. his hip. ,as *T-tly L�e .'Purdy inate'or diagraid.e. -you. The judge 411111 Tadiumn and tho genteral"assisiance, of ., . , I I �. . . . Gr .. I swi Tcand WN!e eemT,eire'noe,the fiollowing'ulpion the race course 'at Asiaot.-wa4. ,,,�:,j. � �� j. � j. .. , - . " ornth, bith of which wer6 ,also oip- Puftlotiliously observed! Qov�es- yacht. '-".`7`:- "'� - , University of Western Ontario, Lonx 1� �a:..pf.. fror m., � three to five thb viand 11truck hilm"with his fisit and knocked, surittalin your',contenitilom'." vaiidiis. hospitals. Once ,Xnore t,ha?t in f. . I....7 ­­ . � � . us . , ", ­. I ., '. a ' ened by -the Xing, hills spee,cill, hislilliailesty help- 1. � " . . � � don, Member of 0611eigie'.of Physi- dollors, `P�- Inly. . In all his life Ira him esprawling bn�bis b ck befare he f'Thiat's. fine, as'far as it goes6--but year 1111p.,Majesty's- health failed, and on both ing week w0-611& find ' :. ��,,.;, - ' ' I . I., . weapioh. . . . � - , Britax�iaA to, .. ��'�`�.,-,' .. . ciam aind, $urge6n& of,Qntario. Todd hes nevef hAd ithat much money could 6aw the . it 'accasiton]a being biroadeak throughout ing 'to sail his.-,36utter "' .�, I � . . C . Office. 16ne, time',--itild eve , At 'goes further. 'RrAat'll. happen to 9 flfither operatadn Was necesslaw the Elniloire. .' , I vielbol-A 'The opera tat 'Covent G�ix*._ 11 .- ': :: � ... � . . I . in,Abeibart's Drug Store, Main -S.t., ,,af,his !own at . . it -if "You ,have a, ,few hours -of life left inel w(heiii they put you on the sit, tr,j�- was not until Nolveirdber, 1929,.after I . . ­ , .. ". . ,:'115 , I 0 � . I . Silaforth. " Phone 90. .., he'llaid it be-couldret affotd, to spend you Todd " !its assailant a s? ititernilittent, illness,, *� The econ-imlie ,crisis, wh�!`eh,`fell, up- den was duly Patronized .. ..... aUd,­th.qir'­.. s 14. . I . ssidreq,him, �'Yiou vid6rd"g., as, good as mine,in 12 .,Month -, . . . . tl� � . , sis e d'I I I 1, �. Uen the nation in Auguk, 1924, found madesittels? 4ttendance once a year at- ' - ', ­:-'�.' I . " it COD I mckie 117! ,, ,;Q_16tn1 body ,with . - a ;vovldn% do sluch',a mespy JA .... ln� this counitry.ii]' . . 1� . .. ..... I , ; I �.I­ - . - - ' - _­ � I ,,, , � I I . . I . I , " 11, , . . . ., — 4 . . the King fully prepared to fulfill.Yt§ a "co,mmincr imu!A6 halil peffb"Viiiancei , ' "ill "ll I _ .. C '01 . .11 . , . I I b2crlk acccunt,­somerich man­nis be- the presenicib lof. the -se' youing ­laidiies "No'i aft*x I testify af boak's trial . I . � . own m-onleintovs pazt. A ,egntinulous b6eamie an establllsheid'featum,� � �_411-11111.. . 1.11k.lh�i.,' YCO." . . , ' 4, . ­ _ .. . . :4.1 . .. I - ,�!,DIL F. J. BURROWS ' , . hind. him frr'thia, devilish `ente'rpris,o.. anybow,", -n do _ , I I 'There imak halve'' een, nlay,t Ti.-, ; 1. I `* . . ' ,Nis gu yeried the pros- fhatim 'hired me to-Icill " ' . . . � withdirawa I -noes from : ,,, 0 . . I .. . . 111,0, 1`0'reign. ba,la . b he, . . 'e" .. _. - ... . . 71 . , '... Office and residence� Goderich -St., The'Allinig- to do ii to ascertain -the trate iman., PWhich train 'were you . "You need no'lt -testify thaf-yq ' thLe gods- L : sureay have...been, monirrolls, , ­, . I I 1. I I east outhe'United 0hufthi SgAfOrt,11. ident-ity bf the mam,behlnd.'7.� planiling to b, t6 easltb,&und.�or- to eirin. your fee." I . �1; tried ,fair. is on the lap bf inik London, a persistent , drarin on the who by . �:,.-, � . . . . . ,Hn'lavirell k-liow§7,iel4rything that has .1 .-..­�.L­";_�, . ­ I ; a . aa,rd,­ pold vresiervies ,cal, the Bank- bf Eng- personal beAuty .1".;,zbaTtm; low:by,the. '_Zq. 1. �-Pr,�,,1'1­ . . , Phone 46. Coronerfor the Courity.of "That's,not a ,�a!rdl �.ob,,Lee. , Let's the wesit-113und?" ' '�- . . "No, but 4verybady'lI'kn(Dw,I did 'happened .since he left with th6se land, iacut:e dissensions. ,in ithe LabOr teriderness'of the youth -or oven,,by, , I - ... .1 I I . , . ": - - ' 1, . . 4 11 11 Huron. . q . I . ,, �. g6t Ira Tild'd and give brIm. thowatev ,s,N,dtheT. you aoil't suppose I was ich Was .,how I clo,me -to land !,-iteers, and I've bold him to-� stay in Cabinet, .and the lonowledge 'both in their - ini4o,Ttlimels and, &ilti4g 'If. , . I I . ..... 11.1.1 � , have ., ­.: 4 ,� I . — Zure, za ln�o'alR We've done tDothis hom- runni�ng fro)n you, do,-.��D,u?" 4,7'thw,,,b,hb,,6t.l - with a, hole through. Lus Angeles and watch Dbak;'�Erlllfi Whitehaill, arid, ..... in the city, that I .. �. , . . fznlad�- - Il .:. 1, ' . ­ tbe rveller --apipeal Ito pG' la'r lul.­ , I I V . ibre." - - . . (i . . . , pu . �.��. . 1. .. . � I I Vel e ,,j-ig'v-'­ifl.e." ' *.I. , - .1 . ­ ... aginat , ;than King iG�ewgo V 11 ' * � .A., .. ., DR. HUGH H.. ROSS ,,' ii1weill Yes of Vauree. -1, th . & Poakl§ office 'and keep an eye ou-t British budget would not. balamee ron .1.1 - .1 . ' _i I . , �:,. �, � . I ­­­ .. .... 1. . I -of -viourse, we've,giot tio 'get up, Todd. Vb1s is stettleirnient day and, `Peb,ple cam ithirrk aili- they kviant -for .the possible arrAval Of, Todd�,:, brout,lit a situation alirtfo._�' u��reeef writteis �Slr George Arthur, �li�,; I = . . nd.try h!!M for murder, you,v:e . . . thtsniat,�­� 4 . �; I . 'Gkaduat�B of University of Torohto _1�'Eold aLTDdid a, got, to,stay �in Arguello and but they-danniat p)rove;.any(1Uhing.11 f'Ar',e we. going, hiOnle now?"- . I dented in the history of gui-silied bilogralp ea.,. . . ! . .. . . Faculty of, Medicine. member of Coil- �f . ­- . . I .. M. ', I ­,ql . I I . . I . � I I . . . oa conspf�acy ti� conilmit murder, or * "They cam ,pro" The King Was- at ,13IM!(moral' � '"There are oilthfx�§ w1los , , 1, , I . setitle.19 . I I - it W your testi- �'Yes,, we might as, wel.l. That when e memoTy . . ,� 11, 06tarila; pass graouate.coUrs s a scoundrel'will ;head, for Los Angeles - fa 11 st befure � tw I . . .. I . kge of Physicians aind. Surgeons of as an accessory before and after the To,drd picked himself up 'off 'the floor mlony, an,� I gbt �Ou figgered a the -crisis came to a h4ad on August, .,blelg&h to de - ak 4o ' � . ." � , . . * , . 1, '. . � A " ;'Clilicaigo Olin' teal 9611001' of , e ,, in. tact. we,n convict. him ion this man'.i .and fixed a, wandering eye upon ,the Manthatmlon't lie under,oath to save if we 'do. I have.. an intuition that 21'. , Telephone talks with Prime Min�- bodies were colid'. But hi,sitiory MI , 4 .. ,_.� , . . I ? I � I Chicago ', test'tiniany and,Bud' Shannon. will not girl-i-alted a,t the. switch-bloard. ",'Can- liioblodY,'� ., ,� isiter MacDomaad, -and witlf otheirad- be.rtw-saclkled iU Vain to find -a, sov'. , . . . .... _. nothillg'will happen fair several days . ' eveign ,on whose life, anct. .life �. . .. ... �J,�. � Royal . Opthalimie 11tospital, . London, be in jeopar _;'t P_ I for me, yo ufj;,t.. .,But I will sla I might "'well go d-bwn, �, convineeid, - His Wajelsty 'he I work, . . � I 9 dy, because I shell never -ee.1 th al ung lady", he "Oertaliify_ r Wb .on th& v1s,ers . � I England; 'University -Hospital, Lon- test# y against him -and ,he calinlOt be ,mumble.d. and. lurch toward ' as o Journey aft, once to Londlon, his People sot" ­i higher and a truer ' , . ,� ��'.m I .1.1 I don,.'Englancl.i. Office-Baek of Do-,. , ed .k[he"Inever testify that you tried to kilf 4in Hiftdia, tO­miorrow'and help ,on, ought t ... "I " � I I I Tn,ad-- t. -o t.66tify against himself. Our Mid -Alithin 30 houirs, of his arrival a',t vaque . . . ,He mleled ,only be a su " , �� ,�. I , I eli�or. Tona-my Scalife watched'' Todd me becavise I was asleep when - .you 'the 13(DX K round -up. My -horses and . . " . p- I . I ; - I i '' 1�. I I his Highdand buime he was.- on r1is erfidial Otuldeilt'of King Georgeys'pub- " _ ' " .'. �. 4;" , adnilon Bxnko� .SeAforth. Phone No. 5'. unbappy friend here -by the way'�- -al iThib into the car, back ,Awiy, and trIed! -1 did not sse you shoot 4t ­me. beddi 611""Wailt down, I-avt niiglht�ll I lie life to mark thalt Itife' ..� I, , �, . ,' : way Capital. . ... I � . I I , .� I 0 Nilight, calls an'swored from resl&nce, ,turning -to the prisDn,4r­"'v,r:h,at'g your dri,v4 ujp ,Main. Street to a garage in nnot id-en-bilify youns-mly assail- ,";I n ,e,' y -back to the as based upr - ­� �, . . Victoria Street; Seaforth. '. I . � , _1 so I ah ,Z-1�1 you wouldi,-:..Le t Tainini The week-enid of A gust 293-24 1, WaS. on -religiian- in- ,the . I , 11��. " 4 I . name?" , to which he .dllsqTy�e&rled. 1111s lefmie-ri- ant. All 'I have to ca' . U prknary sense Of . . � 11 I 1. I � � "Die 11 . " nilect you wfth confess -ed. "E-%�ery (Mimate you'r6 a Vnite of drama for. the King -di; for the word, ,the 1bimdlT4g ,of Onesieff up , � . I �'., - , � .. . . .. I I . -go He�rreT�i penor. . ed presently ,on flolat, ,carrying two. ,the je�b, is PuWlcilon. and. hearsay evi- ,pilawlin' around ..... bhe,­IlHill I'm nerv- ,9,111, his nrinisi,ters and, near 11 advisers. yvith Ood, I .� I .1 I �,,, � I , .1, I I .... I "Well-, Diego will turn. sibaite's evi- s,utt0as�e,s.,­-,a.nd made his. somewhat den-ce-m-su' Iiied, by you. I ,shot v, ::.", . l �.. DR. E. A. MeMASTER ply , Ou -ous. Thsre's a lict ,of cover, and a lot Reaichiln,g Blu'ekin-ghani, Palace .. early �'Tb.thosle, whose. work hai5 lbbiulch- - '' ,'��, , . I I . of. the University of T*- b. e cre 11013frtiln-g, the King -had ed the Xing's woA at any qpitoj k.,or ­ . 4 Graduate demep bo- save his neck and. Todd "will uncer,Wnwaydlown the st,rieib to ,the ,on, the mere zuspicion that y6ii ... liad. bf a' .'age to waitch, and I'm always on Sunday . . - ..t, . . . landt,d , 4 ,,12 � 7 , . _ - bligh',And dry­�on a gib- b6t4l.' Tommy followed, alert for re- akfavt Aind, ­� slent tor th, -13lrinlie -V��O bavo:-rend' ,e , . I � I . . ronto,,Faculty bf Medicipe I . .tried,. to kill'me. I'm morally cedtain afrvid' some, varmint will sneak'in- .�re , ­ e er a him person - - ,. -i, . . . '' Member of College of Ph i I bet; I hope. Biit.we carmot be in inflo-roementg, and v'lood- at Todid's. el-, I madie�'ncr mlistake, a,nd_y.)u"r.e..pfDsi- side our guard'an' get close -'enough mimilstie.r. 'Lalter he saw Mr. Baldwin IvIlCe, and' abW-e all to those who StbOd " ' ' `41� � yelcians , ,� f f1do' great 'hurr -ca To I 1-1. 11 . ­ . � - ne of, Ontario; ,graduate o . . a , y ,to. pla dd, iii ,bows whilie the latter renbed a ro-oan tiva I didin!t, -NA I wouldl rsfube to to '.bhe lhoulseto_lbump you off with a and; later - W-11 Sir Hei:bert Samuel, by bis pillow and ,t�,atched 'the fet�er- . I . � iv' ! and Surg6o it Glfiidu " custody. . When we land him we,, Will nd retired ito it, whereupoin'the 10ttle, swear -iii court (that yot. are the man lucky rife shot. - When -the rnolwl ,Liberal aic . Dvis(er- In this way, throutg1h I ed -bloidy grow more and, imo,re exhvust,- , .. s .. � ,rk.�',Pos -ate �e it, .a r ' � . j, . . _� _ 'Now Yo , hool. and .want to land his co-conspim.thr W.M Ted dem6a,returned to, the teleph ' ed, there' may I I . .. _ . - I wili-in Hoij ital; New Yoiik. Of- him." ' " ...­­ 1. I. ... � . , One who 0hat at-infe; vlou do not 'have to comie6 up to -night I'll fly olvie.r. with the -se .PnurpaFrkbirs, and' neigotiatlioms . have 'come the"iiionvae- . �.. � , fice on High P * Seaflorth. , Phone. 6ffloe. " , I I I edmCl it and if;ylou are convidted in. you.fy . which 'Ire6ulted in the formation of tliom tha;&j,whoher t� Hve lyraveily ", �. . or �� ___ 1 27. 1 1 . .." , � A � Strelet. . I �, . Tommy gest od­hft,� pocket-knife "Where was - that feller, Todd fixin' the SrVOerlibr douirlt I'll 'bire lawyers Th-ey reached'h-ormIe justl�e Nationail Goverril-nitent. The new. to: die bravely, God!s will was. the ,. � ., . .� ` . , 'a reivierse -the cionvictiazi in the Su- nIeT to find\ overything at La. August'. 26th, , � Office -fully equi�ped. for' ultra sihort and ,began to "pare a calloused, s Ot ib talk itc,- Lee?" �. ' t Cuest� Cabi-nelt was c6nsItituted .wrill of a siniplie,' unpretending Ghri,�_ . ', � . . _i-"i__th6"N;_FitT I -eft it ,that and the King rsturned to- Balmloral. , I ... I . i . 1. vi )$ .." �� - wave"elelitric treatment� Ultra Violet ,on his ,hard, freckled hand. "Fra "I beard thae Operator tell the 'PrValla CouTit. , Enbantada' tian." . . 1� � 11; i Sin� Lamp treatments, a4d I Todd's 'been fired, from the Box K, Albuqueratre o'p'er,at,o-r t1a cancel 'a. *"-I'll play the gam,q wiltb ytou, , Mr. mornling. Hallie 'ha'd eanqqeTed �e`r , 'X striking indication of ,the�King's . � . .1 � ; "', nfra-�Red- - , � I , . I .. I 1. ..", I il electric treatmen�z. Nurse in attend- the -Box K c9ittile aren't going ,to be call for 'Duak in, Los Ange4esi." Purd�'." grief -over Steve's death, and' w'EL,, out readinesis to gi.ve a praictical lead, to . I I .. _ � , -e­ar,­-aXnM-&s far "Ri,r&-T of a feather wil , I floick to- "Thanks. As soloff as you idan with ,Gail and Steve'-% dog, . * ' �A : � . foreclosed -on ,this, -y' his sui�jeicts in. the national eimie . A P I ance. I I I . A'lluisk6v rg- LONDON and, WNGHAM" . �:-,. - I I.:— ­ ....... .1. - . I I ... ". - .. I dd's, ,gqther, won't they? What's the next .Eltand it, Vm goling to put you. oin, a for a stroll as--�befr--4mther fle . South' - I .. . - ais that pilop�erty is cancerned, to w in- ,k -j eney was forithco'ming wben, Hlis, Ma- . . I.,— .. .. ... I. _. --_--1 . * - . . .- ... I , : . I - plans hav!k..g-liRp,e1d. a .cog, it see"ITNtO moVe, Dee?" - .- ­.. ­ - - ­ ­ -- - stretcher, carry you over'to,my.. ali-r- di-n-n6cr-she �infbrfnle,d him -of 'b-er in, I , ` -, � _ ", ,'" . . . ' _V.!" .. Yesty 4witified the�--prime- -Tnh�isitier­of -- - - - - -:- -- - I P.M. , i . I . DR. G. R., COLLYER . _ � Tne," he declared.,presientily. �­ "Where's Todd?" Purdy ksked in l0ane an& give y1ou­a nice, soft, )olt- tention to attend t!tl- rangeT's full- hiis desitre that fhe--c(M-1 list shoul!c! Wingbalri ......... _,� ... � 1.55 1. '. .1 ,�, � . . . �,, . , I "And, 'I'm till living, .ToM7 . 'be reduced by $250,00-O',' wbile; tl.h,- Belgrave .............. �-'- . ' I ' :. Graduate Faculty of 'Medicine, U4- i ryl.a�,A a ]low vlofic�,. , less"xide out -to my ranch. If Todd era]. .... .2.11 I''.. . I. I I '� ...... emergency la.vtedl.)% Ip conveying this Blytft ............ � ......... 2.23 ­ verisity -bf Western Ontario,., M�ember ToAd, knows that one �iof his, "Tie'i hi,feda, rolom and holed up in or Dla.a,k leatril. that ,you are, heT& and' ­rni afraid that will be implas�lible', illt ' , -i� . . ' s walked into orar hands and was 1_111k, 1. L , we've golt, . -ed. ."I'm gorrng inialtiian. .th,6. K,eemqr Of 't6 .Privy Londesboro .................... 2.aq 'IT.I.A. . . . College of Physicians. and 'Surgeon , lie ,hotel. elp , hilm pluimb 101:.) 'PrIt 3,au here�; your: ,life may not Hallie," he r6olii . d1own Purse wrialte the "prini-e-im-in.ister- -- I � of Ontario. Post grq._dqgte work at ed.. TO con1p1licate matters. furithe'r, ttle.,d. He's �fraid to ampear on the be'Ivorth ver,y miuch. lj�6ad(-mein tell on the Alio Hon'do to -night to help eg iihen, after the " Clinton ...................... 3.09 ... ­ '41�1 1 1 New York, 0ity-H4*pital ,and Victo , Todd 'doesn't know wheither ,that kill- ,�, ee6t­added' f t sulp- n1b tal,e4�'� - '.. , w" war, o*iing tJ' in'- Brue,efield .................. 3.27 " 1, 0 1 na, a which I don' lith Miss Ormsby's, cattle unitil we creased ,cost of living "d. fall in the y ;1 � -) er tal-ked before he. died or died- with. pr3 , ,- . - Hospital, London. Phone: Hensall 511. , . he's fe-elill' well enough to be ,Sibannon'gri.mac'ed, and extended* a. get them, up into the Reserve; Tilm- .purchasing fpow�-r of, , i-ppen ................... :�e 3135 . V- I , rnon,ey, * the Hensall .................... - ,�7. Office: King Street,111ensall. ' 'his, mouth shut, and, the ,yne6rtainty.- ,OTLI ,r -ch." I. �': blaodles,,4 ban',J-.­-�--iT '17lay ytou across. :my has tobe on the job herie to, keelp ei,vii, lisit !settledi . ­:, . . 7-:1. ; �� . , .qu � Il 3.41 ..... I ,­ 1. I is very deimloralizin.g. X�y Ituess. irs "I �ell, we've blocked N by' ipa"r1ja(ment qtn' 'Exeter ............... � . :,,-,.�­' - . Im friom talk- 11he boardt, .w -and down an,id sid,ewayz,, M.e�,ef ee bff ithe Hill, and I have hieap.� 1910 ,was found t ' ...... 3.5.5 1 , ­ .1 I ' .c?_.Joe. quite'inadequia-be . . . . 11, .. - � . . i that -in his exeft4ement he ­will steek in" t 1,) Dtoak over, the long distance Mr. Purdy. You've �We'rimighty ,jbKid ',6'f things for Curly ,McMahon to- do,, dipastic elcoq�omlie6 we're .made, and' .1, 11 ,North , I . . .., ... 11 I r #1 . . ...... - DR. F. J. It. FORSTER' an i1mimed'i'ate ic-c-nif-eTilenice. vAith, the tele home. We've got him holed up to mle an, I'm swre beholden to viou."' and I do not want you to i1xive-down. t1hievefore it is �lot iers7- to, re uce the ' .,. �� .. I . Eye, Ear .1 ­­' I _.. - d A.M. . � :1- 5 . , Nose and throat � Min Higher Up." '" in the h6fel, afraid to - show hisi nose From the ho-spital ' Purdy dr1ifted alone to San Srimieizin or Alrguellla or xirv.il Tislt further witbo-u;t ,�dcrificjng Exeter ..................... 10.42 ' ! - _� I Graduate, in Medleifie- University of Tommy smiled a slow, pres-dieg"t on the street again, becau6.le 'he thilinks back Ito the Iteleigraph s1talien. which, wherever 'the fulle s -to. ,be." ""61me -of t'he stafte fbmid-tir,ing which are H -sall ..................... . 10.55 1 , . . 2 I . . ral i en .11 "... "I. , , . Toronto. ­­ ­:' smile. "Go on, Lee, go -on. You're loll k4ll hibi if he. 6 -es,, and;-"' as'is, sla genterally the ease in. small "I'll go with heir," Ga4l volunteered. ,trad,litilonsil]ly, als'soci pen ...................... 11.01 . ,::, , , , . " .� " � . Late assistant New - York Opthal- gittin' good," ,,he urged. "What do . . cow tl3wn,.*, an A raii1rdad, was.-Tocalted ,,r d,rii-�-e a car ra'theT,well and. Frn hll-MVIT,chy ani, ,without throwing Brucefielld. ,......, . . . . . . . . . ., . . � . 11.00 I ..'' I _ .... . I Inei and Aural Institu-�e, Mborefi,el&s we do. next?" "'He may talk 'to Dodk'fro,m the- in it'he ralilrbad ticket, offlee. At the notitheir weak nor crippled." numbers Of, -big Maje,vty's servants Clintion ..: ............. . .� �% - " . 100f war&-'' 11.54 .1 . i Eye and Golden Square Throat Has- * "Ciply," Purdy '017dered, "keep an' hotel xlo,om." vi�,wgz�ttand ,he (Nought a"eouple Of ",Gh;* `gotad!" Haalliie cried'.' "'And Out . After careful ,collsider- Londesboro .............. **.': 12.10 .: I !"on .;Diego Herrera for the pres- '�At can1t. There are TV3 room' ' it 'n'l Will P' ­ I . .. � . pitab% London, Eng. At Commercial eye magai7ines and sa.t.,.down in the w.Ed - G a ling at I at'hon,, h6wever, the King has arrillmd, Blyth . . � '. . , 12.19 .,., 0 � Sbeve's funeral. You ,.,�` Al . HoWl, Sleaforth, third Wednesday in ent. Tomaty, yDu And I wiill oil and ;tel-r,pho-nes, and if you §it in the lob- ing room, ,as-te'n"S'ibly to, readl but iti will, 'Ga -ii, ,to- pleiase.-nie?" .at­th,L'-­­eio,njeluqiora tfilat, by the exer- BeJgr,a ­"'. .... .'..-... ' ' ' ."' k, ; . . ve .................. 12.30 . � - .. eam6h. mon,th'trom i.30 p.m. to.4,30 p.m. clean olix light aritiNery, Arid, by, he can't ta-11,1c �H-.n the main op'- real Icil.ge of the minst rigid, �cqnlo-nl ­ . . , .. I gO Om,eT . . . fty to listen in' on the- chEutterin'g "'Of Couirse I'll sing.". I— . . " Y it Wingban't, . ...,................ 12.50 . W Watetl.q� Street, South, Stratford. Ito .tfie, V= X Ranich to ,We lif Todd fi,ee�' I of the tele -graph, insit-rurnienit evevy "Thiank,you, dear. ,...Lee, I'll waint F;boulld be poiF,ilble to redluic,e the civil - 1.11-... I .. � 1*11 ' 11�.; . . . I . _ . ---- , . ' .. list by ;o5o,000. r aim..t,o a -did thia-t the,, I 1 �!� 1, . -% , . I . is still there." - ,! .,; �:------ "Then he'll minist likely wrilM a I tine he heard-Al-guello, called'. At fiye a gilmt m,d'n-y fliower'�." C.N.R. TIME TAIqLE . . ... � . . , Quidien and tlie otthier rm.mbr_j,s of th,e ,I . . . . ­ 4 Within the, ,hour thO bad' landed tel-gTarn And send, it but to ,be fil- o'clock he recelived the relwaird of his "Very well. I .�urm*se Niou'll feel royal, family who ' . " ..��: . DENTAL . . - . I . I ­ : , . . , ,__ I ' * �,d-". . . pk-t1i#" A!` I . far N'wn, in ,the alfalfi',field, below -L are In meceipt of . East . 1. , 1 . 0 when be heard this, statibri- ,ba,dl,y if -you dn-"vot see old Siteve,off ,rarliairoi6htary. gramts are all detsviriaus; , A.�. ' ­�Afiwil­ . I . �. . I . th cli-housez Leavin- the 11"Rightlo, Thiam(ous. And I d10 blopg_ ma-ste.r..take a m,"vage. 11or Ira, Modd. ',, _1 *t . . . .11 . .� , j�3_1" �Ourne,v.11 - . � .. "... . -1. ,A. McTAGGART site 'ree- the tielegrolm will,not--be in -code. I I t, . _ .. 4 -hat redaftions, iorf these,grants, ahl,)fbilld ,Go,derieh ... ;.. .. .... 6 A 15, 2.30/ I Y., , DR.' 1.511JAIP,.. Vhle-y Cil'Cled ill 40-PPIDI 11 di . ran, - I was diated alt Los Angeles and, . '­ ,, I , I . _­­ ,Graduate, ,Royal-.Colloy ..o4. Dental ttons'indolose'd-in onthe house from. ddn read Worse, TD:mmiy, Goless I'll . 0. , Hiallie sig'hed. Sb -e knew hvr�b,ro_ b,e' nlaidlo during this tfine '<)if nakiorn6l Clinton ............ 7109' , R.00 . , ­ , . .4% e, '. I . their was w1arried, and harassed about crisis.", . I . Seaf oirth ............ 7.22 3.18 .11 Surgeons, Toronto. Office at Hensall, the north and the south, respectively., 0 overwto, th& tel-eimph- ,offi-ce, and "Ab,solutely impossible to, clobTle to �:!! I I., B16th lwLre armed with rifl-es, for they. talik ItID,Athe,soperabor; if hb:^,�iends . ... 81omielthiing. but., s,b-,& knew, tnla, that JHE REPLY .� ............ 7.?3 ' 8.3 1 . ODL Phone 10,6. . . A Argaelb. Yo-tv.4milst cohre here. ... Dublin .. . ..,." "k�- . I In bis re�ily Mr. Mae.D,qn A "I ,hie eliectrd itio confide in her�.it I khell ........... 7.42 SAS' , - An,g fired, ulp-' mes-saige fair T16did, I'll read it as, he .. DOAK!' . "His nia,j,elsty's pe gpj - said � ?4i I - _­ __.��. , � . confidently anticipated 'be uliltil � � I ----I - . # anit to wi're I I . I would please him to refleot that she reomal *conitrilbu-' ' West .It,- I 11.i'l , lon-by Todd,.:Aould he dbaerve thelii sen -1 .1 , , du -r Mid .- .. . . AUCTIONEERS I apipt I vachin nali was de- Link Hallowell to call me- on the tele- . did not suspect h6 had an)ftlling to tiolis -rimig -tillie wa tihe,Oifflcult Dublin ............. ;, 11.19 9A .. . "� � I , , . I . 1, . 1. - .g. But the ra The claitfering telegralh iiIns,truMient confide. NeveTth-elesstshe vinept in 'his years that bare succeeded ,it are ,pre- Seaforth .... ...... . 11.34 1 9.57 . . .1 . , .. serted. Tommy and Lee searched the Ohone-" 'whs silen-t foT a,minute, then. Purdly . sent, to, kille m5inidis of -his subjects Ind Cli , - ' .. 111 .. Sr ,airmis fbe Wfetv im6nuities when, uplon, I , fiton .... ! ........ I 11.00 10.1f ...... . - I HAROLD I)Aig scaittered b-ifildinigs, and in the -main sAdCord'ingly'-Tom1my S-caiffe repair- 11pard Arguello eklied once m, e. veiriture to, say that it rwill " . . :� � . , - .'.!. ., ' . retirilig. he kideed , ber ,good-bye. - be a Goderich ............. 12.10� 10.91 I _neei . . hiousia ithere was, aimple evidence tillat ,ed Ito the butel, and, sat in, the lobby. TbisAime it was a teleirrain to , . pro I � I ' I I . , LAcensed Au�fiq; . effects and An hour lialier Lee PiArdly dirifted in fTicim, L Purdly When she had go-n4e to her zolomp �ourtd regret' to -all f)hlat ciji,culm- . . � . 11.-� I . '.* ­­ Spied6list in fa,rm and ,household To6d;h,W5a,eked his scant I ink Ralliloweli, informing the - :stanices are such as to lead bloth ,his - 1. I" . - . Purdy galeed Gail. '. C.P.R. TIME. T "'LE . 1. ages. Prilices reasionable. For dates departe,&. land sat down. basidle him, "Well, he, foirmere t1lat hie woilild.,wait dnn -the � ril-aJoistY and toltiber m etillbera of -the ; ;; . . ; . wd lingoliniatio,n,'write or phone, Har- "The ranch alitionitobile ain't in evi- Wiref,111-oalk 'Tommy," Pu�dy elanfided. Unalo-11 ,9tiockvardis Notell until be "Well, the comm-ittee r4iplo:rts- pivio,-' Tov . I I .. I:, . all. falmil-y to'wint"to siddl to thent ' 'East I If . I . I . . . I I I 6 - . - denee;'t a. -,,We - "Told hilml 'things were birealking bad- heard fro.m. him, gress, Mi." Ormsby," hie announced. Vet fulther. -but whiiniemer his ma- I �.. 7- A -Mi -- - -;�- ., r,- '0 , " old Dole. Phone 149, Staforth, or ap, Toinmy announce, . , . I . - : joly at I%o Expositor office. kniow Jake?a out Orn a horsie with,!the ly, that he wais, unalblel:,60 910 to I -Jos With the telegr;aln in 'his �orekelt. "Ira Tord?d hAg left volurr ranch ,and JesWs K1bjId,ot% ate tAlleid, ruipabi to Goderich ........... , ..: '. uo . . I ", .I... . � " .­­­ 11.1, ­ -� �' I I #. _ . . �, d�. � , . 1. . . � . . .1 . .. ... I.- .. 1,:-i.. . I. . �r6lrndt_up, -via I rt�ckon Ile must have, Angeles for a -conference and unable Purdy sty'allied ,back to the (hotel and ds holled up in the MAO at Afrguie,Xlo. 8(har;e a heavy burden it -has J � f I Menspet ...... * ......... 5.5 ., , . , 1�,,, 6 1 - given Todd the use of the car to gelt� t10 telephone hii-int-, he urged Dbd-ik tp belokorled Tommy Scaife -f,o­-J,oqn- Mim He 'isi worrriled aniJ 'has wfred J'asioer ­aY 4 li" - -so been chaivitia��;_��',iie of Miecyaw ......... I .......... 6,04. , ;. . ­�. k . ' I " come tn Awgu4llo irmirediately for h ion the veram.4-a., ,,Let's scout arolund D k, f - in & Doak, Uiti- blis alla,jesity �q lead tho way, and nloW Au, -burn ._,...�., ............ �'. , IF I . ARTIiUA WbBER inito Argti,61,110 with." . I Oft 'D DOalki. Erl 6.11- �, .. '..�,� I . I I I .. ., 41priobllibly. Well, t,!.I,e bird, has conference, at the holtel." itlown, TuhilniV 11 'he suggested, ,,and zens? .Nation -al .Mnk Building, Los when @tq Sectione--nilupist., jibin-to,xetheir. -Bly _7 . . , I , ill �- Atictioneer's-, Licilinile fl I . --that milafters ate �ain-g bad- in eo11nffnt0Fft, eacrillIce th;Y ,th . .!�. 9 ............. ,.'... . am I.. "'t", i ' ' - " ise sitran- N. Walton . .............. t. . T.,. . 6.40 , .. -1� Sixteen, ars, experience, -I- - o" and 'he didn't ,wait long afwt Toirairay's�+uittermilk eyes beamed inee if w6 can slmjok� ;out thio tran A nl�*lbg, will , . _- I "the ' I d for Doak'to eomo tin Almgimllo . ., -, , , , -,4, . f �, I . . on . . th pleasurablp anticipatilon. t gers you had the brush wfth. If we Y, 9)n hoeirlbe-nod, by his rnarjelslyl.q exalniple _. I&S"k- , �,O:i, �, q reeeqvin�g his d1sniii'sal. TWII helad *i MoNaught I .............. ... � Samaffl�� 1. guaranteed. ,they both colme, to L6'"'.0a,earba, flild them we'll make (them ex1plain for -a conference. DhWc hasy replded RrAld iby the knowledge that, ill 11116kiing ''. . . I I fair Afrguel-lo t*94*r- ni,eg-nig Tollonto .................. &.. lo,28 ., j ��"4 .. I . I , 1relephollie: .18-67, Hetisalli 1, ' themiltada to itake ithe eure!?�, . theniseVves. Any'll-ow, I want a,good, thaft this is intpoeisibille and ba,q asiked thott Own 00,intribution a 1,0ad ba� . .1 � . 1, . ,I . .- . ��, 1, . . tten- overlan st . I I ,�;,�� "' I M6 ARTHUR WEBER4 , .-train foi -.the -we this . .- _ �., - Win d , . 1, . . .. fhl& flahm -1 hope eo. Remain A on' guard, 4cliok at.-thetm so, flil know theyd a- 'Viodd 'tio carnle','6 Lfo,q AmWeilcs, And ,he'em liven' to them by the Mir* ITL Veit , -tl , . ;.,I�i!� .. � . ­ 1. . � .,-- "i 4 , I it. P-1. 1, Rashwood. aftenjotn, oir else beql board s - In -Z;1-1 . . , " I 4 �,��I"� ', 0 iq mla,jeistV18 tho . � 4 . A ", `�� 3 - olver to the far as I can .see- them 10,ter." 'rik Tiallbwell is watebi'ng the IJo,,- 'P'el's n' "`nfd'that'ih1i, ulgihtsi . I kl�� � Ai - _ - forty-six ea%tbound." ' '' .�eire, To�nlmy, While'l run . 1.11 x ,f ! , `�111'114.,,, ", I RIYW with 010ml.", M&V I !,',�!� . I I . I . �1 "That sounds reasibbable .Lee:;, thoplikeJ.-bo see hbw Bud, S,hann�n nn ,pairr prowled arlound Hie Ito", Angeles end of the irNlstiery." , 1, thiqr6fore, a"! torouth .. .i.,.'.......N ... ,� ­ 1, "i �� "I WTaif 'of ]its ,nubjecits., 'iask , 1. ��:.�,?�,:"..:. , .. .�: � . to,(ft. lifte Wo're &e ti) seopMeir a stranger to GailIg ffte plal�ed. "Ja,siperDotakl!' t�e,r jtvh�eitr minis OU ­ 1 4", 1 IkSURANCH' , bop' off for f"em- H he is going to talk, I wamt lide failed 'tb ',di sit Is,, &,I t,b y Ito MCN'Augh"t . . .. . . I I ... 4 ... �., ':� . .. ":� ft, . . .. - . " 'n a e � � .. I -1 I 1- " , Arg0ello., right now." 1111b to talk nio,�r.11 theiln ill it, slii they returnied. to the ,she exclairned illcredul,oulsly, �Mllk,4 to Walton .,.....4.,.-...,.41*..*64.. 11 �.7.1,,t­ "I'4 I . I -.'Wlft'yl his mr s, aeltion , 11. IIJ,, . I _ 1, '] ,-,-, " "" 11 : I M f, ,Mil , � . , I � .! 11 , � . 11 � � , 6 1 1 � I " a I I , I � , - L " I t 1 I , " . I 1.111 I 11 "M JOHN RANXIN" AGENCIr, trlitat busineto ,%jielst7 toir,lbi . bmAl to th,6* 6.14 ,.,�,��,.il . Levv drilft.�!., * ' ' 7he 11corty-eip t - hours, f614ofvftg,..te1,eph-on,e, exchangb and Nrd�r taJIM0, . . I , � .. . ff, -,. � I � X"'We gre. . Ill can he havL� 'WhX Jw- 4pbh ....... iA-:"6..#,. .40-4. 1 1 � . - .. 8 ioT the, T;,.Y-. AM111,1w,v. I I � I �. ,PVOA`i� ..: Tumirance, 01-441� 1811&'. ... -­ "' blail ,done muoh, �c'r - fifteen mindbes 11. Link ­ �ped Doak ? " I I �­11 . . I d - -M- . . In ef . Abtfli .1,,.._�,1.ii..k %,,'.&�W,101..,q� �, Amgeleo. r1114(qW,, then 'Amb 4�, �11' �11, .1 �, . � � - 961149, Ueal, Estate. P'llbumonis W lowelli in Lot ,Pm4y gninmed. -l"Shadir buisliniess, ,J I oftr ,A ZK* ".......1.6.W)w �04 ��, �1 � ...... I ,,--g" # I I e , IL�C*( IftliVIA , Ibloin" , 1, I had, 5, _­ � - . , I " Z_ % , &,. "I � ,o;., � . 16611. . . tift . -n-0ftnftdi " a . 1116 .11 ­ .1 . I . I 't I � �QA' �'Jr I I MOMT to: e, Ph mt e doubt . 4 v4.I;". *I J­L,��, . . . . -3 001 ­ , L, " I � , , L MIL, _'. .0 6 .r. , . I I I UL I oil 110 a ZIV, 0. '*)� , ; , ,I.,. , , L '. - =111V , 1. . , ZI L�%=._ , ,��;.,,, I&I 113, __­. � �� pfid " I 1. 4 I I "'." �, , '. � ,, ,- i, I , ; log W... , —_! -ONTMO , , 1: .: ..� P.� -1 R I I ; �, .4 ­ v I I , , ; 1 �i �� ; , . 1, � 1W z'� �, , , IN I . . . 1 7 ", Sil I'll W " If . in , I . 1*1 1, '. 1 �:fl"�:� ��,',�.� ", �­h . . . . . . .; LV . . . . . � ��� I ..... 11 ­­_­ , pol . �m i4� ��', � "i � ,, — li-.. .. , . " '. . . .­__.__ - - - .- . - - ,�', I � , �, -11 I'll , -,._-__.-.1__ L7t. k =11r1W�AWWN410y1NP? MANURMWIAN.". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11,11, M " ,